#balem abrasax fanfiction
anodyne-sunflower · 1 year
Love me like you do (Chapter 31 END)-Balem series
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A/N: Guys...guys, I actually did it. 4 and a half years later but I fucking did it lmao listen, this was always the ending I had in mind, but a little shorter than intended, but it is what it is and I am just happy to have finished it for anyone still interested lol fucking hell...even if no one reads it, I'm proud I even came back to finish. Not beta read because I'm too worked up to care about grammar.
Mood Music: my own cheers and tears
Blades of grass thread between your toes, cold and smooth, dotted by the dew of morning that provides a sense of relief to the heat around you. You spread your arms in the warmth of the atmosphere, eyes closed and head tilted back to let your very being breathe in the day.
Your chest rises and falls with every hardened breath, inhales just as strong as the exhale to take in the sunrise. And oh, is it one with earth. The view brings a smile to your face, feet taking one, two, three steps until the field is open, long stalks of various plants tickling your skin, over your bare feet and ankles, the tallest reaching your shoulders that peek over the red cloth of your dress.
It’s Summer, you think. Must be. For the heat is grand and the sunrise is wanting.
It’s big, orange, burning yellow and bright along the horizon of where you stand. You take the view in, lips quirking into a grin, reminiscing of Summer’s past, where earth has given you joy as a child.
This is much the same. A grand sun, backdropped to orange and yellow hues, signaling the day’s start. But in contrast, there is snow. Falling from above, in delicate flakes, hitting your bare shoulders, melting over collarbones and you hold your hand out, collecting them into your palm.
Snow in summer....not of earth, and it makes you smile. “Just like home...”
“I don’t know what to say...”
His forehead came to rest on yours, eyes closed as he urged you to say what you both wanted. “You do.”
You do....
The very idea of that made you laugh, inwardly of course, because you were more than aware a certain Primary would frown upon that reaction. “I don’t, Balem. I don’t even know where to begin...”
His eyes pierce into you, steady, eerily calm but you’ve known him long enough to gauge the swirl of fear in them, tinged with an urgency that begs you to choose him. To desire him like you once did—still did. “You come here, expecting—expecting what? That I allow myself to be yours again? That I turn a blind eye to the world you literally create for yourself? You’re asking me to live with the fact you...you...”
“I am what I am, little bird. And I’ve never claimed to be more. I have given you my very existence, earth be damned...” His eyes flicker down your features, lingering on your lips, hand raised by his side to touch but he doesn’t dare to do more than merely hover there, waiting, pleading for your acceptance. “I don’t want it, I don’t yearn for it, there is little here I care for and I’m currently in its presence.” Balem’s gaze softens, that sheen of hesitance there, so unlike his usual self that makes you question so much. “I have promised you. I will never take from this planet, there is no bargain here. I ask nothing in return, but if I must,” and it’s then you hold your breath, solid in your chest as he begins to kneel.
The very sight is unimaginable, a man with so much to his name, his worth so grand you’re of very little consequence to him in the grand scheme of life...yet, he kneels. Before you.
The hand he had stretched out now moves forward, gripping yours in a tight hold, fingers threading through your own. His palms are cold, you notice, and all at once, you wish to warm them.
“If I must yield to you,” and he squeezes, so softly, but the touch burns all the same. “Know that I do so with every intent of my...” a breath. “My heart.”
“Come back with me—to me, Y/N.”
His words pierce you, throughout your entire soul, so strong they make you squeeze his hands back in response. You’d be foolish to deny the way your heart seeks him, willingly beating in earnest of a love you hold. There is no consequence to your emotions, that much you’re plainly aware of, but it is morality that whispers in your ear. Softly kissing the idea that he can never change into your mind. That he can gift your worlds and still hold many more in his grasp.
Then again, has he ever asked more from you than your love? Such a simple notion in reality, to give yourself to someone so fully but to him...to him that must be the only concept that eludes him in life. In all his centuries of living, he’s never once flirted with its grasp.
Until now.
Until you...
Enough to gift you the entirety of earth. To ask nothing in return, to kneel...if you had the presence of mind, you’d have smiled at the action, because you’re more than aware he’s never kneeled for a single person in his long life.
Morality speaks of truth, and in that you find one thing; you do love him. No matter the actions of his life, his business, his past indiscretions, you still loved him. You knew deep down the profound nature of your feelings towards him would never change, and your time back on earth had proven that. How often can a person admit such things? How often can anyone say they’ve been faced with this decision, it’s unlikely, that’s for certain.
However, seeing him before you, kneeling, lips brushing over your knuckles as he closes his eyes in preparation of your answer...you realize one inevitable fact; yes or no...you love him.
And what more should matter?
Gentle footsteps sound behind you, and with little more than a turn of your head, you see Mr. Night by the entryway.
"Are you ready?"
Have you ever been? You'd be lying if you said some small part of you never hesitated...
Your eyes move to the deed in your hands, the tablet smooth, so small yet holding a power far beyond your own importance. I have Earth, you think softly to yourself, and what do I do now?
"Come back with me..."
Balem's urgent whispers bring you back to the moment. You glance up to see him standing closer, his hand outstretched, shaking so slightly you'd almost miss it.
"I beg you."
You swallow, pained--grateful, in a very wrong way, but that warmth sweeps you in its grasp. Come back with me, he keeps asking, but your hands remain tucked at your sides, one tightening around the tablet...
"I am." You say it so matter-of-factly, pulling the corners of your gown up to pack yourself to the entryway. Your bare feet feel content with the grounds of the garden, always your favorite place amongst this monstrosity of a palace, and it's only when you near the golden doors you slip them back into your heels, a stark, vibrant red. They glitter against the fading sunlight, and you take one look back at the vast gardens. "I am..."
"Okay..." It's so soft when you say it. So soft Balem seems taken aback, a line drawn between his brows as he nears you, frightened in his own right.
"Say it again..."
You look to him, somewhat moved by his own surprise. Perhaps he truly did not come with expectations, "Okay..." Only a desire to see you off in a way that would honor his old promises, honor his own feelings for you. It settles a confidence in your heart, one that makes it a little easier to know deep down... you've made the right decision. "I'll go back with you." The affirmation feels like a heat radiating through your being, waking your muscles as you slowly reach for his hand that remains ever so pleading to you. "I'll go back." You say more pointedly, threading your fingers through his pale ones, his cold palms soothing to you. It's a memory of a softer time... when you could pretend the ethics behind all of this didn't matter.
When you could pretend, just for a moment, you were both normal human beings...with nothing more than love between you.
Balem's fingers tighten around yours, fearing you'd let go at any moment. As if you'd change your mind, and he'd be left just as heartbroken as before. His eyes glow with adulation, but wary of how far his own feelings could take him.
"Little bird..."
Snow still falls around you, and only when you reach your palm out do you realize it's ash. You stare towards the refinery in the distance, smoothing your thumb across the flake and watching it dust your fingertips.
There is beauty in the world around you, gardens elongating down the pathways, the windows, the arches...and then there is darkness. It's never too far, is it?
But a smile still comes to your face. Perhaps guilty, perhaps content. In the end, you pay it all no mind. You knew...you knew not everything in this universe can be saved. Maybe not even yourself...
"Little bird."
But what is happiness, if not a selfish thing.
"I'm coming."
You slip through the doorway, fingers finding Balem's as he gracefully smiles at you, pulling you closer and pressing his lips to yours in a subdued kiss. You feel his desire in it, feel the urgency to move all of this along.
To find that end that catered to both your hearts.
"In here, my lord." Mr. Night pushes the doors to the throneroom open, Balem's white and gold cap sliding effortlessly across the tiles. A man resides on the high steps, dresses in robes, and beckoning you both forth.
"Would your majesty place his hand forth, signifying the bond."
Your eyes drift to the machine floating before you both, Balem moving his hand with no hesitation towards it. You watch in awe as a light shines from it, a mechanism arching over his finger as it burns an elaborate ring across it. His eyes never stray from yours, a pride glowing in them as he lifts his hand to show the imprint of his devotion.
"Your turn, little bird." It's said gently, almost humorously, so unlike him that it actually makes you laugh. Maybe he still thinks you'll turn heel and run, or maybe he's so engrossed in a moment he can't believe is actually occurring.
But you know this is what you want--what you asked for.
A devotion dressed in chaos, in uncertainty, yet...in perpetuity.
You lay your palm across the machine, watching as the glow of the ring etches into your skin. There is no turning back, and you remember the words, the vows, you both whispered to each other this morning while lying in bed. They were meant for this moment, but Balem had asked you to only repeat them to him and only him.
For anyone else's ear need not know what you mean to each other.
So even when darkness takes over the day, when your rings shine in each other's tangled hands, do you dare to say them to him again.
"I, Y/N, take Balem Abrasax," his lips pepper down your neck, one hand slipping under the end of your gown to lift it up, "to be my husband..." your breath hitches in your throat, "I enter into this union," his lips slide to your chin, halting there before he brings them to your own, "being of sound mind..."
"My beautiful little bird." His achingly devoted words get kissed into your lips, and you moan softly from the urgency of it all. The vows sing inside your head and you wonder, very briefly, how your heart could change you so much.
All for one man...
"Of my..." But in the very end, your illusion of what perfection was, what being good was...seemed so irrelevant in his arms, "own volition."
A/N: holy fuck I actually ended this series....fuck me, thank you, all of you, for ever having read this at all lol like...what?! It's so cheesy but fun to write and share and I realize many of you probably aren't around anymore but to those who ever stuck around and wished or hoped for an end, I hope this is something.
Thank you. Truly.
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abrasax-balem · 1 year
what's your fav thing about balem abrasax?
I would say his depth, which is hidden behind few scenes he really is in. He is shown as pure antagonist: a bit hysterical, powerful, only profit-oriented ( I must say Eddie did an amazing performance, so over-the-top, so much cold danger, followed by oubursts of emotions ). And yes, that's a one of things I like most. He is perfect as a villain.
But also, his story, if one digs deeper, is such a great potential for fanfiction. His inner turmoils, his darkness. I love complex dark characters, he lived trough so many centuries, he gathered so much knowledge / power / problems / traumas / dreams. And he shows only surface, it all brims under it, urging to pool over.
I find it fascinating.
