#bby has been extremely sheltered
stellevatum · 6 months
V: Foundling
Timeline :  43 - 32  BBY (Infancy - Age 11/12)
In the midst of the Mandalorian Civil War on Mandalore, Kaan Alor’ade, one of Jaster Mereel’s True Mandalorians finds a child left along in a ancient shrine in the deep jungle on patrol. Taking the child as her own, he brings her to his bondmate Juri Mirdalaan, who names her Kar in honor of the gods– the Kar'a. Kaan would soon begin to shape the heir to his legacy– unaware of what destiny truly lay for her. 
Her childhood in the domed city of Keldabe was the norm-- for the grandaughter of the last Mandalore. Until the looming specters of Death Watch razed their home, her mother a casualty of the blaze. Living in the camps in the jungles of Concordia in the middle of a civil wasn’t the exactly the most stable of homes, danger always loomed overhead, Death Watch a shadow over their lives, but it was home.  For a while.
Grieving, her father takes shelter with his wife’s clan in Concord Dawn to lick his wounds and entrust his daughter to her grandparents. During  that time, her Force abilities begin to manifest, bring Concord Dawn to the attention of the Seekers.
The Jedi came with promises of a better life for the girl were met with blaster bolts; the child’s father insisting they leave at blaster point. With no intention to further aggravate the Order’s tenuous relations with Concord Dawn, they departed. Soon after begins her training with her father, who decides to taker her with him for fear of the Seeker’s return.
His training eventually becomes harsh, even among Mandalorian standards; but few speak up for some reason or another. She is kept relatively isolated, under her father’s watch. Intent on making her a worthy candidate as a future leader.
Though Kaan’s leadership is still very much a moderate one, his brother believes this is taking their mother’s dreams of a free Mandalore to the extreme and takes openly accepting a Force-using child and encourages her talents as an affront to their ancestors and clan– who has been around since before the Sith and Mandalorian wars.
This leads to some consorting to Death Watch, offering a reward for his brother (and niece’s) death. This would lead to Death Watch’s massacre on Galidraan and incite Battle of Galidraan between the Jedi and True Mandalorians. Kaan dies on Galidraan. It is debated if he was killed by a Jedi, or by his own daughter. The answer is never known.
Following the death of Kaan, Ven, who manipulated the skirmish now is clan leader and (grudgingly) guardian to his young ward. Her time under his care is short, but by no means better than it was with her father.
Kar undergoes her verd'goten (a Mandalorian’s coming-of-age trial) on the jungle moon of Dxun. This causes much murmuring in the community due to her young age. It is unknown as her uncle had intentions for her to die in the process, or hopes for her be deemed an adult and free to be left on her own. She survives exceeding well, leaving her further with a rather colored reputation among her people. She is regarded with healthy amounts of unease, this child forced to be an adult, is exceptionally gifted but comes off rather distant and cold.
Jango Fett becomes the clone template for the Clone Army and recruits some of the best of Mandalore to follow him to Kamino. Either due to the machinations of her uncle, or as an attempt to keep her from them, she is offered a role on Kamino by Jango. Kar accepts the offer on the belief it would have been what her father wanted– her to serve the Mandalore. With that, Kar leaves for Kamino and subsequently forgotten more or less, her uncle content with even a bloodless departure of his niece. 
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"I heard it's Pride Month! I don't know what that means but I'm going to assume it means I'm proud of all of you! And that's the truth!"
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toxycodone · 3 years
What would hybrid hq boys do if they got mad at their owners (not Y/N)? Would they attack their handlers if they were mistreated? And what kind of consequences they'd face?
I can't stop thinking of Y/N adopting some 'aggresive' hybrid (Kyo??? Iwa??? Tsumu??? Omi my bby???) from the shelter. Y/N was prepared for an angsty feral boy, but got soft misunderstood cutie instead
It depends on the species!
Puppies/Kitties/Bunnies just can’t fight back at all against humans. Just mentally they’ve been bred to always be subservient so no matter what kind of abuse they face they won’t retaliate at all. Instead it actually becomes a really messed up mentality for them bc they’ll start to assume abuse = attention therefore it’s good :(
The other species can and wilder species are way more inclined to attack. Like it’ll take a lot to get a dog hybrid to attack you but a wolf hybrid?? Can and will throw hands immediately. This is why the govt forces all species (except puppies/kitties/bunnies, it’s optional) to take depressants to ensure they are easy to control and won’t cause problems.
Also the depressants have different reactions depending on the species like for puppies it’ll make them all dazed like they’re high and super submissive while in a wolf it’ll just make them feel normal (like they won’t feel at edge constantly bc they’re wild).
but if there’s a hybrid on human attack...no matter what the hybrid gets locked up and tested, even if it was entirely the human’s fault. There is a rumor that if hybrids taste human flesh they’ll start hunting and eating people, so hybrids are vetted to ensure they didn’t even get a single drop of human blood. But since this society is pretty flawed usually hybrids end up being punished no matter what...they’ll usually be sent off to a rehab center, a government hybrid holding building (basically a prison), or given to an individual who works with rehabbing hybrids (this person would get a weekly stipend for caring for the hybrid) before any extreme measures are taken :(
also, hybrids with past offenses may have to wear muzzles and/or shock collars
ALSO PLEASE I love that scenario. Most hybrids are just genuinely misunderstood or wrongly accused. They just need someone to treat them with respect, love, and care as abuse and illegal hybrid fighting is really rampant and has a bad effect on them :(
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Byeonduck-nim is telling us something suspish, I can tell
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LOOK AT THOSE GORGEOUS BRIGHT COLORS 😭 Yes, I know, the drawing itself doesn’t seem to be finalized yet BUT LOOK AT THOSE SUNBEAMS!!!!
Nothing in the series is coincidental, everything has meaning
This seems to be from a flashback of sorts, as Na-Kyum’s body seems to be thinner and smaller here. He seems to be at a tavern as well. (BOY, WHERE ARE YOUR GUARDIANS???) For me, this seems to be a time when he was still full of joy, judging by the rays of sunlight beaming down at him. The tavern and its shadows seem to symbolize his state of mind, as he was still a sheltered child in this scene. And the presence of four stacks of cups (15 in total) tell me that the other adults are somewhere within the vicinity and they left Na-Kyum alone with the sweet treats for him to consume (poor bby 😭)
Now, in BD’s post, she asks us to imagine taking medicine, which doesn’t sound much at first glance, but do you remember something similar to this scene?
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In c57, we see the doctor telling Na-Kyum of a flashback about Seungho’s “illness”.
Later on, we see the adults talking in one corner while Kim talks to little Seungho to keep him entertained and to keep an eye on him
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In contrast to the first picture above, as Na-Kyum didn’t really have any servants as he was an orphaned boy, he’d be left alone while the adults talk away doing adult things while Seungho, at least, had his servants to keep him company
If we align this to BD’s post, what’s there to say that the adults there went away from Na-Kyum so as to talk about him and possibly... of an “illness”? Probably an “illness” that is similar to Seungho’s? I suddenly had a thought. We know that Heena had most likely told (or suggested) In-Hun of Na-Kyum’s homosexuality. She probably told it to him in a roundabout way, probably telling the scholar that her brother loves him a little too much, like that of a father (or something). What if In-Hun knew of this all along and his suspicions were confirmed when Heena told him of Na-Kyum’s condition, and therefore had suggested that Na-Kyum be treated as well, similar to what Yoon dad wanted for Seungho?
I am guessing that Heena didn’t agree to these methods as Na-Kyum remained of sound mind in his childhood, and she probably asked In-Hun to keep it a secret from Na-Kyum, thus planting the seed that In-Hun had now thought of Na-Kyum becoming a prostitute due to his upbringing and his secret homosexuality. The sweets that Na-Kyum ogled at is a distraction so he couldn’t hear what the people around him were saying about him, it was like how Seungho was “distracted” due to the drugs he had after the beating and assault took place. 
The only difference between this situation compared to Seungho’s is: In-Hun thought of making Na-Kyum the scapegoat much, much later, during the time he realized Seungho is smitten with Na-Kyum, compared to Yoon dad, who thought of Seungho as a prostitute prior to the doctor’s visit
So, to summarize the similarities of these two scenes, we have:
1. the scene opened with closeups of the thatched roofs
2. the presence of light reflecting innocence (for Na-Kyum, the sunbeams; and for Seungho, his “lighthearted” expression)
2. a flashback of their younger selves
3. a trip outside accompanied by adults
4. the mention of medicine for a treatment of an “illness”
5. father figures trying to use their “sons” and sell them into prostitution
The question now is, what could possibly trigger Na-Kyum to recall these memories?
If you notice the pattern in s2, after the doctor had told Na-Kyum of Seungho’s “illness”, Seungho returned to him, feverish. And after a love session, Na-Kyum was kidnapped. Things happened, and all went down the drain from there on out
So I am guessing the first picture will only appear AFTER THE SECOND KIDNAPPING takes place, wherein Na-Kyum’s brain will go into fight or flight, recalling all memories that he could use to possibly escape or for people he can call help to, similar to c60
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Now, THAT is possibility number 1.
Possibility number 2 is through a clue on BD’s recent sketch:
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Recall that in s1, Na-Kyum also witnessed a similar situation where they slept together and Seungho was in the middle of a nightmare. In my theory, the sight of Seungho having a nightmare could trigger Na-Kyum to recall the doctor’s words about the illness, thus also prompting him to recall his own memories about the adults talking in secret about him. This could throw Na-Kyum into protective mode over Seungho, as he had done so since c38 when he first saw Seungho have a nightmare while they slept together
And what happened after that particular scene?
In-Hun comes to his room, asking about Seungho and his recent bout of scandal in public about him being seen with a lowborn at night.
