#basically under the cut is various out of session and in session summaries
aneveningsword · 7 months
Hi! Tw: sh. Would you be willing to write a Jordan li x fem reader one shot where they bicker a lot (maybe like academic rivals or something) but then Jordan some how finds out that reader self harms (maybe like sees some cuts when a sleeve moves or something if they’re sparring or during class?) and so they put their bickering and rivalry aside to make sure that she gets help? If not no worries but I thought I’d ask/put it out into the universe
Hi anon! Thank you so much for the request, I'm so excited to fulfil it. I hope it's up to standard and what you are looking for
pairing: Jordan Li x fem!reader warnings: not proofread, mentions of self-harm words: 909 summary: basically the ask
It was well known within Goldukin that the two biggest rivals were you and Jordan Li. You two had been neck and neck from the beginning, always switching places in the ranking, always trying to one-up another in classes. It was getting exhausting just watching you two go back and forth trying to outsmart the other while half the people around you had no clue what you were talking about.
Jordan was always one to bicker, correcting you with that stupid smug grin, showing off their test scores with a mocking pout. It was infuriating, but just as much as they annoyed you, you annoyed them. How you seemed to effortlessly know everything, how you had such control of your powers, how you so easily gave their snarky words right back at them. You took up so much space in their mind that the only way not to admit it was love was to believe it was hate.
Hate because you were seemingly everything they were not. You were so put together, you had it all brains and beauty. Only a fool would not be jealous of you, and Jordan Li was no fool. In their mind, they believed that you too hated them, for being such a large obstacle on your path to the top. But even someone so smart could be so wrong.
It was hard trying to be the best, to get perfect scores, to have such control over your powers, to be liked by so many. It consumed every moment, not even in sleep could you escape the stress. Your body began to feel it, losing hair, bags under your eyes, losing sleep. It made you feel horrible, a shell of yourself, an imposter parading around people much better than you. There was no time to rest, no time for a moment to consider your mental health, not when a single mishap could spell you losing it all.
Despite the stress of your life, the stress Jordan added to it unknowingly. You held deep feelings for them, feelings you did not want to classify as love, so instead you believed it to be disdain. There was no room in your life for love, for friends, for parties, for every waking moment was spent obsessing about your scores.
You can’t remember when it started, perhaps by accident, perhaps on purpose in a desperate attempt to find a release. But you remember when you couldn’t stop, not when it allowed the stress and heartache to leave you for a moment. It was like a drug, consuming your mind and body, a compulsion to do it, to harm yourself. It was a disease that you didn’t have a cure for.
Hiding this was something you had to fine art, you hand various jackets, gloves, long sleeve shirts to wear. No one bated the eyes at what you wore, why would they? It was all perfectly normal, there was no reason to think you were hiding the thing you were most ashamed of under a thin piece of cloth. 
It was by complete accident that Jordan saw the scars, the movement of your hand reaching up to grab something exposing them just enough for them to figure out what they were. For a moment they did not wish to believe it, that someone so put together like you was secretly falling apart. That the scars they saw weren’t from a cat or botched training session. But instead done purposely by your hand, that you would subject yourself to that pain. Was it because you believed you deserved it? Was it a release of sorts? A way to escape the pressure?
Their hand was so gentle as it grasped your wrist, eyes big and full of worry as your own met theirs. Just as confusion was clear on your face, sorrow was clear on theirs. You racked your brain trying to figure out what may cause this large shift in Jordan, no longer bickering or scoffing at you but instead looking at you like you had destroyed a beautiful artwork. In a small way you did, for to them, you were the closest thing they had come to an angle. They believed you were untouchable, above it all. But even angels fall sometimes.
There was a long moment of pause as Jordan struggled to find the right words to say, and how to approach the topic. Yet, there was only one question they could think of asking. “Why? Why would you do this to yourself?” Their voice was soft, body close to yours as their hand still delicately held your wrist. For a moment you are confused by the question before you pale and a sense of dread fills you. You could deny it, swear up and down that they are mistaken. But what was the point? The evidence was there and Jordan knew.
“I-I…” Your voice turns watery as you think of an answer, just something to say in your defence. But tears spring to your eyes, yet to fall and trail down your cheeks. A small ‘tsk’ leaves Jordan as they pull you into an embrace. Your hands grip their clothing as though they would disappear and Jordan wonders how long this has been going on, how long you have felt this way. But they know now and come hell or high water they would help you.
“It’s okay, we’ll get you some help. I’m not going anywhere.”
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hecatesbroom · 2 months
How I organise my (fic) writing in Notion
@this-geek wondered how I organised my works in Notion, and considering I'm nothing if not always happy to ramble about anything concerning lists and sorting my various things, here we are ;) thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about this haha
Under the cut because I have unfortunately rambled quite a bit (sorry!)
Okay so first off: I really only use Notion for my fic writing (I prefer to work on original projects in physical notebooks or Word, for reasons unknown to even me) and I only keep my first drafts in here. I move on to Google Docs for second drafts (again, who knows why I do this? I sure don't!) Anyway, onto the organisation:
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This is what my main page looks like! I have some fancy sidebars I never really use, the to do list is horribly outdated, and I haven't updated that quote (from one of my favourite book series: The Locked Tomb) in ages, but I still think it looks nice!
The thing this is mainly about, though, is the part in the middle that says "all fics". This is what Notion calls a database. It's basically one gigantic collection of pages (in my case: fics) that you can add tags to and display in various different ways. I prefer gallery view because it allows me to add a picture to the overview if I want to. I used to do this for my Locked Tomb fics and it looked pretty fun:
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The thing is that it's also a lot of work to find pictures to match your fics (and nowadays I'm more focused on writing than all the thing surrounding it) so my Golden Girls overview looks more like this! I still like the gallery view because it gives you a little preview of every wip :)
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As you can see, there's lots of different tags under the titles. The stuff you see in this view is a quick overview (mostly to help with sorting, so all my posted wips line up, and the rest shows up according to which state of unfinishedness they're currently in)
When you click any fic in this view, you'll be taken to the actual fic, and its complete overview of tags & info! I like to keep track of a lot of things (when I remember to, anyway). Here's a little overview for the things I tracked for the finish line :)
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Created: shows me the date I started the document (and therefore the fic). Very useful! I love this feature a lot
Fandom: is mainly there for organisation purposes! I set my gallery view to toggle per fandom, so it's all sorted into neat little sections thanks to this tag
Characters: pretty self explanatory
Type: I've got several categories here: "one-shot", "multi-chapter", "drabble", "ficlet", and (reserved for one AU in particular) "i honestly don't know anymore"
Status: again, there's quite a few options for this one: "plotting", "writing draft 1", "1st draft", "2nd draft", "finished", "posted", "hiatus" and "abandoned" (which I rarely use)
Quick summary: is where I play around with my ao3 summary whenever I'm bored and don't really feel like writing
Draft 1 wc: I usually just put the final word count for the first draft there, unless I remember to track individual writing sessions (in which case I add those word counts as well, like in the example above, because I love looking back on the process!)
Draft 2 wc: I tend to completely retype a fic into my google docs for the second draft. Once I've done that I put the end result into my Notion doc
Finished wc: after I've reread and edited my 2nd draft, and possibly managed to have it all get a little out of hand (like you can see in that doubled word count for the finish line, lol) I put the finished word count here!
WC goal: is just a fun way to see what my initial idea was for the fic (I try to set a goal when I've got a general idea of what I want the work to look like, and always end up exceeding it)
The rest of it is just my writing, basically! Scroll down from there and you get the body for the fic :)
I hope this was somewhat helpful! I'm not a pro at Notion by any means, but if you have any questions or need some help, feel free to ask! I'm happy to try to help out!
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elliotwarren · 5 years
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sarki quinn faarmore. druidic tiefling, circle of the underdark. all art by @rxryp. 
backstory; The unwanted child of a noble, Quinn spent the first two decades of their life largely within isolation, a shameful addition to their human family’s lineage. When even coming of age did not release them, the Tiefling made a break for it, running away into the Underdark. There, they nurtured their magic, spending time with other druids far below the surface. 
When their luck ran out and landed them time as a slave to Drow and Duergar, Quinn worked in secret to strengthen their magic and escape. Yet before they were given the chance, a hired group of mercenaries came on the scene, breaking them out and bringing Quinn back to their guild in a distant city. 
current wordcount: 4299
session cliff notes; good god so much has happened since February. Note that this all takes place within a West Marches server and while most of the sessions are run by the same DM, there are a few rogue unrelated sessions. this is a repost due to new additions. 
- Arrival: Quinn arrives in Eleria after convincing the mercenaries not to return them home to their mother. They take on an alias, and agree to join the guild, established as a ‘D Rank’ (Level 5). 
- Session 0: While exploring the woods near the city, Quinn stumbles upon a group of F Ranks (Level 2) struggling against bandits in the wood. They step in, assist in combat, and head back for home.
- Session 1: Quinn’s first official job, they are sent out to hunt down Orcs who are attacking travelers on the road. They discover a small camp of the creatures, as well as a young noble man named Theodore Caelum being held prisoner. A former prisoner themself, Quinn pretty much went feral and imprinted on Theodore, and the party escorted him back to his home in the city.
- Session 2: Hired by a funny man in a far away, frigid town, Quinn accompanied others in an escort job, delivering a felon from yet another far away town to a distant military outpost within the desert. Once again, Quinn’s past causes them to imprint on a total stranger. They almost get killed protecting the criminal from bandits, everything turns out okay, and the man turns out to have been a victim of a local corrupt official. The guild party agree to let him escape, and cover it up before heading home. 
- Session 3: To Quinn’s utter delight, they were hired by Theodore Caelum to seek out an artifact within a dungeon. The job itself was difficult, and led to knowledge of a bizarre cult of zombies who otherwise seemed fairly friendly. Also located within the dungeon was a Yakfolk priest conducting morbid rituals. Quinn agreed to send someone to help the Yakfolk with an alleged curse upon his people before continuing on in the dungeon. While attempting to access the artifact, the party was struck with awful visions of the death of their party and Theodore himself. The artifact was brought back. Quinn and Theodore begin to exchange letters. 
- Session 4: Quinn and a party investigate a bizarre dungeon of illusions and trouble - nothing is as it seems, and around every turn the danger grows. Within the dungeon, Quinn witnesses the first death of a guild mate, and is nearly killed. This is roughly the start of their friendship with the wizard Ovega, one of their teammates for the job.
- Session 5: The guild sends a party up north to investigate the bizarre, severe cold plaguing the mountains. In a cavern, the source is found to be a member of a cult called Niflheim, and the enormous frost salamander she controls. Quinn and their teammates manage to kill the both of them, and head back on home to the guild. 
- Out of Session: A group of F ranks went on a job for Theodore, and shortly after Theodore was placed on house arrest due to the appearance of a number of undead in town. The outbreak is believed to have been triggered by an item the F ranks brought back for Theodore. 
- Theodore’s Letters: Theo and Quinn continue to correspond in cryptic letters, with Theodore explaining the issues in town are caused by a cult signified by the crest of a White Dragon - the Niflheim cult. They are causing trouble for him, and he isn’t sure why. Quinn is skeptical but inclined to believe their friend. 
- Out of Session: Luvella’s Research: A friend of Quinn’s conducted research on their behalf, learning more of the cult of Niflheim and their attempts to bring forth a great white dragon named Y’thir. A noble house to the north claims to be blessed by ‘the great Niflheim’, a silver dragon who imbues power in the form of tattoos to their followers. The organization has settled into the Guildsman’s District within the city. Luvella moved on to meet with an eccentric wizard named Agna, who notes that while dragonmarks aren’t quite uncommon, these seem to be altered, and have adverse effects on those who get them. 
- Session 6: While investigating the unnatural activity at a nearby volcano, Quinn and their party found an elderly man being attacked by an assassin and a number of hell hounds. The older man turned out to be in disguise - this is Quinn’s first meeting with Agna Scorium, the same one who spoke with Luvella. A powerful wizard, the party learned from the assassin that a noble named Y’thir had put out a bounty on Agna. Agna himself quickly scattered to leave the group to handle a red dragon - and after doing so, a bizarre portal opened up within the volcano. Agna agreed to keep an eye on it, and contact us with further news. He is also familiar with Theodore Caelum, and chats with Quinn about the boy. 
- Session 7: A party from the guild investigate a strange Obelisk - the rooms seem to change, and inside are all number of nasty creatures. Also within is an elderly man and his young helper, a funny creature called Bailey. There seems to be much happening within, but little is uncovered. 
- Out of Session: An announcement goes out into the city - the manor belonging to Theodore Caelum is overwhelmed with fog, the plant life is dying, and the city has sealed off the manor. Quinn’s latest letter to Theodore goes unanswered. 
- Session 8: Agna hires the guild to investigate the portal within the volcano and to track down a Phoenix and bring back the ember that will be left behind once the Phoenix is dead. The portal turns out to be a door to the Fire Plane, and the group deal with several trials before tracking down the Phoenix and killing it. After returning the ember to Agna, Quinn asks if Agna has seen Theodore. With a reply of the negative, Agna remarks on vampires being the root of the fog, and in a panic, Quinn heads back to the guild to organize an investigation of the manor. 
- Session 9: Quinn and several higher rank members of the guild manage to secure an investigation permission of the Caelum Manor. Although Quinn has visited Theodore several times and is familiar with the layout of his home, the inside appears to have changed entirely. Within, Quinn found the dismembered body of Zari Clemente, Theodore’s servant and friend and the deliver of all of Theodore’s letters. Shortly after, Quinn’s close friend Ovega was killed and turned to dust by a spectral monster. Distraught, the remaining three members of the team agreed to go on and look for Theodore, eventually coming face to face with Astrid Borealis, the vampire of the manor. After ending up alone with the vampire, Quinn agreed to a magical contract, marking themself as Astrid’s servant, in exchange for Theodore’s body. Astrid says she will be in touch within the week for the details of her favor. Upon taking Zari’s remains and an unconscious, unresponsive Theodore to Agna’s house, Quinn learns the Astrid has turned Theodore into a vampire. Agna confirms that Quinn is super fucked as far as their deal with Astrid. (short story based on the session found here)
- Out of Session: Agna’s House: Quinn goes to visit Agna, learning that while Zari has been revived he is catatonic. Theodore is currently unresponsive, having not fed for the first time, and Agna explains that while vampirism isn’t curable, he may be able to reduce the issue and allow Theodore to live relatively normally. The wizard tasks Quinn with obtaining a mythical fruit, and the blood of a Celestial. He also informs Quinn that whatever Astrid wants, it will likely be of a gory, barbaric nature. Agna tells Quinn of their first meeting with Astrid in a city to the north, ruled by the Borealis family whose true nature is largely unknown, and how lovely he found her - up until he found her torturing a commoner. He managed to escape with his life, and vowed never to return to the city. In addition, Agna tells Quinn they ought to seek out a man called Hal Mirrus, who may be able to help with lessening Theodore’s curse. Hal is known as a monstrous man, and getting through his many horrific creations to get to him will likely be a challenge. 
- Astrid’s Favor: Quinn wakes within a memory, specifically that of Theodore’s, midst torture by the vampire Astrid. She taunts the Tiefling, and lays out her terms; Quinn must bring her Agna’s head, let vampires into the guild, or venture to a distant village to complete a ritual slaughter with items left behind there. 
- Session 10: With a team from the Guild, Quinn visits Agna to learn of a Celestial they can obtain blood from to assist Theodore’s condition. News of a Ki-rin and a worshiping cult near the city has spread through, and the party does some investigating with a couple of the local temples to learn the location. On a lake-side island, they find a group known as the The Shield-Bearers. The cult is ecstatic to have visitors, and invites all of them to join, eventually agreeing to allow them to meet the Ki-rin itself. Quinn attempts to persuade the creature for what they need, and enraged, the Ki-rin bids them to leave. The party in unison agrees that they’ll have to take it by force, and attack the Ki-rin. Combat unfortunately goes poorly, and Quinn calls off their teammates. In appreciation for the honor shown, the Ki-rin allows them to collect the blood from the grounds, and departs the island. Angered by the departure of their deity, the Shield-Bearers attack the party. After handling the cult, they begin to head for home but run into two Niflheim cult members on the road. Quinn’s companion Luvella catches up with the members called Dralla and Torric, chatting with them, and accompanies them to a nearby city. The cult members seem friendly enough, gifting Luvella was a minor magical object, and tag her with a magical mark that Agna later removes. Luvella investigates the temple within the city the two mentioned, and reports back. While Luvella investigates the temple, Quinn and the remaining two party members go on to Agna’s house, where Agna uses the Celestial Blood to wake Theodore, allowing Theo and Quinn to meet again for the first time in months. In aside, Quinn tells Agna of Astrid’s demands, and the two come to the conclusion that the only truly viable option is to either have someone eliminate Astrid, or conduct Astrid’s ritual sacrifice of the village. 
- Session 11: Quinn agrees to accompany Luvella and a couple others on a job to a nearby village, only realizing en route that the town is the very one Astrid has requested they conduct her favor in. The village is largely empty, excluding one native and a number of giants who have apparently attacked the village. The guild members deal with it, healing the native and questioning him on the location of the rest of the village who has evacuated. While their party is occupied, Quinn searches the village, uncovering a sacrificial dagger and a strange box marked with an eyeless ram. The team deals with all giants in the area and head home. 
- Out of  Session: Luvella questions Quinn about what they were doing in the village, having caught the Tiefling snooping, and bribes an exchange in a letter she found on one of the giant’s. Quinn finally caves and tells her about the dagger as well as Astrid’s demands, keeping the box a secret. Luvella’s letter implies a new team of giants will be coming to the area soon to retrieve one of the giants that is now dead. Oops. 
- Session 12: For the first time, Quinn accompanies Luvella and two other C ranks on a job for the local Thieves’ Guild. They are tasked with investigating an individual the guild wants to recruit, perhaps indulging in blackmail to do so. The party goes under-cover as nobles visiting the local opera, but are called up on stage as the performance begins - it appears someone ratted them out. In a fight staged as part of the show, Quinn is targeted and killed by some of the ‘actors’. Body left behind during the ensuing issues, Quinn is picked up by the local city guard. A cleric is summoned from the guild to revive Quinn so that they may be questioned,  and Quinn is placed under interrogation. They manage to avoid implicating the Thieves’ Guild as well as their own home guild and themselves in the murder of a local noble (which to be fair, none of those parties are at fault) and are released back to the guild to cope with the trauma of being murdered and abandoned and imprisoned.
- Out of Session: Quinn conducts research towards locating the fruit needed to cure Theodore, learning of corruption within the forest and that a Circle of the Moon is guarding over the fruit of a holy tree. None of the news is good. 
- Session 13: Finally delving into the forest, Quinn and the party deal with many strange creatures, including an enormous corrupted monster and several gnolls who appear to be under the control of an unseen other. The druids warn them out, but the party presses onward, establishing a camp within the woods and eventually locating an enormous tree and one of the druids. They manage to placate the on guard being, and speak with one of the treants there about the needed fruit. From a Redcap (RIP.) they learn there is a door nearby to the holy tree. The team come to the conclusion that being diplomatic might be the better route, and they agree to participate in a trial to deem their worthiness as well as seek out and destroy the source of the corruption within the wood. With flying colors the party complete the trial of combat, and agree to return soon to handle the corruption problem with the hopes of earning a fruit.
 - Out of Session: Quinn posts a listing to the guild, enticing members of the guild to assist them by eliminating the vampire Astrid. They spend time with several high ranks, giving as much information about the house and the vampire as they can, and several high ranks spend time researching the house. Eventually, they make their way to the manor, clearing it of monstrous sorrowsworn, an enormous shadow dragon, and the vampire Astrid herself. 
- Out of Session: Quinn meets with the wizard tortle Roshini, who shows Quinn a journal they’d found within the manor written by one Dylan Caedric. The note reveals that Dylan Caedric and his son are the last of a line of monster hunters, but his son is unaware of the family tradition. Dylan Caedric himself was apparently dying at the time of the letter. There is no other information. A second note Roshini uncovered is from someone implied to be living with Astrid, and, horrified by her actions, they remark they must speak to the Caedrics about handling it. Both notes appear to be old, perhaps from before Astrid took up residence within the Caelum Manor. 
- Out of Session: Neith and Ihsahn, two of the high ranks who dealt with Astrid, remark on what appears to be an angsty diary entry from Astrid herself where she professes her attraction to an unknown wizard, one with ‘bloodthirsty charm’. Quinn is, due to past learned information, almost positive the note speaks of Agna. Quinn contacts the wizard in attempt to learn who Theodore’s father is, and while Agna states he cannot elaborate, leads the Tiefling to believe that Dylan Caedric is actually Theodore Caelum’s grandfather.
- Session 14: Quinn joins a handful of the higher ranks as well as one of their fellow D-Ranks on a ship to the high seas. It’s a nice break from the usual drama, but the pirates they find are no joke. Somehow, Quinn is pushed to the forefront into making several goofy deals with a variety of apes on a tropical island.
- Out of Session: Quinn meets another tiefling within the guild, one allegedly brought back from ashes after being killed by a beholder many months ago. They run to inform their friend Alea of the news, and the Goliath agrees to look into it with the hopes that she will be able to have Ovega, Quinn’s wizard friend, brought back. Shortly after Alea informs Quinn that she tracked down the cleric with the power, who attempted to bring Ovega back on the spot with no success. This, he says, means that Ovega’s soul is unwilling to return. Quinn struggles, believing perhaps they did something to spur this. 
- Session 15: Agna hires the guild to interrupt a group of Niflheim cult members who are attempting to reach some sort of artifact. The group head out once again to the ocean, run into a few very grumpy but not altogether troublesome pirates, and narrowly escape a hydra. Out at sea, Quinn and others reach a ruined temple to Lolthe, a deity to drow, and scarcely survive a fight with an enormous turtle. Alea, Quinn’s close friend, is killed, and while the party hover over the aftermath the Niflheim cultists arrive. the following occurs. The party is unable to retrieve the artifact but cause enough of a headache for the cultists to satisfy Agna, and they head once more for home. 
- Out of Session: Quinn finally goes back to their own room to discover a note, asking the Tiefling to meet with the writer at a specific booth. They do so with some paranoia, finding a less than liked guild member waiting for them, and hesitantly agrees to follow the guild mate out into the guild’s grove. Shortly after, Ovega reveals themself to have been in disguise - revived and brought back from ash. Ovega swears Quinn to secrecy, and leaves to work with the Thieves’ guild within the city. Quinn struggles, relieved to have their friend back but disappointed to be left behind again. 
- Session 16: Quinn, with a group of guild members, heads back into the forest to begin working out the source of the blight so that they might earn a fruit from the holy tree within the wood. The party deals with a mess of giants in the mouth of a cave, have a brief misunderstanding with a merfolk that Quinn manages to sort out, and discover that within the cave is an entrance to the Underdark as well as home to a drider. After coming to the conclusion that the cave does not likely contain the source of the blight they’re all looking for, the party heads back out into the woods. Eventually, they do notice an increase in corruption in the forest, and as Quinn flies ahead as an owl, they discover a group of Yakfolk conducting some sort of ritual. One of them is familiar - the same Yakfolk priest within the long ago dungeon. As they watch, an enormous roc (bird) flies overhead, and the Yakfolk scatter. Quinn reports back to the group, and they opt to head back to camp and deal with the Yakfolk later.
- Session 17: On yet another journey to yet another forest, Quinn and several others discover what appears to be an entrance to the Feywild. They have a run-in with what looks to be a damsel in distress situation, but once the damsel is saved, she turns on the group. Quinn struggles with the aftermath of a dead hobgoblin and his grieving friend. The following occurs. 
- Out of Session: Back at the guild, they discover one of their friends conducting less than morally just experiments - resulting in an argument. Quinn begins to struggle with their morality and past decisions they have made - and decisions they almost made, namely the realization that they would have absolutely slaughtered an entire village for Astrid. As they harness more powerful magic but find themself listened to less and less by teammates, they begin to struggle with feelings of neglect and bitterness towards their guild companions. Shortly after, one of Quinn’s closest friends and closest confidant announces he is leaving the guild for a time to travel home. 
- Out of Session: Hal Mirrus. Agna posts a job listing, stating he believes that his old friend Hal may be conducting his own ‘research’ in a nearby town, and may have turned the village into his own personal graveyard. Quinn approaches the guild mates who have signed on to handle the situation, and attempt to convince them to bring back Hal Mirrus to Quinn and Agna for their own needs - namely, to help Theo, as Agna suggested Hal would be very useful. The guild mates are doubtful, and state that they will most likely be killing Hal if what is suspect proves to be true; that Hal Mirrus is conducting mass necromancy on an entire city. 
- Out of Session: Quinn contacts Agna days later to inquire, and the wizard replies with telepathy - and the image of an elven man using an orcish face as disguise; Hal. Although the man is not yet with Agna, the wizard has the means to contact his old friend. Hal agrees to help with Theodore, but at a cost of favors from Quinn. Agna states it probably won’t be as bad as anything Astrid asked for, but made no promises. Quinn comes to the cold realization that they don’t care. 