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ladybalem · 5 years
She-slave's soul - a Confession about Balem Abrasax - part 2 of 3
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* SMUT ALERT: 50 SHADES OF JUPITER'S SMUT AS FAR AS THE EYES CAN SEE * PLUS: ALERT OF PAIN. There's a little around here. If you don't like it, don't read it. You've been warned. * Pairing: Balem x OC (Malena) * <18+ it's still not enough for this. Keep it to read only when you're at the university, lol> * * * (continuing...)          Excited, Malena obeyed him, getting kneeled before Balem and with no delay she spread her lips and received his length between them with a vulgar moaning of  satisfaction as she worked to make it to stiff between her anxious lips, what didn't take no long to happen, while over Malena's head Balem was  finishing to tear off one of the long sleeves of her silver dress, remaining just with it in his right hand as he threw the rest of it away at the floor at the bed. And as Balem found himself ready, his sex growing between her lips in an  extraordinary way due to the  phenomenal attention his she-slave was dedicating it, taking the tore sleeve of her dress he just blindfolded Malena with it, tying it over her eyes. And she moaned in pleasure as, making her then to stop what she was doing, Balem held her by her hair, keeping Malena halted, and that way he began to move his hips with impetus against her face, who held herself to his thin thighs, just letting him to take her entire mouth, while she moaned. Never Balem would be able to put it entirely into Malena's mouth as he seemed to intend to do, and she was truly almost gagging at each thrust of him into  her throat; but to listen at his low tone and guttural moans while he was doing that to her was arousing Malena in a way that she abandoned herself to moan out loud as well, superficially breathing, cause the feeling of being possessed and used by him that way it was delicious for her to the point of that there was no words to express as she felt then. And seeming to guess her thoughts, Balem moaned to her in middle of the noises that were escaping from his throat wrapped by  the high metal collar:          - What is the feeling of being taken this way, slave? Do you enjoy this?          It was obvious that she wasn't able to respond him, but it was exactly this what excited Balem the most while doing her this question, and leaving her hair and exiting from her mouth, that for an instant just stayed opened as if her just like didn't comprehend why did he done that, Balem commanded:          - To the bed. On your knees and hands, slave.          Closing her mouth and swallowing Malena stretched one of her arms into the bed's way behind her, grabbling to it, and she lifted herself up slowly, turning into its direction, still stretching her arms forward, and as they reached the bluish camp Malena felt both of her hands to ascend up weightless, but Balem, pressing the button behind his right ear, turned off the system, and then she got to get over the bed, still blindfolded, the bunch of grapes falling at her side. And crawling Malena went to the center of the large bed, panting by now, and soon she felt he was getting over behind her, taking position on his knees at her back, palming his large hands on the palpitating and trembling shapes of her butts, fawning it in a circular caress until Balem to turn his hands and slide descending both of them palmed through her thighs until they reach Malena's bent knees' back, scratching her skin with his nails as he restarted to come up, repeating the caress as he reached the top again.          And then with the fingers of his left hand he pulled apart her fold lips, sliding in sequence the medium finger of his right through the middle of them, and clapping his tongue as he heard her to moan so deliciously and as he saw his she-slave to softly arch her spine, Balem whispered, with a voice that caused her a shiver at the basis of her spine:          - So wet - and he slid his finger inside, making it to bend inside her, that once again arched her back and moaned, and pulling it out and sliding it along her femininity again he turned to say - So warm. Your body is imploring for mine. Perfection.          - Oh, yes, my Lord, I  implore - Malena moaned - Take me to yourself, I  implore.          A black smile showed on his face, but he stood still a little back on his knees, placing both his large hands on her butts and that time placing apart her fold lips with his thumbs; and inclining down his head he pointed out his tongue and glided it along of her sex for whole from down to up, and being overrun by a trembling Malena moaned out loud:          - Oh! My Lord!          Balem smiled mysteriously over her sex, proud and satisfied of the power he exerted over her, turning to repeat what he have done once more as his she-slave moaned out loud:          - Each part of my body implores for yours, my Master. Each part of my body belongs to you, Lord Balem, use what's yours. I  implore!          And having that terrible wicked smirk still on his face, Balem with no warning penetrated her at once, pulling Malena to himself with his both hands with strength, his growing nails digging into her flesh at each thrusting. And she  abandoned herself moaning out loud, Balem deriving pleasure of the deliciously vulgar way she was expressing herself, and after some good number of deep thrusts given into her with strength, he stretched one of his arms, pulling Malena back by her hair, making her to lift her torso up, and panting the she-slave stood on her knees, falling her head aside as he was asking, roaring on Malena's ear:          - To whom do you belong, she-slave?          - To you, my Lord, solely to you, my Lord.          Balem then slid his free hand along her sweaty and trembling body, keeping on to thrust inside her even at that position, and holding one of her breasts, he tightened it - And will you belong to someone else some other day?          - No! I rather die than do such, my beloved Lord!          And in a single gesture Balem tore away the blindfold from Malena's eyes, pushing her forward and making her to fall on her hands again, restarting to thrust against her with strength.          - My Lord... - she spoke out loud, in ecstasy - Possess me, Lord Balem, possess me... I belong to you, my Lord!          Inebriated with the way Malena was submissive to him and with the fact she felt an incredible pleasure with that, panting between his locked teeth Lord Balem felt uncommon desires and desired to satisfy them right there and right then: Bringing his right thumb to his lips, licking it to lubricate it, without stopping thrusting into her, he softly forced his thumb to inside of her back entrance, introducing there just its tip, as Malena moaned slightly in pain by this time, and noticing this, he left to fall from his lips over her a long string of spit, under which warm touch she moaned in pleasure, but he soon forced his finger inside again, then introducing it for whole, and as Balem had never made this to her before the expectation aroused her, although Malena was still feeling pain.          And just don't managing for long the hot and extremely tight feeling his thumb was experiencing, Balem desired another thing, and getting out from her while removing his finger as well, he made to fall over her back entrance another long string of saliva, that was only what he had at hand at that moment to make use, quickly placing the tip of his length there. But when he forced it to the inside, Malena moaned and contorted herself in pain.          - Relax! - he commanded, both hands stroking along of her buttocks, before to lead them to the curve of her groins and pull his slave to himself. Tears drained from Malena's eyes as his length getting to bend he felt the difficulty to get in, Balem moaning in pleasure now as he was pulling her with a hand of his while with the other he was arranging and holding to himself, forcing his entrance millimeter by millimeter, and with a wicked voice he grunted - You said that every part of your body were mine, and you implored me to use what is mine - moaning out loud she sobbed then, tightening her eyes, feeling him to get in more and more - And THIS is what I want by now.          - My Lord, please, make use of  mercy! It hurts, my Lord!          - Implore me for doing this - he commanded, ignoring her request.          - Lord Balem!          Getting to keep his length straight and grinding his teeth, making strength against her he entered then to the end, closing his eyes tight shut and retorting his neck back as he let a grunting to scape out, and in a single movement he cringed his belly and just pulled a half out, what made her to moan out loud in agony, and he spoked loud:          - Oh, Malena! Perfection!          - My beloved Lord, please!          - Quiet! Relax! - and he spitted  once more, at that time disdainfully, on the half of his own sex that was out before to once again introduce it inside her, starting to thrust on as he was grunting loud, barely supporting the pressure made by her virgin ass around his so potent length, and little by little a strange mixing of pain and pleasure installed itself on Malena, who was still weeping, but that by now restarting to incline her  hips up into his direction as before, at each thrust. And the pain was step by step disappearing, and a pleasure she didn't judge before that would exist began to show itself to her very slowly. And inclining himself over her back, getting too on his hands above her, Balem with one of his large hands made Malena to turn her face as he licked up one of her cheeks:          - It pleases me the taste of your tears, my she-slave. (to be continued...)
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Worlds Collide
Soulmate au 
Balem Abrasax x Reader
Warning(s): Cuss words, implied smut at the very end 
A/N: i tried to make it as gender neutral as possible and if there are any mess ups im sorry because i definitely wrote this under two hours and without my glasses because i was excited that i finally had the urge to write
word count:  1038
    Soulmates aren't a foreign concept to me. I know I have one because I have their age that we would meet on my wrist. However I assumed that I would never meet them seeing as the age on my wrist was 14,005. So I'm either soulmates with someone who’s been long dead or a god and i'm not sure which one I hate more. I accepted long ago that I’m never going to meet my soulmate so I chose to forget about him or her. I had both of my arms heavily covered in tattoos. Secretly I still know the age though,
    I sighed as I walked home from my job, something felt off but I silently hoped it was nothing. Every once in a while I would look over my shoulder. Nothing. Again. I still sped up taking different routes hoping that whoever was following me would get lost. 
     “Is that them?” I heard a whisper. I turned around, seeing weird flesh colored things staring as me. Before I could scream they raised something that I could only describe as a blaster and shot it at me. 
    Waking up in a cold sweat in a room you don’t know does something to people’s brains. So when it happened to me I was kind of taken aback. I looked around and everything was either black or gold. The bed you were tucked into was in a slight oval shape. The sheets were black while the duvet was black with what looked like gold branches. I sat up, confused about what was happening. 
    “Oh. It seems you’re awake.” I looked around trying to find where the voice came from but couldn’t figure it out. “I am what you would call an A.I. on your planet.” The voice said. 
    My planet? Where the fuck am I? I suddenly started floating and was pulled from the bed to stand up.I noticed that they changed me into a floor length black dress/ or black suit. “I’ll let Lord Baleem know that you’re awake.” Lord? 
    “Who the fuck names their kid Balem?” I wondered out loud. 
    “And who names their kid Y/N.” The voice was like velvet. It sent chills down my spine. I turned quickly to see if this was also an A.I. but saw a man clothed in an all black suit that surprisingly looked freaking amazing on him. He kept walking closer to me until I was backed up against a wall. “Personal space is a thing you know.” I said, not really thinking about what was going to happen as I was lost in his eyes. Something about him just captivated me, he was just so pretty even though he looks like he wants to kill everyone in his sight. 
    “You. I’ve been looking for you.” He looked down at my arms and I subconsciously hid the one with my soulmark behind me. “So you are ashamed.” Even though it was a question, coming from his lips it sounded more like a statement. Something about it though, pissed me off. I could never be ashamed of my soulmate. 
    “Who are you to tell me that I am ashamed of my soulmate? You don’t know anything about me.” I said, puffing my chest which wasn’t the best idea. He grabbed me by the neck, pushing me further into the wall. “I know the age of your soulmark. But I want to know why you covered it.” He whispered harshly in my ear. My nerves when haywire. Where his hand landed on my skin left the skin there tingly. I’m so fucking confused. 
    “We’re going to loop back as to how you know but having the age that's well over 1,000 years old, I just assumed I would never meet them. How did you know?” He just stared at me. Balem slowly let go of my neck and showed me his wrist, which is my age but like, so many people are that age so I don’t know what he’s trying to say. 
    “Yours has 14,005. I want you to guess my age, darling.” Oh. Oh! He's my soulmate. Holy shit I have a soulmate! Still though, it’s kind of fun to mess with him. “Like 28?” I asked and he just rolled his eyes at me and looked at me with bored eyes. 
    “Look around you. You are not on Earth. You are on Jupiter. So again, why would I take you from your planet if you provide nothing for me?” I smiled at him and shrugged. He sighed and pulled me into him, shoving his face into my neck. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I’m never letting you go.”
    “Can I still have my phone to talk to my friends?” I asked while looping my arms around him and he nodded, probably to shut me up. Suddenly the door vooshed open and a tiny little mouse looking man rushed in, spouting something about a harvest? Balem didn’t move from my neck and I just looked at both of them and shrugged. 
