#badass women with one arm really get me going
aaamike · 2 years
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Kūkaku was the gateway drug that got me addicted to Biken...
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barcaatthemoon · 4 months
“can i play with your hair” with grace clinton pls ❤️
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soft || grace clinton x reader ||
at just 19 years old, you were a sight to be seen. you looked like a younger version of your cousin, millie bright. growing up, girls in your youth teams had feared having to go one-on-one with you. you were a formidable defender, having taken after your cousin to eventually get a call up to the national team after joining the spurs senior team.
most of the women you played against were scared of you. most of the girls on your team were still intimidated by you. the exception to that had always been grace, who had played against you whenever the two of you were younger. you were still younger than grace, which she never, ever let you forget.
"hi baby!" grace shouted as she ran towards you. she immediately scooped you up in a hug, lifting you up a bit as she did so. all of the girls were still in the lobby waiting for the bus to arrive. you had gone out at breakfast to get a couple of things before your practice.
"hi gracie," you greeted her. it was the first time that you'd seen each other all day. grace peppered your face in kisses as she held you tightly in her arms. you were grateful to be placed back down on the ground, but as some of your teammates approached, you knew that they had to have seen some of that.
"will you sit with me on the bus?" grace asked you. it was the whole reason she had come outside in the first place. most of the time, you sat with millie in the back with the older girls. today, grace wanted to sit with you. maya had already agreed to find another bus buddy for grace.
"of course i will," you told her. grace was absolutely beaming. you felt her launch herself at you again for another hug as the bus rolled up. the two of you found seats near the middle, a perk of being the first on. almost immediately, grace pulled you to rest against her with your head on her chest.
"can i play with your hair?" you hadn't done your hair up yet, and it was still slightly wet, but you let her anyway. grace's hand hovered as she waited for you to nod. grace chattered away about all sorts of things while she played with your hair. you didn't mean to, but you drifted off as she did so, only waking up when millie pulled you up onto your feet to get off the bus. "i was gonna wake you up nicer, but she was too quick."
"it's okay, i'm too big for her to be really mean anymore," you said. grace pressed a kiss to your cheek as the two of you made your way to the practice fields. grace was careful to keep all of her affection away from the cameras, knowing that you liked being seen as a tough badass by the fans. even millie helped you maintain the reputation, rarely messing with you in front of cameras.
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howtofightwrite · 4 months
Most traditional boxing instructors will tell you that if the opponent is taller than you, has longer arms than you, or is heavier than you, you're fucked and you need to stay extremely aware and work really hard to compensate for all the advantage he has over you.
In a recent forensic survey, it was determined that most traditional boxing instructors who get into real world altercations die when they're shot in the head.
This is the problem with a lot of these kinds of arguments. No one practices traditional boxing. At least, no one does so publicly. How do I know this? Because traditionally boxers fought in the nude. Yeah, we're not seeing that, are we? Now, maybe they meant bare knuckle boxing, but really no one does that either, these days. Boxing without safety equipment is not a particularly good idea, for fairly obvious reasons.
The only reason the word, “traditional,” is in the ask is to lend their statement unearned credibility. It's an attempt to make their statement sound more authoritative, without offering any evidence to support the statement.
Who said that?
“Traditional people did.”
Okay, but, 'traditionally,' people cleaned shit off their ass with a stick. So, maybe appealing to Hellenic sports isn't the best gauge of how a fight will play out.
Also, I know I just said it, but, who are these authoritative sports guys? Because they're not named. We're simply told, “most,” of them agree. Which starts to sound a lot like “four out of five dentists agree.” Who are these instructors? What do they teach? Why are the currently in prison for indecent exposure? And how much did you pay them to get their uninformed opinion? Salient questions which may need to be answered, if the original question wasn't invalid on its face.
Why do I say it's invalid?
Because boxing isn't fighting.
Boxing is a sport.
Boxing has rules.
Kick your opponent in the groin, or shin, and you're punished.
Step on their foot, push them, and watch them tumble to the ground before you start stomping on them, and you'll be punished.
Throwing your opponent will be punished.
And of course, as mentioned at the top, pulling out a gun and expanding your opponent's mental horizons is extremely frowned upon.
These are all things that can happen in a real fight.
These are all things that do not benefit from increased height or reach.
There is one genuinely accurate statement. In a fight, you do need to be very aware of what's going on around you. Everything else is the product of someone who's been punched in the head repeatedly until the CTEs got them thinking that boxing is analogous to a real fight in any way. (And, statistically, will probably end their career sitting in a jail cell over an aggravated assault charge, because their emotional self-control was completely destroyed by those same head injuries.)
The rules that boxers need to follow are designed to (somewhat) protect the participants. It reduces the dangers of a boxer being killed in the ring. In an observation that I would hope to be self-evident, those rules don't exist in actual combat.
It's also amusing, because the original Asker had to go so far as to single out an ill-defined, “traditional” boxing, because no other martial art they checked gave them the soundbite they wanted.
And, of course, women box. Historically, you could say, “traditionally,” there were even boxing matches between men and women. It wasn't until the 1880s that women were excluded from competitive boxing in the UK. (I'm not sure of the exact date when women were banned from boxing in the US, though that prohibition lasted for less than a century, before the modern return of women to the sport.)
So, either these “traditional instructors” don't know the history of their own sport... which doesn't sound particularly “traditional” to me, or they're full of shit.
My advice to everyone would be, maybe, don't take the advice of a sports coach about how he's secretly an absolute badass in all the delusional fantasies he's cooked up about how he'd like to inflict violence on others because they wouldn't date him.
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nebbyy · 5 months
How would Baldwin act if reader was on her period cause I know in the medieval period they handled menstrual cycles differently?
King Baldwin x reader - period
A/N: Aww that is so sweet! Yes you're right, it was handled quite differently and if you look it up you'd be impressed of how badass women are to have been handling so much stuff for so long with no recognition until recent times!!
Little info as always, painting is "The Deceitfulness of Riches" by Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale.
Warning: mentions of blood and period-related pain, plus some historical negligence on women's health and that's it
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Okay so, in the Middle Ages period was something every woman knew of, but no one ever really said anything about
Up until very late in the time period, women were considered dirty, impure creatures, guilty of committing the original sin and to relentlessly tempt men with their mere existence
Period had become during these centuries a symbol of women's impurity and less than human nature, so they were taught from a very early age to hide it as best as they could
But do I have to tell you that Baldwin could not believe less to it?
Similar things had been said to him and his leprosy, how it was a curse that had been sent upon him by God himself for his own vanity and greed, that he was an impure man just because of something he couldn't actually control
He wouldn't see the negative conceptions of period, he'd only see your pain and discomfort, and that would be enough to tear his soul in half
He'd come up to you, gently wrapping an arm around your lower waist, unknowingly bringing you a little comfort from his mere body heat, and he'd gently whisper in your ear
"My angel, I know you're fatigued right now. Go back to our chambers and tell me what you need, I'll provide for it all in a second"
You'd try to reject the offer and change subject out of modesty and embarrassment. There's no need for his help, really, you're used to this like any other woman, the last thing he needs to worry about is your own discomfort
He, of course, wouldn't listen and just escort you to your silky bed where he'd almost force you to lay onto
He would ask you if you're too cold, too hot, if you're hungry, what you'd like to eat then, if you're thirsty, if you need company and loving touches or if you'd rather be left alone
Anything you ask for, you'll get in no time
It would probably end up with him lying next to you, gently putting a warm hand on your pelvis while he held a book on the other one, reading out loud so that you could relax and distract from your pain and discomfort
And once you fall asleep and his servants would loudly announce that dinner is ready and waiting, he'd quickly put a finger to his lips, urging them to be quiet as the love of his life is resting
This would go on for as long as you need, whether it's as long as your period lasts or just the first days. Whatever, really
Because, yes, period was considered a punishment for the sins and impurity of all women, but with Baldwin that definition could never resonate, for you're the purest, most perfect creature living in his life, and he sees this monthly occurrence as a divine test to your soul and spirit, a test he'd gladly help you through anytime
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katyspersonal · 4 months
Guys oh my gosh hgbghgg I am a GENIUS! I've finally figured an explanation for, at the first glance, unreasonable vitriol towards Godrick in the fandom! I should have became a psychology professor for this one but don't let me get ahead of myself ok so:
Like.. This can't be the fact that Godrick literally steals peoples limbs to attach to himself, right? Rykard does a similar thing - consumes people and makes them a part of his body, as all those arms sticking out of him are those of his victims. Also both of these characters appear hard to take seriously upon introduction; "i cOmAnD tHeE KNEEL" and "tOGETHAAAA" are equally silly xd But Rykard is really loved, right?
The difference between the two might happen because Rykard is that cool badass rebel against oppressive system, whereas Godrick willingly perpetuates it. But that can't be this piece, and this also can't be Tarnished-hunting. Because another character who simps for the Golden Order and is racist Tarnished-hunts is Morgott, who is also very loved. Adored, even!
I thought maybe Godrick hit the 'disrespecting women' nerve upon insulting Malenia, which is already a sore topic in the fandom? 🤔 But this is likely not true. Not only he himself is definitely not an incel, since Grafted Scions (his children) exist, but also it is all likely an insecurity. Godrick had that line where he called Malenia and Miquella "rank and malformed" when Godrick himself could be considered a disgrace ( 🥁 ) for the Golden Bloodline with his frail, weak build. He has large insecurities that he takes out on other discriminated people, so that certainly wasn't her gender. Again, many other loved characters also disrespect us for who we are, he isn't outstanding. Nor it is him being "pathetic" for escaping the battle he could not win in disguise or kissing Malenia's feet in apology: the 'pathetic old man' is ABSOLUTELY one of the favorite men types on Tumblr and Twitter! The girls (gender neutral) LOVE the 'pathetic old man', that vibe could not have provoked the hate.
Finally, it can't be the authors intention. Miyazaki confirmed Godrick to be a sympathetic character. So, you should feel bad for his situation of continuing the glory of that imposing bloodline that he is not fit for, and NPCs that dislike him are either within their own right to do so, or straight up hypocritical (like Kenneth). Subtexts, media literacy and so on can't be used as an arguement for why Godrick would be intended as repulsive character.
So... Yeah, it seems like there is no real reason for why Godrick should always be singled out, only brought up as a laughing stock, always brought in negative and mocking context in polls and headcanons compilation and bring his fans being seen as weirdos by an effect, right? Whatever reasoning might be the first responce is very easy to debunk! I think I've finally found an actual reasonable and sympathetic explanation as to why fandom dislikes and bullies him so much more than any other character that explains EVERYTHING! I am going to go under cut as this is the result of long, meticulous thinking and this post is already getting long, so here it is:
💫🌺 S K I L L!!! I S S U E!!! 💕🔥💫
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 18 days
Wild Thing
Jon Moxley x fem reader
A young Jon Moxley meets Y/n somewhere in CZW in 2009 (inspired by Mox’s book)
Mentions: of blood, drug use, swearing, fighting, kidnapping
Main Masterlist
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Tonight was my first match in CZW’s Tournament of Death. I stood pacing back and forth in the locker room mentally preparing myself for the events that would occur when I could hear Eddie Kingston yelling at someone in the hallway. He sounded mad. The other men in the locker room exchanged looks and oos before one of them said “She sure is a feisty one isn’t she” to which the men all began to laugh. ‘Who is this she?’ I thought to myself. Eddie then stormed into the room and slammed the door behind him, preventing whoever was behind him from entering the room. He leaned against the door and I could hear angry knocking from the other side. “What does she want now?” said Danny Havoc. (But I just call him Grant) .“She wants to be in TOD, Jon won’t let her” Eddie explained. I didn’t know who this girl they were referring to was but she seemed pretty badass to me. A female wanting to participate in the tournament of death?! “Of course she does! Let me talk to her” said Grant with his thick Jersey accent. Eddie then opened the door to reveal a tall blonde in a Juicy Couture tracksuit. I was not expecting that. 
The gorgeous blond stormed into the room before running into the arms of Grant. “Tell Jon Zandig that I should be in TOD!” she yelled “Now doll, why do you want to be a part of TOD? You know I love ya but you’re too pretty to be doing this kind of shit,” he told her. 
“I want to prove that I can do the same thing you guys can do. Why is it that there are never any women wrestling in these shows? You know I can wrestle! I train my ass off and what do I get back? Nothing, because no one wants to hire a girl. They only want female wrestlers for swimsuit contests and dog food fights. I’m sick of doing that shit! I want to go out there and taste my own blood. TOD or not I want to show these people that I know how to wrestle!” The room was silent. I felt like an outcast, everyone seemed to know about this situation but me. 
Eddie was the first to break the silence. “Let me talk to Jon again. You know he likes you Y/n. I’m sure if you promise not to do anything stupid he will put you in the opener without TOD stipulations” 
Sure enough, Y/n got her match. I watched the match backstage with Grant, both of us hypnotized by what we were seeing. “Who is she?” I asked him, he almost looked shocked that I didn’t know of Y/n. “That’s Y/n, she’s the most badass bitch I have ever met. They call her the Hardcore Barbie because she looks like a Barbie doll and lives off death match wrestling. She’s really nice if you don’t piss her off. She also has good weed.” he told me 
I was so fascinated with her. I needed to know more about her. “Anything else I should know about her? She seems young?” I asked Grant. “Well, she started wrestling when she was 16 and she just turned 20. I know what you’re thinking, she won’t sleep with you, everyone here has tried. It’s so funny that these freaks think she would get with them. She travels with Kingston and me, so don’t you dare try nothing. I will kill you with my bare hands” 
Grant and I watched the rest of the match. I had never seen such a beautiful match. Y/n did in fact know how to wrestle. The man she stood across the ring from was twice her weight yet she picked him up with such ease. The fans loved seeing a pretty girl like herself beat up a sweaty dude. Y/n had beat the man to a pulp, she pinned him 1..2..3 and it was over. I thought it was funny how Grant watched on as a proud parent, that was his girl. I thought about what he said, how she rode with him and Kingston. Why did Eddie never mention Y/n before?