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But rather probably somewhere along the lines from c11, but instead of Na-Kyum contradicting In-Hun, it would be:
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Na-Kyum has nothing left for In-Hun but pain and dead anger that he cannot express, and only Seungho will heal that pain, urging Na-Kyum to now become truly protective of Seungho’s name and reputation. Similar to Seungho who had been thrown away and had externalized his father’s teachings that he’s a prostitute, Na-Kyum, too, will externalize In-Hun’s accusation of him becoming a prostitute, making it “come true” as well. The only difference is, Na-Kyum will only be for Seungho and Seungho alone, as the painter had proved himself to be extremely loyal to those he loves
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In His Arms (Seth Clearwater)
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Pairing:Seth Clearwater/Reader
Words: 2.2k+
 Warning(s): Kidnapping, blood mention, fighting
 A/N:  My bby boy seth! Love him ♥ Hope you enjoy this oneshot!
Request:  Seth Clearwater x reader, human. The reader is new to Forks after Breaking Dawn pt2, they meet while walking around town. After hanging out Seth asks them out on a date, they say yes. He goes to her house and her older brother slams the door in his face. They still go on a date. 3 years later they are going to get married. Her brother disappeared two years ago. On the night before the wedding her brother returns as a vampire kidnapping the reader. The two packs up rescue her and Seth fights him ( @hecatemacbeth7​ )
You shoved your hands into your sweater pockets as you walked down some random street in Forks. It was about to rain, go figure it is Forks, and you were rushing to find a temporary shelter until your brother could pick you up with his truck. You took notice of a cafe pergola that was the perfect shelter for the oncoming rain. You quickened your pace and successfully made it under the outdoor roof, just in time before the rain began to pour. You sent a quick text to your brother and watched people run and scurry to get out from the downpour.
To your left you saw a group of guys laughing and rushing to get under the same pergola you were under, all soaking wet, but they just laughed it off. You chuckled with them and watched them goof around, their happiness was a bit contagious. One of the guys looked your way, catching you watching them. You could admit that he was one of them you were eyeing most. You sheepishly smile after being caught, but noticed that when his eyes met yours his jaw slacked. You notice of the guys around him patting his back and looking your way. You definitely were confused. You decided to mind your business at pay attention to only the road.
"Uh hey!"  You looked back and saw the guy next to you, a grin on his face. "I'm Seth, Seth Clearwater. Sorry about that back there, um you were just so pretty it uh... took my breath away."
"Oh thanks. Sorry about staring, you guys laughing was contagious. And your particular smile as well. " Your face heated with warmth from his compliment. "I'm (Y/N) by the way, nice to meet you."
"I was wondering if you would want to do something together? Like come back to and get to know each other?"
"That would be nice. Want to swap numbers and set a date?"
"Yea that sounds great!" His face lit up and you both swapped numbers.
You heard a honk and saw your brother waiting at the curb. "That's my ride. Text you later?" You wave to him and make a dash to the truck, trying to stay as dry as possible.
"Who was that?" Your brother said with a displeased look.
"Oh that's Seth, I just met him." Your brother didn't respond to your answer and focused solely on the road. You shrug your shoulders and sent the first text of many to Seth.
You stood in front of your mirror, adjusting and fixing your outfit and hair. You and Seth are going on your first date after a week and a half of texting and calling each other. He seemed like such a genuinely sweet guy who you felt a pull towards. You decided everything about your look was adequate enough and went down stairs to wait for Seth.
A knock on the door made you grin, knowing it was Seth. Before you could approach the door your brother jumped from the couch and opened the door before you could.
"Hello, you must be-" Seth went to greet but was cut off by Richard.
"(Y/N) isn't going anywhere with you, so leave." And promptly slammed the door in poor Seth's face.
"What the hell, Richard!?" You shouted, flabbergasted at his behavior. "Why would you do that?"
"Because I said. Don't question me or my decision." He snarled and went back to sitting on the couch. You glared at him and made your way back to your room, cellphone in hand. Quickly you sent a text to Seth telling him to meet you at your bedroom window on the left side of the house. When you got to your room you made sure to close the door and to prop your desk chair against the door knob. You opened and looked out your window and saw Seth looking back at you.
"I am so sorry about him. My brother is kind of a dick." You smiled sadly. "Do you still want to go on our date?"
"Of course, (Y/N)!" He grinned. "How are you gonna get down?"
"Do you think you can catch me?"
"Most likely! Just be careful."
You bit your lip but felt determined. You carefully get you legs out of your window and you were now sitting on the windowsill.
"Careful!" Seth got in position, his arms ready to catch you.
"Here I go." You took in a deep breath and pushed yourself out. You bit your tongue, keeping your impulse to scream at bay. Before you knew it you felt strong arms catch and hold onto you.
"I didn't expect our first date would have you in my arms." Seth joked and let you down to the ground.
"Thank you for catching me, lover boy. Now, lets go to the cafe."
That first date with your now soon to be husband was something you cherished forever. You and Seth were extremely close after that first date. You soon learned about who he truly was, a wolf shifter, and you learned how you were his imprint; which made you swoon even more. No wonder you felt such a pull to him.
Leah and the rest of the pack practically became family, and the Cullen's (whom you learned were vegetarian vampires) became close friends. You gained an amazing second family that you needed, especially after your brother disappeared two years ago. He was a hardass and a jerk at times but he still was your only family in Forks. The pack and Cullens helped you through your grief from losing your brother.
You were in the car with Leah, Rosalie, Alice, and Bella; coming home from your bachelorette party. It was a fun day of shopping at different stores in Seattle and a lovely dinner for you and Leah. Alice parked the fancy car in front of your house, and her and Rose turned to face you.
"Get some beauty sleep for the big day tomorrow (Y/N)." Alice grinned, giddy with excitement. She was the one who practically volunteered to arrange everything for your wedding.
"Seth texted me he still out with the guys for his party. Do you want us to stay with you?" Leah asked.
"No it is okay. I am pretty tired so I will probably crash once I hit the pillow." You laugh and gather your things.
"Remember, you need to be at my place at 7 am sharp so we can get your hair and makeup perfect!" Alice reminded and you nodded.
"I will, see you guys tomorrow." You give them a wave after you left the vehicle and walked up to your small house. It was a fixer upper for sure, but it was a place for you and Seth to call home. You place the things that were bought on the dining table to deal with later.
After changing into your pajamas and having a small snack, you crawl under the sheets of your bed. You smiled and snuggled into the pillow, waiting for sleep to carry you off. The sound of your floor board squeaking caused your eyes to snap open. You could feel your heart leap but you assumed it was Seth returning home from his bachelors party.
"Hey Seth-" You sit up and yawned, but it wasn't Seth who was standing in your bedroom.
It was Richard, your missing brother, standing there.
"Hey (Y/N)." His voice was strained as he took a step forward.
"Richard... what are you doing here? Where have you-" In the blink an eye, his freezing cold hand gripped your throat tightly. Your panicked eyes met his an then you realized: they were blood red.
"You're coming with me."
Seth arrived back at his house a bit later than intended. The rest of the pack was on his left while the Olympic coven guys were on his right.
"Thanks for the good night but I should probably turn in..." His train of thought trailed off when he smelt something not right coming from the house. Judging by the others faces, they picked up on it as well. "Paul, Emmett can you join me?" They both nodded and the three began walking up towards the house.
"We will surround the house just in case." Edward nodded at Seth and the others followed suit.
The three stepped into the house and immediately the scent of vampire hit them in the face. For Seth though, there was some familiarity to the stink he picked up; he couldn't put his finger on it.
"No smell of blood. That's a good sign." Emmett whispered. Seth grimaced but made his way to the bedroom where the scent was the strongest. The bed looked like a mess, but he noticed the lamp and picture on the bedside table were knocked to the ground.
"Why is the scent familiar to me?" The wolf shifter whispered to himself. He investigated the rest of the bedroom for any clues of who it may be. His dark eyes glanced towards other pictures and his focus landed on one small one. A picture of (Y/N) and Richard...
"Richard!" Seth growled. Paul and Emmett joined him in the bedroom, both looking confused. "No wonder I knew this smell. The vampire that took (Y/N)is their brother."
"Lets get back to Carlisle's."
You sat bound in a chair in some random dirty home, covered in sweat and dirt. It has been a few days since he kidnapped you and you haven't seen him since your bedroom. You were still trying to process the fact your brother was now a vampire and that he was still alive... well not alive but around. What happened two years ago to lead to this outcome?
"How are you feeling?" Your brother walked into your field of view.
"Wonderful, Richard. It's not like now vampire brother kidnapped me the night before my wedding and is keeping tied to a chair with no food or water." You gave a tight lip, sarcastic smile.
"Here." He pulled out a bottle of water and gripped your chin, opening your mouth to pour water in. You tried your best not to choke but your brother didn't take that into consideration. "Food will come later. You'll need to stay strong."
"Why are you doing this? What happened to you?"
"A vampire turned me on my way home from work and brought me here. Him and his friends kept me alive for a bit to feed off me and then ultimately turned me. That's what is going to happen here."
"Why me?"
"Simple. Revenge." He smirked. "Your wolfy boyfriend killed one of ours. What a better way to get revenge than to take someone close to him."
"You're sick." You spat, lip snarled.
"Be thankful. The others wanted to just bleed you dry and kill you. If it wasn't for me you would be dead already."
"Thank you." You rolled your eyes. Your brother gave you a sarcastic smile, before he sped out of the room. "Damn it!" You yelled.
The pack and the Cullens stood outside the house in the small area of Neilton were (Y/N) was being held. Outside was a small group of vampires ready to fight. Seth did not see Richard among the group, which made his blood boil and fur raise.
"We don't want a fight, but it seems you have a friend of ours." Carlise tried the mediator route with the group. "Would you please let them come home?"
"We ain't letting our fresh blood bag go so easily." One snarled. The fight began in the blink of an eye between the two sides. It was obviously pretty one-sided for the Pack and the Olympic coven. The group of red-eyed vamps were severely out numbered but they tried fighting anyways.
