#bc 'i know i won't finish this i'm just wasting my time'
seasaltandcopper · 2 years
if you’re looking for a sign to finally start the project or hobby you’ve been thinking about but haven’t because (insert argument about it not being profitable, taking too long, what if it never gets finished, what if it flops and no one likes it, what if i’m bad at it, this is too ambitious i’m scared i’m just wasting my time, etc etc)
this is your sign to just DO IT
start that screenplay. sketch out the first pages of that webcomic. begin the first lesson on that intro to programming class. put down the first lines of that epic novel series. whatever your jam is, just do it
life is short. happiness can be fleeting. stop waiting your whole life for the right moment to build a monument that will withstand the ages, and just sit down and make some sandcastles with me right now
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iiotic · 7 months
。‧High School Sweethearts༻༉
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Human! Alastor x Fem! Reader
༉‧.tw - Toxic relationship, cheating (not alastor nor reader), swearing, manipulation, mentions of death, murder and kidnapping, slight nsfw?? Situationship Please inform me if you'll find more.
༉‧.words - 3.4k
༉‧.a/n - High school sweethearts and your good friend combined!! Bcs I'm not continuing this series. I really hate how I wrote "Your good friend" which was the part 2 and I simply don't have the motivation nor ideas to continue it.
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"Can we just be honest?"
"These are the requirements."
"If you think you can be my one and only true love."
You've been in many relationships before. Not even a single one worked, you were devastated, so you decided to give yourself a break from everything. You thought that you needed to focus on yourself more and many agreed with your decision.
However the fact that guys were practically drooling over you at school, wasn't helping. They truly just went for looks, they'd leave you after becoming more popular and having his way with you.
You were so sick of that. Can't you just have a healthy relationship? Whatever, you didn't care anymore.
"You must promise to love me."
"And damn it, if you fuck me over."
"I will rip your fuckin' face apart."
Numerous rumours were spreading, fast. You had absolutely no idea why. You didn't do anything stupid nor risky this time.
It started with harmless jokes about you being in love with the new guy, Richard. He quickly became popular as girls thought that he was very handsome and they weren't wrong. He was quite charming.
The rumour quickly stopped when Richard started courting one of the girls in your class, Dorothy. Girls were fuming with anger at the sight of him and her acting all "lovey dovey" as people called it. You were relieved, Dorothy was such a sweet girl.
However then their relationship crashed. One rumour said that Dorothy dumped Richard for being "Selfish" and for having "a big ego" then another rumour said that Richard dumped Dorothy for having a poor family. Their relationship went on and off again. You didn't really care as long as it didn't applied to you.
"Step one."
"You must accept that i'm a little of my mind."
Then fate decided to punch you right in the face or rather Richard with his boldness. You were just walking to your next class with your small group of friends and then he approached you. As the conversation quickly tuned down he started his little speech.
-" Doll, I have decided to give you this honour, of going to the prom with me." - Richard declared taking one of your hands, looking definitely not at your eyes. -" So, you're welcome."
You looked at him with disgust, what makes him think that you'd ever want to go with him? What makes him think that you will ever go to the prom? You weren't going to. Snapping back to the reality, you quickly snatched your hand away from his grip.
-" The audacity to even ask me that."- You said, looking at your friends. Some of them were already giggling and some of them stared at you with confusion. -" The answer is no."
He chuckled nervously as you continued. -"I thought that was obvious? Why would i ever accept your "invitation"? Besides Dorothy would be truly heartbroken to hear that you don't want to go to the prom with her. I heard her talking about a new dress she just bought and I bet she will look stunning. So why won't you ask her out? Shoo.. Before I will tell the whole school about this conversation.
He was just standing there, truly shocked, mouth open, no words left. Richard snapped back to reality after hearing your friends laugh at him and his stupidity or maybe his state?? You didn't care you just wanted to go to class without any disturbance.
"Step two."
"This is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line."
As days passed by, more and more people asked you out. You always politely declined. You didn't even know most of the people who asked you out, never saw them in your entire life.
Besides its not like you were going to prom anyways and even if you wanted to, you'd like to go with someone who is important to you. Someone who'd care about you, someone who wouldn't use you for looks or popularity.
"Step three."
"Give me passion, don't make fun of my fashion."
However at the time, you didn't realized that there was a boy, your age, watching and admiring you from afar. He like many other boys thought that you were quite attractive, but he knew that he was out of your league.
You didn't even know he existed besides he heard that your "requirements" were almost impossible to fulfil. Rumours said that your standards are very high, and that's because you aren't in a relationship.
Alastor didn't know much about you. All he knew that you live close to eachothers and that you have a good sense in fashion. Well not many knew that because the school required school uniforms.
He always wanted to start talking to you, but never actually did. What would you say? You'd probably just laugh at him like at that kid on the hallway. So Alastor decided to try something different..
"Step four."
"Give me more, give me more, more.."
Some days ago you found an anonymous letter in your locker with a single rose attached to it. You were not really surprised by the rose itself however it made you smile and you appreciated the small gift. You were shocked upon seeing a letter so well-written, it made you blush slightly as you read word by word what someone wrote about you.
Saying how someone adores everything you do and they even complimented your handwriting which, you thought, wasn't very attractive.
After seven days you sound a little key chain, a letter and once again a rose attached to it. The letter was still as good as the first one, it made you smile. From now on every Thursday you found a letter with an rose attached and sometimes a little gift with it. You've got a secret admirer.
"If you can't handle a heart like mine."
"Don't waste your time with me."
"If you're not down to bleed, no, oh."
Your secret admirer never failed to make you smile, after a month you grew more and more desperate to know his identity. You'd watch your locker all the time to see if someone is putting something in, eyeing every single kid that walked by.
On another Thursday you pulled out a letter and a rose attached to it, as always. You really wanted to make a whole bouquet with it, you always carefully put them in a vase when you came back.
On that day a guy saw you pulling it out, thinking that it would be a perfect idea to make you think that he wrote all the letters and carefully trimmed all the tosses you received from an anonymous person.
Little naive you believed him and soon you both started dating. You really thought that he would be a little more romantic and charming in person but who could complain? You were happy that someone actually loved you and cared about you just as much as you cared for them.
Soon the day of the prom came and you agreed to go with your partner. You were getting ready for hours to make sure you'd look good for him! You really hoped he'd like it.
However you grew a little suspicious why the love letters didn't stop.
He picked you up at 7 just like he said he will. It was quite the quiet walk, nobody dared to speak for some reason, it was almost uncomfortable. When you arrived he suddenly vanished. You spend all the time getting ready just for him to walk away like that? really ungentlemanly behaviour.
You really didn't have much time to think about it, as your friends dragged you to the dance floor, you were dancing your heart out. However then the slow dance started, you quickly had to scramble off the dance floor as you didn't really want to interrupt other couples. Besides you really wanted to find your boyfriend to dance with him.
And then, once again, you felt like you just got slapped across the face, your own boyfriend dancing with someone else. It really would be fine if they weren't so close to eachother, eyes closed and lips almost touching. You just wanted to dissaper.
