#baller take op
rinwritesfics · 4 months
Blind Date
Plot: Kenobi has set you and the Marshal Commander up on a blind date – but Cody doesn’t know it.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1101
Author’s Note: Happy Cody Day!
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What was Obi Wan setting you up for?
Your friend had promised he had found someone who would he a good match for you, but you weren’t one for blind dates.
Although, come to think of it, if anyone were to set you on a blind date, you were glad it was a Jedi.
Now, the guy he said he had found for you was strong, smart, and fiercely loyal. You would know him by the long-healed scar down the left side of his face. You had a sneaky suspicion about the kind of person he chose, but you didn’t mind. The man probably also had tan skin and short dark curls. You wondered if he knew this was a blind date, too.
Probably not, knowing Kenobi.
You sat in the warm and welcoming caf and tea shop for a minute before the man walked in, the scar exactly as Kenobi had described. He was in nearly his full kit, yellow-orange highlights on it, with his bucket off and tucked under his arm. You stood up and tried to subtly wipe your hands on your pants to get rid of the light sweat on them, your stomach flip-flopping as his brown eyes settled on you. His brow furrowed slightly at first, then he made his way over.
He said your name quietly and you smiled a little, nodding.
“I take it you’re Cody, then. It’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well. General Kenobi didn’t specify why I was to come here and meet up with you. Is something wrong?”
“I… I take it he didn’t give you any information at all, then.”
“The General told me what you look like and had his mischievous look – you know the one.”
“I do, yeah. I’ve known him long enough to know when he plans to meddle with something. I do worry you may not like the reason. He did tell me.”
“Couldn’t be worse than an undercover op going wrong.”
“Can I buy you a caf, first?”
He frowned, then nodded and told you what he wanted. You went to the counter as he sat at the table, then came back a couple minutes later with an order for yourself and his, handing it to him. You sat down across the small table from him, silently hoping he wasn’t going to be too upset. You knew you probably would be stressed if you didn’t know you were on a blind date.
“So, what did my General tell you? How bad is this that we have to meet up like this?”
“Well….” You chuckled softly, a little nervously. “It’s not that…. Our mutual friend sort of set us up on a blind date.”
Cody stopped, his eyes widening. “He what? You’re joking, right? You have to be joking.”
You stopped, no longer feeling like laughing and instead feeling like a melon baller had been taken to your heart. An embarrassed warmth filled your cheeks and you looked down. “I-I’m sorry. I understand, now. I’ll leave.”
Just as you started to get up, Cody’s hand touched your wrist. You looked at him in surprise.
“Wait, no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to come off so rudely.” He looked at you, eyebrows upturned and lips slightly parted. “I-I guess I’m just nervous, is all. I’ve never been on a proper date before and had I known, I would have brought you flowers.”
He paused, then continued. “Um… what is your favorite flower?” he asked softly.
You paused, then sat back down and his hand slowly retreated from your wrist. “Hm. That’s kind of hard. There are so many out there, but… maybe the Teddy Bear Sunflower?”
He raised his eyebrow and looked at you oddly and you realized he may not be familiar with any of the flora from your home planet.
“It’s just this vibrant and fluffy-looking large flower. Like a dahlia? Or am I confusing you more?”
He chuckled. “Maybe confusing me more, but that’s okay. This is actually kind of fun.”
You grinned. “Yeah?”
He grinned back, a soft look in his eyes. “Yeah.”
“Well, if this works out, I’m happy with any flower that doesn’t have a large stamen.”
He frowned, slight amusement in his expression. “Really? Why?”
“Less pollen.”
Cody chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Do you have a favorite flower?” you asked softly.
His brow furrowed. “Huh. I’ve never really thought about it before.”
“Well, you don’t have to answer now. I’m okay if you take your time to think about it.” You smiled softly and were rewarded with a smile from him, too.
“Now, why do I get the feeling you’ll have me stumped with each question you ask me?” He laughed.
“Because I may be full of questions you’ve never heard before, like what is your favorite food?”
He grinned. “That one’s easy. Anything that isn’t army rations.”
You laughed. “Alright, alright. How about favorite movie?”
“No, no, it’s my turn to ask a question.”
For the next hour, you two were laughing and chatting and you started to fall for this gorgeous man. The softness inside the protective shell he had to form to be the soldier he is today made you want to do anything for him. You found out his closest brother was Rex, which came to no surprise to you, and he found out you tended to stay up later than you should reading. You both decided to leave the caf and tea shop and go walking down the street for a bit longer. The mid-day sun shone down on you and it really highlighted the smile on his face.
As the date started to come to a close, you knew you didn’t want to let him go. And you hoped he felt the same way, and it was confirmed when he asked for your comm frequency first. Your heart fluttered. As you went to add his contact to your comm, he spoke up.
“Just Cody. You… you don’t have to use my rank.” He glanced away a little and rubbed the back of his neck.
Your smile grew. “I’ve had a wonderful time with you, Cody. And I really hope for more in the future, if it’s okay for me to say.”
He turned back to you and grinned. “Of course it’s okay. It’s a relief actually.”
“I’m glad.”
That night, you sent him a short message thanking him for everything and he messaged you back almost instantly, thanking you for a great first date. With him on your mind and a smile on your lips, you fell asleep.
Taglist (open!): @trixie2023
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Godblight 3
wait I forgot to make the "it has been 0 days since our last Guilliman Leeroy Jenkins incident" joke earlier
oh no a plague imp manifested in Fabian's room Fabian: stay there! jskhflksdj then he gets dressed and i thought he was going to run to get Lucerne but he just shot the imp
except that oops! all plague daemons lucerne arrives dramatically to save him
ku'gath wearing a plague doctor mask
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I've said it so many times but the nurglings deserve to be animated so badly i hope the henry cavill warhammer miniseries has ugly cute nurglings lmaooo and then he tests it on the nurglings ku'gath, who hates nurglings: sweet silence
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gahhh i know i should space out my reading of this more and not finish tonight but i want to knowww
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open the gates stop having them be closed
Mathieu outplayed Guilliman a part of me admires him for this i gotta cheer for the little guy getting one up on the primarch oh boy
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i love this subplot so much even as it fills me with horror
and now we're back to ku'gath and he's here making sure everything looks good when mort shows up
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rip ku'gath, who shrunk the cauldron beforehand this presentation isn't going well
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man mort is so obnoxious oh??? mort is being nice now??? mort: ok that's actually sick welp that was fast ku'gath mentions the new war and mort immediately loses his temper anyways ku'gath is sharing the info from the tattleslug
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im wheezing for real here
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mortarion: THINK, ku'gath, think! also ku'gath is a mood tfw you build a very cool feature and the non-devs are like "meh, okay, that's it?" This whole scene really feels like when you're doing a presentation for the product people of the new feature you've built.