Seth diverted from the group to look for his imprint, following their scent through the house to the back room. There he saw Richard hovering up a tied up you and immediately  Seth jumped to attack. His jaw snapped towards the vamps head all while Rich feebly attempted to fight but Seth's rage and urge to protect his imprint was stronger.
His sharp teeth gripped Richards head and with one clean rip, his head was clean off. Seth glared down at the decapitated vampire, his breath ragged.
"Seth..." Your whimper snapped him out of his trance. Quickly, he shifted back to his human form and untied your wrists.
"I'm here baby. I've got you, (Y/N)." He whispered, getting the ropes off your wrists and ankles. Immediately you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding onto him like he was about to disappear at any second. His arms follow suit, keeping your body close as you sobbed into his shoulder. "You're safe. I've got you."
"Seth..." You cried. "I-I love you so much."
"I love you so much too. I'll always protect you."
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belorage · 4 years
IKMP & Y for wes bby? ♥(ꈍᴗꈍ)
Thank you, my dear! I am late as ever, but fully prepared to expose him on main for you!
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I hope you came prepared for an unnecessary novel of an explanation!
True intimacy is a complicated thing for Wes in general. He knew sex as an intimate undertaking first, before it became a coping method, a survival tactic, a transaction. At the time, it was his intent to reprogram it that way, though not in pursuit of an ideal. Indeed, it was a means of forsaking his ideal in order to distance himself from what he perceived as rejection, always one more body between him and the memory of sex as an emotionally vulnerable act. He was mostly successful; Wes is capable of sleeping with someone without it meaning anything to him. This isn’t a foregone conclusion in every single case, but by far the default.
Still, even at its most casual, he puts himself in people’s space. He wants to be touched by hands that are not his own. And at its best, sex reclaims a lot of its old significance, the act itself a suggestion of vulnerability, the threat of it, like standing on a bridge and knowing he could jump. This is only really applicable to whoever his designated (verse-dependent) romantic partner is; it’s an exception, but one that is immediate and intense, before he’s capable of defining it.
Wes is a naturally responsive partner overall—there’s a reason people like him—but when he sheds his fear of intimacy, he stops intentionally muting certain behaviors for his own sake. He’s more talkative, more vocal (less stifling or smothering of noises), holds more eye contact. And Wes is very hands- and mouth-on regardless, but he broadens their uses; his usual directness is supplemented by softer, more lingering brushes of his mouth and a more exploratory sense of touch, like he’s mapping everything out and committing it all to memory because he is. 
I answered something like this here! Wes has a great deal of experience with them, but all were done in a transactional way rather than an experimental one. That being the case, he’s willing to participate, but he doesn’t crave many for his own sake. He does like certain things to a higher degree, but I don’t find them extreme enough to classify as kinks. Still, as listed previously, those are: overpowering or being overpowered (consensually; I hope this goes without saying), marking or being marked, orgasm denial. And I definitely would not consider performing oral to be a kink under normal circumstances, but for Wes it piggybacks off a host of non-sexual oral compulsions (smoking, drinking, hand-to-mouth gestures), and he craves it to an extent that borders on fixation, so it might qualify.
This was also answered in the same link as above, so forgive me the shoddy copy/paste job! The things that make Wes horny include: oral (giving or receiving), any attention paid to his neck whatsoever (lips, teeth, hands—gentle or otherwise; biting and choking are both gucci), touches and kisses to his stomach, his spine, or the insides of his shoulder blades, thighs, or hips, being manhandled (regardless of intent—yikes), pursuing or being pursued by Lyra Isabela Fairbanks-Seed, vaguely sexual and pointedly threatening radio broadcasts (this is privileged information; tell no one).
Unless a partner is disinclined, he defaults to quicker and rougher, and this is true whether giving or receiving. Wes is passionate and impatient by nature, so wildfire escalation comes with the territory. He’s capable of slow and sensual if there is a prevailing need to temper his behavior, or if a partner dictates it (which Wes greatly enjoys on an intimate level, even if his factory setting is feral; being made to savor something has its merits). As far as duration is concerned, a single marathon event is desirable enough if time allows, but he would just as soon approach sex hastily and in several rounds.
Both psychologically and physiologically speaking, his drive is high. However, Wes does not desire promiscuity for its own sake. Novelty and conquest are meaningless concepts. Seeking out out a stranger for sex has historically been a means to various ends—distraction, shelter, money, validation, human contact. If none of those needs apply, he’ll just take care of himself and be done with it. Recreation and person-centric desire only really function as motivators when he has a committed partner in mind, at which point he is nigh-insatiable.
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
can you write Kyōjurō with a s/o who he meets because she’s a member of the wisteria family and he’s staying at her family home after a mission. He’s immediately smitten with her to the point he’s an embarrassed mess! and her grandma is planning the wedding 10 minutes into their introduction. thank you for being a champion in the kyō best boy club!! you are easily one of the best writers in this fandom!!
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Hello, bbys! I hope you two don’t mind, but I combined your requests since they had the same premise. But please, if you have other requests, feel free to send them in. :D Hope you guys like it! 
I had so much fun writing this because it gave me a break from all the angst. Ahaha. Not that I don’t love writing angst. It was just a nice change of pace??? UwU
Kyōjurō x Pillar F!Reader who is a Member of the Wisteria Clan (SFW Scenario):
“It looks like the rain isn’t letting up, (L/n),” Rengoku began with a worried frown, as he looked up from beneath the canopy he and his fellow Hashira were at. “Maybe we should find shelter?”
(Y/n) cursed under her breath at her comrade’s suggestion; not because she thought it was a dumb idea, but because she knew of the perfect place to seek shelter at no cost at all. What was holding her back was the fact that it would be catastrophic— for her— if she were to bring a man home.
Her grandmother would most likely have the wedding planned within ten minutes of their arrival. And that wouldn’t have been a problem, had she and the Flame Hashira been a couple.
But they weren’t.
Besides, the fact that she harbored very strong feelings for Rengoku wasn’t helping her case— at all. She would rather battle Muzan by herself, instead of take the Flame Hashira home with her.
However, she felt sorry for him. His body temperature ran warmer than most peoples’, but he was still very susceptible to getting cold— and getting sick. She didn’t want to be the reason why her comrade got sick; all because she didn’t want her family to embarrass her in front of him.
So, it left her no choice.
“I know a Wisteria House nearby. We can go there for shelter,” She admitted softly, then immediately averted her gaze when she felt a warm blush color her cheeks.
Kyōjurō’s smiles tended to fluster her so badly, that she always opted to hide her face from him whenever he shot her one of those smiles.
“Come on. Please follow me, Rengoku-san.” With that, (Y/n) used her haori to cover her, before running through the rain.
It didn’t take long for both Hashira to reach their intended destination. The mansion gates loomed over them— tall and imposing in the vast clearing— but what surprised Rengoku was when (Y/n) didn’t bother to knock.
Instead, she merely pushed the gates open and beckoned him inside. “Please come in.”
“Are you sure this is fine?” The Flame Hashira asked through the din of the rain around them. “This is trespassing, (L/n).”
(Y/n) looked up in mild alarm at his words, because he was right. He would think that way because she hadn’t told him that they were at her clan’s estate. But, as soon as she opened her mouth to explain herself, she was struck speechless at the full image that greeted her.
Kyōjurō’s hair was extremely wet, and the tufts that usually stuck upwards were practically glued to his head. His face was also wet from the rain, with thin streams of water running down the sides of it— but she would be damned if she didn’t admit that it was the most breathtaking sight that she had ever seen.
Rengoku stared back at her earnestly. His gaze had softened at how beautiful she still looked beneath the rain, and he felt his heart start to beat harder in his chest.
She leaned in closer to him, as if entranced; while he— in turn— licked his bottom lip and swallowed past the lump in his throat.
It wasn’t exactly a secret that he harbored feelings for the Lightning Hashira, but he simply had never had the courage to confess to her.
He had always been fearless in all his endeavors, except when it concerned his feelings for her.
“(Y/n)-sama!” A frantic cry rose over the sound of the rain, and immediately the water hitting (Y/n)’s face ceased.
The young woman looked up— as the spell around them was broken— only to see that two of her family’s attendants had come running to shield them with umbrellas.
“(Y/n)-sama, you and your companion should go in,” Ichika, the woman holding an umbrella over the Lightning Hashira’s head, implored politely.
And slowly, almost awkwardly, both (Y/n) and Kyōjurō were escorted inside the main house. They were given a change of clothes and time to get themselves bathed.
However, the one request that the ladies left with both Slayers was that they had to go to the main dining room to have dinner with the matriarch of the house.
Kyōjurō had been fine with it, even smiling at the woman who had been attending to his needs. But (Y/n)— who had been led to her old room— reacted quite negatively.
She wanted to scream all while she scrubbed herself clean of all the mud and dirt. Hell, a part of her wanted to take her sweet time, in the hopes that her grandmother would go to bed before she made her appearance; but that was before she realized that the old woman could ask Kyōjurō so many embarrassing things.
Like if they were a couple. She just knew that her grandmother would stoop that low.
So, with a renewed sense of urgency, she hurriedly rinsed herself and threw on her old yukata.
She didn’t even bother to brush her hair in her room; instead, she chose to brush it while tromping down the halls.
When (Y/n) reached the dining room, she almost wanted to scream in horror— because Rengoku was already there. And he was chatting amicably with her scandalous grandmother.
She hurriedly sat down at the empty space next to the Flame Pillar, before offering a shaky smile to the older woman.
“Obaa-chan... I see you’ve met Rengoku-san,” (Y/n) began awkwardly, which made both people at the table quirk their eyebrows at her; both for entirely different reasons.
“Is that any way to refer to your future husband, (Y/n)? Where’s the sweetness? The familiarity? Child, where have I gone wrong while raising you?” Her grandmother immediately let her words loose, which made (Y/n)’s eyes widen in mortification.
She just knew that the old hag was being dense on purpose.
