#bc I don't want shitty people engaging w/the post
milksnake-tea · 19 days
hey all !! normally i wouldn't engage in something like this on my blog, but considering that it's happening to a friend of mine, i felt i had an obligation to speak out. sorry for clogging up the tags/interrupting your scrolling 😭
tldr: @/hxveneru has stolen the works of my good friend @lowkeyren not once, but twice and is deleting any comments calling them out.
edit: they've changed their user to @/yneri; if you've blocked them already, this doesn't really matter bc they're still blocked :) reminder to not engage with them, they're just looking for attention. block and ignore!
i know. fun stuff. proof is under the cut.
please note that i'm doing this of my own accord, and the only involvement ren has had in this post is me asking for permission to post it since, well, it's an issue mainly affecting her.
also i should say beforehand but. don't ??? send them death threats please 😭 we are better than that. i'm mainly making this to spread awareness about the issue :)
reblogs are appreciated to spread awareness.
first stolen work is ren's oneshot "drunk words, sober thoughts!" for aventurine here.
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as you can see, it was posted on June 15th, a little over two months before hxveneru posted their own oneshot.
for reference. hxveneru is a new blog and all of their posts are in the month of september, proven here via their archive.
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and here's the two oneshots side by side, with ren's on the left and the stolen one on the right.
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notice how the oneshots are exactly word-for-word except for the title and synopsis? even the author's note is exactly the same. obviously i can't fit the whole thing here, but this should be enough.
honestly it's. i have to laugh at the audacity to just copy and paste like hello???
and here's the second work that was copied, with hxveneru's "diff scenarios w hsr men" taking from drabbles from two of ren's works.
these are the two fics that were stolen from, with their dates attached. both are posted far before september. links are here and here if you want to double check..
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now let's look at the drabbles that were - once again, copy and pasted. first is blade's, again with ren on the left and the stolen one on the right (ren's is circled bc they didn't take the hcs part).
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and here is the sunday drabble that was stolen.
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so far, those are the only works posted on their blog. i was also informed that they had apparently stolen from @/exuvianen's post here but deleted it, but since said post is deleted, we don't have evidence for that so take it with a grain of salt.
but yeah! just wanted to let yall know out there, especially since the plagiarized works have already gained some traction and have 100+ notes on them. i've talked about them vaguely on my blog before, so if this sounds familiar, yeah this is them.
plagiarism is shitty, i shouldn't have to say that. it is not that hard to just write your own stuff. i know validation and publicity make you feel good, but stealing someone else's hard work is not the way to go. writers already have enough to deal with. just don't do it. what's the point of getting validation if it's not even your work?
again, don't send death threats, please. that's a bit far, and they likely won't even do anything since the plagiarizer has already been called out before and this was their response.
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not a single ounce of remorse or shame. people have gotten way too comfortable on here.
also "who the hell is ren anyway" bestie you blocked her 😭😭 and ignored her ask to you. that's why ren can't dm her to sort it out privately btw, in case you were wondering.
anyways! that's all i have to say, thanks for sticking around this long and have a great rest of your day. hxveneru if you see this. hi ig ?? id say smth to you but i doubt you'd take it seriously so i won't <3
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iraprince · 1 year
Absolutely love the Infodump on Cookie she's so good. however!! I remember you made a trio of characters for this game and were torn about which one to play, then decided the other two could be his attendants.
How are those two, what are they up to?? Have you done much with them in the game so far? (And even if not, wanna give us some tastey information about 'em?)
oooh yes! those two are sir velvet the unsmiling (it/she), and damned-if-i-do/dandy (he/they). let's pull up their art (esp now that i have crispy clean new scans!!! i think i have only ever posted this art as shitty phone pics prior to this)
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ANYWAY. it turns out that even though attendants are a built-in part of the noble sweetheart playbook (cookie's title) and you're SUPPOSED to be using them... for me in practice, when i'm actually playing the game, i just keep totally forgetting lmfao!!!! :') rping with my other party members and chasing quests and stuff is so engaging that my brain is totally booked with just being cookie, let alone two additional npcs, so sadly dandy and velvet have not gotten a ton of screentime in the current campaign
BUT that really just makes me eager to one day play them properly in a different campaign, whether that's them each taking their turn as player characters like was originally intended, or when i'm GMing a campaign of my own (i'm trying to write up something for my friends, but i have no idea when it's actually gonna happen bc i'm so busy rip... but when i do, cookie and her attendants will def be npcs)
i honestly don't have MUCH i can say abt them, bc since i haven't played them much i also havent developed them much... i suppose i can give summaries tho!
in terms of vibes velvet is very much like, "guy who is brooding so hard that it stops being mysterious or having any gravity at all and is mostly just making people wonder if she's like? okay?????" like there is only so long you can spend with your back to the rest of the group clenching your fist and muttering to yourself before people just start kind of glossing over it and being like "oh haha that's CLASSIC sir velvet the unsmiling!!!"... mix this with a heady dose of "[nasal voice] UM, you forgot to collect the homework" and somehow you have created a creature ideal for wrangling cookie's effusive elaborate scatterbrained whims, somehow, most of the time. velvet is really similar to a different Brooding Goth Knight character i have wherein my formula is "make a character who looks extremely fucking sicknasty badass, then never ever ever stop making fun of them ever"
dandy is cookie's quartermaster, and so unlike velvet (who's usually assumed to be traveling around with cookie, even if i am constantly forgetting to roleplay that it's doing that) he mostly chills at chateau gorgeous looking after his liege's affairs and making sure the ppl who live there are fed + sheltered + generally taken care of. they are pretty much velvet's exact opposite in terms of temperament; EVERYTHING gets velvet's hackles up, NOTHING phases dandy. i need to be careful bc i am starting to arbitrarily ship them just from typing this. anyway, dandy is largely non-verbal; they're able to speak if really necessary, but they would just rather not, and if there's really no way around it they'd rather just sidle over to cookie and whisper it to her, and then let her communicate whatever they want to say to the rest of the group on their behalf; if cookie's not around, you're just gonna have to figure out how to communicate w him otherwise. which always works out fine bc dandy is very patient and used to getting along in silence!
