#eli pretends he can write
little-orphan-ant · 2 years
did you reblog the "!!" post?? either way. bites you. tell me about your ocs /lh
technically not this time BUT i have in the past so
hm. who to choose.
god for someone who constantly talks abt my ocs to random people on the street i have Very Few. uh
okay. we're talking abt AUGUST HARVEY ALEXANDER WILEY who is the little brother of Hal who i talked abt here mostly bc i need to flesh out his character more akljkfks
k so!!
August, mostly known as Auggie, Augs, or Young (bc hes the youngest in his family) is the second son and fifth child of Henry Peter Alexander Wiley III, a wealthy New York lawyer, and his wife, Harriet
he was born April 12, 1860, the same day the American Civil War was declared
literally No One was expecting Augs, as it's been a good 18 years since his mother's last surviving child, and all his siblings are A Lot older than him -
he has three sisters, Hannah, Caroline, and Olive, who are 25, 24, and 21, respectively, and of them, Hannah and Caroline are both married with a young child and Olive is courting someone and basically engaged
his elder brother (and their father's heir), Hal (full name Henry Peter Alexander Wiley IV) is 18, and hes um. his life is Not going v well bc he just got engaged to some girl he barely knew and then his boyfriend Jamie went and fucking enlisted in the American Civil War and he has chronic fatigue syndrome which is acting up and yeah his life is kinda shitty.
Hal wants to hate Auggie, bc now his father has a backup heir, aka if Henry III finds out his son's bi, he can disown him and still have a son take over
but. then Hal sees his little brother and he's like fuck. f u c k. this tiny child is too cute and i love him.
Augs is a Very Vocal Baby, he's always wailing and giggling and speaking gibberish and its so fucking adorable.
then some stuff happens, and in mid 1862 Hal has to ""go off to school"" (eg Jamie got hurt in the Battle of Antietam and Hal bought him a house and shit to recover bc hes Rich and Gay)
Hal spends the next few years mostly alone, except for nurses and governesses. his father is usually off at work, and his mother doesnt really pay attention to him him - she lost several kids after having Hal and doesn't want to risk getting attached to another in case he dies too :(
then it's 1867. the war's been over for two years. Augs is 7, and hasn't seen Hal in 2 years. he barely remembers him, except for every month or so when he gets the occasional letter - signed both by his brother and a mysterious 'J' (but in Hal's handwriting bc Jamie's sucks djfhslajkh)
but one day in winter, his parents are attending a supper and on the way back the roads get so snowy that their carriage swerves off the street and into the Hudson, killing them and the driver instantly :(
Augs's sister Hannah originally takes him in but she already has 3 kids and Auggie is too much for her to manage (don't blame him he is a hyperactive young boy and doesn't understand social cues jdkjkfdas)
so!! Hal (now in posession of a sizable fortune) comes up from Maryland and takes him in!!
and they also confront Jamie's homophobic/abusive/just all around not very cool father and end up getting custody of his little siblings!! (plus by this point J's brother Abe is already living w them bc he ran off to be a drummer boy and Hal found him)
and they live happily ever after!!
at least until Auggie is killed by a falling tree branch at 17 :D
tysm gracie this was So Fun sjkfdl love my little boy <3
here he is at ~8 wearing his brother's clothes (Hal's so short they're barely too big akjfdsajks)
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xoxoskai · 1 year
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May 2024 is too far, and the delusion preservation is imperative.
Eli listens to classical music just for Ava.
Ava sometimes sneaks into the library at the King's mansion just to swipe a book or two that she may have seen Eli reading. Other times, she bribes Creighton.
Eli is practically adopted by Silver the moment Elsa reveals his little crush (privately, of course) on her daughter. It does not stop Cole from throwing jabs at him whenever he comes over to hang out with Aunt Silver and to spy on his girl.
During their childhood, they've been locked together by their friends/siblings/cousins in the same room/closet plenty of times.
As a sign of rebellion against her parents, Ava once dyes her entire hair pink. The mortification hits her soon after and she refuses to talk to anyone until one text, one silent drive to the salon later she's sharing her snickers bar with Eli as a form of thanks.
