#based on the dress i reblogged a lil while ago
oddthesungod · 5 months
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Delicate Beauty 💙☄️
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dairyminki · 10 months
Rielleeeeee, congrats on your milestone darling, im so so proud of you!! I would like to request some fluff with Wooyoung, based off taylor swift's how you get the girl 🤍 Take your time and congrats once again, your event is cute like you 🤍
✨️part of my 300 milestone event 🪄
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title: broke your heart, i'll put it back together (song: how you get the girl by taylor swift)
pairing: jung wooyoung x fem!reader
genre: exes to lovers, fluff, angst if you squint
warning/s: none
wc: 1.2k
a/n: oh sweet chip!! 🥺 stfu she called me cute im blushing i got a lil carried away with this hence the wc but likeee i hope i somehow put enough fluff here for u to enjoy?? hehe tysm again bby! ♡
* reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated!
Wooyoung was soaking wet.
However, he doesn't mind in the very least. Not even when the fabric of his dress shirt and slacks uncomfortably clings to his body, the wetness of it all spreading goosebumps in his skin as the nightly air blows past him.
See he's not planning on giving up. Not until you open the door and hear him out. Standing outside your doorstep while the rain is pouring doesn't really faze him that much.
Truth be told, Wooyoung's supposed to be aboard the plane right now—completely missing his flight which was just a couple minutes ago. While some may have panicked, he's all but that. Although, he is a tad bit nervous.
Not because he knows his parents will be bombarding him with phone calls and text messages once they know that he's not on a plane returning to gloomy London tomorrow morning—the hell with London and his furious parents. Rather, it's mainly because of you, and you're the only one Wooyoung cares about right now, frankly.
You—who he didn't even get a glimpse of for half a year. Which he thinks he really deserves after deciding to leave you out of the blue. Well, not really out of the blue since he had his reasons, and yeah, well…that's another story for later.
The thing is, tonight wasn't really planned in the slightest. In fact, Wooyoung, coming to your college reunion was a spontaneous decision made by him after Kang Yeosang—one of your friends—accidentally let the fact, that you'll be attending said reunion, slip out from his blabbering mouth.
That random information which luckily fell in Wooyoung's grasp spurred him to grab any clothing his eyes could land on and come rushing in his car to attend tonight's reunion which he so adamantly refused to go to.
And Wooyoung is glad that he did go. Because, as soon as he steps inside the nostalgic campus grounds and through the long hallway leading towards the gymnasium, he sees you.
You who looked stunning dressed in that white dress he had gifted you way back then, just barely a year in your relationship. Wooyoung bought that dress with the thought of putting a ring on your finger someday.
And he is hoping that despite all that's been said and done between you two, that 'someday' will still be just right around the corner.
If only you'd just open up and hear his words tonight, then it possibly would.
The heavens above might just be hearing his pleas, or he just looks too pathetic already that they can't stand a second longer of seeing him standing under the rain—if he's really unlucky, they might even send down a lightning bolt or something.
Wooyoung squints his eyes when he sees the beige curtains on your window move slightly. He wasn't sure at first if he was just seeing things, but then he catches sight of how one of your dangly earrings subtly produced a needle-like flash due to the LED lights on your porch.
His heart does a little leap at the fact of you peeking at him and the possibility of you opening the door.
But that moment of subtle joy fades when you open the door and then it reveals you—you with puffy eyes and a red nose. His heart almost breaks at the sight of you just hesitatingly opening the door even wider.
"You're insane." Were your first words to him that night.
"It's just a little rain," He replies, offering the smallest of smiles, not really sure how to react now that you're finally facing each other.
You sniffle and shake your head, for a second, you look down at your fiddling hands, and then you're looking back at him, gaze sharp, "Why are you here, Wooyoung?"
"I- well, I—"
"Why am I even talking to you?" You sigh, already moving to close the door but of course he puts a foot in, preventing the door from shutting on his face, and preventing you from shutting him away from your life furthermore.
"I'm really not supposed to be here right now, but here I am," Wooyoung spits out in a rush. "Please, just…hear me out?" He asks, his voice sounding out to be a lot smaller.
"Woo-" You stop yourself, sighing, "Come on in, let's get you dry first."
You were too nice, too nice even to someone who broke your heart, Wooyoung thinks. But that's why he's here, hell-bent on fixing things with you and proving to you that he won't do that same mistake of leaving you ever again.
"You're wearing the dress. I thought…you threw it already," Wooyoung speaks up by the time you come back to him with a towel and some spare clothes. His old clothes, he takes note.
"Y-Yeah, I thought it'd be suitable for the theme of the reunion." You shrug, handing him the towel while you hang the clean clothes on the sofa's arm. And then he hears you clear your throat.
"I know you're still drying yourself up, but…why are you here, Woo?"
"Funny you should ask me that because I should be in a plane back to London right now but-"
"You missed your flight?!" You cut off his ramblings with a shout.
"Willingly, Y/N. I missed my flight willingly and I'm very pleased with it." Wooyoung smirks.
"What would your-"
"And that is why you should hear me out tonight or my sacrifice would literally mean nothing," Wooyoung replies with a pout, and then he spreads the towel on half of the sofa, sits down, and then pats the empty space, that was also wet towel-free, beside him.
Wooyoung goes on about his mistakes, his reasons, and countless of apologies while you fiddled with the hem of your dress for most of it.
"I mean, i-it's only been six months, Woo. The memory is still fresh and…" You don't get to finish what you were saying as the tears finally escape you. Wooyoung immediately cups your face in his hands and wipes the tears that keep coming, his touch, ever so gentle.
"I would wait forever and ever. Because I want you for worse or for better, and everything in between, Y/N." He whispers, already in tears as well, and when your previously quivering lips break into a smile, he does the same.
