thehousehag · 5 months
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35 notes · View notes
thismustbetheblog · 2 years
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3 notes · View notes
gojosattoru · 9 months
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★ CHRISTMAS BLEACH HEADERS ★ -> requested by anon Heya sweetie I hope you like them ^^ Thank you for your request! FEEL FREE TO USE!!!! REQUESTS ARE CLOSED!!! Thank you for all your support guys! 🎔
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buckybarnesevents · 7 months
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Bucky’s Birthday Bash: Bake a Cake Edition!
Your goal is to create something starring the one and only Bucky Barnes with your given Cake!
What’s in a cake!?
Your mix bag contains four components: Base (a universe), Filling (a trope/quote), Frosting (a pairing/add-on character) and Toppings (a little something extra)!
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Simply create something with one item from each component and tag us at @buckybarnesevents for us to reblog it by March 10, 2024 and use the tag #BBEbuckybdaybash2024 for this year.
You only need one item from “Toppings”, not one under each sub-category
You can write a different pairing or different characters that are not listed, we just ask that one of the above be included
AO3 Collecion: Bucky's Birthday Bash
Requirements: your works must be tagged appropriately. We accept all forms of creation fic, podfic, art, craft, playlist, song, poem, moodboards, etc. There is no minimum for the event.
Notes: You can combine this with any other event so long as that event also allows it. The prompts are to be used at your discretion and are up for your interpretation. If you’re not sure if something fits, it probably does. We are here to encourage your creativity.
March 10th means that as long as it is March 10th somewhere in the world, you will make it. This means our posting will range from March 9th to March 11th depending on where you are in the world.
159 notes · View notes
possuminnit · 1 year
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zombie lady,,.
791 notes · View notes
corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Big Brown Eyes - Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: You’re a single mom and when you drop your son off at Dustin’s while you go to work, you meet his new friend Eddie. 
Note: So, this really just came about because I wanted cute interactions between both Eddie and Steve with a little boy. I might write more in this verse if people like this?
Warnings: single mom, reader x ex steve, stancy is together, mechanic!eddie, i think that’s it?
Words: 5.6k
[Part 2 | Big Brown Eyes masterlist]
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“Hello, you’ve reached the Hendersons. Sorry we missed your call-.”
“Shit,” you mutter. You sigh and rub a hand over your face. You purse your lips in thought and tilt your head from side to side before picking up the phone again. Thankfully, this time there’s a response.
“Max, hey! Do you know where the goonies are hanging out today? I’m trying to find Dustin,” you say.
“They’re all at his house. None of them would shut up about the campaign at school yesterday. Why? Everything okay?” Max asks.
“Yeah, fine. I just have to head to work and need someone to watch Ev. I know you have the evening shift at the diner tonight or I would’ve asked you.”
“Where’s Steve?” Max asks.
“Out of town for the day with the Wheelers. Holly had a dance recital somewhere near Indianapolis,” you tell her.
“Mike didn’t go,” she says with a snort. “He’s at Dustin’s with the rest of them.”
“What a loving brother,” you deadpan.
“One of the guys can watch Ev. I know for a fact Lucas has no plans tonight so don’t let him try to make any excuses.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you say. “Alright, I’ll try the house again. Thanks, Max.”
“No problem.”
With a sigh, you hang up and pick up the receiver again, your finger jamming into the familiar numbers for Dustin’s house.
It rings. And rings. And rings.
“Hey! Hello?” An out of breath Dustin gasps on the other line.
“You all good there?” you ask.
“Oh, hey. Yeah. I’m fine. Was that you who called before? Sorry, it was the final roll of the dice,” he explains, as if that makes it evident why he wouldn’t answer the phone. You can hear the others shouting in the background. You can’t tell if it’s in happiness that they won the campaign, or anger because they failed.
“Uh huh,” you say. “Listen, one of the girls at work called in sick and I said I’d come help out. Could you or one of the boys watch Everett for me, pretty please? It’ll just be for a few hours.”
“Sure, bring him on by. We all know I’m his favorite.”
You laugh, rolling your eyes fondly. There’s no way to deny it, Everett always lights up when he sees his Uncle Dusty Buns.
“Okay, we’ll be there in ten. Thanks, Dustin,” you say.
“Don’t thank me until you get him back in one piece. Bye.”
You chuckle to yourself as you hang up the phone. A squeak sounds behind you and you smirk to yourself at the familiar sound of Everett’s little sneakers hitting the linoleum tile of the kitchen floor. Slowly spinning around on your heel, you catch a pair of big brown eyes staring at you from around the corner. Out of the many things Everett had inherited from Steve, his eyes were what people noticed first. They were nearly identical to his father’s. His hair was also growing similarly, but Everett was still too young to tell if it would be quite as high as Steve’s.
“Is someone spying on me?” you ask.
“Nooooo,” you hear as his tiny head hides back around the corner. His giggling would be enough to give him away even if it weren’t for the scuffling of his feet against the floor.
