havenmoodz · 1 year
You know, I neber thought I needed a barrender Yan in my life, but Julian really makes me happy, which is wierd cuz I activly don't drink, the only way for me to theoretically meet him is just following my drunk friends when they're bar hopping
Huh. 🤔 If you DO meet him while bar hopping, I feel like he’d do anything in his power to get your group (or preferably you) to stay with him. Especially with your friends drunk, he doesn’t trust that you’ll make it home safely.
He’ll probably try to convince you to have a lil drink…one of his favourites! He exclaims, as he pours the colourful drink into a tall glass, finishing it off with a garnish. He does this so you get a bit tipsy, not realizing that no one else is in the bar anymore. Then he can slip something in your last drink and hopefully get the both of you out of there. Although, if you’re adamant about not drinking, he’ll call a cab for you and your friends. He’ll “accidentally” forget to call you one, though, and seeing there’s no more seats in the cab; he proposes to take you home himself. It seems to be a proposal filled with genuine heartfelt concern, what’s the worst that could happen? :)
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lifangnyc · 5 years
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Happy Friday!🎉 More interior hospitality renders ⬇️
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corpses-moved · 6 years
i got let into a bar because we drove so far to surprise my aunt on her birthday and the manager was like “oh my god you can come in as long as you don’t drink” so i got a shirley temple and the cherries were soaked in alcohol and i felt so bad about it
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nicholasdaletaylor · 6 years
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Reverse flip day... my hair. Bartending at @nicks_on_wilson until 10! #menshair #menshaircuts #product #shades #shots #barrenders #goodmorning #ohits4pm #guys #sunglasses #reflections #iphonex #iphonexphotography #selfies (at Uptown, Chicago)
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justmakeitatvshow · 3 years
The camera goes up from behind a group of trees revealing the Hogwarts castle. It starts moving towards MCGONAGALL’s window office where she is writing names on envelopes. She writes “Mary Macdonald” and the envelope gently flies to a pile next to her as another slides to be positioned under her hand. Then she writes “Remus Lupin”, and the envelope flies to a free space, alone. We see the hand of a house elf take it and then the camera follows the trail of flying letters all the way to the owlery. There, a bunch of elves wrap the letters to the owls’ paws and they fly away. The camera follows the flock flying with the letters with Hogwarts behind.
An owl flies in direction to a fancy house. JAMES wakes up hearing an owl’s squeal. He gets out of his room very excited and hurriedly walks down the stairs to the living room and entrance of his house. There, his father FLEAMONT is wearing an apron while his mother EUPHEMIA is wearing office attire. They present the letter to JAMES happily (even their owl ADRIAN appears to be smiling), and JAMES runs to meet their parent’s embrace and they all jump a little in joy.
The camera shows how the letter enters the house through the mailbox. KREACHER picks it from the doormat and crankily walks towards the great dining hall where WALBURGA, ORION, REGULUS and SIRIUS are eating in silence and places it next to WALBURGA. SIRIUS rises up his face from his plate showing that half his face is red as if he had recently been slapped and looks at the letter in awe, and then at his mother with fear. WALBURGA glares at the letter and says nothing, taking a bite of her meat.
PETER is looking through the window, waiting and seeming hopeless. He frowns, suddenly looking dazzled, as if he’s heard a sound. He opens up the window to get a better view and immediately a huge owl races through the window into his living room, crashing with him and making him fall.
LINDA: (in a worried voice) PETER? PETER ARE YOU INJURED?
PETER straights himself and attempts to smack the owl, but it flies away. Then he realizes there is a letter by his side and looks at it, happy at first and then worried. He decides to open it and breaths in relief. At the same moment BARREND takes his face off the newspaper and gets up from the armchair. LINDA also enters the living room wearing an apron, and they both walk towards PETER very happy and relieved, hugging his son.
The ambience is gloomy. DUMBLEDORE stands in front of a doorway. It’s pouring rain but he is using an umbrella, disguised as a muggle. He is also carrying a briefcase. He rings the bell and waits.
LYALL (from the inside): Hope, can you get the door?
The door opens after a while, and DUMBLEDORE smiles at the woman in front of him.
HOPE: (in a worried voice) Sir… we-we weren’t expecting you (she rectifies and adopts a more relaxed, joyful tone) Please, come in.
DUMBLEDORE: (calmly) Thank you, my darling.
DUMBLEDORE enters the house and HOPE leads him to the living room. LYALL is messing up with some potions on the kitchen counter, wearing a very stained apron.
LYALL: (surprised) Headmaster. Is everything alright?
DUMBLEDORE: (distractedly) Yes, yes… (he paces around the room a little) (sniffing) Pardon me, Lyall, do I smell… Clark’s pies?
HOPE: Yes! You do. I was just baking some.
DUMBLEDORE: Delightful.
LYALL: Please, Headmaster, get comfortable (he points at the couch)
DUMBLEDORE: Call me Albus, please (he turns to HOPE) Could I get one of those Clark’s pie, good woman?
HOPE: Definitely.
LYALL: If we had been expecting you we would have managed a better welcome, Headmaster (he takes off his apron and places it on the counter)
DUMBLEDORE: Oh, don’t bother yourselves. There is no need to make a fuzz over an old man.
HOPE hands DUMBLEDORE a small plate with a Clark’s pie.
DUMBLEDORE: Thank you, darling.
HOPE sits nervously on the armchair facing him. LYALL walks slowly towards DUMBLEDORE and sits on the welting of his wife’s armchair. A big clock ticks and for a few seconds there is silence.
DUMBLEDORE: (observing the Clark’s pie closely) How has the insurance business been lately, Mrs. Lupin?
HOPE: (doubtedly) F-Fine, sir. Dumbledore.
DUMBLEDORE: I have heard it is a rising sector.
LYALL: (sated) Did you come all the way from Scotland to ask my wife about her job, Headmaster?
DUMBLEDORE: No, I have not.
DUMBLEDORE takes a bite of the Clark’s pie and nods at HOPE, delighted. He takes out a small handkerchief and wipes the corners of his mouth.
DUMBLEDORE: (declaratively) I am here to see the boy.
HOPE gasps, softly but audibly. LYALL sits up, aiming for his wand.
DUMBLEDORE: I thought we could enjoy a little conversation before the imminent happens.
HOPE: (hurriedly) He is just a child. He has’t hurt anyone. He is a good boy…
LYALL: (hurriedly) We take all the precautions, Albus. And I haven’t stopped, not for a single day, looking for a cure.
DUMBLEDORE: (unbothered) I applaud you. However, I could not care less about any of that.
HOPE gets up and goes to DUMBLEDORE, crawling onto him and taking his hand.
HOPE: (crying) S-Sir, please! Remus is just a little boy! He’s not even dangerous, I-I…
DUMBLEDORE: (without looking at her) Lower your wand, Lyall. I am afraid there has been a misunderstanding. I do not intend any harm for the boy.
LYALL: (untrustful) But the Ministry will if you rat him out!
DUMBLEDORE: Lucky for us that is the least thing I desire to do.
LYALL: (lowering his wand) For us?
DUMBLEDORE takes out an envelope from the inside of his cape and presents it to them.
HOPE sits up in a hurry, recomposing herself.
HOPE: Lyall? (looks at her husband)
LYALL: Is that…?
DUMBLEDORE: Apparently your son has been accepted into Hogwarts.
LYALL drops his wand and it falls to the floor making a sound.
LYALL: Merlin… Is this for real?
DUMBLEDORE: So it seems.
LYALL and HOPE look at each other with fuzzy expressions. Then, they smile at each other.
DUMBLEDORE: Hogwarts will be a more inclusive place for young wizards this year. We will prepare the necessary arrangements for the safety of everyone, and that will make of Remus a student like anyone.
