#bacons editing is better than mine
d-lanx · 4 months
I made the official CM Punk pizzas cos that's what my life's come to, now, I guess
Ok so I randomly remembered that aroud 2011/12 or something, some pizzaria in Chicago made CM Punk pizzas. And they were actual official things Punk himself endorsed.
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And since I was bored and had no idea what I wanted to eat tonight I figured I might try the recipes. So I found what they were, got the ingredients, and had a go at making them myself. (I'm no pro chef btw hence why they look a little scuffed).
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So, the Anaconda Vice is on the left and has black beans, chorizo, cheese, chopped tomato, spring onion, bacon bits, and fresh leaves of coriander and parsley. The GTS is on the right. It has shredded chicken, sliced potato, swiss cheese and fried onion.
I had to make some substitutions. I used chicken instead of turkey, and the vegan cheese and bacon on the AV wasn't available so I just used regular cheese and bacon. Also just did fried onion rather than french fried onion like the original recipe calls for.
My dough bases were just premade ones since I've never made pizza from scratch before and really wanted this to be edible since I was making this for dinner for my famiy (I did 2 of each pizza). I don't know if I could have done a self made one for my first try but I'll have a go for my next lot.
Overall, they were really good, and I imagine they'd be even better if I made my own base for them. The Anaconda Vice was by far the favourite, especially the black beans on it, and I've already been asked to make that one again in future. But might add fried onion like in the GTS, since I just like onion.
I imagine these being done at a proper pizzaria by people who knew what they were doing would have been amazing back in the day. Sadly I live 3,800 miles away from Chicago and 12 years into the future from 2012 when they last made these (as far as I know) so fat chance of ever getting that.
Overall these were really tasty and definitely worth the effort. Absolutely gonna make these again with my own pizza base. However, I have no idea how the fuck I'm supposed to explain where I got these recipes from to my family without looking like a complete lunatic. It feels weird to say they were wrestling inspired limited edition pizzas from a random pizzaria in another bloody continent.
Btw I've added a link to a post talking about the actual pizzas with pictures and all. I realise mine look nothing like them but I think they just chopped everything up finer and had different proportions of each topping (and obviously on a better base with thicker crust) so it's no big deal.
I'm probably gonna make at least the Anaconda Vice again in future since it went down so well. So if I can make one that looks a bit better than the ones I've done today, I might post them, too and show the improvement. Cos I swear that they tasted better than they looked in my picure.
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skylermadness · 11 months
A Minute in March (Ricky Matsui TF/MC)
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(Original Date of Upload: March 31, 2022)
Original Description:
Say hello to the very first Dimension 20 TF in the world (probably)! This is a very long story I wrote alongside a friend of mine and I am so happy to finally share this! Ricky is honestly such a great character and to bring forth TF into him is something I am proud to do, especially something that ended up being 16 pages long in the end. This was definitely meant to be a silly thing since Ricky is frequently called Mr. March in the series, so I thought why not write a TF into him in March! I spent the past three months watching Dimension 20 and honestly it has been one of the best experiences I've had in a while! It is SUCH a great series and I fully recommend others watch it! Special thanks to my best friend for all the help editing this! They spent a lot of time doing so and I thank them so much...
   New York City.
   The Big Apple.
   A massive, metropolitan cityscape, home to towering skyscrapers, landmarks and monuments of all kinds, and a bustling population of over 8 million people- a city that never, ever sleeps. 
   Though, if we were here to go over every single one of them and what their deal was, we’d be here all day, amirite?
   We zoom in and find ourselves deep underground- this subway station is a crowded one, choked with people on their morning commute to work, just the same as our target… there. 
   Aaron Pearce, a man in his early 30s, wearing a dress shirt and tie, only slightly stained slacks, and a pair of loafers. He had been living in New York City for roughly a month at this point, having been sent here on a business trip by his company. It was a bit… jarring, at first, especially after having lived in a suburb for most of his life on the other side of the country- getting used to a life in the city where he’d see more people in a single day than he’d seen in his entire life up to that point could be uncomfortable at best, and downright suffocating at worst when he took the time to think about it. 
   But he’d settled down, for the most part. Gotten used to it as the weeks went on. He didn’t have the time to dwell on it, anyway- and honestly, who did, in this city? He had work to do.
   Suitcase in one hand, half-eaten bacon egg and cheese bagel in another, and phone squashed precariously between his ear, chin, and shoulder, half wishing he had an extra hand to keep the darn thing from falling to the ground and cracking again. Aaron’s eyes wander listlessly across the crowd of New Yorkers sprawled out across the subway, waiting for one subway line or another. Just like he was. …And that meant he was a New Yorker himself, didn’t it?
   Well… he wished it felt that way, at least.
   Aaron hastily swallowed another bite of his bagel to promptly respond to the co-worker on the other end of the call, who had just posed a question with the natural expectation for an answer. 
   “Yeah, I’ve got everything ready for the presentation today.” He mentally ran through the list of what he had planned for said presentation at work, then while he’s at it, jumped to another project he was working on, also for work. A moment later between the call and more bites of his bagel, Aaron idly looked down at his watch, and sighed. “Do these trains ever come on time?” A soft chuckle escaped his chest as he asked. He already knew the answer.
   “Not a chance- it’s a miracle we barely even get to work on time at all!” his co-worker, Marshall- also in New York on the same trip- laughs from the other end of the line.
   “Yeah- though, I could swear it’s never too late, y’know? Honestly, it sort of has it’s charm like that- at least its inconvenience is consistent, right?”
   “Sure seems that way. Personally, I genuinely believe it’d take nothing short of a literal act of magic to get these things to work on time.”
   Aaron rolled his eyes, a smile finding its way onto his face. “Yeah, and your taxis are so much better.”
   “Hm, sounds like someone’s jealous they didn’t integrate well enough to figure out how to taxi like a normal person.”
   Aaron shoved the last bit of his bagel in his mouth when the conversation lulled, letting his gaze drift over to follow the subway tracks and across all the waiting people. He found his own thoughts slowing as he chewed- a short moment of respite. That did not come often in his new routine. 
   Even rarer, did it come, when there was only a single thought on his mind.
   Shuffling his items around his now partially free arms to hold his phone properly again, Aaron swallowed his bagel quickly and spoke up, breaking the call's silence.
   "You ever think about living here… permanently? Outside the business trip, I mean."
   There was a short pause on the other end of the line, before Marshall answered him.
   "A little, yeah. I won't lie, there's a lot in this city that beats home hands down, but the public transit really stinks. Can't stand it."
   "Really? That's your only problem with this place?" Aaron snorted. He wondered if Marshall counted taxis as part of that judgment.
   "...I mean, pretty much? Why?"
   "I just think-" Aaron broke off and sighed. "I don't know… this is just such a nice place. Maybe it's the atmosphere, or the different weather from home, but- I just wish we didn't have to leave at the end of March."
   "You sure the paycheck bump isn't starting to get to you?" Marshall joked. "Come on, you know how much of a chokehold the company's got on our work shit. No chance they're letting us stay any more than we have to so they can drop our salaries back down again."
   Aaron blustered out a frustrated sigh. He knew that…
   "Please, I'm being serious."
   "Fine, fine, alright. …I wouldn't mind if I could stay living here for a bit longer either, I'll be honest. The food's great here, and my place is only a block away from the mall. That's walking distance! Crazy, right?" There's a sigh on the other end of the line. "I still don't think it's likely at all that the company would let either of us stay for longer- but hey, if it were to happen anywhere, it'd be here in the city of dreams now, wouldn't it?"
   There was no inflection in the end of Marshall's sentence outside the humor of an intended joke, but something about it had a feeling rising in Aaron's stomach that he couldn't parse. He opened his mouth to say something, but a sudden rushing of air and pressure and people announced to Aaron that his train had arrived, and snapped him out of that slight daze.
   "Oh, the sub's here, gotta go."
   “Well, if you want to hang up that much…”
   People started walking past Aaron towards the open subway cars, and he hastily gathered his work supplies to follow. 
   “I’m not going to be on my phone in the middle of public transit, that’s basic public manners.” Aaron shook his head as he approached the train. “I’ll see you at work today, but do you wanna meet up for coffee sometime later too?”
   “Sure, sounds good to me. Work’s got me by the wringer, but I’ll let you know when I’d be good to go. See ya at work, Pearce.”
   Aaron’s phone hung up without fanfare, but it left him with a slight pause before he moved further.
   “The city of dreams, huh…” he whispered to himself, feeling the weight of something he somehow knew he could hardly understand settle on his tongue. The thought did not leave his mind as he boarded the train.
   The subway car was just as crowded as the station had been, as usual. People took their seats or stood when necessary, smooshed up next to each other or having others jutt into their personal space, but they all mostly kept to themselves, retreating into their own personal bubbles as best they could amidst the uncomfortable arrangements- more unspoken public transit manners. Aaron followed suit, hastily opening up his suitcase and laptop inside it to work. His eyes ran over a PowerPoint file he had open, that he had been working on for two weeks now- an important, critical asset, highly crucial for the growth of the company and the industry as a whole. 
   …Or so the daily emails asking about progress updates went on and on about, as if the mere assurance of the company’s benefit from all the work and polish Aaron put into this would make the process any less of a dull slog. It’d be over soon, though, he just had to check for edits one last time before he arrived at work.
   Aaron focused in on his laptop, too engrossed in his work to notice anything else that might have been happening, just as the rest of the passengers were. Not one of them noticed the near invisible wisps of something beginning to flicker through the air, trailing down the length of the subway car, gathering together with more and more wisps until they had become a swarm distorting the very air. Not a single passenger saw the little motes of motes of golden light, the same color as the sun shining through and between the city skyscrapers, floating past in the same direction, bobbing gently among the invisible current. 
   No one saw, and the movements of the passengers on the subway car began to slow, gently, gradually, before being left absolutely still. Aaron began to fall still in turn, his mind attributing the sensation of time passing strangely to one that occured whenever he was working hard on something, and his attention slipped off of it without a second thought. But before he could fall victim to this strange fate his fellow passengers seemed to have fallen into, however, a new feeling rose in his chest instead- his stomach jumped like he'd gone over a speed bump too fast. But wasn't he on the subway, not in a car? 
   The rising pressure in his chest blurred his vision, and he rubbed his eyes a little in reflex. His vision cleared just in time for another golden orb of light floating just past his eyes- that he could see.
   Aaron's eyes flew wide open with shock as his gaze shot around the subway car, taking in the glowing golden lights, the wispy distortions, even the almost absurd lack of reaction from the other passengers. 
   Aaron distractedly shut his suitcase and laptop, his excessively checked and double checked presentation the furthest thing from his mind. He stood up, and lurched a bit- the subway car was still moving, and he quickly adjusted himself before he lost balance. Looking around at the other passengers, Aaron realized- gradually, haltingly, as if he were in a dream- that the others were not moving at all, or even breathing… like they had been frozen in time.
   Aaron was not sure where the idea had come from, but it did made sense, in the moment. Something strange going on with time would certainly explain why a stop hadn't been called in so long.
   Aaron walked down the aisle hesitantly, yet firmly, the subway car once familiar, now liminal. He stood against the wispy current, feeling actual pressure pushing against him, like a particularly strong wind. 
   In response the sensation in his chest grew, then bubbled up, and he blinked and gasped aloud. Whatever dream-like state he had been in, and whether it had only began when he stepped onto the subway or it had lasted for his whole life up to this point, he was awake and aware and alive- there was fear, and trepidation, and apprehension, but carried anticipation among it all.
   He reached the head of the car and watched the motes of golden light with cautious eyes. By now the wispy current had caught enough golden light of the orbs in its wake and refracted it, scattering it around and almost seeming to bathe the car around him in a warm golden haze. His skin and work attire stood out among the gold, the lone figure moving in a frozen gold world. Just to check, he waved a hand in front of a passenger he was walking by, and did not receive an annoyed glare in return. 
   Aaron shuddered and let out a sigh. The liminality of the space was starting to get to him.
   “Keep it together, come on.” He clapped his hands on his face and looked back through the subway car one last time. His eyes ran over the golden haze, the very air rippling and distorting in consistent enough ways as the ocean tide would, the numerous passengers frozen to the spot mid-movement, and stepped through the door to the next car.
   Peering through the doorway, Aaron saw that this car was in much the same situation as the last, with time seeming to stand still for all but the tide and the subway cars themselves, still rushing through the dark. No one else experiencing the same phenomenon to talk with, as he'd silently hoped for. When asking himself what exactly had caused all of this, Aaron was truly at a loss. It could be all just a dream, that had been his first guess, or maybe some sort of work-stress induced hallucination, but it felt a bit all too real to be simply that, he knew he was just fooling himself trying to believe it wasn't… 
   But wasn't the only other alternative that this was all real?
   Aaron went cross eyed as something passed in his vision too close to his face, snapping him out of the train of thought. Another larger mote of light, among thousands of others the size of golden dust, gently carried by the invisible current down the line of subway cars. 
   "What… are you?" Aaron's voice was barely a whisper, as if he was worried he'd startle it away if he spoke too loud. The light only continued to bob in response, like some sort of drunken gnat.
   Whatever it was, Aaron was almost certain it was connected to the time stop. He didn't even know what they were, but curiosity was beginning to get the better of him. Aaron reached out, and closed his hand around it.
   In an instant, a scene so vivid and real he could have mistaken it for one of his own memories flashed before his eyes.
   The building was burning. Smoke choked the air and the flames snapped at him from all sides. A child was clinging to him as he bolted through the ember filled halls, the air laid thick with heat. He was forced to swerve and dodge as a charred beam of wood collapsed in front of him, but he stayed calm, he knew what he had to do. Something- what he had- he had to do to-
   Aaron gasped and stumbled back, a headache hitting him and forcing him to release his grip. The golden mote of light still hung there in the air, though almost seeming a bit more subdued, while Aaron reconfigured. "What… was that? It almost felt like…"
   He trailed off as his gaze caught on the orb of light again. His panic subsided as he gazed into the golden glow, and felt… compelled to touch it again. It wasn't finished yet, he somehow knew. Incomplete. 
   He took a few steps forward, and his heartrate quickened as he reached out a hand and grasped it once more.
   -He knew what he had to do to save the kid.
   How familiar the vision felt, how real the sensations of adrenaline and determination shooting through his veins while it played out, how foreign it should have felt but didn't even feel wrong that it had placed him in the first person perspective, it almost felt like…
   "…Like a memory…" Aaron breathed, letting it play out within his mind once more.
   His breathing quickened, and with each breath something began to settle within him. At first was the feeling of warmth- not scorching and ravaging, like the memory of fire had been- but a gentle warmth enveloping him, like someone bigger and stronger than him that he knew with a certainty would protect him no matter what was wrapping him up in a protective, caring hug. 
   Aaron somehow felt more comfortable and safe than he'd felt in the longest time- but his breathing didn't relax. His breaths instead began to deepen and strengthen, seeming to fill out his body as it began to grow. His frame expanded, shoulders broadening and shaped itself out into a sculpted, almost intoxicatingly masculine form. His shirt very quickly seemed to stretch taught under the pressure as his chest barreled out, and almost sent him doubling over. Pectorals inflated and solidified into thick slabs, together forming a massive shelf that hung over a set of hard abdominals pushing forward- all visible through his shirt, straining at the buttons.
   Still carefully drinking in everything the memory had to offer, Aaron absently reached up his free hand to loosen his tie, to the relief of his neck thickening to match the proportions of his new frame. The sleeves of his dress shirt began to tighten in turn, the delts and biceps and triceps swelling and further filling out the projected shape of masculinity his shoulders had established. His larger, stronger lungs began to find- not difficulty, but rather resistance, in the form of his dress shirt- now seeming almost comically small on his larger, powerful torso. 
   Aaron groaned and rubbed at a building headache, inadvertently releasing his grip on the mote of light and missing that it had completely disappeared from the space it had been in when he grasped it. He undid a button or two of his dress shirt- god, he could have sworn it felt fine this morning- and glanced around at the golden haze, even more of the bobbing golden motes of light drifted down the line, carried by the tide.
   "There's so many-" His throat went dry and closed up, he coughed a bit to clear it and tried again. "There's so many more of these little things, huh…" Wait- was that his voice? Did it sound different than before? It did sound different, didn't it- it was deeper, and there was an inflection in his voice that he couldn't place. 
   Aaron walked through the fog of gold and amidst more of those glowing golden lights, watching them closely. Part of him didn't want to bother with them further, they were most definitely related to what was happening to the other passengers. But that part was drowned out the more he thought about that memory, and how comfortable it had felt. It had been of an extremely dire situation, yes, but there had been an overwhelming sense of positivity and optimism emanating through the demeanor he held and the way he carried himself. Like he could save the day. Like everything was going to turn out alright. Like…
   "Nothing bad is ever going to happen to us…" Aaron whispered to himself, finishing the thought. In an instant, with reflexes he had not ever thought himself capable of before, he reached out his arm and his hand snapped shut around another mote of light floating lazily past him. His eyes widened at the sight of his new defined, muscled arm before he was swept up in another memory.
   Smoke. He could smell it on the wind, even just the faintest traces of it, miles and miles away from him and his jurisdiction. A series of scenes flashed soon thereafter, of dashing through the streets of New York, of diving into the freezing waters of the New York Bay, of swimming at what must have been nigh-superhuman speed- the ferry wasn't fast enough. All powered by that strong, ever present desire to help, and to save whoever was in danger, that simply permeated his everyday life. That sense of…
   "…Civic duty…"
   Aaron's arms swelled further, bulkier and muscular, as the memory continued to play, accepting it as his own. The musculature of his arms was left rock solid and truly bulging out of the sleeves of his dress shirt. Strong enough for hugs, of course, and strong enough to protect. His hands followed suit shortly after, widening palms and thickening fingers to match his larger arms, and Aaron felt the power, his power, surge through them. The strength his upper body carried was very clearly not a brutish type- but rather, a kind one.
   More memories began to play- if Aaron could wrench his focus away from the visions playing in his mind, he'd see the motes of light gravitating towards him on their own, rather than aimlessly following the tide, bringing their own distinct memories- now his. As the lights began to coalesce, Aaron felt another feeling rise within him, like a light illuminating in his chest and coursing through his body, that shined the same gold as the dust around him. The light of warmth, comfort, civic responsibility and duty filled his body and mind, and he couldn’t help but relax as the light made its home in his mind. Had he been clenching his jaw so hard this whole time? Aaron rolled his broad shoulders and thick neck, smoothing out all the kinks that he’d been used to from hunching over a computer for work all day, and found his face slipping into a more relaxed grin. It was all of a sudden even harder to be worried about the “critical asset” that he needed to prepare for his work- he wanted to help people, more than anything, and the only thing the presentation would do would be helping the company. And the company wasn’t a person- so it just wasn’t as important to Aaron anymore, his priorities shifting with his demeanor as that civic light filled his mind. The train of thought made perfect sense to him.
   The memory of swimming through the New York Harbor returned, and in the memory… he reached the remains of a burnt down house, somewhere on an island that he’d smelled the smoke of miles away. Aaron recalled the details that came after- there were no casualties, thankfully, and the friend of his that had been living in the house had been safe elsewhere at the time of the fire-
   “Wait, I… no, that’s not right…” Aaron stepped back, laying a hand on his forehead and squeezing his eyes shut. The memories were foreign, of someone else’s life, the memories were his, they were real and he’d lived through them, the memories were changing his mind somehow, the memories were confirming who he was- thoughts swirling around in his mind almost made him dizzy. Rather unhelpfully, in that moment he registered that his body was largely different from before, to which all he could think to react with was slightly furrowing his brows and uttering, “That’s definitely not right either…”
   But something about it did feel right to him. All of his apprehension and fear when first approaching the lights had all but completely melted away, and he didn’t want to fear it either, anymore. He wanted to embrace it.
   He lifted up a hand, smiling a bit as he took note of just how big it was, and felt around his body a little- squeezing his wrist, then his arm, occasionally trailing a finger down the noticeable indents his arm muscles had carved into the sleeves of his poor dress shirt. His hand drew over to above his heart, where the warm feeling felt the strongest.
   Not because it was also where most of his massive pectorals were. Nor did he leave his hand resting on said pectorals for more than just a few moments. Nor did he play with them.
   Thankfully because of the spot Aaron left his hand, he felt his chest expanding further sooner than he would have otherwise, giving him enough time for his large hands to clumsily undo the rest of the dress shirt’s tiny buttons before disaster struck. And not a moment too soon- Aaron’s eyes widened in awe as his abdominal muscles chiseled out into a rippling 8-pack, and the shelf formed by his pectorals jutted out even further, reaching their peak- at least, the result of all the hard work and working out he’d taken to get there. He was almost tempted to flex, just to show off his gains- but given the state of his strained clothes, that likely wasn’t a good idea, for now. He took to tracing his fingers around more of his bodily muscles like he did with his arms, instead- and while it did feel a bit silly and self indulgent of Aaron, it also felt… fine. There was nothing wrong with showing off his body like this- even unprompted on the subway, though he himself did feel a bit guilty for it, this was New York- people have seen weirder. Hell, he’d seen weirder, even before he was inducted into the Unsleeping City. 
   But nonetheless, it was all starting to feel more right. It was starting to feel like him.
   It really was him.
   The conclusion seemed to unlock something within him, setting off another wave of changes- this time to his work attire rather than his body. The ever-faithful dress shirt still barely clinging to his body was finally allowed its rest, as it loosened and reached over his uncovered torso to hide it again- buttons disappearing and shirt halves joining together by themselves, shirt collar disappearing into a plain shirt neck, sleeves rolled up and turned to a clear blue hue while the torso of his shirt stayed a clean white- the new nice, casual t-shirt was still quite snug enough to be… pretty revealing.
   His tie undid itself and slithered down his shirt and through the belt loop holes of his slacks, though to his surprise it instead lost color and mass until it was nothing but a white string- the use of which became apparent as his pants changed next. Aaron’s nice slacks lightened from black to gray and the fabric softened to cottony material, becoming a comfortable, loose pair of sweatpants- with a white drawstring quickly tying itself into a knot at his waist. He found himself smiling softly as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his new sweatpants, reaching much deeper than the slacks could carry.
   The pair of loafers he wore were last to go- the slick, black cloth reshaping into something more useful, well-worn, comfortable. Aaron held out a foot to watch as the changes settled in, a roughness inlaid in the material, the laces tied messily, a tongue emerging from the top as they formed into a pair of black, yellow, and white sneakers, perfect for walking or running places easily, and safe for swim in water with. It’s good to be prepared, especially after an incident like last time.
   Aaron set his foot down and let out a content sigh. His pants and shoes felt a bit big, but he didn’t doubt that would be resolved soon. He glanced down the length of the subway car in both directions. Most of the little light orbs in this car were gone, having been attracted to the man almost magnetically and absorbed, but there were still some stragglers hanging back around toward the car he had come from. He nodded to himself, “Well, might as well finish cleaning up while I’m here.”
   The next few seconds could not pass quickly enough- he took step after step towards the door, and the motes of light began to draw closer to the man in return, eager to gather around him and be absorbed, in rapid succession than slow, one at a time, like they had before. 
   Memories played out again and again, but this time the man neither winced nor closed his eyes to think about them separately, consciously. Locations, people, contexts, so much was being given to him, the unfamiliar becoming natural, the strange suddenly making sense. It was a little headache inducing, but he wasn’t afraid. He knew he was going to like his new life… or rather, he liked his life, craziness and all. That was what he meant, right?
   While the floodgates were broken and memories poured in, the rest of his body made to fit the rest of what had already been changed. Each step he took, his leg muscles grew larger, thicker. Strong quads and hamstrings and bulging calves, perfect for running or bringing help to those who’d need him. His sweatpants seemed less and less loose as his legs grew- his glutes in particular growing to fill out his pants quite nicely. At the end of his legs his feet grew larger, filling out the sneakers properly with their size.
   One last sensation began to well up in the man’s large chest- one that he quickly recognized as his own magic aura of protection, emanating its calming presence as it always did- but for some reason, the man felt he could really feel its effects on himself, as if he hadn’t felt it for a while. He laid a hand on the door back to his old car, his eyes flicked back to the haze tinted gold. He didn’t need to activate his divine senses to recognize it as raw umbra bubbling up from the World of Dreaming again, like in the months leading up to Null’s attack on the city. But why was it here now…?
   Another deep breath, calm, warm. He could bring it up with the friend he was meeting up for tea with, if it struck the man as concerning enough. That’s where he was going that he decided to take the subway to travel to, right? It’d be nice to see them again, his friends’ names on the tip of his tongue.
   He let his eyes close and felt a bit of numbness run through his skull, as his facial structure reconstructed himself. His head grew a little larger and wider to fit the rest of his body proportions, jawline shifting into a handsome, masculine one. So many little touches, in his nose, his ears, his chin, preparing him for the man he was ready to become. His hair deepened to jet black, the style eagerly shifting from combed to short and messy, endearingly so.
   The signs of a lifelong New Yorker set deep into his face, his posture, his attitude. His old knowledge of the inner machinations of corporate enterprises faded into a network of important safety information. His suddenly renewed affinity for maintaining his personal fitness and helping others with their own brought a smile to his face as he pushed open the door.
   Ricky Matsui walked back into the subway car, back towards his seat.
   He couldn’t really remember why he’d gotten up in the first place, but those questions were pretty quickly dismissed when he saw the golden-tinted raw umbra still permeating the subway car, all the passengers still stuck in time. 
   …He wasn’t sure what to do about that, still. Whoops. Although- there was at least one noticeable difference that Ricky hadn’t noticed from before when he entered the car.
   Stumbling around down the aisle, knocking into time-frozen passengers and snarling at anyone they touched, was a werewolf. They had coarse, brown fur covering most of their body, and a thick mane of slightly more well groomed fur surrounding their head, though it had seen better days. Bits of fur poke out of holes from their denim jacket, undershirt, and severely torn up pants, though some may have been from intentional styling as such rather than accidents. They also seemed to be missing a shoe, revealing a large clawed paw.
   If the lack of reaction from any of the passengers were any indicator, the werewolf seemed pretty out of place. It could be another manifestation of anti-populi, which Ricky could dispatch here and now if that was the case… his eyes flicked over to his silver bat he’d left at the side of his seat. For one strange moment, the thought of swinging it like a club to attack someone almost seemed absurd and silly- before he blinked and remembered that’s how baseball bats were used in the first place. He shook away the strange thought and returned to the most pressing matter.
   It didn’t really seem likely that they had to do with anti-populi, though, since it seemed to be localized to just one person. Ricky sniffed the air with his enhanced sense of smell, and tasted the smell of alcohol coming from the creature’s muzzle. Poor guy must have been pretty drunk, and badly handling it- he might be the violent type, based on the way he was acting. But maybe if Ricky could just calm him down a little…
   Ricky cautiously trodded towards the seat the werewolf had collapsed into, and sat down in the open empty seat next to them, actually a few seats down from where he got up from. Throwing up Calm Emotions on top of his Aura of protection, he opened with a simple “Hey.”
   The creature’s eyes focused in on him from where they were darting around erratically. They growled for a moment, then sputtered in a guttural, yet vaguely Irish accent, “…hey.”
   “You, uh… doin’ alright?”
   They snarled instead of answering, and irritatedly scratched their arm, inadvertently adding a few more rips to their jacket.
   Ricky hummed. That was pretty stupid of him to ask. “What’s your name?”
   The werewolf practically scowled at him. “Jawbone. Jawbone O’Sss..” his speech slurred a little, “...ssh..shaughnessey.”
   “I’m Ricky Matsui,” Ricky reciprocated, giving his full name back, with a smile and a thumbs up. Something about the gesture tugged a bit of a smile on Jawbone’s muzzle, but he turned away and scratched himself some more, and harder. Ricky raised an eyebrow. “Do you want to talk about what’s got you, uh, real bummed?”
   “‘m drunk on a train, fer one thing,” Jawbone glanced around at the subway car and its frozen passengers. “Wrong train, too. I tried to get off before it started moving, but too many people got in the way and nobody even looks at me when I ask for directions. Nobody ‘til you now, anyway…”
   “Yeah. I think something weird is going on, on top of all that? In like, the magic kind of weird, I mean. Uh, you’re really scratching yourself a lot, are you good-”
   “Allergies.” Jawbone snapped, growling at the other passengers again, who remained blissfully unaware. “Apparently these arseholes don’t seem to know it’s polite to conceal their silver in public spaces!” Jawbone raised his voice through the sentence and spat out the last part.