- Session 18: Quinn and a mostly new team return to the forest to seek out the blight. En route, they notice boot prints but think nothing of it, continuing on only to be attacked by drow. One they capture tells of their queen, and how a new gate from the Underdark has been opened and they will claim the forest for themselves. Quinn decides to bring the drow prisoner along as perhaps a gift to the Yakfolk, one who conducts sacrificial rituals. Unfortunately the Yakfolk also remembers Quinn, and is enraged that the Tiefling never upheld their bargain to help. Quinn attempts to apologize, explaining that the one they meant to ask for assistance had been killed (vampires are dead, right?), but to no avail. The Yakfolk advance, meaning to take Quinn and one of their teammates with them for unknown intentions, and the party end up attacking and killing the Yakfolk. Left behind, a portal opens shortly after, apparently to the ocean as water begins to fill the area. A kraken begins to emerge, and the party flee, nearly losing one of their teammates in the process. However, with the death of the Yakfolk, the blight on the forest has begun to fade. Quinn heads for the holy tree, only to find the Treants of before dead and the tree itself withered and scorched. One of the druids Quinn had met prior sits dying on the ground, and despite Quinn’s attempts to help, cannot be healed. The druid tells of an attack by drow, and fruit stolen from the tree - as well as his brother, perhaps for some monstrous creation. He pleads with Quinn to find his brother and slay him if he is now a monster, and to repair the damage to the forest. Quinn agrees, and rests with the man until his last breath. Within a bag the druid gives to Quinn is the last fruit of the holy tree. The party head home, Quinn bringing the fruit to Agna and finding that Hal Mirrus has arrived in the city. Only once on Agna’s couch does Quinn realize the boot prints in the woods were undoubtedly a sign of the drow’s pending attack on the holy tree, and that perhaps they could have done something had they not been so focused on finding the blight and the Yakfolk. 
- Out of Session: Quinn returns home from Agna’s, and receives news that yet another friend is leaving the guild. They give their goodbyes, and retreat into the grove to mull over their mistakes. Their doubts only grow, and Quinn is growing more and more hesitant to reach out to the few friends they have left. The following morning, Quinn returns to Agna’s to assist Hal with the fruit and with Theodore, resolved that little else matters. Agna, not quietly, reminds Quinn that there is still a chance for failure, even with Hal and the fruit. 
notes: please gods let something good happen to this poor baby. Alignment shift incoming. 
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xzho-writes · 2 years
pairings: diluc x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: someone gives you a special performance on your birthday
wc: 580
warnings: none
extra notes: i don’t have time to post full fics but i’m having insatiable diluc brainrot… and sleep continues to evade me. i couldn’t hold myself back cause i was listening to sway by michael bublé (if you haven’t listened to it yet i will shake you by your shoulders until you do)
(THIS IS VERY MUCH MINDLESS AND COMPLETELY SELF-INDULGENT BRAINROT SOMEONE SAVE ME AIDJAJSNNF) (this is basically me just rambling nonsense) (also, this is nowhere near as descriptive as i usually am so forgive me 😭)
i’ll make a better version (prolly a full fic) in the future i swear-
you can find my masterlist here
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oh lord… can you just iMAGiNE diluc singing to you in the tavern ;-;
if you cannot already tell: i love this man
and you know it’s a big deal when DILUC of all people performs for you
imagine it being your birthday:
diluc wakes you up with soft kisses and cuddles before going down to make you breakfast. he tells you to remain in bed but you insist, going down to help him. and by help him you mean latching onto his back and swaying him side to side with your face happily pressed into his back
but diluc doesn’t mind. not at all. he finds it very endearing and amusing to have you cling to him like this
he gave his workers the day off so that it’d only be you two in the manor enjoying each other’s company
as if he didn’t do enough of that on a daily basis
he just loves you sm. pls. i’m crying. ahahsbwbbebeb.
you’re very much drowning in love today and you better savour the moment- it’s not everyday diluc goes out of his way to be publicly affectionate
he’d make sure he has the entire day off so that you can spend as much time together :’)
imagine walking to mondstadt to enjoy the market together, arm in arm
throw a wink at donna for me, will you? she’d be fuming. going bonkers i tell you.
diluc would chide you for being so mean but if you squint you’d be able to make out the telltale lift of the corner of his lips- the expression you knew as him trying his best not to look amused
you are one very lucky person to be on the arm of diluc ragnvindr like this :>
then after buying you whatever caught your eye he’d walk you back to the manor for a lil cooking session
he’s not the best but he’s trying
he’d start packing the foods into various containers and tuck them into a basket. confused you asked him what was happening and he replied with “a picnic, darling.”
taking naps under the shade of a tree together >>>
but then he’d guide you back to mondstadt and into angel’s share where he’d tell you to wait at the bar, the usual lights unlit
you wait patiently, albeit a little baffled, until you heard the sound of instruments playing the start of a familiar tune
you grinned knowingly, noting the song as one of your favourites
sudden light. a voice, dilucs voice, suddenly cutting through the air in a lovely low timbre.
your breath hitches in amazement and you feel your smile widen, all teeth now
diluc, with a bashful flush on his face, gives you a smile back and begins to sing
he keeps his eyes on you the entire time NAJXJSWOJDNDNWND
then. THENNN. slowly. he’d make his way to you.
*ten.exe has stopped working*
im.a.gine. IMAGINE.
imagine him holding you by the waist as he glides you both across the cosy tavern and singing close to your ears
i’d die if i were you. did you know that? i don’t think i’ve mentioned it enough yet.
eventually he’d let his voice die down in exchange for simply swaying with you quietly, the only noise in the tavern being the instruments played by the musicians
a wonderful birthday indeed
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published 08/03/22
205 notes · View notes
r0zyp0zy0zy · 3 years
✾D.K- Movie Night☼✶
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Master list
Words: 3880
Warnings/kinks: thighs, thigh-job, oral
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x reader
Summary: You invite Denki over for a movie, but your thighs are distracting
                                    ===NSFW under the cut===
It wasn't like Denki's crush on you was a secret, in fact basically everyone knew; but still, it shouldn't've shocked you when Mina gave you screenshots of him practically confessing his love for you.
PinkyPie🌸👽🌷: Y/n I'm dying here😖 He won't stop gushing about you
Y/n: Wait is this real??
PinkyPie🌸👽🌷: Duh!
Y/n: I may or may not be blushing 😳 I like him too, but don't tell! I'll do it soon enough
PinkyPie🌸👽🌷: I'm in need for some entertainment Any ideas on how to fluster him? I want to see him all giddy and nervous lmao 🌸
You looked up from your bed to your paused movie and started to think. Hmm.. that could work.. but how..? Your cheeks flushed harder at the thought of making him nervous; he was just so cute!
Y/n: I have the perfect plan. You know that textbook I lent you? Get Kami to return it to me Once I send the signal I need to prepare >:)
PinkyPie🌸👽🌷: Omg the suspense!! I can't wait!
You got all the confidence you needed when you read his messages to Mina. He liked you, and there was no denying it now. You gathered your snacks into bowls, and rearranged your fairy lights over your bed. Since you already were ready to watch a movie, you only had to make a few adjustments before setting the plan into motion.
You took a moment to change into something a little more revealing, but not at all suggestive. A T-shirt and shorts. You made sure they were shaved/groomed to your liking, and you did the same for your arms. A few candles were lit, and the light was dim.
"Kamiiii~~" Mina yelled from across the room.
"What?" Denki replied, half expecting a phone charger to be thrown at him.
"Can you pretty please give this book to y/n? I have to do something, and apparently she needs it," Mina flashed puppy eyes at him, and Denki grinned.
"An excuse to go to y/n's room?" He buzzed. "I'd go even if you needed me to return a bread crumb!"
"Aw thanks Denki-kun!" She smiled, passing him the hefty book.
Denki practically skipped to your dorm in excitement. He hadn't been able to have a good look at what your room was like when the Best Room Contest was going on. Would it match your personality? Or completely clash? What colour were your walls? What did your bed look like?
His heart fluttered as he came closer to his destination. He nervously clicked the second floor button in the elevator, and urged the thing to move faster. C'mon! He didn't have time for this, he needed to see you!
The elevator's ding rattled in his head as he rushed out of it, speed walking down the hall. Y/n, y/n... y/n! Here we are.
Denki took a deep breath, smoothing out his shirt and shaking out his arms. Here we go. He raised his fist and gently knocked on your door. He heard your feet shuffle to the door, and he felt light headed. You would be in your lounging clothes, no uniform.
"Oh hey Kami!" You greeted with a smile, "what brings you here?"
"U-uh," he stuttered. If it weren't for the shorts peaking under your oversized T-shirt, he would've thought you had nothing else on, "Mina said you needed this."
"Thanks!" You replied, gingerly taking the book from his hands. "It's the perfect height."
"..perfect height?" Denki asked, peeking into your room as you walked back to your bed.
"Yep! It's a great laptop stand," you grinned, placing it under the device, "I was just about to watch a movie, care to join?"
Denki froze, mouth half agape. A movie? With you? Alone? In your room? He felt like he was dreaming.
"Well?" You inquired.
"Y-yes!" Denki almost screamed, "I just gotta- I'm gonna grab a fluffy blanket!"
"Ok!" You giggled as he left your room in a hurry.
Denki didn't waste time on the elevator, and ran down the stairs two steps at a time. He crossed the common area in a hurry, causing several people to question him.
"Fluffy blanket!" Was all he replied before he barged into his room and grabbed what he was looking for. He also grabbed his phone so he could update his friends on his current situation.
Denki⚡️: Holy fuck it's happening
Tape man: Did you finally ask her out
Denki⚡️: Nope She invited me in her room to watch a movie
Tape man: We all know how that turns out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kiri☄️: Good luck, man! I was wondering why you needed a blanket lol
Denki put his phone in his pocket, and rushed back to the common area with his fluffy yellow blanket him his arms.
"What's with the pillow?" Mina giggled.
"Blanket!" Denki corrected. "Y/n invited me to watch a movie in her room and the panic hasn't quite set in yet."
He heard laughing as he ran for the elevator, too tuckered out to take the stairs again. His stomach jolted in excitement as the elevator lifted him upwards. Oh fuck this was actually happening. Denki rushed down the hall to your door, and knocked.
"Come in!" Your muffled voice said.
You took in Denki's appearance as he walked into your room. Even with the lights dimmed, you could see his flushed cheeks. In his arms was a blanket, one you assumed he was hoping to share with you.
"C'mon!" You said, patting the spot beside you.
"O-on your bed?" Kaminari questioned.
"Where else?" You giggled. Denki looked extremely nervous as he sat down, some centimetres away from you. "You can come closer y'know."
"O-ok," Denki stuttered, inching towards you, "so, what are we watching?"
"I'm not sure actually. I was hoping maybe an anime or something," you replied, clicking through all the suggestions on Netflix.
God, please marry me. Denki thought, eyeing your thighs as you said that. They looked so kissable... grab-able... suffocating his face-able...
"This one?" You asked him, pointing to a movie.
"S-sure," Kaminari replied, only half aware of what you were saying. His eyes were glued on your thighs, and you could see his fingers twitching to touch them.
"So are you gonna share that big-ass blanket or not?" You said, tugging at the yellow fabric that was in his lap.
"Y-yeAh," Denki cracked, uncrumpling the blanket, and handing you a corner.
You made sure to slide your fingers over his as you took the side from his hands. You watched as his Adams apple bobbed nervously. You slid the fluffy fabric over your shoulders and scooted closer to Kami.
"I have snacks," you said, pulling over a few bowls of chips and whatever else. You placed the popcorn between the two of you for easier access.
To be honest, Denki wasn't paying attention to the movie in the slightest, all he was doing was thinking about you; how close you were to him. How he was sharing a blanket with you. How your hands touched his occasionally when he grabbed popcorn. His mind was spinning, and he couldn't tell if it was excitement or nerves, (probably both).
Denki looked down at the bowl when he noticed no more popcorn was left. He silently took the bowl off the bed and onto the floor. His heart rate thumped unevenly as he realized that there was no border between you and him. He scooted over a tiny bit, hoping you would do the same.
Your hand reached for another handful of popcorn, but instead got a handful of Kaminari's thigh.
"Ah~" Kami groaned. He slapped his hand over his mouth in embarrassment.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" You panicked, pretending not to notice the delicious noise that came out of his mouth. "Popcorn all gone?"
"Y-yeah," Kaminari stuttered, "I j-just put it on the floor if that's alright, heh."
"Yeah that's fine," you replied, going back to the movie.
If Denki wasn't flushed red already, he certainly was now. His whole body felt hot, and where you grasped his thigh was scorching. He gulped as he strained to keep his composure... but he failed to do so as you leaned against him, shoulders touching. His hopes to stay at least semi-hard crashed, his dick starting to twitch to life. He shoved the hand furthest from you in his sweatpants pocket, and adjusted himself. What would you think of him if you found out he had a hard-on just from you touching him? He didn't want to find out. He pushed sinful thoughts to the back of his head, urging himself to focus on the movie. He needed to go soft, and quick.
That plan also failed, because for some reason he chose a coming of age movie. Honestly, he didn't really even remember picking a movie; that wasn't what he was here for. A heated make-out session was plastered on the laptop screen, and his breath hitched as he realized the actress looked similar to you. Same h/l, h/c hair, same skin colour, same body type... god he felt like he was loosing it. The various differences between you and the actor kept him sane; different nose, different skin type... it reassured him that, no, you weren't making out with some dude, and you were right here beside him.
"The actress looks a lot like you," Kaminari said from out of the blue.
"..and you chose exactly now to tell me that? While their making out?" You laughed, nudging him with your elbow.
"Uh, well. It took me awhile to figure out why she was so familiar," Kaminari blushed. You saw his hands fist the fabric of his pants, his knuckles almost white.
"Kami-kun.. you ok?" You asked, reaching over for his hand. "You seem stressed, is the movie making you uncomfortable?"
"Ah- n-no, it's not that... I-it's, well," Denki struggled to form words, "it's just awkward watching this with you so close."
"It's not like it's porn," you shrugged, and Kami's breath hitched. "But damn, there sure is a lot of nudity..."
"Uh- I didn't know that would, uh, I didn't really look at the description of the movie, heh heh," Kaminari said nervously.
"It's whatever. It's a great show besides that," you popped a candy into your mouth.
Your hand was still on his as you continued to watch the movie. Denki's vision was fuzzy with nervousness, and he wondered if he should pull his hand away. No, he decided. He liked how comforting it felt, even though he was currently rock-hard and raving to go. Denki's head moved the slightest bit towards you, trying to catch a glance of your beautiful face. He almost screamed when he noticed that the side of you thigh was pressed against his.
Hot. Oh god, he felt so hot all over.
You had to stifle a smile as you heard Kaminari continuously whimper; it was so quiet you had to strain to hear. Was he even aware he was doing that? You almost didn't notice the credits rolling on the screen, too caught up in giddy excitement. You unwrapped a lollipop and put it in your mouth, hands reaching for the laptop.
"Hah~" Kaminari whispered behind you. Oh yeah, you thought, your shorts were basically boy-short panties.
"That was fun!" You cheered, closing the device and picking up candy wrappers.
"Y-yeah," Kami gulped, afraid to get up. He folded his fluffy blanket, and carefully held it in front of his crotch, trying not to grind against it.
"Well, you can stay for the night if you want. I don't know about you, but I'm pooped," you said, stretching your arms up, exposing your thighs.
"Oh my god I want to fuck your thighs so bad," Denki said dreamily, and then immediately smacked a hand over his mouth.
His eyes were wide with horror, and he would have collapsed if he wasn't sitting down. Your face looked shocked as you processed what he said. Oh shit, he wanted to perish. Vanish from the earth and never be seen again.
"I-I, Wow, I can't believe I said that out loud. Please excuse me while I go die of embarrassment," Denki said as calmly as he could muster, quickly standing up and walking awkwardly towards your door.
"Wait, Kami," you said, grabbing his wrist as he reached for the doorknob.
Yup. This is it. This is where he dies. This is where you fucking murder him in cold blood, right here, right now.
"At least give me a kiss before you leave," you said, looking at him with pleading eyes. The stick on your lollipop had fallen off of the candy, and the sweet treat was still in your mouth.
"Y-you're serious?!" Kaminari sputtered, dropping his blanket in surprise.
"Mmhm," you mumbled, pulling him a little closer to you. His erection was painfully obvious, but he didn't seem to care.
Kaminari reached for your face, cupping your cheeks in his hands. They were a little sweaty, but that didn't bother you. The look in his eyes was remarkable, and you felt courage flow through you. Your soft lips met his, and you exchanged a few kisses before you deepened it. You slipped your tongue across his lip, and he eagerly opened up.
Denki moaned at the sweetness of your tongue, sucking on it to get all of the flavour. He squeaked as he felt something weird enter his mouth. Oh. Oh. That was the piece of candy you were sucking on. Holy fuck. Denki groaned deeply, swishing the sweet in his mouth before giving it back to you.
You pulled away, saliva covering your lips. You heave for breath and gleamed at Kaminari, "that was hot."
"Hhngg," was the only response you heard from him.
"You ok, Kami?" You asked, giving his wrist a slight squeeze.
"Fuck yeah," he moaned. "M' just trying not to cum my pants right now."
"How about I take these shorts off so you can come between my thighs," you teased, already shimming out of your short-shorts.
"EH?!" Denki roared, and you saw his hair buzz with electricity.
"Just don't electrocute me, Buzzy," you said, stepping a few inches away, playfully throwing in the nickname.
You bit your cheek as Kami started to play with the strings on his pants, "actually? Like, really?!"
"Stop saying stupid shit and come here," you grabbed his forearm, pulling him closer to you. "Let's get these sweatpants off, shall we?"
You slowly pulled at the strings, leaving sensual touches to his pelvis. Denki looked as though he had just entered heaven, his eyes were shining dreamily, and a dumb smile was plastered on his face. His pants fell to the ground, and you snorted at his lighting bolt patterned briefs. You ghosted a hand over his length, and Denki shivered in anticipation.
"Can I- please?" Kaminari struggled, his hands slowly reaching over to you.
"Of course, baby," you murmured, lifting your T-shirt over your head, leaving you in just your undergarments.
As soon as the magic words left your lips, he was all over you. It was like he had to touch every inch of you. You loved the way he firmly gripped your hips, and the way he kissed you. It felt just right. Denki nervously pulled off his underwear, now only in a shirt. You didn't hesitate to gently grip his cock, relishing the whimper he made. You stroked him a few times before reaching over to your dresser, pumping a little lotion on your palm.
You looked at Denki as you rubbed the lotion on the inside of your thighs, you grabbed another dollop and rubbed that in as well. You ended up pushing him against a wall, your hands on his chest, and lips on his. You dropped one of your hands down to Denki's twitching cock, and swiftly inserted it between your thighs, directly under your vulva. You moaned with him as he took ahold of your hips and pulled you closer to him, jerking out his hips in the process.
"Fuck. Holy fuck, t-thank you so much y/n!" Denki cried, leaning his head back. He stuck out his hips, and helped you grind against him.
"So, how long have you been wanting to do this for?" You inquired, nibbling at his earlobe.
"Ah~ so goddamn long," Denki murmured.
The feeling of his dick pressed firmly under your heat sent waves of pleasure up your body, and you took one hand off the wall to cup your breast. You sighed and looked at Kaminari, his face was flushed, and you were sure the blush travelled down to his chest.
"Hah~~" Denki moaned, "I'm so close. Pl-ease."
The way your thighs clamped around his dick made his head spin, it was so much better than he ever imagined it would be. Your panties were wet against his cock, and he groaned deeply at the fact that holy shit this was actually happening. Denki would smell your arousal, (something he didn't really expect to have a strong smell), and he got dizzy all over again.
"'Please'?" You questioned, giving small sucks to his jaw.
"Can I come? I-I just don't want to finish between your legs and then you freak out, that would be bad. A-and I wasn't sure if—" Denki got cut off with a kiss.
"Go ahead, baby. Go on and come undone for me," you whispered in his ear.
Denki let out a strangled groan, mumbling out 'fuck' and 'you're so perfect'. His hold on you gripped harder, leading you back and forth on his cock. Your pride swelled as you felt a wet, sticky substance run down the back of your thighs. Denki shuttered once he was finished, and whined when he gently pushed you off.
"Fuck, so good," Denki said in a daze, his eyes practically glazed over.
You reached between your legs, scooping up some of his semen with your fingers. You brought them to your mouth, and sucked on them, making sure to clean off all of the salty substance
"Oh my god," Denki muttered as he watched you. He was getting hard again.
"Clean up for me?" You said, spreading your legs and bending over a little bit, exposing your cum-covered thighs. You didn't hear a response, and you worried that you'd maybe gone too far.
Denki was drooling at the wonderful sight, and got on his knees. His hands ran up and down your legs before he took an experimental lick. It wasn't the worst, but still unfavourable. Right now, he didn't care what it tasted like. Because he was licking your thighs and the bottom of your ass, and that's all that mattered right now. Denki took care to graze his teeth on your skin every so often, eliciting a sweet moan from you.
"All done," he mumbled into your leg, giving it one more kiss before pulling away, still on his knees.
You turned around, and Denki's eyes nearly fell out of his head; you took off your bra, and your breasts were amazing. He was frozen, but let you strip off his T-shirt, too afraid that he would wake up in his bed, and this was all a dream.
"You look so good like that, Denki," you mused, admiring his disheveled hair and messy face. You glanced down and saw that he was hard again— classic Kami, "I'm so horny, baby. Touch me~"
Denki's shaky hands felt their way up your legs, and gripped onto your underwear's waistband. He looked up at you as he pulled them down to your ankles, careful to slip them off. They were covered in your slick, and it took him a whole lot of self-control to not lick them. He had the whole meal in front of him anyway. Denki curiously slid his fingers through your folds, breath catching at your sigh.
You turned so that your back was against the wall, and spread your legs enough so that Kaminari had full-view of your flower. His tongue stuck out, and drool practically dripped down his chin. He slowly crawled towards you, reaching his neck out so he could have a sweet taste of your goodness. You reached down and pulled at his hair, guiding him to where he was scared to go.
"This is really ok?" Denki said dreamily, his gaze hypnotized on your pussy.
"Yep, dig in, Buzzy," you said, biting your lip.
Kaminari lurched forward, hands clamped on your thighs, and stuck his face between your legs. You assumed he had little to no experience, so you guided him with your sweet voice, and pulling him off if he did something you didn't like.
"So good," Denki moaned on your pussy, drunk on your taste. He rubbed his tongue just right on your clit, and you groaned. He did it again, and began to nibble and suck on your sensitive pearl. Kaminari's cock was leaking pre-cum, but he refused to give himself attention. He was receiving so much pleasure by just making you feel good.
"Denki~" you moaned, gripping his hair harder and pulling him closer, grinding against his face.
"Mmfff-" Denki struggled, tingles travelling through his body. The way you said his name practically has him coming.
"So close- don't you dare stop!" Your back arched, and your eyes closed.
He didn't plan on that. He needed you to finish on his tongue, he was desperate for your pleasure. Denki felt your vulva twitch in his mouth, and he tried harder. You were so close. He needed you to feel good. You had made him feel so good just moments before.
"Right- there-!" You gasped, legs shaking through Denki's grip. He continued his pace, though struggling to breathe; he didn't care, he needed you to finish.
When the grip on Kaminari's scalp softened and fell away, he pulled back, choking for air, "oh my fuck you taste so good~"
"Thank you, Buzzy," you smiled at him. "You're the best."
The two of you admired each other for a moment, before Denki coughed awkwardly, "sorry about the floor."
You glanced down and noticed that Kaminari had managed to cum without the help of anything touching him. Classic Kami.
"Heh, that's kinda embarrassing," he rubbed the back of his neck. "I-I'll clean that up."
You watched Denki clean the floor as you cleaned yourself, using baby wipes on your legs to get rid of the cum remanence. You threw on your robe and told Kami you'd be a few minutes.
When you came back in, all cleaned up, Denki was sitting on your bed with his boxers on, "I was hoping that I-I could stay over?"
"Absolutely," you grinned, flopping on the bed. Denki wrapped his yellow blanket around your body, and you cuddled into him.
"So I'm assuming you like me back, then?" Denki mumbled into your neck.
"Mmhm," you sighed, "I have for awhile now."
"Damn. We could've been doing this earlier!"
"Oi, shut up and cuddle me. I'm all tuckered out."
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rosemarypasta · 4 years
monday afternoons ♡ 8
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➤  pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤  chapter warnings : slowburn (?)
➤  summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 1732
♡ masterpost ♡
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-ˏˋ chapter eight ˊˎ-
“Bye everyone!” The second year libero enthusiastically yelled out before the whole team parted ways from Sakanoshita. The rest of the team mumbled out their farewells with drained energy from an intense practice session. You turned on your heel and began to walk side by side with Kageyama. Two whole weeks have passed since that confrontation with Tsukishima and you’ve made it your top priority on trying to regain their trust. Though, most of the team accepted your apology right off the bat, you still tried your best to be active in practice and be friendly with them.