But then, Wooyoung's phone resounds with a ding, which got both of your attention. You were the first one to look away and stare at the phone on the table, an audible gasp leaving your mouth when you saw the picture that served as his lockscreen.
"You never changed it…" You point out, looking back at him and seeing Wooyoung's lips break into an even wider grin.
A picture taken during the 26th of November, Wooyoung's birthday. A picture of him kissing you on the cheek while you're wearing your brightest smile. A picture he randomly self-captured with his phone as soon as his lips met the softness of your cheek—your giggles filling the entire apartment.
It was the same day that he gave you that dress, and the very day that you finally said yes to him being your boyfriend. The day you officially became his other half, and he, yours.
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oonajaeadira · 3 years
Banshee - Have you ever had a paranormal encounter? If so, do tell!
Fantasy -  What’s your favorite mythical character?
Superstitious - Are you superstitious (or perhaps just a little stitious)?
I didn’t see if you had reblogged this but I’m sending anyway! 🥰 @fictitious-little-stitious
lol I did post it last night, but I'm happy to answer more!!! Thank you, lil 'stitious!!!
Fantasy -  What’s your favorite mythical character?
I answered this for Hazel: LOKI! I kinda fell in love with him based on an illustration and it kinda snowballed from there.
Superstitious - Are you superstitious (or perhaps just a little stitious)?
I have two stage superstitions and two driving superstitions.
Stage superstition #1: If final dress is awful, opening night will be amazing and vice versa. I have often come home in tears after a wonderful last dress, dreading the next day. It's not always true. But it is enough of the time that it sticks with me.
Stage superstition #2: I always have the script in the building. The day it's not somewhere--in my bag, in my dressing room--is the day I'll overthink and a line will escape me and I'll have no way to check. Always have the script.
Driving superstition #1: I have a little bone fishing hook hanging from my rear-view mirror. It's meant to symbolize a safe journey. I started touching it every time I started up my car because I liked how it felt, but now it feels weird if I don't touch it. So it's become ritual now, like if I don't, something bad might happen.
Driving suppression #2: Never play Xanandu in the car. It's my favorite album of all time and I've gone through a tape and two CDs. I used to joke that I've listened to it so many times that I'll probably die listening to it, so I've freaked myself out and I just don't listen to it in the car.
Banshee - Have you ever had a paranormal encounter? If so, do tell!
Gonna put this under a cut 'cause it got loooooooonnnnnngggg
First of all, I have to say that I am a firm agnostic, and although I don't believe in the zodiac, I hold to my identity of Gemini, being of two minds about everything. I both believe and do not believe in everything. I like the idea of ghosts, I latch on to accounts and try to dig into them for both truth and debunking. My romance soul says they are possible and yet my science brain tells me they do not exist.
In my life I've lived in two places I've considered to be possibly haunted.
1. My childhood home.
When I was little, I often had a reoccurring dream of an old man walking in circles in our basement in the night and then just wandering up the stairs, looking around in bewilderment, making his way up to the top floor and looking at me while I slept and wondering who I was.
My sister's room was over the living room. And she told me that sometimes she'd get up in the middle of the night and hear talking. I didn't think anything of this because I heard talking too--my parents' room was below mine and sometimes they'd talk in bed. But she'd hear talking in the middle of the night when nobody'd be awake. She'd look out the window and wouldn't see light spilling out below, just dark. But she'd put her ear to the floor and she could hear some words--a man and a woman, not our parents--and heard names. She new they were called Mary and John.
Years later when we were adults, my parents sold the house and went to the bank to the safety deposit box where they kept the title. They hadn't looked at it since they put it in there decades ago. And it had been owned by quite a few families, but the oldest title was held by a Mary and John.
2. My old apartment.
I used to live in a century-old apartment building that used to be a long-stay hotel. (There's still bullet holes in the mail room from the 20s when there was a bootlegging raid.) I lived there in like 4 different apartments over the years. But in the last one, I had dreams of spirits watching me. Their faces were kinda freaky, but they didn't bother me. I'd just wake up in a dark room and tell them politely to go away and then wouldn't have the dream for another few months or so. Every once in a while, the dog next door would bark at my wall and I'd just look in that corner and politely ask whomever was there to please leave and the dog would stop barking. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but I just wanted the dog to be quiet, so I'd just ask, in case there was really someone there. It just became a thing.
Then there was the day my uncle died. Donny was a wiseass and he smoked like 3 packs a day. He'd worked with asbestos a lot in his life. We don't have cancer in our family, but he was putting himself on that track. I liked Donny a lot, but I was the only one of the nieces and nephews that wasn't able to go and say goodbye to him before he died. He died in the morning. That night I was on the phone with another friend of mine that lived in the same building. I had pictures in all my rooms, not nailed to the wall, just above the windows, propped up against the sill. I heard something tumble in the bathroom and when I went to look, I saw that the picture in there had fallen. No matter, it was a paint-by-numbers and that room was hot and humid, maybe the cardboard just got weak and it slipped off the sill. I told my friend on the phone what happened and she's like, "you know your apartment is haunted, right?" Because I'd told her the story of the dog and my dreams of the watchers. And I'm like, "maybe, who can say?" Then I go into the kitchen and sit on the counter, and I'm actually looking at the picture in its frame on top of the window in my dining nook and watch it as it tips forward from the wall and tumbles to the floor. My friend's all like, "what was that?" And I'm like, "fucking Donny. He's probably just stopping by on his way out." Do I believe that? Not fully. I like the possibility though. But I have no other good explanation for any of that at all.