After the show, Y/n officially introduced herself to me. I felt like I was hypnotized by her beauty. She noticed how nervous I was around her and she used it to her advantage, inviting me to hang out after the show with Grant and Eddie. I had to accept, how could you not? 
Eddie explained to me why he hadn’t introduced me to Y/n before. He told me she was known for using her looks to her advantage. “So like she sleeps with people for matches?” I asked him “That’s gross, she would never do that. She mentally fucks you. If you look her too long in the eye you’ll fall right into her trance. She hypnotizes you and manipulates you. She looks all sweet but trust me she has a bad attitude” “So why do you hang out with her then?” I asked him 
“Because she’s fucken wild. She’s so fun to hang out with and she always has weed. Someone needs to look out for her. There are creeps out there man. For god sake she’s a skinny tall blond who lives in Juicy Couture, what do you think will happen?” he told me. Eddie had a good point. 
That night Y/n and I became good friends. Eddie was right when she said she was wild. Once she had a few drinks in her and some of the good shit she was the life of the party. I didn’t understand why Eddie kept Y/n a secret, sure you could tell that she had a few screws loose but don’t we all? For fucks sake if someone willingly wants to participate in TOD you know there’s some form of mental issues going on.
Just then a man approached Kingston and me. He had a fresh buzz cut, was covered in tattoos, had what seemed like a freshly broken nose and looked like the kind of guy who would have women chained up in his basement. “Where is she?” he spat, in a thick Russian accent. I could tell that he and Kingston knew each other, the tension was thick in the air. “Where is who?” Eddie spat back, his New York accent being more noticeable when he was mad. “You know who, stop playing dumb, bum” he responded. “You’re a real fucking idiot, Sasha, she left hours ago. I have no idea where she went but even if I did there’s no way I would tell you” Kingston spat. The men stood chest to chest, eyeing the other down. I did nothing, even I knew not to get involved in whatever this is. Now I didn’t know who the ‘She’ was that they were referring to but by now I think I had an idea. Then Grant came into the mix yelling “I told you if you ever showed your face here again I would fucking kill you” Just then an all-out brawl began. The two men began beating Sasha to a pulp. That’s when I noticed Y/n had vanished into thin air.
I let Kingston and Grant take care of Sasha and went looking for Y/n. In the distance, I heard the sound of broken glass. I followed the sound and found Y/n smashing the windows of a beat-up junk car with a baseball bat. She was mad, she looked evil. Now I knew why Eddie had warned me. “Hey, hey, hey! What’s going on here? What are you doing Y/n?” She turned to face me and I made the mistake of looking into her eyes. Her once bright green eyes had turned a deep forest colour, the whites of her eyes now red. Her makeup was smudged and her cheeks were stained with fresh tears. I was scared. I felt like she was staring into my soul, being able to read my every thought, know all my secrets. “What do you want, Mox?” she said through gritted teeth. “I just want to know what’s going on here. Why are Grant and Eddie beating the snot out of a guy named Sasha?” Her face dropped at the name, that told me what I needed to know.
Just then I heard someone yelling and honking a horn in the background. I turned to find Grant and Eddie yelling at us to get in the car! Y/n and I jumped in the car and sped off. The car was deathly silent. No one dared to say a word. I looked at Grant’s hands that gripped the steering wheel. His knuckles were bloody and bruised, that’s when I noticed the blood on Eddie. The silence was broken when Y/n began to laugh, Grant and Eddie began laughing as well. “What the fuck happened back there?” I asked with genuine concern in my voice. “That jackass back there Sasha, I broke his nose after he followed me home after the show last week. I don’t even want to think about what his intentions were, "she said. “Not to mention 'someone' stole $500 out of my purse at the show today” “If he ever showed his face around here again I said I would kill him” Grant responded. “I smashed his windows because that’s what he gets for trying to kidnap me and stealing my $500” I was honestly speechless. “ I found a bunch of money in his car so it’s only fair I split the reward with all of you,” Y/n said. I watched her pull the fat wad of hundreds out of her pocket and began counting it. “$500 for Grant, $500 for Eddie, $500 for Mox and $1,500 for me. Thank you, Sasha” “Thank you Sasha the rest of us chimed in” From that moment I knew Y/n and I would be best friends. 
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
{His woman.}
This is just a fantasy! AU, with princess x servant/bodyguard (?), reader is a badass lady and the servant is head over heels for her. also, have fun reading!
also, I tried to make this as poc! friendly as possible. I have written some parts about hair, but I don't mean it in a bad/racist way. I'm not black, but in this story, you just have problems with your hair like I do, so I literally just inserted myself there. I just made it so other people could maybe relate to my problems too :)
Warnings: suggestive content, Your bodyguard masturbates to you behind closed doors in detail, angst-father issues/trauma/no love (at first, maybe a part two? 👀👀👀), near death experience-but not you
this is more like a story, so buckle up babes! Also, I think I'll make more parts of these, but tell me if you like it!
I have plenty of weird but also pretty romantic dreams, and in this one, I was some sort of princess who had to choose a husband because of being the next queen and only child and no brother and bla bla bla.
BUT. I also had some sort of, I dunno, servant? Well, someone who always watched me/my back like some sort of bodyguard. The thing was, he was pretty hot. Freckles which adored and accentuated the cheeks, neck, shoulders (+ other body parts 😏), glasses in front of tired, serious eyes, long/dark brown thick/curly locks that were always in a low pony tail and forehead fringes that gave the guy a cute but also at the same time hot look, big nose, broad shoulders, tall, muscular body (but not too buff), nice arms, veiny hands and pretty much everything that would make a woman wet swoon.
Also, the voice was to die for. Do you know professor cal? (I know him from youtube). Yeah, I had his voice in my head as the guard and let me tell you guys, I wanted that guy to become real.
Also, let's call him...Cal, okay? because of professor cal's voice, alright? and his nickname or real name will be Lasco, so when you are alone with him, you call him cal! And you're the only one who's allowed to call him that.
But that's not- okay wait that was mainly the fucking introduction of the guy of my dreams, now let me start with the introduction of the story.
"Your majesty, you can't just reject a man blindly-", a nameless maid said, but was interrupted by your soft glare. "And why can't I?", you asked gently, looking at her with an almost pleading look. you wanted to know the answer as well.
Your poor excuse of a brutish father and shitty leader of your country wanted you to be married to an unimportant country. The son from the country was a playboy, treated women like objects, didn't know what sharing meant, stepped and spit on other people and wasn't really interested in you, more attracted to your body.
your mother was a softspoken woman, but since women were still not respected in the monarchy, you wanted to change that. you hated that your mother couldn't stand up for herself. you hated that she got belittled whenever you were around, and you feared that it was much worse when you weren't.
One day, however, it all stopped. and you were the reason.
"Why should I marry him again?", you asked the man who was one of the reasons you came to this world. you hated to call him that.
your 'father' gave you a glare which you reciprocated tenfold, making the geezer sitting in front of you scratch his neck nervously.
"Well, because... because I said so!" "And what use would that bring to our kingdom?"
"How dare you-" "Your highness. please tell me. Why am I going to be betrothed to a man whom I have no information over and who doesn't even seem interested in wanting to get to know me? What use would our marriage have?", you retorted quickly, eyeing the guest to your 'father's' left. His son was right next to him, glaring at you angrily. your mother only looked at you with a shocked expression before standing up to apologize-
"Don't, mother. You have no reason to do that.", you only said coldly while holding a hand towards her direction, awaiting a plausible explanation from the bastard sitting next to your king.
"Listen, me and your father are good friends, and we decided that it'd be a good idea if-"
"So you have no use for the country but just want us to get married to each other because you guys are friends? Or because your whore of a son can't seem to stop getting his dick wet and because I have never touched a man? If that's the reason, THEN YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!", you screamed, pulling your golden sword from it's home-your earrings-and pointed it towards the bastard.
That seemed to be the thing they were not prepared for, because the king from the other country and his son scrambled away while your 'father' was getting angry at you. But, oh boy.
How was the saying again? Like father, like daughter?
If his anger was already bad enough that most people from his own country feared him because of his temper, how would the other countries try to calm yours?
YOU ARE NO WHERE TO BE CALLED A KING, A LORD OR EVEN A LEADER! YOU'RE NOT EVEN A GOOD FATHER!", you roared, your voice booming louder in the castle than his ever could, grabbing the attention of all the residents of your own, soon to be castle.
your golden sword pointed towards him, and while nearly every servant and some guards gathered together to know what this family fuss was about again, they were shocked and surprised to see that you were pointing your sword at him.
sure, you had arguments and fights with that old geezer, but nothing ever was as serious as this. "You put-" "YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A MAN, I am done with you humiliating our name, or kingdom, our country. do that you get the hell away from here, with all your fucking concubines and mistresses. and don't you ever show your face in here, or my country again. because if you do...
... then I'll find you and behead you myself."
All he could do was run, run as fast as he could, and while he was still at it, his concubines and bad partners, gambling friends, drinking friends and other bad people he liked to associate with, followed him as well while taking all their belongings, which surprisingly, wasn't less than you imagined.
After the last one was gone, your mother only whispered your name and you immediately threw yourself to the ground in shame in front of your mother. "I beg for forgiveness. Please forgive me for my big mouth and sharp tongue, mother. please don't be mad at me-"
"Mad at you? Oh, my sweet daughter, how could I ever be mad at you?", she asked, opening her arms with tears eyes and a wobbly smile. You ran towards her but held her as gently as you could, like a flower. "I fear that I do not onderstand, mother. Why are you not mad? I put shame on your name for rejecting a noble's proposal...!"
Your mother only chuckled, happy to hold her one reason to stay alive in her arms. She was also glad that everyone saw that her and her daughter were so close and that the rumours about the daughter and the mother hating each other would come to an end. "That's exactly why I am so proud of you, my love. you have mastered what I couldn't and still can not do today; express myself, voice out my uncomfy state, give my opinion...being loud. Being heard. Being understood."
You stroked your mother's back like a mother consoling her child. your mother's nerves were always on haywire when your father was around, and it was tearing your heart apart to see your mother so scared in the presence of that former bastard of a leader.
"I will try my best to help you mother. After all, you are leading this kingdom on your own now. But fear not, I will stay by your side until death will tear us apart. But even then, I will not rest in peace until I have found your soul next to mine and we can be together again, even after we've descended to heaven.", you promised. She only hugged you tighter and released a breath.
Lasco, your bodyguard, who has witnessed your great performance of strength and anger, only watched you in awe, a small blush on his cheeks. See, as you were the crown princess, the next queen and he was your guard, he had to look after you ever since he could remember. he was also your best friend and you and him did pretty much everything together.
It was actually not fair, to be honest. Cal had a crush on you since the first time he saw you, which was when him and you were children; even when you were chubby, had snot coming out of your nose, and always chaos-hair. what drew him to you was your calm nature. He thought of you like a flower when he first met you. Never bothering anyone. always in your own little world. You never yelled, or got really angry or made a fuss out of everything. Only when something really bothered you, did you frown, pout, and release a small and quiet 'hmpf!' sound, which he cherished forever by grabbing at his chest where his heart belonged whenever you did it.
He also found you really cute. your eyes were so adorably wide and full of wonder, wanting to explore the world with silent pleading. But since it was forbidden, you examined books, maps and even listened to adventurers and businessmen and women who sailed the world like your life depended on it.
Your hair seemed to have a mind of it's own, as it was either perfectly calm, a few strands of hair not wanting to go to their place or your hair pointing to all directions. your personality was also to respect, or gush over.
You were always a calm kid, never dared to trouble your parents, always good with everyone. you tried your best to help everyone and do your homework or train your body to fit into a queen's life. you tried to take as much off of your mother's chest and shoulders as you could, with no regard of self care.
you, with those beautiful eyes, that changed over the years.
Your body, that changed over the years.
Your mind changed too.
But it scared him.
Sure, you've gotten a lot smarter and even more helpful than you already were. you blossomed from a small, sweet, shy, friendly, peace-loving girl to a poisonous, beautifully, deathly and ruthless woman. But Cal was not even close to the mind to complain.
I mean, you've grown up, and so has he. It was just...to him, time flew by so quickly. One moment, he was protecting you from other baby princes from bullying you because of your shy nature, then you and him talked about serious topics like future and love in your teenage years, where he nearly gave out his secret of having a crush on you, and now, you had to choose a husband, rule the kingdom alongside your mother, and forbid war, even when your kingdom was one of the strongest out there.
Cal has fallen for you. And...so have you.
You fell for him the moment he gave you the promise that he'd always protect you. It was when you two were still children. He was eight and you were five at the time, but you could not mistake your warming cheeks and fluttering stomach for anything else but love towards that boy. the first few weeks, you hid from him, spoke as little as possible with him and never looked him in the eyes.
You were wondering every night if Cal knew about how you gave him heart eyes everytime you two locked eyes. or if he maybe thought of you as a pretty girl...? Or if he thought of you as a nuisance, because you thought that you'd be one to him, being a princess and all. Since you had trouble forming big sentences and tended to be shy by nature, even as a grown up, you only gave him commands, asked about his wellbeings, or nodded when he gave you an update about something.
The more days passed, the more you strived to be perfect. Not just for the people you'd have to rule over one day, or your mother, but for him. you wanted to show him that you could become the perfect leader. That you'd become a great queen. You took more care to your body when Cal made some remarks about how skin care was less appreciated these days. your hair seemed to follow your lead too, because over the years, you managed to take proper care of it.
you took more care in the way you dressed, acted, spoke and most importantly, your face. you always frowned, naturally, and you hated it. You hated when people asked you why you were looking so sad or glum or depressed or angry, and you were left irritated. so you always raised your brows to give your face not an irritated, but bored look. Better than nothing, right?
whenever you looked at Cal, you didn't see your bodyguard, but a potential lover. He was always good with kids, treated women with the utmost respect, was one of the strongest men in your kingdom and very handsome.
