#bad banja
tvueberregional · 1 year
Ausflug in die Therme Erding
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Ausflug in die Therme Erding Nur wenige Orte bieten eine so verlockende Mischung aus Entspannung, Erholung und Vergnügen wie die Therme Erding. Hier erwartet Sie eine der größten Thermalbadeanlagen Europas, eingebettet in die idyllische bayerische Landschaft. Anreise zur Therme Erding Die Therme Erding befindet sich in der gleichnamigen Stadt Erding, nur etwa 30 Minuten Fahrtzeit vom Münchner Stadtzentrum entfernt. Sie können bequem mit dem Auto anreisen und die Therme verfügt über ausreichend Parkmöglichkeiten. Alternativ können Sie auch den öffentlichen Nahverkehr nutzen. Die S-Bahn-Linie S2 bringt Sie direkt zum Erdinger Bahnhof, von wo aus Sie mit dem Bus oder einem kurzen Spaziergang zur Therme gelangen. Arten von Ausflügen Entspannungsurlaub Wenn Sie sich nach Entspannung sehnen, ist ein Wochenendausflug in die Therme Erding genau das Richtige für Sie. Tauchen Sie ein in die wohltuenden Thermalbäder, lassen Sie sich von den verschiedenen Saunen verwöhnen und gönnen Sie sich eine Massage oder eine Gesichtsbehandlung im Spa-Bereich. Familienausflug Die Therme Erding bietet auch für Familien jede Menge Spaß und Unterhaltung. Der Galaxy Erding Wasserpark ist ein Highlight für Groß und Klein, mit seinen zahlreichen Rutschen und Attraktionen. Außerdem gibt es Kinderbereiche in den Thermalbädern und sogar spezielle Familientage mit besonderen Angeboten. Romantischer Kurztrip Planen Sie ein romantisches Wochenende zu zweit? Die Therme Erding bietet exklusive Private Spa-Suiten, in denen Sie ungestört Zeit zu zweit genießen können. Verbringen Sie entspannte Stunden in einem eigenen Whirlpool und lassen Sie sich von einem Candle-Light-Dinner verwöhnen. Kosten und Preise Die Eintrittspreise variieren je nach Art des Ausflugs und der gewählten Pakete. Für Erwachsene beginnen die Preise bei etwa 35 Euro für den Tageseintritt. Es gibt auch attraktive Gruppenangebote und Abendtarife. Für besondere Erlebnisse wie den Besuch der Galaxy Rutschenwelt oder den Zugang zu den Private Spa-Suiten gelten gesonderte Preise. Kinder und Senioren erhalten in der Regel Ermäßigungen. Bestes Essen in der Therme Erding Nach einem erholsamen Bad oder einer aufregenden Rutschpartie werden Sie sicherlich hungrig sein. Die Therme Erding bietet eine vielfältige Auswahl an Restaurants und Cafés, in denen Sie sich stärken können. Probieren Sie die bayerische Küche im "Alpenrestaurant" oder genießen Sie internationale Speisen im "Paradies Restaurant". Für den kleinen Hunger zwischendurch gibt es Snack-Bars und Bistros. Aktivitäten in der Therme Erding Die Therme Erding bietet eine breite Palette an Aktivitäten, die sicherstellen, dass Ihr Besuch unvergesslich wird. Hier sind einige der besten Aktivitäten, die Sie während Ihres Aufenthalts genießen können: Thermalbäder Die Therme Erding verfügt über eine beeindruckende Auswahl an Thermalbädern, die auf unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. Ob Sie nach Entspannung, Heilung oder einfach nur einem gemütlichen Bad suchen, hier werden Sie fündig. Die Thermalwasserbecken sind mit Mineralien angereichert, die sich positiv auf Ihre Gesundheit auswirken können. Saunawelt Die Saunalandschaft der Therme Erding gehört zu den größten in ganz Europa und bietet Saunen für jeden Geschmack. Hier können Sie von einer traditionellen Finnischen Sauna bis zu einer exotischen Banja alles erleben. Die Aufgüsse, bei denen ätherische Öle verwendet werden, sorgen für eine zusätzliche Erholung. Wenn Sie ein Saunaliebhaber sind, werden Sie diesen Ort lieben. Beachten Sie, dass die Saunen textilfrei sind, um die maximale Entspannung zu gewährleisten. Galaxy Erding Für diejenigen, die auf der Suche nach Abenteuer und Adrenalin sind, ist die Galaxy Erding ein absolutes Muss. Dieser Wasserpark bietet aufregende Rutschen, Wellenbäder und sogar einen Lazy River. Die Galaxy Rutschenwelt ist das Highlight des Wasserparks und verspricht Nervenkitzel pur. Ob Sie sich kopfüber in die Tiefe stürzen oder sanft auf einer Luftmatratze treiben lassen möchten, hier ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei. Dieser Bereich ist ideal für Familien, Freunde und Abenteurer jeden Alters. VitalOase Die VitalOase ist ein Ort der Ruhe und Entspannung. Hier können Sie sich in den verschiedenen Ruhezonen zurückziehen und neue Energie tanken. Verwöhnen Sie Ihren Körper und Geist in den Whirlpools, dem Tepidarium oder dem Salzsee. Die angenehme Atmosphäre und die ruhige Umgebung machen die VitalOase zu einem Ort der vollkommenen Entspannung. Sport und Fitness Wenn Sie auch während Ihres Ausflugs aktiv bleiben möchten, bietet die Therme Erding auch Sport- und Fitnessmöglichkeiten. Nutzen Sie das Fitnessstudio oder nehmen Sie an verschiedenen Kursen wie Yoga oder Aqua-Fitness teil. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, Körper und Geist in Einklang zu bringen. Kinderbereiche Die Therme Erding hat auch an die jüngsten Besucher gedacht. Es gibt spezielle Kinderbereiche mit flachen Becken und Wasserspielen, die für viel Spaß und Sicherheit sorgen. Die Kleinen können sich hier austoben und das Wasser in vollen Zügen genießen. Wellness und Spa Für das ultimative Verwöhnprogramm sollten Sie unbedingt das Wellness- und Spa-Angebot der Therme Erding in Betracht ziehen. Hier können Sie sich mit Massagen, Gesichtsbehandlungen und Körperpeelings verwöhnen lassen. Entspannen Sie in den Ruheräumen und genießen Sie die Pflege für Haut und Seele. Empfehlungen für Ihren Ausflug Planen Sie Ihren Besuch in der Therme Erding frühzeitig, besonders an Wochenenden und Feiertagen, da es sehr beliebt ist und schnell ausgebucht sein kann. - Bringen Sie Badesachen, Handtücher und Badelatschen mit. Ein Bademantel kann gegen Gebühr geliehen werden. - Probieren Sie unbedingt die verschiedenen Saunaaufgüsse mit ätherischen Ölen aus, um Ihre Sinne zu beleben. - Halten Sie sich an die Hygienevorschriften und Regeln der Therme, um das Erlebnis für alle Gäste angenehm zu gestalten. - Besuchen Sie die offizielle Website der Therme Erding, um aktuelle Angebote und Aktionen zu prüfen. Barcelo Black Friday Angebote könnten Ihren Aufenthalt noch attraktiver gestalten. Barcelo Black Friday Angebote Sind Sie auf der Suche nach zusätzlichen Ersparnissen für Ihren Ausflug in die Therme Erding? Dann sollten Sie die Barcelo Black Friday Angebote nicht verpassen! Diese exklusiven Aktionen könnten Ihnen attraktive Rabatte auf Ihren Aufenthalt in der Therme oder sogar besondere Pakete inklusive Übernachtung bieten. Haben Sie schon die neuesten Angebote überprüft? Wenn nicht, sollten Sie jetzt auf der www.barcelo.com/de-de/angebote/black-friday/ vorbeischauen und sich die besten Deals sichern! Ein Ausflug in die Therme Erding ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für Menschen jeden Alters. Egal, ob Sie sich entspannen, Abenteuer erleben oder einfach nur gutes Essen genießen möchten, hier ist für jeden etwas dabei. Beachten Sie unsere Empfehlungen, um Ihren Besuch optimal zu gestalten, und vergessen Sie nicht, die aktuellen Barcelo Black Friday Angebote zu überprüfen, um Ihre Reise noch erschwinglicher zu gestalten. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Entspannung und des Vergnügens in der Therme Erding! Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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anabubnjevic · 2 years
📢 Podcast "Nauka Govori" 📢
Activity title: Filming the "Nauka Govori" podcast
Activity type: Creativity and Service
Duration: 2 hours
Activity description:
Filming the "Nauka Govori" podcast on the topics of feminism and women in science, as well as mental health among children and teenagers.