   Ricky’s thoughts immediately jumped to his magic silver baseball bat and winced. 
   “Uhh, hold on-” Ricky leaned back over to his seat and knocked over his bat, and rolling it under the seat it was leaning against. Thankfully, that was the only thing he had brought with him on the subway. “Sorry about that, realized it was at least partly my fault-” Ricky startled a bit when Jawbone just seemed to start crying at the gesture. “Hey, hey, it’s okay!’
   “It… it really ain’t,” the werewolf choked out between sniffles, “This entire day has been utter shite. First I forgot to take my meds before heading to work, hoped I wouldn’t get sensory overload, got sensory overload, you know how it is. Didn’t bring any backup medication on me either, so I had to improvise and tried snorting some drugs I had on me to help, but didn’t- turns out something I thought was cocaine was actually something else I’d never even heard of before, that I’m not even sure was drugs! No idea how I got to this place, I don’t know where the hell I am, and as best I can gather I’m not even on a train bound for out of the city!” Jawbone began pouring out, Ricky doing his best to support Jawbone physically before he collapsed from a stroke, or something.
   Ricky rubbed Jawbone’s shoulder, and when he didn’t resist, brought him closer into a consoling hug. “I’m sorry, that sounds really messed up.”
   “Ricky, you’re… the only person who’s actually noticed me and talked to me this… entire time,” Jawbone sniffled between hiccups.
   A soft, golden glow began to emanate from Ricky’s hand as he rubbed the werewolf’s shoulder. “Hey, I bet I could help you. I’ve lived in New York all my life, I’ve gotten the hang of the subways pretty well, I can help you get back on track, once we hit a stop and I, uh, know where we are at the moment.”
   The sniffling began to slow as not only Ricky’s calming, civic aura helped wash away Jawbone’s anxiety and fears, but even the mundane act of someone offering to help in his time of stress helped bring Jawbone back from the angry, hostile mess he’d been earlier. 
   “Yeah… yeah, I’d like that…” The werewolf looked up at Ricky’s face one more time, with a look in his eye that was likely meant to look different when not drunk and potentially high. “Gods, annyone ever tell ya yer hot as Ffffffffffffffuc-k?” Jawbone popped that last -k out loud in his mouth, then groaned to himself. “Uuuugh, ‘m usually way better at this, even when smashed, I swear…”
   Ricky laughed in spite of himself. “Sorry, I’ll have to ask my partner about it before we think of adding a third.” He’d give Jawbone the chance to make a better first impression than this encounter before he made any solid judgments himself, too. “But yeah, I do get recognized a lot as Mr. March from the Firefighters’ calendar. Or at least, the 2019 version…”
   The two of them sat there and talked for what felt like hours, Ricky talking about his friends, and Esther, and his time being a firefighter, and Jawbone told him about some wild and often drug filled escapades, rattling off lists of drugs so many drugs and the amazing partners he’d had in the past, surprising Ricky that Jawbone had apparently settled down and was a dad himself too- well, Ricky wasn’t one yet, but he would be one very soon- and gotten a job as a school guidance counselor. Jawbone hadn’t itched or scratched once, and Ricky’s aura seemed to really calm him down. He felt so calming, even talking to Ricky was a soothing experience.
   As time went on, or rather didn’t go on, it was a surprise for the both of them when the train sounded the soft ding that played before a stop was called. “Now arriving, Elmville Station.”
   Jawbone’s wolfish ears perked up. “Elmville… that should be my stop…”
   Ricky grinned and gave his shoulder a little shake. “Hey, that’s great! Maybe you weren’t on the wrong train after all.”
   “I uh… maybe.”
   Jawbone stood up, a little shakily, as the subway began to slow. The doors opened once fully stopped, and Jawbone made to walk over, but paused to give Ricky a wave of departure. Ricky beamed back at him and gave a wave back. With one last pang of warmth in his chest, Jawbone only slightly stumbled leaving the cars- onto a station platform that looked to have been built outdoors in the open air, that Ricky didn’t recognize. It almost looked more like a classic railway station than a subway stop.
   Ricky wasn’t given too much of a chance to dwell on it, though, as the doors closed and the subway began moving again. Ricky watched as the golden haze of raw umbra finally began to dissipate and the other passengers began to move again, continuing about their business as if nothing had ever happened. Ricky didn’t have any business to work on himself, he was just there for the ride to Pete’s tea shop-bookstore, but he was glad that everyone in the area was safe. 
   …There was a strange sense of finality that hung in the air, now that he was back in the waking world, but he couldn’t tell why or what for.
   He shrugged.
   “At least this would make a nice story to tell Cody.”
   As if on cue, the train dinged and Ricky’s stop was called. He didn’t know what that feeling meant, or what caused it, but somehow, he was almost certain it wasn’t a bad thing. A part of him that seemed to know better than he himself did seemed to prefer it, even. Whatever “it” was.
   “Dude, wait, so you’re telling me you saw a werewolf on the subway and he was just. Chill?”
   “Yep. I mean, no, he was pretty down on his luck, but he turned out alright when I helped him out.”
   “Dope… that’s got to be like, the coolest werewolf on a subway story I’ve ever heard. Even though I only knew of one other before this one.”
   Ricky was definitely right, Cody did end up hooked hearing about this experience of his.
   “Yeah, and he told me a lot of stories about doing crazy stuff while on a lot of drugs- some of which sounded made up, but like, I don't do drugs myself so I couldn't tell anyway."
   "That’s so cool, dude. So wait, like- if he was on the wrong line, you think he might've been from Jersey or something?"
   Ricky sighed. “Honestly, I hope not. I don’t think I could take Esther to go visit him if he was, even if I was sure I wanted to.” He shook his head. “But I dunno. Part of me was thinking it could have also been anti-populi, but it seemed a bit too localized for that. Maybe it’s just weird dream world stuff?”
   Their friend Pete arrived from nearby, pouring them refills of tea from his arcane focus teapot, which also served just delicious tea. “Might be- but I think it might have been part of something weird going on instead, I’ve been getting some weird vibes between the Waking and Dreaming worlds lately.”
   Cody looked at Pete in surprise. “Damn- you think it’s that serious?”
   Pete nodded. “I was gonna message the group about it earlier, but I was bit busy to do it until you reminded me just now, actually.” He pulled out his phone and started texting with one hand, preparing to close the shop with the other. “You guys up for checking it out today?”
   “Yeah, my shift at the Fairyland park ended an hour ago, so I’m good to go. You, Ricky?”
   “Yep, I’ll text Esther and let her know.”
   Even though they were only in the researching and planning stage, a glow of anticipation lit up in Ricky Matsui’s heart. The time to once again help and protect New York City from danger he could feel was fast approaching, and he could not wait to stand together with his fellow Heroes of New York to do so.
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survey--s · 1 year
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do you think weird it’s for someone to have never tried soda? It is pretty unusual, yeah. I mean, “soda” encompasses such a huge range of drinks that it is a bit weird for a grown adult to NEVER have tried any of them.
is there any foreign film you recommend? Amelie and La Vie en Rose are both really good.
do you have the same religious beliefs as your parents? Yeah, in the sense that none of us are religious lol.
which floor of your house/building are you on now? The ground floor.
are there any maps hanging in your room? Yeah, Mike has one on his side of the bed actually.
are you often a third wheel? or is someone a third wheel to you? No and no.
what’s the last dvd you bought? The extended editions of the LOTR movies. I got the boxset off eBay for less than a tenner lol.
tell me about your favorite pair of jeans. They’re just black skinny jeans.
would you ride a motorcycle if given the chance? (or have you?) I have done but I have no real desire to go on one again.
is your hair healthy? It’s WAY better than it was now that I don’t straighten it, but it could be healthier. I guess I just can’t really be bothered and I work outdoors so it gets exposed to everything anyway.
if a hotel offered free breakfast in bed, what would you order? American-style pancakes with butter, syrup, blueberries and bacon OR sourdough toast with smashed avocado, a poached egg and bacon, depending on my mood. I LOVE a hotel breakfast, haha.
how often do you take a train? Maybe every 2-3 years.
what’s your favorite led zeppelin song? Stairway to Heaven.
does your home have a balcony/deck/porch? Nope, I would LOVE a balcony off my bedroom though. My dream is to have one overlooking the sea one day.
what does your closet/wardrobe say about you? That I know what I like and stick with it, lol.
do you enjoy theatre? Yeah, especially musical theatre.
how would you feel about traveling abroad alone? I’ve done it before. It was a good experience but generally I prefer to have company.
who would you call a lyrical genius? Laura Marling.
how do you treat yourself? I mean, I think I treat myself pretty well?
do you have an interesting passport? I don’t have a passport anymore but my Australian passport was always interesting as it was full of stamps from all over the place.
are you going to pursue a career according to what you enjoy? I have done and I absolutely love it. It’s genuinely the best job in the world. Even on the worst days, I never dread going to work.
what happens to your old clothes? Mine get donated to charity.
what’s your favorite frozen treat? Sorbets or frozen yoghurts. I loved granita too but I’ve never really seen it outside of Italy before.
who supports you financially? I run my own business but my husband I have joint finances so I guess we help to support each other.
if you wanted to go to the movie cinema, how would you get there? I’d have to drive - our nearest is about a half an hour away.
how many pillows are on your bed? Four, plus two throw cushion things.
would you pay more for organic food? Nope.
do you prefer being awake after everyone goes to bed or before they get up? Before everyone gets up. I LOVE having an hour or two to myself in the mornings - I can get stuff done, have a coffee and have breakfast without being talked at, haha.
do you know much about feng shui? (do you use it?) I get the general idea of it but I don’t use it.
how would you make friends in a quiet class? I wouldn’t lol. I hate starting conversations with strangers.
are you generally a quick learner? With some things, yeah.
what’s your favorite spot to read? On a sun lounger in the garden.
did you know that buddha is not considered a god to buddhists? Yes.
do you save tickets from movies, etc.? I did as a teenager but I haven’t done something like that for years.
without looking him up, who was jim morrison? Lead singer of The Doors.
when’s the last time your bedroom was painted/wallpapered? About...four years ago, I think?
teach me something in another language. (not french/chinese/german/arabic) “Cosa mangi?” means “What are you eating?” in Italian.
what type of music do you like and why? All kinds of music and because I just...do, I guess?
if you randomly want to eat something in the house, do you eat it or wait? Normally I just eat it, but it depends whether it needs cooking or not LOL.
who knows the most about you (besides yourself)? Anyone who reads these, plus my husband.
do you have a nervous habit? (e.g. biting nails, tapping feet, smoking) Playing with my hair and biting at my nails.
how’s your favorite pro sports team doing lately? I don’t have one.
would you be/are you a good role model to a younger sibling? Yeah, I think I would be. I mean, I’ve never done anything overly stupid or illegal and I think overall I’ve done pretty well with my life.
0 notes
jimbleswrites · 2 years
Pantheon 2022
Chapter 5: Bring home the bacon
A/N: This took like no time to edit, surprisingly. Shout-out to my buddy Mark, who is cheering me on from my couch while I post this.
I woke up, still behind the server wall I picked to nap at.  I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock again. 11:55, meaning I still had 5 minutes until my phone was ready. I peeked around the corner, making sure no one came in while I had been resting. The room was still empty, with my phone still tucked under a folder to hide from view. I came out and watched the monitor, as I was marked as finished. Must have gone a little faster than expected. I unplugged my phone and yawned.
“Working late, buddy?” I whipped around to see a janitor leaving the elevator. I hadn’t realized how quiet the elevator could be, but this guy seemed nonplussed that I was there. He smiled as he pulled a broom off his cart.
I laughed awkwardly. “Yeah, these codes aren’t programming themselves. I was just heading out.” I started toward the elevator. I pushed the button, only for it to glow red. I tried again, just to see more red.
“You still half-asleep?” The janitor joked. “You need your ID to open up after-hours.” I took out my ID and pressed it to the pad. No response. It seemed my fake ID was no good for opening doors.
“I think mine is broken. Can I use yours?” I asked sheepishly.
“Nope. I got chewed out last time I let my brother in, and we work in the same department. Just call security and have them come get you.”
“Come on, that will take so much longer. At least get me in the elevator.” I tried to bargain. I couldn’t call security and there was no other way out of the room.
“Just call them man. I’m not doing it. I need this job.” He turned his back to me, his ID attached to his back pocket taunting me. I decided I would need to pull something sneaky. I reached down while he was emptying a trash can. I quickly swapped our ID’s, putting my fake on his chain and taking his for my own. I swiped his ID on the elevator, and it turned green.
“Looks like it’s working now, have a good night.” I quickly got in the elevator. The janitor just shrugged and put on his headphones. At least he wouldn’t immediately notice he was stuck there. I watched the doors open on the new floor, and quickly swept the area. No other people in sight. I walked back to the first elevator back to the main floor, and took that down. I walked quickly past the desk, the one guard there too absorbed in his phone to even look up. I walked down the lobby and dropped the guy’s ID as I went out the door. I walked for a block, and looked behind me. No one was following me, and I smiled to myself as I found a dark alley. I moved out of the bright street lights. I breathed a sigh of relief as I re-focused and waved my hand over an empty patch of wall. A door frame formed from the concrete and opened inward, showing the familiar sunset-laden beach that I was used to. I stepped through, and saw Vida working on a computer desk next to the waves. The waves splashed over her feet from under the desk as she worked on a laptop, typing away.
I walked up to the side. “I take it you got the job done?” Vida asked without looking up.
“Yeah I got the data here, and I deleted the champion’s data.” I placed my phone on the desk next to her. “It went pretty smooth actually.”
Vida smiled and plugged my phone into her laptop. “Good job, Rob. I knew you could do it. All though, your improv skills could be better. You invented the Grand Slam?” She looked up at me, smirking.
I laughed sheepishly. I guess it makes sense she was watching me somehow. It was reassuring that I was able to get this done on my own, even if she was supervising me. “I’m new to this, I'd say I did pretty well.”
“You did leave behind your fake ID with that poor janitor, but given the circumstances you played it well.” She turned her laptop, showing me a video of someone. I recognized it as the janitor I swapped IDs with. Vida tapped something into the keyboard and the fake ID attached to his chain dissolved into nothing. The janitor was none the wiser, still listening to whatever as he slowly swept up the empty office.
“I half expected you to bust out with your powers, but you chose to stay low profile. Nice job. Now I get to work on the godhood lesson.” her computer beeped, and She unplugged the phone and handed it back to me. “All this human data on gods will be a solid reference for me to use for our lesson”.
I paused and stared. “Wait, I did all that for your lesson plans?” I was confused on why she would need them. “Surely you have a better list somewhere then the half-facts in there?”
Vida giggled.  “I’ll touch on that in the lesson. But this was also a chance for you to stretch your wings and show me what you could do. You know what?” She interrupted herself, “Actually, you’ve been cooped up here with me for a while. Get out of here for a while, I'll call once I have this done.”
I had just gotten freedom and I was unsure what to do. I stood there nervously like a toddler waiting to tell a parent they missed the bus. Vida looked up and sighed. “You should probably start with just exploring earth a little. Give yourself some more ideas for your off-time.” With new instructions, I nodded and turned around, opening another portal to New York, confident something would strike my interests.
I had been wandering around New York for maybe an hour, and had no real call for anything. I had just been aimlessly walking, looking at the various people that occupied the city. There was almost too much to do, even in this one city. I felt overwhelmed, despite this being for my relaxation. I decided to stop in at a bar and think it over while grabbing a meal. I found a smaller bar under an apartment complex called Cranberry Kiss. I opened the door to see a simple bar with a bar wrapping around the far walls. It only had 2 tables, and there were only a few people sprinkled around. A tired-looking bartender was cleaning off a part of the bar, and talking with a cook through a pass. They were a pair of younger boys playing on a dart board and chatting. It was a cozy atmosphere, despite the lack of natural light.
I grabbed a seat at the bar, and the bartender pointed at me, clearly ready to make something. I saw a special with vodka & cranberry on the board behind him, and ordered that. He mixed together several liquids and quickly slid a small glass my way with a dark red cocktail inside. As I sipped it, I thought of what my free time should be. Maybe I could take a road trip? That seemed redundant with my power to basically teleport anywhere. Also, any sightseeing could be cut short by a new mission. Maybe I could try to strengthen up, but it would be hard to learn my powers in a gym surrounded by other people. I could call Mr. E and Mrs. R to set up another match, maybe that would help? I opened my phone and looked at my contacts. It seemed to add gods and champions I met automatically, but no other names popped up.
I was lazily scrolling when I had someone bump into my back. “Oh shit, man, I'm sorry.” A smaller dark-skinned man wearing a press lanyard sat next to me. He must have bumped me when walking by.
“No problem, man.” I went back to my phone only to be interrupted by him again.
“Hey, you seem like a smart guy. Can I ask you something?” he looked intently. I nodded back, unsure why so many people just sit next to me and ask me things. “I’m working on an article and I want to know if this headline sounds good.” he opened up a small notebook from his jacket and set it in front of me. There was some titles written out inside
Grand Slam or Grand Failure? GIPA executive speaks! How 1 Denny’s employee came to the most secretive company in New York Paladin for his department? New GIPA executive tells all!
I looked over the options, almost appalled. I somehow went to the one bar that has the same news team that I just lied to. The man adjusted his glasses and pulled his journal back. “Judging on your face, they're all pretty bad.” He groaned. “I’m trying to work with this interview but there’s so much nothing in it. Like it's all nonsense and metaphors with no actual info. Typical marketing exec, I guess.”
“I guess so.” I responded. It seems like this is Dan’s co-worker, but they both just bought the fact that I was a legit worker.
“You know, you’re a good listener.” He said, his eyes lighting up. “And I bet you have a thing or two to say about GIPA, right? Who doesn’t with everything going on?”
“Sure, I guess I do.” I was just playing along, with no idea what he meant.
“Tell you what. I need to fluff this article and you want to speak your mind. My office is just upstairs, come have an interview with me. I’ll even cover your tab to make it worth your while.” He stood up, slapping a few bills on the bar.
“I don’t know…” I started to backtrack, but found myself being pulled away from my stool.
“It’ll be fine, just a little time. Hell, you can stay anonymous if you want.” He was already pushing me out the door and into a side door nearby. He escorted me straight into an apartment above the bar. He opened the door and chauffeured me inside. The living room had been converted into a smaller press room, with a few desks and a makeshift studio and camera. He sat me in front of the camera and ran around haphazardly, quickly turning on recording equipment and grabbing water for both of us.
“Can this be anonymous, actually?” I looked at the camera, unsure if I wanted my face plastered over the news. Lights shone a little too bright and reflected off this reporter’s bald head as he continued to scurry around.
“Of course, my friend! I use the recordings for writing, but we’ll cut your name and face off.” He sat in the chair and pressed the record button. “Interview for the GIPA article, current date November 2nd, 2022. I’m Pat Rhodes, for the Weekly Eagle. Can you please say something, just so I can check the audio levels?” He edged the microphone closer to me.
“Uhhh, hello?” I tried to speak clearly for the mic. A nearby monitor filled with various bars lit up as I spoke.
“Perfect,” Pat continued “now let’s just get some info about you. No specifics are needed, but let the people know what you do and who you are.”
“Uhhhh…” I paused, trying to think of a cover. “I’m a chef at a chain restaurant, I like long walks on the beach, I’m gonna turn 30 next week.”
“You don’t look a day over 25.” Pat smiled at me. I wasn’t really sure how old I was, but I guess it didn’t matter if I was Vida’s champion for eternity. “Now, let’s establish a baseline before I get your reactions. What are your thoughts on GIPA, the company?”
“They’re a good source of info.” I thought back to the hundreds of files I saw that still need to be sorted from the computer I saw earlier today. “There’s almost too much info they have.”
“Considering that’s the main point, that makes sense.” Pat added. “Now, do you know much about the inner workings of GIPA?”
I thought back to what he said at the bar. “Not much, but I guess I never looked too much into it. I figured it was like any other big office.”
“Can you elaborate on that? What’s your thoughts on big businesses like this?”
“Like, it’s mostly the big wigs that make the big decisions, right? A board of rich guys, and the other employees just have to deal.”
“I see, do you have any thoughts about the recent controversies of GIPA?” Pat prodded me along.
“You mean the fake info thing?” I wasn’t fully aware of the scope of this, so I went with a vague response.
“Yes, but for context, I'm asking about the info leaked about the UN secret chapter that was redacted.” Pat elaborated.
“Sure, I think-” I was partly into responding when the door opened and a familiar face walked in.
“Dan, come on! Knock next time, I'm doing an interview!” Pat groaned.
“Sorry, i was just-” Dan stopped his sentence when he saw me. “Mr. Paladin?”
Oh no. I should have thought this would happen but instead I was speechless. “You know this guy? I’m doing an interview about the GIPA stuff you got today.” Pat asked.
“With the same guy? And how’d you talk him into coming into our office?” Dan questioned.
“Same guy?” Pat turned to me. “You’re Robert Paladin?”
“Uuhhhhhh…” I wasn’t sure how to answer this. I didn’t really want to lie, but i couldn’t really tell the truth. “Yes and no?”
Dan raised an eyebrow as Pat pressed on. “So which is it? Yes or no?” I sighed, deciding to be as truthful as I could. “I don’t work for GIPA, I was there looking for information and when you wanted a tour, I saw a way in.”
“So you’re a reporter?” Dan questioned.
“My job was to gather info.” I couldn’t really say much else.
“OK, so you used me to get in and just lied about it all? What about the ID you had?” Dan asked.
“A fake. Couldn’t use it to open doors but looks legit." Just then, I heard my phone ring. I pulled it out to see Vida was calling me. “I have to take this, hold on.”
“Buddy, you just made us lose an article. You don’t get to just wave us off.” Pat complained. “The phone can wait.” He was clenching his fist, understandably upset.
“We can sort it out in a second, I need to answer this.” I stood up and turned away, pulling my phone out of my pocket.
I was interrupted by Vida’s voice inside my head. “Watch your back.” I turned to see Pat, frozen in place, with an outstretched hand. I looked over to Pat, who was frozen in a similar state. Time had simply stopped in this little apartment. I took a step back, and felt a presence behind me. I whipped around to see Vida towering over me, looming in the corner. She was tapping something into a phone, and snapped it shut once I noticed her. “You really found some trouble as soon as you got free, huh?” she pointed over to the frozen reporters. “I’ve just put a little pause on them so I can talk to you alone.”
“OK, so what’s the deal now?” It was easy to forget that Vida was an all-powerful goddess, or maybe I was just getting used to the more unearthly matters I was involved in.
“Just a little mission for ya. I put the info you got together into a list of things for a news site. We are gonna whistle-blow a little so GIPA won’t poke around as much. You just need to send it to any news outlet.” Vida replied.
“Any outlet?” I asked, seeing an opportunity.
Vida looked past me to the two men frozen there, and shot me a smug look. “Honestly, a smaller place like this could be just the right thing for us.” She gave me a thumbs up, and my phone buzzed. I looked at it, and saw a file sent to me labeled ‘GIPA LEAK’. Vida walked past me to the door and left the apartment. I turned around and saw the brothers moving again.
Pat grabbed my shoulder, suddenly shifting forward as time started again. “Buddy, you have got to explain to us.”
“OK, so here’s a proposition for you.” I started to explain, “My boss wants this info to go out ASAP and you need an article. We can help each other.”
Dan looked perplexed as Pat answered. “Who do you work for? I don’t like publishing from bad sources.”
“I can’t say who I work for, but I pulled this info from the databases of GIPA itself. It’s real, just needs an outlet.” I hoped they would bite, but they seemed reluctant.
“I’ll read it first, then we’ll publish it IF it’s good.” Pat waved me over to a computer and motioned to it. I plugged my phone into the tower and pulled up the file. A piece about GIPA’s hidden files came up, already edited and ready to release. The brothers scanned it over and they both lit up in surprise as they kept reading. They nodded to each other, and Pat stuck out his hand. “We got a deal!” I shook his hand, happy to hit two birds with one stone.
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birdiefw · 3 years
Love Me Like You Do | Sam Winchester [18 +]
Summary: You decide to make breakfast for you and Sam in the bunker a few weeks after you get married only to burn your hand. But, thankfully Sam was there to take care of you in more ways than one.
Warnings: Fluff, getting burnt while cooking, hurt/comfort, swearing, teasing, oral (female receiving), dirty talk, and protected sex.
A/N: I just like Sam a lot. What can I say? It’s been edited, but there could still be some errors here and there. Please feel free to send me some requests :)
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It had been three days since you and the winchesters had found yourselves inside the Men of Letters Bunker that Henry Winchester had told you three about before he died. You hadn’t been entirely sure about staying there when you didn’t know what kinds of things could’ve been stored inside or if there were any traps set up in case someone decided to snoop around, but once you laid down on a bed in one of the bedrooms, you officially found yourself quickly liking the bunker. You had a feeling Sam and Dean weren’t so sure about settling in either, but you could certainly tell Dean enjoyed having a room all to himself instead of having to constantly share with you and Sam. You brought your bags in and placed them in the rooms, but you had decided against unpacking and storing your clothes in the dressers in the bedroom.
You knew better than to get your hopes up.
You tiredly rubbed at your eyes as you stood in the kitchen━the kitchen that wasn’t part of a living room or only had a 50 year old coffee pot and small refrigerator━while you cooked some breakfast. There had been a coffee pot there, but it was absolutely disgusting━along with a smelly toaster that had moldy bread still stuck inside it━and both of them had been thrown out; and knowing how much coffee the three of you consumed on a daily basis, you had decided to buy a nice coffee pot as well as a toaster━and if you ended up leaving the bunker, you could just take them both with with you.
You twisted your lips, shaking your head as you flipped some pieces of bacon, using a fork as you did so. There were some hash browns cooking in the pan beside the bacon, a toaster off to the side with a loaf of bread placed beside it for when you were ready to put some in. You shifted your weight to one foot, adjusting one of the sleeves of Sam’s flannel you wore, some sleep shorts hidden underneath them as your slippers kept your bare feet warm. Sam had surprisingly still been sleeping when you woke, and you’d decided to cook him some breakfast━with the “fake bacon” as Dean had called it since Dean had left the day before to check on Kevin and his mother and wouldn’t be there complain about it.
You stole a glance down at your hand, a grin starting to appear on your lips as you gazed down at your left hand where you wore your wedding ring. It was still so strange to see it, but it also felt so right. You weren't exactly sure how to describe it, but it sent a warmth through your entire body as you looked down at it. You looked away after a few moments and moved to the side, trying to find another plate to set the cooked bacon on as the pieces started to crispen up. You were still trying to figure your way through the kitchen, having taken a little longer to get the pans out when you couldn’t find them at first. But eventually, you found some more plates. However, a frown appeared on your face when seeing they were on the tallest shelf of the metal rack right in front of the fridge; your fingers were barely able to touch the plates.
“Need some help, Mrs. Winchester?”
Your head instantly turned towards the entryway, a playful grin appearing on your lips as you saw your husband smugly leaning against the doorway with an amused smirk evident on his lips.
You lowered your arm, tilting your head towards him. “How’d you guess, Mr. Winchester?” you asked, seeing him head towards you.
“How many you need?” he asked, stealing a glance down at you as he reached the top shelf with ease.
“Uh, one,” you answered, but then you quickly shook your head. “No, wait━just give me two. I might need them.”
“As you wish,” Sam said, grabbing two plates and handing them to you. You cheekily beamed as he did so, quickly returning to the stove after setting the plates on the counter in front of the oven. Sam’s smile still remained on his lips as his eyes followed you, moving to stand at the edge of the counter. “Why didn’t you wake me up? I could’ve helped.”
You took some bacon from the pan and set them on one of the plates, placing some more in the pan. “You looked too cute to disturb,” you answered with a giggle. “Besides, I’m perfectly capable of making breakfast by myself.”
“Yeah, but you don’t have to,” Sam said, leaning against the counter as he sent you a warm smile. “We’re a team, remember?”
You suddenly frowned, turning to him as you adjusted the hash browns around the sizzling pan. “No,” you said, giving him a coy look. “When did we agree on that?”