    “My lord I really need to-” “Get out.” Balem mumbled into my neck. “ What did you say my lord?” the rat man asked. 
    Balem slowly peeled himself from me, standing to his full height. He’s so pretty. He covered my ears with his hands and I just looked at him but I understood as soon as I heard a muffled “Get out!”. 
     We ended up just taking a bath together, his head on my chest while I ran my fingers through his hair. “Alien man? Are you like a king or something?” He moved his head to look at me in the eyes with a lazy smile. “I have a large amount of wealth and own several planets so I guess you could say that.” I nodded looking at him, “Eat the rich.” 
   Balem just stared at me, “You know that because you’re my soulmate, you are also rich now?” I kissed his lips, both of us smiling into it, “I know spaceman, so are you going to eat the rich or not?” He smirked at me and pulled us both out of the water, “Of course I am, soulmate.”
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Title: with no colors on our skin Fandom: Jupiter Ascending Pairings: Titus Abrasax/Original Female Character, Balem Abrasax/Titus Abrasax (not physically but like, emotionally?) Word Count: 1710 words Content Warnings: It’s the Abrasaxes, they’re a big ol’ incestuous bunch of creepers. And I suppose having sex with someone under false pretenses? She’s consenting but she doesn’t know why the Abrasax boys are interested in her.
My gift to @seanfmcguire for the @jasecretsanta! Sorry I didn’t send you any messages; I’ve been super busy and then had surgery. On my face. But I hope you like this little thing I put together.
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kalique · 2 years
the thing is i know this person is a “haha jupiter ascending is so stupid and so fun i love channing tatum’s flying laser boots” JA stan, and not a “i have written over 10,000 words of character study fanfiction about seraphi and balem abrasax” JA stan. and if i reveal myself they will cower in fear. and also block me probably
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ladybalem · 5 years
She-slave's soul - a Confession about Balem Abrasax - part 3 of 3
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* SMUT ALERT: SMUT AS FAR AS THE EYES CAN SEE (Alert of that shamelessness you're already warned about) :v * Pairing: Balem x OC (Malena) * * * (Continuing...)          - So make me weep of pleasure, my Lord.          - Do you implore?          - I do implore.          And turning to lean his two palms over the bed around her, licking and nibbling at Malena's nape he restarted to draw and then  come back in slowly, but the new feeling of her unexplored body was so deliciously addicting that very soon Balem was taking her with strength and speed again, until he feels he was about to finish it. And lifting up from a hand and leaning on Malena's buttocks, Balem pulled himself out quickly with a grunting and holding it in a hand he ejaculated all over of her coccyx, and Malena moaned and sluggishly sighed as she felt herself suddenly empty, and his she-slave received his warm seed all over her heated skin, in excitation. And as soon as he finished, after having covered her with his cum, Balem pulled her to himself at that time lifting Malena up by her nape, slowly sliding his sex by the semen spread by her back in a sensual way, while kissing and inserting the tip of his tongue into an ear of her, Malena's body still trembling of having not yet reached the satisfaction of her desires. And she trembled the most as she heard him to command at her ear, with a firm voice:          - Clean me with your tongue, Malena, come.          Closing her eyes and sighing in anticipation of the promise of having him again between her lips, Malena awaited Lord Balem  to place himself laid down in a languid way over the many cushions before to lower down on her hand palms on the bed around his narrow hip. And in a servile way she began to lick him for whole all around of his navel and under it, descending in sequence to the sharpened angle of his muscled groins, traveling through them her lower lip in veneration, recovering that way all his cum sparkled around as she lifted to his her glance. And with hunger eyes Balem was observing his Malena, deriving pleasure of the feeling of her warm exhalation over his skin. It was easy to do what she was doing cause there was nothing there to molest her: Balem's skin was completely smooth, having not even a single hair along his entire body, and from his groins she went to the top of his thighs, after to the inner part of they both, in sequence turning to get up way again. And it was closing her eyes to his deep look that was still following hers fixedly, and with an exalted sigh, that she finally touched the basis of his penis with her lips, starting to slowly to descend through it while cleaning it, until she reached its tip, to which Malena kissed locking it momentarily between both of her trembling lips, ending it exactly as she had started, when in front of him and on her knees Malena did the same some time ago. And seeing that it wasn't resting nothing more from his cum over his own body already Balem finally told her that it was enough. And feeling to tremble, she heard him ordering her to lay down at his side, what she did slowly, recovering her hands over her own navel and looking at him in expectation while licking to her lips still fulfilled with the taste of the virility of Balem.          And saying not even a word he bent over his Malena, who closed her eyes face the sudden approaching of the heat of his skin to hers, and stretching his right arm he ran his hand through under the many cushions ahead, taking from there where it was hidden a long piece of a silk breaded rope, with which he tied her both wrists together over her head. And as soon as he finished doing that, leading his hand to the small button behind his ear Balem pressed it and, tied, panting and entirely  vulnerable to him as she loved to be, Malena felt to sweetly ascend in the air with a sigh as the antigravity system was once again turned on. And floating by her side, both of them wrapped by the blue and scintillating aura, Balem brought Malena closer and so he kept her as he raised his left arm, firmly holding her by the restraint on her wrists, and he bent to kiss and bite her breasts, sparkling some marking of sucked kisses and biting all over them and eliciting from Malena with each one of them delicious moans, their both bodies all hot from the excitation and slightly crushing between against the other, Malena's thighs snaking around his for a brief instant that almost made her to choke. And keeping her closer as he was holding Malena by the restraint he was keeping high, Balem slid his free hand between her thighs, don't  stopping to do what he was doing to her breasts not even for a second, giving then pleasure to her with his experienced fingers.          And when Balem finally saw that Malena was close, cause he well knew the way she used to moan or contorted herself when she was, taking the antigravity in his advantage Balem just softly placed the hand on her hip, making her body to slowly  and weightless spin in the air for a  moment, and with strength he stretched one of his thighs between hers as he pulled herself to him with both hands placed by now at her hips. And as him strongly pulled Malena at the same time he brought his thigh up and made it to rub on her in a sharpened angle,  bringing her wrists to ahead of her chest and holding to Balem by one of his shoulders with just the fingers of one of her hands, Malena  finally reached her peak, moaning out loud as she tilted her head back. And with pleasure stamped in his green eyes, deep as black holes, Balem witnessed her to completely  get out of herself for some brief seconds, delighting himself with that sight he had, holding her to himself until Malena to recover her consciousness. And using his teeth to set her hands free again, Balem just stood away from her, raising a hand without to look at her and he then said, with a suddenly bored expression:          - You are dispensed.          Taking a deep breath, Malena blinked some times before to turn herself slowly, taking a little impulse to get out of the  antigravity field, sitting at the edge of the bed for a while, actually desiring to stay, but she could never to beseech him such, cause it would be something that opposed itself to the command he had gave her. And turning her face to Lord Balem, who yet absent-minded from her presence, was floating by his back straight ahead of her, with her face low Malena lifted up, taking from the floor the ragged dress and dressing it up as she could the most quickly and in the better way as possible, and holding at the pieces of it against her shapes with both hands Malena heard his voice at her back:          - Mister Night, you may come and take the she-slave. We have already finished.          Turning into him for even one more time, the Balem's she-slave saw him to examine his own nails in a disinterested way, and lowering her face and placing a lock of hair behind her ear, Malena exited the bedroom holding to what have rested of her dress. On the outside mister Night grabbed her by an arm, hurrying her through the long corridor, quickly returning Malena to the harem cause he was yet wanting to recover himself to rest  and he was quite anxious for doing it.          And as the wide door opened and she got in, all the other women inside there, with no exception, looked at her as if measuring and judging the state of complete disorder of her clothes, hair and whole features with eyes flashy of envy, as Malena very quietly was passing through them, holding to her ragged dress. And as she reached her wardrobe and dressing table she changed herself very slowly, dressing a nightgown, carefully keeping the silver dress to inside of a small chest, to the contrary of all the other women who used to throw away their destructed clothing, cause Malena was used on feeling pleasure at the occasions of prolonged absences of Balem by taking to that ragged and torn clothing in special, to remind him and remind the things he have done to her at each one of these occasions. And she laid down in sequence, as she started to hear a soft sound of several muttering voices around that started to run through the whole  harem and, although Malena knew they were talking about her, she didn't care about that. Her mind was busy with another thoughts the most  important for her at that moment.          All of a sudden starting to remind the last hours she have spent at Lord Balem's chambers,  Malena softly cringed herself and smiled, very slowly lifting up her clothing from above of her breasts to spy at the many teeth marking he had left on them and to which were already starting to get purplish all over her skin. And with a little smile dominating her lips she made a wish to these marking to don't vanish very soon, desiring this way as like to remain with something coming from Balem with her, and that way, seeing them, Malena  could for a long time to keep on dreaming with her Lord and Master, even that it was alone at her small bed, daydreaming with the next time to be called, craving with every fiber of her being that it could be very soon. And desiring that Balem could have soon another subjects to deal with there at Jupiter and, getting remembered of that night, he once again would request her, and that he then would do again everything, exactly everything he have done with her that night again, biting her lip with a flirting  smile Malena closed her eyes, feeling like she had never been so  completely HIS like that night. And nestling to her scented pillow, her lips murmured very lowly, without she could notice what she was doing, just as if like her lips were doing that  by their own will:          - My beloved Master Lord Balem! * * ***************************** * MY  CONFESSION TO PRIOR PHILIP: Me, of sins, I have no one; will need to  confess and pay severe and very heavy penitences the ones who had read this shamelessness stuff being aged under 18, prior. That's everything I know. The Church of Delights will be crowded? I know it will. It won't to fit not even the half part of the people inside here? Sure not. You won't be up to the thing of listening to how many confessions and to give so many penitences? Hum, well, I'm so sorry, but I can't help you about this. The only thing I can do is pray for you, asking the Gods to give you strength at that hard  moment. What do I intend with my praying for you? Prior! Nothing, absolutely. What's that? Ask Jack. I pray for him and he for me almost everyday and no one never charge anything for the other as a pay back. What an ugly thing is to even think about such things. I'm a woman with a lot of faith, and I pray not expecting payment, cause I'm charitable. I give everything always for free. By the way, excuse me, cause I'm going to begin it right now, cause time is something precious and I don't like to waste it. *kneel down and start to pray* AMEN LORD BALEM!