Heartbroken you ran out of the building, to get some fresh air. Tears streaming down your face as you thought about all the memories you shared with him. Everything was a lie. You sat on the edge of a fontann, your makeup completely ruined and your hair a mess.
After a minute or two, you heard footsteps approaching. You didnt bother looking up at this someone, since you weren't in an amazing state right now. The footsteps stopped and the wind alarmed you that someone sat beside you.
"How could he do this to me?" You wondered, kicking your heels off.
-"Are you alright?" You heard a masculine voice ask, empathy radiating from his tone.
-"Do I look alright to you?" You murmured, not wanting to look up at him nor wanting to talk about anything that happened.
-"My apologies, dumb question." After few minutes of sitting there in silence you finally decided to look at the anonymous someone who sat beside you.
Your eyes were met with a boy, your age. Brown-ish hair, caramel skin and mesmerising chocolatey eyes that were looking directly at you. He was wearing a black suit with red accents. his lips were formed in a small smile.
-" This might seem rude, but i saw everything what happened, and I think that guy was just a waste of your time. A pretty lady like you deserves so much better." He stated, trying to make you feel better. As much as you wouldn't like to agree with some random dude you never saw before, you have to admit he was right.
This was just a waste of time.
"If you can't handle."
"The loving, the smothering."
"Til you can't handle it no more, no more."
"Go home."
You soon learned that the boys name was Alastor and you had to admit that he was such a gentleman. He was always so polite, always opening doors for you, pulling the chairs, helping you with anything you'd ask. He was quite the charmer.
You two quickly developed a good friendship and Alastor even introduced you to his mom! She was such a sweet woman, she raised her son perfectly.
When you first met her you were nervous, very nervous for some reasons, but you relaxed seeing that she accepted you and even made you her famous jambalaya. It was delicious.
"Can we just be honest?"
"These are the requirements."
You were bored, extremely bored, so you decided to write out all of your "requirements". You always heard that you had high standards, but you highly doubt thats true. You just wanted to be loved and accepted the way you are.
You sat on your bed, shuffling through your drawers to find an empty notebook. After some minutes of searching you found it! noting that you have to clean your room soon.
You grabbed a black pen and began writing..
"You must promise to love me."
"And damn it, if you fuck me."
"Over, I will rip your fuckin' face apart."
Your notebook soon turned into a diary. Besides the requirements, you began writing your secrets, likes and dislikes, how's your day been as well as your little crush that you slowly started developing on your friend, Alastor.
You weren't sure that your feelings were reciprocated. Hell, you even began wondering if he thinks that you're his friend. However you had an other mission, finally finding out who your secret admirer is.
"High school sweethearts, line up."
"They're trying to waste my time."
"High school sweethearts, shut up."
"If you're not my type."
It was extremely hard to find out who it is, 'couse you weren't going to school anymore. The letters with a rose attached to it started appearing at your doorstep. "So this certain someone knows where i live.."
You decided to tell Alastor about you secret admirer, thinking that maybe he'd help you find them. He agreed, holding in a laugh at your stubbornness.
You were gathering clues all day but then it was time for Alastor to go back, take care of his loving mother. Before sleep you decided to grab the pen and write something in your diary..
"Step five."
"You can't be scared to show me off and hold my hand."
"Step six."
"If you can't put in work, then I don't know what you think this fucking is."
"Step seven."
"This one goes to eleven."
"If you cheat you will die, die."
As for the guy you went to prom with? You didn't know where he went. He just suddenly dissapered, vanished. Pheraps he moved houses? Maybe he had an accident?
Whatever happened to him, you were glad that he was nowhere to be found. You just couldn't bare to look at his disgusting face, again.
However you discovered something more surprising. You caught Alastor, sneaking in on your parents property and leaving the letter with a rose that knew oh so well.. By now you have a whole bouquet, just like you wanted.
You just wished that he wasn't joking about all the compliments he gave you. That he was just lying, making fun of you. You really wanted for him to be genuine about them, about all the things he wrote.
You decided to keep it a secret, waiting for the proper time to say that you discovered his secret or pheraps when he'll tell you it himself? By now your crush on Alastor has grown so much that you couldn't even look him in the eyes. Always blushing slightly when he's around. You've fallen for his charm.
You had all these fantasies and cravings when it came to him. If you didn't do anything about it you would just burst, so you decided to vent to your best friend.. You diary.
"Could you hold me through the night?"
"Put your lips all over my mine."
"Salty face when I start cryin'."
"Could you be my first time?"
"Eat me up like apple pie."
"Make me not wanna die."
"Love me rough and let me fly."
"Get me up, yeah, get me high."
"Tie me down, don't leave my side."
"Don't be a waste of my time."
Alastor really didn't mean to read it! You just left it open on your desk and curiosity got ahead of him. He really didn't mean to read you fantasies nor your secrets. What kind of gentleman was he?
Then the guilt hit him in the face, he really shouldn't be reading your private notebook. He should respect it, he should respect your privacy.
Alastor closed your diary, in a hurry, when he heard your footsteps getting closer. Quickly sitting on your bed, pretending to be interested with your room decor.
He saw the way you hide the notebook as soon as you saw it laying on your desk. After he asked you what it was you brushed it off quickly. He decided to keep it a secret, waiting for the right moment to confront you. However he was glad that his feelings were reciprocated..
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Soon you and your good friend, Alastor graduated highschool. You planned on going to college, however you were struggling with degree course and you didn't have any money.
Alastor, however had full scholarship. He worked hard through entire highschool to go to his dream university. You were so proud of him when you found out about determination.
You got a job at a local coffee shop, as a waitress. It took you a long time but you finally got your first job! Soon enough you moved out from your parents house and rented your own, small apartment.
At first it looked terrible; windows broken, wallpapers hanging off the wall, some of the panels of the floor were missing basically a whole disaster.
But somehow you managed to make it look quite cozy! Of course it took a long time and some financial help from your friend, Alastor. Obviously you told him that you didn't need any help, that you can manage on your own even though it was a lie, however he didn't take "no" as an answer.
You didn't want to admit it but you were extremely grateful for his help. Without him you wouldn't be where you stand right now. He was always so caring, kind and comforting you when you needed it. Such a gentleman..
-"Here's your order Mrs.Lraise. "- You said handling her the coffee and cake she ordered, from the plate with caution.
-"Ah thank you darlin'!" She said not being able to read your name out of the ID. "You're such a sweetheart. "
-"I'm just doing my job." You said before walking away to continue your job. Putting the plate away you heard a familiar voice calling you. You turned around and your eyes were met with the familiar mesmerising chocolatey eyes.
-"Dear, I'm ready to take my order" Alastor stated now putting the menu back on the table. You walked up to him, taking your notepad with the pen from your pocket.
-"Proceed"- In that moment his angelic voice was taking his order. Black coffee with no sugar nor milk, as always. Of course you remembered him order, he was a regular and was your best of the bestest friends.
-"You know i didn't saw you come in." It was a lie, even in this busy cafe your working at you could feel his presence. Your eyes met his as you write his usual on your notepad. -" I'd recommend our new cheese cake, it tastes amazing."