Eli always leaves an anonymous bouquet of pink roses (her favorite) for Ava before her recitals in her dressing room. It's the only sign that he attends her recitals at all (Eli has attended every single one of them).
Whenever Eli goes AWOL, only Ava knows he's hiding in the library in a dark nook that has space behind the shelf just enough for two people. Sometimes, she joins him. Other times, she lays her head against his shoulder as he reads in the quiet.
All the teasing garnered from her friends due to Eli's attention suddenly stops one day. Becomes more...cautious.
Eli swears he had nothing to do with it and that he would never threaten them (he's lying, he nearly makes Remi cry).
Ava, like her mom, also writes journals where a lot of pages have Eli's name written, circled, crossed and scribbled out.
For prom, RES hosts a masquerade theme but every single boy in the school is terrified to ask Ava to prom. Glyndon decides to go without a date as well and Cecily flies in to join them. Both friends pretend not to notice Ava dancing with a masked stranger on the dancefloor at midnight.
Eli never stays longer than five minutes at any of Ava's birthdays/sometimes she never finds him at all, but she always finds his gifts in her room.
Ava has a jersey with Eli's number on it that Cole secretly swipes out of her closet to burn but gets caught by Silver.
Ariella is Eli's partner-in-crime.
After Eli leaves for University, Ava shows up at the King's mansion under the pretense of hanging out with Elsa but it's just to sneak into Eli's room and look at all his awards and trophies longingly she does not miss him.
When they finally start dating, they are met with long-suffering sighs, "finally"'s and "took you guys forever."
Ava drops little hints of herself wherever she can find a place for it. Scrunchie on his gearshift. Perfume bottle on his desk. "Accidental" kiss mark on his collar. Her ring on a chain around his neck.
Ava makes Eli watch all the chick-flicks she can because she's appalled when she finds out he hasn't watched Mean Girls.
"BOo, yoU wHoRE" - Remi says, sitting next to Cecy, Glyn, Annika and Ava wearing a facemask matching theirs.
The moment Cole opens the door to see his daughter and King's spawn standing together, hand-in-hand, the first thing he says is "No"
And it's final, too. No amount of convincing from both Silver and Ava seems to work.
When he finally comes around and they all sit down for dinner, they have a "Daddy, can you pass the salt?" moment after which Eli is chased out of the house by Cole and his gün.
Eli sneaks in thru the balcony into Ava's room anyway. Both Ariella and Silver know and choose not to tell Cole.
Eli's only saving grace with Cole is that Eli would kilI for his daughter or die trying and Cole wouldn't want any man willing to give anything lesser for his Ava.
Part two?
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
AHHH OMG THAT GUN MASTERPIECE ONE WAS SO GOOD WTF IT WAS SO DWEET A WHOLESOME CAN I ASK FOR A ONESHOT WHERE YN IS GUN'S STUDENT no romance just platonic relationship but instead we're a student who gun is very much proud of but still has room for growth and unfortunately we just don't see our own potential and can't be bothered to exert more effort than we already do even though gun is proud of us and because of this he gets seemingly frustrated like he did with Eli? AND ALSO TYSM IM THE ONE WHO REQUESTED FOR THE BATHHOUSE SEQUEL and it did NOT dissapoint I love ur lil silly fics where u can just see every1 fckn around and I genuinely love ur writing❤️❤️
Ah ty anon! So sorry for the wait cos the Masterpiece fic was frickin ages ago! Here's a... probably much sillier fic than you imagined.
Gun Park with You, his successor
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Gun's left eye is twitching.
It's twitching and he's staring and silent and you know none of these are good signs. Combined, it may be an indication that the world is ending.
Your eyes flicker back to your phone. Maybe it's best that you ignore him completely. If you pretend he's not there, perhaps he'll go away and you can continue slobbing away your Saturday on the sofa instead of doing whatever training he has asked of you. Seriously, who even has time on Saturday to run laps, especially if there is social media to mindlessly scroll through.
Luck is not on your side today because Gun does not budge. He does not move, he does not go away. He watches you, eyes narrowing more the longer he stands there.
Maybe you miscalculated. Maybe you should have addressed him instead of ignoring him. Has too much time passed? Better late than never.
