#backgrounds are hard so I guess I'll have to work on them huh
art-lokiitama · 2 years
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Milo was grounded from touching cooking utensils that day
Took a prompt to draw my OCs, which was “cooking”! I think it’s the first time I draw the trio beyond a doodle stage so it’s pretty cool!
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denny-artsss · 5 months
i got a good serious angst scenario
jax coming to kaufmo's funeral once everyone's gone but gangle comes back and notices him mourning
*everyone leaves Kaufmos' funeral, some still sobbing, some comforting one another. Jax watches them leave from afar and approaches the memorial after everyone is gone. He stares at it blankly before beginning to speak*
Jax: hi kaufy. *he gets silent again for a few minutes*
Jax: I waited for them all to leave. I didn't want them to see me get all...cheesy and stuff....
Jax: .... *he stares blankly*
Gangle: *remembers the drawing, and runs back, walking down the spiral staircase, seeing Jax there form a distance*
Jax: I suck at this. I'll miss you...I guess... *looks over his memorial and grabs the picture Gangle drew*
Gangle: *murmurs to herself* Oh no- Jax, don't ruin it... I worked hard on it... *she approaches slowly, making no noise, hoping she can snatch it from him*
Jax: huh? *studies the picture* Gangle left her drawing here- *he looks up at the memorial* I wonder if she'll draw us together when I abstract- *he sets the picture down* They probably won't even hold a funeral for me... *he backs away slightly and sits on the ground*
Gangle: *is sat next to him, looking at him slowly*
Jax: *looks at her and flinches, getting jumpscared* DAMN IT GANGLE! ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK?
Gangle: *giggles softly and shakes her head*
Jax: why are you stalking me wierdo? What do you have a crush on me or something?
Gangle: *stands up and pulls him into a tight embrace*
Jax: *freezes up at first*...
Jax: *squeezes her tighter into his arms*
Gangle: I'm not gonna draw us together when you abstract. Because I'm not gonna let you abstract in the first place.
Jax: it's not like you can stop it. *pulls away, crossing his arms*
Gangle: But if you abstract, who's gonna be here to make my life a living hell?
Jax: *chuckles* Good point.
Bubbles: *crunching loudly in the background on some snacks* don't mind me, just having my midnight snack
*they both look at him then back at eachoter*
Jax: so- do you have any drawings of us?
Gangle: no...not really but I'll make som-
Bubble: *flies next to them* what? But you have that one where you two -
Gangle: *pops him*
Gangle: I was never here *fades away*
Jax: wait wha- HOW DID YOU DO THAT?
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yesterdays-xkcd · 8 months
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Making out with yourself: now an official xkcd theme? Troubling.
Choices: Part 4 [Explained]
[Megan in a bubble is floating in outer space (on a dark blue background) next to her clone outside the bubble. Megan is simulating sitting down in the middle of the bubble. The clone reaches one arm out toward the bubble. There is no line from the first part of the clone's text to the rest of the text. It is given from the context who speaks. There are always more stars in the panels to the left than those to the left.] Clone: I shouldn't do this, but I pulled you out for a moment to give you a hint. Megan: A hint? Clone: Take wrong turns. Talk to strangers. Open unmarked doors. And if you see a group of people in a field, go find out what they're doing. Do things without always knowing how they'll turn out.
[Megan leans towards the clone, the clone "lies" on her tummy with arms forward and legs lifted up.] Megan: Why tell me this? Clone: You're curious and smart and bored, and all you see is the choice between working hard and slacking off. There are so many adventures that you miss because you're waiting to think of a plan. To find them, look for tiny interesting choices. And remember that you are always making up the future as you go.
[Megan is "sitting" down with her hands on her knees. The clone stands and lifts an arm up.] Megan: So, wait, what is this place? Am I going to wake up thinking this was a dream? Clone: This is... Think of this as after the game, outside the theatre. To go in, I had to suspend disbelief, forget the outside.
[Megan again leans towards the clone; the clone spreads out her arms.] Megan: So you... Huh. Why give me hints I'm going to forget? Clone: You'll forget this trip but I think the hints should stay with you. Megan: ...If this is a game, are you— are we— cheating? Clone: Yup.
[Megan still leans towards the clone. The clone leans a little back, her arms down.] Megan: Is that a good idea? Clone: Well it's an interesting one. We'll see how it goes. Megan: Well, I guess I'll see you aroun—
[Megan leans towards the clone with a hand up, the clone leaning even more back, almost like she is falling backwards.] Megan: Wait a minute; have you brought me here before? Clone: I ... Maybe. Once. Megan: For another hint? Clone: Er. Clone: Actually we just made out. Megan: We wh— Clone: Bye!
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endcrman · 6 months
Grian may have bought the pocky, sure, but he promised they'd share!
So, it was either this, or surrender the cookie to Grian.
“Oh, last biscuit,” Grian was shaking the box of pocky upside-down into his hand, as if that would make any more of the cookies suddenly appear.
“That's mine, you had the last one,” Taurtis called. They'd been splitting the box as an after-school snack, sitting on the couch across from the TV.
“Aw, I dunno, I really want it,” Grian argued lightly, gaze narrowing in on the pocky stick. “I mean, I did buy them after all.”
“For us to share,” Taurtis reminded him, definitely not pouting a little. “You said it yourself, we're sharing, so that one's mine.”
“Yeah, but I bought them,” Grian reiterated, as if it mattered. His eyes seemed to sparkle with his next words, “let's play a game for it.”
Taurtis couldn't help but start getting excited, leaning forwards a little. “A game? What kind?”
“You ever heard of the pocky game before?”
“That's not real, you made that up.” No way was there a game this relevant to the situation, especially just by its name.
Grian laughed at that, shaking his head. “No, no I'm serious, you can google it. It's real.”
He could google it, sure, but his phone was downstairs. “Fine, okay, what is it?”
“It's kind of like gay chicken,” Grian explained, a little more serious than before. “See, we each take an end of the pocky stick in our mouths. We take turns biting from opposite sides, and whoever takes the last bite without chickening out and pulling away wins.”
“Pfft, easy.” Taurtis hadn't even really processed the whole idea, but that didn't sound hard at all. “I'd win that easy.”
“Want to?” Grian held up the cookie between the two of them, an unreadable smile on his face. “I'll even let you start on the dipped end, since it was technically yours.”
It was either this, or surrender the cookie to Grian. He nodded, determined. “Of course.”
It took a bit of finagling to get the two of them close enough to actually play. They moved to face each other, legs haphazardly thrown over one another, tangled, but comfortable. The movie from earlier was still playing on the TV, but it had faded into background noise as Taurtis focused on the task at hand.
“You can take the first bite if you want,” Grian murmured, before gently placing the pocky between his lips.
He didn't stare. He definitely didn't stare for a couple of seconds before leaning forwards. Taurtis may have taken too big of a bite for the game, though standard for him, he wasn't prepared for just how close it brought him to Grian's face, feeling his breath as the other laughed around the treat at his eagerness.
Grian didn't hesitate for too long either, taking his own bite, bringing himself closer.
Taurtis wasn't going to lose, he refused to pull away first. His next bite was much smaller than the first, mostly to try and ease his heart pounding in his chest. This time he could actually taste the chocolate, not having swallowed it so quickly in his need to win.
And Grian took another bite. His hand had found its way to Taurtis’ knee for balance, squeezing a little.
Another small bite, practically a nibble from Taurtis. They were so close, Grian had to pull away this time, right?
Taurtis had never been more wrong. Grian didn't even bother biting down again, instead leaning forward and pressing their lips together. Taurtis’ head was spinning, his heart working double time in his chest. Once he finally processed the situation enough for his jaw to fall slack and to start leaning in himself- Grian pulled away.
“I win.” He had the last of the pocky stick in his mouth, and it quickly disappeared with a smug smile. “Guess it wasn't as easy as you thought, huh?” He was already opening the second box of pocky he'd bought earlier.
Taurtis looked over him, noting the pink in his cheeks before looking to the foil packaging Grian was tearing open. He licked his lips. “Best two out of three.”
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ccycloneblogging · 6 months
I keep forgetting to ask my questions now is the present I guess-
Well 1, love your work! This AU is so cute and full of potential trauma it makes my mind flow with ideas... one of them being REALLY trauma heavy that has me in a vice grip rn...
So anyways- your post where you showed how in your AU catnap removed dogdays legs... were the murders of the hour in the same way? Because I just- Imagining Catnap dropping an anvil on some poor soul and them getting crushed slowly after the initial impact while catnap watches in apathy- has not left my mind. It's just Saw death traps at that point.
