#backstage flub
naamahdarling · 4 months
Can't wait to see what the consistently uncooperative nurse who answers my GP's messages has to say, if she messages me back. I bet you twenty bucks right now her reply makes it obvious that she didn't even glance at the rest of the thread.
Lady, you have way more going on than me. I know you're busy. I also know I am annoying. I'll stop bothering you if you tell me what you need from me so I can move on to the next step because until you do, I can't. Stop wasting your own time.
#if she flubs the next response i will have to call and insist to talk to someone backstage#which sucks because they're never available and there is for some reason no voicemail so if nobody answers the phone I just get disconnecte#and have to call again and again because even though it's the only way to reach anyone#leaving a message with the front desk only works about every fifth time#so calling and waiting all day for a response x 5 = 1 week#calling the front desk repeatedly eventually gets me connected with someone actually helpful but it takes days usually#the portal summons this woman who does usually answer but is often utterly unhelpful#i would jump clinics but this doctor is good and the nurse i usually see is good#and I CANNOT handle the hassle of getting set up in their system with the right name and pronouns#setting up a new portal#and disclosing that I have PTSD to even more people#I know I don't have to give details and I do not (I did have to call out a woman once for pressing for them inappropriately)#but I do need to let them know so they aren't surprised when I show up having a bad day#or tell them not to do a thing or that I won't do a thing#so they don't brush it off which is rude or try to pressure me which will eventually get them snapped at for what seems like no reason#they DESERVE to be warned so they don't perceive my behavior as targeted at them because that feels shitty to both of us#so yeah#i don't want to have that conversation again when I just had it in a very triggering way and will have to do that again very shortly#also where the fuck do i go when nobody at a good clinic is seeing new patients?
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Ghoner TM always makes me think of Dew going into Heat on stage 🤭
I don't blame you. So hot, so hard. Just fucking suffering. Grinding his dick into his guitar shamelessly. Rutting against it, trying not to cum in front of thousands of people and definitely failing--multiple times. Trying to hide how hard he is and failing because there's nothing he can do about it. And you know everyone can smell it on him. Pouring off of him. Driving everyone crazy. They can't wait to get him back to the bus, or the hotel, or hell, even just backstage.
They're sharing looks over Dew's head, silent communication about him--about what they're going to do with him once they finally get off stage. And Dew's oblivious to it--he's too distracted--to caught up in grinding his dick against his guitar and trying not to flub any notes in the process.
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glassprism · 5 months
Hi GP! I know in Restaged Tour, we could see (many times) how Christine's skirt falls off. I was wondering if that flub happend in the original production.
Have a great day😊
Hmm, did we see it happen that many times where Christine's skirt falls off? I can only recall one that was ever caught on video, and that was Eva Tavares (there's two videos but it's by the same filmer and very likely from the same night, just two different scenes).
As for the original production, yes, it has definitely happened, in multiple productions, some of which are documented on the Lamentable Mess website (now defunct but still accessibly via the Wayback Machine). It's happened enough times that the actresses know, or can figure out, a way to deal with it, which is simply to hold onto the skirt and perform the song as best as they could... unless, of course, you're they're unlucky enough to be in the situation where the skirt gets taken backstage, which (depending on the production) means performing the song in the equivalent of a bathing suit. Which is exactly what happened to Viktoria Krantz in the original Copenhagen production.
At any rate, the point here is that the Elissa skirt is constructed, and placed on Christine, very similarly in both the replica and restaged productions, so the amount of times it has fallen or slipped off because of some mishap during the quick change is very likely the same amount proportional to the amount of performances they've had! Nothing to do with the production itself, just a costume mishap that has happened several times before, in multiple places.
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foreveric · 2 months
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ted logan x drama!f!reader — headcanons.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
while you're practicing and rehearsing for your lines, he will be there to help you and support you in any way he could. although you try to act like the pressure didn't get to you, and that you were handling everything with stride, he would be the only one to see your true breakdowns.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
during one of these breakdowns, he will guide you through whatever lines you're flubbing up or having problems with. he'll rehearse with you even if he's not involved in the play.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
when it comes to costume malfunctions, he will take the damaged costume to missy for her to fix it up for you. it'd only be a matter of days before you would receive the returned costume. it always feels like a wave of relief washes over you in one of these moments.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
similarly to the costumes, if there's something wrong with your make-up that he catches before the final show, he'll take you somewhere private backstage to wipe it off until it's perfect again. or, if it's an extreme make-up emergency, he'll take you to missy to have her revise your situation and fix it.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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ihearthes · 1 year
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Author: @ihearthes
Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (2nd person)
Rating: Smut
Word Count: 3100
Originally written 2017 (revised 2023)
Saturday Night Live
When your best friend (and SNL hair stylist) Samantha called, she was frantic. “You’ve got to come do makeup this week! Trinity’s sick. We need your skills.” 