HOPE: (crying) Thank you so much…
DUMBLEDORE smiles at their happiness, but quickly gets serious again.
DUMBLEDORE: Now. I want to speak to the boy.
The door is ajar. REMUS is sitting next to the entrance, he has been listening. He is hugging his knees and his face is half buried between them. There is a book beside him, but he’s not reading it. DUMBLEDORE knocks.
REMUS: (in a small voice) Come in.
DUMBLEDORE: Hello, Remus.
REMUS doesn’t answer. DUMBLEDORE enters the room and takes a look. Then he kneels beside him, taking the book from the floor and observing it.
DUMBLEDORE: The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Nice reading. Which one are you on?
REMUS: The Warlock’s Hairy Heart.
DUMBLEDORE: (hums). A sad story.
REMUS: I like it.
DUMBLEDORE walks around the room, examining it. It is an obscure place for a little kid. There are not many drawings on the walls or colorful toys. There are a lot of books.
REMUS: (trying to act up) You’re here to imprison me, right?
DUMBLEDORE: (looking at him fondly and pitifully) Why would you think that?
REMUS: Because I’m dangerous to other people. (sadly) I’m a monster.
DUMBLEDORE: No, Remus. I am not here to imprison you. I am only here to give you this.
DUMBLEDORE hands REMUS the letter. REMUS takes it and, frowning, turns it around a couple of times, caressing it with curiosity. He opens it and starts reading. The camera follows its content, which is:
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mr. Remus Lupin,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Term begins on 1 September.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall.
REMUS: (looking at DUMBLEDORE with shock) You’re him. You’re Headmaster Albus Dumbledore.
DUMBLEDORE pulls out his suitcase and opens it before him. REMUS looks at its insides with awe.
DUMBLEDORE: I have taken the liberty of borrowing this for you from an old friend at Flourish & Blotts. You will need them for the school year.
REMUS: (crestfallen) I am still not allowed to go out, right?
DUMBLEDORE: Nonsense. You will board on the train on the 1st, just like every other student at Hogwarts. I thought your parents would appreciate the help. It didn’t come to mind that you would have preferred to shop for your own books, Mr. Lupin.
REMUS smiles and walks towards the briefcase, looking at the books. Then he looks up at DUMBLEDORE, eyes shining.
REMUS: Is this for real?
DUMBLEDORE: (smiling) So it seems.
REMUS: I thought I couldn’t get accepted.
DUMBLEDORE: You have magic, right?
REMUS walks towards one of his tall shelvings and rises his arm to grab a book that’s too high for him. The book wobbles to his hand, flying in the air.
DUMBLEDORE: (eyes sparkling with curiosity) Not many children your age manage that amount of control.
REMUS: Thank you, sir.
DUMBLEDORE: Well, that is all whom should be required for a boy to start learning magic, right? The ability to perform it.
REMUS: I agree with you, sir.
DUMBLEDORE: Delightful.
The previous image turns into an inked drawing in the style of the marauders map. CHAPER 1: YOU'VE GOT THE FUTURE IN YOUR HANDS shows up in the centre of the frame. In the background sounds The Marauders Theme.
The platform is filled up with people. From the upside we can spot all four boys: SIRIUS is getting up on the train while KREACHER waves. Behind him, BELLATRIX gets in smacking KREACHER in the head and laughing about it. JAMES is talking to his parents, who look at him in awe and laugh at what he’s saying. PETER is beside him a little uncomfortable and his parents are looking at JAMES with the same expression of awe than his own. REMUS is talking to his parents.
HOPE: Take good care of yourself, and write every day. My God! I can’t believe my little boy is going to school!
REMUS: Thanks, mom… I will.
LYALL: And if you do good at school we’ll buy you that record-player you liked so much, alright?
HOPE fixes REMUS’ jacket and LYALL pats his hair. REMUS’ expression turns gloomy.
REMUS: Hey dad… About that mind-reading hat…
LYALL: What about it?
REMUS: What if it… What if it finds out?
LYALL: (serious) That’s not possible. The hat won’t look into those parts of your mind. It will only see your heart. Or your brains; in which case, it will surely place you in Ravenclaw.
REMUS: (a bit cheered up) Like you!
LYALL: That’s right.
REMUS smiles contently. A few meters from there, EUPHEMIA points at REMUS and says something inaudible to JAMES. REMUS frowns and steps back, scared.
HOPE: What’s the matter, honey?
REMUS: Nothing…
HOPE turns around, looking for what startled her son.
HOPE: Don’t worry, sweetie. You’re kind, and smart. Keep your secrets close to your chest and you will make friends very soon. I’m sure of it.
LYALL: Yes. Be safe, son. And take care.
REMUS: Thanks…
LYALL: Let’s get you up there.
They say their goodbyes and REMUS gets on the train.
HOPE: We love you!
REMUS: I love you, too.
REMUS enters the train and immediately bumps into PETER, who is holding his wand. PETER is pushed onto the wall, and his wand cracks in half.
PETER: Oghh!
REMUS: (upset) Oh my God! Sorry! I broke your wand!
PETER: Wha-? What? Where? When? Where is it?
REMUS: (regretfully) It’s… it’s on the floor.
PETER searches for it frantically, overwhelmed. When he spots it he breaths in relief and grabs it.
PETER: This? This is not my wand.
PETER takes a bite of the stick-like thing.
PETER: It’s licorice!
REMUS smiles a little, relieved.
REMUS: That’s odd licorice.
PETER: What’s odd about it?
REMUS: Isn’t licorice red? Or– black, for a change?
PETER: I don’t know… it’s just licorice.
JAMES appears from the side of the corridor, a bit annoyed.
JAMES: Peter? I was talking! Weren’t you listening to me?
PETER: Yes, yes, I was–!
JAMES notices REMUS and studies him. He then smiles at him and reaches out his hand.
JAMES: James Potter. Here to serve you, sir.
REMUS looks at him untrustworthily, but takes his hand and shakes it.
REMUS: Remus Lupin.
JAMES: Lupin? That’s an unusual name. (JAMES frowns a little and touches his chin) Wait a minute… You’re Lyall Lupin’s son!
REMUS opens his eyes wide, a bit surprised.
REMUS: You know my dad?
JAMES: Of course! My father talks about him all the time. He knows everything about non-human spectral appearances! He’s a genius.
REMUS nods, understandingly.
JAMES: We were just looking for a compartment, do you want to join us?
REMUS bites his lips doubtfully, a bit shakily.
REMUS: Okay…
JAMES smiles and starts walking, encouraging them with a wave of his hand.
PETER: Now, James (he takes a bite of the licorice) What were you saying?
JAMES: I was telling you about how my great-great-great-great-grandfather Phileas Potter, who was a brave Gryffindor, managed to win the heart of a muggle princess that was locked up in the highest tower of the highest castle…
Compartment door closes.
STUDENT (from the inside): Sorry!
JAMES: Merlin’s beard, they’re all full!
PETER: We just have to keep looking, there must be a free compartment somewhere!
REMUS: I think I see an open door…
JAMES: You’re right!
PETER: Finally!
JAMES opens the door. Inside the compartment there are BELLATRIX, NARCISSA, LUCIUS and SIRIUS. BELLATRIX, NARCISSA and LUCIUS are much older, appearing to be in 6th of 7th year.
BELLATRIX: (in a high pitched voice, mockingly) Oooohh… did you get lost, little one? (she bends to get a better glance) Oh, look! It’s a bunch of them!
NARCISSA frowns lightly at her and turns to see through the window. SIRIUS, who is looking down, rises his head to look at JAMES, REMUS and PETER disgruntedly.
JAMES: S-Sorry sirs! A-And misses!
LUCIUS: (laughing) Don’t be! Come, come inside! You’re Potter, right?
JAMES: It has been a pleasure talking to you!