And about the whole "Going back to the cartoon" thing catnap wanted... would that not be suicide? A fully fledged, free thinking being going back to being with a world bound by a script and it's existence only continues if it's makers wish for it seem like killing yourself with extra steps. Again- this Au has so much Trauma potential I just HMMMMMMMMMMM-
And Oc's... well who do you want to hear about? I got a few lying around... well only 2 poppy playtime ones at the moment (and like one is kinda hard coded for another AU)... not to mention all the ones I have not drawn up yet that lie within my mind.
I would not mind another reason for William posting- but I'll let you choose!
Thanks, man! :D
You have no idea how much I've had to edit the scripts and drawings I make for the blog, because I go too dark too quickly for this toon AU.
I'm gonna go on a long ramble. Bear with me.
Like - there's this one script I still need to rewrite. But the premise is that Angel and DogDay are in Home Sweet Home, striking up a conversation - though Angel is injured.
Angel: ...Do you ever just... Stop? *[Angel eyes DD, as DD is in the process of sniffing like an actual dog, walking along the walls]* DD: What do you mean? *[He pauses to look at them, his tail wagging]* Angel: This. *[They gesture to his whole self, which causes him to finally fall on to the ground with a yip]* Angel: We're being hunted by a monster, close to death, and you're acting all... *Looney*. DD: That's what I do, Angel. I was brought here to make people feel happy. Safe. *[His tail begins to wag again as he makes his way to Angel]* Angel: Great. *[Unamused]* At least we'll die laughing. DD: You know, laughter is stronger than you'd think. *[A little "Uh-huh" from Angel.]* No matter how bad things get, you just have to laugh! Even if you feel like you've lost all hope, unsure about tomorrow... Not knowing what you did wrong, wondering how the world collapsed around you... *[DD grabs on to an ear, his smile turning more upsetting. The background getting darker. Maybe emphasize some of the in game model]* DD: Knowing that deep down, it's your fault for their deaths and already missing your chains because you deserve them --- *[He immediately switches back, sunshine and smiles]* DD: A laugh can chase away the gloom! Angel: *[Disturbed]* ...You want to talk about it, Pup?
So, they're all thoroughly traumatized, that's for sure!
I plan on drawing a comic that takes place during the Hour Of Joy, but yes. CatNap has killed some humans with falling anvils, endless pits, trapping them in repeating hallways until they go insane. Humans cannot survive the same punishment a toon takes, you know. >u>
But you know, he's not entirely heartless. Just angy. A poor lil meow meow
Oh, it's just CatNap being unable to cope, being ripped out of his comfort zone and never being able to adjust with the horrible things going on in Playcare. Though the Critters in this AU are not the same as the In-Game Bigger Bodies, there's still been human experiments. CatNap would much rather take scripts and limited freedom over what he was given... You are right though. That is one of the themes I wanted to try and hit with him. Especially if I follow through with an ending of Angel adopting the Critters. Then the aftermath of the trauma can really sink in.
My man, pal, friend.
I love OCs. The floor is yours. Send 'em in!
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aristocratic-otter · 2 months
Ten Questions for Writers
Thank you @artsyunderstudy, @facewithoutheart and @nausikaaa for the tag! So, it's that time again, huh? Well, some things have changed since I last did one of these, so here goes.
How many works do you have on AO3? 35 but one was a group fic (Birthday Man). So technically 34.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 957,040 - 39,132 for birthday man (not going to try to figure out how many words my chapter in that fic was) = 917,908. So close to that million words!
What fandoms do you write for? Carry On only.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always. I can't say my responses are always inspired because, just like in real life, sometimes I just don't know what to say. But I always reply, because I know for myself how hard it can be to write a comment, so I want to honor that. That, and I'm really truly grateful for everyone who takes the time to tell me what they liked about my work!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No...my fics are pretty long and specific, it'd be really hard to pass something of mine off as someone else's. I know it hasn't happened on AO3, though I can't speak to Tumblr or other platforms, since I don't spend much time there.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, Birthday man, of course. And the Star Trek Redemption series is a lovely collab with many talented people. But also, I consider all of the many artists I've worked with co-authors, because so much of what I write comes from bouncing ideas off of them and being inspired by their art. So I'm considering @krisrix, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @frjsti, @moments-au-crayon22, @artsyunderstudy, @alexalexinii,
@steppjes, @letraspal and @cutestkilla as cowriters
7. What’s your all-time favourite ship? The one and only OTP, Simon and Baz
8. What are your writing strengths? Hmm...I think I'm good with blocking, because I visualize my stories in my head before I write them down, so I'm good about knowing where characters are in space at all times. I'm also pretty good at characterization? And while my fics aren't usually laugh-out-loud funny, lots of comments point out things that are amusing, so I guess I write humor fairly well. Definitely good at scientific background stuff, of course. I don't know, other than that.
What are your writing weaknesses? Plot, plot, plot...not that I don't write decent plots. I think I do. But it can take me hours of dwelling on how to get characters from one plot point to the next. I tend to plan a fic in broad outlines and leave out minor details, and then I get bogged down in the details later. Other than that? I have trouble with witty banter. I can do dialogue, but I struggle with, for example, coming up with amusing insults for Baz to use on Simon. It just doesn't come naturally, because in RL, I'm the type who thinks of the witty response hours after the conversation ended!
Oh, also I suck at continuity. I constantly have to go back and read earlier chapters because I can't remember what I already had a character do or say.
First fandom you wrote for? CSI is the one I'll admit to.
I have no idea who's done this, so I'll tag: @cutestkilla, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @angelsfalling16, @palimpsessed, @bookish-bogwitch,
@best--dress, @emeryhall, @hushed-chorus, @prettygoododds, @larkral
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callsigndragon · 2 years
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Desperate times, desperate measures | Ch. 2: Till death do us part
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x fem!writer!reader (Most of the times, she will be called Page)
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: mentions of death, angst, Jake and Page fight for the first time, and the wedding-
A/N: THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE COMMENTS AND FEEDBACK I'M GETTING FROM Y'ALL. It's absolutely wonderful to see the amount of love i get from you guys, i love you all so much.
It's okay if you like it and all, but please... a comment is also welcomed and if you reblog it? I'll kiss you on the forehead.
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When the lawyer leaves the room, you remember that there’s someone important that you haven’t called and who will be suffering as much as you when she knows that Anne is dead. 
But so many things happened yesterday that you completely forgot to call your other best friend. 
“Heeeeeeey, how’s my favorite writer doing?” Gabby says, and the background noises make you guess that she is at a Starbucks at the moment. 
“Gabrielle, can you go to a quieter place?” You tell her, sitting down and bracing yourself for what’s about to happen. 
“Holy shit, that serious? Okay, okay, let me go to my car.” It only takes her a few seconds, but it feels like a lifetime. “Okay, in the car already. Tell me what’s wrong.” 
“Luke and Anne got into a car accident yesterday, they died, and they wanted me and Jake to be Emma’s legal guardians in case something happened to them, but Jake’s work is really dangerous, and I’m ‘too young’ to be a single mother, so the only way we can get Emma’s custody is by getting married, and I can’t get married to fucking Hangman, Gabby, I can’t!”  You let it all out before you even realize that you’re just rambling and rambling, and that probably Gabby hasn’t understood a thing and she’s going to freak out. 
“Luke and Anne are… dead?” 
“Yeah… they’re gone.” 
She starts sobbing, and you want to punch yourself for the way in which you delivered the news. “Send me your location, I’ll go get you.” 
“Don’t worry, Matt is here with me. I’ll go to your house.” 
“I’m… I’m staying at Anne’s.” You clarify, wincing when you hear her swearing with a shaky breath. 
“Of course you are, Emma needs all the stuff that’s in that house. I’ll see you in 20.”
Just wait until she finds out that you two cannot get Emma from CPS until you accept to be her legal guardians... and you can only do that when you get married. 
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“....And Hangman just went to get a marriage license because apparently it's faster and easier if you’re a member of the military.” You finish the story, watching how Gabs' knuckles tighten when she grabs the mug with force. 
“Man, life couldn’t get more complicated even if it tried.” She sighs, wiping her face with a tissue. “How are you holding up? We all  were best friends, but you’ve known her all your life, honey… And now you have to take her place, and raise her daughter.” 
You nod, eyes unfocused as you drift away, remembering a conversation from a few weeks ago, in which you told Anne that you ‘envied the life she had’. A life that now was yours. 