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and there we go
and mort dramatically leaves after offending ku'gath's pride some more leaving one pitiful nurgling behind to look sadly at ku'gath rip nurgling it gets squashed
i wish i could unread about orifices and squeezing a rain of monsters free from birthing canals but at least it's supposed to be cursed oh no not the mucus again well this is the nurgle book and the giant monster is also poopin everywhere all the little monsterlings happily following their monstermom peak nurgle
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its not just me right, anyone else feeling the tolkien here again?
oh nice job idiots try to get civilian to be quiet accidentally kill him his daughter starts screaming
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idk what it is about warhammer40k that makes me want to give everyone a prize when they show basic decency probably because the next minute, they commit war crimes
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oh boy the matter is resolved but not really oh, he did give in :(
fabian got the one flippant black templar who has ever existed we're back to this duo again
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i have a bad feeling about what's going to happen here and i think im genuinely attached to these guys so i really hope im wrong shakes fist at guy haley
yeppp he went into the library oh hey guilliman got to save felix in dramatic fashion
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well this is going to be. interesting. annd he successfully baited Mortarion out
mort: immediately starts gloating guilliman: my turn for gun
….i have a bad feeling about where the whole divinity subplot is going to take us
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are you feeling it now mr krabs
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ohhhh man
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what is the emperor
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oh they managed to take out ku'gath honestly that was a baller move slamming into him with a tank then jumping on him with power sword ope
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Emperor manifestation??? (note from future bluejay: reactions to the rest of this scene can best be summed up as: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
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i did rob just apotheose but also what a statement wow
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okay so i guess not
but was that like…possible future deity guilliman possessing mortal guilliman?? was it the emperor but also it said "i am roboute guilliman" guilliman as the avatar for the emperor??
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okay i guess the issue is. on hold?? orrr not oh no
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the emperor couldn't have left a message himself during the possession? oh the emperor is keeping Mathieu alive even though he's got super plague oh no what does he have to say
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oh no what's on the throne
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so because of all the warp juice floating around, faith is more powerful. grrreat
Oops I've hit image limit so this is going to have to finish on another post
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Could you do another one for the man? If that’s okay, Can this one be like a sleeping headcanon or playing roblox and he just sees his s/o bullying little kids and roasting them?
This can be a headcanon! ( she/her for reader )
YEAH I never played roblox but I will do my best! (Swf)(she/her pronouns) (Request open)
The Man sleeping and roblox headcanons!
Laying in bed with her is his favorite activity, especially if shes watching some boring tv show and falling asleep.
When they are watching movies together he loves when she hugs his side or lays on him
Before they go to sleep he usually showers her with neck kisses (and tickles)
He loves going to sleep as big spoon and walking up as smol spoon(s/o litteraly hugging him like teddy bear)
When she introduce him to roblox he will be so confused??? Why u wanna play soem kids game honey?
But je will enjoy it, and wait till he discovers voice chat(if there is vc on roblox idk man) he will shit talk those kids
He will get scared by those roblox horror games. Also He will spend money on robux and buy her some robux aswell (John for boyfriend of the year???)
If they are playing some co-op games when you need to help eachother He will just stick with her 24/7
As i said in previous headcanons, He plays cod, and because of that he will try to play shooters in roblox (fails miseribly)
Will take screenshots of their roblox avatars together and posting it saing "relationship goals"
Now they dont have movie nights anymore, they have roblox night when they Just lay in bed cuddling and being spoked by roblox horror games
Also He enjoys bulling kids on internet, im sure He has Twitter
He will send her Baller
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Found this post in the Trazyn the Infinite tag for some reason, so rather than questioning it I'm just taking it as confirmation of my genderfluid Trazyn headcanon and proof that Trazyn has a massive girlcock.
Also, baller af that op additionally posted this in a te/rf tag, ma'am you're so fucking cool.
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hyenagirlbulge · 2 years
here is my legit i think it would make a baller ass comic pitch for a new dc series, i think that there are a bunch of *really* cool new batman characters that nobody’s really doing anything with so here:
i dont have a team name yet but its concept would be a squad of heroes that arent symbols, almost like a black ops squad, sort of like the outsiders but entirely gotham based, they do the slightly less reputable work, they have ties in the underground, they can be a bit more brutal (theyre not supposed to kill but ehhhhhhh) they do work that the other bats can’t do because theyre known as heroes. the members you might ask? let me tell you!
-ghostmaker as team leader, this whole thing is his idea
-harley quinn, she struggles with still being seen as a villain despite wanting to do good and this seems perfect for her
-clownhunter, i just really like him and he needs a mentor figure who isnt bruce
-miracle molly as the teams tech expert, she takes the alfred/orcale role on this team, the woman in the chair
-punchline, she comes to the bats and says shes reformed and nobody knows if they should trust her or not and they eventually stick her on this team as a sort of probation (esp bc the relationship between her and harley could be very interesting)
-and finally! bluebird! (this deffo isnt just bc i love her) but since she’s punchline’s psuedo nemesis the bats ask her if she should be trusted and eventually she agrees to punchline working with them as long as she gets to monitor her, thus shes on the team
i just think that dc has been introducing a shit ton of *really cool* new characters and then not really doing anything with them despite them being really neat and i hope they finally do something with them
i might do more with this! flesh it out somemore, maybe write some fic do some art, i think its a really good idea :3
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cto10121 · 2 years
R&J Clown Takes Round ♾ + Part 10
In which I got a truly deranged Instagram reel from the depths of the algorithm, ranting about how R&J are totes not a love story. Thus rampant clownage ensued. And so: Once more unto the breach, my good friends.
BFFs With Shakespeare
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Clown OP knows this because they have drinks every Sunday with Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, John Fletcher, and all of dem cats down at the Dolphin. It’s a great hub. Clown OP is the one who has to hold Jonson back when Shakespeare starts roasting him.
And true, Will is always bemoaning about teen girls chasing after boys constantly—that’s why he wrote so many happy romantic comedies about teen girls doing just that and getting their heart’s desire. He just hated it that much.
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Clown OP 2 is also good friends with Will, and heard this straight from his lips. It was a typical evening at the Dolphin in 1594 and Shakespeare was in a rant about Arthur Brooke’s narrative poem about R&J and how his canon sucks and that actually, R&J are truly in love and their end was truly tragic and he WILL PROVE IT. Only Clown OP 2 misheard “tragic” for “basic” and thought Shakespeare was casting shade about his own adaptation. Clown OP 1 also didn’t hear it, as they were too busy trying to prevent Ben Jonson from dueling Fletcher.
Romeo the Death Eater
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Romeo forced Tybalt to seek him out and try to duel him, he forced Mercutio duel Tybalt, and of course he forced Juliet to take her life from beyond the grave. Everything is Romeo’s fault because it certainly isn’t Tybalt’s. They’ve stopped teaching cause and effect relationships in school, haven’t they?
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Creepy Italian Groomer is back! I was starting to miss thee. It’s been awhile. How’s it been? Still intellectually bankrupt, I see. No, I will not lend thee money.
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Let me help you out, OP. “Shall I hear more or shall I speak of this?” “Shall I move forward when my heart is here?” “I am too bold; ‘tis not to me she speaks.” Textual evidence for his ADHD, clearly.
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Juliet tells some equivocating half-truths and suddenly she is a criminal mastermind. As for the lost puppy, I dare you to tell Juliet that to her face. Homegirl compares Romeo to a very different and sexy animal altogether.