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Learning Outcomes:
📌 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.
📌 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
📌 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
I was invited to participate in the filming of the local podcast "Nauka Govori", and participate in a discussion with an expert on a topic. The topic I was assigned to is women in science and academics, what their current position is and how it could be rectified, if recognized as necessary. I discussed this topic with a professor from the Faculty of Philosophy here in Banja Luka, and found the brief discussion quite enlightening, in terms of the information exchanged. Additionally, I participated in a discussion with my peer and friend, Staša, about mental health amongst adolescents. The discussion consisted of us talking about the importance of mental health and how it affects adolescents, and how we deal with it in terms of stress, bad moods etc. I found the whole experience quite fun, and would most likely chose to participate again if I were invited back!
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mariacallous · 3 years
I think one of the big big flaws of the post-WWII world order is an near obsessive holding onto borders at all costs even when they were set my Monarchies or European powers who knew little and cared less about the people who lived there, it leads to valuing freezing conflicts in place rather than trying to fix the problem, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Franken-country with two sub countries nit together I feel like sooner or later they'll break apart, in a good or bad way.
I mean, the obsessive holding onto of borders has been happening since time immemorial, but I also don't really see it having played out any other way, for the most part. And we're not seeing that go away (hence Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, etc.) either.
Yugoslavia and its succeeding countries tend to be what people think of in regards to artificial borders and ignoring conflict.
Depending on how you look at it, the effort to assert a unique Bosnian identity pace the neighboring Serbian and Croatian ones goes back to either during Ottoman rule or Austro-Hungarian rule and for a variety of reasons has always been the most ethnically-diverse of the former Yugoslav countries, which is part of the issue and why, really, the only other comparable examples would be Kosovo (vis-à-vis Serbia) and, at one point, Montenegro (ditto).
Part of the issue is that the Dayton Accords were intended as a "construction of necessity", to stop the fighting and hold everything in place to allow for an actual long-term plan and resolution to be established. Between a variety of failures (inconsistent focus from the US and EU, intransigence and disagreement among the different factions in Bosnia, the locking in place of the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (and the independent Brcko district), the power-sharing structure which helped stop the fighting and try for stability but which undermines the overall country) that's not happened, and in the last several years, and particularly in regards to the Republika Srpska (with Serbian and likely Russian backing), the blocking and resistance to getting anything done has increased, as well as being one of the eddies in the right-wing populist wave that's been sweeping over Europe and elsewhere during that same time period.
I think I saw an article where Bosnians were polled about their support for the Dayton Accords and majorities in all three (Serb, Croatian, and Bosniak) groups would have voted for and support Dayton versus those who would have voted against it (the article was published last year but I think the data they reviewed was a few years older) which is kind of interesting, if you think about how in Poland a majority of citizens support the EU and want to remain with their government challenging and battling against Brussels.
I will say that I'm fully expecting a Srpskxit, or a full attempt at one, before the end of the decade. That's been the trend for a while now, and Republika Srpska is where something like 95%-96% of Bosnian Serbs live within Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka is where essentially all of the major Srpska institutions are based, etc. I don't know how much this would affect Bosnia's current EU membership application and its NATO membership action plan, and the only real benefit, such as it is/would be, is to essentially break the deadlock and lack of progress in dealing with pretty much any of Bosnia and Herzegovina's issues.
I think a Srpskxit would be incredibly disruptive to the region (caveat here is my assumption it'd be a unilateral action taken by Dodik and the Republika Srpska leadership), with similar border issues compared to Northern Ireland and the UK and Ireland, massive confusion as to the status of minority groups in both the Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a potential derailment to both the NATO and EU membership plans for the overarching Bosnian country, an emboldening of Serbia (and possibly of Kosovo), and an encouragement to other leaders that being intransigent and then forcing your way pays dividends. (Ironically, or perhaps not, this is what the initial breakup of Yugoslavia was like in a lot of ways).
Unless there's a mutual agreement that gets negotiated to help avoid most of these issues, that is.
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sirnica · 7 years
how i motivate myself to do anything i don’t want to: it’s research for my writing. 
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I am ordinary person like u all . I want to share my life experiences to u .
I don't have much friends but I am happy with it because I don't need much friends .
When I am in my school days I am happy because of friends and I do have male friends and nothing bad with that I enjoy my school days to the fullest . But my dearest soulmate her name is Shreya we used to call each other before going to school.
Me- Behn school ja rhi h kya ???
She- nhi yrr mera pet dard ho rha h !!
Me- Acha chl fir m bhi nhi jaa rhi .
Hamari roj planning chalti thi agar tu jaegi to phone laga dena nhi to m soti hi rahungi .
Then suddenly months passed and in November we come to know that that in the month of Dec. we have our first pre-board
Then we start studying in the mid of November our school got closed for boards student so they can prepare well for their pre-boards .
So we didn't met for 1 month and we met on the first day of our after exam then actually I came to know that how much I miss her .
Then after my first preboards
We get another break for our second pre-board.
Then second preboard started in the month of Feb .
We actually met on the first exam we talk before exam .