Yesterday, when you woke up, you were a single writer who had just published a new novel. You had good friends, you had a good life, a good house, a good car. It was everything you ever wanted, and you worked so damn hard to make it happen. 
When you wake up tomorrow, you are going to be a married woman and a mother. You’re going to have to give up your car and your house. You’re going to have to reschedule all your promotions and the release of your new book. It’s going to take a few months before you settle down and manage to find time for yourself and time to write again. 
How much can a life change in one day, huh.
“With a man I hate. This feels like shitty fanfiction written by a teenager.” You scoff, letting your head hit the back of the sofa while you close your eyes. 
“Honey, you started with shitty fanfiction written as a teenager.” Gabby  says, making you chuckle. 
“I hope that nobody ever finds them.” 
The main door opens, and you see Jake, followed by all the members of his squad. “Hey, Gabby.” He greets your friend. 
Gabby only answers with a nod, turning her head towards the rest of the aviators, noticing that Nat is between them. Gabby may or may not have a tiny crush on her. But she knows that this is not the time to be a teenager with a crush. 
“You got the license?” You ask Jake when he sits next to you, taking a deep breath and nodding. 
“Yeah, it was easy. I called the squad to act as witnesses; I thought Gabby was in Texas working on her next movie.” 
“We’re switching locations, and they gave me a few days off. I have to call them and let them know that I have to attend a service.” She grabs her phone and goes to the kitchen, probably to call her agent. 
Sometimes you forget that you met Gabby a few years ago, when one of your first books was turned into a movie, and you went to the studio every day to help Anne, who was the director. Gabby was cast as the main actress, and soon the three of you turned into the bestest friends. 
Gabby and Anne were always ready to listen to your craziest ideas and plots for upcoming books, even if that meant staying up until 3 AM and chatting on a video call. Anne used to prepare her pitches with you and Gabby, so it was perfect whenever she had to meet the producers or studio executives. Gabby prepared her scripts with you two, getting ready for her next audition. 
It was the perfect team. You wrote. Gabby performed. Anne directed. 
The three of you were preparing to work together soon, as you had written your first screenplay not long ago. Anne insisted on you giving it a try, because your books ‘felt like movies most of the time, so it’s not that different’. And you did, finding that it was funny and really entertaining. Auditions are being made at the moment, and the only thing you know is that Gabby was the hilarious best friend of the main character. 
It made you sad, though. The amount of times she had performed that role over the years... And even after she won not only a Grammy but was nominated for another one! Why is she still getting these roles? Gabby said that, in this film, she felt more connected to that character than to the main one, so she was not mad about it. 
But you’re getting tired of Hollywood’s hypocrite ass. They always talk about inclusivity and giving more opportunities to other actors, but you don’t usually see a black actress in the main role of a big movie. That’s Hollywood for you. 
“I guess we’re going to the courthouse now.” You question, observing as all the members of the squad, some of whom you can consider friends but others whom you don’t know as well, are standing in their dress uniforms. 
“In a bit.” Jake clears his throat. “Look, we only have to pretend until the caseworker approves us. Then it’s all over.” 
“Oh, so you want me to get a divorce as soon as we get a seal of approval?” You retort, turning your body in his direction. 
“What, you want to be my wife?” He scoffs, looking at Javy, who is shaking his head, as if he was telling him to stop with the jokes. 
Jake should listen to Javy sometimes. 
“I’m a public figure, Jake. Once I get married, everybody will know! And if I get a divorce in three months, right after CPS gives us their blessing, people will know too!” 
“What do you mean? Do I have to play the doting husband for the rest of my life?” He raises his voice, and you can see from the corner of your eye how Rooster takes a step in your direction, but Bob and Payback stop him. 
“This was your idea, Jake. Don’t yell at me.” 
“Then tell me, what was I supposed to do? Let a bunch of strangers take my goddaughter away?” You can see the unshed tears in his bloodshot eyes. He had been crying, too. Probably even more than you and Gabby. 
There’s a different level of connection between people who risk their lives together. It’s unsimilar to everything you've seen. The stronger the connection, the bigger the loss. 
“I think that you took the only option we had. But we’re gonna have to fake being in a marriage for longer than you initially thought.” You get up from the sofa, moving to the kitchen, only pausing midway when he asks his next question. 
“How long?” 
How long? Well, that’s a good question. Long enough for them not to suspect. Long enough so they forget about you two. 
How long is that?
“A year.” You proclaim, feeling as if your words echo all over the house. 
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“Do you have any cute dresses in your suitcase?” Gabby says, rummaging through the small suitcase you packed for the three days you were supposed to stay away from the city. 
“No, I don’t have anything appropriate for a fake wedding.” You groan, sitting on the bed. 
“Maybe we can go buy something before we get to the courthouse?” 
“I don’t think we have time for that, Gabs.” 
A soft knock on the door makes you tear your gaze away from your friend, waiting for the newcomer. Nat’s head pops up from the other side, eyes closed. “Are you girls visible?” 
“Yeah, we’re trying to find a dress.” Gabby says, checking her reflection in the mirror before Nat opens her eyes. 
Rolling your eyes, you see that the pilot has a bag in her hands. “What’s that?”
“On my way here,” Nat starts, walking into the room and handing you the bag. “I thought that maybe you didn’t have anything to wear. So I bought you this.” 
You get the dress out of the bag. It has a vintage air to it, and it’s white. The skirt stops over the ankles. It’s the kind of wedding dress that was used for civil weddings. Just like yours. 
“It’s beautiful, Nat. Thank you. You didn’t have to.” You hug her, trying to understand how a beautiful soul like hers is friends with Jake. 
“Me and Bob will take you to the courthouse. Take as much time as you need.” She nods in Gabby’s direction and leaves the room. 
You start crying as soon as you realize that your best friend will not be attending your wedding. 
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The ceremony isn’t long, and you’re grateful for that. Because you’re not sure how much time you can hold Jake’s hands on yours, while faking to be madly in love. Jake plays the part like a champ, even telling the officiant that he didn’t want to rush this wedding, but he’s going to be deployed soon and wants to marry the love of his life before he has to leave for a few months. 
It takes all your strength not to take off your high-heels and throw them at his head. But the shoes are Anne’s, and you don’t want to damage them. It’s something borrowed. The sapphire earrings are an heirloom given to you by your grandma. It’s something old, and something blue. And the dress, bought for you by Nat, is something new. 
You didn’t care about these small traditions because this wedding wasn’t real, but if you’re going to be married to this idiot for a year, at least you’re going to do it right. 
“The future promises many happy days ahead,” says the officiant, making you take a deep breath to avoid laughing at his face. No, there are no happy days ahead for you. “filled with unique opportunities, adventures, and challenges. It is through trust, love, and the unfailing support of each other that you will meet these inevitable ups and downs.”
You and Jake look at each other, feeling the weight of the words on your shoulders. There will be adventures and challenges, and as much as you hate to admit it, the only way you are going to survive this year, is by supporting each other. 
“Do you, Jacob Seresin, take Y/n L/n to be your spouse and to live together as partners, to treat them her love and respect, and to build a marriage that grows stronger and more loving as time passes?”
Jake doesn’t even blink when he answers. “Yes, I do.” 
“And do you, Y/n L/n, take Jacob Seresin to be your spouse and to live together as partners, to treat him with love and respect, and to build a marriage that grows stronger and more loving as time passes?” The officiant repeats the same words, but they don’t feel as the ones he said to Jake. They feel heavy. Like a doom. 
“Yes, I do.” 
“The wedding ring represents the promises and potential of marriage. It has no beginning and no end, and is a timeless symbol of the love and commitment you have pledged. As you wear your ring, let it remind you of the love you feel here today.”
Love. The only thing that you don’t feel towards your soon-to-be husband.
“Jacob, place the ring on Y/n’s finger and repeat after me.”
Javy gives Jake the ring, that is soon placed on your finger. It’s cold. A coldness that burns your skin. 
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and devotion, as we join our lives together, today, tomorrow, and for as long as our love shall last.
Those are the words that Jake and you have to repeat, each of them damaging your soul and leaving behind small crecives that you hope time can heal. 
The officiant’s next words make you cry, but he believes that you’re just an ‘emotional bride’. 
True marriage is more than just a ceremony or a piece of paper – it is a lasting bond that joins two lives and two hearts. 
You don’t want him near your heart. 
Marriage is love.
You don’t love him.
He will spend most of his time away.
You don’t trust him.
And Respect.
The only thing you respect is his job and his dedication to Emma.
May you always find strength in each other, laugh with each other, and find safety and comfort in each other’s words and company.