"Oh, Gun?" You feign surprise, "Didn't see you there. How long have you been standing-"
"Y/N." Damn. He's pissed. You think about your next move and decide it's better you continue down this path you've set for yourself.
"Huh, is that the time?" You peer down at your watchless wrist and the movement does not go unnoticed by him. "Time to get my training in."
You stand and stretch, closing your eyes, hands reaching high over your head and joints popping. You open one eye to see if Gun is still there and, oh shit, he still is.
You bend down to touch your toes- ah well, you only make it to your ankles and that's good enough, then make a show of bending side to side at your waist.
"Stretching's important, right?" You force a grin at Gun and you think you see a hint of a smirk but you can't be sure, "Get those muscles nice and supple-"
"Change of plan."
Oh? You look at him, thinking maybe your luck actually has come in. He's feeling generous and benevolent today and you don't have to do weights or cardio or-
"You'll be fighting me today."
You deflate. Suddenly the previous training plan looks much preferable. Child's play. A walk in the park. You feel like a fool to think Gun Park would be generous or benevolent. "...S-sure you don't want me to just follow our previous plan?"
"No." Now Gun smirks at you and you gulp. "And we only stop when I say so."
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jerzwriter · 2 months
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Thank you to @tessa-liam for this request from the "Just one bed" prompt. I missed writing for these two SO MUCH that I want to do more now! 😊 Prompts are bolded in text.
Book: Wake the Dead (Choices) Pairing: Eli Sipes x Zoe Rivera (F!MC) Trope: There's just one bed... Rating: Teen Words: 950 Summary: When a storm hits unexpectedly, Eli and Zoe are forced to seek shelter together.
A/N: I imagine this happens in canon after Eli, Zoe & the gang leave the mall, and Eli & Zoe have to take off solo on their newly acquired motorcycle. Instead of making it back to Olympus, a storm hits, and they're forced to spend the night alone elsewhere.
Participating in @julychallenge Pink: Playfulness, Warmth Black: Secrecy
Ask list based on prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting - thank you for the wonderful ideas! The 2 prompts are bolded in the text below.
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“Hold on tight,” Eli hollered, and Zoe quickly took his advice.
The sky seemed to darken within minutes, and the ominous sound of thunder in the distance made it clear that a storm was quickly approaching. Eli revved the engine and drove as fast as the rickety, old motorcycle would allow. Their leisurely ride back to Olympus had come to an end; they needed to return to the colony at once.
Zoe squeezed her arms around his waist as a strong gust of wind nearly tipped them over, then Eli turned the bike around.
“Where are you doing?” she yelled, her voice barely audibly over the wind and noise.
“We’ll never make it back to Olympus before the storm,” he replied. “I saw an abandoned cabin a few miles back. We can shelter there until this thing passes.”
A loud clap of thunder boomed, and a lightning strike came far too close to them for Zoe's taste. “Yeah, why don’t you get us there fast!”
A short distance later, Eli brought the motorcycle to a stop when they approached the cabin. They stepped inside just before the heavens opened, and rain seemed to fall in buckets from the sky. The tiny, one-room cabin wasn’t much, but it would serve their needs.
“Looks like we’re going to be awfully cozy tonight,” Zoe winked, trying to make light of things.
Eli rolled his eyes, but there was no missing twitch of a smile on his lips. “Yeah, cozy.”
Zoe found some old candles and matches in a drawer and lit them as the rain was drumming against the roof.
“At least we’re dry,” Eli said, sitting on the edge of the sole piece of furniture in the room, a small mattress on a wooden frame, and removed his boots.
“But for how long,” Zoe fretted. “That's some rain. Do you think the roof will hold up?”
Eli looked up with the emotional detachment Zoe was coming to learn defined him. “It’s a tin roof, but good craftsmanship. Whoever built this place knew what they were doing. It should get us through a few hours until the storm passes.”
Zoe fell onto the bed beside him with a flirtatious grin. “And whatever will we do to pass the time?”
“I suggest you take a nap,” he smirked. “It'll give me a chance for some peace and quiet.”
Zoe waved him off. “Eh, peace and quiet is overrated!” But she took Eli’s advice and got comfortable on the old bed. They sat in comfortable silence as time dragged on and on, with no sign of the storm relenting.