And from his spot beside (Y/n), Kyōjurō froze as a blush warmed his cheeks— all the way up to the tips of his ears. His heart hammered even harder against his chest, and he resisted the urge to let a grin tug at the corners of his lips.
“Obaa-chan, Rengoku-san is a friend! Don’t just assume things!” (Y/n) protested, all while cupping her red cheeks with her hands. “You rude old hag!”
“You little brat. How will you get married with that attitude? I’m dying and my dying wish is to see my only grandchild get married!” Emiko, the (L/n) matriarch and (Y/n)’s grandmother, answered in a shrill tone— before taking her cane in hand and lightly hitting her granddaughter over the head with it.
Kyōjurō had to stifle a laugh at that, but he also took pity on the woman beside him because she had to put up with so much.
It explained the initial hesitance he had picked up from her earlier. She most likely didn’t want him to see her get whooped by a woman in her seventies.
So, even though he knew that he shouldn’t— because he was inevitably giving himself some semblance of hope— he decided to cut in and save his fellow Hashira. “Don’t worry, obaa-san... I’ll be sure to marry your granddaughter no matter what happens.”
“What?!” (Y/n) almost screamed, but her voice was barely heard over her grandmother’s excited chatter.
“Oh my! That’s very valiant of you, Kyōjurō-kun! Should we set the wedding up for next week, then? I’m sure we can have the preparations done quickly.”
“No! There will be no wedding, you old bat!” (Y/n) protested. “Stop embarrassing me! Please!”
And after that, the table— thankfully— lapsed into an awkward silence. But silence was still silence, no matter what form it came in.
However, (Y/n) was still afraid... because her grandmother still had an evil glint in her beady little eyes.
And come the end of dinner, she found out exactly why the old bat had looked so smug: she had given her and Kyōjurō one room to sleep in— her old room.
“I’m sorry, Rengoku-san. Now you know why I didn’t want to bring you here,” The young woman apologized softly, as she made a conscious effort to hide her blushing face from the Flame Hashira.
They sat on top of their respective futons— which (Y/n) had pulled away from each other earlier— as they made idle conversation before turning in for the night.
“It’s no problem at all... (Y/n).”
The use of her given name had her snapping her gaze up at him; and when she saw an unsure smile aimed at her, she almost melted on the spot. Almost. But with a shake of her head, she gathered her wits about her once more and spoke, “For the record, I have two other cousins. So please don’t believe my crazy grandmother. You don’t have to... marry me.”
An equally flustered expression made itself evident on Rengoku’s features, and he reached up to idly scratch at his warm cheek— all while he averted his gaze from the woman in front of him. She had presented him such a good opportunity, so he had to grasp it with both hands. It was now or never. “What if I wanted to? Marry you, that is.”
Silence answered the Flame Hashira’s question, which alarmed him. He immediately looked up at (Y/n)— only to see her blinking at him owlishly. It seemed like his question had broken the normally astute Hashira.
“You what?”
He worried his bottom lip between his teeth— such an uncharacteristic gesture, but the only thing he could resort to at that moment— as he thought of how to phrase his words correctly.
But eventually, he just decided to be forthright with his words— as was his usual demeanor. “I’ve always had feelings for you, (Y/n). Romantic feelings. Ones that make me want to marry you. Ah! I hope that wasn’t too forward. It’s just-”
Kyōjurō couldn’t continue his tirade, as (Y/n) had already crawled over to him and pressed her lips to his in the faintest of kisses. “I love you too... Kyōjurō.”
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
Wolf Headcannons!! Precious bby girl that needs protection. The wiki says she 10, please for the love of all things give this girl a childhood and let her feel safe.
She’s definitely got some form of PTSD as a result of what her pack did for her. She was less than 10 when it happened, and to build and break that trust by life-or-death matters is sure to leave some emotional scares. Hell, flashbacks were implied when the Newton Wolves found her and Benson.
omg she most definitely had nightmares about it for a long time. Poor bby had to be scared of every bump in the night. ;;n;;
Don’t forget that’s after any potential anguish over the fact that she wasn’t with human parents. She must of wondered if she was abandoned or if her parents were killed at least once while she was with the wolf family.
This (obviously) explains the distrust towards mutes and general aggression. She has a every right to not to be trusting after that. It also put her into survivor mode, seemingly no leisure or fun at all because last time that was offered to her it was faked.
That being said, despite plans for her to be a meal from the beginning, I’m sure the wolves still taught her basic reading and writing while she was apart of the pact. Her handwriting isn’t anygood though considering shes 10 and probably hasn’t used it in a while.
She’s gonna have a mental breakdown at least once in this show I just know it. There’s no way anybody could deal with all that trauma, let alone a young child. Someone give her therapy please.
Avoided humans when possible. She still feels most of her identity is rooted with her time as a wolf in the pack, which is why I think she wears the wolf pelt. In her mind, she’s more wolf than human. It’s partially why she prefers to be so lonely and on her own. She doesn’t feel like she belongs with humans.
Her days on her own were 100% driven by tasks to survive. Wake up, undo traps, go find food, find water, find potential resources, find shelter, eat, set up traps for bed, sleep so there’s energy for tomorrow, etc. This girl hardly enjoyed hobbies, hence why in her “house” she equated all the toys as something to fight or protect herself with. There wasn’t any tasks in a survival mindset that said “have some fun.” I wouldn’t be surprised if taking time to relax/have fun would make her anxious and feel guilty.
If/when she’d join Kipo’s burrow/community, she wouldn’t give up her pelt for a long time. Not until she could absolutely sure she had an identity and place within in the group.
Even then, her building an identity not around survival or being a wolf is going to be extremely difficult for her. It’s gonna take a lot of coaxing from friends and lots of therapy to feel safe in a new identity.
please give her therapy.
please she needs it so bad.
However, as hinted already, once she finally gets some physical affection she’s going to eventually crave it a lot. She’s been so touch-starved for so long it’s only natural she’ll want hugs and to be near people she feels safe around.
Once she warms up a bit more, she’ll be a hugger whenever she’s happy.
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untitlednottitled · 3 years
Pre-Event plannings
I had a grand plan, to be lawfully wedded to my bby on our 10th anniversary, 1 year after proposing to her on our 9th, in Jeju, in front of a field of flowers with a fantastical view of the sparkling sea. I even rushed and got the engagement ring ready before our planned trip to Korea in April! But alas, covid-19 had to happen and all was foiled. After the initial plan was foiled in Apr’20, we held out hope that we would still be able to travel by the year end.. but yeah covid gave us a great big middle finger, as yet again, cases skyrocketed and we were all but grounded in sunny Singapore. 
Finally, in Dec’20, I decided to propose before July’21! Since the ring and the JannPaul box has been hiding at the back of the closet for the past year, and i didnt want to put it off any longer.
i began to scout for and collate decor items bit by bit on carousell, shopee and other shopping sites. It was a painful process because my initial plan was to recreate “Venezia”, which was an ice cream cafe we went to at Sixth Avenue, back in our JC days before it bowed out of Singapore a few years ago. There was next to no mention of Venezia on google and I was also unable to find any useful logos of the establishment either! So that idea was scrapped. Next, there was the plan to create big cut-outs of either Monsta X or VIXX members who would seem ‘genuinely happy for the proposal’.. but once again, let down by google, as the images I managed to find were either too pixelated or not relevant enough. Sadly, that idea flopped too. In the end, I decided to go for a more normal but personal decor to surprise bby :)
Truthfully, there were many chances to surprise-propose bby, especially our most recent staycation at Park Royal Marina Bay, but I didn’t feel that I was ready to do it.. so I delayed it till our big dinner on July 10th. Why July 10th? SAF had the brilliant idea to schedule my ICT during our actual 10th anniversary date, so we decided that we would have our anniversary dinner earlier. Furthermore, after Gyu Bar, we decided that we could and wanted to try more fine dining. After much research and deliberation (between Whitegrass and Buona Terra), we finally went for Whitegrass, which had decidedly nicer deco and ambiance. 
The weekend before the 10th, bby suddenly suggested that after our big dinner, maybe we should go for a drive. This gave me a great idea - if i drove, this meant that she would have to come stay over, and then I would definitely be able to surprise-propose to her! I very easily agreed with her suggestion and went for a slightly higher-end car, an Audi. Thankfully, this rental was not far from my place and the rental wasn’t that much higher than the Honda Fit before. So far, all was going to plan. Then, we also decided that since we would be getting a car, we could travel slightly further out, eg. the East. We decided to go to Playground Ragdolls, which would be our first interactions with our dream pet for our new house! 
I ordered a huge preserved flower bouquet beforehand as well as a tiny flower-box, to be delivered on the July 9th, which was also my mum’s birthday. She requested to have chilli crabs for dinner, which my bro bought from Jumbo seafood. We had a scrumptious dinner that night, but extremely regrefully, I couldn’t invite bby to come over, because it would mean that she would see all the flowers and thus ruin the entire event. 
On the day itself
On the 10th, coincidentally, I had to take up a mover role, to help my bro move some of his guo-da-li stuff to his fiancee’s place in Pasir Ris in the morning. It was a very simple job that took up the bulk of my Saturday morning. After lunch, he sent me back and I quickly completed the deco and freshened up before leaving at 4pm to collect the car. 
Leaving at 4pm was an overestimation of the travelling time, but also to prevent any lateness. I reached the rental car location at about 445pm but could not find the car at all. Confused, i called the host and she was quite pekcek to inform me that I was 15 mins early.. i went ‘oops’ and apologised for my kiasu-ness. At least she wasn’t overly judgey about it. I took over the car and quickly got on my way to Lakeside. Along the way, the aircon vent handphone holder kept dropping everytime I made my way over a particularly high bump as the Audi aircon vent was different from the normal aircon vents i was used to, with horizontal panes. Other than the handphone holder dropping from time to time, the drive to Jurong was pretty smooth. 