-"Well I can't blame you, I can tell you're quite busy at the moment." He stopped to fix his glasses. -"And thanks but you know I'm not a big fan of sweets."
-"And you know that's our policy to reccoment new things." You chuckled quietly, taking your leave as you heard other, this time unfamiliar voices calling out to you. -"Your coofee soon will be with you, sir."
At the end of your shift you waited patiently for Alastor to come and pick you up. He suggested that, knowing that you end your shift after the sun dissapered. It was quite cute of him. Caring about you like that..
You didn't really want to admit it but your feelings for your childhood best friend never faltered. You knew that woman was basically hanging and fuming all over him and you couldn't bare it. He was a popular radio host, you knew that but oh the jealousy was rising more and more.
Your deep thoughts were interrupted by familiar footsteps and soft humming coming in your directions. You looked up to be met with his soft grin.
-"What's a such a buetiful lady doing alone, at this hour?" Alastor joked around, offering you his hand to hold onto which you gladly accepted. You thought for a moment as you started walking.
-"I don't know, waiting for someone to kidnapp me? Or pheraps waiting for my prince in the shining armour." You decided to play along, chuckling softly. "Is that so?" You heard him mutter. The next thing you knew is that the rest of the walk was surrounded by comfortable silence.
After some minutes of walking, you finally arrived next to your house.
-"You know you didn't really need to walk me home, Alastor." You smiled at him. -"I could manage on my own." You both stopped in front of your front door.
-"Oh please, dear.."- He chuckled. -"I wouldn't want someone ruining this pretty face of yours." He took your hand in his, kissing your knuckled lightly. You blushed slightly at the gesture, not sure if it was noticeable in the moonlight. You both said your goodbyes after that, him leaving you speechless with his charming words and gestures.
You opened your frontdoor, seeing your adorable sleeping cat, Sophia. You were extra careful not to wake her up since she was sleeping on the front mat. Deciding to leave her be, you waddled into your kitchen, wanting something to eat.
Your mind wandering to the events that just happened. You thought carefully about every word Alastor said and then you realized. Almost fainting, your face turned red. "Oh my... Has he called me pretty and buetiful in the same day?"
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parkerrogersgirl · 10 months
300 Awkward Blind Dates Later...
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: You go on a blind date on your birthday so you don't have to spend it alone, but it ends up going better than you expected.
A/N: Hey friends! This is a little birthday drabble for my buddy @roosterforme. Thank you for being such a help and inspiration, you're the best!
Warnings: fluff, maybe swearing, a whole lot of sweetness so book your dentist ASAP, allusions to smut (bc I can't help myself), spice
Word Count: 2,617
You take a deep breath and fix your hair in your rear view mirror. You look down at your dress and check your phone one last time. You'd thought your ex would at least act like he cared that it was your birthday. He wanted you back, and yet he couldn't be bothered to text you on your birthday. So, that's why you were on a blind date on your birthday.
You put your phone away and walk into the restaurant, sitting at the bar. The bartender immediately comes over and you order a soda, presuming this date won't last long enough for you to finish any alcohol.
Once you have your soda, you let yourself relax a little bit. You let yourself get lost in the bustle of the bar at happy hour. That is until you hear a voice startle you out of your daze.
"Excuse me? Do you mind if I sit here, ma'am?"
You snap your head to your left to see the hottest man God has ever created. He has curly brown hair and a gorgeous mustache to match. He's got chocolate brown eyes that you could easily see yourself getting lost in-
"Oh! Yeah, sure." You turn to look at the clock to see that your date is 40 minutes late. You pull out your phone and see that your date had cancelled because you didn't sound like his "type," and he didn't want to waste your time. "I've been stood up, apparently, so I should probably go anyway."
The stranger frowns and takes the seat next to yours, "well, apparently it's a blind date."
"How'd you know that?"
He smirks, "if he knew what you look like, he wouldn't have stood you up. You're perfect."
You blush and as the bartender takes the stranger's order, you ask her for a refill on your soda. Before you can take your card out of your wallet to pay out, a rough hand covers yours.
"You can add it to my tab. Both of the drinks." You look up and meet his incredible eyes.
"Are you sure? You don't even know my name."
He laughs and turns your hand over to shake it, "well, I'm Bradley. Bradley Bradshaw. And you are?"
You introduce yourself, and you notice that although you're not shaking hands, neither of you have let go. There's something... right about how his hand feels on yours. It feels like you're home. You subtly roll your eyes at yourself before dropping his hand.
"Well, Bradley, why do you insist on paying for my drinks?"
He grins, putting his arm around the back of your chair, "well, miss Y/N, my mom always told me to pay for a lady's drinks on a date."
"You're awfully bold to assume this is a date," you raise your glass to your lips, smirking at him over the top.
"You were already here on a date. It's not my fault I had to step into that clown's shoes. I'm just taking a shot."
"And if I said this wasn't a date?"
"Well, I would be crushed. I think you're great. You're funny, you're hot, although we do have to have a talk about stranger danger."
You scoot your stool closer to him and start drawing circles on his leg with your finger. The second your fingertip touches him, you feel him tense up and you smile softly, "I'm hot?"
He leans in closer so his lips are almost touching your ear, "baby you're the hottest person in the whole damn bar. As soon as I saw you, you were all that mattered. Especially because I would really, really like to see you again. Tonight. In my bedroom. Preferably under me. "
You bite your lip and stand, heading for the door. You go out and stand next to your car around the corner and wait. Not even 30 minutes later, you hear the restaurant door open and close, followed by footsteps on the concrete. Bradley turns the corner speeds up, jogging toward you.
You open your mouth to speak, but before you can ask Bradley to follow you home, his arms are around you and his mouth is on yours. You moan into the kiss and back up against your car, letting your lips dance with his. His lips were coarse, but in the best way, where it feels like static electricity.
He pulls away and immediately blurts out, "do you want to come home with me?"
"Let's go. I'll come get my car tomorrow."
"No, we'll come get your car tomorrow. I don't plan on letting you go."
@my-emotional-self @thankyouforanonymity @supernaturaldean67 @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @princess76179 @srgntjbarnes @jcc04220 @ilovethefandomwho-blog @a-tale-of-two-comics @p-parkerrr-blog @magellan-88 @healojane @mizz-kraziii @lostinspace33 @esther-maslow-90 @astheskycries @kunaikunari @turningtoclown
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AITA for putting less effort into food if I know the person who eats it wouldn't appreciate/finish it anyway?
I like to cook, especially for people I like. And there's not many people I like. One of them is my bf, who basically never has the energy to cook for himself, and who I was initially excited to cook for when he moved in. But it turns out he has little appetite period, and he eats so slow that his food always gets cold (or melts if it was cold to begin with), and he literally doesn't care at all. Like, he'll drink melted ice cream and eat room-temperature soup, is how little he cares. And regardless of how much quality remains in the meal, he's basically never ever able to finish it. He always has to-go boxes when we go out to eat and I have to remind him that he has them or else he completely forgets.