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ladybalem · 5 years
Some Dreams Can Be Real - a Confession about Balem Abrasax - part 2 of 2
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* SMUT ALERT: SERVILE SMUT AS FAR AS THE EYES CAN SEE * Pairing: Balem x OC (Mirage) * * * (continuing...)          Opening her eyes and letting Balem to dive his beautiful green ones inside hers, Mirage didn't get to respond nothing to what he had said, the words, all of them, fainting on her throat, and pulling her hair back slowly, to uncover her ear, Balem whispered:          - You are sweaty.          - My bedroom was sultry, my Lord.          Still smiling his malicious smirk Balem took his hand away and withdrawn some few steps, leaving Mirage where she was, and just then she noticed the absurd of what she have said, cause all of the ambiences were kept in a constant temperature of no more than 72*F degrees. Mirage, actually, well knew that what had inflamed her body that way it had been the dream she had with him, and not the ambience's temperature.          - Are these the clothes you wear to sleep at your bedroom?          Momentarily getting out of the trance, Mirage descended her eyes to her own clothes as she moaned - Yes, my Lord... Forgive me for I haven't changed myself.          - Your clothes do please me. Now come.          And listening to that, Mirage turned her face to him, seeing he had sat down at his high throne ahead, and readily getting up she addressed herself to Balem, skillfully placing herself sat over her ankles and starting to handle the things which were already disposed there: Mirage arranged the gold basin ahead of him, putting inside of it some cold water from a jar, and in sequence heating it with the hot water that was bubbling on the heater by her side, then turning it off in sequence, and lifting up the long and transparent left sleeve of her nightgown Mirage tried the water's temperature at the inner curve of her elbow, noticing that it was perfect, and quickly taking the scents and dropping them into the basin, she raised her glance to her Lord for a while before to stretch her hands to one of his heels, holding it and placing Balem's foot over her thighs as Mirage started to lift up the hem of his trousers slowly, and as she was finishing to do it to the second one, she found herself looking at his feet, inebriated.          Mirage couldn't say the reason why, but she found Balem's feet very beautiful. Lanky, quite white, its very smooth skin. She well knew the real age of Balem, but it just only fascinated her the most about Balem having that teenager skin. And with both hands, in a real ecstasy, she slowly caressed his bare foot, then lowering herself down to kiss it, slowly getting up through along of its chest with little wet kisses, inhaling breath between one and another. And as she came to his heel, Balem just lifted the foot from her lap and with it he caressed her face, and sighing Mirage closed her eyes. How much she loved when Balem caressed her face with his feet... with a smile, Mirage let him to slide it along her jawline, and as he finally touched her palpitating lips, Mirage opened her eyes raising her face to him, who from the heights of his high throne and glory was deigning himself to look at her, at her, and she felt happy and grateful for belonging solely to him. And as he took off his foot, Mirage slowly put it inside the scented water, before to do the same to the other one, and taking a soap bar, she bathed both carefully, letting them to soak again in sequence; and getting up, Mirage asked:          - Do you desire a chalice of wine, my Lord?          In a slow and slightly bored manner he motioned a hand into her way, and turning into the little table aside she poured wine into a chalice, delivering it to Balem, who took it without to look at her, having a little sip, as Mirage returned to sit on her heels ahead the gold basin, to which she soon stretched her hands, taking one of his feet off from there and starting to dry it with a smooth towel.          - I thought I would wake you at this hour - Balem said, between a sip of wine and another - I thought I would interrupt your dreams.          Feeling to turn red, Mirage took off his other foot from the basin, starting to dry it as well, and she said under a breath:          - I've... I've been dreaming this night, yes.          - And was it a good dream, Mirage?          She raised her glance up to him, just to see Balem to lick his lips after a sip of wine, and it didn't help her not a little, who at that point was already able to imagine the  taste of the wine on his tongue, as it would to snake itself around hers.  And swallowing Mirage lowered her eyes to his feet again, as she whispered:          - Yes, my Lord; it was a good dream.          - Won't you tell me?          Averting the basin away and taking a little bottle of scented oil, Mirage whispered, almost inaudibly:          - I don't dare to, my Lord.          - Don't you dare? - Balem smiled maleficently, taking a long sip that time, as he said - So may I guess your dream was about me, Mirage?          Once again Mirage's heart discharged on her chest. It was quite incredible the power Lord  Balem had upon her, that power to take her out of herself, to take her out of the ground, to drag her in body and spirit to the spheres, to the stars... as doing nothing more than just to address her his grave, paused and harsh voice, doing nothing more than to breath around her; and trying to control herself, she poured two oil drops at a hand palm of hers, rubbing it to the other one then quickly, and taking his right foot, Mirage placed it over her thighs, after having raised and averted from them her nightgown, starting to massage it slowly, along all of its sole and then to each finger of his. And only after some minutes Balem turned to speak again:          - Sometimes the reality can be better than the dreams, beautiful Mirage - and he emptied his chalice - If we dare and have the courage to abandon ourselves - and he stretched the chalice into her way, who leaving his foot for a while, took it and returned it to the table keeping her head down, then sitting at his feet again to do the same to his other foot. And as Mirage finished, she kissed both still a last time, before to put down the hems of his trousers again, and she asked him, with lowered eyes:          - What do you desire from me now, my Lord? Order and I'll do.          With no word, in a slow way, he offered her his left hand, and hesitating for a single second Mirage offered him hers, getting up, and Balem with no warning pulled her into his lap, where he placed his she-slave sat down, and Mirage sighed in surprise. And taking her by one large hand on her thigh and another on her face, passing his long arm by Mirage's back, he inclined himself to whisper into her ear:          - Have you ever imagined that some dreams can be real, Mirage?          Slowly sliding a hand along of the arm of his that was holding on her thigh, Mirage whispered, closing her trembling eyes:          - How could it be possible, my Lord?          - I could... - and Balem was gliding his wet lips through her ear, slightly sucking on the smooth part of her earlobe before to whisper - I could actually to be a devil who invades your bedroom at the deep of the night... To invade your dreams... and possess you.          And he was saying this while gliding his fingers along of her jawline, until to introduce his index finger on her mouth, to what Mirage instinctively reacted, closing her lips around it and sucking on Balem's long finger, with a sigh of delight, while she lifted her other hand to caress at his arm to which he was doing that, eliciting that way from Balem a  sigh against of her ear, to where he inserted the tip of his tongue. And as he freed her lips Mirage moaned under a breath:          - But my Lord isn't a devil.          - No? And what am I, Mirage?          - My Lord is an angel.          And smiling Balem slid his nails through her lips, softly biting on her jawline, having both of his arms caressed by his Mirage under an insistent and soft way, and pulling her face to his with his enormous hand he tightened her ear between his lips, and then he  whispered there:          - A fallen one?          - No... An angel of light, an angel of glory.          And descending his right hand in a brusque gesture from her face to her thighs Balem lifted Mirage's nightgown up, getting with his hand up through under it and grabbing at her left breast with strength, digging into it his nails, and biting a lip she tilted her head back, nestling  her face to his, as Mirage moaned under a breath:          - My Lord... My adored Lord... My... My beautiful angel descended from the stars to make me venerate you and to give me pleasure!          And lifting her hand to reach Balem's face that was panting over hers, Mirage was offering him her lips for a kiss, crazily craving to take the initiative but fearing that he would repel her, and breathing his inhalation and throwing hers on his, Mirage, instead of doing this, heard Balem to say, as he was kneading her breast uninterruptedly and gliding his other hand between her thighs:          - It pleases me the way you venerate me, Mirage. It pleases me the way you kneel yourself,  submissive, at my feet.          Their lips were by now millimeters of distance between, almost rubbing between as they two were breathing and exhaling through them nervously, and even so Balem didn't kiss her, the growing tension becoming almost unsupportable, and Mirage whispered so, so lowly then, that Balem only heard her because he was so close:          - And does my Lord desire me to kneel down in front of you now?          - No - he responded her at the same tone - Now I want YOU.          And saying this Balem finally covered her lips with his, stealing all of her breath, and moaning Mirage cupped his beautiful face, the delicious taste of wine in his warm saliva invading her mouth, and internally she thanked heaven for that intense happiness. *          And when, they two being already naked on the large and smooth bed, Lord Balem finally bended over her, lifting Mirage's legs with his enormous hands to wrap them over his narrow hip, opening her to himself, Balem penetrated his she-slave with his so well endowed and incredibly hard length, descending to the bottom of her body as with a shiver she contorted herself, having a grunting that he let to scape out over her face as he was plunging his nails into the smooth flesh of Mirage's thighs, Balem started to impulse his hips back and forward against hers, her body so opened and under exposure for him, and feeling out of himself Balem sighed against her face. And smiling Mirage was holding him with strength to herself then:          - You are my favorite, Mirage... Among all of them - and Balem bit her shoulder after having did it to her neck, and then he whispered - Among all of them!          And smiling and moaning under the weight of his body over hers, Mirage thought to herself: "And you, Lord Balem, you're my one and real love". But she kept to herself these words. *          And as then sat over his firm and smooth thighs she felt him to make her a gift with the heat of the seed of his ultimate pleasure, flooding her for whole by her insides as he closed his eyes, slightly retorting his neck back, Mirage ceased all the movement, then just holding him and breathing against Balem's seized face. And for a short while they two remained there, connected between, as into a dreaming state she kept caressing the smooth skin of his shoulders. And for a second Mirage found herself desiring that that seed could fructify, so she could have the honor of having something of Balem growing inside her... But it was just a dream.          Laying her down, Balem slid out of his slave who, feeling herself emptied of him, moaned and sighed under a breath, and giving her a last wet kiss on her neck, Balem sighed then:          - You may return to your bedroom now.          Desiring to stay but as well desiring to obey him over anything, Mirage  experienced a moment of dilemma before to finally and slowly to get up, taking and slowly dressing up her nightgown, as with her eyes down she addressed herself to her owner once more:          - As you allow me, my Lord - and as he waved her, Mirage moved herself into the doorway, where she halted as she heard Balem to call her name, and anxiously Mirage lifted her face into the bed's way, yet don't getting to see him on it from where she was then, but delighting herself along with the words he addressed her:          - Mirage... - and he took a brief  pause before to complete - Dream with me - and he seemed to take a breath before to end his sentence - This is a command. * * ***************************** * MY CONFESSION TO PRIOR PHILIP: Prior! Once more here we are wrapped by dreams, my venerable prior. What the guilty we could have on that? Hum? Guilty I am, cause it's the second time that my Confessions generate dreams to my venerable readers? My Lord! OOps, I mean, my Prior! Don't put that terrible blame on me, I implore! OOps, well, you're getting what I mean. I wouldn't not even to write such things, you well know, I just did it to attend to the requests and, just as always, my intentions  were, are and will always be the best. Because with dreams the life is too much more pleasing, prior. Hum, this remind me of something. Do you, prior? About what do the monks dream? The holy spirit's little dove? What? "On your knees now and start praying"? Ok. Here we go again. There are days in which you look like  Lord Balem, prior, when you're authoritarian this way. Ouch. AMEN,  LORD BALEM!
