#banana doggos
dankodoodles · 19 days
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*crashes face-first into my phone to read the last chapter of Firefight*
I have never drawn something SO FAST in response to something as amazing as the Firefight fic
In all seriousness @remedyturtles, you have given me emotional damage to the best degree :,D thank you for the beautiful ending (no spoilers)
I'm just putting this out there (I'm not exactly great at explanations, but hear me out) - the last chapter in Leo's POV really made it come full circle. Without spoiling things, I kinda resonated with him? I mean, ha, I wasn't beat around by a blood-thirsty, pink bubblegum warlord and came out with insane amounts of trauma... But with how he struggled and verbalised it as not being sure how to ask for help and was internally conflicted on how and why he deserves help?? Yeah, that got me in the feels badly.
Personally, reading these types of fics can be triggering for me, but I pushed through because of how GOOD this story is. All I can say is thank you again Rem. For creating and sharing with us an amazing AU and fic!
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lets-go-banana-fishing · 11 months
Rating Bf characters on how well I think they would perform at their Part-time job
Y'all remember the Banana Fish part-time job artworks? Well I remembered it so now it's my job to share my unwanted opinion on all of them :)
1. Ash as Pizza delivery boy: 5/10
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With Ash it just really depends on his mood
He's the fastest deliverer if he wants to
But he's also the guy to deliver your pizza with half the pizza missing and his explanation being: "sorry bro I got hungry"
Also your order will "mysteriously disappear" if you don't tip him enough
2. Shorter as Waiter: 10/10
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I mean it's canon that Shorter works at Chang Dai
He wants to be the future owner of the diner so his grind is strong 💪💪
Makes the customers feel comfortable and I just feel like the vibe would be good with him.
3. Sing as Messenger Boy: 7/10
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I can see him having fun at this job
Problem is when he starts to have too much fun and gets too invested in people's businesses
He's gonna know every secret in every neighborhood that's nearby
Bonus point because despite acting like he's a delivery boy from the 1900's (definitely tried to speak like them as well), he does a good job
4. Eiji as Pet Groomer: 100/10
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Staff was so right for this
Puppy happiness increases by 1000%
5. Yut Lung as Beauty Advisor: 9.5/10
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Okay first of all he ABSOLUTELY KNOWS what he's doing so this is an amazing job choice
Will give his clients actual helpful advice and make sure they look STUNNING
Also he definitely lets you rant about your day and will gossip with you whilst fixing your mascara
(and he absolutely calls his clients "honey" or "sweetie" so bonus point)
Minor problem is he WILL judge you if he doesn't like one of your requests and he WILL let you know
6. Blanca as Bartender: -1000/10
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I do not trust this man with my drink.
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lacinayc · 5 months
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recently been blessed by the banana dog, passing the blessing to you
made me remember the fruit dogs I drew exactly a year ago what a coinky-dink.
if you do have any suggestions for what I can draw do let me know- currently running on empty
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littlechonker · 5 months
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not him begging for banana slices🍌
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mostlynatur3 · 5 months
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Rainy day activities!
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smitukey · 8 months
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The neighborhood I work at is full of doodles!
Prints here
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pekopakopi · 9 months
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Pupper playin' with a squeaky banana toy! #art #cute #dog #banana
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treefory · 1 year
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rocabalboa · 2 years
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smugraccoon137 · 2 years
Training update
Sofies crate training is starting to really take. She takes her bones and other big chews in there. She choose to nap in there sometimes. And she's starting to learn the word kennel and go in when i tell her to
Obligatory pic update
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small-world-au · 3 months
Ramshackle Stone facts you might have/haven’t heard of before!
By yours, truly :333
(FYI, some of these fact are super old and might’ve changed for current canon!)
Stone’s name isn’t ACTUALLY Stone! It’s his last name!
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His first name could possibly be Eric, Phillipé, or Cecil! As stated by Zeddyzi on one of her older posts.
(I personally think Eric suits him better!)
He has a fear of rats/mice/and death!
He’s possibly aromatic and Demi.
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He hates bananas cuz of their texture!
He’s into astronomy! 🪐
It’s possible that in the future he’ll open up in future, but he’ll just stick to smoking and drinking for now. (He’s a VERY private person!)
He’s a big crybaby. (And me too :3)
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He can’t fuckin dance.
He listens to Nirvana! (Is that how u spell it????)
