#background janaya
raayllum · 17 days
Teasers Timeline
With the teasers we've gotten this week, I want to try and assemble them into some kind of timeline. Spoilers and speculation ahead!
First off, there's the ones we know are taking place during 6x01 Startouched thanks to con spoilers, such as shots of the prison with Callum, his nightmare featuring Aaravos, Rayllum on the castle battlements, group discussion, them departing for the Starscraper, and Ezran comforting Zym about Zubeia.
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Claudia and Terry is also probably from 6x01 (maybe Claudia commiserating with a flashback if it's from later on in the season) due to the beach location and her having to take wet/bloody clothes off. We can even see that one pantleg is shorter than the other.
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Now onto the rest, with episode titles as a slight guideline.
This shot with Corvus, Zym, and Soren is likely from 6x02 Love, War, and Mushrooms, given they went looking for Zubeia and Soren meets up with Corvus at the Sunfire camp.
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I also wouldn't be surprised if the "Ezran at the castle" and Janaya is around here. If Viren is alive, he could be showing up in Katolis (or Claudia is there to find the fake prison) and Janaya is preparing for war now that Sol Regem has the sun seed. Likewise, this is one of two places I could see the screencap of the Viren and Kpp'Ar flashback being; Viren may be heading back to try to free Kpp'Ar (and may do so with the staf?? If Rayllum didn't take his coin) and thereby reflecting on their past.
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Then we get Rayla and Callum on the burning ship in 6x03 Frozen Ship. There's less fire when they're first there together and Callum needs to get his staff back, and significantly more fire when Rayla is there on her own despite being near the same hole in the roof and Callum not being in frame anymore.
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Then they head to the Starscraper (and potentially face the big scary dragon along the way, though that could be a trial for 6x05 as well).
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Rayla's line about "The fate of the entire world is at stake," her expression, as well as Stella's (almost angry?) expression makes me think she's trying to reason with Callum > telling the celestial elves what's going on, but it really could be either.
Big dragon could also be the trial or thing they're flying off too as well, after the infamous Chin Touch (and possible smooch) given that the clouds from what may be their room seems to match what we see in the background.
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If the dragon adventure with Luna Tenebris' unsuitable heir is on the way to the Starscraper, I'd guess it'll have something to do with the moonstone collar its wearing (perhaps an enchantment that cloaks the starscraper from outside viewers?). If it's after, then I have no clue WHY beyond the celestial elves going "you gotta".
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At the same time, Karim and Janai are preparing for war. The search for Zubeia must've been either successful or they had to give up and switch gears, as Ezran has 1) left Katolis to be here and 2) reunited with Corvus and with Zym, only to be captured and need rescuing from his favourite dragon pal (Zym's covering them, but it also seems Ez and Corvus showed up on horses so.. parlay gone wrong?)
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The amount of Sol Regem regalia on their outfits and Karim's tent makes me think he's already used the sun seed to heal / ally with Sol Regem, or that he's very very close to doing so.
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I do think he ultimately goes through with it, though, given that the next time we see Sol Regem, his eyes aren't healed but his wings are 100% patched up and Pharos is seemingly riding him into battle, with Janai and Amaya leading their ground assault.
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Amaya still has her crown, and Aanya might show up to help -- the cliffs match the ones she's landing on -- at Ezran's behest, but it's probably not enough.
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If she loses but lives, that could be why we see her almost in mourning at the sun seed tree
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And I think that's it for now! More speculation and teasers to follow soon I'm sure
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Let’s analyse this fucking trailer.
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Both Callum and Rayla flying. Probably using a spell.
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Callum and Rayla standing by some sort of frozen body of water. Might this be where Skall comes into play? Idk.
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Looks like Ezran finally caved and sent Corvus and Soren to take Zym to find his mom. I wonder if the mushroom mage thinks he’s trapped them lol.
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Aw yeah baby Janaya fans will be eating good
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Probably the moment before Zym went to find Zubeia.
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THEY’RE BACK?! they un-broke up?
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OOOOH I LOVE THIS. Maybe it’s in the starscraper or something.
