#bae soo jung
sosrantings · 26 days
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I think I'mma break the sound barrier when I actually watch this scene
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nofatclips · 3 months
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토요일 다세대 주택 (Saturday's Apartment), a short film by Jeon Seung-bae
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neverscreens · 4 months
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo, 431 Screencaps.
The Wedding Dress That Slipped Off, 468 Screencaps.
This Is Pengsoo, 418 Screencaps.
The Strife of the Three Brothers, 422 Screencaps.
Wild Card VS Tactician, 404 Screencaps.
If I Were a Whale, 390 Screencaps.
A Tale About Sodeok-dong I, 444 Screencaps.
A Tale About Sodeok-dong II, 408 Screencaps.
The Pied Piper, 478 Screencaps.
Holding Hands Can Wait, 497 Screencaps.
Mr. Salt, Ms. Pepper and Attorney Soy Sauce, 493 Screencaps.
Yangtze River Dolphin, 448 Screencaps.
The Blue Night of Jeju I, 410 Screencaps.
The Blue Night of Jeju II, 439 Screencaps.
Saying and Doing Things Not Asked, 388 Screencaps.
Though Unusual and Peculiar, Part One, Part Two.
Like or reblog if it was useful, every interaction shows us that we should keep making screencaps for y'all ♡
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somanykdramas · 3 months
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GENRES: Horror, Drama
SUMMARY: A man who has no reason to love God finds himself filled to the brim with the power to defeat Seoul’s demons.
THIS MOVIE HAS EVERYTHING: MMA perfect scores, fast cars, crows, priest fanboys, stigmata, serpent demons, Brutalist nightclubs, possessed kids, fangs, immortality, demons, vampires (maybe?), and thankful nuns.
HOT TAKE: Personally I find K-SciFi to be a bit lacking in the CG department, but this movie does a great job balancing practical effects with the weird and over the top supernatural creations. I was suitably creeped out and awed and none of the effects took me out of those moments.
Very nearly everyone you've ever seen in a Kdrama in the past 10 years had a role in this movie. It would have been an excellent reunion without all of that pesky demonic possession!
Also, come on. Park Seo Jun AND Woo Do Hwan fighting like the world depends on it? A+ casting choices, A+ fight choreography.
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passionforfiction · 4 months
Queen of Tears
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This series is not perfect, but it is still good. It has a solid storyline, and great characters. Hong Hae In and Baek Hyun Woo have been married for 3 years and the love that had united them at the beginning seems to have disappeared in their distance and silence after a miscarriage that broke their hearts. When Baek Hyun Woo finally has the courage to present the divorce papers to Hong Hae In, she tells him she has a tumor and doesn't have much time left. His decision to stay with her gives them an unexpected chance at finding that love that had united them once. Family interactions between their very different families questions dynamics and help characters grow.
I like the fact that they didn't take the easy way out with our main antagonist. The story in itself is really good and I loved it, however, production was a bit careless with details that were too big to miss: Hae In's operation - how can a person with a brain tumor have a surgery with her hair intact. Or Hyun Woo's neck injury suddenly disappearing in a second, ext. These kind of details show some careless oversight. But we can forgive them - we laugh it off and keep watching to see what happens next.
I liked it and recommend it.
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mugglebornstuff · 2 years
The best trios in kdrama✨
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namjhyun · 28 days
DRAMA REVIEW | Queen of Tears (2024)
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Queen of Tears strongest point are the performances, directing and cinematography, there's no doubt about this. Scriptwriter Park Ji Eun has a talent for teaming up with great talents, particular actors, and that's in my opinion the main reason why her drama are usually so successful. She manages to write really interesting and endearing characters, and put them in entertaining situations that grasp the attention of the viewer.
The casting director did a particular excellent job on this one because every single character was cast to perfection, every actor and actress fitting into the role as if it was written for them.
I am fascinated by the way scriptwriter Park Ji Eun has managed to mix genres in one drama, because Queen of Tears is a dark comedy, makjang, comedy, romance and melodrama all in one. This screenwriter is not stranger to making a successful and entertaining kdrama, but if you are looking for something that will dwell into the deeper reasons as to why the leads' marriage crumble, logic and cohesive editing, this story might not be for you.