that's about all i've got rn... i will def post it here if i come up with or draw anything else that's fun tho :) ty for the ask!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
like. i still wouldn't want someone to copy and paste my fics into a large language model like chatgpt but it's not so much bc i'm worried abt my work being stolen (seems unlikely that an LLM would spit back out my exact words considering how it works, and even if it did, i doubt any individual would be able to like. publish and profit from those words, based on the nebulous status of copyright law when it comes to LLMs like chatgpt. and having my words fed into the LLM really isn't going to make much of a difference when it comes to corporations profiting off the tool in the first place; plus in instances of corporate exploitation i think there are more effective ways to organize than like...arguing for strengthened ip laws or trying to like make ip laws for fanfiction spaces). it's more because i'm wary of what that says about how a person is like...approaching my fic specifically + fanfiction more broadly. in two main ways:
1. i think it is just. basic respect to check with a writer before u take their work off ao3(or whatever fanfic-specific place it's been shared) and put it somewhere else. and like, this applies to lots of things outside chatgpt--reposting fics to other sites, posting them on goodreads/storygraph, printing + binding fics, etc. if u are treating fanfic writers as people who u are in community with, who are generously sharing a gift with u, then it seems like basic kindness to check in and see if they're alright with u taking that fic outside the space it was posted to do something else with it.
with chatgpt and similar LLMs specifically, a lot of people are wary because there's still so much unsettled in regards to how copyright laws might shake out, and most people (myself included) are unsure of how/whether our writing/data might be stored and used by these corporations that own the LLMs. i don't think ai itself is something that should be mythologized as like ontologically evil technology, but anytime a corporation is introducing us to new tech like this we need to be wary of where it's coming from and how it could be used--people have already pointed out a lot of very serious issues with the way this technology is being developed and how it could/likely will be/already is being used exploitatively--which, again, is more a matter of organizing against corporations than railing against ai tech itself, but is still a valid reason for writers (again, myself included) to be wary of having their work fed to LLMs without permission.
and like. sure, u don't have to care abt writers' feelings + boundaries and can just take their stories and do whatever u want with them. but to me that says u aren't treating fanfic as a community space, but rather a content farm in which fics are products that u are entitled to do whatever u want with. and i just think that's shitty! and if that's how ur treating fanfic then i'd rather not have u reading my fic at all
2. i honestly think it's a strange way to engage w storytelling by treating endings this way. like. story endings are usually v important + intentional, and can completely change the entire tone, themes, messages, etc of a story. i understand going to the writer and asking them abt what they had in mind for the story ending if ur looking for closure, and i understand imagining ur own story ending or even writing ur own ending to an unfinished story. what i don't understand is plugging a story into chatgpt and having it spit an ending out for u.
and like. maybe this is bc we've all been calling these LLMs ai, which evokes an impression of like. a sentient robot creating something. but that's not what these programs do! the first article i linked explains how they actually work really well, but essentially--chatgpt and similar LLMs cannot create new ideas. they can't take a story and synthesize its themes or pick apart its tone to then come up with an original idea for an ending. at the same time, they aren't just plagiarism machines that are ripping text directly from other writers and spitting it back out.
instead (to my understanding), what they're doing is compressing vast amounts of information by running statisical analyses to just save the most common trends, patterns, recurring info, etc, and then plugging that in to fill the gaps. it looks like it's writing something new, but it's essentially just paraphrasing already-existing information pulled from the internet. so i'd imagine that if u fed an ai a fic and said "write an ending," the ai would basically compare the fic to whatever similar stories it has saved and then spit out an ending that is most commonly found on the internet for that type of story. [not an expert here tho--this is just my best guess based on the bit of research i've done].
my point is--you won't be getting a new ending inspired directly by the story u put in. you'll be getting a paraphrased version of the most commonly recurring type of ending for similar stories on the web. and i just....don't see how that would be satisfying in any way. it seems, again, like a way in which someone would be approaching fic like a product, something that needs to be finished + complete bc ur entitled to it, rather than viewing fic as a piece of art with its own unique themes, message, and story that can't just be plugged into a one-size-fits-most ending generator. and like, i'm trying to avoid mysticizing writing as some sort of ethereal art form that would be blasphemously degraded by having someone plug in a shitty ending paraphrased from a conglomeration of various similar stories--i don't think someone creating a shitty ending for a story is like. a horrible evil thing. but i can understand where the satisfaction is coming from if you're writing your own shitty ending, where you get to come up with where u think the story would go + where u get to synthesize the themes u picked up on etc. but ai isn't even doing that--so again, i don't understand where the satisfaction is coming from aside from just going "well every story i read needs to be finished," which. makes me wary bc it just feels like a completely different way to approach stories and storytelling than i would hope to find in fanfic spaces, one that treats fic less as a creative place to explore and more as a transactional space where u are entitled to products.
anyway. feel like my thoughts + feelings abt ai keep changing the more i learn abt it + i'm sure they could change again, but rn my impression of this whole situation is like. i find the fact that some people are plugging fics into LLMs less concerning re: ip + ownership rights, and i don't think it's useful to exaggerate or mythologize abt what ai actually does (i think even calling it ai has kind of misled a lot of people, myself included). what concerns me more is that plugging fics into LLMs to write endings feels symptomatic of a broader culture in which people treat fanfic as an informal profit economy in which fics are product or content that a consumer-audience is entitled to, and i think that sort of approach leads to a whole plethora of other issues + makes fandom a more hostile space.
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umm anything with leon being posted soon? or are you done with him? no im not going to commission you
if you're not going to commission me, then you'll have to wait and see if/when i finish something with leon in it. i have no set timeline because i do this as a hobby, not a job. i have some resident evil wips but i've felt pretty uninspired and unmotivated to write them. maybe if people cared to interact with my content outside of giving it likes and pestering me for more (without reblogging, commenting, etc.) or honestly, if people cared to interact with me as a person - because i feel like i get treated like a content machine sometimes and the only time people want to engage w me is to argue or to ask me when i'm going to give them more content/tell me what content they *don't* want me to write, then i'd be more motivated to write. right now, leon as a character puts a bad taste in my mouth bc the fandom has been so fucking shitty recently. and, that fucking sucks bc i love him as an RE protagonist - i was playing re2r this morning. i know you didn't want a rant, but here's your leon content!