“I think someone is. I think I was being watched,” you say. You creep around the corner and snatch him up in your arms. The muscles in your arms and back protest at how big and heavy he’s getting.
“By who?” Everett asks innocently. Those damn doe eyes look up at you under thick lashes. It was truly uncanny.
“You, mister!” You dig your fingers into his side, knowing his left is the most ticklish. He squeals and struggles in your grip, trying to break free.
“Mommy, no!” he calls between bouts of laughter.
“Everett, yes!” you answer before peppering kisses all over his face.
He pulls away from your kisses and the two of you look at each other, similar smiles reflecting each other. At least that’s something he got from you. He reaches up to move some hair that’s fallen into your face. It’s more of a smack than a gentle motion, but you know the intention was sweet.
“You’re silly,” he says fondly.
“Oh yeah? Well guess where silly mommy is taking you, Mr. Troublemaker?” you say.
“Toys?” he asks, tilting his head to the side. As if this kid wasn’t spoiled enough by his parents, aunts, uncles, and everyone else who knows him. His obsession with the toy store has stuck with him ever since Karen Wheeler took him there for his third birthday a few months back. You were thankful she watched him as often as she did, and that she spoiled him like her own grandchild, but this obsession was wearing on both your nerves and bank account.
“No,” you say. “Don’t you think you have enough toys? Never mind, don’t answer that, you. Nope, I’m taking you to Uncle Dusty Bun’s.”
Everett’s eyes lit up and he began to bounce in your arms. “Dusty! Dusty!”
More often than not, he called Dustin “Uncle Dusty Bun” in full, but he often reverted to “Dusty” when he was excited or angry. Dustin was never referred to by his actual name by you or Steve when Everett was born, both of you thinking it would be hilarious to give him the nickname instead. Dustin was less than thrilled at first, but the nickname didn’t seem so bad once you asked him to be Everett’s God father as well.
“Yep, come on.” You set Everett down so he can get his little backpack from his room. Whenever Everett went to somebody’s house he packed his favorite toy dinosaur, one of his coloring books, and a handful of crayons with him in his bag.
He runs off, most likely giving the family that lived in the apartment underneath yours a ceiling rattling boom, and you step into the bathroom. Working at the library meant that you didn’t have a uniform you needed to wear. As long as your clothes looked somewhat professional, your hair was neat, and your makeup wasn’t wild, you were good to go. You fix the hair that Everett had swatted and neaten up the rest of it.
Everett jumps into the doorway of the bathroom, blue backpack on and ready to go. “Let’s gooooo!”
“Can’t wait to get away from your mom, huh?” you tease him. You ruffle his dark hair as you pass him, grabbing your purse and keys from the kitchen counter. His loud footsteps echo behind you as you walk to the front door.
“Daddy home?” Everett asks as you’re locking the door behind you.
“Hmm?” you look to Everett who is gazing across the parking lot at the adjoining apartment building where Steve lives. “Oh, no, Daddy isn’t home right now. But he’ll be back by dinner time.”
“Will he make me take a bath?” Everett wrinkles his nose up in distaste as he slips his hand into yours.
“If he doesn’t, I will,” you tell him. You lead him down the stairs to the first floor, Everett jumping with two feet down each step. He hums a song to himself as you walk to the car. Though he hates sitting in it, Everett has become adept at securing his own car seat, which has saved you countless minutes over the past few weeks. “All buckled in?”
He nods to you in your rear-view mirror, and you pull out of the parking lot. It’s not a long ride to Dustin’s but Everett insists on the radio anyway. You weren’t sure when he developed such a love of music, but you’re pretty sure he recognizes more songs on the radio than you do. Love Shack comes on and Everett begins to wiggle in his seat, dancing along to the beat. You were glad the meaning of the song went over his head, and he just enjoys the silly sounds the song makes.
Everett knows the way to Dustin’s and gets more excited the closer you get to his house. He begins to look out the window, straining his neck as if that will help him see his favorite uncle sooner. As you pull up to the Henderson house, you notice a number of cars parked out front. So, the guys were still here.
“Looks like you’re seeing more than just Uncle Dusty Bun,” you tell him as you swing your car into the driveway. You would only be here five minutes; it doesn’t matter if you’re blocking anyone in.
“Who?” Everett asks.
“Let’s go see,” you say, pulling the key out of the ignition.
While your son has no issues getting into his car seat, he hasn’t gotten the hang of unbuckling it yet. He’s grateful when you free him from the confines, hopping out of the car with his little backpack, and running up to the front door. Even on his tiptoes he can’t quite reach the doorbell, so he settles on banging on the door with his little fists instead.
“Easy, Ev,” you say as you come up next to him. You go to press the doorbell but the front door swings open before you get the chance.
“Hey, I thought I heard the little monster out here!” Dustin grins and bends down, letting Everett run into his arms. “How you doing, kiddo?”
“Good!” Everett says as he wraps his arms around Dustin’s neck. “Got my dino.”