Queen of Tears strongest point is the way both families come together, learning to respect and love each other but apart from that the drama is developed at a surface level. The scripts lean hard on the other genres which is perfectly fine but there were times when I was frustrated at the desiciones being made, the complete waste of time when the families are running against the clock to save one of their own AND the family's business, etc. This is when I think Queen of Tears is a lot like other Park Si Eun's kdramas: they start strong but run out of material towards the second half of the episode, almost as if she introduce a bunch of plotlines with proper solutions to a few of them.
Overall, I found Queen of Tears to be a really entertaining watch to disconnect from reality.
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asian-cine-phile · 2 years
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PERSONA 페르소나(2019)
love set ( dir. lee kyoung mi ) walk at night ( dir. kim jong kwan ) kiss is sin ( dir. jeon go woon ) collector ( dir. yim pil sung )
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stuff-diary · 6 months
Wedding Impossible
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Wedding Impossible (2024, South Korea)
Director: Kwon Young Il
Writers: Oh Hye Won & Park Seul Ki (based on the webtoon by Song Jung Won)
Well, this drama was entertaining, but nothing more. It was especially funny at the beginning, thanks to that sort of 'rivalry' between the leads. However, once they solved that and started moving into purely romantic territory, the story began to lose steam quickly. Tbh, I kept watching to the very end because of the sizzling chemistry between Jeon Jong Seo and Moon Sang Min. And I guess I wanted to see how in the world they were gonna clear up the mess created by the characters, which was pretty fascinating. I feel like the show would have been better if the director had put more thought into its style, cause the whole thing looked pretty cheap and bland. But still, Wedding Impossible is fun enough, and I can see fans of classic romcoms enjoying it a lot.
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jesuistrefatugie · 2 years
Kim Soo Jin's life in Korea
Kim Soo Jin meet Kim Rok Soo when the central shelters collapsed. She had lost an eye during the chaos, but somehow managed to live.
He had a feeling he knew who she was. Someone, either really stealthy or really small, had been stealing food rations for the past few weeks leading up to the Cataclysm.
This is also part of the reason his curse didn't work on her. He was aware of her, just no connection to her prior, thus letting her live, but not without consequence. Ex: Missing eye
He takes her in during the 24 hour battle. And quickly realizes something is... Off, about this child.
She claims to be 2 years old, but is perfectly communicating with him, has zero issues moving around(save for her small size), and is just way too mature for a toddler.
Not to mention how she purrs sometimes when he pats her head, how she seems acutely aware of the monster around them, how she grows or hisses at strangers(that later become corrupt officials or join a shady guild), how her pupil become more reptilian when she's agitated, or how she has fucking fangs. Actual, razor sharp fangs.
He writes it off as her ability, becoming more protective because as far as he's aware, no 2 year old had awakened other than her.
He doesn't acknowledge how relieved he is that someone survived among his shelter. Or how he actually starts writing down data from the monsters she spots so if he does have to fight, she can at least survive.
He won't say out loud that his Record ability awakened because of her. He wasn't even aware he'd awakened until he started bleeding from his nose.
Kim Soo Jin let out the most indignant screech when he suddenly started bleeding. Not knowing what to do, she basically slapped her sleeves against his nose in a panic. Not aware of her strength and ended up bruising him.(CJS, who had witnessed this, would later laugh his ass off whenever someone brought it up)
Meanwhile, KRS feels horrible because he made a toddler cry.(KSJ argues she wasn't, KRS begs to differ). Thus tries just a little harder not to get injured. He can't make a little kid cry, now can he? But that doesn't stop his dumb ass from getting into mountains of trouble, if anything, he becomes even more stubborn because of KSJ
KSJ adapts very quickly to their new living environment once KRS gets into Team 1. She learns to do house work so KRS can relax(finally!!), He tried to protest, but KSJ made an expression very similar to a "I'm tired of this shit" LSH. He had to sit down and rethink letting her hang out with the team.
Mentioned in basic headcannons, but he does not want her fighting any time soon. He knows she'll have to fight eventually, but he's holding it off for as long as possible. He wants her to stay as a child and enjoy life as much as possible in their world.