Then after my second preboard we used to talk daily for 15 mins .
But i really miss her because in school we saw each other daily .
She is very cute and innocent and she is very childish also which makes her too cute.
After second preboard
We started prepping for our 10 th boards because we didn't study for the whole year.
Then on the first day of my exam I was nervous my heart was beating very fast.
And when I finished my exam . I was thinking about her exam what was she doing in exam ??
Then on my second exam ,
A boy proposed me in Dec and at that time my brother had my phone and he just proposed me on Instagram and he said that ' tera bhai kuch nhi khaega tu bs gf banja meri'
Ab bhai hmare bhaiya ko aagya gussa to unhone us ladke ko pit diya school ke bhar or charo taraf bss mach gaya shorr pakdo ladko pakdo lekin kisi ne pakad nhi paya or mujhe pta bhi nhi tha ke bhaiya aisa karenge nhi to m nhi karne deti yrr wo ladka bhi choota tha itni samjh nhi hoti h lekin kya kr skti thi m .
Or ye ladka bhi mujhe bhut jyada pareshan kare tha kisi ladke ko baat hi nhi karne deta tha mujhse.
Then after that day I talked to my friend about if and she didn't knew about that fight then I told her everything .
And she was like what happened after that?
Nothing happened
My parents scolded my brother they told my brother that - tumne kyu usko mara uske mummy papa se baat krte hm and bhaiya was like acha acha sorry.
And seriously i felt very bad for the boy .
After that story I completed my all board exams .
After boards my friend changed school ,streams also changed she took humanities I took Science .
Then we talk sometimes but not that much because at times she is busy and sometime I am also .
But seriously I miss her so much.
Teachers used to call us jai and veeru .
So I request everyone to enjoy their school life and have fun.
Good bless u all
Har Har Mahadev
Whenever u feel low message me .
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nightglider124 · 5 years
Hi! I saw your angst/fluff writing prompt and idk if it's still goin on but if it is, can you do 48 with RobStar? I love all of the stories and oneshots you've made, and I just have to say that you're incredible
Eesh. This is a bad one, soz XD I tried to make it more cutesy but it just... got a little shit.
I mean I hope you still like it anyway!! 
“Why are you crying?”
Robin noticed her absence first, as he always did. After dinner, she’d been stealthy and quieter than she usually was, slipping out of the room without anyone seeing her.
So, when Beast Boy had got them all huddled on the sofa for movie night, he was the one doing a double take in confusion; missing the flash of red hair amongst them all.
He had opted to go and grab her; he assumed she would be in her bedroom, playing and chatting with Silkie as she often did when the evenings came. 
But, when he reached her door and knocked, he was greeted with only silence; empty and lacking in emotion.
“Star?” He gently called, rapping his fist against the metal door once again,
When he received the same answer as before, a pang of concern shot through his chest and he chewed his lower lip. Hoping she wouldn’t throw something at him, he placed his hand on the panel beside her door and typed in the override code.
Once the door slid aside, he stepped just past the threshold, not wanting to overstep any boundaries that he had already crossed.
“Starfire? Sorry to barge in but…” He trailed off as he noticed the lack of presence within the room.
Silkie was right where he knew he’d be, curled up in a ball in the middle of Starfire’s bed, fitfully snoozing away without a single care in the world. 
There was no space Princess inside however and Robin found himself wondering where else she would be. Considering his options, he had a wavelength of an idea of where else she could be located.
With that in mind, he let her door shut again and turned his attention towards the door that led to the roof of the tower, instead. 
He climbed the steps and before long, he was standing at the door of the roof. Quietly, Robin opened it up and let the breath of the wind twirl around him, briefly lifting his cape into the air as he scanned his surroundings.
And, at the very edge of the roof, he saw the one he’d been searching for. He smiled and watched as her hair flowed like silk in the wind as she sat with her knees drawn to her chest, gazing at the twilight sky above that was getting darker as time ticked by. 
Something felt off about it though. 
He could feel it in the depths of his chest; an ache associated to when someone close to you was in pain or hurt or suffering. It was akin to that and he couldn’t help but suddenly wonder if Starfire was feeling alright.
Robin had found her behavior peculiar this afternoon, he had to admit but truthfully, he hadn’t thought very much of it. She had been quiet and somewhat distant now that he dwelled on it.
Concern coursing through him, Robin took the steps to close the distance between them. He stood behind her, simply watching her when he heard the almost silent, muffled sniffling.
His eyes widened behind his mask, realizing that she was upset and he had no clue as to why.
She yelped as his voice carried in the wind, catching her off guard when she was clearly caught up in a vulnerable moment. 
Furiously, Starfire wiped at her eyes and face, attempting to erase any evidence that she had reached an emotionally low point.
“Robin! You startled me…” She paused, “I did not hear you approach.”
He crouched down beside her, not oblivious enough to miss the red, puffy look of her eyes. 
“Starfire… what’s wrong?” 
She shook her head and turned to him, forcing a big smile across her lips, “Nothing is wrong, friend!”
He pursed his lips together in a flat line, a serious expression to show that he wasn’t going to let this go; wasn’t going to let her emotions go unspoken about,
“Star… why are you crying?” His voice was gentle and so was his touch as he reached and took her hand in his,
Starfire held his gaze for a long moment, inwardly trying to decide if she would come clean about what was wrong or if she would continue to force this facade of being alright.
In an instant, her expression crumpled and her brows knitted together in sadness, fresh tears stinging her emerald orbs.
“I… I apologize… I do not mean to cause concern… I just…” She took a deep, shaky breath, “Today is… banja on Tamaran…”
“What’s banja?” 
She sniffled and looked up to the sky, most probably scanning the universe for a faint sight of Tamaran itself but even without it, the stars always made her think of home as it was,
“Banja means… family day… it is one of Tamaran’s most ancient and yet most important celebrations… you spend it with your family, expressing your affection and level of thankfulness and gratitude to X’hal for such a blessing…”
“And that’s why you’re upset…”
Starfire wiped her face again, “I am… saddened… most of my family is dead and… the remaining member… has a vendetta and vows to murder me when she gets the chance… I just… could not help but feel upset… when all I have wanted is a loving family…”
“I’m sorry, Star… I wish I could make things better for you…”
She stayed silent for a long moment before Robin pressed his hand to her back and offered her a soft smile,
“Y’know... it’s the same, I know but... you’ve always got us as a family...” He murmured,
Starfire blinked at him before she wiped her eyes and smiled, “I do... and it is the best surrogate family I could ask for.”
She leaned in and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, embracing him. He returned the hug and tapped her on the back, “Now, c’mon... Beast Boy is getting restless that we’re not in our seats for movie night.”
With that, she pulled back and giggled, more than happy to go and spend some time with the people who saved her when she first arrived on Earth and had stuck by her since.
