#baltimore orioles fanfiction
stephstars08 · 5 months
Best Friend’s Sister
Adley Rutschman x Reader
Warnings: Adult Language, Fluff and Maybe a Tiny Bit Of Angst, Mention of Cheating, Anxiety, and Maybe Some Grammar Errors. (Sorry if I forgot any!)
Summary: Adley’s best friend is his teammate Gunnar and they have been so close ever since the Orioles drafted them. They are so close that they live together so when Gunnar’s big sister comes to Maryland to visit she stays with her brother and his best friend. But right when Adley meets Y/N he instantly falls for her which makes him freak out because he knows that he’s growing feelings for not just any girl, but he’s falling for his best friend’s sister.
Word Count: 2,018
Author’s Note: Just wanted to leave a little note that this story might not be completely accurate. This story takes place last season. I’ve heard Adley and Gunnar say that they have lived together multiple times. I don’t know if they just lived together when Gunnar first got called up or not and I don’t know if they live together now. They definitely live together during spring training but again this story takes place last season where I believed they were still living together during the regular season!
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Adley is the star catcher for the Baltimore Orioles and his best friend is his teammate Gunnar Henderson who is the Orioles star in the in field and is also a star with his bat as well. Adley and Gunnar were both drafted by the team in 2019. Adley was drafted number one overall after is record breaking season at Oregon State University. The team ended the season with a National Championship. Gunnar was drafted right out of high school.
The boys became close through the minor leagues all the way up to the major leagues. Adley made his major league debut in May 2022 and Gunnar made his major league debut the same year in September.
People noticed the close bond between the two players that people were saying that Gunnar is Adley’s sidekick. Both boys have admitted that they are very close and have said that the main reason why they are so close is because they live together in a contemporary style house.
The Orioles just ended the day with another win. The team has a day off tomorrow before they start another series back at home. The team is currently in Boston getting ready to leave Fenway for the airport back to Maryland.
The team was in the visitor’s locker room gathering their stuff up to head outside to the bus. Adley was putting on his sneakers when Gunnar approached him. “Remember my big sister, is coming tomorrow morning.” Gunnar said reminding him.
A couple months ago Gunnar’s sister who is just a couple years older than him told him that she will be coming to visit him from their home town in Alabama. Gunnar asked Adley if it was okay if Y/N can stay in their guest room while she’s in town which Adley told him it wasn’t a problem at all. Y/N is the only person in Gunnar’s family that Adley hasn’t met yet. Gunnar has told Adley how amazing Y/N is and how close they are with one another. Gunnar is very excited to see Y/N since when Gunnar is playing baseball he doesn’t see Y/N a lot since she’s busy with her career. Y/N just broke up with her boyfriend of one year so she felt like she needed to get away so why not visit her baby bro.
“Right, thanks for reminding me.” Adley told Gunnar as he tied the laces to his left shoe. “How long is she staying with us again?” Adley asked him in a curious tone as he put on his right shoe. “A week and a half.” Gunnar answered him.
“You’re going to love her. She’s like the girl version of me.” Gunnar told him. “Okay so I’m basically going to be living another you.” Adley said as he stood up after tying his right shoe. “Can’t wait.” Adley added in a teasing tone as he playfully rolled his eyes. “Hey! I’m a good roommate!” Gunnar said defending himself as Adley picked up his bags that had him equipment and uniform in. “Whatever you say.” Adley said still teasing his best friend as he made his way out of the locker room. Gunnar rolled his eyes and followed him. He knows that Adley’s just messing with him like he always does. Adley sees Gunnar as a little brother.
It was the next morning and Adley was awoken by music playing downstairs. Adley let out a big groan as he got out of his comfy bed. He was planning on sleeping in since the team had a long day yesterday but obviously that’s not going to happen. Adley walked out of his room and stomped downstairs to the living room. He heard the music coming from the kitchen so he made his way towards the kitchen.
“Gunnar will you turn down the-“ Adley started to say in a snappy and annoyed tone but stopped himself when he saw that the person in the kitchen wasn’t Gunnar. Adley right away knew that it was Y/N since she looked similar to Gunnar. Y/N stopped mixing the pancake mix that was in the bowl and paused the music that was playing on her phone.