However, there was one information that shattered your little love world and heart yes and daydreams about Cal; you had to marry a prince. Bodyguards were not allowed as potential husbands, except for when you'd like to have a consort or lover.
You, from that moment on, forbid your feelings towards your longest friend and buried them into the darkest corners of your heart, soul, and mind. and over the months, you managed to hold proper conversations with him, plus, you didn't see him as husband material anymore.
Or so you thought.
As you were busy with making new rules, comforting your mother and firing your father's followers, Cal thought that you didn't have any use for him at the moment, which was good.
As fast as he could, he excused himself with a silver plate in front of his crotch and went straight to his room. Beforehand, he made sure that no one was in the hallway, so that they couldn't hear him doing his unholy, and unforgivable act. In his chamber, he whimpered into his hand and his other one grabbed his hard-on. His glasses went down a little, but not that he cared. Lasco moaned into his hand as he slid against the door a little, panting at the thought of you.
You, who so bravely told your father to fuck out of your life with a blade at the bastards throat which you took from your earrings. you, who always was so...cold, but at the same time so unbelievably hot at the same time. His princess, who didn't want any nameless, stupid prince. Cal didn't know what type of prince you'd like. What type of husband would meet your standards. Maybe the fictional characters you've been sighing about with a sweet smile and gazing off with a blissed out face?
C-could he call you... his princess? Could he call you...his girl?
...His woman?
At that thought, Lasco stumbled towards his bed, throwing his belt and pants to the ground before stripping off his underwear and grasping his leaking cock. It may look small in his hands, but if you saw it, you'd be really scared of it's size and girth. Much over average, about 9 and a half inches, and his girth around the width of your wrist. His mushroom head was adorably flushed a light pink, with freckles adorning his shaft and inner thighs- actually his whole body to be honest.
He pumped it a few times, abs already glistening with sweat, whimpering in a high pitched voice again, brows furrowing and shoulders shaking, his nipples growing hard at the cool air of his room, forgetting that he'd get overly sensitive when he got hard because of you. He whined when he immediately had a flashback of him following after you for safety reasons and you suddenly halting in front of him and him stumbling on you, his hips - and so his dick - brushing against your soft, plump ass. When you turned to apologize, there was only a gust of whind in form of his silhouette.
He rubbed his head a little harder, and choked back a sob. His glasses nearly fell off, but he adjusted them while his left hand shook from touching himself. he faced the door this time, his brows furrowing, as he stroked his shaft, the foreskin covering and uncovering his cockhead evertime he moved his hand up and down.
What if somebody came in? How would he explain himself?
Lasco massaged his balls gently, groaning before chuckling breathily, growing shy as he thought of you again with a cute -about to be fucked out- smile on his face.
What if you came in and caught him in this state? How would you react? What would you say? Would you get aroused too? Or bully him? Tease him? Or be disgusted by him for thinking of you so lewdly?
He cried out your name before cumming so suddenly, the orgasm shaking him. His back arched and his thighs squeezed shut a little, and his glasses finally fell down, onto the sheets which were now soiled. He felt like the walls of his room were still echoing your name and he groaned. Cal was laying on his back now, arms spread out and he stared at the ceiling.
He panted, grinning like a madman with a heavy blush. The thought of you catching him in such an incredulous act, with him parting his legs for you and chanting your name like a mantra, giving you a show-
Ah shit. He got hard again. He sighed exasperately.
Just as he was about to do the act again, this time feeling a little more guilty for picturing you doing these things to him, he changed his mind. He stood up, and took a long, cold shower.
Now refreshed and not so horny anymore, the bodyguard quickly made his way over to your presence, fixing his posture and taking deep breaths, a neatly written letter which he wrote months ago, only for you and you only to read.
Maybe Cal should just confess and hope that you'd accept his feelings. But he didn't know how you felt about him. Since you were little - since the first time you two fucking met - you never really talked much with him. Cal was left wondering if you even harboured any feelings for him in the first place.
If you didn't then he'd make a total fool out of himself. If you did, then maybe...
Just maybe, he'd become your husband. Your husband, who'd try to read every single wish you had right from your delicate lips. Your lover, who'd be the man of your dreams if you said yes to the very question. Your lover, who'd swear to become the greatest king in history, with you as his strong, smart and beautiful wife. His woman.
He wanted to be yours so bad it hurt him mentally and physically whenever a love interest who wasn't him got brought up. whenever you spoke about maybe visiting or inviting a prince over made him hurl and want to punch a wall.
He didn't notice that he was already in front of your door, your deep, gentle voice immediately reaching his well-trained ears. He allowed himself to smile for a millisecond, then his smile vanished and he stepped inside.
Heya, how was that?
I kinda let out everything I thought in here, like for part 2!
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racerchix21 · 1 month
These are my people
My entry for day 3 of @bucktommypositivityweek: Meeting each others friends and family
Nonna Carmelina was inspired by Riley’s Nonna stories (@rdng1230)
They’ve been dating 4 months when Tommy comes over after a shift and drops the bombshell. Bucks grateful he’s sitting when the words ‘so my mom and Nonna wanna meet you’ leave Tommy’s lips because he’s almost positive he would’ve fallen otherwise. He can tell by the way that Tommy looks nervous that it’s caught him off guard too.
“They wanna meet me? Like the 2 most important women in your life wanna meet me,” Buck questions reaching over to grasp Tommy’s arm. “How do you feel about me meeting them babe? I know you’re pretty protective of both of them and we can hold off on me meeting them if you want.”
“I should be the one reassuring you about meeting them and here you are telling me that we can hold off,” Tommy says pulling his arm out of his boyfriends grasp to instead tangle their fingers together.
“T, baby I know that you met my family so quick after we got together. Quite literally a couple dates and a few after we met so I understand if you don’t wanna rush me meeting yours,” Buck answers squeezing Tommy’s hand 3 times in their silent way of saying I love you without using the words.
Tommy cracks a small smile before squeezing Buck’s hand in reply. “Yeah Nonna called me this morning and asked if we’d wanna come over for Sunday supper this weekend. She and my mama wanna meet the man who’s been making me so happy the last few months. I told them I’d ask you and call them later.”
“Yeah let’s go have supper with your family,” Buck says excitedly. “I wanna meet the women who helped to shape the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I know I should be nervous about it but from everything you’ve told me your mom and Nonna sound like strong independent badass ladies and I can’t wait.”
“You really wanna meet them? They’d understand if you decided you wanted to hold off longer.”
“Baby are you okay with me meeting them?”
“Of course I want you to get to know them. It’s just your first boyfriend I’ve had where I can see myself having a future with them. And I’m gonna shut up now.” He’s trying to extract his hand so he can get up to pace.
“First of all I’m honored that you can see a future with me because believe it or not I see the rest of my life being spent with you too. Second of all Thomas if you wanted to right this second to fly to Vegas and get married by a guy in a really bad Elvis costume I’d ask when we were leaving.”
When Tommy chuckles Buck knows he’s succeeded in getting his man to relax. “So tell me what I need to know about them.”
“My mom just moved here to Corona to help my Nonna. Mom finally found the strength to leave my father last year and this move has been really good for both of them. You can call my mom Andi and Nonna Lina.”
“Andi and Lina huh? Noted. Anything else or do you go curl up on the couch and watch a movie?”
“Well what else you wanna know?”
“What kind of people are they? Obviously you’re pretty great so they’re amazing too but what’s your favorite memory of them?”
“They’re amazing Evan. Going to my Nonna’s every weekend was the thing I looked forward to every week. Her house was the only place where my dad never dared raise his voice or a hand to mom and I either one. She put the fear of God and Nonna in him early on in his relationship with my mom. I’m pretty sure she had him convinced for awhile that she had Italian mob connections so he knew better than to hit either of us when Nonna Lina was around.”
“The mob huh? She sounds like a real firecracker so what about your mom then?”
“She is a firecracker and my god my mom is as stubborn as the day is long. She protected me the best she could against my dad. She’s not afraid to fight to protect her family and honestly you’re a lot like her babe. She stands up for the little guy regardless of the odds stacked against her.
Hey you think maybe we could go watch a movie now,” Tommy asks through a yawn.
“Of course. Give me a couple minutes and I’ll be right there and we can watch Love, Actually or whatever movie Hallmark has on,” Buck answers heading for the stairs to grab a huge blanket to wrap Tommy up in.
Sunday dawns faster than either of them anticipates and he finally feels himself getting nervous because these are the women who shaped the love of his life into who he is.
Now sitting in the passenger seat of Tommy’s truck he’s trying to calm his breathing. “You’re absolutely positive they wanna meet me?”
“Yes baby. When I called Thursday morning before my shift Nonna squealed at the fact you agreed to come meet them. Knowing her and mom they’ve probably been prepping food since I got off the phone with them,” Tommy answers placing his hand on his boyfriends thigh to squeeze it before lacing their fingers together.
“They’re gonna love you like I do. Now come on let’s go in before Nonna comes out here and drags us in,” Tommy says pulling up in front of a cute little bungalow set back from the street.
Just as Buck opens his door to step out he’s met with two blurs as Lina and Andi come flying across the yard to hug Tommy before finding himself with an armful of Tommy’s Nonna.
“You must be Buck. Our Tommaso has told us so much about you but he must of forgotten to mention how handsome you are. TOMMASO how could you not tell us he was adorable,” Lina asks glaring at Tommy.
“Nonna,” Tommy groans good naturedly.
“Well aren’t you gonna introduce us,” his mom asks tapping her foot staring at her son.
“Yes sorry. Evan this is my mom Andriana and my Nonna Carmelina. Momma, Nonna this is my boyfriend Ev-Buck,” Tommy stumbles over Buck’s name.
“Well Buck it’s nice to finally meet the boy that’s been making our Tommy so happy,” Andi says pulling Buck into a hug.
“It’s nice to meet both of you too, ma’am.”
“Come let’s go grab some drinks before we ask Buck a bunch of questions,” Nonna calls over her shoulder leading everyone back into the house.
Leaning in Tommy whispers in his boyfriends ear, “sorry about that Ev. Nonna gets bossy when it comes to her family and I’m pretty sure she’s already claimed you as one of hers.”
Spinning to give Tommy a kiss, Buck laughs because it’s nice to have a couple more women who care about him and tells Tommy as much.
Finishing a delicious supper and helping to clean up the kitchen, Nonna reminds Buck that he’s always welcome to come visit with or without Tommy. “Now Buck before you guys leave just remember I have connections to people who can make you disappear so take care of my grandson, okay?”
“Yes ma’am,” Buck dutifully answers leaning down to kiss her cheek before stepping back into Tommy’s embrace. “I have no plans to hurt Tommy. I’d rather cut off my own limbs than hurt him I promise.”
@evansboyfriend @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @waywaychuck @obsessivebisexual4tevan @cliophilyra @bidisasterevankinard @betterkeepmewetterthanabayou
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
Falling For the Devil [Part twenty-four: "The Devil and the Baker"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Summary: You, Karen, and Marci go Halloween costume shopping. Days later, the three of you meet Matt and Foggy at the bar for Halloween.
Matt uses his hands to figure out what your costume is–-or an excuse to feel you up. Then you both spend a very sexually tense evening at the bar in a dangerous game of secret public foreplay.
[Series of one-shots about Reader meeting, falling for, and dating Matt Murdock.]
Warnings: 18+ for this series; contains humor, fluff, romance, angst, smut (like...a lot of it later in the series), language, some violence
Word Count: 4.7k
a/n: This installment actually has a naughty part two smupdate called "The Leather Couch" to look forward to afterwards. But there's lots of Spicy Matty in this one! You can find all of the installments for this series on tumblr here.
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“What did you say you and Foggy were going as?” Karen asked Marci.
Your eyes scanned the rows of women’s Halloween costumes the three of you were standing before, spotting everything from witches and clowns to sexy maids and cats. You still weren’t entirely sure what you were going to dress up as and Matt had been adamant about not sharing his costume with you. The plethora of choices surrounding you wasn’t helping, either.
"Sexy cop and criminal," Marci answered, standing in front of the handful of various sexy cop costume variations. "I entirely plan to handcuff him to our bed in that little orange jumpsuit and have my way with him later."
"Wouldn't expect anything less from you," you muttered, eyes still scanning the rows of costumes. "What're you thinking of dressing as, Karen? I'm entirely lost here."
Karen sighed beside you, her shoulders sagging with the exhale. "I don't know," she replied. "I was already a skeleton last year. I just don't really feel like putting much thought into a costume when I'm only going to get drunk at a bar, you know?" Her hand reached out, grabbing onto one of the packages before the pair of you. "I don't know, maybe a pirate?" 
“Yeah, you need something a little fiery,” Marci said, apparently finally deciding on one of the many cop costumes before her and pulling it off the rack. 
You paused in front of a costume, a large smile stretching across your face. Grabbing it, you turned and held it out to Karen. “Sexy viking,” you told her. “Totally you.”
Marci’s face lit up as she stepped over, throwing an arm on Karen’s shoulder excitedly. “Yes! It’s badass and totally hot.”
A small grin was on Karen’s face as she accepted the package from your hand, scanning the image on the front of it. “You two sure I can pull this off?” she asked hesitantly.
“With your legs in that little skirt?” Marci asked her. “Uh, yeah. Most definitely.”
Karen shot you a questioning look, one brow raised. You nodded instantly at her.
“That faux suede bralette thing is screaming your name,” you told her.
“Alright, alright, you’ve both convinced me,” she relented. “I’ll be a sexy viking this year.”