Basically there's a lot of food waste that's inevitable with him for adhd reasons (which I understand!) and he has really insensitive taste buds (I also know it's not his fault) that make cooking for him very... not satisfying. And also objectively wasteful. So if there's shortcuts that I can take that I maybe wouldn't take with my own food but it's not gonna make it dangerous to eat or anything, I do it. I know he won't know the difference or care.
Recently I mentioned to a family member how I did this because I was also saying how I don't waste the good water on my little sister who's a toddler and whose water is always mixed with juice anyway. They were appalled and I tried to explain that the tap water isn't gonna make her sick, it's just not to our tastes because we're used to a specific minerality, meanwhile my sister literally does not know any difference. It's extra time and money to go fill up our water jugs with the "purified" stuff, so I'm just being efficient by not using it if I don't need to.
That explanation didn't make that family member calm down at all; they told me I was treating my sister "like a dog." (Personally I don't think that there's a specific different treatment that humans and dogs "deserve" or anything either but whatever.) This is where I went on to say that it wasn't like I had anything against my sister bc I do this with my own boyfriend too, and it's just a matter of being efficient and not putting extra effort where it doesn't matter and won't be noticed. Like, you're not gonna waste the $200 vodka on a cocktail, right? No. If you're mixing it with a bunch of juice and whatnot you use the bottom shelf stuff. It turns out the same.
You can probably guess that that still didn't help. They're insistent I'm like a psychopath or something for being like this. I think the explanation makes it make perfect sense though. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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phantaloon · 9 months
okay okay im finally finished with both eps and here's my genuine opinion
the cast is 10/10, every single one of these kids knows exactly what they're doing and WHO they are, i can't imagine anyone playing each character better than them
the slight change in Sally and gabe's dynamic gave me a bit of whiplash at first, but the second time watching it, i kinda really dig it better than the books
the way they're portraying percy's feelings of inadequacy and the whole "i know I'm broken, i don't need you to make up stories for me"? fucking devastating, but it fits so fucking well (i can't remember if this is shown as deeply as it's shown here)
sally jackson is the most badass mfer and i fucking love her she is the godly parent fuck poseidon
it's been said before but sally calling percy perseus when she wants him to listen >>>
LOVED how they gave us the impression of percy having riptide while facing the minotaur, only for them to take it away (not really but percy didn't know that) and having percy face the minotaur book style rather than movie style
i am fucking loving the way they're doing percy's rage, like maybe it's bc i don't remember it as clearly in the books, but it's so raw, and walker does an amazing job portraying it, but the whole part where he offers food (a thing meant to be for gods) to SALLY, king behavior fr, and that monolog about making his father see them?? actual goosebumps
leah does such an amazing job portraying annabeth's indifference and apparent arrogance, i can't explain how much i love her, like she does it so subtly, it's just little gestures, but she IS annabeth chase (this felt especially cooler after seeing her in interviews, where she's actually really shy irl)
im not going to lie here, and like im sure it was done on purpose anyway, but i am feeling it kinda rushed, and I get it really! they won't waste time in the many chapters spent during camp introducing the world to us, when they've got few episodes, and the whole quest to showcase instead, but like, i would have loved to see percy training with luke (and besting him) and annabeth showing percy around camp (second time we've missed that) and idk just some fun little details, but like i said, i understand why they HAD to rush the intro, so I'm not upset about it or disappointed, just smth to notice
having said that, i really did love the bit of luke guiding percy through several activities trying to figure out his "calling", the callback to percy's horrible archery skills is 10/10
annabeth's yankees cap is fr a yankees cap and im crying
i nearly forgot, but im loving the nightmare sequences, i love how they're keeping the "voice" so faceless and shapeless, but just a light in the darkness of a nightmare, and really it's a great figure, bc a light in a nightmare is usually a good thing, it's the thing you run towards, and it's usually smth that helps you, but here, the light in the darkness is anything but good (quite literally) and he literally taunts percy, and fuels his fear and bitterness, and ugh I love it
the whole capture the flag sequence is 10/10 as well, i can't explain how much this healed me, just like annabeth leaving percy to be bored to death on his own, when she was right there, the transition between luke's "percy's got this" and percy doing the fucking floss dance? cinematic masterpiece, and like the fight sequence was really well done and crafted much much better than many others that rely on slow mo or weird angles, like the fight with clarisse and her spear was gold
dior's scream as percy breaks clarisse's spear alone deserves an emmy
leah portrays annabeth so effortlessly and naturally, I've said it before but i love her
i got like 10 seconds of annabeth interacting with percy and i can already see them together forever ahdjdj
overall 10/10 will rewatch again and again and again bc I'm in fucking love even if it does feel a bit rushed at times and there was the same lack of the hellhound as the movie
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ghostcathedrals · 10 months
daddy issues toji whom you've bought lunch for because apparently him asking you to buy him lunch wasn't a joke. by a weird coincidence, you crossed the street when you saw him on your way to eat lunch during your 3-hour free time before your next class and then ofc he wouldn't reject your offer bc hey free food
the restaurant you're eating at has mostly glass pane for walls, so you have enough natural light when you study after eating. your table is big enough so it's not cramped when you're eating and studying. he steals your textbook away from your grasp bc apparently you look weird staring at your book while studying and your posture is very depressing. he's scooping food for himself while skimming through the semi-glossy pages of your textbook because he isnt that interested in reading all that shit in a ridiculously small font.
you finish eating ahead of him. "dunno why i'm still reading thick books like that when i'll amount to nothing anyway."
"you will amount to something."
"i won't."
"then you won't," he bluntly replies, skimming through your notes because somehow it's entertaining to him why you also write in ridiculously small font. "pessimism got me nowhere. besides, you're still reading this dumb book with small font. if you won't amount to nothing then you would've decided to drop out."
touché. perhaps his experience told him that. and maybe while you're still there, you shouldn't waste your opportunity like him. but he doesn't regret dropping out, it's just that his life path now would be extremely different from before. what he said rendered you silent.
but then he shuts your notebook and takes his last sip from the glass of cold water next to his empty plates. then stands up. "gotta go kid. gotta fix cars of ungrateful rich people." you look up at him, slightly dumbfounded, because you don't want him to leave so soon. you don't want to be alone for the next 1.5 hours. you guys barely talked because you were both busy eating. but you also know he has a life and you don't know him enough to demand more time with him.
what you do remember is this:
you asked him his age. "twenty-seven." you tell yours. "twenty-two."
the university he dropped out from is your university now. he didn't say anything but he did say his family hated him for dropping out esp because he's got potential and his father is current big boss of their family's business. since then, they never cared about him anymore. that's all he said and continued eating.
you asked why he's a fushiguro now and not a zen'in. he shrugged. "for the vibes." but that also meant because he didn't want to be associated with them anymore.
there's also this:
"my father left me because he said he's tired of playing the father figure as if our entire life was just a sitcom to him that he could just exit from," you told him.
he flipped a page, not looking up to face you. "i didn't ask."
rude?! you frowned. "excuse me?"
toji then looked up and even if it was merely just eye contact, you felt your gut twist. "i didn't ask you to say that type of stuff. it's personal and we barely know each other."
"you told me about your family," you retorted.
he scoffed. "because i have a habit of talking shit about them. 'bit refreshing." then he leaned back on his chair, hands on the back of his head. "and i don't care about whatever you'll do with that information."
