#basically this ship was a ‘I starting shipping these characters as a joke but bro…I don’t think it’s a joke anymore’ to me
peak-smg4-dumbass · 1 year
Just realized I never posted my tumblr banner, anyways, smg34 in IGBP summarized:
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justheretoposttrash · 1 month
day 12 of the final endhawks: endhawkspocalypse:
the adhd side of my brain has taken over and decided that consistency can No Longer Happen, so i've decided to make this my last day of posting, at least when it comes to sequential daily posts. i'm still unhinged-ly working on endhawks-related things for the foreseeable future though, and always happy to talk about the ship!
here's a final hodgepodge of thoughts!
part 1 - more ch430 positives
the continued use of a ranked *number system* in particular is silly imo (ig the masses do love a catchy numbered list). but at the very least, i gotta appreciate that the main characters didn't get top rankings straight outta school--when i think about how old they are post-timeskip compared to hawks, especially! bbygirl got #2 at 22 but was child-soldiered into it and was absolutely breaking his proverbial back. it's really not an aspirational thing to beat, and it's not something the main characters have to achieve to be "cool" or fulfilled narratively. they focused on their happiness, instead--shoto on finding his own identity and balancing his life thanks to his support system, bakugo on getting his boyfriend/whatever/queerplatonic-died-in-each-others'-arms-on-a-battlefield-in-a-past-life-and-now-they-keep-reincarnating-together soul-partners/rival back at his side so they can keep pushing each other, etc.! mirio's ascent notwithstanding, it's a healthy nugget from the final chap.
another cute thing from 430 is when hawks jokes that nagant is a villain. this joke has layers to it, considering both had to take on the villain label because of the commission, also contributing to their respective traumas under the commission. (they both even had someone cradle them in their arms shouting that they were still a hero despite them being at their low points--and physically very crispy. one of those someones being hawks himself, ofc.)
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next, i gotta appreciate how unfettered hawks's facial expressions have become (also, his under-eyes are already thicker and darker, bro needs to sleep 😭) compared to how subdued they were in the twice fight (and to be clear, his expressions still screamed volumes then. i love how they're drawn to convey so much nuance in his emotions). once he was cut free from the commission, he stopped putting on a smile while doing hero work (there wasn't much to smile about post-raid, but pre-raid i'd argue things were bleak for him already, so at least he doesn't feel the need to put on as many airs). he also started actively sweating and showing fear, but without losing more genuine displays of confidence and happiness. (all this makes me very curious if his speech patterns have also changed in the original japanese to any extent compared to how they were at his introduction)
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part 2 - dabi=endhawks truther?!?! *not clickbait*
i remember it being kinda hilarious that dabi tossed out hawks's history as an extra "fuck you" to endeavor, but i forgot how direct he is about his intentions.
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he's just like, "yeah, i specifically wanted to drag hawks (and reveal his betrayal and hopefully shake your faith in him) to hurt you, dad. even though you two have hung out, like, maybe twice (may he rest in peace) in your whole lives. trust me, i knew this would be devastating for you. don't ask me how i know." like. touya my man. what are you doing. also thank you. almost makes the angst-lover in me wish he'd added a "don't worry about hawks, dad. you'll be joining him soon" right before attacking him with prominence burn to twist the knife, though understandably that would've convoluted the spotlight when the focus was meant to be on family and the touya reveal. but goddamn, just imagine.
he basically did the exact same thing to hawks by telling him his identity. in revealing a name that could only hold any significance to hawks through its relation to endeavor and what touya's existence implies about him, touya wielded a secret from endeavor's past to psychologically hurt hawks and shake his faith. it's just wild that he did it to both of them, pulled off flawlessly and with maximum drama, in rapid succession. legendary.
anyway, ppl tend to portray dabi as an endhawks anti, when funnily he's kinda more on the side of enjoying the fact they have a connection--granted, mainly as a thing to leverage to hurt them, bc he fuckin despises them (and granted, hatred in dabi's eyes is a complicated thing)--but still! he ain't in denial about endeavor's and hawks's relationship, he's an og! he's first in line! this makes his daddy issue allegations so much worse, but he doesn't care! and honestly i owe my life to him for his service in unearthing the truth; he's doing canon, in-text work to forcefeed the public endhawks crumbs that they didn't even want, and he deserves our utmost respect 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
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part 3 - our hero academia ft. protective enji
my mind was too wrapped up in The Plot to notice the subtleties of when Press Conference Lady yells at endeavor post-raid--for one thing, i realize on a second read that she's actually kinda yelling at hawks. so much of the emphasis is on endeavor's past actions that i didn't pick up on a few key details. for one, when hawks discusses his murder of jin, the visual centers endeavor's reaction, solemn but accepting/calm.
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secondly, Press Con Lady speaks up right after hawks is done talking. thirdly, what she describes--not looking sorry, empty-seeming apologies, incompetence in the face of villains--apply as criticisms equally to hawks as they do to endeavor (notably not to jeanist, as he doesn't have a past or scandalous behavior to answer for).
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it's also at this time that endeavor looks more angry (just look at his frown in the panel above!) and actually gives some pricklier-sounding pushback, when before he was mainly resolved and remorseful.
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notably, he's translated as saying "we" and "our". ofc he's paying respect to his colleagues at large as well, but considering Press Con's criticisms are pointed most specifically and apply most to hawks and himself, he's strongly implying and acknowledging the pain that hawks has been through.
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as he goes on to speak, the word choice shifts away from "us" and "we" to "me" as he claims responsibility for what happens next and urges peoples' slings and arrows to aim at him alone--again, for the sake of his colleagues and family at large, but particularly for hawks in this moment.
the undercurrents are so understated in this scene, but the degree to which endeavor shifts the language and focus away from hawks and onto himself is profound. throughout mha, we've got plenty of thought bubbles showing how hawks feels about endeavor in outright terms, but not as many from endeavor about hawks, especially after all their dirty laundry gets aired out. but even without thought bubbles, how he feels about hawks even at the worst of times becomes perfectly clear.
(god they drive me insane lmao)
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coal15 · 5 months
Remember when 90% of the fandom shipped Buck with Eddie, or if not, at least hc bi Buck and/or gay Eddie? We were basically a united queer front. And now that Buck's bi narrative is being told through the lens of a romantic connection to another dude some viewers are gravitating toward that romance. Which I personally don't see as them gravitating away from the depth or importance of Buddie's relationship, it's just that another romantic queer option has been presented and it's drawing some fans. Why not? And it's simply not possible for Bucktommy shippers to be "betraying Buddie" because it's a freakin' ship, not a religion. They've just developed a new ship preference for their own reasons, and that's fine. (or enjoying things as they are for the moment which is also fine).
And I think the reason Tommy/Lou/Bucktommy has thrived and become popular when previous love interests didn't goes deeper than "those girls are getting in the way of our ship." At least not directly. It's that even bringing in those women in was always a sad attempt at "romances" when the network knew damn well the bulk of fandom wanted to see a queer narrative for them with or without Buddie (yes Buddie was the driving interest, but still, it was a bigger issue than that or at least I thought so) The audience preference was clear so the only reason for FOX to keep insisting on female love interests with not a breath of the words gay or bisexual beyond "wink-nudge jokes" was to aggressively tell us THEY'RE CLOSE BROS, YOUR SHIP IS JUST CLOSE BROS FOREVER AND EVER SO START SHIPPING THEM WITH THEIR GIRLFRIENDS RIGHT NOW! OH YOU DON'T LIKE THOSE GIRLFRIENDS? OKAY, HOW ABOUT THESE ONES?
