#badge gob
heavy-buddy · 4 months
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making bisexual badge real one post at a time
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thesnuggliestduckling · 3 months
I am booping rather indiscriminately I’m afraid. If I see that button, you’re gettin a boopin.
Feel free to spam me with boops also!
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oscconfessions · 3 months
badge gob is so bisexual
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gobspeaks · 9 months
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oh he's SO confident. King shit
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charmsandtealeaves · 9 months
Detention With a Difference
Written for Blackevans BFF Week, Day 2: Family Woes.
Sirius keeps winding up in detention. Lily has an alternative suggestion for venting her friend's frustrations that don't involve costing Gryffindor the House Cup.
Read it on AO3 or below the cut. Words: 527
“I hear you’ve managed to land yourself in detention again.” Lily scolded over dinner. “You’ve been assigned lines under my supervision. As if I didn’t have plans to study this evening.”
Sirius shrugged, continuing to shovel mashed potatoes into his gob. “Merlin forbid you have to put some effort into that shiny prefect badge of yours aye, Evans?”
“What did you do this time?” she asked.
“Regulus was running his mouth so I shut it,” he replied tersely. “Langlock jinx. Let’s see the little shit spew his blood purity tripe with his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.”
Lily rolled her eyes but smiled at him all the same. After dinner Sirius made to march up the stairs towards the usual classroom in which he had to carry out line-writing detentions (arguably the most lenient kind of detention Professor McGonagall ever set), when Lily grabbed him by the elbow.
“Oh no you don’t. Come on, we're going outside.”
Sirius cocked his head at her. “Uhhh… Evans, detention remember?” 
“I know. I’ve changed it. We’re going down to the training grounds.”
Sirius followed, utterly confused as he was. What the ruddy hell was she playing at? Lily steered him towards the quidditch supply sheds and unlocked them, pulling out a pair of beaters bats and eye goggles. “Hate to break it to you Evans but the school banned corporal punishment several years back, so beating me into submission is off the cards.” he smirked. “The bat’s for you dickhead.” she replied, shoving one of each item into his hand. “You need a better way of dealing with your frustration at Regulus than jinxing him in the corridor in front of professors. Not only do I not wish to spend my evenings supervising your arse, but I would like to win the house cup. You constantly losing us house points isn’t exactly in line with that.” 
With a flick of her wand Lily conjured a set of pedestals, each with a stone bust atop of it. One that looked strikingly similar to his brother Regulus, and the other more feminine with a long neck and jaw. Lily pulled the goggles down over her eyes, twirling her own bat in a smooth circular motion, before gripping the handle in both hands and taking a violent swing. The bat connected with the female bust smashing it to pieces, sending dust and debris flying. Sirius took a few steps back to avoid being struck. 
“Bloody hell, Evans!” He shouted. 
She gestured to the remaining bust as she reparo’d her own. “Your turn. Hit Regulus.” 
Sirius donned the protective eyewear and swung. The force of the impact and the satisfying crack as the stone splintered relieved some of the tension that had built in his shoulders. Lily repaired his bust. They repeated the motions again and again, smashing bust after bust until Sirius was sweating, sore and covered in a layer of dust. He wiped his brow with the back of his sleeve. 
“I’d say that’ll do for now.” Lily panted. “Next time, just smash his face in down here yeah? Much more cathartic than writing lines.”
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vic-the-crayon · 3 months
My Thoughts On GOB:
I thought it was neat 😊
I really like Cactus as the stereotypical evil genius maniac. Checker and and Badge are adorable.
And Lime being a loner
I love it when Cologne calls Burger “handsome”, like not even as a compliment but as a nickname 🤗
To those who want to do a drinking game with this show:
DO NOT, under any circumstance, take a shot every time someone says the word “anyways”.
Curtain getting eliminated RIGHT before the talent show contest 😭
The only thing I knew about this show before watching it was that Earth got hit in the… South Pole… in episode 10.
And after watching what kind of character he was like, by episode 10 I was like “YAS Pommy, get his ass!”
I think that between Cactus and Badge, Blueberry isn’t gonna survive the next elimination…
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ladykailitha · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Stole this from @kedreeva because I couldn’t decide what I wanted to work on. My only problem is that I tend to file name what the title is so I can find it easier, so...here’s what they were called before I titled them.
“File” Names
Rockstar AU part 10
Reconnect Part 11
Boy with a Bat Book 2 Part 2
Soulmate AU Chapter 1
Rockstar AU
“Oi!” he sneered. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
“We’re security for the venue,” the one on the right said, flashing his badge.
“Did Juan send you?” the roadie asked.
The second man leaned forward to read the roadie’s shirt. “Well, Mike, there isn’t a Juan working here. You can’t fool us.”
Mike smirked and jerked his thumb behind him to a large Latino man with arms like barrels and a chest like a tank.
“That’s Juan,” he said as if he was talking to an infant. “And he’s the one that manages the security with the venue.”
The two guys looked at each other and gulped.
“Now get the fuck out of here,” Mike said with a wave of his hand, “Before I have Juan break your legs.”
The two men scrambled away, grabbing and tripping over each other as they booked it for the door.
“Mike, Mike!” Juan said, coming up to him with his cell phone. “Kitten manuls! Aren’t they so cute!”
Mike peered at the phone and cooed. “They are so fluffy.” 
All right! It’s that lovely time of the week again! Send asks to make me write! Send as many asks as you want. Oodles and gobs!
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tymberwolf02 · 4 months
Jack Thunder and the Snotty Snail
            Beyond the boundaries of this world there exists another world not unlike our own. Powered by the essence of magic and life itself, this world is known by many names. Its denizens, however, know it by one: Altairus.
            Deep within Altairus lies a forest known as the Emerald Woodland. These wild, verdant woods are home to many creatures within Altairus, from great forest dragons and white stags to smaller creatures like bunnies and squirrels.
            Not all creatures within the Emerald Woodland are so wonderful or magnificent, however. Some are quite slimy. Such was the case for a creature living deep within the deepest, darkest, smelliest part of the forest. Her name was Snotter Snail.
            Snotter was no ordinary snail; she was a faerie snail, much bigger than the snails you and I know. She was a little under five feet tall, and while she had the antennae and shell of a snail, she had arms and legs like a person. And she had a massive problem.
            You see, Snotter got her name from a particularly nasty habit of hers. Whenever she got particularly upset, she would spit gobs of mucus out of her mouth. Anyone who was unlucky enough to come into contact with Snotter’s snot would start coughing and sneezing, and even the plants that touched it would start to wilt. Because of this, Snotter lived a solitary life. She spent her days tending to her small mushroom garden next to her house cut out of the face of a boulder. And that was how she liked it.
            It was a few nights after the Dawn of Autumn that this all change. That August night, a thunderstorm broke out in the Emerald Woodland. Through the rain and the hail, Snotter swore she could see mountains buried in the roiling storm clouds, illuminated by flashes of lightning. Mountains that she had never seen before. Almost like she was looking at a massive, floating continent.
            The next morning, the floating island was gone, but it had left behind a massive mess. When Snotter saw the damage the storm had done to her garden, her temper flared. Mucus gathered in her mouth, and she sprayed it everywhere she could see. The ground, trees, and even part of Snotter’s house were coated in slime.
            “Yikes! What’re you doing to your house there?! I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to paint it!”
            Say what? Snotter had never heard that voice before. It sounded like it was coming from behind her! She whipped around, but all she saw was an old oak tree. She scowled. Great. First my garden is destroyed, now someone’s playing games with me.
            And just like that, Snotter heard the cracking of branches and a startled yelp as a figure fell out of the tree and into the thicket below. Snotter could hear the stranger muttering in irritation before he stood up.
            She could have mistaken him for a forest sprite at first. Barely taller than her, he wore a full body hooded jumpsuit the color of pine needles, with gloves and shoes in a lighter shade of green. However, as Snotter continued to look him over, she came to another conclusion. She had heard stories about faeries from outside the forest. To her, he resembled what she’d heard about storm gremlins; small, troublesome Air faeries who lived on islands floating in the clouds high above the sky. She recalled reading about how each wore a jumpsuit with a badge symbolizing their powers and place in their society. This stranger’s badge held a picture of a lime-green lightning bolt ending in a pointed arrow. He sat up and looked at her.
            “What in Altairus were you doing to your yard?” he repeated.
            “You should know; you ruined it last night!” Snotter snarled back.
            “Wha-?! Not me! I just got here!”
            “How do you explain this, then?!” Snotter gestured to her destroyed garden.