“Shit! You’re not Gunnar.” Adley said as his cheeks turned a rosy red in embarrassment. “No, but people do say that I do look like the girl version of him.” Y/N told him with a giggle. “I’m Y/N.” Y/N added introducing herself with a kind smile. “I’m Adley but you probably know that so why am I telling you something that you already know.” Adley said cursing at himself in his head. Y/N let out another giggle which made Adley’s heart skip a beat. “It’s okay.” Y/N reassured him.
“Sorry for barging in here like that.” Adley apologized. “You don’t have to apologize.” Y/N told him. “I’m sorry about the music. Gunnar kept turning it up.” Y/N apologized. “It’s okay. This ain’t the first time I’ve been woken up by Gunnar’s music.” Adley told her with a small sigh. “Yeah, as much as I love my little bro he can sometimes be hard to live with.” Y/N told him which made Adley let out a small laugh.
“Do you want some pancakes?” Y/N asked him in a curious tone as she walked over to the stove carring the bowl that had the pancake batter in. “Sure.” Adley said with a nod. Y/N gave him a small smile and started to pour some of the batter into the big pan with a spoon. As Y/N cooked the pancakes Adley walked over to the kitchen island and took a seat down onto one of the chairs. As she cooked Adley would glance over at her. He didn’t notice that he was just staring at her till Gunnar walked in caring a grocery bag that has a carton of milk in it.
“I’m back.” Gunnar said. “Hey sleepy head.” Gunnar said walking over to Adley and roughing up his messy brunette hair with his empty hand. Adley rolled his eyes as he pushed Gunnar’s arm away. “I hope my annoying sister didn’t bother you while I was gone.” Gunnar said in a teasing tone. “Oh shut up and put the milk in the fridge.” Y/N told him in a stern tone. “Geez so mean.” Gunnar said pulling the milk out of the bag and walked over to the fridge. Y/N rolled her eyes as Gunnar opened the fridge and put the milk in it.
After Y/N finished making enough pancakes for herself and the boys they sat down at kitchen island together. As they ate Y/N and Gunnar told Adley stories about them growing up together. Adley also got to know Y/N as well.
As the days passed and the more Adley has gotten to know Y/N he’s realized that he is falling for Y/N. And he knows that he’s not just falling for any girl, no! He’s falling for his best friend’s sister. He’s falling for Gunnar’s older sister.
When Adley’s around Y/N he just can’t help but feel butterflies in his stomach. When they lock eyes Adley feels his heart rate speed up. He loves hearing her talk with her southern Alabama accent that matches Gunnar’s.
Adley knows that he’s falling head over heels for her and some times he feels like she feels the same way but sometimes he thinks that it’s all in his head. But that’s not his biggest worry. His biggest worry is what Gunnar will think. Would he freak out if he finds out that his best friend likes his sister? Even though Y/N is the older sibling he can tell that Gunnar is very over protective of her. Adley wants to tell Gunnar about what he’s been feeling but he’s worried about what his reaction would be.
It was a Saturday night and the Orioles had an early game win so to celebrate some players game to Adley and Gunnar’s house. Y/N sat in the backyard with her brother and his teammates. Since there was a fire pit in the backyard Gunnar put some firewood in the pit and started a bomb fire so everyone sat around the fire just having some drinks and talked. As time passed some guys left one by one. Once the last teammate left Gunnar called it a night for himself since he was exhausted so he went inside to his room leaving Y/N and Adley alone by the bomb fire.
There was a comfortable silence between the two till Y/N broke it. “I enjoyed watching you play. You sure know how to put on a damn good show.” Y/N told him which made Adley blush. He was hoping that Y/N didn’t notice. “Thanks.” Adley said with a smile. “I’m glad I took this trip. Really has helped me get my mind a reset.” Y/N told him. “Gunnar told me that you recently just got out of a relationship.” Adley said in a soft voice. “Yeah.” Y/N said with a small nod.