"then that goes with my decision to open up, too."
he pressed his lips together for a brief moment and lean back closer to the table. "you're wasting your time. i dont give a fuck about what will happen about me if i share that much. you've still something for you, kid. don't trust strangers too much."
"you're not a stranger to me anymore."
"yeah?" he sarcastically smiles. "and what if i steal your shit when you go to the restroom and sell them online?"
you crossed your arms. "then i'll go to the restroom." you did without a second thought and didn't even let him react. you put your hands on the corners of the sink nervously. if he would steal your shit, then goddammit. but you were too tired for anything. same old academic burden, same old messy apartment. same old deadbeat father, same old careless mother.
with all the courage you had left, you went out of the restroom, only to see none of your shit taken and he's just reading your notes. "you can't just test someone's vanity like that, kid."
"if you're gonna be a fucking scum then, can't you just do it now just like every pther guy, just like my father?"
and before he stood up to refill his water, he replied with, "don't have the evil to do that to you, kid. i'd be fine with getting free food from you when you cry like a baby in the middle of the night."
and now he's leaving.
"do you wanna hang out again some other time?"
since he's standing up and you're sitting down. he looks down at you and ruffles your hair. "you don't deserve that. go back to your campus and study there."
as he exits the restaurant, you bite your lip in slight frustration. "he can't tell me what i deserve and what i don't."
this is gonna be a whole ass series atp.... would anybody be interested with a playlist for this
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rosy6maple6mothman6 · 5 months
So I just finished xiaolin showdown: I wanna talk about it. Spoilers.
I really liked the show! I knew I would thanks to childhood memories of it but I think it holds up alright even today! Imma break it down in what I Did like and what I Didn't like (I think Imma make a different post talking about the Wu). This is longer than I thought it would be. I'm sorry.
What I liked
The Wu themselves, love me magic shit even if they get repetitive at times(fr there are like 4 that just give the power to fly).
I fucking love Jack Spicer and Clay Bailey. They are my boys do you hear me! Love how Jack just won't quit and how Clay is just so painfully Texas. My bois
Love the magic in general! How all die of the main characters get to master their element and get special weapons and gear to help. Wish there was more time to flush all of it out tho ,but hey what can you do(other than post head canons).
Dojo Kanojo Cho
Just his name is fucking amazing, and I did like some of his jokes
And his powers were cool! I wish we could have seen the limits of his shapeshifting powers.
I did like wuya and wish we could have seen her do more witchy things.
Chase Young was also very cool.
I also like panda bubba's design and I kinda wish there was more of him. I wanna do things to him DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT
I already said this BUT I just love how all of them got individual weapons that I don't think were Shen Gong Wu? I think.
Master fung and dojo... Had a very odd relationship. I'm 90% sure they were at least fucking by how dojo acted when he went to a different temple and after that it was just very. Weird.nit Bad weird but still.
Wish we could have seen more of their families. kimono's dad was fucking adorable. I want to fuck her dad
Also Love le mime!!! I also wanna fuck him, I am not taking. criticism at this time
I also liked Jermaine and wish he could have been able to join fully or show up more.
Over all love this show.
What I didn't like
How they treated Jack. Idk man I just thought it was weird how the heros tournamented him so much? Like ya he's a ass but like, y'all are the heros why are you acting borderline worse than him???
I also kinda wish he could have officially joined the xiaolin side, I feel like they alluded to him switching multiple times but then he never does and I think that was a waste.
Idk dude he deserved betted
Also didn't like how he started out at Least semi competent but then just became a pathetic joke? And not even fuc pathetic. He's not a wet dog he's just pathetic.
I wish we could have seen Raimundo's family if not just a sibling or his parents, just something.
Fuck Clay's dad. Not in a hot way. I hate him.
Omi had such an ego. Like dude, please stop.
I really wish we could have seen more of Fung and Omi's relationship. I kinda wish it was more father and son rather than teacher and student since it seems like Omi lived there his entire life.
I also wish we saw more of Fung being badass. I feel there was a lack of that.
I'll say it again, there are a bunch of shen gong wu that kinda just repeat? And some Wu that don't seem like they should be categorize as Wu? Idk I'll make a different post about it bc there a lot to say.
Le mime was cool and I want to know more about him.
I want to know more about almost everyone honestly.
Give Me Their Backstories. Please
This is all I can think of ATM. I'll add more later probably.
Thank you if you made it down here. Let me know what's your fav and least fav about xs.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
omg step up dance movie my beloved. And you're so right, the dynamic of rich snooty ballet dancer and not rich hip hop dancer from "the wrong side of the tracks" is so dream/hob. the hip hop dancer character feels like it fits hob so well too bc it's like. The feeling and expression of self in hip hop is... Very different from the strict rules and standards of ballet. Hob doesn't hate ballet, but he didn't grow up with it, not being from a particularly wealthy background. And he does feel hip hop is a superior form of dance in that it is so much more... Free. And honest and raw and real. Less tense over rehearsed painful movements and more flowing authentic and human.
Dream however. He could not disagree more. He doesn't even consider "hip hop" or "street" dancing as real dancing. Real dancing is practised, incredibly difficult routines and strict schedules (not just around rehearsing but eating too). Real dance is something you devote your whole life to, not something you do for fun in your free time (whatever that is) with your friends (another concept dream isn't very familiar with). Has he actually deigned to watch any hip hop dance? Don't be silly, he doesn't have time to waste on something so frivolous.
Dream turned up early (as usual) for practise before classes and scheduled rehearsal time. He assumed the studio would be empty as it usually was at this hour, however walking down the hall the sound of ... Heavy bass and a seductive rhythm with lyrics to match spilled out from his studio (okay it's technically not his but no one else uses it nearly as much as him so it might as well be) down the corridor. Dream slows down, curious, if a little annoyed, that his early morning extra practice was going to be delayed in the least. When he gets to the door what he sees stops him dead and makes his mouth fall open. What this man is doing with his body is... Unholy to say the least but dream can also appreciate the muscle control and timing displayed here from a technical stand point. Of course he isn't observing for any other reason. Not bc the way this man's hips move is hypnotic and quite frankly down right sinful. Dream becomes aware that he's staring and has inexplicably started to grow hard, which his legging do very little to conceal.
Anyway pretty please share anything that dreamling step up makes you think of !!! I would be forever grateful 🙏💞
Absolutely love this. I'm imagining that Hob notices that Dream is there and the two of them immediately get into an argument about who booked the studio to use, which devolves into Dream saying "your dance form is ridiculous and foolish so you should just give me the studio" and Hob is like??? WHAT??? He can't believe anyone would be so rude but he's got to fight back. He tells Dream that ballet isn't even that hard, anyone can do it if they're rich enough.
Dream runs at Hob, intending to demonstrate that Hob won't even be able to catch him - let alone do a lift. But he's very surprised when Hob grabs him by the hips and effortlessly shifts him into a fucking angel lift.