            “Well, from the looks of it, you lost your temper and spit all over it.”
            The storm gremlin narrowly dodged a gob of mucus Snotter spit at him. He heard a door slam, and looking over, he could see Snotter had already gone back into her house. He turned his gaze back to where the gob of slime had landed and saw that the unfortunate flowers it had landed on had already lost their color.
            He frowned. “Sheesh. I know I have a bad attitude sometimes, but that was just… just completely out of proportion. I was only trying to be honest with her…” He turned back to the ruined garden. “Maybe if I try and help her with this…” He created a small raincloud at his fingertips, and it began to grow. When it was big enough for him to ride on, he released it into the garden. As it began to rain, the soil below began to glow faintly. Within a few minutes, all the mucus had washed away and the garden was good as new. After that was done, he directed the cloud to the side of the house to wash the mucus off of the side.
            Upon hearing the rain smacking against her walls, Snotter stormed outside, ready to give the gremlin a piece of her mind. Upon seeing her newly mended garden, however, her words died on her tongue. She stared at it for what seemed like an eternity. “I… Did you do this?”
            He stopped to look back at her and nodded. “Figured it could help. Healing rain works wonders for most things.”
            Healing rain? She’d used healing Earth magic in the past, but she didn’t know that there were Air spells that did the same thing.
            He continued, “Tempest Island passed over here last night. It’s still not that far away. I came back here just to have some lunch, but it looks like the storm did a lot more damage than I thought!” He assessed the decimated forest around him. “This is gonna take a while to fix…”
            “I see… I know a few healing spells myself that might help.”
            So they worked together to clean up the forest. The storm gremlin washed the slime off the rocks with his raincloud, and Snotter used the power of Earth to renew the plants and animals who had been harmed by storm or snot. When they were done, save for a few twigs strewn about here and there, the forest was as if the storm had never touched it.
            “Wow. I guess I misjudged you. Sorry about trying to slime you earlier.”
            “Don’t worry about it. By the way, what’s your name?”
            “I- Snotter. People call me Snotter.”
            The gremlin smiled. “I’m Jack Thunder. People say that I’m like a thunderhead sometimes, so I guess it fits.”
            That would explain the lightning bolt symbol on his badge. Snotter smiled, happy that she wasn’t the only one stuck with a name revealing her less pretty traits.
            They each said their quick goodbyes before Jack Thunder rode away atop the storm cloud he’d created. As Snotter watched him ride towards a mountain in the clouds and vanish into the ether, she thought about what he’d said about Tempest Island. Where was it going next? she wondered. And when would she see him again?
            One of these days, she decided, she would have to find Tempest Island once again.
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Sometimes I Think That You Just Don’t Care!
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Sometimes I think that you just don’t care! I mean, the amount of time and energy I put into you. Not to mention the money. I give, give, give and give more. You take, take, take and take me to the cleaners. What kind of bloody relationship is this anyway?  I don’t know how much more of this I can handle. Hell’s bells, the one way nature of this whole thing, just makes me sick. What about me, it isn’t bloody fair? I cannot remember the last time I came home with something I could count on. I can’t remember the last time I really felt that you cared.
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How About Showing Me That You Care
I know that I don’t complain enough. I know that I put up with way too much. I bloody know that I should just walk out that f****** door and never look back. How about doing something for me for a change! How about thinking about what it has been like for me for the last few years. How about showing me that you bloody care for a change. Thinking about the whole unfair nature of this has me gob smacked. It makes me realise what a complete fool I have been.
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Photo by Jopwell on Pexels.com
Do You Care & Will You Show Me How?
Well, what do you have to say for yourself? Are you just going to sit there and do nothing, say nothing, as per usual? For Pete’s sake are you just going to watch me walk out that door, after all these years? I can’t believe the crap I have put up with and now, nothing. Remember when it was your birthday and that gift I got you. I mean, every anniversary, just about, I have bought you a pressie. New this and new that. Gloves, hats, shirts, and high tech stuff too. I have showered you, baby, with so much cool gear. For what???
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Photo by Jopwell on Pexels.com Never Again…. I can’t believe you won’t even say something, anything. Unfeeling b****! What a dumb f*** I have been. A total schmuck. I could have been doing so much else. I could have had a life! What a waste! What a f****** waste of time. Never again will I trust someone like you. Never again will I willingly give up my time and……f******* heart. (choking back tears) You must have seen me coming baby. You must have….thought…this one’s a gullible schmuck. The way he was wearing the badges and buying all that merchandised crap. There’s one born every minute, they say. Go f*** yourself golf. I aint ever gonna play this mother f****** game again. Return on investment zero, zilch, and zed. Golf took me for all I was worth. ©GolfDom
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Photo by Jopwell on Pexels.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOCKLcis0EY Read the full article
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heavy-buddy · 4 months
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the silly :3
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kipplekipple · 2 years
Just sitting under the awning at Morrison's waiting for school to let out, and a man called out someone for parking in a cripple space with no blue badge
And then walked away
I got to see, from my wheelchair, how that man broke down while saying to his wife he just wanted to go home and he didn't want to be here any more
Abled people, don't park in our spaces. And KEEP. YOUR GOB. SHUT.
Blue badges aren't always easy to get, depending on your disability, and I would rather not have a spot to park than know people are suffering because the system wants them to.
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Always be Yours-5
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Word Count:4,476
Story Summary: Inspired by the 2 part I did of the same title. Follows Dean and Reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: During a hunt a spell results with Dean tapping into his more k-9 nature
Warnings: ridiculousness along with the usual
After the interruption by Sam the night after Charlie left you expected Dean to find a moment to ask you whatever it was but it seemed as if he intended to act as if that moment had never happened between the two of you. Your bruises healed and with Kevin's mini vacation being over life in the bunker went back to as normal as it ever was.
You had just walked into the map room where Sam was sitting at the table when Dean walked in from the hall "Wow" you cut your eyes at him as you handed Sam a cup of coffee than sat across from him with your own "What?" Sam asked turning to look at his brother. "Kevin, I just poured some buffalo milk down his gob twice" you stifled a laugh. Poor kid was still recovering from Branson. "Buffalo milk?" Sam asked and without thinking you spoke over Dean "Hangover cure-all. Has everything in it except buffalo milk" Dean raised one eyebrow at you knowing what he meant and Sam not but luckily before he could comment on it Sam said what you were thinking "How is that kid still recovering from Branson?" "What can I say he's an amatuer. The slippery nipple shots at the Dolly Parton dixie stampede nearly killed the guy" "Not the slippery nipples" you muttered into your coffee and made both boys look your way with matching smirks before Sam told Dean he may have found a case.
"Are you sure you're up for a case Sammy?" Dean asked and you braced yourself for the ongoing back and forth where Sam would assure you and Dean both he was feeling fine and Dean would express his and yours concerns because the two of you actually knew what Sam's insides were like. "I am Dean. Look, Kevin's back on the heaven spell. Crowley's locked up so we should be out there doing what we do best. Plus we have Y/N here so three hunters are better than two"
Dean glanced your way but you kept your eyes trained on the coffee swirling around in your cup when Sam asked him "Are you at least going to listen?" Dean finally looked away from you and waved a hand "Go ahead" You turned to look at Sam as he started reading from the article "Taxidermist named Max Alexander crushed to death. Nearly every joint in his body dislocated, every bone broken. Poor guy is a human pretzel. You tell me what's got that kind of strength" "A demonic luchador?" Dean offered and the eye roll Sam gave him was deep enough you were certain Sam saw his own brain. "Shop's a couple hours away in Enid Oklahoma. We should at least check it out. Y/N you in?"
You looked up and shrugged "Sure, why not" Dean still hadn't said yes or not so Sam pushed "Unless there's some reason you think we shouldn't Dean" When you stayed quiet Dean finally let out a breath "Meet you both in the garage in twenty"
You sat in the backseat of the impala doing your best not to look Dean's way so you busied yourself with talking to Sam,double checking emails from other hunters and even fussing with your suit jacket. When baby finally came to a stop outside of Mounted Treasures Taxidermy you were relieved to get out of close quarters. Maybe you needed a break from the bunker too? You'd decide after this case.
You fell in step behind Sam and let out a low whistle when you saw the words "DIE SCUM" written in what you hoped was just red paint on the side of the building. Dean cut his eyes at you "Subtle isn't it?" Sam pointed out a symbol on the end of the letter M. It was an upside down triangle with a paw print inside. "I don't recognize it" you said before Sam took a photo "We'll look it up later"
Dean opened the door and motioned for you to go ahead so you smirked "Age before beauty" he rolled his eyes but stepped inside so you walked in between him and Sam. The interior of the building was even less welcoming than the message on the wall "The creep factor just skyrocketed" Dean muttered and you nodded in agreement glancing around at all the mounted animals lining the walls.