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ja-barakrispy · 4 years
The Moon in Your Eyes - Chapter One: Jasey
OK, so this is an original story that I have written - it’s your typical teem romance story, full of lil dramas, about a 16-year-old girl who moves from Baltimore to a new school, and falls in love with an aloof ‘bad-boy’ type, who has also had his fair share of heartbreak in recent years. It’s honestly a tumblr-perfect teen story.
Lots of music and pop culture mentions as well - the likes of Harry Styles, Elton John, Nirvana, Lewis Capaldi (my characters have really good taste in music, if I do say so myself), and both main character’s favourite film is Donnie Darko. Just so you know the characters a little better, and to give you as a reader a better idea as to wether these will be characters that you can relate to!
The chapters flip between the point of view of Jasey (the female protagonist) and Spencer (the male protagonist), but I will highlight this at the beginning of each chapter.
Posting this online is a BIG confidence thing for me, as I love writing, but have 0 confidence in my ability. BUT I have enjoyed writing it so far, and feel like maybe others would enjoy it too?
Any feedback, likes, reblogs would be so greatly appreciated! If this gets like no response, I probably won’t post any more, but we will see!
                                                             One                                                             Jasey
Warnings: Few curse words, slight anxiety.
Word Count: 1,848
A/N: These characters have all been created by me, and this is not based on true events - any character resemblance to anyone alive or deceased, and any story resemblance, is purely coincidental.
I checked myself over in the full-length mirror one last time. I tugged at my burnt-orange, corduroy skirt, the buttons running down the centre of it cold against my fingers. I pulled up the polka dot tights around my knees, and straightened out my over-sized, white sweater embroidered with maroon, orange and yellow flowers over the chest. I’d paired the outfit with plain black Doc Martens – because really, you can’t go wrong with Docs.
   I’ve always tried to look my best. Back in Baltimore everyone used to say I dressed like hipster/indie kid hybrid, but I never really cared. I was always comfortable with my look, and that was all that mattered to me.    But there was something about my outfit today that I questioned; what if people thought I was… overdressed?    Usually, I wouldn’t care, but today was my first day at Nightingale High, and I wanted to make a good first impression. What if the people here were a little more refined than I was?
   My dad is a Chemistry Professor – he used to teach at my old middle school, so when he was offered a position at Orley University, just outside of Pittsburgh, my family packed up our life in Baltimore and headed west. I was excited. Mostly.
   Born and raised in Baltimore, leaving it behind was tough. But, really, I guess I kind of knew I was ready for life’s next adventure.    As I stared myself down in the mirror, I clasped my necklace close to my chest and began to fiddle with it between my fingers.
   “Jasey, come on, we gotta go.” My older brother, Tyler, called me from downstairs, snapping me out of my trance.
   I grabbed my backpack, took one last glimpse into the mirror, and made my way down.
   Tyler was waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase, tapping away on his phone. I gently slapped him on the forehead as I passed him – no reaction.
   Tyler was 17, and going into his Senior Year at Nightingale. Being so close in age, we always used to get mistaken for twins, until 9th Grade, when he started to get taller and bulked out from playing football.
   “Sociable as ever, I see, Ty.” I rolled my eyes slightly.
“I am being sociable,” He looked up, gesturing to his phone. “Everyone back home is sending me good luck texts, and I - being the polite young man I am - am making sure I reply to everyone individually.” He gave me a sarcastic smile, as I folded my arms across my stomach.
   “Hey, you are home!” My mum pointed a finger at Tyler as she entered the hallway from the kitchen, her British accent still as evident as ever.
  My parents are both from the UK – my mum is from Chelsea in London, and my dad is from Glasgow in Scotland. They moved to the US 16 years ago, when Tyler was a year old, and mum was pregnant with me, along with my two older half-sisters from my dad’s first marriage, April and Norah.
   “Yeah, OK.” Tyler sighed. “Roddie, we’re getting in the car.”
   Roddie is our youngest sibling – 13 and just starting 8th grade at Westinghouse Middle School. Roddie isn’t short for anything; not Rodney or Roderick; he’s just Roddie. Our mum is obsessed with Rod Stewart, and when she was in labor with our littlest kin, she’d put on a playlist she had created, ready for her sprogs arrival. ‘Hot Legs’ by none other than Rod Stewart himself popped up on shuffle at the exact moment my wonderful little brother made his appearance into the world. And so, Roddie was born, named after the man who was there for our mother during his birth.   “I’m coming!” Roddie ran into the hallway, nearly slipping on the laminate flooring.
“Have the most amazing day, all of you,” Mum embraced all three of us in a group hug. “I love you guys so much.”
“We love you too, mum.” I smiled sweetly at her. “See you later.”
   We piled into Tyler’s car, mum blowing us a thousand kisses, as we pulled out of the driveway and headed to our new schools.    Tyler switched on his car stereo, Drake blaring through the speakers, which prompted me to put in my headphones. I scrolled through my Spotify, before deciding on shuffling the songs in my Elton John playlist.    My phone pinged, a new text illuminating the screen.
Isaac Good luck at your new school today, Stinks. I’ll be thinking of you xxx
I smiled as I read the message.
   Leaving Isaac back in Baltimore was tough. We’d been together for just over a year, and he was the first guy I’d ever really had feelings for (if you discount Warren Princeton in the 7th grade).
Jasey Thanks sweet cheeks, missing you so much xxx
Isaac Facetime later? xxx
Jasey Wouldn’t miss it xxx
I caught myself smiling as Isaac and I sent a stream of messages back and forth.
   “Aw, texting your boyfriend?” Tyler said, making kissy faces.
Rolling my eyes, I took the ear-bud out of my left ear. “At least I have a boyfriend,” I raised an eyebrow at him. “You can’t seem to keep a girlfriend for more than five minutes.”