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More drama in the human kingdoms?? Hoping this is where they come in more. OHHH wait maybe this is when Viren comes back to Katolis. It’s probably that.
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Callum doing a spell that has a gesture that kinda resembles the one Ziard did. But teah he summons lightning to attack this monster thing.
Part 2 is coming.
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sapphicteadragon · 1 year
I do wonder sometimes what made me fall in love with ruthari as much as I did, instead of rayllum. I mean, they're pretty much background characters (at least at this stage) who had a grand total of 1 minute-long scene together in the show.
And yet I love them so much that I started drawing fanart, and not just my own stuff. Hell, I even started writing a few fanfics, which even a few months ago I had a very strong aversion to.
And I think, on top of loving them both as characters, with Ethari being second only to Amaya as my favourite, the main reason is that I find it very, very comforting.
Never before in a show aimed at kids have I seen a queer couple with so little screentime have such a beautiful, tender moment together. To be handled with so much care and love. Despite having only seen Ethari for like, a minute at that point, that episode absolutely broke me.
And reading bloodmoon huntress only solidified that. We got to see so much more of their dynamic, and the amount of softness and trust and understanding between them made me feel... so many emotions.
We've seen a lot of beginnings in the show. We saw the first meetings and initial difficulties that rayllum and janaya faced. And so, in stark contrast to that, we have ruthari. A firmly established couple, who've built a beautiful life together. Not without its flaws, admittedly - especially given where they are in canon right now - but there's something about seeing an adult queer couple living out that calm, loving existence that makes me melt every time I see it. Being queer myself, both janaya and ruthari are very special to me, but ruthari more so for that reason. The dragon prince really gave us that, and I'll treasure it forever.
So yeah, just a queer ramble from a queer soul. But who doesn't love a good ramble on this chaotic mess of a site? xD
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hotliljewishgirl · 2 years
Post-Jangle Ball Ramblings
I saw JB in Philly last night and it left me genuinely speechless. It was my first time ever seeing them live after ten years of obsessing over their content from afar, and it was everything I could have asked for or dreamed of. I HIGHLY encourage anyone who’s on the fence to get tickets. You won’t regret it.
Starkid means so much to me. I cannot begin to list all the ways they’ve helped me and changed me, and last night represented the fulfillment of a dream I’ve had since I was nine years old. I won’t get too corny here, mostly because nothing I could say would do justice to how much I love these artists and this community, but I wanted to say – thank you to everyone who made the past ten years of being a Starkid fan so special.
Bear with me here, because I have a lot of Feelings. Be aware this post does contain spoilers for Jangle Ball. Without further ado, my thoughts:
We been knew, but everyone is SO talented and seeing them perform was a magical, life-changing, incredible, unforgettable experience.
Also everyone looked ridiculously good and I am not ok. The variation in outfits was hilarious though. I’m not sure what they were told to wear, but it ranged from Lauren in a very sexy sheer top to Jamie in a festive red dress to Dylan just chilling in flannel. None of them looked like they were going to the same event and I loved it.
Janaya’s Stutter was iconic and I want to listen to it on repeat. Lauren’s background dancing was equally amazing despite the fact it induced a severe state of gay panic.
I wish we got more Show Stopping Number from Joey and James. I wasn’t sure anyone other than R*bert would be able to pull off that song and I’ve never been happier to be wrong. I actually think either of them would make a great Hidgens if Nick doesn’t want to take on the role.
Dylan blew me away. I knew he talented but tbh he completely stole the show in the first act with the Twisted numbers. Not only does he have an incredible voice, but his stage presence is ridiculous (and I made eye contact with him briefly. My life is complete. Now I can finally lay down and die.)
I loved the Status Quo parody and I was so glad to see JOEY perform it again (no shade to Alex and Mariah but they just can’t compare to the OG). I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if they pulled a Taylor Swift and re-recorded all their old cast albums I would literally give them all my money. I love the old songs and it was so special to see them performed.