Sam faked a laugh, playfully rolling his eyes as he started to move behind you and towards the toaster while you giggled. He briefly leaned down, pecking the top of your head as he brushed past, making your smile widen. His gaze fell on the bacon, doing a double take before his eyes flickered towards you. “Wait,” he said, causing your to look over in his direction, “Is this━I thought Dean didn’t buy any.”
“He didn’t,” you said, softly smiling towards Sam. “But I did.”
Sam’s face lit up, lovingly gazing down at you. “Have I told you how much I love you lately?”
You hummed in thought, furrowing your brows as you looked to the side as if in deep concentration. “Not since we went to bed like nine hours ago, so, not soon enough.”
“Well, I love you, Y/N,” Sam told you, leaning over.
You did so too, sweetly connecting your lips with Sam. You pulled away a few seconds later with a cheerful grin adorning your face. “I love you, too, Sammy.” Then you let out a content sigh as Sam put some toast in the toaster. “Can you get the avocado spread for me please?”
“Yeah,” Sam answered, maneuvering past you once again.
You smiled to yourself, watching him head towards the fridge. You eyes watched him carefully, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth as you stared at his tall frame off to the side as he searched for the spread.
You shifted your feet, moving your hand to adjust the pan with the hash browns, but suddenly you gasped, quickly pulling your hand away as you accidentally touched the hot stove. “Oh, fuck!”
Sam’s head instantly snapped to the side, eyes widening as his attention fell on you. “Baby?” he asked, a frown appearing on his face when he saw you cradling your hand with a pained expression on your face. He quickly closed the fridge and hurried over to your side. “What happened?”
You merely groaned, gritting your teeth as you tried to breath through the pain. “Oh, nothing,” you said with a pant, starting to turn away. “I’m-I’m fine.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m really gonna believe that,” Sam said as he reached over, giving you a look as gently grabbed your wrist to pull your arm closer.
You deeply frowned, stealing a glance up at him as he examined your slightly reddened hand. “My first time cookin’ breakfast here and I burn my hand,” you grumbled.
Sam frowned as well, not liking the sight of you being in pain. “C’mere,” he said, nudging his head towards the sink.
“But the food━”
“You’re more important than the food, Y/N,” Sam said.
“Bu-we need to at least turn it off,” you stated.
Sam sighed but reached over as you headed towards the sink, making sure to turn off the burners before returning to your side. You turned on the sink, cool water running from the faucet. Sam stood beside you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. “There’s gotta be some bandages around here somewhere,” he said, gazing down at you.
“Sam, it’s fine, really━”
“Baby, just let me take care of you,” Sam said. “It’s my job.”
You playfully rolled your eyes, turning off the sink. “I think I have some in my bag.”
“Alright, I’ll go━”
“Remember how long it took you to find my phone the last time I had you look in my bag?” you asked, giving Sam a pointed look. Sam sighed, faintly nodding his head. you smiled and held your good hand out to him. “C’mon, Sammy.”
Sam smiled and took your hand in his, letting you lead him down the hall towards the room they’d been staying in for the time being. you headed in first, careful not to use your hand as you picked up your bag and placed it on the bed. Sat on the edge of the bed, trying to unzip it with just one hand, but it was proving to be a bit of a struggle. You sourly twisted your lips, sheepishly looking towards Sam who was standing on the other side of the bed. “Need a hand?” he asked, a cheeky grin spread across his lips.
You huffed, shooting him a glare as you puyoud the bag towards him. “Shut up, Moose.”
Sam returned your glare for the nickname, but he didn’t say anything as he grabbed the bag and unzipped it for your, giving your a look when seeing what was all inside it. “What━are you trying to become a hoarder of Y/F/C?”
You scoffed, grabbing your bag and pulling it closer to your so it was out of his reach. “You have your hobbies and I have mine,” you meekly defended.
“But why do you have so many━”
“They’re good!” you said, nonchalantly shrugging as one of your hands rummaged through your bag, eyes pinned to Sam.
Sam watched your, furrowing his brows. “How’re you gonna find━” his lips suddenly smacked closed, a surprised expression appearing on his face when he saw you pull out a first aid kit.
“You were saying?” you hummed, smugly gazing up at Sam.
Sam playfully rolled his eyes and sat on the bed, holding his hand out for you. You shifted on the bed, crossing your legs as you sat in front of him, your hand resting on his leg as he pulled out some things from the first aid kit.
Sam smiled and gently picked up your hand to put some ointment on it. You suddenly hissed at the touch, making Sam frown. “Sorry, sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you whispered.
“Guess this place doesn’t like us,” you chuckled.
Sam chuckled, grabbing a bandage to wrap on your hand. “It’ll just take some time to get used to it.”
“Yeah?” you asked. “Does that mean you won’t mind staying here for a while?”
Sam let out a sigh, securing the bandage on the side of your hand. “I. . .I think it can work for a while.”
You smiled as Sam closed the kit, standing up to place it on top of one of the dressers. You glanced down at your hand, warmily smiling up at your husband. He sat back down on the bed, a soft grin tugging on his lips. “You know I love you, right?”
You playfully huffed, leaning back on the bed while your legs dangled over the edge. You just hummed, momentarily closing your eyes. You felt the bed move, hearing some rustling before Sam laid down beside you.
“Have you heard from Dean yet?” you asked, doing a double take when you opened your eyes and found Sam gazing down at your with a cheeky grin. “Why’re you looking at me like that?”
“What? I can’t just admire your beautiful face?” Sam innocently replied.
You suspiciously narrowed your eyes. “What do you want?”
Sam breathed out a laugh, looking rather offended as he continued to gaze down at you. “Why do you think I want something?”
You chuckled, faintly shrugging. “I don’t know, but I just have a feeling you do.”
Sam huffed, playfully rolling his eyes. “I don’t want anything,” he said, briefly glancing down at your lips before meeting your gaze again. “It’s just. . .this is our first time really having a place to ourselves. . .”
You immediately smiled, biting your lip. “Well, we’ve had motel rooms to ourselves. . .”
“But this one’s different,” Sam replied. You shifted, rolling onto your stomach and cheekily resting your head on one of your hands. “It. . .”
“It feels. . .not like home, but━”
“But something that works for now,” Sam said.
The corner of your lips tweaked upwards, noticing Sam’s eyes had darkened a few shades while his eyes remained locked on your features. “Do you have something in mind that we can do while Dean’s gone?”
One of Sam’s hands moved, reaching up to gingerly touch your jaw. “I can think of a few things,” he softly replied.
You grinned, eyes lighting up with excitement. “Care to enlighten me?”
Sam smirked and leaned towards you, connecting your lips in a gentle kiss. you were slightly surprised with how gentle it was, having been expecting Sam to be more needier with the lack of intimacy you’ve had lately. But, his lips were so soft against yours, gliding across your own with ease. You felt Sam shift beside you, moving closer as his other hand carefully nudged you to lay on your back. You easily did so, pulling away as Sam moved so he was on top of you, one of his legs settled between your own.
You let out a ragged breath, your lust-blown eyes lovingly gazing up at Sam. “Was this your plan all along?” you wondered.
“What? Getting you to burn your hand so I’d have to patch you up and then seduce you?” Sam laughed.
“Maybe,” you giggled along, nodding your head as you reached your hand up to gently touch his face. Sam leaned into your touch, an adoring smile on his lips as he gazed down at you.
Rather than responding, Sam simply leaned down again to reconnect your lips. Your hand traveled to his hair, pulling his face even closer while your other hand carefully trailed down his back. Sam’s breath fanned your face as he broke away from the kiss, looking at you. “Careful with your hand,” he told you, sincere concern etched in his voice.
“I’ll be fine,” you told him, moving one of your legs to wrap around his waist and tug his body closer. You smirked up at Sam, running your fingers through his soft hair, hearing him sigh with content. “And if something happens, I have you to take care of me.”
Sam’s smile widened. “Can’t argue with that.”
You pulled him closer again and reconnected your lips, this one more rough than the last. Sam’s hand cupped the side of your face, his other one keeping him propped up over your so he wasn’t completely laying on top of you. He tilted his head some more, smirking into the kiss when you parted your lips. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, hearing you suck in a sharp breath as you grabbed some of his hair.
He could tell you were becoming needier, moaning into your mouth when he felt you move your hips against him. He moved his lips, kissing his way down your neck. “Fuck. . .Sam,” you breathed out, arching your back slightly. You squeaked out another moan when Sam rutted his hips against yours, grunting against your hot skin.
“You’re so beautiful,” Sam murmured against your skin, feeling his sweatpants start to tighten as you continued to move your hips against his. “Shit. . .”
“Sam please,” you softly begged, tugging on Sam’s hair.
“Please what?” Sam huskily asked, lifting his head to meet your gaze. “I’m gonna need you to be more specific.”
You softly sighed, moving your hand from his hair and to his hand that was trailing circles along your exposed flesh just above the waistline of your pajama bottoms. You let out a breathy huff at the smugness that was evident on Sam’s face, but you also felt your body grow more excited from it. “Do something━fuck, anything!”
“Like what?” Sam teased, his fingers nail trailing along the skin right about your bottoms, his smirk widening when you fidgeted under his intoxicating touch.
You sucked in a sharp breath, sitting up on your elbows with your brows raised up at him. “Whatever you want,” you softly said, hungrily licking your lips. “You’re the one who said you had a few ideas in mind.”
“True, but I’m sure you have a few, too,” Sam replied. “You don’t need to be shy about it━I am your husband after all.”
You smiled, tracing your fingers along his hand that was just barely trailing along your lower stomach. You leaned forward, your lips meshing together with Sam’s. Your sore hand softly traveled down his toned back, your fingers slipping under the fabric to touch his hot skin. Your other hand grabbed his, guiding his fingers past the hem.
Sam smiled into the kiss, momentarily pulling away to brush some of your hair to the side. “See, was that so hard?” he taunted.
You scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes. “Just take your shirt off and kiss me.”
“As you wish, baby,” Sam said. He leaned back on his knees, swiftly tugging his shirt off and tossing it on the floor. Then he crawled back on top of you, lips attacking your neck with sloppy kisses as his hand slipped into your pajama shorts.
You let out a content sigh, your hands tracing his back muscles as he nipped at your neck. “God,” you whispered, lips parting as his fingers slipped into your underwear and through your slick folds.
“Happy I’m awake now?” Sam grunted, kisses making their way towards your lips.
“Fuck yes,” you moaned, bucking your hips to match the increasing movement of his hand. Your hand slipped back into his hair, your nails scratching against the back of his head and making him moan in your ear. Your lips crashed together again, this one more sloppy as their teeths clayoud against one another, tongues battling for dominance. Your brows furrowed and you leaned your head back as a loud moan passed your lips, giving Sam more access to your neck.
He increased the movement of his slender fingers, grunting against your flesh as you continued to tug his hair and run your hand up and down his back.
“Sam!” you needily whimpered, body shuddering as you got closer and closer to release.
“God, you’re so fucking gorgeous,” Sam murmured, lowering his body some as he adjusted himself above you, becoming more rough. “You want my mouth?”
Your response was a sweet little cry that was like music to Sam’s ears. He shifted his position and moved, his hand slipping from your pants as he eagerly tugged down your shorts and underwear while you lifted your body to make it easier. You watched with excitement as Sam hastily settled himself between your legs.
“Fuck, please b━” you sucked in a sharp breath as Sam flicked his tongue against you, his fingers returning and setting your entire body on fire. “God, Sam! Right there!”
Sam hummed against you, the vibrations adding to the pleasure you felt. You tossed your head back as one of your hands returned to his hair, the fingers starting to unbutton the flannel you wore that was starting to feel like it was too much as you tugged it up some. “Yes! S-SAM!” you desperately cried out, coming against Sam’s mouth moments later.
He continued to work you through your orgasm, your hips settling on the mattress as you felt your heart rate begin to relax, but you weren’t finished just yet.
“C’mere,” you panted as you sat up, eager to continue. You hand went to the back of Sam’s neck, tugging him closer. He climbed back on top of you with a smirk, a desperate sound suddenly escaping from the back of his throat as you palmed him through his pants.
“Fuck Y/N,” he panted, eyes flicking up to meet yours as he lifted his head. If you kept going at the rate that you were, he’d be coming undone in seconds. He pulled away slightly, his hand going on top of yours to make your pause. “Where’s━”
“The top drawer,” you hastily answered as you pointed to the nightstand on what seemed to be more “Sam’s side”.
Sam raised his brows at you, seeing your sheepishly shrug and smile. “Well, you never know what’ll happen and you gotta be prepared. . .and it’s kinda like we’re having a honeymoon since we━”
“The best honeymoon ever,” Sam smiled, giving you a quick kiss. You smiled, biting your lip as Sam climbed off the bed and grabbed a condom from the nightstand. He quickly got rid of his pants and underwear while you managed to slip the flannel off and toss it somewhere else as you weren’t exactly paying attention to anything besides Sam.
You wiggled your brows at him as he climbed back on the bed, making a chuckle escape his lips as he moved above your once more. you let out a breath, your eyes raking over him before your eyes locked with his. “I love you,” you softly said.
“I love you, too, baby,” Sam murmured, bending down to give you a sweet kiss. Yoi shifted slightly to get in a more comfortable position, moving your legs and wrapping both of your legs around Sam’s waist. “You ready?”
You nodded, giddily grinning. “Yeah.”
Sam passionately kissed your as he entered you, moaning into your mouth at the feeling. You gasped and your eyes fluttered closed, tightening your legs around your husband. “Shit, baby,” Sam whispered, nuzzling his nose against your as he waited a moment. You tilted your head, resting a hand on one of his broad shoulders, catching his gaze. “You okay?”
You nodded, your hand moving to his jaw, finger swiping over his bottom lip. “Always when I’m with you.”
Sam brightly smiled, his dimples poking out of his cheeks.
Then he started to move, starting out slow to make sure you got to enjoy it, too. Sam clenched his eyes shut as he moved his hips, bending down so your bodies were closer together while he held himself up with one of his arms, the other one traveling back down between your legs. You craned your neck, nails scratching against Sam’s back as your hands moved up and down his frame. Sam let out an unrestrained moan, starting to pick up the pace.
You wrapped an arm around his shoulders, lips moving against his neck, nipping and sucking wherever you could while Sam rubbed at your clit, slipping in and out of your with ease. You mewled with approval, smirking against Sam’s neck when he panted out your name over and over.
“Fuck me,” Sam whispered, moving at a faster, more rough pace.
You smirked, catching his eye. “I thought I already was.”
Sam breathed out a laugh, dipping his head down. Your head fell back on one of the pillows, gasping as Sam kissed along your jaw, going further down and towards your chest. “Holy shit, Sam,” you moaned, tugging on his hair and making him grunt. “Baby, I-I━”
“I know, I know. Me too,” Sam panted, his hand keeping him propped up moving to touch the side of your face. You leaned into his touch, eyes closing and lips falling open to create one of the most attractive expression’s Sam had ever seen on your face. Sam panted, watching you as he felt your clench around him, coming again. “Fuck, Y/N!”
Sam came moments later, head dropping as he let out a loud groan. He continued to slowly move and work you both through their orgasms, stopping after a few seconds. He picked his head back up, offering you a dazed smile as you gazed up at him with a tired grin. “Bet none of those old Men of Letters had this kind of fun on one of these beds,” you cheekily said, giggling as Sam chuckled on top of you.
“I doubt it,” Sam said in agreement, sitting up on his knees and slipping out of you. You let out a content sigh as Sam then stood up, removing the condom to throw it away before slipping his underwear back on. You turned your head and looked over at the floor in search of Sam’s flannel you’d stolen that morning, but all you spotted was your underwear and the shirt Sam had been wearing. You sat up from the bed and picked them up, carefully slipping on the shirt and then your underwear.
You sat on the edge of the bed, glancing over your shoulder to find Sam softly smiling at you. “What?” you asked with a soft laugh.
“Nothin’,” Sam happily answered. “I just, uh. . .I love you.”
You beamed and moved, crawling over the bed towards him where he was standing. You sat up on your knees, wrapping both of your arms around his shoulders as you gazed at him. “I love you too,” you said, pecking his lips. “Now, what do you say we finish breakfast?”
“I already had my breakfast,” Sam cheekily replied.
You laughed, playfully rolling your eyes. “Very funny, Sam” you said, unraveling your arms from him to climb off the bed so you were standing in front of him. “I’m serious, though. I was kinda looking forward to some toast.”
Sam chuckled, faintly nodding his head. “All right, all right,” he said, starting to head for the dinner. “I still think my breakfast was better than toast.”
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exosmutfactory · 4 years
Six Phases 006 Pt 2
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Originally posted by exo-stentialism
Who knew it nearly took 6 months to win your heart, and 6 phases for Baekhyun to lose his mind.
A/N: sorry not sorry 😇🚗💨🔥
[ contains: romance, fluff, angst, & smut ]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1)  P(2) | Part 6 P(1)  P(2)✓ ----- P(3)   P(4) 
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Somehow, waking up early on Saturday mornings had become a routine since that weekend. Between the plague-like thoughts that disrupted my sleep and how Baekhyun cutely requested for breakfast the next morning, I dragged my tired body out of bed and quickly whipped up some bacon with scrambled eggs. He insisted that my cooking was the best before the flavor even settled fully onto his tongue, counteracting my every protest with flustering compliments. I recall accidentally telling him he was full of shit—it was only a simple meal, after all. What is that compared to the hundreds of fancy restaurants he has dined in?
"Your food tastes like home," He argued between pacifying whines, back-hugging me in a way that always weakens my defenses. I begrudgingly agreed after convincing him to have turkey bacon from time to time. Pork has its place, and I preferably don't enjoy the breakfast variety all too often.
It's ridiculous what lengths I would go for this infuriatingly attractive man. If my weekend to-do list full of breakfast, groceries, and laundry is anything to go by, I wouldn't oppose being considered as "whipped" for him. It is what it is, man.
Every Saturday I am up and running by the time the sunlight breaks over the horizon. Regardless of how late I end up sleeping the night before, my eyes automatically open between the hours of 6 and 7; ready to climb out of bed as quietly as possible. Thankfully Baekhyun is a heavy sleeper who is content with hugging my pillow to his chest while I sneak off to the kitchen.
The aches in my body become very apparent the moment my foot touches the carpeted floor of our bedroom, a familiar feeling—welcomed almost, though I'd never tell Baekhyun that. His ego when it comes to things like this is big enough as it is.
Suppressing a shiver at the wintry morning air, I reach for his discarded shirt from the night before, tsking quietly at the two buttons missing from the top of the material. I swear he's the most annoyingly endearing man I've ever met. There's no other explanation for why I'm already planning what time to sew the buttons back on, carefully picking them up from the floor and leaving them on top of our shared dresser.
Luckily the remaining buttons are enough to shield my shoulders from the cold of the large apartment; the bottom of the shirt brushing against the back of my thighs as I make my way out into the hallway, gently closing the door behind me. In times like these I am grateful for Baekhyun's habit of leaving his house-slippers right outside of our bedroom. I rarely use mine despite his constant chastising. Some things in life are better bare.
Slipping into the slippers with ease, a smile tugs at my lips while shuffling quietly down the hallway. I usually keep breakfast simple: scrambled eggs, a few strips of bacon—maybe a pancake or two on a particularly good morning. Today, however, I'm in the mood for something more. Omelets, cinnamon buns, and the little sausages Baekhyun has adored lately.
Checking on the buns in the small conventional oven on the counter, I whisk away at the raw eggs that will make up Baekhyun's omelet, smoothing out the yolk entirely. A light breeze and soft kiss pressed to my shoulder break me out of my concentration. I could recognize those pouty lips anywhere.
"You're up early," I murmur, leaning back against his chest. Tilting my head up, I smile at his cute sleepy expression.
"Mmm," He manages to capture my lips in an upside-down kiss that melts me to my very core, his warm fingers seeping through the fabric of my borrowed shirt. "What are you up to?"
"Breakfast," I breathe, cheeks warming as he pulls away, quickly checking on the sizzling frying pan in front of me before he can catch me admiring his bare torso. "I got the sausages you like, Bae."
The top of my head nearly slams into the bottom of the cabinets as I freeze in my tracks, frying pan clutched in hand. Shit, did I say that out loud? My face might as well be 50 shades of red. "I—I mean-"
Baekhyun plants a kiss on my head that throws my every thought out the window. "I love you." He hums, hugging me warmly before walking to the dining table. The view of his bare back as he runs a hand through his sleep-tousled hair is way too captivating for six-thirty in the damn morning.
I put my attention back on the pan, hurriedly removing it from the burner to slide the sausages onto a tray. 30 more seconds and I would have burned the damn things had I not shaken myself back into focus. "Jenny and the gang are coming over today."
I raise a brow at his tone. The high-pitched inquiry of his voice at the mention of his friends is a little suspect. Who was the genius that bragged so much about my BBQ short ribs everyone ended up inviting themselves over to our apartment? Shouldn't he remember our plans for tonight?
"Yes?" I drag out, tilting my head, looking at him skeptically with a hand on my hip, raising my spatula. "Did you forget?"
His silent form sitting rigidly at the table is enough of an answer. "N-" I raise my other brow. "Erm—M-Maybe?"
"Uh-huh." If he wasn't so adorable after just waking up with his lips tutted in a confused pout, I would give him hell. "I bought groceries yesterday, so we're only missing the wine-"
"I'm on it." Baekhyun perks up in his chair as if douched in cold water, pulling his phone out of nowhere. "Hyerin," He murmurs groggily, fumbling clumsily for a couple of seconds and slapping it to his ear in his hurry. "I need a bottle of Dom Perignon by 6:30. Thank you." The call is over in the span of 10 seconds. He sets the device next to his glass of orange juice on the table, busying himself with gulping down half of its contents. It takes a while for him to notice my bewildered gaze. "What?" He mumbles; orange pulp on his pouty lips.
I narrow my eyes, lowering the grease-covered frying pan back to the stove. "Who was that?" And how the fuck you just ordering Dom Perignon as if it doesn't cost my entire education expenses? If you just bought the $50k edition, I swear, Byun Baekhyun—"My new secretary." He yawns, stretching his arms above his head with a soft, content smile. "Come here." He mumbles, opening them towards me, his sleepy brown orbs fluttering sluggishly. "I miss you."
For a moment I just stare at him. "I'm right here..." I mutter softly, growing more aware of his current state by the minute. Those dark circles are committing the worst crime by being on his precious face. Carefully sliding his omelet onto a plate followed by a few pieces of sausage, I can't help laughing a little to myself at the comparison of our meals. His omelet managed to come out better than the one I made for me, perfectly solid compared to my result of scrambled eggs. No matter what, he gets the very best from me—I'm taking the biggest cinnamon bun though. That delicious treat has my name written all over it, it's mine for the taking. Besides, I can risk a sugar-crash unlike Mr. 12 hour shifts over there. Noting his drowsy form nodding off at the table, I quickly reach over to start the coffeemaker.
The smile that lights up his face as I present his food to him makes up for the few seconds I burnt my hand earlier, trying my best not to burn our whole apartment down. Note to self: never daydream about eventful Friday nights while leaning over a hot stove. Had I been slower to react, I'd be nursing my hand back to health with a frazzled boyfriend refusing to let me so much as brush my teeth on my own—it gets overwhelming after the first day, trust me.
Settling down on his lap under the persuasive encouragements falling from his irresistible lips, I hold up a piece of sausage to shush his drowsy mumblings. As cute as he is, he needs his morning protein before he can wake up and function properly. Especially after working 60 hours two weeks in a row. I respect his enthusiasm as a semi-workaholic myself, but damn am I worried. What kind of crazily time-consuming clothing line is going on in his beautiful head this time?
Baekhyun finishes his juice while I pick at my food, lazily twirling his hair between my fingers. Some days I ask myself why I’m still here, why I still try, why I continue on in this relationship that has more blurred lines than direct answers about our future. To tell the truth... I never expected to fall in love again. I never saw this coming—never saw him coming, when my sole way of survival has been spotting things from miles away. How did it come to this? How the hell did this man sneak past all my defenses so easily?
Maybe it was the smile he shot my way the first time we met or the way we had danced that Friday night, his body seeming to match so perfectly with mine. His comforting presence and sweet, brown eyes that hold all the stars in the universe. The countless late nights he has spent looking after me when I caught the flu from a combination of lack of sleep, stress, and poor life choices. He's always been there—always been here with me, but why… Why isn’t it enough? What is missing? How can I strip this weight off my chest that suffocates me more by the day?
"Baby?" Baekhyun's warm voice caresses my ear, comforting arms tightening around me.
"What if it happens again?" Jenny's worried face flashes vividly in my mind.
The memories come pouring in, making my mouth go dry as a lump forms in my throat. It takes everything in me to drag my eyes up to meet Baekhyun's inquiring orbs, plastering on another smile. The gesture is easier to manage with every sweet kiss his soft pillows plant on my lips. His heart-fluttering touch distracts my hyperactive mind for a while.
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"Damn, Riley." Chanyeol practically moans, the sampling spoon I had offered him left to dangle pre-cautiously between his fingers. "Had I known you could cook like this, I would have come soon—ah!"
"Yah," Baekhyun scowls as I take the last serving plate from the counter to the table with a bashful smile, passing the tall man clutching the back of his head. "That's my girlfriend you're talking about." He mutters, lowering his hand, voice deepening in an unfairly attractive manner. "Watch your mouth."
"Geez." The giant huffs, glaring at him under the veil of his blonde hair. "You'd think you two were married with that—okay, okay!"
"When you two are done." The over-the-top chirp of my voice catches their attention; both their eyes widening like guilty little kids caught with their hands in a cookie jar. "Dinner is ready."
"Don't let me eat it all." Jongdae drawls, throwing an arm over the back of Jenny's chair, looking at them lazily, his brown eyes glinting mischievously. "Remember what happened last time."
Baekhyun and Chanyeol scramble for their seats as if their asses have been set on fire; an unusually quiet Jongin follows behind them, carrying a plate I forgot all about.
"Thank you." I gasp, quickly making room for the forgotten dish. "Set it down here, please."
Jongin nods, setting down the plate of cucumber salad next to the servings of Bulgogi. "I'm sorry Kyungsoo couldn't make it." He mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. "Something came up at the restaurant."
"It's alright. Wanna pack a to-go plate for him?" Tilting my head, I smile in understanding at the sheepish expression on his face. "If you think he'd like my food, anyway," I joke, resting my arm on the back of my chair as I continue to face him, relieved at the familiar hint of playfulness restored in his eyes.
"Oh he's going to love it," Chanyeol insists with a pleased hum, yelping at the smack Jenny lands on his sneaky hand.
"Where are your manners, Park?" She sighs, shaking her head, fiery red curls bouncing with the motion.
"Save some for the rest of us, asshole." Jongdae grumbles, subtly eyeing the cucumber salad.
Everyone's plate already has a soft taco shell, warm from a few seconds in the microwave. The toppings are placed on top of the two tables Baekhyun and I had to push together to accommodate our guests: fresh Korean lettuce, sour cream, and other ingredients that Jenny helped me choose—especially that bowl of melted nacho-cheese Jongin keeps taking glances at.
We all look towards Baekhyun once he settles in his seat. He leans forward to reach the middle of the table, bypassing the regular bulgogi for the one drenched in a home-made sauce, spooning some on my taco shell with a chaste kiss to my cheek. "Eat up, everyone," He murmurs sweetly, tired brown eyes twinkling.
Jongdae doesn't even fake-gag with Chanyeol and Jongin, he goes straight for the cucumber salad. The fresh smell wafts in the air amongst the various meat and spices, making Baekhyun's nose crinkle adorably. I carefully brush his freshly dyed hair out of his eyes, chuckling at the pout he shoots my way. "Did you really have to make cucumber salad, baby? Cucumber?"
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, Byun," Jongdae mutters, forgoing his personal bowl to grab the whole serving. No one says a word, we just share knowing smiles. And once Chanyeol pops the cork of the expensive Dom Perignon, the real party begins.
Endless tales of embarrassing high school cafeteria incidents spill forth from Jongdae's mouth as if shame has gone out of style. The details he shares at the expense of Chanyeol's seemingly innocent public image flying out the window right along with it.
"One second this guy looked like he was taking the biggest shit of his life, and the next thing I know, Lee Naeun from 5th period Physics is crawling out from under the table, wiping spulge from her lips. Like, Chanyeol, what the actual fuck bro? Couldn't you have taken your business to the 3rd floor Janitor's closet? I think I still have the key..."