“I need to spread my wings.” He shrugged. “I don’t like being tied down.”
I rolled my eyes again – harder than last time – and sighed, “whatever you say, Romeo.”
   “Besides,” Tyler grinned. “How could I pick just one girl, when so many want me?”
Roddie began to make retching noises from the backseat, as I belly laughed. “Oh, Tyler,” I gasped for a breath, “You really are something else.”
   Before we knew it, we were at Westinghouse.    As we pulled up in the drop-off layby, Roddie unclipped his seatbelt and shuffled to the edge and the centre of the backseat, so that he was closer to Tyler and I. He put his arms out in front of him, his thumbs hooked together and pinkies sticking out from both hands, almost resembling a bull. Tyler and I both did the same, this time connecting all of our pinkie fingers together. We started to chant softly and slowly; ‘Tanner kids rule’. Gradually, we got faster and louder, eventually swapping to a vocal Mexican wave of ‘woahs’, before breaking our finger circle, lifting our bull-formed hands over our heads and shouting our last name – “Tanner’s out!” It was cringy, and ever so corny, but we’d been doing this since Roddie could barely talk; it was our little tradition.
   “See you guys.” Roddie smiled, climbing out of the car.
“Have a great day, bucko.” I waved.
Roddie skipped up the steps to his new school, excitement in his eyes, before turning back to the car and giving us a cheerful wave. I blew him kisses as Tyler waved back.    “OK,” Tyler began, once Roddie had disappeared inside. “Let’s go take Nightingale High by storm, little sis.”
                                                        *     *     *
We walked up the school steps together, shoulder to shoulder, holding our breath until we walked through the front doors.    The hallway was alive with hundreds of teens, some stuffing their blue coloured lockers with bags, books and binders, while others stood around chatting, chortling and checking in on what had happened over the Summer. It was almost too loud to hear yourself think, the buzz was electric.    The school’s crest was displayed on a huge banner above the doorway, as well as laminated onto the floor in front of us – a nightingale bird, with a lamp hanging from it’s beak, displayed in blue and gold.
   “So, this is it.” I breathed in. “I guess we should go and find the office.” Tyler placed a hand on my shoulder, looking down at me. I nodded boldly, as we searched the hall for any clue as to where we needed to go. I noticed a board a little way further into the hall, which had a map of the whole school. “Over here,” I tugged on Tyler’s arm. “We need to carry on down the hall, and take the second left.” Tyler studied the map. “OK, let’s go, I’m ready for this.” I attempted to pump myself up.
   In reality, I was petrified.    I grew up with all my friends in Baltimore: we had known each other since Pre K, so I’d never really been in a position where I had to prove myself as worthy to a bunch of new people in one hit. Making friends is a lot easier when you’re 4-years-old.    Now, I had to try and make fresh friends, and settle into a new school environment, all whilst trying to maintain my high grade average.    Tyler and I followed the directions on the map and came to the main office. A young woman sat on the other side of the desk, and greeted us with a warm smile. She looked pretty young - perhaps only in her early 20’s - her short blonde hair framing her soft face.      She gave us both our timetables for the semester, along with a locker number and combination each, and a map of the school to keep.    “You’ll both need to go to your homeroom classes first, and if you need any help at all with finding your classes, the teachers, and I’m sure your fellow students, will be more than happy to help you out.” She smiled.    Tyler and I said our thank yous and headed back out into the hallway. It wasn’t as busy as when we’d first arrived, but the after-Summer-buzz was still apparent.
   Tyler studied his timetable, his brow forming into a frown. “My first day of a new school, and they give me all the worst classes – I hate this place already.” “I dunno,” I smirked. “My classes don’t seem to be so bad.”
Tyler grabbed my timetable out of my hands and whispered each class to himself; “English Lit, Music, Astronomy, Art…” He opened his mouth wide and made his frown even deeper. “Study Hall?
“So I get all the whack classes, and you get let off with a fuckin’ Study Hall?” Tyler whined. “Sorry dude, I didn’t write the timetable.” I held my hands up.    I jumped slightly as the bell rang, signaling the start of our first period of the day.
   “Right, I’m out. See you later, loser.” Tyler began walking to his homeroom class, flashing the ASL for ‘I love you’ to me as he walked away. I put my fingers up in the same formation, “Hope you have a shitty day.” I called after him.    I looked down at my map and timetable while simultaneously walking, trying to figure out where my homeroom was.    I came to a bright red door, with one singular square window in the centre. The door had ‘C7’ engraved into a plaque right at the top – I was in the right place.    “OK,” I breathed, prepping myself to go inside. My stomach flooded with anxiety, filling to the brim with intense butterflies: “you can do this Jasey. You are OK.”
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myriadimagines · 6 years
The Best Christmas Gift
DC (Justice League) One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Diana Prince
Other Characters: Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, Alfred Pennyworth, Arthur Curry, Mera, Victor Stone, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Martha Kent
Warnings: a lil bit of alcohol
Request: “can u do a oneshot imagine where the justice league have a christmas party with all their friends and family, and throughout the night barry continuously tries to get diana and the reader under a mistletoe together? thanks! :)” - anonymous
Word Count: 2,680
A/N: yes...... hate on me all you want for writing yet another one shot while one shots are closed instead of deleting this request............ this is based on this gif imagine. in the future @ the anon please check my description to see what's open, because in any other situation i would not have written this request! but, it’s christmas. so, happy holidays everyone, consider this my christmas gift to you!
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“There you are, y/n, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to make it.”