That shit immediately put a sour taste in my mouth. And FOX would have kept the cycle going forever, sending in a revolving door of girlfriends whilst we continued to insist on seeing the clearly more meaningful and important queer narrative onscreen. So while I do ship Buck + Happiness at the end of the day, queer rep was important enough to me that the only girlfriend I would have accepted or welcomed would have needed to be bisexual (or pan, or demi, something) to wake him up to his queer identity beyond just being another shallow (comphet) love interest.
Tommy being the character to wake Buck to his queer identity automatically makes him more meaningful and important in the narrative than Buck's girlfriends. If I was placing bets I'd still put my money on Buddie as the probable endgame, that's just me, but there are good reasons why previous love interests were pushed off the show by fan rejection (some of which had to do with problematic actresses *cough*honorary latina*cough*) and why Tommy/Lou/Bucktommy is being embraced by so many.
****caveat: I don't mean to imply that there weren't some buddie fans coming from a place of misogyny when ripping apart past female love interests, I just think for the most part that criticism was a wild oversimplification, painting our whole fandom with the same ugly brush in order to invalidate our very valid pro-buddie (at least or pro-queer Buck and/or Eddie) arguments.
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weaselfactoryex · 2 months
Okay but the most important SAH question…
Who do you ship? I stand by waiting to judge.
Ohh boy a wacky question
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Starting with the basic ones many seem to point at…
Aekku/Mulmangcho? Helll yess I’m all for this ship. Massive kudos to whoever’s cooking those Ao3 fanfics involving them. They’re peaking my interest big time and I can’t wait for more 👀
Geumsaegi/Juldarami is another big one I enjoy! I ship the both of them with others, but in terms of a healthy, long lasting relationship this one is it. It’s clear the pair care deeply about eachother, and you root for their safety constantly. If they weren’t constantly dealing with the enemy they’d cuddle up no doubt—
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On a similar note, I am also for shipping all of Team Pangulggot. I’m not afraid of poly ships and MAN they are all close with each other. I see this as more platonic, but I don’t mind if someone sees them all as romantic! I just want all of them to be happy tbh.
Now to the more niche…
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I ship Commander Jogjebi/Geumsaegi. Is it healthy and reciprocated? HELL NO—
This is honestly a joke ship for me. Throughout the series Com. Jogjebi drops everything for his ‘Special aid’, throws him well done parties…bro even buys him an expensive car. This ship would be EXTREMELY one sided, with Geum absolutely hating him as usual…
A more normal ship for me would be Com. Jogjebi/Huinjogjebi. Like CeilingKarasu pointed out, I’d be a long distance one, but they seem to care about each other regardless. Even after death, Huinjogjebi stays loyal to Jogjebi’s ideals for the weasel army.
One ship I’ve heard of and has caught my interest is the idea of Geomeunjogjebi/Oegwipali, but I’m not quite sure if I vibe with it yet. It seems like an interesting one for sure though…
I feel like Assistant Jogjebi is Aroace. I don’t ship him with anyone. No particular reason why; it’s just me gripping this enemy character and shaking him affectionately.
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I’m sure i’ll have some more when I rewatch, but for now these are my standout ones—
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
was thinking about my asl bros headcanons and started laughing when i realized ace is the only allo one (bi with a preference for men, luffy is aroace and sabo demi and only really interested in koala btw)
Idk if Luffy would, but Sabo definitely makes fun of Ace for being allo. He wouldn't let anyone else do it, though, he's the only one allowed to slut-shame his brother.
And you didn't ask but these are my ASL headcanons (+ Uta) because we have basically the same thoughts:
Ace: Bisexual. Bi. Bibibi. Would sleep with anybody, probably. Definitely. The preference for men is so real too. Going insane. I luv him. Also you didn't mention gender headcanons but I feel the need to say he's the most transmasc character I've ever seen. But this is a fact already, so.
Luffy: Aroace. Always. I think it changes depending on my mood tho??? Like for me it's either Aroace or Demi but tbh his feelings when it comes to my ships with Luffy transcend romance so calling him Demi would be an understatement. But yeah. Whatever. Aroaspec. And also he's transmasc. And demi-boy. Don't ask me why I think this it's just the vibes.
Sabo: I'VE BEEN SAYING SABO IS DEMI SINCE DAY 1 HE HAS THE FACE OF A DEMI PERSON I SWEAR HE'S SO-- It started as a joke to me bc I was like "haha his clothes look like the gay flag haha and Koala's look like the lesbian flag haha" and I ended up saying "what if they're both demiaroace with a preference for their own gender but at the end of the day it doesn't matter bc they're married". You know the whole "She's A Lesbian, He's Gay, And Their 33-Year Marriage Will Change Your Perception Of Love"? That's Saboala to me. Also Sabo doesn't look like somebody who'd use labels at all so his gender is unknown to mankind.
Uta: Lesbian. Just lesbian. Her gender is also lesbian. Idk how that works but yes. Also she's dating Perona. I'm a firm Perouta believer. Let's go lesbians!! She's also dating me, specifically.
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This pics are so fucking stupid but I'm sick and bored so please have the stupid siblings saying stupid things with their pride flags
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normalteenager2018 · 1 month
hey man im sorry your getting ganged up on and stuff but you gotta really dig deeper then just looking at a few singular posts. With the “qftim” thing, its not qftim its actually a fanfiction of someone who re-wrote the au called inky mystery and i highly recommend it c: . Idrk about the carla thing because i think she said she hcs cuphead as demisexual (something still on the aroace spec). With pja party, its an au of basically cuphead and mugmans parents in casino cups. Their parents are obviously gonna look like their children. So basically just dont assume stuff without knowing the full context behind most of it. I hope you have a good day 😁😁/srs
OK, this gon most likely gon be my last post to this dumbass argument. Ik some ppl gonna keep bringing it up unless I do it myself. This drawing was a joke comic, but yall saying that I joke bout rape. Ima be honest I did but it's not that I find that shi arousing. This is inspired by me and my family members and at the time I just wanted to post it to see if wha my dad was doin to me was bad or not. I don't find rape arousing cuz I'm a rape baby🤨 yal can't be just throwing stuff round when u don't know why I made somthin. I'm not q fucking pedophile. I was just joking bout it cuz Ion wanna make ppl sad if I ever told them the truth.
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The guy on the top of this post mentioned the pics of bendy and cup. The reason why I brought it up was bcs I think it's weird to ship characters that aren't even in th same fuckin universe but I wasn't directly clowning on one person. Those 2 pics were an example
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Yall can't just be spreading this shi round cuz that girl marshmallow literally said in he comments bout them gon spread that I support incest when the guy that touched me was my brother. Like why do u think I used dice and mug for the first pic instead of cup and mug. Cuz Ion like incest. Like u rlly think I liked it when my brother touched my dick, Ion think so💀 All I did was tha.
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I don't hate Carla or pja, I actually were fine with what they were doin cuz I didn't care. Not that I care now but I wanted to just say an opinion. My opinion basically. I even made art of them back then.