“What happened?” Adley asked in a curious tone. “If you don’t mind me asking.” Adley quickly added. “It’s okay. You’re good.” Y/N reassured him which made him relax. “It all started two months ago when my ex boyfriend kept accusing me of cheating on which I wasn’t and just after we celebrated our one year anniversary I caught him in bed with a girl who was at the time a good friend to me.” Y/N told him which broke his heart to hear. “Damn. That’s fucked up.” Adley said with a hint of anger in his voice. “Turns out he had been cheating on me for months and was just accusing me of cheating so I would break up with him.” Y/N said with a heavy sigh as she stared down at her hands that were resting on her lap. “What a dick move.” Adley said in disgust. “It was a fucking cowardly move.” Y/N added with another sigh.
“You don’t need people like that in your life.” Adley told her. “They didn’t deserve to have you in their life. Especially that douchebag.” Adley added which made her look up at him. “Really?” Y/N asked him. “Y/N, you are a beautiful and an amazing girl.” Adley started to tell her as they locked eyes. “The perfect guy is out there for you. He’s waiting for you and he’s going to make you forget all about that asshole.” Adley told her with a warm smile. “Thanks Adley, I’ll remember that.” Y/N said returning the smile.
Adley knew that he was talking about himself being the guy but he was wondering if Y/N knew that he was the one he was talking about.
Ever since that night by the bomb fire Adley and Y/N have become so close that for the rest of her visit she always wanted to be around him and just talking to him. It made both of them sad when Y/N had to leave to go back to Alabama. Before Y/N got on her plane she promised that she’ll keep in touch with him.
Gunnar was driving his car with Adley in the passenger seat driving his car back to their house. “You have a feelings for Y/N, don’t you?” Gunnar asked him which took Adley by surprise. He didn’t know what to say so he just stayed quiet. “It’s okay if you do.” Gunnar told him with a reassuring smile which made Adley’s nerves relax. “Yeah, she’s just everything that I look for in a girl.” Adley told him. It felt so good for him to finally say this out loud to someone.
“I know my sister better than anyone so I know that she definitely feels the same way.” Gunnar told him giving him a quick glance. “But just because I’m your best friend doesn’t mean that I won’t kick your ass if you break her heart.” Gunnar added in a stern tone. Adley let out a small laugh. He knew that was coming. “You have my word cowboy.” Adley said looking at him. Gunnar couldn’t help but let out a laugh at Adley’s nickname he gave him.
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zackcollins · 2 years
take my name || adley rutschman
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Author’s Note: Hi, hi! I’m back with another fic! It’s been a minute since I’ve written one. I haven’t had much inspiration for fics but I finally got some today!! This is also my first fic for Dadley Adley so please be kind. Anyways. GIF credit to me, myself, and I!
Warnings: There is a brief mention of pregnancy but other than that, I think it’s alright. Let me know if I missed something though. I’ll happily add it for you!
Word Count: 832 (short boi)
Title: Take My Name by Parmalee
Additional: The reader can be read as gender-neutral! I know I said there was a brief mention of pregnancy, but the language is really, really vague so anyone that can and wants to be pregnant (whether they’re feminine or not) can envision themselves in this fic! Hope that’s okay and I hope everyone enjoys this! Feedback is welcomed and appreciated!
It was your birthday and you and Adley were celebrating by spending the day at the beach. You had spent all morning fooling around in the waves, splashing the water back and forth at each other as you both laughed your heads off. Then, you had spent all afternoon playing with the sand to see who could make the best sandcastle. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, Adley had bested you tenfold with his gorgeous sandcastle that looked like something straight out of a sandcastle competition. Now that the sun was starting to set, the two of you were walking along the shoreline hand in hand as a cool breeze swirled around you.
Just as the sun got to the horizon and made the sky light up like it was on fire, Adley stopped walking. You turned to look at him, a look of confusion on your face.
“Is something wrong? Did you step on some glass or a stick?” You asked, using your free hand to motion down to Adley’s barefeet.
Adley smiled softly and chuckled as he shook his head. “No, nothing like that.”