“Eli,” she said, tapping his shoulder. “I think we’ll have to spend the night here.”
“I think you’re right,” he said, running a hand down his face. “Even if it passes soon, it will be too dangerous to be outside in these woods at night.”
“Why don’t you lie down and get some rest, too?"
He turned to her, and even in the dim lighting, she could see a faint trace of a smile on Eli.
“I’ll pass,” he replied. “One bed is one thing, but one pillow and one blanket...”
“What do you think I’m going to do, Eli? Bite you,” She grabbed his arm and made little growling sounds, pretending she was biting him. “I’m not a zombie, you know.”
“No, you’re not,” he smiled, laying on his back beside her. “But you are incorrigible!”
“Some people find that charming!”
As Eli stared at the ceiling, his jaw tight, he did his best to deny that he was among those people. Then an exceptionally loud thunder strike shook the cabin, and Zoe instinctively grabbed onto Eli. He lifted his arm, awkwardly holding it inches away from her body, but when he felt her heart thumping against him, he gently held her. Patting her back with reassurance.
“It’s just thunder, Zoe. We’re safe here.”
He attempted to nudge her off, but Zoe only clung to him tighter. With her head resting against his chest, the warmth of their bodies pressed together was a welcome comfort for both. Eli struggled to resist, but his icy resolve began to melt.
“You know, Eli,” she whispered. “You don’t always have to be tough.”
She felt him swallow as he took his time to answer. “It’s just who I am,” he replied, his voice softer than usual.
“Well,” she replied, holding him tight. “I think there’s more to you than that, and you don’t have to hide it from me.”
Eli's body tensed at first, but within seconds, it relaxed. "I'll keep that in mind," he said, Zoe could hear the smile in his voice.
The storm raged on, and eventually, they both drifted off to sleep. By morning, the world looked much different. Sunlight streamed through the rain-speckled windows, gently waking them. Zoe lay on her side facing the wall, with Eli’s arm encircling her and his head resting on her shoulder. A smile spread across her face, and she gently shifted to wake him.
“Good morning,” she beamed as Eli jerked his arm away. “I never took you for a cuddler,” she teased.
“It was cold!” He insisted, clearing his throat as he jumped to his feet. “We needed to keep warm. Besides, I was asleep. I... I didn’t know what I was doing!”
“Relax,” Zoe chuckled, rising to her feet beside him. “I don't mind. Besides, we can just add this to our list of little secrets... something just for the two of us.”
Eli snorted, stopping himself from a full laugh. “Did I mention you were incorrigible?”
“Mmm-hmm,” she hummed, “luckily for me, you find that charming.”
(I miss Eli x Zoe!!! Thanks for the ask!)
Tagging to others separately.
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Summary: A moment in time where you could've sworn that nothing ever could go any different between the two of you…
Pairing: Elijah Kamski x afab!Reader
Word Count: - 2.1k
Content Warnings: Fluffy PWP 18+!, Softdom!Elijah, Dirty Talk, Fingering, Oral (F Receiving), Edging, Slight Praise Kink, Begging, Implied Further Smut
A/N: I'm gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure 🥴 The Kamski brain rot has befallen me again! Massive thanks to @blueberrypancakesworld for motivating me in this endeavour 🫶🏻🖤
Follow-Up to Golden Cage but can be read as a standalone just as well.
Tagging: @spookyorchid @blueberrypancakesworld @herprivateisland
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Each day, you'd rise with me
Know that I would gladly be
The Icarus to your certainty
Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
Strap the wing to me
Death trap clad happily
With wax melted, I'd meet the sea
Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
- Sunlight By Hozier
Around 5 years prior, on an early autumn Saturday morning, the time gradually moved closer to noon…
A quiet groan rolled over your tongue as you lazily opened your eyes just as much as necessary for your gaze to shoot a quick glance towards the alarm clock on the nightstand.
"Huh…" You noted, somewhat amused by the fact that it was nearly noon already.
"Hm?" A still halfway asleep Elijah behind you protested in a low hum as you turned around, tightly wrapped in his embrace.