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And this was inspired by pja
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And i actually did apologize before all this bs escalated. That's why ppl actually started defending me. I never hated either of them cuz I knew they ain't do nothin wrong. But after some time I started to find it corny so I said what I thought then yall started Givin me hate.
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Most of yall started saying i like rape, incest, and probably think ima becom the next number one sex offender in the Bronx. Like bro stfu I just did sum yall don't like so that just shows me yall sum sensitive ppl. Ion wanna hear ppl say I like that shi when u don't even fuckin know me.
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yourbookcouldbegayer · 3 months
To premise my ask, I am finding difficulty making my two male characters go from friends to dating subtly. Like in a way that makes the reader go ‘OH’ when it comes out. I'm mostly struggling because these are teenage boys who make gay jokes(nonoffensive, just basic stuff I see people do all the time like “that was a little fruity bro” or “if you like me like that just say it” also if that is offense let me know, I'm straight and struggling a bit😭) in friendly banter.
If that was hard to read let me attempt to summarize:
How to write two non main characters subtly start dating?
Idk. Im also new to romance so anything is helpful!
Thank you for reading my nonsense ramblings!!!!
Hey there! Disclaimer: this blog is fairly inactive now, sorry-- most of the mods got busy and and I lost the energy to run it.
However, this is primarily a writing question, and I like talking about writing, so I'll give my advice:
There are 2 questions here: 1 is if their gay jokes are okay, 2 is how to have a background romance.
1: The problem I see here is, if these characters are not out as queer to the reader (like if the reader knows they're queer but not that they're dating), this could definitely read offensive. I don't like hearing about straight people making jokes about us-- the reason gay people might call each other fruity or other terms is mainly ironic or to reclaim those terms. If I'm in a room of straight people making those jokes it makes me uncomfortable bc they're punching OUT, while amongst other queer people, the jokes are made funny because everyone there knows the others ARE queer. Context is important.
That said, there's definitely times where things like that seem to set up a ship (that we have a history of thinking will never be true, but is more and more common). For this I think the joking flirting is perfect. So I think joking flirting is fine.
"Fruity" and other terms, even queerr and gay-- or jokingly homophobic jokes (like, I say to my partner all the time, "that was gay, we don't do that here" and it's completely a joke), may come off wrong. Some things I just do not want to see as a joke period, no matter who says them, how out they are, even if the speaker is queer. Some things I find fine to joke about irl but don't think should be in books because it does reach a wider audience (there's nuance there, no hard and fast rules, but there definitely are things I wouldn't mind jokes about but wouldn't want repeated in books). And then there's plenty of lighthearted stuff that is perfectly fine for queer characters to joke about just like people do irl. I think "Fruity" as yourr example is probably okay when it's from queeer characters but might cause some discomfort if I think the people saying it are straight. (That said, fruity is usually used for gay men, I am not one, and will ultimately differ to those who have more experience with the term).
That said, I think your best move is: let it slip to the reader, or make it kind of obvious, that ONE of them might be into the others, or is queer. Some comment nearly in, some special focus on that character, flattering descriptions of men, or jokes about themselves being queer (or if you're up to it, they come right out and say it).
2. How to write a romance behind the scenes:
My advice? Write it.
I've seen a lot of advice that writeers first needed a warm-up. Before you geet into writing your main story, spend like 15 minutes writing the two of them interact. Have them flirt, have them confess, have them cuddle or do things for each other. Look up fluff and ship prompts, even AUs.
Then, or at the same time if it jives with you, plot out their romance alongside your regular plot. A few points to decide when they happened: when they each started to like each other, when they admitted it, when they went on a first date, when they had sex for the first time (or if, this is optional), other points in the world relationship-- using your fluff scenes as inspiration.
Then you know where they stand. You can add little moments into the main story now. You can have them have an inside joke that they reference because you actually know what happened! (Though, tell us later, after revealing it, even if it's quick). You can have them spending time together that the MC doesn't think that much of.
This romance will not be in the main story, so you don't have to be good at romance. It can be dumb and cringe, or lack real chemistry, bc no one will see it.
The way I describe this sounds like a lot, but my advice with sketching the beats out and writing small scenes can apply to any sub/background plot you have. Really you may only spend like 4-6 sessions doing a warm up with them, then switch to different characters or background scenes or just rewriting smth from a different character's POV, and then plot out the beats once before moving on to another background thing.
If anyone else has any ideas about writing a suble/background romance, feel free to chime in!
-Mod Emma
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
Going through all my follows rn, what's your favourite character/ship (platonic or otherwise) dynamics?
(also I know I've just randomly shown up in your asks, your time travel au has been an absolute joy to read, keep it up friendo!!!)
Thank you so much :DDD!!! I'm so glad that you've enjoyed reading my time travel au and I super appreciate the ask cause I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY ONE PIECE OPINIONS >:DDD!!!! I'll put it under read more ouo
Anyways my OTP,,,, is,,, NAKAMASHIP!!!! There's nothing more that I love than the strawhat crew ; - ; I have literally shed tears over all of my strawhats and I love that they all love eachother deeply... On my one piece reread- I made sure to pay extra attention to all the character interactions and jokes. And can I just say, I see so many people talk about how the strawhats barely interact post time skip, or that some characters are basically strangers to each other (I saw someone say this about Franky and Zoro), but THEY DO TALK!!! THEY HAVE SO MANY FUN INTERACTIONS!!!
Oda is SO good at balancing these funny little character moments between important story beats >:O I think Zou in particular had a bunch of nakamaship moments that I really loved. One of my favourite lesser loved dynamics in the crew is usopp and robin (which you would know if you looked at my art of them XD) because they have a bunch of funny bits between them :3
My romantic OTP of all time is ZOLU THOUGH. And I tried really hard to not ship it immediately when i first started reading one piece, because I do this kind of thing alot when I get into media where I latch onto the protag and the guy close to the protag and ship em together??? Like I was so obsessed with JohnDave that DaveKat just hurt me,,, And I liked bakudeku so much that I couldn't get into kiribaku... AND I DIDNT WANT THE TREND TO CONTINUE TO ONE PIECE T - T And it SOMEWHAT did, but it also somewhat didnt. When I first heard Zosan was the most popular ship, like leagues above zolu, I was in physical pain,,, But REMEMBER; nakamaship is my first otp, so I still really enjoyed the idea of zoro and sanji because I enjoy the dynamics between ALL of my strawhats >:(!!!
I'm super duper obsessed with one piece and it sucks that there's all this great fanfiction out there that is effectively barred against me because there's a ship that I don't like >:/ So what I did to become more accepting of Zosan is,,, I drew them making out a ton XD If you look at my early one piece doodle piles, you'll see one of them with a couple of zosan things HAHAHA. Honestly it vaguely worked, but I'm super picky about the zosan fics I read, cause I feel like people can wildly mischaracterize zoro pretty easily.
Anyways I don't think I really answered ur question properly, I really love the king/knight loyalty but also just good bros dynamic that's happening with luffy and zoro :) But in general I just love a good sunshine person/grumpy person ship! (geraskier, bakudeku, megamenace, kagehina, hitomi and shousuke <<< quite upset that the ship sank, Fakir and Ahiru, wrightworth, etc)
Thanks again for the question <3
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anonoob · 6 months
Oh bro don't get me started on the hazbin hotel fandom
Like at first I could defend yall
But I can't no more what 😭
Catalastor rapeing Catlucifer or whatever those creatures are
Fucking radioapple shippers.. (the ship isn't bad it's the SHIPPERS. Those people who say it's basically bakudeku got a point...)