When Dean spoke the officer who you were assuming was in charge of the scene turned and spotted the three of you "Woah woah woah" You knew the drill so you had your badge out before Sam did the introductions "Agents Michaels, Deville and Jameson" motioning to Dean, himself than you in turn. The officer immediately turned a lot friendlier "The body's already went to the morgue just wrapping it up with Dave Stephens" then explained that Mr Stephens was who discovered the body. You glanced at the back room then back to the officer when he added "Sure a shame. I used to go hunting with Max. He was a real good egg"
"Sorry for your loss" Dean told him and you nodded in agreement. The officer thanked you both so Dean then said "Mind showing my partners around? I just got a couple questions for Mr Stephens" The officer nodded "Ok, Come on"
You walked in behind Sam and spotted the "Game of thrones" themed animals on the desk and nudged Sam. He picked one up and turned getting Dean's attention. If looks could actually scold anyone the look Dean threw at you and Sam was Bobby level scolding so you smirked then took the animal from Sam and replaced it with the others. You turned back to Sam "So emf? Hex bags?" he shrugged "You take emf, I'll look for the bags"
After a few minutes with no luck you and Sam headed back to the front room. Dean excused himself from Mr Stephens and the officer when he saw the two of you coming. "Excuse us"
"So?" Sam asked. "We got a thief jonesing for animal parts, a pagan symbol and a human pretzel" Dean said so you replied "Yeah it sounds all witchy but there's no hex bags or proof of anything we normally deal with every being here" So Dean shrugged "Well let's keep digging" then you noticed him look up at an owl that was on the wall before he added "Just not here" You looked at the owl then back at Dean "Did he insult you? Should I defend your honor here?" he smirked "I just don't like the way that thing's looking at me"
You were walking back to baby when Dean cut his eyes at you "Y/N, you good with one room or do we need two?" you shrugged "I'm fine with one" so he nodded "One it is"
Dean was going through his bag and you were coming out of the bathroom when Sam said "The symbol in the graffiti..It's not wiccan, It's copywritten" You walked over to where he was sitting on the foot of one of the beds and leaned over his shoulder to look at the screen then up at Dean "Local animal rights group, Enid's answer to PETA" Sam turned the screen around and Dean read over the screen "S.N.A.R.T? You got to be kidding me" "Well it makes sense that an animal right's group would have an axe to grind with a taxidermist" you offered pushing off Sam's shoulder to stand back up.
"Why? The animal's already dead" Dean asked and Sam responded "Yeah but hunters are what keeps them in business" Dean rolled his eyes and Sam added "Now the question is are those bleeding hearts actually witches or just hippies?" "What's the difference?" Dean asked and you laughed under your breath "We can shoot the witches?"
Gentle Earth Vegan Bakery was listed on S.N.A.R.T'S website so that was where you all headed. When you stepped in the door Dean looked around then said "Always knew I'd find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery" you tilted your head then said "Just wish I would've packed my leather jacket just to screw with them" and was rewarded with a wink from Dean and an eye roll from Sam.
Sam sniffed and his nose scrunched up "What's that smell?" "Patchouli" Dean answered and when you and Sam both looked his way he added "Mixed with depression from meat deprivation" you shook your head then noticed that the guy behind the counter was wearing sunglasses so you nudged Dean who followed your line of sight "Know who wears sunglasses inside?" You asked and he answered "Blind people and douchebags?" you shrugged "Point for the eldest Winchester. Sammy try to keep up"
You followed the boys to the counter then spoke "Olivia and Dylan Camrose?" the man and woman behind the counter looked your way "Yes ma'am?" "You two are members of S.N.A.R.T.? correct?" you asked and Olivia smiled "Founders and Co Presidents actually" then held up a pamphlet "Can we interest you in some literature?" Sam shook his head politely so Dylan offered a flax seed scone that was wheat, gluten and sugar free. "I'm gonna stop you right there" Dean interrupted "We're here to investigate the death of Max Alexander, local taxidermist" "He's dead?" Olivia choked out and appeared to be genuine. "You knew him?" you asked and she looked at Dylan before answering "Ish. Small town"
"Well he was murdered last night and a S.N.A.R.T. logo was found at the crime scene" you told her and wished she'd take those damn glasses off so you had a chance of catching a reaction of some sort. "You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" Sam pushed looking between the two of them.
Olivia and Dylan were a bust. Turned out while they were tagging the taxidermy place the night before they got spooked by a hissing sound and ran into the alley where they ended up getting maced. You didn't miss the irony of it but remained quiet when they removed their sunglasses to show their faces.
With no other leads you headed back to the motel to change and dig a little deeper because the "mace" on Dylan and Olivia didn't look like any macing you nor Sam had ever seen.
You sat across from Sam while he typed into his laptop and took the beer Dean offered you. "Necrosis" Sam announced so Dean asked "Necrosis?" "Premature death of tissue, that's why their eyes were all messed up and it's not caused by mace" "Then what caused it?" you asked while Dean leaned over Sam to look at the screen.
"Blunt force, radiation, venom" Dean read off. "As in snake?" you asked and Sam shrugged "Taxidermist was constricted. Olivia and Dylan heard hissing and they were sprayed in the eyes" "By venom" you finished and took a sip of the beer.
"So we talking some sort of freaky ass snake monster?" Dean guessed sitting next to you on the chair and you shook your head at him but refused to move. Sam looked between you two then shrugged "Maybe but the weird thing is, snakes either envenomate or constrict. No snake does both" "Correction, freaky ass mega snake monster. Awesome" you scoffed which made Sam chuckle and offer "Could be a vetala?" "Yeah but they're not afraid to sink their fangs in" Dean brushed off the suggestion and you agreed "Taxidermist was bite free. Doesn't fit the profile"
Sam sighed "So we call Kevin? get him to look some stuff up?" "Best option we have at the moment" Dean agreed.
With nothing else to do for the day Dean went to grab some food so all of you could eat and attempt to get a little sleep. You were sitting at the table in the room and Sam cleared his throat so you glanced up "Yeah?" you could tell he was wanting to say something but also not risk you getting upset at whatever it was so you stared at him expectantly "Just say it Sam"
He scratched behind his ear as he stood up and walked over to sit across from you "Is there something going on between you and Dean?" you didn't have to act in that moment because you were honestly confused "Huh?" he shrugged "Lots of conversations just from looks being passed back and forth. Dean worried about you leaving the bunker. The couple times I've walked into a room and the two of you jump apart.." You shook your head "There's nothing like that going on Sam. Just when you got so sick after the trials I guess it just pushed me back fully into your lives and then after the two of you talked me into moving into the bunker we're close quarters and all" He didn't look too awfully convinced but nodded nonetheless "Ok, I mean I just wanted to say I wouldn't have an issue with it. You both deserve someone to make you happy and if that happens to be each other.." you held up a hand to cut him off "We're friends Sam. That's it" about that time the door opened and Dean walked in carrying bags of food and soda and looked over at you and Sam "You two good?" you nodded "If you got my cheeseburger we are" and Dean grinned and held the bag out "Got your one and my three"
You ended up sleeping in the same bed as Sam with you under the blanket and him sleeping on top of it. When you woke up Dean was making coffee and looked over "Sleep good?" you glared at Sam's side of the bed since he was already in the shower "Fucker snores, next time you're scooting over"
He smirked at that "Anytime you want in my bed just say the word" you bit the inside of your cheek to stop the warmth from spreading through your face, caused by his words then climbed out of the bed "Can I have a cup?" Dean held out the one in his hand "Here, we take it the same and I'll just grab me another one" you took it with a smile and teased "Dean Winchester dances and gives his coffee to a damsel in distress" He laughed "Sweetheart you may be a damsel, there may be times you are in distress but I haven't seen a lot you can't handle"
By the time you made it out the shower Dean was knocking on the door to tell you to go with the fed suit instead of usual jeans and t-shirt. There was another body on the ground at the animal shelter.
The body was of the guy who worked the front counter at the shelter. He had claw marks down the side of his face and according to the cops all the cats that had been registered at the shelter were now missing. "So yesterday snake monster, today killer kitty?" Dean scoffed and you cut your eyes at Sam who said "I don't know" Dean stopped both of you and pointed at a pen "Doesn't that mutt look familiar?" "He's from the first crime scene isn't he?" you asked and Sam doubled checked the clipboard on the pen and nodded.