“T-Today was though huh?” You started, referring to the hell-like receive training session the team just had that gifted everyone with new splotches of black and blue all over their arms. “Mhm” Kageyama hummed, his eyes and hands fixated at his unopened milk box. Your shoulders sank at his reply. Of course, there was nothing wrong with Kageyama’s answer. He was always the type to answer with the least amount of energy. A “Mhm”, “Yeah”, “Ok” was a typical Kageyama reply to everything but after what happened with Oikawa, you started to over analyze every reply he gave you. Surprisingly, he was one of the many who accepted your apology right away and just went on about his day like nothing happened, but you still can’t help but think he might have a grudge on you, though you know that he’s not the type of person to do so.
The walk continues in silence. The silence was suffocating to you and your mind raced to come up with conversational topics but Kageyama didn't feel a thing and walked as usual with a milk carton in his hand.
Ever since that day, you’ve stopped replying to Oikawa’s texts and calls. What Hinata said that day just made too much sense, all the insecurities and worries you had revolving around yours and Oikawa’s relationship just fit like a puzzle piece. He never made things official because he never wanted you to be his girlfriend. You were just a toy to piss off Kageyama and you played right into his palm like a fool.
You didn’t even bother asking him about it. You didn’t want to. You figured it would be too painful to hear it from him himself.
Though you kept ignoring him, he still repeatedly tried to text you and call you. Spamming your name in your chats every day for the last thirteen days but last night your chats were empty, with no texts from the Seijoh captain. You figured he finally got tired of chasing after his toy and gave up. But even though you were the one ignoring him, you felt a pain in your chest as you went to sleep last night.
You groaned internally as you watched your house loom closer and closer, cursing under your breath as you didn’t manage to spark a normal conversation with Kageyama.
And as if this whole situation couldn’t get any worse for you, your eyes spot the white blazer of a certain school. The two of you stopped in your tracks, your breath hitched in surprise as you saw Kageyama’s arm shielding you from the Seijoh captain. “Oikawa-san, what are you doing here.” Kageyama’s solemn tone echoed the empty streets.
“Y-Y/N! Where were you I wa-“
“Stop. Get lost already, she doesn’t want to hear it.” He barked at his senior. Before Oikawa can get another word in, Kageyama grabbed your wrist and pulled you away, leaving the brown haired setter at a loss for words in the middle of the dark neighbourhood.
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12:03 AM
Oikawa rubbed his bleary eyes with his fists. He knows he shouldn’t be doing his but he couldn’t keep Y/N of his mind. He knew Iwaizumi would scold him the second he senses something and snatch his phone away. But he had to do it.
He turned his phone on and opened it to reveal his lockscreen which left a bittersweet feeling on the tip of his tongue. He swiped his thumb across the picture of his and Y/N’s hand intertwined together that he sneakily took one time she was distracted and unlocked it.
He bit his lip as he typed the two words onto Y/N’s empty chat.
“Good night”
The brown haired setter wanted to say so much more but he figured if he wanted to even make it out alive out of Iwaizumi’s lecture he was going to have to sit through the next day for disobeying his orders to just leave her alone, this was the most he could do.
He sighed as he tapped the send button. He knew she wasn’t going to reply just like the last two weeks but he still had hope.
Oikawa got up to turn off his bedroom lights before staggering back to the same spot he has been in for the last three hours. He covered his body with the covers, bringing his legs and arms closer to his chest. He went to bed with his hands close to his heart, his phone clutched tight in his fists.
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Hanamaki and Matsukawa watched as their captain sighed at his phone for the eighth time since the lunch break started. The two third years exchanged glances, trying to get the other to ask what was wrong again. Hanamaki squinted hard at Matsukawa, silently arguing with his eyes that it was him who asked Oikawa yesterday to which Matsukawa argued back that he got to the rooftop first so he had to sit through more sighs and moping than him. The two continued to glare hard at each other as their captain signed for the ninth time that afternoon.
“What’s wrong?” Iwaizumi broke the silence amongst the three Aoba Johsai third years as he crept onto the rooftop with an armful of various colors of melon pan. Both Hanamaki and Matsukawa gave their friend a deadpan look on their face as he knew what the problem was. Iwaizumi sighed and proceeded to spike a plastic wrapped green melon pan straight to Oikawa’s downcast face.
“Man, get over yourself and tell them already!” Iwaizumi scowled at his unusually quiet best friend who would usually go ballistic if a bag of bread was hurled at his face. Oikawa sighed again and buried his head into his hands, “you tell them.” He mumbled.
Iwaizumi shook his head at his best friend and turned to his other friends as he commanded. “Basically, he started to fake date the new Karasuno manager to get back at Kageyama but he accidentally fell in love but the girl suddenly started to ghost him for some reason.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“That’s not true! We’re not dating...yet…” Oikawa suddenly shot up. “Whatever! You get my point.” Iwaizumi barked back, rolling his eyes at him.
“Wow captain, fake dating? this is an all time low, even for you.” Hanamaki managed to stay, stifling his laughs, causing Oikawa’s face to retreat into his hands. “You? Actually falling in love with a girl? That’s new.” Matsukawa scoffed, reminiscing his captain’s old flirtatious ways with multiple girls at a time.
Oikawa sat silently as his friends laughed at him. He couldn’t even yell at them and defend himself because he knew they were right. He knew he would always play around with girls but to fake date a girl? He knew he would hate it if a girl were to fake like him but at the end he did end up liking Y/N so...it isn’t that bad...right?
“What’s the big deal? You’ll probably get over her after you go to a mixer like you usually do.” Matsukawa said through the bread he was munching on. “Yeah, what’s so special about her anyway?” The pink haired wing spiker chimed in.
“She’s special...she makes me feel so different.” Oikawa answered, his throat dry. Matsukawa, Hanamaki and Iwaizumi looked at eachother, not expecting such a pressing and soppy reply from their usually annoyingly playful friend who’s never serious about anything other than volleyball.
“I-It’s like I feel like I can be myself, the me I only show the closest people around me, the me I’m around you guys,” Oikawa took a deep breath, not caring about the looks on his friends’ faces, “I mean, you guys know how I’m with when I’m around other girls. Pathetic, fake, disgusting-”
“You said it, not me.” Hanamaki mumbled before getting elbowed on the stomach by the Seijoh ace.
“She makes me all...fuzzy and feel like the whole world is in technicolor. I-I’ve never felt it before but I don’t think I hate it. I don’t know exactly what is it but I think it’s L-”
“Love.” Iwaizumi cut off, “Sorry, had to finish off your sentence before these two start vomiting.” He pointed to the two third years squirming on the ground at Oikawa’s words.
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6:05 PM
Oikawa sighed as he faced the darkening sky with his best friend by his side. His ever so silent phone still tight in his right hand, his palm starts getting clammy as the words he planned to say resonated in his mind.
“Iwa-chan?” He quietly said as the two walked home from practice.
“Hm?” Iwaizumi replied as Oikawa expected.
“Remember the one thing you told me not to do?”
“I did it.”
“I know.”
Oikawa took his eyes off the sky and to his best friend, “You knew?”. Iwaizumi scoffed at his flustered friend, “How could I not? You were staring at your phone like some freak.”
Iwaizumi’s eyes watched as his best friend’s shoulders sagged even more. It would kill him to admit it but it pained him to see how down Oikawa was.
“But,” Iwaizumi started, causing Oikawa to flinch, expecting the long awaited lecture and yelling. “What I didn’t know was that she was that important to you.” He said in a calm demeanor, confusing his friend with the unexpected behaviour.
“She is.” Oikawa coughed, for his throat suddenly felt the driest it has ever been. Iwaizumi abruptly put his hand in the midst of Oikawa’s curls, bringing his head closer to his shoulder.
“She’s so important to me.” Oikawa tried his best to blink away his hot tears that accumulated in his eyes.
next:  -ˏˋ chapter nine ˊˎ-
previous:  -ˏˋ chapter seven ˊˎ-
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I am sleep deprived from moving across town and never ending assignments so i’m so sorry this took so long and i didn’t proofread this chapter so i’m sorry too lmaoo. I plan to soon though so please ignore any mistakes I made this chapter
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@hey-there-demonss​ @bumbledunce​ @teasbees-knees​
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yamraven15 · 3 years
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Individuals often have sensations of shame and disgust at their absence of control throughout as well as after binge consuming, which can enhance that cycle of unfavorable feelings, constraint and binge consuming once again. Individuals with binge eating disorder consume huge amounts of food over a brief time period.
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This not only causes boosted muscle development however also causes muscle mass retention and also the formation of brand-new muscle cells. This SARM was at first developed to assist people experiencing muscle mass loss, but it's generally used by bodybuilders to stop muscular tissue wasting. GHSRs are also located in the areas of the brain that regulate appetite, state of mind, satisfaction, memory, organic rhythms, cognitive functions, as well as memory. When you take Ibutamoren, you'll not only lose fat as well as develop muscle mass but will also feel better and more alert, improving your health and fitness efficiency. A large part of this reason is how Ligandrol increases your power.
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Individuals might locate it challenging to quit during a binge also if they wish to. Some individuals with binge eating condition have explained really feeling detached from what they're doing during a binge, or even struggling to keep in mind what they've eaten later on. Most individuals advise that the item is carried out just once every 4 weeks, dbal types.
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Unlike people with bulimia, they don't usually follow this by getting rid of the food via, for example, vomiting, though sometimes they could fast in between binges. BED is not about picking to eat huge parts, nor are individuals that suffer from it just "overeating"-- much from being delightful, binges are extremely distressing, usually entailing a much larger quantity of food than someone would certainly wish to eat.
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On top of that, cycle assistance lowers the possibility you'll experience any type of negative effects. Lots of PCT supplements contain natural vitamins, minerals, and natural herbs such as ashwagandha essence, Tribulus Terrestris remove, Rhodiola Rosea essence, vitamin E, as well as saw palmetto essence. These ingredients will stabilize hormonal agents while boosting body make-up as well as your total feeling of health. But there specify supplements that body builders and also anybody taking SARMs must utilize. Supplements include vitamins, minerals, fats, amino acids, and other valuable active ingredients. Individuals take supplements for more reasons than physical fitness advantages. Supplements include important vitamins, minerals, as well as various other substances that improve your wellness.
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While BCAAs are essential to muscular tissue gain, it is suggested you take BCAAs with protein supplements, especially whey protein. BCAAs promote muscle mass protein synthesis, which is the procedure of structure muscle mass. It's likewise said that BCAAs lower muscle damages along with the size and also extent of delayed start muscle pain, urging body builders to raise a lot more. High-grade cycle assistance supplements have ingredients such as grape seed extract, Tribulus Terrestris remove, vitamin E, N-Acetyl-I-Cysteine, saw palmetto essence, celery seed extract, as well as hawthorn berry. Cycle assistance shields important bodily functions, such as cardiovascular, liver, prostate, and cholesterol health and wellness and likewise supports your high blood pressure.
Binges may be planned like a routine and also can entail the individual getting "special" binge foods, or they might be much more spontaneous. Individuals may most likely to extreme sizes to accessibility food-- for example, consuming food that has actually been discarded or taking food. https://highgrade-labs.com/product/mk-2866-ostarine/ consuming generally takes place in private, though the person may consume regular meals outside their binges. Individuals with binge eating problem might additionally limit their diet regimen or place in certain guidelines around food-- this can also lead to them binge eating because of hunger and also sensations of starvation.
This time I reduced weight on the scale a minimum of however visually it really did not resemble it as well as I maintained my toughness.
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This would be similar to a SARMS triple stack that is typically kept up Ostarine, except there is a possibility of more size being placed on while cutting. A great dose for this method would be 3-5 mg a day for 8 weeks. LGD has actually shown the most ability of any type of SARM to put on dimension that could be thought about a bulk. rises, and also have had a significant rise in calorie consumption. An advise dosage for this kind of objective would be 5-10 mg day for 8 weeks. If you disable this cookie, we will not have the ability to conserve your preferences. This implies that every time you see this web site you will certainly require to allow or disable cookies once again.
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Being unclear of any of the above can suggest that you should not be taking efficiency enhancers just yet-- this is since your body still has the ability to improve normally. Just when you can not improve anymore would certainly I suggest considering taking performance enhancers. Value that efficiency enhancers will not make you rub on their own. As your body responds, you might really feel an absence of hunger, but this ought to not place you off from sticking to your diet plan. The most effective SARMs to buy come with clear and also detailed guidelines.
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Previous studies in humans demonstrated that daily oral administration of MK-677 in healthy older adults,8 GH-deficient adults9 for 4 weeks, and GH-deficient children10 for 7 days increased serum GH, IGF-I, and IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-3 concentrations.
A dramatically higher intramuscular fat content of the quadriceps femoris muscle was observed in the OVX+LG 4 group compared to the Non-OVX group. In OVX rats, the fat web content of the muscular tissue did not vary from that in the other teams. All rats received a soy-free rodent diet regimen (ssniff Spezial Diät GmbH, Soest, Germany) throughout the experiment. OS and LG were provided with the soy-free diet (ssniff Spezial Diät GmbH).
Strictly Required Cookie ought to be enabled in any way times so that we can conserve your preferences for cookie settings. It means that purchasers have proper defense when purchasing sports supplements, both online as well as offline. Authorities are reacting extremely quickly and also capturing scammers marketing fake SARMs.
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The gastrocnemius muscular tissue, soleus muscular tissue, as well as longissimus muscular tissue were extracted. The GM and also SM were evaluated and also all muscle mass were frozen in fluid nitrogen and also kept at − 80 ° C up until more evaluations. Either left or right muscular tissues were used arbitrarily in either histological or enzyme analyses. In Experiment II, intramuscular fat content was identified in the quadriceps femoris muscle in Non-OVX, OVX, as well as OVX+LG 4 groups.
The continuing to be food in the cage was evaluated regular to compute the average daily food consumption of a rat by separating these data by days in between the weighing and number of rats in a cage. The typical day-to-day dose of OS and LG was computed based on the everyday food intake as well as the mean BW in the cage on the particular week. After 13 weeks post-OVX, all pets were euthanized under CO2 anesthetic. Blood serum was gathered for further evaluation of creatine kinase as a pen of muscle mass damages.
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CRN updates guidelines on SARMs, caffeine.
Posted: Mon, 09 Jul 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]
If you have not gotten any type of, component 3 has been made to assist you obtain one of the most out of your cycle. Ideal for those who do not take pleasure in having a healthy and balanced level of testosterone. I in fact slimmed down no strength gets no anything generally. https://highgrade-labs.com/product/gw-501516-cardarine/ is actually better than its ever before been training is good also. It will certainly shine more-so if ran in combination with SARMS S-4 as well as Cardarine (GW ).
Nonetheless, they are still associated with venous thromboembolism and also stroke. C4 (generally known as pre-workout) delivers a boost of caffeine and also other components to increase endurance, power, as well as performance. It's suitable for bodybuilders of all levels, however you need to adhere to application directions meticulously.
OS and also LG are still being checked out in professional tests, as well as neither have actually been accepted as therapies to this point. There are no studies reporting in vivo impacts of OS and LG on postmenopausal muscle structure and also metabolic rate. The aim of the here and now study was to check out the result of OS as well as LG on the muscle mass tissue of ovariectomized rats as the standard design for postmenopausal problems. The OS impact on bone tissue as well as animal version as a component of Experiment I has actually been just recently published. Hormonal agent replacement therapy in postmenopausal ladies is related to extreme side effects, such as an enhanced threat of coronary heart disease, bust cancer, stroke, and also venous thromboembolism. Nevertheless, it is still the most reliable therapy for postmenopausal symptoms and also for carefully picked women, advantages might exceed risks. Selective estrogen receptor modulators have useful results on the musculoskeletal system like estrogen, they have fewer adverse occasions on busts and the womb.
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kaistarus · 4 years
Clickbait(YouTuberAU)--Chapter 5
Pairings: Kiribaku, Tododeku
Words: 4,437
Summary:  A lot of great things came with being a big name YouTuber, but along with those perks were some serious drawbacks. One of the biggest being your lack of personal privacy.
Due to just one video, Kirishima's least well-kept secret has become a viral sensation overnight, and now he has to deal with the repercussions from both the YouTube community and the public. Hopefully, those he's dragging down with him won't mind...
Notes: Welcome to how many Buzzfeed Unsolved references can I fit into one chapter lol. Had a lot of fun with this, so I hope you all like it!!
Read the full thing here
Kirishima laid haphazardly across the leather sofa, upper body sunk perfectly into the cushion now melded for his form. He shoveled a mouthful of Americanized-Chinese take-out that had been ordered once too often that week and numbed his mind with another Disney princess movie. As Rapunzel cupped Eugene’s cheek, singing through tears to bring her new love back from the dead he brushed his thumb longingly against his cell phone. If only he had someone who would cut their hair and sing to him if he were dying.
“Are you just going lay there and mope all day?
Kirishima groaned, pausing the movie with his phone. “I’m not moping. I’m relaxing.”
“You’ve been on that couch for the past three days,” Sero said. He kicked one of many take-out boxes surrounding Kirishima. “In those same clothes.”
Kirishima pulled his childhood Crimson Riot blanket above his head. It had been a full week since he and Bakugou exchanged numbers, and the only thing he received from him was a thumbs-up emoji when Kirishima texted him about their video hitting number one trending. An emoji like that basically meant ‘fuck off’ in text lingo. Kirishima hadn’t known what he did wrong, but he could take a hint.
“Do you think you could be… overreacting?” Sero asked.
Kirishima pulled the blanket down far enough to glare at Sero. “I would never overreact about this.”
Kirishima didn’t care what Sero thought. He would rather lay here in the mingled smell of Chinese leftovers and armpit stench than face reality.
His cocoon of warmth was ripped away as Sero pulled the fleece blanket off. Kirishima sat up and reached after the covers, but Sero had been too fast.
“What the hell, dude,” Kirishima said, giving up and lying back down.
“Mina told me I needed to get you up today, and I fear her more on a good day than you on your worst.”
That was fair, but it didn’t mean Kirishima liked it. He turned to face away from Sero and burrow further into the cushion’s warmth, not suspecting Sero to grip his legs and drag him off the sofa. “Bro, what the fuck!” Kirishima said, kicking at Sero’s hands and gripping the armrest for dear life.
Sero won. Kirishima flopped belly first onto plush carpet, feet atop Sero’s lap who’d fallen over the moment Kirishima lost his holding on the side of the couch. Before Kirishima could berate Sero for ruining his depressive episode the couch cushions started to vibrate. He realized his phone fell between the cracks during their tussle.
Kirishima figured Mina was calling to check on him and he had a thing or two to say to her. He dug between the cracks, annoyance allowing him to ignore a large number of crumbs his fingertips were brushing and whipped his phone to his ear.
“Mina if you don’t start minding your own—"
“Kirishima!” Midoriya’s voice threw Kirishima off guard. He pulled the phone away and nearly dropped the device when ‘Bakugou Katsuki’ flashed in all caps. “I’m so glad you picked up.”
“Yeah,” Kirishima said confused. Midoriya was panting heavily, and it sounded like the phone was being jostled around. “Are you okay, dude? Why do you have Bakugou’s—"
“Everything’s fine! Hey, we’re filming today, and I was wondering if you wanted to come to hang out?” Midoriya asked. Kirishima strained to hear what he thought was yelling in the background.
“We, like, Mysteries Unsolved?”
“Yeah! You and I still haven’t talked. I need to get to know the guy that Kacchan—oof.”
There were muffled arguments after Kirishima assumed the phone had been dropped. He called out to Midoriya a few times, growing concerned when he heard a high-pitched squeal.
“Shitty Hair?” A husky voice filtered to his ear. Kirishima’s mouth went dry and he gripped the phone tighter.
“Uh, that’s me?”
“What did that fucker say?” Bakugou asked. “He’s a damn liar. You can’t trust him.”
Kirishima looked up at Sero who had started eating the rest of the General Tso he’d gotten for lunch. Kirishima kicked him onto his side.
“He said you were filming today and that I should come over.”
“Oh.” The line went quiet for a little too long and Kirishima had to check they were still connected. “That’s fine. You should do that.”
“Are you sure? I don’t have—”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay.” Suddenly the fact that he’d been wearing the same clothes for three days became more apparent. “I just gotta get ready and then I’ll head over.”
They said their goodbyes and Kirishima fell back onto his back with a sigh. Sero crawled to hover over him with a mocking look and Kirishima eyed him suspiciously. “What?”
“I would never overreact.” He said, voice pitched higher and face scrunched, shaking his head and clearly mocking him. Kirishima shoved him onto his side again and rolled into a squatting position to boost himself up. He had to wash off his depression stank.
Kirishima realized, standing in front of Bakugou’s red-bricked apartment complex, that it was a lot less intimidating than he remembered. Maybe because he didn’t have the feel of impending doom rolling around in his stomach this time.
“Alright,” Sero said, leaning across the passenger seat. “Text me if you need anything.”
“Yes, mom,” Kirishima said while rolling his eyes.
“And be safe. Those are basically strangers up there.”
“Okay, mom.”
“And make sure you use protection. I can’t take care of any more children.”
“Sero. Leave.”
Sero laughed and drove off, leaving Kirishima to grumble his way down the stone path lined with daisies and white-painted benches with hearts cut into the backs. Kirishima paused to watch a small bird drink from a layered fountain—had he seriously been freaking out over this place? He reached the glass vestibule that buzzed the moment he texted Bakugou he’d arrived. Unlike the last time he came to the complex Kirishima navigated the dimly lit halls much easier, only getting lost once. He blamed it on the random flyer informing tenants not to leave their dog’s droppings in the hallway.
He found the silver plaque reading 420 rather quickly and after a self-pep talk knocked strongly on the wooden door. He bounced on the balls of his feet, and when the door pulled open the guy with half his hair dyed from the party was staring blankly back at him. Kirishima remembered Uraraka saying he was Bakugou’s roommate and their editor, how did he forget he’d be here.
“Shitty Hair.” Todoroki—he thinks that’s what Uraraka called him—said. Kirishima waited for more, but after an uncomfortably long time staring at each other, he realized that was it.
“Can I come in, please?”
Todoroki’s eyes narrowed and he found himself shrinking under the gaze. He thought once things had been figured out between him and Bakugou this Todoroki guy wouldn’t hate him anymore, but it looks like he’d been wrong.
“Is that Kirishima?” Midoriya came bounding up from behind Todoroki. “What are you doing in the hall? Come on, we’re almost done setting up!”
Kirishima slid past Todoroki with as much space as possible. The apartment looked massive compared to how it’d felt crammed with all those people the night of the party. The furniture that Kaminari had fallen off was now pushed against the walls to make room for the set that Kirishima had seen in so many of their YouTube videos. An old wooden table and chairs became the focus and a backdrop was being set up behind them. Taped to the backdrop were wanted posters, maps with red string and post-its, and various black and white photos of vehicles, people, and crime scenes. Kirishima felt an uncontrollable smile start to form.
“I always pictured you having a studio or something.”
“It looks more complicated than it is.” Midoriya shrugged. “It’s already intact in Todoroki’s room. We just move it out here.”
“You keep the table in your room?” Kirishima asked turning to Todoroki.
“It’s our dining set.”
Kirishima eyed the old, cracked table and the two uncomfortable chairs. He couldn’t imagine having to sit on those for anything other than a short film session.
“Kacchan is in Todoroki’s room grabbing the last of the camera equipment,” Midoriya said. “If you wanted to go help him.” Kirishima did. He nodded to Midoriya and wandered down the only hallway that could lead to other rooms. He had no clue which door led to Todoroki’s room, but after hearing several curses he had a pretty good idea.
He nudged the ajar door open with his foot and found Bakugou headfirst in a closet.
“Fucking half-and-half bastard. I told him to leave them out, but nobody ever fucking listens to me. I swear to fucking god I’m going to lose my mind.” Bakugou muttered to himself while throwing clothing items and books behind him.
“Would you like help?”
Bakugou pulled out of the closet too quickly, causing a few crashes to be heard inside. “Hey.” He said breathlessly. Kirishima figured from digging around in the closet so long.
“I’ve almost got it. Just hold on.” Bakugou said before diving back into whatever chaos Todoroki maintained in there.
Kirishima took small steps around the room that was about as plain as the owner itself. The walls were blank, the bedspread was grey, and even his computer desk was barren. The only thing that stood out was the two pictures hung above his bedframe with scotch tape. The first was him, Midoriya, and Bakugou holding their one-millionth subscriber plaque, and the second was two young boys in jerseys covered in dirt, the blonde boy had a cocky grin with his arm slung around a pale-haired boy who smiled shyly.
“You can carry these.” Bakugou offered Kirishima two heavy leather bags filled with equipment only Sero could name. He followed Kirishima’s gaze to the pictures on Todoroki’s wall and scoffed. “I told the hag not to give him that.”
“Is that you?”
“Yeah, but it’s a stupid picture.” Bakugou nudged Kirishima forward with his own case. “I don’t know why he likes it so much.”
Kirishima followed Bakugou out of the room to help him unpack the equipment while Midoriya and Todoroki completed the backdrop.
“Kacchan, I’m going to start recording the voiceover,” Midoriya said, walking toward the hall with Todoroki trailing after.