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ladybalem · 5 years
Some Dreams Can Be Real - a Confession about Balem Abrasax - part 1 of 2
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* Mirage is one of the many she-slaves of the powerful Lord Balem Abrasax, who spend the nights at her bed daydreaming with the opportunity of being requested to serve him, because she lives for it, and her entire being is devoted to please him, honor him and let him to use her the way her Lord and Master as well desires to. Because more than to herself, her own life belongs to Balem, and its sense and reason is her total submission to her powerful Master. * Pairing: Balem x OC (Mirage) * This one is dedicated to my beloved and beautiful Mirage, who had a dream about Balem and then told me, cause he's her Lord and she venerates him... So, she deserved me to write it. * * *          His sight in front of her it was practically a Devine vision. Ah... The adoration she nourished by her Lord and Master Balem... Not even herself had the words to describe it not even to herself at all the times, just like this, when she found herself in front of his glorious presence, where everything tried for to make her totally inebriated: The color and the deepness of his hunger eyes which like as used to devour her at each glance, the unsoundable promise of the smoothness of the touching of his extremely white and smooth skin, his voluptuous lips and the promise of their erotic touch, his large hands ornate with rings moving themselves slowly into her direction to give her mute commands, to which she craved so much to obey, his delicious smell... Looking at him and awaiting to serve him, waiting to be touched by him, craving to taste his taste, it was already by itself a delighting, and Mirage couldn't find the words to thank the fact of belonging to Balem, to whom her submission it was her biggest pleasure. Just as like as if she had been born and as if she existed just to belong to her venerated  Lord, and for nothing more. Balem was her whole universe, and Mirage, she was his most loyal and ardent of all of his she-servants.          Negligently laid down on his deck chair at the veranda, with his sensual and perfect thorax naked under his high metal collar which used to wrap his neck all the time, and leaned on some huge cushions embroidered with gold thread, Balem sluggishly raised up his glance and then in sequence his hand to the small marble table at his side, taking from over there a chalice of wine already emptied, with an uninterested glance stretching it into Mirage's direction  before to deviate his eyes away, as he started to sight the orange tone color sky of Jupiter. And she, humbly prostrated there on her knees aside the deck chair in front of him, entirely submissive to his being and presence, as she liked to keep herself in sign of veneration and respect, Mirage quickly lifted her arms to the jar of sweet wine over the small table, carefully and servilely filling his chalice to the half, and with an unnamable pleasure she saw Balem to lead the crystal to his lips, taking a small sip, before to turn his eyes again at her beautiful face, who was admiring his in silence. Softly lowering her glance as she hadn't enough forces to sustain his for so long, that with the strength and the magnetism of a black hole used to suck to inside of his green and deep eyes to her own, Mirage placed the jar back to the table before to get to look at him again, and Balem had still his eyes fixed upon her, but by now flowing his glance over by the jewels which were adorning her deep low-neck, at what her, don't getting to contain herself, sighed under a breath.          Once again leaving the chalice aside, Balem slightly licked his lips before to arrange himself over the pretty rich cushions, and with his glance still fixed upon his favorite she-slave he very slowly raised his right hand into her way, and seeing it, Mirage felt her heart just to discharge  inside of her chest in expectation, her blood flowing hot and fast through all of her body,  face the mere promise of his touch on her heated skin, feeling anxious for his divine touching. And as Balem approached his hand from Mirage's face, she already getting to feel the heat of his presence so close to her, as well to his masculine and delicious smell, Mirage closed her beautiful eyes, letting out a sigh, a great heat going through her whole body in a second. But before he could effectively touch her, Mirage all of a sudden went into a deep fright, waking up in her wide bed covered in silk in her particular bedroom at the harem of she-slaves of Lord Balem at his palace in Jupiter.          Panting and sighing Mirage looked around, leading both hands to her face, to which she smoothed at a length, averting her hair and the sweat, cause her movement as she raised waking up and getting sat up on the bed in a sudden it had made to the  automatic lights to turn on in a delicate fade-in, and the dim-light of the golden clearness which spread itself around was bringing her again into reality. All of that had been just a dream; and closing her eyes, Mirage sighed, sliding a hand along her panting chest over her nightgown. Although she was still feeling herself on the clouds due to the wonderful dream she had had, the sky in which she was it was a sweet mixture of heaven and hell, cause at the same time Mirage felt like she was burning, inflamed by the touch of Balem's hand that not even had been real, and biting her lip Mirage lowered her feet down to the ground, taking some more seconds breathing and retaking the breath, and she sighed:          - Oh, My Lord... Lord Balem - and she slightly fanned herself with a hand, then leading it to her nape, to which she softly tightened as she lowered her head, closing her eyes for a moment - For everything that's the most sacred... How... How I miss you - and in a single movement Mirage got up from the bed, giving a short walk by the bedroom in a quite confused way - The nights I spent on praying to the gods, asking that I could have soon the pleasure and the honor of serving you, my adored Lord. Why... Why don't you call me, there's so many nights... How I suffer without you, without your divine presence... Oh! - and Mirage once again fanned herself, feeling a heat that was making her to perspire under her thin nightgown, and suddenly sliding two fingers along the low-neck between her breasts Mirage decided to get out and inhale a bit of fresh air, addressing herself to  the doorway very quickly.          On barefoot as she was and wearing the nightgown and nothing more over her body, Mirage opened the door, getting out and taking a small  corridor which led to the left, walking along it quickly, until she reach a sliding crystal door at the end of it, that opened at her approaching, and as the veranda's air hit her face, bringing along with it the flowers' scent, Mirage sighed, closing her eyes and halting for a second, before to carry on walking. There outdoors the air was fresh and scented, and she walked through her particular garden, with pleasure feeling the fresh grass under her feet as Mirage was stepping it, the hologram of a  nocturne and very dark and starlit sky above her, the silver light of the two moons lighting her way, exactly as it have been in her home planet; a petting that Balem had ordered to build to be given to Mirage as a gift. Her garden was her small refuge, a little copy of her own planet, to where she used to came to refuge herself when she was missing her past. But nowadays the only thing Mirage could miss it was Balem, and nothing more.          Just as like if he had become an addiction for her. She craved for his  presence, for his touch, for anything that would  come from him, anything that could bring him to herself. She wasn't able to tell when it have started, not even why; she just had woke up one morning and realized he had become the reason of her life - and sighing at this thought, she  sat over a large plain stone that there was aside one of the many fountains, and by the moons' light Mirage sighed, wetting her fingers on the cold water and leading them to her temples, then to the valley between her breasts, trying to refresh herself a little from that heat she was feeling. And lowering a hand to the fountain  from time to time she kept looking at the sky, guessing it should be round midnight by now, and she found herself saying under a breath:          - It's already a week since he arrived in Jupiter... Why didn't he request me? Could it be... - and wetting her nape Mirage lifted her hair high with both hands, as she was sliding her palms wet in cold water through her hair - Could it be possible he forgot myself? - and this simple thought broke her heart, to which she felt to ache in a sudden, and Mirage moaned - How much I suffer... My Lord...          And leaning on to the high  inclined stone she began to look at the almost unnoticeable movement of the two moons, her eyes losing themselves in their beauty, which wasn't yet able to gladden her spirit no more just as it was in the beginning, and Mirage sighed, feeling very sad, distracting herself from anything around  and spending there she couldn't say how much time, starting to remember past moments lived side by side with Balem along that time since she had been brought to him, and these memories transported Mirage to very far from there; so far, that when she heard a voice ahead she frightened herself, raising her torso up in a hurry:          - Mistress Mirage... Why are you here at that time?          The irritant voice of mister  Night took her out of her sweet thoughts, bringing Mirage back to the sad reality, and she sighed in a sad way, as he, with his syncopate walk, was approaching her quickly, clearly unpleased for being wetting his velvet shoes on the wet grass, and as he placed himself at her side he told her, retorting his albino and nervous hands between:          - Why aren't you at your bedroom? I've been searching everywhere at this... - and he gave a disdainful glance around - garden of yours - and lowering his glance to his own shoes unpleasedly, he complained - I can't comprehend what you mistress see in this place.          And Mirage was actually so sad that she just couldn't get, as she looked into his pale and strange figure, grayish the most under the cold light of the two moons, to find out the reason why he was searching for her at that time of night, and deviating her glance from his unpleasing figure to the sky, Mirage moaned:          - What do you want, mister Night? I want to be alone.          - But I think it's better to reconsider your desire, you mistress - squeaked him, in a cynical way - Because my Lord is requesting your services. Now. *          Mirage could barely believe in her ears that instant and she still couldn't believe until she find herself in front of the high doors of the personal dwellings of Lord Balem, which opened almost without a noise, Mirage feeling a little blush for the guards, trying to cover her breasts with her arms, just because mister  Night hadn't left her to not even change her clothes, the too much hurry he was to deliver her to his Lord, but actually none of them were looking at her; and soon they two entered in, the albino little man with some kind of a rat expression beforehand on her way, going into the direction of the large bed in the middle of the dwellings, halting and taking a respectful bow to  Lord Balem, to whose voice Mirage then heard to sound, bored as always, and she hadn't seen him yet, just stopping and standing respectfully next to the door:          - Finally, mister Night. Can I know the reason why was it so difficult for you to bring me the she-slave I ordered you? Your capacity is by perchance  decreasing, mister Night? Shall I order another personal servant?          - Away from me such things, my Lord - he said, in a servile way - She wasn't at her bedroom, and...          And although Mirage wasn't able to see from where she was, she knew that the sudden interruption in the hurry speaking of the little man it was  certainly due to Balem who should have raised him a hand in sign of a command for him to shut up, and it was exactly what had happened. And once again she heard Balem's voice, what at that time caused her a sweet shiver in the basis of her spine:          - Leave us alone.          - As you allow me, my Lord - said mister Night, taking a bow and getting away quickly, and as soon as the door once again closed at her back the bass toned and harsh voice of Lord  Balem once again made itself to be heard in the silence of the room:          - Come closer.          Feeling to slightly shiver Mirage addressed herself in silence into the bed's direction, until she could to see him languishly laid down on it, wearing only a very skinny  black leather trouser and the jewels of habit, lazily tearing off grapes from a bunch and taking them to his own mouth, and when their glances met between, Mirage felt herself just as like if she had been hit by his power, her lips assaulted by a soft trembling, and readily prostrating on her knees in front of him Mirage lowered herself doubling herself almost to the floor as she took a bow and whispered:          - My adored Lord... About what can I be useful to you? Order me and I'll do everything.          And here she was, exactly as she was in the dream she had a little ago: Humble, servilely prostrated in front of her Lord and his inebriating  presence, and in  silence they both spent the next minutes, Balem slowly chewing while scrutinizing his beautiful she-slave with inquisitor eyes. And raising at him her own, anxious to serve him, Mirage asked:          - Do you want me to serve you the grapes, my Lord?          - No - his voice sounded, harshly - It was not for this that I called you - and in a slow gesture he threw the bunch of grapes aside and getting up from the bed, as Balem, getting to his feet, approached Mirage, to which breathing and heartbeats, without that she could evict it, suddenly increased. And when Balem placed himself ahead of her, he said - I called you to bath my feet  - and Mirage slowly flew her glance up along of his tight trousers, raising it up through his wonderful  thorax, until it to reach his face, and just then he turned to speak again - Are you disappointed?          - Absolutely, my Lord - Mirage said under a breath - My only happiness is to serve you, with  body and soul.          Stretching the corner of his lips almost imperceptibly in a  sardonic smirk, Balem placed his right hand on her hair, as Mirage, being tremble, blinked her eyes at a length, and as he was running his fingers between them, Balem whispered with a wicked voice:          - The most with your body, I can guess. (to be continued...) *****************************