JAMES closes the door quickly. PETER lets out a small squeak.
LUCIUS (from the inside): The pleasure is mine! (he laughs)
PETER: Oh Merlin, Oh Merlin, Oh Merlin, Oh Merlin, Oh Merlin!
JAMES: “Sorry sirs!”? I’m so stupid! (he hits himself on the head) Stupid!
REMUS: What happened?
PETER: What happened?! What happened??!! Those were The Blacks!
JAMES: And Malfoy.
PETER: And Malfoy!
JAMES hurries to find an empty compartment and invites them in with a hand gesture, confidently.
REMUS enters the compartment and sits beside the window. JAMES sits in front of him and PETER sits by JAMES’ side, closing the door behind him.
REMUS: Who are The Blacks?
PETER: (getting up to safe the door anxiously) You don’t know The Blacks? Where do you live, under a rock?
JAMES: The Blacks are only the most powerful family in the entire Wizarding World.
REMUS: I see…
JAMES: Also, they are all insane.
PETER: And they are very, very rich!
REMUS: I didn’t know.
JAMES: How could you not?
PETER: Are you a muggle?
JAMES: No, he’s not, he’s Lyall Lupin’s son!
PETER: Ah, right…
REMUS: My mum’s a muggle, so… We live in a muggle town.
JAMES: So, you’re closer to the muggle way of life?
REMUS: Could say so…
PETER: So you’re basically a muggle.
JAMES: (upset) Peter!
PETER: No wonder you’ve never seen licorice… Do you even know what candy is?
REMUS: Y-Yeah, I do…
PETER: Don’t worry, Lupin. We’ll get you some candy.
JAMES: (looking at REMUS) It’s okay you’re half muggle, you know? A lot of people is these days. You don’t have to feel ashamed.
REMUS: I’m not… Or… I wasn’t…
PETER: (checking his own temperature) I still can’t believe we bumped into the Blacks like that. I am so scared of them…
JAMES: Well, I am not! I won’t be belittled by the likes of them…
PETER: Alright, you won’t– But I will!
REMUS: (curious) What is so scary about them, anyway?
PETER: It is no joke they’re all insane.
JAMES: And it gets worse every generation. For example, everyone knows that Bellatrix, the black haired girl, keeps his hair that curly because she washes it every night with house elves’ blood!
PETER: (insistently) Every night!
JAMES: That’s a lot of blood.
PETER: And the young boy that accompanied them was Sirius, her cousin and the House heir, Walburga’s son. He is our age. And everyone who knows him already says he’s much worse than she is…
JAMES: All of them are in Slytherin, of course.
PETER: … and I am so scared of him!
JAMES: Compose yourself, Peter; he’s just a boy like us…
PETER: They say dark magic runs in their veins… that they don’t need to learn it!
JAMES: (unsure) That’s nonsense. That’s not possible.
PETER: That’s what makes them insane, they say!
REMUS: (shakily) Yeah, that… that’s not possible. Dark, magical things… on people’s bodies. That would be awful, I would hate that.
JAMES: Yeah, mate. Not cool.
REMUS opens his suitcase nervously and takes out a book.
JAMES: You read? Sweet! What are you reading?
REMUS: The Tales of…
PETER: The Tales of Beedle the Bard! (proudly) The best book in the world.
JAMES: Yeah, the only one you have ever read…
REMUS looks at them, amused for the first time.
REMUS: Do you know each other from before?
PETER: Our moms are friends. We have known each other for years.
JAMES: We only meet on summers, though. When my parents and I go to our vacation house, which is near Peter’s.
PETER: Do muggles not have books? Why don’t you read muggle books?
REMUS: I have a couple…
JAMES: Do you know in which house you’re going to be placed? Or which one is your favorite house?
REMUS: (startled, remembering his fear of the Selecting Hat) Well, my dad was in Ravenclaw…
JAMES: That’s cool. Ravenclaw’s a cool house. Not cooler than Gryffindor, but definitely better than Slytherin… or Hufflepuff.
PETER: Hufflepuff is the worst. It's just lame…
REMUS smiles at them and starts reading.
JAMES: Definitely.
PETER: No one in my family has ever been in Hufflepuff.
JAMES: (sighing) Don’t worry, Peter, they won’t place you in Hufflepuff…
PETER: (revealing his fear) How do you know!? And what if it happens!? I will run away! I will, I swear!
JAMES: A nagger like you would never be a Hufflepuff! Hufflepuffs are sweet, boring people. YOU’RE TOO ANNOYING!
PETER: (relieved) I hope you’re right, James… I hope you’re right.
JAMES: I’m not afraid like you. I know I will be placed in Gryffindor.
PETER: Yeah… I’ve heard your monologues about how your family has been chosen into Gryffindor since the 13th century. And I heard you repeating to yourself “Gryffindor! Gryffindor!” when you thought no one was listening for the entire summer… what was that, anyway?
JAMES: I was practicing how I would like the Selecting Hat to announce my placement.
PETER: Right…
TROLLEY WITCH (from the outside): Anything from the caaaart? Anything from the caaaart?
JAMES: Do you want something, Pete?
JAMES: Remus, do you want something?
REMUS: (distracted by the reading) Eh… alright.
PETER: Yeah, let’s get you that candy. You look very pale. Are you sick or something?
JAMES: Peter… That’s rude.
REMUS: (uncomfortable) It’s okay. A lot of people ask me that, really… That’s just… the way my skin looks.
JAMES opens the compartment door.
TROLLEY WITCH: Anything from the cart, dears?
PETER: I’ll take three licorice wands, four chocolate frogs, six acid pops and a package of jelly slugs.
JAMES: Two chocolate frogs and a dozen Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans for me, pretty please!
REMUS takes out his money and he counts it. He doesn't have much.
TROLLEY WITCH: That will be two galleons and seven sickles!
JAMES: What–? Oh, no, no; you didn’t understand me. I want a dozen boxes of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. (he turns to REMUS). What do you want, Lupin?
REMUS: I’ll just have… a sugar quill.
TROLLEY WITCH: Alright– That makes five galleons and six sickles.
JAMES hurries to pay. He has a pretty full coin purse. TROLLEY WITCH leaves closing the compartment magically and REMUS takes his money and offers it to JAMES.
REMUS: How much do I owe you?
JAMES: Don’t worry– It’s on me! Just a small treat for my friends.
REMUS stays still, with the money on his hand, and swallows hard.
REMUS: But… but we’re not friends.
JAMES: (startled) Oh. Alright. Well, it’s on me anyway.
The compartment falls in silence and REMUS goes back to reading. PETER eats absolutely everything he purchased. JAMES looks through the window.
PETER: (caressing his full belly) I’m just gonna take a little nap… wake me up when we get there (he closes his eyes and immediately starts to snore)
WOMAN’S VOICE: Lupin, Remus!
REMUS walks up and sits on te sorting chair. A woman dressed in black robes places the hat on his head. The Great Hall is full of people, the whole school is looking. He turns to see DUMBLEDORE on the professors’ table. DUMBLEDORE smiles at him and nods.
When the hat touches REMUS’ head, everything goes black.
SORTING HAT: Let me see…
We dive deep into REMUS’ thoughts. REMUS sees himself transforming, chained in the basement of his house. The image switches from the transformation to daily memories. The wolf howls. He sees his parents, talking to each other worriedly. The wolf scratches the stone walls. He looks from the window at the other children, playing near his house. The wolf scars himself. The transformation ends and he is again a boy. He faints, and a real wolf appears and starts eating him alive violently.
SORTING HAT: Well, well, well… What do we have here?
WOMAN’S VOICE (from the outside): What is it?
REMUS opens his eyes, scared. All the students scream and start running away. Also some teachers are running, including DUMBLEDORE. Someone grabs REMUS and starts dragging him to lock him down. REMUS cries but he lets it be.