“Well, of course you do!” Dustin says. He lets go of the boy, who rushes past him into the living room. The loud hum of boys talking reaches you at the door and you nod your head inside.
“Whole crew here?” you ask.
“Yeah,” Dustin replies. “Oh, wait! Come here, you haven’t met everyone who’s here.”
Dustin closes the door behind you as you step inside. Your brow furrows in confusion as you slip your hands into your back pockets. The house smells like microwaved pizza and like one of the boys is wearing cheap cologne. It’s dark in the house, which makes you roll your eyes, because the boys always insist the room must be dark when playing DND.
“What do you mean? Not just Lucas, Mike, and Will?” you ask.
“We made a new friend,” Dustin says.
“A nerdy friend, I’m guessing,” you mumble under your breath as you follow Dustin into the living room. You can hear Everett babbling to someone, which doesn’t surprise you in the least. Besides you and Steve, his favorite people in the world are in this room.
“My sister!” Will cries as he throws his arm over your shoulders. You chuckle to yourself, forgetting when the joke that you were Will’s older sister even started. He’d always been like a little brother to you, so it came naturally enough. You turn your head to look at him and frown when you have to tilt your head up.
“Why are you still growing? You’re already taller than me,” you say.
“Have been for a few years now,” he says with a wink, and you playfully push him off you.
You expect to find Everett either clinging to Mike’s legs or being held in Lucas’s arms, but the two are arguing with each other on the opposite side of the room with no toddler in sight. Everett is never quiet, however, so you just have to turn yourself in the direction of his voice.
“M’not afraid of spiders!” he’s saying. “Spider-man is my favorite!”
Everett is leaning against a fluffy maroon couch cushion, his backpack at his feet, and his eyes focused on the boy sitting next to him. But he is not a boy. He’s a man, your age or maybe a year older. He’s grinning down at your son, the smile knocking the breath from you. You don’t think you’ve ever once swooned in your life, but that’s the best word you think of to describe the feeling. Dark curls fell just past his shoulders and his dark eyes – why did dark eyes haunt you everywhere? – crinkled in the corners as he listened to Everett.
“Yeah? I like spiders, too,” the man says. He adjusts his hand on his lap and the glinting of one of his rings catches Everett’s attention.
“S’pretty,” Everett says. He takes the man’s hand in his own little ones and inspects the different rings he’s wearing. You’re shocked. Everett is usually shy with new people. He’ll barely say hello to a stranger, let alone hold someone’s hand.
“Thank you,” he tells your son. He’s smiling so adoringly at Everett that it quickens your heartbeat even further.
“Eddie,” Dustin calls from behind you. The man picks his head up and looks at Dustin, before turning his gaze on you. He smiles again and you feel pinned in place.
“You must be this wonderful little boy’s mother,” he says. Everett lets go of his hand and walks over to you, hugging one of your legs. Eddie stands up from the couch and steps right in front of you, offering you his hand. “I’m Eddie.”
“Eddie,” Everett repeats down by your legs, causing Eddie to chuckle.
“Y/N,” you tell Eddie. You slip your hand in his and notice the roughness of callouses and the coolness of the rings as he shakes it.
“Eddie works down at the garage,” Dustin says, coming up alongside you. “He noticed the DND bumper sticker on my car when I brought it in the other day. Needless to say, we became fast friends. This was his first campaign with us.”
“You have far more patience than I do,” you tell Eddie. “When I try to play with them, they just yell at me.”
“Well, he actually knows what he’s doing,” Mike quips with a smirk as he walks by you.
“When’s that English paper due, Michael? You know, the one on Pride and Prejudice, which you haven’t even read? Didn’t you want me to help you with that?”
“I take it back!” Mike calls from the kitchen. “I love you!”
You smile to yourself and look back to Eddie, who’s smiling at you the same way he smiled at Everett. It should feel patronizing, to be smiled at the same way that a baby was, but it’s flattering. It’s an adoring smile which floods heat to your cheeks.
“I was going to ask how you put up with these guys, but I see you can handle them no problem,” Eddie says.
“Well, when you work at the library and they come there to study and beg you for help, you tend to have the upper hand,” you say with a shrug.
Eddie chuckles. He pats Dustin on the arm. “I’m heading out. Next Saturday, right?”
“Yeah! Look forward to you being the DM. Mike’s been doing it forever,” Dustin says.
“Heard that!” Mike calls.
Eddie crouches down to be on eyelevel with Everett. “It was nice to meet you, little dude. Can I get a high five?” Everett grins and slaps his hand against Eddie’s. It hardly could have hurt but Eddie shakes his hand out as if stung. “Wow! You’re a strong boy. You must eat all your vegetables.”
Everett looks up at you and grins, proud.
“That he does,” you say, petting along his hair. You crouch down as Eddie stands back up. “You’re going to be good for Uncle Dusty Bun, right?” Out of your peripheral vision you can see the smirk Eddie gives Dustin at the nickname.
“Mhmm,” Everett nods.