“Fucking do whatever I don’t care.”
“Voiceover?” Kirishima asked.
“Yeah, the dramatic explaining bull shit. Half-and-half cuts it in with us fucking around. It sounds cleaner that way.”
Kirishima nodded. That made sense. He guessed he never thought about it that intensely while just casually watching. “So, what’s the topic today?”
Bakugou shrugged. “The dynamic works better if I don’t know.” He said, struggling with a tripod. Kirishima sat cross-legged and watched helpfully. “I set up all the outings and Deku does this bull shit.”
Kirishima’s jaw dropped, “but I thought you hated being a ghost hunter.”
“I’m not a fucking ghost hunter.” Bakugou paused, staring blankly ahead. “Am I a ghost hunter?”
“I mean by definition...” Kirishima shrugged. “Sorry, dude.”
“I don’t want to be a fucking ghost hunter. This is bull shit!”
Todoroki poked his head out from the end of the hallway. “Izuku would like me to pass on, ‘Kacchan shut the fuck up. You’re ruining my recording’.”
“Tell him to suck a fat one.”
“I will not.” Todoroki left and Bakugou stuck his tongue out childishly.
“Izuku?” Kirishima asked.
“Yep,” Bakugou motioned for Kirishima to hand him one of the items lying beside him. “You give someone a place to stay and they betray you by sleeping with the enemy.”
“That didn’t sound overdramatic at all.”
“I’m not overdramatic.” He muttered under his breath. Kirishima leaned back on his palms and glanced back to where Todoroki had disappeared.
Midoriya’s head poked out from the hall. “Kirishima there’s a fun ransom note in this case and I was wondering if you wanted to do the voiceover for it?”
“Fun ransom note?” Bakugou shook his head.
“Normally Todoroki would, but since you’re here I figured it’d be fun to switch things up.”
Kirishima scrambled up and bounded down to the room opposite Todoroki’s. Bakugou’s room had a lot more to take in than Todoroki’s had. The amount of superhero merchandise—All Might specifically—that Bakugou had was impressive even to Kirishima. He had posters hung all over, actions figures and Funko Pops on bookshelves—most unopened, comic books resting on his nightstand, and an All Might blanket strewn across his black comforter. In between the superhero posters were a few pop-punk bands from the early 2000s that he was sure Sero would appreciate.
Kirishima’s eyes landed on a silver laptop on Bakugou’s bed that had a few YouTuber’s logo stickers on them. He noticed one was worn and nearly peeling off the surface, and it took him a moment to recognize it as his own logo. It was Kirishima’s first attempt at merch from nearly four years ago. He’d changed his design completely since then since hardly anyone had bought those. Bakugou had said he only knew so much about the Vlog Squad because Midoriya watched their videos in college. If that was true why would he have—
“Alright, here are the sections we need,” Midoriya said, handing him a paper with several highlighted sentences.
“Do I have to read it all dramatic?” Kirishima asked, skimming the words. He took a seat in front of their expensive-looking microphone while Todoroki clicked various buttons on the screen before him. This was all completely out of his basic editing toolbox.
“Just read them like you want to kidnap and murder a little girl,” Todoroki said somehow disinterested.
“Shoto.” Midoriya smacked his arm lightly. He muttered under his breath, leaning back and gesturing to the mic in front of Kirishima. He stared at it blankly.
“Don’t worry too much,” Bakugou said, leaning against the doorframe with crossed arms. “Whatever you do will be fine.”
“If not, I’ll just rerecord it when you leave.”
Midoriya smacked Todoroki again. Bakugou gave Kirishima a millisecond half-smile and that was all the encouragement he needed to begin. The ‘fun’ ransom note turned out to be extremely depressing, and unfortunately, Kirishima ended up having to read it several times before getting a good take. He fumbled over a few larger words, but Midoriya was incredibly forgiving. After all the unnecessary compliments he received Kirishima left confident that he’d performed decent enough for a working edit.
“Alright, time to get this bitch over with,” Bakugou said, kicking off the doorframe.
“That’s the spirit Kacchan.”
Excitement fluttered through Kirishima’s stomach as Bakugou and Midoriya took their seats. He sat atop their kitchen counter a few meters behind the film equipment so any noise he made wouldn’t get picked up by audio. Todoroki made a few final adjustments to Bakugou’s set up, ignoring his insulted rants, and counted off to signal the start of filming. Once the camera was on he moved back beside Kirishima, and it was clear by his cold demeanor that he had little intention of humoring him with a conversation.
Like all videos, Midoriya began with explaining that week’s topic while Bakugou half-listened, twirling a red pen between his fingers. They would be covering the unsolved murder of a young girl, a case that their patron had been actively requesting. Midoriya barely got three minutes in before Bakugou interjected.
“Are those business folders going to be a regular thing now?”
“I was planning on it,” Midoriya said. “Why? Does it bother you that I look professional now?”
“No. It pisses me off because I know a bunch of ghost bull shit is going to end up in there.” Bakugou said, leaning back in his chair.
“Well, it’s not bull shit, so sorry but—”
“Wait,” Bakugou turned serious and put his hands up. “Did you hear that?”
Midoriya shook his head and Bakugou pointed his pen downwards. “It was my chair squeaking. Did you think it was a ghost? I’m just making sure you know the difference.”
Kirishima snorted. Bakugou and Midoriya both turned to him, Bakugou’s expression elated and Midoriya’s crestfallen.
“Kirishima,” Midoriya said whining.
“I’m sorry.”
“This is great.” Bakugou crossed his arms behind his head for support as he leaned back. “We should have a live audience more often.”
“This audience is biased, and you know it,” Midoriya muttered under his breath.
Bakugou rolled his eyes and waved for Midoriya to start up again. They continued with the episode and Kirishima tried his best to force down laughter whenever Bakugou made a snide remark. It hadn’t helped that Bakugou would make direct eye contact with him after every incident.
Todoroki started mumbling beside him.
“What?” Kirishima figured there was no harm in trying with Todoroki.
Todoroki side-eyed him. “Bakugou’s showing off. This is going to be annoying to edit.”
Kirishima didn’t know what that meant. As far as he could tell Bakugou was acting like normal.
“Are you taking notes?” Midoriya asked. Bakugou had his head down over his small yellow notepad and Midoriya strained to see what it said. “When have you ever taken notes that doesn’t—Deku is a fucking idiot. That’s…that’s real funny. Are you proud of yourself?”
Bakugou wiggled his eyebrows cockily at the camera and made brief eye-contact with Kirishima again. He supposed Bakugou was acting a little goofier than usual, but Kirishima wouldn’t consider that showing off.
Todoroki groaned dramatically beside him, so he clearly disagreed. Bakugou listened to Midoriya explain the first two suspects and suddenly he slapped his hand over Midoriya’s mouth. Midoriya peeled Bakugou’s hand off and looked at him like he’d gone insane.
“What’s happen—”
“Deku, I’ve connected the fucking dots.”
Midoriya looked a cross between amused and angry. Kirishima had his hands covering his mouth and was keeping his laughter down by sheer willpower alone. He wouldn’t allow himself to ruin what he knew would become a historical moment.
“Kacchan, there is nothing for you to connect yet.”
“I’ve connected them,” Bakugou said. He went on to rattle off a theory connecting the first two suspects to the murder. Kirishima and Todoroki both glanced at each other confused by what was happening before them. Bakugou spoke with such confidence it was hard not to believe he’d just solved the case. Midoriya read through the paper in his hand, looking between it and Bakugou before throwing it behind his back exasperatedly.
“Yeah, that’s… that’s the second theory.”
Bakugou raised his hand for a high-five and Midoriya eyed it wearily. Bakugou didn’t even bother waiting before he high-fived himself.
There were only several minutes of recording left as Midoriya wrapped of the final theory, which was always the most ridiculous and would send Bakugou in a tizzy. He ranted for remaining time as Midoriya laughed, but once Bakugou calmed Midoriya ended their ride with his classic phrase, ‘for now the mystery remains unsolved’. Kirishima grinned giddily as the words left Midoriya’s mouth.
“Those guys were assholes,” Bakugou said, stretching his arms as he stood from his chair.
“I mean they’re all murder suspects,” Deku said, propping his feet onto the wooden table. “Do you think that’s ever been someone’s last words to a murderer? You’re a fucking asshole?”
“Those would be my last words.”
Midoriya laughed getting up to help Todoroki look over the past forty minutes of footage. Bakugou walked straight up to Kirishima who was swinging his legs on the edge of the granite countertop.
“So, was it everything you dreamed it’d be?” Bakugou asked.
“That was amazing,” Kirishima hopped off the counter, accidentally landing a little too close to Bakugou. “You guys were so cool.”
Bakugou flushed with color and looked away from Kirishima’s sunshine smile. “It wasn’t anything special…”
“That’s uncharacteristically humble of you Kacchan,” Midoriya said, a teasing lilt to his voice. Bakugou flipped him the bird.
“Can we eat now? I am hungry.” Todoroki said placing the camera back onto the tripod.
“You’re getting food with us, right?” Midoriya asked Kirishima.
“I didn’t know you were getting food.”
“We always have a celebration meal after we record an episode. Kacchan was supposed to invite you.”
“Nobody fucking told me to—”
“Do I have to do everything,” Midoriya muttered under his breath. He grabbed Todoroki’s hand and led him toward the front door. “Shoto is going to help me take something to my car. We’ll be right back.”
“But we aren’t carrying anything,” Todoroki said. Midoriya didn’t respond and Todoroki shrugged helplessly to Bakugou as he let himself be dragged out his apartment. Bakugou and Kirishima were left staring at the door confused.
“That was…”
“Tactless.” Bakugou offered.
“I was going to say interesting, but yours works.”
“Obviously you’re invited to get food with us,” Bakugou said, avoiding eye contact by staring down at his plain black socks.
Kirishima nodded. “I figured.”
The moment Bakugou did look up Kirishima’s mind was erased of anything he’d planned to say. All he could think about was how intensely attractive his eyes were, how privileged he felt to be in that situation, and how he wished his heart would slow the fuck down because there’s no way Bakugou couldn’t hear it beating.
“I’m glad you were able to show up,” Bakugou admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yeah, uh, I’m glad I got to see you again.” Kirishima didn’t miss the way Bakugou’s eyes briefly widened before he looked away.
“Sorry I never really texted you. We went to the middle of nowhere for four days, so I didn’t have cell service.”
“Middle of nowhere?” Kirishima asked.
“Yeah. We were hunting… bigfoot.”
Kirishima bit his lip to hold back another smile. Only he would find a guy who could use hunting bigfoot as a legitimate excuse for not texting him back. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s not like I was depressed eating to Disney movies for three days straight or something.”
Bakugou eyed him suspiciously and Kirishima immediately started backpedaling.
“Besides, we aren’t dating or anything, so you don’t owe me any explanations,” Kirishima said, hoping he could deescalate the suspicion.
“Right. No. Yeah. We’re not… that.”
Kirishima realized he may have de-escalated too much when an ounce of hurt flickered across Bakugou’s face. That was bad. He needed to fix that. Kirishima racked his brain for ideas, but he could only come up with stupid plans. Kirishima noticed Bakugou’s face scrunch up like he was about to overthink something, and he took a deep breath. It was time to do something stupid.
“Not that I would hate if we were…” Kirishima said. “Dating or something.”
Bakugou’s cheeks tinted red and Kirishima hoped that was a good sign.
“Right,” Bakugou nodded. “That wouldn’t completely suck.”
Kirishima didn’t bother holding back the smile that broke out. “Well then maybe we should—"
“We’re back!” The front door swung open and Midoriya strutted into the living room. "Shoto and I were thinking about tacos if that works for you… two…”
Kirishima hadn’t noticed how close they were until Bakugou backed up an exaggerative distance. Kirishima didn’t anger easily, but at that moment if looks could kill Midoriya would’ve dropped on the spot.
“We’ll just wait in the hall,” Midoriya said, quickly pushing a confused Todoroki back out the door.
Bakugou had both his hands on his face and he looked at Kirishima through spread fingers. Kirishima gave him a half-grin and shrugged.
“Can we talk later?” Bakugou asked. “If Deku walks in one more time he’ll be the star of our next video.”
Kirishima felt his face burn. “Yeah. Later works.”
Bakugou nodded. “I have to… get shoes and stuff.”
He left Kirishima alone in the living room. Kirishima smacked his cheeks so the blush would be gone by the time he went into the hall. He had his hand on the brass doorknob when he spotted a whiteboard hanging beside the door.
It was a calendar whiteboard, the type you usually find in college apartments. It was color-coded based on each boy for chores, appointments, meal prep, rent, and bill payments, and other random reminders—Bakugou had one about picking Todoroki up from his dentist appointment. At the bottom left there were stick figures of Todoroki and Bakugou that looked to be drawn by the opposite. Kirishima had never seen something so wholesome and organized in his life. He knew that if his house tried to implement this it would go to shit in less than 12 hours.
The right side was more chaotic and had been invaded by Uraraka and Midoriya. Various things like fuck Deku, altered with a yes please beneath it; Uraraka is awesome, rewritten as Uraraka is stupid; Kacchan smells, a sloppy GOOD scribbled underneath; and Todoroki is a boss ass bitch, which was left alone. This was more like what anything at his home would resemble.
“I got it because half-and-half needed to learn how to be a functioning adult,” Bakugou said, sneaking up behind him. “Nobody takes my shit seriously.”
“Can I write on it?” Kirishima asked, already reaching for the red dry-erase marker. He found a clean spot in the bottom right and wrote ‘Kirishima was here’ with a shark-toothed smiley face.
Bakugou stared intensely at the spot then nodded. “Let’s go.”
The moment they entered the hall Midoriya apologized which started an argument between him and Bakugou. Kirishima tried seeking help in Todoroki as the two trailed behind them, but it appeared Todoroki still wanted nothing to do with him. Kirishima hoped he’d be able to fix whatever was going on because Todoroki seemed like a big part of Bakugou’s life. Mina always told Kirishima that befriending people was his hidden superpower, so he would just have to hope that he’d be able to ware Todoroki down. Kirishima wanted to be a part of Bakugou’s life, and that meant getting along with the people who were in it.
Bakugou aggressively punched the down button for the elevator while informing Midoriya his poor taste in movies made his every opinion irrelevant. When the doors slid open Todoroki shoulder checked him while walking past and Bakugou paused his fight with Midoriya as if thrown off by Todoroki’s actions. Kirishima guessed it really was just something about him then wasn’t it. The two appeared to be having some sort of telepathic conversation now and Kirishima just leaned against the cool metal of the elevator’s wall.
Don’t get him wrong. Kirishima was thrilled to be hanging out with everyone but…
He hoped later wouldn’t be too far away.
14 notes · View notes
repairslip9-blog · 4 years
8 points You really Did Not know About Cellulite.
Hifu Face as Well As Neck Lift enhancement therapy
We Have A High Success price getting Rid Of Skin identifies efficiently.
therapy overview.
catalog For treatment
therapy From a General Practitioner
Summary Of Your treatment
Femiwand vaginal Area tightening therapy Edinburgh.
Coolsculpting client.
If you are only simply starting to show indications of ageing, you may not require a full facelift surgery. This method includes the doctor making little incisions in front or behind the ear. Depending upon the level of lift you need, the cosmetic surgeon may likewise make a tiny cut along the hairline. They will then place a stitch just under the skin and also into the underlying coarse cells.
Although renovations and necklifts are normally effective and can produce dramatic outcomes, a facelift can not make you look 18 once more, and also you must be aware of the restrictions before you agree to have surgery. A facelift includes raising and also repositioning the skin and soft cells of the face. Sometimes, the specialist may need to make a little cut under the chin for the necklift part of the surgery.
We Have A High Success rate getting Rid Of Skin marks effectively.
For a typical facelift, your surgeon will make a medical cut right around your hairline, past the front of your ears. Cuts may likewise be made under your chin, if the procedure consists of lifting a drooping jaw line. Your skin will after that be very carefully divided from the underlying muscle mass of your face. The skin will after that be raised, pulled back as well as any type of excess will certainly be trimmed off.
How many inches can you lose with CoolSculpting?
Results vary for each patient. However, there is an average of 20-30% reduction in the treated area, which can significantly slim and contour your waist and abdominal region. Many patients lose several inches from their waistline after the completion of their recommended treatment plan.
Unsatisfactory outcome Often, individuals are not pleased with the result of their facelift or necklift. This might be to do with the look or feel of the face or neck, or the shape not fulfilling assumptions. It is extremely important that you talk with your surgeon, prior to you have the surgical procedure, concerning the appearance as well as form you desire, as well as whether this can be securely attained with a good end result.
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With each other, after considering your facial structure, skin high quality and also general wellness, you will certainly select the most effective training course of treatment. Unlike cosmetic surgery that is done on the body, a facelift just avoids you from returning fully to work out and full activity for about 6 weeks. You will see the final result after about 4 months as well as the marks will certainly remain to fade over the list below year. A facelift at The London Facility will certainly take around 2 hours, but the surgical procedure time will certainly be much longer if you also have a brow lift or an additional procedure at the very same time.
Does fat freezing work?
Cryolipolysis appears to be a safe and effective treatment for fat loss without the downtime of liposuction or surgery. But it is important to note that cryolipolysis is intended for fat loss, not weight loss.
A facelift & neck lift involves the skillful and also cautious elimination of excess facial skin from the neck, chin and cheek areas, under basic anaesthetic. When you awaken from your surgery you will certainly have dressings on the face as well as possibly drainage tubes in position. A facelift is plastic surgery to lift up and pull back the skin to make the face tighter and smoother. Many people will certainly stay in medical facility for 1-2 evenings following their surgery. a company that helps of evenings will certainly rely on the time of day your facelift is accomplished.
They will certainly listen to your objectives as well as work with you to produce the face look you desire. Our team deal you all the support you require both before and after your facelift It is regular to feel a little uncomfortable when you remain in public due to the swelling, redness and bruising around the cured area after a facelift.
treatment summary.
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catalog For therapy
Nevertheless, the large majority of wounding and also swelling ought to have cleared up by about 4 weeks. By now, lots of people really feel comfy sufficient to be seen by buddies and coworkers. If you have a major occasion turning up such as a wedding event or birthday celebration, strategy your surgery 2 to 3 months before it. Your doctor will certainly give you particular advice on how to wash and wash after the surgical procedure. As a whole, you might bath as well as clean your hair 48 hours after a facelift surgical procedure. Make use of a mild hair shampoo as well as be especially careful around the treatment area. Be mild when brushing or brushing your hair to ensure that you do not capture your comb in the stitch lines.
How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat?
20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science) 1. Eat plenty of soluble fiber. 2. Avoid foods that contain trans fats. 3. Don't drink too much alcohol. 4. Eat a high protein diet. 5. Reduce your stress levels. 6. Don't eat a lot of sugary foods. 7. Do aerobic exercise (cardio) 8. Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs. More items•
They may be a bit pink for some time however discolor to a regular skin colour as well as appearance. Discoloration and also swelling are short-lived following a facelift and are mostly solved by two weeks. Suppleness in the external cheek area can nonetheless, linger for a couple of months.
Can ice packs reduce belly fat?
If your goal is to drop weight and fat, you may want to consider the idea of using ice packs along with any weight loss diet or plan you may be on. Using Dry Ice packs can help reduce weight !!!? That's right. It appears that putting an ice pack on your stomach for 30 minutes can burn off the hard-to-address calories.
Lumpiness under the chin on the neck is likewise usual especially if excess fat has been gotten rid of by liposuction surgery. You will certainly need to go back to the medical facility regarding a week to 10 days for a regular check. It prevails for patients to have eyelid surgical procedure with a facelift therefore there might likewise be a see to remove an upper eyelid stitch. It is suggested not to have your hair tinted for at least a number of weeks following surgical treatment.
therapy From a Gp
A facelift can be done alone, or in conjunction with various other procedures such as a temple lift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping. The marks before the ear are not normally visible after a facelift.
How many times do you have to do CoolSculpting to see results?
Patients may begin to see an improvement in the treated area a few weeks after their treatment, but it may take up to four months before they enjoy their full and final results. While every patient is different, most patients benefit from one to three sessions for each area of concern.
The overall objective of a face lift is to raise the skin from the face, tighten up the underlying muscle mass and then rearrange the skin, eliminating any extra. Your doctor will suggest on the very best therapy for your requirements. As well as the facelift, we provide eyelid surgical procedure, eye bag elimination and also brow lift therapies. All our doctors are General Medical Council registered and carry out hundreds of procedures, consisting of facelift surgery, every year. Facelift individuals generally remain in for 1-2 nights after their surgical treatment. Your length of stay will certainly depend on the time of day your treatment is performed.
Summary Of Your treatment
This type of cosmetic surgery recovers the reduced eyelid area as well as cheeks. Worn out, drooping cheeks are raised offering the face a rejuvenated look and also this treatment can aid with deep nasal folds. This form of cosmetic surgery lifts the upper as well as reduced face, eliminates excess skin as well as enhances the look of deep lines and folds. We offer a bespoke option customized to your desired results and suitability. Your cosmetic surgeon will certainly go over at length your preferred result, the numerous kinds of facelifts offered as well as show to you a profile of their job.
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This is due to the fact that the incisions are made along the hairline and around the ears, so your hair will cover them up. The majority of clients do experience bruising and swelling complying with a facelift. Nevertheless, after a few days, you are able to conceal some of the bruising with a little makeup, ought to you desire to. You ought to expect to have the stitches for 7-10 days before they are removed. Facial plastic surgery stays one of the most preferred plastic surgery procedures. Lots of people pick the surgery to help recreate an all-natural, vibrant as well as fresh look. We have a group of dedicated team as well as highly seasoned GMC-registered cosmetic and plastic cosmetic surgeons that are experts in facelift surgical treatment, and also that have actually operated in both the NHS as well as economic sector.
Femiwand vagina firm therapy Edinburgh.
Does ice pack reduce fat?
Simply strapping an ice-pack to a fatty area like the thighs or stomach for just 30 minutes can burn away hard-to-shift calories. The cold compress works by triggering the body into turning flabby white fat into calorie burning 'beige' fat. Humans have two types of fat tissue.
In this technique, the laceration is made along the hairline, past the front of your ears to below the earlobe, and also behind the ears. The cosmetic surgeon has the ability to boost and also tighten up the tissue of the SMAS, and utilizes stitches to obsess it to its brand-new position. Although it is a much longer treatment with a longer healing time, this method generates long-lasting outcomes. It is also preferable for males and females who have much more serious sagging of face skin.
https://la-lipo.uk/swindon/ ="display: flex;justify-content: center;">
A tried-and-tested secret much-loved with elegance insiders who have been scheduling this for many years at facialist Vaishaly's Marylebone center. It's the one to pick if you like your elegance treatments a bit more low-tech but high up on outcomes. Incorporating genuinely fantastic massage with a galvanic/microcurrent wand-like tool, which actually pushes in a glow-enhancing hyaluronic acid lotion into the skin while lifting and also toning the facial muscles at the very same time.
It works by contracting as well as reducing muscular tissue fibers, which cause the lifting as well as tightening result.
Over the coming months, you'll discover skin tightening and also lifting of the skin, leaving you with more youthful feeling and look skin.
HIFU technology is totally risk-free as well as has actually been utilized in medicine for years.
Yet it may additionally be used for guys that just require treatment to one little location of cancer in the prostate.
If you are interested in a discovering more concerning a non-surgical face lift in London, you can connect with a participant of our team to reserve your initial free examination at our Primrose Hillside center.
It may likewise cause less adverse effects, since less of the healthy and balanced tissue is damaged.
It will then be sewn back to the line where the cut was initially made. You can additionally expect some scarring, yet a seasoned plastic surgeon will minimise and conceal facelift marks. Plastic surgeons at Ramsay hospitals are GMC signed up, on the GMC Specialist Register for plastic surgery, been experts in facelift procedures, and have actually worked in both the NHS and economic sector. Many patients are pleased with the outcome, but some locate their new form challenging to obtain utilized to. You can not evaluate the outcome of your facelift or necklift for about 6 to 9 months. Even if the procedure is a success, you may require one more operation in the future to have the skin tightened up once more.
The cosmetic surgeon will certainly utilize this stitch to lift the cheeks, jowls and also the top neck. Time, sunlight damage, and also way of life can impact the fragile skin on the face as well as neck. As we age, the skin can create great lines, wrinkles, jowls, and a loss of definition to the jawline. The eyes and also the edges of the mouth can droop, as well as deep lines and also folds can develop, making you look cross or exhausted, despite how satisfied and relaxed you really feel. If you are dissatisfied with the effect ageing has actually carried your face, Bella Vou's professional cosmetic surgeons can precisely lift, tighten up as well as smooth the skin and also muscular tissues on your neck and face to invigorate your look. Your doctor will certainly describe the choices readily available to you and the very best approach to attain your objectives.
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systembra6 · 4 years
What causes Cellulite and exactly How To eliminate It.
Hifu Face and Also Neck Lift improvement treatment
We Have A High Success rate removing Skin labels successfully.
therapy overview.
price List For treatment
treatment From a General Practitioner
Summary Of Your treatment
Coolsculpting client.