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Cool fanfic, bruh. Really liked your prostitute OC. That scene where she breaks up with Romeo in the afternoon was heartbreaking.
Both Sides!1!!1!1
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A lot of word vomit here. But okay, OP. I’ll bite and take you seriously.
Is Shakespeare trying to make a point about the stupidity of both sides, the youths and the older generations? Is the satire truly equal on both sides?
Well, no. While there is no character that is truly without flaws (because this is Shakespeare, after all) the youths definitely get a way more sympathetic edge from the narrative in a way that their parents don’t. R&J are the beating and living heart of this play, dynamic and intricately developed, Mercutio is downright luminous with the right actor, Benvolio is just straight up too good for this world, and even Tybalt gets some baller lines and fiery speeches—he’s so much fun to play, and plus, his death actually has weight in the narrative.
The parents…not so much. While the Friar and even the Nurse have moments of adult wisdom, the Capulets are pure dysfunction. The Montague parents are much nicer but just simply…there. When the Capulets mourn Juliet, it’s written as a cacophony, almost garishly insincere in its repetition. I don’t think that’s an adequate parallel with R&J’s moments of despair. Even there the lovers are eloquent, even rhetorical: Of course I’m upset because of X and Y!!! There is rationale even if their emotions are too much. I think it’s clear which side got the most satire.
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And that’s why Shakespeare wrote R&J falling in love with each other when they don’t even know each other’s names and already be at 110% in their love (Juliet: “If he be marrièd / My grave is like to be my wedding bed”). To illustrate this exact point.
The Quiet Part
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Shh, OP! You’re not supposed to say the quiet part aloud. Number one rule of clownery and you broke it.
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citric-acid-rain · 2 years
Your OP Jesse design kinda gives me kill la kill vibes. I mean that in the best possible way
FR? I’ve never watched the anime (heard good things!) and all ik is the scissor swords girl? Yeah. That’s baller character design thank you
My like actual inspirations were motion capture suits and the cmyk colorspace in a very fourth-wall-break sort of way B)
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I think the inspiration is trackable, granted I had neither of these pictures in front of me while making the design and was more just Thinking about them
Taking my excuse to talk about my design explanation and RUNNING
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optimistpax · 3 years
AU where instead of being brought back from the dead in RID, OP didn’t actually die after throwing himself into the well of allsparks.
Instead due to woo woo matrix magic nonsense the well is revived as planned but now a very much still alive Optimus is stuck at the bottom of the well with like. A hundred feral cybertronian toddlers. So now he has to fight his way thru all the underground monsters and whatnot to get back to the surface while also trying to corral and protect all these tiny children
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Original Rant Anon here! I do agree that most occasions a match up between Phantom and Superman (when in a void), Danny would win (hence my original Superman wins three out of ten first fights with Danny estimate). My main point was that Danny isn't actually all that op when compared to the rest of DC's lineup. He's up there, yes, but not untouchable. Plus, frankly while Superman does have a weakness to magic, it's shortsighted to assume he does not have the ability to deal with situations with it when they crop up- or at least deal with the situation long enough to contain it and gather back up. One of his reoccurring villains is Mr. Mxyzptlk, for crying out loud. Not to mention his sheer decades of experience in fighting in general, which far outclasses Danny's canon, what, 1-2 years?
But again! Superman wasn't really the point! More of an example! I'm more saying that he isn't going to win a fight against every single league member if you plucked them both out of their canons and tossed them in a match. Especially the more magical members. Wonder Woman would win a sudden fight. Shazam would win a sudden fight. Zatara would probably win a sudden fight.
And yeah, you could argue he could fight any of the more solid members intangible but A) he'd have to go solid to attack which they would absolutely take advantage of or B) he'd have to either possess them which brings "battle of wills" arguments into the mix or C) do something wildly gory like rip their lungs out of their chests at speed. And if he did that last thing I'd argue it's not even a fight anymore it's just an assassination. Would you call a sniper killing someone from ten blocks away a "fight"? Because I sure wouldn't.
Mind you a "Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe" style story following Dark Dan's detailed, horrible path to murder every hero on Earth? Baller idea. I'd absolutely read that. I'd just want the heroes he's fighting to be given their due diligence as worthy opponents, ya know?
Yeah, I got that in the original post. kek >w< You want the heroes to share the light because they are heroes for a reason. Most are adults and with years of experience. Like I said, I think majority of it is just for laughs. Plus Danny is the relatable character in majority of the stories, so to have him just lose to most of the heroes does make some concepts hard to play out. (Especially if they're more of a phantom fan than dc) Though I do know most ppl give zatara and some magic users their dues when fighting Phantom. John Constantine does.. though i know he's his own thing. But he gets recognized a lot. But that's just me explaining possibilities as to why ppl may not write it that way and not me trying to disagree. Because I think it be awesome to showcase the other heroes more! How they fight or take things into consideration. Or show how Danny may have all these powers but still lacking. Make matches worth it. Have each character play up their strengths. I try to strike a balance in my own fanfic. But its hard to tell because action is hard to write.
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ellesheltonwalczak · 2 years
11 Reasons Why You Should Aspire to be Number Two
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If you need some adult inspiration, look no further than Number 2. Life is about confidence and attitude. Let’s face it, she has it in spades. Anyone who needs pep in daily their step, or needs a life upgrade should take a page from Number Two.
11 Reasons Why We Love Number Two
She goes by a number and not a name- that’s baller!
She the braun behind the ops
She knows how to manage a mission
She’s a keen observer of people
She can whip up a multi course gourmet meal straight from the resources of the land
Her love of airshows with Rhonda Kazembe
She can wield a baton (not the twirling kind) like a pro
She’s precise
She doesn’t mince words
She’s a survivalist
She eats every 45 minutes (with a couple daily exceptions) and never gains a pound and wouldn’t worry if she did
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koobiie · 4 years
Do you have a top ten one piece characters?
:O!!! thank u for this ask, anon! time for another VERY LONG ANSWER!!!!!!
also. quick note. im very biased and dumb. so if youre wondering “why is x character listed when other x character isn’t” it’s bc im very stupid. anyways lets go!!!!!
