plumbus-central · 22 days
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i will never forget you Bardrick from the rick and morty dnd comics volume two
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angrenwen · 11 months
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theblackkingofderse · 2 years
Greetings, child. I am Bardrick Kardos, rightful King of the Ebon Moon in Shadow.
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arachnidsgamer · 2 years
@ludmithjacques replied to your post “@ludmithjacques replied to your post “((why did I...”:
Bardrick is just gonna grab her and make her eyes bulge out before using her like a tengu egg. And then a condom.
​((grabs her, everything not in his fist bulges out and immediate squeaky toy noise))
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thegoddesswater · 8 months
WIP Summaries
Because I don't really have anywhere that folks can just see what the heck my current writing projects are about - currently I'm sticking to the six WIPs from my previous 'bad summary' poll; there are other works I have but they're in deeper hibernation than these ones. I'll toss it under a cut so uninterested parties may continue about their days with minimal interruption. :P
Tagging @tc-doherty - because I know you've said you're interested in this!
I've these split between Original Works and Fanfictions. The three original come first, because I want showcase them more. And they won the poll, so it's only fair. Also, I'm more comfortable talking about them and will probably skimp a bit on describing the fanfics. As always, there will be extra rambles in the tags.
404 - Youth labourer wipes own memory then realizes "shit, I needed that"
Glenn works as a “Deezee” - one of the poor souls whose job it is to brave the waste and radiation of the Dead Zone to track down whatever resources can still be found there - it’s hard work, and the hazard pay isn’t nearly what it should be, but he can’t afford to be picky. Ever since his father disappeared, along with all the money, the survival of the rest of his family has been Glenn’s only goal. It’s not easy to disappear in a world of digital trails and citizen tracing, but he’s learned well enough to hide his tracks, scrambling codes and tweaking his implanted ID chip into a last-resort failsafe to erase everything. Evadne has an internship studying the Dead Zone and effects it has on those who work there. She’s introduced to Glenn by his fellow Deezees, who point him out as someone who might be of particular interest for her work. The research project leads to friendship between Evadne and Glenn, which eventually includes Evadne’s socialite boyfriend Cal, who much prefers their company to the 'high society' types he's supposed to be rubbing elbows with. When Glenn trips his failsafe, destroying his own memory in the process, it falls to Evadne and Cal to follow what few clues remain to try to help their friend remember who he is, even as they begin to uncover secrets which make them question whether they ever really knew him at all.
Miadhachain Legacy - "i am not a cyborg" insists man with USB charging ports in his spine
As the daughter of Senator Miadhachain, Zaria’s life has never really been her own, having been used as little more than a pawn in her father’s political machinations over the years. In her teens, she was publicly handed over to the care and keeping of Chancellor Bardrick as false collateral to give the appearance of the Chancellor attempting to rein her father in. Years on, Zaria has positioned herself in government intelligence where she deals in secrets, leveraging the aggressive reputation associated with the Miadhachain family name to coerce information out of dissenters while quietly carving herself out the slivers of power that she’s sure the world owes her. Amid the rising protests against Chancellor Bardrick, security measures for all those near him are ramped up, resulting in Zaria being assigned a personal bodyguard. In a move that reeks of even more political posturing than her own movement into the care of the Chancellor, Zaria’s new guard is the military’s current poster-boy, the slum-born Adair Rios, much to her annoyance. With Adair acting as her second shadow, progress on Zaria’s personal ambitions stalls as she’s sure he’s recording and reporting every single thing she does back to his superiors. Adair, for his part, doesn’t care overmuch what Zaria is doing as long as she doesn't make his job harder. He’s suffering a case of rapid disillusionment with life and being told to watch over Senator Miadhachain’s daughter is just another entry into his list of grievances against the hand he’s been dealt. At the top of that list are the painful and invasive procedures that have been forced upon him after his cybernetic augmentation, procedures which seem to show no sign of stopping anytime soon, despite how much they seem to be deviating from the original ‘limb replacement’ he signed up for. After a colleague makes a passing comment about how the Chancellor finally seems to have a plan to ‘eliminate the whole Miadhachain problem,’ Adair begins to suspect that he - and Zaria - might be caught in a much bigger scheme than they realized. The two of them will have to figure out how to trust each other and work together to make sure that they make it out the other side.