Marci’s mischievous gaze landed on you next, a devious smile on her mouth. “We need to find you something sexy for a certain Mr. Murdock,” she purred.
“Oh,” you said hesitantly, “I don’t know if I was going to necessarily go for sexy…”
“Oh come on, live a little!” Marci cried out. “I’m sure Matt would love touching all of that exposed skin all night.”
Karen held up the package with the viking costume, flashing you the image of the skimpily clad woman on it. “If I’m being something sexy, so are you,” she pressed.
With a sigh you gave in. “Fine,” you conceded, quickly holding up a finger and adding, “but nothing too revealing, okay?” 
Marci grinned, turning and grabbing a costume off of the rack and showing it to you. Your eyes went wide before you immediately shook your head.
“Absolutely not!” you declined as Karen giggled.
“What? You don’t want to see just how much of a good Catholic boy he is?” Marci teased, waving the sexy nun costume at you.
“Uh, his mom’s a nun? Kinda weird right there,” you told her, entirely vetoing the idea.
“Ohh, how about a sexy nurse?” Karen suggested, grabbing the costume and showing it to you, waggling her eyebrows meaningfully. “Maybe he needs you to patch him up later?”
You blushed, the idea sounding a little tempting. He would find it amusing and you were sure he’d make some sexual comment to you later–that alone made the idea even more tempting.
“Maybe,” you whispered. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
“Oh!” Marci exclaimed, grabbing a costume off the rack and holding it out to you. “Sexy judge! You could do some real fun roleplaying with that later, if you know what I mean,” she said, shooting you a sly wink.
And like hell if that also didn’t sound like fun.
“ No ,” Karen breathed out, her hand flying up and grabbing a package from further down the rack, whirling around to you with a knowing smile on her face. “This one.”
You bit your lip, fighting back the smile that was growing on your face as you eyed it. Marci gasped, throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“Now that is one way to find out just how good of a Catholic boy he is,” Marci teased. "And you'd look hot as hell in it."
You grabbed the sexy devil costume from Karen; it was certainly not something you’d have normally picked for yourself. It was a short red pleather corset-style dress where the bottom flared out and wasn’t so form fitting that you'd feel too self-conscious all night. Though it looked like it would just barely cover your ass. There was a devil’s tail attached to the back of the dress and a headband with some devil horns. But the sexiest part of it was probably the thigh-high red fishnet garter socks. And like hell if you weren’t getting some ideas about Halloween night with Matt after the bar just looking at this costume.
And on top of that, it felt a little like openly claiming The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen as yours. He was always your Devil, but for Halloween night you could be his devil. And you were sure he’d appreciate that sentiment.
“Yeah,” you said, glancing up at Karen with a grin. “This is definitely my costume.”
Sliding out of the backseat of the taxi behind Karen, you tried hard to not flash anything underneath your costume. The pleather skirt truly did only just cover your ass, which would be dangerous if you had any reason to bend over tonight. Or if you fell in the three inch heels Marci and Karen had somehow convinced you to wear despite the fact that you'd be drinking tonight. 
"You said they were already here waiting for us?" Karen asked over her shoulder.
You adjusted your dress and the devil horn headband on your head as Marci slid out of the taxi after you.
"Yeah," she answered. "Fog said they were waiting for us outside. Just look for the bright orange jumpsuit."
You and Karen scanned the groups of costume-clad individuals along the sidewalk outside of the bar. Marci was beside you, openly readjusting her tits in the skin tight jumpsuit she had unzipped quite low. Karen started laughing beside you and you glanced at her with a questioning brow.
"They're over there," Karen choked out between laughs, shaking her head as she pointed. "I'm sorry but Matt looks ridiculous."
Your gaze followed where Karen’s finger was pointing. The orange jumpsuit Foggy was wearing caught your eye first until your attention slid to Matt beside him. A hand flew up to your mouth as you laughed. Even from this distance you saw Matt grin beside Foggy, apparently hearing your reaction. 
The three of you made your way over to the pair of them, weaving past the groups of people on the sidewalk. You lost it all over again as you finally reached them. Karen was right, he did look ridiculous, but in an incredibly sexy way.
There was a little white chef's hat on his head and what looked like a few smears of flour on his face underneath his dark glasses. The costume he had on was a pair of tight fitting dress pants and a white and brown pinstriped shirt, the sleeves of which landed just before his forearms and left them exposed to your great delight. There was a brown vest over the top of the shirt, and topping all of that off was a dark apron complete with more flour smears. But what was really killing you was what was written on the apron. It read 'Making them buns' and you snorted loudly upon reading it, completely losing it all over again. 
"What are you supposed to be, a chef?" Marci asked him.
"I'm clearly a baker," Matt told her, gesturing at his apron. "Obviously, if I'm making them buns."
"My idea," Foggy cut in. "With how often I've had to hear him tell me about all the cake jokes about his ass recently."
You were biting your lip, fighting back another round of laughs. That's when Foggy realized what you were wearing and he shook his head, grinning.
"Should have figured you'd dress up as a–"
"Shh!" Marci swatted at her husband, cutting Foggy off. "Matt can use his hands to figure out her costume."
You saw the mischievous smirk immediately draw over Matt's mouth and the way one of his brows rose in extreme interest at Marci’s words. The sight caused your pulse to race a little. The three of you had discussed this in the taxi as you rode over and it had sounded like a good idea at the time, but now you were getting nervous at the prospect of Matt openly roving his hands all over your body. 
"Oh?" Matt curiously asked you. "You mean I have an excuse to feel you up right here and now?" 
Yeah, you were definitely rethinking this idea now with that coy look on his face. This man was purposely going to give you a heart attack.
“Uh, I suppose so,” you answered nervously, feeling shy with your friends standing nearby.
When you didn’t move, Karen nudged you forward into Matt, shooting you a pointed look. You turned to her, about to protest, but she was already focused on Marci and Foggy.
“Hey, why don’t we jump in line and give them a minute,” Karen suggested.
“Yeah, good idea,” Marci agreed, grabbing Foggy’s hand. She shot you a sly look as she added, “But I’m pretty sure Matt is going to need more than a minute.”
The three of them wandered off to join the queue for the bar and your attention returned to Matt before you. That coy smirk was still spread over his lips, his gaze never having left you.
“So now that we’re alone,” he said after a moment, his tone provocative and full of meaning as he paused and licked his lips. “Can I try to guess your costume?”
Your eyes were focused on his mouth, those plump, pink lips now glistening slightly from where his tongue had just wet them. Heart rate spiking a little more, you nodded slowly. 
“Here,” he said, hands rising to your waist, but the moment his hands made contact with the plastic-y pleather of your dress he abruptly stopped, a wicked expression forming on his face. “Oh? Was not expecting that,” he mused, both of his thumbs lightly rubbing along the material of the dress.
A smile spread across his face as he turned, trading places with you so that you were standing against the brick wall of the bar and Matt was standing in front of you. To block everyone else’s view, you quickly realized. Your heart thudded a little harder in your chest at that knowledge.
“You’re awfully quiet, are you alright with this?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you breathed out.
Upon your consent, his hands slowly slid their way up your hips, climbing higher as the smirk grew on his face. Gradually they snaked their way up over your rib cage until both of his large palms paused at your breasts. The contrast between the heat of his hands with the cold of your skin in the late October evening had goosebumps dappling every inch of your bare skin. Matt squeezed your breasts roughly over the material of your dress and you gasped out, thighs tightening together.
“I have no idea what you are,” he whispered, tone low and sultry, “but I am quite enjoying finding out.”
“You uh, might have more luck with feeling the back of it,” you told him, voice wavering a little.
A playful noise vibrated in his throat before he gave your breasts one last squeeze, and then his hands were quickly sliding down your body, making their way to the back of the dress. Eventually he found the little devil’s tail and you saw his brows furrow as his hands felt along the length of it.
“Well, clearly a tail,” he thought aloud. “Are you a cat? Even though–” his head tilted to the side as his eyes narrowed behind his lenses, hands still touching the tail, “–this doesn’t quite feel like a cat’s tail.”
You shook your head along the brick wall you were pressed up against, smiling a little. “No, not a cat,” you told him.
“Hmm,” he hummed out, his smile returning. "What color is the dress?"
"Red," you answered quickly.
His hands dropped lower, gliding down over the curve of your ass. Feeling his fingers splay wide over each cheek beneath the fabric, he abruptly gave your ass a firm squeeze next. You bit your lip, fighting the growing heat between your thighs. You both were, after all, still in public.
“Well isn’t this short?” he murmured when the tips of his fingers grazed your actual ass under the dress, the fabric having ridden up while he’d been roughly kneading your ass. “Oh, sweetheart,” he almost purred, both hands having fully slipped under the back of the dress to grab at your bare ass. “Are you not wearing anything under this?” he whispered into your ear, the tip of his nose nuzzling into your cheek.
“Just–just a thong,” you answered, brain feeling like it was turning to mush in your skull with the way his calloused hands were openly playing with your ass. “Wasn’t feeling quite that daring tonight.”
Matt stepped closer to you and you could feel the slight bulge forming in his pants and pressing into your leg. His forehead dropped down to your shoulder, resting there as his nails lightly dug into the flesh beneath his hands. You fought back a moan, trapping it in your throat.
“I don’t even care about the bar at this point,” he said slowly, head still buried along your bare shoulder. “I just want to fuck you.”
A wave of pure want and arousal washed its way down your body and your eyes briefly closed, trying hard to control yourself. “We should–should probably stay for just a bit, at least,” you stammered out. Though your own desire to have his cock buried in you was making you want to grab a taxi and leave, too.
He sighed against your skin, his hands loosening their grasp on your ass and sliding down the back of your legs, but then he abruptly stiffened against the front of you. One of his fingers tugged at the fishnet thigh-high stockings you had on and you couldn’t resist the smile. Both of his hands began feeling around your thighs as a little whine came from his throat.
“Sweetie, are you wearing fishnet stockings and a garter?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
He inhaled sharply, a faint groan coming from him next. “Fuck,” he throatily ground out. “You want to torture me tonight, don’t you, sweetheart?”
“I wasn’t exactly expecting this reaction,” you admitted.
Matt lifted his head, gently nipping at your shoulder. A shudder ran down your spine when he lightly kissed the spot afterwards.
“So what are you?” he asked curiously.
Tentatively you reached down, grabbing one of his hands from your thigh. He allowed you to raise his hand, drawing it all the way up to the headband on your head. You watched as his head canted to the side a bit, eyes narrowing behind his dark lenses as his fingers felt up the headband.
“Ears?” he asked.
You shook your head. “Horns,” you whispered.
A slow, sinful smile snuck its way along his lips. His hips bucked forward into you, pinning you further into the wall behind you. Both of his hands came to land on either side of your neck, thumbs lightly brushing along your throat. You were sure he could feel your pulse jumping under your skin right now.
“You’re a devil?” he guessed.
“Mhmm,” you hummed, nodding your head. “ Your devil tonight.”
His bottom lip rolled between his teeth, a soft hiss emitting from him as his head turned to the side. You could see his eyes clamp shut behind his glasses before he swallowed hard a few times.
“Do you have any idea,” he said after a moment, voice low, “how hot that is?”
Reaching out, your hands finally landed on Matt, resting them on his hips. Gently you pulled him closer to yourself, grinning up at him.
“I was hoping you’d like it,” you told him, fingers toying with the strap of his apron. 
His gaze finally landed back on you, his jaw clenching so hard you could see the muscles in his cheeks twitching. Your hands tightened along his hips at the sight.
“I’ve got a few ideas of what I want to do to you in this tonight,” he murmured. “So I hope you’re prepared for it.”
“Well,” you teased lightly, feeling a little bold with how turned on Matt already was, “we have a couple of hours here first. I’m pretty sure we can both find ways to…prepare for it.”
His tongue darted out along his lips again, your eyes following its movement. He smirked a moment later, one of his hands leaving your throat, dragging the backs of his fingers over your body as he gradually lowered it between your breasts, down your ribcage, past your stomach, and then finally up under your dress. Without hesitation his index finger slipped past your thong and swiped along your clit ever so faintly. Your body jolted, a strangled moan falling from your lips before you could stop it. Your eyes widened as a thrill shot through you, your mouth clamping shut.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “Pretty sure I can get you nice and prepared , sweetheart.”
Your arms were wrapped around Matt’s neck, the front of you flush to the front of him as your bodies’ grinded against each other slowly and sensually to the pop music playing in the bar Marci had picked out. You’d had just enough to drink tonight that the part of your brain programmed to overthink was muted, allowing the pair of you to join the plethora of other costumed bar patrons grinding against each other.
Matt’s hands were low on your back, pressing his palms hard into you to keep you close to his body. Gazing up at him, you smiled at the smears of flour along his cheeks and chin. He’d told you the flour was Foggy’s idea along with the costume–all thanks to Katy and her constant ass comments that Matt had apparently divulged to Foggy.
As if he sensed you looking at him, he glanced down at you, a little smile drawing over his lips under the dark red lenses. Warmth filled your chest, the feeling having nothing to do with the alcohol in your system or the amount of people packed in the bar.
“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” Matt asked. 
You shook your head lightly, a grin on your own lips as you slid one of your hands out from behind his neck. Reaching up, your fingers traced the line of his stubbled jaw, his head leaning into the touch as he always did. 
“Nothing,” you answered, just loud enough that you knew he could hear you. And without your mind overthinking, you blurted, “I love you.”
His smile somehow grew, the corners of his eyes crinkling just at the edges of his glasses. “I love you, too, sweetheart,” he said.
Closing the distance between your mouths, his nose lightly bumping against yours as he did, Matt kissed you. Your eyes closed instantly, head tilting up further towards him as your hand held his cheek. He tasted faintly of the beer he’d drank as his soft, plush lips greedily kissed your own. The hand you had still behind his neck snuck its way up, just far enough for you to gently tug on his hair. The responding shudder from him had you unconsciously grind your hips into his a little too sensually.