Sexism is crazy because mfs will complain how viv doesn't make good female characters when the FANDOM focuses on the men more than the women in CHARLIE'S show. Don't start me on the Mimzy and Camilla gender bend shit .....
The overused jokes...... Sighs I love the show but Im bout done with the fandom
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
FSR rambles PT
LET'S GOOOOOO (Big send of too this chapter, holy shit)
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Lol so like: One thing I didn't wanna do was suppress how much Zelda meant to Shadow Link's character arc for the sake of Vidow "Working".
Shadow Link does love Zelda FYI our mans is Bi. Idk if you noticed...but this whole comic is just polycule central there's no shipping wars, you can ship everyone basically. X'D
Zelda was a huge role in Shadow Link's character development to being a good boy, so it's only natural he's attached to her. (This will also be shown in the next chapter...Hehe)
Also the way his emotions around Vio are so charged that the best way he can put it to words is Vio is "Really cool" is like, so dumbly sweet. Bro can't properly even word how much he adores this man.
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Shadow Link has made it no secret he wants to be buds with Vio for reals this time, and he's also 100% not interested in helping Gannon. So...There really ISN'T a reason Vio and him should have the same issues Vio was worried about. Thus, he tries to sooth Vio's fears.
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*cough cough cough* gay. Shadow Link's so anxious about asking.
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Lol so I got a "Writing rule" for Vio...He ain't gonna cry till I crack him completely like an egg. X'D He will get very close tho: Like this moment.
The way I put blush on the nose area specifically indicates someone's like, close to crying or is crying. I just like this face particularly because there's so much shit going on in that head of his.
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The start of the hug is so damn awkward (Intentionally so)
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These panels mean so much to meeeeeeee-
Everything about em
The hug, Vio's so close his face is squished (He's so adorable.)
Shadow Link doesn't immediately hug him back he's stunned.
Hehehehe. Vidow go brrrrr..
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This entire page is just: PAIN.
Shadow breaks the hug to show him the book.
The wording leaves it so ya can't help but think he hoped the introducing of their friendship would change Vio's mind about being Link again...That his words earlier were just mad ramblings and not how he actually felt. But with a clear head Vio verbally says he still wants to be Link again.
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Lmao bro tries not to crack again aaaaand fails.
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The book is one about healing magic...What kinds are in there I wonder. ;) A refrence...to a past Selda game mayhaps?~
Also this frame of Shadow Link full blown ugly crying while pretending to be fine is so hilarious to me idk if it comes off as sad or funny but it's kinda both to me. X'D
Mans is crying for him and Vio at this point.
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Vio putting the book down in favor of comforting Shadow Link is just kinda one of those things that like, if he had ignored Shadow Link the reader would have noticed, but him being like, decent is smth that isn't nearly as "noticeable" (Like, ya typically notice a character being shitty WAY MORE than you notice all the subtle things they do that are just, kind.)
Also Shadow still wants to be helpful even though he's like, sobbing his eyes out. X'D
He also tries to hide from Vio lmao. Vio saw the water works bro.
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Quite a few things:
Shadow's still toxic, just a little. X'D He WANTS Vio around, he misses him like crazy and does not want him to leave, AT ALL. This is very obvious lmao.
But he's also at the point where he knows he can do better than just screaming and throwing tantrums like he did as a kid. But his true feelings about how betrayed he feels Vio still wants to be Link are STILL THERE. Even if he chooses to try and hide them.
Also funny detail: Vio blushing was a lowkey gag because of the whole "They're both attracted to red flags" joke.
You could also take it as him being scared shitless, which he IS.
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While he can't take back snapping at Vio, he certainly realizes his mistake very quickly and apologizes. So that's SOMETHING at least. (Considering the type of person he was before, a relapse or two is expected lmao.) I think him still having a certain level of anger management issues makes his character overall more interesting.
I like to think the only reason Vio gave him any patience for that, was because Shadow Link has been nothing but patient and there for him all night and he knows Shadow is emotional as fuck.
As Vio gave him shit for the fight with Blue earlier showed, Vio doesn't tolerate Shadow's crap when he's just being a violent shithead.
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Hahaha. Remember when Link outright stated Vio wanted to be Vio and not Link. :) Link sure is a way more reliable narrator than...idk...The guy who lies...
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*Whispers gently into your ear* Vio's not being very truthful here...
Notice: He only. ONLY brings up "Logical" reason...not his actual FEELINGS on the matter... He SAYS "I don't want to be Vio"
He does have a reason but he's not tellin' lmao.
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So, in the book it's not really...SPECIFIED where Shadow Link came from? Like I think all it says is "Gannon drew him out of the dark mirror"
Did he have a life in the dark world and was just, TOLD to do Gannon's bidding? His line of "I'm your living reflection in the dark world" MAYBE supports this idea...??? KINDA?
But my issue with that is: Shadow Link gives NO indication he has had a past in the dark world, like...at all. Nothing. No mention of family (Which...Reasonably wouldn't he have a dark version of Link's father???) He's the ONLY PERSON who's implied to be FROM the dark world. Also...The dark mirror isn't REALLY implied to be a PORTAL... The seal on Vaati and his demons was, but Shadow Link wasn't freed from that, Gannon "Drew him from the dark mirror" to release Vaati...So uh...HMMMM His also distinct lack of his OWN name kinda makes me go ???? Like...His NAME is Shadow Link...Like that's not a nickname. That's his NAME. (Like this just weirds me out because of a cannon "Reflection" of Link: in Ravio. Who like...HAS HIS OWN NAME???? ik Ravio isn't from the "Dark world", he's from Lowrule, but point still stands this is odd.)
Suffice to say, there's just not enough info here to draw a conclusion for me? So I gotta make shit up. X'D Shadow Link was created out of Link's Shadow by Gannon in FSR. This is also the reason he resembles a Gerudo male. Cause Gannon said "Mm yes, my evil Link sona will have my heritage. UwU"
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Shadow link realizing he almost made Vio cry is so funny to me.
Vio looks so fucking pathetic there. lmfao.
Shadow's words only hit again like Link has stated: Shadow knows Vio
Whether intentionally or not: what he says hits Vio like a ton of bolders.
He's very hesitant to keep talking though because he doesn't want to hurt Vio either.
It's like, he's AWARE he's telling Vio this shit because he WANTS him to stay, but you also can't deny Shadow's at least CORRECT in a lot of his statements. How far should he push that though? Hmm.
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His "Oh my god you're an idiot" face is hilarious. Shadow's like "You still don't get what I'm laying down dude??? REALLY!?"
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Lmao. That panel before they kiss is basically my favorite in the entire comic rn. X'D
Shadow pulling away and squishing Vio's face is also a favorite. Vio's just cute and squishable.
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Vio stating the obvious: That his mental breakdown wasn't Shadow's fault. (Wasn't really anybody's fault it was inevitable, especially with the curse/Dark Link active)
Lmao. Vio's kinda dumb as bricks sometimes too. X'D
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Shadow Link's fucking deadpan stare while Vio rants is so hilarious to me. Also the direct quoting of Vio instead of paraphrasing making his statement sound even more stupid.