What strength? What laugh? 
May you celebrate many joyful seasons together, support each other when days are difficult, and continue to learn and grow closer together with each passing year. 
Only four seasons with him. Nothing more. 
“You may kiss!” 
And when he kisses you, Jake doesn’t know if the saltiness in his lips is because of his tears or yours.
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misty-wisp · 11 months
i uh. i voiced asuka's persona awakening for funsies since i have it written. it's a little awkward with the lack of sound effects but i like how it turned out...
transcript below the cut
[Asuka]: "...Yeah. I hear you clear as day. One full year of nothing but hard work from me, obedience to you and everything, and that's what I get...I should've known it'd turn out this way. Y'know, you wouldn't have said any of this a year ago. Or maybe you would if I just pushed your buttons...But I was too much of a coward for that, huh...? I guess this means I can be honest with you for once. Most of this is already pretty obvious, but..."
[a slight chuckle.]
[Asuka]: "I am so fucking sick and tired of you. I put myself through all of this pain and suffering, isolating myself for your shitty establishment, doing everything I could for you. I made your drugs, I sold them off, I stayed late hours, I kept quiet--I did all of your fucking dirty work! I'm the reason you're even here where you're at right now, and what do I get!? Death threats from you, bruises from you, and late nights where I'm not even sure if I'm going to be alive the next day, all because of you!"
[a sharp breath.]
[Asuka]: "You're so goddamn selfish, forcing me and all those other people to do everything for you without a single thought about us...And I have to keep working for another 10 days before you execute me!? How about I just quit while I'm ahead instead!? I already know you're gonna try to get rid of me any--Sh--Shit, my head--GAHHHH!"
[a cackle, coming from another voice. Asuka's pained cries can be heard in the background]
[Aradia]: "Have you finally realized what you truly want? I've been waiting so long...I've called you time and again, you know. To think you'd finally answer...!"
[Asuka]: "Ngh...Wh-Who--!?"
[Aradia]: "Tell me, shall you look past what those above you desire and chase the freedom you yearn for? Or will you sit and lie like the peasant they think you as?"
[Asuka]: "I-I..."
[another cackle.]
[Aradia]: "I'll be taking that as a yes! I am thou, thou art I...Go, allow yourself to savor the freedom you rightfully deserve!"
[Asuka]: "Ugh--NGAAAAHHHHHH!!!"
[moment of silence, bc. i don't have sound effects. aha.]
[Asuka]: "I've ignored you for so long, Aradia...But it's fine now. I'm done with being a punching bag to this bastard!"
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Ruffled Feathers 🪶
~ Part 37 ~
Summary: Julia Morgan, Bobby's niece, has always been a royal thorn in Dean Winchesters ass since the day they met 1 year ago at Bobby's memorial. She wants to be a hunter, he thinks she's a dumb kid playing dress up. Will she always be seen as an unwanted load in Dean's eyes or will he see something more?
Pairing: Dean x OC
Warnings: Age gap, language, sexual themes (used lightly)
Word Count: 1,664
A/N: How we feeling about the story so far?? I’m working hard on going through these draft chapters for you guys today. Stated as always this story is cross posted on Wattpad. Happy reading! ♥️
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On the drive back to the bunker, the Impala hummed along the empty road, and the tension from earlier had mostly settled. Dean tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the classic rock station playing softly in the background. Julia sat beside him, staring out the window, the fading sunset casting a soft glow on her face. For a while, neither of them spoke, just content to be in each other's company.
But eventually, Julia glanced over at him, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. "So... you going to tell me what's on your mind, or do I have to guess?"
Dean side-eyed her, raising an eyebrow. "Nothing's on my mind."
"Uh-huh." Julia crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. "You've been all broody since the cemetery. Spill."
Dean shrugged. "Not brooding, just... thinking."
He huffed. "Just everything. The usual crap."
Julia tapped her chin, pretending to think. "Hmm... the usual crap? That could mean anything. Like, are you thinking about how you're constantly eating enough burgers to feed a small army? Or is it about the fact that you still can't get over how I killed that Demon at the motel before you could?"
Dean let out a laugh, shaking his head. "Please. I let you have that one."
"Oh, sure," she teased. "And here I thought it was just you slowing down."
Dean scoffed, clearly amused despite himself. "Slowing down? You think I'm slowing down? I could still take on twice as many demons as you and not break a sweat."
Julia grinned. "Oh, I know you're still the big tough hunter, Dean. I just didn't realize you were also delusional."
Dean shot her a look, half-annoyed, half-amused. "Careful, or I might make you walk the rest of the way."
She leaned forward, elbows on her knees, teasing him even further. "Oh, I know what's bothering you, you're just a little mad I showed up and saved the day last night."
"Saved the day?" Dean chuckled. "Last I checked, I was handling that case just fine."
"Right, because setting a ghost on fire is so complicated."
Dean smirked. "If it's so easy, then why do you keep tagging along, huh? What's the point if I don't need you?"
Julia tilted her head, her grin softening into something a bit more sincere. "Maybe it's because you need someone to keep you on your toes. Keep that ego of yours in check."
Dean laughed, the sound a bit lighter than it had been in days. "My ego's fine, thanks."
"Uh-huh. Sure." Julia leaned back again, satisfied that she'd managed to get him out of his head, at least for now.
For a few minutes, they both settled into a comfortable silence. The Impala's tires rumbled over the pavement, and the road stretched out endlessly ahead. It wasn't long before Julia glanced over at Dean again, her teasing smile still in place.
"You know," she began, "I think you're just scared."
Dean raised an eyebrow. "Scared? Of what?"
"Of me beating you on a hunt."
Dean barked out a laugh. "Oh, please. That'll be the day."
"I'm serious," she insisted, her tone mock-serious. "I've been getting better. You're not going to be the best hunter forever, Dean."
He gave her a sideways glance, amusement still dancing in his eyes. "Well, if that day ever comes, I'll buy you a beer."
Julia grinned. "Deal."
They lapsed into silence again, but this time, it was a comfortable, easy silence. Julia could feel the weight of Dean's thoughts lifting, at least a little. She'd managed to distract him from the heavy guilt that always seemed to follow him, and that was enough for now.
After a while, Dean broke the silence again, his voice quieter this time. "Thanks."
Julia blinked, turning to look at him. "For what?"
"For sticking around. For... this." He waved a hand vaguely between them. "Everything."
She softened, her teasing smile fading into something more genuine. "You don't have to thank me, Dean. I'm here because I want to be."
Dean didn't say anything for a moment, but his fingers tapped against the steering wheel a little more lightly, the tension in his shoulders easing. He gave her a small nod, keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah. I guess you are."
Julia smiled, leaning back in her seat and watching the road ahead. The conversation shifted into a more comfortable space, and as the familiar landscape of Kansas rolled by, she knew that, for now, they were okay. They'd keep moving forward, one hunt at a time, teasing and distracting each other from the heaviness of their lives.
For now, that was enough.
A few days had passed since their last ghost case, and life at the bunker had settled into a kind of uneasy rhythm. Dean still carried the weight of the Mark of Cain, but Julia was doing everything she could to keep him grounded. Her presence seemed to make a difference, even if Dean was still battling the darkness that constantly threatened to drag him under.
Sam, who had picked up on the shift between them almost immediately, had been surprisingly cool about it. One morning at the kitchen table, with a knowing smirk, he'd raised an eyebrow at the two of them, then said, "It's about time." Dean had grumbled something unintelligible, trying to hide his embarrassment, but Julia had just laughed.
Dean was still coming to terms with how much he needed her. And while it didn't sit perfectly with him—needing anyone—it was hard to deny the calm she brought into his life, especially now, when the Mark was always gnawing at him, trying to claw its way to the surface.
They were sitting in the bunker's library, Dean nursing a beer while Julia flipped through a book. Sam was hunched over his laptop, researching God knows what, but the silence in the room was comfortable. Julia could feel Dean's gaze on her, though he hadn't said anything for a while.
After a few minutes, Julia closed her book and looked over at him, catching his eye. "What?"
Dean shook his head, a small smirk on his lips. "Nothing. Just... thinking."
"Uh-huh," she said with a knowing grin. "That dangerous brain of yours working overtime again?"
Dean chuckled, shaking his head. "Something like that."
Julia leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. "You sure you're good?"
He glanced at her, his expression a little more serious now. "Yeah, I'm good. Just... you know."
She nodded, understanding immediately. The Mark was always there, even in the quiet moments. Especially in the quiet moments. "Well, if you're feeling antsy, we could always take another case. Keep your mind off things."