He has a love/hate relationship with his violin. 🎻
He can also be quite childish when it comes to potty humor.
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He’s actually super sweet and sentimental when not sober!
He’s the most happiest when he’s surrounded by puppies or just chilling with friends. :333
His birthday is on march 14!
As stated by Zeddyzi, if he were to have a blog, it be about science!
If he were going to date someone, it be someone he’s already close to! (He ain’t picky as long there’s a strong connection!)
If you were to take him on a date, he’ll just act awkwardly. (Cute :3)
He’s not very artistic.
He doesn’t like food. (especially spicy food!)
To express his love, he gets drunk…(um…what???)
He fidgets A LOT in his sleep.
If he were in a dangerous situation and he’s SUPER drunk, he just be standing there like a deer in headlights.
When drunk, he can’t fight for shit! (Save this confused man!)
He’s very grateful for his friends and is scared to lose them if he fucks up. (Same 😎.)
He’s not funny. Can’t even tell a fucking joke to save his own life!
He’s definitely the “don’t you pull that stupid shit” mom type as confirmed by Zeddyzi!
His blood type is B! (positive or negative, it’s not confirmed yet.)
If he were to be a Pokémon trainer, his team would be ghost/ice type!
He has a habit of being/staying clean, but often times fails miserably at it.
He doesn’t exercise. (maybe when he’s running tho!)
He trips a lot.
He loves doggos!
He hates anime.
His turn on/off is science/when people try talking to him. (Eh???)
He wears eyeliner! (According to Zi, he was born with it???)
OH!!!! HE LIKES EMO POETRY!!!! (As shown in Zi microwaving the Stone plush to DEAT-)
AND HE HAS BLACK 💅!!! (They couldn’t animate in the pilot cuz, ya know, it be difficult to animate.)
That’s all I have for today! Hope you enjoyed reading these facts about our beloved emo boy🖤🖤🖤!!!
Have a stone and skipp drawing! (Art by @zeddyzi )
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Edit: shout out to @k1tkatzzz for pointing out that interesting detail!
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Hello guys, I really hate to ask but I am super low on my vitamins and my dog's joint supplements. Without my vitamins I get bad headaches and dizzy spells and brain fog almost daily.
It's 8.88 for me to get a 70 day supply of the vitamins. And it's 10.17 for my doggo's joint medicine.
Also the senior center bake sale is almost here and I still need to get 3 more dollars for disposable loaf pans and bananas.
I feel awful for asking but I promise I am writing a fuck ton and that will become apparent when I post in October!
If you can help my paypal is HERE.
And I also have kofi HERE.
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alicebrightstar · 4 months
Banana Loaf🍞🍌✨
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(I love split so much so I have to draw her ^^ she’s a cute baby girl doggo)
For @thecanvascreature cuz I love her design so much ^^
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muffledcalliopemusic · 4 months
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✨🌈🏖️🩴 Summer nostalgia with Banana doggo. 🍧🌞🍌✨
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So the Wolves went up against the Thousand Sons in what was really a gorgeous city and therefore not an inherently defensible fortress, so home ground but not as much of an advantage as it might be. The wolves brought the SoS AND the Custodes. Given all that, do you think the Sons gave a good show?
Second part. If you were given a legion of marines and a couple banana ships full of custodians and a couple ships of Sisters of Silence, which legion would you most vs least want to go up against? (I’m assuming least is Perky or Door but hey you never know). And where would the Sons be on that list?
I think they gave a very good showing. The Wolves v Sons thing really isn’t as one-sided heehoo pubstomp as the 40k meme hivemind make it out to be. The sorcerers were sniping sisters at range and doing heavy damage to the forces arrayed against them. They significantly taxed the enemy militarily and psychically while being placed at a disadvantage.
Magnus, for that matter, also fucked Russ up. Yeah, he lost, but he was the one beating the piss out of Russ for much of the fight. He was so torqued up on psychic energy that he was able to match Russ’s swordplay with his bare hands. He punched Russ so hard in the chest that his armour imploded around Magnus’s fist and punctured one of his hearts. Magnus pinned him with one arm after having the other broken and was going to straight up kill him if not for Leman’s pet doggos sacrificing themselves.
I’m not a “Magnus did nothing wrong” person, for the record. Magnus did fuckin’ plenty wrong. He and his sons absolutely fucked shit up on that day, though, and I think it’s fairly undeniable.
As for the last part, I have no idea. Depends on exact numbers tbh.
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