Also fun dialogue thing: You'll notice the characters stutter or like, pause weirdly, Because I like writing dialogue a little more realistic. Like Shadow Starts off as "I-was" instead of like "W-was" like he thought of saying smth completely different at first or his mouth moved before his brain did. X'D
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Their banter is fun, Vio's his sassy self. Shadow giving him all the kisses we desired...
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Okay ngl this page hurts me X'D Like. Ouch. All of it hurts.
Because of how Link kinda abandoned Shadow Link (Even though he was always there) Shadow is OBVIOUSLY very hesitant to let go. It's super obvious Vio doesn't wanna let go either.
Also Vio kissing him back surprises Shadow. X'D He's still bamboozled Vio is receptive to his affection oof... (Would like to show him getting more comfy with it as the comic goes on like "Holy shit, nah he's not playing around with me he fr-")
They mean so much to each other. QuQ
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Okay to make you laugh in these very serious panels: Because Shadow's floating Vio's standing on his tip toes.
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On that note, can't wait to see yall for the next chapter, whenever I get around to it. X'D
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beevean · 3 months
The sad thing about Annette and Richter in the show is that even Lenector of all things makes comparatively more sense.
It's vile as fuck, but for what it's worth you can sort of see Hector getting attatched to his abuser due to a combination of his emotional immaturity and Lenore being....superficially nice (?) to him at points, which feeds into his desperate need for affection because something something emotionally stunted man child. The reasoning is still fucking weak and it by no means excuses the actual execution of the ship, but at least there's SOME attempt at internal chemistry
With Annette and Richter it's LITERALLY just "mom dead" and that's it, they already have the hots for each other after what? A single week? They're basically two action figures getting smooched together by the writers
Bro are we really to the point where we're defending Lenector? 😭
Nah I get what you mean. I actually like in a vacuum the interactions they have in S4 (except for That Line ofc), the problem is that they are too divorced by Lenore's actions in S3 to the point where it feels like I'm being gaslighted. I can tell you that Lenore likes Hector because 1) he's submissive and breedable cute, and 2) he sympathizes with her issues while everyone else around her thinks she's a stupid little girl, and Hector likes Lenore because her superficial fake kindness is still more kindness than he ever got in his life, and even things like Lenore going to him to pester him with her dick jokes can be interpreted by him as her showing some interest in him. Basically, their chemistry in S4 is a very classic mutual "Because You Were Nice To Me". I really do get the intent, I do, it's just the shit inconsistent writing surrounding them and the cowardice of S4 glossing over the vileness of S3 that makes me furious.
Even him being flustered by Lenore playing with his leash in S3E6 has some sort of explanation! She's hot (allegedly), she just gave him a better cell showing that she is intent on keeping her promises, and he's starved for positive human (vampire lol) contact. It's depressing, sure, and Hector's below-hell standards should have been addressed at some point, but it's something. Unhealthy relationships are still relationships.
Annette literally goes from "that Belmont boy was useless as fuck" to blushing around him once he returns. Cecile sure as shit said nothing to make her change her mind. And I still have no idea why Richter would ever crush on her, when Annette has been mildly cordial at best and actively antagonistic at worst - girl really hit out of nastiness his own magic-related trauma button at one point. Hector has the excuse that he was abused and isolated so badly he doesn't even know how to human: what is Richter's excuse for his low standards? This isn't even a toxic relationship! These two aren't even friends at this point!
Annette really should have been her own character. Or at least they should have waited until S2 before building some sort of chemistry. Even Trevor and Sypha, after a rough start in S1, started flirting in S2 and got together in S3! The story of Nocturne's S1 would not have fallen apart without the implied romance! I get that they probably had less episodes than they needed, but learn how to economize!
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seriousbrat · 21 days
hey, I really enjoy reading your opinions and the way you express yourself. I wanted to ask you a few questions and would love to hear your thoughts
do you think Lily had a crush on James before their seventh year? I believe there are some implications that she might have (such as Lily blushing when Severus mentions him, Lily defending James and the Marauders even when she supposedly dislikes them, JKR stating Lily was flirting with James during Snape's Worst Memory, Lily not focusing on Sirius during that scene, and Lily's familiarity with James's behavior).
do you think James frequently asked Lily out? I believe he did, but I've noticed that many new fans consider this to be out of character.
do you think Lupin was manipulative?
do you believe Sirius was actually that reckless in O?
do you think Draco is a good parallel to James? personally, I think James is more similar to Ron.
do you know any fanfictions that portray the marauders accurately? I don’t mind the ship!
Hello my dear! Thank you so much!
I do think Lily was probably attracted to James prior to seventh year. This was basically confirmed by jkr at one point, and it's also my belief-- but I will say that we can't really help our attractions, what matters are our actions and even if she was attracted to James she stood up to him and defended Sev. That's what matters, so I don't think it's fair to blame her for it.
2. no, at least definitely not as frequently as was once portrayed in fanon. we saw him ask her out once, albeit a very badly timed once, and we've no evidence that he was pressuring her or anything like that. I always get the sense from SWM that Lily took it as a joke at her expense, and James is pretty frustrated at her reaction so it might have been the first time honestly. Who knows, though.
3. No, I don't think Remus is particularly manipulative at all! I'd be interested to hear where this comes from but personally I don't see that as being in his nature at all.
4. yes I do think he displayed recklessness in OotP (I'm guessing this is what you mean by O) and that he was reckless in general. I know fans of Sirius often don't want to view him as reckless but for me that's one of his primary traits. He's extremely intelligent but also doesn't think very much about the consequences of his actions. He urged Harry, a child, to start an illegal club that would almost certainly have got him expelled, and to meet with him as a dog in Hogsmeade. That is reckless to me, it was too reckless for Harry. At the same time I don't blame him-- Sirius is very action-oriented and he was going insane stuck in Grimmauld Place. I can understand him, and he was intelligent enough not to go through with it, but I'm sorry: "the risk would have made it fun for James." INSANE thing to say to Harry. Bro is reckless. It doesn't make him a bad person, in fact it makes him incredibly brave, but there it is.
5. Yes I do! Obviously they're on very different sides of the spectrum, but I think there were deliberate parallels between Harry-Snape and Draco-James. I honestly don't really see the James-Ron parallels at all but I'd be open to an explanation. Both Draco and James come from a position of privilege, they came from money and were doted on by their parents, and they both bullied classmates who came from situations of neglect and abuse. Obviously they were significantly different but I think that's the message-- anyone can be a bully or a victim, no matter how "good" or "bad" their politics are, anyone can mistreat others or be mistreated. That's a pretty core idea of James's character for me, I do not see him as similar to Ron at all, who is marked by the poverty he experienced during his upbringing and his feelings of insignificance compared to his siblings.
6. You can check the tagged #recs on my blog for a few things. I've recently become obsessed with humanveil's Snape-centric fic i hope this comes back to haunt you UGH so good.