Queen B…I think I briefly blacked out. I honestly don’t listen to that song much because I’m not really one for rap, but I might start now. Lauren killed it. My favorite thing about her as a performer is how versatile she is. Not every one can pull off a number like that, but she did it effortlessly. I was equal parts terrified and aroused, which is exactly what that song should do. Shout out to Brian and James dancing backup. The dancing in this show truly blew me away. I was not expecting that many choreographed numbers given how little they rehearsed, and I’m so glad (and impressed) that they managed to do it. It just brought the energy up and was so fun to watch.
A lil nitpick: I get that Cup of Roasted Coffee, Stutter, Show Stopping Number, and the Wiggly Jingle are technically villain songs but they don’t really give that energy? And Deck the Halls, We Got Work to Do, Climate Change, and Status Quo are straight up not villain songs. I liked the whole “ the villain is capitalism” angle but tbh when I heard they were performing villain songs I was expecting like…Wagon on Fire. Rogues Medley. Kick It Up a Notch. The classic Starkid villain songs, you know? I LOVED the set list as it was and I wouldn’t trade it for anything but I think there was a tiny flaw in marketing. And now I’ll get off my soapbox.
I try to keep my Richpez shipping off this blog but holy shit, I need to freak out for a minute. In person or through a screen, their love, pride, affection for each other is palpable. They way Lauren looks at Joey while he’s performing, the casual touches, the way he kept trying to make her break on stage…it brought tears to my eyes. And that’s not even touching on Priceless. Seeing them dancing together and holding each other like that in front of hundreds of people broke me. I’m so happy for them, not only that they have each other but also that they feel comfortable sharing it with us. The same goes for Breredith (the kiss in Final Ghost was both completely unnecessary and a fantastic addition)
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the band. The music was on point. I don’t know if they wrote new arrangements for the tour, but I did notice it was very “beat-heavy” (is that a thing??) which made it very fun and easy to dance along – perfect for a concert. Also, AJ’s number was fucking incredible and I’m so glad I got to see him sing. It literally gave me AVPSY flashbacks. He’s only gotten more talented since then. I wish we could see him in more Starkid shows. Lastly, I will never stop thanking Clark for writing VHSCC. It’s a energetic, touching, unique take on a familiar story and by far my favorite adaptation of CC. I want him to write more music for Starkid shows.
Thanks for reading my stream of consciousness if you’ve gotten this far. I’m going to post another one for act two (because otherwise this post is going to be way too long).
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I finally feels comfortable posting this. I digitally drew and painted over the background from the cartoon, Lolirock.
Janaya bake up a dessert while Kelsey is watching him make the dessert.
Kelsey of Volta belongs to @cooltmoney95
Janaya A. Bloodworth-Thomason belongs to me
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harmonyverendez · 2 years
Ella Max | Daughter Of Kiera Mistral. ( School For Good And Evil, Rise For The School Of Good And Evil )
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Age: 16 - 1000.
Parents: Kiera & Jesper Fahey.
Family Members: The Mistral Sisters, Rhian & Rafal Mistral. Unknown Grandparents. Rhianna, EllieMay, Evanna, London. Isaiah Mistral. Rafal -Rhian Sader Mistral, Jespath Mistral. Carolyn Evanna Sader- Mistral. Evelyn Sader. Janaya, Astridge.
School: School for good ( School for girls )
Personality: Kind, sweet, and caring. But others above herself. Always looking out for people. Can be mean, and can take control of the room.
Finger glow: Gold/ White ( Like her mother's )
Eye color: Violet.
Hair color: Strawberry Blonde.
Hair length : Reaches past her waist.
Face Features: Plump lips, freckles. Thick eyebrows, heart-shaped face. Medium size nose. Thick eyelashes.
Ear: Earnings, the top ear is pierced. Along with the second hole.
Height : 5'10.
Weight: 140.
Kids: Evanna, London & EllieMay.
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| These are her children |
Clothing style: Fashionable, unique, fairytale, high fashion.
Mental Disorders: ADHD, Bipolar disorder. Anti-Social Personality Disorder.
Love Interest: Michael.
Gift/ Powers: Seer ( Like her mother )
Shoe size: 9.
Bra size: 32 B.
Handwriting :
Ella Max
Pets: Dog, Bird, and Ferret.