Anxious for the paycheck and hopeful for a regular spot on the team, you readily agreed. But after standing so closely to Harry throughout the show as you applied and reapplied his makeup for Saturday Night Live, you’re sweating at the end of the night. It’s warm backstage, but the heat you feel has nothing to do with the air conditioning and everything to do with the smoldering gaze of one Harry Styles. 
It is all business, right? 
So why do you have butterflies in the pit of your stomach every time he looks at you? You pretend to ignore how stunning and green his eyes are as you blend the foundation. And why is your mouth dry every time he invites you to stand in the vee created by his spread legs while you work on his eyebrows? 
Harry, arrogantly, is paying zero attention to you, talking to Samantha as she styles his hair. And when he places his hands on your hips, it’s only to steady you. All night, he’s barely said two words to you outside of a nod of recognition. 
He doesn’t treat anyone else with such disdain. Casting your mind backwards a couple of years, you attempt to dredge up a memory of what might have pissed him off to such an extent. With everyone else, he’s bubbly, friendly, funny, and droll. With you, he’s practically taciturn. 
So when the night is over after a smashing success with only a few flubbed lines, it’s time to get the hell out of Dodge. Politely declining the after party invite Samantha throws your way, you make an excuse. 
“I’ve got to take my makeup case home. Plus I’m all sweaty. By the time I get to my apartment and showered, it will be too late.”
Samantha snorts, “First of all, it will never be too late, honey. The SNL after party goes all night long. And secondly,” she laughs, “the party is at Rue 57.” She raises her eyebrow.
This news causes you to sag against your wheeled makeup case. Rue 57 is the French restaurant at the base of your apartment building. Dammit.
“Chop chop!” Sam prods you out of the stage door, steering past the fans lined up for cast autographs. 
It takes about ten minutes to walk to your apartment building, and the hair stylist is in a chatty mood. 
“Harry was so fun! I love it when he hosts. So easy to work with, and he doesn’t really care how awful his hair looks for the sketches or what wigs I put on him. Don’t you agree that he’s simply the most amiable host ever?” Your quick nod is meant to convey agreement, and it’s sufficient as Sam carries on her monologue as though she were the host. Your bestie waits downstairs as you take your case up in the elevator, wishing there was a way to beg off. On the flip side, this is the first SNL after party to which you’ve been invited despite filling in last minute several times over the past few years. You tell yourself that you may not even see Harry there. He’ll probably be chatting up the interns, cast members, and staff rather than bothering with the makeup artist he ignored all night. Plus, if it’s really miserable, you only have to take the elevator back upstairs to your cozy apartment. 
Stealing a few extra minutes, you refresh the makeup sweated off from your proximity to Harry and change your shirt to one that doesn’t have pit stains. 
Entering the Salon at Rue 57, you feel left out as Harry waves Sam to his side immediately, leaving you bereft and sad. Taking a glass of champagne from the server carrying a tray full of them, you stand and watch the man who had been ignoring you all night. He’s laughing with two of the crew members -- his face filled with joy, his mouth open, exposing his tongue and his chewing gum -- and you want to laugh too because the sound and sight are infectious. When he listens, he does so intently, leaning forward, asking questions. You desperately want that intensity turned in your direction. Quickly, you down the champagne, grabbing a second glass as a new server appears.
Turning away from where Harry is holding court, you engage in conversation with former cast member Leslie Jones and one of the cameramen. Grabbing some sushi from a passing tray, you are so engrossed in the conversation that you nearly forget about Harry until suddenly his deep, sexy voice whispers in your ear. 
“Too much mercury isn’t good for you,” his husky voice intones, and you freeze with the current piece of spicy tuna roll halfway to your mouth. You recognize his voice, but you cannot fathom why he is talking to you. 
“Harry!” Leslie cries out, reaching to hug him. He leans in to her, wrapping both of his arms around her waist, pulling her in more closely for the tightest hug you’ve ever witnessed. The jealousy that swells in the pit of your stomach has you turning away quickly, wistfully gazing in the direction of the exit. 
Casually taking a step backwards out of the circle with Leslie, Harry, and the cameraman, you unceremoniously bump into Lorne Michaels who is standing behind you. Horrified, you apologize profusely, which Mr. Michaels brushes off, asking if you enjoyed working the show tonight. And suddenly you’re trapped in a one on one dialogue with the producer of SNL with no means of escape. He’s asking you questions and telling you stories, and you try not to be too obvious about catching Sam’s attention so she can rescue you. 
But it’s Harry who liberates you, in the most unlikely of ways -- by spilling his red wine down the collar of your shirt from behind. Jumping away from him, you turn angrily, “What the hell?” Seeing it’s him, your anger leaves you as quickly as it had come, and you turn back to Mr. Michaels (“Call me Lorne, my girl.”), making your apologies in a calm voice. 