I haven't finished it to be fair, but The Last Enemy is supposedly very good and from the little I've read it was excellent. Other than that just my own fic lol, which is obviously going to be the most accurate representation of how I, personally, myself, seriousbrat, see the characters 🫣 here are my hp fics on ao3
also taking a moment to once again rec my best friend's snape and lily fic of all time, the best snily friendship fic that exists: glitter disco hot mess
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the-geek-librarian · 10 months
12, 15 and 25 for Vanica, Dante and Zenon :D
12. What's a Headcanon you have for this character?
Dante: He can't cook for SHIT. like as much as I love him (which is more then I will ever openly admit) bro can't make a sandwich or boil and egg so Vanica runs him out the kitchen with a wooden spoon. Also he can't drink. Homie is a lightweight and he hates that so much
Zenon: He really likes dancing! Though no one (except Allen) knows about it. Not even Vani and Dante. Plus he has a REALLY big sweet tooth, if their is a box of sweets in his field of vision he will leave nothing for the rest the siblings (this annoys Dante beyond belief )
Vanica: She is (somehow) a really great cook! She kicked Lucius out of cooking duty a month after she learned the basics. Dante has made the "Haha, your a woman and you cook" joke only once in his whole life because Vanica put rat poison in his food and uhhh it wasn't a nice experience. And she can sing too! Most of the time she acts like she can't just to annoy ppl
15. What's your favorite ship with this character? ( Doesn't matter if it's canon or not)
Dante: OHHHHHH BOYYYY UHHH. Sweet rat man, I love you (regrettably) but your ass is so fucking bitchless. The closest thing he has to a relationship is the fact that he is fuckbuddys with Lucifero, I won't count Yami x Dante as a ship bc it's literally just rat man being a weird ass mother fucker and getting his ass beat which is funny as shit. However I will say he is pansexual and he will get into a relationship with literally anything and anyone.
Zenon: There is only one correct answer. Allen x Zenon for LIFE. Because come on BC fandom that man is not attached to Wemon in any way, only thing he feels for them is fear bc of Vanica and his Mom. But moving on they are soulmate-coded and I will die on that, Golden retriever bf and Black cat bf
Vanica: Listen, all of Vanica ships are fucking soulmate coded ok??? (I'm dilulu shut UP) and I love them with my heart (except Vanica x Acier, not soulmate-coded but annoying cat x Tired mother of 4). I have three I would die for bc I am insane. 1) Vanica x Megicula and Vanica x Lolopechka really they give off SUCH old married couple energy I wanna DIE. 2) Vanica x Lolo x Gajah, it's the "We can fix her" mentality AND THEY SECSIDED THE MOTHER FUCKERS. They are very funny and funky but not everyone's cup of tea but it's ok.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Dante: My first impression was "OHHHH, he looks cool! (I also like the beard shot me) wonder what he can do" and now it's "Cring ass motherfucker pls stop being weird for the love of god (affectionately, I'm afraid), can you not have beef with an 18 year old?". Can you tell that I like him but wanna throw him of a clif?
Zenon: First impression "Emo boy, with a sad backstory incoming" I didn't care about bonehead at the start, I thought he had BANING magic but beyond that meh. And now "UHHH BABY BOY LIL WET CAT MAN BONE ASS IDIOT. can someone get this mans husband pls?" now I put him in my pocket and take him as far for house Zogratis as I can
Vanica: First impression "WEEEEEEE WEMON, IF HOT WHY EVIL???" I was uhh it was love at first sight honestly, same with Lolopechka so now I call them BOTH baby girls. Now "Oh baby- I would feel bad for what I put you through BUT I DONT SUFFER, then I wack her with the angst stick in almost all my Aus" really can you get more baby girl then Vanica? ( yes you can but SHUT up) she is both insane and has her mental health hanging on a thread, she really needs some tits to lean on and a tea to drink.
Thank you for the asks Cr!!
Asks for this are always open for any fandom I'm in!!
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atypical-artisan · 1 year
I did some ship chart stuff a while ago and I've been sitting on it for too long lmao. So here it is with some bonus colors as well!! Original is by redcrowz here
(Btw this is more my headcanons about the inter-character relationships than my feelings on the ship itself cause I don't care too much about them aside from otps, lol.)
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Color-coded versions with more analysis under the cut
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I'd like to add that I think all the circuit are their own friend groups except the special circuit because the bruiser bros don't have many friends. I have more friendships as well, but this is meant to be the more important friendships, lol.
Narcis and Dragon + Heike are a bit of a given since they're the youngest boxers in the West coast wvba gang, so they quickly became friends and started hanging out together despite their different skill levels.
Hoy and Gabby are friends mostly because they're the oldest boxers, though Hoy still sees Gabby as a 'kid', much like the rest of his co-workers. Gabby doesn't mind though, he thinks it's funny.
Dragon and Hoy are another pair that sprung up due to coincidence. When Dragon first came to the US, he knew nothing about it and Hoy took him under his wing and kept close watch on him, bonding over shared culture and experiences. Even though they speak different forms of Chinese, they got along really well and still remain close.
Gabby and Joe are in a similar boat. Gabby watched over and befriended Joe when he was younger and they've had a very familial relationship since. Gabby and Joe see each other basically as surrogate brothers and by now nothing can change that.
Joe and Bob are more of a weird pair, bonding over a love of music and singing after having met through Gabby. They chill together when in the same city and Joe sometimes makes guest apperances singing/playing piano for Bob's music.
Clown and Bear are second cousins twice removed via marriage and met at a wedding in Italy. They were overjoyed to see each other in the ring again and have their 'buddy I went on hijinks with at that one wedding' back!
Bear is friends with Sandman and SMM mostly because they're all Jewish and feel a lot of solidarity because of that. They like to have debates about anything and anything they can think of which, though they can get heated, are all in good fun.
Hondo and Carmen are friends through Don and are often seen talking about sailor moon together.
Carmen and Disco meeting was a complete accident as they ran into each other at a salon once and got into a conversation about their hair (And bleaching it). They were both really surprised to meet each other in the wvba building and laughed their asses off at the whole situation.
Disco is friends with Doc exclusively because they both like disco music. Disco adores Doc's leopard print jacket and looks up to him as a boxer as well.
Disco is buddies with Sandman and Soda mostly cause he thinks they're both cool. With Soda especially, they share a very bouncy and positive look on life as well a a sense of humor. Sandman is someone he just really respects and vibes with.
Hippo and SMM are big surfing buddies and hang out mostly because of that. Also Macho really likes Hippo's Hot Wheels collection and has contributed to it many times.
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Pretty much everyone dislikes the bruiser bros but I put the especially bad relationships down here.
Sandy doesn't like them especially because, though he tries to be neutral, he gets the worst vibes and especially doesn't like Nick for being such an asshole to Joe.
Hoy... well Nick is just ablest to him, saying that if he needs a staff to get around he's too pathetic to be a boxer.
Nick didn't take his loss to Joe well whatsoever and harassed him for months. It got so bad Joe needed a restraining order. He never told Mr. Dream because he's too scared of what either of the brothers might do as revenge.
Pizza just loathes Clown because he thinks Clown makes their country look like a joke. This is part of the reason why he no longer even watches boxing.
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These are guys I just hc as aro so no romance for them. Though Mr. Dream is pretty positive about romance himself, Macho and Hippo are more negative about it and don't want it in their lives.
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These are 'other' characters I ship the guys with. Bear and Pizza both have wives they adore and Disco has a boyfriend stuck in another state.
Not pictured: All of Carmen and Don's side-partners.
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For Don and Hondo, their relationship is complicated due to them being mutually in love but unable to bring romance into their relationship because Don agreed that Carmen would be his only romantic involvement.
Pizza, Dream, and Doc all fought together back in the day, once close friends, but drifted after Pizza left the boxing world and America itself due to mob threats. Deep down, he still misses them.
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This is characters who have a mutual crush, but won't really pursue those relationships.