Background: Ella grew up with her uncles, Rhian & Rafal, they were both amazing people to be around. Her mother always brings her around the two when they are at school. They would always carry her on their backs, running down the hallways of the school being a goofball. Always climbing and jumping on Uncle Rafal, Rhian is always taking pictures of her. Going around seeing the other professors and staff. They all love her dearly. Everyone protects her. Love-hate relationship with Dean Hook ( Obviously despises that man ) when it was time for the war, she chose the good side. And was devastated when the other uncle killed the brother. Ella cried for weeks. As the years went by, many people came and went. That's life right? Wrong, her past hardened her. She didn't let anyone in. When Carolyn, Rhian, and Rafal came into the picture. Her life was turned upside down.
Guardian: Rhian & Rafal for a short period, and then it was her mother Kiera.
Siblings: Isaiah, Janaya, Astridge.
Hobbies: Sword fighting.
Likes: Going outside for walks, watering the garden. Building House. Going to see her siblings.
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tdp-fandom · 2 years
Battle Ships Round 4 Results
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Pie charts
94 votes! You guys are awesome!
Let's dive deeper into the results below
Once again, here's a breakdown of votes by favorite ship.
NOTE: When I say “[SHIP NAME] shippers” or “[SHIP NAME] fans”, I refer to the people who took part in this specific round and chose [SHIP NAME] as their favorite ship.
Firstly, I wanted to comment on how active Rayllum shippers were this round! 47 people or half of total voters!
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There were more Ruthari shippers, too (14), yet Viravos and Janaya numbers doesn't seem to grow. Also, 4 Virrow shippers and 3 Claaravos.
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No surprises here.
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Some Rayllum fans, understandably, found it hard to choose between two faves, while most other shippers seem to prefer Ruthari. Although some Viravos and Janaya shippers do like both ships.
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I expected Harrai to win but not by this much! Admittedly, there's a number of people who like both ships but in this fandom canon ships always always win against noncanon ones, which we can see depicted in the table below:
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Another expected result with unexpected proportions. Clauderry seemed like an popular newcomer among canon ships. However, Janaya is part of the big three and has had a much larger impact on the fandom as a whole over the years.
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It's interesting how proportionally, Viravos shippers seem the most likely to pick Clauderry. What I mean is, it was picked by 12% of Rayllum shippers, 14% of Ruthari shippers and 23% of Viravos shippers. I'm not counting Virrow shippers because their margin of error is 49%. It's possible than while many shippers like Clauderry, Janaya is still many people's favorite, especially when it comes to Rayllum and Ruthari shippers. More Rayllum shippers chose the "I like both" when their own ship went against Ruthari than they did here, when Clauderry went against Janaya. Claaravos shippers are known to vote against rival ships.
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I'll be honest, I didn't know who would win, since both are canon background ships, but I guess Lain and Tiadrin are Rayla's parents (and still alive). Notice how we get the biggest number of people who voted "I don't care" so far this round. In fact, it's going to be the second biggest.
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Virrow shippers seem to be the only ones preferring the Queens of Duren, while Viravos and Janaya shippers don't show a strong preference either way. Ruthari shippers' votes absolutely make sense since Rutahri and Laidrin are friends. So do the Rayllum shippers' votes.
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After Viravos lost to Corpeli by a hair split last round, I was sure we'd see a closer match between Viravos and Grazi. However, it seems Grazi isn't as popular. In addition, a quarter of people either don't care about either ship ir don't like them altogether.
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Rayllum and Janaya shippers seem split between the two, while Ruthari shippers are showing a slight preference towards Grazi. Virrow shippers are, as always, in solidarity with Viravos shippers and Claaravos once again vote against their rival.
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Another category where I expected a closer match. They got the biggest number of people who don't like either ship, too!
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Rayllum shippers are split between both choices and disliking both as well. Ruthari and Claaravos also don't show a strong preference. However, Viravos once again voted in solidarity with Virrow and Janaya voted against their rival.
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Here it is - the biggest number of "I don't care" voters this round :D despite that, Ezranya still managed to win with a big difference.
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While most shippers don't seem to show a clear preference, the big three - Rayllum, Ruthari and Janaya - prefer Ezranya. It's a very strong preference in Rayllum's case, too!