Matt’s mouth broke away, his forehead coming to rest against yours. He groaned low and you felt one of his hands snake its way down over your ass and up underneath your dress. Your hips jerked into his, fighting down a wave of arousal as his palm felt around the curve of your ass for a moment. Before you even blinked, his fingers slipped over your covered mound, rubbing teasingly along your clit.
“Matt,” you chided quickly, though his name came out half moan, half reprimand.
His hand slid back to your ass, a sly smirk on his mouth as he gazed back down at you. “What?” he asked innocently. “I’m just checking out this delicious cake I’ve got here. I mean I am a baker after all.”
Rolling your eyes, you laughed lightly and stepped a bit back from Matt. “I think I need a drink if you’re going to keep being this handsy,” you informed him.
He continued to flash that sly smirk at you as he said, “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
A few minutes later you were leaning against the bar counter, drinking back your mixed drink and taking a short breather from dancing with Matt. You’d lost Foggy and Marci a little while ago and Karen had found a cute guy shortly after you’d all done a round of shots when you’d first gotten into the bar. After that, the entire night had been nothing but secret foreplay between you and Matt and right now you'd needed a few minutes to catch your breath. 
Matt was now firmly pressed to the back of you, his partially hard dick wedged between your ass. Bending forward, you wrapped your lips around the straw in your glass and took a drink, intentionally shifting your hips against Matt behind you. His right hand on your hip tightened and you grinned around the straw. 
"Careful sweetheart," he whispered, mouth suddenly beside your ear.
Slightly inebriated, you dropped the straw from between your lips, pushing your ass more firmly into him. He grunted, the sound loud with him so close to your ear, and you felt more dampness beginning to pool between your thighs.
"Keep it up," he growled low in your ear, "and I'll be fucking you with my fingers right here until you're cumming on them and calling me baby over this very bar counter." 
He lightly kissed your cheek and your body trembled at the mental image his words elicited. The hand on your hip slid downward and just underneath your short dress, one finger just barely ghosting your damp mound. You flinched at the delicious touch. 
"Don't think I won't," he warned.
Hands fidgeting with the glass in front of you, your cunt throbbed almost painfully at this point as he removed his hand from under your dress. You were beyond sexually frustrated with whatever this game was the two of you had been playing for the past hour and a half. It was torture and you were almost tempted to see if you pushed him enough if he would actually follow through with his threat just so you could get some relief.
Gritting your teeth, you tried to focus on anything besides the feel of him pressed up behind you. As you were trying to take a calm, relaxing deep breath in, you felt Matt tense behind you, an angry growl rumbling in your ear. You frowned, turning over your shoulder to ask him what was wrong, but you quickly caught sight of a brunette barely dressed at all and wearing bunny ears. Your eyes narrowed instantly. 
"You clearly make some nice buns," she slurred out to Matt, biting her lip coyly. 
Eyes darting down, you saw she had her hand on Matt's ass. As he turned around, her hand fell back to her side and a burning rage began coursing through you.
"Excuse me?" Matt shot out, an edge to his voice as his brows furrowed behind his lenses.
"Oh come on," she said, waving a dismissive hand at Matt, entirely disregarding how upset he was. "You can't have an ass in pants that tight, walking around wearing an apron advertising how great of an ass you do have and expect no one to touch it."
Matt opened his mouth to respond, but the anger rippling through you cut him off before he even began.
"Are you really trying to say he was asking for it?" you hissed at her, pushing off the bar and coming to stand in front of Matt. "Because of how he was dressed ?"
"Well, I mean–"
"You don’t just grab at people," you continued, venom in your voice and alcohol dulling your nerves. "You like it when strange men grab at you? Tell you that you were asking for it when they do? That if you didn't want that kind of attention you shouldn't dress a certain way?"
"Well, no–"
"Apologize to my boyfriend," you ordered, eyes narrowed at the young woman.
Startled, she blinked a few times before pink tinged her cheeks. "I uh, I'm sorry," she muttered to Matt. 
"Just because he's a man doesn't mean he doesn't deserve the same respect as women deserve," you told her. "Remember that."
She nodded quickly before ducking her head and disappearing. You stared after her, teeth grinding against each other. Matt slowly slipped a hand around your waist, drawing you gradually into his side. 
"Not that I couldn't have handled that," he said, burying his face into your hair, "but thank you.” His lips gently kissed your temple which was a stark contrast to how he was quickly tightening his hold on you. “That was also incredibly sexy of you,” he said, “defending my honor and all.”
You unclenched your jaw and focused back on Matt, trying to release the anger that had abruptly overtaken you at the young woman brazenly grabbing Matt’s ass. He was grinning down at you, though there was definitely something more behind that grin. Exhaling a sharp breath, you ran a hand across your forehead.
“Sorry,” you grumbled. “Double standards like that piss me off. And besides–” you began, glancing back up at Matt as a grin formed on your own lips; feeling emboldened by the alcohol in your system, your hand darted out behind Matt and firmly grabbed his ass, “–that’s my ass.”
His hand drew you firmly into him before his mouth descended onto yours. Pulling your hand from his ass, both of yours wound their way around his neck, holding him flush against yourself yet again. Matt’s mouth kissed yours with a growing intensity, but you could certainly feel the restraint he was practicing. You, on the other hand, were already nibbling on that soft, perfect bottom lip of his and needily whimpering against his mouth. Matt was the one who had to break the kiss in an attempt to keep you from tearing his costume off in the middle of the bar when one of your hands began tugging at the collar of his shirt.
“I just want you to know,” he told you, breathing hard as he lowered his face so that his lips were brushing your ear as he spoke, “that I’m going to take you back to my place when you finish that drink and I’m going to fuck you absolutely senseless in that devil costume.”
You swallowed hard as he straightened up beside you, a hungry look on his face as he sightlessly gazed down at you. With a shiver running down your body, you returned to your drink at the bar, quickly wrapping your lips around the straw and drinking the alcohol down. Matt returned to his place behind you, pushing you into the counter with his hips as one of his hands slid beneath your dress, his fingers lightly gliding along your cunt through your underwear. For the briefest of moments your eyelids closed, your eyes rolling back as the straw dropped out of your mouth, fighting back a throaty groan.
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serotonins-stuff · 1 year
Bnha boys at the beach°•.•°•.•°•.•°•..
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(Part 1)
Including: Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku Midoriya, Hawks, Shoto Todoroki and kirishima.
Sypnosis: You go to the beach with your boyfriend.
Warnings : fluff, a bit segestive on Kiris
(Oneshot+ scenario!!!!)
-----𓆉︎ -------𓆉︎ --------𓆉︎ ---
Always finds a way to surprise you, which makes the day even better.
Makes sure to drench you in sunscreen before you set foot on the beach.
He's very prepared, like a full on beach bag and picnic basket prepared
If he's not in the mood to swim he'll sit on a beach towel and guard you from afar, with sunglasses just to make sure a creepy dude doesn't get a bright idea. He's blowin their ass up if anyone tries to mess with his girl.
Will only swim if he's in the mood to.
When he is in a mood to swim he's the type to try racing you to the furthest part of the ocean net.
Will purposefully slow down when racing you, so you can at least have 1 win. But Obviously won't let you get more points than him
"I won!" You panted when you reached the ocean net.
You had to challenge Katsuki to a race. Well.... races considering you've had a total of 10 and won none of them until now. Even if Katsuki won the other 9, flexing your little victory was very much necessary.
"Take that loser!" You cackled, making him huff a breath of amusement.
"Yeah," you lifted your head with confidence. "I must be a real badass if I beat the King explosion murder at swimming."
"Are you challenging me to another round?" He sneered, already knowing your answer. You don't even know how but by some miracle you won. Maybe he was out of breath or his arms got tired, either way, a win is a win.
"Not a chance" you turned the offer down. Already making your way back to shore, but slowed down because Bakugo decided to swim backward right in front of you. He was facing you with a smug expression on his face.
"I think you're just scared I'll get 10points"
You rolled your eyes at his statement, a smile making its way onto your lips when you suddenly came up with an idea. As soon as he opened his mouth to say another word, you splashed a whole wad of water onto his face. Temporarily blinding him while you made your escape.
"The hell?!" He shouted as you swam away, giggling at how easy it was to escape his wrath. Just as you reached a part when your feet finally touched the ground, your boyfriend's voice could be heard along with violent splashing. He was coming your way, and fast.
You stopped when he finally went silent, Confused.
"Giving up already Kaccha-" you were cut off when strong hands lifted you from underwater, hoisting your thighs on either side of his hips.
He kept your legs on his lap and laughed victoriously.
"You thought you were going to win that easily babe?" He smirked while you tried to pull away from him.
"You're a pain you know that?" You joked, landing a soft kiss to his grinning lips
Keeps you entertained, whether it be with food, affection or his nonstop rambling.
Takes a lot of selfies with you.
Isn't aware of the fact that he follows you everywhere in a cute way ofc. Are you going to the bathroom? He's going too. Are you throwing away your trash? He's going too.
He'll be so deep in conversation with you that he once almost walked into the women's bathroom with you
There is a lot of food involved with this man, wouldn't mind spoiling you to every food truck in sight.
Wants to try swimming to the deep side so he can see a shark.
This man is really just happy to be there with you, he'll stand in the shallow water with you to just admire the view.
Literally can't stop looking at you, and emphasizing how beautiful you are in your bathing suit.
A tease >>
"You should try this one" Kiri muffled while handing out the snack for you to taste "It's better than the other one we had"
He reached the food over to your lips, and you took a generous bite. The flavors instantly melt in your mouth
"Woahh" you hummed in delight.
"I know right?!" He cheered, going on about the different seasonings and textures, till he spotted some food on your top lip "Wait babe you got a little something on your lip"
You were about to reach over to wipe it off but the sudden pressure of Kirishima's lips on yours kept you paralyzed. It was quick, and he went back to talking about the different flavors again. Acting like nothing happened just now.
You were so flustered from the unexpected movement, but the needy side of you needed to see that again. So while he wasn't looking, you put some of the sweet treats he was eating all over your top lip. Hoping he would give you another one of those kisses.
When he looked up again he chuckled at the sight before him.
How were you so damn cute?
"If you wanted a kiss you could have just said so babe" he leaned towards you teasingly. Instead of a kiss being planted on your lips, it was a hand instead. You were visibly disappointed he wiped the dessert off of your lips with his hand
He sucked the remaining food off his fingers and continued eating, chuckling at your reaction.
You were tired of how normal he was acting. He was amused because he just wanted to hear you ask him for a kiss.
You weren't going to boost his cute little ego by doing that so instead you pulled him roughly by the shoulders and gave him an abrupt yet intense kiss.
He was breathless by the time you pulled away and confused at why you didn't carry on. He waited for a bigger kiss but it never came. Your eyes were glued to the ocean and you acted as if nothing happened.
"That's not fair" the redhead whined, leaning into you but you dodged his advance.
"If you wanted a kiss you could just said-" you didn't even get to finish your sentence she his plan gripped either side of your cheeks and kissed you.
"Since when do I need permission to kiss my girlfriend?"
Todoroki Shoto
Going to the beach with him is calm and relaxing.
Honestly just like to stare at the ocean with you and take a walk on the sand where the waves tickle your feet
Gives the BEST massages
Prinses treatment? .yes
You guys go looking for seashells to add to your collection.
Can't stop looking at you like you're the most beautiful person on the Planet
You guys could literally talk about ANYTHING and it wouldn't be weird.
"Hey sho?"
"Yes love?"
"Look how pretty this seashell is!" You said excitedly, handing it to him so he could examine it. He held it up to the sky, letting the sunlight pass through it while tilting it side to side. The seashell was very small yet had a nice brown marble pattern.
"It's beautiful" he said in awe.
"I know right?" You joined him, observing the seashell on a deeper level. "We should add it to our collecti-"
You were cut off when he suddenly put the shell to your chest. "It would look beautiful on you."
A grin made its way onto your face when he said that. His sweet words warmed your chest. So was he admiring it this time because he was thinking of how it would look on you?
At some point throughout your beach date, Shoto told you he was going to the bathroom but instead came back with a necklace of the seashell you picked up earlier.
"For you my love" he said coming up behind you to tie it behind your neck.
"Shoto you didn't have to!" you turned around to hug him quickly, which he gladly returned. "How did you even do this?"
The seashell was now encased in reasin, and it had never looked so beautiful before.
"I got someone from one of the stalls to make it for me
"Thank you Shoto" you said looking straight into his eyes, giving him a peck on tge lips "This really means a lot"
"Anything for you"
Flies you around until he find the perfect place to watch the most beautiful sunset.
Knows all the beautiful places to go.
Uses his wings to make big sand castles for some of the little kids on the beach.
Makes himself a sand mermaid tail and asks you if he looks cute.
Absolutely refuses to get his wings wet in the water.
I feel like he would be warrry of the ocean, not terrified of it or anything but just comes up with excuses not to get in.
If you tease him while he's flying you he'll have what I like to call "engine faliure"
"It's beautiful" you gawked in awe, staring into the ocean as various dolphins dove around. Keigo had given you a piggyback ride while flying to show you the wonders of nature. Wonders that nobody else has the chance to see. Currently, he was flying you over the ocean where all the marine creatures came into view.
"I know right?" He said lowering you both a bit so you could stick your hand into the golden ocean. Just then, a dolphin glided on your palm. Making you yelp in surprise and your boyfriend laughed.
Eventually, the air around you both dissolved into a comfortable silence.
The sun was setting into a beautiful deep orange. Its light cascades so gently onto the shimmering sea.
"How many time do you come here?"
"I've only been here once, and I knew I just had to bring you." he rubbed your legs soothingly. "Just to see that smile"
"Thank you Keigo" you thanked attacking the back of his head with kisses. Causing him to wobble in the air.