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ladybalem · 5 years
She-slave's soul - a Confession about Balem Abrasax - part 1 of 3
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* Malena is just one among the many sexual she-slaves of the powerful Lord Balem Abrasax, who spends her nights at his harem daydreaming with the opportunity of being requested to serve him, because she lives for it, and her entire being is devoted to please him, honor him and let him to use her the way her Lord and Master as well desires to. Because more than to herself, her own life belongs to him, and its sense and reason is her total submission to her powerful master. * Pairing: Balem x OC (Malena) * <I  prefer Balem at his masochistic 50%, but today we have him at his dominator half, and we can say he's 100% heavy metal today, lol, wotz. Y'know, like, owner of the entire situation? So... Literally, hehehe. Well, I don't know very well to do the submissive woman, I think not, but, after all, I gave my best. Also literally. A kiss and call me> * * *          Kneeled and with her head down beside the huge bed at the empty dwellings of Lord Balem Abrasax, with her long and dark hair all over her face, having her heart on her throat, Malena was awaiting for the dwellings' doors to finally open and bring her her Lord, Master and Owner to inside of the silent of the enclosure sweetly smelling of amber and musk, cause it there was yet a long time she feverishly awaited for the chance to be requested by him again. Because she was part of the Jupiter's harem, where  Balem truly didn't spend most of his time, and also because the she-slaves there were too many, there was uncountable nights since the last time he had requested her. All the times that went to the harem the news that Lord Balem had landed in Jupiter, the women turned into a real commotion of the expectation of knowing who of them would be the chosen one, cause actually all of them wanted the honor of being that one to which he had remembered as he arrived, and every night, when mister Night appeared at the door with the keychain hanging on his little and albino nervous hands, Malena was just one of the many ones who used to lift up from where she was in the expectative of being called, and who got frustrated as seeing another one to be called in her place. At the last chance he had been in Jupiter Balem stayed there several weeks, and she haven't been called not even a single time; and it there was a long time since he had came to Jupiter.          So, that morning, when the news that the particular crusader of Lord Balem was attaching at the docks arrived, she had thought she would maybe have an opportunity, but when Malena knew he would spend just a single night before his return back to Orous, with sadness she put away any hope she would have to be the chosen one. So imagine which it was Malena's surprise (and the general envy of all the other harem women around), when that night mister Night called her name at the door, nervously gesturing his hands into her  direction for her to hurry up. The surprise Malena felt haven't abandoned her yet, actually, and as soon as Night left her there and just went away, Malena, in a  servile way, although it wasn't required from her, she had placed her to wait on her knees for her Master, that it was, according to  what Malena used to believe, the way a she-slave should wait for her owner. And she was still trying to control her feelings when the door did finally slid, opening itself, and she heard to sound around the light steps of Lord Balem, her heart discharging into her chest without that Malena could avoid it. And although he was coming in barefooted, without his boots, and due to that his steps weren't sounding around and secretly she prefered when he came wearing them, cause Malena nurtured by his boots a secret fetish, she quickly passed her tongue through her lips, feeling her hands to tremble while palmed over her thighs, as Malena more felt than heard his presence ahead of her, and she kept in the same position, including lowering her head even a little more, in a sign of respect.          Without not even a little hurry of getting himself served of her, Malena listened as Balem messed in the fruit trays on the table and as he served himself a chalice of the wine that was there at the jar at its centre, and she noticed how he seemed to be drinking it standing still, cause the she-slave didn't heard no chair's noises around, her eyes closed under the long hair that was covering her face. And imagining if he would still delay some more to come and take her to himself, Malena was feeling to get the most tense second after second, being almost able to feel her blood flowing through the veins along of her body, but specially already flowing into its center's direction, to right between her thighs, to which the woman was already feeling to heat only due to the delicious smell of Balem that she could feel in the air, and to which Malena so well reminded since the last time. And she have awaited for so long.          Malena have been brought still a virgin girl to Lord Balem some time ago, what have been made him to pursue some sort of fond for her at the beginning. But Balem was the kind of man to whom the news didn't use to get grip for so long, and soon Malena was relegated to the same level of the other slaves, what actually had annoyed her a little at that time. Balem was never tender to no one of them, although he wasn't  a selfish lover in search of his own satisfaction only, but he was far from not even to seem to be affectionate to the woman who shared the bed with him, would this one be whoever she was; but as like Malena have never had another man her entire life, she had just as like created and nurtured some enchant for him in her mind, to don't say in her heart, and all Malena could say it was that she just used to love everything he used to do to her and the way he did it, could this be due to Malena just didn't know another way, or could this be that way because she was  submissive in her essence.          With a trembling the woman felt that he approached her, halting just ahead of her, and when Balem without a warning just ran the fingers of his right hand through her long dark brown hair, lifting up Malena's head in a single gesture, opening her eyes the woman panted, letting out a sigh, as she semi closed them as he bent her neck back. Towards and above the she-slave there was Balem, his smooth and sensual thorax resplendent in front of her eyes, entirely naked over his over low trousers and under his black cloak, and in a great ecstasy Malena slid along it her glance, Balem feeling intensely pleased about the way she looked at him with that veneration. And leading the bunch of purple-bluish grapes he had at his left hand to his lips and tearing off from it one of them without to take away from her his eyes and without to left her hair, after he have chewed and gulped it he whispered with his bass toned and paused voice:          - Malena... The only one of my she-slaves who awaits for me on your knees... This pleases me - and he pulled between his teeth another grape from the bunch, chewing and eating it still very calmly, before to continue - It is exactly what I need to relax from the stressing business' reunion gathering I had today - and he looked at her at a length, who by now was looking at his face, and he asked - Want you a grape, Malena?          Breathing through her spaced lips, Malena sluggishly blinked her eyes, enjoying the feeling of having him offering her something  and, as the young woman could, she whispered:          - If my Lord this way desires to give me one, I want it, Lord Balem.          Giving her a slitted and sardonic smirk,  Balem once more drove the buny of grapes to his own lips, tearing away one from there carefully with his teeth, and taking it between two fingers he lowered his left arm, and for an instant Malena thought he was about to put it inside of her mouth. But he just stretched even more his arm and just left the grape, letting it to fall to the floor between them, and leaving her hair just then, still with the same diabolical smirk in his face, he whispered in bass toned voice:          - So if you want it, take it from the floor to eat it.          Thinking nothing more that it wasn't the fact that the grape had been between his tempting lips for a second, Malena just lowered quickly to her both hands and caught it, driving it into her mouth with urgency and with pleasure starting to chew it, as she whispered, raising up again her face to him:          - I thank you, my Lord.          Smiling, he ruffled his free hand all over his she-slave long hair at a length and sluggishly before to whisper:          - More than being a slave, you've got a slave's soul, Malena. Just as if you had been born to be one.          - But I was, my Master - and getting down, she touched both of his barefoot white feet with her hands, descending her glance to them - I was born to be yours. I'm so grateful you choose me tonight  - and Malena bent herself in front of him, kissing at his feet at a length, with her lips wet of desire, one then another, before to raise her face to look at him again  with supplicant eyes, asking him - Let me show you my gratitude - and another time Malena kissed his feet - Tell me what do you desire, my Lord.          Balem threw the bunch of grapes over the bed, and it floated  in the antigravity field which was on and in function there, and he said with a harsh voice:          - Your body, my she-slave. That is what I desire.          - My whole body is ready to serve you, my Lord - she responded while trembling, the heat she felt at the bottom of her belly just growing.          - Raise yourself up. And put me on naked.          Quickly getting up Malena got up to her feet, her agile and trained fingers sliding along the neck collar of his cloak, removing it carefully and skillfully then to place it carefully on a high wing chair ahead. And as soon as the woman turned herself to Balem's young and white back and its angled musculature, panting in anticipation and expectation she didn't get to contain herself, sliding her hand palms through them, under such an ecstasy, making Balem to turn his face back to her, with inquisitor narrowed eyes and the corner of his lips retorted in a smirk, as Malena's hands descended from his back to his waist and from there to his thin buttocks. And then with both hands she put his golden pants down along his legs, kneeling down at his back to take it off from his feet, and before she lifted up again Malena gave him a soft and quick kiss over his left ass cheek, just then getting up and placing his pants along with the cloak. And lifting a hand very slightly he gestured into her  direction to the young brunette to come and face him, as Malena obeyed, no words being needed to. Placing herself in front of him she put both of her hands on the stiffed  musculature of his hips, gliding the tips of her thumbs along the line of the deep V it formed there, and that was enough to make her moan in pleasure, what in itself for extension gave pleasure to Lord Balem too.          Placing his large hands on Malena's hips he pulled her into himself, softly rubbing his hips to hers while he was descending his hands over her butts, tightening it as he reached its ending, and she panted through her half opened lips as he began to bring his hands up through her back. And soon as he reached the low neck over it, Balem just twisted his fingers at one and another side of it with strength, tearing off Malena's dress in two with no warning, eliciting from her with it a loud sigh. And quickly he led his hands to her shoulders, roughly pulling the dress down, Malena's full breasts jumping free as they found themselves free from the tight fabric which was covering them until that moment, and seeing it, Balem passed his tongue through his lips, and ending to tear down the dress he finished to pull it away from over her body, and he commanded:          - On your knees. Now. (To be continued...)