REMUS wakes up suddenly. It’s dark outside.
JAMES: Come on, we’re here. You both fell asleep.
REMUS: I’m sorry…
JAMES frowns at him.
JAMES: Why are you apologizing?
REMUS: I don’t know.
JAMES: It’s alright. I’ll wait outside the train, I need some air.
JAMES gets out. REMUS. and PETER stay in the compartment, REMUS still dazzled from his dream.
PETER: (stretching, newly awakened) You really broke the guy with that not-being-friends thing of yours, mate.
REMUS: Excuse me?
PETER: I’m just saying… James is too much of a nice guy to understand that sort of thing. I mean, he keeps on being my friend, and he doesn’t even like me…
PETER: You should tell him you didn’t mean it. Even if it’s not true. He just won’t feel comfortable any other way.
PETER gets up and picks his things. REMUS gets out of the compartment and into de corridor.
REMUS: Um… alright? I-I just… I’m not really looking forward to making friends…
PETER: Ah. Oh.
REMUS: I just… I don’t know if I’m gonna be staying here long enough…
PETER: Are you getting transferred to Durmstrang, or something?
RANDOM STUDENT: Please, can you hurry up? You’re blocking the corridor!
REMUS: (starting to walk) Sorry.
PETER follows him.
PETER: Look, just speak with the lad. As a favor for me? It’s likely we’re going to be roommates and I don’t like it when he gets all grumpy.
REMUS: Alright, alright. I’ll speak to him.
PETER: Great.
They get out of the train alongside the rest of the students.
BELLATRIX and NARCISSA are talking to SIRIUS near the express’ exit.
BELLATRIX: Just think of beautiful things and that stupid little hat will put you in Slytherin, no doubt!
NARCISSA: (indifferent) The hat will also attend to your requests. In reality, you just have to ask. That's all.
SIRIUS nods quietly, looking discouraged.
HAGRID: First years! Come on, first years!
HAGRID and FILCH are guiding the students to get near the lake and onto the boats. REMUS and PETER join JAMES and they walk behind HAGRID.
HAGRID: First years, this way to the boats, come on, follow me!
They get on the boat and it starts moving, slowly. They contemplate in awe how all the boats start moving together, making a beautiful picture with their little lights.
JAMES: It’s so cool, right?
REMUS: Yeah…
As they get closer the Hogwarts castle gets visible, and it occupies the whole frame.
MCGONAGALL is waiting for the students on a staircase, and waits for them to be standing on the staircase to start speaking.
MCGONAGALL: Welcome to Hogwarts. In a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses.
JAMES smiles excitedly and jumps a little. SIRIUS, standing a couple people away from him, is biting his nails and breathing heavily, head down.
MCGONAGALL: …There are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Now, while you’re here, your house will be like your family…
SIRIUS rises up his face as if he just realized something, and he stops biting his nails.
SIRIUS: (purposeful) I’m ready!
MGONAGALL: (surprised but momentarily interested) Congratulations, Mr. Black. Now, as I was saying… Your triumphs will earn you points… (continuous in off)
JAMES: (whispering) Nuts, I’m telling you.
PETER: I just hope he isn’t planning on killing us all…
SIRIUS and REGULUS are laying in bed laughing quiety, as if they don’t want anybody to hear, while looking at some pictures.
REGULUS: (laughing) And great-aunt Cassiopea’s scarf! It looks like a bird!
SIRIUS: (laughing) Ew! It probably is…
REGULUS: I can’t believe mother keeps all this pictures hidden… they’re hilarious.
SIRIUS: That’s probably why she keeps them hidden.
REGULUS keeps laughing and looking at pictures. SIRIUS laughs with him for a bit longer but them gets staid and sits up.
SIRIUS: Reggie… we’re friends, right?
REGULUS: Yes, of course.
SIRIUS: And we’ll always be friends, right? We’ll always be brothers.
REGULUS: Of course, Sirius.
SIRIUS: Then… can I tell you something?
REGULUS: (worriedly) I don’t know… what is it?
SIRIUS: It’s something about… Hogwarts.
REGULUS: (interested) Okay, tell me.
SIRIUS: I just… (very quietly) I think I don’t want to be in Slytherin…
REGULUS: (surprised) What? Why?
SIRIUS: I don’t know, I just… I don’t see the point of joining a House or something just because it is expected…
REGULUS: (worriedly, distant) Why are you saying those things?
SIRIUS: (reflexive) …
REGULUS: Why are you thinking those things?
SIRIUS: It doesn't matter… It's stupid.
REGULUS: (confused) …
REGULUS: You’ll have to get into Slytherin. That’s what mother and father want.
SIRIUS: Yes, but that’s the point, right? That’s what they want. It might not coincide with what I want.
REGULUS: But you don’t know what you want… you’re only eleven years old.
REGULUS: Mother and father know what’s best for us better than us.
SIRIUS: Maybe…
REGULUS: Sirius.
REGULUS: Promise me you’ll get into Slytherin?
There is a small silence, and the SIRIUS chuckles, dismissing the issue.
SIRIUS: … of course, silly. (he forces a smile) I’m a Black, aren’t I? It’s not like I can help it, anyway.
REGULUS: (way more relaxed) Then why were you saying all those things?
SIRIUS: Just to think about something, I guess… Summer in London is SOOO boring!
REGULUS: (laughing) Totally! If only we could visit cousin Andromeda up in Oxford…
SIRIUS: We’ll find a way to have fun, Reggie. Don’t worry. I can escape again this Sunday and buy that muggle magazine you like.
REGULUS: Really? Pleeeease do!
SIRIUS: Of course.
KREACHER makes a disgusted face. He is listening from the other side of the door.
MCGONAGALL (distant): Abbott, Igmar!
MCGONAGALL (distant): Boromir, Michael!
MCGONAGALL (distant): Blabse, Theresa!
MCGONAGALL: Black, Sirius!
SIRIUS rushes to the chair. JAMES glances at him with a frowned face and PETER bites his nails. BELLATRIX is holding an unhinged smile and NARCISSA contemplates quietly the event.
NARCISSA: (whispering, worriedly) Just ask… Just ask…
SIRIUS sits down and MCGONAGALL places the SORTING HAT on his head.
SORTING HAT: Uhmm… A Black! This should be easy… Although you have brains… in your own way I must clarify… You also have a good amount of loyal in you, Hufflepuff could be an option… But you’re cunning, so cunning… plotty… and ambitious…
SIRIUS: (whispering) Not Slytherin, not Slytherin, not Slytherin…
SORTING HAT: Pardon me?
SIRIUS closes his eyes.
SIRIUS: Not Slytherin, please, not Slytherin…
SORTING HAT: “Not Slytherin”?
A Black!?
SIRIUS opens his eyes. The Great Hall is silent. The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables start clapping cordially, but stop when no one follows.
BELLATRIX stands up to get a better glance and throws a hateful glance at SIRIUS. NARCISSA imitates her, looking at SIRIUS with her mouth and eyes wide open.
DUMBLEDORE looks shocked for a while during the silence but then he smiles, stands up and starts clapping alone.
The rest of the teachers follow and small number of Gryffindors start clapping then, and eventually they start clapping more and more until they are chanting and whistling. There is a sense of victory an gain from the oldest students.
SIRIUS walks towards the Gryffindor table and sits alone, relaxed, not looking anxious anymore. Some older students welcome him and pat his back, and he smiles.
BELLATRIX starts walking to the Gryffindor table but NARCISSA follows her and grabs her arm.
BELLATRIX: (screaming) This is outrageous! That fucking hat is a LIAR!
NARCISSA: Compose yourself, Bella!
The Slytherin table starts whispering. MALFOY approaches them and try to calm BELLATRIX down. Another few Slytherins gather around to pacify them.