"So he's been at both crime scenes, suspect?" you asked looking at Dean who agreed with you by saying "Could be a skinwalker or a shapeshifter" "Doesn't really look like a monster to me" Sam was looking at the dog but Dean had already dug a silver coin out of his pocket "One way to find out" Dean squatted and called the dog to the gate. He rubbed the coin behind the dog's ears but there was no reaction. "Well at least the pooch isn't the killer?" you said about the time the officer from the first crime scene walked up and the taxidermist's dog started barking until the officer took his hat off. He spoke to Sam but Dean noticed what you did especially when the dog once again started barking when the officer put his hat back on.
"Can we borrow your hat?" you asked and he handed it over. You held it right over Dean's head and the dog started barking until you pulled the hat down. You cut your eyes at Dean then handed the hat back. The officer snarled "Good luck getting adopted" at the dog and you had the strongest urge to punch the damn cop.
Sam read the clipboard again "So Colonel's not a suspect" "He's a witness" Dean confirmed. You squatted down and scratched Colonel's head "You speak sign language buddy?" he whined at you and tilted his head so you could scratch further. Sam perked up "No but there may be another option" and pulled his phone out. You curiously looked at Dean who shrugged until Sam said "Hey Kevin, it's me.. how do we speak to a dog?"
The shelter let you take Colonel with you so you sat in the backseat of baby with him laid across your lap back to the motel.
Kevin called back with the spell about the same time you made it back to the motel so Sam was currently combining the ingredients? while Dean sat across the table and you sat on the floor next to the table with Colonel. "So it's an Inuit spell?" you asked. Sam looked up from the bowl "Yeah, who knew the men of letters had its own eskimo section?"
"And it's supposed to let us communicate with the Colonel?" Dean asked looking at the dog who had his head laying in your lap where you were sitting leaned against Dean's chair. "Yeah..well that's the plan" Sam plucked a few hair from the Colonel then explained that it was a sort of animal/human mind meld which meant if it worked whoever drank it would be able to read the Colonel's thoughts.
You watched Sam pour the foul looking concoction and was glad when Dean grabbed it "I'll do it" he looked into the cup and at the face you were making "Doesn't look so bad" he downed it in a gulp and his entire face twisted for a moment "I was wrong"
Dean read off the spell but the Colonel barely moved. Dean tried to talk to him but to no avail so it was decided to get some lunch then call Kevin for more ideas.
You were sitting on the foot of one of the beds when Dean looked at the Colonel "What?" "What?" you and Sam echoed. "Shut up! It's working" Dean clarified then looked back at the Colonel "Say that again" after a moment Dean said "Dennis DeYoung's not a punk" you were more than a little lost but amused that the dog was apparently arguing with Dean. "Dean! Focus!"
"Oh yeah" he looked back at the Colonel "Hey boy, what were you trying to tell us about the coyboy hat?" you and Sam sat watching the scene unfold which even though the two of you could only hear one side it was clear there was a full conversation happening. "and the pothead too?" Dean asked and Sam glanced at you then turned his attention back to them. Sam threw a balled up napkin in the trash and told Dean to ask about the cats. Dean threw the paper back to Sam then asked about the cats. "I don't want this" Sam told him then chunked the napkin again.
You laughed when you realized that the mind meld was more than talking when Dean once again retrieved the napkin and said that the guy who was doing the killings smelled like ground chuck, soap suds and old lady cream. Sam finally held up the napkin "Dean, what are you doing?" Dean scratched his head in the same spot the Colonel had kept urging you to scratch on his "I don't know"
When Dean started beating on the window yelling at the mailman you fell over on the bed laughing "Dean's a dog dude!"
While Sam called Kevin to check side effects on the spell you sat between Dean and the Colonel. You weren't really paying attention to either until the Colonel bumped your knee so you absentmindedly scratched his head. It made you freeze when Dean let out a light whimper and you looked to see he was looking at your other hand "Are you serious?" he looked at the colonel "He's being smug that you're scratching his head" The colonel looked up at you and if you'd ever seen a dog laugh it was in that moment so you scooted over so you scratch Dean's head too. He let out a contented sigh and laid his head over on your thigh.
Sam hung up and arched an eyebrow at your current position so you stopped scratching both of them despite the whimpers so he could explain the spell's side effects which was what Dean was experiencing.
A few words were passed between Dean and the Colonel and you had to laugh again when Dean announced "I don't have the urge to sniff butts" "Dean?" you asked and he seemed offended "No! Sam how long will this last?" "Kevin doesn't know" he replied and you ran a hand across your face, as if your life could get weirder.
Dean pulled a candy bar out of his jacket pocket and you grabbed it out of his hand "Woah! What the hell Y/N?" you motioned to the Colonel "Dogs can't have chocolate Dean. Do you really want to test it?" the Colonel looked at you and let out a sharp bark so you looked back at Dean "What'd he say?" Dean glared at the dog then answered "He said you're cute for a human and smart" "Aww, thank you" you cooed rubbing the Colonel's back and could've sworn Dean let out a light growl of all things? Sam looked between the three of you then said "Let's head back to the shelter to see if we can find more clues because I swear Dean's getting jealous over a dog" "Am not" Dean argued but cut his eyes at the Colonel as he spoke.
After you and Sam having to de escalate an argument between Dean and a pigeon you were in tears from laughing as you climbed in the backseat with the Colonel and it only got worse when they both wanted to hang their head out of the windows.
When you got the shelter Dean argued with the Colonel for a second before saying "Y/N, he wants you to hold his leash" you winked at the Colonel then grabbed his leash as you climbed out and held the door open for him "C'mon big guy" he climbed out behind you and looked up at Dean who glared at the dog. "Quit being smug you asshole"
Watching Dean interrogate dogs was somewhere between just weird and the absolute best entertainment you'd had in years. A yorkie turned out to be a star witness and wanted a belly rub from Sam in return for information. You stood there watching Sam scratch the yorkie while chewing your bottom lip to not laugh. Apparently the whatever you were after had a sweet tooth for cats according to the yorkie.
The burlap sack the guy had taken the cats from the shelter in had "Avant-Garde Cuisine" written on it so that was finally a solid lead along with a vague description of the guy.
When you were about to leave Dean said "Hold up" and passed you the Colonel's leash then went back and opened all the cages. You shook your head with a laugh when he said "Ok, now let's go"
You were once again herded between Sam and Dean as the three of you walked into the restaurant after Sam picked the lock. In the first office you found a photo of "Chef Leo" who wore a cowboy hat like the yorkie had described along with a frickin pharmacy worth of pain meds.
You were going through a drawer when Dean said "Did you hear that?" you glanced at Sam the shook your head "No?" "Sounded like little kids" Dean explained so you stood up straight and strained your ears to no avail.
It turned out to be a cage of rats who lead Dean to the fridge that contained everything from cheetah liver to grizzly heart while Sam found a shamanism spell book. According to the book whatever animal organ you ingested along with the right mix of hoodoo and spices resulted in the temporary gain of the power of that said animal.
Meaning owl brains for IQ, Cheetah liver for speed..etc
A clanging drew all of your attention so Sam killed the only light in the room and you all pulled your guns and flashlights then headed out into the hall.
The hall was empty so you moved into the kitchen clearing each corner carefully. There was a lone cook so when he asked who you were Dean said you were all from the health department for a surprise inspection.
He told you all that the reason the restaurant was closed was due to the chef having a private party and would be there any minute. "In that case you're shut down" you ordered and glanced at Sam who added "You're clearly in violation of penal code eight fourteen" "You heard em! Out Now" Dean barked out and they quickly moved to comply.
Dean took the front, you took the halls and Sam took the back to try to find the chef. Working plan was to simply empty a clip into his head and hope for the best.
After a fight with the good chef Leo resulting in Sam getting knocked out, you getting slashed on the arm and Dean calling in an entire pack of dogs as assistance the good chef got exactly what he had coming.
When Dean ran back into the kitchen you were crouched over Sam trying to wake him up. "C'mon Sam!" "Y/N!" Dean hollered so you shouted "OVER HERE" he slid to a stop at your side and crouched next to you "He's alive Dean" he let of a breath of relief when Sam finally stirred. "Thank god" Dean helped Sam to his feet then looked at your arm "Do you need stitches?" you shook your head "I don't think so"
The three of you made it outside in enough time to see some bloody dogs running away from the heap that had been chef Leo.