“I’m going to have to go change, Lorne. Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of this historic night.” You politely incline your head towards him as you pat yourself with napkins. Avoiding eye contact with Harry, you exit the restaurant quickly, relieved that you’ve had a reason to escape. 
It isn’t until you’re at your building’s secure door that you realize that Harry has followed you.
“Where are you off to, love?” he inquires, as you open the door without waiting for the doorman. 
Throwing your hands in the air, you stalk into the building, aware that he’s two steps behind you, unsure as to why he would accompany you other than to ask for forgiveness. 
“Just going to change my clothes.” You reply as pleasantly as you can, knowing that you’re planning to exchange the wine-stained shirt for a pair of pajamas. “And you’re forgiven, so no apology is needed.” 
When he steps onto the elevator behind you, you breathlessly turn to face him.
“Uh…..why are you following me? I already accepted your non-apology.” Pushing the button for your floor, you cross your arms defensively. Why is he there? Why isn’t he at the party? 
“Who says I’m following you?”
“Escorting me then,” you murmur, “I know how to change my clothes all by myself. Been doing it for a couple of decades.” Your flippant side appears rather suddenly, probably as a result of anxiety. 
“Ah! There she is!” Harry crows, practically whooping.
Curiously, you gaze at him, “Who?”
“The cheeky girl I met the last time I needed makeup in New York.” Harry drawls.
As you stare at him with your mouth agape, the elevator stops. He nods towards the open doors. “Must be your floor.” 
But you don’t move from the doorway, holding the doors open so that the elevator doesn’t leave. “Mhm. Thanks for ushering me to my floor, Harry. See you later.” 
In one swift move, you step back just as the doors start closing, and you think he’s been trapped having to ride the lift back downstairs. But he’s agile, inserting his foot just as the door is nearly closed, and the electronic eye catches, opening it again, exposing you. 
In the hallway now, he’s crowding you, and you don’t know what to do about it. Ignore him? Kiss him? With few good choices, you stalk towards your door, facing Harry once you have the door open. “I’ll just be a minute,” you prompt, hoping he will leave from here.
Instead, he leans in, his arm reaching over yours to hold the door open. His eyes flicker to your lips, and your breath catches. Darting his gaze back to your eyes, he silently asks for permission to do what you’ve imagined over and over throughout the night.
With only a small nod of acquiescence, he captures your lips in a sweet, hot kiss that leaves you desperate for air. His lips are soft and velvety, and he tastes of peppermint. You lean into the kiss, desperate for this connection with him, wrapping your hand in the tangle of curls at his neck as you urge him to move closer. 
When he pulls away with a smirk, you glare at him, “What was that for? You’ve been ignoring me since the moment Sam reintroduced us.”
He waggles his eyebrows, “Because as soon as I saw you again, I knew I’d not be able to concentrate on my job tonight. And damn! You made it really challenging pushing your boobs in my face every time I needed a touch up. Been rock hard most of the night.”
At those words, he steps into you so that you can feel how the truth of his words. A moan escapes your lips as you feel his length. This is all news to you, as you’ve spent the entire show thinking he wanted nothing to do with you. 
“Not my fault, Harry. We could have taken care of this earlier if you’d only said something.” You retort arrogantly. 
He’s got this look on his face that reminds you of an eager puppy dog. “Really? You would have been on board earlier?”
When you nod with a naughty look on your face, Harry taunts, “Hmm...Suppose we get you out of that shirt?”
Agreeing fervently, you step into your tiny one bedroom apartment with its postage stamp sized kitchen and bedroom that barely fits your queen-sized bed. As soon as the door is closed, Harry clicks all three locks, including the security latch. You’re immediately nervous, clasping your hands behind your back and rocking back and forth. 
“So, uh…” you start, “What did you have in mind?”
“Well,” he stalks towards you, “I was just thinking we should start with that shirt. I’m sure you’ll need my help with those buttons since they’re probably wet.”
You nod and Harry reaches out with both hands, grabbing the fabric around the buttons. In one move, he rips open the shirt and buttons fly everywhere. 
“Oops,” he says with mock innocence, “Looks like I’m not very good at wet buttons either.” Peels the shirt off of your arms, he drops it on the floor near the abandoned buttons. You didn’t really like that shirt anyway, and the wine probably stained it beyond the point of repair, although right now you really don’t give a damn about the shirt.
Giggling, you draw in a breath when his large hands cover your breasts, still trapped in your bra. Harry moves his hands deftly behind your back, unhooking the offensive device with a smooth practiced flick of his fingers. 
Pulling the scrap of material away, Harry’s eyes glaze over as he views your mounds of flesh, pert, with nipples beaded and ready for his tongue. As he plays with your breasts, you tentatively reach out to touch his length through his trousers. Hissing in a breath, he pauses. 
“Yeah,” he sighs regretfully, “not going to be able to do this slowly.” He shifts backwards out of your reach so you are forced to remove your hand from the shape of his cock. 