If you are only simply starting to show signs of ageing, you may not require a complete facelift surgical procedure. This strategy entails the doctor making tiny lacerations ahead or behind the ear. Depending upon the level of lift you need, the specialist might additionally make a little incision along the hairline. They will then insert a stitch simply under the skin as well as right into the underlying fibrous tissue.
Although renovations and necklifts are usually effective as well as can produce significant outcomes, a facelift can not make you look 18 again, as well as you should be aware of the constraints prior to you agree to have surgical procedure. A facelift entails increasing as well as repositioning the skin and also soft cells of the face. Occasionally, the surgeon may need to make a tiny cut under the chin for the necklift part of the surgery.
We Have A High Success rate removing Skin tags efficiently.
For a regular facelift, your surgeon will make a surgical cut right around your hairline, past the front of your ears. Cuts might additionally be made under your chin, if the operation includes raising a sagging jaw line. Your skin will after that be very carefully divided from the underlying muscular tissues of your face. The skin will then be raised, drew back and also any unwanted will be trimmed off.
Disappointing result Occasionally, patients are not satisfied with the outcome of their facelift or necklift. This might be to do with the appearance or feel of the face or neck, or the form not satisfying assumptions. It is really important that you talk with your cosmetic surgeon, prior to you have the surgical procedure, about the appearance and also shape you want, and also whether this can be securely achieved with an excellent outcome.
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Together, after considering your facial structure, skin quality and basic health, you will pick the most effective course of treatment. Unlike plastic surgery that is done on the body, a face lift only avoids you from returning fully to exercise and complete activity for about 6 weeks. You will certainly see the outcome after about 4 months and the scars will continue to fade over the list below year. A face lift at The London Center will take about 2 hours, yet the surgical treatment time will certainly be longer if you likewise have a brow lift or an additional treatment at the exact same time.
Does fat freezing work?
Cryolipolysis appears to be a safe and effective treatment for fat loss without the downtime of liposuction or surgery. But it is important to note that cryolipolysis is intended for fat loss, not weight loss.
A face lift & neck lift entails the skillful as well as mindful elimination of excess facial skin from the neck, chin and cheek locations, under basic anaesthetic. When you awaken from your surgical treatment you will certainly have dressings on the face and also perhaps drainage tubes in position. A facelift is cosmetic surgery to raise as well as draw back the skin to make the face tighter as well as smoother. Many people will remain in hospital for 1-2 evenings following their surgical procedure. The number of evenings will depend upon the time of day your facelift is executed.
How does fat leave the body?
Research shows that 84% of fat loss is exhaled as carbon dioxide. The remaining 16% of fat is excreted as water. During the conversion of energy, carbon dioxide, and water are byproducts of waste. They are excreted via urine, perspiration, and exhalation.
They will certainly listen to your objectives and also collaborate with you to develop the face look you desire. Our personnel offer you all the support you need both prior to as well as after your facelift It is typical to feel a little self-conscious when you remain in public because of the swelling, inflammation and also bruising around the treated area after a facelift.
treatment summary.
catalog For treatment
However, the huge bulk of wounding as well as swelling should have cleared up by around 4 weeks. By this time, many people feel comfy adequate to be seen by pals as well as coworkers. If you have a significant event turning up such as a wedding or birthday, strategy your surgery 2 to 3 months before it. Your surgeon will certainly offer you certain guidance on exactly how to clean and also wash after the surgery. In general, you might bath and clean your hair 2 days after a facelift surgical treatment. Use a light shampoo as well as be especially cautious around the treatment location. Be gentle when cleaning or combing your hair so that you do not catch your comb in the stitch lines.
How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat?
20 Effective Tips to Lose Belly Fat (Backed by Science) 1. Eat plenty of soluble fiber. 2. Avoid foods that contain trans fats. 3. Don't drink too much alcohol. 4. Eat a high protein diet. 5. Reduce your stress levels. 6. Don't eat a lot of sugary foods. 7. Do aerobic exercise (cardio) 8. Cut back on carbs — especially refined carbs. More items•
They may be a little bit pink for some time however fade to a normal skin colour and also appearance. Bruising and also swelling are short-lived complying with a facelift and also are mainly settled by 2 weeks. Firmness in the outer cheek location can nevertheless, continue for a couple of months.
Can ice packs reduce belly fat?
If your goal is to drop weight and fat, you may want to consider the idea of using ice packs along with any weight loss diet or plan you may be on. Using Dry Ice packs can help reduce weight !!!? That's right. It appears that putting an ice pack on your stomach for 30 minutes can burn off the hard-to-address calories.
Lumpiness under the chin on the neck is likewise usual especially if excess fat has been eliminated by liposuction surgery. You will require to return to the hospital concerning a week to 10 days for a regular check. It is common for patients to have eyelid surgical procedure with a facelift therefore there might also be a check out to eliminate a top eyelid stitch. It is recommended not to have your hair tinted for at least a number of weeks adhering to surgical procedure.
therapy From a Gp
A facelift can be done alone, or combined with other treatments such as a temple lift, eyelid surgical procedure, or nose improving. The marks in front of the ear are not generally noticeable after a facelift.
How many times do you have to do CoolSculpting to see results?
Patients may begin to see an improvement in the treated area a few weeks after their treatment, but it may take up to four months before they enjoy their full and final results. While example of weight loss treatment Croxley green Rickamansworth is different, most patients benefit from one to three sessions for each area of concern.
The overall goal of a facelift is to raise the skin from the face, tighten up the underlying muscular tissue and then rearrange the skin, getting rid of any kind of unwanted. Your doctor will suggest on the best treatment for your requirements. As well as the facelift, we provide eyelid surgery, eye bag removal and also brow lift therapies. All our specialists are General Medical Council signed up as well as execute countless procedures, consisting of facelift surgery, each year. Facelift clients typically stay in for 1-2 evenings after their surgical procedure. Your size of keep will rely on the moment of day your treatment is accomplished.
fat freezing Radlett Of Your therapy
This kind of plastic surgery brings back the reduced eyelid area as well as cheeks. Exhausted, sagging cheeks are lifted giving the face a revitalized appearance and this treatment can assist with deep nasal folds up. This kind of plastic surgery raises the top and reduced face, eliminates excess skin as well as boosts the appearance of deep lines as well as folds up. We provide a bespoke remedy tailored to your preferred outcomes and suitability. Your cosmetic surgeon will certainly go over at length your wanted result, the various types of renovations offered as well as show to you a profile of their work.
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This is because the incisions are made along the hairline and around the ears, so your hair will cover them up. The majority of individuals do experience bruising and swelling complying with a facelift. However, after a couple of days, you are able to cover up several of the bruising with a little make-up, must you want to. You ought to anticipate to have the stitches for 7-10 days prior to they are eliminated. Facial plastic surgery stays among one of the most prominent plastic surgery treatments. Lots of people choose the surgical treatment to help recreate an all-natural, youthful as well as fresh look. We have a group of devoted staff and extremely seasoned GMC-registered cosmetic and plastic surgeons who specialise in facelift surgical procedure, as well as that have actually worked in both the NHS and also private sector.
Does ice pack reduce fat?
Simply strapping https://la-lipo.uk/maidstone/ -pack to a fatty area like the thighs or stomach for just 30 minutes can burn away hard-to-shift calories. The cold compress works by triggering the body into turning flabby white fat into calorie burning 'beige' fat. Humans have two types of fat tissue.
In this strategy, the incision is made along the hairline, past the front of your ears to listed below the earlobe, and also behind the ears. The surgeon is able to raise and tighten up the cells of the SMAS, and also makes use of stitches to obsess it to its brand-new setting. Although it is a much longer treatment with a longer recuperation time, this strategy creates resilient outcomes. It is additionally better for males and females that have more serious sagging of facial skin.
A tried-and-tested secret favourite with beauty insiders who have actually been reserving this for many years at facialist Vaishaly's Marylebone facility. It's the one to choose if you like your appeal therapies a little much more low-tech but high on outcomes. Combining genuinely great massage therapy with a galvanic/microcurrent wand-like device, which truly pushes in a glow-enhancing hyaluronic acid lotion into the skin while training and also toning the facial muscular tissues at the same time.
This is because your initial therapy may have currently harmed the location around your prostate.
It functions by contracting and also reducing muscular tissue fibres, which trigger the lifting and also tightening up effect.
Over the coming months, you'll observe skin tightening and lifting of the skin, leaving you with even more vibrant feeling and look skin.
HIFU technology is entirely risk-free and has actually been utilized in medicine for decades.
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The cosmetic surgeon will certainly use this stitch to raise the cheeks, dewlaps and also the top neck. Time, sun damage, and way of life can impact the delicate skin on the face as well as neck. As we age, the skin can develop great lines, creases, jowls, and also a loss of meaning to the jawline. The eyes and also the corners of the mouth can sag, and deep lines as well as creases can develop, making you look cross or worn out, no matter just how satisfied and rested you really feel. If you are unhappy with the effect ageing has carried your face, Bella Vou's professional plastic surgeon can specifically raise, tighten up and also smooth the skin as well as muscles on your neck as well as face to renew your look. Your surgeon will clarify the choices offered to you as well as the best approach to accomplish your objectives.
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ephemeralol · 4 years
Churches That Help With Paying Rent and Bills
Many families nowadays are finding it hard to satisfy with the ending requirements. These solutions include free food supply, clothing, paying the house lease, paying utilities, and some of them offer to provide health facilities and shelter too.
All that one must do is locate the closest one from where you are and check at exactly what services are being supplied by them. The search can be done with all the line churches which assist with lease , Churches near me which assist with lease and Churches that assist with Rent Assistance. In ao couple in many nations, emergency financial aid can be given to unmarried mothers or to less fortunate families as well as people.
Now, everything that you need to do is gather all the essential information concerning the churches offered and the type of services being supplied In that specific individual's. So today let's have a general summary concerning the churches which are offered out there which assist with paying for the rent.
churches that help with bills
The best place a individual could go for financial aid is your local church where they offer support services such as counseling, information, and for any monetary aid. The very best aspect of these regional churches is that although it has rather limited funds the service they mean to provide won't be restricted as they constantly seem to supplying the help with the last drop of cash available.
Catholic Charities
Tumblr media
It's the major charity providing church throughout the world. In accordance with the most recent reports it's been discovered that over 15 million people annually have profited from this particular charity. It's around 30,000 branches throughout the world, thereby being accessible virtually nook and corner of the planet.
Thousands and millions of containers that are hot, grocery boxes, and crisis boxes comprising various food pantries, etc., are dispersed among various communities.
Emergency home services would be the most useful characteristic of those churches. Individuals that are evicted or displaced can find refuge under this system. Just the individual should fulfill the mandatory standards, and the charity will be supplied in the shape of financial aid.
Requirements to be followed to get the church to supply financial aid: To be able to keep the disconnection of required components such as power bill or water bill. In the event of less heating gas or oil, then it's possible to request financial assistance. For clothes college uniforms or function, uniform funds will be supplied to you.
Drug bills will be supplied but only in certain particular places. The security deposit will probably be compensated as the rental agency should you face eviction.
Saint Vincent de Paul is the biggest ongoing charity now in the entire world. There one and only rationale is to give social services and financial aid to poor and destitute households and individuals.
There are no constraints as in providing the support, but on account of the fiscal elements of items, it might not be supplying the services to everybody, but people who obtained will be getting to the fullest.
The St. Vincent de Paul runs on the proactive cellphone which takes good care of the displaced men and women.
Salvation Army
Irrespective of history, religion, income, or person, you can face any kind of problem at any moment. The essential factor of this Salvation Army is that it is going to supply you with any kind of help even into the fundamental to basic demands.
They're flourishing in order to perform their best when it comes to supplying free food service, emergency financial aid, and also counseling sessions for those that are needing one. Additionally, if you're in a new area and finding a house to remain then do not worry since the Salvation army can be found at any moment and in any location to get you out of trouble.
Love INC
Love INC has its own method of supplying services. Its principal objective isn't towards offering the monetary need for example paying for rent or crisis invoices. Nonetheless, it provides in providing services such as renovation and repairs to your house absolutely at no cost. In addition they have tie-ups with churches which assist with close me apps.
The solutions are given in these regions. From infant food to holiday foods, such as free grocery stores, everything is going to be supplied to the destitute men and women.
House Rent, medical costs, transportation prices will be supplied to the destitute men and women.
Normally, the biggest problem any low carb individual or household faces is to fulfill with the fixed payments each month such as rent, electricity and water bills and some other emergency invoices which can't be prevented and also don't change even when you're earning more or less.
Additionally nowadays anything could happen you may eliminate ur job or face a pay cut from nowhere in such scenarios by the churches assisting you outside this can eliminate a massive burden from the shoulders of a whole lot of low-income classes. So all you have to do is hunt and keep an eye out for the churches which provide the services which you're searching for in your area and find the help you want for free without needing to give anything in return.
These are a few of the churches or organizations that are ready to supply financial demands such as paying for rent, and crisis invoices. This app that has been initiated from the churches willingly has had a massive influence in the lives of the low profile group of households or people.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Not Nineteen Forever (10) (Branjie/Scyvie)- Ortega
a/n: are we all ready to read a chapter about Christmas on this day of our Lord August 3rd 2019? here’s chapter 10 of the wild ride that is n19f!! please please please if u love this fic then let me know, i’m starting work again soon so my motivation is going to be basically on the floor, so i need u lot to let me know u miss it and love it to give me the kick up the bum i need! enjoy xo
please note: this fic contains young adults often behaving in irresponsible/unadvisable ways with regards to alcohol, drugs and sex. if you are someone who feels as if they could be heavily influenced by fic and incorporate what happens in the plot into ur own life, pls steer clear!
summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
last chapter: Brooke and Vanessa admitted their feelings for each other, and everyone’s favourite set of flatmates all made up.
this chapter: it’s the annual big festive gathering before everyone goes home for the holidays. will Secret Santa gifts be a hit or a miss? will the Christmas dinner be edible? will Nina ever stop singing songs from Nativity?
Scarlet was woken up from her nap by a voice in the hall loudly singing a Christmas song. As she came to from her sleep-induced stupor she realised it was Nina that was singing, and that the song was Five More Days til Christmas by The Cheetah Girls. It was actually fifteen sleeps, but these kinds of semantics didn’t seem to matter to Nina, as her voice got muffled and she presumably went into a different room. Scarlet stirred and tapped Yvie on her back, marvelling at how skinny she seemed to be.
“Yvie,” she muttered, then louder as she woke up a little more and Yvie didn’t stir at all. “Yves. We gotta get ready, c’mon.”
“Mnmhh,” came Yvie’s voice from the pillow, as she turned around to bat her girlfriend away. Scarlet gave a soft laugh. They’d been working themselves practically to exhaustion for the past couple of weeks for their exams which they’d just finished the day before, and they were both so tired from constant library days and cramming nights that they’d decided on a 2pm nap. Scarlet looked at the giant Sweeney Todd-themed clock on Yvie’s wall, the razor blade hands showing her it was now five o’clock.
“Oh fuck, we really slept,” she chuckled, as Yvie pushed her curls out of her face and rubbed her eyes, scattering mascara clumps over her cheeks like squid-ink snow.
“The worst part about naps is waking up from them,” Yvie mumbled grumpily, Scarlet letting out a hoot of a laugh.
“Babe. That’s really fucking dark,” she rolled her eyes, leaning over and planting a kiss on her cheek. “Come on, get up and get that Christmas jumper on. I want my girlfriend to be the most festive bitch at the dinner!”
Yvie tried to roll her eyes at Scarlet but a big goofy smile stopped her from doing so. Scarlet smiled back and the pair of them pressed their foreheads together, grinning like idiotic Cheshire cats. Scarlet thought that it would never get boring to call Yvie her girlfriend. It was so crazy to believe that they’d been together for over a month, and it had been a whirlwind. She’d lost count of the amount of dates they’d been on (and the amount of times they’d slept with each other), but it hadn’t all been easy. Scarlet had had to hand in three essays as well as sit one exam, and Yvie had had four exams, all of which had been spread out over the past week. So as much as the first month of their relationship had been about great sex, adorable dates and enjoying their time together, much of it had been sharing stressful cramming sessions in the library, Yvie proofreading Scarlet’s essays, and Scarlet testing Yvie on her revision knowledge. There had been countless times where they’d wiped each others’ tears and cheered each other up when the other had thought they would absolutely fail or that they couldn’t do it anymore (and they’d both been through many of those moments, Scarlet noted). She would be the first to admit it had been stressful at times, but Scarlet wouldn’t have had it any other way. She’d revised alongside Yvie over exam periods previously, but this time was different because whenever Scarlet had hugged Yvie and reassured her or brought her an iced coffee back from Starbucks, Yvie had looked into her eyes with more gratitude and appreciation that Scarlet had ever been looked at with before.
But their exams and essays (and portfolios, in Brooke and Plastique’s case) were all done, and so there had been talk on the groupchat about some form of Christmas gathering before they all went home for the holidays. They all usually did something, at least to Scarlet’s knowledge- last year they had gone out for “festive drinks” (which was really just drinks- but Akeria had insisted that it was inherently festive because it was December), and apparently the year before they had all gone sledging at the big hill behind their student halls because it had been snowing. But this year they had decided that, in preparation for graduate life, they would host a classy and civilised potluck dinner. Everyone had picked one component of a classic Christmas dinner to cook, and Scarlet, who was far more confident baking than cooking, had made a lemon and strawberry meringue roulade for their pudding. It had been sitting in Yvie’s flat’s fridge overnight, taking up a substantial amount of room, and Scarlet was very proud of it. She desperately hoped everyone would like it. Scarlet knew that her friends were her friends and that they loved her, but sometimes her anxiety would convince her otherwise and exam season hadn’t helped her mental state. She was looking forward to what would hopefully be a good night, where the only drama would ideally be who had the last pig in blanket.
Yvie had finally got up off the bed and had grabbed her towel. “I’m going for a shower. Do you want one?”
Scarlet self-consciously sniffed herself. Smelling nothing, she frowned and turned to Yvie. “I don’t know. Do I stink?”
Yvie rolled her eyes theatrically. “Honestly, woman, the plots you hatch just so that you can get me to hug you.”
Scarlet stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend as Yvie moved across the room, wrapped her arms around her and buried her face in her neck, taking a big, over-exaggerated, disgustingly loud sniff. Scarlet squirmed away. “Ugh, Yvie! You’re fucking gross.”
“Well luckily, you’re not. You smell fine. But you can use any of my deodorant if you want to make sure. I’ll be five minutes,” Yvie said as she pulled away, muttering something under her breath. Recently Yvie had started mumbling incoherently, or beginning sentences and then cutting herself off, as if she was about to say something and she’d forgotten what it was. Scarlet couldn’t help herself wondering what the something could be. She hoped it was something nice. She’d tried asking Yvie to clarify what she’d said, but Yvie always just explained it away as talking to herself. Scarlet somehow knew that wasn’t the truth.
Scarlet pulled on the Christmas jumper she’d brought with her to Yvie’s flat; bright red with three dogs on it wearing Christmas headgear, and writing in sequins that read “Bark the Herald Angels Sing”. It was suitably the right mix of campy and classy and matched what Scarlet usually wore relatively well. Pausing before leaving Yvie’s room, Scarlet scrutinised her Secret Santa present. She’d drawn Brooke’s name, which her heart had sank at as she was arguably the girl she felt the least close to out of their whole group. She had so badly wanted to ask Yvie or Nina for advice on what to get her but they both were taking the whole thing deadly seriously so that plan had been out the window. Scarlet had settled on a gift bag full of Canadian snacks that she’d ordered from various online stockists, as she knew Brooke was getting homesick and had spoken about how much she’d missed Coffee Crisps. She had spent so long choosing everything and was really hoping Brooke would like it, and that it would bring them closer together.
Optimistically, Scarlet took her makeup through to the kitchen and hoped that Brooke or Nina would be there. Recently Scarlet had been spending more and more time at their flat. This was for three reasons- one, she loved spending as much time with Yvie as possible, two, she loved seeing her other two friends (and Monet and Vanjie, who also popped by quite often), and three, she would rather fling herself into the Eurotunnel and make a cosy bed out of the railway tracks than go back to her own shitty, leaky, breaky, messy flat where Ra’Jah was.
Sure enough, as Scarlet padded out into the hallway there was a variety of sounds behind the kitchen door. One was the tinny racket of Nina’s phone speakers blasting a different Christmas song. Another was Nina singing along. The third was a clatter of cooking utensils and the fourth, lots of swearing. Scarlet was almost afraid to go in.
The sight that met her was only the tiniest bit chaotic. Nina was dancing along to the song in a unique sort of way that seemed to include a lot of bouncing and ignoring Brooke, who was in front of the oven and facing three different pans of sauce, each a different colour. She seemed moments away from a stress-induced meltdown and had her hands in her hair, clutching at big fistfuls of it with frustration. Scarlet was barely given a chance to speak before Nina noticed her, jumped in front of her and pointed in her face, half-singing, half-shouting the song.
“Cause she’s blinding me with love, she’s my saviour from above!”
“Nina, I swear to God I will kill you,” Brooke snapped, before Nina beamed a smile and turned her attention to her flatmate.
“She’s the brightest star I’ve ever seen- brightest star!- It’s like we’re living in some kind of dream- like some kind of dream!” she continued, beginning to dab obnoxiously and making Brooke put her head in her hands. Scarlet burst out laughing as she saw Nina’s Christmas jumper- a riot of white snowflakes surrounding a dancing Santa, with “FLOSSING AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE” written in bright green.
“Oh my God, Nina. That’s quite the jumper,” Scarlet finally got a word in as the song reached an instrumental break. Nina’s happiness was slightly dented as she looked down at the horrific design and rolled her eyes.
“Ugh, don’t. I bought it for placement because the school did a Christmas jumper day- yes, in November, I know- and it was only really for the consumption of my class, but all my other Christmas jumpers are at home so looks like this is what I’m wearing. I love yours though!” Nina’s smile was back, reaching out and touching Scarlet’s sleeve as she sat down at the kitchen table. Scarlet thanked her, then cast a glance to Brooke.
“How’s cooking going?” she asked, nervous about the answer.
Brooke twirled round from the hob and mustered up a smile that Scarlet could tell was more for her benefit rather than it being in any way genuine. “Put it this way, I’m half expecting Gordon Ramsay to pop his head through the door and start screaming about sauce. I mean how did I fuck up gravy?!”
“It smells amazing! I don’t think it’ll be fucked up at all,” Scarlet said confidently. She wasn’t lying- the smells in the kitchen were delicious- but she knew Brooke was a giant perfectionist and if she’d messed up even the tiniest part of the recipe she would see it as a total failure.
“It would help if my flatmate didn’t insist on giving me the one-woman version of Nativity as I’m making them, like a fucking expert level of Ready Steady Cook,” Brooke side-eyed Nina, who somehow heard her comment over the music and her own singing. Nina budged Brooke out of the way of the oven, grabbed a teaspoon and dipped it into the gravy. Tasting it, she laughed.
“Christ, Brooke, it just needs more salt. And wine. If in doubt, always add salt and wine.”
Appeased, Brooke continued cooking. Scarlet gave a sideways glance at Nina from her position at the kitchen table and paused her contouring. “Nina, what were you cooking again?”
“Carrots. They’re cooking away. I do them in garlic and honey and they’re just amazing,” Nina explained, grabbing a half-empty glass of wine from the kitchen counter and sitting down opposite Scarlet to keep her company. It was only then that it occurred to Scarlet that Nina was very clearly already on her way to being drunk.
“If you do say so yourself,” Brooke piped up.
“If I do say so myself,” Nina gave a wink, downing the rest of her glass. She turned excitedly to Scarlet. “Also girl, Jesus. That roulade’s been calling my name all damn day. You’re lucky you’ve got something to bring tonight, because you almost didn’t.”
Scarlet gave a shy shrug and suddenly thought she might not need any blusher if she got any more compliments from her friends. “I hope it’ll taste alright. I’m relatively confident that it will, though, so don’t worry about going hungry!”
“If it doesn’t, I still have so much Christmas chocolate that the kids got me for finishing up. We can crack that open. Are you staying tonight, Scarlet?”
Scarlet cast a quick, nervous glance to Brooke, who was busy with her pans. She was always conscious of imposing on Nina and Brooke, hyper-aware that it wasn’t her flat and she didn’t pay rent and she never wanted to stay too often. In this case, however, the answer was a yes, and Scarlet nodded carefully to Nina as she did her eyebrows. Nina gave an excited clap.
“Aah! Exciting! I won’t be in this evening but I’ll see you tomorrow I’m sure.”
“You got to see a girl about her cat?” Brooke piped up, turning around from the stove and quirking an eyebrow. Nina glared up at her, unimpressed.
“If you’re insinuating that I have a pussy appointment…” she curled her lip up in distaste. “…then yes. But come on, it’s not like that. At least, it isn’t to me, I still don’t know what the fuck she’s thinking.”
Scarlet smiled as Nina grew a little quieter. Nina always got a little more shy, a little more reserved, a little more flustered at the mere hint of a mention of Monet. It was just cute enough to be adorable and not vomit-worthy.