After getting the Colonel adopted out to Olivia and Dylan you hit the road back to the bunker. The only unfortunate thing was chef Leo had put some doubt in Sam's head by asking what Sam was. From what you and Dean could piece together Leo had slit Sam's throat and Zeke healed him. Wasn't like the two of you could tell him that so instead you convinced him that Leo was simply out of his head.
When Dean pulled out onto the road he shot you a look in the mirror and you met his gaze fully. "It'll be ok" you mouthed and he smiled then turned his eyes to the road.
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278
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mexican-browser · 3 years
Star Wars Shower Thoughts to Barrel Roll To, Mildly Spoiler Mando Edition:
•Moff Gideon must have a wicked dental plan to be able to give his senior officers suicide pill lightning teeth. Considering he’s the Dentist from Payday 2...
•Speaking of, Gideon operating out of a light cruiser is kinda like finding out Dr. Doom is running his criminal operations from GOB’s boat.
•Baby Yodas reaction to hearing his real name be thrown around a lot on Corvus was probably because he was not used to hearing his own name in a while.
•Assessment: The HK line of droids really got downgraded from 47 if one shot from a pistol can take them down. Hypothesis: Guess no one pays top dollar for them anymore.
•Mando, having specced into his tech and ranged weapon skill trees, will need to level up a bit before he can be considered proficient with that spear.
•Sand People use the pointy part of their sticks to clean the teeth of their banthas. So, is the stick for bantha maintenance until it was repurposed as a weapon, or is it a Swiss Army knife also good for beating up moisture farmers?
•The Krayt Dragon is just an Alaskan Bullworm that was dunked into a vat full of FEV.
•Each time the New Republic shows up, they come off as just really bored beat cops. Funny seeing how the X-Wing, a literal icon of the Rebellion, became a stand-in for a police cruiser in the span of like, seven, nine years?
•Those darn Scout troopers can’t do crap, can they? They can’t stop an Ewok from stealing their bikes, they can’t outrun Twi’leks on bluurgs, they can’t even go fifty feet without hitting something, and they always die before they can do anything cool. Kuill really got the short end of the stick.
•But the better question is why did Palpatine think it was a good idea to put literal squadrons of them on Endor’s moon, a planet full of bigass trees you can crash into?
•The aesthetic differences in Mando’s armor and the Nite Owls could be chalked up to the ultra-orthodox methods of his group and the Armorer. He’s probably using traditional style armor and refrains from customizing it out of these old traditions, and Bo-Katan’s group is using modernized armor and are more willing to add a personal touch to their stuff. That, or he never had time to give it a personal touch with the Armorer’s help before going on his sidequest binge.
•Return of the Jedi would have been a wildly different movie if Jabba put Han on a work release program like Greef did with Mythrol. Can you imagine Han in the background like, sweeping the floors of that palace during that CGI musical number? I mean, losing a shipment of hard drugs can’t be as bad as embezzlement, can it?
•Mando literally has a loadout best suited for 1v1ing a Jedi, grew up in a literal cult dedicated to the old Ways, in a time and era when everyone heard of a Jedi that took down the literal ruler of the galaxy and another one helped recover the ancestral badge of office of his people’s ruler, yet he never heard of his ancestral enemy until the Armorer was like, “Oh yeah, there’s some new age telekinetic space hippies with lazer swords that our ancestors fought against. Go take the cute gremlin to them so he can be their problem.” Like?
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huntertales · 4 years
Part One: Slippery Little Snake. (Dog Dean Afternoon S09E05)
Episode Summary: While investigating two bizarre murders, Y/N and the boys realize there is an eyewitness to both gruesome deaths--a German Shepard. Anxious to find out what monsters they are dealing with, the three look up a spell that can help communicate with the dog. When Dean decides to be the one to perform the spell, he quickly realizes it comes with side effects no one saw coming.  Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 4,356.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Best cure of all.”
You grimaced at the sight of Dean’s infamous hangover cure he swore was the key to getting over the consequences of drinking from the previous night before. You and the boys had given Kevin a chance to cut loose and enjoy himself away from his responsibilities in hopes it might help make the kid feel more refreshed. Only it seemed the opposite reaction happened. Kevin complained of a headache that wouldn’t go away and feeling nauseous to the point he feared he might throw up. You didn’t think he would have taken it so hard, and he was such a lightweight. Luckily through the complaints of an upset stomach and how the room spinned he managed to keep down the food you offered him.
Dean suggested an infamous Winchester speciality that might be able to kick this hangover in its ass, his own words. You watched in disturbance as Kevin drank two glasses of the stuff. The sight made you flashback to your younger pre-hunting days where you were a lightweight compared to the way a Winchester could handle their alcohol. Dean always could drink you under the table, not that you tried to keep up with him when you drank with him. The next morning you suffered the consequences almost exactly like Kevin had. Dean swore the drink he created helped. You swallowed it down and a few minutes later you threw up everything you had drank from the night before, and anything else that hadn’t digested yet. You admitted the stuff made you feel better. But you wouldn’t touch that stuff ever again.
You told Kevin to keep resting up and sleep off the hangover for a little while longer. When you were sure the kid was going to be fine on his own, you and Dean made your way to the war room where Sam had been occupying for a little while. He sat at the table with his laptop open and doing a little bit of research, hopefully accomplishing something better than the fiasco you had endured just a few minutes ago.
“Wow.” Dean’s approaching voice made his brother turn his attention away from the screen for a moment to see the both of you appeared to be beside yourselves in what you just went through. Sam gave you a confused expression, wondering what the problem was. “Kevin. Just poured some buffalo milk down his gob twice.”
“Buffalo milk?” Sam repeated what his brother just said, not exactly sure if he wanted to know where the man managed to get his hands on the suff. You sat on the edge of the table as Dean placed his hands on the back of an empty rolling chair next to his brother and leaned his body forward.
“Yeah, Dean’s infamous hangover cure-all. It’s apparently got everything in it. Except buffalo milk. God, the smell of it alone brought me back to my early twenties.” You mumbled, your nose scrunching up at the past memories you wished stayed buried. “Hopefully it’ll help Kevin from puking anymore of his guts out.”
“How is that kid still recovering from Branson?” Sam had seen his fair share of lightweights in his time, but there might have been nobody who couldn’t tolerate alcohol the way Kevin showed he wasn’t able to. You shrugged your shoulders from the lack of answers. The poor kid was a lost cause. You figured he would have taken the first chance he got to crawl into a bottle in some kind of attempt to bury the trauma that came from the chaos that ensued.
“What can I say? He’s an amateur.” Dean said. You scoffed as your reaction, feeling that was an understatement from the way you left the poor kid. “The slippery nipple shots at the Dolly Parton Dixie Stampede nearly killed the guy.”
“All right. Well, I got something that’s gonna get us back on the road.” Sam offered a change of subject to something he thought his brother might be interested in hearing. The older man took a seat next to him as you leaned over to take a quick peek at the screen, wondering what kind of case it was.
“Great.” You said. “I’ve been itching to stretch my legs and get out there again.”
Dean turned his head to your direction when you voiced your happiness of tagging along. The man was hesitant about letting you back out there after the favor Ezekial had done for him, and the warning of the consequences of furthering his stay. “You sure you’re ready for that?”
You furrowed your brow from his question, “Why would I not be ready for that?”
“Aren’t you kind of running on empty?” Dean asked in concern.
“Yeah, but the last three nights straight, I had eight hours of shut-eye. And for a hunter, that’s like twenty.” You tried to talk the man into letting you do your damn job without restrictions. You looked over at Sam to see the young man was hesitant himself about giving you the chance to tag along on a hunt. You rolled your eyes from the way they were acting. “Trust me, guys. I feel good.”
“Well, that’s great and all, but you’re still recovering from the trials. I think you ought to pace yourself, you know? And the sooner you heal…” Dean reminded you of a little fact he thought slipped your mind. You crossed your arms over your chest at the flimsy excuse he thought was going to work on you. When he trailed off and fell silent for a moment, you raised your brow in curiosity as to what he was going to say next. “Sam and I just want you back to your old self.”
“I am, guys. I know my body better than anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Kevin’s back on the heaven spell. Crowley’s locked up. We should be out there doing what we do best.” You said. The boys thought otherwise from their unspoken actions that said more than they were willing to admit. You rolled your eyes in annoyance as Dean leaned back in his seat and kicked up one of his legs to the table. The man tried to get a word into the argument, but you stopped him before he could. “Sammy, what’s this case you got for us?”
“Uh, a taxidermist named Max Alexander mysteriously crushed to death. Nearly every joint in his body dislocated, every bone broken.” Sam read off the gory details that caught his attention in the first place. “Poor guy is a human pretzel.”