Years later, he would learn not to hold his kids back when they want to fight and are very much capable of doing so. But that still won't stop him from giving them the childhood he never had.
Kim Rok Soo also realizes that Kim Soo Jin's abilities are variants of Team 1's. His Record turns into Archive, which only records the movements of humanoid creatures, making her able to copy their movements. Choi Jung Soo's White Miru turns into a Miru Family. 3 black dragons, all with different eye colors. Black, brown, and reddish brown. He's only seen her use it a few times, mostly because it takes a lot of her energy to use even one. Lee Soo Hyuk's Slash ability turns into Mince, she can't do one powerful slash, but multiple weaker ones.
Very few people outside of Team 1 know about her. They have no idea how she keeps gaining new abilities, or how many she can have, but they do know it's something many people would kill to get their hands on. Kim Soo Jin on the other hand, wants people to know about how strong she is so they don't mess with her family.
The only ability he doesn't know where it came from is Projection. Which allows her to project her memories like a hologram, this is done through her blind eye. This ability is used by Lee Soo Hyuk to deliver a final message to Kim Rok Soo in the event he dies.
He doesn't ever mention it was Kim Soo Jin that told him to do so, she knows her adoptive father the best. And she knows he already has a shit tone of trauma and survivor's guilt, and she doesn't want to add to that.
Speaking of trauma... She has her share too. But that comes in her 2nd life... Most of it...
ANYWAY: When KRS gains Instant KSJ is not happy. She treasures him, and will do anything for him, so she despises it when he bleeds for any reason at all. But most of all she hates it when he bleeds for other people.(Something that carries over into her 2nd life)
However... No matter how injured he's gotten, Kim Rok Soo has always come back in once piece. So, eventually, after many years, Kim Soo Jin learns that, while he gets hurt a lot despite hating pain, Rok Soo will be fine.(Not IS fine. He'll BE fine.)
She's surprisingly selfish, and wants to keep the things she treasures tucked away safely from the rest of the world. She hates when someone outside of Team 1 comes into their apartment. And the only people she lets in her room are KRS, LSH, and CJS.
When the two of them died, she hoarded everything of theirs she could get her hands on. Her room is a mess, but KRS doesn't bother cleaning it because KSJ actually owns very little things of hers. They're all things he's given her, or things from his former teammates.
After their deaths, she also started becoming more reckless. Before, she followed KRS's example of thoroughly planning things just in case. After, she started diving head first into whatever she was going and just improvise.
Which honestly isn't a lot. She mostly studies at home, under the watch of their neighbor, who KRS trusts(a nice grandma who always says the two of them remind her of her son and granddaughter). When she isn't home, she's running errands with KRS or their neighbor, training with him, she snuck out, or she's babysitting Kim Min Ah and Bae Puh Rum's daughter.
KRS spoils her. So did LSH and CJS when they were alive. KMA and BPR are the ones that try to rein KRS in.
They are... Mildly successful.
Okay, enough fluff, time for angst.
Kim Rok Soo was devastated when she died. Even more so because he couldn't record her last moments(bc Projection). The only thing that brought him some level of comfort was the fact she managed to severely injure a Grade 1 Monster and protect everyone at the orphanage.
She was the only casualty during the attack. But you best believe that monster died screaming. We haven't seen KRS!Cale lose his shit, but in this world he did.(And it was terrifying) She died when he was 30, 7 more years and she would have been an adult. (He celebrated that day in another world. He did so with the company of her future siblings.)
It took him months to work up the courage to clean her room. When he did, his Records almost immediately started playing at every object he picked up. The only item that didn't do so was a novel he found called "The Birth of A Hero" by Nelan Barrow.
There was a note card used as a bookmark on the 2nd volume. It was Choi Jung Soo's handwriting, wishing her a happy 12th birthday. (He doesn't think about how he died before her 7th)
He learns from the old lady that LSH and CJS had prepared gifts for her up until her 20th birthday. During the 6 years he spend without her, he put then in her vacant room, but he never opened them.
Sui Khan and a reincarnated Choi Jung Soo made sure to buy her gifts similar or the same.