Before you could say anything in response, Adley let go of your hand and dropped to one knee. He reached into the pocket of his shorts and pulled out a black ring box. When he popped it open, there was a black and orange engagement ring glistening in what little sunlight remained.
“Adley, I—”
“Don’t say anything yet,” Adley said, his voice sounding a little nervous. “I wanna say my bit first. If that’s alright with you?”
Nodding, you put one of your hands on Adley’s shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. Adley looked over at your hand before he looked up at you and mouthed ‘thank you’. Nodding again, you motioned your hand encouragingly to let your boyfriend know that you were ready for him to say whatever it was that he had planned out.
“Okay, so...” Adley paused to run a hand along the back of his neck. You squeezed his shoulder again to reassure him that everything was alright. He seemed to appreciate that because he smiled softly at you and patted your wrist before he continued to speak. “I was wondering if you’d, um, take my hand in marriage and become my spouse? I have enough of this waiting bullshit and taking my time because how I feel with you... It’s the best I’ve ever felt.”
You felt your stomach twist in knots and your heart rate increase significantly at what Adley had just said. Your legs also felt they were suddenly made of gelatin. So, you did the only thing you could think to do: you sat down in the sand so you didn’t fall over later.
Adley chuckled as he brought one of his hands over and began running it soothingly along your kneecap. “I know this might be a little crazy for you because it might seem kinda soon. But I have more to say if you want me to say it.”
Swallowing thickly around a knot in your throat, you nodded. “Keep going. I wanna hear everything.”
Smiling softly, Adley squeezed your knee. “I’ve known from the first time I saw you that we were gonna get married one day.” Adley placed the ring box on the sand in between the two of you so he could grab each side of your face. He ran his thumbs along your cheeks before he leaned forward and placed a kiss to your forehead.
When Adley leaned back, you felt your stomach fill with butterflies when you saw the look of utter fondness and love on his face.
“Aren’t you worried that everyone else will think it’s too early?” You were a little hesitant as you asked because, deep down, you knew it was also the right time.
Adley chuckled, a small smirk washing across his lips. “Let them think what the damn well want.” He took one of his fingers and tapped your nose, his smirk turning to a fond smile. “I’m ready. I don’t wanna waste any time because I want you in every single part of my life.”
You picked up the ring box and looked at Adley with a bemused look. “You know? If anybody asked me, I’d say you probably would’ve been the last guy on your team to get married.”
Smiling, Adley held his hands up in surrender. “I know, I know. But every time I looked at you, my brain kept imagining that whole ‘white picket fence, two kids, and a dog’ thing.”
Smirking, you grabbed the ring and slid it onto your finger before you handed Adley back the ring box. “Well, it’s your lucky day then.”
“How do you mean?”
You grabbed Adley’s hand that didn’t have the ring box and placed it on your lower abdomen. He looked at you with confusion and you chuckled.
“We’re getting one of those two kids that you want.”
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stephstars08 · 6 months
Better Than Him
Gunnar Henderson x Reader
Warnings: Some Adult Language, Depressed!Reader, Anxiety, Mention of Bad Break Up, Alcohol, Mention of Drunk Reader, Angst with Fluff at the End, and Possible Grammar Errors. (Let me know if I forgot any!!)
Summary: Y/N and Gunnar grew up together and lived in the same state till their senior year in high school but they eventually got reunited after just a year apart. When they reconnect old feelings came back for Gunnar but before he could tell Y/N she once again got together with someone else. After the boy breaks Y/N’s heart Gunnar hopes and prays that Y/N will realize that he is way better for her than her ex.
Word Count: 1,764
Author’s Note: My first Gunnar story is finally here! I am so happy that baseball is back since I’m getting all kinds of story ideas for Gunnar and Adley. Now this story is actually based off a country song that I don’t think a lot of you know. The inspiration is from the song He Ain’t Worth Missing by Toby Keith. I grew up listening to country music and my first ever crush was Toby Keith who sadly passed away in February and it really crushed me because he was a big part of my childhood so of course I’ve been listening to his music a lot lately. Gunnar actually reminds me a lot of Toby Keith. I really don’t know what it is. They are both country boys since Gunnar is from Alabama so they had similar accents. And maybe it’s because they had similar hair and when Gunnar has facial hair he looks like him! Idk what it is so don’t be surprised if I write another Gunnar story based off a Toby Keith song! I’ll leave the link to song here if you all want to listen to it! You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Sorry for the long Author’s Note and I hope you all enjoy this story!!