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Finally, poor Claaravos can never catch a break. They were beaten by Avibeia, a ship that, until now, lost every battle due to irrelevance. And they were beaten by a huge difference in votes even with almost a third of the voters either not caring about or disliking both ships.
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The only ship without a clear preference is Viravos. The big three clearly favos Avibeia, while Virrow shippers prefer Claaravos.
Alright, that was it for this round. Next stop - the finale!
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blutopaz15 · 3 years
Flufftober: Oct 4
I thought this prompt was going to be really tough, but I just plopped our two dorks in Lux Aurea and it all worked itself out! Hope you enjoy friends!
NOTES: Rated G, ~700 words
ao3 link
It’d been way too early for the party to wrap up when it did: certainly by Moonshadow standards and, Rayla had gathered, even by human standards too. She wouldn’t have even called it dusk yet when Janai and Amaya’s Sunfire guests had started saying their goodbyes to the brides.
Their wedding definitely wouldn’t be anything like that, Rayla thought, feeling restless watching the moon grow brighter in the sky.
Not that…they were actually getting married. Not…yet.
She leaned back against Callum’s chest, her horns avoiding his shoulder and hitting the bark of the tree at their backs instead. His nose rubbed at her cheek when she did, warming it just like his hands were warming her arms and just like the thought of him being hers always warmed her chest.
Maybe…soon, though?
It’d been on her mind all day, honestly: every time he’d snuck a kiss, every time he’d taken her waist…when he’d suggested they slip away…
As odd as it seemed for a party to end so early, it really hadn’t been a surprise when Callum—shortly after they’d both noticed wedding guests beginning to file out of the open, golden courtyard—had wanted to whisk her away.
For one, his tolerance for parties like this, where eyes were on him—thanks to her—as much as they were on Ez, was low. Of course, she’d felt it too—everyone staring—and she wasn’t exactly a fan, but she’d still hesitated when he’d first tried to pull her away. Callum had assured her, though: they wouldn’t be missed by anyone who mattered. This was the official party—one of two, actually—not the family party, he’d said, pulling her away from their table.
Their wedding probably would be like that, she figured, whether they liked it or not.
They’d finally slinked away at dusk—actually dusk—and Callum had flown them here to the outskirts of Lux Aurea, where they’d been watching the final part of the festivities: fireworks.
And—of course—Callum was captivated.
“Do all weddings in Xadia have these?” he asked, reds and oranges reflecting in the whites of his eyes.
“Nope.” She might’ve been a little more enamored with the lights—they were entirely new to her, too—if not for the dumb, adorable way Callum’s mouth kept gaping open with every new pattern of color in the sky.
Callum inclined his head in her direction, blinking between her and the next explosion. “All Sunfire weddings then?”
“Also no,” she said with a slight shake of her head, sitting up and crossed-legged in between his knees. “Magic like this? It’s a pretty big deal, mage, especially at night. Definitely a royal thing, Your Highness.”
Callum smirked back at being teased, his attention fully given to watching her rather than the show of lights still burning above Lux Aurea.
His eyes on her like that never failed to send a flush up from her chest, especially accompanied by a touch as tender as his fingers on her warmed cheeks…
“Thought we’d be first, you know,” Callum said, and everything about the way he spoke was all at once so much lighter than all of the political considerations that heard many a lecture about and so much more real than all the late night whispering about forever. So…sure and steady, and just a little sentimental.
Her heart pounded, like his saying so—like Callum actually seriously talking about marrying her—was because he’d somehow known how it’d been all she could think about all day. “Yeah?”
“You know that’s what I want.” She did know that—he wasn’t exactly subtle—but…yep, there was the panic all over her sweet dummy’s face. “If, uh…if you do.”
He just…stared at her then, almost…expectantly, and—
“Oh…oh. Is this—” she started and then stopped, feeling the fool for being so smug over his stammering. “Are you—“
Callum looked puzzled.
So…not yet.
His eyes went wide when it dawned on him.