1. luffy
literally no question. number one HAS  to be luffy. here’s the thing - i usually hate/don’t care about protagonists, because they’re always too perfect, or overshadowed by interesting side characters. but for some reason luffy is my number one fav!! he’s flawed! he’s fun! he’s a fucking KING!!!! so much love has been put into writing this guy! 
i could go more into depth about why luffy is The Ideal Main Character but this answer is already gonna be a mile long so i gotta move on lol
2. law
well. is anyone really surprised. the answer is of course not, everyone simps for law. here’s another character with a ton of love put into the writing!! hes got it all - baller backstory, slick design, cool personality, and also..... hes pretty
also anytime someone calls him traffy it takes me the FUCK out. im on the floor DEAD. what a cute nickname GOD
3. doflamingo
listen im not even that big of a fan of this guy but i gotta respect him as maybe the best written villain in all of one piece. i love his motivations, and again, oda knocked out of the fucking ballpark with the backstory!!! 
plus, you gotta respect an antagonist who commits to a Vibe and Aesthetic. in this case, doffy’s chosen aesthetic is Unhinged Florida White boy. he’s such a feral little bitch and its always fun to see him on screen. also his nickname is doffy. i fucking love it
ok from here on out it’s unordered because i can’t decide an order lol. its  astronomically hard for me to decide who to put over so honestly this is where the top 10 list stops, and now its just me listing characters who i think are neat
also, putting the rest under the cut because i love to ramble and don’t want to make the post too long
corazon - listen. Listen. listen. listen. i know he’s just sort of a throwaway character who died just to further law. but also................................ i care him so much... every day i curse oda for being such a talented character writer!!!!! FUCK!!! PUT ME IN DA ONE PIECE UNIVERSE I WOULDVE SAVED HIM
brook - honestly im putting brook on here cause i feel like he doesn’t tend to be peoples’ fav! i think he’s seen as more of a gag character, but NO!!!! HE’S A GOOD MAN!!! he has some huge mvp moments (WHOLE CAKE ISLAND?? HELLO???!!) and is genuinely such a nice guy!!
you also have to remember that he has like, one of the most heartbreaking backstories out of any of the op characters. he was stuck on that fucking ship for like?? 20 years?? ALONE??? AND STILL CHOOSES TO BE JOVIAL AND GRATEFUL FOR LIFE??? FUCK DUDE!!!! I LVOE YOU BROOK!!!!!!
usopp - i felt bad for not putting more strawhats on this list so here’s usopp! ill level with you. i wasn’t a big usopp fan for the LONGEST time. like, his intro arc in syrup village is kind of a slog, and then he doesn’t have any huge moments until w7/el. even then i was pretty neutral on him UNTIL dressrosa!!! and if you’ve read that arc, then you know what i’m talkinga bout lol. i think when i first read the “god usopp” stuff in the manga i literally got up out of my chair cause i was having such a good time lmao. now i respect usopp as the king he is!!!!!
fujitora - kind of a new guy, but i think fujitora has skyrocketed himself up to being my fav marine! he’s such a chill, honorable dude, but has a fucking disastrous df power. i also LOVE his concept of like “i blinded myself so i didn’t have to see the horrors of this world.” whenever i look at him im just like “you are my dad. youre my dad! boogie woogie woogie” 
perona - listen. i know she barely gets screentime. i know she doesnt do much. but shes a pink haired goth queen. i love you perona. i dont know why i like her so much, since i usually dislike the character archetype, but idfk!!!! she charmed me!!!! how does she do it!!! queen!!!!
ok im going to go over 10 characters lmao, i can’t decide who to cut from the list so here’s a lightning round of the last few :
kuma - i desperately wanna know more about this guy. and that One panel of him smiling when sabo is thinking about him makes me feel things. ODA IS HE OK??? ODA??? HELLO
katakuri - no one gave him permission to Buss It Out that hard during wci arc but he did
hawkins - hes a fucking weirdo and i love that. why do people even join his crew. he has 0 charisma. most of his powers dont even make sense. i love him.
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
Hi, I really loved your post with the monsters as Birds of Prey! Was wondering if you had any thoughts on the Foxes as Marvel or Mcu characters? I feel like I could see Dan as Carol Danvers and Andrew for sure is Jessica Jones, idk about the rest.
oh wow old post!!
haha unfortunately i’m not really a comics person so i don’t feel like i can really give the best analysis possible, but i have seen most of the mcu movies and bits and pieces of the netflix show so i’ll try my best. also im using dc characters too bc i want to
1. Dan: I think your instinct with Dan as Captain Marvel is spot-on (at least uhhh,, based on the movie lol sorry comics ppl). Her direct, forceful powers and fighting style are definitely reminiscent of dan’s no-nonsense leadership approach. similarly the themes of overcoming sexism and acceling in a male-dominated industry in the captain marvel movie is pretty much the same as dan’s story establishing herself as the first female exy captain (tho sports is way more valid than the military). plus there’s a lot of emphasis on love and friendship between women that dan is ALL about. also lashana lynch would be a god tier dan wilds fc. Dan could also def have that lawful good Okoye from Black Panther energy. Loyal, disciplined, no-nonsense leader. no powers except discipline. no hair. also danai gurira in 2012 with the dreads and the sword and the cape on TWD was definitely part of my middle school sexual awakening
2. Kevin: Aquaman. this is based pretty much exclusively on the fact that jason momoa is my #1 kevin fc and also that Pasifika kevin is phenomenal and mandatory, actually. otherwise i think he has a decent amount of stick-up-the-ass cyclops energy. or dick grayson nightwing energy but i don’t have any evidence for why. kinda looks like him tho
3. Andrew: andrew gets the most characters bc he’s my favorite. i think ur jessica jones instincts are absolutely correct, both in her storyline (i only watched the first season) and her powers. i’ve seen some powers au and the tendency seems to be giving andrew like,, psychic powers or the like, and i don’t really agree. andrew is a very direct character. he’s pragmatic, he confronts problems head on, and he doesn’t muck about in details. to me this really translates best into physical powers like super strength that help u big punch straight thru all ur problems. also i def think andrew would be not just a solo hero but a mercenary (or a detective) because he’s not altruistic enough to be a standard vigilante. he doesn’t care enough about other people to hang out on rooftops all night waiting for Crime to occur. there’s a price for that.  which brings us to the NEXT andrew hero: deadpool. maybe in personality more of a drugged andrew but the superpowered mercenary is really a perfect fit for andrew. also, healing powers have a decidedly tragic poetry to them on andrew. already he’s self-destructive, if he had a healing factor his concern for his own well-being would be so beyond rock bottom it’d be in the earth’s core. even worse when you remember that with a healing factor, as opposed to indestructibility, you still feel all the pain. which brings us to Wolverine and X-23, who have the same thematic points as deadpool but are much more of a personality match and they have knife hands, which i really think andrew would appreciate. ending that sadness train and onto another tho, andrew’s aesthetic and Vibes fit the Winter Soldier just SO well (just that movie tho, not really civil war or anything past that) and a reinterpretation of the captain america story using the twinyards would be incredibly interesting. and finally, one last hero that would work really well for andrew: rogue, only remove the angst around not being able to touch people, andrew would love that. one touch and their comatose? baller. don't fucking touch him.
4. Matt: Shazam. I didn’t see the shazam movie but my dad and brother did and they said it was very funny and all the trailors looked like it had a lot of fun himbo energy and i really think that fits. in terms of matching himbo disaster energy i think i’ve heard good things about comics hawkeye (not mcu). thor?