Dean gave her a sideways look, his smirk returning. "You offering to keep me busy?"
Julia grinned. "I'm offering to keep you from going stir-crazy."
Before Dean could respond, Sam looked up from his laptop, glancing between them. "You two sure you don't need a room?"
Dean groaned, rolling his eyes. "Really, Sam?"
Julia chuckled, unfazed. "He's just jealous, Dean."
Sam raised his hands in mock surrender, a grin on his face. "Hey, I'm happy for you two. I mean, about time, right?"
Dean shot him a half-hearted glare, but there was no heat behind it. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
Despite his attempts to shrug it off, Julia could tell Dean appreciated Sam's approval. There was a time when Dean might have fought it, refused to admit how much he cared about what Sam thought—but not now. Now, it felt like a relief to not have to hide it anymore.
"Thanks, Sam," Julia said, giving him a grateful smile.
Sam gave her a quick nod, his eyes softening. "Just keep an eye on him, alright?"
Julia's smile grew wider. "Don't worry. I've got him."
Dean grumbled under his breath, but the tension in his shoulders eased. Julia's light-hearted teasing, Sam's approval—it was all helping, even if he didn't want to admit it.
Later that night, as Dean was going to bed, Julia caught Dean by the arm in the hallway, pulling him aside before he disappeared into his room. She could see the way the day had worn on him, the lingering guilt, the weight of the Mark, even though he was doing his best to hide it.
"Hey," she said softly, catching his gaze. "You good?"
He hesitated for a moment, then gave a small nod. "Yeah. I'm good."
Julia raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Dean..."
He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "It's just... I'm still dealing with all this crap, you know? The Mark, everything that happened. And sometimes... I don't know if I'll ever be the same."
Julia stepped closer, resting a hand on his arm. "You don't have to be the same. You just have to be you."
Dean looked down at her, his expression softening. "How do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Make everything sound so simple."
Julia smiled, squeezing his arm gently. "It's not simple. But I know we'll work it out.”
Dean's eyes lingered on her for a moment before he pulled her into a tight embrace. He didn't say anything, but the way he held her said enough. He was still struggling, still haunted by everything that had happened, but having Julia by his side made it all just a little bit more bearable.
After a few moments, Dean finally pulled back, looking down at her with a small, grateful smile. "Thanks."
"Anytime, Winchester."
They stood there for a moment longer before Dean finally retreated into his room, leaving Julia in the hallway with a sense of quiet resolve. She knew it wasn't over. The Mark, the guilt—those battles weren't going away anytime soon. But as long as they had each other, they'd find a way to keep fighting.
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
❣️, 💥, 👾, 🤖 (and 💙 :P)
❣️ Favourite Game?
Mania is still #1 for me. To make a long story short, this game is top tier for me in most of the ways that count. Gameplay, visuals, music, attention to detail, references that are actually clever, the whole shebang. The story might be mildly disjointed compared to something like S3&K, but it doesn't bother me too much. I love this game to death, and it steams my hams that fans have took to ignoring its success in order to prop up Frontiers.
Likewise, second place still goes to S3&K for similar reasons. The rest of my favourites include (in chronological order) Sonic 1 and 2, CD, SA1, the Advance trilogy, Rush Adventure, console Colours, and console Generations.
💥 Favourite Boss Fight?
To list which ones come to mind:
The entire Death Egg-Doomsday Zone confrontation. One of the strongest endgames to any Sonic game, and one of Eggman's finest moments. S3&K as a whole did a fantastic job in firmly cementing how dedicated and hands-on the doctor can be when he's portrayed at his best, and it's wonderfully capped off with this crazy bonanza of "For fuck sake, he's STILL not done?" The Great Eggman Robo is also an imposing design with how it looms.
Egg Viper and Perfect Chaos in SA1. The former for being a decent challenge and the epic as hell defeat animation ("Watch out, he's up to something!"), the latter for being possibly the only 3D Super Sonic fight that isn't complete shit, even if it is a little janky.
Sonic VS Shadow on the A.R.K. The atmosphere and music really make it work.
Deep Core is pretty underrated. A fun shoot 'em up boss, and the Egg WIzard has some creative and eye-catching attacks thanks to the Jeweled Scepter.
Egg Dragoon for bringing out the aggression from Sonic and Eggman alike, as well as the sheer intensity of the fight itself. You know it has to be good when even a certified Non-Fan of Unleashed like me fully approves of it.
Egg Reverie for neatly avoiding a certain undesirable event by instead settling on a three way deathmatch. The music's great, the background is hypnotic, and I love how the timer is inflicted with N64 cartridge tilting-style glitching.
The Mega Death Egg Robot in Forces may have been just okay as an actual fight, but I really, really love the sound design that went into it, as seemingly minor as that may be to some. And Eggman being mad enough to have a second mech inside the first one ala Doomsday Zone is peak... him.
Oh, look at that, most of them are Eggman! Guess the other villains need to try a bit harder, huh?
👾 Favourite handheld title?
Advance 2 was my first Sonic game, and I also think it's probably the most well-balanced of the trilogy (Special Stage rings and needing to get the Emeralds as all four characters to unlock Amy aside), so I'll go with that one.
Second place is a tie between Advance 1 and Rush Adventure. Can't decide which won edges out. :P
🤖 Favourite robot?
I struggle to pick an Eggman-made example because that would require listing every robot he has ever made that isn't Belle. If I had to pick one - one that counts as an actual character mind you - then the Hard-Boiled Heavies for being my kind of quirky and fun. <3
For a NON-Eggman example... uh... this narrows it down by quite a lot. Emerl was good, wasn't he?
💙 Favourite IDW character?
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...I'll go with Simp Era Starline, and maybe Tangle before the flanderization set in.
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ykiwrite · 2 years
it's you - minnie
"Hey babe" said Minnie as she entered your shared home.
She was late and visibly in a bad mood. You've been together for long enough to be experts at reading each others expressions and you could see she was tired. Rainy weather of the outside didn't go in her favor either. It was Friday after all so that should be considered a plus.
You placed your bets on work. Sure it wasn't easy to be in her shoes. Schedules, practice, interviews, practice, studio and so on. It's a cycle you're pretty sure you would have a hard time with.
As soon as she got rid of her shoes and layers of jackets it was not too long before she stopped midway after dragging herself out of the entrance hallway to see you for the first time since this morning. You were in the kitchen cooking to kill boredom, looking way too occupied, nonetheless beautiful. TV was on playing something not worthy of your attention and knowing you, a person who simply can't function without a background noise it seemed like the best explanation so far. 
"Finally, huh?. They let you guys out." You turned to her rolling your eyes, "Cube really is something else."
"What? Don't just stand there, c'mon." 
Gosh, she's so glad to have you. You have no idea. Lifelessly made her way to you somehow due to her exhausted body. Her arms hugged you as she whispered "I missed you", words hitting your neck. 
"Missed you too." Now your hands off of spatula and kitchen counter making their way to wrap around your lovers shoulders.
"Bad day?"
"Yeah, it was shitty," she nuzzled her head deeper into your neck and sighed, "don't wanna talk about it right now."
"Of course, anytime…you know i'll listen. I always do."
Squeezing you even more if that was even possible to the point where you ran out of breath. She looked at you and laughed. It passed onto you until both of you were laughing. As it slowly died down it seemed like the whole world stopped. It was just two of you, holding onto eachother in the middle of the kitchen, rain loudly making itself known on the windows of your home. It was warm. Everything seemed right. She found herself already relaxed, zero thoughts and worries. Although honestly, you were both aware without expressing it outloud how it would be better if it weren't for that stupid TV drama playing through the house no one cares about in this household. 
"I love you."
"I love you too Min. I mean, of course you love me, who wouldn't especially if you take a look at what im making for you right no-"
Your joke was ruined by her shutting you up with a kiss you didn't get this whole day.
You felt her hands finding a way behind your head, playing with your hair until they started pulling you in deeper.
"Minnie" you breathed out. Another kiss and another until you gave her entrance to slip her tongue in, grabbing you by the waist and putting you up on the counter.
"Wait-" you almost forgot about the food and all of the stuff prior leading to this, to her.
She looked up to you, her breath hitting your stomach, her head between your spread legs and hands rested on them as she untied your sweatpants, "What is it?."
Completely lost in the moment you didn't even notice her already on her knees making her way lower and lower. 
With that look in her eyes, her being below you as you looked down upon the figure. A sight well to familiar yet never fails to make you shiver each time. "Well fuck me i guess" you thought to yourself.