“Tell me, Dean, what’s got that kind of strength?” You asked him, curious to see what his response was going to be since he had so much to say just a minute ago.
“A demonic luchador?” Dean made little effort into trying to make an education assumption to what might be the cause behind the out of ordinary death.
“Shop’s a couple hours away in Enid, Oklahoma.” Sam said. “We should at least check it out.”
“Unless the boss man thinks there’s some reason we shouldn’t.” You directed your gaze back over to the older Winchester to hear what he had to say. A smile crept to the edges of your lips from the way he fell silent. The response to his defeat. You slid off the table and back to your feet to get started on the packing that was ahead of you. Before you did, you wanted to make one thing clear. “Don’t forget the fact that I kicked your ass just the other day. And I’ll gladly do it again.”
You went on your way from stating the small fact you thought was enough proof to get you back on hunting without them worrying about your health. Dean let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand down his face from your ever growing stubborn behavior. “I swear, I don’t even know why I even bother with her.”
+ + +
You and the boys arrived in Oklahoma a few hours later, the first stop on your list was checking out the crime scene that was still crawling with cops. The first suspicious thing you noticed before even walking into the building was the threat painted on the front entrance of Max Alexander’s taxidermy business. “Die Scum” was written in all capital letters. Whoever painted the threat wanted to get their message across loud as possible. And someone made sure to keep to the painted words. You wondered if it was done by the same person. A few monsters liked to taunt their victims before going in for the thrill of the kill.
Sam noticed something in the letter M that was worth pointing out. You noticed it was an upside down triangle with what appeared to be a paw print. He snapped a quick picture with his phone for future research and headed inside with the rest of you. Taxidermy was something you didn’t give much of a second thought about. However when you stepped into Max’s business, you found yourself surrounded by endless animals of all sorts, all dead and stuffed for display. Animals’ heads mounted to the wall, birds frozen in mid flight, wild cats bearing their sharp fangs appearing as if they were ready to attack. There was some sort of strange craft to stuffing a dead animal and making it look realistic.
“Well, the creep factor just skyrocketed.” Dean mumbled, eyeing the dozens of dead animals surrounding him.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” A sheriff stopped the three of you, not sure who you were. 
“How are you? I’m Special Agent Chaplin.” You introduced yourself to him, flashing your fake FBI badge to the man. “These are my partners Agent Michaels and DeVille.”
“The body’s already been to the morgue. Just wrapping it up with Dave Stephens. He’s the one who discovered the boy.” The sheriff explained. You looked over to see an older man leaning against the register, still distraught from the events he thought would have never happened in a million years. “Such a shame. I used to go hunting with Max. He was a real good egg.”
“Sorry for your loss.” Dean gave his condolences to the officer. “You mind showing my partner around? Agent Chaplin and I have a couple of questions for Mr. Stephens.”
The sheriff nodded his head and gestured for Sam to follow him into the next room where the murder took place. You and Dean approached the older man, figuring he might know a thing or two that might be helpful in discovering if this case might be worth your while.
“Dave Stephens?” You asked. You and Dean flashed your badges once again at the man, “My partner and I have got a couple of questions for you if that’s all right.”
“I’ll tell you whatever you need to know.” Dave responded without an ounce of hesitation. “Max was a real pal.”
“Hunting buddy?” You wondered. You smiled ever so slightly when you saw his expression immediately change into surprise from how you were able to answer correctly in one guess. You had a feeling it was a common hobby among the locals from the sight of this place. “So, about what time did you discover the body?”
“About nine A.M.—my usual pickup time.” Dave answered. “I come in every Wednesday and Sundays to collect the entrails.”
You furrowed your brow from the terminology. “The entrails?”
“The animal organs. After Max would dig them out and work his magic.” Dave said. “He was a real artist, you know?”
You discovered what kind of magic Max was able to do with the creatures he was given. You found your attention lingering away from the conversation for a moment when you spotted Sam exploring the man's collection. You quickly bit your bottom lip to keep a smile from spreading across your lips at the little creature he was holding that appeared to be dressed as a character from Game of Thrones. Sam amused himself from the expression that crossed his face. Dean found it nothing more than bizarre as to why a grown man would waste his time putting so much effort into such a thing.
“Strange thing is, though,” The both of you quickly turned your full attention back to Dave to hear what else he had to say, pretending as if you were distracted by something childish. “bins were empty this morning.”
“Why is that strange?” Dean asked.
“Well, because it’s a Sunday. Weekend hunts are pretty much a given in this neck of the woods, so they’re usually chock-full of guts.” Dave explained as to why it was out of the ordinary for him.
“Any chance Max could have cleaned them out himself?” You wondered.
“No. It’s a biohazard. You can’t just throw the stuff out.” Dave said. You were learning all sorts of things about animal organs today, more than you ever wanted in your entire life. “You gotta burn it.”
“Huh. The more you know.” You gave him a polite smile from his explanation you could have gone without. You looked over to the sheriff when he approached the three of you again. “Is there anything else missing from the shop?”
“No.” The sheriff said. “The register was full, and the safe was intact. And all of Max’s trophies were still on the walls.”
“And was there anybody else here when you showed up?” Dean asked. 
“No one. No, other than the Colonel.” Dave chuckled and looked over his shoulder to Max’s pet. You felt a smile stretch across your lips at the sight of a German Shepard. 
Sam finished up his search around the crime scene and headed back over to you and his brother. You smiled at the sheriff and Dave, excusing yourself and walking over to another part of the shop where there was nobody else around to have a private conversation of your own to discuss what you found. You had a feeling this was going to be a worthwhile case after all. Everything was adding up with unusual circumstances.
“Okay, so,” You stood with your back to the crime scene, catching up with the younger man about everything you were able to learn in the short time. “We’ve got a thief who’s jonesing for animal parts, we’ve got a pagan symbol, and we’ve got a human pretzel.”
“Yeah, it all sounds very witch-y, but I wasn’t able to find a hex bag.” Sam said, putting a hole in his own theory to what might be to blame for the taxidermist’s death.
“All right, well, let’s keep digging. But not here.” Dean suggested. He didn’t move right away. You noticed his eyes wandered up to a part of the shop that kept his attention. You followed his gaze to see the man was staring at a stuffed owl hanging up on a high shelf, its yellow eyes fixated on the huner in a way that made him uncomfortable. “I don’t like the way that one’s looking at me.”
You stifled a laugh from his paranoid behavior and softly nudged him in the arm to get moving. The three of you still needed to get settled into a motel and started on research to figure out what was the cause of Max Alexander’s death. You took one more curious glance at the owl before heading out the front door.
+ + +
“Okay, that symbol in the graffiti, it’s…not wiccan. It’s copywritten.” Sam worked right away on trying to figure out what the strange symbol you had seen back at the crime scene. The search took little effort into finding its source. You walked over to the man, dropping the shirt you pulled out from your bag you pulled out to change into and out of your fed clothes. He held out his laptop for Dean to take so the both of you could take a look at the homepage for yourselves. “Local animal rights group, Enid’s answer to PETA.”
“S.N.A.R.T.?” Dean read off the animal rights’ group and its terrible name they thought was a good idea. It stood for Showing No Animal Rough Treatment. You didn’t know if you should laugh or at least give them credit for trying to be original. “You gotta be kidding me.”
“Well, it makes sense that an animals-rights group would have an axe to grind with a taxidermist.” Sam said.
“Why?” Dean asked, not seeing the connection between the two. “The animals’ already dead.”
“Yeah, but hunters are what keep them in business.” You added on. “Now the question is, are those bleeding hearts actually witches or just hippies?”
Dean glanced up from the laptop screen and to you, proposing a question. “What’s the difference?”
+ + +
The difference between the two that one was capable of murder. You took doubt in the fact that a group of animal rights activists would go far as committing murder. But when you added the element of witchcraft that’s when the lines between right and wrong started to grow blurry. You and the boys decided to speak to a couple of the members after tracking them down to a vegan bakery called Gentle Earth. Business was booming with customers enjoying a plant-based meal inside and passing by a couple of women walking out with a cup of all organic and overly expensive coffee, ethically sourced you guessed.
“Always knew I’d find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery.” Dean muttered. The man felt out of his element from the people he was surrounded by.
Sam sniffed the air, finding an odor he couldn’t place his finger on. “What’s that smell?”