5. Aaron: Mr. Fantastic. now this might be a stretch but aaron is a character who uses a skin-deep veneer of anger to cover the fact that he’s actually quite pliant and bends to other people’s wills. and he’s a doctor or w/e. he could alse be like,, antman. he’s smart right? hank pym not paul rudd. katelyn can be wasp
6. Seth: Arm Fall Off Boy. no i will not elaborate.             ..... ugh fine, but i'm using my favorite piece of superhero media of all time: x-men evolution, the one where they're all teenagers in public high school. seth can be lance alvers/avalanche who’s a bit of a jerk and has a lot of issues with authority and has a rivalry with cyclops very reminiscent of seth with kevin, but still there’s the recurring theme that he’s lashing out because of low self-esteem and a bad situation and he’s a surprisingly sympathetic character who i’m very fond of. his power is earthquakes but i think the name makes that pretty self-explanatory
7. Allison: Iron Man. cocky, bitchy, and rich rich rich. sounds like allison to me. then to elevate it a level higher: emma frost, rich bitch extraordinaire. also if allison had telepathic powers she would be unstoppable. plus one more bitchy, morally-gray blonde (but chaotic this time): Harley Quinn
8. Nicky: Okay so I do wanna give a quick shout-out to Northstar, the first openly gay comicbook superhero, who’s a speedster which I’d actually say fits Nicky pretty well. However, if i had to choose a superhero to represent nicky in presence and powers it would have to be Jubilee from x-men (... from what i’ve heard lol. i’ve never actually consumed any of her Media hahaha anyway) she’s a joyful, energetic presence and her powers are setting off fireworks which i think is a good balance of nicky being a supportive cousin-parent AND a chaotic train wreck garbage trash man. also gonna throw in johnny storm for a cheap 'flaming' joke
9. Renee: Thunder/Blackbird from Black Lightning bc she’s a fufkin lesbian lol. (i don’t watch the show but i do follow nafessa williams’s tag). now the fr ones i’m gonna do together because to me they have the same Vibes so i chose them for the same reasons. Wonder Woman and Storm who to me have the same  reserved, impartial, regal energy. honestly ethereal and somewhat otherwordly, and quite literally goddesses. also op as hell.  black widow and her “red in my leger” looking for redemption story also fits thematically.
10. Neil: okay lazy answer first: the flash or quicksilver. get it? because they run fast? and neil run too? yea i like to think i've proven myself to be better than such a surface level interpretation but worth the mention ig. so for srs now, mystique and her shape changing powers would be an interesting interpretation of neil's identity issues, but i wanna push it a step further. nightcrawler would actually be possibly the MOST interesting hero to apply to neil 1. because powers still very movement go fast place to place 2. because of the thematic focus on neil's unusual looks and the lengths he goes to hide them, very much in line with the way nightcrawler will use a hologram-projector in order to look human, yet in both cases it's only a surface-level illusion, and 3. his parentage. here, mary would be mystique, which i also think works very well considering mary seemed to be the far more effective chameleon on the run than neil, and also fits with her place as a morally grey character, as mystique herself is often a villain or an antagonist, with her own agenda and shadowy motives. then nathan matches well with nightcrawler's father: azazel, a literal demon, and also where kurt gets his appearance. it's a shockingly coherent narrative between the three of them. then, to also give neil some powers that aren't contingent on his fucked up geneology and rather on his own merit and abilities, Black Canary and her sonic voice parallel the way that neil began to anchor his identity and take ownership over himself through his voice and his sick roasts
and 1 extra, wymack: batman, on account of his altruism, his dedication to second chances, and his many, many adopted children
anon, ik it's been a sec since you sent this, so i hope it gets back to you. i had a fun time with it and it prompted like,,, 7 different au s that i'll never write
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queer feminist co-op bookstore (Firestorm) was robbed
I saw this news on twitter, when Rafi Schwartz shared the store’s “extremely baller” facebook statement from May 7th:
“Well, someone did a crime. 🤔 This morning our co-operative was robbed. Someone smashed in the front door, emptied the register, and left behind a live bird (also totally possible that the bird came in separately). Hopefully they also took a good book, because they definitely didn't leave with a lot of money. Y'all, the anarchist bookstore is not sitting on piles of cash. 🙄 Crime elsewhere! . This is not a great time to take a financial hit, but we're OK. We got a lot of text messages from folks who saw the mess and were concerned <3. If anyone wants to help us cover the losses (looks like about $150 in cash plus $450 in physical damage) now would be a cool time to buy a book or five. . Also, no, we didn't call the police. There really isn't anything that law enforcement could do for us that we can't do for ourselves and if someone is desperate enough to risk their freedom for $150, maybe we've all failed them. It's tough feeling vulnerable, and seeing our storefront broken open brought up a lot of emotions, including anger—but incarceration isn't justice and punishment can only multiply harm.”
Checking their facebook to see how things were going, I found this great news posted May 8th:
“So here is an update: our door has been fixed! We've received a huge influx of book orders from folks who saw the damage and wanted to show their support. At this point, we have more than covered our losses. So if you need a book we'd still ♥️love🖤 to be your go-to bookstore, but if you are just making a purchase to help us recover please consider donating to a local mutual aid project instead (in Asheville we're really impressed by what Asheville Survival Program is doing). Stay well and please know that our team is incredibly grateful.”
So I’m going to take their advice and look into local mutual aid projects. I thought I’d also share that their website looks extremely well-curated and is currently shipping in-stock books for $1 in the US.
I’m really glad that they’re recovering quickly, and glad I know about them now too!
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 30
30 issues wow...forget the fact that I skipped like 5 issues of crossover event nonsense
another big ole swerve recap omg
this trial is so messsyyyyyyyyy lmao 
hvbajdfbahsjkfdbhjs starscream listening to meagtrons speech looking like ‘hmmmmmmm I may have miscalculated’ 
prowl looks pissed af meanwhile optimus just looks dead inside lmao
I mean. megatron kinda does have a point. this is like, the most biased, conflict of interests lookin trial of all time, in that all the major participants have some sort of long, complicated history with each other. what a mess
optimus, listening to megatron’s speech: wow this is worse than divorce court was
oh shit I totally forgot that those decepticons attacked the trial 
a guy saying ‘objection!’ as optimus prime punches half his face off...that pretty much sums up idw op lmao 
op: oh thank god, I can punch shit now. I'm not cut out for this bureaucracy nonsense
megatron: thanks, random decepticon, for the attempted rescue, but I'm super old and I just want to nap so no thanks
random decepticon: wtf- [gets murdered by optimus prime]
I love op’s big ass antennae 
meanwhile, brainstorm goes to a bar and instead of buying anything, pulls out his own drink. I feel like that isn't allowed in most bars, or is at least frowned up vbsjdhfbhjdkfn. ily brainstorm 
also? big ass mood I was so broke last time I was on a barhopping vacation w/friends that I brought a cheap giantass bottle of mixed drink in my backpack and just drank that at all the bars lmao
WHIRLLLL I love his humansona sm. and also I love that whirl is into artsy french movies or w/e omg
brainstorm, drinking thru a wrist funnel: sorry I cant take my mask off rn it isn’t plot relevant yet
‘earthlets’ lmao
I love that rung is like, too pretentious to care that much about movies and would rather read earth books lol
and then bluestreak is like ‘yeah they have books...comic books’ can this man not read
I still cannot fuckign believe that the argument that got megatron out of a for-sure death sentence or w/e was ‘its not a war crime if we’re on the moon’ liiiiike what the actual hell lmao
also I love that, once again, we see magnus’s strict adherence to the law, technicalities and all
magnus: you cant really stop a trial and move it somewhere else where the laws are better suited to the outcome you desire
prowl: what are you, a cop? fuck off
also op being like ‘ok whatever all that doesn't matter...what DOES matter is that it would look bad for us to move the trial to cybertron in an obvious attempt to circumvent the rules, and public perception is what’s most important, fuck all that ‘morality’ bullshit’
meanwhile, rodimus is dead! and ambulon is also dead, which makes first aid sad, which makes ME sad
ayyy, rodimus is still alive! well, one rodimus is alive, at least 
rodimus and megatron really have the vibes of ‘stepfather and stepson forced to work together on a family road trip gone wrong after dad decided to sit this one out’ lmao
ah yes, ‘malaise’ the medical diagnostic term for ‘I don't feel so hot and idk why’ that practitioners like to throw under the ‘diagnostic notes’ section of lab orders to explain why they're ordering every blood test under the sun for a patient 
I love medical terminology. ANYWAYS
rodimus: listen I have to come to terms with the fact that there's another version of me right here, and he’s DEAD, which means we can’t fuck, which is super lame 
I firmly believe that rodimus would be team ‘hell yeah id have sex with my AU self’ tbh 
I find it interesting that megatron is often casting blame for his actions onto others - here, he says that rodimus made him realize he doesn’t want to stop doing stuff w/his life, and then says that starscream forced his hand w/the whole ‘luna 2 law’ thing, and previously he’s said how whirl beating him up in jail is what led to him abandoning pacifism - take responsibility for your actions and decisions dude!