I picked bby up at about 5pm and she surprised me with another street branded shirt, endorsed by Hyungwon of Monsta X. She even gifted me with a picture of him wearing the exact same shirt! I gifted her with the small flower-box and inwardly laughed as she whined about receiving another flower.. inside i was like ‘lol, wait till you get the one at night’. We drove off from Jurong to City Hall, which was supposed to get us to Chijmes in 25 mins? 
Oops, we will be so early! But in the end we spent more than 35 mins on the road, because google maps was being a bitch and not giving the correct directions and we had to circle round Chijmes twice because we couldn’t enter the place! Finally, we decided to follow the signs strictly and we managed to enter the Chijmes carpark at last. We wandered around Chijmes for awhile and took some pictures. I helped her take some pictures that she was actually satisfied with!!!! SDNJIADBNAIKFAUFAKLFDNA!!! 
After inwardly celebrating alone, we entered Whitegrass. Overall, the food was nothing to brag about, though the service was very good. Like what bby has said, the best things about the meal were the breads and the specially made financier by the Japanese Chef. The Chef came out to greet us and even wished us a happy anniversary followed by a picture of us hehe. 
Full af, we decided to drive to Sentosa cove to sneak a peek at the rich people but nope, not allowed to ba long long go in, so we rerouted to Palawan beach instead. well well well, no entry into the beach. hur. oh well, time to head home. Inside my mind was running in all directions, almost 1.5y in the making, it’s finally gona be time!!
We reached and parked in less than 30 mins and quickly made our way back home.. only upon reaching my doorstep that i realised i left my keys in the flower-box inside the car.. luckily my dad was still awake to open the door for us.
Once in, we discovered my room door was closed and i let her enter first. Once she sweeped her eyes around the room, i panicked a little and just grabbed the ring and knelt down. I was entirely FLUSTERED and my mind was blanked out. haha, i lost all sequence of events. i knelt at an awkward angle and i wanted to switch knees, at which point, bby looked down and saw me kneeling on both knees (facepalm ttm). but okay, eventually it got sorted out and we took some pictures, with creative advice from my fiancee (^^). i also told her the entire journey from the ring all the way to present time, honestly, without hiding anything. Tbh, i wanted to make it hella grand but I missed out on some deco and by the time i discovered, it was too late to order again. UGHHH. When we went off to bathe, it was already about 1am and we had an early morning ahead. We both went to sleep happy hehe. (i got myself a ring catto)
Ragdolls all day, err’ day
I woke up next to bby catto who suddenly wrapped me up in the blankets and took a picture of me -.-
anyways, after a quick breakfast, i wore bby’s present and went out. We went some place first, before heading to La Fez in the East. It was a Morrocan restaurant which had a very pink and cutesy exterior. The food was not bad as well, the bby ordered Shakshuka while I ordered the Lamb Shwarma. Not entirely filling but good enough for me!
 Next we set off for Playground Ragdolls.. but i think i missed a turn somewhere so we just parked at a nearby carpark instead. We wanted to walk to Tigerlily Pattiserie but changed our minds to head to Birds of Paradise nearby instead, since bby has been wanting to eat it. and hohoho, dark skies ahead started to thunder and shortly after rain poured down. We didn’t bring umbrella and neither were there any umbrella in the rental car.. so we decided to brave the rain. The initial rain was pretty manageable, a slightly heavy drizzle but manageable. The moment we were halfway to the next shelter however, it poured. and poured. and poured. Needless to say, we were both drenched.. and bby was wearing her Tory Burch too... nevertheless, we persevered and reached Birds of Paradise and got our ice cream too! (along the way we passed a mama shop and bought a $6 umbrella) We got roasted sesame and sea salt hojicha. Tbh, both were good but as we were practically wolfing the ice cream down and the quantity was really alot, the ice cream became pretty jelat after awhile. For the first time in a long long while, we threw away ice cream. Yes, bby was pretty horrible for throwing away ice cream, especially when she was the one who proclaimed she loved it. 
With our new umbrella, we eventually made our way back the way we came, dry this time, towards Playground Ragdolls! Since we were pretty early, we waited outside for a short while, before the host let us in. and wow, once in, we were greeted by 2 curious little Singapuras. At first glance, they looked like regular strays but on a closer look, they had a kind of refined quality that really separated them from typical strays. And then as the host continued her briefing, our eyes strayed to the ragdolls. OMGGGG all so floof and cute!! Bby and I settled down near the couch and started playing with an 8 month old female kitto. and omg she was so playful!! Immediate want! While playing, we didn’t forget to enquire more about the purchase process and also listened in on the other customers’ queries as well. 1 hour passed all too quickly, and it came time to bid farewell to the cattoes. 
On the way back to the car, bby remarked that she was a little peckish, so we decided to head to a drive-thru at marine parade.. but once there, no drive-thru to be seen!!! We stopped at the passenger waiting area for awhile to research but to no avail. Eventually we gave up and I drove her back to her house.
At her block, I helped to carry all the barang barang back up and I remarked to her that I was going to call her parents ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ to hint them that I proposed. And I did, but apparently, only her mum caught it. Her dad didn’t, sadly. Unfortunately, I needed to rush back to return the car, so i couldn’t stay to explain further (Sorry Father, i will explain the next time i’m there!)
Anyways, I drove back to return the car and swiftly parked. The owner ‘received’ back the car without much incident also. Aaaaand that concludes mine and bby’s eventful weekend, in which we both had our relationship statuses changed from boyfriend-girlfriend to fiance-fiancee ^^. 
Honestly, I do regret not getting actual flowers for you back in 2011.. but lol, the virtual flowers confession did make our relationship more interesting though haha. Yet another interesting tale that we can tell our kids next time also. I feel so happy as I recount the entire experience and am so glad that it succeeded. This sat, we will be going to re-size the engagement ring so that bby will wear the ring for events soon!! can’t wait!!
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by raeYhem
The first time Jaskier felt the pang in his chest was when he idly sat at the window, watching Geralt and the witch, well, fuck. He made a few off hand comments about their liveliness but as he walked away, something gathered in his throat. He coughed, when he remained alone with Roach, falling to his knees, as panic filled his head, coughing and coughing and coughing-
  Until he found himself holding a petal in the hands he had used to shelter his mouth. He pulled it away from his face, slowly, disbelief filling him.
W-what the fuck…?
Jaskier knows something is wrong with him. What reason does he have to share it? Luckily for him, Geralt has always been too observant for his own good.
Words: 2379, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Original Witcher Character(s), Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Mentioned - freeform - Character, Roach (The Witcher)
Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Tissaia de Vries/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Drinking, Alcohol, Jaskier DRINKS, wingman roach, i get to be mean to Jaskier, Fix-It, It's gonna be okay tho, Self-Hatred, Self-Esteem Issues, probably ooc at points because im seeing too much of myself in my bby jas, He's hurt, Make Geralt Apologise 2020, extremely self indulgent, it's two am and I want to write Pain, Self-Harm, but like trough severe alcohol poisoning, Hanahaki Disease, Jaskier | Dandelion Has Feelings, Emotionally Constipated Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Not Canon Compliant, probably should have started with the hanahaki disease, this has already been written but fuck god ill write again, no beta we die like women, BAMF Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Idiots in Love, the group has one braincell and roach owns it, Suicidal Thoughts
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brandtmax · 4 years
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welcome back to gallagher academy, soo-yun ‘maxine’ brandt ! according to their records, they’re a first year, specializing in research & development; and they did not go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( sugar-free mints, a messy low bun, wisps of hair alongside her face, the end of a pen between her teeth, the patek philippe calatrava 4897r-010 in rose gold, off-white pants in every fabric ). when it’s the ( virgo ) ’s birthday on 08/23/1997, they always request their japchae from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
henlo it me again i hope u guys aren’t sick of me yet bc i have a new bby named max! i’ve written a lot™️ so brace urself but it’s worth it ( i think ) + trigger warnings: death and alcohol dependency under the cut xxx
the basics
full name: soo-yun ‘ maxine ’ brandt
nicknames: max — just max
age: twenty-two years old
birthday: august 23rd, 1997
gender: cis female
preferred pronouns: she / her
sexuality: bisexual
major: research & development (  formerly a b.a. political science degree from yale university )
known languages: english ( native ) / german ( native ) / korean ( native )
nationality: american
birthplace: new haven, connecticut, new hampshire
current location: gallagher academy, roseville, virginia
financial status: upper class
religion: non-theistic
eye color: brown
hair color: black
height: 5′8.5″
notable features: curly hair on lazy days, rosy cheeks
usual mood and expression: calm, furrowed eyebrows whenever her eyes are on work; lethargic and irritable when she’s overworked ( or without alcohol )
birth order: second born
parents: soon-bok ‘ vivian ’ jang and stephen brandt ( d. 2018 )
siblings: min-jun ‘ parker ’ brandt ( b. 1995 ) & georgia ‘ gigi ’ brandt ( b. 2001 )
significant others: chris harmon ( 2013-2015 ) / ava carrillo ( 2015-2016 )
her story so far (this is so long n serious lol)
soo-yun 'maxine' brandt was born and raised in new haven, connecticut, to jang soon-bok ( vivian ), a surgeon, and stephen brandt, a ( n allegedly shady ) criminal justice lawyer.
the brandt siblings were raised like any other blue-blooded, very strict but loving household ( strict = mom / loving = dad )
brandt house rules: get straight a’s, follow the 12 am curfew and don't bring anyone home that you know you’d get disowned for. follow those three rules, and you can do whatever you want.
there was pressure for the brandt siblings to be academically accomplished, but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle. they were well-tutored, semi-popular, attractive teenagers, which were common in new haven, and everyone knew they were destined for ivy league.
in high school, she dated chris harmon, and it was the kind of relationship that could only be described as the personification of a kinder egg. sweet on the outside, a waste of time and money on the inside.
which is fine; it took max about 2 months to get over it when they broke up halfway through senior year, because neither of them thought of their relationship going far. the joy of getting into yale ( already expected ) trumped the feeling of losing a boyfriend. she even bet parker $5,000 she'd get early admission. she won.
during college, she had an on-off relationship with ava carrillo for a year, which inevitably became a permanent off. it turned out that it wasn't a good idea to throw herself into a committed relationship the minute she stepped foot into yale. max never had the time, and ava didn't have the patience. at least she tried it tho !
things seemed to be on the up and up for their family, and the worst thing max has ever been through is being awake for 24 straight hours to prepare for a final presentation. but ! you know what they say about the calm before the storm.