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stonercow · 2 months
hi! ive been kind of lurking and i was just curious to ask a few questions to you since you are into fe*derism (feel free to ignore this if you aren't comfortable or miss any questions you don't want to answer)
do you consider there to be different types of fe*derism? if yes, what type do you engage with?
what are your thoughts on people posting fe*derism content on apps like tikt0k, y0utube or instagr@m where they are likely to be seen by people not in your community?
how do you feel about other we1ght contr0l k*nks? like fetishes for underweight people or very muscular people, doms who set up gym schedules for their subs or doms who otherwise control their subs diets? (consensually obvs)
do you think they are comparable to fe*derism? or that they should not be considered the same as a k*nk for gaining?
you call fe*derism a RACK k*nk so i was wondering about what you consider the risks of the lifestyle?
(censored words so this doesn't show up in searches if you don't want it to)
thank you in advance <3
hello dear anon!!! these are all wonderfully phrased and approached kindly so i am going to take the time to answer these best i can :3
1. yes, i 100% think there is different types of feederism content! i myself engage with the more lighter side of things (no death feederism, immobility, loss of independence, etc.) because i use this kink as a means of creating a better relationship with food and less about other things!
2. my thoughts vary on this matter, but i think if the people aren't deceptive about Who the content is for and it's labelled properly, all sw regardless of kinks should be able to have multiple platforms. i've seen so many hate videos from people about this kink (mainly for feeders) and it's very hurtful, misinformed, and spreads this shitty dynamic belief in feederism, so i get if people want to stick to the designated sw platforms for this content to avoid hate.
3. i think as long as both parties are 100% consenting (and proper research is done nutrition wise and workout wise) that any weight control kink is fine!! i myself struggle w remembering to take care of myself (like eating) so if i had a nice dom to cook me meals and create a lil mobility routine for me like goddamn yes where do i sign up??? /j
4. you know in Some senses i'd compare it to feederism bc there's a similar aspect to diet control and lifestyle control, but i know some people define "gaining" differently so it's a personal prefrence, but i think the Gain in both scenarios is different but it's still Gaining, yk? hard to put in to proper words but i hope that made sense haha
5. i think for feederism, esp as a feedee w physical disabilities already, there are lots of risks for the lifestyle in terms of what gaining weight can do to your mobility/joints and general health risks as a fat person. i've been considered obsese since i was a kid, and i've heard all the fatphobic rhetoric from doctors and doctors, but it's also good to please do research on what gaining fat can do to your body specifically and always take that into consideration. that's why i consider it a RACK kink because it all must be assessed risk wise and consented to!!!!!
once again thank you so much anon for these questions! i hope i answered them fine haha 🫶🏻
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theajaheira · 2 years
im loving your energy rn, for me it came a point where i just avoid interacting with fandoms as much as possible because of these kind of stuff, somehow in every fandom i go people always have the worst takes on poc and it gets tiring so fast. with robin and kennedy my only takeaway after watching was that it sucked that they were only in s7 bc that season sucks at character development and i wanted to get to know them better, but then i come to tumblr and everyone hates them?
excuse me for thinking that spike wearing nikki's coat is not the super badass empowering moment it was framed as or that robin's hatred of spike shouldnt have been brushed off the way it was
and the episode on ats where there's a demon feeding from hatred feels super hypocritical given the treatment both shows give to poc, why are they suddenly talking about racism? same with the thanksgiving episode, why are the racist writers writing about racism?
idk i just get upset and thats why i limit the amount of fandom blogs i follow
getting around to this a little late so sorry about that :') i sort of have had the benefit of being in a corner of the fandom that's very small, and a lot of the dialogue around jenny (her and giles being the only part of the show i'm invested in teasing apart) is generally very receptive to discussing the anti-romani stereotypes that she is saturated in.
and honestly it's just .... yeah! yeah. i think one of the hardest parts for me is to see people who i enjoy and respect and have had conversations with just completely stepping back from engagement with the parts of this that aren't fun to think about. my most beloved bonus mom pointed out, like ... of course it makes sense that a lot of white people are not going to want to have these conversations in their fandom escape from frustrating shitty real life stuff, or think about how messy and intrinsic racism is, but thing is, there are people of color here too (like me! i don't talk about it much because my relationship to my jewish/indian ethnicity is So Fucking Complicated and Y'all Don't Know Me Like That, but it's very much part of what's going on w me!) who also want to have a nice little fandom oasis and end up not being able to enjoy it when there's just Racist Weird Shit On The Walls.
i've seen a couple of posts that have made me think that maybe my takes have breached containment a little, but i don't know if anyone actually heard what i was saying. this goes well beyond just going "the show was racist sometimes and we never talk about it and we should talk more about the racist parts of the show in greater detail," this is "the way we as a community talk about characters we love in fandom needs to not incorporate racism." which is something i have seen so many times here from white fans regardless of ship or character. and which is so much harder to unlearn because it is a consistent corrective process and it isn't as simple as not saying slurs on the internet.
also, yes. i hate the thanksgiving episode. i cannot stand it. i am going to have to get to it at some point and grit my teeth because whenever btvs does race it does it very very very badly.
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v2is-baby · 1 year
hi! just wanted to mention bc idk how to show i empathize w/ ppl without anecdoting: when i was rlly into mcyt, i drew and posted a lot, and got like. maybe 1 ask every other month on average. i have friends that seem like they get 5+ asks a day. i have literally 0 idea what the issue is; i swear social media is a gamble. i highly doubt its a problem with you
anyways just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone, and side note bc i dont wanna make this entirely venty/serious: i literally fucking LOVE how you draw swordsmachine <3 i need to draw it myself LOL
I dont know, im not in a good place mentally lately anyways and health is getting worse, economy too, i cant afford my antidepressants anymore. I'm slowly, quietly, isolating myself. I haven't eaten real food in days and I stink, no shower in dAYS neither.
If i'm complaining about this is because i see my art friends getting asks, feeling all motivated and aw,, I really wanna feel that.
Whenever I draw i kind of feel bad because I notice instantly im once again doodling with the means of making money! It's been like this for many, many years, specially when I'm surrounded by people, specially my family, expecting me making money when I draw. The industry engraved that in my brain and I really wanna just doodle for fun, i want to post my shittiest doodles, my shitty grayscale shading, the low quality art and feel ok about it. I hate when my brain is like "holy shit this is so low quality now everybody think you're not capable of more"
just wanna go back to when I was 15-16 drawing for fun ffs in a fandom like a normal human being my art is ASS i fucking hate it lmao i wanna have fun
it surely is a me problem which is fine. I'm fine with that. Some people just don't look engaging enough.
this blog is an experiment! an attempt to heal how i feel about my art.
you should def draw swordsmachine and show me, it's a very fun character to draw because its so weird dshgbkdsf fucked up proportions and funni head! sexy wires also
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little-orphan-ant · 2 years
did you reblog the "!!" post?? either way. bites you. tell me about your ocs /lh
technically not this time BUT i have in the past so
hm. who to choose.
god for someone who constantly talks abt my ocs to random people on the street i have Very Few. uh
okay. we're talking abt AUGUST HARVEY ALEXANDER WILEY who is the little brother of Hal who i talked abt here mostly bc i need to flesh out his character more akljkfks
k so!!