You laughed at Bruce’s comment as you wrapped your arms around him for a quick hug. He smiled politely at your family behind you, who you turned around and introduced before Bruce stepped aside, allowing you and your family into his house. The party was already in full swing, with Christmas lights strung up around every possible surface. There were glittery baubles hanging from every light, as well as a few candy canes that you and Barry had scattered over the tables. There was a large Christmas tree in the center of the room, glowing with lights and tinsel with a shining star perched at the top. The room was filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation, with upbeat Christmas carols playing faintly in the background.
You and the rest of the League had spent all week decorating Bruce’s place in preparation for the event. It was Barry’s idea to host a party, and naturally you all decided Bruce’s house was the best place to host it. Bruce had spent the whole time grumbling about how much work it would be to take all the stuff down afterwards, but you knew he was secretly enjoying himself. You had even caught Alfred humming Jingle Bells to himself while you and Clark helped with the food. Diana and Arthur had set up the tree, while Victor and Bruce set up the lights and music. Barry zipped around, making minor adjustments while darting into the kitchen every now and then to steal some food.
“y/n!” you heard a voice cheer out, and Barry suddenly appeared in front of you, a drink appearing in your hand with him. You laughed as you clinked your glass against his as he continued, “I’ve been waiting all night for you to arrive!”
“Nice to see you too.” you grinned. Turning to your family, you introduced, “Guys, this is Barry.”
“Ah, the speedster.” your father leaned forward to shake his hand, and you could see something in Barry’s face twitch -- he hated when people just defined him as ‘fast.’ Yet, he managed to keep his complaints in as he greeted the rest of your family. As they started getting into a conversation of their own, you found your eyes wandering around the room. You could see Arthur and Mera on the other side of the room, talking to Martha. Arthur had actually bothered to put on a suit instead of his usual getup, and Mera looked gorgeous in a shimmery blue dress. Alfred was by the Christmas tree, talking to Victor and his father, all three of them looking very animated in their conversation.
“Mother, that’s y/n!” a voice excitedly chimed, and you turned around to see Diana and Hippolyta emerging from another room, accompanied by Clark and Lois. Diana’s face seemed to light up upon seeing you, and she reached for her mother’s hand and pulled her towards you. Behind her, you could see Clark and Lois exchanging amused smiles at Diana’s enthusiasm.
“y/n, it is so nice to finally meet you.” Hippolyta stretched a hand out towards you, which you shook as you gave her a comforting smile. “Diana has told me so much about you.”
“Really? Well I hope it’s just good things.” you laughed, turning to Diana, who simply beamed at you. “You both look gorgeous, by the way.”
It was true -- Hippolyta wore a gold dress, her crown gleaming on her forehead. Diana looked even more stunning, in a long, red dress. Hippolyta smiled humbly at your comment as you could see Diana blush slightly, and you began to blush too.
Ever since she had approached you months ago to join the League, you had developed a huge crush on Diana. She trained you and helped you feel welcome into the group. You felt as you owed so much to her -- without her, you wouldn’t be here. You’d probably still be cooped up in your university dorm, hiding your powers from the rest of the world and never recognizing your true potential.
“Oh, would you look at that.” Martha’s voice suddenly rang out, and all heads turned to her as she pointed to a branch of mistletoe which had mysteriously been hung from the ceiling near the windows. Everyone smiled as they realised Lois and Clark were standing under it. Grinning at her son and future daughter-in-law, Martha chimed, “Well you two know what that means!”
Lois laughed as Clark leaned down to kiss her, and the everyone cheered and clapped as the couple pulled away, bashfully smiling at everyone. Bruce wandered in front of them, waving his hands to catch everyone’s attention as Lois leaned into Clark’s chest.
“I’d hate to interrupt,” Bruce said, taking a sip from his glass of wine. “But Alfred just put the last meal on the table, meaning it’s time to eat.”
He gestured towards the dining room, and everyone slowly made their way around the table, slowly returning to their previous conversations before Clark and Lois’ kiss. You saw Diana pull a chair back for her mother before sitting at the seat beside her, and you were about to wander off to find your family when Barry zipped to your side.
“Woah, y/n!” Barry grinned, pulling out the chair beside Diana. “This seat is free! Why don’t you sit here?”
“Uh-” you started, looking Diana as if waiting for her approval. She nodded eagerly, and you sat down beside her as Barry slid into the seat on your other side. He had a goofy grin on his face as he exchanged glances with the rest of the League, who all hid their smiles behind their hands or drinks.
You had only told Barry about your crush, simply because he had his suspicions and kept annoying you until you confessed. However, the rest of the League also suspected you had feelings for Diana that extended past friendship and admiration, and their suspicions were only being confirmed by your behaviour tonight. However, what was also obvious to them that you didn’t realise was that Diana reciprocated your feelings.
“This food looks delicious.” Diana gushed. “Did you make this, y/n?”
“I, um, I got help from… from…” you stammered, and Diana looked at you expectantly. You internally swore at yourself for getting so flustered around Diana, but you couldn’t help it.
“Alfred and I helped.” Clark jumped in, and you shot him a grateful smile. “But y/n made that amazing pie over that.”
“Well, as delicious as it looks, we should wait till after we finish our food to eat dessert.” Lois looped her arm through Clark’s, and everyone laughed. “Shall we?”
Everyone immediately dug in, passing around plates and bottles of wine. As everyone ate, Clark and Lois eagerly shared the plans for their wedding, which everyone was obviously invited to. The conversation somehow got sidetracked to Barry, who began to recount the story of how he had met Bruce for the first time.
“You know, dude, the more I think about it, the less thought out I think your plan was.” Barry turned to Bruce, who was sitting at the head of the table. “What if I wasn’t who I thought you were, and you just chucked your batarang into my face? You could’ve killed me!”