If it wasn't for Baekhyun's quick hands, I would've sprayed a mouthful of wine across the entire table.
Unfortunately, Jongin had to head out right after dinner, promising to meet up again soon before hurrying to Kyungsoo's house, two plates clutched in hand. Chanyeol decided to stick around for longer to "let his two glasses of wine wear off"—this man has the metabolism of a beast, we know why he's really here. His reason is comfortably seated next to Jenny on our striped couch, sock-clad feet propped up on the coffee table.
"Dinner was nice," Jenny smiles, sipping leisurely at her water.
"More than nice." Chanyeol boosts from our leather recliner, raising his glass, tipping his head at me. "Your food damn near tops Kyungsoo's," He pauses, brown eyes widening. "Don't tell him I said that."
"No worries," I laugh softly, hiding in the safety of Baekhyun's shoulder. He shifts towards me, finishing his wine and setting the empty glass on the coffee table before wrapping an arm around my waist, brushing his lips against my forehead in a way that leaves my heart shaking. The white loveseat we're sitting on sinks further under our joined weight, and really, there's no place I'd rather be—except our king sized bed, that is. Baekhyun's firm grip on my bare thigh isn't helping my tipsy trance in the slightest. The universe knows I'd rather be getting drunk off of him right now.
"I'm going for a smoke," Jongdae mutters, rising from the couch. He leans down to Jenny for a kiss that leaves her beaming, going to retrieve his trench coat and shoes before slipping out of the door.
Good to see them doing well; I blink in surprise, smiling teasingly her way. I'm happy for her! It really is a pleasant surprise to see Jongdae stating their relationship in such a way; an immense improvement from their past encounters of Jenny nervously seeking affection and Jongdae down-right dodging it like his life depends on it. Public displays of affection are a sweet, straightforward way to say, "hey, this person means a lot to me," or, "back off, they're mine." Which personally sets me on romantic fire. Even if it's just holding hands, it can put me in high spirits—doing it with a certain, cheeky silver-haired man is just a bonus.
Jenny winks, fanning her cheeks that match the rosy shade of her hair before tuning in to Chanyeol's loud chatter.
Soft laughter rumbles in Baekhyun's chest as he engages in the conversation. His warm palm securely holds my hand when I slip my cold palm into his warm one. He presses a kiss to the back of it, pulling a silent giggle from my lips as he smiles at me with an arched brow, squeezing our intertwined fingers.
I drag my eyes up to Jenny who's loosening her red curls by running her fingers through them. "Yeah?"
"Jongdae's not answering his cell," She murmurs with a worried frown. "Can you go check on him, please?"
And why can't you do it? — Or come with me for that matter? I raise a brow, getting up from the chair and Baekhyun's warmth with a silent sigh. "Okay. I'll be back." If I get kidnapped or spooked by some random asshole, she'll never hear the end of it. I really should ask Baekhyun to teach me a thing or two about hakipdo though.
Jenny beams, a peculiar twinkle in her eye, clasping my hand between hers. "Thank you!"
Uh-huh... I try not to eye her too warily.
"Take my coat, baby," Baekhyun murmurs, kissing the side of my wrist. "It's cold out."
"O-Okay." I clear my throat, pointedly avoiding the smug smiles of the other two in the room while walking over to the coat hanger.
Slipping on his brown, cinnamon-scented coat brings a giddy smile to lips—one I'm quick to hide in the soft fabric.
I slide on my boots before making my way to the elevator, not up for taking the 4 levels of stairs this late at night. Thankfully, that nosy neighbor down the hall isn't meeting me at the elevator tonight on one of his various late-night escapades. I've had enough awkward encounters with his lovers to last me a lifetime.
The lobby is empty except for a lone security guard who waves my way, face lit up in familiarity. Smiling back, I step out the crystal-clean glass doors of the building into the quiet night, quickly finding the man I'm looking for standing at the edge of the sidewalk. "Jongdae."
"Huh?" He looks over his shoulder, turning halfway at the sight of me, pulling a joint from his lips.
"You alright?" I pull Baekhyun's coat tighter around me, resisting the urge to shiver in the icy wind. "Jenny was looking for you."
"Looking for-" He chuckles, brown hair ruffling as he throws his head back in laughter. "Girl, please. I was instructed to come down here 5 minutes ago." He continues, inhaling deeply from the stick between his fingertips. "She ain't looking for me, she's looking for a way for them to chat privately and to make us talk..." He sighs, looking over at me. "I'm not exactly the best company for deep shit."
"O-kay then," I mumble, more than a little peeved, ready to turn on my heel in any direction other than stay here.
"Let's talk." He shrugs, exhaling smoke into the frosty air. I shoot him a wary look, barely taking a step in his direction. "I said let's talk, not have a screaming match." He mutters, rolling his eyes into the back of his head. "Why you all the way over there?" He follows my gaze to the stick between his fingers. "What? This?" He scoffs, smirking. "It's a joint, worst thing you'll get is the munchies."
Crinkling my nose, I take a couple more steps closer anyway, standing beside him, keeping a respectful distance between us.
"Listen." He sighs, taking another drag. "I know I've done some things that… I didn't necessarily have to do." He glances at me for a moment, and then faces the street lights. "Bros before hoes, you know?"
Yeah, I inwardly roll my eyes, focusing on a lonely snowflake evaporating before it reaches the ground. There's a lot to be said over people doing things that they didn't necessarily have to do. If I had a dime for every sleepless night I've had because of Jongdae's shameless mouth, I wouldn't be paying off my student loans anymore.
"Look." Jongdae takes one last drag, crushing the joint under his worn-out winter boots. "The way he is now is much better than the Baekhyun we knew back then." He nods a little to himself, meeting my gaze. "Still can't see why he decided to change his ways for you...but oh well." He mutters, lips quirking into a playful smirk at my small smile before facing the city lights again. Festival lamp-shaped snowflakes attached to the top of every streetlight beam against the dim backdrop of empty downtown buildings, prepared for the coming holidays. "You're alright for a best friend stealer."
A laugh escapes before I can slap my hands over my mouth, meeting his eye nervously only for us to both end up laughing; our amusement echoing loudly through the quiet night.
"Riley?" Jenny's confused voice peeps up, red curls rebelling against the hood of her fluffy white coat.
"Over here!" I cup my hand around my mouth, waving to get her attention.
She turns towards us, rounding the corner with quick strides. "There you are! I thought you got grabbed or something." She fusses, resting a hand on my arm, leaning closer to whisper in my ear, "Especially you. Baekhyun was two seconds from hunting you down with my head on his mantle."
"Jenny!" I snort, accepting her tight hug, my voice muffled in her puffy coat. "It kinda would be your fault though."
"I know!" She exclaims, viewing me from an arm's length away. "I was sweating out my hair."
"Baby?" That unmistakable honey voice calls. A head of fluffy silver locks and brown eyes peek around the building, catching light in the streetlights.
"Here, B," I soothe, chuckling as he speeds over to us, gathering me in his arms without hesitation.
"I thought I lost you," He mutters, hiding in my hair.
"She was gone for ten minutes," Jongdae deadpans.
"Ten minutes too long!" He pulls back to glare over at the brunet, hugging me to his chest with cheeks too rosy to be merely from a few moments out in the cold.
"Just how much of that wine did you drink?.." I narrow my eyes, cupping his flushed cheeks.
"Good thing you only bought one bottle," Jenny laughs nervously, slowly gravitating to shelter behind Jongdae's taller form.
"Enough to miss you." Baekhyun's breath leaves goosebumps on my chilled skin, his soft lips brushing my ear.
"Al-right, time to go before the lovebirds start mating." Jongdae grumbles, wrapping an arm around Jenny's beaming form. Their matching smirks have me scurrying to direct my tipsy boyfriend back towards our apartment.
"Uh—okay! See you guys next time!" I laugh to mask my burning face, gently pushing Baekhyun into the building.
"Goodnight! Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Jenny sing-songs, the smugness clear in her tone.
"Can't make any promises!" Baekhyun proclaims over his shoulder, much to my embarrassment. Thankfully he quiets down once we reach the elevator, but based on the wide eyed security guard, the damage has already been done.
Can the frozen ground just please open up and swallow me whole?
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The view of this busy street differs from all the other times I've walked down it with Baekhyun by my side. Maybe because it's been almost 2 years since I've moved to this city, or that new boutique being set up at the end of the road. Whatever the case, the air is different—crisper, cleaner. Refreshing as I briskly walk to my destination, wanting to avoid being out in the cold as much as possible. The weather here is so much colder in the middle of December compared to how flowers were still budding around this time outside of my childhood home.
Humming a song that's been stuck in my head for days with my car keys spinning around my finger, I stroll into Privé Alliance's building, admiring the latest clothing line pictures hung up along the walls and waving to the new receptionist while making my way to the elevator. Many men and women in business attire are all over the place as per usual during the busiest months of the year. However, once I make it out of the crowd of chattering employees, the sight of a familiar face waiting in front of the elevator brings a smile to my face. "Kyungsoo!"
The short-haired man turns around. "Hello, Riley." He nods with a small smile as we step inside the open doors, pressing the buttons to the 5th and top floor. "Lunch date?"
"Hmm?.." Blinking a few times, I follow his gaze to the picnic basket clutched in my hand. "Oh! Yes." I chuckle, smoothing down my hair. "Sorry." Between nearly slipping on a patch of ice on the way over here and the pretty lights decorated all over the city, I've forgotten the reason I left our fridge in a disarray this morning. Who decided to store the sandwich meats at the back of the refrigerator? I know Baekhyun loves my home cooking, but damn, man, let me have a break too.
"It's alright." Kyungsoo chuckles, arching a brow. "Hopefully you can get him to relax."
"Relax? Coming from you!?" I gasp sarcastically, covering my mouth with wide eyes.
"Only because he's seconds away from firing half the 3rd floor." He mutters with a roll of his eyes, yet an apologetic smile forms on his face. "Sorry I couldn't make it to the gathering." He clears his throat while facing forward again, straightening his suit.
"It's alright," I smile, resisting the urge to chuckle at his flustered state, checking my outfit in the elevator's reflection. It may be a chilling 40 degrees—4 in celsius—but I can spare the warmth of my legs for a 2 minute walk from Privé's parking lot. No weather can tell me what I can and can't wear. If I want to rock a pencil skirt on the coldest day of the week, so be it! Plus, these two-inch heels couldn't be left behind. I can't show up at Baekhyun's workplace with the poor fashion choices I subject him to at home, so we're going, coolness over comfort.
"Life happens," I mumble, tucking rebellious locks of hair behind my ear. "I'm just glad you're doing okay." The smile that forms on his heart-shaped lips when I take a glance at him makes me beam back.
"I'll stop by sometime this week." He hums, black dress shoes tapping on the floor. "I just finished a new recipe."
"Recipe?" I blink, mildly intrigued, mentally running over the list of food I'm carrying for the 3rd time today.
"Fried ice cream cake," He smirks, nonchalantly checking his watch.
"Fried-" My jaw damn near drops to the floor. Fried? Fried!? The one ice cream Baekhyun banned me from attempting myself after burning my hand while frying fish a few days ago?! Which Baekhyun is half to blame, by the way—never sneak up on someone over a popping frying pan. It never ends well. Besides that, it also was the day I truly realized the stamina that man possesses. I have never seen someone react so quickly to shove my hand under ice-cold water in my life.
Searching for any cameras in the elevator, I step a little closer to the short-haired man, whispering discreetly behind my hand, "W-Will you bring me some?"
"The prettiest one," He promises, softly patting my shoulder, chuckling at the star-struck expression written all over my face. "This is me, I'm afraid."
"Huh?" I blink into focus, shocked to be on the 5th floor so soon. What the heck. What is it about elevator rides with Baekhyun and Kyungsoo that make them go by lightning-fast compared to the stifling, tension-filled ones with Jongdae? If you can read a room, it truly makes a difference. "Oh, don't let me keep you." I give a little wave, balancing the picnic basket on my forearm. "See you later!"
Kyungsoo nods, smiling with a wave of his own as the double doors close. It is at that moment that I freeze, recalling how Baekhyun mentioned he hired a new secretary a few weeks back. Well... shit—how do I explain why I'm arriving at his floor unannounced on a random Tuesday afternoon?
Do his employees even know we are dating?.. A small part of me doubts it. Why do I care? Oh, right—I fucking live with him!
By some miracle, no one is occupying the neatly arranged desk when the elevator opens on the top floor, saving me from the completely rushed explanation I have no idea how to even put into words. All that lies before me is an undisturbed walk to Baekhyun's office, the intimidating black door slightly ajar. I slip off my heels, rushing out of the elevator on sock-clad feet before the doors close. Baekhyun's businessman voice filters through the quiet air. He must be on the phone.
Shuffling as quietly as possible down the hallway, I peek into his office. My eyes quickly find his broad form leaning a hip against his executive desk, a phone pressed to his ear as he faces the floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing the heart of Seoul. Impeccably dressed in a wrinkle-free, white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up. His black blazer thrown over the back of his chair. Like always, the splashes of color in every corner of the room have my lips curling up, but I have to muffle a small giggle at the sight of a thin pink measuring tape hanging around his neck.
I slowly inch closer, discarding my coat and setting down the basket in one of the leather chairs. Smoothing my flower-patterned, white button-down shirt, I silently approach him, gently covering his eyes once he ends the call. "Guess who~"
Baekhyun stiffens for a moment before swiftly turning around, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me up, setting me down on his desk. He cups my cheeks in his warm palms, crashing his lips to mine before I can make a sound. "Thank god, it's you." He breathes, warm fingers sliding into my hair.
"W-Well—hello to you too." I barely manage to get out between his feverous kisses, making a noise in surprise when he pulls me flush to his chest. "What is it?" I ask softly, noticing the bothered look on his face; carefully running my fingers through his styled hair as he hides in my neck. "Another long day?"
"You have no idea." He sighs, looking up at me. "I was 2 seconds away from losing it."
"Don't-" I pause, thinking about it. A few memories of last week flash through my mind. "Well, you are kind of hot when you're angry..." In the proper context.
Baekhyun perks up, exhausted brown eyes regaining their sparkle. "Really?"
I hum to appease his hopeful expression, yelping when he pulls me into his arms, not expecting to be carried up from the desk so suddenly.
"Come here," He murmurs, walking around to sit in his chair, setting me on his lap. "I need strength to get through these reports."
Gently playing with his hair to calm down my racing heart, I tilt my head, "Do you have time for a lunch break?"
Baekhyun hums distractedly, kissing my forehead, holding me closer to his firm chest. "We can order in a little later."
Kyungsoo's words come back to mind while I watch Baekhyun continue to click around his computer, brown eyes squinted and brows furrowing more by the minute. I inwardly cringe at the move I'm about to pull, but… Our sandwiches' lifespan is ticking away. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
"But…" I pout, resting my hands flat on his chest, widening my eyes for effect as his focused orbs shift to meet mine. "But I made it."
"Let's eat now then," Baekhyun smiles, his steady gaze flickering all over my person. I swear I just witnessed his pupils dilating right before my very eyes. "Give me 5 minutes."
My lips quirk up, "One-"
"I'll set a timer." He laughs, shaking his head, reaching for his phone between his bright screen laptop and desktop PC.
Smiling in victory, I stretch across the desk to retrieve the basket, peeking at his computer accidentally. "Holy shit, is that Melody Hudson?" I straighten up, focusing on the magazine cover opened up on a famous website. "The model?" My eyes widen in awe of her tall blonde form modeling a stunning royal blue summer dress; the color bringing out the blue in her shining eyes. I place the basket on a clear spot on Baekhyun's crowded desk before rubbing his stiff shoulders. He must still be tense from work. "She's so pretty."
Baekhyun hums, placing a hand on my cheek. His gentle caress coaxes my eyes back to his. "But you're beautiful," He whispers, resting his forehead on mine, brushing a thumb over my lips.
There's nowhere to hide the red hue that springs onto my face, making him chuckle as I quickly turn back to start taking out our food.
"Would you like to accompany me to a photoshoot?" The tentative tone of his voice has me raising a brow.
"Sure!" Handing him his sandwich, I press a kiss to his cheek, carefully unwrapping my homemade fries. "I'd love to see you work behind the scenes."
I look at him, mid-bite of my toasted turkey sandwich.
"I'll be in the scenes," He drops, soft lips quirking a boyish grin.
My grip on my sandwich rips a hole in the middle while preventing it from falling out of my hands. "I…"—Behind the scenes witnessing Baekhyun modeling?? With his god-tier body and knee-weakening smirks that have me crumbling from beyond a screen alone? Hell to the mother fucking yes! "O-Okay."
Baekhyun's brown orbs twinkle knowingly, an amused smile forming on his lips as he presses them to mine. "Great."
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It's impossible to mask my excitement while slipping into the passenger seat of Baekhyun's Audi. The beautiful red highlights around the black interior never fail to leave my jaw dropped in awe, fingertips tempted to graze over every surface. I'd like to think a person's dream car matches their owner, and there's no denying how devilishly divine my boyfriend looks settling into the driver's seat.
Baekhyun's simple, black button-down shirt and matching jeans have me inwardly salivating—I don't even have the slightest clue of why he's going to a photoshoot today. Privé? A cover for a magazine? Possibilities are endless, but not just anyone can request an hour of his time during one of the busiest months of the year.
"Are you ready?" Baekhyun glances over at me, his unstyled hair tucked under a Privé corduroy camel baseball cap that I haven't quite seen before.
"Yes," I beam at him, tilting my head curiously. "Is that hat new? I don't think I've seen it before."
Baekhyun smirks, brown eyes glinting mischievously as he straps on his seatbelt. "Maybe." He rests a hand on the steering wheel and the other on my thigh, backing out of his designated parking space. "Hold on tight, baby. You're in for a long ride."
I blink, having no clue what kind of ride he means. When it comes to Baekhyun, you never know what you're getting yourself into, but you never really have to worry about it either. If I hadn't known him for a few years, I would have bugged him to tell me where we're going for the entire ride. But with a few years under our belt—and some long months spent sharing a close-knitted home—I can comfortably sit back and relax for the whole journey, because there is no Baekhyun without one.
The parking lot outside of the building is relatively calm, with only a few staff members bringing in materials from their cars. Inside of the place, however, is a complete madhouse. Everyone is speed-walking to various rooms and popping up from behind every corner. Not a drop of silence in the heavily populated area.
"There's our man of the hour!" A tall, aged man steps forward to shake Baekhyun's hand, carefully cradling a camera strapped around his neck. "So glad you could make it. I hope we are not taking up too much of your time?" He inquires, pushing glasses further up his nose, glancing over at me.
"Oh no, of course not!" Baekhyun shakes his head, shifting closer to wrap an arm around my waist. "I invited my girlfriend to accompany me today." He clears his throat, reddening cheeks caught under the harsh spotlights. "I hope you don't mind."
"No, not at all," The man reassures, gesturing towards a staff member who quickly brings over a grey single-seat sofa. "The more the merrier. Here you go, Madam. Is the chair to your liking?"
"Yes, thank you," I smile, trying not to stutter, brushing my fingertips over Baekhyun's warm palm before taking a seat. He shoots me a little bashful grin as the photographer whisks him away, a team of stylists directing him to a chair on the opposite side of the room. It's amusing to see so many people fussing over his hair, pulling out hairspray, and presenting him with simple yet sexy articles of clothing.
A few other models are walking around in the same attire, giving off a cool vibe of the newest clothing line, but when Baekhyun steps out of a dressing room…
Holy shit.
No, seriously holy shit!
Baekhyun walks into the room, standing against a wall as stylists comb his hair over to the left side of his face, using sprites of hairspray to tuck the right side behind his ear. As if he doesn't look dangerous enough adorning a leather jacket, a black shirt with white scribbles I can barely make out from this distance, and camel pants with unique, black low-platinum shoes.
The staff directs him over to the area with a gray backdrop, lights and cameras focused all over the place. Baekhyun practically glides over there, oozing with that stunning Ceo confidence. At a closer look, I can make out the pretty image of open and outstretched hands in the white lines at the bottom of his shirt. The intriguing detail has my full attention until I feel a persistent stare.
I lift my eyes higher to meet Baekhyun's dark brown orbs—from me sitting in the back of the room or getting into character; I have no idea. Suddenly my red knitted sweater is a bit too warm despite not being in front of any bright lights. Just when I think it can't get any worse, the photographer announces that it's time to begin.
If I had known what I agreed to the other day, I would have been more prepared—or so I'd like to think. I mean, how does one prepare their feelings for watching their unfairly attractive, multi-millionaire boyfriend pose for the camera as if moments away from sweeping them off of their feet!? And not in a sweet way either. Nah, ain't nothing innocent about the lethal expression swirling within his dark brown orbs. Especially while they are pointed right at me.
The hairstyle they gave him just makes my situation worse. How am I supposed to sit still with this man gazing so intensely into the "camera"? Is this really the same drowsy Baekhyun who I have to wake up every Sunday morning? Where did his tiredness go? There ain't nothing exhausted about the way he is staring at me! And when they bring out a chair for him to sit on… No. Hell no. That's it.
Draping my sweater over the back of my chair has his covered lips curling up at the corners, I just fucking know it.
After a few more camera flashes, the stylists are back with a new outfit in tow, gesturing for Baekhyun to change. However, right as he is turning down the short hallway leading to the dressing room, someone comes rushing into the building.
"I'm so sorry I'm late!" A petite woman with a French accent flies into the hall. "Traffic was-" She skids to a halt, staring at Baekhyun as if she's seen a ghost, her brown wavy hair mid-loop of making a bun. For a long moment, nobody says a word, and then she's on the move, crossing the short distance within two furious strides.
Her slap echoes across the tall walls.
"To think I waited for you." She grits out between heated spews of French. Her gray eyes brimmed with tears shoot daggers into Baekhyun's wide-eyed ones. "To think I held onto the fact that maybe you actually cared." Her whole body shakes as staff members rush over to restrain her, calling her name over her loud obscenities in an attempt to calm her down, trying to pull her away from him before she can jump him. It takes three men to drag her back out of the building. A woman from the small crowd quickly follows, dropping a blue clipboard in her haste. We hear her panicked voice a split second before the door slams shut behind them.
I don't know when or how it happens, but I'm already on the other side of the room, reaching out for a stunned Baekhyun being fussed over by stylists. "Baekhyun?" My eyes flicker all over his shock-stricken face once they move out of the way for me. A lump forms in my throat at the look in his eyes. "B," I tentatively place my hand over his frozen one on his cheek, the red handprint visible between his fingers. "Baekhyun!"
He flinches, shaky pupils focusing on me. "Y-Yes?"
"Are you okay?" Emotions grip at my throat, making it hard to speak while my eyes keep shifting between his alarmed ones and his steadily bruising cheek. I take the ice pack a staff member hands over without a word, gently brushing his hand away to hold it to his face. "Come here."
Baekhyun silently follows me to the dressing room, seemingly in a daze as stylists vacate the room, closing the door on their way out. I lead him over to a swivel chair in front of a white vanity table, letting him settle before speaking. "What was that?"
"What was what?" He mumbles, breaking my heart at the sight of him pressing ice to his swelling cheek.
"You know what I'm talking about." Crossing my arms, I continue staring him down. "Who was that woman, Baekhyun? Why did she hit you?"
"I'll tell you later, baby." He avoids my eye and his reflection in the mirror, getting up from the chair. "Let's wrap this photoshoot up, hmm? Then we'll go home-"
Stumbling to reach the door before he does, I block his escape, looking into his conflicted eyes. "I'm not letting you leave this room until you answer me."
His lips twitch, "Baby-"
I cross my arms despite my racing heart, my stomach twisting in an ignored warning. "I need answers-"
"For fuck's sake, Riley!" He thunders, startling me so much I slam the back of my head on the doorframe. "Out of my fucking way."
I step aside without another word, turning my head away as he storms out of the room. The slamming door left in his wake has my heart jumping into my throat. Anxiety grips at my chest like a vice, making it hard to breathe. I latch onto a Privé clothing rack, holding onto it for stability.
Baekhyun's tone on the other side of the door is much calmer while talking to one of the staff. I wait for a few minutes, resting against the clothing rack until his voice drifts away; the loud taps of his shoes fading into the distance. No matter how far away he is—most likely continuing on with the photoshoot by the faint clicks of a camera echoing around the quiet building—I don't… I can't; I won't go back out there to watch him. No, not after that. I'm sure everyone in the vicinity heard what just happened.
Slipping out of the room, I gasp when I bump into someone else, my heart beating so hard it hurts to breathe. Could this day get any worse? Seriously? "I'm so sorry."
"You're fine," The same staff member I heard minutes ago with Baekhyun shakes her head, smiling in sympathy. "Tough morning, huh?"
I can only manage a deep exhale, nodding, "I guess you could say that, u-um—" I'm losing the battle against the sting steadily building behind my eyes. "Do you know where the bathroom is by any chance?"
"Just around the corner," She nods, pointing farther down the hallway. "First door on your left."
"Thank you," I breathe, hurrying down the hall. Before I can pass by her, however, I notice her angrily marking out a name with a black sharpie from the same blue clipboard that clattered to the floor earlier.
Nicole. The woman they dragged out earlier…
With tears finally breaking free from my sore eyes, I couldn't have reached the bathroom fast enough.
To my relief, the room is empty. Nothing but painfully bright lights and the porcelain floors to witness my current state. I walk up to the sinks with a shaky sigh, splattering cold water on my face. My reflection isn't a pretty sight to behold when I look into the mirror, bracing my hands on the countertop as I take in the streaks of mascara running down my face. The one day I decide to wear a non-fool-proof kind and this is what I get?
Sighing, I turn to lean my back against the counter, crossing my arms. The photoshoot is back in full swing with all the compliments the photographer is showering Baekhyun in. It's pretty pathetic of me to hide out in this ice-cold bathroom, but I rather shiver for a few minutes than face him right now. Something about the way he reacted earlier... To that woman, to me—doesn't feel right. Maybe I pushed him too far? I just… Do I not have the right to know who just slapped the hell out of my boyfriend? Hell yeah, I'll admit I want to know who she is because he's mine and she was acting as if she was waiting forever for him to recuperate her feelings, but it's not just about that. No—Nah. The deer in headlights expression on his face as her hand collided with his cheek will not leave my mind.
Whatever it is, whatever just transpired in front of me; something is off and I rather be out the line of fire while trying to figure it out.
"To think I waited for you" For what? For when? With the way things are going, I might never know the answer.
The lack of chatter filtering through the echoing walls of the room catches my attention. I tentatively peek out of the bathroom, stepping back into the hallway at the uncharacteristically quiet state of the building. Is the shoot over already? Pushing past my dimly lit surroundings, I head back to the dressing room, hesitantly standing in the open doorway. I'm confused to not find Baekhyun there, or in the main area when I poke my head over the edge of the short hallway.
"Excuse me?" I approach the nearest stylist, moving out the way of another one clumsily carrying out articles of clothing. "Have you seen Baekhyun?"
She shakes her head with a pop of her minty gum, giving me a solemn look. "Last I saw of him, he was on his way to the men's room on the other side of the building."
"Ah..." Dread fills my stomach, and something tells me that I rather not find out why. "Thank you," I murmur in passing, quickly making my way back out of the room, speeding down to the opposite hallway. The possibility that I got left behind in an unfamiliar part of the city twists my stomach into knots until I round the corner. I stumble to a halt, sucking in a breath. My heart breaks at the sight—and then the rage kicks in.
Baekhyun's broad form in his partially unbuttoned black shirt braces himself against the wall, looming over a model. Her hand is in his hair and their lips interlocked in an intimate kiss. The sight has my blood boiling—nah, it's turning into fucking lava.
"Wow." I bark out a laugh, loud and hollow, positively seething as he jumps back from her as if burned. "If you were going to cheat, you could have at least had the decency to do it behind my back." The smirk that forms on my lips is the worst kind, the ugliest kind, the kind that has fear flickering in Baekhyun's wide brown eyes. "Or was this your intention all along?"
"R-Riley-" He stares like a deer in headlights, hurrying over to me, smearing her red lipstick over his lips in his haste to rub it off with the back of his hand. "Baby, please keep it down. I can explain-"
"Nah," I shake my head, looking at him in disdain. Just the sight of him right now has me heating up with anger. I'm seeing red as the model smirks at me from over his shoulder. That bitch. "This is explanation enough." I spin on my heel before I do something I won't regret in the slightest, just for his sake.