August, mostly known as Auggie, Augs, or Young (bc hes the youngest in his family) is the second son and fifth child of Henry Peter Alexander Wiley III, a wealthy New York lawyer, and his wife, Harriet
he was born April 12, 1860, the same day the American Civil War was declared
literally No One was expecting Augs, as it's been a good 18 years since his mother's last surviving child, and all his siblings are A Lot older than him -
he has three sisters, Hannah, Caroline, and Olive, who are 25, 24, and 21, respectively, and of them, Hannah and Caroline are both married with a young child and Olive is courting someone and basically engaged
his elder brother (and their father's heir), Hal (full name Henry Peter Alexander Wiley IV) is 18, and hes um. his life is Not going v well bc he just got engaged to some girl he barely knew and then his boyfriend Jamie went and fucking enlisted in the American Civil War and he has chronic fatigue syndrome which is acting up and yeah his life is kinda shitty.
Hal wants to hate Auggie, bc now his father has a backup heir, aka if Henry III finds out his son's bi, he can disown him and still have a son take over
but. then Hal sees his little brother and he's like fuck. f u c k. this tiny child is too cute and i love him.
Augs is a Very Vocal Baby, he's always wailing and giggling and speaking gibberish and its so fucking adorable.
then some stuff happens, and in mid 1862 Hal has to ""go off to school"" (eg Jamie got hurt in the Battle of Antietam and Hal bought him a house and shit to recover bc hes Rich and Gay)
Hal spends the next few years mostly alone, except for nurses and governesses. his father is usually off at work, and his mother doesnt really pay attention to him him - she lost several kids after having Hal and doesn't want to risk getting attached to another in case he dies too :(
then it's 1867. the war's been over for two years. Augs is 7, and hasn't seen Hal in 2 years. he barely remembers him, except for every month or so when he gets the occasional letter - signed both by his brother and a mysterious 'J' (but in Hal's handwriting bc Jamie's sucks djfhslajkh)
but one day in winter, his parents are attending a supper and on the way back the roads get so snowy that their carriage swerves off the street and into the Hudson, killing them and the driver instantly :(
Augs's sister Hannah originally takes him in but she already has 3 kids and Auggie is too much for her to manage (don't blame him he is a hyperactive young boy and doesn't understand social cues jdkjkfdas)
so!! Hal (now in posession of a sizable fortune) comes up from Maryland and takes him in!!
and they also confront Jamie's homophobic/abusive/just all around not very cool father and end up getting custody of his little siblings!! (plus by this point J's brother Abe is already living w them bc he ran off to be a drummer boy and Hal found him)
and they live happily ever after!!
at least until Auggie is killed by a falling tree branch at 17 :D
tysm gracie this was So Fun sjkfdl love my little boy <3
here he is at ~8 wearing his brother's clothes (Hal's so short they're barely too big akjfdsajks)
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personshapedsplder · 2 years
One of my favorite things abt tumbkr is that there is an end to the "content." Once I scroll through to the place I've already seen or once I finished the recommended posts, you're more or less done! Which is already a lot and very entertaining. I rarely even feel the need to go all the way. But like, tiktok for instance sucks me into this neverending hole of material and I can feel it hook my brain so that even when I want to stop I have a hard time doing so. There's no natural stopping point on tiktok and I am ABSOLUTELY of the personality that can scroll and scroll and scroll forever ans hate every second of it just bc im too Hooked to leave its bizarre it becomes nigh involuntary and it sucks. Not ti mention thay tiktok without fail will eventually begin to feed me shit I don't want to see like videos of people's violent interactions w police or religious material that is triggering or even just people describing in detail their super shitty day thay sucks super bad but I don't want to be involved. It's important to me thay my social media experience is curated and I choose what I want to see when and tiktok gives you no choice whatsoever you can't even rly block a tag bc they'll give it to you anyway. So fuck yeah to tumblr for being entertaining and engaging without being an endless pit of triggering material or of such an addicting structure that I can't easily leave when i want to.
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scary-mostaccioli · 10 months
The Lore Post
note: dude what if I do this like a Wattpad fanfic. ..fuck it I'm gonna
For starters I finished the culinary year shit and hence was the start of * summer 2022 *
from march to may I kinda half lived w some people and may i moved in
June I left bc they were shitty and did a lot of bad shit. I worked preschool and pizza after that so like obvi I was doing shit but I also got invited to drink a lot??? Also in September that year my therapist sent me a letter asking to come back and then when I called next day she couldn't accept me bc she got a promotion so like. why wld she tease me like that smh what a therapy break-up
But tbf the next month I met my fiance which like. Hold up
Oct 3 2022 met fiance
Stayed in hotel 3 days
Oct 7 left and worked. Then quit job to go to hospital and didn't make it so I called my at the time partner and cried for an hour then picked them up
Next day went to Ohio at midnight and got cigs. Legit drove back to indy immediately after
Then went to Florida the next day (9th) and almost died from car fumes lol
Florida for a week
Indiana by the 15th. Ohio 16th-22nd. Then bounced Indy Ohio until Nov 2. Got cat (pumpkin) nov 6. Engaged 19th.
December 16 went to visit my fam for 3 days. Met man in hotel parking lot that fiance said we wld meed again Sept 14 2023 homeless in downtown indy
Dec 30 was arrested and framed for smthn and until Jan 5 I was in jail. I slept in front of the tv on new years bc I wanted to watch it I think I remember harry styles or Taylor swift
March I got kicked out of a place bc when I went from Ohio to indy to visit my parents the cat knocked out two dogs
April out of place but fiance still had court so in Ohio but also in indy
May on the way to Ohio car went up in smoke from engine bay. Temp place w old roomie from year prior. 25-28, 28-29 walked over 15 miles to downtown indy. Homeless since.