though he goes on to say here that he resorted to violence because he realized that the system that was in place could withstand everything else he would have tried to use to change it, which is super interesting 
megatron: okay, yes, I MIGHT have murdered billions, but I could help find us a new planet, which would be baller, sooooo...how about you co-opt your lame son’s frat boy ship and put me in charge? 
op: sounds fair to me. now how about we do some more Big Speeches before I make you somebody else’s problem
vbhdjskfbhaskdjf the ‘team rodimus’ lineup setup reminds me so much of the ‘together we make the ______’ meme with the different members being like, ‘the power’ ‘the gay’ ‘the awesome’ ‘the guy with no ears’ hbvhjdkfbs
chromedome: if I do this I could die
rodimus: that sounds like a you problem bro
‘this one time’ YEA RIGHT c'mon cd honor your dead husband’s wishes
omfg I forgot abt brainstorms ‘early early warning system’ lmao
I love nautica soooo much oh man
ooooof drift :( :( oh no
dead future rodimus!! uh oh is right
rodimus, known himbo: I'm sure I can defeat the inevitability of future events! all I have to do is cut my own arm off!
tailgateeeee he’s so cute...I love that he can tell stories of his daring escapades, just like at the beginning of mtmte, but this time its actually TRUE
he looks so fucking sinister there lmao how are we NOT supposed to realize he has bad intentions from the get-go
‘you’ll make a prime one day’ well, getaway, you’re right about that at least...
cyclonus in the bg like 🤨🤔 at getaway
seriously I cant get over how getaway has such a slimy kinda vibe to him, like specifically in his interactions w/tailgate - this is before things even really take off but I'm still like TG GET AWAY (lol) FROM THIS GUY
cyclonus: somebody flirting with my crush? better go stare out a window instead of communicating absolutely anything to said crush about my feelings!
honestly I feel like, while megatron renouncing the decepticons and becoming an autobot is certainly interesting, it would be equally interesting for him to remain a decepticon but try to change the philosophy of the movement 
like, I get why op had him give that speech - to prevent the cons from trying to free megs again/thinking that he was being coerced into things (ironic considered he WAS coerced into giving that speech) - but it’s kinda the easy way our for megatron - being able to completely abandon the decepticon cause and not deal with it at all, and start over anew as an autobot
it would've been a lot harder to remain a con and try to reform what he has broken in the decepticon movement - but I think that would've been really interesting
though from a writing logistics standpoint, I get why jro didn't go for that bc we don't get a lot of other decepticons in the cast for that to work, and also megatron still definitely DOES have to face down all his mistakes w/the decepticons w/the djd and overlord and whatnot
anyways. I cant believe that all megatron had to do to join the lost light was make ONE speech denouncing the decepticons. like, they should've at least had him do a tiktok dance too or something, just to make it a really tough deal
I love the rodpod vbhjfsdkfbjaskjndfj
ok but I still don't really get the logic of making megs CAPTAIN like ouch. poor rodimus 
I feel like making megs a bartender at swerves or st would've been WAY more useful in showing him humility or w/e. OR it would've made him evil again, which, fair, 
ratchet: don't worry, we’ll medically poison him, it’ll be fine
ok but rodimus is right, this is SO messy, op wants to prove his ex husband isn't 100% evil so he’s like ‘ill let my rebellious son deal with him’ lmao god. I love this setup so much, its so wild
ratchet is also right, rodimus’s fuckup definitely pales in comparison to megatrons All That 
OH BRUTALLLLLLLL when ratchet says the list is fake ‘because my name’s not on it’ FUCKING OUCHHHHH
‘only bad guys say ‘unhand me” rodimus ily
omfg ‘we’ve practiced this’ of course they've done evacuation drills...magnus ily
lmao it’s the panel where it looks like rodimus and megatron are doing karaoke or having some sort of rap battle
and the lost light is GONE! oh shit!!!!
and there closes issue 30! once again we’ve gotten a lot of setup and exposition - which, while definitely necessary, means I don't have too much to say
I will say, throwing megatron onto the lost light has definitely mixed things up, and it’s interesting to see new dynamics already forming
so, until next time!
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fishoutofcamelot · 4 years
(for the ask thing) any book/tv show/movie/song recommendations?
BRO! I heckin got you man! Now, I’m gonna skip the song and book recommendation bit because that sorta thing isn’t really my scene. BUT! In terms of TV? My rec list is like a mile long. I’m gonna include a read-more line, actually. 