“Okay, good. I love you,” you press a kiss to his cheek and pull him into your arms.
He squeezes you back tightly and mumbles a “love you too” against your neck. You stand up and Everett takes Dustin’s hand, already dragging him back to the couch.
“Walk you out?” Eddie asks. He motions for you to head out first, so you do. You open the front door, and he steps out behind you. “He’s a cute kid.”
“Thanks,” you say. The two of you walk to the driveway together and Eddie leans against the van that your car is parked behind.
“But it makes sense, though,” Eddie says. “With a beautiful mom and all.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out from your chest and you look at the ground shyly. You feel the heat go all the way up to the tips of your ears. You’re about to respond by saying he looks more like his dad than he does you, but that might sound like you’re trying to interject Everett’s dad into the conversation as if the two of you are still together.
“Well, thanks,” you say again. You were never particularly good at flirting or being flirted with. Steve often used this to his advantage by flustering you on purpose and the look on Eddie’s face says he might be the kind of guy to do the same thing. “I guess I’m blocking you in. I should get going.”
“Do you often come by here on Saturdays?” Eddie asks as you start to turn away from him. You turn back and give him a smile.
“I’m not here for their DND days. Like I said, I get yelled at. But sometimes Dustin will watch him on Saturdays when I’ve got to head to work. Like today.”
“Libraries are open on the weekends?” Eddie asks.
“Saturday until three, Sunday closed,” you tell him with a shrug. “So, I only have to be there for a little while today.”
“You know, you don’t look like a librarian,” Eddie tells you with a smirk. He crosses his arms over his chest, and you can’t help but giggle.
“Well, I’m not a librarian. I just work there. But out of curiosity, what do librarians look like?” You know you need to leave for work, but you walk over and lean next to Eddie against the van.
He shrugs, his leather jacket creaking with the movement. “You know. Usually old. Hair pulled up in a tight bun on the top of their head. Glasses hanging from a chain around their neck. Old lady sweaters and a permanent scowl on their face.”
You laugh and rest your head back against the van. “You just described my boss pretty well, so you may have a point.” With a sigh, you push yourself off the van. You didn’t want to head to work before, but now you really wish you didn’t have to go. “Um,” you say. You didn’t intend to say anything, but your mouth opened anyway. A lightbulb goes off in your head and you look at Eddie. “Dustin said you work at the garage, right?”
“Sure do.” Eddie nods in confirmation. “The one on Blossom Trail off Highway Eight. Or is it eighteen? I’m new to Hawkins.”
“Oh yeah? Where from?” you ask.
“Over near Evansville. My uncle lives out here, so I thought I’d see what Hawkins is all about,” he says.
“And are you sorely disappointed so far?” you ask with a laugh, gesturing to the quiet, empty street around you.
“Definitely not.” He grins at you again and the butterflies feel as if they may actually bust out of you this time. Eddie watches you get flustered again and you lick over your lips, remembering your initial question for him.
“So, what days do you work this week? I need to bring my car in for an oil change. The light keeps flashing and one of these days the car’s just gonna stop on me altogether.”
“For an oil change?” Eddie raises his eyebrows at you, then shakes his head. “Sweetheart, don’t bring your car in for that. I can do that for free. Save your money.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” you say. Handouts were one thing you consistently tried to avoid since you’d found out you were pregnant. You hated feeling like people felt sorry for you when they didn’t need to. Was being a young mom hard? Yeah, but worth it.
“No, come on,” Eddie says. “They’ll charge you fees and taxes and for the labor when I’ve got the oil sitting right in my shed at home. Really, it’s just sitting there. It’ll go bad if it isn’t used.”
You had no idea if that was actually true or not, but Eddie was gambling that you didn’t have the knowledge to call his bluff one way or the other. Eddie’s pleading eyes are what push you over the edge. It seems impossible that here was another man with beautiful brown eyes who knew how to use them against you.
“Okay,” you finally cave. “Sure. I can bring it by your place.”
“Don’t be silly, I can swing by after work one day. You’re a mom, I’m not going to make you come to me and take time away from your kid.”
The thoughtfulness makes you smile. You motion for Eddie to follow you over to your car. He watches as you bend over into the car – his eyes taking their time – to grab your purse. After rifling through it, you pull out a pen.
“I don’t think I have any paper,” you say. Eddie grins and offers you his hand. You chuckle and take his hand in one of yours. There’s the slightest bit of grease stains under his short nails and his fingers are long, his palm large. You scribble your number onto his palm and stick the pen back in your purse. “I usually get home from work about six-thirty on weekdays and Ev goes to bed around eight.”
“I get home around seven, so that’s perfect timing. I’ll call you soon,” Eddie says.
“Yeah?” you ask, raising your eyebrows.
“Monday if you want,” he says. “Or tomorrow. Hell, I’d call you tonight.”
The bashful grin on your face only makes Eddie want to flirt with and tease you more. It’s addictive in a way he didn’t know possible.
“I’m not sure what my plans are for tomorrow, so Monday works.”