Baekhyun's dress shoes tapping frantically behind me as I storm back into the main hall.
"Riley, baby." His grip on my wrist throws me over the edge. "Please-"
"What were you doing, huh?" A snarl forms on my face as I whirl back around, meeting his pleading eyes. "Gonna show her your failed attempts at lasting for longer than a minute?"
Everyone in the room pauses. The photographer almost drops his prized camera.
Baekhyun's face grows progressively red, and if it wasn't for the rage burning in my own veins, I'd be concerned about the vibrant hue going up to his ears right now. Just like his mishap a few days ago that would normally be insignificant, it was his grave mistake. The key that I used to fuel the fire to the flame in the most torturous of ways... Have I hit a nerve, Hyunnie?
His grip tightens on my wrist. "We," He barely gets out in an angered growl of his own, "Are leav-"
"Get your filthy-" I hiss, snatching my wrist out of his grasp, "Paws off of me." I grab my sweater on my way out, exiting the building without looking back. The bite of the cold wintry air is a relief for my heated skin. "I'm not going anywhere with you."
"I drove." He says through clenched teeth, hot on my heels.
"And I'm walking." I bite back, walking past the car as he climbs into the driver's seat.
"Riley!" Baekhyun bellows, putting the Audi in gear and slowly following me out of the parking lot. "Get in the fucking car!"
I cross my arms, scoffing out a laugh. It doesn't matter where the hell I am, I'm not getting back in that car with him. Bringing me all the way out here just to pull that shit. He can kiss my ass. I knew I shouldn't have gotten in that car with him. If I had taken my own four-seat beauty that I left back at home, I'd be halfway on the way to Jenny's by now.
Baekhyun continues to follow behind me, honking obnoxiously, attracting unwanted attention from bystanders that whisper amongst themselves. Some of them pull out their phones. What a spectacle we would make for the front cover of magazines, endlessly entertainment for all their peering eyes. Pausing for a moment to weigh my options, I step towards the Audi with a sigh, climbing in without a word to the fuming man next to me.
Baekhyun drives on, clutching onto the steering wheel with both hands. His grip is so tight his knuckles turn white. I direct my gaze out of the passenger window, avoiding him at all costs within the confines of the car. The long ride home and walk up to our apartment does nothing to ease my rage. Anger continues to thump angrily in my veins as the past two hours replay in my mind.
Baekhyun unlocks the door and holds it open for me. I walk into the apartment with a scoff, moving to tug off my boots only for my back to meet the wall, the front door closing with a startling slam.
"What was that?" Baekhyun glares at me, fire burning bright in his brown orbs. He can't exactly tower over me, but by his mannerism, he doesn't need any extra height to get his point across.
"What was that?" I mumble, peeling off my shoes, ducking under his arm to cross the other side of the room. The longer I stay in these warm clothes, the more I die from the uncomfortable heat.
"No, what the actual fuck, Riley?" He shakes his head, long strands of silver hair dangling in his fury-filled eyes. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Fine." I retort, rolling my eyes and looking at him, "Who was that woman then?"
His nostrils flare. "Really?" He bites out, laughing in disbelief. "Is that really important right now?"
I cross the room in three strides, tilting my chin up to stand nose to nose with him. "It is to me if you haven't fucking noticed."
"Oh, I'm so sorry." He scoffs, stepping back. A cruel smile curls on his lips. "What should I do? I haven't paid Riley enough attention." All traces of humor leave his features, his minty breath washing over my cheeks. Baekhyun leans in again, his voice lowering into an angered growl. "Maybe if you weren't wetting yourself over me all morning, you'd figure it out."
I grind my teeth. "Who. Was. She?"
"For fuck-" Baekhyun reels back, his brown eyes rolling so hard into the back of his head a flicker of worry sparks in my chest before those dark orbs land on me again. "An ex-fling," he grits out. "Why does it matter?"
My hands fall limply to my sides. "Why didn't you tell me she would be there?" I ask. My voice is much quieter while I search his eyes for answers.
"What?" He scoffs, raising a brow. "How was I supposed to know she would be there?"
"Her name was on the roster-"
"I-" He shakes his head, pulling harshly on his hair. "What? Do you expect me to know the names of the women I've slept with?" A smirk quirks at his pink lips, his brown eyes so dark that his pupils have vanished in their mahogany depths. "Do you think I've kept some journal? " He purrs, grinning in delight when I shuffle uncomfortably on my feet. "Are you really that insecure?"
I stiffen. A bolt of something sinister shoots down my spine. Did this fucker just—
"Me?" I point to myself with wide eyes, laughing incredulously. "Me?.... You know, that's real fucking rich coming from you." I sneer, roughly tugging off my annoying turtleneck. What was once a reliable piece of clothing ends up torn in my fit of rage. I fling it out of my sight. Baekhyun's words loop over and over in my head. Even though I don't show it—they cut me. Deep. On a touchy subject. In a part of me I thought had died 2 years ago. He damn well knows it hurts when it's mentioned in such a menacing manner, and he still did it. For what? His weak stamina in wake of his long hours at work is suddenly the equivalent to the root of my trust issues?
My fingers curl so tightly into a fist, I can feel my nails pierce the skin. "You're one to talk." It's easier this way; keeping my back turned to him so I can mask the tears brimming my eyes. Who does he think he is? Who is he, period? How is this the same adoring man that was pursuing me the summer we met?.... It takes all my effort not to bolt for the front door—not to let my nose run or tears to stream down my face. No. I won't cry over him again. I won't let him win. Not like this.
Firm in my resolve, I take a deep breath before turning to him again. "You're not so confident, Mr. Big Shot..." My words falter at the sight of him ripping his shirt open, black buttons clattering all over the floor. "What-"
Baekhyun has me backed against the wall before I can utter another word. "Did you enjoy yourself?" He demands, holding my chin between his thumb and index finger. He peers down into my eyes; the familiar look held in his dark orbs has me quivering on the inside—and it isn't from fear. "Hmm? Did you enjoy embarrassing me earlier? Did you have your fun?"
I quickly recover. "Not my fault you don't know how to keep it in your pants."
"You wish you were in my pants." He grits out, lips curling mockingly.
There are so many things I want to throw up in his handsome face right now. So many little secrets and observations I've made over the past year that would make him falter—make him kneel. But today...
I choose violence.
Tangling my fingers in his hair, I yank on his delicate locks without remorse, pulling him into a brutal kiss of tongue and teeth. Baekhyun grunts in surprise, pressing me harder against the wall. The harsh clash of our mouths only seems to egg him on. The stinging bite he leaves on my bottom lip is nearly enough to break the skin. I don't know how long we stand there; my hands in his hair and his palms sliding down my back. There's no telling where he ends or I begin until the lack of air sinks in. His breathless puffs for air erupt goosebumps on my skin.
"Are we really doing this?" He pants, pulling away to brush his hair back. His eyes are more familiar to me now, softened by his calmer state, intense from the lust felt in his every touch.
I pause my exploration of his firm chest, arching a brow at him with a mocking grin. "Think you can last longer than a minute this time?"
Baekhyun clenches his jaw and steps away. For a moment, I worry if I pushed him too far until his lips crash back to mine. "Jump," He mutters gruffly, his grip near bruising on my ass.
"And if I don't..." The look in his eyes as he drags his dark brown eyes up to mine shuts me up entirely.
Baekhyun slowly leans closer, brushing his lips against the shell of my ear. "I'll fuck you against the goddamn window." The serious expression on his face combined with the threat is damn near intimidating—and I hate how aroused it leaves me.
Baekhyun hoists me up and walks to our room with quick strides, relentlessly keeping his lips glued to mine. He pushes open the door before dropping me unceremoniously onto the mattress. His lips are back on mine before I can chastise him for the mini heart attack, his impatient hands tug at the rest of my clothes. I let him pull off my pants and hurriedly move to unclip my bra in the meantime before his rough actions can rip the expensive fabric.
Baekhyun freezes above me, brown eyes transfixed on my matching red lacy set. It may be winter, but that doesn't mean I can't dress up nicely underneath endless layers of flannel and wool. Although, when I think about what happened not too long ago... Warmth fills my cheeks and I know I'm blushing way too hard to have done this countless times with him.
"Ah." Baekhyun tsks, stopping me from covering my chest. "Take it off." He breathes, soft lips brushing over my neck. "Let me see these tits bounce for me."
My eyes widen at his crude words, a gasp escapes my parted lips when he sucks harshly on a sensitive spot on my neck, pulling down the straps of my bra at a snail's pace. The poor clothing is tossed over his shoulder without a care in the world.
I'm no stranger to Baekhyun's habit of leaving pink and red hues on my skin, but today is different—today it feels like he has something to prove by trapping my skin between his teeth, marking me as his. He doesn't stop at my neck; his restless mouth ventures lower, painting my collarbones and chest with the shape of his lips.
I grit my teeth as he reaches my breasts, determined not to let him win me over so easily. It doesn't matter how much I want to melt under his warm hands mapping out the contours of my waist or tremble in anticipation at his breath fanning over my sensitive nipples. No matter what, I will not crumble... until he does first, at least.
Yeah—easier said than done with the way he's tugging my nipple with his teeth, roughly rolling the other between his fingers. It's all fun and games until his grip tightens on my hip, his pelvis grinding mercilessly against me. A move that has my back arching clear off of the mattress. He just presses me back down to the bed, continuing to alternate between each breast, pulling away minutes later with a wet pop of his lips. He's relentless in using every weak spot of mine. As if he knows what I'm trying to do.
"Not today, baby," He murmurs to my squirming form, chuckling in my ear. I can't help but bite my lip, breath caught in my throat when his hand slides down my body. His large palm covers my clothed core entirely. If it were any other day, I'd be flustered over how true his words from earlier were; the evidence of my previous admiring and current state of euphoria clear as day to his greedy hand, tugging at my last piece of clothing.
My heart races in the realization that I'm lying under him, almost completely bare, as he remains fully clothed besides the ripped shirt clinging to his broad shoulders.
"Ah," Baekhyun smacks my hands away, flashing a grin full of devious intentions. "Don't worry your pretty little head."
He's yanking my underwear down before I can get a word in, tossing them carelessly off the bed and spreading my thighs as far as they'll go.
"Always so ready for me," He muses, spreading my folds apart with his thumbs. I stop breathing entirely when he leans down, spitting onto my pussy. "Your hungry cunt has been waiting all morning for me, hmm?"
My lack of response doesn't bother him in the slightest as he meets my eye, sliding two of his long fingers into my core so suddenly I shout, grabbing his wrist. Baekhyun just pries my fingers off of him before interlocking them with his freehand, bracing our joined hands above my head. My eyes roll back at the burn of the unexpected intrusion. It's a dull, persistent ache while he shoves his fingers deeper into my cunt. He curls them up in a way that has me shaking at the seams, tugging at his silver locks as he brings me dangerously close to the edge. Right when I'm nearing my high, he pulls his fingers out, nonchalantly sucking on them while fiddling with his belt.
I gulp, relaxing back against the sheets. I can't even be mad at this point. Our argument ended the moment I started that fiery-filled kiss, but—
Baekhyun's belt clatters to the floor and his brown eyes have never looked so fierce—so carnal, I wonder if he plans to eat me alive. What I don't expect is for him to crawl further up the bed like an actual predator hunting his prey to hover over me again; his gaze not straying from mine for a second. The warmth of his body encloses me; it's second nature to relax under him when we're like this—when we're touching the tip of the iceberg before diving headfirst into the chilly depths of our lust. Sex with Baekhyun isn't like playing with fire; it's handling dry ice with bare hands.
And being in love with him is one of the most intense and excruciating experiences of my life.
We spend so much time eye-fucking each other that I'm not prepared for the bruising kiss he pulls me into, sliding his cock into my core without a warning.
"Hmm?" He humors, his low voice filled with lust. "Now she speaks."
"Baekhyun." I gasp when he spreads my thighs wider; the pull from the unfamiliar stretch adds to his incessant pounding—his hips seeming to snap a mile a minute. Oh, please—please don't let both of us have muscle strain tomorrow morning. I swear I've never seen him move this fast for anything. Ever. Baekhyun, what the fuck? Have you started back up on your late-night visits to the gym or something? He's reaching depths he hasn't quite reached before, hitting a spot inside my core that makes me want to cringe away and slam myself onto his cock at the same time.
I yelp out when he tilts my hips at a different angle, not meaning to scratch his back so hard in my hurry to cling onto him. Baekhyun just groans, slamming rougher into me in retaliation, his teeth firmly bite down onto my shoulder.
"Baekhyun! what the—ah—fuck!?" I nearly shriek, appalled and aroused.
Baekhyun smirks, sliding a hand down to press his thumb on my clit. "What's the matter, baby?"
"B-" I can't even say his name without stammering, shaking under him when he slows down to roll his entire body against mine. The only thing I'm capable of at this point is gripping his shoulders, throwing my head back with a loud moan. I always thought of myself as not being a fan of sweat or having any strange, warm liquids touching me, but Baekhyun... Fucking Baekhyun. His sweaty chest brushing over my nipples is making me lose my damn mind—if I was feeling any more horny and adventurous, I'd lick the salty sweat off of his neck.
"Come on." Baekhyun pants with a satisfied grin. Sweat continues to drip from his honey-toned skin, sticking silver locks to his forehead. "Tell me."
The fucker, he knows exactly what's up. It's written all over his face. A part of me doesn't want to beg—my rational side. The one chastising me for falling into bed with him again in the first place. But I don't know how much longer I can take his teasing antics, so despite my stubbornness—despite the heart aching memories creeping up on me in such an intimate moment; I press my body to his.
"Fuck me like you mean it." I pant, yanking harshly on his hair, smirking at his pained hiss until his hips undulate in a new direction. The constant stimulation on my most sensitive spots has my high sneaking up on me so quickly, I don't have time to warn him.
Baekhyun's lips crash to mine, swallowing my cry of his name as I fall over that blissful edge. His cock is the only thing on my mind amongst the ringing in my ears—in the minute-long paradise where nothing else matters but our frantic hearts racing as one.
Baekhyun lets out a telling grunt before a burst of warmth fills me up. The remains of his release drip down my thighs with his erratic, shaky thrusts. He doesn't even pull out when he's done. He just leans tiredly over me, coaxing my lips into a lazy kiss. "You're the only one for me." He whispers as if sharing the biggest secret, all rosy-cheeked and wide-eyed.
Beautiful; there's no other way to describe him—in general, in this moment. Nothing compares to his mocha brown eyes that shine brighter than a million stars when his steady gaze sets on me. Nothing compares to the safety of his warm embrace that surrounds me. Nothing could come close to the way he drives me crazy in every single way. Love. Lust. Doesn't matter. If it's with him—for him, it's...
Is it worth it?
The emptiness I feel when he gently pulls himself from me triggers every painful memory imaginable: my birthday, the party, our summer fight, his ex, that phone call, his photoshoot...
Baekhyun collapses beside me on the bed, completely oblivious to the war going on in my head. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close to his beating heart.
I wait for him to fall asleep, brushing damp silver locks of hair out of his eyes as his breathing slows. He looks so peaceful like that, so innocent while his face relaxes with sleep. So... So welcoming, like home.
Tears stream down my cheeks, blurring my vision of his twitching brows and pouted lips. I hope he's happy; I hope he got what he wanted.
Carefully sliding out from under his loving hold, I quietly get dressed, collect my duffle bag, and slip out of the room, holding onto the doorknob for dear life. His quiet mumbles drift through the crack of the door, tossing and turning as if already aware of my absence. I have to cover my mouth to contain my sobs.
I love him—I really do, but I...
I can't do this.
I can't take this anymore. If he won't open up to me; if he thinks I'm... I'm unworthy of knowing his past—hell, fuck that. Apparently caring too much leads to being left behind, if that encounter this morning is anything to go by.
My laughter just ends in more sobs, the salty taste of tears on my tongue more bitter with the realization that once again, I've lost.
But at what cost?
The ache in my chest and between my legs is an answer within itself—the last push I need to retrieve my car keys from the counter.
If he wants to be that way, Baekhyun... Baekhyun can do whatever the fuck he wants. What's the difference between me and all the others? What use am I? Is it because I learned how to cook? Clean? I wonder how many of those late nights at work are actually spent bent over his sketchpad. Am I his personal little stay-at-home trophy? Does it feel good to show me around important events? After today, I might as well hang up the thought of ever stepping into his world again. No one wants a possessive girlfriend in their corner of the wrestler ring. No one needs a jealous, nosy, demanding burden weighing them down. And I have my high standards as well.
I can—and will not—be one of those girls.
Not even for him.
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1)  P(2) | Part 6 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1)  P(2) | Part 6 P(1)  P(2)✓ ----- P(3)   P(4)
A/N: I can feel the pitchforks on the rise, l-listen (<.<) just trust me on this, not all is lost.... Or is it?  😇 I’ll try to finish the next part as soon as I can. *cracks fingers* let’s see what this troubled couple gets up to next.
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frightfurtabby · 3 years
Himikiyo Week 2021 Day 2! Bookstore Ambience
// Likewise with yesterdays entry, amino crossposting to be added later. i feel this one’s pretty damn cute
later edit- all links will be collected later in an individual post that will act as a guide/directory.
Word count: 1837
AO3- https://archiveofourown.org/works/34138636
Amino- https://aminoapps.com/c/danganronpa/page/blog/himikiyo-week-day-2-bookstore-ambience/d3DX_eE8Sbum1JjvngPBwrwNV6mNR1eD7WR
A first date, depending on who you asked, was either more nerve wracking or less so than you expect. Kiyo wasn’t sure which they’d agree with but nonetheless they were fretting. Pacing back and forth in their office at the university. A cute teacher from another department had ended up inviting them out on a date, like a date date. They’d been on the job for a few years now but hardly socialized much outside the other anthropology staff who were understanding of at least some of their eccentricities.
Then just before the start of the previous semester the college hired a new batch of professors including one taking a spot over in the English department in a room in just the opposite hall. So they would see her often in the mornings downstairs in line at Coffee place, usually she was to the back of the line and they’d cross paths when Kiyo was going up with their usual order. The first sighting was like this, and entirely by chance as the anthropologist had to turn to answer a colleague briefly and eye contact was made with the cute redhead in line just over the other’s shoulder, Himiko Yumeno.  
They soon hit it off, spending time talking to each other in between class periods in one room, the other, or in the previously mentioned cafe. About work, future plans, what they did in their spare time. Kiyo was always busy doing work, research generally and most of their interests revolved around it and there were days in a row just immersing themself in study. It was like that for as long as they could remember, though what in particular they were fascinated by changed over time.
Legends of monsters, legends of heroes, artifacts left behind, Asia, North America, Africa, they’d deep dive into something and come out the other end being aware of enough to teach their students in extreme detail. Little did they know at the time but in a moment of serendipity just before they met Himiko they felt a pull toward researching the history of magic. And then it turned out that she was interested in that as well.
There were very few days they didn’t find a chance to talk. They had a shared routine every day, and now was a step up.
Kiyo adjusted their collar and tie before straightening out the skirt a bit more and wondered if it was all a little too formal and they were overthinking this. They did tend to do that kind of thing after all. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too much of an issue, Himiko was definitely understanding of that kind of thing, they knew that much already. There were also the times they’d complained of that trait and she called it “adorable.”
It was to a bookstore with a cafe in it, so they didn’t need to be terribly formal. Kiyo remembered that it was taking place at around 8 tonight and looked over at the clock and realized that it was much sooner than they thought. She would be showing up any moment. Time went somewhere while they were lost in thought so they quickly put on their shoes, grabbed an umbrella just in case and headed out to the bus stop that was only a few blocks away.
The couple met while Himiko was sitting on the bench still, tapping away at her phone to text Kiyo to make sure everything was alright.
She looked up after hearing footsteps and sighed in relief. “You never seemed much like the type to show up late.”
“My apologies.”
“You also never seemed like the type to straight up ditch either, so…” she blushed and looked over down sheepishly. “I was getting a little worried something happened and you couldn’t pick me up as soon.”
“I got a bit distracted. I-” their explanation started as they took a break with her to sit and rest, arm wrapping around her shoulders.
“Was trying to make yourself extra cute for me?” the redhead teased, putting an arm around them right back and leaning in cutely..
“I… yes, I won’t deny that.” It was a cloudy evening and the autumn breeze blew downed leaves past where they had sat and began to cuddle on the bench. “You know how it is sometimes.”
“Yeah, I remember the time you genuinely didn’t grasp that the poetry I had been showing you for your input was, in fact, about you.”
Kiyo chuckled. “Oh god yeah, that took me a few to even have an inkling of it going on. I just might be the most useless lesbian ever.”
“Mmm, you’re useful for warmth sometimes.”
“Only sometimes?”
“Hehe, y-you know what I mean. Like right now, it’s a bit chilly but you being here makes it not so bad.” The first date was finally here, after they had planned it to be a day they were both free. So the woman was going to savor every moment of it.
The couple approached the doors of the date location holding hands, under the umbrella. Skin made cold by the walk over in spite of hands sharing warmth. Small flecks of rain along the top of the umbrella dripped down. Inside, Kiyo instantly felt the warmth of the building. It wasn’t a long trek at all, if it was they would have done this by car. Everything around here was luckily close to the campus, including home.
The umbrella was put back in its holder, so as not to drip all over the place. It would be rude to do so.
Kiyo turns and gives Himiko a peck on the cheeks. “Food and coffee first, darling?”
The shorter woman nodded and smiled. “Yeah, that sounds like a plan.”
It was just to the back left corner from the entrance. Rows and rows of enticing books had to be passed by before you could reach it, but who would come and not buy anything? Romance, sci-fi and fantasy, Manga and light novels too were all present.
After ordering, they got one booth to share, and sat down at the same side. Kiyo’s umbrella, bag, and jacket sat on the ground on the very inside corner. Everything they had ordered would be coming up, and luckily there wasn’t that much of a line on evening’s like this. The barista was even a student from university and had recognized them. It was awkward at first but Kiyo joked that it would be interesting to see which class would become fully aware they were dating first.”Let’s turn it into an experiment. Who has more Gossips attending their lectures?”
And they were glad that put her more at ease. It felt nice gently rubbing Himiko’s shoulder with their hand as she leaned in and placed a kiss on their cheek.
“Well, I sure hope it’s not mine. That’d be a pain.” she said to play into the gag a bit more. “Besides, it’d be fitting for your class.”
Kiyo feigned offense, mock gasping “Hey now what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, just you observant types over in anthropology, always wanting to know everything you can about how people work. I can see that tendency being correlated.”
They had told her previously they thought about doing more research for a paper about something like that after listening to some of their colleagues, ironic though it may be, gossipping about student rumors.
“Point taken.” Kiyo returned her smooch with their own, directly on her forehead.
The coffee and tea arrived first. So the talk continued with the added benefit of drinks. Himiko changed the subject to books on her to-read list. “You know there’s this new book I’ve been thinking of assigning in a future quarter, I’d have to read it first.”
“It’s about this girl that finds out that she has magical powers and gets some training, eventually she encounters a strange, beautiful spirit and they fall in love. I always feel like courses need a little more gay love. Oh, and the author is too, so the representation is genuine.”
KIyo nodded and listened. “That’s very good. Perhaps we’ll get a couple copies? I’ll pay. I’ll also be getting a few things that have been on my list for a while.”
They held hands, sat so close. Hans resting between both of their legs. It was such a good time to fit in cuddling any time there was a little lull in the action of the date. Some time to lazily place kisses.
Right on cue the meal arrived. Breakfast for dinner was a classic, from the bacon egg and cheese on croissant to the pie slices as a dessert. Reluctantly, they separated to more easily eat and drink.
“This is as good as it usually is, mmm, actually, it’s even better.” Himiko said, taking their hand again.
“I agree. I don’t know if coming alone will cut it for me any more.” Kiyo leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Shall we move on to the next leg, or savor this moment some more?”
The food was finished or wrapped up for later.
After a few more minutes cuddling in the booth, the couple looked through the aisles closer to the cafe portion first and Kiyo’s stack started, growing through each section until they had to split the load and have Himiko carry some.
“Sheesh, I thought you were only getting a few.” she complained, intending it to be lighthearted.
“My list is quite long.” Kiyo replied with a chuckle.
“Guess this is why you needed the bag then. If this was only a few I have to imagine it’s as long as you are.”
“Oh my~” the tall one replied, complete with suggestive eyebrow wiggling.
“Kiyo! Not like that, I meant your height. Did Iruma from the Engineering department teach you that one?”
As that line of discussion thankfully ceased the couple came to the one Himiko was looking for, it was up front on the display close to the cashier. She picked up one copy and put it on her pile and handed the second over to Kiyo.
“We could have, like, a little book club date. Just the two of us.” If only it weren’t so difficult to nuzzle close due to all these books, she thought.
“I think I’d enjoy that. Your company is always a pleasure darling.” They briefly leaned up close, cutely brushing against her before leading the way to check out.
Himiko blushed. “Yeah this was nice, we should do it more often.”
With a couple of coupons Kiyo kept in their pocket the price was cut down, but still cracked 12,000 yen. They stuffed the back full and carried it over their shoulder. Umbrella similarly along their back for if it would be needed again.
Arms wrapped around each other, the couple walked out and noticed the rain had stopped for now, and it would be dry on the bus trips back home.
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rating: general. implied sexual content but nothing graphic. lets call it pg-13
pairing: summerseed ( john x tobias )
words: 1430
summary: happy pride month ! i actually started this last week but im just finishing and editing it now. tobias makes john breakfast in this one and theres lots of gay shit
It's still early when the idea strikes Tobias- at least, early for him. It surprises him that he can still feel John in bed next to him, can still hear him mumbling in his sleep in the midst of a dream. Hadn't he mentioned taking a day off? That made his idea even more perfect, didn't it?
Fortunately ( or unfortunately, depending on how he thought about it ), John was currently sleeping with his back to him, which made it much easier to slip gently out of bed than if he had to pry himself out of his grip.
At a hint of motion, John turns over, still obviously asleep, grasping for where Tobias had just lain and seeming distressed when he finds nothing in the space. Thinking fast, the blonde slips his pillow from it's place at the head of the bed, pushing it gently towards his husbands reaching arms. It works like a charm- he wraps around it as easily as he would if it actually were him, sleep becoming peaceful once more.
Tobias could watch him sleep for hours, and on previous occasions he had, but this morning he's on a mission. He pads out of their shared bedroom lightly, closing the door behind him with a feather-light touch. John slept in so rarely- it simply wouldn't do for anything to wake him up. Especially when there was still so much work to be done.
Through the living room, into the kitchen- the hardwood floor is cool under his feet, except where late morning light pours in through the windows to warm it. Seed Ranch is serene at this time of day, something straight out of a cottagecore fantasy. If you could call their sprawling estate home a "cottage", that is. The thought makes him laugh.
This was second nature to him, a routine that even before this place he had done most every morning. It was more special, here- something he chose to do and not something he was forced to do. The fridge was usually well stocked, and today was no exception- it gives him a chill when he peeks into it. The blueberries he had picked fresh from their backyard garden sit, enticingly brightly colored, in a Tupperware on the second shelf.
It doesn't take him long- combining ingredients, frying bacon, slicing bread he had baked just the other night for thick, golden toast- or at least, it doesn't feel like it's taken him that long. Truthfully, Tobias finds it impossibly easy to lose himself in domestic activities. He's flipping a pancake dotted with plump blueberries when a set of arms wraps firm around his waist, the soft contrast of lips against his neck followed in a shiver-inducing way by the scratch of John's beard against sensitive skin.
"You didn't think that pillow would fool me forever, did you, my dear?" he still sounds half asleep- there's a husky tone to his usually smooth voice that summons butterflies to Tobias' stomach.
"I sure hoped it wouldn't. You'd miss breakfast."
"Breakfast?" he seems to notice what Tobias is doing for the first time- the smaller man can feel his lips curve up into a smile against the curve of his jawline. "Mmnn, you know your blueberry pancakes are my favorite. Whats the occasion?"
"The occasion?" Tobias giggles under his breath. "Well, I woke up in bed next to the most handsome man I'd ever seen. And then I saw the ring on his finger matched mine, so...."
This time John laughs, a sound like rich, dripping honey that he's sure must be the undiscovered secret cure for something. It makes what he is sure must be the dopiest grin alive stretch at the corners of his mouth. "You really are an angel, you know that?"