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laraadzic · 5 years
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Going to the gym
Number of hours: 1 hour per class, 3 times a week, long term
This project is: Activity, Service
Learning outcomes:
• showed commitment to my activity
• developed new skills
• identify own strengths and develope areas for growth
• demonstrate the skills
Hi guys 👋😽
I have not been such a sports person during my childhood, but as I was growing up, I started showing some interest in doing different types of physical activities. After some time, I became a member of the local gym in our town. I have been going there regularly for 2 years and after I moved to Banja Luka I had to find an another solution, because I entered a new stage of my life. So, I joined a new gym, here in Banja Luka. Basically, I just countinued practising and working out in order to make some benefits to my body. Here are the photos of me and my trainer who is a really kind and friendly person.
I like working out. It makes me feel powerful, healthy and active. Also, whenever I have a bad day or a day full of stress, I aim to take some time and blow out all the bad energy and pressure. It does not have to be a long workout session, 15 minutes is enough. After this activity I feel refreshed and ready for new challenges. I am happy to say that fitness has become part of my lifestyle, I started eating healthy and taking care of my body and because of all this I feel super proud of myself.💪🏼😸💋
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veravavan · 6 years
European Researcher’s Night
Name of activity: Volunteering for the European Researcher’s Night 2018
Approximate number of hours: approximately 18 hours (28.9-29.9)
Type of activity: service and creativity
Learning outcomes:
I have developed new skills
I have shown commitment and perseverance
I have worked collaboratively with others and participated in team activities
Hello! ^^
 I’m going to talk about my first CAS experience at European Researcher’s Night which is one of the most interesting events in Banja  Luka. I decided to volunteer in this event since it’s about science so I was interested to see some interesting experiments and learn more. I was working on the treasure hunt in the library with my friend Petar. Our task was to meet visitors and tell them about the event, and for the treasure hunt participants (which were mostly children) to ask them questions about biology and if they answer correctly they get a sticker. The first 50 participants that got all 8 stickers won a prize. :)
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Reflection: Volunteering at the European Researcher’s Night was truly an amazing experience. A lot of my friends were volunteering at this event which is amazing, but i also got a chance to meet a lot of new people. Prior to the start of treasure hunt i was in the center of the event, which was Dom Omladine. I got to see a lot of cool experiments and learn a lot. Afterwards I went to the library and when the treasure hunt started it got crazy! Everyone was rushing since only the first 50 people get the prize and i felt bad when someone didn’t know the answer to the question since they were really hard, so I gave a sticker to anyone who even tried to answer and learn something. Petar didn’t really agree with me for this one. But all the kids were amazing, they were sooo excited and happy which is the very reason why I enjoyed this experience so much.
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asensihoe · 6 years
Hi Maria, I'm Semir and I'm planning a trip through Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia and I need some advice which places I HAVE TO go. Would you be so kind and help me? :)
Hello! I would love to help 😊 I have never been in Serbia and Macedonia but i heard that Skopje, Beograd and Novi Sad are beautiful.
Croatia: Zagreb is the capital and it has really nice things when it comes to culture/museums and stuff like that. It also has more modern stuff and is really nice. Split is definitely one of the most beautiful cities, it offers many different things, from beautiful sights, very rich history and the old part of the city, beaches, sports, it has everything you need. Dubrovnik is a close second to Split and getting super popular with tourists and Rijeka is also pretty.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Mostar is the centre of tourism, it’s really close to Split and Dubrovnik and tourist usually take that as a package deal. The old part of it is beautiful, just like the modern one and it also has a very interesting and rich history. If you’re going to Sarajevo you need to try their cuisine, it’s amazing. Banja Luka and Zenica aren’t bad, too.
Montenegro: I would definitelly choose Budva as the top destination, but Kotor and Herceg Novi are also nice.
Slovenia: Maribor, Triglav and Ljubljana
And if you already have the cities planned feel free to message me about the going out places, restaurants, events, etc.
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alexcoleman2003 · 3 years
Watch Laçi - U Craiova live stream July 22, 2021
Competition: Laçi - Universitatea Craiova live
Drita - Feyenoord match overview, prediction&tips
1st leg.
Feyenoord could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days.
In this match Feyenoord is the unquestionable favorite.
Recently, the teams did not play each other.Lokomotiv Plovdiv - Slovácko match overview, prediction&tips
1st leg.
Lokomotiv Plovdiv is in bad shape now (in the last 5 games wins - 1).
Slovácko in the latest match got series victories and it is in excellent form (in the last 5 games wins - 4).
Slovácko could have problems with physics compare with it opponent - last days they played more matches than their opponents.
In this match the chances to achieve triumph bor both teams are almost equal.
Recently, the teams did not play each other.Linfield - Borac Banja Luka match overview, prediction&tips
1st leg.
Recent matches Borac Banja Luka is playing unpredictable (in the last 5 games wins - 2).
Linfield could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days.
In this match Borac Banja Luka is a favorite.
Recently, the teams did not play each other.
Drita - Feyenoord match overview, prediction&tips
Feyenoord podría tener ventaja en la física - más días de descanso en los últimos días. En este partido, el Feyenoord es el claro favorito. Recientemente, el equipo no jugó entre sí.Lokomotiv Plovdiv - Slovácko match overview, prediction&tips Lokomotiv Plovdiv ya están en mal estado (en los últimos 5 juegos victorias - 1). Slovácko en los últimos partidos con una serie de victorias y está en muy buena forma (en los últimos 5 juegos victorias - 4).
Slovácko podría tener problemas con la física comparar con ella oponente - últimos días se jugó más partidos que sus oponentes. En este partido, las posibilidades de ganar los dos equipos son casi iguales. Recientemente, el equipo no jugó entre sí.Linfield - Borac Banja Luka match overview, prediction&tips Últimos partidos Borac Banja Luka juega inestable (en los últimos 5 juegos victorias - 2).
Linfield podría tener ventaja en la física - más días de descanso en los últimos días. En este partido, el Borac Banja Luka es el favorito. Recientemente, el equipo no jugó entre sí.
Drita - Feyenoord match overview, prediction&tips
Drita könnte Probleme mit der Physik zu vergleichen mit ihr Gegner haben - letzten Tagen spielten sie mehr Spiele als ihre Gegner. In diesem Spiel ist Feyenoord der klare Favorit. Vor kurzem hat das Team nicht spielen einander.Lokomotiv Plovdiv - Slovácko match overview, prediction&tips Heimmannschaft ist in schlechter Verfassung (in den letzten 5 Spielen gewinnt - 1). Gastmannschaft im letzten Spiel ist eine Reihe von Siegen und ist in sehr guter Form (in den letzten 5 Spielen gewinnt - 4).
Lokomotiv Plovdiv Vorteil könnte in der Physik haben - mehr Tage für Ruhe in den letzten Tagen. In diesem Spiel eine Chance, beide Teams gewinnen sind fast gleich. Vor kurzem hat das Team nicht spielen einander.Linfield - Borac Banja Luka match overview, prediction&tips Neue Spiele Gastmannschaft spielt unregelmäßig (in den letzten 5 Spielen gewinnt - 2).