BBC Merlin: You know I had to put this on the list. But the fact that you’re on my blog means you’ve probably watched this one, so I won’t go into detail about it. Available on Netflix
Mob Psycho 100: Just a cute, sweet story about a bunch of psychic kids trying to kill each other. A story with this much fighting has no right to be so wholesome. Mob is just a good boy, he doesn’t deserve all this! Fair warning, its messages about identity, self love, and growth WILL make you feel Emotions. Available on various anime pirating websites
Red vs Blue: The found family game is SO strong in this one. By far the best found family plot/dynamic I have ever and will ever experience. The characters are all so solid, yknow? Like it took me three rewatches to understand the plot, but I didn’t even care because I loved the characters SO MUCH. It’s also really, really funny (although some of the jokes have aged a bit poorly tbh). Basically about a bunch of space marines who goof off and accidentally dismantle corrupt governments along the way. Available on Youtube
Supernatural: Is it cringey? Yeah. Does the fandom suck? Also yeah. Is Destiel overrated? BIG yeah. But it’s got monsters, magic, family, and a plot that doesn’t revolve around romance - and really, what more could you ask for? And sure, a lot of people don’t really like the later seasons, but idk I actually prefer them. Season 15 has me THRIVING. I mean come on - character vs author?! Fighting the guy who literally wrote you into existence because he doesn’t want to give your story a happy ending?! Say what you will about Supernatural, but it’s one of the most imaginative shows I’ve ever seen. Available on Netflix
Avatar the Last Airbender: You like stellar animation, intricate worldbuilding/magicbuilding, and a perspective on war that is surprisingly mature for a kids show? Check it out. This show is without a doubt one of the best animated series of all time. Go on. Watch it. It’ll change your life. Available on Netflix
The Umbrella Academy: Time-travelling assassins. Superheroes. Ghosts. Talking monkeys. Murder mysteries. Baller soundtracks. This show will never give you what you expect. I don’t even think I could properly describe it to you. Available on Netflix
Detective Conan: An anime. It’s about a teen detective - think Nancy Drew but bloodier - who witnesses a crime and is fed an experimental poison in order to keep him from telling anyone. But instead of killing him, the poison turns him into a 6-year-old. So now he’s got to solve crimes and take down a criminal organization while in the body of a child. Naturally, shenanigans ensue. Fair warning, the main character becomes a bit of a Mary Sue in later episodes, but the first 300 or so are pretty fun. A few episodes are available on Netflix, but not any of the good ones. You’ll need an anime pirating website for that
Knives Out: My favourite movie ever, of all time. It’s a murder mystery that both subverts and pays homage to its parent genre in all the right places. It’s funny, it’s intelligent, and has a spectacular ending! Although I do wish the fandom would stop being so horny for Ransom, I mean he’s literally racist...No clue where you can find this tbh, I saw it in theatres
Derry Girls: Now I’m not normally a big fan of realistic fiction/sitcom stuff. Despite how funny they are, I’ve not even watched The Office or Parks and Rec because that normal daily life stuff just doesn’t peak my interest. And yet, somehow this story about a group of Irish high schoolers just has me enthralled. Very funny, very well-written, give it a watch. Available on Netflix
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Another anime. Phenomenal animation? Check. Fascinating plot and characters? Check. Detailed magic system that gets my lore-obsessed heart fluttering? Big heckin check. So basically two kids try to use Fantasy Science to bring their mom back to life, only the experiment fails and has some pretty nasty consequences - one boy loses his arm and leg, while the other loses his entire body and has his soul bound to a suit of armour. Now they gotta go through government conspiracies, ethical dilemmas, and Daddy Issues to try and get their bodies back. Available on Netflix
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: Yet another anime. I know, I know, I’m a nerd, get over it. This show doesn’t have a complex plot or even complex characters, tbh, but what it does have is some amazing humour. It’s extremely funny, and it’s also just a nice show to kick back and relax to. Basically this guy who’s so op that he could rewrite the laws of reality on a whim is stuck dealing with relationship drama in high school despite being very, very asexual and very, very tired. Mostly he just uses his powers to avoid people and eat junk food, which is honestly a mood. Available on Netflix
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated: Honestly I’d recommend almost anything that’s Scooby Doo-related because that was my childhood obsession. I used to have like 20 of the movies on DVD before my mom gave them all away. To this day I still love Scooby Doo, and watch it whenever I get the chance. But if you ask any SD fan, they’ll probably tell you that Mystery Incorporated is the best, most intelligent, most creative installment in the franchise. And they’re right (although I do wish there was less relationship drama...) Available on Netflix
Evil Genius: This is a documentary series about the Collar Bomb Robbery. Now, despite what the above list might indicate, I actually watch a LOT of documentaries, and if I were here to recommend all of them then we would be here all day. Not really ‘funny’ like the other entries on this list, it’s actually rather tragic, but definitely a cerebral viewing experience. Available on Netflix
Screwball: Now this is a documentary that IS funny. It’s about drug scandals in baseball. But the dramatic scene re-enactments are done with child actors that are all wearing fake beards and pretending to be drug dealers. It’s not only a fascinating subject, but it’s got amazing editing and visuals that have me in awe. Available on Netflix
Behind the Curve: Yet another documentary. This one’s about the rise of the Flat Earth movement. You’ll spend most of the time on the verge of having a stroke because of how stupid it all is. Available on Netflix
The Movies That Made Us: Okay okay okay last documentary on the list I swear. This one’s exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a series talking about the behind-the-scenes production of iconic movies like Home Alone and Ghostbusters. I eagerly await the second season. Available on Netflix
Monster Factory: If you’re familiar with the McElroy brothers and their brand of humour, you’ll love this. Griffin and Justin team up to make the most disturbing avatars they can create using video game character creators. The origins of the Final Pam meme. If I had a shirt with a quote from Monster Factory on it, I’d die a happy man. Available on Youtube
Baman Piderman: The dumbest show I have ever watched, but it’s so adorable and stupid and I love it so much. It doesn’t really have a plot, but later episodes allude to the presence of one and I’m upset because there are so many mysteries/questions hinted at and we’ll never get answers because it’s been abandoned. PLEASE watch it. Available on Youtube
Stranger Things: Okay, season 2 was a bit of a let-down imo, but season 1 was ICONIC and the Scoops Troop subplot in season 3 deserved its own freakin spinoff. I’m not joking. I didn’t even like s3 all that much, but the only reason it’s my favourite is because the Scoops Troop plot was so great. People call this show ‘horror’ but I don’t think it’s scary enough for that, although it is admittedly kinda spooky. If you like 80s nostalgia and the horror aesthetic, then I’d give it a watch (Do it for Scoops Troop. Do it for Robin). Available on Netflix
Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart: Despite my overwhelming love for this film, I’ll be the first to admit it’s kinda mediocre. The plot is weird and the romance feels forced, but despite its flaws it manages to be one of my favourite movies. Mostly I just like it for the unique concept and beautiful ending. Also the music is off the par man. Probably because the writer/producer of the movie was the lead singer for a French band called Dionysus (what? I do my research). Available on Netflix
Wakfu: I haven’t seen past season 3, but so far it’s pretty good. You go in thinking it’s just a wholesome action/adventure show about a kid who can create portals - but then it just. Sucks you in. From its bopping theme song to its fantastic found family to the unique worldbuilding, you very quickly fall in love with it. It’s got a cool plot and also talking dragons, and it doesn’t get better than that. Available on Netflix