“Patchouli. Yeah, mixed with depression from meat deprivation.” Dean said. You rolled your eyes from the way he was acting in such an immature fashion. His strong beliefs were radical as those who thought eating animal products were cruel and unusual. The man drew your attention to the front counter when he spotted the owners waiting on a few customers. He was quick to point out a fashion accessory that was a bit odd from the setting that didn’t require them. “Hey. You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people. And douchebags.”
You let out a quiet sigh and shook your head from the way he was acting, heading up to the counter to have a discussion with the owners. “Olivia and Dylan Camrose?” You asked the couple. Olivia nodded and smiled. “You two are members of S.N.A.R.T, correct?”
“Founders and co-presidents, actually.” Olivia corrected you about the role they played in the activist group. She playfully bumped shoulders with her husband, both of them sharing matching smiles from the hard work they loved doing. Olivia reached out and grabbed a brochure that was kept near a display of their desserts, presuming all of you were curious for being part of a good cause. “Can we interest you in some literature?”
You politely shook your head. “Or a flaxseed scone?” Dylan asked. You looked down at the pastry that appeared to be tasty at first glance, until you heard the lack of ingredients that made it vegan. “It’s wheat-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, and surprisingly moist.”
“Let me stop you right there.” Dean was quick to end this conversation before he could get roped any further into this hippie lifestyle he wanted nothing to do with. He pulled out his badge to flash it at the couple and got to the reason why you were here in the first place. “We’re here to investigate the death of Max Alexander, a local taxidermist.”
Olivia placed the brochure to the counter, her body growing stiff at the unexpected news. “He’s…dead?”
“You knew him?” You asked.
“Ish. Um…” She glanced over to her husband before finishing her response. “small town.”
“Well, he was murdered last night, and a S.N.A.R.T. logo was found at the crime scene.” Sam informed the couple. All though their eyes were covered with a pair of dark shades, the man could see the couples’ body language change in a way that made him suspicious. “You two wouldn’t have to know anything about that, would you?”
The couple thought it would be best for everyone to move this conversation somewhere else. All of you moved to an empty table in the middle of the bakery to hear their side of the story and fill in the gaps of that night.
“His business is funded by hunters. And you know how hunters are.” Dylan immediately lost you from the point he was trying to make. He was more than happy to elaborate on his view of them. “They’re selfish dicks who define themselves by what they kill.”
You had to admit you were a little offended by their presumption, despite the type of hunters who they were talking about was the complete opposite of what you did. “And as animal advocates, we couldn’t stand for that.” Olivia added on.
“So, you killed him?” Sam questioned the couple. 
“Of course not.” Olivia said. She was awfully quick to shoot down the accusation that was simply false. “S.N.A.R.T. doesn’t tolerate violence.”
“Huh. This is coming from a couple who spray-paints death threats.” Dean said, bringing up the red flag that seemed out of character for someone who advocated for the complete opposite for animals lives.
“It was a scare tactic.”Dylan defended himself. “We just wanted to spook him.”
“Turns out we were the ones who got spooked.” Olivia admitted. You wondered exactly what she meant by that, causing her to elaborate even further on her story. She passed a glance over at her husband, who nodded his head, feeling it was the right thing to do in order to set the record straight. “Well, last night, when we were tagging the joint, we heard this noise.”
“A hissing noise.” Dylan added.
“It freaked us out, so we ran into the alley.” Olivia continued on.
“But someone attacked us.”
“Sprayed us in the eyes with mace.”
“And it's not like we could go to the cops.”
“So, now we look like total douchebags because we have to wear our sunglasses inside.” Olivia gave the reason why the couple was forced to wear the dark shades indoors, making them feel exactly like what Dean had said earlier. You didn’t even bother looking over at the older man to see his smug smile at his judgement that turned out to be right.
The couple took off their sunglasses to show the damage that had been done to them from the surprise pepper spray attack. You winced at the scarring around their eyes that sure didn’t look like it was caused by something like pepper spray. It almost appeared to be acid burns from the extent of the physical damages. Dean subtly wagged his index finger, signaling for them to put the shades back on after finding the burns a little too uncomfortable to keep staring at.
+ + +
You did a little research of your own after you made it back to the motel and changed out of your fed clothes for some jeans and a shirt. Something about the burn like wounds the couple had gotten didn’t seem to add up. And you were right about your suspicions.
“Necrosis?” Dean read off the medical term you discovered, wondering what it meant.
“Premature death of tissues—that’s why their eyes were all messed up.” You said. “And it’s not caused by mace.”
“All right.” Dean twisted off the cap to his beer and tossed it to the sink. He leaned over your shoulder and placed a hand on the table to steady himself in doing so. He read off the medical information about black eyes from the page you pulled up. "What causes it?"
“Right here.” You placed a finger on the screen and began to read off something from the paragraph that might explain the reason behind the couples’ painful looking burns. “‘Blunt force, radiation, venom.’”
“As in ‘snake’?” Dean guessed from the sounds of it.
“The taxidermist was constricted. Olivia and Dylan heard hissing, and they were sprayed in the eyes. By venom. Sounds snake-y to me. I say if it does turn out to be that, we should skin it and turn it into a fabulous pair of boots.” You suggested. Dean chuckled at your joke, taking a seat from across from you at the table. “Bet S.N.A.R.T would love that.”
“Okay, so…what are we talking here,” Dean said, deciding to get serious for a moment to try and figure out what you might be hunting. “Some sort of freaky-ass snake monster?”
“Maybe.” You mumbled. You fell silent for a moment trying to figure out how all of this added up to make proper sense with what knowledge you had about the reptilians. “The weird thing is snakes either envenomate or constrict. No snake does both.”
“Correction,” Dean said. “freaky-ass mega-snake monster.”
You quietly chuckled to yourself before throwing out your best guess as to what it might be. “It could be a vetala.”
“Yeah, but they’re not afraid to sink their fangs in. Taxidermist was bite free. It doesn’t really fit the profile.” Dean reminded you about the small detail. You nodded your head. A sigh fell from your lips at the lack of leads you had at the moment. Dean came to your rescue of adding another pair of hands to the night of research ahead for you and Sam. “Call Kevin. Have him look some stuff up.”
You shut your laptop and reached for your phone when you decided to do just that. It wouldn’t hurt to have an extra set of hands on the case while you figured out what you were hunting. You just hoped the poor kid still wasn’t feeling hungover. The internet only had so much information at your fingertips, the Men of Letters’ library would hopefully have the answers you were looking for. You needed to find out and quick, before another life could be taken. 
[Next Part]
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perksofwifi · 4 years
Yenko’s Back With a TRX-Rivaling 800HP Supercharged Chevy Silverado Pickup
Hennessey, the creator of the Goliath 800, has some stiff competition when it comes to high-horsepower warranty-backed off-road Chevy-badged offerings. Meet Yenko’s entry into this space: the 800-hp 2021 Chevrolet Silverado Yenko Off Road.
If you feel like this Yenko hot rod Chevy was introduced earlier this year, you’re not entirely wrong. You’re also not entirely right, as the tuner previously showed off its lowered Limited Edition truck. This, however, is the Off Road. Like the Limited Edition, the Off Road features the same supercharged V-8 engine and six-speed automatic transmission. Likewise, the engine carries the same host of modifications: a blueprinted LT-1 aluminum block; forged crankshaft, rods, and pistons; CNC-ported heads; and an upgraded fuel system and injectors. Drivers can mash the throttle confidently, knowing that a three-year/36,000-mile warranty backs the engine and transmission.
Suspension improvements come courtesy of a BDS four-inch coilover lift system (with front and rear Fox shocks) and HD Recoil traction bars. This lift allows clearance for even larger tires than the provided Nitto Ridge Grapplers that wrap around a set of 12-spoke 20×10-inch wheels with custom center caps. We won’t go so far as to compare the Silverado Yenko Off Road to a 2021 Ram 1500 TRX, but the off-road suspension should definitely up the Chevy’s desert aggression. Optional LED lights mounted atop a sports bar allow for enhanced night vision (without mounting anything to the cab) and add an extra touch of off-road coolness, as do the custom fender flares.
Stopping comes courtesy of red six-piston Brembo front brake calipers (replete with the Yenko logo) paired with 16.1-inch vented rotors. A heavy-duty rear sway bar assembly helps control the gobs of horsepower during both on- and off-road driving. Custom stainless steel headers, high-flow cats, and a quad-tip stainless steel cat-back exhaust system combine for a healthy rumble. Among its multitudinous exterior tidbits, retractable side steps ease entry and egress, and a custom hood insert with flat black louvers divulges there’s no ordinary powerplant underhood.