Talentless/Wild Card - Despite impending war, the king is really just concerned with his flower garden The above description is not only a bad summary, it's a bad summary of the B Plot.
For years Prylea has managed to keep the tenuous peace between its neighbouring countries of Jerendalia and Casica, but with tensions rising again and the threat of war closer than ever, the Prylean Queen vanishes, shaking Prylea’s once stable foundation. With the loss of Queen Fraise, it falls to King Xalvadore to hold Prylea together as best he can, despite his deteriorating health. Recognizing the dangers of getting caught up between Casica and Jerendalia, King Xalvadore sends his only magic-less knight afield to find the missing Maggie Blackwill: a mage who may have the power to - if not to stop the coming war - at least help bolster Prylea once more. Armed with his wits, kindness, and an enchanted sword in case those first two don’t work out, Sir James ventures across Prylea, towards the keep suspected of housing Maggie, in the hopes of bringing her back to King Xalvadore before Casica and Jerendalia can mobilize against each other, with the weakened Prylea caught in the crossfire.
Run, Runaway - Displaced teenager accidentally reignites decades dormant gang war Fanfic for Jak and Daxter series
Atin, frustrated and rebellious, runs away from home just to get away from everything in Haven. He figures he can just lay low in the crime City of Kras for a while, and intends to do just that. Unfortunately for him, he's recognized as the offspring of folks who really shook up the status quo last time they were in town. With the two big rival gangs each reading way too much into Atin's presence and trying to figure out what the other side brought him in for, Atin's plans of 'lying low' are very quickly destroyed.
Hilarious (to me) fact about this one - this is a 2nd gen fanfic and at some point during the years that this fic has been hibernating, I realized that the two canon characters I created Atin to be the child of would probably never willingly have children. (Also this one was very much a 'just for me' fic, and I was always a little baffled that it had readers when I was actively posting it.)
[Untitled] - Depressed, unkillable immortal decides destroying the world might help Fanfic for Fire Emblem 9 and 10
After the war, Lehran swore that he would always be there to keep the Goddess of Chaos company, but when he loses the ability to hear her along with the abilities of his people, he flees. No longer what he once was, and unable to die, he watches as fear and hatred rise again over the centuries and can only watch from the side as those who were once his people are slaughtered. Deciding that people will never overcome their differences, he decides that annihilation is the only answer. And maybe, maybe if the world dies, it can finally take him with it.
The Heart of a Warrior - Hero with PTSD struggles to run errands while followed by insufferable child Fanfic for Jak and Daxter series
After saving the world three times before even reaching the age of majority, Jak has seen a lot of shit. Too much, really. He's learned that there's no rest for heroes and has learned to be suspicious of what looks like peace. To avoid too much time spent inside his own head, Jak tries to keep himself moving. It would probably be more effective if one of the local children hadn't decided that he was the coolest person in the history of ever and keeps trying to tag along. While Jak somewhat tolerates the hero worship, he's pretty sure this whole situation is going to wrong. He wasn't looking for the universe to prove him right.
This is still a bad summary, but the kid I was when I started this story had no idea what she was doing. Adult me is sure I wrangle it back into something coherent. (This is the fic that I often allude to in the tags as having been un-updated for seventeen years and am currently reworking so I can finish the dang thing.)
0 notes
royaldepravity · 2 years
Your weakness for Dersite royalty is astounding. How did you manage to avoid becoming their toy?
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normanbuilds · 4 years
Bard Lane
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Generic: 30x20
Bard Lane is an old street with cobblestones, corner stores and tiny townhouses. Usually quiet unless the royal family comes past...  
- 8 empty housing options for gameplay (all functional)
- Art Gallery & studio 
- Florist 
- Cafe
- Wide road & footpath for processions and visits
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Download & Pack/CC list after cut
Packs needed… Get together, Get to work, Cats & Dogs
CC Needed...