“You should just do what me and Vanjie are doing. We know we like each other and we know we like having sex with each other. It’s a good place to be in,” Brooke shrugged, evidently satisfied with her sauces and pouring each of the contents of the pans into three different tupperware boxes. Scarlet snorted a laugh.
“You missed out the part where you pined after each other for two years,” she explained, Nina hooting a laugh and thumping the table. Brooke folded her arms, trying to look exasperated but being unable to hide her smile.
“Okay, I don’t think any of us get a say in how to conduct a relationship.”
“Well all I’ll say, Brooke, is that Vanjie won’t be happy with that arrangement forever. Sooner or later you’ll have to upgrade her to girlfriend status, because she sure as hell does not strike me as the type of girl who’ll ask you first,” Nina said matter-of-factly. Brooke exhaled deeply.
“Christ, this is like that nightmare I had about being on Loose Women. Look, just leave us to it, okay? We’re happy! It’s working,” Brooke shrugged lightly, clicking the lids onto her tupperware boxes.
“What’s working?” came a voice, as Yvie entered the kitchen. Her curls were still a little damp but her makeup was perfect- though admittedly, everything about her was perfect in Scarlet’s eyes.
“Your Mum’s prostitution company,” Brooke retorted, Yvie ignoring her and giving Scarlet a kiss on top of her head.
“You look nice, baby,” she murmured against her hair, Scarlet lighting up at the compliment.
“You know whenever you say nice things about me, my heart grows ten times in size?” Scarlet said matter-of-factly. Nina raised an eyebrow as she moved to the oven and removed a large baking tray with foil over the top of it.
“That sounds like you should see a doctor. Are we almost ready to go?”
“I just need to change into my jumper, two seconds,” Brooke said as she left the room. Scarlet turned around in her seat to see Yvie’s outfit. She had on the black ripped jeans that Scarlet loved so much, her usual Docs, and a navy blue jumper with “MERRY CHRISTMAS, YA FILTHY ANIMAL” on it in white writing.
“Of course your favourite Christmas movie is Home Alone,” Scarlet smiled affectionately. Yvie frowned at her.
“I’ve never seen it?”
Scarlet screwed up your face. “Your jumper has a quote from it?”
Yvie looked down at the design. “Oh, does it? I just liked the sentiment, to be honest.”
Scarlet snorted and then began packing up all her makeup. Soon enough, all four of the girls had their potluck items (and their Secret Santa gifts) and were ready to leave, but not before Brooke had proudly shown them all her amazingly tacky jumper which was green and patterned like a Christmas tree, covered in knitted baubles, sparkly silver tinsel-like material, and a full set of in-built battery-operated fairy lights. All the way to Silky’s flat, the girls had many questions for Brooke (“Does the tinsel not itch?” “How do you wash it?” “Is there a possibility that you could go on fire mid-dinner?”) and the endless chatter tided them over until they reached the girls’ stairwell. They had to buzz twice before they were let in, but eventually they reached the front door which was flung open by Plastique, wearing a very on-brand white jumper with “Dear Santa…I can explain!” on the front in sequins.
“Hey guys! Merry Christmaaas!” she cried, hugging them all happily and letting them in. “I’ve been put on door duty. The girls are all having a meltdown in there, it’s like Cutthroat Kitchen and Hell’s Kitchen and Masterchef all rolled into one, if the object of these shows was to kill all the contestants instead of making anything relatively edible.”
“You could say it’s…” Brooke began, pausing dramatically. “…a Kitchen Nightmare.”
Plastique immediately began pushing her back out the door. “Get the fuck out, you’re uninvited.“
“God, imagine having to make an effort for the potluck. Can’t relate,” Yvie shrugged peacefully, holding her offering up in the air smugly. The girls all groaned.
“Frozen fucking peas,” Nina shook her head. “You are the luckiest bitch, I swear to God.”
“Not fast, you’re last, bitch,” Yvie smiled, clearly happy that she had shotgunned the item that took the least amount of effort to make.
The five girls tentatively opened the door to the kitchen, where the air seemed to be slightly cloudy with smoke. The window was wide open and there was so much sound that Scarlet felt she needed ear defenders. From the speakers, the hum of the extractor fan, and the three girls that were working away, there was an impressive wall of noise being created.
“And this Christmaaaaaas will be, a very merry Christmaaaaaas, for me!”
“Silk, can you shut the fuck up for a second? I need to check my veg!”
“Oh yeah, that’s right, sorry Vanj, I forgot you need to be able to hear to check on a fuckin’ roasting tray!”
“Somethin’s burning, I’m tellin’ y’all.”
“If it’s my stuff you know I’ll kill you all, right?” Plastique piped up, the three girls turning around and instantly lighting up when they saw their friends. Vanessa immediately rushed forward to Brooke, the taller girl greeting her with a “Hey, gorgeous” and a kiss. Scarlet and Yvie were both hugged at once by Akeria, and Silky and Nina seemed to be making a good effort to crush each other to death. Scarlet noticed each of their Christmas jumpers and thought they were all very fitting: Vanessa’s was red and had two gold baubles on its front which were very strategically placed, Akeria’s was almost identical to Nina’s except hers said “TWERKING AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE”, and Silky’s was blue with “Hoe Hoe Hoe” written in cursive silver glitter.
“Ladies, welcome to the Michelin-starred Antigua Road kitchen,” Akeria said with a flourish, Scarlet having to hold back a laugh at her optimism.
“Y’know, I never understood why they named that after an Eastenders character,” Silky pondered aloud, Nina instantly howling with laughter and swatting at her.
“You dumb bitch! Phil fucking Mitchell?!”
The kitchen promptly erupted with laughter, Scarlet having to cling to Akeria she was giggling so much.
“Nah, bitch, they named it after that tyre man. You know, Michelin?” Vanessa piped up, everyone promptly losing their shit again. The girl looked put out and pouted up at Brooke. “What the fuck you hoes laughing for?! That’s what it is!”
“I don’t think they named a restaurant rating system after a tyre company, Vanj,” Brooke smiled down at her affectionately. Clearly seeing she was looking dejected, Brooke gave her waist a squeeze and kissed her on the cheek. Vanessa seemed to cheer up after that and began enthusiastically beckoning them all through to Akeria’s room. Scarlet was impressed by what was there. The girls had moved their dining table through to the biggest room in the flat and had managed to combine enough kitchen chairs, stools and wheely desk chairs to create a table that could fit all seven of them. Each place had been set with plates, cutlery and wine glasses with a small paper napkin propped up on each plate and a cracker at one side, and there was a huge space in the middle of the table to hold all the food.
“I spent way too long on this, but I’m proud of it,” Vanessa smiled happily, the girls all congratulating her.
“This looks amazing! Well done, boo,” Brooke smiled, kissing her on the cheek again. Scarlet watched as Vanjie’s face lit up. With a small dip to her heart, she remembered Nina’s words from earlier. She really hoped that Vanessa and Brooke were on the same page about their relationship.
Everyone began to put their food out on the table, except Scarlet who decided to save her roulade for later on. Brooke set out her sauces and Nina took the foil off her carrots with a flourish, the smell of roast garlic instantly wafting through the room. It took Yvie mere minutes to get her peas ready and she carried them through from the kitchen in a jug, Plastique following her with some delicious-looking pigs in blankets and stuffing balls, each with a shiny, sticky glaze.
“Oh my Christ, Plastique, they look incredible,” Nina practically drooled. “Did you make them?”
Plastique snorted. “Jesus, no. M&S.”
“God, Plastique, I know you’re fucking rich but there was no need to bankrupt yourself,” Brooke rolled her eyes. Yvie smirked and joined in.
“How much did that cost you? Eighty pounds?”
“Is that stuffing made from gold leaf?” Nina quipped.
“I’ll stuff you in a second! Do you want to eat them or not?” Plastique bit back, a warning glare in her eyes that made the girls pipe down. In the silence, Scarlet found herself sniffing the air.
“Something’s definitely burning in there,” she frowned, as Akeria came through with a bowl of Brussels sprouts and set them on the table.
“I keep trying to tell those two, but they won’t listen to me,” she nodded, looking happily at the food in front of her.
“Why did you even bother with sprouts?” Yvie screwed up her nose. Scarlet swatted at her.
“Hey! I’ll eat them! I like sprouts.”
“Ugh, don’t. I have to share a bed with you tonight. Has anyone got a fucking gas mask?”
The girls burst out laughing as Scarlet rolled her eyes and thumped Yvie, before the other girl pulled her in for a hug. They were interrupted by Nina’s surprised voice, the girl looking at her phone intently.
"Oh shit. Vanjie, you were right. It is named after the tyre company.”
“Suck my ENTIRE dick, hoes!” she yelled excitedly before running through to the kitchen to continue gloating, Brooke groaning at having been proved wrong. Akeria rolled her eyes and motioned at the chairs.
“Ladies, sit! It won’t be long.”
Sure enough, as everyone had taken their seats, Vanjie and Silky brought their food through from the kitchen. Vanjie looked pleased as she put two bottles of wine and a tray of roast potatoes and parsnips on the table, then sat down. Brooke whispered something into her ear, presumably more praise by the way Vanessa smiled. Silky didn’t look as pleased.
“So…the bad news is…”
“The turkey looks like a fuckin’ dementor?” Akeria piped up, laughter exploding around the table. Silky narrowed her eyes at her flatmate.
“…the turkey is burnt…” Silky finished. “The good news is I ordered a fourteen piece bargain bucket and it’ll be here soon.”
“That’s chicken?” Plastique screwed up her face, confused. Silky rolled her eyes as she sat down.
“It’s a fuckin’ bird, alright!”
“Well, I ain’t had cranberry sauce and fried chicken before, but there’s always a first for everything,” Vanessa shrugged, casting a hand across the table. “Okay, ladies, start!”
Even though there wasn’t any turkey, it was still an amazing meal. Everyone’s food tasted delicious and when the KFC arrived, most of the girls were open to trying it as part of their Christmas dinner (except Plastique, who put hers on a sideplate and ate it separately). They pulled their crackers and got Brooke to read out all the shit jokes (“She’s queen of shit jokes!”) and all ended up with flimsy paper crowns on their heads. In between eating they all talked about how their exams had gone. Nina seemed the most nervous about her essays as she, out of everyone in their group, was the one who was the most desperate for a first, with Akeria a close second. Silky was her classic blasé self, confident she would get the marks she wanted, although as Scarlet watched the worried look that passed between Akeria and Vanjie she wasn’t so sure. Eventually everyone’s plates were empty and Yvie, Brooke and Plastique took them through to the kitchen and washed up as Scarlet set out her dessert. Soon enough, everyone was munching away and Scarlet felt she was about to burst with everyone’s compliments about how incredible and tasty it was.
“Okay, guys,” Plastique said through a mouthful of roulade. “Can we please do the Secret Santa now? Please please please?”
“Oh my God YES!” Vanjie grinned, thumping the table and sending her fork flying. “Let’s go, I want my present!”
“Alright, bitches, calm down! Okay, I’ll start,” Yvie said, reaching behind her and into her bag and pulling out a small gift bag. “I had…Miss Akeria.”
Akeria gave a yelp of delight and reached her hands across the table for her present, mouthing a thanks to Yvie. Peering inside the bag, she abruptly closed it and doubled over laughing, tears squeezing out the corners of her eyes.
“What is it?!” Scarlet asked, looking from Yvie to Akeria expectantly. Yvie attempted to explain, but she was too busy killing herself laughing like the other girl. Still howling, Akeria pulled out three things from the bag- a white ashtray with “BUTTS” written in the centre, a small plush donkey, and a pink silk eye mask which said “Booty Sleep”. As the room began to register the link, everyone began hooting with laughter at the ass-themed gifts.
“Jesus Christ, Yves, that is so perfect,” Scarlet shook her head as she clutched at her stomach.
“Oh my God, thank you, Yvie. It���s amazing,” Akeria wiped the final tears of laughter from her eyes and took a big deep breath. “Okay, mine isn’t nearly as good as that. But I got my good old flatmate…Vanessa Vanjie Mateo.”
Vanessa showed more excitement than an infant on Christmas Day as she opened her present and found a huge stack of DVDs tied with a red bow. As she leafed through it, her smile grew.
“I know that we got Netflix and that,” Akeria explained to her, looking the closest to shy that Scarlet had ever seen her look as long as she’d known her. “But I thought it might be cute.”
“Kiki…” Vanessa smiled up at her then trailed off, as she explained to the others. “These are all my favourite movies that we all watch together all the time…She’s The Man…The Proposal…10 Things I Hate About You-”
“Yeah, they’re pretty much all rom-coms,” Akeria cut in, getting another laugh from the girls. Vanessa got up and hugged her flatmate, thanking her and fussing over her until Plastique started clamouring for more present-giving.
“Alright, ya filthy whores!” Vanessa exclaimed, producing a haphazardly-wrapped present from under her seat. “I got Yvie’s bitch a.k.a…Scarlet!”
Scarlet found her face lighting up in surprise. She’d had no idea as to who had got her, but she was glad it was Vanjie. Thanking her, she reached over to take the present and opened it excitedly. Inside was a shiny silver photo frame with crystals outlining its edge, and in the frame was a selfie that featured all seven of them from a night out they’d had months ago. Scarlet recognised it because it was her cover photo on Facebook. She loved it because they all looked so happy together, and it had been taken on one of those nights out where everything just went right, and so many hilarious things seemed to happen, and there was no drama at all. Scarlet looked up at Vanessa who was smiling happily. She knew Scarlet loved it.
“Vanjie this is so cute, what the hell!” Scarlet exclaimed, turning the frame around to show the girls. The room was filled with “aaw”s, until Brooke frowned and squinted at the frame.
“What does it say?” she asked, Scarlet turning the picture over, confused until she spotted the small engraved quote at the bottom. Scarlet felt as if she would cry as she read it out.
“Best friends forever, never apart, maybe in distance but never at heart,” she smiled, getting up and squeezing Vanessa in a hug. “Vanjie, it’s adorable. Thank you so much.”
Vanessa blushed as Scarlet pulled away. “Stop bein’ all mushy, bitch, and tell us who you had!”
“Oh, right,” Scarlet said, tucking a bit of her hair behind her ears and reaching down to the gift bag at the floor. “Brooke, this is for you.”
Brooke’s eyebrows shot up as she smiled in surprise and took the bag from Scarlet. Scarlet’s heart thrummed with nerves as Brooke looked in, her eyes widened, and she let out a scream.
“Oh my GOD! Scarlet!!” Brooke cried, Scarlet jumping as Brooke hopped out of her seat and immediately sprinted round to Scarlet’s side of the table to give her a hug. She began explaining to the others as she retreated back to her seat to have a proper look in the bag. “She got me all my favourite things from back home…there’s actual maple syrup…oh my God, Swiss Chalet sauce! There’s fucking Ruffles All Dressed in here…oh my Jesus. There’s so many fucking Coffee Crisps! Scarlet, fuck, thank you so much.”
Scarlet could barely stop herself from smiling, happy her gift had had the desired effect. The present-swapping continued. Brooke had Silky and gave her a huge holographic makeup bag with “LESS GUYS, MORE FRIES” on the side, which Silky insisted she would use as a clutch bag when going out. Silky gave her present to Plastique- a set of expensive nail varnishes and a keyring with the entire lyrics to Vroom Vroom by Charli XCX on it in tiny font.
“My fucking anthem, bitch, yaas!” Plastique cried, clearly happy with her gift.
Plastique gave Nina a hand-stitched hessian carrier bag with “Miss West” on the side in red sequins, which Nina was very excited to use for all her marking. The final present to be gifted was from Nina to Yvie, who got given a little alarm clock in the shape of a headstone which played “Spooky Scary Skeletons” as its alarm sound.
“I was just fucking sick of hearing that iPhone alarm going off for minutes on end every morning, so this’ll be a nice change,” Nina explained, as Yvie laughed and thanked her.
Soon enough, all the wine bottles became empty and the night soon drew to an end. Plastique offered to give Nina a lift to Monet’s flat and the two of them left first, leaving the three hosts, Brooke, Yvie and Scarlet. Brooke was slightly slumped in her seat from the effort it was taking her to tuck her head into the crook of Vanjie’s neck, who turned and kissed her on the forehead.
“You sleepy, baby?” she muttered, Brooke nodding lethargically. The two of them concluded that Brooke would stay the night with Vanessa and so Scarlet gathered her things, thanked the girls for a lovely evening, and left arm-in-arm with Yvie.
It was a cold night, but Scarlet couldn’t really feel it as much after the few glasses of wine she’d drank. They both, however, had to watch for the small patches of black ice that had formed after the drizzle of the day had frozen up on the ground, and Scarlet’s heart gave a swell every time she gave a small skid and Yvie clung to her protectively. The night was pitch black and magic, and each yellow streetlamp cast a spotlight on the pavement for the love story that she and Yvie seemed to be living out. It was deeply surreal.
Scarlet looked up to the sky, smiling as she saw a few stars despite the endless amount of light the city produced. Looking at Yvie and watching her concentrating deeply as she navigated the icy pavement, Scarlet found herself smiling in spite of herself.
“She’s the brightest star I’ve ever seen…it’s like I’m living in some kind of dream…”
Yvie gave a chuckle as she turned to face Scarlet. “Oh, Jesus, not you too. We’ve only just managed to free ourselves of Nina and she’s basically a Michael Buble in training.”
Scarlet gave a soft laugh and slipped her hand down from the crook of Yvie’s elbow and into her hand. She gave a sigh, suddenly sad.
“I’m going to miss you when I go home, you know.”
There was a small, melancholy pause in the silence that followed. Yvie eventually gave a matching sigh and squeezed Scarlet’s hand. “I’m going to miss you too, baby.”
“It’s only a month or something, though. We can still skype,” Scarlet added optimistically, trying not to worry about how the distance between their family homes would affect their still very new relationship. There was another small silence where Scarlet tipped her head back up to the sky. “Why do I feel overcome with hope and joy- shit!”
Scarlet suddenly found herself hitting the ground, pulling Yvie down with her onto the ice. She gave a splutter, Yvie sitting up on the ground and beginning to let out her deep, Disney-villan chuckle that Scarlet loved so much. Scarlet laughed so hard her stomach muscles could barely support her endeavour to sit up but eventually she managed it, sitting on the icy pavement and laughing with her girlfriend like a lunatic. Suddenly, Yvie said something, her face growing instantly serious.
“What?” Scarlet asked, her smile dropping off her face.
Yvie swept the hair back from her face with a nervous hand. “Fuck…remember how we used to say I love you to each other?”
Scarlet’s stomach gave a plummet, almost as if she was hurtling down a rollercoaster with ten consecutive loops in front of her. “Yeah?”
“Well…can we start doing that again? I know it’s different now we’re properly together, and I’m not saying I’m falling for you yet or anything intense like that, but I could see that happening. I do love you though, so fucking much. And sometimes…fuck, I don’t know. I just want to tell you.”
Scarlet could barely wipe the smile off her face. She wasn’t going to let Yvie in on what she was really thinking- that she’d begun to fall for Yvie a small while ago and it wouldn’t be long before she would be able to admit to herself that she was completely in love with her- because it could wait for now. For now, she had her beautiful girlfriend with her curls framing her ridiculously gorgeous face and her eyes full of hope, and a sky full of stars.
“Well I love you too,” Scarlet smiled back, her pulse giving a jolt as Yvie’s smile grew wider. “Not much has changed on that front.”
Scarlet leaned in and gave Yvie a soft kiss, her lips warm even though the air was freezing. It wasn’t the I-love-you moment, but it was pretty perfect. As Yvie pulled away, she stood up, dusted herself off, and offered Scarlet her hands.
“Come on, dumbass,” she smiled bashfully, Scarlet allowing herself to be pulled up. “Let’s get back before our tits turn into snowballs.”
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jinmukangwrites · 5 years
From the Ashes (2/???)
Summary: In a modern version of Hyrule, a young man finds himself in a world filled with nothing but white walls, studying faces, and tests after tests. Something is different about him, and the world seems very interested is seeing what makes him tick. (A modern, BOTW/LOZ “Labrat” AU)
Chapter 1, Chapter 3 (to be released for all Partron's today, July 11th for Tumblr)
Warnings: Death, torture, blood, description on injury, experimentation, dark themes, emotional abuse, abuse.
Make sure you read the warnings, be safe.
Today there's autopsy, he died during it, but there's still an autopsy. They give him the numbing agent like always before they secure him down, but there's nothing that can stop the pain of a scalpel cutting down your chest, nothing like the skin being torn apart in different directions, nothing like ribs being pried apart so they can get a better look at your still beating heart.
They're careful at first, making sure he lives long enough for them to get their samples of tissues and muscles and fluid until they do what they always do instead of stitching him back together; they kill him. It's effective. Whatever brings him back to life whenever he dies heals everything and leaves nothing but a scar on his skin. He wakes up moments later completely healed and ready for whatever they want to do to him next.
It seems today they also want to test his endurance, because right as he wakes up from his autopsy, the mask that always kills him is strapped on and soon death takes him again.
The black lasts longer this time, the warmth comes a little later and just a bit duller, but he wakes up again, fine, breathing, good. Then the mask kills him again, it takes longer, again, it's colder. He wakes up. He dies. Again.
Longer. Colder. Alive. Dead. Again. Again.
Six times he dies until the machines scream at them to stop when he can't. He's dizzy, the phantom pains of knives literally in his chest burn and his lungs are begging for fresh air. He can't feel his body as they undo the straps and place him in a wheelchair for transport. Soon, he's wheeled into his home, the only place he can call his, and left there to blankly stare at the white walls until he can find the strength to move.
It takes a few hours, but he finally manages to wobbly stand up from the wheelchair. It's a practice he's mastered, this is nothing new. He doesn't bother to look back at the observation room connected to his with a panel of glass. He knows that the main scientist is there, observing him while he nibbles on the end of his pen. He's the same man who killed him for the first time in his one and only true memory. He hasn't seen that nice woman since, he wonders where she is.
Anyway, he ignores the observation room. They usually go away and turn on the cameras once he's collapsed in his small, threadbare bed. There's not much to observe when all he has energy to do is clutch at his thin pillow and breathe until sleep takes him. Why waste time watching him sleep when they could be preparing for the next experiment, the next sample, the next death.
The moment he collapses into his bed, on top of his blanket and pillow not even properly placed under his head, the bright lights in his cell turn off and multiple blinking green dots appear in the dark corners of his cell near the ceiling. His eyes unwillingly slip closed, he wishes he could keep them open, yet he knows fighting sleep is useless.
At least, when he's asleep, he has a name and family. When he's awake, he's got terror. When he's dead, he's got nothing.
Though, nothing is starting to sound very nice, and if only it would last forever.
There are sometimes days where they do nothing to him. He cherishes those days. He has time to do whatever he wants (within limited restrictions and boundaries of course) just as long as he does their mandatory workouts and therapy sessions.
The workouts are easy. He's brought to a large gym where there are treadmills and tracks and weights; there's an instructor and two guards and he does what he's told for about an hour to two depending on what the instructor determines what his body needs. The foods they feed him are filled with vitamins and minerals, so it's not like he's bone skinny, but he's not muscular either. Despite the things they do to him, they want his body to be healthy, that way results are not tainted by starvation, exhaustion, and a poor immune system.
He likes climbing. Out of everything they have him do during workouts, it's climbing nets and walls that he loves most. Running is fine, stretching and yoga is sort of okay, lifting weights is boring and he doesn't like that, they had him try swimming a couple times but both times he almost drowned so they got rid of that, but climbing is something he would willingly do.
There's something freeing about lifting himself higher and higher with nothing but his own strength. He likes to pretend he's climbing a mountain, a very tall mountain. One where if he ever reaches the top, he will be free from labs and experiments, he will be able to swing his arms out and lift his face to the stars and never have to go back.
The worst part about climbing is having to come back down.
Today he ran, he didn't get to climb, but there's always a next time.
Therapy sessions are a bit harder because it's a full two hours where he's expected to communicate, and he doesn't very much like the therapist. He can't speak, no matter how hard he tries to make sounds or how long they grill him in basic vocal practices it just doesn't happen. He somehow knows a bit of sign, but just the simple ones, limited to mostly letters. Most of the therapy sessions involve him trying to spell out how he's feeling with his hands and the therapist getting impatient with how long it takes for him to sign S-C-A-R-E-D or H-A-P-P-Y or H-U-R-T when he theoretically could just say the words and move on. He gets yelled at a lot, which he doesn't think getting yelled at is a part of therapy but he has to remind himself that he doesn't know what therapy is outside of the labs, so for all he knows getting yelled at for things he can't control is what therapy is all about.
Thankfully, today the therapist looks happy. When they're happy, they talk a lot about themselves instead of him. Apparently their brother got married and they got to go back home to the Zora's Domain to visit. He only knows a couple Zora, the therapist being one of them, the others being various scientists and nurses. There's a Goron on the security team, but the rest are all Hylian. He hears stories of the Gerudo sometimes, but he's never seen one. They sound beautiful, especially since none of them come here to the labs to hurt him.