"Good morning, sleepyhead.", You peppered the crown of his head with a wash of quick pecks, his cheek resting nuzzled against your collarbone, "I might as well start preparing lunch since we successfully slept through breakfast hours."
"Isn't that what the weekend is for?" Eli smiled against your skin, the stubble of his beard tickling gingerly.
For a brief moment, you tried to pull yourself out of his hug but quickly noted that Elijah had no intention of letting you go just yet.
"Nuh-Uh. Absolutely not.", He quipped, holding you down underneath the cozy cotton duvet covers right next to him, "Way too comfortable."
"Fair enough." A soft smile tugged at your lips as you gave in and led your fingertips to trace along his back, following the slight curve of his spine until they reached the nape of his neck.
"Hmhm…", Eli sighed contentedly, "Wanna stay in bed with you all day. No lab, no coding and no report writing today. Ordering in some food, maybe?"
"Please go on, Mr. Kamski, you have my attention.” The smile on your mouth turned into a smirk at his words whilst your fingers played with strands of his silken-straight hair.
“Well…”, It trickled from his lips in a sleepy chuckle, “May I propose a day of mindless leisure to Mrs. Kamski?”
“Hmhm, mindless leisure, you say?”, You clicked your tongue in a moment of play-pretend pondering, “I’m certainly not opposed to the idea.”
"Marvelous!" The halfway snorted-out cackle spilled from your lips faster than you could recognize.
"Marvelous?", You repeated Eli's exclamation, still snickering over it, "Alright, peepaw."
"Excuse me?" Elijah laughed out as well before leaning his head down a little further until his lips touched the curve of your breast to nip at the sensitive skin close to your nipple.
"Hey, don't you distract from that verbal atrocity!" It rolled right over your tongue as something in between a yelp and a choked-back sigh.
"Distraction? Nay, nay! I'm ready and willing to top that!", The words rumbled through Elijah’s chest in a chuckle, "My, my, how absolutely splendid for my lovely lady, my sun and my everything, to leisurely waste this day away with me."
"Oh, Jesus, fuck..", You groaned a little theatrically over the top, covering your face with both of your palms, "Time to switch to decaf because you gotta watch out for your blood pressure, gramps, maybe consider some Viagra, too."
"Ouch!", Eli mocked in return, his soft lips nibbling their path along the areola up to close down around your perked-up nipple.
His teeth, carefully scratching over the sensitive skin, sent urging jolts of rapidly rising arousal to shoot down amidst your thighs, the demanding pulse causing your hips to snap from the mattress in search of stimulation.
“Oh, c'mon, that's not fair.” You let your head loll back into the thick and feathery pillow as the sensation of his tongue swirling soft circles around your nipple fogged your mind, gradually chasing every coherent thought right out of it.
“I know, I know.” Elijah cooed in return, the warmth of his breath breezing over the damp patch of skin he left behind after letting the perked-up nub slide from between his lips again.
“Can't help myself but to get off on watching you go dumb with just the softest of touches, love.” The almost sore rasp in his tone went right through you as his words led you to clench your thighs together.
“You're such a sharp-witted and well-spoken menace at the lab but it all goes down the drain the second I touch you, doesn't it, babe?” You didn't need to see the sly grin on his face to know that it was there as his warm lips wandered back up over your collarbone until halting at your neck, kissing, nibbling and suckling at your flushed skin.
Instead of words, the only thing leaving your slightly trembling lips was a needy whine, a desperate mewl as you arched your back from the mattress, thighs still firmly pressed together to evoke just the tiniest bit of friction.
“Issok, babe, I'm gonna take care of that, don't worry.” Elijah hummed against your throat whilst nimble, slender fingers brushed along your hip bone, ready and eager to dip down between your legs.
“C'mon, want you to spread those beautiful legs for me, yeah? Wanna feel just how wet you are for me already, hm.” The tip of his nose nudged right against your pulse point playfully as you sensed a surge of heat wash over your face, somewhere between embarrassment and plain horny neediness that rendered you pliable to all his gentle demands.
A rush of heavy goosebumps erupted all over your skin as you gave in to the slight pull administered by the palm of his hand resting right at the curve of your thigh.