“Monday it is,” Eddie confirms. “Have fun at work.”
“Bye.” You give him a small wave before getting in your car.
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Steve had called you at work to say he was picking up Everett from Dustin’s and they’d be home for dinner. So, when you got home you had a precious hour that could have been spent relaxing, but one look around the apartment and you knew it needed to be used for cleaning. Action figures littered the living room carpet, colored pencils scattered about the coffee table, blocks with numbers and letters on them led down the hallway practically waiting for someone to step on them. It had been a while since you had last vacuumed so you figured you might as well get it over with.
It's in the middle of vacuuming Everett’s room that the front door opened and three people entered. Steve puts his finger to his lips to encourage Everett to be quiet as they creep down the hallway towards you. Nancy reaches out and smacks Steve on the back, telling him not to scare you. He shrugs and pretends that he can’t hear her over the vacuum as he follows Everett towards his room.
Normally, it was hard to sneak up on you. Steve had made it his mission to try and scare you way back before you even started dating. He, evidently, passed this trait along to his son as well. Even the vacuum wasn’t enough to keep you from hearing someone coming up behind you. But your mind was wandering as you pushed and pulled the appliance over the blue carpet. Was Eddie just a flirt in general? Or did he like you? Would he actually call on Monday? Was it a big deal if he didn’t? It was just an oil change, after all.
“Rawr!” Little hands grip your thigh, making you jump and let out a squeal. You cut the power to the vacuum and hear Everett giggling madly to himself and he holds your leg even tighter. “Scared you!” There’s laughter coming from the doorway as well and you turn to find Steve leaning against the doorframe, his arms casually across his chest, as if he had nothing to do with this sneak attack.
“What the f-,” you stutter, “fudge, Steve?”
“How did he get away with that when I never could?” Steve asks, referring to the successful scaring.
“Where’s your babysitter?” you snap back at him.
“I’m sorry,” Nancy says, popping in the doorway behind Steve. “I tried to stop him but I think Everett is more mature.”
You smile at Nancy as you scoop Everett up into your arms. “I don’t blame you one bit, Nancy. You’re the only one around here who doesn’t drive me crazy.”
“Hey!” Steve and Everett say at the same time.
“You,” you say, looking at Everett. “It’s dinner time. What would you like?”
“Daddy wants pizza,” he says.
All eyes turn to Steve as he shrugs innocently. “I have no idea how he knows that.”
“You’re paying.”
“Deal,” Steve agrees. You set Everett down to follow his father into the kitchen to call for pizza.
Nancy walks into the room and wraps her arm around your shoulders. “You know he’s never going to let it go that he finally scared you?”
“I know.” You sigh and rest your head against hers.
Nancy was always a friend in high school, but never a close one. After Steve and Nancy broke up and Nancy moved on with Jonathan, Steve eventually found you. Becoming friends to more was easy with Steve, but it came with a catch. It was easy to go on fun dates and spend hours talking with Steve. It was easy to drive the younger teens around Hawkins with him, becoming the “mom” to his “dad” in the group – little did you know that those official titles were soon to come. It was easy to trust Steve because you already had as a friend. It was easy to fall into bed with him because you had always found him attractive and kind. What was hard, though, for both of you, was to fall in love. Being together for almost a year, most people assumed you two were madly in love. You definitely loved each other, but both of you knew deep inside it wasn’t the kind of love you should feel for someone you’re in a relationship with.
It was hard, deciding that the two of you should go back to being friends. You were in agreement that it wasn’t fair to one another to stay in a relationship that wasn’t going anywhere. Two weeks after the breakup, in which you two still remained the best of friends, you discovered you were pregnant. Telling Steve was one of the most terrifying moments of your life, though you knew him well enough to know he wouldn’t let you do this alone. What you didn’t expect was how helpful Steve’s mom would be. Not only was she supportive of you and Steve deciding to raise the baby as friends, but she used her connections as the most well-known real estate agent in Hawkins to get you and Steve apartments in the same complex.
Nancy had been away at college while you were pregnant, hearing about the news from her brother who was stunned at there being someone who would be referring to him as “Uncle Mike.” When Nancy came home for summer break, she was elated to meet baby Everett. You were still pretty sure Nancy seeing how gentle and sweet Steve was with the newborn is what led them to getting back together – even battling long distance.
Steve was a little worried this might put tension between the two of you girls, but it was the opposite. Nancy became your closest friend, talking to you on the phone almost as much as she talked to Steve. She loved and cared about Everett but never tried to insert herself as a mother figure in his life. Everett loved playing with Nancy, especially when he saw how well she shot a water gun at his dad. Nancy was now home for the summer, having one more year to go at Emerson. Everett had been a little shy around her when she first came home, having not seen her since Spring Break, but he quickly warmed up and showed her every new toy he had gotten since she’d last seen him.
