soulawakeningblog · 4 years
We, too, ebb and flow like the sea. We, too, are constantly changing.
Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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neumundosantosalves · 4 years
Em termos de psicodinâmica, existem “espaços da realidade” ou “sistemas de crenças”, que contêm grupos de formas de pensamento associadas a concepções válidas e a concepções errôneas da realidade. Cada forma de pensamento contém suas próprias definições da realidade, como, por exemplo: todos os homens são cruéis; o amor é fraco; ter tudo sob controle é seguro e forte. Deduzo das minhas experiências que as pessoas, quando se movem na sua experiência diária, também se movem por diferentes “espaços" ou níveis de realidade, definidos pelos grupos de formas de pensamento. O mundo é experimentado de maneira diferente em cada grupo ou espaço da realidade.
Barbara Ann Brennan
Mão de Luz - Formas Dissociadas de Pensamento na Aura -  Cap 11
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simonekeiroz · 8 years
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Com a clareza de estilo de uma doutora em medicina e a compaixão de uma pessoa que se dedica à cura, a autora apresenta este estudo profundo sobre o campo energético do homem. Este livro se dirige aos que estão procurando a autocompreensão dos seus processos físicos e emocionais, que extrapolam a estrutura da medicina clássica. Mãos de Luz é uma inspiração para todos os que desejam compreender a verdadeira essência da natureza humana. Lendo-o, você estará ingressando num domínio fascinante, repleto de maravilhas. #aura #curapeloespirito #espiritismo #energiavital #medicinaauternativa #estudandooespiritismo #editorapensamento #barbaraannbrennan
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dpfagency · 4 years
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#zanshin#barbaraannbrennan#mindfulness#instantpresent#momentpresent#pleineconsci… #zanshin#barbaraannbrennan#mindfulness#instantpresent#momentpresent#pleineconscience#pleineconscienceetlâcherprise#meditation#zazen#zen#paixinterieure#lacherprise#life#quotes#citation#sagesse#vie#amour#love#likeforlikes Source
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Off to the beach to study this book 👓 | Reiki Master Orders 🙏 this book is a must for all aspiring healers & health/care givers.
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
This thirst for understanding has been one of the most powerful agents guiding me throughout my life. What is your thirst? What is your longing? Whatever it is, it will carry you to what you need to do next to accomplish your work, even if you don't know what that work is yet. When a thing is easily presented to you, and it sounds wonderful to do and a great deal of fun, by all means do it. That is guidance. Let yourself flow free with the dance of your life. If you don't, you block guidance and your progress.
Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
Healing on the higher levels becomes creativity. Your physical reality is now in transition into the next phase, where transformation will no longer focus on pain. Future transformation and healing will encompass movement, music and art in a creative way. Healing turns into creativity as one moves into the light and holds it within. As the darkness fades, the transformation process becomes one of creativity rather than of healing.
Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light, p.263
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
Our inner spark of divinity exists in a much higher plane of reality and advanced consciousness than that of our everyday consciousness. We are this higher consciousness just as much as we are our everyday consciousness. This higher consciousness can be tapped into with practice. Once it is found, it is no surprise. One has the sensation of "Oh, yes! I knew that all along." Our divine spark has supreme wisdom; we can use it to guide our daily life, growth and development.
Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light (p.137)
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
“As each person works on himself psychodynamically, physically and spiritually, the aura changes...”
“The aura becomes balanced, the chakras open more and more. Images and misconceptions about reality within our negative belief system clear away, creating more lightness, less stagnation and higher vibrations in the energy field. The field become more resilient and fluid. Creativity increases as the efficiency of the energy-metabolizing system grows. The field expands and deeper changes begin to occur... 
... One’s way of life changes to a natural flow of energy exchange and transformation with the universe...
... Our energy system is seen as an energy transformation system, which takes in energy from the environment, breaks it down transforms it and then resynthesizes it and sends it out into the universe in a higher spiritual state...
... Since the energy we transform has consciousness, we are transforming consciousness... (see p.126)”
-- Hands of Light, Barbara Ann Brennan
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
“Love is the face and body of the Universe”
“It is the connective tissue of the universe, the stuff of which we are made. Love is the experience of being whole and connected to Universal Divinity.
All suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness, which generates fear and self-hatred, which eventually causes illness.
You are the master of your life. you can do much more than you thought you could, including cure yourself of a “terminal illness”.
The only real “terminal illness” is simply being human. And being human is not “terminal” at all, because death is simply transition to another level of being.
I want to encourage you to step out of the normal “bounds” of your life and to begin seeing yourself differently. I want to encourage you to live your life at the cutting edge of time, allowing yourself to be born into a new life every minute.
I want to encourage you to allow your life experience to be lightly dusted with form.”
-- Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
In the 1920s, physics moved into the strange and unexpected reality of the subatomic world. Every time physicists asked nature a question in an experiment, nature answered with a paradox. The more they tried to clarify the situation, the stronger the paradoxes became. Finally, physicists realized that paradox is part of the intrinsic nature of the subatomic world upon which all of our physical reality exists.
Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
“This is what being home is.”
“If we were to search throughout the history of the human being, we would find many who have traveled before us and found enlightenment. Many of those particular ways that were traveled are no longer known by the human race at this time in history. Some are being recovered; others are still lost. But no matter, for new ways are continually being formed from the depths of the human soul, from wherever each soul is at any moment, to provide a way home. You see, my dear, this is the process. It is the ever renewing process of the creative force welling up inside of you and everyone else. It is what coming home is all about. When you learn to flow completely, without resistance, with that inner creative movement, then you are home. This is what being home is.”
-- Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
Following these changes is not so easy. Each new change challenges me. It seems that each time I have a "secure" life established, it is time to change - and therefore to grow. What is next, I really do not know, but I do know that I will be guided each step of the way.
Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
From Dualism to Unity
“On the personal level, as we move more into the world of modern psychology and spiritual development, we find the old forms of either/or also dissolving into the form of both/and. We are no longer bad or good; we no longer only hate or love someone. Within us, we find much broader abilities. We can feel both love and hate, and all the emotions in between, for the same person. We act responsibly. We find the old dualism of God/Devil dissolving into a whole in which we find the Goddess/God within merging with the God/Goddess without. Anything evil is not the opposite of Goddess/God, but resistance to the God/Goddess force. All is composed of the same energy. The Goddess/God force is both black and white, both masculine and feminine. It contains both, the white light and the velvet black void. 
As the reader can see, we are still using concepts steeped in dualism, but it is a world of “apparent” opposites that complement each other, not “real” opposites. In this system, the dualism is being used to propel us forward into unity.”
- Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
“It is essential that we deal with the deeper meaning of our illnesses.”
“We need to ask, what does this illness mean to me? What can I learn from this illness? Illness can be seen as simply a message from your body to you that says, Wait a minute; something is wrong. You are not listening to your whole self; you are ignoring something very important to you. What is it? The source of the illness needs to be searched for in this way, either on the psychological or feeling level, on the level of understanding or simply by a change in one’s state of being, which may not be conscious. A return to health requires much more personal work and change than simply taking pills prescribed by a doctor. Without personal change you will eventually create another problem to lead you back to the source that caused the disease in the first place. I have found that the source is the key. To deal with the source usually requires a life change that ultimately leads to a personal life more connected to the core of one’s being. It leads us to that deeper part of ourselves that is sometimes called the high self or the spark of divinity within.”
-- Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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soulawakeningblog · 4 years
This book is dedicated to all travels on the path homeward.
Barbara Ann Brennan, Hands of Light
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