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ladybalem · 6 years
Show me Gratitude - a Confession about Balem Abrasax
Pairing: Balem x OC (Mirage)
Mirage is a young woman who’s at Jupiter, any day in the distant future, the only and one survivor of the harvesting of her planet, the only and one specimen of her race, spared by the egoism of Balem just to attend exclusively to his interests…
* * * - I have got something for you - said Lord Balem, standing off some steps away, negligently throwing his cloak to aside, that slightly beat snapping in the air, almost as a whip, while giving some steps into the doorway - Something you asked me some time ago - and he pressed the button behind his right ear, while saying - Mister Night, bring me the animal which was brought early morning. Listening to the word “animal” Mirage felt suddenly fascinated, because some time ago, in an occasion in which Lord Balem had offered her to ask a gift, saying her could choose whatever she wanted (absolutely anything in the universe that she could desire to have), that he would provide it to her, she had chosen, for Balem’s entire perplexity, just a pet, because Mirage actually still used to feel very much alone in certain moments in her bedroom, and certainly to have a pet it would fulfill that need of company of hers, without to mention it would be pleasing to have a life that would depend on her and to which she could to care of. And although he found her request strangely simpleton and purposeless, Lord Balem fulfilled his word, bringing to his favorite she-slave what she requested of her desire. With a brief flash of happiness Mirage saw mister Night to enter into the dwellings carrying a box on his arms before to halt for taking something like a half bow into Lord Balem’s way, that was just what the box he was bringing allowed him to do, and suddenly his squeaking voice sounded: - My Lord Balem. The specimen seems specially healthy and vigorous; among all of them that we found, this was the one which had as well the best coloration and total aspect. Balem looked at him with a profound boring stamped on his face, and he just lifted a hand, waving him very slightly, while turning his face aside. Without getting to contain herself, Mirage gave two steps into mister Night’s way, her eyes fixed on the box, barely getting to hold on herself, leading both united hands to her chin, anxiously wanting the box would be soon opened up and that it soon revealed her awaited gift, while Balem disinterestedly was going towards his high throne at the centre of the dwellings, while saying: - Deliver it to her, mister Night. And only then the strange little man with noisy voice opened the box’s cork, taking the small animal by its belly, taking if off from inside there as he stretched it to Mirage who, seeing what it was, stood paralyzed for a while, without getting to have the reaction to stretch her hands to take it, and the smile slowly vanished off her face. When Mirage have said “pet” to Lord Balem, she have imagined a cat or a dog, even a bird or even a small rodent, but never that thing. Undecided for a while Mirage turned into Balem, asking him with a tiny evanished voice: - But, my Lord… A… lizard? Throwing his cloak with a bored gesture to aside, Lord Balem sat down at his throne in a disinterested way and crossed his legs, leaning one of his elbows at its lateral arm, and he said simply: - Of all the animals I saw, this was the one I found the quite interesting. All the others were… too much sentimental ones. Slowly Mirage turned again her eyes to the animal lifted in front of her standing on the hand of mister Night and still stretched into her direction, finding it at the minimal ugly, to don’t say unpleasing, while in reality Mirage noticed her desire of having a pet to extinguish for whole as she was looking at that, and the she-slave didn’t no movement to take it. Noticing that there was something wrong, mister Night made his irritating voice to sound under a breath and very respectfully: - My Lord, what should I do with the specimen? Mirage looked at the lizard one more time and got a fright as it stretched out his long red bifurcated tongue as a snakes’ one into her direction, and she slightly cringed herself before to turn her face back to see Balem, who raised a hand to mister Night vaguely indicating with it to her back, and Mirage didn’t comprehend until the little man to come closer from her some steps, rising up the lizard, that was more or less a medium cat’s size, into the direction of Mirage’s left shoulder, and she cringed herself. - Mistress. It won’t do you no harm - said Night as he was placing the lizard over her shoulder and she trembled in dread as she felt its cold paws on the naked skin of her back. - Lord Balem - Mirage moaned - Is this really necessary? - It was you who asked me an animal, Mirage. Now stay with it. With her eyes tight shut and constricted face, the girl hadn’t the courage to open her eyes again, trying to get accustomed with the cold feeling of the animal over her skin, unconsciously opening her hands wide and spreading her fingers, her arms stretched along of her body. - May you go now, mister Night - Mirage listened Balem’s voice, and in sequence Night’s one and his steps and he was getting away: - My Lord; as you allow me. Standing in place she didn’t move until she heard Lord Balem raising a little his harsh voice as he impatiently said: - Come here. Let me see it. Still with her eyes closed and her hands and arms in the same position, Mirage turned into his way, internally recriminating herself for haven’t been the most specific in her request; but right now it was too late. Some times Mirage seemed to forget when she was dealing with Balem that she wasn’t talking to an earthling, that he was actually an alien from another planet, and because of that their minds and by extension their communication were never perfectly aligned, and it was needed to be the more specific about certain things. And accepting her own guilty for what that have happened, Mirage slowly opened her eyes and looked at Balem, who was seeming so amused for seeing her at that situation, just in case that wry face of his could be taken for a smile and, as soon as his she-slave did it, he moved his hand into her direction, calling her this way to get closer. She obeyed him, giving the steps that missed for her to foot the three large stairs which lifted up his throne from the ground level, and at a length Balem observed it over her, two paws at her back and another two on her shoulder, its big head from which it sometimes emerged, to her disgust, its long and bifurcated tongue, before to observe his slave, with scrutinizing eyes; and what he was thinking at that very moment it was an absolute mysterious secret for Mirage, who would never be able to guess it. Slowly he approached a hand from his own lips, softly rubbing on them his fingers, with his eyes fixed upon her, and he asked, all of a sudden: - Are you satisfied about your gift? Slightly cringing herself, Mirage thought if she should be sincere or not at that delicate moment, but she ended opting for being diplomatic: - I promise I’ll try to accustom myself to it, Lord Balem. Without to alter his expression, Balem remained in the same pose, observing and thinking for some more time, before to say: - I think that it maybe will be for you just as like myself: Scaring and causing you a bit of repulse at the very start, but in a little time you will be sliding your hands through it, under an absolute pleasure. With no words to respond to that, unconcerned Mirage felt to slightly tremble, but Balem, staying impassive, once again calmly gestured his hand into her direction, mutely commanding her to get closer this way, and she quickly slightly lowered herself to take and lift up the hem of her dress, getting up the three stairs, placing herself very close to him who, not yet satisfied, gestured again, at that time to her to lower herself and, a little awkward, arranging the dress once more, Mirage kneeled in front of her Lord and Master who, quickly, stretched his body ahead, putting out his back off from his very rich throne’s back, stretching his right hand, with which he slightly touched the lizard’s head, while seriously looking at it, before to touch at her jawline then, and she softly lowered her eyes as soon as he deviated his glance to her. - Why don’t you try to start doing it right now? - he said, indicating Mirage with a gesture the animal’s head over her shoulder. Still reticent, she raised her left arm and hesitated before to touch it, but she ended on doing this, in a very shy way, but soon Mirage perceived it wasn’t as bad as she had imagined, although it was very far from being pleasing. Observing her to caress the animal, Lord Balem was gazing at the young and pretty woman very seriously, pausingly breathing, with that sphinx expression of his, before to once again lead his fingers to the side of her face. Soon his fingers were sliding all over through her jawline and chin before to slide on her lips, and soon Balem whispered to her: - Are you grateful to myself, my Mirage? She swallowed, actually didn’t getting to respond. He awaited for a moment, but as she didn’t rise him her glance and not even responded him, he placed his fingers under her chin and did Mirage to raise her face, very slowly, until their eyes to met between, and at that time whispering still the most under a breath, he repeated his question, with his face next to hers as he inclined himself over Mirage even more and she felt over her his warm exhalation: - Are you grateful? - I am, Lord Balem - Mirage bobbled, slightly stammering. Standing himself back as he once again reclined on the back of the throne, Balem said in a simple and plain way: - So then show me your gratitude. For a little while Mirage felt confused, don’t comprehending what he intended to insinuate with these words, while her hand, seeming to be automatic by now, was keeping on caressing the cold head of her pet lizard, and the glance she launched over Balem instructed him about her lack of comprehension about what he have said, and so he just uncrossed his legs, spreading them wide, gesturing her to take place between them. And suddenly comprehending it all, Mirage intended to get up, while saying: - Lord Balem, as you allow me, I’m going to put the animal in another place… - but he interrupted her as placing a hand of his over the hand in which Mirage was leaning on his throne to get lift up, taking the girl by her wrist with strength. - No. I want you this way. The simple thought gave Mirage repulse, but she took a deep breath, giving two “steps” to aside with her knees, and she entered into the space between the Lord Balem’s long legs and leaned upon them with her hands for a while, still displeased about all of that situation; but he suddenly raised both hands and held her head, completely lifting up her long hair so it wouldn’t to molest, with this movement scaring the lizard, that gave three steps, running to the middle of Mirage’s back, and she got a brief shiver of dread as she felt it entirely over her naked skin, closing her eyes for an instant. Calmly inclining himself over the girl as he was holding all of her hair in a single hand, with the other one Lord Balem took the animal, putting it back on the original position, just as like if he was desiring to see its grotesque head as it pointed his tongue against Mirage’s skin from time to time, and Balem softly touched it with his fingertips before to return to lean himself back, as he said: - Now show me. Slowly Mirage moved off from his thighs and led her hands to his golden and smooth fabric trousers, which revealed the most than used to hide what was under it, as it draw to sight all the volume that was under, and Mirage took it between them, kindly tightening it, feeling it to gradually increase, and she lifted up her eyes to his face, who was looking her from above, being now serious, with narrowed eyes and breathing by his mouth. Slowly then Mirage lowered his trousers down, without to take away her glance from his, who was fixedly looking into her eyes, and then the young she-slave took his length between her hands, sliding it with no urging between her fingers. But soon Balem deviated his eyes way down, clearly commanding her through it to lower herself, and so she did it, opening her lips and receiving it between them, and his long fingers that were holding her hair all of a sudden grabbed her with more strength, and she wasn’t able to see it by now, but Balem was panting by now, very slowly deviating his glance from her head to the head of the lizard over her shoulder. - Show me the gratitude you’ve got for myself, sweet Mirage - whispered him - You owe me too much of it for I have gifted you with a so beautiful animal; show me how much you are grateful. And Mirage was descending her lips over him slowly at first, to increase the impulse little by little, and being held by her hair with more strength then, Mirage listened at the bass toned and whispered Lord Balem’s voice to come to her ears after some time, while she was still keeping on doing what she was doing to him: - And it is absolutely magnificent, my beautiful Mirage, the way your beautiful mouth tells much more through actions than through words… - a moaning of pleasure obliged him to a short pause at that point - I clearly see as you, deep inside, are very much pleased by your animal pet, although you had not admitted it verbally. * * **************************** * MY CONFESSION TO PRIOR PHILIP: If Lord Balem offered me a beautiful pet lizard as a gift, I would be as well very grateful, and I would demonstrate a deep gratitude for him. Very deep. Truly. The deeper than my gratitude, only Linda Lovelace’s gratitude, cause, well, She’s the most “grateful” woman who there are on entire Earth.
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ladybalem · 4 years
My children! Your Lady is almost back!
For those of you who have missed me, just feel the joy coming back to your lives, cause sooner than you think, my beloved, I'm going to be back. Yours, Sincerely, Lady Balem.