Standing in your living room, shirtless, wearing only a skirt, stockings, and comfy work shoes, you shiver in anticipation. Without warning, Harry spins you around so that you are facing the window. You put your hands out to maintain your balance, landing with one hand on the glass pane while the other grips the windowsill. Harry’s hands reach around to your front, manipulating your nipples again as he whispers in your ear, tickling the skin there with his breath, “Are you wet for me, babe?’
To be quite honest, if you hadn’t previously been wet for him, you certainly are now with that sexy voice in your ear. And to be even more honest, even if only with yourself, you had been wet for him from the second Sam had revealed that it was his makeup you’d be applying. One hand on your left nipple, Harry slides his right hand under your skirt, stepping back completely, looking at you with what you can only assume is shock. 
“Holy fuck. Stockings, love?” His voice cracks on the word “stockings”, and you smile broadly, still pressed against the glass. No way in hell had you anticipated this moment; the fact that you’d chosen stockings tonight of all nights was indeed serendipitous. 
Approaching you again, he nudges your ankles apart with his foot, flipping your skirt over your backside and exposing your panties, snapping the garters holding up those stockings. Returning his left hand to your boob, Harry’s right hand traces your cleft from behind, sending you squirming and bent over more than previously. Focused on his left hand, you are more aroused when you spy the tattooed cross as he kneads your breast. 
Sliding one finger under the edge of your panties, Harry eases the cloth out of your slit, replacing the material with his thumb. “Oh, god. You’re so wet. Is that all for me?”
“Mhm,” you murmur, sliding your pussy up and down on his thumb until he removes it. 
“Want something a little bigger than my thumb?” With a jaunty lick followed by his teeth lightly scraping the bare skin of your shoulder, Harry manages to increase your desire for him.
At the sound of a zipper being lowered, you start to turn around, but Harry quickly puts his hand in the center of your back to hold you in position. “Oh, don’t move, love. I’m enjoying this view.”
Biting your lower lip, you swivel your hips. “This view, Harry?” you ask playfully. 
Harry groans, “That’s a pretty nice view.”
You hear a package being ripped open, and you know that he’s providing protection for you both. Disappointment rolls through you. Choosing to share that information with him may be a mistake, though, because when you purr, “Dammit. I wanted a taste,” Harry curses loudly. 
“Don’t say things like that,” he chides, “I’m so close to exploding already.”
“As long as you explode in me, Harry. Doesn’t matter if it’s in my mouth or my pussy.” Your voice sounds like honey oozing. 
“Fuck me,” Harry breathes out, ripping your panties in one quick move.
“Harry!” you whine, “Those were my favorite pair!”
“I’ll buy you a thousand new pairs,” he gasps, positioning himself behind you. 
When he starts to slide in, you cannot believe his size. With one hand, he guides himself into you while the other rests on your waist. Every time he feels like too much, you grip the hand on your waist and he pauses until the pressure eases, allowing him to glide further inside you. Before long, he’s fully seated. 
“You feel so good filling me up,” you sigh, “Now stay still.”
Harry’s voice is confused. “Stay still? This is typically when I move.” 
But when you slide yourself along his length, then push backwards to impale yourself again, he groans, and you know that he’s grasped the reason for the directive. He places both hands on your hips, probably to steady himself. You quicken the pace as you glide back and forth. 
The fast pace doesn’t quite hit the spot, so you attempt a slower pace, pulling yourself nearly fully off him before sinking backwards in one swift move. 
“My turn, babe,” he growls, pumping in and out of you as quickly as he can. Suddenly, he shifts positions, pulling your hair so that your back is arched, and holy shit! You can feel him hitting your g-spot as you start to tip over the edge, your walls convulsing. Reaching down, you massage your clit. 
Behind you, Harry is groaning too. “Fuck! Fuuuuuucccckkkkkkk!” as he speeds up, wrapping your hair more tightly in his fist as he pumps so quickly your brain can't comprehend, but your body knows what to do. Looking out the window, your left hand pressed to the glass, you see the tiny objects below, walking around, unaware that just two dozen floors above them a makeup artist is being fucked to an amazing orgasm following a month-long drought. 
When the stars shatter, you scream out his name multiple times until his pace becomes more frantic and less measured. When he tips into the abyss, his body collapses on your back, his weight resting on you while he’s still deeply embedded. 
As he withdraws and disposes of the condom, you flip your skirt back over your backside. Feeling exposed, you grab a cardigan from the back of the sofa, slipping it on, drawing the sides closed. After everything, you feel more naked now than while he was buried inside you. Harry is back in moments, his pants in place, his belt unbuckled. Yanking you to him with one hand around your waist, he kisses you, his tongue seeking entrance as you relax into him. 