“Oh, no!” he exclaimed. “No. No, I need to get—”
Taking his hand wasn’t quite enough to make him stop—
“There are things—”
—so she kissed him instead.
When she left his lips alone, he just blinked at her—wide-eyed—before the startle melted into a lopsided smile. Callum took her other hand in his, his thumbs’ rubbing at her knuckles the only remnant of that anxiety.
She clutched back at him eagerly.
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cookiescr · 5 years
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Can sunfire elves get cold? Edit: Y’all Go read this fic made by @qveensarai on twitter!! It really beautiful im akjsdlajsdlsa
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jakearanda · 5 years
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The wlw holy trinity for the next decade
(”close to being canon” in comparison to other ships in their respective fandoms)
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raayllum · 11 months
I remember starting the show because my friend told me about Callum and Rayla and how cute they were together. But after binge watching all 5 seasons, I just feel like the writers don’t really give a damn about them, in many ways, compared to other couples. But, to be fair, I have lots of issue with the writing. But, to me, the primary idea was to make Callum and Claudia a couple (no, I don’t ship them together), because they actually have a background, development, even chemistry too. So, I don’t understand why the writers changed their minds on this (please, tell me if they ever addressed this issue). I just think that him moving on from a childhood love, like that, out of nowhere to Raylla was again a bit odd and out of nowhere. Because nothing indicated that in the first 2 seasons. Same goes to Rayla too. And, in S5 they have acted more as friends than anything else. It’s just weird. What’s your opinion about this? And again, I don’t ship Callum with Claudia, it’s just my opinion after watching all seasons.
Thank you for sharing your feelings, I definitely have been in fandoms where the Big Ship (canon or fanon, in show or in fandom) have just not been things I could click or with or understand, so you have my sympathies. The crew has gone on record saying that Callum and Rayla being a couple was not originally the plan (we don't know if there were any endgames being considered for either of them as alternatives, but I lean toward no) with Janaya and Ruthari presumably being the main couples. This changed in 2x04 with the lightning flash and moment the two share on the boat, "everyone in the room saw it" (legit quote from showrunner) and they began to write and develop it. It is unknown if they went back to add or shift anything in S1 (we know the crew works on seasons simultaneously) but it wouldn't surprise me given the vibes
I definitely can't promise to change your mind (I'm obviously a big Rayllum shipper and I have been since S1, so I'm clearly coming at it from a different perspective) but I do have some metas that do address what you've brought up, I'm gonna link them below and then do a quick summary in case you understandably don't wanna read all that!
Rayllum and Loneliness (Post S3): a meta about how it is likely (now confirmed in supplementary material) that Rayla grew up pretty friendless and a deeper dive into how Rayla is/was the first person Callum had who was unequivocally his peer and his friend (as Soren bullied and Callum's crush - as well as other things - made him and Claudia have a fair amount of distance.)
Callum and Claudia: You Already Did (Post S3): On what appeal the ship has, why it may not appeal to others, and why I don't think Callum and Claudia were actually that close pre-S1, the various factors why, and why they were doomed to fall apart since 1x02.
How/Why Callum's feelings for Claudia and Rayla Were Overlapping (Post-S3): Exactly what it says on the tin, mostly because he is obsessed with Rayla lowkey in S1 (trying to get her to laugh three times in 1x05, taking a flirty tone with her when they aren't arguing in 1x06, etc) and then outright devoted in S2, trusting her over Claudia in 2x03.
Rebuttals to Rayllum Reservations (Claudia, Pacing, Etc) Post-S3: Pacing, emotional intimacy, platonic development and romantic feelings, etc. Probably the simplest meta and the most on brand for what you're (presumably) looking for, but the other metas I think uh do contribute nicely to explaining why Rayllum is what it is and som of the reasons it appeals to people.
