Another Imagine with the Demon Spawn of Wayne's!
9Zio6TSIOX!! Here~
Request : Batmom x Damian Relationship : Mother and son bonding. Prompt : "Damian and Batmom goes to grocery shopping. It's like...a bonding experience. Batmom gets hit on by a guy while Damian is at the candy aisle. When I say 'hit on' it's like nonstop harassment: always end up in the same aisles, small touches on her arms, etc. She's dead set in finishing shopping and going home. At the end Damian blows up at the man, he's like, "what kind of man hits on another person's mother!?" That's like the first time he acknowledged her as his mother."
Warning : There's some curse words. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"No, Alfred it's okay! I'll go grocery shopping." You insisted.
Alfred was sick, his face is so pale as if he was turned into a vampire. He got a fever, it wasn't that bad but still he got sick and need to rest. His voice was also sore besides he almost never got any chance to rest, staying up until late only to wait for Bruce or the boys to return just to patch them up.
You could do that too, but Alfred didn't want you to. Why? Because he said it was his job, he's a rebel.
But not today..
"Please Mrs.Wayne, I'm fine." He argued, his voice was shaky and sounded dry. You rolled your eyes at his argument.
"Well then, if you want to do it that way Alfred." You said, pausing for a moment to clear your throat.
"Ahem.. Alfred I want you to rest until your fever is gone. And I will do your chores." You stated sternly, he opened his mouth to argue but before any words came out from him you continued, "No Ifs no Buts. Rest Alfred. If you need anything just call me, the boys or Bruce."
He let out a heavy sigh in defeat, "If you insist..".
And that was how you ended up in here. At the grocery store, with the one and only Damian Wayne.
His small figure walked in front of you with his arms crossed and of course with a scowl. He was forced to come with you since Dick and Tim were watching their favorite TV show meanwhile Bruce and Jason were arguing in the kitchen, so he was the only one who could come with.
Letting out a silent sigh you walked towards Dairy aisle, looking through some milk when you arrived.
Damian tugged your sleeve to get your attention, you looked down to look at him. A small motherly smile already plastered your face.
"What is it Doodle-bug?" You questioned with a motherly voice that fits your smile.
He scoffed, not used with the nickname you gave him, but it doesn't mean he didn't like it, oh he loved it. You called him that since you caught him doodling Titus and random things, a bunch of times.
"I'm going to the other aisle, I'll be back after I found what I need."
You nodded, he walked away from you but not before receiving a kiss on the cheek from you. When you did that you noticed a slight crimson hue on his face, you couldn't help but smile at the sight.
Putting the milk inside the trolley, "3 box of milk.." You trailed off, ticking the shopping list with a smile. "Check. Cereal.. Hmm.. Cereal cereal.." You murmured, (E/C) orbs looking for the item you needed only to mentally groaning.
It's not like you didn't found it, oh you did. But it was so high you couldn't even got it even if you tip toed.
A hand reached for it before you could even ask for help, as if the person reads your mind.
"It's this one?" Th-- He asked.
You turned around to face the guy.
His lips curled up into a smile when he looked at you, his smile was genuine. But not as genuine and charming as Dick's.
He was tall but not as tall as Jason.
He looked smart but not as smart as Tim.
He has a pair of beautiful eyes but not as beautiful as Damian's.
Lastly but not least he was.. Handsome, but of course. Your beloved husband, Bruce Wayne was a whole lot handsomer and muscular than him.
You could list all every reason why your boys were flawless. Hell, even Alfred was flawless!
Breaking your thoughts, you sent him a smile. "Yes, thank you very much." You said, reaching out to take the box from him, accidentally making a skin to skin contact.
He nodded, not making any move to walk away.
"Thanks again.." You said, walking away from him. Brushing off the feeling that someone was staring and following you.
You were wearing a loose red off the shoulder jumper paired with a black leggings and a pair of black ankle boots and it was chosen by Damian himself.
Why? Who knows..
But also receiving you some dirty looks from the men in the store, you looked like a woman in her early 20s, meanwhile you were in your late 30s just like your husband.
You went to pick some meat for dinner, you were about to take the last steak but your hands accidentally brushed against a familiar hand.
Your head whipped to the side, finding the same guy as before.
"Ah, you can take that.." You said to him, giving him the same smile as before.
"No no!" He argued, "Please take it."
"Please I insist." He said, cutting you off.
"Alright." You said, taking the steak and put it inside your trolley before ticking the shopping list, "Thanks.. Again." You laughed.
He nodded. "No problem."
You swore you could see a slight blush dusted his cheeks before you walked away, waving goodbye at him.
You found the same guy every time you went to the different aisles, it was creepy. And a skin to skin contact always happened. Feeling creeped out you decided to find Damian.
He was actually looking at you from behind, hiding to be exact. He already got some of his favorite sour candies and chocolate cookies. Even though he loved Alfred's but since he was sick he had to buy one.
He watched your every move. Of course he noticed the same guy that you met literally at every aisles and also your discomfort when your skin brushed against his.
Then it happened again.
Decided that it was enough he walked towards you with his candies and cookies in his arms. He put it inside the trolley before walking beside you taking your hand in his.
"Are you done Dami?" You asked with another motherly smile.
"Yes, let's go. I already called the others to pick us up." He said.
You walked away from that creepy guy to the cashier with Damian hand in hand, your free hand gripping the trolley.
Waiting in line, again you met that guy. He stood behind you.