( tw: death ) on december 18, 2018, their father unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack during a layover flight in new york. the brandt family was at home when they heard the news. needless to say, they had a quiet christmas and new year.
the family tried to move on as best they could, but the siblings knew their dad's death irreversibly changed their mom. they have a rocky relationship to begin with, the siblings always feeling like vivian never wanted to become a parent and only did so for their father. they have absolutely no mother-children bond, and it got worse when stephen died. being the older brother, parker took it upon himself to take care of vivian, balancing that with running the home stretch with his undergrad degree.
on the other hand, maxine still had a few years left at yale. no amount of therapy helped her cope with the loss of her father, the way her mother seemed to become a shell of herself, how parker had to break the momentum of his career to be there for their mom, and the constant pressure to do good academically.
( tw: alcohol dependency ) it started with buying bottled moscow mules because she didn't like how beer tasted, and she wasn't dumb enough to go straight to hard liquor. just one to take the edge off whenever stacks of coursework became too much, or when her mother would send her an email talking about her day, and she didn't have the courage to read it. then it went from a one, two, three-time thing to a whenever-i'm-upset thing, which slid into a whenever-i-feel-like-it thing. after a while, it became a daylight thing where she would add a splash of soju ( or whatever ) to her lunchtime drinks, and she genuinely thought it was just a funny idea at first. max wasn't the only day drinker in her social group, anyway. she found it acceptable, no different than how other people would pound red bull every 6 hours like it's their life force. it was manageable for her since she was able to schedule when she'd be indisposed, and she still can.
parker had ( and still has ) no clue. despite the two being close, max spared him the burden of having another thing to worry about. as long as she can control it ( or she thinks she can ) then nobody had anything to worry about.
eventually, both maxine and parker were offered the opportunity to join gallagher academy, with parker in line to graduate with honors in global affairs and maxine, not far behind with her own impressive academic portfolio in political science.
though really, her acceptance into gallagher has less to do with her published papers ( still impressive, tho ) and more to do with her covertly helping her father win cases by doing some expert sleuthing, strategizing, witness dispatching + discrediting, sexc breaking and entering, and good, old-fashioned manipulation !
it was something they both wanted; to be a part of the bigger picture in the world, but they knew they couldn't leave their mother alone. parker, who chose to make the sacrifice, let maxine go and stayed behind to take care of vivian.
( but if we’re honest, maxine would’ve left for gallagher regardless if parker was coming with her, but she’ll never tell him that )
despite the guilt and telling parker she wasn't going anywhere ( cough ), he insisted on her taking the once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a part of something they never knew existed. he knew they were going to end up resenting each other if they both stayed. at least one person in the family should be doing something that made them happy.
and so max dropped out of yale and left for roseville, even though she hadn't thoroughly planned out her career trajectory.
she’s eager not just because of the school, obviously. she can't handle going back to their childhood home and seeing how hollow everything is. plus, the immense anger and denial she feels over her dad’s untimely death has no place in new haven anymore.
she promised parker she'd make it up to him, though. somehow, someday.
who is this b*nch
max is relatively easy to get along with, tbh !
she’s a mood matcher; meaning if you’re nice to her, then she’s nice to you ( and if you’re gonna be a punk bitch, then she’ll be a punk bitch right back )
she’s a lil spoiled, lil sheltered, and lil ignorant but her general friendliness makes up for it, she’s the type to be friends with ( almost ) everyone
internally: perfectionist to the point of being ruthless, first place is the only acceptable place, meticulous, neurotic, workaholic, overachiever, if you’re not useful then what’s your purpose?, slightly egotistical, etc etc
externally: caring, protective, and supportive mom friend who just wants people to get their shit together because inadequacy is unacceptable, fixer, likes to dip into different social circles, consciously makes the effort to be more patient with people
she’s incredibly ambitious ? morally ambiguous ? slightly self-serving and self-involved ? her father’s a criminal “justice” lawyer whose clientele doesn’t exactly consist of the beacons of society so... she learned a lot of lessons about how you can win any case in the courtroom if you’re smart enough to a ) make a good story, b ) get the fitting evidence by any means necessary, c ) discredit and discard the necessary people, and d ) be charming and persuasive enough to rock the jury
she’s actively trying to be more open-minded and assimilate to a diverse group of people because back in yale she was definitely in a wasp bubble, and admittedly there are times where she will come off as super snobby without meaning to and tbh sorry about it
she’s still an extremely sociable person because yale also taught her how to network like a motherfucker, and how it’s important to know / be friends with everyone
honestly, intense people turn her off ( both positive and negative ) a little because she can't handle concentrated personalities in one sitting
even though she’s a little intense herself sometimes but it’s fine, we love hypocrites in this house !
neat freak ? but honestly who doesn’t like a friend who squeegees the shower every day and has a tiny can of lysol in their bag and an aroma diffuser with three ( 3 ) oil blends
she’s like... weirdly aggressive sometimes and most definitely has anger issues ( still in denial over her father unexpectedly passing away and getting stuck with a mom who doesn’t like her own children very much )
but also, she’s just agro in general and has a number of physical hobbies. she’s an ice skater, equestrian, a soulcyclist, and a kickboxer. she can fite.
she’s not the type to make fun of herself because she's not at a point where she sees qualities in her that are okay to laugh at ( unless you’re tight )
keeps her negative juju to herself because she’s a very private person
will prioritize work over play because she'd hardwired like that, but that doesn't mean she's anti-fun ( clearly )
definitely needs to loosen up a little that doesn't involve alcohol... jenga perhaps ? or actually try therapy again ?
very effectively sneaky about her growing alcohol dependency ( sugar-free breath mints, brushes her teeth + uses mouthwash after every meal )
dry sense of humor
at all times: wears a 1-carat, emerald cut, pavé diamond ring ( family heirloom ) + carries her trusty black hydro flask with her ( 24 oz. ) and no one is allowed to drink from it !
her signature scent is le labo bergamote 22 🤍
hmu on my discord @ tin#0697 for plottage !
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hisohisokate · 5 years
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My Dragon Age Inquisition children. Read more from top left to bottom right:
Amina: Inquisitor, very sheltered (and nervous) but Dorian helps, hair turned white from the initial shock of the orb (used to be brown), cinnamon roll, ideals are EVERYTHING
Shaeris: Always suspicious of everyone, bad bitch with a bow, gets peeved with Solas and his haughty elf shit, very protective of friends, very proud Dalish
Alekhai: Orlesian Circle Mage, silent but sassy, always judging you (especially humans), employed by a courtier and sends money home to mom and brothers in the Alienage, absolute NERD
Beatrix: Hired to murder the Inquisitor but mommy instincts kicked in, dual wielding hoe, very flirty, kinda aggressive, always relentlessly roasting everyone
Xalehan: Precious bby but also kinda annoying, prankster to the max, left the clan because he’s curious of human culture, surprisingly deadly (great acrobat), sings and plays the lute
Baldor: Extremely religious, very intimidating and crabby (but silent way), death glare has been perfected, well respected and talented warrior, VERY conflicted over being so damn attracted to Dorian
And that was my TedTalk, thank you for joining me.
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dredreadsdrawing · 4 years
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so i think this quarantine has officially gotten my mood to shift back into guro feels territory? oof. its infected my thoughts, and so they wouldn’t turn… self-hurty, I guess ive kinda projected all of them onto Alden, the axolotl girl from my Don’t Croak roster.
I always planned for her to have the more … extreme? emotional journey. A part of the backstory I’ve thought up for her is. Well.
She was a happy go lucky kid, very into shoujo anime and disney tv shows. She grew up very sheltered at first, but after moving to a new city at the start of middle school, she got hit with a lot of real life shit. Her being short, chubby and a huge weeb made her a big target for the girls in class. One in particular became her ‘friend’, but would use her trusting nature to make her do bad things, take the fall, and amuse her with her reactions to profanity. 
Through all this, Alden kept making stories in her head to keep her positivity. She’d make excuses for her friends, she would tell herself their snide remarks meant well, but all their pressure made her grow more and more self hatred.
Her family was of no help either. Her parents never listened to her. Her mother was neglectful to what was going on in her kid’s lives and her father only ever nit picked all her faults; particularly adding to her self hatred. 
She had a moment where she snapped after a particularly cruel joke that involved stripping her in the girl’s bathroom after school in front of a boy they thought she liked. She punched her ‘friend’ and kept punching, screaming, crying, but she let her anger take control, and no one could stop her. 
She was suspended, and her father wouldn’t leave her alone as he served her ‘punishment’. She was in such a bad place, she felt like she wanted to go crazy. Her love for fantasy turned darker, and she got really into guro and yami kawaii things. She would find new ways to hurt herself, to test how much pain she could handle, then laugh at her scars. She was a fucked up kid. She had no one she could ask for help. She just kept indulging herself in her fantasies, until two people fell into her life. Her little brother, who stepped up and began defending her, and a classmate turned friend that kept running into her. 
She got better. She moved past her self harm urges with their help. She moved out as soon as she could, and rooms with her friend now. But she still holds a bittersweet love for gore and pain.