"Distracting your pilot isn't a good idea baby"
"Well why not?"
"Because then there will be an engine failure"
"What's an-"you were cut off with sudden power if wind hitting your face. Keigo diving downwards rapidly.
"KEIGO!" you yelled at him, clutching tightly onto his clothes for support, and closed your eyes to brace for impact. All you heard was his chuckles of amusement as he stretched out his wings last minute. His wings cause the water around you to splash. You knew he wouldn't dive in, not when he wouldn't want to get his wings wet anyway.
"Now that" he started going hightmer up into the air "Is what we call engine failure""
"You're so silly"
Who would you like to see in part 2??? 👀
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!!
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claireelizabeth85 · 5 months
Come Home To Me - Chapter 7
John Egan x OC Female
Summary: When the idea of a past life turns out it isn't just an idea or a dream.
Warning: Military inaccuracies, Lizzy needing a slap up the side of the head and Sarah being a badass MF. Other than that - enjoy.
AN: This is a work of fiction and is based on the TV characters from the Apple TV series. No disrespect is intended towards the real men of the 100th BG.
All previous chapters can be found here
Sarah's sharp gaze cut through the bustling crowd, her eyes fixing on Abigail amidst the sea of faces at the air show. She quickly suited up, her movements sharp and determined. 
"You know, this could be considered stalking," Sarah snapped, the edge in her voice cutting through the noise as she confronted Abigail. The woman's presence was unsettling, her motives unclear.
Abigail's response was hesitant, her words failing to fully conceal her true intentions. "We... I just wanted to see you off. Make sure that everything goes well," she offered, her voice tinged with a hint of unease.
Sarah's eyes narrowed, she wasn't buying it, not convinced by Abigail’s faltering concern. “Listen, Abby, is it? If you don't want me to know who you are, that’s fine. But there's definitely something you're not telling me. So how about you come clean or stay out of my way? Sarah crossed her arms, waiting for a response, but Abigail remained silent, her apologetic expression betraying the depth of her secrets. 
Sarah's frustration mounted as she waited for a response, but none came. With a final, terse remark, she turned and walked away, leaving Abigail and her brother, Jonathan, who was approaching the two women, standing alone amidst the crowd.
Jonathan's confusion was palpable as he stepped out in front of his sister, blocking the view of Sarah's retreating figure. "What the hell was that all about, Abby?" he demanded, his tone tinged with exasperation. "You say we can't get involved, and yet you're out here handing out photographs and cryptic messages to GeeGee. How is that not getting involved?"
Abigail exhaled deeply, her gaze drifting back toward the airfield. "Because, Johnny," she began, her voice heavy with resignation, "GeeGee told me herself to do it. She told me to ensure that they both got on the plane, but also warned us to stay away from..." Abby gestured towards the B-17 and Lizzy’s arriving figure.
Jonathan's brow furrowed in confusion. "She told you to stay away from Nana? Why?"
Abigail sat down on a nearby bench, her eyes tracking Lizzy as she inspected the bomber. “For starters, GeeGee specifically warned me about letting you near her.”
“Me? Why?” Jonathan scoffed, disbelief lacing his words.
“Really, Johnny?” Abigail raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and seriousness. “Do you think she won’t recognize who you are, or at least who you’re related to? You’re the spitting image of Grandpa—tall, dark hair, those aviator sunglasses, and, let’s not forget, those big ol’ ears. GeeGee fears that if you get too close, Lizzy might back out from the flight. No one really knows what might happen if she doesn’t get on the plane, but it’s best for everyone if we keep our distance.”
Digging into her jacket pocket, Abigail pulled out two sealed envelopes, cursing under her breath when she saw what they were. “These are the flight plans. If all of this is going to work, we need to nudge them into place—one needs to go to the tower, and the other to the bomber.”
Jonathan extended his hand, ready to take on part of the task. “I’ll take one to the bomber, and you take one to the tower.”
Abigail hesitated, her grip on the envelopes tight. “I mean it, Johnny, not a damn word. Don’t go in there and screw this up.”
Pushing his sunglasses up, Jonathan flashed a reassuring grin. “I know, Abby. Don't worry, I got this.”
As Jonathan headed toward the bomber, Abigail watched him for a moment, a mix of hope and anxiety in her eyes, before turning to make her way to the control tower. Each step was heavy with the weight of their family history, threading the past with the present, as they both played their part in shaping the uncertain future.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lizzy's anxiety churned within her as she approached the beautifully restored B-17 Flying Fortress. Though she was intimately familiar with the controls, akin to muscle memory, the jittery unease persisted. Beneath the wing, she dropped her flight bag, her hands trembling slightly. Needing a moment to ground herself, she embarked on a walk around the aircraft. With each step, she peeled off her gloves, her fingers tracing the smooth metal surface, feeling every rivet and indentation. 
Despite the reassurances echoing in her mind — no troubles, no fear, no fighters, no flak — the anxiety persisted like a haunting echo. Restless sleep had plagued her the night before. She knew she needed to sleep so instead of it coming immediately, she tossed and returned. It seemed like only yesterday she had soared through the sky in these majestic beasts, yet the reality was starkly different, more than 80 years had passed.
"Jesus Christ, who the hell am I kidding" she muttered under her breath, the weight of uncertainty crashing over her like a tidal wave. Dragging her feet, she headed back to her flight bag, steeling herself for the talk with Sarah. Part of her was already tempted to bail on this crazy plan.
As she retrieved her stuff, Sarah and a member of the ground crew had arrived to start the external pre-flight checks.  Lizzy rubbed her face, trying to get rid of the fear and anxiety.  Sarah pulled her hand away and yelled in her ear if there was something wrong. 
“I don’t think I can do this Sarah! I can’t do….we’ve been through so much, you can’t expect me to do this on my own!” Sarah could see the panic in Lizzy’s face.  The noise of the planes around them and the people watching the airshow amplified everything. Sarah could barely hear what was being said until one of the ground staff handed her a set of headphones.
“Lizzy, look at me!” she grabbed her friend’s hand.  Lizzy looked the part.  She was dressed in an original flying suit, a dark brown, freshly cleaned sheepskin flying jacket and an original and serviced Mae West, topped off with gloves and her officer’s cap. 
“You need to get out of your own head! You’re right, we’ve been through so much; boys, uni, this crazy ass situation, but right now, I need you to be the brave, bad-ass pilot that I have read about. I know you can do this Liz! I’ll be right here, all the way.” 
Lizzy’s brain tried to focus on what was going on around her, the thrum of the planes around them all starting up and getting into position. It was only when she truly looked at Sarah did she realise her best friend was also suited up in full flying gear and Mae West. 
“Sarah! What are you doing?  You can’t come with me! You’ll leave everything behind!” Sarah shook her head.  “Do you really think i’m going to let you fight the fucking Nazi’s on your own?” Lizzy’s jaw hung lax at Sarah’s new found confidence. 
“Besides, we need to take this” Sarah handed over the final piece of the whole puzzle.  A small black and white photograph of Lizzy and Sarah standing in front of her original fortress. 
“What the fuck?!” Lizzy couldn’t take this all in. “You drop this on me NOW!” Sarah laughed, “Well, I thought no time like the present, or is it the past.  Anyway, there’s something else.  You need to give this back to someone.”  Sarah grabbed Lizzy’s hand and placed a tarnished silver cross on a delicate chain in her palm. “Where the hell did you get that? It’s…”
“John’s. I know! Turns out I’m a snooper and I had a rummage around your trunk!”  Sarah smiled.  She patted Lizzy firmly on the shoulder.  “We’ll do this together Liz, all the way.  But right now, we need you to get on the fucking plane Lieutenant!”
Lizzy watched as the ground crew brought a ladder over for them to climb onboard.  Sarah being inexperienced and vertically challenged, appreciated the gesture and climbed up and got herself sorted.  Lizzy waved it away.  “I’ve done this hundreds of times and never with a ladder.” Placing the silver chain over her head and kissing the cross, more because of the previous owner than a religious sentiment, she then threw her bag and cap through the catch.  Jumping up, Lizzy grabbed the inside top of the hatch and like a gymnast, curled herself up and into the bomber.  Asking the ground crew to keep the hatch open until all pre-engine start-up checks were complete, Lizzy made her way to the cockpit. 
Everything felt so familiar.  For the first time in days she felt truly at peace, at home even.  Climbing into the left hand seat with a wry smile, she started the pre-flight checks. Sarah had situated herself in the flight engineer’s seat just behind Lizzy. 
“Sarah, do we know who else is flying with us?” Sarah popped up over her shoulder, taking in the cockpit in a moment of awe.  “No I don’t, sorry.  Thought Geoff said that he was going to step in but he’s over at the tower.  Don would have been copilot but he’s not here.”  Lizzy attached her throat mic and started talking to the tower, requesting confirmation. 
“Tower, this is Queen Bee”, She waited for them to respond. “Geoff, who’s flying with me?”  The pause was followed by a sigh “well shit! I know I’m a good pilot but there’s no way I can get this bird off the ground on my own!” Lizzy sounded exasperated. “Because, you spanner monkey, it takes two pilots to get her off the ground and the last time I flew one of these things, I had the best pilot as a command pilot - and no I don't mean Don. ” Lizzy ran her hand over her face. “Yeah, yeah.  I can get Sarah to sit in the other seat.  There’s not much she needs to do.  Yeah, we’ll be fine.  No! Don’t you dare scrub us! I said we’ll be fine. Queen Bee out” 
Lizzy twisted around to look at Sarah.  “Guess you’ve been promoted, come and join me in my office!” As Sarah climbed her way into the cockpit and into the right hand seat, she stared around at all the switches and dials, her eyes wide with panic as though she was about to be tested and she hadn’t done the homework. 
“Erm, Liz, you know I don't know how to fly right?” Lizzy chuckled.  “Sure you do Tink, it’s either a case of flapping your arms really fast or you need to think of a wonderful thought!” The pair of them laughing at the stupidity of Lizzy’s joke eased Sarah’s nervousness. 
“There’s not much you need to do.  Here, put this round your throat, push either side to talk and you’ll need to put these on so you can hear the tower. Sarah got herself situated.  She could hear chatter over the radio. She remained silent, only replying when Lizzy required her assistance. Lizzy walked through the checks from memory, the actual list laying across her knees. Her final check was the fuel gauge. Humming to herself in contemplation of something, she made a note and placed the checklist to her right. 
Radioing to the Tower, Lizzy informed them they were ready for engine start up as all pre-flight checks had been done and the hatch could be closed. Sarah tried so hard not to fidget in her seat.  “I really hope you remember what you’re doing Lizzy, cos if you don’t, I don’t have a goddam clue and this’ll be the first crash of a B-17 in about 80 years.” 
Lizzy turned to her best friend, amazed that she was making the decision to come with her.  “I got this, don’t worry.  I will need your help in a minute to get us off the ground but I will coach you through it.  But once we’re in the air, you can sit back and check out the view.”
Interrupting their final checks, there was a call from the hatch and Abigail’s brother, Johnny, appeared at the entrance to the cockpit.  Sarah’s eyes narrowed, unhappy by his presence in the aircraft.  Johnny acknowledged them both and handed Sarah an envelope with the instruction “DO NOT OPEN UNTIL AIRBORNE” written across it in red capitals. 
“I’m here with your orders and flight plan ma’am.  Also, I’m to collect your signed pre-flight check-list”  Lizzy just stared at the man.  Her hand gripping the check-list as he tried to take it from her.  She couldn’t get over how familiar he looked.  She felt like she knew his name, that it was at the end of her tongue. Sarah wanted to know what was going on as well, considering she’d told them both to stay away. 
“Ma’am?  Are you finished with your list?” Sarah stared at the exchange and then nudged Lizzy’s knee to get her to focus.
“Erm no…yes of course. In fact, just one second, please” Lizzy checked the sheet and the fuel gauge again. 
“Tower, this is Queen Bee, over” Lizzy studied the checklist, her fuel gauge and the fuel gauge on Sarah’s side as she waited for their reply, 
“Queen Bee, this is Tower. Go ahead Lizzy, over.”
“Tower, Geoff, tell me again how much fuel I’m meant to have, over?” Lizzy didn’t need to do the maths, she knew how far she could get on her current tanks. She was currently sitting on enough fuel for 1700 miles. 
“Queen Bee, Lizzy you should have one full tank, over.'' She frowned, checked Sarah’s gauge to make sure that she wasn’t messing up the maths, and even the reserve gauge, which was flat. 
“Tower, you sure? Cos I’m looking at two full fuel tanks here.  You’re not planning on packing us off somewhere are you?” They both chuckled. “Geoff, we’re either gonna need to go first or last, cos we are heavy now.  We can take off with everyone else and stay in a holding pattern which is fine, cos I have the flight plan here. I’ll talk to you when we’re ready for take off.  Queen Bee out.” Lizzy made a final note on the check-list and handed it over. 
“Thank you.  Please tell the ground crew to stand clear and we’ll do the engine start up.” Johnny nodded acknowledging Lizzy’s request and shooting Sarah an apologetic smile and then turned to leave the cockpit, before looking over his shoulder, calling out to Lizzy.
“Lieutenant?”  Lizzy twisted in her seat. “Yes?” Lizzy took a moment to look at him. His short hair, cut in a modern military short back and sides style, he was clean shaven and there was just something about him that made him feel so  familiar. His face was beautiful, with angled cheeks and a strong jawline. His eyes were a gorgeous ocean blue that twinkled with mischief. His soft but defined cupid’s bow was prominent when he smiled at her. Lizzy tried to fit the pieces together from her mind to work out who he was, but he spoke before she could get her answer.
“I’ve been asked to remind you that you’re not to do any stupid shit” and before Lizzy, or Sarah, had the opportunity to say anything, Johnny was gone. 