“There you go.”, Eli murmured in a soft tone, eager fingertips stroking the insides of your leg and creeping ever closer to where you needed him to touch you so desperately, “Good girl.”
“Please… it's too much, Eli, please!” You whimpered with a cracking, trembling voice, fighting yourself to not succumb to the need to simply jolt your hips forward harshly enough for Elijah’s fingers to inevitably touch your aching cunt.
“Uh-oh, need me to take care of that so bad, huh?”, He planted yet another kiss on your neck whilst his hand eventually slipped between your legs, fingertips parting your thoroughly soaked folds and gathering your arousal between them before stroking over your throbbing clit in slow circles, “Bet that feels better now, no?”
“Fuck…please, don't stop.” It rolled over your tongue in a breathless plea whilst your eyes fluttered shut at the sudden wave of electrifying pleasure spreading all throughout your body.
The sheere sensation of his index finger gingerly caressing you in carefully-paced strokes sent your mind reeling immediately as your muscles rendered warmer with every touch.
“I didn't plan on doing so anytime soon. Good god, you're fucking soaked, aren't you?” Elijah’s voice turned to a deep groan as he pressed his own body closer to yours, allowing you to feel just how much he needed to have you right now, too.
Wandering up from your neck, that was now peppered with countless little, purple-ish coloured hickey's, his teeth latched onto your jaw, scratching over your skin in a certain animalistic way that rushed straight down to your lower abdomen again, causing you to moan out into the bedroom which got gradually enlightened with the warm, early-afternoon sun. Not only was the warmth outside the windows rising but the heat spreading between your thighs just as well. It didn't take much for it to feel like eating you straight up, to burn you whole from the inside out and to completely overstimulate your senses. You're almost already sore nerve endings begged for Elijah’s gentle caress to push you past the threshold, to let the tightening coil in your stomach eventually snap but with the ever so tenderly paced flicks of his finger he held you right at the breaking point, kept your body balancing right on the edge until it rendered you stupid.
“Please, I'm so close, pretty please!” The desperate and impatient whine slipped past your lips as the muscles of your thighs started trembling.
“Nuh-Uh… calm yourself.” He shushed, a growing grin playing around his mouth as he withdrew his slick-covered finger from your pulsing clit and instead curled his entire palm to cup your cunt that was clenching and throbbing mercilessly around nothing.
“No, no, please. You said you wouldn't stop, please!” As the feeling of immediate stimulation ebbed away, you sensed frustration rising within your chest and struggled to hold back a downright pathetic sob that wanted to break its way free.
“Oh, babe, I'm not stopping…just pausing a little because I need you to calm down a bit. Don't want you to just cum on my fingers already, no.”, Elijah’s nose stroke along your cheek whilst his lips brushed towards your earlobe, his hot breath against your skin making you shiver, “I'd much rather taste you, love, feel you gushing all over my face.”
Just the mere thought of it and the way those words practically oozed out of his mouth like they weren't pure filth had you nearly choking on your own, already shallow breaths. You were desperate to hold yourself together, at least for a moment, whilst opening your eyes to Elijah shifting downward on the mattress, his mouth leaving a trail of quick kisses until he buried his face in your lap, a deep groan rumbling through his chest as his tongue darted out past his lips to lap at you like a man parched.
You felt the tip of his tongue gliding through your folds at ease, parting them until it softly nudged at your clit. With half-lidded eyes you watched him devour you, your gaze glued to the sight of messy strands of his hair slipping out from his loose ponytail, framing his face in a shade of blonde that appeared to be golden in the warm light beaming in from past the curtains.
“Fuck…” It fell from your tongue as you managed to lean your upper body onto your elbows for a better view because in the very second you moved and shifted, Eli closed his lips around your pulsing clit and started gingerly suckling, nearly forcing you to halt right there and then again.
It took everything in you to not just slump back into the pillows again, instead, you bit down on your bottom lip whilst pulling your thighs closer to your body. Elijah took the hint right away and hoisted your legs onto his shoulders, palms and fingers grasping around your thighs to keep you in place nice and tight whilst his mouth never paused pleasuring you.