… shit, the thing that spurred her little brother into action was her suicide attempt. He’d always been too scared of their dad to step up, but seeing his sister in the hospital, with their father calling her stupid, he has his own moment of snapping. crap im sad. what have i done to my bbys oh fuc
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hudsonisms · 5 years
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⌠ LOGAN SHROYER, 23, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome to  gallagher academy, RICHARD HUDSON! originally hailing from JONESBOROUGH, TENNESSEE, they were exposed to too much during the protest, and the academy is now in charge of their safe care. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (primped blonde hair, white converse, letterman jacket, a warm and genuine smile). when it’s the (libra)’s birthday on 10/11/1996, on the bad nights they request their FRIED CHICKEN from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re safe in witness protection. ⌿ deanna, 24, she/her, est ⍀
come welcome my new bby boy please and thank you !  ( also this got long I’M SORRY )
first and foremost, these are the names NOT to call him: richard, rich, richie, dick, or dickie  ( yikes ) .  somehow his parents thought it was a good idea to give their eldest son a nickname of DICKIE, which no matter how much he hated it stuck like glue, and the older he got the more jokes he heard about it. when he eventually left his small town to make his way in the world, he dropped the nickname and his first name all together and decided to just go by his last name: HUDSON.  so please, call him hudson kthx
hudson’s the oldest of three kids in a painfully middle class family. his dad’s a banker and his mom’s as a preschool teacher, high school sweethearts who have been in love with since they fifteen and continue to be in love and generally gross their youngest two kids out with their lovefest. 
but hudson found his parents absolutely charming, and kickstarted the romantic he’d one day become.
his parents had hudson when they were only nineteen, a fun little accident that stemmed a shotgun wedding. they wouldn’t have their other two kids  ( milo & cameron )  until much later, when they had more money and a house to themselves and all that jazz. by the time his little brother milo was born, hudson was fourteen years old, and when they had cami he was sixteen. 
he helped take care of them while he was still around to do so, and lowkey loves the kids like they’re his own. but hudson also can’t wait until they’re adults already and he can have normal sibling relationships with em. 
the town he grew up in was small and didn’t have a whole lot to do -- though it’s tennesee’s oldest town, a fact that has been shoved into his brain for as long as he could remember -- so it was a lot of running around outside and riding his bike with his friends and causing general little boy mischief. he was always a good kid though, even if he was pretty easy to peer pressure into doing less than noble things  ( teenagers, ya know ? )
hudson can’t remember when he started to feel like he wanted more than the small town life his parents had given him, but by high school he was already looking into colleges as far as possible, places that could help him one day CHANGE THE WORLD.
he had the grades for some of the best schools in the country, but he didn’t have the world experience they needed or he wanted. so he took a gap year after graduating high school to volunteer in third-world countries, building up his resume and college applications  ( but also genuinely looking to make a difference and learn about other cultures )  so he could apply for the next school year.
the one thing that surprised him the most about traveling that year was how HOMESICK he became. not for tennessee, but for his parents and his little siblings who were getting bitter and bigger every time they face timed. so when he got accepted into GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY -- only a six hour drive home, much closer than the other schools he had been looking at.
now a senior at georgetown, hudson has been THRIVING there. he’s a peace & justice studies and political economy double major and co-president of the amnesty international club  ( along with his bff steph as president ) .  but that’s not all he does -- he’s in an honors fraternity, a part of two other clubs, and volunteers on the weekend at the nearby animal shelter. it sounds super Excessive, but hudson genuinely likes keeping busy :  he had been looking forward to going away to a great college for a long time, so he wanted to make the most of his time there.
he’s EXTREMELY likable, basically a golden retriever tbh. he’s no longer the pushover he once was and is very sure in his beliefs, but is always willing to hear someone else out and rarely starts fights  ( only  “ dialogues “ ) .  he’s charming but in a genuine way.
he’s literally that all american boy who played football in high school. troy bolton ain’t got nothing on him smh. 
he wants to work in the peace corps after college  ( we get it hudson, you’re a good person ) . before getting a job in the government. he loves washington dc and hopes to one day settle down there.
and by  “ settle down “   i’m talking this guy wants a wife, some kids, a white picket fence... not NOW because there’s still so much he wants to do, but back home nearly half his old high school classmates are engaged, married or with babies on the way, so he’s starting to feel that compulsion to find his PERSON.
he has a southern accent that’s super cute if i do say so myself.
uhh being at gallagher is super WEIRD for him because just twelve hours ago he was at a protest that he had a hand in starting and now classmates of his are dead and he’s in hiding at this weird school when he’s supposed to be starting his last semester at college and like??? will he graduate on time??? do his parents know where he is??? he has a lot of questions.
but since he’s in a leadership position in the club, he feels like he has to try the hardest to look Calm and Collected and not freak the absolute fuck out like he wants to.
if you got this far i appreciate you and slide into my discord if you wanna plot xoxo
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sonnysdoll · 6 years
Animal Emergency part 2
Prompt: N/A
Pairing: Vet!Sonny Carisi x Vet!Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning(s): N/A
This is my bby cannoli Jamie ( @sweetcannolicarisi ) and I’s little AU and I’m in love with this. If you want to read part one click here.
You looked at Sonny as you examined the dog over. There was definitely some internal bleeding, his front right leg was broken and he had a large gash on his head. You had seen some bad hit and runs in your years with Sonny but this was probably the worst. You were scared the dog wasn’t going to make it.
“Hey, (Y/N). You with me?” Sonny asked as he brought the dog into the room. You slowly nodded you looked at the dog.
“Yeah. I got everything ready. We need to start now.” You said as you gave the dog some anesthesia and waited until he was asleep. You quickly cleaned and sewed the gash on his head up as Sonny began to work on his broken leg.
“I’m sorry about tonight. I was really hoping something like this wouldn’t happen.” Sonny explained as he got everything ready to make a cast.
“Why would you say that?” You said as you noticed the collar around the dog's neck, Cooper. All the information on the tag was the dog’s name. You smiled some and gently gave the dog a rub. “Don’t worry, Cooper. Sonny and I will have you better in no time.” You smiled as you went over to help him.
“It’s just… we’ve known each other for awhile. You were the only person that believed in me when I said I was going to run my own clinic. You helped me achieve my goal and now,” Sonny paused as he began to wrap the gauze around Cooper’s leg, “now, I try asking you out to dinner finally and we get called back into work. Not that I’m complaining.” Sonny chuckled before he got everything ready to set the cast. You glanced at him as you gently held Cooper’s leg in your hand.
“This isn’t the time to talk about this, Sonny. We have a life here to save. We can continue talking about this after.” You said. Sonny nodded as he looked down at Cooper and smiled before he began to create the cast.
As he finished, you started prepping for an exploratory laparotomy to find the source of Cooper’s bleeding. Sonny came over to help you and you both went to work on your patient’s abdomen.
After about 30 minutes, you were practically finished and just had to close your incision. Both you and Sonny performed this surgery more often than not, unfortunately. So, while you were going through the routine, you both had been talking to each other. You’d done surgeries together before, but something seemed different this time. You actually learned more about each other, which you didn’t think was possible since you’ve been in business together for years and known each other for longer. But, you surprised each other.
You told Sonny how you originally didn’t want to go to NYU because you wanted to go out of state. The only reason you went because it was extremely far from your home. He went to NYU because it was so close to his home. You always knew you wanted to be a vet, and it took him awhile to figure out that’s what he wanted to do.
By the time you’d stitched Cooper up and brought him to a patient room, you’d felt like you’d learned about a whole new side of Sonny. You went to inform Angela, who’d been waiting in the waiting room the whole time you were in surgery, of Cooper’s condition. Sonny stayed in the patient room to wait with Cooper until he woke up.
“He has a nasty gash on his head, above his left eye but we stitched that up and it should heal within a couple weeks. His front right leg was broken and we put a cast over it, and he had some internal bleeding but we did a laparotomy and with some fluids, he should be just fine. I’d like to keep him here until at least the leg is healed.” Angela nodded and thanked you for all your help before going outside to call the shelter.
You went to the back to check on Sonny, spotting him sitting in a chair next to the still-asleep Cooper who now had a cone around his neck. Sonny was stroking his side and seemed to be talking to him, you couldn’t tell because his back was to you.
“This job worth it? Saving the animals that need us?” You asked Sonny. He slowly turned to you with a large smile.
“Of course it is. Look at this little fella we saved today. I don’t think I could have done it without you.” Sonny said as he slowly stood up. You smiled at him as you walked over and gently began to pet the dog’s side.
“You did most of it, Sonny. I was only here to help. You are such an amazing vet.” You said with a smile. Sonny watched you and wrapped his arms tightly around you in a hug. As you wrapped your arms around him, you hear whining from Cooper. You laughed as you went to grab a bowl of water and food for him.
You two watched Cooper for a bit before Sonny left to go get the dinner you two didn’t get to eat. You smiled as you looked what you got and began to eat it with a smile. You carefully helped Cooper off the table and he sat down at your feet and watched you eat. You laughed some as you gently began to pet him and feed him some of the sandwich you have.
“So,” Sonny started after swallowing a bite of his sandwich, “you think we could go out over the weekend? I can give you a proper first date.”
You lightly scoffed and laughed, “What are you talking about? This was an amazing first date. We got to do what we love and got to talk and have fun conversation. I couldn’t think of a more fitting first date.”
Sonny’s face flushed, “You really think so?”
“I know so. But, I’ll gladly indulge you on a second date.” You paused for a second before adding, “You got a little sauce on your face.” You pointed to right above your upper left lip.
Sonny tried to lick away the sauce, but it was too far away and you were cracking up at his failures.
“Here,” you said between chuckles, “I got it.” You leaned in and rubbed the sauce away with your thumb, lingering with your face close to Sonny’s.
You looked into each other’s eyes before you saw his gaze shift down to your lips. Before he could, you placed your hand on the base of his neck and softly connected your lips. He immediately responded and put a hand around your waist, shifting your body so you were closer together.
After a moment, you pulled away and rested your forehead against his, smiling wide.
“Thanks for a great night Sonny.” You smiled. He nodded and slowly pulled away and stared at the clock on the wall.