Everett was thrilled that Nancy was staying just in the next building with his dad. It meant they could go outside and play with his water guns anytime he wanted to. It was sweet to see Steve and Nancy with Everett, but it always left a melancholy taste in your mouth. It just reminded you that Nancy was the only person Steve had ever been in love with, and you had never been in love ever.
“You good?” Nancy asks you, rubbing her hand up and down your arm.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you say. She pulls back and gives you a quizzical look. “What?”
“What is that smile on your face?” she asks. You didn’t even realize you had been smiling and immediately wipe it off your face.
“What, I can’t smile?” But you could feel your cheeks turning pink.
“Not like that,” Nancy says. “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you say, though it sounds unconvincing to both of you. Nancy watches as you unplug the vacuum and wind up the cord. You walk past her to put the vacuum back in the hall closet and she follows behind.
“Something happen at work?” she asks with a smirk. Nancy was never nosey, but she could tell something was going on and she knew she could get you to spill.
“Nothing out of the ordinary.” You turn to her and shrug, not quite meeting her eyes.
She smiles at you and reaches out to poke you in the ribs. “Oh, come on. You know you want to tell me.”
Glancing down the hallway to make sure the guys were still in the kitchen, you lean in towards Nancy and speak quietly. “Has Mike mentioned a new friend at their DND games?”
Nancy pulls back with a frown, that being far from what she thought would come out of your mouth. “Um, no. But to be fair, Mike doesn’t tell me a whole lot about his life. Why?”
You avoid her eyes as you lean back against the wall, head barely avoiding the framed pictures that hung there. “Well,” you start. “The guys have a new friend who plays DND with them.”
“Like a kid?” Nancy asks.
“Nope.” You shake your head, keeping your eyes on the kitchen doorway down the hall. “Like a guy. About our age.”
“Oh,” Nancy hums in understanding. “And you met him when you dropped by Dustin’s, didn’t you?”
“I did,” you confirm, still not looking at her. Nancy scoffs and grabs your arm, dragging you into your bedroom. She closes the door and rests her back against it.
“Spill,” she says.
You sit down on your bed and can’t help the smile that creeps on your face. “His name is Eddie. He’s going to come by this week and change the oil in my car.”
“Oh, is he now?” Nancy’s eyebrows raise and your face blooms red at the smirk on her face.
“Actual oil in my actual car!” You huff a laugh and rub your hands over your face. “He’s a mechanic. Dustin met him at the garage.”
“Is he cute?” Nancy moves from her spot against the door and sits down next to you on the bed. You bunch the yellow floral blanket in your fingers as you bite back an even bigger grin.
“Very,” you confirm. It feels nice to have a friend to talk about these things with. Yeah, there were girls in high school with you that you talked about boys with, but you were in a very different spot in your life than they were now. And Nancy was here and knew your life well. She’d become the best friend you’d ever had.
“When’s he coming by?”
“I gave him my number and he said he’d call Monday,” you say. You were about to tell her more about the conversation you’d had with Eddie but pounding started raining down on your bedroom door.
“What’s up, buttercup?” you call through the door.
“Lemme in!”
“Excuse me?” you ask.
A tiny huff. “Can I come in pleeeease?”
You stand and open the door to find a little boy with a big smile staring up at you.
“Yes, sir?”
“Pizza’s coming!”
“Good. Know what you can do while we wait for it?” you ask.
“What?” he asks.
“Tell your daddy he needs to give you a bath.”
“Huh?” Steve asks, coming up behind Everett. He’s holding an apple with a bite missing and you remember why your son is constantly asking for snacks before dinner. “What do I have to do?” he asks through a mouthful of apple.
“Bath,” Everett says with a sigh.
“What?” Steve says as he looks down at Everett. “Why’d you say that like it’s a bad thing?”
“Boring,” Everett says.
“Nothing’s boring with me, you know that,” Steve tells him. He leans down and throws Everett over his shoulder. The little boy giggles and kicks his legs as Steve carries him to the bathroom.
“Please keep my bathroom dry!” you shout down the hall.
“No promises!” Steve answers.
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lunarmoves · 1 month
I blame you for the dca au i suddenly thought up becuz of ur Sebastian solace roblogging spree
HAHAHAHA YESSS!!!!!! but fr, sebastian is so sun-coded?? its wild. like, you can totally imagine sun in his place.
sun solace, convicted of murdering 9 people, gets scooped up by fazco to undergo experimentation when he was innocent in the first place. he's angry, deeply angry, when he realizes what has been done to him. his body has changed--elongated into something so foreign and- and unsightly (he's terrifying, he realizes. he's terrifying and hideous and so inhuman). and fazco just up and discards him like he was nothing once they've researched him completely... so he has his revenge--unleashes other experiments at the fazco underwater blacksite, and causes utter havoc. people are killed. he doesn't care. he just wants to get out--but he knows what he's become and he needs to find a way to reverse the changes that have been done on his body
but... then fazco starts sending in these prisoners to collect the crystal powering the facility (i need to note here that i don't rly know/rmb why urbanshade wants the crystal or what it does, im making stuff up). sun knows that the crystal must not be found or he'll never manage to escape this damn place. so.... he plays nice. because he knows he can manipulate these prisoners to help him.