TLDR: Kim Soo Jin stayed with KRS for a decade. Everyone(that knew her) loved her. She died protecting others, and meant so much to KRS. She also pushed KRS into reading TBoaH, and both of them would do anything for each other. Peek Father-Daughter relationship. 10/10.
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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⁇ Virtual casting is not real ⁇ Kim Soo-hyun x Kim Ji One to IU x Park Bo-gum .. Romance Drama lineup ⁇
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sosrantings · 28 days
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Why is bae seok-ryu ME?
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sunmiyane · 2 years
Search: WWW 🥰🥰 I seriously need these two in another drama together!!
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Also, this drama is (imo) underrated... it gives women empowerment, standing up for yourself, competitive spirit while still being there for e/o. The evolution of Tami and Scarlett's relationship, from rivals to friends, gives me life... no wonder I re-watch it often.
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Three Must Watch Fun KDramas - No Drama KDramas
Did you just finish the first season of The Glory? Or maybe you finally caught up on Reborn Rich. Was Anna and Big Mouth too much heart break? Let me suggest these emotional palate cleansers for you. Sometimes you don’t want the intensity or need to come down from something super emotionally taxing. Here are my suggestions. The Fabulous Lead actors: Chae Soo Bin, Choi Min Ho, Park Hee Jung, Lee…
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softplots · 10 months
MASTERLIST — female korean names !!
hi sweeties !! there are #50 (FIFTY) female korean names under the cut, they were all taken from kdramas. hope you guys like it !! please like/reblog if you found this useful !!
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Park Se-Hee
In Byuel
Go Yu-Na
Kim San-Ha
Na Joo-Hee
Han Song-Yi
Lee Mi-Yeon
Jung Jung-Won
Shin Ki-Won
Kwon Na-Ra
Ah Mi
Yoon Hee
Heo Soon-sim
Choi Sun-ah
Shin Ki-yoon
Baek Na-hee
Ma Ho-Young
Lee So-Yeon
Lee Hyun-ji
Yoon So-rim
Eun Tae-hee
Seong Mi-do
Ahn Ja-yeong
Hong Chae-ri
Oh Ha-rin
Baek Je-na
Kim Ga-yeon
Son Ae
Eun Ok
Kang Hye-young
Lee Yoo-ri
Choi Dong-joo
Kim Yeong-chae
Jo Hae-In
Bae Doo-rae
Jo Ki-bum
Joo Wol
Yoo Young-joo
Joo Wol
Lee Yoo-jeong
Mo Jae-in
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junkobato · 1 year
Upcoming Kdrama June 2023 🩷
5/6: the Villain of Romance with Baro, Ha Seung Ri. 10 episodes; romance. Trailer
9/6: Bloodhounds with Woo Do Hwan, Lee Sang Yi, Park Sung Woong. 8 episodes; action, thriller, crime. Trailer
17/6: See You in My 19th Life with Shin Hye Sun, Ahn Bo Hyun. 12 episodes; rom-com, fantasy. Trailer
17/6: King the Land with Im Yoon Ah, Lee Jun Ho, Go Won Hee. 16 episodes; rom-com. Trailer
19/6: Lies Hidden in My Garden with Kim Tae Hee, Im Ji Yeon, Kim Sung Oh. 8 episodes; thriller, mystery. Trailer
23/6: Numbers with Choi Jin Hyuk, Yeon Woo, Kim Myung Soo. 12 episodes; mystery, business. Trailer
23/6: Revenant with Kim Taeri, Oh Jung Se, Hong Kyung. 12 episodes; mystery, thriller, supernatural. Trailer
26/6: Heartbeat with Taecyeon, Won Ji An, Yoon So Hee. 16 episodes; rom-com fantasy. Trailer
28/6: Miracle Brothers with Jung Woo, Bae Hyun Sung, Lee Ki Woo. 10 episodes; mystery, drama. Trailer
30/6: Celebrity with Park Gyu Young, Kang Min Hyuk, Lee Chung Ah. 12 episodes; thriller, mystery. Trailer
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Where can I find the time to watch so many shows? 🥲
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