He didn't need to apply anything besides the gentle, careful suction paired with tender flicks of the tip of his tongue for you to come close again, for the tension in your lower abdomen to tighten up anew. This time, you just silently begged for him not to pause, not to stop.
There was no doubt that Eli was aware of the way your thighs started trembling again, how you moaned out in steadily raising arousal as you felt the wetness oozing out of you and to your relief, he kept going, his tongue toying with your clit, stroking and nudging it, knowing how to get you off properly.
“ ‘M gonna…” You tried to utter, the words haphazardly passing your lips before one more tender lick of his pushed you past the threshold and sent your nerve endings into overdrive.
It felt like fireworks going off inside of your body with the muscles of your lower abdomen spasming in wave after heavy wave. The orgasmic epitome went straight to your head, eradicating everything for a split second before the pleasantly brutal, nearly numbing rush of hormones took over; serotonin and oxytocin jolting through your body like an electric current which eventually led you to fall back into the pillows underneath.
“There, there…”, Elijah smirked whilst shoving himself up back to you for his glistening lips to hover closely above yours, “How about we order some pizza now and I sit you down on my lap while correcting you on that gnarly comment about Viagra, huh?”
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rdng1230 · 14 days
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💙
I've got this ask from @desert--moonchild and and a couple anons so pretend like this is me answering all of those. Only problem was when y'all sent me this I only had like 5 fics anyway. but now there's 12 so I feel like that's a decent number to choose from.
Ain't That A Kick In The Head — What can I say, it's my baby! It's a first for me for so many things, first multi chapter, first smut, first 10k+, first comments that made me jump up and down and also cry, It'll always hold a special place in my heart <3
That's The Last Time Anyone's Calling Me That — This was the first thing I published back in March, and I'm still really proud of it. I couldn't tell you why Young Royals was the thing that motivated me to finish something and hit publish, but I'm glad it did. I loved being able to rescue August from the prison he built for himself, and I still think I might write that follow up with him and Sara one day.
You Saw The Whole Of The Moon — I really loved writing this one, there's some things now that I'd tweak but just by virtue of the community it brought me, I'm very thankful. I like Buck being all self reflect-y and the invisible string of it all.
Buy Some Furniture And Give The Cat A Name — Other than the big multi chapter, this is actually my fav Saltommy. There's the standard Old Hollywood Movie reference, grilled cheese and tomato soup (my fav) and the realization that people aren't always who you thought they were. And sometimes that's a wonderful thing.
If It Weren't For Second Chances — I love Eli so much and I love how he's willing to go against the grain and do what's right. Which is why I think he was the perfect character to give Tommy a strong talking to about the way he's been acting. It's my shortest fic, but still a fav.
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moosemonstrous · 10 months
I never write in the second person, but it seemed to fit, so 🤷
Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - Yegor Ivanov's edition
Say, you're in charge of security on a large, well-appointed quasi-military base housing twenty thousand people - mostly J-techs and their families, but also a sizeable assortment of soldiers, scientists, medical staff, relief workers and support crew. It's the most stable job you've ever had. The general populace is just so grateful for the giant robots you deploy to fight the ever-nastier demons crawling out of The Breach, you barely have to pay any attention to actual security part of it. Your subordinates haven't reported a single issue they couldn't deal with themselves in years. The eggheads fight between each other to secure your approval. You have the respect of the international leaders for keeping Hong-Kong off of their priority list. Somehow, in this beautiful, messed up world you managed to carve yourself out an existence most people can only dream of.
And you got there by making a hard decision once, ten years ago. Eli Morrow was a dangerous psychopath and once his usefulness ran its course, it was your responsibility to put him down. Sometimes, one man has to pull the trigger for the good of the many, and that day you pulled the trigger. Figuratively. It was a regrettable situation, but you don't really regret it, because you gave Eli every chance under the sun to pull himself together.
You said it broke your heart, to see what he did to his brother, but secretly you were relieved. You've done many terrible things together, before the monsters stopped being just men in a different uniform. You had a good handle on Eli for so long, you almost forgot that rabid dogs will bite their master's hand given half a chance. If it hadn't been poor Alberto, it would've been you.