It's also honestly not surprising to me that in S5 they just feel like Friends (hopefully best friends) given that a decent chunk of the Rayllum fandom, myself included, are on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrums, and don't really care if they're Romantic as long as they're Life Partners. (Aspec Rayllum tag here) Callum and Ezran are two of the, if not the, most important people in Rayla's life, and Rayla and Ezran are two of the most important people in Callum's life. To me, romance / devotion / whatever you want to call it intermingling makes sense. One of the things I've loved most about S4-S5 is the fact that whatever they are, they have each other's backs, and they care for and protect each other, no romance required, which hits different since they do both also have romantic feelings for each other. It's just not a pre-requisite for them and a lack of it is never something they'd hold against one another. In other words:
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Chemistry is also something that's hard to pin down sometimes - like all shipping preferences are subjective, but evaluations of chemistry tend to be in particular (for example, I don't really think Callum and Claudia have chemistry in that way, but that doesn't mean that they can't or they don't).
That said: platonic Rayllum tag here and foils Rayllum tag here, and I hope whatever parts of the show you do enjoy, well, give you joy.
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New update with our Belle and our Understudies ! Welcome to the group Janaya, and it's great to see Curt and Kim understudying!
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(Image ID/
A Screenshot from the starkid website of the VHS Christmas Carol cast. The text is white on a black background with the title in blue, and reads
Scrooge – Dylan Saunders (he/him)
Narrator – Clark Baxtresser (he/him)
Marley – Meredith Stepien (she/they)
Christmas Past – Jaime Lyn Beatty (she/her)
Christmas Present – James Tolbert (he/him)
Christmas Future – Jamie Burns (she/her)
Belle – Janaya Mahealani Jones (she/her)
Fezziwig – AJ Holmes (he/him)
Young Scrooge – Brian Rosenthal (he/him)
Fred – Corey Dorris (he/him)
Bob Cratchit – Joey Richter (he/him)
Emily Cratchit – Lauren Lopez (she/her)
Tiny Tim – Brian Holden (he/him)
Understudies – Curt Mega (he/him) &
Kim Whalen (she/her)")
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Okay here’s everything I can remember hopefully further viewings can fill in some gaps:
So they opened doors early and there were just a few of us in the lobby with Jaime still walking around taking pics of all her decorations half in costume
Curt got there from a class and he came to talk to us and was really excited about the show and telling us how much we were gonna love it
And Jaime was still wandering around and she came over and was like you’re here early so she took us over to show us the christmas tree and said you can be in charge of making sure everyone knows about this decorate your own ornament station and I cannot overstate how excited and proud she was of her decor and it looked so good and she’s so fucking sweet (and it brought me back to my very first irl starkid interaction being her talking to a group of us at avpw right after getting off her flight she really is an angel🥺) and then she said she had go eat dinner but her hand was hovering by my shoulder as she was saying it and I was like oh no will she won’t she and then she DID and I was like OKAY BREATHE oh my god I love her
Angela from shitty broadway was there to play piano in the lobby and she was so nice (everyone’s so nice lol) we did the whole ‘where have you come from’ so she got very excited about me coming from London and then she was taking group pics of us
Amy was on merch and she was so nice SK customer service is really :)
Then Corey had to run around handing out wristbands to confirm our vaccine status for those of us that got there early before they were actually giving them out and thank god he did because some people had to go back to get them when they got to the point of seating us and then I wouldn’t have been so close but also two second interactions with Corey are scarier than conversations with anyone else lmao (I mean except J&L but I didn’t talk to them)
And no surprise Bob and Denise were there but I didn’t need them to be in my eyeline, as I said I could barely manage to look at them because the show was a damn spectacle but the couple moments I did see they looked so damn proud of their kids also no surprise
But yeah my seats were SO GOOD and I couldn’t believe I was seeing them all in person again and having them be that close like it’s so surreal. And they also made such good use of the space it was really cool
As I said AJ KILLED the preshow oh my god. And they got Britney to do a fun filmed thing even though they asked her to do it during company tech week lmao she’s such a good sport
Also like I’ve said it and starkid and curt have said it but truly the ENERGY in the room, we were so excited, THEY were so excited, genuinely eeeeverything was getting cheers. And it’s always so special to be in a room full of starkid fans like that’s home brb crying 😭