MCGONAGALL calls to order making a small sound with a cup.
JAMES contemplates the scene with eyes wide open. PETER looks like he’s about to faint.
PETER: Merlin’s beard!
JAMES: (mouth open) …
PETER: That was…
JAMES: That was the most badass thing I have ever seen!
PETER: … awful! Now that means we’re going to have to be in class with him!
JAMES: I don’t think he’s all that bad. He’s a Gryffindor. Did you see how Dumbledore stood up to applaud?
PETER: But he’s a Black!
JAMES: And a Gryffindor! The Gryffindor crosses out the Black.
PETER: I’m not so sure about that!
JAMES: What do you think, Lupin? Isn’t that something?
REMUS: (distracted) Uh? Oh. I guess it’s… uncanny.
REMUS looks nervous and uneasy, like the waiting is taking too long. JAMES keeps looking back in awe at SIRIUS who is already sitting at the Gryffindor table.
MCGONAGALL (distant): Evans, Lily!
MCGONAGALL (distant): Hollyheat, Winnie!
MCGONAGALL (distant): Jaspers, Hugh!
MCGONAGALL: Lupin, Remus!
JAMES: (bumping REMUS softly with his shoulder) You’re on, mate.
PETER: Good luck!
REMUS nods at them and slowly starts walking towards the hat. His legs look like they’re about to fail at any moment.
MCGONAGALL smiles at him warmly and he tries to return the smile, unsuccessfully. He sits up and closes his eyes very hard, as if he is about to receive an impact, and MCGONAGALL places the SORTING HAT on his head.
SORTING HAT: Well, well, well… What do we have here?
REMUS: (whispering) I’m sorry.
SORTING: You’re sorry? Oh… Oh, I see…
REMUS: (whispering, scared) Please, don’t tell anything…
SORTING HAT: Tell what? I’m only a hat, boy… And I can see that you are probably one of the bravest people that has ever wore me. Congratulations. You have also a keen mind… you think you could make a good Ravenclaw. But you aren’t only intelligent… you pursue knowledge.
REMUS: (whispering) I know that. I have always liked books.
SORTING HAT: I am of the idea that a mind like yours would be more fitting for Slytherin… What are your thoughts on this?
REMUS: (whispering) … no.
I’m brainy… I know that.
But I want to be brave.
The Great Hall bursts into applause, just like it does with any other student. REMUS gets up smiling and walks to his table. He sits by a small group of first years, next to a red haired girl, who instantly turns to him.
LILY: (cheerfully) Hi! I’m Lily.
REMUS: (a bit awkward, glancing around) Hello. I’m Remus. Lupin.
LILY: I saw you at the train station. Your mom is a muggle, right?
REMUS: (uncomfortable) Yes… that seems to be a topic of conversation.
LILY: Both my parents are muggle. And my sister. I noticed because of her cross necklace. Wizards don’t believe in religion.
REMUS: (more relaxed) Oh! That’s a relief. I was talking to these two boys, but I think we don’t get along so much because they’re both full wizards…
LILY: Yeah… I haven’t really talked to anyone yet. Apart from Severus. But he hasn’t been sorted yet, he’s still waiting.
REMUS: Who is he?
LILY: He’s a friend from my neighborhood.
REMUS: Seems nice. In my neighborhood… there are only muggles. So I don’t really have any friends. Here, I mean.
LILY: Well, that's fun. It gives you the opportunity to meet a lot of people.
REMUS: I guess…
MCGONAGALL (distant): Pettigrew, Peter!
PETER sighs in relief, so stressed out that it seems like he is about to faint, all sweaty, and trips on his way to the Gryffindor table, but luckily doesn’t fall.
MCGONAGALL (distant): Potter, James!
JAMES smiles triumphantly, proud of himself, bows to his audience and shakes hands with MCGONAGALL when she grabs the hat, who looks at him frowning but amused.
PETER welcomes JAMES warmly into the table and points at the place that has saved for him. But JAMES walks straight towards SIRIUS and sits by his side. SIRIUS turns around to examine JAMES, a little surprised.
JAMES presents his hand to him.
JAMES: (joyfully) James Potter. Here to serve you, sir.
SIRIUS shakes his hand, entertained.
SIRIUS: Potter… (in a reflexive way) Ah, I know you. My mother says you are all a bunch of blood traitors for being related to muggles and connecting with their culture. She opines you and your family are not pure-bloods, but a disgrace to the wizarding community and should all be locked up in Azkaban.
JAMES: I… guess?
SIRIUS: Do you want to be friends?
SIRIUS: Fantastic.
JAMES smiles and takes out his chocolate frog card deck. SIRIUS notices and takes out his own deck instantly.
JAMES: I was wondering… is there any chance you own a Jocunda Sykes card you would trade for, not one, but TWO Artemesia Lufkins?
SIRIUS: (checking out his cards) You are out of your mind if you think even two Artemesia Lufkins are worth a Jocunda Sykes… I’ll trade if you give me a Godric Gryffindor one, too.
JAMES checks his cards and when he finds the one he’s looking for he looks up cheerfully and smiles.
JAMES: Deal!
SIRIUS: (exchanging cards) Great…
PETER looks at them sadly and sighs.
The moon is visible before the camera focuses on the kids. It is almost full.
PETER: It’s such a coincidence we’re all in the same room! Don’t you think?
REMUS is lying on his bed already wearing pijamas and reading Alice in Wonderland.
JAMES: It’s not a coincidence, Peter. They pair you up magically with whoever you meet first.
SIRIUS: I don’t think that’s true.
JAMES: Do you have a better theory?
SIRIUS: Not really…
JAMES: Then that’s settled. You three are the first people I met at Hogwarts, and now I’m stuck with you for all long seven years! Not that I’m complaining.
JAMES hops to his bed and starts jumping on it.
PETER: Ha! Good one, James!
PETER imitates.
SIRIUS: What are you doing?
JAMES: (laughing) Stretching out the strings!
SIRIUS gets on his bed and starts jumping too.
SIRIUS: This is fuuuuuuun!
REMUS looks bothered from his bed.
REMUS: Excuse me… can you make less noise?
SIRIUS stops, and so do JAMES and PETER.
SIRIUS: Sorry. I hadn’t seen you there. You’re so quiet.
REMUS: (dismissing it) It’s alright.
SIRIUS hops off his bed and walks up to REMUS’ bed.
SIRIUS: What’s your name?
REMUS: Remus Lupin.
SIRIUS: (reflexively) Lupin… doesn’t ring a bell.
REMUS: (in a mood) Do you lot have to know the story of every family? In what world do you live in?
SIRIUS: (surprised) Whoah… easy there, mate.
REMUS:  Sorry, I just… (apologetically) I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m just very tired. And tomorrow’s the first day of school…
SIRIUS: (frownish) And?
REMUS: I don’t know. Aren’t you excited?
SIRIUS: About school? No thanks. I have been tutored since I was three years old. I’ve had enough school for life!
JAMES: I am actually a bit excited. Curious, even.
SIRIUS: Enjoy yourselves, then.
REMUS: (annoyed, still focusing on SIRIUS) Are you just not gonna care about school? And just fail every class?
SIRIUS: I don't know. I’ll decide on the fly. Where are you from? You speak funny.
REMUS: I’m from Cardiff… and you’re from London, you don’t need to tell. (rolling his eyes)
SIRIUS: Yes, I am. Even though I technically descend from France… my family emigrated from Normandy on the 10th century, you know…
REMUS: Yeah. (he snorts, entertained) You’re so french. And I’m so very going to sleep.
REMUS places his book on the small table beside his bed.
REMUS: (ironically) Bonne nuit!
REMUS closes his curtains.
SIRIUS: (innocently and sincerely) Bonne nuit!
PETER: (pronouncing badly) Bonnui!