Dream is unmistakably hard and blushing. Hob is like "You shouldn't have done that, you didn't know that I wouldn't drop you" and Dream can't even SPEAK. He decides to graciously allow Hob to finish his practice session (while he sneakily watches from the side of the studio). Hob keeps smirking him in the mirror and Dream genuinely has to cross his legs to avoid being caught with a major boner in his leggings.
He later discovers that Hob has quite a big following online for his dance videos and tutorials. He stays up way too late (far out of his usual strict schedule) watching Hob dance. He is undeniably beautiful and talented but more than anything he looks so happy! He looks like he's enjoying himself, like he enjoys his own body and what he can do with it. He wears baggy track pants for most of his routines but Dream is still convinced that he's caught a glimpse of a very impressive bulge.
Not to mention that Hob occasionally dances shirtless... and that some of his videos are more thirst trap than dance...
So what can Dream do but show up at the same time next week to see Hob all over again? Hob seems pretty thrilled to see him, anyway. He even offers to share his breakfast (another big step outside of routine for Dream, who hasn't eaten a store bought pastry for... a very long time). And when Dream gets up to start his practice, Hob settles in to watch with a wink.
"You had an opportunity to thirst over me. Now I'm repaying the favour. I want you to show me why ballet is the superior form."
And Dream has never been able to resist a challenge...
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mifeeey · 5 months
during december last year i had... a mental health moment and suffered something psychosis like (not trying to self -diagnose) but let's just say generally i wasn't doing hot. while that was happening i started writing a fic and I want to share a snippet, just to see if there is interest in reading this... thing bc i think the concept is interesting, I'm just very nervous about how it would be received.
I probably won't finish it unless there is sufficient demand but I also think that letting this rot on my google docs would be a waste. But after you read the snippet pls vote
Here it goes:
Prometheus (Kazuscara)
(click keep reading for fic snippet)
[...] Scaramouche's eyes narrow ever so slightly as he studies the aged photograph. A surge of emotions, long suppressed and buried beneath layers of deception, momentarily flickers across his face. The younger version of himself stares back, frozen in time, a ghost of centuries past.
"Well, I'll be damned," Scaramouche mutters, his cool demeanor faltering for just a moment before he catches himself. "Quite the resemblance, I must say. Lucky coincidence, I suppose."
Kaedehara's gaze is intense, unwavering. "It's no coincidence, and you know it."
Scaramouche leans back in his chair, crossing his arms as he reasserts control over his emotions. "Look, kid, I don't know what fantasy world you're living in, but people don't live for centuries. It's just not possible."
“Yes it is!” the young man insists with a slight tremble in his voice, “That’s you in the picture, I know it is! I’ve been looking into this ever since I saw you in class for the first time, you keep popping up in so many pictures over multiple generations!”
Scaramouche leans forward, locking eyes with Kaedehara. The room feels like it's closing in, the air thick with tension. "Let's entertain this little fantasy of yours," he says, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone. "Suppose, just for a moment, that I am the person in that photograph. What does that mean to you?"
Kaedehara hesitates, as if choosing his words carefully. "It means you're not just some TA in a college. It means you're something more. Something that defies the natural order of life and death."
Scaramouche sighs, getting frustrated with not being able to stop this questioning. "And why would that matter to you, Mr. Kaedehara?”
Kaedehara takes a shaky breath, attempting to calm himself, “I-It has to be true. No, I need it to be true.”
The determination in Kaedehara's eyes is unsettling. Scaramouche has encountered curious mortals before, but this is different. The fervor in the young man's voice speaks volumes of something deeper than mere curiosity.
"You need it to be true?" Scaramouche repeats, masking his intrigue with a facade of disinterest. "And why is that, pray tell?"
Kaedehara's fingers tremble as he clutches the aged book, his gaze fixed on Scaramouche. "Because if it's true... Y-You might be able to help me.”
Scaramouche finally takes his shades off, raising an eyebrow at Kaedehara, “Help you?”
The young student nods, “There is… something wrong with me. I don’t know when and how this happened but… I don’t think I can die. I-In fact I can’t be permanently damaged at all.”
Summary I wrote:
Scaramouche has lived for centuries, cursed by his nature and his creator to wander the mortal realm, plagued by a perpetual beast like hunger for the flesh and blood of the humans surrounding him.
There is no sense in getting attached, they are all just short lived sources of sustenance for an immortal like him.
That is until one of Scaramouche’s students cuts off two of his own fingers before his eyes and grows them back immediately.
Two immortals killing each other slowly. This is a love story.
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whimsicalcotton · 3 months
apf 20 :O
20 - on a scar
so i ended up setting this somewhere vaguely in the polluted marrow-verse bc How Could I Not w that prompt combo <3
CW for some talk of self-harm
Max won't stop giving her this look.
Chloe's grown used to the weight of her wide-eyed stare — well, sort of — but this feels somehow different. Heavier, hesitant. 
It started midway through their trip. Rachel had called a little earlier in the evening, waxing poetic about her long day and asking if they wanted to pick her up and head out for a bit to de-stress. So Chloe hopped in the truck with Max in tow, and after rescuing Rachel from the dungeon known as Blackwell's dormitories, they’d decided that then was as good a time as any to introduce Max to their tradition of impromptu midnight picnics. One stop at the convenience store and several bags of sweets later, they’ve all settled down in the flatbed, half huddled together and watching the stars between bites. 
Rachel's hoarding a bag of skittles and spinning a tale of Andromeda’s chains when Max starts shivering. Chloe interrupts to ask if they want to head back and is shot down in short order by two different pouts and a dramatic whine of, “No way, I'm just getting to the good part.” So instead she squirms out of her jacket and insists on handing it off to Max, hoping it still carries a bit of residual heat. 
That's when Max starts looking. Bushy little brows upturned in quiet concern, moving to absentmindedly fidget with the jacket collar. It’s something Chloe has come to recognize as a mark of overthinking, a sign that Max is worrying far too much about something more than likely out of her control. 
“Yo, Mad Max,” Chloe calls over to her as Rachel finishes. “C’mere.” She shifts a bit and motions in invitation for Max to come snuggle up to her. Max wastes no time making good on the offer. “What’s with the sad puppy eyes? Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Rachel moves a little closer too, leans into Chloe’s other side. “I think,” she murmurs, reaching down to run her fingertips over a patch of raised skin on the inside of Chloe’s forearm, feather-light. “She’s worried about these. Am I right?”
Max nods, timid and tentative.
Chloe forgets about her scars, sometimes. She’s used to them. Used to covering them up without a second thought, used to glancing them over, used to ignoring them for the sake of surviving a hot summer day. A good chunk of them are even hidden amidst her tattoo at this point, and she’s learned to ignore what few remain in the open. By now they’ve grown pale and thick with age, not having seen the returning glint of a sharp edge in a long while. Which is a good thing, she supposes; even if their discoloration and visible shift in texture make them almost as easy to spot as when they were fresh. 
“Oh.” She swallows hard, takes a sudden interest in examining the scuffs of her boots. “Don’t stress yourself out about it, Max. They’re getting pretty old. No worries, yeah?”
But Max remains unconvinced. She nestles herself further into Chloe, holds the girl's arm in both of hers and hides her face in the crook of her neck. “M’sorry,” she whispers, half lost to the dark.
