#bap: asks
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 5 months
hiiiiii I’m a big fan of bap and I think you posted a reference to a scene with sophia and a mirror a little bit ago? would love if you wanted to elaborate
AUGH !!! <33 /pos another bap fan yippee omg :D
okay yes the mirror maze <33 possibly one of my favorite things for the park and also just in general the idea of mirrors & reflection for sophia <33
im assuming it was this post so im going to elaborate my thoughts on tagging eye there
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sophia is quite the broken person, she grew up and was formed by the cult. she doesn't know any better than the manipulation she was taught by her mother, her father and the God. but they wish they did. the pressure of being speaker has put so much on her that they just wish they could be better, be able not to crack under manipulation and staring eyes. just be a better person. but they cant. and ver will die understanding that they tried and were always going to fail because of how alone they are in this position and how useless it was to try in the first place.
the mirror maze reflects how the future and/or past could be different if you were to change. sophia's mirror doesn't reflect anything else. there is no other reality for them. just this one, in which they die abandoned by the thing that gave them love in the first place
this was one of the most fun bap asks to answer tyy !!!! feel free to ask more questions too :))
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themeeplord · 1 year
*baps eclipse’s face*
You’re beautiful
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Uh oh, you taught them a new way to show affection
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skumhuu · 6 months
baps you with my paws baps you with my paws baps you with my paws b
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Me rn^
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gettinglitculttm · 6 months
Tiny baby narinder. Littol guy. Smol. ?
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was a bratty lil shit back then and still is.
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a4g · 6 months
baps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my pawbaps you with my paw
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Ok ok ok ok that’s enough okay thank you okay thanks okay!
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
In honor of the boop-o-meter, which of the HoMies would participate? Do they boop with joy, spite, mischief, or malice? Who boops only the mutuals and who boops everyone they can find?
It's Boop O'clock! 🐾
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All of them will participate, admittedly some of them only in retailation after being booped! xD Main boopers will absolutely be Randy, Jenny and Zak!
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Randy will be having a blast booping anyone and everyone with his Ninja abilities and Jenny will try a themed transformation, while Zak will employ Fisk to boop with.
Kim, Danny, Jun and Rex, after being booped will retariate in full force.
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Kim will be a worthy opponent to Randy in stealthy athletic boops, while Danny will ambush people with invisible or clone boops! Rex is less stealthy, but he would be infected with others' enthusiasm! While Jun will attack with full spite of a middle child being bothered with nonsense.
Jake and Ben will be less enthusiased by various reasons, but they would not let an attack go unanswered!
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ultrainfinitepit · 6 months
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How it feels getting booped by hundreds on my art blog while I can only boop back on my main blog.
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skellavelva · 5 months
baps you. baps you /aff
stacking blocks on your head to see how high i can get them w/o falling /silly
hehehhehe youre so kewllll..
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accidentally forgot the bunny ears in the first one, sorry!! Hopefully none of these blocks fall off and hit you.
and you're pretty cool yourself!
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 2 months
*baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* *baps you with my paw* 💙
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A h—
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sparkdoesart · 6 months
Hi spark! i will now harass you with like, a bajillion boops :>
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princesstuxedosam · 6 months
Booping aka world peace has now ended and we now return to our regular scheduled programme of political discourse, ship wars and abusing the ask feature
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mblue-art · 10 months
*baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with a stick* *baps you with-
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kyngsnake · 6 months
Sweetjane boops Avery.
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boop 4 boop
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skumhuu · 2 months
hi, im the anon who sent you that ask. no worries- i understand, it didn't actually occur to me how what i was asking was basically the same thing LMAO. honestly as long as you're aware of it and safe that's okay. take care!
no worries! I'm not angry with you, more angry on both of our behalf. I don't want you to be afraid and feel like you have to watch out for others. I don't want that for any of us. I want you to be safe and feel safe so don't think my anger is directed at you. Hell, I also want that other person to be safe too, but their way of going about this is very very wrong so I WILL yell at them if they start stuff. Thank you for letting me know <3
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book-of-legends · 4 months
Lief @Sirius: "So, that funky little orb on your chest. What is it? It's so mysterious." He was leaning in close just to stare at it. Perhaps way too close.
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"Perhaps you should learn personal space." The tiny cat gave a puff as he removed his paw from Lief's face. His tails were swaying in irritation, he wasn't expecting his previous bully to return so quickly. Weren't they just here a moment ago tormenting him with insults and 'nerd' comments?
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Sirius cautiously floated the item towards Lief to examine, he however didn't seem very comfortable with the idea of them being anywhere near it. "It means alot to me. It's the only thing I have from the place I was born." He let the orb fall back into his paws, and just as soon as it did it lit up in a bright green glow. "I know someone gave it to me when I was just a kitten, long before my mother Lunala adopted me. It brings me a lot of comfort so I carry it around, and sometimes..."
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The orb gave another glow as he spoke, "And... well, that they're still there... waiting." He carefully placed it back on his cape, before looking towards Lief.
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"I wouldn't call it mysterious by any means... But um."
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Sirius cheerfully smiled. "Even if I'm not quite sure myself what it is. Maybe one day I'll finally figure it out. But for now, it's nothing more than storage for my magic... and something that glows on occasion."
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intriga-hounds · 2 years
Oh wise Ponzu of the Sauce, what advice can you give on looking after naughty puppies
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giv em a lil bonk
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