July 5th pumpkin stolen July 12 given mister
Aug 12 set up first camp by river. Sept 14 met man again. Moved camps in november bc a school got mad my fiance looks like Jesus (ft middle school cult: bring me Jesus bring me Jesus)
bruh and the shit between it all.
Also like all the homeless ppl here know us bc of my fiance and it's like a power bc 1. I'm legit like. The safest mofo out here in terms of I don't need a weapon bc my fiance is so well liked ppl don't mess w me. 2. Bc of this I am bus pass god 3. Freddy please unblock panda on Facebook they're desperate. I dont hate u I was sick sorry freddy
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abcdosaka · 11 months
other stuff
i bought britney's memoir day 1 and read it in two days. obviously. really really good i'm so glad i got it bc her voice is captured very clearly but also its written in a captivating way that really sparks my interest like i didn't wanna put it down. it was a better reading experience than i'm glad my mom died, like that book was great and it made me cry too but something about the way all the chapters were separated made it annoying to read sometimes.
the only reason i didn't read it all at once is bc i had to sleep and i was getting into the start of the conservatorship which was really hard to read. a lot of it is actually hard to read, esp the divorce and her being institutionalized, i think bc i'm kind of a stan so reading her personal feelings on everything was really tough. but anyway i cried twice
idk people were complaining like "we already knew all this tho" but you never heard it directly from britney?? like why are you complaining? didn't you wanna know britney's perspective on everything? how are you even a fan. i knew a lot of this stuff bc there have been deep dives on her and i've read them like a lot of her early life and the stuff abt her family history have been documented and aren't really a surprise to me but i always took them w several grains of salt bc you could never confirm this stuff unless she personally confirmed it, which in this case she did.
i even saw people saying they wanted her to talk about the original doll and her music like what? i don't think this was ever a memoir that was meant to be about her music i mean this is for her for express herself in her own words for once. well she did say that part 2 is coming next year so maybe she'll cover it there.
genuinely tho i can't understand wanting to lock people up like that its actually monstrous. and the only reason is bc they wanted to use her as a cash cow. and now everyone's like she keeps posting naked pics on ig :( was ending the conservatorship a mistake? like actually shut the fuck up. first of all, in general, infantilizing someone and making them helpless is not helping them develop any sense of independence in the first place. second of all, all she does is post naked pics and dancing vids with all the emojis like what is the problem!!!!! maybe its the cctv angle but she's like 40 please give her a break. maybe she's a little cringe WHO CARES shes literally just having fun and loving her body. she's literally not harming anyone. you think ppl should be institutionalized and 'handled' just for being a little weird?
anyway whatever i'm not engaging with the morons or conspiracy theorists anymore. people on the internet are so fucking dumb and lacking in any sense of understanding or empathy. the ppl that say she should be are always so judgemental and have horrible vibes and yet i'd still never say "we should put them in a conservatorship". like you go ahead and make your stupid decisions and say your shitty opinions on your own.
kinda on topic kinda off but when my parents get old enough that they can't function i really don't wanna put them in a home or anything even resembling a conservatorship type scenario. i'd hate to see them suffer or have no freedoms and elder abuse scares me icl. they're p dogshit at emotions and i don't particularly like to talk to them about serious shit and idk how i'll come out to them if ever but i do love them and i could never imagine that for them. and even just as a basic human right i want them to make their own decisions.
ugh i made this post so long too. but its been a while since i've been on my britney stan shit so its ok. ive been really into mamamoo again lately. another other ggs too. i really like le sserafim and g-idle. i used to kinda hate idle's music but i think its gotten a lot better lately bc queencard and nxde are soooo good. tomboy is good too but the lyrics are so strange that its distracting (like its okay in their other songs but in tomboy its just too much for me for some reason). le sserafim has really good title tracks and the rest of the album is like eh but epbw and antifragile are some of the best new music i've listened to, antifragile was so addicting.
also looking forward to: the red velvet album. red velvet either releases the greatest music ever or like the worst song i've ever heard in my life. there's more good than bad though so i'm excited. seulgi's solo album was soooo good i only just listened recently but its the groups best solo concept imo.
they're making a dungeon meshi anime and i'm actually excited!! my fav part of dungeon meshi was always the beginning and middle parts like the beginning is REALLY strong. there's also gonna be the love condition anime and that i'm a little less excited for bc that series is the opposite, it gets really good as the chapters go on but the beginning is like wow hananoi you really gotta chill and the anime will only adapt that initial portion :/ will still be watching tho
can't think of anything else but it was nice to write random shit after a while of not doing that. i feel good :)
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arletquin · 1 year
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MAINS: @selinaes.
ok scary all caps stuff out of the way... i'm bunny, 19, any pronouns and this is my harley blog!! here are some basic rules for this acc, i would greatly appreciate u reading and following them <3
i am incredibly selective about what dc blogs i follow. this really isn't a personal thing, it's just that i'm usually picky, but because my version of harley is so different than how she's typically depicted... i want to make sure i'm following people who can and are willing to adhere to the changes i've made to her story.
harley, while still retaining many of her mannerisms, is still pretty different than her comic-accurate depictions. i ask that you don't make assumptions about her and her relationship with the joker; if you have any questions about her (not just about her and the joker), pls feel free to ask!! i promise i do not bite <33
i very very much prefer plotting before doing any threads. the random ask is totally fine w me, but i find it way easier to write when i already know what the dynamic we're aiming for is. you can contact me in my DMs and if we're mutuals then u can ask for my disc!
i won't fully go and list my DNI bc 1. it's probably really long and 2. i'll likely forget about some things until i'm actually faced with it. to make this easier, i just ask that you're a decent person and you practice basic rpc etiquette. there are some characters/fandoms i don't want to write nor be associated with and if i find that you're either of the two, then you'll be blocked. that's just how the cookie crumbles.
i adore shipping!! just please note that harley is a fairly unstable person with a very distorted image/idea of love and romance. harley tends to be obsessive over someone she likes and it will likely lean more into unhealthy territory than not. if this is something you're uncomfortable with, i ask that you don't ship with me or reject my offers to ship solely for your comfort!! i absolutely understand and i don't take offense to it at all.
harley is violent. while harley won't outright kill your muse (unless we've discussed it for a thread), she's still volatile and she will act accordingly if she feels she's been provoked. harley won't outright attack unless she's either been attacked first or we've plotted it, but i figure it's worth noting anyway.
i've seen some people mention this in their rules so i figure i might as well: i fully support people calling out those who have engaged in shitty or even abusive behavior. i've been in the rpc for over six years now so i've seen a lot of nasty shit go down. it should go without saying that i do not endorse call-outs over petty matters that should've just stayed in two people's dms.