JAMES looks at SIRIUS raising his eyebrow.
JAMES: Never mind. Do you wanna play flavored beans?
SIRIUS: Sure! But I warn you, I play the hardcore version. I stick three of them in my mouth and try to guess each flavor distinctively.
REMUS looks sad inside the curtains of his bed, and sticks his head under the pillow to avoid the noises.
(chatter starts fading)
PETER: Ha! That’s nothing. This summer I stuck SEVEN beans in my mouth.
JAMES: That’s true.
(chatter fades into yet ANOTHER frame of the moon)
The stairs are crowded with students trying to make their way to class.
REMUS spots LILY in the multitude and makes her way through to her.
LILY: Hi Remus!
REMUS: Hi Lily.
LILY: It’s impossible to get to class, is so crowdy!
REMUS: Yeah… I guess everyone is trying to get to the same place.
MCGONAGALL appears and starts making space, encouraging students to move along.
MCGONAGALL: Come on! Don’t block the stairs! Third years, up, second years, down, first years, with me!
REMUS and LILY start following MCGONAGALL alongside the other students.
REMUS: Where are your roommates?
LILY: They’re braiding each other’s hair in the dorms. I didn’t want to be late to class.
REMUS nods understandingly. SEVERUS looks at them sorrowfully from the crowd lead by SLUGHORN, already down the hallway.
REMUS and LILY are sitting next to each other. The classroom is wide and the students’ desks are distributed in pairs. MCGONAGALL’s table is at the top centre, in front of a blackboard.
MCGONAGALL: Welcome, students, to your transmutation class! Some of you might be wondering what transmutation is all about. Well (she moves in front of her desk) I’ll show you–
The door opens abruptly. JAMES, SIRIUS and PETER enter the classroom with their ties untied and carrying their sweaters alongside their books on their hands.
SIRIUS: Sorry, Miss!
MCGONAGALL: It will be “Professor” for you, Mr. Black. And for the rest of you (gestures the room). Is there any particular reason why you lot decided to be late today?
JAMES: We fell asleep, Professor. And our roommate who got here early didn’t wake us up.
REMUS purses his lips and bows down, a bit regretfully.
MCGONAGALL: (unpitifully) Pitiful. Now, please, find your seats.
PETER and JAMES look at REMUS disgruntedly as they seat. SIRIUS looks unbothered and sits alone on the back of the class.
MCGONAGALL: As I was about to show you, this is all Transfiguration is about.
MCGONAGALL transforms into her cat form, MINNIE. The students gasp and MINNIE jumps up to the professor’s table. There she transforms back into MCGONAGALL, sitting.
MCGONAGALL: Transfiguration focuses on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object via the alteration of its molecular structure. (stating) Does anyone know what a molecular structure is?
No one raises their hands. Some students look at each other questioningly.
LILY raises her hand.
MCGONAGALL: Yes? Ms. Evans, right?
LILY: That's right, professor.
LILY: The molecular structure of an object is the very very small pieces that conform it. They can’t be seen with the human eye, so we use special lenses for that, like microscopes. It’s something that physics study.
MCGONAGALL: Very interesting, Ms. Evans… for a Muggle Studies class. (severely) This is Transfiguration. (some students laugh) Does anybody have a better answer than Ms. Evans?
There is a silence. Students look at each other again and whisper. LILY rises her hand again.
MCGONAGALL: Yes, Ms. Evans?
LILY: (awkwardly) The molecular structure is the essence of an object.
MCGONAGALL: Very well, Evans. That’s an answer. A wrong one, but an answer still.
The students laugh again. LILY looks down, covering her face with her red hair.
MCGONAGALL: In Transfiguration we don’t use words like “molecular structure”. Are we clear?
STUDENTS (simultaneously): Yes, professor.
LILY: (whispering to REMUS) I didn’t know.
REMUS: (whispering back) I didn’t know either.
LILY and REMUS are getting out of class when JAMES, PETER and SIRIUS reach them.
JAMES: (laughing) Molecular structure! Ha, ha, ha! I think I’m gonna be laughing for ages!
PETER and SIRIUS laugh with him.
JAMES: (mockingly) Did you plan on answering forever until you got the right one? Ha, ha, ha!
PETER: Good one, James!
LILY: (fed up) Leave me alone!
REMUS: (shyly) Yeah– sod off, James.
JAMES keeps laughing but walks away, and PETER and SIRIUS walk with him.
LILY: Those are your roommates? They’re absolute idiots!
REMUS: Well– That’s a strong word.
LILY: They mocked me!
REMUS: (uncomfortable) Well, technically– the whole class mocked you.
LILY: (looking treasoned) I see.
LILY throws him an upset look and starts walking away fast.
REMUS: Lily!
REMUS is about to walk after her but he stops and sighs, letting her go.
REMUS is sitting and reading while eating whole boiled eggs, peacefully. He keeps his books next to him on the bench so no one sits. Suddenly three people burst out of nowhere. SIRIUS puts the books up on the table and sits with him, JAMES rolls under the table to sit in front of them and PETER follows him, getting stuck.
SIRIUS: (stretching out) Finally lunchtime! I’m STARVING.
PETER: (stressed out) I’m stuck, I’m stuck!
JAMES: Don’t worry, Petey, I’ll save you!
JAMES gets under the table and starts pulling him up from the arms.
SIRIUS: (laughing) OH MERLIN, we have a F. A. T. code!
JAMES: (laughing) Good one, Sirius! (still pulling)
PETER: That’s not funny! I’m going to DIE here!
PETER suddenly slips through the table and slides a few meters from there until he crashes with the Hufflepuff table, hitting his head.
PETER: Ouch!
MCGONAGALL is sticking out her wand and pointing it at PETER. She guards it down again and looks down at the boys severely.
MCGONAGALL: You will access your seats from the side of the table and not from under. Are we clear?
SIRIUS, JAMES, PETER: (scared) Yes, professor.
MCGONAGALL glances severely at them. Afterwards she looks down to REMUS and smiles at him. REMUS returns the smile shyly, and MCGONAGALL leaves.
JAMES, SIRIUS and PETER find their seats, PETER walking from the Hufflepuff table scratching his head. REMUS returns to his book and keeps eating. SIRIUS looks at him slightly disgusted.
SIRIUS: (unbelievably) What are you doing?
REMUS: Excuse me?
SIRIUS: Why are you eating eggs like that?
REMUS looks at the half-ate boiled egg on his hand and shrugs.
REMUS: I’m hungry.
JAMES: Have you actually eaten all that?
JAMES points at the huge empty trays of food before them.
SIRIUS: Yeah, you know that’s supposed to be for everyone, right?
PETER: And how come you’re so skinny if you eat so much?
REMUS: I-I don't know!
SIRIUS, JAMES and PETER look at each other and shrug
The trays fill themselves magically.
PETER: Cool!
SIRIUS smiles and starts eating. From the Slytherin table he sees BELLATRIX, smiling at him maniacally like she knows something he doesn’t know, and he stops for a second.
JAMES: (perceptively) What’s the matter?
SIRIUS: N-nothing, I…
A black owl flies inside the Hall catching everybody’s eye, and doesn’t stop anywhere particularly. It is holding an envelope.
JAMES: (mouth full) What is that? Mailed arrived during breakfast.
SIRIUS looks at it terrified, recognizing it. The black owl starts flying lower and closer to the Gryffindor table. Some students have to bow their hands down to not be hit by it.
The owl starts flying down around SIRIUS, JAMES, REMUS and PETER until it squeaks loudly and falls on the table before them. Some students gasp.
FEMALE STUDENT: Is it dead???
The owl squeaks again and cries in pain, squirming on the table. Tears start falling down SIRIUS’ eyes, disgusted. Its black feathers start convolving and rearranging its form, revealing WALBURGA’s bust, who is looking at SIRIUS hatefully. Students around them and around the Hall gasp, and DUMBLEDORE gets up, alarmed.