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Jim 07 cc needed... 
1, 2
Felixandre CC needed... 
May 2020, Dec 2018, May 2018
Download: HERE
On the Gallery… NormanRoyals
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ivyprism · 2 years
Ahem! The Family of the Mermaid Sister's (Roughly and Rewritten!)
This is LONG! Full of stuff. Missing Ancestors because too many to name. Note: I am only listing the deaths of the Ancestral Weapon Spirits! Also lots of death.
The Ancestral Weapon Spirits -
Damica (Oldest Sister): The oldest sister, known as the Pirate Queen, died at sea. Later revived to assist her descendants.
Astrea: The second oldest, died at sea suddenly. Later revived to assist her descendants.
Ilysse: The third oldest. Was the last of her sisters to die, died of natural causes. Later revived to assist her descendants.
Etta: Died a few years after Damica due to health complications. Possibly later revived to assist her descendants.
Orla: Died a few years before Ilysse did. It is unknown how she died, presumed poisoning. Possibly later revived to assist her descendants.
Eulalia: The first to die of the sisters, killed by a sword suddenly. Unknown what happened after her death.
Riona (Youngest Sister and Eulalia's Twin Sister): Died a couple years after Etta. Died of complications with a magical illness. Later revived to assist her descendants.
Their Partners:
Blaine (Damica's Partner): Died of natural causes many years after their wife, Damica.
Aldrich (Astrea's Former Partner, later Partner after reunited after death): It is unknown how he died and was brought back.
Hephaestus (Etta's Husband): Died from a boating accident a few years before Etta died.
Kenton (Orla's Ex-Husband): He was executed for treason.
Adelio (Riona's Husband): Suddenly vanished and was found dead.
The Children (More Ancestors) -
Damica's Children (All implied dead, also adults):
Saija (Her Oldest Daughter)
Bardrick (Saija's Twin Brother)
Lilliale (Her Youngest Daughter)
Etta's Children (All implied dead, also adults):
Isolde (Oldest Daughter)
Maelle (Isolde's Twin Sister)
Sadie (Youngest Daughter)
Riona's Children (All implied dead, also adults):
Wanda (Oldest Daughter)
Sera (Zella's Twin Sister)
Rey (Youngest Daughter)
Eulalia's children (added by an unknown person, unsure if true):
Elowen (Only Daughter, presumed alive as father was an Immortal)
It is unknown how the family split after this…
But it is confirmed that Lillaile, Maelle, and Sera had children and partners, but their partners and children are unknown. Many generations are skipped past this to the recent generation, the generation closest to Dahlia.
Family connected to Dahlia's Sisters and her -
Neila (The Oldest Child)
Nora (Neila's Twin Sister)
Rose (Raelynn's Twin Sister)
Their Partners:
Wyatt (Neila's Husband)
Ruth (Nora's Wife)
Jaxon (Raelynn's Husband)
Adrian (Rose's Husband)
Ana (Rosalie's Wife)
The Children -
Neila's Children:
Camilla (Oldest Daughter)
Catherine (Camilla's Twin Sister)
Makenzie (Youngest Daughter)
Nora's Children (All adopted):
Nora's Children (All adopted):
Melissa (Oldest Daughter)
Will (Only Son)
Celeste (Youngest Daughter)
Raelynn's Children:
Rylie (Oldest Daughter)
Raven (Rei's Twin Sister)
Rosalie's Children:
Heaven (Oldest Daughter)
Hanna (Heaven's Twin Sister)
So far, only six of them have partners… So the partners.
Their Partners:
Everett (Camilla's Late Husband)
Parker (Madilyn's Husband)
Carly (Will's Wife)
Rhea (Heaven's Wife)
Silas (Rei's Partner)
The Children -
Camilla's Children:
Dahlia (The Oldest)
Dianella (Dahlia's Twin Sister)
Rosemary (Rue's Twin Sister)
Rosalie (named after Camilla's Sister)
Belladonna (Blossom's Twin Sister)
Clemencia (Canna's Twin Sister)
Genium (Gardenia's Twin Sister)
Hala (Hibiscus's Twin Sister)
Ixora (Ione's Twin Sister)
Calix (Youngest Brother and Only Son)
Madilyn's Children:
Callaia (Oldest Daughter)
Carmel (Callaia's twin sister)
Will's Child (adopted):
Cole (Only Child)
Rei's Children:
Scarlett (Oldest Daughter)
Stella (Scarlett's twin sister)
Lyla (Lydia's Twin Sister and the Youngest.)