he greets them all with a demure smile and clasped hands. he makes himself seem as small as possible--as non-threatening. he's their friend in his hellish place, he tells them, makes them believe. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
the prisoners--the expendables--don't care much for him. he knows most of them just see him as another monster. still, he offers them items to help them on their journey in exchange for data they've collected. and when they die to one of the experiments he released in the first place? well... it's no skin off his scaly nose.
ohhh but then... you arrive. and you're different.
you look at him in a way he can't place at first. cautious, sure, but there's something else to your expression that's different compared to the expendables before you. he ignores it and continues with his routine. act nice. be your friend in this hellish place. manipulate you into giving him all your data. use you until you inevitably die.
except... you don't die. you keep coming back to his shop to purchase his items. and still, you look at him with that strange gaze. you linger in his shop and make conversation with him. he doesn't remember the last time he spoke to someone like this. it's been... years. something twists up inside him.
you don't flinch or run when you grab items off his thick golden tail. you don't get discouraged when he's sarcastic with you or makes fun of you when you return to his shop out of breath from running from the angler. you don't... (he swallows thickly) you don't look at him in disgust or hate. you're... curious, he realizes one day. curious and unfrightened by him. oh this won't do at all, he thinks. but he doesn't say anything to you.
(it's nice, having someone to talk to. having a friend)
((he's just using you, he tells himself, to collect more data. he repeats it every time you brighten upon seeing him in his shop))
you speak to him as though he's your friend. you ask him questions about himself like you want to know more. he sees your gaze on his bandaged arm at times, but you never ask. you respect boundaries and know when not to pry. you never falter when peering up at his face. you're so... strange. it frightens him. he tells moon (pandemonium! moon, who was another experiment in fazco and can see you no matter where you hide. always trying to grab you or pry you from your hiding spots) to double down on preventing you from progressing further
he learns about your past--the reason why you were here in the first place. a wrongful conviction. the wrong place at the wrong time. just like him.
(and well. when he slips his own file on the desk in his shop for you to see and inevitably purchase... that's his own business)
suddenly, sun is unsure. to let you live, or let you die is the question constantly on his mind. to let you leave with the crystal, condemning him to a fate trapped underwater, or let you perish by his hands. he doesn't know anymore. things have gotten way more complicated than he had predicted.
he's... not even sure what he wants anymore. does he... does he want to be human again? when you look at him like that? like you don't mind how much he's changed or how terrifying he looks? he doesn't know.
his goals have been shaken.
and he blames you.
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sciderman · 1 month
I'm sure you've been asked before. But. What are your thoughts on the deadpool video game. I have.... lots of words I could say about it. It's really hard for ppl to make a Good dp adaption it seems
it's a product of it's time.... you truly can tell it was written in the rage comic era of the internet. and you can tell that this particular wade wilson probably had this t-shirt tucked away somewhere in his closet
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audiences liked it at the time. i've never played it. just watched a few playthroughs on youtube back in like, 2014, and by then it already felt dated. and it came out in... 2013? what the fuck? 2013??????
i really thought it came out in like, 2009 or something. oh my god. oh my god.
listen. wade didn't start drinking respect women juice until 2022. that's the unfortunate truth. i know people point at sexist points in deadpool's comics and games and movies and say "UNGH. WADE WOULD NEVER." but the fact you all have to accept is that: wade did.
this progressive-pool that we've been seeing lately is a new development. you all have to accept all of the cringe that comes prepackaged with wade wilson: problematic fave since 1991. mouth piece for creepy comic dude bros - sometimes self-aware about it, sometimes (unfortunately) not.
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insufferablemod · 7 months
the fact that im expected to like, go to school and shit when all i wanna do is make homestuck fanart is seriously fucked up
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clary-jace · 1 year
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booth & brennan in every season → season ten
Dedicated to Temperance Brennan and Seeley Booth, the people who taught me that understanding, compassion and love are not just notions in a book. My life means more because I know you.
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vera-keyes · 2 years
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M E R G O ’ S   W E T   N U R S E
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houndfaker · 9 months
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i need love and mercy
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pinkmeanschaos · 1 month
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Finally finished this!
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Numbuh 5: Abraham (Abe) Lincoln
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Numbuh 362: Raphael (Raph) T. McKenzie
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Numbuh 3: Kenji Sanban
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Creed Lincoln
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Lunette Pottingsworth The Third AKA Ms. Toilette
(Toilette as in make-up but she still gets the jokes)
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The Countessa or Countess Pinchulott. She's the embodiment of that one relative who pinches kids faces so hard their cheeks feel dented for days
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gojosattoru · 9 months
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★ CHRISTMAS BLEACH ICONS ★ -> requested by anon Heya sweetie I hope you like them ^^ Thank you for your request! FEEL FREE TO USE!!!! REQUESTS ARE CLOSED!!! Thank you for all your support guys! 🎔
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buckybarnesevents · 6 months
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Yep, this is an event dedicated to Alpha Bucky Barnes! The rules are pretty simple for this one, please see below the cut!