WALBURGA (DEAD OWL FORM): (calmly) You are a disgrace. You have humiliated me. You are a bad son, and for that you shall by punished.
Tears rush down SIRIUS’ eyes, out of fear.
WALBURGA (DEAD OWL FORM): (speaking loudly) You are a freak. Surrounding yourself with blood traitors, filthy half-breeds and nasty squibs! (screaming on top of her lungs) FILTH, SCUM, BY-PRODUCTS OF DIRT AND VILENESS…
DUMBLEDORE stands up and diminishes the spell with a flip of his wand. WALBURGA (DEAD OWL FORM) vanishes leaving a trail of feathers on the table.
DUMBLEDORE: Lunch shall continue.
DUMBLEDORE sits down.
Tears are rushing down SIRIUS’ eyes and he is breathing difficultly. BELLATRIX smiles, amused, and NARCISSA looks at her rolling her eyes. JAMES, PETER and REMUS stay very still, unsure of what to do.
SIRIUS wipes away his tears and looks down at his plate, meddling with his fork. There is an awkward silence between the four.
SIRIUS: So… the Cannons are back on first.
JAMES swallows hard without looking up.
JAMES: Yeah… that’s what everyone is talking about since Ursula Tobbytott’s signing.
SIRIUS: She’s a great player. The Holyheads don’t know what they’ve lost.
JAMES: And they won’t know what hit them on the 23th! (JAMES looks at SIRIUS smiling). That game’s going to be epic.
SIRIUS: (smiling softly) Probably a bludger from her side of the pitch.
JAMES laughs, and PETER joins in.
JAMES: That’s right.
REMUS looks at them with his eyebrows furrowed, worried and a bit surprised. He takes another bite of egg and turns back to reading silently.
REMUS is following MCGONAGALL through a hall. The paintings follow them with strange looks.
They walk in silence. They get out of the school and walk the field to a big tree.
MCGONAGALL: We called it the “Whomping Willow”
They are close enough now, and the willow starts to shake. One of its thick branches attempt to hit REMUS, who needs to bow down.
REMUS: (surprised and a bit scared) Okay! I see.
MCGONAGALL: You must pull this branch here.
MCGONAGALL bends down to where the roots end, a few meters away from the willow.
MCGONAGALL: It will calm it long enough for you to get through.
MCGONAGALL pulls the root and the willow stops its motion.
MCGONAGALL: Come on. Follow me.
They get inside the passage under the willow.
When they get out, they are in a cozy living room.
MCGONAGALL: We figured you would need a place to ready yourself and feel comfortable in case Madame Pomfrey is late to pick you up. There is also a first aid kit in the bathroom.
REMUS: (looking around, surprised) This is not a jail.
MCGONAGALL: It is not.
They walk around the house. REMUS goes to the kitchen sink and opens it: there is running water.
MCGONAGALL: I will place protection spells from outside the house so you won’t be able to get out during the transformation. (she looks at the sunset) It is almost time. I better be going.
MCGONAGALL turns around to come back to the passage.
REMUS: Professor!
MCGONAGALL turns her head.
REMUS: (moved) Thank you. Please, thank the Headmaster for me. And Madame Pomfrey, too.
MCGONAGALL smiles fondly.
MCGONAGALL: You’re welcome, Mr. Lupin. And I will.
MCGONAGALL disappears under the passage.
The boys are sleeping. All of them, but PETER.
PETER is rolling on his bed trying to sleep, muttering something.
PETER: “Good one, Sirius” “You’re so funny, Sirius”. Ugh… stop it.
PETER realizes he is cold. The window is open and he gets up to close it. By the window he notices REMUS’ bed. The curtains are closed.
PETER: Psst. Psst. Lupin. Do you want to be my new best friend?
PETER opens the curtain a little bit, and the realizes the bed is empty. He opens it wide and wonders if he should tell the others.
JAMES (on his sleep): Molecular…
PETER turns around, afraid he’s been caught, but SIRIUS and JAMES are still sleeping soundly. PETER closes up the curtain again and gets back to his bed.
The boys are dressing up in a hurry, they’re late again.
JAMES: (jumping around putting on a sock) That damned Lupin!
SIRIUS: The guy just wants to get there early (looking at JAMES’ quidditch magazine). It’s not like we care, anyways.
JAMES: Whatever. (knocks in the bathroom door) Peter, are you done!?
PETER (from the inside): Not yet! I ate a looooot of potatoes last night. Sorry!
SIRIUS shrugs.
JAMES: We better run, then.
JAMES, SIRIUS and PETER enter in a hurry. Luckily, MCGONAGALL is not there yet.
JAMES glances around trying to find REMUS, but REMUS isn’t there.
PETER: Sirius, do you want to sit with me?
JAMES looks at them surprised and is left alone to sit with LILY.
LILY: (upset) God, please, no.
JAMES: There aren’t any free desks!
LILY: You have some nerve.
JAMES: (awkwardly) It’s not like I want to sit with you, anyway…
LILY: We’re on the same page.
JAMES: Great.
JAMES turns around to speak to SIRIUS, who is bending back on his chair looking at the ceiling.
JAMES: (mouthing) Lupin’s not here.
SIRIUS: (mouthing) And?
JAMES: (mouthing) It’s odd.
PETER: (mouthing) Maybe he left for Durmstrang. He said he wasn’t gonna be here long.
JAMES: (mouthing) Really?
MCGONAGALL enters the room and behind her the door closes magically with a bang. She stands in front of her desk and places some books there.
MCGONAGALL: Good morning, students. Today we are going to talk about viciousness. Can anyone tell me what viciousness is?
A few hands rise, and the class begins.
LILY: (whispering to JAMES) I know where Lupin is.
MADAME POMFREY is walking towards REMUS’ bed with a tray of food. REMUS is asleep, and MADAME POMFREY leaves the tray on the side table and sits beside him on the bed.
MADAME POMFREY: Come on, little darling, it’s lunchtime.
REMUS slowly wakes up. He yawns and scratches his eyes.
MADAME POMFREY: How are you feeling, sweetie?
REMUS: (voice broken) Well… pretty good, actually. It don’t feel pain. I don’t… feel, in general.
MADAME POMFREY: You were experiencing great pain from the transformation, so I put you on a sedative and some Sleeping Draught. Are you okay with that?
REMUS: (surprised by the question, grateful for the sedative) Yeah… Anything.
MADAME POMFREY: Well, I have been a healer for a few years now but I had never encountered a case such as yours! I don’t know right away what’s going to work so the firs months I will switch remedies to find the one that works best, okay?
REMUS: (smiling gratefully) Okay…
MADAME POMFREY: Now, how are we feeling about some lunch?
REMUS: I’m staving…
MADAME POMFREY: Interesting… I mean…! Here you go.
MADAME POMFREY places the tray on REMUS’ legs and he starts eating frantically. MADAME POMFREY smiles fondly at him.
A sound of the door opening causes MADAME POMFREY to get up, walking away from the frame to find who’s getting inside. REMUS keeps eating.
MADAME POMFREY (distant): I’m sorry, you can’t be here.
SIRIUS (distant): We’re visiting!
REMUS sits up, surprised, and tries to move the tray to put it on the table, but it is too heavy.
MADAME POMFREY (distant): Lunchtime is almost over, you must come back to your lessons.
JAMES (distant): But we brought eggs! And pie!
MADAME POMFREY (distant): Who are you visiting?
JAMES (distant): Remus Lupin!
REMUS opens up the curtain and waves, with his mouth full of mashed potatoes. On the other side, near the front door, there are JAMES, SIRIUS and PETER, who is holding a plate with a generous portion of pumpkin pie.