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Y/N and Gunnar grew up together in Montgomery, Alabama and were really close to one another since the day they started school together. Well, that was till Y/N moved from Alabama to Maryland her senior year of high school.
Y/N has a lot of family in Maryland so that was a big reason why her and her family moved there. It just really broke her heart to move away from Gunnar. It was so hard for both of them to not see each other everyday. They did their best to stay in touch with each other by texting, calling, or even FaceTiming.
After they both graduated from high school they thought that they were still going to be separated from each other since they were going into different directions but to their surprise they were going to be reunited. Y/N got accepted into the university of Maryland and Gunnar got drafted by the Baltimore Orioles in the 2019 MLB draft at just seventeen years old. They are so happy to be back to living in the same state as one another again. Even though they won’t be able to see each other everyday but at least they were just a car ride away from each other again.
When they started hanging out with each other again a lot of old feelings were returning especially for Gunnar. Gunnar started to develop a crush on his best friend at the end of eighth grade into their first year in high school. Gunnar will never forget the day he realized that he’s falling head over heels for Y/N. Gunnar always wanted to ask Y/N out but she was always with someone else. When he reconnected with her he was hoping he would get a chance to confess to her his feelings but again Y/N got the attention of someone else.
Now into the Present. Gunnar is entering his third season in major leagues after winning AL Rookie of The Year the season before and Y/N is almost done with her final year at Maryland University. Y/N hasn’t just been stressed out because of school but also has been stressed because she just had a bad break up with her on and off again boyfriend named Brad. He’s your typical fuck boy frat boy in college. It always drives Gunnar fucking crazy when Y/N goes back to that asshole so he’s hoping and praying that this break up is the end.
Since Y/N has been depressed from the break up Gunnar and a couple of her friends she goes to school with got her to agree to go to a bar and have some drinks since it was Friday. Since Gunnar’s opening day for his team was a Thursday he didn’t have a game that night. Once everyone arrived at the bar everyone walked into the bar together. Right away Y/N wished she didn’t walk inside. She just froze in her spot. The only person who noticed that she just stoped was Gunnar. Before he could ask what was wrong he saw what Y/N was looking at. It was Brad sitting at the bar with a girl who was obviously his date. Y/N knew who the girl was. The girl is the person Brad dumped her for. It hurt Gunnar to see the hurt in Y/N’s beautiful and soft eyes. “Y/N.” Gunnar said putting one of his hands onto her shoulder which got her attention. “Ignore him. Don’t let him ruin your night.” Gunnar told her. Y/N just gave him a nod and let Gunnar take her to where their friends were sitting which was a table in the back of the bar.
Right when the waitress came to their table Y/N ordered some shots of Tequila for herself. Gunnar’s worry returned since he was worried that Y/N was going to get completely wasted. It’s never fun taking care of a drunk Y/N since she can get really crazy when she drinks too much.
As the night went on Gunnar would notice Y/N glance over at Brad and his date. When Brad leaned over and gave the girl a kiss on the lips Y/N has enough. “I can’t fucking do this!” Y/N hissed as should stood up. She grabbed her purse and made her way out of the bar. Her friends kept calling her back over the music but she just ignored them and kept on walking. When Y/N walked out of the bar one person followed her. When the person grabbed her hand she knew the person who followed her was Gunnar. Y/N let out a heavy sigh. “Y/N-“ Gunnar started to but Y/N immediately cut him off. “I’m not staying okay!” Y/N told him with a mixture of frustration and sternness in her voice pulling her hand out of Gunnar’s. “Listen I know you can’t go back in there but you still deserve a night out. We can go somewhere else.” Gunnar told her but she shook her head no. “I just need to be alone right now.” Y/N told him and turned away from him to walk to her car. Gunnar wanted to go after her but no matter what he says to her it isn’t going to change her mind.