“Next time, I need to stay in New York longer,” Harry teases, releasing you as he buttons his trousers and fastens his belt, “Now you need to find a new shirt so we can get back to the party. Skip the panties, though. I want to spend the rest of the party knowing that you’re wearing those stockings and nothing else.”
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purecommemasolitude · 6 months
If there’s one thing I love it’s having the worst dress rehearsal of my entire godforsaken life
Injury to my own body count two, line flub count one, near line flub count too many to keep track of, near-disastrous costume change count one, panicked near breakdowns after the run count two, times my set didn’t come on count one (at LEAST), times I nearly completely lost it backstage count too many to keep track of
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moecartoons · 2 years
👀 How would Teddy handle forgetting the lyrics while performing?
Send me anything [Open]
Theodore Winifred Talbot the Third writes his own songs, schedules his own practices, and seemingly has an ego made of steel. If he flubs up the lyrics, he's gonna keep the beat and keep going. He knows that as hard as it is to hype up a crowd, it's also pretty hard to settle them down. A little mistake, a little vocal misstep isn't going to stop the fans from singing along, clapping their hands, stomping their feet or outright screaming.
But boy, if people thought he was hard on others, he's even harder on himself. As soon as he's backstage, he's thoroughly pissed. Ms. Kenzie is right there writing the check for the microphone he's probably just chucked across the room.
Straight home and straight to bed, covers over his head and he obsessively scrolls his phone. Even if everyone had a good time, there will always be those to point out the mistakes. Some will mean well, it's just a funny mistake. Others will call his talent into question. Does he really even write his own songs like he claims? Teddy cries his eyes out and gets no sleep.
The next day he's right back on track again, not missing a beat. He has no other choice. People will question, they'll keep making fun. Hell, they'll probably bringing it up months from now at some boring interview. He'll just smile, say even the best pop stars make mistakes, and move on.
Ty for the ask!!! <3
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theultrablog · 1 month
Pulp Storytime #37: Ce n'est pas un bâton! Part 1.
Paris in the spring. The party (Devika, Penny, Florence Zee and Aldous) are dining with Aldous’s sister Bea, before an evening magic show. It’s a fun conversation, with Bea teasing her stoic younger brother. Apparently he was quite a wildcard in Argentina, before becoming a fussy butler. Outside the magic show, the Enigmatic Illusionist is overshadowed by Florence, who steals the press’s attention. Her wit and beauty completely enchant not only the paparazzi, but the city of Paris as a whole. No hard feelings, EI? During the show, the EI responds by magically draining Florence’s beauty. The magician is real, with his powers emanating from his magical baton. He transforms Florence back (leaving her with a wart on her nose), but completely disappears Bea, then ends the show! While Devika was shaving and bandaging Florence’s nose, Aldous sneaks backstage. The stage mage has disappeared, but someone saw him get into a blue model T. Time for a car chase! The Magician has the lead, but Florence pulls out a roadmap and asks passersby if they’ve seen the vehicle. She’s beloved by the city, so they point the group in the right direction and ask about her damaged nose. *** Aldous stomped the accelerator, careening around backstreets. Penny tried shooting the model T’s tires, which only drew police attention. Devika, who had rented the car, went through the manual and pointed out that the hydraulic brakes. Aldous used to this to cut off the enemy vehicle, disabling it and sending it toward a nearby apartment building. Unfortunately, this building was filled with magical distortions! Workmen carried ‘invisible’ objects, fake soldiers patrolled, and distances were unjudgable. Only Devika, opening her third eye, was able to navigate to the Mage’s apartment. To the others, it looked like a darkened cave… but the mystic orphan was able to find the Illusionist’s diary. As a sophisticate, she also spoke French, translating it…allegedly, their enemy was hundreds of years old! The group proceeded to the basement. Despite being a normal building outside, the descent took hours. Each landing featured the Enigmatic One as the hero of history: Consulting with the Wright brothers, telling Columbus the Earth was round (which infuriated Devika: “I’ll show you a path to India!"), helping storm the Bastille… it was altogether ridiculous. And when the group finally reached the basement, there were four Illusionists, not one! Florence began attacking the kidnapper’s mind, pointing out flaws in his history and claiming to be a judgmental time lord. Penny intentionally flubbed a card trick to deduce his powers… -everything- came from the Rod of Illusion! Devi called upon her powers as the ex-goddess of the Red Jasmine cult, showing herself to be the superior mesmerist. Each winning argument got rid of a false duplicate, but Penny was growing frustrated, and was eager to solve a conundrum with her pistol. Luckily, Aldous slinked off, braving the basement and finding out his sister was one of the duplicates! He undid her mystic chains, revealing the ruse and allowing the group the pummel the scheming sorcerer. But there was a twist!
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Aldous Bingen, expert butler.