Tobias laughs with him in turn and he is finishing another pancake for the stack, starting a fresh ladle of thick batter against the gently popping oil despite being restrained by John's arms as he is. It was a necessity, really, developing that skill- John never let him go when he didn't have to, and that was how he preferred it. "Takes one to know one."
John's laughter brushes just lightly against the shell of his ear this time, and the flame of hot sensation it sends right down his spine to pool in his stomach is enough to almost make him drop the spatula he's holding. He can tell John saw it, too- he can practically hear the satisfaction in his voice when it comes to the power he holds over his little husband. "Careful, wildflower. Don't burn yourself."
He's already burning in a much different way. Tobias is sure he already knows. He flips the last finished pancake off into the pre-prepared plate, turning his head a bit to face him and leaning up to place a gentle kiss against his lips that sparks with sweet electricity. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to seduce me, Mr. Seed."
"Oh really? Did I wake up and make you a breakfast fit for a king?"
"Mmmn, you caught me. I almost decided to do it in nothing but my apron." It sounds awkward, coming from him, like he feels it always does when he attempts to be charming in the same effortless way John is, but the tightening of John's arms around his waist and the little shuddering breath he muffles against the skin of his throat are a fine indication that he thought otherwise. He would have to explore that idea more later- today, they have all the time in the world. "Why don't you go sit, get comfortable, and I'll make you a plate?"
"If you keep spoiling me like this, Joseph will make a law against it."
"God himself couldn't stop me from spoiling you, much less Joseph. Now go," Another kiss, this time in parting. It would only be for a few minutes, but it still feels necessary. "Sit."
"Sir yes sir." John's warmth pulls away from him, leaving him to his labor of love. He can hear the shift of chair legs against the hardwood floor, can hear him barely suppress a yawn and a soft moan as he stretches. He can picture it in his head clear as day, as he arranges food on of John's fancy plates- a little dab of butter here, some syrup there, bacon and toast arranged just so. It doesn't have to look perfect, but he takes it as a personal bit of pride that it does- or at least, as close to perfect as he can recreate.
Tobias slides it across the table towards him, finishing off the picture with a fork and a tall glass of fresh, cold milk from the fridge. The seat next to him is absent, of course, and he takes it, unwilling to be too far from him for too long. There- now it's perfect.
"Aren't you going to have some?"
"I...Uh.." Tobias just stares at him, suddenly flushed hot in embarrassment as he realizes his mistake, and the look that slides over John's face is endearingly exasperated.
"Did you only make enough for me again?"
"....Ahaha, old habits die hard, I guess." He had always been the one to make breakfast, but never for himself.
"That just means we get to share, doesn't it?"
"You don't have to d-" Tobias starts to protest, but is quickly silenced as John shoves a fork loaded with blueberry pancake into his open mouth. He has to admit, he's really outdone himself with this batch. He hums low in approval, eyes fluttering for a moment, and from this close John's answering laugh practically brushes against his skin.
"That's what I thought."
"Okay, okay..." He can't help but smile, watching his husband fork a bite for himself. His hair is messy and unkempt, the usual tension in his shoulders dissolved into a pleasant slope. It occurs to him, like it often does, how few people have gotten to see him this way- his heart swells in his chest, warm and saccharine. How could he possibly deny him the chance to share his breakfast, if that was what he wanted? How could he possibly deny him anything? "A few bites can't hurt. But I'm making you a snack later, okay?"
"Hmmmmm." He considers for a moment, twirling his fork in a circular motion, before a downright illegal sort of expression slides over his handsome features. "How about I have you for a snack later?"
Tobias' stomach fills with the beat of wings.
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐍𝐨 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
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Imagine: Breakfeast in bed with romantic movies.
Pairings: Klaus x Human!reader
Warnings: Fluff and maybe some smut.
Words: 1052
Edited: Yes
It's not everyday that I get to have a peaceful sleep. With a short-tempered- and I'm pretty sure bipolar- husband and wonderful but very needy kids, it's hard to get that.
Eyes slowly cracking open, I felt the warm rays of sunlight on my face and I savoured the warmth I was being introduced to for the first time that day. I rolled over and now the warmth was on my back and I looked at the time, It was 10 am. I loved the idea of Klaus letting me sleep in but why?The kids always run into us in the morning, I would have woken up. That's a good point. I don't hear kids in the house at all but I did hear Klaus walking upstairs.
I sipped the cold glass of water on my nightstand as he walked in with a tray. A tray of food. I sat up with a confused look on my face.
"Klaus, what's this ?"
He placed the tray at the end of the bed. Whilst he helped me sit up into a comfortable position, before placing the tray on my lap.
"Well, I decided what with you always looking after the kids and always doing stuff I can't or am not always here to do. You needed a day to off to relax, just us."
I smiled at him and as much as I appreciated it, yes I don't love being woken up at the crack of dawn but the idea of having kids always seemed so distant to me and I don't have a good enough reason why but until marrying Klaus I never felt the desire to have kids. So, I love hearing the pattering of their tiny feet running down the hallway and bursting into our bedroom because it reminds me of what I am so lucky to have.
"What do you mean just us ? Where are the kids?"
"Stop worrying, you think I'd just really be careless when it comes to them."
I knew he loved those kids more than anything so I did know they would be somewhere safe. A mother will always worry about her children though no matter if she knows their safe, it's just instinct.
"No of course I don't. I can't help worrying about them."
"I know sweetheart. But I want you to stop worrying, eat this amazing breakfast I made you and relax."
I started to eat the food, moaning at the taste. The crispy bacon, the fluffy scrambled eggs, the thick sausages and the buttery toast on the side. Not forgetting the coffee as well, just how I like it.
Klaus walks back up and starts speaking again.
"Okay so I know you said you wanted to show me some specific movies, I figured out they are all romantic. Which, I'm not looking forward to. However, if it makes you happy then I will endure it."
I giggled at him.
"They aren't that bad baby. You liked the other ones I forced you to watch. Anyway, where did the last one lead us?"
I saw him stand there in thought for a second before his eyes lit up and he started grinning wider than the Cheshire cat.
"Okay. Okay, I'll watch them I promise."
I laughed at him and patted the spot next to me. He jumped in and rested his head on my chest, whilst I ran my fingers through his golden curls.
We watched quite a few films including: The Fault In Our Stars, La La Land, Friends With Benefits and of course he wanted to watch Fifty Shades Of Grey.
As soon as the film finished I went to speak but he kissed me passionately. His tongue winning against mine for dominance. I could tell he was very desperate for me in the moment because I was already naked without even realising and he was only in a pair of boxers.
He tied my wrists to the headboard with one of his ties and positioned me so I couldn't rub my legs together for friction, even though I was so desperate. He licked a stripe along my clit whilst pushing his fingers in slowly and as he pulled his mouth away, he started pumping them a lot rougher. Until, I couldn't help but moan into his neck as he was kissing the other side of mine.
As he was kissing my neck sloppily and moving lower down to my breasts and back up to my mouth again. He lined himself up and thrust in suddenly, I couldn't begin to describe the amount of pleasure I was feeling.
He thrust in and out rapidly hitting my g spot every time, my breasts bouncing with every single thrust. My eyes shut tightly, my pleasure filled screams filling the house.
"Fuck Klaus ! Fuck please go harder baby !"
"Why don't you instead ?"
I looked at him confused but then he ripped the tie binding my wrists together off and rolled us so I was on top and he was laid down. I straddled him better and when he grabbed a hold of my hips, I drove myself downwards. Again, instantly hitting my g spot.
I hoisted myself and sat back down again but gradually getting quicker until I couldn't hold off anymore . I managed to muster up enough energy to finish him off. Even after I came but man was it hard.
Let's just say what happened tonight was definitely better receiving the pleasure than watching it on TV.
I climbed off of him and laid down beside him. I started breathing heavily and spoke up.
"That's the best we've had in a while !"
I was about to get up when I heard the door open downstairs, I rolled over and looked at the time.
"9 o'clock on the dot."
I looked over at him and we high fived. I put on some sweatpants and a top and walked downstairs to go greet my kids for the first time that day whilst Klaus got some clothes on and made the room child friendly knowing the kids would come and watch a film with us too fall asleep to upstairs because the living rooms being re-decorated. One thing I do know is, I'm the luckiest women in the world.
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Bad Dream  -  Six
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Pairing: Dark!Steve X Reader
Summary: A year after wiping your memory and keeping you for himself, Steve Rogers is happy. Happier than he’s ever been. With you and your daughter, life couldn’t be any better. The only problem? You’re starting to remember things.
Warnings: Angst, Language,
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: Haha... I hope you like this...
You stand in front of the stove, taking deep breaths to try and keep yourself calm as you hear Steve walking around upstairs.
Bacon and eggs cook in front of you, sizzling and filling the room with noises that drown out your thoughts.
“… and I love you so very much. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Yes, you are! Yes, you are!” Steve walks into the room with Sarah in his arms and she giggles as he tickles her belly.
“Good morning, Darling,” he says, walking over to you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You stiffen and Steve stops behind you, brows furrowed at your response to his touch.
“Morning,” you whisper, hands gripping the edge of the counter tightly to stop them from shaking.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, one hand coming to rest on your hip. You let out a breath and shake your head. “Still not feeling good,” you breathe, eyes trained on the popping bacon.
Steve spins you to face him, but you can’t lift your head. You can’t look at him. You won’t.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head.
“Breakfast will be ready soon,” you whisper, trying to turn back around. Steve’s strong arm stops you and you grimace.
“What’s wrong. Tell me. Now.” The way he commands you to tell him has tears filling your eyes.
“I-I’m fine.” He grabs your chin and forces you to look up at him, his eyes stony and cold.
“I won’t ask again.” Your bottom lip wobbles and tears spill down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, blinking wildly to try and rid your eyes of the tears.
“I-I’m sorry,” you repeat, just wanting him to get his hands off of you. Sarah reaches for you, one of her chunky hands grabbing onto your hair. You and Steve both look at her only to find her staring at the two of you with big eyes. She reaches for you, leaning out of Steve’s grasp. You’re quick to grab onto her torso, easing her out of Steve’s arm and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay,” Steve says after a minute, one hand coming up to rest on the small of your back. You sniffle and nod, not taking your eyes off of your daughter.
“I’m okay. Just… not feeling too good. I’m tired, my emotions are… all over the place.” He sighs heavily and pulls you into his arms. It takes everything in you to suppress the gag that wants to break free. “Alright.”
He keeps his eyes on you as you finish making breakfast, Sarah sitting on your hip and playing with your hair as you do.
Something’s wrong. You haven’t been the same since he tried making you more obedient.
He watches to way your hands tremble when you hand Sarah to him, the way you avoid making eye contact. He watches you shrink in on yourself, trying to take up as little space as possible. He tries to figure out where he went wrong, what possibly could’ve happened to make you this terrified.
He knows he said the words right, he did everything Bucky said to do. So nothing could’ve caused this.
Well, except for one thing.
You sit across from him with Sarah on your lap, hardly touching your food as you giggle with your daughter.
Steve’s eyes are focused on your every movement. The only explanation for your behaviour is you being awake. And if you were awake when he said what he said, then you heard it. And now you’re terrified.
“Darling, you know how important you are to me, right?” You slowly look up, nodding wordlessly.
“And you know how much you mean to me, right? I wouldn’t be the man I am today without you. You’re such a big piece of my life.” You’re confused by his words, you’ve got no idea what they mean or why he’s saying them, especially after what you heard him say the other night.
“Y-You. mean a lot to me too, Steve.” The words taste like acid and you want to throw up.
“I’m gonna go give Bucky a call. I’ll be back.” He pushes away from the table and walks out of the room and up the stairs. You watch and listen, only breathing again when you hear the door to the bedroom close.
You sigh, tears prickling your eyes as Sarah stares up at you.
“We’ve gotta get out of here somehow. I don’t know how, but I promise I’ll get us out of here.” She yawns, a tiny fist rubbing her eyes and you know she needs to be put down for a nap. You rock her gently in your arms and head up the stairs to put her down for her nap, not wanting to be away from her but knowing you’ve gotta take advantage of the fact that Steve’s busy on the phone.
You’re passing by the master bedroom when you catch your name being whispered.
You stop, leaning closer to the door and listening carefully to try and hear what Steve has got planned for you.
“She’s different. I don’t know why, but she’s afraid. I think something went wrong the other night.” You pull away from the door and take some slow, deep breaths, trying to keep yourself calm.
Any and all efforts to stay calm are promptly shattered by Steve whipping the door open, eyes hard and angry.
“You were eavesdropping,” he states, phone dropping to the ground. You shake your head and back up with your hands raised.
“N-no! I was just passing by!” He shakes his head and approaches you slowly, like a lion stalking its prey. “You’ve been doing that a lot lately, haven’t you? Eavesdropping. Listening to my private conversations with Bucky. You know more than you should, don’t you?”
“No! I don’t know what you’re talking about. Steve, you’re scaring me.” You try to sound as genuine as possible, try to make it seem like you’re telling the truth. But Steve already knows.
“I’m sure I am. You’re terrified. Because you remember. You’ve been remembering for a while now, but the pieces haven’t clicked in your head until now. You remember what I did to you, why you’re here with me.”
There’s a long stretch of silence as the two of you face-off, you with your arms still raised in front of you and him with his hands balled into fists at his sides.
“I won’t tell,” you finally break the silence, “I promise I won’t tell anyone. Just please, let me go.”
Steve scoffs, stepping closer still. “You really think, after all I’ve done to keep you, that I’d just let you go because you asked nicely? No,” he laughs, “that’s not gonna happen. You’re mine. Nothing is going to change that.”
He grabs your wrist right as you try to run, stopping you with a sickening crunch. Flames of pain lick up your arm, starting from your wrist, and you can’t help the small scream of pain that leaves you.
“I don’t want to have to hurt you, (Y/n). But you and I both know that I will. Nothing in this world will keep me from you. I deserve you. I’ve earned you. And I’ll make sure I keep you, whether you want me to or not.”
You wrench your arm free from his grip with such force that you stumble back a step, sending you falling down the stairs and into darkness, the last thing you see is his sinister smile.
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natrogersfics · 4 years
Natasha's birthday
Muffled voices rouse Natasha from her sleep, but as the bedroom door creaks open and footfalls pitter patter against the hardwood, she makes sure to keep her eyes shut. In a second, the mattress dips, and she has to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling.
“Hmm…” she groans, making a show of pulling the comforter over her head. “Too early!”
“But we have a surprise for you!” Isabel says, excitement bubbling in her tone.
“That so?” she asks, and as she peeks out from underneath the covers, the sight of her children and her husband in pajamas and party hats makes her beam.
“Happy Birthday!” they yell in unison just as Steve holds up the tray of food and Isabel and Joseph pull the strings on the party poppers, sending confetti flying across the bed.
“You guys,” she manages to say through her laughter as she sits up.
Isabel and Joseph jump into her arms, enveloping her in a tight hug. “Happy Birthday, momma!” Isabel says, placing a party hat on her head before handing her an envelope. “This is from Joey and me.”
She pulls the card out, her eyes scanning the drawing of their family by the Bethesda fountain on the front before opening it up. Inside, the words read: Thank you for being the best momma ever. We love you more than waffles. Happy Birthday! Love, Izzie and Joey
Tears sting her eyes, threatening to fall, but nevertheless, she chuckles at how Joey had signed his name is huge block letters - a stark contrast from Isabel’s neat handwriting. “Oh, figs,” she says, dropping a kiss to Isabel’s temple and then to Joseph’s. “Thank you. I love it.”
“And the ‘fetti?” Joseph asks, leaning forward to grab handfuls of the silver strips.
“Yes, bud,” she says amusedly, brushing the hair away from his eyes. “I love the confetti, too.”
“That was his idea,” Steve pipes in, setting the tray down on the mattress before leaning over for a kiss. “Mine” – he pauses, smiling as he produces a gift box from his back – “was a little less messy.”
“We wanted to get you a blue giraffe,” Isabel interjects as Steve hands her the box. “But Daddy said you wouldn’t want that.”
“Duly noted,” she says, Isabel’s expression of disbelief eliciting a laugh from both her and Steve. She pulls the red bow loose and lifts the lid, gasping when sees a First Edition of Wuthering Heights – the last missing piece of her collection and the one that’s eluded her for years – inside. “Steve,” she breathes out. “You really did not have to.”
Steve waves off her words. “I wanted to. And really, you deserve this and more, Nat.” He smiles. “You deserve the world.”
A warmth unfurls in her chest, and she mouths the words, “I love you.”
The rest of their morning is spent in the warmth of their bed, huddled around the feast of waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon that Steve had prepared. And as she’s showered with hugs and kisses laced with maple syrup, she finds herself wondering how she had gotten so lucky to have a family as wonderful as hers.
It’s after Steve insists that she stay in bed while he takes the kids out to get washed up that she starts thumbing through the pages of the book. “Forget something?” she asks when the door opens again only moments later.
“Nah,” Steve says, causing her eyebrow to rise in intrigue when he locks the door behind him. “I’m here to give you your other gift.”
She tilts her head to the side as he walks towards the foot of their bed. “I get more than one?”
“Even better,” he says, making her squeal when he pulls her towards the end of the bed by her ankles. “You get multiple.”
Drabbles Masterlist
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waywardnerd67 · 4 years
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Summary: People always said that Hollywood was a whole other world. Soon, (Y/N) was about to find out just how different Hollywood could be. Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Reader Pairing: Jensen x Reader Warnings: AU/Fluff/Angst Word Count: 5564 Prompts: “Loving me is a death sentence.” / “We found each other. That’s all that matters.” A/N #1: This is for @supernatural-jackles​ SPN Bi- Weekly Writing Challenge. Don’t judge me… I’ve been rewatching/rereading Twilight. *ducks from flying objects* A/N #2: Jensen Photo Edit Credited To: @justjensenanddean​
I stopped in front of the Stage One door, looking up at the massive building in front of me. The last month had led up to this very day. I was hired on by Warner Brothers to be the Personal Assistant to Jared Padalecki while he filmed in Vancouver. Even though being a PA was a horrible job, working on the set of my favorite TV show was a dream. I had spent my days leading up to my moving to Vancouver training my inner fangirl to be a normal human being.
“Remember they eat, breath, poop just like any other human.” I whispered to myself on the plane ride from my hometown.
“Girl, please! They are sculpted from marble by the hand of God himself. Just don’t embarrass us in front of them. Make a good impression!” She commanded as if I had any control over that.
Now, standing in front of the main sound stage, my stomach coiled into an anxious knot. Trembling I took a step forward through the door and found myself looking into the Men of Letters Bunker. My inner fangirl squealed with delight urging my body to walk through the set.
“Can I help you?” A tall, dark haired man stood with a camera rig around his waist.
I cleared my throat of the large lump forming within it, “Yeah, my name is (Y/N) and it’s my first day as a PA. The studio told me to go to Stage One when I arrived this morning.”
He smiled a soft chuckle coming from his chest, “Oh you must be Jared’s new wrangler. Here I will show you where to go.”
I followed him to a small office building that had on site office staff and writers housed. He pointed me in the direction of Susan, the executive assistant to Jim Michaels. She was on the phone as she waved me into her office. Standing off to the side was another woman with long, wavy blonde hair. Her fit body was covered by a simple pair of dark jeans, soft chocolate sweater and black knee high boots.
She stuck her hand out towards me, “Hi, I’m Ash. You must be Jared’s new PA.”
Shaking her hand I nodded, “I’m (Y/N).”
“I’m so excited you’re here. Now I don’t have to keep my eyes on both of them. I’m Jensen’s PA so you’ll be hanging with me quite a bit.”
Susan ended her call smiling up at the both of us, “Fantastic, you’re here! I will go with you to meet Jared and then you can shadow Ash for this week. How did your move go?”
“As well as could be expected moving from Kansas to Vancouver. My apartment is amazing.” It was the truth. The apartment Warner Brothers provided was twice the size of the one I had in Kansas.
Ash chuckled, “Yeah it’s nice until you have two Texans crashing your place at all hours.”
My eyes must have widened because both ladies began to laugh, “I haven’t told anyone that you are a fan, (Y/N).”
“Oh… yeah…” I felt my cheeks burning and my inner fangirl was doing cartwheels.
“We’ll keep that between us for now. Jensen and Jared will eat you alive if they found out that juicy piece of information.” Ash chuckled as I noticed Susan flinch slightly.
They led me back towards the row of trailers, the first of which, they stopped and knocked on the door. My heart was beating against my chest and my hands began to shake as the door opened. There stood Jared Padalecki in all his 6’4” glory. His chestnut hair damp from a shower, his light gray t-shirt clinging to his sculpted body and the waistband of his boxers peeking out from his low hanging jeans.
I sucked in a shaky breath making Ash chuckled beside me
“Jared this is your new PA, (Y/N). Be nice.” Susan warned, narrowing her eyes at him.
His laughter echoed around them, “I’m always nice. It’s great to meet you (Y/N). Susan and Jim have told me great things about you. Hopefully, we’ll be great friends.” He held out his hand to me.
When I placed mine in his, the heat coming off of it surprised me. The corner of his lips curling upward into a sly smirk. His hazel eyes caught my attention as flecks of emerald and sapphire seemed to shine. He let go of her hand taking a step towards Ash then leaning down to kiss her kiss.
“Now I see why you needed a new PA.” I mentioned as they both smiled at me, “I look forward to working and getting to know you.”
“Me as well. Are you taking her to meet grumpy pants?” Jared looked at Susan who brow was furrowed at the interaction.
Ash groaned, “Oh no, I thought after last night he would be in a better mood.”
Looking from Susan to Ash it seemed everyone was in on the secret except me, “I’m sure we don’t need to bother him before filming. I can always meet him another time.”
“I’ll take her over to meet him. I need to check in with him anyway and it will be a good experience for her.” Ash reached up giving Jared a quick kiss then stepping away from him.
“I think you have this under control, so if you need anything (Y/N) just come to my office. Please check in with me when you’re done with your day.” Susan did not wait for a reply and walked back towards the offices.
Jared chuckled, “You’d think after all this time that she would be used to us. Ugh!” Ash smacked him in the stomach giving him a stern look.
“Come on (Y/N), let’s go meet Jensen.” Ash and I waved goodbye to Jared.
We walked a couple of trailers down and again my heart began to race. I tried taking a few deep breaths to calm down but the moment she knocked on the door all the air in my lungs vanished. The door opened and Jensen Ackles looked down at us.
“Ash, why so early?” His velvet voice sent shivers down my body.
A slight breeze blew past us and his lean body went rigid. His bright olive eyes darkened to a deep forest green. His fists were clenched at his sides and I could see his arms trembling. Jensen narrowed his menacing gaze at me freezing me in place.
“Go. Away. Now.” He seethed going back into his trailer and slamming the door.
Wide eyed and stunned, I turned to Ash who was looking perplexed, “(Y/N) why don’t you go to craft services. Tell them you want Jared’s usually breakfast and bring it back to his trailer. I will meet you there.”
Ash directed me to where craft services were and the wonderful owners started chuckling when I asked for Jared’s usual. I carefully balanced three cups of coffee atop of three styrofoam containers filled to the brim with eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, muffins and a small cup of fruit. Before I could knock, Ash opened the door to let me inside.
“Great job! My first day, I spilled the coffee.” Ash began to open the containers taking some food for herself and one of the coffees.
She handed another one to me with a soft smile, “Where’s Jared?”
“He’ll be back. He’s having a heart to heart with Jensen. For today, I would just stay clear of him.” I nodded sipping my coffee as Jared came back in frowning.
The morning and afternoon flew by as the guys began filming. Taking Ash’s advice, I made sure to stay out of Jensen’s way and even his line of sight. Not that it mattered because he was permanently in a foul mood for the day. Finally, around six o’clock Ash sent me to see Susan saying she could handle the rest of the evening filming.
Making my way to the offices, I had not seen Jensen for a while and as I made my way to Susan’s office I could hear his velvet voice coming from Jim Michaels’ office.
“She has to go.” He hissed, my heart dropping to my stomach.
There was a long sigh, “She comes highly recommended and honestly she is over qualified to even be a PA. She’s smart, talented and in need of getting her foot in the door. You better than anyone know that starts from the lower level. Did she do something or see something?”
Jensen let out a dark chuckle, “She hasn’t seen anything. She seems naive.”
“Then what’s the problem Jensen?”
There was a long pause before he answered, “She exists, that's the problem.”
I had heard enough and walked towards Susan’s door knocking before entering her office. She was packing up for the day when she looked up smiling at me, “How’d it go?”
I put on my best smile, “Jared and Ash are great. Even Misha behaved himself.”
“Jensen?” She inquired looking as if she were trying to see under my mask.
I squared my shoulders back determined to make this work, “Fine. I know my place and will keep my distance. He’s not who I have to worry about, so all that matters is how I keep Jared on time and in line.”
Susan seemed impressed by my answer then pulled out a manila envelope from her briefcase, “Legal didn’t have this drawn up at the time of your hiring. You will need to read this over and sign it by tomorrow morning.”
I took it from her, “Of course. I will have it for you first thing in the morning. Have a good night.”
Walking out of her office, I made sure Jensen was nowhere in sight. Feeling confident he was gone, I made my way towards my car. Looking down towards the ground as I walked past the row of trailers, I did not notice the black SUV behind me. The honk startled me as I tripped over my own feet landing firmly on my ass.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Just needed you to move over a little.” I recognized the driver as Jared and Jensen’s bodyguard/driver, Clif.
The back window slid down as I stood up and Jensen’s dark eyes pierced through me. As they began to pull away I swore I heard a low hiss coming from him. I hurried to my car and drove off the lot as fast as I could. It was not until I was on the highway that my fired nerves finally started to calm down. I knew there was nothing special about me but having my favorite actor despise me sapped all hope out of my heart.
Once I was parked in my spot at my apartment building, I was standing at the elevator when the doors slid open revealing once again the gorgeous man who seemingly hated me.
“Are you following me?” He asked, walking directly at me glaring.
I stepped back, “No I-I’m not. The studio is renting an apartment for me here. I h-had no idea you lived here until Ash mentioned it this morning.”
He ran his hand over his sandy, brown hair, “Why did you take this job?”
His question took me by surprise for a moment, deciding honesty was the best policy, “I wanted to be a part of my favorite show and I wanted to learn more about the business. No better way than to start at ground level and work my way up.”
“Favorite show, huh? So, you like monsters?” He chuckled as if he had told himself a joke.
“The monsters are cool, I guess. I’m more invested in the story of the brothers. Plus there’s no romance in Supernatural which is nice.” I watched as his shoulders relaxed briefly.
His eyes glanced around then came back to me, “You don’t like a love story?”
“No. I’ve had my heart broken too many times. I’d rather escape into a world of monsters than deal with matters of the heart.” My own heart betraying me as it thumped against my ribs.
Standing in front of him now, Jensen was truly striking. His sharp facial features, fair skin, plump red lips and muscular body had my own body aching in ways it had not in years. He was beautiful.
“I should go.” He abruptly left walking off towards the street.
As soon as he was out of sight, I sucked in a deep breath willing my body to move towards the elevator. That night my dreams were filled with dark alleyways and forest green eyes.
Over the next several weeks, I fell into a regular routine on set with Jared and Ash. I kept to my word that I avoided Jensen at any cost, but had noticed he was continually coming around me more. At first, I thought it was just because of Jared, but then I noticed he was coming around when he was not needed on set.
My inner fangirl was urging and encouraging me to talk to him. Then my first time meeting Jensen flashed through my mind and kept me far away from him. The last day of filming for the week was a night shoot. Ash and I were constantly running to get coffee for ourselves and the crew to stay warm. Jared every once in a while would pull us both into a bear hug allowing his body heat to warm us up. We were in the middle of a forest as Jared and Misha were filming a scene and I was trying everything in my power not to chatter my teeth.
“You’re going to freeze to death.” His smooth voice brought heat to my cheeks.
I pulled my coat around me tighter, “I-I’ll be al-alright.”
His perfect lips pursed together before he slid his jacket off his shoulders, “Here take this,” He stepped just close enough to drape his large jacket over my shoulders.
“T-Thank you.” I slipped my arms inside surprised that it was slightly chilled still.
We stood there in silence watching as Jared purposely messed with Misha’s takes, “Children.” Jensen muttered as I chuckled.