Your work has to feature Bucky Barnes as an Alpha.  -» There are no restrictions on pairing. This means polyamorous relationships are fine as well, so long as Bucky is the prominent feature.  -» There are no restrictions on the type of relationship. You can have alpha/omega relationships or go for something less conventional like alpha/alpha, etc. It could also involve no relationships. -» There are no restrictions on the rating of the fic. Omegaverse is not inherently sexual, so works of ALL ratings are welcomed and encouraged. Some examples of G/T ideas include: an act such as nesting, courting, purring while cuddling, scenting, getting territorial
Your work must be tagged appropriately. You must use the tag “Omegaverse”. As a note, “a/b/o” is considered offensive, so we ask that you please avoid using this terminology and just stick to: “omegaverse”, “alpha/beta/omega”, “alpha/omega dynamics”, “alpha/alpha relationships” or some variation of those.
All modes of creation are accepted with the following minimums:  -» Fics: 750 words -» Art: finished sketch (inked/lined, coloured or shaded)  -» Moodboards (9 pictures) -» Fanvids (2 minutes) -» Podfics (4 minutes) -» Other crafts (equivalent of the above - if unsure, give us a shout!)
There is no maximum to the limits above, and no limit on how many works you create. 
Please tag us on Tumblr (“@buckybarnesevents”) when posting to get reblogged! Posting will happen ALL OF APRIL! You can use the tags listed below for the event. You can post to our AO3 Collection, and in our Discord server under the Alpha Bucky April channel!
-» AO3 Collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/AlphaBuckyApril
-» Tumblr Tags: #Omegaverse, #AlphaBuckyApril2024, #BuckyBarnesEvents + any additional tags you need for your work
-» Twitter/X: @EventsBucky
If you create more than one work for the event, please tag us in your masterlist of all your works as well to be reblogged. 
As always, this event is low-pressure. There is no sign-up for the event, and no obligation to participate/finish if you decide to start. So long as you are inspired or enjoyed your time, that’s all that matters. 
For those that want to make it a challenge for yourself, we have our bonuses! We have five “golden stars” you can aim for! 
✩ BREEDING KINK/BABY FEVER ✩ NESTING ✩ PURRING/AFFECTION ✩ BETA CHARACTER ✩ DOUBLE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (ex: fic of 1,500 words, 2 sketches, moodboard of 18 pictures, etc.)
You can include as many or as few as you want in your work(s). This means you can create one work containing all of the above or separate works including some. Please submit your badge claim here: https://forms.gle/Bbmg9uM8DPff9qqj6 
Happy creating!
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floofweaver · 7 months
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Happy 107th for the Sergeant of the 107th
Fic for @buckybarnesevents Bucky Birthday Bash event!
Base: TFATWS/Post Endgame Bucky | Filling: Friends to Lovers | Frosting: Reader | Toppings: Carnival (Blue/Gold technically as well, but it wasn't my intention initially pfff)
Fandom: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated (There's some swearing and this is aimed for adult audiences, but nothing explicit happens beyond cuddling)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Bucky Barnes's 107th birthday, Implied Sam Wilson, buckybarnesevents' birthday bash, Birthday Cake, Carnival, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Fluff, Confessions, No use of y/n, Bucky Barnes's Birthday, happy birthday bucky barnes
Summary: Bucky isn't entirely optimistic about his birthday. He's surprised to be alive, really. But then you show up with a handmade cake and a suggestion to go to the local carnival, and he finds it hard to say no. After all, what kind of friend wouldn't say yes to a totally platonic outing on his birthday?
Wordcount: 6k! (Wowee, okay, this is post-edit Kai here. I uh... This went from a short 1k fic to 6k! I wasn't expecting that aaa)
Upon opening his door, he was greatly surprised to see you all dressed up. You were wearing a pastel coloured sundress with your favourite colour and your hair done up in your favourite hairstyle. Bucky quickly took note of how you were holding your arms behind you, like you were hiding something. “Morning Sergeant Barnes! Glad to see you know better than to keep a lady waiting.” You greeted him with a smirk. Bucky felt the claws of depression and pessimism leave him as he glanced at your face and getup. Something about your presence this morning made him feel comforted.
Read the rest on AO3!
Moodboard was quickly made by me with images from Google, so uhhh... I guess you can use it if you want? I'm not too familiar with moodboards, usages, credit, etc on here ^^
Note: I'm scheduling this post in advance because I'm going to be up late proofreading this super-duper last second. I've never really participated in something like this before, and I'm just getting back into fanfic writing, so if this all seems rushed or hectic, that's why! Sorry in advance <3
Bonus: While I don't NORMALLY listen to two things at once, I was listening to this Bucky Barnes playlist and this Carnival ambience video at the same time while writing this. It really helped me immerse into my writing. It's not necessary to read the fic though
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