The Partners of the children -
Gaster (Dahlia's Husband)
Flint (Daphne's Crush, future Boyfriend)
Ruben (Hina's Boyfriend)
Aster (Hibiscus's Boyfriend)
Napstaton (Hala's Boyfriend)
The Children -
Dahlia's Children:
Amaryllis (Adopted Daughter, adult, and oldest)
Georgia (Biological Daughter, child)
Lora (Biological Daughter, child)
Genera (Biological Son, youngest, child.)
Amaryllis's Partner:
Mettaton (Boyfriend/Fiance)
Astrea, Ilysse, and Damica (as well as their sisters, presumably) were revived and are now sort-of ghost monsters. Astrea has reunited with her former partner, Aldrich, and has children with him.
Astrea's Children (with Aldrich after Revival, all children):
Abigail (Oldest Daughter)
Aurora (Abigail's Twin Sister)
Alaric (Only Son)
Alice (Alaric's Twin sister, and the youngest.)
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @underfell-crystal @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut
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Monster admittance
I mean he is a monster.
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alternianwarhound · 6 years
"Kabedon" Bardrick
And this was just intimidating.
The towering slab of Dersite Monarch was.... well, genuinely sort of terrifying, and the seadweller swallowed a little, leaning back. “Well... uh... I have no witty statement, really.”
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plumbus-central · 6 months
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something so silly abt him
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angrenwen · 11 months
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6 notes · View notes
royaldepravity · 2 years
I want you to admit that at heart you're still just a horny girl who's always lusted after her superior enemy.
…I am a horny WOMAN who unfortunately has TERRIBLE taste.
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normanbuilds · 4 years
Norman Abbey (A.K.A Westminster Abbey)
Ft. Kate & Wills
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Generic: 40x30 
Norman Abbey is the oldest religious building in the Kingdom & is most famous for the setting of Royal Weddings and coronations.
- Naval Isles 
- Tomb of the unknown warrior 
- Choir Section
- Sanctuary & High Alter 
- Coronation Chair exhibit 
- Votive Candle corner 
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Download & Pack/CC list after cut
Packs needed... Get together, Realm of Magic, Discover University, 
CC needed... 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Jim07 cc needed... 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Felixandre cc needed.
Thanks to.... @batsfromwesteros, @zx-ta, @peebsplays, @historicalsimslife​ @aggressivekitty​, @veranka-s4cc​, @thejim07​, @felixandresims​
Download: HERE
On the Gallery... NormanRoyals
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ivyprism · 3 years
The Family of the Mermaid Sister's (Roughly)
This is LONG! Full of stuff. Missing Ancestors because too many to name.
The Sister Ancestors -
Damica (Oldest Sister)
Riona (Youngest Sister and Eulalia's Twin)
Their Partners:
Blaine (Damica's Partner)
Aldrich (Astrea's Former Boyfriend, later Husband after reunited after death)
Hephaestus (Etta's Husband)
Kenton (Orla's Husband)
Adelio (Riona's Husband)
Their Children (More Ancestors) -
Damica's Children (All implied dead, also adults):
Saija (Her Oldest Daughter)
Bardrick (Saija's Twin Brother)
Lilliale (Her Youngest Daughter)
Etta's Children (All implied dead, also adults):
Isolde (Oldest Daughter)
Maelle (Isolde's Twin Sister)
Sadie (Youngest Daughter)
Riona's Children (All implied dead, also adults):
Wanda (Oldest Daughter)
Sera (Zella's Twin Sister)
Rey (Youngest Daughter)
It is unknown how the family split after this...