As he slid out of the hatch, he knew he had gone against what Abigail said but he’d needed to talk to her, to see her in person, even if she didn’t know him. He remembered the stories from when he was a child, about how Nana was always reminded not to do anything stupid while Grandpa was at work. “It’s because she gets a little careless when I’m not around.” Johnny walked back towards the tower, a smug smile on his face, Abigail meeting him beside a replica jeep.
“What the hell was that all about?” Sarah asked, as Lizzy stared at the space Johnny had occupied. “I don’t….he knew…did you tell him?” Lizzy looked at Sarah, with a questioning eye. “Tell him what?” Lizzy realised that Sarah wouldn’t know.  “Nothing, never mind.” Shaking her head to clear her mind, Lizzy focused on the task at hand. 
Leaning out the window to her left, she acknowledged the ground crew waiting for her to start the fortress’ huge engines.  As both engines one and two spluttered to life and the cockpit started to vibrate, Lizzy relaxed both mentally and physically.  
Talking Sarah through what she needed to do with the choke for the engines on her side, all four were now humming.  Oh how she had missed that sound.  Even in her modern life, there had always been something missing, some piece of her that she couldn’t quite find.  This was it.  
“Tower this is Queen Bee, over” 
“Tower, go ahead Lizzy.” 
“We have four engines hot and ready to go.  Your guy dropped off the orders and flight plan and took our checklist. You decided if we’re first or last, over?” Lizzy watched as the ground crew stood themselves in clear view of her window. 
“Tower, We haven’t issued any orders or a flight plan Lizzy.  As far as we know, your checklist is still with you.”
She looked down at the clipboard and to her confusion, Geoff was right. She looked over at Sarah who still had hold of the envelope that said it should not be opened until they were in flight.  Sarah went to open it before Lizzy stopped her.  “Don’t open it. Not yet…it’s… bad luck.” Lizzy touched her throat. 
“Tower, my fault, the checklist is still here.  Can return it when we get back. Are we first or last over?” Lizzy wanted to get this going, the waiting and the apprehension were making her jittery. 
“Queen Bee - you’re the star of the show Lizzy, you’re up first. Have a good flight.  See you when you get back. Out.”  Lizzy pushed out a breath.  Finally, she thought. 
Giving the ground crew a thumbs, Lizzy eased off the brakes and gently pushed the throttle forward slowly rolling the aircraft forwards. She made slight adjustments with the brakes as she worked her way towards the runway.  
“This is it Sarah - now or never.” Sarah beamed a smile so wide, it went from ear to ear.  “You got this Liz. You just tell me what you need and I’ll try my best.”
“Tower, this is Queen Bee. Holding on the runway. Waiting for green, over.” Lizzy took a deep breath in.  There were no nerves to steady, just one of those things she always did.
“Queen Bee this is Tower. Green will appear to your west. Runway is yours. Good weather with clear sky and no haze. No aircraft in our space and holding pattern is at 10,000 feet. Good luck Liz. Tower out.” 
Seconds later, the green flare from the Tower lit up even in broad daylight. Lizzy gently guided Sarah’s hand to the co-pilot throttle.
“Nice and easy, we don’t want to be down the end of the runway and still be on the ground.  We’ll pick up enough speed and then when I say let go, start to gently pull back on the yoke.” 
Sarah, as instructed, started to call out the ground speed as Queen Bee started to gently thunder down the runway.  Lizzy, taking a last look out, caught sight of the man who had dropped off the flight plan. He was sitting on top of a replica army jeep, his feet crossed, leaning back on his hands.  A pair of aviator sunglasses protected his gaze from the afternoon sun. 
For a split second, Lizzy could have sworn it was John, waving at her.  She shook her head and refocused on the runway and their speed. Lizzy told Sarah to keep going and she released her throttle and started to pull back on the yoke.  
She could feel the wheels start to lift, pulling ever so slightly harder to bring the nose up and the stunning plane, beautifully restored, took flight as they climbed up into the clouds. 
@victoryrollsandredlips @bobparkhurst @prettyinlimegreenboots @ginabaker1666 @instructionsnotincluded @luminouslywriting @thedeviltohisangel
AN: If you enjoyed this chapter and want to gossip about it, then my DMs and asks are open, come and chat!
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Finals
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Captain Isabel Lovelace (Wolf 359):
Her everything <3 But in all seriousness WHAT is more sexy than a haunted, competent, funny, cursed, vengeful, mourning, badass, doomed woman?
listen to the run and hide speech and tell me that isn't the sexiest thing you've ever heard
Hot space lady who could kill me mmm yes please!
(sort of) twice-undead space captain who wired a bomb to her heart to make sure the crew of her ship didn't kill her before her escape shuttle got working. she's funny she's a genius she knows how to use a gun and she cares very much about her crew (despite the whole bomb thing).
#LOVELACE #idk who she’s up agaunst really tbf #but she cares so SO much #she gets boiled down to ’tough scary lady hot’ a lot (which 100% agree) but #she is heartbroken about her failure to keep her crew safe #and stubbornly wants to make sure none of it is in vain #even if it kills her #HOT. ​even apart from how hot her monologues and threats to hilbert are #also her and eifel laughing and getting along when they first meet her 😭 yall #anyway. lovelace 1000%. the defense rests
Vote Lovelace cuz of the way she says "Hi honey, I'm home" to the bastard who shot her in the head, and then how she proceeds to beat him up <3 Oh. And how she twists his arm and says "good boy". Yeah.
#LOVELACE SWEEP. DO NOT FUCKING LET ME DOWN #Lovelace is so much to me #Seen some people in the notes citing the run and hide speech#Which is very good #but my personal favorite Lovelace thing is variations on a theme #The cyclical nature of trauma #The lack of trust #The fear #the sadness #‘You can never go home. You were home. And now you’re back— and you can never go back.’ #Lovelace hearing Hera say something to her and #Thinking ‘what she’s actually saying is that I’m a demon and she would be glad to kill me in a slow and horrifying manner’ #Is so #I don’t agree that Lovelace is doomed either #Like #lovelace did die. But #She got out of that pain and trauma #How do you listen to her say that she is Isabel Lovelace #That she rejects the person that pain made her to be #And say she’s doomed
captain lovelace helped 12yo me realise I like women. She’s so hot. her threatening Hilbert is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. isabel lovelace SWEEP
If you don't vote for lovelace you're all lying about supporting womens' wrongs.
Not to be dramatic or anything, but I will never forgive any of you if you let Lovelace lose. She's tragic, she's haunted, she's an alien clone, she's vengeful but trying to be a better person. SHE DIDNT DIE TWICE FOR Y'ALL TO LET HER LOSE THE SEXIEST PODCAST CHARACTER TOURNAMENT. And I'm sorry. The part when (see propaganda above) she is intentionally pissing off Kepler so in the event he kills one of the hostages it's her instead of Eiffel??? Shit talking Kepler AND trying to save Eiffel's life? Serving absolute cunt. Sexiest moment of all time, actually.
Are we all forgetting that her introduction involved keeping a dead man switch for her spaceship (converted into a bomb) wired into her goddamn HEART??? Vote Lovelace or else
VOTE FOR ISABEL LOVELACE, HOTTEST WOMAN ON THIS PLANET (AND OUT OF THIS WORLD 🤘). she is everything to me , always . im head over heels
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Hera (Wolf 359):
I don't care if she's an AI with no physical form, she is HOT
my digital wife <3
oh it's always "i want a hot computergirl with poor cable management to glitch on my shit" and "i want to fuck her until she bluescreens" on this website until it's time to put your money where your mouth is. i have a post about usb penetration with tens of thousands of notes. i see the things you all say. you have a hot computergirl in front of you and this is how you all repay her? you would abandon her? prove yourselves as the computer sex website; vote for hera NOW!!!
"everyone voting Hera in this round is doing it strictly because she is an AI" WRONG. INCORRECT. everyone voting for hera is doing it because she's funny and thoughtful and passionate and wears her heart on her sleeve despite all of the times people have let her down. because she's anti-authority, and that's sexy. it's sexy that she's an AI because the way she navigates being a woman in that context is inherently transgender, and THAT'S sexy, but on its own? not even like, top five most relevant things about her. self-determination? that's sexy.
VOTE FOR HERA. i'm not done. i've made the case that she would want this more, and that's true, but you should also want her. the propaganda says she doesn't have a physical form - in one sense, that's true, but she DOES have an internal self-image and the desire for physicality. most of the physical sensations she's experienced so far have been painful - think of what you could do for her. she has human desire without the means to act on it. she's the most touch starved anyone has ever been. making love to someone who can't be touched by conventional means IS inherently sexy and it IS a win for disabled trans women everywhere.
she's passionate and kind of emotionally unstable and fiercely loyal - "officer eiffel? he's your deadman's switch. if you let him die, or if you do anything that doesn't fall under the category of do no harm, i will go off. i will rain acid on your ass. i will crank the temperature in the room so high that your skin will crack, and bubble, and burn. i will vent you into space through a hole the size of a quarter. and if i am feeling very, very generous, i won't do all those things slowly." like come on!! what more do you want!!
VOTE FOR HERA. my final, last-minute appeal: her character arc is fundamentally about identity, autonomy, and being seen the way she wants to be seen. the way she navigates her identity as a woman in this context is inherently transgender, and that IS sexy. she's funny, she's passionate, she's sweet, she's been let down repeatedly by almost everyone she's ever met and she still opens her heart to people because she so badly craves connection. she's frustrated, touch starved, and pent up, and was initially rejected from service because of her impulsive, emotional, unorthodox way of thinking. i have so much more i could say on her behalf, but this IS a contest of sex appeal. thinking outside the box, breaking rules, and reaching beyond the limitations of her own form is so central to who she is. hera could come up with freak shit beyond the comprehension of the average person, and she IS enthusiastic enough to make it work.
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What Your Favorite Zelda Ship Says About You (for the games I’m familiar with)
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You are a firm believer in the inherent beauty of two souls coming together, again and again, through reincarnation after reincarnation.
Hylia x Hero: …see above. Also, you read the Skyward Sword manga.
Ocarina of Time:
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You think classic Disney Princess movies are more feminist than given credit, and that Cinderella is more badass than she’s given credit.
Link x Sheik: You were absolutely fucking pissed to learn that you can only play as Sheik in Super Smash Bros. Also you are almost definitely some flavor of trans.
Link x Dark Link: Looking back on your childhood, you can pinpoint Ocarina of Time as the beginning of your crippling addiction to “Enemies to Lovers”.
(Child) Link x Saria: You really like Disney Channel movies where the popular kid’s girlfriend is nice to the loser protagonist.
Link x Malon: You just want good things for Link. And really, who wouldn’t? Also, you’re a horse girl.
(Adult) Link x Nabooru: Your favorite Champion is Urbosa.
Link x Ruto: You love the scene in Dragon Ball where Goku accidentally proposes to Chi-Chi but holds up to that promise when they’re adults.
Twilight Princess:
Link x Midna (MidLink): You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of getting dunked on. 
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You are a firm believer in keeping things canon and keeping things wholesome. 
Link x Ilia (IliaLink): You believe that the Hero of Time settled down with Malon.
Midna x Zelda (Midzel): You hypothetically want a girlfriend who can kick your ass but realistically you just want to be bridle carried. Also, you read the manga.
Midna x Zelda x Link (Midzelink): Your solution to a love triangle is ALWAYS polyamory.
Midna x Zant (MidZant): Your AO3 history is about 50% Reylo fanfiction.
Zant x Ganondorf (Zandorf): You definitely got your start in the Star Wars fandom by writing Kylo x Hux slash fic.
Skyward Sword:
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You have gotten into at least five heated Internet arguments about Skyward Sword being underrated. Also you cried at that ZeLink shot in the Tears of the Kingdom trailer.
Hylia x (Original) Link (Hylink): You cried at that other shot in the Tears of the Kingdom trailer of maybe Link’s metal arm holding maybe Hylia’s arm. Also you read the manga.
Link x Ghirahim (GhiraLink): You are still pissed Ghirahim wasn’t in Smash.
Link x Groose (GroosLink): Your mom told you that that mean boy on the playground pulled your hair because he likes you and you never let go of that.
Zelda x Groose (Zeloose): You are painfully heterosexual. Alternatively, you are Groose.
Breath of the Wild:
Link x Zelda (ZeLink): You are a firm believer in the inherent romanticism of shared trauma and Knight x Princess dynamics.
Link x Mipha (MiphLink): Your ideal relationship dynamic is one-sided, tragic pining. Press F to pay respects.
Link x Paya (PayLink): You just want good things for Paya. And really, who wouldn’t?
Link x Sidon (SidLink): You’re always a slut for beautiful cinnamon rolls, too good for this world, too pure.
Link x Revali (RevaLink): You love the Tumblr meme that’s like “You want to fuck me so bad, it makes you look stupid.” Also, you think people are too mean to Revali.
Zelda x Revali (ZeReval (?)): You are heterosexual.
Urbosa x Zelda’s Mom: You are a strong supporter of two women who are sick of a man’s bullshit.
King Rhoam x Literally Anyone: You think Endeavor deserves a redemption arc.
EDIT: the sequel
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harlowtales · 8 months
Part 4
Y/N and Jack have the decision of their lives to make 💍
18+ Only - Adult Themes/Drama/Language
📍Stick with this series! We’re getting there I promise! Thanks 🙏🏾
“Y/N I told you to pack up all your shit, why did you only pack for until Tuesday?” Jack said in frustration.
“I’m not doing that yet Jack. Let’s just take it one day at a time.” You said trying to be level-headed.
“I have somewhere to take you. I was hoping for more time with you. Like the rest of your life pretty much.” Jack replied in a giggle. You didn’t know how true that statement was.
“There’s no rush Jackman.” You said kissing him on the cheek as you left to walk the puppy.