Everyone laughed as Bruce shrugged sheepishly, before Barry turned to nudge you. Wiggling his eyebrows, he asked, “y/n, I don’t think you ever told us about how you got looped into the group.”
“Ah,” you set down your fork, sneaking a glance at Diana. “I was walking back from classes when Diana approached me.”
“What was your first impression?” Barry asked, and you bit your lip.
“I thought she was-” you stopped yourself before you could finish your sentence, quickly swallowing your words with your wine as you picked up your glass. After you took a sip of your drink, you continued, “I-I thought she was talking to the wrong person.”
Instead of saying, I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
“At least you didn’t try and refuse me like Victor.” Diana piped up, and everyone chuckled as all heads turned to Victor, who tossed his hands up in mock surrender.
“Alright, alright.” Victor laughed as Barry playfully booed him. “In my defense, I didn’t know who to trust. Who knew you guys would become like a second family?”
“Aww!” you brought your hands to your chest, touched by Victor’s statement as everyone shared similar reactions.
“I’m not usually one for sentiment,” Arthur declared as he stood, raising his glass. “But... to our second family.”
Everyone raised their glasses, beaming, as you all chorused, “To our second family.”
“The best Christmas gift, ever!” you added, and everyone repeated your words in agreement.
“Now seems like a good time to cut y/n’s pie that everyone’s so eager to try.” Martha clapped her hands together, and Alfred leaned over to hand her a knife before getting up to get some clean plates. Diana nudged you excitedly, and you both exchanged warm smiles and Martha handed out plates of pie to everyone. Diana took an eager bite, closing her eyes as she savored it.
“This really is delicious, y/n.” Diana complimented, and you blushed. “I didn’t know you had such a talent for baking.”
“Yeah,” Barry agreed, his crumbs spilling from his mouth as he continued to talk before finishing his sentence. “You should bake more often.”
“Dude, gross.” Victor joked, tossing a napkin at Barry. “Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“What, like this?” Barry stuffed more pie into his mouth and continued to talk, and everyone rolled their eyes as Victor pretending to retch in disgust.
As everyone finished their pies, everyone slowly started to get up and help Alfred clean up, carrying plates into the kitchen or helping themselves to one last little bite of food. You and Diana had picked up the last plates and were heading into the kitchen when Barry stopped in front of the both of you, taking the plates of both your hands.
“Here, let me get that for the two of you.” Barry grabbed your set of plates before trying to reach for Diana’s who stepped back after seeing Barry struggle to balance the plates in his arms. “No seriously, let me help.”
“That’s very nice of you, Barry,” Diana chuckled. “But I can handle it.”
“But, uh, you guys have helped clean up so much!” Barry insisted, and your eyebrows furrowed, unsure of what his intentions were. “Why don’t the two of you, say, take a break. You could go chill by the windows -- the view is really nice.”
“The windows?” you spluttered as you and Diana both turned around to look, before you remembered that was where the mistletoe was hung. Diana didn’t seem to realise, who turned back to look at Barry, perplexed.
“I’m sure the view is very nice.” Diana replied. “I’ll go after I put these plates away.”
Diana stepped past Barry and moved into the kitchen, who groaned in frustration before chasing after her, but not after instructing you, “Stay right here, y/n.”
Rolling your eyes, you wandered off back to the living room, where everyone had gathered to admire the tree. You smiled to yourself as you adjusted one of the baubles, when Bruce suddenly came up behind you.
“Where’s Diana?” he asked, amused, and you turned to mock glare at him over your shoulder.
“Why would I know?” you asked, somewhat defensively, and Bruce shrugged vaguely.
“You don’t have to be afraid of your feelings, you know.” Bruce said quietly as he leaned towards you, and you blinked at him in surprise. “It’s clear that you’re in love with her, y/n, and she’s in love with you too.”
“She’s… Diana’s not…” you were about to protest, when you heard a loud whistle from the dining area. You and Bruce turned to look, where you saw an annoyed Barry standing behind Mera and Arthur, and new branch of mistletoe hanging above them. Diana stood beside Barry, happily clapping her hands together as Arthur looked around at the rest of the guests.
“You guys have weird traditions.” he said as everyone looked at him expectantly. He dramatically swung Mera into his arms before adding, “Not that I’m complaining.”
He pressed his lips against Mera’s who wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Bruce let out a low whistle as Barry zipped to your side.
“Where is all this mistletoe coming from?” you hissed, but Barry waved his hand, ignoring your question.
“I told you to stay put!” Barry replied. “I was expecting you to be outside the kitchen when Diana and I came out, not Arthur and Mera!”
“You can’t expect me to stay in one place all night.” you rolled your eyes. “I mean, come on-”
“y/n!” Diana walked over to you, and you could see a gleeful smile spread across Barry’s face as she approached you. “I helped myself to another slice of your pie while I was in the kitchen -- I couldn’t resist.”
“We should bake together one day,” you suggested, and Diana nodded. “Then you can make pie for yourself whenever you want!”
“You should start now!” Barry clapped his hands together, before pointing to the kitchen where Arthur and Mera just were. He pointed to the ceiling as he added, “Just walk right over there. You know, just straight ahead. Be sure to check out the ceiling as you walk past. Oh! That’s so cool, that plant hanging there.”
“I was actually going to put this decoration back on the tree.” Diana opened her hand, revealing a small decoration in her palm, oblivious to what Barry was trying to suggest. “I found it under the table. It must’ve rolled there during the night.”
“Oh, for crying out loud!” Barry groaned, before zipping away. The next thing you knew, he standing on top of a chair between you and Diana, and the both of you looked up to see him carrying a fistful of mistletoe branches above your heads.