"Nothing, just…", you ran your fingers through her black strands messing it up, "aren't you tired? You know you don't have to-"
You felt her hands travelling up dangerously close and you couldn't help but let out a moan as you threw your head back.
"I want to" accompanied by deep, sultry voice of the singer.
Going back to kissing your neck while her fingers started circling around your clit.
"Min, fuck." The feeling of her hand wrapping around your neck whilst the other did wonders brought you back to reality but not completely, never with her. 
"I needed you, this whole day, ever since i left." whispered in your ear as she slipped her fingers in and kissed you. 
Your breaths were getting heavier like your hold on her did, clothes crumpled in your hands. "Minnie please…"
"Tell me what do you want?" She looked at you with disheveled hair, shirt that's threatening to fall off, trying to find a room to catch a breath as she got a thrill out of this and your legs around her attempting to pull her closer but it's impossible.
"More Minnie, please just…fuck"
Who is she to ever deny you? The one who she's so in love with since the first day, the one who makes her day better in a matter of seconds just like this one, the one who makes her feel things she could never imagine.
Her movements were getting faster, in between kisses messier, moans that interrupted every now and then were getting more and more louder and apparent.
"I'm so close, don't stop", you struggled to say.
Her grip on your neck that got stronger, lips exploring your already well known collarbones leaving marks and her fingers moving just right places is all it took for you to slip into wave of pleasure.
Her name was all that could be heard echoing through the walls and she was quite proud.
You were trying to get yourself back together and with her still kissing you it didn't do much help, more of the opposite.
"You okay?" she sincerely asked with worry in her eyes.
"Yeah, i'm fine give me a minute." 
Pecking your lips and fixing your hair she said "Well, you better get it together quickly. Its only Friday, not even that late aaaand we have whole weekend ahead, im not planning to stop here for sure."
"You're so…i hate you."
"Yeah, as if. Anyway, what did you make?" Her head peeking at the half cleaned mess you left and oven still on.
"Its something you love, we actually tried it first time few weeks ago when we went out but this one is homemade. You can turn it off by the way, pretty sure its over." 
She did what was told, took another peek and commented "Ohh, looks amazing. Let's leave it to cool down meanwhileeee…" picking you up and heading straight to the bathroom.
"Minnie wait, what are you doing? I still have things to do, the icing isn't finished, it'll freeze-"
"Okay and? Me or cake?" 
"Cake obviously"
cant believe i started writing this as a total joke while listening to mitski then decided 5 minutes before i go to sleep "yeah lets make fanfic acc and post this"
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mysmestranscripts · 1 year
00:18 Strange alarm (Participant)
Seven Route, Day 5
[Background: Early morning]
[Music: Mysterious Clues]
Yoosung: MC!
Yoosung: [Glow box] Didn’t you hear a strange alarm?
Choice 1: No I haven’t.
Yoosung: Hmm…
Yoosung: I guess it was just my phone…
Choice 2: Heya Yoosung… I did see some weird messages!
Yoosung: Hello…!
Yoosung: Weird messages?
Yoosung: I didn’t see any…
Yoosung: I was just playing LOLOL
Yoosung: but my phone rang so l came in,
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Yoosung: [Droopy box] but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.
Choice 1: I’ll leave him a word for you ^^ [Seven]
Yoosung: Please do!
Yoosung: I was so surprised that I left without completing the quest.
Yoosung: My guild members are gonna hate me for disappearing like that…
Yoosung: Please tell him that I need him to check my messenger!
Choice 2: It must be a bug… Seven’s not as good as he says he is. [Seven]
Yoosung: Ugh.
Yoosung: Seven.
Yoosung: And he calls himself Seven Zero Seven the Great…
Yoosung: I should ask him to check out my app then.
Yoosung: I’m practically allergic to server maintenance,
Yoosung: But I do know that it’s the only way to prevent problems
Yoosung: Then,
Yoosung: Imma go back
Yoosung: to LOLOL.
Choice 1: Yoosung, turn off that computer and go to bed.
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Yoosung: OMG!!!
Yoosung: I thought you were my mom for a sec…
Yoosung: Don’t do that to me, haha.
Yoosung: My mom’s gonna go ballistic if she finds out I game like this. lololol
Yoosung: See you!!
Choice 2: You’re very quick. lol [Yoosung]
Yoosung: I’m only being professional.
Yoosung: [Big box with stars] If you’ve begun a question, you have to see it to the end.
Yoosung: You have to be responsible about things like that. lol
Yoosung: Anyways, I’ll be off!
Yoosung: [Cloud box with stars] Good night!!
Yoosung: Laterz
[Yoosung has left the chatroom.]
Story Mode: Seven
[Background: Seven's bunker]
[Music: Mysterious Clues]
???: Hello. How can you sleep right now?
???: Don't make me say wake up again. Where did I put my taser… Oh, here it is!
Seven: Huh? Aarrgh!! Ms. Vanderwood!
Seven: Madam! Please put that taser away! That's for torture.
Vanderwood: Don't scream… You're hurting my ears.
Vanderwood: And quit calling me madam.
Seven: Then Sir Vanderwood!
Vanderwood: …Stop joking around.
Seven: No.
Vanderwood: Do you want me to hit you?
Seven: No!
Vanderwood: Did you finish work?
Seven: No!
Vanderwood: Are you doing that on purpose?
Seven: No. But when did you come in? The gate question changes at midnight… You managed to come in!?
Vanderwood: I carry around an Arabic dictionary because of you… And don't change the subject.
Seven: No.
Vanderwood: Oh, I guess you're not afraid of my taser gun then.
Seven: Alright alright. You're the boss and I'm the servant, right?
Vanderwood: Just answer my question. Why haven't you finished work?
Seven: Because I didn't work.
Vanderwood: …
Vanderwood: My arm is having a very hard time trying not to take out the taser gun.
Seven: Oh my god! I can't believe I didn't finish work! Oh no! What should I do??
Vanderwood: Is it because you got paid with potato chips last time? Your performances have been really bad after that.
Vanderwood: The boss told me that you haven't been doing very well lately.
Seven: I said I don't care since I like those chips. So the Honey Buddha Chips have nothing to do with my recent performances.
Seven: But… I do have a prediction report saying that I'll do really well if I get compensated with cars. Do you want to see it?
Vanderwood: Cars? If you get anything from an intelligence agency, you're just going to be traced. I wouldn't take it for the world.
Seven: Oh, right. Cancel that.
Vanderwood: Why don't you ask them to give you a maid instead? Why is your house like this all the time? Empty soda cans, potato chip bags...
Vanderwood: And why did you shred up all that paper? Do you have ADHD or something...? I can't believe you manage to get work done here.
Seven: I was just about to say. My house is so dirty that I'm always distracted… The boss will understand once we give him a picture of my house.
Vanderwood: Yeah yeah, what a great excuse. He'll totally understand… Ugh! Your sofa smells like soda.
Seven: It's the lovely scent of Ph.D. Pepper. I get really focused once I drink it, but once I'm finished, it just makes my house more dirty.
Seven: Since my house is like this, I can't help but imagine decoding all the dust particles that fly around here… Huh...!? Decoding it in my imagination is making me hallucinate all the palm oil particles from the Honey Buddha Chips multiplying exponentially!
Seven: I want to eat them…! Oh god… I see corn starch and honey particles floating around over there…!
Vanderwood: What the hell are you talking about, you weirdo...? Alright, I'll clean up the house so just get back to work! You idiot.
Seven: An idiot...? Aren't you being too harsh to a genius secret agent right now?
Vanderwood: I barely stopped myself from calling you a cockroach. Since your house is always like this, I don't know if I come here to keep an eye on you or be your maid.
Seven: Alright, Vanderwood the 3rd… Sorry I treat you like a maid all the time. But will you first sweep the floor?
Vanderwood: Are you kidding me?
Seven: No. If you're not going to clean, then I need to play a round of LOLOL. I'm serious.
Vanderwood: What? God, seriously…
[Background: Seven Album 3]
Seven: Huh? What? But why did my screen freeze...?
[Music stops]
Vanderwood: How can you play games right now!?
Seven: Vanderwood... Come see this.
[Music: Dark Secret]
Vanderwood: …Hey, I think you got hacked.
Seven: Me...? Hacked? This is… this is the RFA Messenger server…
Vanderwood: Turn on the log. Hurry!
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Kingdom - 66: Stars of the Show
Translator: Creampuffs
Subaru: Yahoo~☆
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Auditorium
Subaru: Yahoo~☆
Everyone~! Enjoy yourselves today, okay~☆
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Hokuto: (…As expected of Akehoshi. He's not nervous in the very least and it looks like he's enjoying himself from the bottom of his heart.)