In a rare moment I witnessed him smile brief and my inner fangirl sighed gracefully falling onto a lounge chair, “You have a great smile. It’s nice to see it.”
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Yes well, I’ve recently come to the realization that instead of trying to fight fate I should just embrace her cruel destiny.”
I raised an eyebrow at him confused, but decided it was better I remain silent. What did he mean by fighting fate? What destiny? My heart began to race as hope filled my chest. There was something about the way he had been acting and what he said that gave me hope he was talking about me. The director wrapped for the night and we made the trip back to the studio.
Just as my luck has always been, when I got to my car it would not start. I was one of the last people to leave the studio in the early hours of the morning. Trying to decide if it was worth calling a cab or just sleeping in my car. I was leaning towards the latter of the two.
“Everything okay?”
I yelped turning quickly to see Jensen stopped in his car, “Jesus, you scared me.”
He chuckled before shutting his car off and coming towards mine. He lifted the hood and began checking through everything, “Looks like it could be your starter or alternator. We can have one of the mechanics look at it Monday morning.”
I sighed heavily, “Great… just great.”
“Come on, I can give you a ride back to our building.” His genuine smile dazzled me for a moment as he closed up my car and went to open the door to his car for me, “(Y/N)?”
“Um, yeah that would be great. Thank you.” I got into his car shivering from how cold it was inside.
Jensen turned on the heat and took off down the main street towards the highway. His large hands gripped the steering wheel tightly but the rest of his body seemed relaxed. A wave of fear crashed into a wave of excitement of being in close proximity to him. My inner fangirl and mine’s curiosity was getting the better of us from earlier.
“What did you mean by embracing fate’s cruel destiny?” I thought maybe he had not heard me as a silent tension filled the air between us.
“Did you sign the NDA they drew up for you?” Answering a question with a question was a pet peeve of mine but I let it slide.
I turned slightly in my seat, “Yes, though I don’t understand why I needed to sign one. It was clearly stated in my new hire paperwork not to speak of any upcoming episodes or scripts.”
Again, his soft laughter had an edge to it, “The NDA has nothing to do with the show or network. It is something our managers and agents have in place to protect us.”
“You mean protect you and Jared? Why would you two need protecting?” Suddenly images of Jensen starring in his very own version of Fifty Shades of Grey filled my mind and my cheeks burned.
We were approaching our exit and I knew my time would be up with him, but I did not want to leave. He remained silent until he parked in his space within our garage. He turned towards me, his eyes downcast and shoulders slumped forward. If I had not known any better, I would have thought he was upset or in pain.
“Jensen, anything you or Jared would tell me or I would see would strictly be between us. I don’t need a NDA to keep private matters private. I have more respect for both of you that I would never want anyone running your names through the mud of public opinion.”
I reached out my fingers briefly brushing against the back of his smooth skin. A small gasp escaped my lips from how cold he was even with his heater on. He pulled his hand away from me quickly getting out of his car. I followed him towards the main street where he finally stopped.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” He held up his hand to silence me.
Turning back towards me, his eyes were dark once again but not threatening unlike when we first met. No, there was something else. Something I did not recognize, but it made my heart race with anticipation.
“Tomorrow, I promise to explain everything. I will come by to get you around ten o’clock.” Jensen hesitantly brushed the back of his fingers against my cheek and instinctively I gravitated towards his embrace.
He quickly took off down the sidewalk leaving me with a million questions and yearning I had never felt before. In a daze I made up to my apartment and into my bed. Sleep did not come easy and when it did my dreams were vivid, sensual.
True to his word, there was a knock on my door at ten o’clock on the dot. I opened my door inviting him in as I finished getting ready.
“I’m sorry about my place being a mess.” I mumbled going back into my room to grab my coat.
I heard me laugh, “Quite alright, I mean Jared’s place is a pigsty.”
When I walked back out, I watched as his bright olive eyes traveled the length of my body. I nervously fidget with the strings on my coat as a slow smirk spread across his face. Jensen was dressed in a simple black hoodie, dark denim pants and black boots. A pair of dark Ray Bans hanging from the collar of his hoodie. Even dressed down he looked like a runway model.
We walked to the elevator, an empty car arriving, and as we stepped in the tension between us was nearly unbearable. I shifted from one foot to the next avoiding his intense gaze. With lightning speed, Jensen had me caged against the wall and his lips pressed against my throat.
“Jen-Jensen…” I sighed breathlessly as he dragged his nose up my neck to under my ear.
“Dammit, I promised myself I would not lose control around you, but…” he paused taking a deep breath in making my legs tremble, “you smell divine.”
As quickly as the moment had happened it was over as the elevator doors opened. Jensen was on the other side of the car looking unphased by what had happened. Whereas I was trying to remember how to breath and walk at the same time. His low chuckle and smug smirk made me smack his rock hard bicep.
“Ow.” I muttered making him laugh even harder. The pain was worth it to hear his musical laughter.
Instead of going to the garage, Jensen led me towards the sidewalk. He slid his dark sunglasses over his beautiful eyes and pulled his hood up over his head. I figured this was so no one would recognize him from the show. We walked side by side towards a nearby park. Our hands would brush against one another until finally he took mine in his pulling me closer to him. Leading me to a spot just off the Vancouver Harbor.
The sun was shining bright warming my skin then a cold breeze from the water would make me shiver. We sat at a clear spot sitting silently next to one another staring out over the water. Jensen gently pulled me into his side and draped his arm around my shoulder.
“Well, this is much better than when I first met you.” I whispered leaning my head on his shoulder.
I felt him press his lips and nose against the top of my head inhaling deeply, “Yes, well when we first met I wasn’t expecting you to be so… appealing.”
I sat up looking at him, “What does that mean? I feel like you are talking around me and I don’t like that.”
He sighed, pulling his hood down further as the sun shined brightly over us, “It’s only because the truth would send you running far, far away.”
“I told you, anything you tell me is between us. You have my word and a signed NDA for a safety net.” My inner fangirl and I were desperate to know what secret he was holding back. She was practically jumping on the lounger within my mind.
“When Eric Kripke came up with the idea of Supernatural, he had no idea how close to being right he was.” He pulled his sunglasses down his piercing out looking over them.
I swallowed the small lump lodge in my throat, “So you’re saying that supernatural creatures are real or that hunters are real?”
He smiled, pushing his glasses back up, “I guess hunters could be real, but then humans would have to acknowledge the fact that monsters were real.”
“Monsters… like you?” Suddenly a lot of his behaviors were making sense even if my mind could not wrap around the fact that monsters were real.
He nodded, “Does that scare you?”
“No.” My answer came quick and firm. I was not afraid of him. I knew he would never harm me. Somewhere deep within my heart and soul, I knew I was right where I belonged.
“You should be. I’m a dangerous creature even more so than Jared.” He looked out towards the water, “Mainly because Jared is just a big dog. All cute and cuddly as Ash would say.”
“Jared is a… werewolf?” I could not quite believe the words coming from my mouth, but his nod answered my question, “Then you are…”
Jensen faced me baring his teeth as his fangs grew slightly longer than the rest. I sucked in a breath as he closed his mouth, “Now you’re afraid.”
“No. More mesmerized than anything. You’re… you’re a vampire.” The awe in my voice could not be helped. I spent most of my life reading grand tales of mythical creatures and humans falling in love with them. Now, I was in the middle of my own fairytale.
He scoffed, “Mesmerized? I’m an undead murderer and you're in awe of it.” He looked away in disgust.
“I’m in awe of you. You’re obviously drawn to my scent and yet here you sit next to me. You could have ended me at any time these last few weeks but you haven’t. Hell, in the elevator that could have been it, but all you did was… kiss my neck. I’m in awe of your strength and will power.”
Jensen's expression softened and he pulled me back into his side, “It’s difficult being around you. When I first met you, I had never wanted a human so much in my life. First it was my primal need, but now…”
“Now what?” My heart skipped a beat as hope filled my chest.
“Now, I have this overwhelming need to protect you and be by your side always.” His jaw clenched as he spoke the words.
I reached up brushing my hand against his cheek, “Why is that so hard for you to say?”
He leaned into my touch, “Loving me is a death sentence. The thought of losing you is insufferable.”
Jensen’s forehead pressed against mine as I whispered, “We found each other. That’s all that matters.”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that right?” He chuckled, easily lifting me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me.
“I’ve been called worse. Tell me more about your life.”
For the next several hours, Jensen told me all about his life from his rebirth in 1920 to how he and Jared became best friends. I hung on every word of every story he told and it was not until my stomach began to growl from hunger that he finally stopped.
“You should eat.” He easily picked me up as he stood and set my feet on the ground.
I looked away from him, the anxiety building in my chest knowing we would have to part ways soon. He laced his fingers through mine and led me back towards the main sidewalk. When we arrived at our building, I was having a difficult time keeping the tears that threatened to fall back. Once again, as we stepped into the elevator, the air tightened around us.
“What is it about elevators?” he muttered making me laugh as the very thought had gone through my head.
When we went past my floor, I looked over and saw a smile on his face. We stopped at the very top floor both sighing as we exited the elevator. He pulled out his keys and opened the door for apartment 1520.
“I thought it was only fair if you saw my place as well.” Jensen held the door open for me as I walked in.
The layout was open and bright with one wall being all windows. His furniture was dark gray with steel blue and navy accent pillows. He had a big flat screen TV with a few game consoles. What caught her by surprise was the wall of records and record player he had. I turned back around to see him anxiously watching me.
“Not what I expected from a vampire.” I walked towards his flawless kitchen and looked untouched which I guess was to be expected.
“Were you expecting a coffin and velvet?” His smile was infectious as I nodded.
Taking off my coat, I sat down on his couch as he walked off towards his bedroom. Jensen came back in with his tablet and a blanket. He placed the blanket over my and sat next to me.
“Order whatever you would like for dinner. Don’t worry about paying for it because I insist.” He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.
Deciding to order from my favorite pizza place I handed him the tablet to put his payment information in, “What do you eat?”
“Finally! The question I have been waiting for all day.” He exclaimed, “Are you sure you want to know?”
I nodded, “If I’m diving head first into oblivion then I want to know everything.”
“Brave woman. I still drink blood, but that which is donated. There are certain organizations within the acting community that are set up for actors such as myself. We go to grab our supply of ‘food’ and then we store it in our homes.” He pointed back towards the refrigerator, “All of it is from blood drives once the hospital receives its share then we buy the remainder.”
It was better than him stealing blood like Benny in Supernatural or drinking animal blood like Edward in Twilight, “Oh okay then. At least I won’t be surprised if I open the fridge now.”
There was a sad undertone in his laugh, but I chose to ignore it, “What about Jared and Ash?”
“Ash is human, but she seemingly blossomed at the end of last season. Jared was immediately drawn to her and they spent most of the summer at his cabin near Red Rock Point, Montana.” Jensen bit his lip smirking.
“Why?” I knew there was more to what he was saying but he seemed almost embarrassed to speak of it.
He sighed pulling me closer to him, “If you had asked me that question a month ago I would have given you a snarky answer about not being able to control his inner animal, but now… now I know better.”
I leaned my head against his shoulder, “Meaning…”
“Every few months, Jared would go into what he calls a rut. His need to procreate becomes overwhelming and he has to be off on his own as a wolf to deal with it. Now, he found his mate and one weekend a month they will go off to his cabin to… you know…”
My inner fangirl was begging on her knees for Jensen to say the words out loud but I just nodded, “I get it. Why is it now that you know better than before?”
I looked up into his shining eyes captivated as he leaned closer to me, “Because now I know exactly how Jared felt when he found Ash.”
His perfect full lips were inching closer to mine. My tongue darted out over them just before his were going to touch them then his door intercom buzzed. A small growl escaped his lips as he quickly got up buzzing the delivery man in. I found myself trying to take deep breaths to collect myself as my inner fangirl was hyperventilating.
“Dinner is served.” He said placing the box down on the table.
“I’m not hungry right now.” I said as he sat back down next to me.
He laughed, “Eat before the alien in your stomach pops out and eats the pizza for you.”
I narrowed my eyes at him before lifting the box open and grabbing a slice. Settling back into his side, he turned on his Netflix account. His fingertips trailing down my arm as I took a bite.
As I was taking a second bite he leaned in whispering into my ear, “There will be plenty of time to test my will power later.”
I shivered, truly no longer hungry for food. I placed the piece of pizza back in the back turning towards him, “What would happen if I took initiative and kissed you?”
He turned into a stone statue as he stared at me, “That would be a very dangerous thing to do.” He spoke slowly with a hint of challenge in his tone.
My inner fangirl was cheering me on as I pushed the blanket onto the floor and swung my leg over his lap sitting on his thighs. His ice cold hands gripped my hips as I leaned down my lips hovering his. There was a brief moment where time stood still then it was as if a rubber band snapped. His lips crashed against me and his arms wrapped around my waist holding me against him. He groaned as if in pain and I pulled away from him.
“Since I’m breaking all my rules and going to hell…” He whispered and in a flash we were both tumbling onto his bed.
That night was the best one of my life. Jensen may be a primal killer but with me he was nothing short of a gentle lover. I knew from that moment, I would do anything to remain at his side forever. Just like every cliche movie or book trope where the meek, naive woman falls in love with a monster that has a heart gold. I found myself in their exact shoes desiring an everlasting love affair with a vampire.
On Monday, when Jensen and I arrived at the studio, Jared and Ash were waiting by his trailer. No words were spoken between them but by the smiles on their faces I could tell they knew what was going on between Jensen and I.
“You owe me twenty bucks Padalecki.” I heard Ash as Jared grumbled.
Jensen and I laughed as we walked to the studio building to meet with the executive producers and legal team concerning our newly starting relationship together.  
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your-highnessmarvel · 5 years
Who the F*** is Chris Evans?
Requested by Anonymous: Reader meets Evans when no cameras are around and he’s had a bad day and is just over everything, reader is unaware and when they meet things do not go well at all. Chris comes off as the biggest a-hole imaginable. Reader is like “I knew that Disney loving shit was bull”, Chris realizes he’s coming off as an entitled prick, catches himself and opens up to reader, who in return opens up to him about her many moods. They bond, friendship, relationship and you can add smut if you want. 😎😬 Thank u
AN: so i have two weeks left of calm at school before final papers begin and final exams kick my fuckin ass so i’m trying to zoom through my drafts and give you guys the best of my writing for the next two weeks before i inevitably start writing less until school ends. end in sight? yeah, april 18 is my last exam, then i’m free for the entire summer, so it’s actually not that bad.
Warnings: language
*gif not mine
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The road wound endlessly before you; a long stretch of grey ribbon, interrupted by the occasional glance at the fields or the forest. It was torture, really, because you were not one to be able to hold your seat for more than a few minutes, and now you were stuck in the driver’s throne for the next six. Traveling for work used to sound amazing. It really isn’t. 
There’s a half empty water bottle in the cup holder. Various wrappings from the food you stopped to get: Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Tim Hortons. The sun was beating down through the windshield, the hot air billowing in through the open window. 
You saw in the distance a stopped car. Squinting, you could make out someone there, on the phone, the hood of the car wrenched open. 
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You hadn’t left your seat in a few hours, so this was your opportunity to wiggle your legs. And you knew a thing or two about cars. Dad taught you well. 
You pulled up behind the car, watching as the person - a man - stopped talking on the phone to glance at you. He was tall and well built, a young man no older than his mid-thirties. He had a beard and dark sunglasses under a baseball cap. 
You got out, marching to him. “Hey, car trouble?” Wow, that was a classic thing to say. A Dad thing to say. 
He waved his hand around as if to say, “Duh.” And turned back to talk into the phone. You rolled your eyes, venturing to the side of the car. You felt like an imbecile looking through the window, but you did anyway and saw the entire car was shut off. 
“Car just stopped working,” came the voice of the man. You turned with a smile, and saw him dipping his phone into his coat pocket. 
“What happened?” you asked. 
Again, that smug hand wave. That frustrated-I’m-going-to-be-an-asshole-to-you-because-i’m-mad hand wave. “I don’t know?” he grumbled. “Radio shut off. Lights shut off. Steering wheel became hard to turn.”
“Battery,” you said, walking backwards to where the hood was propped open. 
“Whatever, I’m calling my agent,” he grumbled, turning his back to you.
Wow, you thought. This is how he was treating a woman trying to give him a hand? This is how he was being thankful?
“Wait a minute,” you mumbled, realizing what he said. “Agent? Are you in like the CIA?”
He scoffed, dialing on his phone. “I’m an actor.” 
You were looking into the hood of the car, and when he said that, you looked up with a frown. He didn’t look familiar. He talked to his “agent” on the phone and gave them his location and said, “My car’s being a fucking bitch again.”
He was driving a fucking Porsche. You, with you ‘99 Civic, made a weird face. 
When he hung up, he came to you with a heavy sigh and hands in his pockets. “I don’t need your help,” he sighed. “I’m good. Go home.”
“It’s your battery,” you said, ignoring him and his vicious tone. “Or the alternator is dead and can’t provide for the battery.”
“Whatever.” He turned and leaned on the car. “It’s a rental anyway.”
You took a step back, annoyed by his tone, his arrogance, and his comments. You looked him up and down once, trying to found out just who the hell he thought he was. 
“So,” you said. “Who are you?”
“You said you’re an actor,” you commanded in a deadly serious tone. “Who the fuck are you, because you seem to think you’re some big fucking shit talking to like that to someone who’s just trying to help you.”
He stood straight and wrenched off his sunglasses, boring icy blue eyes into yours. “I’m Chris Evans,” he said. 
“Chris Evans?” He rose a brow condescendingly. “Captain America.”
It took a few seconds for it to register, then your mouth came open into a little O. He must have mistaken your reaction for amazement because he huffed and put his glasses back on. 
“Wow,” you mumbled. “Star spangled man with a plan is a real fucking asshole.”
“You mouth off like that to total strangers all the time?” he asked. 
“I get why they call you an A-list celebrity now,” you said, ignoring his question. “Asshole celebrity, huh?”
He slammed his fist on the side of the car, mouth twisted in anger. 
“Oh, big man slamming his fists everywhere, right on, buddy,” you said, walking past him towards your car.
“I’m sorry.”
You stopped dead in your tracks, a frown on your face. “You’re what?” you said, turning on your heels.
He was crouched near the hood, hands in his hair, cap on the ground beside him. 
“I’m having a real bad fucking day,” he mumbled as you slowly walked back to him. “My dog is sick. I had a fight with my mom. They filmed me at McDonald’s when I wasn’t looking my best. People don’t want to give me roles because they associate me with Marvel. And now this stupid shit.” He gestured to the car as he slowly rose on his feet. 
You bit the corner of your lip. His tone was softer now, like he was on the verge of crying behind those glasses. 
“Look,” you started slowly, “I have CAA and free towing. I’ll call.” 
You called from your phone and they said they were an hour out due to your location. 
“I’ll pay don’t worry,” Chris said, hands in his pockets, but now he seemed a little nervous. “I didn’t quite catch your name.”
“Y/N,” you said. “And you’d do better greeting strangers who wanna help you with respect next time.” You made to go back to your car, to leave this stupidly handsome yet angry yet nice actor out here until the tow company came. Maybe give him your CAA card so he wouldn’t have to pay full price. 
“Wait!” he called. “I... look I’m really sorry for talking to you like that. I’d like to, I don’t know, take you up for coffee?”
You stood there, ankle awkwardly jutting out. “What?”
“You don’t do coffee?”
“No, yes I do.”
“So, coffee?”
“I can go later tonight,” he said with a relieved smile. “If I can get your number.”
You rolled your eyes. “Is this your way of picking up civilian women and luring them to some dark coffee place?”
He laughed. Wow, he was truly wonderful when he laughed. “It’s in the downtown area.”
You bit your lip, but nevertheless gave him your digits, and your CAA towing card for reduced prices. 
“I’ll be waiting for your call,” you said, walking back to your car, “Mister Chris Evans.”
Least to say, the two of you fit like hands in gloves, like moss on a fallen tree stump, like glue on construction paper. The coffee run allowed you to see just how sweet and caring Chris really was. He assured you that asshole part of him rarely comes out, and that you were actually lucky to have even seen it. 
It didn’t end there that night. Coffee turned to drinks turned to dancing in a weird corner karaoke bar turned to spending the night on his couch. And when you woke to the smell of bacon and the sight of a shirtless Chris, you vowed to not let this man go, despite his career, despite his notoriety. 
He was a simple guy. T-shirts and jeans and fluffy pillows and donuts in the morning. He was a conversationalist and an observational man. There was nothing this man did not notice, and especially on you, like the fact that you were falling in love with him. 
It didn’t take long for billboards to go crazy.
“Wow,” you said, dropping the latest edition of TeenVogue into the chariot. Chris picked it up. “They work fast.”
He smirked. “You agreed to this.”
“I know.” You stood on your tiptoes and poked his nose. 
He grabbed you around the waist and gave you a chaste peck on the lips. Not far behind, you heard a series of clicks, and upon turning, saw a paparazzi hidden behind the shelves of potatoes. 
You could already see the newest tabloid coming. 
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dickwheelie · 4 years
Hello! No pressure to answer, of course, but I recently decided I want to start writing fanfiction, but I don't really know where to start lol. And I've always really loved your work, so do you have any pointers on how to get started? 💖
oh wow this was an unexpected message! I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone ask me for advice on fic writing before but I will do my best. (and wow thank you for the kind words lol)
I guess the short answer is that fic writing is like any kind of writing (for me at least): you get an idea, you write it down, and you do your best to make it sound good. Which is super unhelpful but the thing about writing is that you can kind of do whatever you like, there are no rules. Lots of writers and listicles about writing will try to tell you otherwise, but they’re wrong, because there are no rules.
Fanfiction is especially nice because there are like. Super no rules. You can take other people’s characters, worlds, etc and put them in a sandbox and play with them as much as you like. And you can feel totally free to be self-indulgent. Honestly in my opinion most writing, original or fanfic, is self-indulgent (even for “serious” published authors), but writing fanfic seems to be more freeing for a lot of people. So feel free to write without shame, which of course you should always do, but fic writing especially should be fun and guilt-free.
“Where to start” is going to depend on who’s doing the writing, but in my experience, if you have a fic you want to write, Just Start It. And yes this is frustratingly unhelpful. If I Just Started every fic I wanted to write I’d be golden. But the fact of the matter is if you don’t Just Start It, in some capacity, it’ll never get written.
At the risk of sounding like the hypocrite author of one of those listicles, here are some of my tactics for Just Starting the damn thing:
1. Start small. This is my number one go-to for when I’m staring at a blank word document. Narrow in on a character’s pov, do some inconsequential dialogue, describe something specific in the scene. I like to write fics in chronological order, so this structure helps me take a small moment or scene and build on it, widening the scope gradually as the fic progresses.
2. Outline. In the past I’ve never been a fan of this one but recently it’s really saved my bacon. If you have a big idea in your head, this is a good way to deal with it. Start a bullet point list of things that happen in the fic. Don’t make it sound good, or polished, don’t even use capital letters or punctuation. Don’t worry about blanks in the story or sections you need to fill in later. Just write the stuff that you know has to happen. I can almost guarantee you will end up writing paragraphs worth of descriptions of scenes once you get into it, which will help when you sit down later to fill in the blanks.
3. If you only have a single line, or a tiny idea, or a moment you want to capture, take that and write it down. Just put it on paper, and turn it over in your head until you can build on it. Sometimes I end up writing short little ficlets that are just moments between characters, looking at their thoughts or feelings in a specific moment. They’re not gonna be super long or win any awards, but they exist, which is more than I can say for the stuff I didn’t bother to write down.
I will also say, again hypocritically, that you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself in terms of writing quality. Like I said, fic writing should be fun, and I know from experience that if you’re second-guessing every other sentence you put down because you’re not sure if it’s good enough, you’re never gonna get anything done. It’s not a college admissions essay, it’s not a grant proposal, it’s not gonna be a published novel. Just put Something down, and if it’s not amazing, either you’ll make it better later when you edit, or you won’t. Or maybe you won’t edit at all! Again, no rules. Sandbox. Have fun with it! (Meanwhile I will sit over here and try to take my own advice in future.)
Of course take all of this with a grain of salt, because your writing habits might be completely different from mine. Sometimes these tactics don’t even help me! I’m going through a dry spell as we speak, and who knows how much longer it’ll be before I can manage to get started on something in the pipeline.
And I’m realizing now that my fic writing advice is similar to my regular writing advice. I’m not sure if any of this is really what you were asking for, but for me writing is writing. Doesn’t matter if it’s a fic or an original piece, I tackle it pretty much the same way.
Tl;dr: It’s a cliche, but it’s a good one: Start It. Start small, start with an outline, start with a scene you have in your brain, but Start It. Be self-indulgent, shameless, and do everything wrong. It’s fanfiction, it’s supposed to be fun, so have fun with it!
(I hope this was helpful, like, at all lmao, but feel free to send another ask if there’s something specific you wanted to know that I missed as I was rambling on. Also if you do write something and post it please send it my way!! Happy writing!!)
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever tried a colorful macaroon? Maybe you mean macarons? I’ve never seen a macaroon with food coloring before.
Do you say macaroon or macaron? It depends on what I’m referring to because they’re two different kinds of food.
Do you know what a macaroon is? Yes, they taste terrible.
Would you rather go to Paris or London? Both sound a bit too boring of a trip for me tbh, I’d rather go to other European cities.
Which national flag do you like the best? I’m not that into flags to have a favorite...I like how Nepal’s has a unique shape, though.
Name 3 celebrities people say you look like. Lucy Hale, Anna Akana, and a local celebrity you wouldn’t know about.
^Do you agree? I never saw myself looking like Anna but that’s actually the most common one I get, so I just might not know my face all that well. The only one that’s agreeable enough with me is the last celebrity I mentioned.
Do you know anyone who looks like Taylor Swift? No, especially not on this side of the planet.
Have you ever been betrayed by a best friend? Yes but that was like back in the fifth grade. I’ve been very selective of my friends ever since.
What color is the sweatshirt that you wear the most? Black.
Do you have a mirror in your room? No. I don’t really feel as if I need it.
What was the last thing you painted? I last painted on a paint-by-numbers kit, but it’s been a while since I took up the hobby. I want to get back around to it someday, but proably not any time soon as I find it a tad bit time-consuming.
Do you correct grammatical errors online? Not other people’s, but yeah I edit my posts whenever I catch a typo or grammar error. I also edit survey questions if they aren’t in proper grammar, just so other people who’d want to take the same survey won’t have to deal with it and point it out anymore.
What’s the last thing you made out of clay? I’ve only done pottery once, and that time I was taught how to make a vase. I wasn’t able to see the end result though since they still had to bake it and everything, and I was only staying in that town for a few days.
Do you go for days without washing your hair? No, I absolutely hate that feeling. My hair starts getting itchy after a day or so of not washing it and it feels irritating, so I feel the need to shower everyday.
When is the last time you had scrambled eggs and bacon? Maybe around a week ago? It’s something my parents make regularly for breakfast, alongside other local breakfast dishes.
Do you like bacon bits on your salad? I don’t really eat salad but sure, I’ll take some bacon in mine.
What is your favorite salad dressing? See above.
What is your favorite kind of soup? Not a big soup person either. I suppose I’m most enthusiastic about miso soup, if anything.
Do you eat a lot of soup? Not at all. I don’t think I ever purposely ordered it at a restaurant either; I only consume soup if it already comes as a freebie with my order.
Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? Nope, was never a hobby of mine. This reminds me that I have a mason jar filled with date receipts and love notes on tiny Post-Its from my last relationship, though...I literally can’t remember if I’ve since thrown it out, but I also haven’t seen it in a while...hm. I guess I’ll try looking for it later today and throw it away if I do find it still lying around in my room.
What’s a trend that you never caught on to? Remember when I said streetwear like, literally a month ago? Lmaoooooo I’m into it now. That’s why I’ll just skip over this question HAHAHAHA I always end up being obsessed with the things I swear off in the beginning :((((
What’s a trend that you haven’t caught on to yet, but you want to? Vlogging? It’d be nice to make a video or two of my own.
Do you type fast? Very. My co-workers recently started sharing this typing speed website that we’re all free to try out and so far I’m the official reigning champion haha. No one has beaten my WPM record yet.
Did you learn to type through a computer program for kids? Yes. I never adopted the ‘standard’ finger practice though; I type only with my index and middle fingers.