“Looks like we got another couple under the mistletoe!” Victor hollered, getting everyone’s attention, and you blushed as everyone gathered around. Diana didn’t seem fazed at all, instead simply smiling at you.
“If you don’t feel comfortable, y/n, you don’t have to.” Diana gently reached for your hand, and your eyes widened. She stepped closer to you, and your breaths seemed to get shakier.
“I-I do want to.” you nodded, and Diana brought her other hand up to your face. She finally leaned down, closing the distance between the two of you as she pressed her lips against yours. You both closed your eyes as you ran your hands through her hair, and she caressed your face with both hands as she deepened the kiss. The both of you didn’t realise the whole room had erupted into ecstatic cheers until you had pulled away, laughing nervously as you gazed into each other's eyes.
“Finally!” Barry whooped, who got off the chair to give Victor a triumphant high-five. Bruce, Clark and Lois all exchanged knowing smiles as Arthur pumped his fist into the air. Everyone had been waiting for you and Diana to finally admit your feelings for each other, and now that it had finally happened, it felt like a cause for celebration.
“Well?” Mera asked you as she reached out to squeeze your arm, winking at Diana. “How was it?”
“It was…” you still felt breathless, before you finally composed yourself. “The best Christmas gift, ever.”
“Hey!” Barry laughed, playfully punching your shoulder. “I thought your second family as the best Christmas gift.”
You and Diana both laughed as the both of you reached for each other’s hands, intertwining your fingers as she gently pulled you closer to her.
“Both,” you nodded, beaming at Diana before turning to the rest of your friends. “I’m so grateful to have both.”
tags: @jedisimonlewis / @myfriendmagislit
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eyes-of-dominance · 6 years
@lil-deviousbrat for asking me to answer all the questions.
1.  what is your biggest kink?
Spanking; it’s been my thing since before I had any idea what sex was, and it’s what led me to the rest of my kinks. However, any form of domestic discipline kinda applies here as well. I just have a thing for naughty girls learning their lesson.
2.  describe your go-to masturbation fantasy
I have a few, but my most common is surprisingly a low-key bed time or otherwise domestic spanking. The girl being punished is usually dressed in sweatpants or cute pajama bottoms. She’s led to the edge of my bed as we talk about the offense; usually she gets very whiny and apprehensive about what’s about to happen, begging me not to, but to no avail. I then lower her bottoms, put her over my knee, and give her an exceptionally hard spanking with multiple implements until her ass is cherry red, tears are flowing, and her apologies and cries fill the room. After a post spanking lecture, it then usually leads to sex or an edging session for her. There’s a couple variations; sometimes she’s gagged for mouthing off or tied up for not cooperating, a lot of times I imagine her doing corner time beforehand, admiring her cute bottom before the main event, the implements used often change based off what I’ve been excited about recently, though the hairbrush usually features in some capacity. I sometimes find it weird that the majority of my sexual fantasies are kinda low-key and domestic in nature, but I guess I just like to fantasize about the kind of life and relationship I want more than something a little more conventionally sexy or scenario based. Even in my other more specific fantasies, the roots often trace themselves back to this core scenario.
3. do you play a more dominant or submissive role?
If it wasn’t clear by now, dominant.
4. describe a roleplay scenario you would enjoy
I’m not terribly big on roleplay; as stated earlier a lot of my fantasies are more domestic in nature, and that dynamic covers a lot of what I enjoy. That being said, there’s some things I can see myself having fun with. The classics of teacher/unruly student, coach/lazy player, boss/secretary, preplanned forced sex, all sound fun and enjoyable in their own way.
The main one that sticks with me in came from the internet. I read it awhile ago, so the details are fuzzy, but there was a scenario where the Dominant acts as an interrogator trying to get a piece of information from the submissive, given to her before the scene. The Dominant, within limits of course, then tries to extract that information from the submissive in any way he can, spanking, bondage, clamps, edging, until the submissive can’t take it anymore any gives it up. Perhaps a reward can be given to the submissive if she successfully keeps the secret within a time limit, so there are some stakes. Sounds like a really fun way to assume a character and have fun with it while still giving it some meaning as well.
5.  what’s a kink that you’re not into but would do for a partner?
I’m very sexually adventurous, in that I really don’t have much that I couldn’t get into to some degree or wouldn’t try for a partner. I guess the easiest answer for something I’m not innately interested in would be the more overt aspects of ageplay. I’m not really into paci’s and diapers and all that; I’m much more naturally attracted to middles in that regard, but if I liked the girl enough I could see myself giving it a shot.
6.  what was the best orgasm you ever had?
I mean, that’s a hard thing to keep track of. One that stands out in my mind is when I was writing a story. I was trying to plan it out in my head before I actually began to write it, and I absentmindedly just began stroking as I thought about it. Wasn’t very vigorous, just enough to keep me hard and in the mood. At least an hour passed, probably more thinking back to it, where I was just stroking myself thinking about all the things I’d do to this brat, and by the time I started going at it in earnest and reached the edge, it became overwhelming. The orgasm lasted a fair bit longer than usual, was extremely intense, and I came far, far more than I normally do, which was a sensation in itself. The funny part is, I can’t remember what story it was even for, because my mind ended up drifting off the original course.
7.  do you have any kinks you’re ashamed to admit to?
Not that I can think of.  As a kid/young teen I didn’t really understand why I was different in my desires, and I’m not exactly out telling everyone about my dominant feelings everyday, but I have come to terms with my kinks/fetishes and see them as much a part of me as any other, if not more so. There’s pretty much nothing I’m into that a close friend wouldn’t be able to ask about. 
8.  what’s a kink you enjoy in fantasy but wouldn’t really want to try?