Okay actual show specifics lmao (or sometimes not specifics just yelling)
Clark is phenomenal and he wrote the best show and his costume? So good
Dylan’s just so damn good in this role
Teared up just when Joey came on I love him okay and I missed him so much, but his background acting is truly divine
Lauren’s first appearance was from the audience so my simultaneous first thoughts were “god she’s so fucking GORGEOUS” and “fuck she’s TINY” because she was barely taller than people sitting down lmao
Meredith looked so happy 🥺
JAIME queen she killed her choreo lmao
And I’m not getting over Lauren and Brian as siblings and Lauren and Brian hug we won 😭
Janaya was INCREEEDIBLE oh my god
CHRISTMAS ELECTRICITY JAMES HE’S SO GOOD AND THE CHOREO AHHHHH AND HIS LIGHT UP SHOES and EVERYONE’S costumes looked so good excellent work June and we got a lil James Lauren and Jamie dance trio ugh it was so good
But then the cratchit interlude 😭 It was very fun to have new little bits of content to the show but this one just made me want to sob already, Lauren walking up with the kids (wearing the fucking boots I just can’t escape them) and then Joey did fully carry Brian on and wonders why he has back problems lmao
And then he held his hand out for her to join him when he started the song and this is me just being overemotional about them lol but it did feel really symbolic for their first live performance as a public couple 😭😭 And I did have a moment of ‘oh my god *everyone* knows they’re together now’ and you could feel how special it was and ugh crying forever
And he spun her which honestly when I was picturing the performance I was like god that would be so cute if he did and then HE DID but it made me think about their first dance so I didn’t need that because god they’re just so soft and sweet and the heart eyes 😭
AND THEN they did an almost kiss and got cut off by tiny tim which thankfully I was forewarned about because I would have died they live to torture us but ALSO that’s when Lo’s wig almost came off (because she has to tilt her head so far back to kiss him because she’s so tiny byeee😭) so that alleviated the feeling of wanting to die a little bit 😂
But the hand on her stomach literally just holding it for a few seconds Joey let me BREATHE
Oh the “honey” did come back 😒
And the high note 😭😭😭
I just literally will never get over how fucking incredible priceless was and how much it feels like this is just what they’re *meant* for like they’re so in their element and they’re so in love 😭😭
Okay remember in final ghost how brian and mere played those spouses yeah it was brian and AJ lol
But J&L were holding hands in their part kill me 😭😭 They made me cry again fuck them
Also Jamie’s costume was GORGEOUS
And god Ali turkey boy I love you so much
I think this was where AJ was over enthusiastic in his exit and slammed right into Lo as she came on so she got giggly
And the bit where scrooge gives bob a raise Joey and Dylan hugged and it was so cute oh my god 😭
Then curtain calls I love curtain calls but this one felt so special like Joey and Lauren’s faces and Brian and Mere’s hug and everyone being so damn happy to have done a live show again
God the show literally left me breathless and no one wanted to leave at the end lmao
Also I don’t remember specifics but there were little changes in the way some of the lines were sung and ugh so good it made me wish they were doing like a live album
Anyway that’s it for now but I can’t believe I get to do it all again four more times 😭
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hoothalcyon · 2 years
TDP please! For this
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
ruthari, janaya, and nyx <3 rayla is also my favourite but I don't think about her a whole lot at the moment :( but I usually do!
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
tbh? ram!!! I love them and think they're so cute :] also bait!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
hmmm maybe crowmaster? he's so relatable and a cutie, I enjoy him
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
the Moonshadow assassins! Ram, Andromeda, Callisto, and Skor :) I love them
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
claudia :) I can't resist. she's so misguided :( she'll find her way soon enough (I hope)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Skor (it's an inside joke with my friends)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
D: uhhh....fen.
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libelelle · 3 years
Okay so I have a bunch of prompts but you can just choose one!! Or none!! I just really love your art style
Anyways: (/ is for 'or' not for 'all at the same time'! Though you could always combine em if you want)
Wolf/kipo with skating (future versions would be cool)
Eda with karaoke
Lapis with night walks/tattoo
Janaya with pride
Or just night walks, tattoo, neon sign would be cool without characters!
Again NO PRESSURE and I'm so sorry for sending in so many
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HII thanks for this one i kinda needed the background practice LMAO i did Lapis with tattoo and neon signs/tattoo!!
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