(i haven't made any 'professional' posts/pages about it, but you can find the major changes in harley's story in this post. tldr: harley kills the joker and essentially takes his place as the clown queen of crime. a drabble about harley killing him, harley's feelings about her past 'relationship' with him.)
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NAME: harleen quinzel. ALIAS: the harlequin. DOB: valentine's day, 199X. GENDER: transgender female. SEXUALITY: bisexual, leaning more towards women. AGE: 33. HAIR COLOR: honey blonde (naturally), platinum blonde (previously dyed). EYE COLOR: greenish blue. HEIGHT: 5'7" FAMILY: XXXX (mother, deceased), XXXX (father, deceased). RESIDENCE: gotham city, new jersey. OCCUPATION: arkham asylum psychiatrist (former), crime lord (current). EDUCATION: community college and medical school graduate, attained a PhD. AFFILIATIONS: gotham's rogues gallery, gotham sirens (poison ivy, catwoman, herself), the joker (former, deceased).
TIMELINE. TW: suicide, mental abuse, physical abuse.
as a child, harley was a hyper child with a finicky temper. harley would experience violent outbursts when her temper would flare up, this being noticeable when she was a toddler and then further into adolescence, in which she would frequently get into trouble for physical altercations with other children. harley's parents found her hard to manage, with their attempts of physical punishment only to be thrown back at them. harley would be locked in her room for up to hours at a time when her temper flared, often in the dark and left to make a mess in her room. harley would be sent to see a child therapist who would have harley's parents partake in many methods to 'subdue' harley's fits of anger. essentially, harley would continually be taught over her developing years to suppress her anger, as well as any 'extreme' emotions she may feel. this resulted in harley willingly isolating herself from her family and practically becoming mute, only speaking when spoken to. she would resign herself to her bedroom and take to studying for her classes, with psychology being the one she performed the best. harley became fascinated with psychology, partially because of her desire to better understand her mental ailments as well as being able to carefully dissect others (rather than trying to violently rip them apart). harley's parents would approve and admire harley's desire to become a psychiatrist, though unfortunately both of them would pass away in an alleged 'suicide pact' via asphyxiation by motor vehicle exhaust gas.
harley would take several years to graduate from medical school to attain her PhD and begin a career in psychiatry. harley would work in one or two different facilities for roughly a year before becoming an arkham asylum psychiatrist. arkham asylum, even today, is regarded as a facility not for the weak of heart. harley had an interest in the inmates at arkham, seeing as many of them were vastly different and far more volatile than those of her previous workplaces. it's at arkham that she would find the inmate nobody could ever work out: the joker. harley would become the joker's main psychiatrist, though as time would go on, harley would unknowingly fall victim to heavy manipulation from the criminal. the joker would have her unknowingly spill bits of her past, especially about her suppressed anger and emotions, and use them against her. he would offer her a chance to 'set herself free' and never have to suppress herself again, should she free him and become his accomplice. though the joker would never explicitly state that they would be romantically involved, he would constantly imply it, flirting with her and actively trying to court her.
when harley freed the joker and escaped with him to become his accomplice, the joker and harley's honeymoon had abruptly ended. the joker was keen on picking apart everything harley had ever said or done, and when harley would confront him about his behavior, he would deny and gaslight until she couldn't refute anymore. the joker would become increasingly violent as well, taking any chance he could to lash out at the woman. harley would begin to retaliate with violence of her own, not unlike when she was a child with her parents. this violence, however, would all come to a head when harley finally snapped and killed the joker with her mallet―――smashing his face to pieces until it was nothing but red and unrecognizable. and in this act of destruction, she felt herself be freer than she'd ever been. her arms were free. she was free.
following the joker's murder, harley would usurp the clown crime throne to everyone's surprise. no longer seen as a damsel or a dimwit... but now a dangerous and capable threat, harley would take to the throne relatively well: ensuing chaos everywhere for a little 'fun'.
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kaesaaurelia · 3 years
annoyed because today I woke up with a lot of Feelings about old HP characters (I used to write the Founders and also in an LJRP I wrote a cadre of 1970s top secret spy/scientists for the Ministry). due to JK being the actual worst, while I am fine engaging with other people's fanwork (especially stuff that gleefully disregards her extended canon), I extremely admired her when I was a teenager and the idea of going back to that writing now makes me feel slimy because it brings back all those memories. but I love those characters and a lot of my development as a writer/discovery of my favorite tropes came from them and you know what, I did a lot of work on them! so I don't feel like it's weird to call them my characters.
on the other hand, I feel really lucky in that most of my writing in HP was about original characters or about fleshing out characters who were just a name and an occupation, and I'm contemplating filing some serial numbers off and writing full-blown stupid iddy stuff that's basically Godric/Rowena But Darker And Weirder. I just want Monstrous But Kindhearted Self-Taught Inventor With A Lot Of Self-Loathing/Unpleasant Elitist Academic With A Dark And Terrible Past and they're rivals and there's size difference and they're stuck working with each other and they learn to get along and they make some important magical discoveries, and also, they kiss.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
(this is from marxismlupinism btw just sending an anon cause still shadowbanned + dont want my r/s blog tied to my main blog anyway)
lmao if only my followers were your followers literally idk why my anons r so mad im just stating the established party line of the blog they chose to follow...
literally every online community ive been in youve been able to say you think the community has XYZ problem and people could discuss the problem and suggest solutions honestly baffling that peoples response to someone saying the hp fandom is transphobic is to go "no it's not" instead of, idk, either trying to make it less transphobic if you think it's salvageable or leaving it if you think it's unsalvageable. the only communities ik that would respond to an accusation of transphobia w denial rather than taking trans people's concerns seriously are, well, actually overtly explicitly transphobic communities lol... and the people claiming they "engage critically" are very clearly not if their response to criticism of the hp fandom is to be defensive—if you engage critically with something that means taking seriously good faith criticism of the thing you engage critically with. like i "engaged critically" w hp/rs for the past 2.5 years and i have never ever gotten defensive at someone criticising hp or its fandom (esp since like... almost all the people criticising hp or its fandom are trans and im not gonna go harass another trans person for being understandably upset at ppl engaging w transphobic media lol).