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ununotter · 5 months
Kitamura Kento's fan meeting vol 2 "Forget-Me-Not" 2024.05.04 5pm - recap (from a 日本語下手 so I'm sorry it's not as complete as it should be)
Kento did the guest announcements over the PA from backstage, it was amusing when he tripped over his words a little and just seemed to be doing it off-the-cuff
MC asked us to call loudly for "Kento-kun", it took a couple tries before they were satisfied and he came out
Special guest for this showing was Kawakami Shota, Kento said "he's taller than me, so you have to call for him even louder"
They had a talk and Q&A that was pretty much just about Hakumyu, I'll try to recap the bits I can remember
Ootori's actor Iiyama Yuta had apparently (according to Kawakami) never performed a solo song on stage before Hakumyu, so his first time was in front of everyone, on a platform. Everyone agreed he did an amazing job
They were very complimentary about Ruri, but also mentioned a flub she made (that has also been talked about by attendees on Twitter) where instead of saying "be careful father, the capital isn't safe" she said essentially "be careful capital, father isn't safe" (appropriate warning, really, but considering the script it was a bit of a "huh? what did she just say?" for cast and staff)
Kento can do some surprisingly accurate impressions of Kubota's scoffing
Kawakami talked about how in the press photos and fan photo op shots posted to SNS, Kento always looked handsome, meanwhile he was photographed a lot holding his spear out and having a goofy grin or being mid-yell (he recreated this pose to great effect)
There was a question of what was the first thing they did or were really looking forward to doing after the last show, Kawakami said he just wanted to sleep a lot basically. Kento said he actually hasn't got round to it yet but he's really looking forward to having a massage, relaxing in a sauna and eating lots of meat
They definitely talked more about some specific scenes from ShinHiji hen, but I can't remember exactly what was said about them! I'm sorry 😭🙇‍♀️
Kawakami unironically and almost constantly calls Kento "Kenty". Kento settled on "Shota-kun" but it seems also sometimes calls him "Sho-kun" while Oomi Shoichiro is referred to as "Sho-chan". Kubohide is "Hide-kun".
Then they finished the talk section by playing an "Akinator game" - basically, the MC held up a paper with a Hakuouki character and their Hakumyu actor's names on for the audience to see. Kento and Shota could then ask yes or no questions, and we would react accordingly nodding or shaking our heads etc. They would then have to guess who it was. I can't remember which questions corresponded to each person but we had questions like "are they an energetic character?" "did they die during the main story?" etc
The first one was Koike Ryousuke (Nagakura Shinpachi) and after a few questions Kento guessed correctly
The second was Iiyama Yuta (Ootori Keisuke) and they couldn't guess - one said Koudou and the other guess I can't remember
Lastly it was Kitamura Kento (Okita Souji) and after a few questions they were both able to get it right easily
The final part was Kento reading his own written prose "Forget-Me-Not" which essentially functioned like a one-man reading drama. I'm sorry I can't tell you anything about it cause I did not understand most of it because my vocabulary is terrible but it was very pleasant to sit in the dark of the audience and just listen to Kento read.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed it and was glad I went even though I had some anxieties about going. I only bought a ticket last minute after Kento said "let's talk about Hakumyu a lot!" and he did not disappoint 😅
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merelyroleplayers · 10 months
Join us Backstage for some Office Party outtakes and bloopers
Enjoy some gags, flubs and out of character moments that we had to cut from the main acts to make efficiency savings.
Follow us on your usual podcast app - search Merely Roleplayers or head to www.merelyroleplayers.com
GUIDE: Josh Yard
Natalie Winter as Bess, the Invoker
Chris Starkey as Neville Flounder aka The Living Shadow aka Night Gannet, the Spy
Strat as Jerome Picklepants, the Wizard
Dave as Josh, the Magician
ROLEPLAYING GAME SYSTEM: Quest by The Adventure Guild
MUSIC BY: Alexander Pankhurst
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articlesminer · 2 years
The Oscars and That Flub and the Rare Power of Shock
The Oscars and That Flub and the Rare Power of Shock
Last year, the comedian Marc Maron brought the author Chuck Klosterman on as a guest on his WTF podcast. The two discussed many things (including Klosterman’s then-new book, But What If We’re Wrong?, which he was there to promote), but one of them was sports—and the particular thrill that they offer to audiences. Sporting events, Klosterman argued, promise that most dramatic of things: an unknown…
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glassprism · 1 year
Hello GP! Can I ask you a question?
Did Sierra hit E6 live at the 25th anniversary? Or is this also a pre-recording?
I don't believe she did, but I'll admit, I don't really care enough to go check, and that's mainly because, well, I don't expect most Christines to sing the E6 live. It's always a nice bonus if they can and do, but if they want to rely on the pre-recording, that's perfectly fine by me; there's lots of stuff going on backstage during the title song that necessitates using it, and the role of Christine is plenty difficult enough without requiring the actress to hit that note live every night.