Linfield Vorteil könnte in der Physik haben - mehr Tage für Ruhe in den letzten Tagen. In diesem Spiel ist Borac Banja Luka ein Favorit. Vor kurzem hat das Team nicht spielen einander.
Drita - Feyenoord match overview, prediction&tips
У Drita могут быть проблемы с физикой на фоне конкурента – в последние дни сыграно больше матчей чем у суперника. В этом матче Feyenoord является несомненным фаворитом. В последнее время команды между собой не играли.Lokomotiv Plovdiv - Slovácko match overview, prediction&tips Lokomotiv Plovdiv сейчас в плохой форме (в последних 5 матчах побед - 1). Slovácko в последних матчах имеет серию побед и находится в очень хорошей форме (в последних 5 матчах побед - 4).
У Lokomotiv Plovdiv может быть преимущество в физической подготовке – было больше дней для отдыха в последние дни. В этом матче шансы на победу обеих команд практически равны. В последнее время команды между собой не играли.Linfield - Borac Banja Luka match overview, prediction&tips Последние матчи Borac Banja Luka играет нестабильно (в последних 5 матчах побед - 2).
У Linfield может быть преимущество в физической подготовке – было больше дней для отдыха в последние дни. В этом матче Borac Banja Luka является фаворитом. В последнее время команды между собой не играли.
Drita - Feyenoord match overview, prediction&tips
В Feyenoord може да бъде предимство в физическа подготовка - имаше повече дни, за да останат в последните дни. В този мач, Feyenoord е категоричен фаворит. Наскоро отборът не играе един на друг.Lokomotiv Plovdiv - Slovácko match overview, prediction&tips Lokomotiv Plovdiv е в лоша форма (в последните 5 мача победи - 1). Slovácko в последния мач е поредица от победи и е в много добра форма (в последните 5 мача победи - 4).
В Lokomotiv Plovdiv може да бъде предимство в физическа подготовка - имаше повече дни, за да останат в последните дни. В тази игра шанс да спечели и двата отбора са почти равни. Наскоро отборът не играе един на друг.Linfield - Borac Banja Luka match overview, prediction&tips Последните мачове Borac Banja Luka играе хаотично (в последните 5 мача победи - 2).
В Borac Banja Luka може да има проблеми с физиката с съперник - през последните дни играе повече мачове, отколкото съперник. В този мач, Borac Banja Luka е фаворит. Наскоро отборът не играе един на друг.
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skgt24 · 4 years
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CONVERSATIONS WITH THE EMPEROR This project challenges the omnipre­sent romantizised sell-out of the im­pe­rial Sisi/Franzl myth. When you are in Bad Ischl, you cannot escape its imperial past. Even cleaning compa­nies use the emperor for marketing reasons. And each year, for a whole week in August, Bad Ischl celebrates Franz Joseph‘s birthday which is a magnet for thousands of watchers and even some die-hard monarchists wishing for the good old times. Each month throughout 2024, we host a Conversation with the Emperor sta­ged in Bad Ischl in former Habsburg buildings. International experts help us shed light on our imperial past and European connections from different angles. We start the project with a public debate on reasons why the Habsburgs even came to the SKGT. Historian Michael Kurz offers his expertise on this topic. Another Conversation deals with the manifold European connections the imperial family held, making Bad Ischl not only a site of high ranking diplo­macy but also the place where the de­claration of WWI was signed. For this Conversation, we invite specialists from cities and regions with which we share a Habsburgian past. We are in contact with Novi Sad, Banja Luka, Veszprem and Bad Ischl‘s twin cities Gödöllö, Opatija and Sarajevo. Another Conversation is about the Sisi-cult which was inspired by Romy Schneider movies. With Karin Moser (AT), a University of Vienna historian, we also take a closer look at other films that helped to shape the Emperor‘s image since the 1930s. Sons of Sissy by Simon Mayer (AT) is a perfor­mance of ri­tuals, dances and traditio­nal alpine music freed from conser­vatism and conventions. Hannes Leidinger (AT), director of the Lud­wig Boltzmann Institute for Re­search on consequences of wars in Vienna, deals with WWI, which was started by the signing of the decla­ration of war in the Kaiservilla in Bad Ischl. Pieter Judson (NL/IT), from the European Uni­versity Institute in Florence, shares his expertise on the life of ordinary people during the Habsburgian Empire while Graham Boxer, from the Imperial War Museum (UK) gives insight on ways of commemorating imperial histories. We hope to welcome Glaswegian indie-rock band Franz Ferdinand to play a concert for us, allowing for a comple­te­ly different Habsburgian connection. Other Conversations present the original, “famous” Sommerfrische, its royalty and entourage of artists, but also its effects on local citizens. In contrast, the seldom talked about Sommerfrische following WWII still returns the children of those Som­merfrischler, now adults, to our region. One Conversation tells their personal stories. Balkan Routes, a project by Hans Fuchs (AT) is also integrated into Conver­sations with the Emperor. Timişoara Thrust was an organized relocation during the Habsburg monarchy. In the 1750s a total of 3,130 people were deported from the SKGT to Timişoara. Now, in the present time, teenagers from both regions explore and docu­ment traces of the forced migration. The results of this journey are presen­ted within one Conversation, alongside Annemarie Steidl’s (Uni­versity of Vien­na, AT) expertise on migration and work during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Partners: Graham Boxer (UK), Hans Fuchs (AT), Pieter Judson (IT), Michael Kurz (AT), Hannes Leidinger (AT), Simon Mayer (AT), Verena Metzenrath (AT), Johannes Mittendorfer (AT), Karin Moser (AT), Annemarie Steidl (AT), Veszprem 2023 (HU), Novi Sad 2021 (RS), Gödöllö (HU), Opatija (HR), Sarajevo (BA) Estimated Budget: € 200.000.- When: 2024 Duration: 12 Conversations in total, one per month Where: Bad Ischl
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ogitheboss-blog · 7 years
Today’s date: 11.4.2017.
Activity is action
Duration: around 12 hours in two days
l enjoy cycling a lot and beginning of this holiday was just perfect for it with a lot of Sun! l went with few friends yesterday and today to many places by bike. We went to Laktaši, Šehitluci, Lauš, near Čelinac, Banjalučka pivara, near Karanovac and to many other places within the city. It was fun cycling for six hours each day but l have also increased awareness of mine strengths and weaknesses. Maybe we go again in the following days, depends from the weather. l mean, l have no problem cycling in the rain, it’s actually fun, but others don’t think so. Anyway maybe it’s better to rain, it will make me study!