(He must be really happy to give our performance on stage. Converting even pressure into happiness and pushing forward is Akehoshi's strong point.)
(That's why he's more suited to be the leader. That isn't something to think about now, but…)
(He's facing the audience directly as well. Addressing them, smiling towards them, waving his hands.)
(This is the performance the unit from the student council… AKATSUKI forgot about.)
(AKATSUKI achieves their objectives in an indifferent manner and carries out their specified performance accurately. Without altering anything, whoever their opponent is or whatever kind of stage they perform.)
(That's how they gradually forgot about their audience's existence.)
(Whoever their audience, AKATSUKI has continued to win. Hence their arrogance; they have left out something crucial for us idols.)
(If the audience isn't there, if they aren't enjoying themselves, then even an excellent performance holds no meaning.)
(…I, too, had forgotten that until I received special training from the twins, but…)
(One man's fault is another man's lesson. It's our first time coming up on stage, too. We won't be able to last if we don't use our faces, our presence, to appeal to the audience.)
(Who are we singing to? Akehoshi will be the one to teach us how we should be as idols.)
(Akehoshi is a great guy that can be respected. He'd get full of himself if I told him personally, so I won't, though.)
(Guide us, Trickstar's first star.)
Subaru: …Hm? What is it, Hokke~? Is there something on my face?
Hokuto: No, it's nothing. Go act wildly and freely, Isara and I will back you up.
Mao: Eh, me too? That's why, I keep telling you guys not to drag me into things as you please. Well, I guess I don't mind~
Subaru, who charges towards the front lines, Makoto, who hangs back in the background, and me and Hokuto assisting—that's Trickstar, right~? ♪
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Yuta: Ohoo! Next up, we've got the Fantastic Shapeshifting Magician! Isara Mao~♪
Hinata: Each member in Trickstar is a super star! All of them are pioneering figures who will pave the road for the future Yumenosaki Academy—They are dreams themselves ☆
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Makoto: They're super fired up, huh?… R-Right! Okay, I'm going to do my best too! So that I don't get left behind, as well!
Yuta: Ah, I almost forgot. Lastly~ Umm, the guy with the glasses!
Hinata: Good luck, Four-eyes~♪ What was your name again? …Oh well, moving on! ☆
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Makoto: Ehh, isn't the treatment towards me the only one that's way too sloppy!?
I-I'm Makoto Yuuki! It's a pleasure to be here! I'll do my very best~!
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Hokuto: (Yeah, that's right. We need "a character who gets the role of being teased.")
(When everything is perfect… For example, when it's absolutely flawless like AKATSUKI, I have trouble breathing, just watching them.)
(In order to make the audience relax and calm down, we need a character with feigned ignorance, as comic relief.)
(And even if he makes mistakes due to a lack of ability… if the audience realizes that "it can't be helped because that's the character he is," then it becomes his "charm".)
(In fact, I'm sure that he'll be bathing in cheers and will receive a lot of support every time he makes a blunder.)
(While at the back of the line, working hard with all his power, trying to catch up to the other three, the audience will cheer on Yuuki's brave efforts. If we can turn it into something like that then the game is as good as ours.)
(Yuuki isn't the type of guy who would ever betray the audience's expectations, either.)
(Yuuki's surprisingly competitive, so he'll frantically come chasing after us, hot on our heels. He'll come tearing through the cheers and the encouragement,)
(And right after that, I'm sure he'll walk with us, side by side.)
(The twins are amazing… They conveyed our "point of view" to the audience with such a short introduction.)
(More than half of the audience here have never seen us before, but they learnt how to enjoy themselves… and how to relish the taste.)
(The preparations are perfect; they truly have set the table for us.)
(All that's left is to offer them our best dish:)
(Our performance.)
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Hinata: Alrighty, we're gonna say "goodbye" here~♪
Yuta: The times we changed your diapers, carried you like babies on our backs, and petted you saying "good boy" are all over now ♪
Hokuto: Right, you can leave the rest to us. You've done a lot for us.
We'll thank you again at a later date. Right now, we'll devote all our energy to the stage right in front of us.
For everyone who has gathered here today, we Trickstar will show them our all.
[ ☆ ]
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gamesbyalbie · 6 months
The Cursed Journey
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"Ani!" She screams. My eyes dart to the holoscreen. "Jebal! Aniyo, ani—" The recording cuts off. A dagger of searing nausea sinks into my gut.
The screen wipes to a shot of two immaculately dressed people sitting behind a round desk. "Those were the last words of renowned author Kim Ji-yeon. Late last night emergency officials were called to her Busan apartment only to find her unresponsive body lying on the floor of her study. It's a real tragedy, Ken."
The newsreader's voice is high and light. Paired with her lilting tone, she sounds eternally optimistic. Her well-trained composure betrays little to no genuine emotion. It's all manufactured. Saccharine. Made to make you feel but not feel too much. It makes me fucking sick.
Couldn't she be more somber? A little more serious? A woman is effectively dead. Has this lady forgotten that? Has everyone? Is this just so commonplace now that people are totally numb to it?
I quickly finish my sentence and shut my laptop.
"It sure is, Farah. We go now to Gerry Hale who met up with author Ody Specter outside of the Writer's Ward this morning." I snort. More like ambushed.
The feed cuts to a waist-up shot of myself with only Gerry's shoulder visible. The Ward's sign is clearly visible in the background and I'm framed in line with the steps. Damn, they're good. I fucking hate it, but I have to admire good craft when I see it. I try to remember if that's where I was actually standing or if that's part of their edits.
Leaning back in the lobby's squeaky vinyl chair, I prepare for the worst.
"Morning, Mx. Specter."
"Yes. Good morning."
"Do you know if Kim Ji-yeon will be admitted to the Ward this morning?"
"I do. She'll be arriving from Busan soon."
"Is Ji-yeon the latest victim of the Writer's Curse?"
"As far as I'm aware, yes."
"And you knew her well, right? I'm sorry for your loss. What was the nature of your relationship?"
"Good friends. We met through the industry. I've always looked up to her." 
"Naturally. She was a paragon of success which makes her fall all the more troubling. There can't be more than two dozen publishing authors left. How does it feel being one of them?"
"I—I don't know."
"Does the threat of the curse trouble you?"
"I guess, but what can I do? Just work and hope."
"And I'm sure you're grateful to your patient fans. Their support must help."
"For sure."
"And quickly, before we part, when should we expect new material?"
"I know I'll have something new coming out by the end of the month."
"Amazing. I can't wait. Thank you so much for your precious time."
"Of course. Have a good day."
There's a hard cut to Gerry standing outside the Ward. "Kim Ji-yeon's publisher has also confirmed that her upcoming releases will come out as scheduled. Additionally, her unfinished work has already been sent to a content factory so, no need to fear, this isn't the last we'll see of her work. Back to you in the studio, Ken."
The feed returns to the news anchor. "Thank you, Gerry. Now, what's the best way to pack for space trav—"
And I've lost all interest.
Huh. I don't think any of that transpired in exactly those words, but releasing the unedited audio is more trouble than it's worth. I really don't like that "I know" they added concerning my next release, but overall I'm somewhat grateful for the added focus on my fans. That'll make them feel good. Reinforce how much they mean to me.
"Ody?" Sam's standing in the door. Weird. I normally hear it open. "She's here, finally."
I slap my thighs and rise, only groaning a little despite my mental and physical fatigue—a small, meaningless victory. "I thought Kelly said an hour. What happened?"
"They got held up at customs, apparently."
How the fuck does a person in critical condition get held up at customs? "But she's stable. Right?"
"Yes. She's great. Or, as good as she can be... you know. Given her current condition." They grimace and avert their gaze. I like that about Sam. They've worked here since the Ward opened and still struggle navigating conversations like this. It's incredibly endearing. Sam clears their throat. "We're just making her comfortable now. Here." They approach, clipboard in hand. "This is the last thing we need you to sign."
"Sure." I loathe this part—signing for my friends' bodies as if they were packages.
"What are your plans after this?" Sam asks.
I snort and pass the clipboard back. "What do you think?"
"Besides writing. Like, do you have anywhere to be?"
"No. Not in particular." I tilt my head to the side. "Why? You get off soon or something?"
Sam chuckles guiltily. "No. That's not what I meant and you know that. It's just—" They look back over their shoulder then take a step closer. "If you wanted to go sit with him..."