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ladybalem · 5 years
💒 The delicious The Church of Delights' Holy Masterlist 💒
Ladies and gentlemen, dudes and maids, aunties and sisters, plus every lovely gender free! Yes! Take your seat at the solemn mass and let’s venerate LOKI plus EDDIE REDMAYNE through 10 of his characters! Here we go… Choose your delight boy and be happy! 😃
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Newt Scamander:
I would do it all again / A love letter from him + answer /
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Marius Pontmercy:
You’re like a Dream / Two to take care / Comfort HC / A love letter from him + answer /
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Jack Jackson:
You’re mine / The most delicious berry / a letter to him /
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Balem Abrasax:
Not Like the Others / Dare to Fly / Show me Gratitude / Veneration / Almost Perfect / She-slave’s soul / Some Dreams Can Be Real /
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Eddie Kreezer:
Tell me it’s Nothing / Everyone’s a little crazy / Hollywood / Wicked Girl / For Your Own Profit /
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Qwerty Doolittle:
I Wanna Live a Long Time / The first of many / The master of puppets / a letter to him / With you, forever /
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Lili Elbe:
Lili’s first makeup (child Einar) / Love / A Long Long Night Of Girls /
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Stephen Wraysford:
a letter to him / Did you forget me? / The Last Battle /
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Divine Damnation /
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Antony Baekeland:
(coming soon)
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Alex Forbes:
 Eternity \
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Preferences Lists (or the famous The All of Them Thing):
Cuddle Sleeping / Pets / Romantic Dinner / Sex Shop / “You’re Handsome and Attractive” / Bathing / What he Likes the Most About You / Stealing Him A Kiss in Public / Naked For The First Time / The Baby Cried in The Middle Of The Night / Pet Names / Making Him a Request / “I’m pregnant” / star sign / “Today i don’t want to get outdoors” / Dirty Talking / Trophies / What he likes when she does / “Taking care” of himself / When she gets hurt / The baby’s first words / A gift and a word / The best and the worst / Waking up in the morning / Analyzing his equipment / Her first blow job for him / Receiving gifts / bed time story / Porn movies / When she gets shuddered / When she’s in her period /
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Dirty talking / What does he love when she does / Pets / Bathing / In the sex shop / seeing her naked for the first time / How he wakes her / Giving him a first blow job / Analyzing his “equipment” / Stealing him a kiss / Waking up in the morning / “Tell me a bedtime story” / Porn movies / When she gets hurt / Flowers and bonbons / His pet names for her / Cuddle sleeping / What he likes the most about her / The baby cried in the middle of the night \ Lady Balem´s Christmas \ Queen of Jotunheim \ 
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Tom Hiddleston:
Being his wife / Forbidden fantasy / Dinner / breakfast / 
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 Lady Balem: Profile /  The Approaching War /
 Notice Boards: (1)
 Gratitude Notes: 
 Prompts: Kiddy Delight Boys /
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ladybalem · 5 years
When she's in her period
(Guys, such my Good Gods’ weird requests, lol, but what can we do, I’m here to attend them, isn’t it? And yonder all of that, this is a life’s thing that actually affects a relationship, so, it actually makes some sense to talk about it). * * * Newt Scamander - He really doesn’t care about it, cause for him it’s something natural, and nothing that comes from nature impresses or constrains Newt. He, including, thinks it’s quite beautiful she has her period, cause her monthly cycle reminds him of fecundity, and he admires a lot the creation of life. And just in case of being everything ok for her, he’ll make love with her normally, as just like as if she wasn’t in her period, with no problem.
Antony Baekeland - Hmm, then, yet this one right here won’t not even want to pass close to her on these days, lol, and too, maybe, probably, he would mention her something about the need of bathing or using some perfume, in parts to annoy her, cause he gets amused doing this, preferring to keep the relationship of they two just at the kisses and hugs on these days, because, how could I say it? He’s not obliged… Lol
Lili Elbe - She’s that person who since her days as Einar used to get very touched when her lover was in her period, due to the discomfort that Lili imagines that it’s for her, with all of the caring that it demands and sometimes the colics and the headaches or even other things. And about the intimacies, Lili will prefer to wait it to cease, thinking that for her lover it would be just one more indisposition to try to do whatever that may be on these days already so naturally delicate.
Jack Jackson - Here it is another one who absolutely doesn’t care, and who just in case of his woman to try to impede him of doing something to her because of her state, just won’t comprehend to her reasons, looking at her with a dumbstruck look. But, after having making love in these days, he’ll want they both to take a quick bath, just to keep everything under some order.
Osmund - He has actually not much time to worry about this kind of things, given the fact that the chances they both get to have some intimacy are so rare that it wouldn’t be logical to lose a precious chance for so few. Nevertheless, he prefers not to look directly at her menstrual blood, trying to focuses his attention in any other thing, because, due to the fact that he just doesn’t comprehend very well what’s going on with her at these days, he gets a little impressed about.
Qwerty Doolittle - He’ll really prefer to wait the end of her period to restart having sex with her, not because he feels sickened of her at these days or nothing like that, cause he knows it’s something natural to her and so he respects it, however, personally, for him, the sight of blood in her isn’t a pleasing thing. He already handles a lot with blood all day long in his funeral home, and he ended relating it to dead people, so, it’s better not. At these days he’ll prefer to stay just pretty hugged to her, enjoying the heat of her body, cause he recognizes and values the sensuality that there are in these simple moments just being together.
Stephen Wraysford - Here’s another citizen who, although knowing it’s something very natural about her and who respects her a lot, never doing about nothing related not even an unpleasant comment, he’ll also prefer to wait her period to end, because he prefers to have not the vision of blood on her as well. Stephen will only take an exception and to make love with her at these days in case of being at the very beginning of this or at it’s ending days, when there’s almost nothing coming there, and only in case he’s really needy of her. But even then he won’t give her oral in these situations.
Marius Pontmercy - Actually, although it’s a great silliness coming from him, for Marius, at these days she’s kind of ill, lol, so he doesn’t let her do absolutely nothing and demands her to stay in bed all day long. And in case of being himself available, he’ll insist on to stay himself by her side all the time, bringing her tea and little biscuits, and at every minute he’ll place his hand on her forehead to verify if she’s not in fever. And although she laughs and says to him that his worrying is quite absurd, Marius won’t listen to her, continuing on her bed head, until it all gets the end.
Eddie Kreezer - Hmm, wotz, then, how to say that without to put the maids all in awe? Lol, he actually likes her at these days, and he’ll inclusively insist on having sex in these days, because of two basic reasons: First, cause it all being wet this way everything glides even better and, my Lord, cause he likes the general sight of all of that blood around, LOL, help, I can’t explain, but it’s like something wrong, something prohibited, something “dirty” (in the good way, the smut one), and Eddie gets crazy seeing all of that mess around, cause, let’s be honest that, having sex these days and moreover with the impetus to which mister Kreezer does it, it makes a great mess… LOL.
Balem Abrasax - Milord. So. Milord will wait it to cease as well. After all, what are four, five days, to someone who pursues practically the immortality just as him? Not to mention that the waiting time can be used in a sensual slow burn game, to which Balem will know to take into his advantage very well, teasing but never satisfying her until the point that, when being yet in her period anymore, she’ll be yet crazy in desire for him, and it’s when then Balem will finally harvest the sweet fruits to which he planted so patiently.
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ladybalem · 6 years
Receiving Gifts
Newt Scamander - A bit distracted and mixed up on what concerns to the practical and quotidian life, it’s possible that Newt shall forget the commemorative dates or confound them between, but it’s probable that he gifts her little things also without a reason as well. Small potions he made himself, or ingredients or books to which she was on searching but not finding (if she’s a witch), or flowers and bonbons, at any cases. They will always be simple gifts, but full of love.
Qwerty Doolittle - Although he actually never makes extra money, he loves to make a gift to his girlfriend, cause he enjoys to see her cheerful, and to please her is something that makes him extremely happy. He’ll always give her simple things, but full of signifying and tenderness. The most part of it will be flowers and small potted plants, cause he likes the living things, but in case she likes to wear it, he’ll give her bijoux as well, and cds, in case she enjoys music.
Balem Abrasax - Being extremely “millionairely” rich, lol, he can have anything he desires, for himself as well to make a gift, and although he never squanders not even a shilling of his wide fortune (because it’s enough for doing that his brother Titus), when Balem have a predilection for a woman he covers her with gifts which will be basically insinuating dresses, jewels, more dresses and more jewels, cause he’s an egotist, and so he only gift with things that can revert in pleasure to himself. Now, just in case of her being already his wife, the things change a little of figure. In this case, and being a special occasion, just like a wedding anniversary (maybe the centennial one, cause they both use RegeneX, lol), he’ll extrapolate and give her something like a… PLANET. Because he can to do that. This, if he doesn’t give her an entire small solar system. Wow, man.
Eddie Kreezer - He’s definitely not the fond kind, so he doesn’t get worried about to the fact of giving her a gift, not even in the special dates, to which he just doesn’t even remember, cause not even at day by day he reminds to offer her not even a drink when he’s at the bar playing pool. But, meh. She understands that’s his way, and she doesn’t care not much. However, if he suddenly gets the willing of giving her something, it would be a miniblouse or maybe panties, some that would let her, as he’ll say, pretty “lil’ tasty”. And, well, it isn’t need to say that he won’t not even pack her gift, just pulling out the panties from inside his jeans’ pocket and throwing it on her, and that he’ll be bullying her for days about her face expression as she got this from him.
Lili Elbe - She loves to receive and to make gifts, and the best of all is that she has quite quite good taste, so her beloved one can be sure that Lili’s gifts will be quite beautiful. She can get from Lili absolutely anything: Flowers, clothes, delicate jewels, perfumes, fresh and beautiful fruits, jewelry boxes, and if she likes to read, poetry or romance books.
Stephen Wraysford - He basically likes to give her clothes, and he always gets the right size, cause he can imagine her fitting inside them with perfection. But he makes a gift for her as well with little bonbons and another delicatessens’ items, and with drawings of herself as well, which himself draws, and actually those are her favorite gifts, because they show how much he loves her and thinks about her all the time.
Jack Jackson - The Jack’s gifts for her are as well simple things or things made by himself or by his mother Ellen under his request. She’ll get country flowers, which he picks for her through the way, ornaments to use on her hair just as like these Ellen does, small crafts of the artisans of Kingsbridge’s fair, or yet her own portrait in a small marble block, sculpted by himself, in some small surplus of a bigger block he had been cut from a statue he’s making to the church, remembering her at the time.
Marius Pontmercy - She has the luck of having had married a beautiful, fond and rich man. So, she’ll get from him quite fine gifts, practically all the time, because Marius doesn’t need no special date to make a gift for her. She’ll get gala ball’s dresses, embroidered shawls, little silk handkerchiefs, all of a sort of petticoats and lingeries of all kinds, besides small and delicate jewels always made of gold or sterling silver, liquor bonbons, and flowers. A lot of flowers. Marius practically covers her with flowers, almost every day, and their house seems the most a real garden. At her birthday he maybe calls the best Parisian painter to make her portrait, which will be hang on the living room’s hall. Anything she wants or needs, before she could ask for, it will be yet on her hands, cause her husband knows her very well, and although she doesn’t need nothing of it all to be happy, because her happiness consists on being with him, she receives everything happily cause she sees how much he’s happy being generous to her.
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