Just one part was bad. It was from trip to Laktaši. We had a plan to visit “Zlatna Kruna” - best barbecue place in Banja Luka and further.l was complaining all the time how l am hungry (as l usually do). Then, when we were less than a kilometer from Kruna l realized l am doing “Post”. Everybody laughed at me, but l was not very happy. l ordered salad at Kruna just to realize when l got it that it is full of cheese. Huh, l had to give part with cheese to someone and dig to eat the rest with french fries. FIRST time in my life l walked out of Kruna unhappy and hungry! 
Otherwise, everything was great and l hope plan l have with few people of visiting Budapest by bike during summer will finally be achieved! 
Till the next time, a great (forgotten by me) song that came today randomly on my music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vrEljMfXYo
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ddcassiere · 5 years
10 Tips for Hitchikers
Today we are going to talk about something that I thought it might be useful to alternative travellers. And not only, seeing that the general opinion in Europe about hithhiking is relatively ambiguous on how trustworthy is it for moving around and also on how safe is it for both travellers and drivers.
Before we continue I want to say a quick thing, that is: 
the least economically progressed is the country in which you travel, the more are the chances you actually get to meet new friends. Here it is: we discovered hot water! 
Joking apart, in terms of human interaction, I felt an incredible shift from Croatia - west-ward. 
For who doesnt know about my most recent experience in hitchhiking, I travelled from Iran to central Europe in a journey of two years. All by thumb for exception of one or two buses for minor movements.
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Hitch Hiking with new friends in the south of Iran
The change of scenario that I experienced from the balcans to Croatia revealed itself in the matter of people being eloquently suspicious, scared and overall, in my humble opinion, nevrotic.
When I reached Poland, I couldnt stress enough this point with my friends, that what I was seeing, by just looking around after a year in the est of Europe and in middle east, looked to me like a horror movie.
People glazing jars of confecture like hypnotized at the supermarket, people reaching to their phone as soon as they were alone, people looking at my rugged clothes as if I had leprosis.. and so on.
For the first time in one year of travel I felt so self conscious about my appeareance  and my general behaviour. 
It was as if the power of dividing humans was not anymore a prerogative of money, but if people themselves had became money.
Never the less I remained in Europe for a while, just to live there and eventually to adapt and normalize myself, Till everything that now I see is normal, or just ok, or it doesnt matter anyway.
Saying this, I definetely love Bosnia Hercegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro.. I enjoyed my breathing and my being in flow as I rarely had before.
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When the driver invites you home and you stay there for days. In the countryside of Banja Luka, Bosnia Hercegovina.
Paranoid is not an issue over there, yet. 
Or if it is, well, I can  tell that in central Europe the state of fear and diffidence toward the human being is much  worse.
Now my 10 tips for the good hitchiker. I hope you find them useful. 
I believe these tips are interesting not only for the traveller, but also for suspicious drivers, as they might realize that after all, its just human beings standing there on the side of the road. And that these human beings, more often than not, are as much as scared as the drivers themself. Of being kidnapped, cutted in piece, raped, eaten, dissolved.. not necessarily in the order.
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Heading to Albania from Kosovo
nr 1
If you are at your first experiences, I would plan a trip in countries where hitchiking is the normal thing, as diffused and accepted as bus drives. Then, once the confidence is boosted you can bring the Verb of the Thumb to other countries and spread the custom. Do it in the balcans or in Romania for example, where if you are lucky, you wont have to wait longer than few minutes for a ride. But remember that most drivers there expect a symbolic payment after the ride is over. That’s called hay tax, as the tradition roots back to long ago. This lead us to point number
Always ask, before getting in the car, if the ride is for free. And if you dont want to pay, make it clear from the beginning. Otherwise, its not only unfair, but it can be troublesome. 
If you have been told it’s for free, dont let the driver scare you into paying. In hundreds of rides, this happened to me only once, but still it wont help you to show fear as this might easily lead you into being actually robbed.
Truck drivers are your best friends! They are definetely scary when you drive by them, but trust these words, there is seldom good people around as truck drivers. Their heart is huge. It would take me several pages to name all the good I have received from truck drivers! Shared meals, cigarettes, long talks, music, laughs, I have been even spontaneously donated money sometimes! If you learn some russian or slavic language this will definetely help in Europe as most truck drivers, at least in my experience, come from slavic countries and they are genuinely happy to have someone to talk to. Be nice, and...
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Cool Uzbek truck driver in Turkey
Bring some food to share! Nuts, crackers, sweets.. anything that your new friend can grab a bit of. An old calabrian proverb says that you can call someone a friend only when you have shared meals enough to consume a ton of salt. Even though this proverb clearly states that you never know anyone unless you spend huge amount of  time together , this also says that you have to eat with a person to became friends. Or if not, just hand a cigarette, a little present.. anything that would actually show a bit of respect and gratitude.
Use Wikinomad! In there you will find the hitchhiking section, organized city by city. So for example, if you are in Prague and you want to go to Wroclaw, it tells you which spots are the hottest and it also contains the reports of previous hitch hikers who have used those spots, by even adding their average waiting time! 
For me this was definetely useful, not only for the directions, that anyway you can find them yourself on google map.. but more than anything for the sake of knowing that there is actually a community and a tradition of travellers .. and that you are not the only madhead.
Water is never enough. Especially in summers. If you go a long way and you find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere, bring at least a 1.5 litres of water and a sleeping bag. 
Learn few words of native language. For me it wasnt always possible as sometimes I would cross three countries in a week and words would get all mixed up in my fucked-up brain. But still, try, because its mostly appreciated. And this is obviously valid also for non hitchikers. It sounds bad when you go somewhere and straight away you claim that they know english or worse, your native language. Ok, this might sound an advice for dummies, but I have seen a lot of backpackers approaching people in english as if they ought to understand.
And if you really cant remember few words, at least ask if they speak english before you assumingly start to speak in english.
If you are hitchiking in Iran, dont use the thumb up because over there it equals the middle finger of the west.  Wave your hand at waist hight and that will be enough. And make it clear that you dont want the driver to take you to a bus station and that you want to go together to wherever you are headed. 
It’s because mostly in Iran, local people dont know what hitch hiking is. Dont be shy! Just explain, if they speak english. And if they dont, just smile and say the place you are headed to. Ants communicate and they never speak!
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more hitchiking in Iran
I have seen many backpackers writing their signs in very small cardboards, or worse, with unreadable calligraphy. It has to be at least an A4 carboard and you need to consider that it has to be spotted from far away. This means also that you never ever ever have to stand in a place where if a car stops, you cause an accident. 
I have seen experienced backpackers, and I did it myself once, positioned right after a curve with not enough space to pull the breaks and stop comfortably. Choose your spot carefully, even if it takes a long time or if the ones that you need are occupied. Move further along the street and come back if necessary. Of course you can be picked up anywhere but for the safety of everybody, choose the pitch with care.