hp fans (including tme trans hp fans—and, btw, we're well aware there are some transmasculine hp fans, the rest of the trans community just think they suck and are losers lol and i can't imagine that the transmasc hp fans aren't aware of this fact unless they just dont interact w other trans people outside the hp fandom at all) will criticise hp and jkr while believing that the hp fandom itself is above criticism. this does the dual work of distancing themselves from harry potter/jkr, which even they cannot defend/pretend is not bad, while also absolving themselves of all responsibility for any transphobia & transmisogyny they perpetuate or engage in. it's honestly a deeply immature way of engaging with media as well as one that logically falls apart under any scrutiny—firstly, if you accept that hp and its author are deeply bigoted, isn't it just logical that its fanbase would share the politics of the source media? secondly, this is just empirically false lol. there didnt always used to be basically no trans women in the hp fandom—i myself used to be friends with several back in the old days—but most transfems left the fandom in 2020–2021 bc of jkr's increasing transmisogyny. and speak to any of the transfems who did leave at that time and they can tell you their firsthand experiences. like, i really dunno how you can claim the hp fandom isnt transmisogynistic without just outright saying that you think most trans women are crazy and making shit up when they say they dont want anything to do with hp or its fans.
anyway ill stop writing essays in ur inbox now rae xoxo love ya have a nice day!
hi laura <3 yeah truly i think it is so weird that someone would choose 2 follow a blog on tumblr.com which clearly states "i don't like hp/hp fandom" and then get mad when that blog makes a post saying. "i don't like hp/hp fandom." babe why r u at the criticizing hp fandom store if u don't want hp fandom criticism....
and yeah i've talked before on my blog abt how like. i do not think we can "separate" fandom from jkr + the inherent shittiness of hp + my personal stance is that i think if u are engaging with hp fandom in 2023 u should at least be prepared to acknowledge + address the fact that u are engaging w a fundamentally conservative piece of media that is rooted in horrible politics, bc if u don't fully understand how jkr's politics are steeped throughout the franchise then it is much more likely that u will just be. absorbing + perpetuating them.
i think something that gets left out of a lot of conversations abt jkr even when discussing how shitty she is within hp fandom is the fact that like. yeah she's broadly transphobic, but she is specifically transmisogynistic, and the politics + policies she endorses are most targeted + harmful towards trans women. in my personal experience thus far in hp fandom i've encountered a lot of tme trans people, and i think there can be this tendency to go "well i'm trans and i know so many trans people who have carved out a space in this fandom that is super affirming + positive for ourselves, so obviously there is no transphobia here" and like. bc of the strong emotional connection to what people view as a safe queer space it can feel like an attack or whatever when someone goes "ok but. have u considered transmisogyny." or just whenever someone is like. rude/mean/cunty in their criticism of hp--but like. tbh as tme trans people i just think it's more important to recognize that many other trans people (and especially tma trans people) have a reason for being rude/mean/cunty in their criticism of hp and even if it hurts ur feelings it's more important to actually think about where that critique is coming from then to get upset bc u feel like it wasn't phrased nicely. at the end of the day just bc a space feels safe 2 u does not mean it is going 2 feel safe 2 everyone!!
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goraturtle · 4 years
i guess something i don't get w the whole wellermen debacle (even as a nonwhite colonized person) is like. if we are denouncing all the spoils of colonialism then are we... not reading moby dick anymore? not reading pride and prejudice? glsjfsk there is a difference between having a conversation about the violent histories of these institutions and just telling people not to engage w aaaanything that even mentions them. especially without providing examples of similar media to look into that may have actually been created by colonized working people or precolonial people. like i don't get what the end goal is here
ok but also, look how most ppl have been intereacting with that sea shanty so far. has it been critical? have there been actual conversations about it? bc from what i’ve seeing, the second any criticism is launched at it people have been pouring out to try and argue and defend it (like right now with you sending this ask, though I appreciate you taking the time to type it out in a non-adversarial way like a normal person) using the “let people enjoy things” or “all colonial-based ‘culture’ is problematic why should we cancel XYZ”. 
A TikTok going viral is not discussion, it is not critical, the majority of the people interacting with this tune are not drawing the obvious connections between the lyrics and slavery + colonialism, and that’s honestly pretty shitty. The violent histories are not being discussed right now, and any attempt at discussing them or at articulating how fucked up it is that this song is being spread as just a funny little sea shanty is being met w/ shouts of “cancel culture”
A sea shanty with lyrics directly tied to the transport and sale of tea, sugar, and rum will always be inextricably linked with colonialism and specifically slavery. And I understand that you’re a person of color with a history of colonization, but that specific history behind the sea shanty also disproportionately affects Black and indigenous people of color, and I would implore you to read more thoughts on the subject by people of those demographics (bc at the end of the day I’m white and I’ll do my best to explain what I think/know but my response to this ask will never be a proper substitute for the thoughts of someone who is actually affected by that history)
It’s honestly a little weird to me that you bring up Moby Dick specifically, bc while I’ve never read it (also what wackjob reads that book outside of an english literature class), I’ve had friends who had to for various classes over the years, and a MAJOR topic of discussion is the historical context behind whaling/shipwork in general. Like how can anyone get away with not analyzing Moby Dick and being critical of the time period. How. With respect to pride and prejudice though I definitely agree that there needs to be more discussion on historical context + racism of that era bc in general I feel like the work (as well as other works by Jane Austen) has been heavily romanticized (understandable, since it’s a romance novel, but still) to the point where the time period itself has been romanticized, and that’s fucked up.
I’d also like to point out that, yeah, sure, I reblogged a post telling people not to listen to the stupid sea shanty. I’m not a cop. Literally what is stopping you from just going ahead and listening to it anyway. It may not align with some people’s opinions but I do honestly feel it’s more than a little overblown for you to have this kind of reaction, focused entirely on the supposed merits of the piece of media, rather than stopping and thinking about the impact that hearing this kind of thing has on other people (even if you personally do not react to it).
You do raise a good point about how most criticisms don’t offer alternatives to the sea shanties that have been going around, though. Still, I don’t know how much of that is based off people’s tendency to romanticize white europeans at sea, specifically. But at the same time, if you enjoy sea shanties and want to learn more about how other sailing cultures approached group singing, nothing is stopping you from doing that research on your own! I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to expect ppl to hold your hand through finding alternatives when they’re only trying to bring attention to how insidious and pervasive colonial thought patterns are in today’s society, especially since the internet makes things so easy these days.