But it is confirmed that Lillaile, Maelle, and Sera had children and partners, but their partners and children are unknown. Many generations are skipped past this to the recent generation, the generation closest to Dahlia.
Family connected to Dahlia's Sisters and her -
Neila (The Oldest Child)
Nora (Neila's Twin Sister)
Rose (Raelynn's Twin Sister)
Rosalie (Youngest Daughter)
Their Partners:
Wyatt (Neila's Husband)
Ruth (Nora's Wife)
Jaxon (Raelynn's Husband)
Adrian (Rose's Husband)
Ana (Rosalie's Wife)
Their Children -
Neila's Children:
Camilla (Oldest Daughter)
Catherine (Camilla's Twin Sister)
Makenzie (Youngest Daughter)
Nora's Children (All adopted):
Melissa (Oldest Daughter)
Will (Only Son)
Celeste (Youngest Daughter)
Raelynn's Children:
Rylie (Oldest Daughter)
Raven (Rei's Twin Sister)
Rosalie's Children:
Heaven (Oldest Daughter)
Hanna (Heaven's Twin Sister)
So far, only six of them have partners... So the partners.
Their Partners:
Everett (Camilla's Late Husband)
Parker (Madilyn's Husband)
Carly (Will's Wife)
Rhea (Heaven's Wife)
Silas (Rei's Partner)
Their Children -
Camilla's Children:
Dahlia (The Oldest)
Dianella (Dahlia's Twin Sister)
Rosemary (Rue's Twin Sister)
Rosalie (named after Camilla's aunt)
Belladonna (Blossom's Twin Sister)
Clemencia (Canna's Twin Sister)
Genium (Gardenia's Twin Sister)
Hala (Hibiscus's Twin Sister)
Ixora (Ione's Twin Sister)
Calix (Youngest Brother and Only Son)
Madilyn's Children:
Callaia (Oldest Daughter)
Carmel (Callaia's twin sister)
Will's Child (adopted):
Cole (Only Child)
Rei's Children:
Scarlett (Oldest Daughter)
Stella (Scarlett's twin sister)
Lyla (Lydia's Twin Sister and the Youngest.)
Their Partners -
Gaster (Dahlia's Husband)
Fintan (Daphne's Crush, future Boyfriend)
Jasper (Hina's Boyfriend)
Aster (Hibiscus's Boyfriend)
Napstaton (Hala's Boyfriend)
Their Children -
Dahlia's Children:
Amaryllis (Adopted Daughter, adult, and oldest)
Georgia (Biological Daughter, child)
Lora (Biological Daughter, child)
Genera (Biological Son, youngest, child.)
Amaryllis's Partner:
Mettaton (Boyfriend/Fiance)
Astrea, Ilysse, and Damica were revived and are now sort-of ghost monsters. Astrea has reunited with her former partner, Aldrich, and has children with him. Ilysse is shown to be in love with a woman named Regina.
Astrea's Children (with Aldrich after Revival, all children):
Abigail (Oldest Daughter)
Aurora (Abigail's Twin Sister)
Alaric (Only Son)
Alice (Alaric's Twin sister, and the youngest.)
@kiokooo / @kiokodoodles @underfell-crystal
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plumbus-central · 1 year
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okay doodle dump compilation #2!
we've got a very rough comic i didn't finish abt minnie realizing that rick's ship/garage AI has diane's voice (sort of, same VA. I like to think rick just reused the voice files he made for the haunting AI and tweaked em just a little)
we've got some bardrick and his minnie (saw in my files i called her an elf cleric from a royal background!) and a doodle page all just abt how minnie had a crush on brunny when they were teens (reminder that Brunny is one of the dnd guys from the RnM comics i added to my canon)
A little comic with minnie/bp. I remember i was worried people would think a minnie/birdperson au would be stupid when i drew this and didn't post it, but to be honest writing that AU turned out SO emotionally complex and angsty. Maybe I'll do some more art for it and talk abt it someday!
and finally some of the fam in 70s referenced outfits, I wanted to do different decades for the whole family but lost steam just making this. I hope i can return to this idea someday too!
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