Especially before your ride, stay away from paranoid people, the ones who have a problem for every solution. Of course you are going to deal with troubles.. but no more than a regular traveller will and with the main bonus that you are going to meet and talk with a lot of different individuals. And this adventure, without you even noticing, will boost your confidence about yourself and will add a huge window into your knowledge and acceptance of humankind. Your senses will be much sharper than the ones of who travels in the ordinary way. And if you do it long enough, surely you will meet new friends and its not rare that you will share also their house and meals and more than just a few hours in their car. You have absolutely nothing to loose by hitchiking, but all to gain for your heart and mind.
And dont fucking rush! If you are on hurry take a flight or a train! Just enjoy the ride, look out of the window and if he/she feels like, have a chat with whoever is the driver. 
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cool lawyers with super clean car, pick up hobo with super mudded shoes and trousers - somewhere in Chech Republik
Many say: easy for you! You are a man! 
You would be shocked to know that most hitchikers I met where solitary attractive girls. 
Bring with you a chilli spray if that makes you feel safe. Or simply talk your way out of a driver that doesnt inspire you. You are not obliged to jump on anyone’s car and you still have your pepper spray.
I know lot of girls who travelled half world by hitchiking alone and they didnt have more issues than I myself had. 
Saying this, if you are a girl and dont feel confident enough you can still bring a girlfriend with you. Two pepper spray is better than one. 
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I met Sam in Montenegro as he was hitch hiking north, then I visited him in Slovakia. Very scary guy as you can see.
This new post of Naked Songs is over. I really hope it comes handy for you, wheather you are a traveller, a curious or anything in between. 
If you have any questions regarding hitch hiking, or busking and general hobo life style, write me via tumblr.   I will be happy to anwer if this will motivate you in any way to follow your dreams and thirst of adventure.
Love and Openmindedness to everyone!
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neuegeschenke · 6 years
Dampfdusche – Entspannung und Reinigung vereint
Sommerzeit ist Urlaubszeit, Zeit sich zu vergnügen und vor allem zu entspannen.Dampfduschen Aber wie schnell ist diese schöne Zeit wieder vorbei und es herrscht Termindruck, Stress und Anspannung. Von der Urlaubserholung ist schnell nichts mehr zu spüren. Dabei wäre es so schön, sich das ganze Jahr über bei Bedarf etwas Urlaub zu gönnen. Der Wellnesstempel Dampfdusche im eigenen Bad kann da Wunder bewirken.
Mittlerweile investieren Viele gern Zeit und Geld, um ihr Bad nach eigenen Wünschen und Anforderungen umzubauen. Schließlich ist es sehr praktisch, wenn man zum Entspannen das Haus nicht noch einmal verlassen muss. Eine ansprechende Farbgestaltung, Pflanzen und gemütliche Badmöbel bilden dabei nur einen kleinen Teil der Gestaltungspalette. Einige sind bereits dazu übergegangen, einen Whirlpool, eine Sauna oder eine Dampfdusche in ihr Bad einbauen zu lassen, um vollends entspannen zu können, einen Ausgleich zum Alltagsstress zu schaffen und dabei etwas für die Gesundheit zu tun.
Dampfdusche oder Whirlpool?
Dampfduschen kombinieren hierbei eigentlich die Vorteile von Whirlpool und Sauna: der heiße Wasserdampf hat eine ähnlich erholsame, reinigende und entspannende Wirkung wie ein Saunabesuch und dank oftmals vorhandener Massagedüsen ist auch das Wellness-Gefühl eines Whirlpools bald eingestellt.
Inzwischen können sich nicht nur Hotels Dampfduschen leisten. Auf dem Markt gibt es einige Anbieter, die auch für das heimische Bad sehr hochwertige aber vergleichsweise preiswerte Dampfduschkabinen anbieten. Die Kabinen können in der Regel einfach und schnell in jedes Standard-Badezimmer eingebaut werden, sind sofort einsatzbereit und können so auch schnell zum Wohlbefinden ihrer Besitzer beitragen.
Ein Bad im Dampf war bereits in alten Hochkulturen und in der Antike weit verbreitet. So schwitzten schon nordamerikanische Indianer in Schwitzhütten aus Holz und Fellen, im Temazcal aus Lehm schwitzten die Mayas, die finnischen Samen schwitzen seit dem 11. Jahrhundert in Schwitzzelten und im arabischen Kulturraum hat sich der Hamam ebenfalls schon vor Jahrhunderten etabliert. In allen badenden Kulturen hat sich das Schwitzen als Badekultur weit früher entwickelt als Wannen- oder andere Bäder. Oftmals nutzte man dabei heißen Wasserdampf, um optimal schwitzen und entspannen zu können. Und erstaunlicherweise galt ein Dampfbad in allen Gebieten, in denen es praktiziert wurde, als Reinigungsritual für Körper und Seele.
Dampfdusche ist Tradition
Neben dem Hamam und dem mexikanischen Temazcal kennt man heute noch Dampfbäder aus Russland (Banja), das römische Caldarium, das Irische Dampfbad sowie moderne Dampf- und Softdampfbäder. Allen ist gemein, dass sie eine Lufttemperatur von etwa 34-60 Grad bei 100% Luftfeuchtigkeit aufweisen. Diese Kombination aus Wärme und Feuchtigkeit hat sich als ideal erwiesen, um zu entkrampfen, zu entspannen und zu reinigen. Damals wie heute ist es üblich, Kräuteressenzen oder andere aromatisierte Zusatzstoffe dem Dampf beizufügen.
In Deutschland sind Dampfbäder heute vor allem aus dem Urlaub bekannt und viele Urlauber bedauern, hier nicht auch einen Hamam, eine Banja oder eine andere Art von Dampfbad besuchen zu können. In den letzten Jahren entstanden deshalb einige Dampfbäder, die aufgrund ihrer wohltuenden Wirkung sehr geschätzt werden. Dank moderner Technik ist es jetzt auch möglich, sein Dampfbad in Form einer Dampfdusche ins heimische Bad zu holen. So steht der Gesundheit und Entspannung nichts mehr im Weg.
Die Wärme in Kombination mit dem heißen Wasserdampf bringt eine ganze Menge Vorteile mit sich:
So wirkt ein Bad im Dampf trotz geringerer Hitze wie ein künstliches Fieber im Körper, das Krankheitserreger zerstört. Der Wechsel von heißem Dampf und kalten Güssen härtet ab und wird auch bei Störungen des vegetativen Nervensystems gern als therapeutische Anwendung genutzt. Zudem entspannt er den Bewegungsapparat, hilft den Blutdruck zu senken und regt darüber hinaus den Kreislauf, den Stoffwechsel, das Immunsystem und die Atmung an.
Der Dampf eines Dampfbades wirkt schleimlösend und lockert die Muskulatur, was durch Kräuteressenzen in der Wirkung noch verstärkt werden kann. Er hilft nachweislich bei Heuschnupfen, Bronchitis und Nebenhöhlenentzündungen.