Aran and Mask really admire each other's cheating but mutually agree that a relationship between them, especially a long-distance one, just wouldn't work. They meet up every once and a while to hang out and mess around, though.
Hondo kinda has a crush on Carmen, and vice versa, but Hondo is scared to pursue anything with her due to the whole thing with Don.
Don is crushing hard on Joe and Joe would happily reciprocate a date, but Don is having a hard enough time dealing with his love for Hondo so he refuses to pursue Joe. Joe meanwhile thinks Don is taken fully and loathes the idea of 'taking' him from Carmen.
Sandy and Joe have a strong mutual crush but are too scared of each other to do anything about it. Joe looks down on himself a lot and thinks Sandy would think he's weird. Sandy meanwhile is scared of hurting Joe and thinks Joe secretly fears him.
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These are one-sided crushes, the arrow points to who has a crush on who.
Narcis and Don both really like Wii Aran, but he doesn't feel much the same. Narcis doesn't try to hide his feelings much but Don definitely does. Aran doesn't hate either of them (Okay, he used to hate Narcis because he dislikes British people by default) and might even consider a relationship with either if they brought it up to him. However, he just wouldn't be able to trust them or develop feelings on the same level.
Disco has always had a mild crush on Heike but it's never been reciprocated. Heike is aware of Disco's crush and has put out very gentle hints that he really likes Dragon instead.
Kaiser has always liked Joe a lot, but never dropped hints or let Joe know. Joe's feelings are complex because though he thinks he still likes Kaiser romantically, he doesn't actually love him like that or want them to be anything more than close friends.
Nick has a raging crush on Joe and HATES IT. He hates himself, he hates Joe more, and he's madly obsessed with the guy who beat him. Joe is 100% oblivious. It's chaos.
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And now my very weird otps!!!
Joe/Aran (Burnt Bread) is obvious as my fave. I just think that their dynamic is perfect for what the other really wants in life. For Joe, he wants to be bold and brash and embrace his weird side like Aran. For Aran, he wants to be able to accept that he actually has people who care about him and have more stability and trust both in his life and relationships like Joe. Also I like the idea of Joe just becoming so weird because of Aran, it's hilarious. They're perfect for each other.
Don/Carmen (Perfecto) is obviously perfect (Or as close as you can get). It's a long-lasting love from childhood situation with these two, almost like a fairytale. They've loved each other deeply for years and years and had plans for marriage since they were kids. Even while loving other people, they're each other's soulmate. If they were to ever separate, they'd both be devastated. This ship is perfect for angst and drama as they balance their love for each other with their desire for others and deal with all the emotional chaos that can bring.
Kaiser/Tiger (Magic Combat Boots)... Okay, I'll admit, this one is weird. I don't remember what drew me to ship them in the first place- maybe some fanart, maybe the shared 'stache power, idk. But no matter what it was, this relationship is like a marshmallow, sweet, soft, and easy. Tiger and Kaiser come off, to me, as very normal guys who are straightforward and down to earth and are the types who don't need a lot of chaos in their love lives. This ship is 110% fluff and very mellow- no drama, no chaos, just two aro/aspec dudes with great mustaches falling in love. I also like the dynamic of Tiger becoming a parent to Kaiser's adopted boys as well :).
Bull/Soda (Angry and Sweet) is the cat/dog dynamic I have for punch out. Though they don't have opposite personalities, they do contrast a lot and have different ways of approaching life. However, they definitely desire each other for such strong personalities and find a mutual bond in a lot of their traumas and with being gentle to each other. Another fluffy ship, but with a lot more angst potential with how I write their backstories.
Bob/Hurricane (Hurricane Shuffle) this one is another 'opposites attract' type ship. This time however it's an introvert/extrovert pairing. Bob is a huge overwhelming extrovert and Hurricane is a self-conscious introvert. They're the type to not stray form their comfort zones, but with each other's help, they both grow more mature and comfortable with their lives. Though there's definitely drama to be had with them, there isn't much angst and much more fluff.
Heike/Dragon (Mandarin Ducklings) is all about young, inexperienced love. These two are some of the youngest boxers, so it makes sense for their relationship to be kinda clunky and awkward, in a cute way of course. For them, it would be chaotic and strange to deal with since they're each other's first serious relationship. A lot of this ship, imo, is about figuring things out, dealing with common problems, and just navigating through love! Sweet in a super chaotic way.
Narcis/Snes Aran (Prince and the pauper) is an unlikely friends to lovers story. Despite Narcis being kind of a brat, there isn't any initial dislike between him and Snes Aran like I hc with him and Wii Aran. Instead, I think Snes Aran starts hanging with him to satiate his own curiosity, before actually coming to like him a lot, and vice versa. Snes is head over heels for Narcis and ends up following him around as his bestie for a time before Narcis realizes he LIKE likes this un-civil, low-class guy. Snes is Narcis' bro and backs him up whenever and doesn't challenge him very much at all, while Narcis not only doesn't look down on snes but does what he can to make him feel equal. And that's what they want in relationships!
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clovercalloway · 11 months
We Best Love: Episode 1 [BLIND REACTION]
So, I have a girl friend who is fan of this show and finally convinced me to watch it. Did I make a mistake? Who knows.
But I collected my thoughts and decided to do this. Well, this is gonna be long so get ready. I'll edit with my afterthoughts (note, EAW means Edited After Watching [the episode]) once I'm finished with season 1, or maybe before. We'll see.
Ok, let's begin!
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Welp, he's dead, Great start!
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You sure this is a romance? This looks more like an intervention.
So, Zhau Shu Yi. I'll guess he's the main character or one of the main characters. I'll try to remember his name [furiously takes notes]
The one gremlin with No Name is asking Zhau why they think it's important for him to win. As a Bakugou fan, I'm excited to hear his answer.
"I push myself forward, so that you can see me." Just one minute and it's already too ‎fluffy for my heart
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So, they're fighting underwater. They saw too much anime, istg. Anygays, that tells me these are actual kids (well, the actors may be older, but I'll suppose they're interpreting kids. I bet they're highschoolers).
"LESSON 1: LET'S SUFFOCATE." Okay, wow, great title. So maybe my joke about him being dead wasn't that far off.
Chilhood friends to lovers is such a nice trope, oml, go for it, boy. Be a man and go get your man!
Fang Zhen Wen and Jiang Yu Xin. Hope I remember that. Are those the other two friends?
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Me, trying to be smooth
He has a fan club
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You gals are fans of a swimmer. What did you expect? You were gonna run out of things to offer him eventually.
So he's Zhou Shu Yi. [keeps taking notes] I'll try to remember that.
Bro, how did he fell? You're supposed to be a pro, Zhou, your gals will be dissapointed.
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He sounds way to chill for someone who's almost drowning.
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"How are they talking underwater?" "It's the rainbow connection, don't question it."
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My Shojo Academia
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Gao Shi De is me receiving gifts (socks and a mug) on Christmas
Anygays, Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi seem to have this kind of rivalry since they were basically on diapers. They came out of the womb wanting to throw hands with each other.
But Gao Shi De seems to be the naturally gifted, always on top, and so Zhou Shu Yi developed some sort of inferiority complex, or so it looks like. (Wow, this reminds me of yet ANOTHER story and ️‍🌈 ship that started in a similar way -if you know, you know-)
"Why did you fall-" THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING, LIKE, WHY
Are you telling me that the actual reason he fell was because of the big gay panic- I mean, rivalry, that he has against Shi De?