“You should head home. I’ll clean everything up and make sure Cooper is comfy for the night. Someone from the shelter said they’d be down in the morning to check on him.” Sonny said as he stood up. You nodded slowly as you stood up after him.
“You sure? I can help clean up if you want.” You asked as you threw out your trash. Sonny shook his head as he watched you.
“I’m fine. You can take the trash if you’d like. I’ll see you in the morning.” He winked at you. You rolled your eyes slowly as you gathered up all the trash before throwing it into the large bag.
“See ya in the morning, Sonny.” You said as you grabbed your purse and left the room, heading to the dumpster out back before hailing a cab to head home.
As you were sitting in the cab on the ride home, your mind started to wander. You really liked Sonny and you two had always been compatible and had chemistry. You had no idea what the future held for you two, but you were excited to find out.
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esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 3)
Didn’t even stop for food; that part was just getting so long.
Part Three encompasses pages 144-240 (previous parts)
I promise I’m not going to stop each liveblog part every time I get to a Shallan chapter. I promise. 
“In my defense, you did invite me in!” SHOUTING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A GRINNING FOOL I LOVE THEM??
He’s so genuine in how much he likes her. hello, fronds, I LOVE THEM
“Your ego doesn’t count as a separate individual, Shallan.” GOD BLESS
Pattern + math jokes = Good
The fact that both Pattern and Syl have been “studying” um...mating. is REALLY HILARIOUS
Did you guys know that Kaladin is A Good?
what a good.
also, I’m worried about the parshmen. That’s not stormform--I’m assuming workform or nimbleform??--so...the storm gave them the ability to change forms again, I’m guessing? But they don’t know what to do with them. And it didn’t force them into stormform, which is why they didn’t attack, but...what does this mean?
Adolin!!! you nerd!!! he’s so excited about training her to fight!! omg “I brought the Blade guards, lemme go grab them RIGHT NOW” THIS NERD
“I can die. They will send you another to bond.” BBY NOOOOOOOO
Someone hug Pattern, please
Also hug Shallan?? maybe? girl, panic attacks SUCK I know how you feel, just breathe, babe, just breathe...
girl really needs to Deal with some shit. Get her a therapist, someone
Adolin is a good and patient boy who is genuine and wonderful, and I love him.
...whoops, I totally forgot about the Honorblade. heh
The fact that Dalinar is hiding the honorblade in the sewer pipes is delightful to me.
I miss Bridge Four.
Though this new guy from Bridge Thirteen seems chill. and funny.
except I don’t trust him? do we know him? are we sure he is who he says he is?
I’m concern
Dalinar stripping to his waist to wrestle people is hilarious to me?
OH. I didn’t realize the Thrill was an Alethi-only thing. huh. that’s still...it’s still bad, but idk if it’s worse that it’s only Alethi or better that it’s not spread to everyone.
they use terms of endearment and the term of endearment is gemheart I’m dying that’s too adorable
that was...a very interesting conversation about tradition and religion and how the two tie together. I’m particularly interested in the idea that “just because it’s tradition doesn’t mean it’s worthy; just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s right.” I feel like there are a lot of real-world applications to that sentiment that could do with exploring...
oh, Adhesion, of course. I’m genuinely curious to see what his other one does. Tension, isn’t it? How does that work hmmmmmmmmm gimme magic system answers aahh
gaahh parshendi kiddos aahh no they’re cute this is A Lot
nnnnnnnnngggggg Kaladin thinking about his escape attempts aaaaAAAAAHHHHH
“That had been his most successful escape attempt. It had lasted five days.” AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I’m
He’s so. strong. He’s come so far. He suffered so much I just. AAAHHH
aahh, Kaladin’s first instinct when Syl is ignoring him is “oh god, I messed up something’s wrong with the bond” and that momentary panic is SO MUCH HE’S SO MUCH I’M
....parshman radiant? or?
but it’s yellow
so how is it Voidspren? unless the black sphere isn’t voidspren...
...........Odium’s champion is golden. maybe.
Mmmmmmmmmm Shallan attempting to do alcohol is. really second-hand embarrassment-y.
I’m very uncomfortable.
someone stop her
I feel like Shallan keeps rolling 2s on her Investigation checks, but then 18s on her Charisma checks to back it up. She’s the worst at this, but she’s convincing anyway.
Also, I looooove that Stormlight clears up alcohol, it’s the best.
welp. good to know that everyone is scared of the Ghostbloods....
also maybe she shouldn’t just be spreading that association around quite so freely....
mmmm okay wth. what is the copycat murderer. some kind of illusionist, if they can pretend to be someone else so fully that even the ring impression is there....hmmmmm......
ALSO I FORGOT BUT A LIL BIT AGO, Shallan said something about not ever being able to actually fake being these people until she’d lived their lives or lived among them or smthn, and part of me is like AH GOOD SHE IS LEARNING and part of me is like “congrats on the stunning realization that darkeyes are people too” *rolls eyes*
But no, seriously, I’m glad she’s realizing these things, and at least beginning to understand that she’s coming from a place of hardcore privilege and is starting to understand what that means for her.
God, the fact that Ialai and Sadeas used to ply their political prowess and manipulation powers to get people to fight Dalinar so they could eliminate people without the use of assassins is just like....yeah, OF COURSE the betrayal in Way of Kings went down like it did. That was CLASSIC, that was something they’d probably talked about doing to other people back when they were all friends. That’s exactly the sort of scheme that Sadeas would probably have encouraged Gavilar to pull on any of the highprinces who were refusing to fall in line. And it’s just so...frustrating that Dalinar never, ever thought that those machinations could have fallen on him and his. It’s right there, right there, all along--Sadeas is the crafty one. And Dalinar trusted him anyway, and I’m. Upset.
I’m really glad that we don’t have to worry about him in the present day, but also like. We haven’t heard from Ialai at all this book. Wth is she planning.
Dalinar “Just Wandering Through a Highstorm Looking for My Lost Knife” Kholin really, really needs to chill.
“brought him to life like nothing else but battle” tbh that’s...weirdly romantic. In a creepy punk!Dalinar kind of way.
Listen, the pining for Navani here just makes the ridiculously long delays honor!Dalinar imposed on himself so ridiculous?? like? he loves her SO MUCH AND HE RESISTED SO USELESSLY FOR SO LONG
Just let yourself be happy, my dude. sigh.
god, Sadeas and Ialai just...sitting on each other. is great.
UGH they loved each other a lot and they were so well-matched, and tbh I’m actually a little sad for her? that he’s dead now? idk how I feel about that.
Also, the number of times that Sadeas has said, “Oh, Dalinar,” in an exasperated and fond tone is just... bi Sadeas confirmed? idk, I don’t really want him in the bi camp. but I’m getting the feeling he belongs here.
“He wasn’t going to drink the wine he’d washed the blood into. He wasn’t a barbarian.” Maybe not, but he’s certainly the most Extra son of a gun I’ve ever encountered in a novel. This is wild.
Also, I’m concerned, tbh, about how his relationship with Evi is going to go down. She’s a soft, left-handed baby. Let her live.
Kaladin “I’m Mad that I Care About People AGAIN” Stormblessed
what a good human being
I love that every time he comes across of group of people larger than one he’s like “ah! I must teach them how to shelter and fight and protect themselves! but I don’t care about them! Of course I don’t care!! I just want them to be safe and happy and free! it’s not like I CARE about them!”
this boy is the best boy and I will fite you if you say otherwise
Adolin having “messy in just the right way” hair is DELIGHTFUL and I love that Shallan thinks it’s “cute”.
I’m genuinely disappointed to find out that women on Roshar still have periods.
That’s bullshit.
Petition for anyone with Regrowth to go around healing every woman of her cramps on a regular basis, ‘cause that’s TERRIBLE.
#otp: no mating
“When my father explained that good relationships required investment, I don’t think this is what he meant.” Who knew Adolin was good at puns!!?
Adolin cares so much about his soldiers and about soldiers in general, HE’S SO GOOD WHAT A GOOD AAHH
“You sound like your father.” “Nothing wrong with that.” A GOOD, BEAUTIFUL BOY WHO I LOVE VERY MUCH.
Ialai with the Ghostbloods. That. makes a certain amount of sense in that they are both manipulators to the extreme and also EVIL. OMG THIS IS WILD
god, I adore that Rosharans call all birds chickens, it’s. so. good.
but also Mraize with a parrot: why this.
I’m sooooo worried about Adolin investigating...himself. sort of. I just. so worried.
Adolin going OFF ON Ialai HECK YE BOY GET IT
any time he talks about his mom I get emotional, though. how hard must it have been to lose her, and then to...never talk about her? because Dalinar couldn’t remember and didn’t talk about it? THE BOYS ARE SO STRONG AND I LOVE THEM
but also, like. get rekt, Ialai.
I’m. concerned. About the Ghostbloods. my dude, if you really, honestly think you can control the Voidbringers once they fully level up to Voidbringers, you’ve got another thing coming. Isn’t that the whole point of this!? They were bound to parshman form because they COULDN’T be controlled otherwise? What makes him think he and his organization are stronger and more powerful/capable than the Heralds?
Overconfident evil people are. frustrating.
I mean. I shouldn’t be surprised that Ialai is working with Amaram. and I’m. not really. surprised. but I did just hiss at the book when his name appeared.
God, I hate Amaram. Soooo much.
WHY is he here. Why isn’t he dead yet. Why haven’t we killed him yet. ARGH
mmmmmm why did three separate caravans go missing, and please tell me Kaladin isn’t going to get distracted by an investigation into that.....
(I mean, of course he is, but)
strange intelligent golden glow spren is VERY DISCONCERTING. #yikes.
This book is so dense and so intense and SO GOOD. I remember hitting this point of Words of Radiance and being like “eh, not as good as WoK” but like this one!!!! Just keeps! going!! in all these amazing ways!!! this book is so just...WOW.
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