Mystery Skulls Animated: Technically not a TV show so much as it is a series of animated music videos with a plot, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t one of the greatest things of all time. It’s basically Scooby Doo but if Shaggy got possessed by a demon and killed Fred, causing Fred to become a ghost hellbent on revenge-killing Shaggy in return. And if Scooby was an ancient Japanese spirit that bit off Shaggy’s arm, forcing him to wear a metal prosthetic. Yeah, MSA is wild. It’s only got three videos out so far, with a fourth one coming out this October, but there’s already so much lore! Available on Youtube
Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared: Ah yes, yet another cringey entry on this list. But you know what? Cringe culture is dead!!! And despite its fandom being...like that...DHMIS really is a cool show. Think if Sesame Street was like haunted or something. The episodes about creativity and telling time remain the most unsettling, imo. Definitely worth a watch. Available on Youtube
Inanimate Insanity: Oh boy. Am I seriously recommending you dip your little fingies into the object fandom? Yes. Yes I am. This show is so obscure it makes freakin Detective Conan look popular. At its core it’s a parody of Total Drama Island and Survivor but with anthropomorphized inanimate objects as characters (hence the name). Season 2 is actually really, really good and surprisingly competent. You just gotta get through season 1 first. Available on Youtube
The X-Files: Wow, a live action series on this list? Who woulda thought??? But seriously, this show is really fun. Memes and jokes aside, I love it. Scully and Mulder are fun characters with great chemistry (both platonic and romantic), the Lone Horsemen are hilarious, and every episode is a unique adventure into the most creative acid trips the human mind could conceive of. Phenomenal from start to finish (if you ignore the last season). I have no clue where you would watch this. Pirate it, probably
Buzzfeed Unsolved: Two idiots investigate cold cases and haunted locales while being utter dumbasses about it. You know the “hey demons it’s be ya boi” meme? That came from these guys. Available on Youtube
Kingdom: Ngl, I didn’t go into this expecting zombies. Or for it to take place during Korean feudalism, for that matter. But mediocre dubbing aside, this show has such a clever concept. It takes the zombie apocalypse genre and gives refreshing, unique twists to old tropes that they feel like something new. Seo-bi is my wife and she deserves all the love and appreciation in the world, and those are just Facts. Available on Netflix
My Hero Academia: Superhero high school anime. I personally am not a fan of later episodes/arcs, but the first three seasons are pretty dang good. Diverse, colourful ensemble cast that you easily grow to adore, interesting commentary on disability (although I’m not qualified to give any actual takes on that), and a school curriculum that makes me very, very concerned for the wellbeing of these children. Plus all the superpowers - aka ‘quirks’ - are super imaginative and, well, quirky! I just wish people would stop shipping the main character with his childhood bully...You’ll need to pirate this one too lmao
Danny Phantom: The highlight of this show is its ‘phandom’, because unlike someone (*cough* Butch Hartman), we’re not a bunch of cowards. It’s about a guy who messes around with his parents’ lab stuff and accidentally acquires the ability to die! Well, half-die. He can turn into a ghost and fight other ghosts. Although the show never explores the existential, traumatic fallout of being kinda-sorta-dead, the potential for something deep and emotional is there. Plus there is a LOT of accidental subtext for a Big LGBT+ Metaphor. So much so that the Trans Danny theory is basically canon. Uhhh not available on Netflix anymore so it’s time to whip out your pirate hat, matey
And there you have it! Like I said, I have a lot of TV recommendations. And I just KNOW I’m forgetting a ton, but this is already really long so we’ll have to cut off here. 
Thanks for the ask! <3
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experimentaldata · 4 years
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag some people. 
tagged by: @momentofmemory and I’m sorry it takes me so long to get back to you on these things T.T Also YouTube shows count because I said so.
* Critical Role, Campaign 1
* Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
* Daredevil
* Buzzfeed Unsolved
* Parks and Recreation
What is your favorite character in 2? Whyyyy would this quiz do this to me. Literally all of them?? But Riza Hawkeye has my heart, I think. She is kind and warm, a cruel and ruthless soldier, beautiful but strong, stoic in the face of danger but sobbing over the pain of those she loves...just a lot of contradictions and a complex character that I can relate to. Love her.
Who is your least favorite character in 1? Uuuuuhhhhh they’re all so good don’t make me do this...not a huge fan Tary yet but I JUST met him and everyone loves him so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What is your favorite episode of 4? Literally anytime they do stuff with aliens...just the chaotic energy of Ryan’s “let’s hear them out” and Shane’s “this is patently ridiculous” is peak dumbass best friend energy and I love it so much.
What is your favorite season of 5? I would say 2 or 3. They had gotten the humor down and they really hit their stride with the characterization. That said, I have a hard time remembering which episodes go where in sitcoms lol.
Who is your favorite couple in 3? Ohhh noooooo finding a stable relationship in this show is hard :( . Foggy/Marci I would say. Especially in season 3. When Foggy’s all upset and Marci doesn’t understand but still supports him...that’s the long-term relationship experience, babey!
Who is your favorite couple in 2? Well if we’re going with explicitly canon couples, Izumi and Sig Curtis. The sheer amount of love in the midst of the grief of losing your only child, the pain of infertility AND having to watch your spouse go through a painful chronic illness, while staying faithful to and patient with one another the whole time...that’s pure love. 
(Also Royai but I mean who doesn’t love them)
What is your favorite episode of 1? It’s a tie between the episode where (SPOILERS) Pike and co. resurrect Grog, and the one where they resurrect Percy. Basically I just love seeing when the characters express what the other characters mean to them...the found family is real, yall.
What is your favorite episode of 5? Sooo many good ones...the one where they have the Halloween party at April and Andy’s is a classic though lolol
What is your favorite season of 2? Don’t make me pick one aaaahhhh...Season 3 or 5. 3 because there’s some really cool character development that happens, and 5 because it’s just so heart-wrenching and good.
How long have you watched 1? Started it a couple months ago as a quarantine project, haven’t stopped since. 
How did you become interested in 3? Oookkkayy so I joined Tumblr back in 2015 because I had a friend on there and also I was learning a language and one of the resource pages I found was on Tumblr. Turns out one of OP’s mutuals, who I ended up following, was really excited for this new show coming out on Netflix: Darededevil. I’d never heard of it. Then, they posted those panels from the Waid run where he’s describing what depression feels like, and I just felt...seen. So I watched the show, and the rest is history. 
Who is your favorite actor in 4? Well they’re not actors, so...both of them? Shane and Ryan have great BroTP chemistry and you can tell they’re having so much fun. It’s a joy to watch them interact even on top of how good the show is. 
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Out of those three? FMA:B. You cannot beat the diversity of female characters, heart-wrenching plot, baller theme music, and spot-on social commentary. 
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? Well Daredevil would be insufferable if it had the runtime of CR so I’ll have to go with CR1.
If you could be anyone from 4, which would you be? This is weird, they’re real people, I don’t like this question anymore :/
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? *Ryan voice* This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we’re examining the disappearance of Elektra Natchios, a woman who is claimed to have reached immortality, and whose whereabouts are currently unknown...”
Pick two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely ok couple? I feel like Vax and Pike could work? Compassion/healing power couple. Still a bit of a crack ship in my mind, though.
Overall, which show has a better storyline, 3 or 5? Parks and Rec. I watch Daredevil for the characters and relationships tbh. Parks and Rec has great character development and a satisfying, if quirky, ending. Plus the anti-Asian racism in Daredevil but that’s a whole other post...
Thank you for tagging me, Mem! I’m tagging @mookybear12404 @feenyxblue @daughterofluthien @askclint and @darnitjack
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