JAMES: There he is! Can we at least give him the pie?
MADAME POMFREY frowns but looks at REMUS. REMUS witnesses the scene with a bit of a shock: he wasn’t expecting anyone to visit, and he is gladly surprised.
REMUS looks at MADAME POMFREY and nods slightly.
MADAME POMFREY: (sighing) Alright. But just five minutes!
JAMES: Great!
JAMES, SIRIUS and PETER approach REMUS and stand by his bed.
JAMES: (worriedly) Remus! What happened?
REMUS: I had a stomach ache yesterday afternoon so… I went to the infirmary. And I stayed because it got worse during the night, but I’m better now.
SIRIUS: It’s no surprise considering how much you were eating.
PETER: Here, Remus. (presenting the pie) We brought you pie. We thought it’d cheer you up, but considering you’re stomach ill…
REMUS: (taking the plate from PETER’s hands hungrily) No, no; as I said, I’m feeling better.
PETER: I’m glad.
JAMES: So… are you coming back to class? Or will you have to stay here longer?
REMUS: I think I’ll stay longer, but I’ll sleep in the dorms today… I hope.
JAMES nods. REMUS starts eating the pie in silence. He looks at the three boys, and they are all looking at it.
REMUS: Do you want some?
JAMES: Yeah…
PETER: Do you have extra forks? Can I use my hands?
REMUS smiles seeing them split up the pie.
The boys have already finished their pie pieces and are chatting about their class day. REMUS’ tray is on the table, and they are all sitting around the bed.
SIRIUS: And then Caradoc did that thing with his wand and his nose just stretched up like a pig!
JAMES: It was hilarious.
PETER: Even Flitwick laughed!
JAMES: Yeah; he said he had never seen a student succeed in that spell so early, specially while trying to perform a different one!
They all laugh.
MADAME POMFREY is reading some files on her table, and smiles at the sight of them, shaking her head.
REMUS yawns and gets comfortable on the bed.
REMUS: You should go. You’ll be late to class, otherwise.
JAMES: Right. Let’s roll, gentlemen!
SIRIUS: We’ll see you at the dorm.
PETER: Yes! You missed mail today: my parents sent me my chess game.
JAMES: Oh, the damned chess game!
PETER: I love to play chess.
REMUS: (smiling) We’ll play.
PETER: Great!
SIRIUS and PETER wave their hands and leave. JAMES waves as well, but starts walking slower.
REMUS: James.
JAMES turns around rapidly, brows raised. REMUS half smiles.
REMUS: I’ll see you later, friend.
JAMES smiles widely, thrilled.
JAMES: I’m looking forward to that, fine sir.
REMUS smiles and JAMES turns around with one last smile, hurrying his pace to meet PETER and SIRIUS’.
REMUS lays down, ready to sleep. MADAME POMFREY goes up to cover him with the sheets and turns out the light beside his bed with a tip of her wand.
DUMBLEDORE is reading some papers on his desk. FAWKES is pecking on her feathers calmly, almost effortlessly. The spiral staircase spins and MCGONAGALL enters the office. DUMBLEDORE looks up and takes off his glasses, leaving the papers beside him. MCGONAGALL walks towards the desk and stands in front of him.
MCGONAGALL: You wanted to see me, Albus?
DUMBLEDORE: Please, take a sit.
MCGONAGALL sits on one of the chairs in front of the desk.
They stay in silence for a while, DUMBLEDORE fiddling through his drawers. Finally he takes out a small piece of candy and presents it to her.
DUMBLEDORE: Would you care for a sherbet melon?
DUMBLEDORE: A sherbet melon. I have been trying muggle sweets lately. They are rather tasteful.
MCGONAGALL: No, thank you.
DUMBLEDORE nods and puts it on his mouth.
DUMBLEDORE: Something extraordinary happened this year.
DUMBLEDORE: The boy is going to require protection from within his house. And we cannot miss the opportunity.
MCGONAGALL stutters. She was understanding at first, but she isn’t anymore.
MCGONAGALL: Opportunity? Opportunity for what?
DUMBLEDORE: We cannot sit blind to the fact that war is ahead. His numbers are growing bigger, not smaller. I have to ask too much of you, Minerva. You have to look for the boy.
DUMBLEDORE: It is likely the Black family is going to retaliate. And for when that happens, he must be protected.
MCGONAGALL: (refusing) Tens of students are in danger, Albus. Specially muggle-born students. And only because he belongs to an important family...
DUMBLEDORE: A dangerous family, Minerva. A powerful family. And he is a Gryffindor, let us not let that pass.
MCGONAGALL: (upset, raising her voice) Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin... what does it matter? These are children we are talking about! They’re not chess pieces for you to play with.
DUMBLEDORE: (harshly, raising his voice higher) Either I play with them, or He plays. I suspect you to be bright enough to discern which of both options is preferable.
MCGONAGALL looks down. She sighs.
DUMBLEDORE: (calmly) You must have heard he is recruiting werewolves.
MCGONAGALL looks up, eyebrows furrowed.
DUMBLEDORE: I do not know when it is going to be, but we only stand once chance to defeat him.
MCGONAGALL: So if he starts recruiting giants you are just going to follow?
DUMBLEDORE rises one of his eyebrows.
DUMBLEDORE: Precisely.
MCGONAGALL: I can’t believe this...
DUMBLEDORE caresses FAWKES, who is squeaking a little, at the limit of her life.
DUMBLEDORE: Difficult times are ahead. And we have to think of the future. We cannot know how things are going to be in five, six, seven years. His power could be immense.
MCGONAGALL: (displeased) I know. I know.
DUMBLEDORE: I trust you the most within these grounds, Minerva. But we cannot afford infighting. Sometimes you are just going to have to accept my decisions, and maybe, watch me make mistakes. I need to you trust me as much as I trust you.
MCGONAGALL stares at FAWKES for a bit. She squeaks loudly one last time and bursts into flame. The fire shines in MCGONAGALL’s eyes.
MCGONAGALL: (still looking at FAWKES) Yes. I understand.
FAWKES’ ashes start churning, and a small chick rises its newborn head. MCGONAGALL caresses her head a bit. DUMBLEDORE observes them putting his glasses back on and reaching for his papers.
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spliinkles · 5 years
Ok but consider: Barrender and Cat swap roles for AU
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Ah yes, my first thought was me imagining the cat standing on its hind legs like a furry, so thank you for that
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anabazmou · 4 years
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¡𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕒! ✨👉🎀 Para mi, los ACTOS más SENCILLOS, como puede ser tirar un resto a una papelera, CUENTAN 🚮 ✨👉🎀 Imagínate si no fuese así 🙈🙉🙊 pasearíamos por alfombras repletas basura porque los barrender@s 🧹no darían abasto para recogerlo todo 🤍 ✨👉🎀 ¡Piénsalo!💭 ✨ ¡Cada pequeño gesto cuenta! ✨ El UNi es mucho UNi (◠‿◕) ¡GRACIAS ∞ #gentecincoestrellas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐! 🛍 www.anabazmou.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⁣⁣⁣ 💬 Te leo en comentarios 👥 Etiqueta a tus amigos 📣 Comparte este post 💾 Guarda este post para consultas #pequeñagigante #leer #trabajarmejor #productividad #librosrecomendados #bookstagramespaña #conciencia #anabazmou #crecer #magicainocencia #universo #posibilidadesinfinitas #leermola #hazlo #leydeatraccion #afirmacionespositivas #gratitud #escrituracreativa #muchascosaspequeñas #miedo #llorar #crisisexistencial  #autoconocimiento #escritoresdeinstagram #espiritualidad #actitudpositiva #escribir #yoymianitage✨🎀 (en Vitoria-Gasteiz, Pais Vasco, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHYWdsMlPt8/?igshid=loq8km5utptw
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