As soon as you left Jack sprung into action. “Everything a go?” He asked your mom and his.
“All good over here!” They both said enthusiastically on speaker phone. “Good luck son. You’re signing up for a handful!” Your mother said.
“Everything is ready hunny and don’t forget to lock up the barn doors.”Jack’s mom said.
After you got back Jack said to get ready for your afternoon date. Funny how you didn’t go on dates much. It was out with the guys and those petty bitches or one of Jack’s shows. You were so excited for a drive out to the country for a picnic and horseback riding. Seeing Jack’s childhood town was going to be special.
The whole way through the beautiful drive Jack was rehearsing everything in his mind. He was so deep in thought you scared him when you spoke.
“What’s up with you? Why are you so jittery?” You giggled.
“No reason. You know how I get lost in my thoughts baby.” Jack said his voice shaking a bit.
You turned the corner up a winding gravel path to the most charming farmhouse. “Oh my goodness.” You gasped “It’s beautiful Jack. It’s everything I imagined. You grew up here?”
“For a bit.” He said “Man me and Clay used to have fun here.” He said pointing to an old barn on the property. “Let’s go!” He said and took off running.
“Jack wait!” You said taking off to catch up.
He ran ahead and opened up the barn to your amazement. You couldn’t believe your eyes. The barn was decorated with twinkling white fairy lights, and a blanket spread out. A picnic basket was waiting with a bottle of wine and 2 champagne glasses.
“Jackman” You gasped in awe
Jack came up behind you and enveloped you in his arms planting a warm kiss on your neck. “Babygirl I…I…” Jack stuttered and his face flushed.
“Jackman what is it? Take your time baby.” You said softly trying to calm him down.
He got down on one knee, pulled a tiny box out of his pocket, and when he slowly cracked open the box you froze. The delicate diamond caught the sunlight coming through the cracks in the old barn and it shined like the sun itself.
“Y/N will you… Jack started to say but you ran out of the barn in tears heading back to the Jeep.
Jack was so stunned he was in that position on bended knee for a minute. When he caught up with you were bawling in the Jeep. He opened the door on your side and you leaped into his arms a complete mess.
“You not ready that’s ok baby. Shhhhhhh.” Jack said holding you tight and caressing your hair. “I know it hasn’t been easy with me, but I want you to know I’m done with all the things I was chasing. Everyone I was chasing. It’s all about you for all time. You have to believe me baby please. I love you so much please be my wife and have my kids that are bound to be a handful. I need you Y/N. I can’t imagine losing you.” Jack started to cry. He went down on his knee trying one more time. “I’ll propose every day until you say yes. You made me the man I want to be” He said through his tears.
“Jackman, I love you more than it’s really ok to love anyone but...” you said “I need to know that you respect me. I never doubted you love me. I want your badass curly headed babies but I can’t say yes if you’re going to be chasing women and not letting me do my art. I won’t sign up for that. I just can’t.” You said regaining your inner strength.
Jack paused and got up and put the box back in his pocket. He took your hand and led you back to the barn. “Let’s just eat and have some champagne.” He said “I need to respect your space and let you think.”
“I love you so much Jack.” You said leaning on his arm and feeling in a weird way by choosing you in that moment, you actually preserved your peace with him.
“You’ll come around cuz I’ll ask you every fucking day.” He said with a straight face. “But now you moving in ok?”
“Yes.” You said throwing Jack off for a minute.
“Yes??!!!” He said excitedly
“Yes I’ll move in with you. Not marry you. Not right now anyway. You turned to face him and took both his hands. Jack we need to go for counselling.”
“I literally have been in therapy for years babes.” He said with a smile “but you…kray kray.” He said sticking his tongue out.
“Shut up!” You said sucker punching him.
“I’ll do whatever you need” He said kissing you on the forehead and taking the sandwiches your mom made out of the basket.
“Hurry up and eat. It’s almost time to saddle up.” He popped open the champagne and the cork took off like a rocket. He filled your glass and his.
“You’re drinking with me?” You said as he rarely drank.
“I need a several shots of bourbon right now let alone champagne.” He said referring to your refusal.
You enjoyed the crisp Kentucky afternoon and rode alongside Jack on a breathtaking trail. His curls bounced as he rode and he looked to you like a middle ages knight.
“Great ride Colonel Harlow.” You teased as you dismounted your horse and patted her on the nose. “I needed that. That is therapy” You said looking longingly at him. “You’re my whole world.” You said wistfully. “I just need time.”
“I ain’t going nowhere. This the best ass in Louisville.” He said grabbing your behind and deeply interlocking his tongue with yours. “Wanna get freaky on some hay in the barn?”
“Giddy up cowboy!” You said as he scooped you up to lay you down on bails of hay. It was the perfect end to a not so perfect proposal.
The big show was tomorrow. Drake and JCole were flying in and this moment you were sharing with your sweetheart in a run down barn in Shelbyville would soon be a whirlwind of the chaos of 6x Grammy nominated Jack Harlow’s life. You couldn’t wait for the show…and the revenge. Jack had to show you he could really cut people off or no way you would become Mrs. Harlow 💍
@itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow @okaaay-mice
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 months
I'd just like to say, you put FMAB on my radar again. I never really looked into it before, however I've been considering either reading the manga or watching the anime, how would you describe the series to a newcomer?
A tale of loss, trying to regain your own autonomy, family secrets and the realization of your own fuck ups?
Like the story revolves around Edward and Alphonse who are genius brothers who try to bring their mom back from the dead. They don't, and instead come face to face with truth. “Who am I? One name you might have for me is The World, or you might call me The Universe, or perhaps God, or perhaps the Truth. I am all and I am one, so of course this also means that I am you. I am the truth of your despair."
Like it's NEVER DISCUSSED if this is God. We know them as Truth.
Truth takes Ed's leg, and Al's WHOLE body and then Ed gives up his arm to bind Al to a suit of armour. They are looking for a way to give Al his body back. And like... it's intense.
I honestly would say it's my fav anime series of all time. It's about these boys who were arrogant enough to try to beat Death and got smacked down. They're smart, skilled. They are on top of the world in the beginning. But then they get confronted with 'everything you know is a lie' and they have to face this. They have to come to terms with this.
Their father walked out? Well, turns out he had a reason to! (He's still a shitty dad)
Oh hey, you know that thing that could save your guys lives? Guess what it's powered by! Human souls! Meaning you have to go against your morals if you want to use it!
Hey, so everything you thought was true? NOT.
Then the side characters? Oh my god, they're amazing. Badass women, dorky but skilled men, the villains are epic, and I just.... AHHH.
And the ending?! No spoilers but it is one of my fav endings because most anime/stories start with someone being raised to godhood, but FMAB? No, this is someone stepping down from their pillar and it is BEAUTIFUL. (I still want to keep Alchemy/Automail for ed though...)
ALSO THIS IS SOME OF THE BEST DISABILITY REP? Like, Ed is disabled. He has prosthetics. They function like his old limbs but they also DON'T.
He lost his dominate arm, and his automail isn't built for writing, so he has to use his other hand. They're so heavy his growth has been stunted. He can't swim. The cold can kill him easier, and the desert? YIKES. Plus they can/do break.
I fully recommend it. I found this old reddit thing once saying to watch the first 23 or so episodes of the 2003 version, then FMAB and I do recommend that. 2003 was being produced while FMA the manga was being written, so they got a good chunk of episodes before they went off the rails. It's not a bad off the rails, but I prefer FMAB for the fucking stellar ending.
(Also again the CHARACTERS. Just YES.)
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Tumblr crossed soul mates yessssssss you have the BEST opinions and dropping asks here is so much fun and really it's the highlight of my day.
Shanks trying to get flirting advice from the crew, specifically Roger, is both so in character and absolutely hilarious. Like. Dropping my own headcanon here, but I feel like Rouge was probably ALSO a badass of a woman, and so Roger's type is women who could destroy me. Shanks has the same taste, plus a little extra friends-to-lovers trope seasoning for extra Flavor. Crocus is just off to the side, either NO help or equally as bad. Rayleigh is certain he's going gray already bc of the Shenanigans.
Imagine for a moment that Shanks keeps Not Being Clear. He thinks he's being OBVIOUS, but Buggy, while Suspecting Smth, isn't gonna make it easy on him (she also is terrified to be misreading things and refuses to take that chance. She talks mad shit, but Shanks is her PERSON. Of course she loves him, of course he's her soulmate, her beloved, her bst friend, her comrade, of course of course of course. But she'd rather remain best friends and pining inside than risk losing him at all.).
It comes to a head when they have their Regularly Scheduled Whitebeard V Roger Fight.
((Insert a crack ship here but-)) Maybe, after the battle, during the cool down, this time around there's no Teach to set Buggy's instincts off. Maybe Marco, just a few years the cabin kids' senior, has Noticed Buggy. Maybe the Phoenix is preening and fighting weird, sudden instincts and is so absolutely FLUSTERED by it. Maybe Buggy is, in turn, flustered or flattered by the attention - maybe she even misconstrues it.
Marco is letting Buggy look over his books, is offering her his hand when boarding or stepping off a ship - either ship, mind you - is sharing his food, is shouldering others aside to give her something Shiny and Pretty, is attentive to if she shivers, if she sweats, offers her comfortable places to sit, is just.... in her orbit.
And Shanks does not like that, not one bit.
So he's in a Mood, as one would expect of a jealous teen boy, no matter his general disposition.
Others have noticed by now, the intense glaring matches between Marco and Shanks are shooting over an oblivious Buggy's head. She's just too excited by treasures, fabrics, textures and books to care much about the boys - until the evening.
Marco invites her to read together by the firelight, a blanket in one arm. She's tempted - he has a few books on constellations that she's debating lifting from their dusty shelves, and so few on the Oro Jackson enjoy reading the way she does.
But then a hand hooks decisively on her waist. Suddenly, Shanks is beside her, arm around her, holding her, pinning her, to his side and chest as he shoots what may generously be called a smile at the zoan devil fruit user.
"Buggy is capable of speaking for herself, Red-yoi."
"Oh, she is! Absolutely, I'll never cast doubt on that. She's spirited, alright. But ya know something, bird brain?" His eyes darken, smiled falling. "She's mine."
"Is she now?"
"If she wants to be - I won't force it. But watch your hands. Don't get so touchy with my Buggy."
"Stay in your lane, Shanks-yoi."
And suddenly the hand on her waist is gone. Suddenly Shanks is gone. Suddenly there's a brawl, right there, and Buggy is left gaping as her brain works on overdrive.
Half the assembled crews are drunk and cheering them on, a good chunk are asleep or off wandering, but Buggy is soon swept into the safe cocoon of Toki's arms, tucked to her side.
She is transfered to Roger, to Rayleigh, taken home and calmed down because the fragile, precarious structure she has assembled now has become full of unknowns. She's losing her mind over it, but more than that, she's fighting a desperate hope that she hates herself for having.
Shanks can do so much better than her, she tells herself.
The boy in question comes staggering in soon after - he was pissed at Marco, sure, but he noticed when she started panicking, when she began floating, when she was gone - and he came for her. He came as quickly as he could.
And he apologizes. "I shouldn't have called you mine."
Her chest feels like it's been stabbed.
He continues without hesitation. "You're your own person. You're too bright and smart and strong and awesome to just be some guy's girl. You're Buggy, and my feelings for you shouldn't ever take that away from you."
"What are you feelings for me?"
And they cry that night. They yell, and scream, and cry, and laugh, and when they fall asleep, it's tangled together in his hammock, her head resting on his chest and his grin buried in blue curls.
Marco and Shanks, both as adults, still have a semi-playful rivalry going on where they're down to throw hands at the drop of a hat, but it's all in good fun. They still sometimes argue over Buggy, but it's mostly to get her to blush, cackle or yell at them - usually, all three, though not in that order. Marco calls her "the one that got away" and makes the melodramatic "sometimes I can still hear her voice-" comments if only bc it makes people either laugh, groan, or get absolutely flabbergasted.
He was invited to their wedding.
AAA I'm so glad you're having fun sending the asks because I have so much fun reading your ideas <33 They're just SO good.
This is all PERFECT. Rouge was definitely a badass of a woman and somehow Roger managed to date her. Somehow. He doesn't know. He thinks he knows. He doesn't. And his advice isn't really that helpful for Shanks, ngl. He's just left without knowing exactly what to do to win Buggy's heart, but at least he can talk to Roger about it.
And,,, The Marco thing,,, The jealousy,, Especially with the rizz this man has, honestly, Shanks is righteously feeling intimidated. He's older than them and he's hotter. He looks more mature and calm and he reads and does those things Buggy enjoys. He makes her laugh, too, and Shanks is furious because he should be the one making her laugh!! It's not only that it makes him mad, but also, it makes him feel insecure about himself and his abilities. The thing is, Marco makes Buggy feel comfortable and appreciates her a lot, but he isn't Shanks. She thinks that Shanks doesn't feel the same and she won't confess either because she's scared of ruining their friendship. So Marco is the best option here, right? She should settle for him. But he isn't Shanks. And Shanks knows he doesn't have any right to claim Buggy or whatever, but this is pissing him off a lot. Both of them being stupid and feeling insecure about the other's feelings is so good,, And then they talk things out, of course, because Shanks shouldn't have said those things, but also Buggy did like it. Kind of. The fact that he was so protective of her. And that night they finally confess and kiss for the first time and it's just so good-- They laugh and whisper sweet nothings between kisses and it's the first time they do it but it feels so right. Buggy thinks about them being soulmates, but Shanks is the one to say it out loud.
And ever since, Shanks and Marco have had this rivalry and nobody knows exactly why because they never tell people about it. But it's just so hilarious to see them bicker for something that happened years ago. Every time Buggy remembers that, her self-esteem goes higher and higher, so at least she gets something good out of it.
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