I'd also expect that, for the 25th anniversary concert, this massive event seen by thousands and livestreamed and eventually filmed and released on DVD, Sierra Boggess would rely on the pre-recording - an already made, pretty perfect recording of her voice - instead of risking hitting the note live and flubbing it.
Of course, I could be wrong, so if she did hit it during the concert, great, good for her! If she didn't, that's perfectly fine. I do not expect her or most Christines to sing the E6 live.
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missmouse25 · 3 years
So I had a dream that Lando came to watch a show that I happened to be in. But he spend a good chunk of his time in the audience talking to my dad. He paid attention when I came on stage and purposefully tried to freak him out. (I was a witch)
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soath · 2 years
Raine’s an excellent actor but ever since their stage fright ruined opening night of the Hexside Theater Department’s staging of Thirteenth Night, Darius has not trusted them with anything approaching dramatic responsibility. Sit down, Whispers, you flubbed the opening monologue so bad your girlfriend started a fire backstage just to help you escape.
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How does Episode 9, "The Royal Blacksmiths" go down in the Cole Garmadon AU?
Basically, it starts out normal.
The Snake Tribes (that Pythor unleashed- cause a part of his tomb collapses, allowing him to escape without Lloyd's input) are looking for the Fangblades and they find out it's attached to the trophy.
The Ninja are looking and also recognize the trophy. And Cole is fine and all. They realize they need a way to get backstage to even get close to the trophy, so they decide to fake an act in order to get in.
This is where the episode changes.
When the Ninja go up for their audition, the judges for accepting acts are none other than the Royal Blacksmiths. Deciding to step back that year due to Lou's ankle injury and the quiet turmoil Lou is in.
In canon, this may have been the show where Cole first flubbed the Triple Tiger Sashay.
But in the AU, the time of the yearly talent show is when Cole disappeared.
Lou was so absorbed by his own grief of losing Lilly and burying himself in his career that it took the announcer saying that Cole was a no-show for Lou to realize all too late that Cole was gone. He thought that maybe Cole had stage fright and looked for him around the theater. Called him to show up, even went home to "encourage" his son to go on stage.
But after hours of looking, Lou broke down in front of his quartet. His 12 year-old son was missing, and as far as he knew, he'd never see Cole ever again.
When the Ninja go onstage to audition, Lou is suddenly hit with a huge wave of relief and confusion when he sees Cole. He doesn't know it's Cole immediately, but somehow in his heart, he knows that's his son.
The Ninja barely pass, Lou goes and offers his help so they can improve before the show. He feels compelled to. If just to get closer and find out whether or not he's found Cole.
Cole is hesitant, doesn't know if he can go through with it, but Jay helps him to calm down. The four agree to call Cole "Black" while they're around Lou as not to confirm anything to the old man.
And the plot kind of returns to normal, the four train, and eventually it gets to the point where they're backstage waiting for their act to be called.
Cole starts sweating and tells the others they gotta stick to the plan to steal the blade, and Lou overhears. Fighting ensues and Cole breaks.
He calls out Lou for being a shitty father. He calls Lou out for neglecting him. For leaving him at home alone. For never talking to him about Lilly. For leaving Cole alone to struggle with the loss of his own mother. For driving him to run away, to get away from it all.
Cole runs out crying, Jay soon follows and Lou is standing there in shock. Not even the overwhelming relief of finally getting the truth could battle the sting of guilt that he's tried to bury for 6 years.
Cole and Jay return after the two talk over Cole's remorse of causing a scene. Jay tells him "No, you didn't make a scene. You said what needed to be said." and kisses him. When they return, Kai and Zane tell them that Lou left in a haze and their act is called.
Performing, the Snakes try to sabotage but they fail, and Cole doesn't do the Triple Tiger Sashay.
And they don't win either. They get third (thanks to Pythor's piss judging) and they walk backstage preparing to jump whoever walks out with the Fang Blade trophy. But to their surprise, the trophy is missing the Fangblade. The Snakes (including Pythor, who reveals himself) wreak mayhem on the audience and the Ninja swoop in to stop them.
When the dust settles, Pythor tracks down Lou. Lou, having overheard the Ninja's plans to get the trophy, had taken the Fangblade off and was looking to find Cole and give it to his son. As the Ninja get backstage to where the Snakes are retreating, they see Pythor about to attack Lou for the Fangblade- and Cole gets between them.
Fighting between Cole and Pythor ends with Pythor knocking the overlead spotlights down and he escapes with the Fangblade, as Cole stays behind to keep the lights from crushing Lou.
Lou admits he was wrong for how he treated Cole back when, and Cole feeling vindicated, gains his true potential.
The episode concludes with Cole and Lou having lunch with Kai, Zane, Jay, and Lou's quartet after everything is done.
Lou apologizes to Cole, and Cole in a way apologizes for disappearing. Things are still rough between them, but they promise to meet up again sometime soon and start discussing everything they should've done years ago.