After a whole long story about how the therapist got to go cliff driving with their siblings (oh cliff driving sounds wondrous even though he can't swim well) the therapist sighs and clicks a pen against the clipboard in their hands.
"Okay," they grumble, "let's get this over with. How are you feeling today?"
It's a question that should be genuine, but the therapist says it like they'd rather be sleeping.
Today, he doesn't hurt, today's a free day. He got to work out, but he didn't get to climb. He came to therapy and hasn't been yelled at yet. He's okay. A little tired from working out, a little hungry, but he's okay.
O-K. T-I-R-E-D. W-O-R-K-O-U-T
"Yesterday Doctor Marras tested your endurance, how did that go?"
He lifts his hand up to his chest, his fist shaped in the sign for "A". He moves his fist down like a scalpel would. His sign for "Autopsy".
He makes the shape for "D" now and puts it over his nose, the sign for the mask used to kill him.
Six. No / R-I-S-K / seven.
"How did you feel?"
He brings his hands out in front and touches the fingertips of his pointer fingers a couple times. Hurt. He then opens his palms across his chest and drags them outward while slowly closing his fists. Afraid.
The therapist sighs and he puts his hands down to his lap. This conversation sounds old, feels repetitive.
It doesn't matter. He knows it's just a way to make sure he's still capable of thinking and living. Losing his mind would be almost as bad as letting his body wither away. Almost. They'd rather his body is peak physical condition than his brain fully functional, which is probably why his work out trainor is actually very good while his therapist doesn't help that much at all.
Whatever the case, he's asked a couple more required questions and he's not yelled at at all before he's escorted back to his cell where a small number of activities await him. By his cot is a small pile of books, a sketch pad, and some pencils. On the small plastic table next to the bed is a black tablet with apps for learning basic math and science are downloaded on, along with an app used to help him learn more words in sign. There's a paper cup of water placed next to it, right beside a protein bar which is certainly a rare sight. He's usually fed the same gray, tasteless goop every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If he's given actual substance, he must have done something good. Or they're all just in a good mood.
Not one to pass up the opportunity of actual food, he grabs the bar and gently tears it out of it's wrapping. He sighs in content as the flavor hits his tongue, it's bitter, but he can still taste chocolate. Content, he plops down on his cot and opens the sketch book. He flips through the pages he's already sketched on and lands on a blank page. Tapping the pencil against the paper in thought, he glances up quickly at the observation room. Today the glass has been changed into a mirror, which sends a wave of uneasiness through him. Whatever is going on behind that mirror, they don't want him to see today.
He sucks in a breath and turns back down to his sketchbook.
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beckzorz · 5 years
Out of Nowhere (5/21)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes/OFC Summary: An offhand comment at work draws Jesse Kaplan into the orbit of Bucky Barnes. Bucky’s excited at the prospect of normalcy, but there’s nothing normal about falling in love with the Winter Soldier. Words: 4060 A/N: The song for this chapter is “The Mooche” by Duke Ellington & His Cotton Club Orchestra from By Popular Demand Duke Ellington. And these songs are absolutely recommended to accompany your reading :3 Hope you enjoy!
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Jesse sat cross-legged at the tiny desk in her bedroom, waiting for her parents’ biweekly video call. They had emigrated to Israel once she’d graduated college, about five years back. Jesse had only seen them in person four times since then, twice in New York and twice abroad. These calls were more for their sake than Jesse’s. She was generally happy to limit their conversation to emails or audio, but her mom in particular craved actual face time. Jesse wasn’t sure why—the only difference was that Jesse got nitpicky comments about her hair when they spoke face-to-face.
Once her parents called, Jesse sighed, smoothed back her hair, and answered.
“Hi, Mom.”
“Shalom, motek,” Jesse’s mom said. Hi, cutie. “How are you?”
“Fine, fine.” Jesse twiddled her thumbs in her lap. Her mom looked the same as ever. Pale like Jesse, with darkly graying hair and casual clothes despite Sunday being a workday in Israel. Everything was more casual in Israel, or so it seemed to Jesse. “How’re you?”
“Oh, lovely!” Susan said. “We went to the theater with our neighbors last week, it was fantastic.”
“Hi, Jesse,” Jesse’s dad cut in. He leaned in from out of the frame and waved. “Don’t believe your mother, the theater here is fine. Fantastic is pushing it.”
Jesse grinned. “Hi, Dad. Not up to your standards?”
“Nothing beats Broadway.”
“Exaggerate all you want, Joshua,” Jesse’s mom said, smirking. “You were crying too.”
“So what if I was?” Joshua withdrew. “I need to go put gas in the car before everywhere closes for the night. Talk to you soon, kiddo!”
“Bye, Dad. Have fun.” Jesse waved, though he couldn’t see her; she could hear him leaving.
Susan sighed as the door slammed, then smiled at Jesse. “Well, so how are you, cutie?”
“Fine, Mom. I already said so.”
“You look nice today. Your hair’s neat for a change.”
Jesse bristled. “Thanks,” she forced. “What was the play about?”
“Oh, it was a new production of Ghetto by Joshua Sobol. Israel’s most famous playwright, you know.”
“I do know,” Jesse said. “I’m glad you liked it.”
“Thanks, dear. So what have you been up to? Made any new friends?”
Jesse pressed her lips together. How was it that her mother managed to get under her skin so damn easily? Jesse had friends. Adrian, Mike, Zach from work, other dancers… Bucky. Well, he was new. She’d only met him a week ago. And from a distance, she could tell her mother as little as she liked.
“I had to go to a benefit for work, and I met someone there,” Jesse said.
“Yeah, he did some work with BCEI and he wants to do more.”
“Is he nice?”
“So far, yeah.”
“What’s his name?”
Jesse paused. “James.” It wasn’t a complete lie. That was his name, just not the one he used with her. “He dances too,” she added.
“Oh, how nice.” Susan smiled slyly, though she said nothing more about it.
Jesse could have kicked herself. Why did she have to say so much? She never told her mom anything. Susan basically knew Bucky’s whole life story in comparison to what she knew about Jesse’s other friends. Now her mother would get ideas, wrong ideas, bad ideas. Just because Jesse had stray longings didn’t mean anything was going to happen. Or that anything could happen.
If Mike’s assumption that she and Bucky were friends ever came to pass, Jesse would be more than satisfied. There wasn’t rational hope for anything more. Bucky might have raised a glass to normalcy, but Jesse knew his real life wasn’t going anywhere.
If she could provide him a brief reprieve, she’d be satisfied. God knew he deserved it.
Bucky’s proposal to teach swing dancing to local students went over better at work than Jesse had expected. Marilyn was still working from home, and she skyped in to the Monday meeting that Jesse took notes for with the director Robin and Zach, who worked under Marilyn in programming. Jesse waited until the end of the meeting to float the idea. Robin raised her eyebrows, Zach stared at Jesse in surprise, but Marilyn said, “That sounds fantastic!”
Jesse relaxed a little as Marilyn talked through various logistical issues and how to avoid them—keep the session short, get a signed contract, have access to back-up instructors ‘just in case.’
“I’ll get in touch with Bucky myself,” Marilyn continued, “and we’ll put together a proper proposal for you, Robin.”
“Alright,” Robin said. “Thanks.”
The meeting ended, though Marilyn asked Jesse to stay back. Once Zach and Robin left, Marilyn smiled more broadly at Jesse. “Was this your idea, Jesse? I won’t tell.”
“No,” Jesse said, surprised. “I had nothing to do with it.”
“Well, I’m sure that’s not true,” Marilyn said. “You’ve inspired him! He went to you, not me.”
“You’re still on bed rest,” Jesse retorted. “If anything, props to him for not bothering you!”
“Fair enough,” Marilyn said, laughing. “Well, thanks for keeping him involved! I think it’s good for BCEI, having a famous face around.”
“Sure,” Jesse said. She did not mention how much she suspected he’d hate to be spoken of that way.
Even if Marilyn was right.
  Francisco Pérez   Tuesday, 6:57 PM
Francisco: Yooo sorry for last minute, but can you water the succulents on my windowsill?
Jesse: Sure, though I might kill them by mistake... Send me hyper-accurate watering directions for minimum casualties
Francisco: THANKS
Francisco: I’ll send you an email
Jesse: Righto, have fun in Iceland! Safe travels!
On Friday morning, Jesse woke with her alarm. She rolled over in bed, reaching blindly for her phone with a groan. It had been a particularly late night—she’d gone back to Frim Fram Jam, and though she hadn’t reached out Bucky had been there too. Mike hadn’t, oddly, but Jesse was still bitter enough about their conversation on Saturday that she was more relieved than anything. Without Mike to fill up her metaphorical dance card, she’d gotten more dances with Bucky than she’d hoped for.
Of course, she’d stayed far later than usual for the pleasure, and now she was suffering for it. Most mornings she was up ten, twenty minutes before her alarm. Getting up at the last minute never suited her well, and her eyes still weren’t fully open when she stumbled into the dark bathroom. She made her way to the toilet and reached down to open the lid, but she missed.
Jesse’s outstretched arm went straight into the toilet. She yelped; she managed to grip the lip of the toilet with her other hand but—
Oh my god, why was the lid up?
Jesse leapt to her feet, right arm dripping. She quickly turned the tub on, then turned back, holding her arm over the tub, and stared with newly wide eyes at the toilet. Now that she’d been startled awake, she could see that it wasn’t just the lid. The seat was up too!
“Oh god oh god oh god,” she muttered. Her stomach and toes curled in on themselves, and she whirled back and fell to her knees on the shower mat. She thrust her wet arm under the lukewarm water and fumbled above her head for the shower soap. Jesse scrubbed at her arm furiously until the water began to scald her skin and steam clouded her vision.
She sat back on her heels and turned off the water. Her right arm was raw and red below the elbow, and her fingers had begun to pucker.
Jesse took a steadying breath and twisted to look back at her toilet.
The lid and seat were up. How could that have happened? She didn’t leave the seat up. Sure, she’d cleaned the toilet yesterday afternoon, but she’d surely used it again since then. Hadn’t she?
Jesse pushed her frizzy hair back from her face and frowned. She thought so, but… maybe she was wrong. She had taken the subway home with a dance friend in the neighborhood, but she hadn’t invited them up, had she? No, she would have remembered, surely. Wouldn’t she have remembered?
Something niggled at the back of her mind. She was forgetting something… Something about the hospital, something about the coffee shop, something not quite about Bucky… Jesse banged her head against the tub, trying to remember. Then it came to her.
A string of break-ins.
Maybe nothing had happened. Maybe she’d just left the toilet up yesterday afternoon.
Or maybe someone had broken in and used the toilet.
Jesse drew in a sharp breath. The hair on her arms and the back of her neck stood on end. With her white noise app running, would she even have heard it? She sometimes heard Fran moving around in the morning, but not until she was already awake.
She climbed slowly to her feet and went out into the common space, giving the toilet as much berth as she could. Nothing looked out of place at first glance. The toaster was still unplugged; the dishrack had a single plate, fork, and knife in it; the chairs at the tiny table were pushed in.
But had she left her computer on the counter, or at the table? Plugged in or not? Tears pricked Jesse’s eyes as she clutched the back of her neck. Nothing was missing. If someone had broken in, wouldn’t they have taken everything of value? Would they have bothered to double-lock the door on their way out? Why couldn’t her brain just do its fucking job and remember, once and for all?
Jesse glanced at the half-closed door to Fran’s room. Her heart raced, but she scurried over and, after a silent deep breath, kicked it open.
Empty. Totally empty. His tiny closet was open, and it was empty too, apart from his clothes and a haphazard pile of shoes. Jesse sagged against the doorframe, eyes wet. She blinked until a few tears fell and wiped them hastily away.
Was she just being paranoid? She couldn’t think of a single thing missing. All of Fran’s stuff was still in there, too—his gaming monitor, his nice headset… The iPhone speaker system by the couch was still there too. Jesse sank onto the couch and hugged her knees to her chest, staring at the sound system. Should she call the police? Would anyone believe her—would anyone make enough of the little oddities in her home to do anything other than laugh at her? No, how could they? Why would anyone break in to do… nothing? She must be overreacting. Just a series of coincidences. She’d gotten home late last night. She was still exhausted from a short night’s sleep. Whatever she thought was suspicious had a rational explanation. She hadn’t used the toilet last night; she’d just left it up after cleaning it. She had used her laptop at the counter while washing dishes.
Jesse took deep shuddering breaths until her breathing was back to nearly normal. She glanced at the clock—shit, she was running late now. She went to the bathroom, this time shutting the toilet properly, and went through the rest of her morning routine. Stray remnants of panic overtook her as she was getting dressed, and she had to clutch the wall to refocus. She braided her damp hair across her head and down one shoulder; the end began to drip onto her blouse, but she ignored it.
She tightened the strap of her purse across her body and gave the apartment one last once-over as she slipped into her flats.
Normal. Perfectly normal.
Jesse double locked the door and bounded down the steps and out the door towards the metro. Everything was normal—the crowds, the traffic… Her commute was normal, she was a few minutes early as usual, and she started up her computer without a hitch. She slouched in her chair, curling her toes under her desk, and stared blankly towards the front door of BCEI’s office suite. She forced a smile as people trickled in.
Zach from programming doubled back, his eyes crinkled in concern. “Hey, Jesse, you okay?”
“Oh—yeah, yeah.” Jesse sat up quickly and scooted her chair in. “Late night, that’s all,” she chirped.
“Ooh, that sucks,” Zach said. He ran a hand through his stiff black hair and shook his head. “I feel that.”
Jesse smiled up at him as he ambled off. Zach was nice; he was less than a year older than her, and he was approachable and relaxed. They’d gone out for drinks a few times and shared good-natured complaints about the hardass in charge of marketing, among other things. But they weren’t close enough for Jesse to feel comfortable sharing her early morning anxieties.
The smile slid off Jesse’s face. She sighed and rubbed her forehead. How was she going to be productive today? She was usually a rock star at work. But even getting set up was taking her—shit, twenty minutes? She scrambled to finish her starting routine.
Nothing about the rest of her day didn’t suck. In addition to skipping breakfast, she’d forgotten to bring lunch, and she was too behind in her work to have time to eat anything more substantial than a granola bar Zach gave her—out of pity, no doubt. Every stray noise at work made her start, shredding her nerves to bits. She didn’t get a seat on either subway home, either. By the time she made it up to her apartment, she was too exhausted to do any better than a few slices off a block of cheddar cheese, which almost left her worse off than before.
Jesse collapsed onto her bed, still fully dressed, and lay prostrate on the quilt. Tears leaked from her eyes as she half waited for the front door to open and for someone to break in—again? For the first time? Had she even locked the door on her way in? She was too tired to go look.
She kicked her shoes off—only one actually fell onto the floor, the other landed somewhere out of reach on the bed. She had wanted to do laundry, finish her book, go dancing. She’d meant to go out. She’d even promised dances to a few people. But there was nothing for it. She was in no shape to go out, not when her gut cramped and her head spun. Distant noises from the building—a pipe groaning, a door slamming—made her flinch, but she was too exhausted to do anything more than that.
She cried herself to an early sleep.
Jesse woke with the dawn. She reached blindly for her phone, then realized it was still in her purse in the other room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, staring down at her rumpled clothes in mild horror. God, how tired had she been? How long had she slept?
Too long, apparently. Her mouth was dry and her head throbbed with the telltale signs of dehydration. Ugh.
Jesse spent the morning lazily. She had locked the door on her way in last night—thank god for ingrained habits—and she changed out of her dirty work clothes into a cotton tunic and leggings. Much better for lounging. She mindlessly browsed the internet, refilling her water cup as often as she could bear to stand. The longer she sat at the kitchen table, her legs propped up on the second chair and friendly music playing from the stereo, the more she felt silly about yesterday’s paranoia.
Who would break in to her apartment? It was laughable. There were other, richer people in her neighborhood—even in her building. She lived on the third floor, for heaven’s sake. Nothing was missing, and there was nothing worth anyone’s salt on her computer or in her phone anyway. By lunchtime she was almost laughing at herself, and then she got a text from Bucky asking about the evening dance. Mike’s ominous warning echoed in her mind.
“Bad stuff happens around people like that.”
A chill ran through her. Jesse slammed her computer shut, silencing her peppy music, and clenched her fists. She took deep breaths through her teeth, all the forgotten anxiety flooding back.
“Dammit, Mike!” she muttered, eyes stinging. It took close to ten minutes to calm down enough to think rationally again.
What the hell. Why would someone break into her apartment to get to Bucky? She knew nothing special about him. All she knew—all that anything in her apartment would reveal—was that he’d gone dancing recently. How could that possibly be worth the trouble of a stealthy break-in in a multi-unit apartment building? And whatever Mike said or thought, there was really nothing to indicate she’d know more! Dancing with someone, however close, was not an indication of actual closeness.
Even if Bucky was a recluse, there had to be a more substantial lead than her. Wouldn’t anyone with the guts to go after Bucky need to be good enough to do better? Iron Man, the Falcon… Any random SHIELD operative, even. Surely they were the ones worth targeting, not her. Bucky had said so himself—she was normal, a nobody. If they could find her out, they had to be able to find out where Bucky lived himself. She certainly had no idea. But it couldn’t be any more complicated than just following Bucky home from dancing instead of her.
Mike was wrong, she was wrong. Everything was fine. Everything was normal. She just needed to get over herself, and everything would be okay.
“We should lesson plan,” Jesse said to Bucky that night. She was sitting on the side of the room to recover from a string of uptempo songs, and for the first time she’d asked for a break before they danced. He’d promptly sat down beside her, which made her smile. Supersoldiers didn’t need to rest; he was here just for her sake. “The proposal is probably going to get approval, so it’d be good to have at least one lesson ready. Especially since the content of the first few lessons tend to get repeated quite a bit.”
“I thought you’d never done this before,” Bucky remarked.
Jesse blushed. “No, but I reached out to a friend who teaches at my alma mater. She lent me a few lesson plans, just so I could see what they looked like. They’re too barebones for my taste though. And we should figure out how we’re doing it ourselves.”
Bucky hummed. “You are full of information.”
“Is that a bad thing?” she asked, a little nervous. But he shook his head seriously.
“It’s good to be prepared.”
Jesse studied him out of the corner of her eye. Bucky was lost in thought. She wondered what was on his mind, but she had the feeling he wouldn’t answer even if she asked. For all that she’d seen him often these last two weeks, she still knew very little about him.
“Have you ever taught before?” she asked. It seemed like a safe question, compared to anything else. He tilted his head towards her, still not looking in her direction. “Apart from the Great Depression thing, I mean.”
“Yes,” he said slowly. “I have.” He fell silent again, his face darkening. The hair on the back of Jesse’s neck stood on end; he looked almost as frightening as her first glimpse of him back at the Stark benefit, when he’d frowned so sternly at her. But after a moment, he shook his head, expression lightening a touch. “Not in a classroom setting. Not… applicable.”
“Yeah,” Jesse said, as lightly as she could. “I feel that.” She bent in her seat to stretch her legs, staring out at the crowd. She recognized a bunch of people, including Mike. Mike hadn’t approached her yet; she couldn’t tell if he was avoiding her. As much as his comments had pissed her off and caused her anxiety, she was sure he’d meant well. And she missed dancing with him. It was worth apologizing, even if only for that.
But first…
A new song began, and Jesse’s lips curled into a smile. Slow, languid—a perfect song for dancing with Bucky.
“I’m good if you still want to dance,” she said.
“Mm,” he answered. He stood smoothly; she bounced to her feet and followed him onto the dance floor, barely containing her grin. Whatever else was going on, or wasn’t going on and was just in her head, these moments made it all worth it. She draped her arm over his and took his hand. He drew her close, and they started to dance.
Jesse’s head was turned outwards. She didn’t see anything around them; she was too focused on the warmth of his hand on her back and the feel of his strong arm under hers. The song was still in its quiet introduction, just quiet enough that Jesse could tell their breathing was matched. Her eyes slid shut, and she just breathed with him. It was the simplest dance she’d ever had, and yet she was completely satisfied.
At one point, Jesse turned her head to look up at him. Bucky glanced down with a little smile and fondly squeezed her right hand in his metal one. She smiled back and looked away, overwhelmed with sudden headiness. Heat flooded her face, her chest; her whole body warmed as they moved in tandem. She was too afraid to look at him again, not with so much heat in her face. She tried to keep her breathing even with his, though her heart was pounding. He didn’t need to know about the longing tightening in her ribcage, pooling in her gut—
No, he didn’t need to know. She could keep it to herself, where it belonged. To herself, she could only think that she’d never felt so agonized by a feeling that should have been wonderful.
Once the song ended, Jesse escaped quickly and went to the bathroom. She splashed cold water on her face, willing the flush to recede. It was dim in the ballroom, but not nearly dim enough to hide the glow in her cheeks. She glanced surreptitiously at the others going in and out; all the other white women had red in their cheeks too. From a different heat than hers, she suspected.
But it was awfully hot, though thankfully not particularly humid, tonight. Jesse studied her face in the mirror once she’d dried off. Any lingering blush on her cheeks could safely pass for an effect of the temperature. The rest… well, she’d just have to live with it. Dealing with her inexplicable want was on her, not anyone else. Not Bucky.
If she was smart about it, she’d probably pull back. Stop dancing with him so eagerly, stop with the plan for teaching together, stop checking for his texts.
But just the thought of dropping him so neatly gave her a pang of grief. He didn’t deserve to be abandoned. He shouldn’t have to deal with her issues any more than he made her deal with his.
Jesse shook her head and strode out of the bathroom, the heels of her dance shoes clicking on the floor. Time to face the music.
Jesse did talk to Mike that night, though less than an hour before the end. Jesse spotted him from the center of the crowd; Bucky had already left, and with him gone she felt better about approaching Mike once the song was over.
“Hey Mike,” she said.
“Hi,” Mike said. He put his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his feet. “How’s it going?”
“I’m alright,” Jesse said. “I wanted to talk to you about—”
“I said some dumb things,” Mike said quickly. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh.” Jesse blinked up at him, then smiled. “Well, thanks. I was going to apologize too. Would you like to dance?”
“Sure,” Mike said, and it was almost as good as that wonderful dance with Bucky. Once it was over, Mike squeezed her shoulders in a one-armed hug. “You coming out on Thursday?”
“Of course!”
He looked down at her. His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Don’t be surprised if you see me before then.”
“Oookay,” Jesse said, bemused. “Well, um, I guess I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, no doubt,” Mike said. He squeezed her shoulders one more time and vanished into the crowd.
So much for an ease of tension!
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hotandcoldaf · 5 years
My Heart on Your Sleeve, Chapter 1
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Shiro/Ulaz
Summary: For most people, having a soulmate simplifies things. For Shiro, it makes things much, much more complicated.
Notes: The way soulmarks work in this AU was inspired by this post.
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Beginning | Next Chapter ->
As soon as Ulaz had been called in to examine a new prisoner, he was on his guard. This was far from routine. Any knowledge necessary to keep a prisoner alive could typically be gleaned from scans with basic equipment, so to get an actual medical officer involved was considered a flagrant waste of resources. Either this new prisoner was very special or Ulaz was being tested somehow. The latter seemed likely, given that he had been sent for specifically. That was also far from routine and immensely suspicious. Truthfully, he couldn't understand it at all. He racked his brain over recent events, trying to pinpoint anything he might've done to bring himself under such scrutiny, and yet nothing came to mind. He'd been going about his business exactly as he'd been doing for thousands of years. He hadn't even made a new report to Kolivan recently. And if nothing new had occurred on his end to bring forth this suspicion, that meant something new had likely occurred with the Empire. He was going into this with no idea what to expect or how to defend himself. He didn't care for it one bit.
The situation just became more and more unusual as he entered the examination room. There was a Druid in the room, rather than a medical officer or commander like he would've expected. And the prisoner he was to examine, laid out on the examination table, was unconscious and fully naked. The former confirmed that this examination was actually intended to be an examination, or, at least, that "examination" wasn't just a novel way of saying "torture session." The latter was simply... strange. Prisoners were generally kept clothed as much as possible, mostly due to general distaste for their alien forms and anatomy, and if clothing was going to get in the way of a medical procedure, they would simply cut it away and have it replaced later. To do otherwise, especially to this extent, was just bizarre.
It did put on display how impressively tattooed the prisoner was, Ulaz supposed. His entire right arm was covered from the wrist to shoulder in various images, and from there they spilled most of the way across his torso and partially down his right leg. Ulaz was curious about what they were, exactly, but he didn't dare take a closer look before he addressed the Druid.
"What needs to be examined?"
"Take a look at his markings."
Now that he'd been directed to, Ulaz drew closer and immediately began to understand why this prisoner had caught the Druids' attention. He recognized all the imagery drawn into his skin and much of it was specific to Galra culture, some even going so far as to be specific to life on Daibazaal, even though he didn't appear to be even remotely Galra. It wouldn't be impossible for him to be of mixed heritage, but even that wouldn't explain why he would mark himself so thoroughly with the imagery of a culture that would reject him.
...It also didn't explain why Ulaz had been called in for an examination. He looked back at the Druid for further direction. "They are very strange, but I don't understand how they merit a medical examination."