Y/N has gone through many break ups but this is the first break up that has left her completely broken. No matter how sad Y/N got from a break up she never shut Gunnar out. Her telling him that she just wants to be alone is a first.
Once Gunnar watched Y/N drive away in her car he let out a heavy sigh and walked back into the bar.
A couple days have pasted and Y/N hasn’t contacted Gunnar which made him even more worried about her because it’s not like her to ignore his texts and calls. He feels like she is isolating herself from all of her friends which is really out of character of her. He knows that she’s hurting but she shouldn’t be by herself right now. She’s vulnerable and when you are vulnerable being alone is a big red flag. He knows that she’s hurting but she shouldn’t be ignoring the ones that love and care for her. The only time Y/N has left the her apartment is to go to her classes.
Y/N was sitting in her living room watching TV. She was wrapped up her in her fluffy blanket eating her favorite snack while watching her favorite and comfort show. This is all she does when she is home. There was a knock on the door which made her let out a big groan. “Go away!” Y/N called out. “Y/N, it’s Gunnar.” She heard him say on the other side of her front door. “I told you that I want to be alone!” Y/N called back out to him with frustration. “Y/N I just want to talk to you.” She heard Gunnar say. She could hear the concern in his voice. “I’m not going to leave.” She heard him add in.
She let out a sigh in defeat as she pulled her soft blanket off her body. She stood up from the couch and walked over to the door. She opened the door to see her concern best friend. “Are you going to let me in?” Gunnar asked her. Y/N stepped to the side so he could walk into her apartment. “Is your roommate here?” Gunnar asked her in a curious tone. “No, she’s in class right now.” Y/N answered as she closed the door. “Have you been going to class?” Gunnar asked her which made her let out a groan. “If your talk is a lecture you can just leave.” Y/N told him in annoyance.
She walked back towards that couch and flopped down onto it. “Y/N you shouldn’t be depressed over a stupid fucking frat boy.” Gunnar told her in a stern tone. “You can find a guy that is ten times better than Brad.” Gunnar added which made her let out a scoff. “Oh and who could that guy be?” Y/N asked him folding her arms over her chest. “Me!” Gunnar blurted out which took her by surprise. “What?” Y/N asked in shock looking up at him with wide eyes. “Shit!” Gunnar hissed as he ran a hand through his curly blonde hair.
This isn’t how he wanted to tell his best friend that he has feelings for her.
“Gunnar!” Y/N said as she stood up from the couch. “Do you have feelings for me?” Y/N asked him. “Yes I do.” Gunnar answered which made her heart skip a beat. “How long have you felt this way?” Y/N asked him. “Since the end of eighth grade.” Gunnar answered her. “You’ve had these feelings for that long.” Y/N said still in complete shock. The couldn’t believe what was happening. “I wanted to tell you but you were always with someone.” Gunnar told her with frustration in his voice. “Gunnar.” Y/N said but he ignored her since he started to ramble. “I wanted to tell you when we reconnected here but before I could get the chance you got with Brad.” Gunnar explained to her. “Gunnar.” Y/N said again but again he kept on talking. “When you two broke up I was hoping and praying that you would realize that I can be better than him for you.” Gunnar told her. Y/N knew he wasn’t going to listen to her and that he was going to keep talking so she walked closer to him.
Before he could get another word out she grabbed him by the arms and connected her lips with his lips. The kiss took Gunnar by surprise but since this has been a moment he’s been waiting for he immediately returned the kiss. When they released from the kiss they had to catch their breaths.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N said in a soft tone which confused him. “Sorry about what?” Gunnar asked her in confusion. “I’ve had feelings for you too but I always thought that you only saw me as your best friend.” Y/N told him. “Don’t be sorry. I’m stupid for hiding my feelings from you.” Gunnar reassured her. “I think we’re both done with be stupid.” Y/N said with a giggle which also made Gunnar laugh.
“Well since we’re done being stupid how about I take you out to dinner after my game on Sunday for our first date?” Gunnar said as she smiled up at him. “That sounds like a good date to me.” Y/N said wrapping her arms around his neck as he smiled down at her.
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