Shock lifts my brows. I blink several times. "Visiting hours don't start for, what?" I glance at my watch. 05:52. Fuck. "Three hours?"
"And the shift change happens in two. Think you can be out of here by then?" Sam gives me a kind smile.
I can't help but return it. There's another reason I like Sam. "Yeah, I think I can work with that." I place my hand on their shoulder and give a soft squeeze. "Thank you, Sam. Really. I appreciate you." 
I'm just clearing the doorway when I hear Sam say, "Oh, and Ody?"
"I finally read Neo Olympus!"
"Oh, really?" I cross my arms and lean against the door frame. "What did you think?"
"Ahh!" They mime explosions going off on either side of their head. "Loved it! Zo's my favorite but Dio's starting to grow on me."
"That's awesome. I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"It was so good! I have to ask, who is that person in the black coat? The one causing Zo's visions."
Thanatos. One of my all-time favorite characters. They aren't actually the source of Zo's prophetic visions (that's Apollo), Than just appears in them frequently since he's Death itself.
But I can't tell Sam that. Not yet. Instead, I wink. "You'll just have to wait and see."
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End of Part 4 of ? • LAST PART • NEXT PART
More Cursed Journey • More by Albie • Image Source
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The amazing music that inspired this:
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20 Seconds of Courage
"When we had come to Jerusalem, the brothers received us gladly. On the following day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present. After greeting them, he related one by one the things that God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. And when they heard it, they glorified God." - Acts 21:17-20a
I read these verses this verses before work this morning. All my life I've been told how important it is to always be in the Word, because it is through it that we learn how God wants us to live. Not only that, but it is a beautiful showcase of how the Lord has proven His faithfulness to His people.
I think one of the most sanctifying things the Lord Jesus does through His Word is conviction. You know the feeling. The prick of guilt that wells up in your heart. A sense of filthiness covers your heart and your realize... "man, Lord I'm sorry. Forgive me, I need to change."
That's the case with the above verses. And to clarify, these verses are just the foundation of my conviction; they don't tell the entire story.
The thing that caught my eye was how fluidly and almost casually Paul, James, and the elders, glorified the Lord together and counted the ways God had worked in the ministry. I read that and thought, "Huh, you know I only kinda struggle to be open about God's blessings to believers I'm good friends with, but dang doing it with people I barely know? Man that shows how strong their faith was."
True, Christians have the common bond of Christ. Heck, it's even in the name Christian. But something about being completely open with a stranger about your faith is borderline daunting. I know I'm not the only one who feel this way. But as I was pondering this on my route, the thought crossed my mind: "If I saw a guy in a 22 hat who was clearly a Joey Logano fan, I'd be all about talking to him about all things Logano... but would I be like that about Jesus to a person who clearly was a Christian?"
The situation: a stranger, one with a bright yellow and red 22 hat, and the other with a t-shirt that says, "Jesus. Died, risen, returning" with a cross on the background. Who would I talk to? I'm ashamed of what my answer might be. Why is that? I thought of a few reasons:
1: I don't believe in Jesus.
2: The Lord's power hasn't been made manifest in my life.
3: I don't care.
4: I'm scared. Utterly filled with the fear of man.
I know for a fact that it's not the first two. And yet the second two, they seem to be a good blend of how I feel. For one, the senseless fear of man that Satan so dearly loves fills me with dread, one that says maybe I'll look dumb, or maybe I'll offend that person somehow, or even maybe disagree with them on some theological issues and things will get weird. But the third one is really where the conviction happens. I don't always feel like I care enough about how the Lord has changed my life to proclaim the name of Jesus. But why is that?
I guess my heart is just that hard. And good golly I hate that. I hate that I minimize my sin to the point that I forget how much it really cost to pay for it. Shame on me! How badly I want to be a soul on fire, not caring for one moment what a customer on route thinks of me, what a coworker might say, or what a fellow Christian might think. Sure, there are things to say for specific times, but why am I not shouting from the roof-tops, "Jesus saved me, and He can save you too! He's done so many wonderful things in my life and He can in yours!" Even now as I type this, I almost cringe thinking about how filled with fear I am.
But my heart is filled with a hardness that can only be dissolved by prayer and stepping out in trust. I think that's the big thing; trusting in the Lord's guidance. You know, there's movie quote that just popped into my mind that seems applicable:
“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.” 
That's it. Is it Christian? No. But it true? I would say so. Isn't 20 seconds enough time to proclaim Jesus? It's convicting, isn't it? Do you do that? I sure don't, and I wish I did. Now does that mean that you need to fill every 20 second gap with the Gospel? No, of course not. But are you ready to share the Gospel with someone? Are you ready to give God the glory in all situations? Lord, I'm trying! Thank you for your grace when I fail!
"Heavenly Father, help us, especially me, to be faithful to You as You have been to your people. Grant us softened hearts that fully desire and intend to share Your love, mercy, and salvation with a world who needs it. Open our eyes that we may see how You are working in our lives, and bless us with boldness to proclaim that with the world. Amen."
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tunaverso · 1 year
Hatchi Haru Chapter #2
Hatchi tangled her fingers together and pulled her hands up, stretching her back. She looked around, finally drifting her attention away from the laptop. Shiver and Buttercup, the other barista, were already packed up and ready to leave, only waiting for her. The Seashore Café was already closed and cleaned up, and Hatchi was still there, as usual.
- Want a ride home, sharkie? - Shiver asked, and Buttercup spun the keychain on their fingers.
- I wouldn’t mind, actually - Hatchi answered, putting the laptop back in her bag. - I have to save energy for swimming class tomorrow.
- How’s it going? You better work hard to impress the pretty teacher, huh - Shiver winked, making the shark’s face turn red.
- Aahm, uhh…. - Hatchi looked away - Doing fine I guess! I still can’t even think of leaving the float behind, but I’m making progress on tail swing. Margô said I’m doing well!
- Not so bad, huh? - Shiver said, passing by the door followed by Hatchi. Buttercup held it for them and then locked it, letting out a sigh.
- Busy day, Buttercup? - Hatchi changed subjects. The slender cat blinked, nodding a yes. Hatchi never heard their voice before, even after visiting the Café for so long. Shiver told her they were never pretty much of a speaker, but their voice got even rarer after Buttercup became a teenager.
The three of them got in the car. Hatchi’s house wasn’t too far from there, and soon enough she’d hit home, take a shower and head to play games… Oops, she shouldn’t, her class would start early in the morning. She needed to sleep well if she wanted to get Margô’s attention… in a good way. She always had her attention, but usually because she was either drowning or panicking. It was tough being afraid of water when she was a shark, especially considering the family she came from… Having a sibling who was a professional swimmer and all. Hatchi soon shook this thought out of her mind, focusing on answering her friends’ texts.
😎🔥💎 Gaymerzz 💎🔥😎
Momoko Tsukiyo 🌈💘: yo hatchi, ur around? wanna play smt today? me and pony gurl made some progress on exploring the cave :]
Momoko Tsukiyo 🌈💘: I MEAN, not that we have been playing all day! i swear im working on the game art, just needed to take a break…….
Anime 🦄💞: Speak for yourself, Tsuki. I made good progress on Detective Softpaws’ background story before joining the server. Think I’ve seen you online for quite a while though…
Momoko Tsukiyo 🌈💘: mind ur own business, nerd 🙄🙄
Momoko Tsukiyo 🌈💘: im kidding girl be sure i love you xoxo
Hatchi rolled her eyes, in a playful manner.
Hatchi Haru 🦈💙: sorry guysss i was caught up coding again! my friends at the café said i didn’t stop tipping for three hours…
Hatchi Haru 🦈💙: i have swimming class tomorrow morning ugh….
Anime 🦄💞: At least you’re seeing your fishy crush ;)
Anime 🦄💞: Hehe
Hatchi Haru 🦈💙: ANIME O///////O
Momoko Tsukiyo 🌈💘: cmon hatchi stop being a sissy and play with us for a while!
Hatchi Haru 🦈💙: ok, ok, imma join the server for just half an hour…
Anime 🦄💞: Are you sure, dear? Won’t you be too tired tomorrow?
Hatchi Haru 🦈💙: nah, trust mama B)
Hatchi Haru 🦈💙: be joining you in 40 mins xoxo
Momoko Tsukiyo 🌈💘: waiting for u!
The car stopped just as the shark put her phone back in the bag. Another day went by, and now it was time to chill.
little update before heading to bed! weekends go by so fast, i wish i wrote more in the last days </3 anyways there's a whole week ahead and i'll have plenty of time :] hope you like it!
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