"Really?" You muttered under your breath, since it was noisy because of people's chatter nobody heard your voice. But Damian did.
You wanted to hide your face, too bad your hair was tied in a messy bun. You mentally kicked yourself for your hairstyle choice.
"Ah you again." His too familiar voice ringed in your ear, making you cringe.
You turned your head around, your (E/C) met his brown ones. Trying to not avert his gaze you spoke. "Hi.." You said, giving him a little wave.
He walked to your side, your left side since Damian was on your right. He put a hand on your shoulder.
"We meet...again." He joked, obviously trying to talk to you.
You nodded as Damian looked up at him with a deep frown on his face. His eyes met the guy's.
"Who is this big guy?" He asked you, motioning towards Damian.
You hesitated for a while, Damian never acknowledged you as his mother. You really wanted to call him your son, but afraid he would get mad at you and start hating you.
You were too busy with your train of thoughts until Damian spoke up for you.
"I'm her son." He hissed.
The guy's grip on your shoulder tightened, making you flinch a bit.
"Son? Aren't you too young to have a son?" He flirted with a smug smirk.
Oh you wish you could just punch him where the sun don't shine to wipe that disgusting smirk off his face.
Without you knowing, he grabbed your chin gently turning your head to look up at him.
"You're so beautiful.." He breathed out. Ugh, his breath reek of alcohol. Did I just noticed this? You thought.
You moved his hand off your face gently, "Thanks.. I guess.."
Damian scoffed, "What kind of man are you? Hitting on another person's mother."
Your eyes widened, what did he say? Mother? You looked down, all of a sudden finding the white marbles interesting in attempt to hide your huge smile.
The man didn't pay any attention making his blood built up in rage.
"HANDS OFF MY MOTHER!" He exclaimed harshly enough to make the man flinch and your smile got wider.
As if on cue, familiar voices calling you.
"Mom!" They said, instead of your name.
Your eyes widened, almost rolled out of their sockets. You looked at the source of the voices to find Dick, Jason and Tim walking towards you. With Bruce behind them.
Of course this caught every single person in the store, especially when The Bruce Wayne was in sight. They brought out their phone to take some pictures of the Playboy Billionaire.
Meanwhile the man just stared in confusion, but not letting go his hand from your shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Dick asked, earning a nod from you as a sign that you are fine.
"What took you so long." Damian scoffed.
"Uh what's with the hand dude?" Jason chimed in his eyebrows knitted together not liking the sight, pointing at the guy's hand. Luck for him that Jason didn't have his gun at the time. If he does, well. He better run.
Tim gave the man a murderous glare, but still not enough to make the guy's hand move.
Then Bruce came in.
"I'm sorry, but she's my wife." He stated, prying off the man's hand from your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. You were too overwhelmed with this situation to even speak.
"Father.." Damian said trying to get Bruce's attention, which he did. "He followed my mother everywhere. Literally everywhere.." He trailed off, glancing at the man who looked so scared and regretted every decision he made in life.
"He touched her on purpose, making excuse such as accidentally brushing his filthy hands against hers." He continued sternly and confidently. Pressing on some words to prove his point and to prove that he was serious.
You heard Bruce growled in annoyance and anger as his grip tightened on your hip. He then cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry but I need to report you for sexual harassment that you did to my wife." He said, rather harshly.
"Nope, no buts. Or I'll fucking beat you up." Jason hissed as he cracked his knuckles walking towards the man making him backed off from the Waynes. "I'll count to three.." He started, "One.."
Crack! He got closer towering over the man.
"Thr--" before he could finish counting, the creep started to run away. "--ee... Pfft, he's much worse than a chicken and he tried to flirt with our mother." He scoffed, "Yea right."
Your face were flushed red, lips curled up into a wide smile as you looked up at them then Damian.
Pulling away from Bruce's grip you picked up Damian, twirling him in the air as giggles escaped your lips.
The boys stared at you in confusion, Bruce was smirking since he knows exactly what happened.
You attacked his face in kisses, pulling him close to you with a motherly hug.
"You called me mother Dami! You called me mother.." You said excitedly whispering the last sentence. He blinked a few times, trying to catch what you said. Then realization hit him like a train, He did called you mother and it was from the bottom of his heart.
His face turned into crimson color when he heard snickering from his brothers even his father joined but he was chuckling. Feeling defeated he sighed.
"I did." He mumbled.
You pulled away from the hug enough to see his beautiful emerald orbs, "Yes! I never thought you'll say that Doodle-bug!!" You said, pulling him back into a hug.
He hesitantly hugged back, his lips curled up into a smile a true genuine smile.
"Yes mother I did." He said it again, the word mother rolled out from his lips and it was dedicated to you, he couldn't help but smile.
"The Demon Spawn smiled guys.." Tim said, cringing as the others continue to snicker.
You and the others payed for the things and brought it to the manor. Dick, Jason, Tim and Bruce helped, meanwhile you carrying Damian, not even letting go for a minute. The rest of the boys teased him of course, but Damian could careless. It was the first time he truly felt how a mother should be, how a mother should love her son.
Alfred was back to his normal self the next day, he reads a paper almost spilling his tea as he did.
There was a picture of you and the others laughing, you carrying Damian, kissing his cheeks, even when he smiled was there too.
Alfred felt kind of grateful he sick that day, but also regretted it because he couldn't see it himself. But he saw the other side of Damian, clinging onto you entire time and it brought a smile to his face.
A/N : Welp, that was hella long.
And took so long also...
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for grammar errors!
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