Cole goes home with the third-place prize of a tiny trophy,
and a small bouquet of lilies.
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natromanxoff · 4 years
Queen live at The Summit in Houston, TX, USA - December 11, 1977
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This is the legendary Houston show - legendary largely because its video was the one of the most sought-after documents of Queen for decades. Bits of footage have been seen in various documentaries dating back to 1987's "The Magic Years."
The filming (pro-shot footage that was shown on the big video screens during the concert) was the result of an agreement with the venue not only for Queen, but plenty of artists who played at the Summit during this period. The footage of Aerosmith, The Eagles, and Kiss is well-known amongst collectors, and the footage of Kiss, The Who and Bruce Springsteen has been officially released. Springsteen surprised his fans in 2010 with 1978 footage that was released in a box set. Footage of Led Zeppelin is rumoured to exist as well.
The performance is fantastic overall, although it's a bit of a rough night for Brian. After flubbing his solo in Somebody To Love and the transition from Death On Two Legs into Killer Queen, he breaks a string a minute into Liar. Roger has to improvise on his hi-hat for a short while until his guitarist gets a Red Special copy. They then play a spectacular version of the debut album gem, with an extended jam in the middle where everyone shines. Brian plays great from here onward.
Freddie, after '39: "We'd like to try out something very different right now. This is from the new album, the News Of The World. Have you got it yet? The album, that is." He feels the need to distinguish the album from the British tabloid of the same name, but it actually wouldn't matter to an audience outside of the UK. "Ok, you might just about recognize this one. This is called My Melancholy Blues."
Freddie makes a very rare reference to his recurring nodule problem which was an issue at many points in his career (but not during this great period for him). "It's a real bitch of a song. It really gets to the nodules, but we're gonna do it for you tonight. This is..." (he hesitates and chuckes to himself, probably because he's surprised at himself for even mentioning it) "a song entitled White Man." He offers a great version of the song, as his voice is in superb shape tonight.
The high quality of the recording is apparent at the end of White Man, as Roger can be heard dropping his drum sticks with the knowledge that he has a 10-15 minute break ahead. The band skip the reprise of The Prophet's Song - the only time this is known to have happened on the entire tour - as Brian jumps right into Now I'm Here after his rather unique guitar solo (which starts with him fiddling with his EBow). Perhaps this was done because of time constraints (having a limited amount of film?). At the end of Now I'm Here, Roger breaks a drum stick during his brief drum break before the final fanfare.
This show was also filmed by Bob Harris' Old Grey Whistle Test crew, along with plenty of other footage (on and off stage) from the tour, originally intended for a documentary for TV in spring 1978 that ultimately never aired.
On January 14, 1978, short clips of the regular and fast versions of We Will Rock You from the beginning of the show (overdubbed with the studio version) were seen on German TV (ZDF Kultur Rockpop), possibly a combination of the in-house feed and the Bob Harris footage.
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In 1989, My Melancholy Blues from this show was released on the UK 12" "The Miracle" single, and on The Miracle CD single in the UK and Austria. Also in 1989, an edited version of the song was seen on the Rare Live video release.
In November 2009, the band posted some concert videos from the 70s on their website in conjunction with the release of their "Absolute Greatest" compilation, including The Millionaire Waltz and a non-edited My Melancholy Blues from this show. The picture was brightened for the latter. In 2011, the complete and visually unaltered My Melancholy Blues was posted on iTunes.
Some of the Bob Harris footage from Houston was first seen in the 2011 Queen documentary "Days Of Our Lives" that aired on BBC Two. Rhys Thomas, producer of that documentary, has confirmed that Houston was the only complete show filmed on the tour. He added that there are bits of Houston footage from other angles as well, often filmed from backstage, with no audio, and no complete songs. Thomas stated in 2012 that the Harris documentary and the Houston concert may be released as a package in the next couple years. Only the former has come to fruition thus far, in the form of the "American Dream" documentary in the News Of The World box set released in 2017 (also broadcast as a slightly different edit on the BBC as "Rock The World" in the same year). Much of the backstage footage in the documentary is from Houston as well, including footage of Mercury speaking about the show afterward - particularly about how he tripped and fell in his entrance for Now I'm Here, about Brian's broken string in Liar, and how audience enthusiasm is "up and down" on this tour, compared to the smaller venues of the previous tour.
An overdub in the second verse of We Are The Champions in the 2017 documentary clarifies that a 24-track master of this show does indeed exist in the Queen vaults (the drums sit differently in the mix as well) - see Chinwonder's video analysis for details.
A great picture of the crown lighting rig was taken before the concert by the head of the Queen crew, Peter "Ratty" Hince, and it can be seen on his website.
Pro pictures from this show can be seen at http://www.rockinhouston.com (pics 26 through 39). (I can’t upload them here but you can check from the link!)
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