I guess what the end goal here is, is that everyone should be thinking about these sort of things. It’s impossible for something to be totally bereft in context, nothing exists inside of a box, and colonial history still has lasting affects on how we live and think today (bc it didn’t fucking happen all that long ago). Romanticization of eras (especially white european-centric eras) into aesthetics is harmful bc it uncritically spreads that kind of thinking and harms communities that have been (and currently are) directly affected by violent colonialism, genocide, and slavery (not that those things are mutually exclusive). If you can do that while still listening to the damn song, then fine, I’m not standing behind you while you’re at your computer waiting to chastise you for liking some sea diddy, but your enjoyment of that media is not contextless, and should be analyzed. 
And believe me I understand the initial knee-jerk reaction to defend what you like, and I’ve struggled w/ it in the past bc a lot of online identity involves tying your interests into your personality. I’ve found that seeking out others’ opinions and just absorbing their thoughts to chew on can really help. You don’t have to reblog anything, or share it, but just read it, internalize it, feel it. I always feel more than a little silly over that initial defensive reaction once I’ve educated myself more
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yukipri · 4 years
hello, I absolutely love your art and I really like ASL ship. I'm also an artist, but I'm afraid to post my art of it becomes i know some people can be rude about ships they don't like. How do you deal with the hate and do you have any advice for someone that wants that kind of confidence to post with out judgement?
Thanks so much for liking my work!
I wish I had a comforting answer for you, but the truth is this: There’s no way to post anything publicly online without judgement. People are always judging, and it’d be alright if they did so silently without being in your face about it, but oftentimes those who take greatest offense are the most vocal (the combination between this and the fact that those who like your work are oftentimes too shy to say anything can have really devastating consequences for self-confidence).
While there have always been people vocal about ships/characters/interpretations/whatever that they don’t like, I’d say that it’s arguably much worse now than it was when I started posting my work on Tumblr, due to both rampant purity culture, and again, fewer people who reblog and give positive comments to validate you and your work.
I wish I could tell you that i’m confident about the work that I post (both in content and artistic execution), but in reality, I’m not. I doubt myself all the time! My self-confidence is always 6 ft under!! I ask myself whether it’s worth posting before every post!! And sometimes, the answer my brain provides is No, it’s not worth posting.
But y’know what? I post anyway ^ ^;;;;;
I guess this is getting off on a bit of a tangent, because you’re asking about ship hate. But for me personally, my fight with my inner voice being mean about myself and my work is so much more vicious than any anti, that idk, the anti seems really mild in comparison? ^ ^;;;; Like oh, you don’t like my ship. Well that’s cute. I have a billion other far more valid criticisms of my work, so come back with a better case and get in line!
(and in continuing to post, and continuing to interact with those who don’t like my work...I guess I’ve gotten sorta used to it? That, and I’m grateful to have followers who ARE kind to me, building that sort of community is important!)
Oh don’t get me wrong, I still get in a sour mood whenever someone sends an unwanted opinion, and it does happen from time to time! But the thing is, there are a lot of tools to block out those opinions and to keep them from reaching you again, and it’s very easy for me to methodically use those, and they work. And the fact that these tools are available helps make hateful opinions seem much more like a tiny angry squirrel squeaking outside my window.
In case you’re wanting to know these steps:
1) If the unwanted comment is in a reply to one of your posts, you can delete the reply so you can’t see it anymore!
2) You can block the user. This prevents them from being able to interact with your posts and send any more unwanted opinions. (I think it’s also based on their IP address, so they can’t harass you on an alternate account either). If you do this to an anon user, they’ll be blocked and you’ll never even know who they were, so can’t even unblock them! Whee!
3) If they’re actually threatening you, you can report them. Rn, tumblr staff’s been pretty good at responding, perhaps due to changed ownership. If they actually threaten to harm you, don’t leave it at blocking, report them! (but also, make sure to only use this option when you are being threatened irl. Reporting is serious, and not a tool to be abused for, “They said something mean and I don’t like them.”)
4) MOST IMPORTANT: Don’t engage with them. I know if they give a shitty opinion, it’s easy to get heated and want to argue. But most likely, they’re hiding it under anon anyway, and you’re doing exactly what they want by getting mad. They don’t care about logic or whether or not their point makes sense. Their only goal is to upset you. So don’t let them win!
The best thing to do, REALLY, is to ignore them. Don’t give them a response by answering their ask, don’t reblog their response if they added it to your post that way. Especially if they’re anon, they have no choice but to keep refreshing your blog in hopes you respond, no way to get notified. Cool, let them keep doing that forever! They’re not worth your time. And they can’t win an argument you don’t accept, so they’ve lost as soon as you’ve rejected them.
(and if you feel like it, before blocking/deleting their shitty messages, take a screenshot, and then share it with your friends in private to laugh at them. It’s quite cathartic ^v^)b)
Another note, but if you’re nervous about posting content about an unpopular ship, it’s okay to ease yourself into it too. You don’t have to draw them naked ‘n snogging right from the get go (and tumblr doesn’t allow n//s//f//w anyway). You may have noticed that a LOT of my works are kinda ambiguously shippy/platonic if you squint and want to read it that way. Part of that’s just bc that’s the sort of content I enjoy creating, with romance being ambiguous, but it’s also less provocative if you want to avoid confrontation with antis ^ ^;
And ANOTHER note, but make sure to tag your ships! It’s a courtesy that’s important to remember on Tumblr and AO3 (and I wish would be adopted on twitter sigh). Tagging is us creators’ way of staying in our lane, and putting up all proper warnings. IF despite the tags, content consumers decide not to blacklist and engage anyway, well, then that’s on them.
So this answer got a bit long and isn’t at all concise, and I apologize for that. But I hope there’s an answer for you buried in here somewhere.
TLDR: There’s always gonna be judgement. Decide for yourself whether you want to post. Not everyone who posts has confidence, you’re not alone. Having positive interactions helps balance out the damage done by negative ones. Be prepared by knowing what tools you’ve got when the negative ones come. If you’re nervous, it’s ok to create more ambiguous content. Tag your posts.
And a final comment: make sure to enjoy creating! Create because you love it first and foremost, and let your creation be an expression of that joy.
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