Before Chloe can even think of an adequate reassurance, Rachel answers for her.
“Hey, it’s okay,” she offers with a soft smile. “I took care of them.” She turns up to Chloe again, donning a slightly more unimpressed expression. “Most of them. When you’d let me, anyways.”
“Oi, I don’t think now is the time for petty technicals.”
“What, like she doesn’t already know how stubborn you can be?” Rachel counters in a lighthearted scoff. She laces their fingers together, gives Chloe’s hand a gentle squeeze. “My point is, you weren’t dealing with it alone. You had me looking after you.” 
They're quiet, for a minute or two, before Max finds her voice. “G-Good,” she says, emerging from her hiding place just long enough to pull back and nuzzle into Chloe’s shoulder. She presses a soft, cottony kiss to one of the less visible scars lurking amongst curls of inky thorn and ribbon. Then another, then another. “Thank you.”
Chloe bites back a shiver of her own.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 months
Tumblr media
El WooWoo! Hello everyone and thanks @artsyunderstudy, @wellbelesbian, @larkral, @bitbybitwrites, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @blackberrysummerblog and @that-disabled-princess for the tags or tag backs.
I'm still barely online, not because I'm in Bali but because I am deep in Persona 4 Golden and I am gaming a lot. I'm finally about to confront The Culprit. It's been a long 45 hours and I know there's a lot more gameplay AFTER this. Also, tonight I'm doing something incredibly fun and queer, so yay!
Re: writing, I am planning on checking if I want to change anything in my submission for the @klainefanzine2025. It's luckily only 2K words, so it hopefully won't take ages, but I also wanna check it multiple times before submitting, cause you always miss SOME typos, you know? And then there's Ljubili se... which isn't being written and I have started to wonder if I should've started this fic in the first place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Like, Ljubim te was finished. Is this a "die a hero, live long enough to become a villain" thing? Or am I just stuck? I just am constantly stuck on what the fuck Kurt is doing in this story. Ah well. I hope (hope!) to have it finished before the next Advent/Whatever comes around, if it comes around.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @cutestkilla ​ @facewithoutheart ​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites @whatevertheweather @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @nightimedreamersghost @ivelovedhimthroughworse @thnxforknowingme
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poomphuripan · 4 months
i'm not watching my stand in buuut i did start the first episode and then decided just to wait until the series all airs before actually watching it so i can binge it.
i'm sure i'm the only one who noticed this or even really cares... when joe was strapped onto that motorbike in the first ep., the bike itself wasn't strapped either so that production team knew full and well that the bike was going to go off that cliff and be lost in the jungle forever. and that's just really shitty, that thing won't biodegrade. it's going to just stay in that jungle, probably harming trees and wildlife on the way down.
the bike should have also had a strap because what if they needed to reshoot the scene? then they're just going to let bike after bike fall off that cliff? that's a lot of money they're wasting on letting bikes go... so maybe it was supposed to be strapped in? i know ming had something to do with joe's death, so says... the director dude from gif sets i've seen. so maybe he also had something to do with the bike not being strapped as well? i don't think he WANTED joe to die, he just wanted to end his career.
i also don't think joe's dead (i'm delulu, for real bc that fall was fucking huge). they're gonna pull some chains of heart shit and keep him alive. maybe the trees broke/slowed down his fall, maybe he fell into a body of water down there that we can't see because of the trees and somebody down there found him all broken and bruised and nursed him back to health. new joe's soul is in old joe's body and/or he's got amnesia or something so he doesn't know what happened, where to go, what to do, etc.
idk i just have a feeling old joe's body is still alive and it's inhabited by new joe's soul.
hi nonnie 👋
you're so much stronger than the rest of us 😂 well, i won't spoil it for your better viewing experience but i do think you'll have a great time watching the rest of my stand-in in one go.
one thing i will say though, i do think regardless of whether joe 2.0's soul is alive or not, the story (at least the novel) does very well the job of trying to depict ming's loyalty/devotion/love? for joe 1.0's soul/the person inside the vessel that is joe 2.0's body. i really like how the novel does it and with how faithful the series has been so far to the novel, i'm sure the series will stay on the same page.
i think... one should not go into this thinking too much about the logistics of the fantasy element because it's not bodyswap story, it's a transmigration story (as expained by @ineffable-opinions)
i hope you enjoy binge watching my stand-in once it's finished airing \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 28: Drips and Drops 
Blood Play [Brian Thomas X GN!AfabReader] 
[Warnings: knives, unsanitary in general, rough sex, MINORS DNI]
[AN:  well. This is what it looks like. I'm also not,,, physically feeling well?? My stomach is not having it, but only hot ppl seem to have stomach problems *eyeroll* /jk Don't know the word count bc I wrote it here on tumblr this time!!.]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Kinktober Masterlist
Brian's index finger moves along blade of his pocket knife before he slips it back to a fold, letting the metal go back to its hiding place. There's a small smirk on his lips from how he's marked you. Carved into your skin are the words 'mine' and 'property of Brian', alongside a few hearts and other miscellaneous words and doodles of his cutting love. He runs his fingers over the cuts, watching as you wince.
"How are you feeling?" He asks softly as he lets the blood coat his fingertips.
You shakily sigh and nod your face into the mattress. "I'm okay," you say. Not believing you've convinced him, you turn your head to the side and over your shoulder. "I promise, I'm doing alright." The cuts he left were more akin to somewhat deeper cat scratches, and they sting whenever his warm breath fans over them, but you take the pain in a stride. He left those there because he loves you.
He hums softly and pulls his fingers from your back. "Guess you won't mind if I..." he trails off slightly as he pumps his cock, painting it with your blood and arousal. He drags the tip along your hole's opening and dreamily sighs out. "If I touch you like this." He barely finishes the sentence before pushing slowly inside of you.
You grip into the edges of the bed as you arch your back in just the right way, letting your ass hang high in the air for him. You softly moan as you feel him press deeper and deeper inside of you. You feel all too aware of the way your blood drips in thin lines before balling at the ends. You don't care how it rolls down your ribcage and falls to the towels like drops of crimson rain.
Brian doesn't waste any time. He grunts before swinging his hips back and then pushing back into you, thrust after thrust, he works up a quick speed. "Fuck," he hisses. "You're so fucking tight and all I've done was make you bleed." He reaches his hands around to your waist and squeezes. Pulling you back on his hips, it's almost as if he's treating you like you're his own personal fleshlight.
You don't really mind the implication as it crosses your realm of thought. You moan aimlessly for him and bounce on his cock. He's not the thickest you've ever seen, but he is definitely the longest, and lucky for you, he knows how to use it. You squeeze your eyes shut as he shoves his cock even deeper inside of you. He's caressing you in all the right places, and it's getting harder and harder to hold on. Your thighs tense as you feel yourself growing closer and closer to your peak.
"Brian, oh gods, Brian," you cry out before letting another loud moan escape from your open lips. You shamelessly buck back to meet his thrusts. Your blood runs hot before some of it spills from your back. Your body feels like jell-o, really. He's fucking you so hard, you're certain to see stars soon. "I wanna-! Oh Brian, I'm gonna cum." You almost feel pathetic broadcasting your thoughts out to him but you know he'd punish you if you dared came with out his permission.