There’s a few that there’s too many issues with. The first is a very public spanking. Now, I have little qualms about spanking a naughty brat in front of her/my friends, or in a place that it could potentially/likely be seen or heard by someone else. But the kind of fantasy you sometimes see in stories about a Dom turning his submissive over his knee in the parking lot of a crowded store, the bathroom of a mall, or otherwise around a ton of strangers? It’s hot to think about, that she gets her punishment wherever and whenever, no matter who’s around, but involving other non consenting people in my kink isn’t sexy, I’m sure it’d be way too much anxiety for both her and me, and I’d rather not have to explain D/s to a crowd of randos. 
The second is really, really long term denial. Like the several months to a year kind. As hot as it is to read stories about, there’s one major problem; I love to see girls cum. Particularly a girl I’m involved with. The only person a several month denial period would be harder on than me is the poor girl subjected to it.  I still love denial as both a punishment and as a power dynamic, but I’d likely stick to the shorter term variants. 
Also, hardcore bondage. Can look very sexy in porn and in photos, but I’m not exactly looking to wrap my girl from head to toe and hang her from the ceiling any time soon.
9.  would you say you’re sexually adventurous?
I would, especially within the realm of my kink. My main hard limits are knife/blood play, and stuff like scat. Pretty much everything else within the dynamic I am open to try.
10.  tell us about the kinkiest sex you’ve ever had OR if you haven’t had sex, your kinkiest masturbation session
Well, one of my single greatest regrets is that the one time I’ve had sex it wasn’t kinkier. So that leaves masturbation, which raises the question, kinkiest way I’ve masturbated or kinkiest thing I’ve masturbated to? I don’t really know how to respond to the former; aside from switching up techniques and adding some different stimulation, I’m not sure what constitutes as kinky or not. For the latter, I’ll go with fantasies, not like videos I’ve seen since that’d be too hard to track down. The kinkiest thing I’ve fantasied about would probably be the ‘sex doll for a day’ style fantasy. Where the submissive is gagged, blindfolded, earplugged, and tied up extensively, and spends a prolonged period of time being an ass to spank and a set of holes to fuck. Completely impractical and arguably dangerous in real life, but it’s hot to think of a consenting girl being put in such a position that you have complete and utter sexual control over her for a prolonged period, where she has no idea when or in what manner she’ll be used, only that she’s going to be there quite a long time.
11.  has a scene in mainstream media ever tripped your kinks really hard?
Quite a few times. I love Tangled for so many reasons that aren’t sexual, but the bondage potential for Rapunzel’s hair is quite endless, and any time she is especially adorable trips my daddy side quite hard. I never really watched the show, but I remember my friend once reblogged a gifset of Jade from Victorious being put in time out; that did a lot to me.  Any scene in which a cute female character is mildly embarrassed or put in a compromising position tends to trigger the sadist in me. I actually have to give this one a little more thought, since I’m sure there’s a ton more but I’m kinda drawing a blank at the moment.
12.  how did you discover one of/some of your biggest kink(s)?
There’s not really a huge moment of self discovery for most of them. I was interested in spanking as long as I can remember. My first developing sexual thoughts were about spanking pretty classmates and girls I knew rather than touching breasts or normal adolescent thoughts. That developed into my love of domestic discipline and traditional D/s in all its shapes and forms over the years. I will say that Realspankings helped shape a lot of my sexual preferences, and I started learning a lot about spanking and discipline in general from reading Michael Masterson’s old blog.  I didn’t really get into the more broad world of BDSM until late adolescence, and specifically the DD/lg side of things until I came to Tumblr, and more specifically met @lil-deviousbrat. All the other stuff has just fallen into place over time.
13. are you into [send a kink]?
The brat that asked to to answer all the questions neglected to give me a kink to answer this one. Until she gets back to me with one, this will remain blank.
[Updated: The kink is suspension rope play]
Rope play in general is something that I’m curious about, but am somewhat apprehensive to get involved with, as I have learned that I am very much a novice at it. It definitely can be hot, and if I ever get better at it I think my interest may increase, but for the moment it’s a fantasy only type thing, until I can get reasonably good at restraining a non-airborne girl.
14. do your real life friends know about your kinks?
A few do. My brother and a close friend know explicitly.  My brother’s girlfriend/fiance used to joke about me being DD/lg a lot, but I’ve never responded to it and she to my knowledge doesn’t know any specifics beyond that. I assume my mother kind of knows, but we’ve never discussed it outright. Outside of that, I tend to make jokes that hint at the fact with my close friends, but I doubt any of them know beyond a suspicion at best.
15. what is the weirdest situation that has ever turned you on?
I’m not sure about weird, I’d have to ruminate on that one a bit, but I’ve had a few unexpected/sudden ones that kind of count. I remember I was in the pool with my friend that I had a gigantic crush on. We had a slide right next to the pool, that occasionally we would jump off (maybe 7-8 feet up) into the deep end. I remember that she went to climb it, put her foot on the edge, and stalled for a second. I, somewhat worried for her safety, told her jokingly that she better not jump. She mock responded something to the effect of “what, you’re gonna come and get me?” So I got out the pool, walked over to the ladder, and started to climb it briefly considering how to bring her down from the ladder. I ended up letting her jump, but the D/s part of me was instantly and massively triggered by the whole event.  Another one is when she tried to tickle me, and as we wrestled for control I ended up with her pinned over my knee with both hands behind her back. To say I was aroused would be an understatement. Not very weird, but was definitely a “0 to 100″ moment.
In general, the “weird” things that turn me on tend to be innocent phrases or scenarios that relate back to D/s. I will also say that I get intensely turned on by expressions. Some make sense, like a girl rolling her eyes or flushing with embarrassment, but there will be times where I have no idea why it turned me on at all. Some might consider that weird.
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