Vor allem Frauen sind begeistert von den Effekten eines Dampfbades auf die Haut. Die Poren öffnen sich, der Zellstoffwechsel wird angeregt, die Haut gereinigt. Durch seine reinigende Wirkung und das zusätzliche Gefäßtraining bei Kaltwasseranwendungen wird die Hautalterung verlangsamt. Selbst sehr trockene Haut kann durch die Aktivierung der Schweißdrüsen und Wassereinlagerungen im Gesicht spürbar verbessert werden.
Richtig “dampfgebadet” sind die wohltuenden und entspannenden Aspekte eines Dampfbades nicht zu übersehen. Richtig bedeutet hier, wie bei einem Saunagang auch auf Schwitz-, Abkühl- und Ruhezeiten zu achten, um den Kreislauf nicht zu stark zu belasten.
Eine luxuriöse Form der Dampfduschen sind Einbauduschkabinen. Man kann sich das etwa wie einen Raum vorstellen, den man vom Badezimmer aus betritt. Durch eine Sicherheitsglastür tritt man ein und steht in einem separaten Raum, der wie eine zu groß geratene Dusche anmutet. An der hinteren Wand befindet sich das Steuerungspaneel mit Touch Screen, meist einer herkömmlichen Armatur mit Handbrause, zusätzlich Dampfdüsen und je nach Modell auch Massagedüsen für die Massage mit kaltem und warmem Wasser von allen Seiten. An der Decke erkennt man das Abluftsystem und meist eine große Regendusche. Je nach Fabrikat befinden sich Sitzgelegenheiten in der Dampfdusche, meist aus Holz oder hygienischem Plastik.
Infrarotdampfdusche "Korsika" Infrarotkabine, Infrarot Dampfdusche, Dampf Sauna, Dusche, Wärmekabine
zum Angebot!
Infrarotdampfdusche "Santorin" Infrarotkabine, Infrarot Dampfdusche, Dampf Sauna, Dusche, Wärmekabine
zum Angebot!
Einbauduschkabinen haben den großen Vorteil, dass sie sehr groß sind und so sehr viel Platz für Entspannung bieten. Sie stehen nicht im Raum, sie bilden quasi einen eigenen Raum. Von Vorteil ist dabei, dass das Abluftsystem dafür sorgt, dass nicht zu viel Dampf ins eigentliche Badezimmer gelangt. Nachteilig ist, dass sie sehr groß sind und somit z.B. schlecht in Mietwohnungen mit meist kleinen Bädern integriert werden können.
Um den Wohlfühlfaktor ihrer Dampfdusche zu erhöhen, entscheiden sich einige Menschen auch für Kombiduschkabinen. Auf dem Markt gibt es heute eine große Auswahl an Kombinationsmöglichkeiten. So kann man eine Dampfdusche z.B. mit einer Sauna verbinden. Die Kombination Dampfdusche und Whirlpool ist sehr beliebt, ebenso wie die Kombination aus Dampfdusche und normalem, aber separatem Duschbereich.
Bei der Kombination von Dampfdusche und Whirlpool ist es meist so, dass auf einen Whirlpool eine Dampfdusche aufgesetzt wird. So entfällt die Duschwanne der Dampfdusche, aber alle ihre Elemente wie z.B. eine Regendusche oder zusätzliche Massagedüsen können nun auch im Whirlpool genutzt werden.
Bei der Dampfdusche-Sauna-Kombination befinden sich beide Elemente meist hintereinander. Man muss also durch die Dampfdusche gehen, um in den Saunabereich zu gelangen.
Die Duschkombinationen sind in der Regel etwas größer als die normalen Vor der Wand-Duschkabinen. Auch sie sind in sehr vielen unterschiedlichen Farben, Formen und Designs erhältlich und ermöglichen wunderbar entspannte Stunden im heimischen Badezimmer.
Weitaus verbreiteter als Einbauduschkabinen sind Vor der Wand-Duschkabinen. Wie der Name schon sagt werden sie nicht wie ein zusätzliches Zimmer eingebaut, sie finden ihren Platz wie eine normale Duschkabine im Badezimmer an einer Wand. Dabei ist es möglich, die Duschwanne teilweise in den Boden einzulassen.
Vor der Wand-Duschkabinen sind in sehr vielfältigen Ausführungen, Formen und Farben erhältlich. Das Sortiment reicht hier von einer ganz einfachen Version, die praktisch eine Dusche mit einigen Dampfdüsen ist bis hin zur absoluten High Tech Dampfdusche mit Massedüsen, Massagerollern, und Möglichkeiten zur Lichttherapie, Aromatherapie und Klangtherapie.
Prinzipiell bestehen diese Dampfduschen aus vier Bauteilen: – einer Duschwanne mit Fußgestell und Schürze – einem Kopfteil, oft mit einer Regendusche verbunden – einem Rückenteil mit Bedieneinheit, Rückendüsen (Jetdüsen), Ventilen, wahlweise einer Mischarmatur mit Handbrause oder einem Dampfgenerator und – Sicherheits-Seitenteilen mit Tür.
Der Dampfgenerator befindet sich je nach Dampfduschenmodell entweder integriert im Rückenteil oder außerhalb der Dampfdusche.
Meist sind die Dampfduschen so gestaltet, dass auch mehrere Leute bequem darin Platz finden. Auch bei den Vor der Wand-Lösungen finden sich Sitzmöglichkeiten in der Dampfdusche.
Dampfbadkabinen sind meist aus dampfundurchlässigem Aluminium bzw. Sicherheitsglas mit Aluminium-Beschlägen gefertigt. Im häuslichen Bereich nehmen Dampfduschen meist die Größe einer herkömmlichen Dusche ein. Bei der Inneneinrichtung werden gern speziell imprägniertes Holz, Aluprofile oder Kunststeine für den bau von Sitz- und Liegemöglichkeiten verwendet.
Fast jeder Anbieter führt auch Luxusversionen der Dampfduschen. Diese zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie z.B. individuell an den Raum angepasst und bei Bedarf auch passgenau entworfen werden. Egal ob rund, als Ecklösung, im asiatischen Stil oder ganz anders: dem Design der Dampfduschen sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Und ihrem Erholungswert auch nicht.
Der Beitrag Dampfdusche – Entspannung und Reinigung vereint erschien zuerst auf Tolle Geburtstagsgeschenke und Ideen.
from Tolle Geburtstagsgeschenke und Ideen https://www.tolle-geburtstagsgeschenke.de/dampfdusche/ via IFTTT from Tolle Geburtstagsgeschenke https://tollegeburtstagsgeschenke.blogspot.com/2018/12/dampfdusche-entspannung-und-reinigung.html via IFTTT
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axfrm · 6 years
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Hoppas jag nådde fram.
Medicin - Sakarias, Lorentz, Madi Banja
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