Brian rolls his hips up roughly and ruts deep inside of you. "Then do it," he breathlessly commands. He feels your hole tighten around him before you shudder, followed by the unmistakable pulse of someone who's just gained nearly impossible pleasure from him.
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icedmetaltea · 5 months
Welp I just found out I have $700 I have to pay before May 11 for school bc apparently I withdrew after the refund date. I've done that before and never had a fee so idk wtf happened but I made some calls and they said since it wasn't the end of the semester it wasn't even the full amount so it'd probably be higher...
I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. This is already after I got denied for ebt twice since I can't work so not only do I have to worry about feeding myself but now I have to worry about going into debt
I can't even begin trying to get on ssi til I can get set up with a doctor and even then I don't know if I'll be eligible bc mental illnesses from what I hear aren't usually "disabled" enough and even if I am it could take months for it to process- if it's even accepted
(tw for suicidal thought stuff)
Suicide is reaaaaaaally starting to feel like a viable option. I've been telling myself it's a permanent solution for a temporary problem but like... my problems aren't temporary. They just keep coming and they just keep getting bigger. Even if they pass, what do I have to live for? All my dreams have fallen through the cracks.
I would never be able to finish college (I'm never signing up for another college class so they can fuck me over again, that's for sure) and even if I did I have no real passions
I'm not strong or smart or attractive or talented. I'm just a burden, a waste of space, someone that will always rely on others... and my parents will die one day, they won't be able to pay for the apartment anymore, I'll go homeless (like maybe my sister could take me in but even she's on ebt these days, the economy is so fucked)
It's not like the world is going to get better anytime soon anyway... it's this or wait for climate change and/or capitalism to kill me off. My dad died of a heart attack mainly due to the stress of work, even if I somehow got my anxiety under control enough to work I'd probably die the same way. What's the point? To be a minimum wage slave the rest of my life? When half the population of my country hates me for being poor? Do you even know how many people don't even think anxiety is real???
Well the feeling of slowly being strangled almost every fucking is very fucking real to me, feeling my ribs clamp down on me, a glass pane in front of my eyes whenever I dissociate, it's gotten to the point where half the time these past few weeks I don't even feel like my body is my own. I talk and it feels distant and foreign.
So yea... rn I'm just trying to hold onto small things. Reading a couple nice books while I can. Listening to nice music while I can. Hanging out with my friends while I can. Because I think soon I may have to leave for good
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sahaias · 10 months
Finished Violetta season 3
Idk how to feel now that i have no content left to watch (outside of the reunion special and movie that I consider non-canon), this is my comfort show and to have it gone kinda sucks
I guess some thoughts on season 3 as a whole:
Still my least favorite season, but it wasn't bad like I remembered
Gery and Clement feel like such pointless additions who would've been better off being one-off antagonists for like 10 episodes at most.
The Milton plotline is genuinely so stupid and forgettable. Once he's gone at the halfway point and he's nonexistent, it feels like "why did we waste so much screentime on him?"
Vilu and Leon should've been together the whole season, facing barriers in their relationship but never breaking up. The season was at its best when they were together, and it's genuinely so fucking annoying that they were together for the longest amount of episodes in season 1 over season 2 and 3 when Tomas was still a thing.
Fuck the whole Roxy storyline, it was so aggrivating
The side couples' plots were kinda boring imo. I like Naty and Maxy but their storyline was a bit blah. Diego and Francesca have telenovela drama and then just kinda exist in the show it feels like. Broduey and Camilla's relationship was super boring imo.. I'm not very interested in Federico even if Ludmila was super interesting this season. And I don't even care the slightest about Gery x Clement, Pablo x I forgot her name (though Pablo deserves to be happy after losing Antonio), or Nicolas x Jade. All are actual screen waste imo
Angie and German are hard for me to root for bc he and Maria were together when she was a little girl? Even if she's like 30 in the present, the whole knowing her back then aspect ruins any interest in the relationship for me
I actually thought the Andres love doctor plotline was kinda funny, and it matches how so many queer people in my life are amazing at analyzing others' relationships but struggle with finding relationships themselves
Ludmila's development was definitely the highlight of the season, but I don't think it's enough to carry the season
The whole "new kids in the studio" plotline was cool for giving Maxi his career development story, but the characters were weird. It was weird how one of them was played by an actress in her 20s and was set up as Andres's love interest, only to suddenly leave, Meanwhile, the rest were just children who looked younger than the studio students we saw up until that point (being like 12-15 instead of 17-18)
The last few episodes felt so rushed through with a ton happening, which was annoying considering how much the conflicts dragged on throughout most of the season
The show is still my comfort show bc I love the characters (most of them) so much
I'll definitely watch Soy Luna soon, and I'm excited since it'll be my first time watching it. But it probably won't be until a while into 2024. I work 12 hours a day 4-5 days a week, and I think I'm going to watch stuff that's lower commitment for now. Plus, I have a massive game backlog. My free time is super limited
Thanks for reading my thoughts while I rewatched Violetta! I don't know what I'll post about moving forward (definitely Soy Luna but that might not be for a hot minute), but it was nice to interact with everyone! I hope we can continue!
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mugiwara--ya · 6 months
I've been applying to jobs like crazy for months and months and months and every interview feels like this time its finally gonna happen and when it doesn't i just feel this crushing fucking hopelessness and i try not to get discouraged and stay positive etc but. god.
right now im super sick and i took the day off to rest and i keep feeling guilty that im not using every waking second to look for a job. i feel like i should start taking commissions but i KNOW i cant commit to it. i could work on graphic design but they fucking kicked me out of school after nearly 2 goddamn years of them wasting my time so i dont even have a degree and i dont even want to look at my apps n tools most days bc of the sheer fucking burn out im in. i could post the tons n tons of finished art i got collecting dust on my folders and maybe maybe maybe get some tips from it but i simply cannot move past my anxiety so i just dont. i wanna do so much stuff but im paralyzed bc my absolute priority is to find a job that can get me out of here and i literally cannot think of anything else. i feel ungrateful all the goddamn time bc at least i dont have to worry about food bills and a roof over my head.
i am 28 years old and 100% dependent on my family. i don't and WON'T have a degree. i'm chronically ill. i've been on psych meds for about a year and while mentally ive literally never been better, i'm dealing with the consequences of 27 years of untreated adhd, undiagnosed autism, several mental illnesses, plus extremely fresh and violent trauma from the massive fires where i live and i keep fucking having nightmares and panic attacks over it and its been like two months and i'm so fucking tired. i have next to no work experience and my last "real" job was on 2015 so i have to bullshit my way through interviews and so far no one has fucking called me back.
im just complaining rn bc fuck its getting real fucking dark over here but rn im just worried sick about my partners. they're living together at the moment and they can barely get by. i already reblogged their donation posts and i'll make one linking to them just for idk reach or whatever so please if you read til here wait for that post to go up and please please please help them so at least i can have that peace of mind, if nothing else.
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