"The subject claims he was born with these markings," the Druid explained. "We want you to take a skin sample to verify whether or not that claim is true."
It seemed an obviously false claim to Ulaz, but he was hardly going to argue with the Druid. He took his scalpel out, only for the Druid to stop him before he could make his incision.
"Take it from his back," it ordered. Ulaz didn't understand why that was necessary, but he wasn't about to argue, and so he flipped the prisoner over, only for his blood to run cold at what he saw. There, drawn in life size, was a perfect reproduction of Ulaz's own sword, straight down to the Blade of Marmora emblem embedded in the hilt. Looking at it made him feel dizzy. This was impossible. It made no sense. He had never seen this creature or any like him in his entire life; there was neither means nor reason for him to have his sword tattooed on his back like this, and yet there it was.
"Is something the matter?" the Druid asked, and Ulaz fought to keep his movements steady and regular as he shook his head in response. If they were certain who these markings implicated, he would've been attacked directly instead of being put through this farce. Now that he knew the markings indicated him specifically, it was obvious what was happening. Ulaz hadn't thought much of the pictures of medical equipment mixed in with the rest before--such equipment was fairly universal, not as strange as the more Galra-specific images--but now they provided the perfect explanation for why he had been called in. The tattoos painted a picture of a Galra with medical experience, old enough to remember life on Daibazaal. There weren't many in the fleet who fit that description, but at least Ulaz was not the only one. That meant as long as he didn't give himself away right now, he still had time to figure out what to do about this while they put the other medics that fit that profile through the same test. Not a very long time, but at least it was something.
"I was simply surprised by the sword. It's not like the other images. I don't understand what it could mean," Ulaz offered to explain himself. It wasn't even technically a lie.
"That is no concern of yours," the Druid answered and Ulaz nodded in response.
"Of course." He continued his work in silence, removing a small section of skin along the edge of the blade and placing it in a small container. "Where shall I take this?" he asked, and the Druid held out its hand in response.
"We will take care of it," it said, and Ulaz nodded again before handing over the sample. They had no intention of actually analyzing it, he was sure. "You are dismissed," it continued, and Ulaz saluted and left.
The Druid had not given Ulaz any identifying information on the prisoner, likely purposefully, and Ulaz checked very carefully to make sure he wasn't being watched before he began looking through the prisoner files to find him himself. He was of a species that Ulaz had never seen before, so it didn't take long to recognize him in the list of recent transfers. Apparently he had been captured in a distant system, outside the Empire's actual borders, and somewhere Ulaz had never even been near at any point in his long life. The mystery only grew deeper, and it seemed the only way Ulaz would find any answers was by asking him directly. He made note of the cell where the prisoner was being held and did some quick mental math to determine when the best time to go there was. It was possible, even likely, that this was a trap, and even if it wasn't, this curious prisoner was sure to be closely guarded, but that was a risk Ulaz would have to take. He needed to know how this strange alien had such thorough information on him and how much of a risk he was to the rest of the Blade. It was bad enough that this signaled the sudden end of his thousands of years of undercover work, but it would be even worse if other agents were compromised, too.
Ulaz carefully avoided crossing the patrol paths of any sentries as he made his way to the prisoner's cell, which he found unguarded. That wouldn't be noteworthy for any typical prisoner, but in this case, it felt suspicious.
Ulaz opened the door and slipped inside anyway, dropping into a crouch so he wouldn't be visible through the viewport set into the door. Thankfully the prisoner was actually present, and unlike earlier, he was both dressed and alert. He'd had himself tucked into a corner when Ulaz entered, but now he was standing up.
"What are you doing?" he asked, and Ulaz gestured for him to sit back down.
"I am not supposed to be here," he answered. "Keep your voice down and stay still."
The prisoner looked dubious, but sat back down. "That doesn't answer my question."
"I need you to explain where you got those tattoos," Ulaz said, and the prisoner's expression immediately turned harsh.
"It doesn't matter how many times you people ask me, the answer's not going to change. They're not tattoos. I was born with them and I don't know what they mean, just that they're supposed to represent a person who's going to be very important to me. All humans have marks like that. It's natural. How many times do I have to say it before you believe me?"
It was no wonder he'd been asked about it so much; Ulaz had never heard of such a thing even in all his extensive experience. "Important how?" he pressed. The prisoner--human, apparently?--looked mildly surprised at that. Probably the Druids had not bothered to ask for such clarification.
"...Typically it's romantic," he explained after a pause, an unsure look on his face. Ulaz stared blankly at him in shock. The very idea was ridiculous, unthinkable, completely bizarre. That this alien could ever fall in love with him considering their respective positions. That he could feel the same. And especially that some quirk of biology could predict such a thing ahead of time. It was all so clearly impossible and yet he could detect no dishonesty nor think of any alternate explanation.
The human clearly took his blank look to mean something else, and his expression turned flat and judgemental. "Do you know what 'romantic' means? I've gotten the impression that your people aren't very big on caring about othe--"
He immediately stopped speaking and flinched back in fear when Ulaz pulled his blade from where it was hidden in his boot, but when Ulaz extended the sword to its full size, his eyes went wide with recognition and surprise, and he stared at it and then at Ulaz with a kind of reverent awe that made the Galra's skin crawl.
The human didn't seem to notice his discomfort as he leaned forward and began speaking with rapid excitement. "You're-- Are you really-- Where did you come from? How did you know to find me? I-- My name's Shiro, what's yours?"
Ulaz fought off the urge to physically recoil as he responded. "I am Ulaz. We do not have time for an extended conversation right now. We have to leave."
"Ulaz," Shiro repeated, like the name alone was a gift beyond value, and then he nodded firmly. "Right, of course. Lead the way."
Ulaz couldn't get a good view of the hallway outside the cell through the small viewport in the door, so he opened the door and stuck his head out cautiously--
--Only to pull back immediately in order to dodge a blast of magic from a Druid down the hall.
"It's a trap," he growled as gunfire began flooding the hallway.
"Do you have a gun?" Shiro asked.
"No," Ulaz answered. "They will have to come to us. Get away from the door." Shiro pulled away into a corner adjacent to the door while Ulaz listened to the steps of the sentries approaching. When they reached the doorway, he was ready for them, launching himself out into the hallway to strike them down before they could turn their fire into the cell.
"Look out!" he heard Shiro shout from behind him, and he turned in time to see the human attempting to tackle the Druid, which only managed to unbalance it just enough for its magic to go wide and miss Ulaz. It pulled Shiro off itself and threw him against the wall, hard enough that he bounced. By then, Ulaz was already rushing it, but it teleported away before he could reach it, leaving him swinging at empty air. It reappeared further down the hallway and began preparing another blast of magic, and Ulaz suddenly felt keenly aware of just how little room he had to dodge in.
"Move!" he heard Shiro shout, and Ulaz immediately threw himself against the wall at the command. A salvo of gunfire shot by him, exploding on contact with the Druid's magic. When the smoke cleared, the Druid was nowhere to be seen, though Ulaz was not so optimistic as to believe that it was dead.
"What was that thing?" Shiro asked as he got to his feet, the rifle he'd pulled from one of the felled sentries still in his hands.
"A Druid," Ulaz answered. "We need to leave before it comes back. They'll be expecting us to take an escape pod, but we'll take a fighter instead. Come on!"
They encountered a few more sentries along the way to the hangar, but the Druid did not resurface, so between Ulaz's blade and Shiro's gun, they were swiftly dispatched. The hangar was filled with more sentries, even more than Ulaz was expecting. He abruptly realized he may have miscalculated, but it was too late to change gears now, so he slung Shiro over his shoulder and made a run for it. Shiro let out a startled cry at being picked up so suddenly without any warning, but Ulaz had to admit he was a very adaptable person, as he started firing on the sentries that pursued them soon thereafter. Reaching the nearest ship was one thing, but climbing the fighter in his medical uniform while carrying another person was not the easiest thing Ulaz had ever done, and the gunfire from the sentries wasn't helping any.
"They're getting into the other ships, so you might want to hurry it up!" Shiro yelled between his shots. Thankfully, it wasn't much farther to the fighter's entry hatch. Ulaz dropped Shiro behind the pilot's seat before he slipped into the chair himself and began activating the ship.
"Isn't there another chair in here?" Shiro asked, glancing around the interior.
"No," Ulaz answered bluntly. Shiro then turned his attention to the pilot seat and its controls.
"...Wait, does your seat not even have a safety harness?" he asked again. There was an incredulous quality to his voice, though Ulaz couldn't understand why.
"What are you talking about?"
"How do you conquer most of the known universe without inventing the safety harness?!" Shiro exclaimed, but any further protest was cut off by the ship launching. The other fighters launched soon on their heels, and Ulaz found himself saddled with the unenviable task of trying to outmaneuver enemy fire. He had developed and refined many skills over the course of his long life. Piloting beyond the basic necessities was not one of them. His instincts were serving well enough to keep them alive, but escape was going to be another matter entirely.
"They're flying the same kind of ship we are. You're not going to be able to outrun them, you're going to have to outfly them," Shiro said.
"That is easier said than done," Ulaz replied through gritted teeth.
"Then let me handle it. I can do it."
"You have never flown one of these before in your life."
"I'm the best pilot Earth has and I can already tell the basics are close enough. I can do this. Ulaz, please, just trust me."
Reckless didn't begin to describe it, and yet, as Ulaz spared a glance in Shiro's direction, as he looked at the calmly determined look on his face, his gut instinct was to trust in his claims. There wasn't enough time to actually switch their positions, and so with a frustrated growl, Ulaz reached over and pulled Shiro into his lap. At least this way if Shiro proved unable to deliver on his promise, he could retake the controls easily enough.
Shiro let out another surprised noise at being manhandled again, but again he proved himself adaptable and took the controls. Ulaz grew uncertain with his decision as the ship veered about wildly under Shiro's control, but he had to admit none of the enemy shots were connecting, and he could hear Shiro laugh to himself as he turned the ship this way and that.
"This thing flies like a dream compared to some of the ships we've got on Earth," Shiro said, with delight audible in his voice. "I'm flying circles around these guys, but it looks like they still don't want to give up the chase."
"They won't," Ulaz answered. "You'll have to shoot them down."
Shiro went silent and still for a moment and then gave a firm nod. "How do I do that?"
Ulaz placed his hands over Shiro's on the controls and pushed his thumbs toward the buttons on the sides. "These buttons will fire the lasers. Hold them down for sustained fire."
Shiro nodded again and opened fire on their pursuers. His aim was true, despite his lack of familiarity with the system, and he managed to take them all out without their own fighter sustaining any damage. Once the last enemy had been reduced to scrap, he let go of the controls, leaned back in his seat, and let out a long sigh.
Ulaz cleared his throat, and that was when Shiro apparently remembered that his seat was actually another person. He scrambled out of Ulaz's lap and back onto his feet with a hasty apology and followed it up with, "I'll let you handle the flying from here. You know where we need to go."
Ulaz keyed in the directions for the autopilot and then stood up to approach Shiro. The human was sitting in the far corner of the ship with his right sleeve rolled up so he could look over the markings there. This was the first chance Ulaz had to really evaluate how he looked without any other distractions. His skin, where it wasn't covered by the markings, was a middling sort of beige, without any scales or fur to be found, save for the hair on the top of his head, which was a solid black. He was much smaller than any average Galra, with shorter limbs, though the tightness of the prisoner uniform showed that he was at least muscular and fit despite that. He wasn't hideous, Ulaz supposed, but it was hard to imagine that he ever would've considered his attractiveness at all if he hadn't had the thought already put in his head.
Shiro noticed him watching and looked up at him with a cautious smile. "Do we have time to talk now?"
"Yes," Ulaz answered, taking a seat of his own on the floor nearby. "Tell me more about these markings."
"They're called soulmarks. The person they indicate, we refer to as a soulmate. It's supposed to be the person you'll meet in life who you're most compatible with. Usually that means romantically, but not always. It's less precise than a lot of people think it is. There are actually a lot of cases where someone's soulmate is soulmates with someone else, or they meet them without ever realizing it, or their soulmate dies young, or... all kinds of problems." Shiro broke eye contact and looked back down at his exposed arm. "I've done a lot of research into it, trying to make sense of it all. My situation's always been pretty obviously exceptional. The soulmark fills in gradually as your soulmate gains life experiences, and even if your soulmate lives for a long time, the soulmark doesn't usually make it up past the shoulder. So when I was born halfway covered in these alien images, it was a pretty big shock to my parents. How old are you, anyway?"
"I am a little over 11,000 years old," Ulaz answered. Shiro let out a low whistle.
"Humans don't usually make it past 100. Is 11,000 a lot for your species?"
"It is not young," was Ulaz's flat response, and Shiro winced.
"...Right, that was a rude question, I'm sorry. In any case, my soulmark's been a big mystery my entire life. I've always wondered what it all could mean, and now I can finally get some answers. You don't know how relieved I am to finally meet you, Ulaz. There's so much I want to ask you, I can hardly think of where to start. I want to know the meaning behind every detail. Where you're from, what you like, what your dreams for the future are."
Ulaz's displeasure at the very thought of sharing all those intimate details must've shown on his face, because Shiro's eager expression quickly fell to trepidation. "I'm freaking you out," he observed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strongly. I'm not even looking for a relationship right now, I swear. I just..." His gaze fell back down to his arm, and he rotated it so he could see more of the images wrapped around it. "I've waited so long for this. I know it all must seem pretty weird to you, but I--I can't tell you how important this is to me." He sighed and began rolling his sleeve back down over his arm. "Still, I don't want to make you uncomfortable. You don't have to tell me anything, if you don't want to." They fell to awkward silence as Ulaz tried to process this strange and ridiculous situation he had somehow found himself in, and in the end, it was Shiro who broke the silence.
"Where are we headed?" he asked.
Now this was a question Ulaz was actually comfortable answering. "We are going to the Blade of Marmora headquarters. Our leader will decide what to do with you."
"What's the Blade of Marmora?"
That was, technically speaking, a question Ulaz shouldn't answer, but it would be ridiculous to try and obfuscate it by this point, so he answered it plainly. "We are a rebel group dedicated to dismantling Zarkon's empire from the inside."
"You're a spy," Shiro concluded, and then his eyes quickly grew wide with horror. "I blew your cover. I'm so sorry, Ulaz. I promise I'll do whatever I can to help your cause. I'll make myself useful."
"Whether or not you can be useful is for our leader to decide. He will not be happy about this." To say the least. Ulaz had been well entrenched in the Empire's ranks, and his position had made him an important source of information for the Blade, information that would be difficult to acquire otherwise. The only way Kolivan could be more displeased about losing that would be if Ulaz had also died in the process.
"I'm going to be useful. If your leader won't let me help, then I'll go somewhere else and find someone who will. I'll fight the Empire by myself if I have to. I've seen enough to know they need to be stopped, no matter the cost. I'll do whatever it takes to put an end to the misery I saw in those cells, whether I have your leader's support or not."
And as Shiro stared at him with a hard and determined look in his eyes, Ulaz found that he believed him.
Beginning | Next Chapter ->
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Beautiful Trauma 1- We Burned So Bright- [Billy Hargrove x OC]
Summary: The worst way to miss someone is for them to be right beside you and you know you can’t have them.
Characters: Billy Hargrove x OC, Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers x Nancy Wheeler, Max Mayfield, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Eleven, Joyce Byers, Jim Hopper
Warnings: Child abuse, underage sex, underage drinking, implied cheating, step-sibling incest, secret relationship, violence, language
Word Count: 2162
Author’s Note: I’ve had this idea rolling around in my head for a while and after the ending of season 3 I felt like I had to get it written. I wanted Billy to have someone who understood him and I felt like the best way to represent that was to have a character who knew him before Hawkins. I gave Max and older sister, Valerie, who loves Billy in spite of who he is and what he does.
“I believe I am in hell therefore I am.”
~Arthur Rimbaud
Valerie jerked suddenly when the Camaro came to an abrupt halt. She lifted her head and glanced at Billy but he didn’t look at her. He got out of the car and slammed the door so hard that the glass in the frame rattled. She sighed and looked out the window up at the house in front of her.
It was October and her mother had just moved her and her sister to Bumfuck Egypt in the middle of Nowheresville America following her wedding to Valerie’s new step-dad, Neil Hargrove. Neil had an infuriating son, Billy, who had gone to school with Valerie in California. They had been close before the wedding. To say the marriage changed things was a bit of an understatement.
The marriage had been a bit of a surprise. One minute Billy and Valerie are enjoying their time together, their respective parents ignorant of their after-school activities when Susan asked her and Max to dress nice because they were having dinner guests.
Valerie was surprised when her boyfriend and his dad showed up with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine. Billy’s face betrayed very little but Valerie had gotten good at reading him in their time together. He was just as surprised to see her as she was to see him.
Susan had ushered them in and they sat down for a lovely, if somewhat tense, dinner. During dessert, Susan had stopped eating and reached over to hold Neil’s hand. Valerie felt her heart rate pick up at that and could hear her blood pumping in her ears. She felt the hairs on her arms stand on end. She tried to keep the apprehension off her face but she didn’t think she did a good job.
Susan announced that she and Neil had been seeing each other for several months and were ready to announce their relationship to their children. Max was the only one who expressed herself verbally. She told her mother she was happy for her when her face expressed pretty much the opposite.
The rest of the night had been tense and Neil and Billy left soon after. Several hours later, Billy was knocking on her bedroom door, ranting about his father and his sudden desire to date again. Billy’s mother had been gone for nearly seven years and in all that time Neil Hargrove hadn’t dated a single woman. Not one woman until now and it was Valerie’s mom. The universe must’ve been playing a dirty trick if this was their lot.
Valerie had shushed him and held his face in her hands. He had a new black eye and hers started to burn. Billy brushed her off was tender hands and settled them on her bed. He held her until she was asleep and he was gone when she woke up that morning.
Six months after they announced their relationship, they announced their engagement. Valerie cried every night after that. Billy would come to see her sometimes but he never stayed long. They spent most of their time together at school but even then it was few and far between. It was like the engagement created a rift in their relationship.
Susan and Neil made quick work of a wedding. Four months after they announced their engagement they were wed in front of their closest friends and family. Less than one hundred people. The reception was held in the basement of Neil’s country club with even fewer people.
Life moved pretty fast after that. Neil and Billy moved into their house and within two months they announced their move nearly halfway across the country. Some podunk town in Indiana.
Valerie had never been angrier at her mom.
They sold their house and backed their things in record time. The new school year had been in session for almost two months and Valerie just knew that she would be treated like some rare oddity, some hidden treasure newly discovered to be gawked at and observed. She was from California, after all, and, if she had to guess, she bet that no one in this tiny town had ever left.
She heaved the last of her boxes into her room. Neil and Susan had at least had the decency to purchase a four-bedroom house so that she and Max wouldn’t be forced to share. That had been a nightmare for the few months they did it in California.
She turned to the door and watched Billy stalk by with his own box, a set of headphones draped over his neck blaring Metallica. He ignored her.
She took a deep breath and swung herself outside her room, heading towards the end of the hall to Max’s. She leaned her shoulder against the door frame and watched her sister toss various comic books and cassettes on the dresser. All her boxes labeled ‘clothes’ were stacked in the far corner and all her personal possessions were currently being rifled through.
Max looked up and met Valerie’s eyes. Neither of them said anything, content in the shared displeasure that arose from their situation.
Valerie shoved off the door frame and ventured back to her room. She glanced in Billy’s room as she did and ripped her eyes away quickly.
Life was already painful enough.
Valerie hated Billy’s music.
She didn’t mind it when they were dating but now it was next to insufferable. It might have had something to do with the fact that he listened to it at near-deafening levels but she wasn’t one hundred percent sure.
It was Monday morning at hers and Billy’s first official day at Hawkins High School. Max was attending Hawkins Middle School just down the street and brought her skateboard along to ride down the block.
The engine rumbled as Billy pulled into the high school parking lot. It cut off with a stutter when Billy killed the engine. Valerie turned to him but he was already out of the car before she could speak. She huffed and glared at his back.
She turned then to Max and gave her a forced smile. Max rolled her eyes and pushed at the back of her seat. Valerie stayed put and turned in her seat.
“Do you have everything you need?” Max rolled her eyes again and nodded. “I’ll get whatever books I need today. Mom got it all set up with the counselor.” Max’s tone was exasperated.
Valerie nodded and pushed out of the car. She pulled her seat forward and Max leaped out, dropped her skateboard and pushing away down the broken pavement. Valerie watched her go and slammed the car door shut.
She shuffled around the front of the car and eyed the girls oogling Billy’s ass.
Admittedly he had a nice ass but she felt a certain possessiveness. He hadn’t been hers for a while what with their parents' marriage but they hadn’t exactly broken up either. Mutually, they came to an understanding that being together while living under the same roof was not a good idea, especially with Neil’s temperament. They agreed that it was best for them to ignore their feelings for each other.
To call what she felt for Billy ‘feelings’ was a gross understatement. What she and Billy had was beyond basic teenage emotions. They understood each other. They complimented each other. He brought out the best in her and she in him. For life to come and rudely rip it away from them was cruelty in its truest form.
There were lots of tears shed during their agreement. She had cried for days and Billy had started multiple fights at school.
Neither one of them had been happy since before the wedding. Hell, really since before Susan and Neil announced they were dating.
Valerie pulled up alongside Billy and tried not to be hurt by his refusal to acknowledge her. She knew that this was hard on him but it was hard on her, too. He wasn’t making it easier.
They stopped in the office first thing and got their schedules, locker assignments and combinations. As soon as they were done in the office Billy walked in the opposite direction as her even though their lockers were in the same hallway. She watched him go and felt tears rush to her eyes. She turned with sharp precision down the hall and headed towards her locker.
She twisted the dial with shaking hands and stuffed her back inside, pulling out only a notebook and a pen. She jumped when a load shriek echoed four lockers down from her.
A petite brunette had a tall boy pressed against the lockers. His dark hair was styled in neat swirls across his forehead and along the sides. He was clean-shaven with broad shoulders and long legs. He held himself with an ease and a confidence that was foreign to most high school students.
Billy had it and it was largely what attracted her to him. His confidence with his surroundings and the general high school drama. Both acted as if nothing could touch them. Everything just slid right off their backs like oil in water.
She knew that with Billy it was largely an act, a front he put on to protect himself. She wondered if this boy was the same.
The girl glanced over and saw her looking. Valerie blushed and looked away, into the depths of her locker. She closed her eyes when she felt a presence come up beside her.
“Hi! I’m Nancy. You’re new, right?” Valerie turned her flushed face to Nancy and nodded, taking her offered hand. “Yeah, I’m Valerie.” They shook hands and Nancy turned slightly to gesture to the tall boy she was swapping spit with earlier. “This is my boyfriend Steve.” Valerie shook his hand as well and continued to admire him.
He had an angular face and the shadows dipped in all the right placed. He had a long sloping nose that accented the sharp lines of his jaw and cheekbones. His forehead was strong and framed his eyes in a way that made him look older. He had deep-set brown eyes that looked like they’d seen a lot in their short time. Valerie wondered if he and Billy were so different.
Physically so, yes, quite a bit. Billy’s hair was light were Steve’s was dark. Billy had hard eyes and Steve’s were soft. Billy was shorter but broader, compacted with muscle. Steve was taller and leaner.
She could appreciate Steve’s beauty but he wasn’t Billy.
She sighed and shut her locker. “So, maybe you can help me find something to do in this town.” Nancy smiled and glanced up at Steve. “Actually, I might have something that’ll interest you.” She watched Nancy pull a bright orange sheet of paper from her binder.
The car ride home was tense. Valerie could count on one hand the number of times Billy had spoken to her since the move
Once. One time and it was to tell her to “Get in the fucking car or you can walk home!” She felt a rage so potent simmer beneath her skin that she was sure he could feel it.
Max hadn’t said anything when she got in the car and Billy peeled out of the parking lot, speeding down the road to their house.
Valerie glared at the side of his head until he looked over at her. “What?” She snorted and shook her head. He slammed his hand on the steering wheel. “Goddamnit! What? Why are you staring at me?”
She scoffed. “I’m just trying to figure out why you’re being such an asshole.” He glared over at her and intentionally jerked the car to the side. She gasped and had to grab the Jesus handle to keep herself from hitting her head. Max cussed.
Valerie shoved his arm and he gave a malicious laugh. “Baby, I’ve always been an asshole.”
Her nostrils flared and she reared back.
It was true. He hadn’t been particularly nice in California but it was familiar anger. Something that was seen often at their old school in their old town.
Here, in this place, his rage was unfamiliar. It was new. There were new reasons for it.
She shook her head. “Not like this. We used to be,” He gave her a sharp look when she started that sentence. Valerie glanced briefly to Max in the back seat but she was focusing too much on trying to stay still from his dangerous driving habits to pay attention to their conversation. Valerie amended her statement anyway.
“We were friends. At least then I could tell why you were angry. Now you’re just cruel.”
Billy smirked at her and gave her a mocking kissy-face before speeding up and flying over the hills. Valerie shook her head and turned away from him. If he saw her tears he would laugh.
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