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OMG HE CUT HIS FINGER! I've seen enough shojo (and shonen) to know what this means. Where's Shi De to kiss it better?
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You're not Shi De.
"I'm not crying." He's so Bakugou, istg
Now he's blaming his misfortunes on Gao Shi De. Bruh, the only thing he did was exist.
Oh, so they're in university? Nice to know.
His friends are trying to understand his language, I feel them, literally had no idea what he was talking about other than "Gao Shi De".
I was gonna say they seem like good kids and very supportive friends. The latter is truth. The former...
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This poor unfortunate soul keeps falling for their tricks. Gao Shi De it's not that dumb, tho.
Oh gods, he plays the piano, he knows what them girls (and boys) like.
So after having a whole ass "Corpse Bride" moment they went back to bickering
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They should make out, ngl. [EAW: Bruh...]
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Gay people can't just ask someone out, they have to be very extra about it. Shu Yi is an example of that.
He's been bullying Shi De since they were kids, he's oblivious af.
Boy, just confess, it'll save you and your friends' time.
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I want to know his name, he's such a mood.
While Shu Yi can't stop thinking about Shi De, important things are happening.
That girl from the beginning [EAW: Yu Xin, her name is Yu Xin, you big disaster] is asking Fang Zhen Wen out and he's all (,,>﹏<,,)
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At least she's honest, nothing more important than THAT.
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Shu Yi heard about the proposal and went all fake-smile on them and then left.
"Is Shu Yi OK?" Idk, girl, you tell me, I thought you three were friends.
They're telling him is dangerous to run down the stairs. I think he'll live, but I won't forgive him for dropping his backpack on the floor. Bro, get your stuff.
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He's gonna start singing Beat on It.
Annnnnd he went back to the pool. Man, this is were it all started. The flashbacks from episode 1- oh wait.
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He's actually making me feel bad, ngl. Maybe it's the acting, or that I understand the whole "why not me" situation. Mitski taught me well.
It's hard. Friendships and relationships are messy, specially when someone is still young. You also have to deal with a lot of feelings being even more irrational than they should, and the inferiority complex definitely doesn't help, making you feel so insecure about yourself, and as if no matter what you're always going to lack something.
I might barely know them but at the end of the day it's no one's fault, really. You can't control how you feel, or how others feel.
MOOOOOVING ON. You know who could help? HEY, SHI DE!
[EAW: He actually came, that mf]
Wait, is he actually? Bruh, did he jumped on the pool?
Why are teens like this. He could've just dropped the collar. Him and his dramatic gay ass.
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Speaking of dramatic gay asses.
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My guy, this is episode 1, couldn't you just wait until... episode 4, at least?
Dont give me that bs about cpr. The surface was RIGHT THERE!
AND THAT'S THE END OF EPISODE 1. I kinda wanna know if he'll give him the lame excuse about cpr.
I'm dying for more tension, Yu Xin knows what I'm talking about, she also has to finish her thesis.
So, that went quicker than I thought. It was compelling tho. I still need more to form solid opinions, but I´ll bite, I'm interested to know how this develops.
Anyways, whoever reading this (cough cough, bossman), see ya later. I'll watch episode 2 after this.
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blazethecheeto · 1 year
Rant about Black Siren. I know you want to. Go. (Favorite moment, favorite ship with them etc.)
oh my god. you don't even know the freedom you've given me right now anon.
OKAY SO- (rip if u click keep reading)
i absolutely adore siren, probably my favourite character in arrow, and i love her humour, her sass, her confidence, her softness, literally everything about her.
fave moment: dude you're joking- there are so many. one of my favourite moments is definitely the episode where she goes to court for oliver's appeal (because felicity asked her to!) and she says '"the hardest thing to do is to be a hero when no one expects you to be". and dinah was watching. and when she gets out she is confronted by her and she tries to deny it but AGH that moment murdered me it was when she really redeemed herself.
another moment i love is when she opens up to felicity about her dad dying. just her vulnerability and sadness that we really never got to see until that moment? ugh it's so good.
and of course there's the moment where she absolutely destroys cayden james and the other guys in the room with one scream after the power dampener breaks. i love when she shows her actual potential with her powers, like with siren-x, because that's one thing that pisses me off.
the arrow writers really like to make black siren the sidekick of the main generic white man villain and it makes me so mad, because LET HER BE THE VILLAIN!! SHE'S WAY MORE INTERESTING AND SO MUCH MORE POWERFUL.
i never got why siren wouldn't just like. kill diaz, or cayden, or prometheus or any of the men she 'owed her life to' because she absolutely could. she could destroy them all in seconds, yet the writers continuously made her their slave and spy. it limited her potential. we barely knew ANYTHING about her backstory or personality.
i'm very very glad in s7, she gets to shine more on her own and also gets to be super gay as she should.
fave ship: OKAY SO- i obviously ship sirenwatch (felicity x siren) and dinahsiren (dinah x siren). i really can't choose, because both are literally so good for different reasons.
dinahsiren is THE enemies to lovers ship. i mean, she literally killed dinah's boyfriend, and then dinah almost killed her, and they both have similar powers and are arch-enemies and always are gunning to one-up each other. but there's this obvious sexual tension there with the flirting/insults?? like hello.
i mean take a look at their DIALOGUE for a second and look me in the eye to tell me it isn't a classic enemies to lovers banter.
“God, you are such a bitch.” “Yeah, it takes one to know one, sweetheart.” -
“That is not why I'm here and you know it.” “Aww, did you miss me? So sweet.”
siren literally winking at dinah? dinah saying 'you like that?' after pinning her against the wall as she puts a collar on her?????
oh and that doesn't even go INTO s7 and s8. when dinah stops siren from killing someone because even though they hate each other, like she says- 'if anyone knows the real her, the true her, it's dinah'. them starting to bond and slowly become frenemies, begrudgingly working together, to becoming partners, to dinah singing 'i'm in love with you' while looking wistfully at siren from across the room?!?!
anyways now sirenwatch which i've also fallen in love with because of the classic grumpy x sunshine dynamic. felicity absolutely had a crush on laurel in s1 and you cannot convince me otherwise, so this is a strange sight to have her back- but she's not her laurel. just like how siren sees this felicity as not her felicity. (e2 laurel and felicity hooked up. trust me bro.)
s7 was the season that awoke all the sirenwatch shippers. like. siren starting to see felicity in a different way than the bubbly, sweet girl that she thought she was. felicity asking for help to torture a man and siren trying to stop her from doing so. she's basically her protector. they're so killersnow coded. siren's awkwardness at trying to ask her out, while felicity with no hesitation asks her out for drinks. 7x11 was possibly the episode i died and went to heaven because of how much sirenwatch was in that. when she started to open up and really start to like felicity, really see that someone is there to help her?!?
okay but back to black siren. i really love the grumpy/rude on the outside but soft/awkward on the inside characters which makes sense why i actually love her snarky personality. bro is actually just a cutie that needs therapy. fave look:
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because women.
anyways. um. tl;dr: she's my poor little meow meow and i'm crushing her like a soda can help me she was done dirty by the show and i'm resisting the urge to just write a fanfic about it OH BEFORE I FORGET HERE'S AN EDIT I MADE
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