In addition to the plentiful power and Yenko badges and logos dotted about the exterior, the front grille bar has a prominent stamped YENKO/SC logo, while the tailgate has an embossed version. A leather seat trim package allows customers to personalize the interior, while the floor mats and sill plates remind them of their Silverado’s Yenko status.
Yenko, now owned by Specialty Vehicle Engineering, will offer this unique Silverado through GM dealers. Yenko will only build 50 of these off-road rockets, so if the whirl of a supercharger makes you giddy to shed stacks of cash, now’s the time to act.
The post Yenko’s Back With a TRX-Rivaling 800HP Supercharged Chevy Silverado Pickup appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/2021-chevrolet-silverado-yenko-off-road/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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The Most Thoughtful Gifts are Special
Open Heart/ Ethan Ramsey x MC 
Summary: Ethan still doesn’t have a Christmas gift for his girlfriend yet but shopping with her might give him some idea. 
Author’s Note: for the 41 days of cheer day 19: homemade. Looks like I have a bloodbound story coming up around the corner for something new and a familiar favorite in the form of Mother of the Year. 
Ethan Ramsey spied Clarissa walking out of Naveen’s office with a smile on her face and humming a Christmas song. Pretending to study a chart she didn’t even look his way before catching up with a friend. Hmm, interesting, he thought as he saw Doctor Trinh talk on excitedly about the present that she had gotten in the mail.
Whistling to himself he knocked on Naveen’s door.
“Come in,” said Naveen as he let himself in.
Sighing he was thankful that he didn’t get caught. It wasn’t like he wanted to yell at her and get a chance to pull her close to him or anything. Clearing his throat Naveen looked up at him with a sly grin of his own.
“Naveen,” he said looking around the room. “I was looking for Doctor Sinclaire and I saw her coming out of your office. Any particular reason why?”
He tried to make that sound as casual as possible as Naveen barked out into a small laughter. It was no secret that his mentor was trying to set them up. Honestly Ethan was just trying to figure out what he was trying to do. Don’t let it be mistletoe, he thought, that was just unsanitary and… Well he didn’t want to risk making out with her in front of the entire hospital.
“Oh doctor Sinclaire wanted a place to hide her presents and I offered to let her hide them in here,” said Naveen brightly. “Clever girl. Don’t tell anyone but for doctor Trinh she got her a toaster oven with a handmade cookbook. All the recipes are from their friends and what she would like. For Doctor Varma…”
Ethan just pinched the bridge of his nose. Oh no, she was giving handmade gifts and he didn’t even have something in mind. Naveen looked at him with a small grin on his face.
“If you want you can still catch up with her,” said Naveen. “Unless you’re trying to guess the present, she got you?” He had that I know what you’re up to look. You know the kind that raised an eyebrow and a cheeky grin on his face.
He just slumped his shoulders some. “I heard she’s giving homemade gifts and I’d like an idea,” he said searching the room. Then spied one of the large cupboards that he stored spare medical texts. “Naveen, I know you’ve been rather, uh, instrumental in getting us together.”
“Yes, I have, and as the kids say, no regrets.”
“I need help getting a gift with her,” he said.
Naveen looked at him deep in thought before nodding. “She wanted me to go with her to pick out a gift for Ines and Zaid. You can go with her instead and get some ideas of what she’d like. Unless you just want to marry her now and propose this Christmas.”  
Ethan stared at him gob smacked that he’d even suggest that. Flabbergasted he just stuttered, “I, well, um, you know that’d be very predictable and corny.”
“And you know that she’d love it.”
Flushing brightly, he nodded knowing that she’d be ecstatic, but he couldn’t do that. They’ve only been dating for roughly two years coming up. Naveen just smiled and paged Clarissa back to his office to cancel before heading back to his own patients. Okay now that was semi-resolved. Now was just the chance to get find the perfect gift.
Together they had met the next day at an odds and ends shop just outside of Boston in a strip mall. Clarissa donning a long tan coat and that sweater that he loved. He had managed to switch his shift with Zaid of all people.
“Well I can’t complain that I get to spend some time with boyfriend today,” she teased as they walked down the strip. “I found this odds and ends shop when I was with Sienna. Figured that they might have something new.”
Nodding he just glanced around at the area. It wasn’t that far from town and that the snow seemed to have stopped.
“Sounds great,” he said checking out the window display. Nothing too flashy at least hoping that this gave him some ideas. It was only the fifteenth which means he had ten days to get something special. Romantic even. “Bet you found a lot of good stuff in here then?”
Clarissa just giggled softly pulling him inside seeing how it was cramped with everything under the sun and the kitchen sink on the bright light shelves.
“Some, I’ll have to come back since I saw the cutest stuff. My favorite had to be this…” She let her voice trail off as Ethan paid close attention. Drat, this going to be hard, he thought looking around at the stuff. Everything was chaos, an organized chaos, but chaos all the same.
Not letting go of her hand he let her lead him back to a set of windchimes. Curiously he watched her pick a set out and into the basket.
“Who are those for?” he asked curiously.
“Naveen for when he is at home, although maybe not the greatest gift since he’s not at home much. Oh!”
Her green eyes light up brightly as she dragged him over to the book section. She flipped through a few covers letting go of his hand as he towered over her shoulder. “I got it perfect for him.”
Confused he looked down at her presents. “Coloring books?”
“Yea, he mentioned that he wanted to paint but since he’s back to work he can’t do it much anymore. So, when he has some free time, he can do something like painting. I have an adult coloring book and a kid one just for fun. Then some nice colored pencils then his whole gift was complete. His other half will come later.”
Impressed, he knew why he was dating her as he kissed her cheek.
“Creative, I just got him personalized thermos travel mug. It’s to go with his own coffee maker in his own office,” he said a bit smugly as she just gently smacked his shoulder.
“Show off, I know he’ll love that since it’s coffee and you can’t do that wrong.” Slyly she blinked her dark lashes up at him and brushed against him softly. “Did you get something just as thoughtful for me?”
Tugging her close to him and attracted to her charm he just shrugged. “Maybe I didn’t get you anything.” She snorted knowing that it wasn’t true as he had something in mind. Including a trip to the nearby hardware store. “Besides do you really want to know what I’m getting you?”
Clarissa let out a dramatic sigh and leaned back into his arms. Catching her he just rolled his eyes but smiled at her all the same.
“No, but I thought I’d ask.” She sighed looking at the books that were in front of them still. “I’ll be right back, if you find anything extra, I promise that I won’t look.”
She softly kissed him before heading to the back as he started to look around first. Speaking of coffee mugs did see one that she would like. There was a wall art piece that had the words to describe a doctor on it. Then what looked like a real black leather purse marked down. Although he needed something to store the spare apartment key for her.
After dismissing the wall art, he finally decided on the purse (after making sure it was real of course) and a key ring.
“Ready?” she asked paying for the coloring books and others not looking in his bag.
“Yea, although it was mentioned that you had homemade gifts. You wouldn’t’ be upset if I never got you something homemade right?”
Clarissa shook her head slowly. “No, just as long as it’s thoughtful, it doesn’t matter to me. Besides only Sienna and Aurora got something homemade. Sienna has this cookbook that we all put together and I got it bound. Aurora gets this blanket that I made.”
“You made a blanket?” he asked incredulously. “And what did you end up picking for Zaid and Ines anyway?”
She just sighed and took out something from her bag. “It’s the kind of blanket you tie together, she’s always cold. Then a tea set for Ines, she mentioned that she loved it and it has a mug in it. For Zaid got him a new lanyard for his badges. I learned what his alma mater was and got it special.”
“Clever,” he said smiling at the unique gifts. “Not exactly homemade but unique.”
“And special, I can’t wait to see your face at my gift for you. Now come on we need lunch. It might be cold out but I found the best place that has homemade milkshakes.”
With that they were off as Ethan was content with his plan. Now he just needed a third key just in case to be his spare. He couldn’t wait to see her face at the gift.
Tag list: @flyawayboo @am-i-invisible777 @adrianadmirer  @fluffy-cat-whisper @melodyofgraves @symonde @paisleylovergirl @elainew13 @itsbrindleybinch @brightpinkpeppercorn  @darley1101 @mfackenthal @jlpplays1 @writerapprentice @wildsayeed @princess-geek @perriewinklenerdie  @lilyofchoices @indescribablechoices @owleyes374 @confessionsofabrokegirl @greywitchyshots @valiantlychaoticbarbarian @hopelessromantic1352 @sharrybh20  @theeccentricbibliophile @universallypizzataco@riverrune @cordoniaqueensworld @greywitchyshots
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