How many years were you homeschooled? I was never homeschooled.
If applicable, what’s a youtuber you would love to collab with? Louise Pentland.
Do you think you’re successful in life? Not quite there yet, but I’m comfortable with the way I’m working towards it for now. It’s nice to be doing things that I know will lead to something in the future.
What color is the tree outside your window? If you mean the leaves, then green.
What color is your rug, if you have one? (not carpet, rug) I don’t have one in my room but the main one we have in the living room is brown.
What do you take for pain? I take a Biogesic pill for headaches. If I get muscle sores/strains, I rub Katinko on the spots that hurt.
Which pharmacy do you use? I never need to go to those but I can always take a drive to the nearby Mercury Drug.
Do you reapply nail polish when it starts to chip? I don’t wear nail polish at all.
What is this month’s calendar picture? I don’t use a calendar.
What was the last thing you ate? Sushiiiiiiiii. I made a very impulsive and rash decision to buy THREE ORDERS of sushi yesterday. I hadn’t eaten all day and I also had a crappy at work, and my clouded judgment thought buying 24 pieces of maki was the way to go. I’m still in the stage of trying to convince myself I deserved it anyway.
What are your favorite things to put in tea? I don’t drink tea tea, but when I buy milk tea I always go for chocolate flavors. I also don’t like pearls in my milk tea.
Do you wish the Unicorn Frappuccino was a regular drink at Starbucks? I never go for customized drinks, so I don’t care at all about this.
Is there a coffee shop in your town that’s better than Starbucks? Possibly, but I may not have checked it out yet. For now, I like buying from Starbucks.
Do you frequent any coffee shops? Back in college I used to alternate between Starbucks and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf; I’d go several times a week to either because coffee shops were the best place to study at.
What’s your favorite Lisa Frank character? I was never aware that there were characters lol. I thought it was only her.
Which Disney character looks the most like you? Raya for sure, but before her, I felt a big connection with Moana.
Did you go to Disney World or Disneyland as a kid? No, I haven’t gotten to go yet. It would be nice if my first time could also already be a trip with my own kid in the future :)
Do you live with a demon? Talk about creepy question lol. No.
Who has the best personality on youtube? Who cares? < I mean, same. I’m sure they all put up a show to some extent - I don’ think anyone would ever know the answer to this...but personally, those whose personalities I find really endearing would beeeeee Grace Helbig, Kelsey Impicciche, Kelsey Darragh, and Andrew Ilnyckyj.
What are some of your goals for this year? Stay employed, be better at my job, collect more BTS albums.
Does it feel like spring yet? We don’t have spring, so I don’t know what that would feel like.
What do you do to celebrate Earth Day? I don’t wait until April 22 to do something for the planet.
How do you celebrate Easter? I don’t.
Have you ridden your bike yet this year? I can’t ride bikes, haaaaa.
What does your bike look like? The family bike has some blue and grey on it. Not that I ever practice riding it.
What is your favorite place that you’ve lived? I like the house that we live in now. I like that we have a rooftop and that we don’t live with extended family.
Do you shop at Aeropostale? No, and I’m not sure we have Aeropostale shops here. The only reason we ever got Aeropostale items of clothing in the past was because relatives living in the States would occasionally bring home a box of pasalubong for us here in the Philippines.
What’s the last thing you wore from Aeropostale? Idk, probably a shirt. Have you ever been to a church that just wanted your money? Aren’t all churches like that? < Can agree and can confirm. My local parish has been undergoing a ridiculously extravagant renovation for years now and the thing is that the renovation is meant to be so fucking fancy they clearly can’t afford it, so they’ve been pooling money from churchgoers for years now as well. When we could still physically attend mass I used to keep myself from laughing everytime one of the church staff would come up on the podium and ask for money again.
Who is someone you are struggling to forgive, if applicable? I don’t struggle to forgive. I just don’t forgive. If someone does me wrong I just do my best to block them out of my memories, get into the mindset that they never existed, and live peacefully from there.
Have you ever had someone try to intentionally bully you to suicide? I don’t think so, at least not intentionally. My mom always did it unintentionally though, especially in my tween and teen years. She was always very harsh with her words and actions (she still is, but we don’t butt heads as often anymore). I didn’t have a very good emotional foundation mainly thanks to her and I had to claw my own way to get to be the much more stable self I am today.
What’s your favorite type of cereal? Sweet ones.
Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? I never babysat kids outside of younger relatives.
Who is your favorite cousin? My eldest cousin from my mom’s side. I’ve always viewed him more as a brother than a cousin since we did live under the same roof for nearly a decade before my family moved to our own home.
Does one side of your family live in another state? My family is spread out everywhere, dude. I have relatives living in another town, another city, another province, another region, another island, another country. Idk about cultures but that’s generally how Filipino families are to begin with.
What states did your parents grow up in? I’m not saying that.
Do you want kids? If yes, how many? It would be nice. I just don’t know if I’ll ever be able to find someone I would want to marry and have a family with. It definitely seems bleak, but then again I’m 23 lmao. I’m not in a hurry.
What’s a craft that you’ve seen online that you don’t think will work? Most of the shit that that 5 Minute Crafts channel or whatever they’re called puts out.
What, if anything, are you severely allergic to? Grass.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? Nopes.
How do you react to bee stings? I’ve never been stung and I hope that never happens to me.
Is there a good hospital where you live? I’m not so sure; I don’t take trips to the hospital frequently.
What’s your favorite kind of tea to drink in the spring? I never drink tea. Never been my...cup of tea? Hahahaha.
What are your favorite biblical names for girls? Elizabeth and Eden.
…for boys? Luke, Noah, Jacob, Seth.
What color nail polish do you usually wear in the spring? Again, I never put on nail polish.
What’s your favorite color that you’ve dyed your hair? I haven’t tried dyeing my hair either :( It’s something I want to explore, though.
Do you ever eat ice cream in the winter? We don’t have winter but yeah, I’m not opposed to having ice cream when the climate is on the cooler side.
How often do you wash your sheets? Every month or so.
What was the name of the biggest bully in your high school? No one got away with pulling that kind of shit in my old school.
^Did everyone hate her/him? -
^Were you his/her target? -
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blewink · 4 years
two meant to be // kth  chapter three
 ch.1 // ch.2 
word count: 4.9k
warnings: dom! taehyung x sub!reader, daddy kink, pet names, fingering, oral (receiving and giving)
a/n: sorry this took so long to update and thank you to those who have waited!! i didn’t edit this either so sorry for any typos, hope y’all enjoy
-blue 💙
taglist:  @wangxian-nation @supersamzzz @jujujangona526 @togetherminmin @dreamsndrabbles @annietaeyong @dreamsndrabbles @jungkooks-nut-is-tasty-in-busan @mysticcookiewinnerpeanut @asdfghjkl96 @emmieme @joonsinnerchild @kaaathh-h @carsytarudh @sun-mins-blog @happypersonapainteruniversity @ricecrispyyyyy @polyqueen101 @dumbtan-sonyeondan @boymeetsparadise @littlekittenforever @me-ll-if-luo-us @xodelmyxo @marinabetancourt @stephanieeesayss @gabstaroc @togetherminmin @confusemonkey @hirochan97 @blancheneve @lifeasjazzz @sassy-pancake-boi @beardedbananauniversityturkey @5sosonedirection11 @wangxian-nation @hoelyf03 @magloes @ddxtae @shadowfirex17 @bacon-thighs
The morning sun flooded your room through the window, causing you to wake up. You had always meant to get blackout curtains, but it always slipped your mind when you went out shopping. You found yourself just staring at the piles of bags from the small shopping spree you had yesterday.  A groan and tug at your waist makes the events from the previous night flood your memory. His touch on your skin and the mind blowing orgasm you had causes you to blush a bit. You turn around to see Taehyung laying in your bed with messy bed head and shirtless. When had that happened? 
“What happened to your shirt?” you ask as you sit up, rubbing your eyes. “Oh right, I got warm. I usually don’t wear a shirt, much less sweatpants, to sleep.”His voice a little raspy and deeper than usual. You hum in response and fall back onto the bed to cuddle closer to his warm body, as you’re still feeling a bit sleepy. His chest shakes a little as he lets out a small laugh, “Awe, is my little kitty still sleepy?” You nod and grumble some nonsense into his chest before he rubs your back. “Okay but only for five minutes, we gotta get up before 9.” You give him a small “Okay.”
After what feels like a second, Taehyung pats your back lightly, indicating it was time to get up. It takes everything in you to get out of bed and walk into your bathroom to brush your teeth. Taehyung follows behind you, “Do you have a spare toothbrush? I don’t wanna go all the way to my room and get mine.” You pause your brushing and point to the cabinet above the toilet. You continue to your brushing and looking at yourself in the mirror, looking at the small things that most people don’t usually look at. Like how your eyebrows were slightly different shapes, or how one side of your mouth comes up higher than the other side. Silly things really, they don’t effect you but you still notice them. 
You finish up, and make your way to your closet to pick out clothes for the day. Suddenly, an idea pops into your mind, you poke your head out of the closet and call Taehyung’s name. He walks out of the bathroom and walks over to where you are. “I think we should match today. Like our clothes.” He walks up to you and places a kiss on your forehead , “You’re too cute, I’ll wear whatever you pick out for me.” You giggle at the sensation of the kiss and turn around pick out an outfit. Taehyung made his way to his room to It took a few minutes but you picked out a white mini skirt and a loose long sleeve shirt. You accesorized with some jewlery and pair of white Dr. Martens. You weren’t sure how you were going to match with Taehyung, but you’d make it work. You took a quick shower, applied some light makeup and took one final look in your vanity mirror  before you made your way down stairs to Taehyungs room. 
You passed by the kitchen where Chan and Jimin were, Jimin quickly called out to you,    ”Hey y/n, can you come in here?” You back up to the entrance of the kitchen. “Yes?” He walks closer to you, “So I noticed Taehyung didn’t go to his room last night, you wouldn’t happen to know where he was, would you?” You feel your throat tighten, you guys hadn’t talked about how you would tell the roomies. “Um no I don’t know, you should ask him when he comes out. Don’t you guys have class or something?” You try to deflect the attention off of you and storm off to Taehyung’s room. You knock on the door lightly before opening it up, it had been a while since you had last been in his room. If you had to describe it in words, you would say it was comfortable. Everything about it seemed… worn it? Like wearing someone elses t-shirt. 
You sat on his bed while you waited for him, you heard the water in the shower running so you assumed he was showering. You were distracted by your phone and you didn’t hear the water turn off, so you were a little shocked when you looked up and saw Taehyung in only a towel. 
His hair was wet and small beads of water dribbled down his chest and stomach, you almost thought he did this on purpose, no one is supposed to look this good straight out of a shower. His skin looked dewy and sunkissed to perfection, the lack of direct lighting cause the weins on his arms and hands to look more prominent and perfectly contoured by shadows. “You’re drooling again baby.” Your eyes snap up to meet his, there was that darkness again. He walks over to the door, locking it. You fiddle with your fingers nervously at the thought of the towel falling. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in here hmm?” You try keeping eye contact with him but your nerves get the best of you and you look down, “I didn’t t-think to tell you.” His hand grabs your chin gently, yet forceful, “Look at me when I ask you a question. It’s going to be one of my few rules for you, do you understand kitten?” You nod. “That’s a good girl, now get on your knees for me baby.” 
You quickly hop off the bed and sit on your knees, now face to face with the bulge hidden under the towel. You look up at Taehyung for reassurance, you’ve never seen his cock but you have felt it through his bottoms when you had some heavy makeouts. And by the looks of it right now, he was definitely on the bigger side.
 “Don’t be nervous kitten, I’ll take it easy on you.” 
You give a nod of reassurance before reaching up to the edge of the towel, revealing what was underneath. The tip of his cock leaked the smallest amount of pre-cum but your theories had been right, he was large, both long and thick. You spit into your hand and took the base of his cock into your hand. You pumped it a few times before you take him into your mouth, making him to let out a soft groan. You’ve barely taken in half of his length before his tip reaches the back of your throat. 
He brings his hands to the back of your head, “such a good kitty, taking me so well.” He continued his thrusts forward into your mouth, making you to gag around him and earning moans from him. His angelic sounds making you soak yourself. Tears stinging your eyes a bit before he completely pulls out of your mouth, you look up at him confused and start to appologize in case you did something wrong. 
He interrupts you before you can get a full sentence out, “No no you didn’t do anything wrong, I just have a question. Can you deep throat?” You wipe your chin and lips as they’re covered in your saliva, “Um I don’t know, I’ve never tried it.” He’s now squating down with you rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip, “Can we give it it a try?” You give yet another nod. “Such a good girl for me, I just might reward you. Can you strip for me baby?”
You clumsily take off your clothes, tripping on your skirt as it pooled at your feet. Then climb on the bed, laying with your back flat on the bed with your head hanging ever so slightly off the side because according to Taehyung “it’ll make it easier for you.” You were now completely naked and felt very exposed. You opened your mouth again, giving Taehyung’s cock permission for entrance. This new angle allowed his cock to slide in much easier and deeper, you can tell this feels better for him as his groans are raspier. 
He fucks your throat with no mercy while his hands wander your body. His hands make their way back up to your throat and he traces around the outline of his cock in your throat. You can tell he’s close by the twitch in his cock and his uneven thrusts. His moans also getting slightly louder and frequent,only making you soak yourself even more.
“Fuck, I’m c-close.” A few more thrusts later before his hot release coats your throat and mouth, milking himself dry before pulling out. “Don’t swallow baby, I don’t want you to choke.” You sit up and feel yourself gush onto his sheets. “Open up” You open your mouth, showing him proudly that you followed his rules. He gives you a small smile before telling you to swallow. It wasn’t as bitter or salty as you expected it and you weren’t complaining. You smile at him innocently as if you didn’t just swallow his cum. “How do you look so innocent yet so fuckable?” He says before giving you a sweet kiss on the lips, the same fluttering sensation welcoming itself into your belly.
 “I think I need to shower again,” You say feeling your juices still seeping down your thighs. A confused expression crosses Taehyung face, “Why? I only came in your mouth.” You blushes as you didn’t know how to explain to him that you had soaked yourself by barely even being touched by him. “I don’t know how to say.” He cocks his head to the side, still confused. You move yourself to the side so he can see the small puddle on his sheets, you feel so embarassed and bring your hands to your face. You swear you here a growl come from him when he says, “Fuck, you’re making it really hard to control myself right now. My poor little kitty gets so worked up with just my voice, doesn’t she?” 
As if you couldn’t get more embarrassed, your pussy lets out a squelch as his words make your eager pussy clench. You hear him whisper ‘fuck’ under his breath. You didn’t understand, you never got this wet before, but something about Taehyung made you needier and want to submit to him. “Hey move your hands for me kitten, I want to see your pretty face.”   You did as you were told and looked at him. “Why are you getting so worked up baby? Do you like it when I talk to you like you’re a helpless little kitty?” 
 “Alright, well thank you for using your words. Now,” He pauses for a second, “ Lay back and spread your legs for me, I need to see just how needy you are for me.” 
You laid back, flat on the bed and spread your legs just like he said. He got on the bed and sat right in between your legs, staring at you intimidatingly making you feel shy and causing you to close your legs a bit. ”Uh uh kitten, you’re not gonna break daddy’s rules are you?” Your eyes go wide, “D-daddy?” He stiffened for a moment, “Is that okay with you?” You nod, his face softens at your reassurance.
 He grabs your knees forcing your legs open, he lays down so he’s now face to face with your sopping cunt. He blows cool air making you jump a bit at the sensation, he giggles at your reaction. “God you’re fucking soaked,” He drags a finger down your slit making you shiver. He continues moving one single finger up and down your cunt, grazing your clit ever so slightly. You whimper and whine, lifting your hips to try to get more friction from him but a quick slap to your inner thigh makes you stop. “Don’t be a fucking brat, I’ll only reward you if you’re a good girl. Am I clear?” Remembering the name he gave himself just a couple moments ago you respond, “Yes daddy.” 
He returns to teasing you by rubbing your clit, making your hole release more of your essence. He takes his thumb and rubs circles at your entrance before he plunges it in. You immediately let out a loud moan before slapping your hand over your mouth. “No no no baby, I want to head your pretty moans, I wasn’t able to last night.” You remove your hand, and let out another moan as Taehyung removes his thumb from your cunt and inserts his middle and index finger. The sudden stretch makes you gasp and grip the sheets under you. He attaches his lips to your clit, making you feel dizzy with pleasure.
 His fingers were much longer than yours and immediately he finds your sweet spot, hitting it over and over again. He suddenly adds a third finger, which was a little too much for you, “Wait-” Taehyung immediately stops his actions, looking up at you worried. “Can you just slow down a little, it’s been a while since,” You pause of a second, “Since I’ve had anything that big in me.” He nods before pushing two fingers in, then a third, slowly this time. 
Your body spasms and your hands have made their way to his hair. “More, want more.” He looks up  at you, “What do you want kitten? You have to tell me what you want.”  Your loud moans are bouncing all over the room and you can almost taste your orgasm. You want to hold on longer, you want to cum on his cock, “I want you in me, I need your cock. Please daddy! Please!” Your last plea turned into a whine as your neediness overcomes your ability to form words. “Baby, if you can barely take my fingers, I don’t think you’ll be able to take my cock. It’ll take some time to get you ready but you’ll get my cock soon,” His fingers speed up making you get closer to your release. “I’ll fuck you like the good kitten you are.” 
His words send you over the edge, you move your hands to the bedsheets in fear of hurting him. You feel yourself gush even more onto his fingers and the squelches become more prominent. His fingers ride you through your high and he finally pulls his fingers out. But his tongue continues, licking up your release and pressing sloppy kisses onto your swollen and sensitive bud. You have to push his head away to make him stop. He comes up to kiss you, making you taste yourself on his lips. He pulls away, making you whine at the loss of touch. “Such a good kitty for me, you know that right?” 
It was now about half an hour later, Taehyung had carried you to the shower and helped clean you off. He went to your room to get your essentials like deodorant and things as such. You were now fully dressed and sitting on his bed, changed sheets of course. “So a daddy kink?” You giggle a little as you see his face get red. “Uh yeah, but only with you for some reason.” “That’s fair. It’s the same thing here, I’m usually not this….submissive?” A shocked look comes from Taehyung, “Really? It seemed like you were very familiar with subspace.” Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “What is exactly subspace?” He laughs, “You really don’t know what subspace is?” You shake your head. “Well I don’t really know how to explain it right now, but I’ll tell you about it later.” You get off the bed and sit on the floor to put on your boots, “Well Lucas never got super kinky with me so I don’t really know the technicalities of things. I just know i get mad horny with you. Anyways do you have class today?” He shakes his head, “Okay well I need to confirm some orders for my clients and I’m getting kinda hungry. Do you wanna go to campus with me?” You stand up ready to go, “Yeah sure. I could use some extra studying.” 
You two were now in his car, on your way to the campus library. You had brought your laptop with you and he brought his too. You were typing a quick list on your phone of the things you needed to be done, but before you could finish it you glance over to him and he’s still looking forward. You never thought you would be in this situation, especially with one of your closest friends. It was only a couple more minutes before you were finally parked in the lot of the library. 
           As soon as you opened the car door, the bitter cold air nipped  at your bare legs. You were glad Taehyung had forced you to bring a hoodie, even though you were already wearing a long sleeve shirt, you slipped on the hoodie. You were about half to the library entrance when you had a realization, “Wait, we never got to match.” You pout in defeat and mild disappointment in yourself. “That’s okay, we have the rest of our lives to match.” He reaches for your hand,  interlacing his fingers with yours. The rest of our lives? He really was looking for something long term, and you’ll admit, it was nice he had true intentions. With Lucas, everything was up in the air, depending on the day, you two were either going to last forever or nothing but friends.
With Taehyung, it was different. A good different of course. Even just with hand holding, Lucas never really was a big fan of PDA or physical affection (unless it was sexual.) But, now with Taehyung, he was holding your hand and you didn’t even ask for it. You know you shouldn’t be so caught up a hand hold, considering what you two had done already, but you were still a little emotionally fragile and you were thinking into things a bit more too. 
 A squeeze to your hand saves you before your thoughts get dark. “You okay there?” You notice you were picking at your lips, a habit you picked up over the years for whenever you were thinking too hard or nervous. “Um, we can talk about it in a bit,” You eye the cafe at the front of the library. “You pick a place for us to work and I’ll get us some coffee?” He nods and you both go your separate ways.
You still remembered his favorite, a caramel iced latte,  you were a little basic and stuck with a vanilla iced coffee. After you placed your order, you sat down in one of the high chairs right next to the coffee bar. This cafe was always a safe haven for you, you could watch your drinks being made and the scent of the whole cafe was intoxicating. It was only a couple minutes until the barista placed the drinks in front of you, “Here you go ma’am, have a good day.”  You give him a polite smile and reply, “Thanks, you too!” Even though the workers were practically paid to say that, you always appreciated it. 
Before walking out of the cafe, you pull out your phone to text Taehyung.
You: hey where are you?
Tae:  second floor to the left. i’m near the back ;)
You: okay okay i’ll be there in a sec
Tae:  hurry i want my latte >:0
You giggle at his text and slide your phone into your back pocket. Quickly taking a couple sips of your coffee before making your way to and up the stairs, once at the top you scope out the floor looking for Taehyung. It took you a second but you saw him sitting at a small circular couch with a table at the center. But it wasn’t just him, there were two other girls standing and talking to him. Your brows furrow, he didn’t say he invited anyone. You made a steady pace towards them, making sure to not walk too quickly. 
“Hey Tae,” His head turns in your direction as well as the girls. They give you dirty looks as you hand him his latte. “Hey! Minso and Christy were asking to study with us.” He makes facial expressions, trying to disguise it by drinking his coffee, in hopes you would understand his true message. “Oh! Sorry girls I would love to but I have a final to study for and I would normally study alone but someone demanded I take them with me.” You can tell by their clenched fists that they could see straight through your lie but they didn’t want to make a scene in front of their precious Kim Taehyung. 
You roll your eyes as the turn their backs to you and walk away. “I can’t believe these girls sometimes.” You say as you take your hoodie off before sitting next to Taehyung. Before you can get comfortable, he pulls you onto his lap so your straddling him. “Awe, is my kitten getting jealous?” You pout your lip out in disagreement, “I am not. I was simple stating my opinion on them.” He smiled up at you before giving you kiss.  You bring your hands to the back of his head, deepening the kiss. You can taste the sweetness of the caramel and the bitterness the espresso. You pull away in fear of someone seeing you and potentially getting kicked out.
“What? you weren’t so worried about getting caught last night during the movie, what’s so different now?” You fumble off his lap, “I need to get to work.” You grab your laptops out of your backpack, handing Teahyung’s to him. You opened the laptop and quickly opened your email. Your inbox was flooded with emails from your agent, asking where you were and if you were okay. You picked up your phone and called him, Taehyung eyeing you.
“Hey Jason, I got your emails, I’m okay just needed a break.” You used your best enthusiastic business voice. “Y/N,  this is a fucking business. You can’t just take a break when you feel like it.” You never really liked his personality but he was a good business partner. You have to take a deep breath before you can say anything it him, “Alright listen, you’re my employee. I hired you, I think you forget sometimes that I could easily fire you. This is my business and you can’t tell me if I can take a break or not. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have put some orders through.” He stays silent for a couple seconds which was enough for you to hang up. 
You sigh and fall against the couch. You were gone for five days, which backed up your orders by hundreds. You were grateful for your customers but you were overwhelmed by the demand. You wanted there to be a little people between you and your customers but when you got in contact with the production company, you were saving a little more money and way more time. “Hey, are you okay?” You shake your head, “No not really, I’m so behind on orders and I just wanted to take a break.” Your voice cracks mid-sentence as tears start rolling down your cheek.
Taehyungs pulls you onto his lap again, bring your face directly in front of his. His thumbs wiping the tears, “It’s gonna be okay baby. It’s alright.” You bury your head in the crook of his neck while he rubs your back. “It’s okay to takes breaks. You’ve worked your ass of for the past year and you deserve a break when you need one.” His voice made you melt into his touch and your cries slowly turn into hiccups. You sit back up, his arms still holding you, “T-thanks. No ones ever been there f-for me like this.”  Your words broken up with hiccups and quick breaths. “I’ve with you for all of high school and the past three years of college, it’s taken us a while to find each other like this. I’m sorry for not always being there for you, I never checked up on you and I’ve kicked myself everyday for not doing so,” His eyes finally meet yours, “I promise from this second forward, I will always be there for you. I’ve never cared for a girl like how I’ve cared for you.” 
Your heart swelled with his words, “You’re gonna make me cry even more.” You say giggling a bit. “No I don’t wanna see any tears from my kitten anymore,” He thinks about what he’s about to say, “ Well...nevermind I’m not gonna say that.” Curiosity got the best of you and you just needed to know what he was going to say, “No no say what you were gonna say. You can tell me anything you’re thinking of.” His finger taps your thigh, making you squeeze them out of habit. “Well if you want to know everything I’m thinking of,” you nod eagerly and he brings his lips to your ear, “I don’t want to see tears coming from you unless it’s from me making you feel good.” Your brows furrows in confusion. 
He notices your confused look, “I’m thinking of you pinned under me, taking my cock so well, you’re so small I can see my cock in your little tummy. I’m thinking of how, soon, someday soon, I’m gonna be fucking your pretty little pussy,” his eyes now looking at your lips “ Fuck, that’s gonna be good.” 
You whimper at his words, just the thought of him filling you up with his cock makes you feel lightheaded. “Awe such a whiny kitty, you’re probably soaked right now, aren’t you?” You nod as you feel the biggest urge to submit to him, your bottom lip pouting out. “But baby, you said someone might see us. I don’t want to get us in trouble now.” You cross your arms, “Hmph, that’s not fair!” He pinches your thigh making you yelp. “Remember who makes the rules kitten and keep your voice down.” 
You hopped off his lap, going back to your laptop. “Don’t be mad kitty, I still wanna help with your orders if I can.” Who were you to deny free help? “Really? Okay let me log onto my email, you just have to double check the info and click complete.” He hands you his laptop and you quickly login. You teach him the basics and soon enough he gets the hang on it. An hour passes and then two. You sigh as you close your laptop after finishing the last email. Quickly packing up your things and getting one last iced coffee on your way out. 
It was even cooler outside that when you first arrived at the library. “Ugh, I love the cold.” You say, taking a sip of your coffee right after. “You know, most people wouldn’t drink a cold drink when it’s cold out.” You hand your drink to him so you get put on your hoodie, “Well I like it.” You pull the hoodie over your head, surly messing up your hair. You pat your hoodie flat down and look up to see Taehyung already looking at you. “God, how are you so cute?” You dramatically tuck your hair behind your ear, “I don’t know. It’s hard being this cute.”  He hands you your drink back while giggling at your remark. He joins your hands again, while continuing your walk back to the car.
 “So do you have anything else to do today?” 
“Umm,” You look at your watch, it’s almost two in the afternoon at this point. “Not really, I just need to go get actual suitcases since we’re staying longer in New York.” You look over at Taehyung, “Why?” His face freezes for a second, “Well, I need to buy you a few things, if you don’t mind.” You stop in place as you two were now in front of his car, “Depends, what kind of things do you wanna buy?” You can tell he’s trying to hide is nerves, you’d never seen him nervous before. Only a second passed until is eyes turn dark, now you’re the nervous one. He steps closer to you and places his arm around your waist. “Okay so you know I’m not exactly,” He pauses. 
“Small. And you are kind of small and you were barely able to to take three of my fingers.” He gives your hip a small squeeze before continuing, “So i was wondering of my kitty would let me buy her some toys to help out.” You squeeze your thighs together, feeling a little flustered. “Y-you mean like a dildo?” He nods. “Okay yeah sure.” You were a little taken a back but were still open to the idea, his eyes glace to your lips that you were nervously biting, “good kitty.” He say before coming closer and kissing you. It’s a soft yet lustful kiss, his tongue ventures into your mouth allowing you to taste the latte he had earlier.
He pulls away making you whine. “Aw getting all worked up, aren’t you?” You pout and shake your head.He laughs at your reaction, “Alright. Get your cute butt in the car.” You walk over to the passenger side and quickly sit in the warmth of the car. “You ready?” Taehyung asks, you nod in response before you finally pull out of the parking lot and make your way to go knows where.
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