You didn't believe for a second Beto's kids turned up on base purely by accident. Call it fate, or karma, or whatever you want, you can't pretend seeing a mirror image of a young Eli in your own damn hangar doesn't strike a chord deep in your chest. It's not a pleasant sensation.
You have no idea what their mother told them - she was smart enough to get out before all hell came loose, so maybe she was also smart enough to keep her mouth shut. The younger one is a non-issue, at least. You forgot he had the--the whatsit, some condition the medical was working on, the hook you had on the Reyeses to keep them on base. You should dig into the files, see if the same hook will work on the older one.
And you need all the hooks you can think of, because you fucked up. You panicked and figured, well, he doesn't know his old man's jaeger is a goddamn death trap kept only because it would be more expensive to take it apart. He doesn't know it killed every recruit to ever step a foot in it. And he's as sentimental as his father was, all wide-eyed at the sight of the machine making up a good portion of your nightmares.
Only Robbie Reyes is a little too much like his uncle, too, because he doesn't. Fucking. Die.
The whole K-Sci department is very excited, of course. The techs aren't. You should've timed yourself better, made sure Canelo and the rest of the old guard were off-shift when you brought Robbie to The Charger. Now they're watching your hands and lowering their voices whenever you step into the hangar. You can't make the problem disappear without someone starting to ask questions. You need to be smarter than that.
If you can't get rid of him, you must learn to control him. He's no Eli Morrow - and you kept a lid on that can of worms for nearly a decade, from boot camp through black ops to TJP. One scowling teenager is nothing. He needs a strong hand and a little misdirection, that's all.
He watches you too, though. Like he already knows. He can't--can he? How? Who would've told him?
That broken eye of his is tripping you up, that's all. A strong hand, and a promise of medical support for the younger one - you will have him asking 'how high' before the next demon is due.
Besides, piloting jaegers is such a dangerous job. Anything could happen out in the sea. You can live through another regrettable loss. You don't think you can live through whatever Robbie Reyes is planning when he looks at you like that.
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
I wasn't really sure how to end this one, so it feels much more abrupt than I would've wanted. I considered trying to write smut, but decided to leave it on this one. Perhaps I'll make this a mini series too? Wdyt? Otherwise, I really enjoyed writing for Sloth. I had so many ideas, and places I wanted to take this, but I think this is the one that fit Eleanor the best. Should I continue writing for KOTW after Prince of Sin week? If so, who would you want me to write for? @princeofsinweek
Day 6: Sloth/For Research
For research purposes - Sloth x OC
TW: Um, some kinda sexual innuendoes, but nothing beyond cannon typical.
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“For research purposes, huh?” Eleanor grins up at him, as Lo lazily rakes his hand through her hair. 
“Is there a problem with that?” he drawls, peeking over the top of her book to look at her, a brow raised. 
Eleanor met his gaze with her own half lidded stare, a slow smile spreading across her own face. She’d been Lo’s personal research assistant for several decades at this point, though, deep down, they both knew it was more of an excuse than an actual position. There were plenty of demons who were just as, if not more, qualified to assist him in researching whatever topic had grabbed his interest. However, it was clear to everyone that no matter how much Lo denied that he was playing favorites… He was playing favorites. 
Something Lust took immense pleasure in teasing him for.
“Not at all. I’m just curious as to what exactly it is that you’re researching, your highness,” 
Sloth took his sweet time studying her, eyes searching her own before he dragged them to her round breasts, down her narrow waist, to where her hands lay folded over her flat tummy. Eleanor’s eyes narrowed half-heartedly, as she tracked his gaze, clenching her thighs together as under his careful eye. 
“That’s nothing you need to be concerned about, Eli. Just focus on following my orders so that I can complete my research,” he chides, gently. 
She merely rolls her eyes. 
“Might I, at least, look over this research of yours when it’s completed, your highness? You know how I love to read over your discoveries,”  
“Perhaps, if you behave and keep quiet while I work, I might consider it” 
“And if I don’t?” 
“Then I should have to find a way to keep your mouth occupied that doesn’t include speaking,” 
Eleanor’s eyes sparkle at the challenge.
“Oh my, look at you being so salacious. I’m sure your brother would just pass out from joy should he find out,” she smiles innocently. 
Lo’s eyes narrow, but before he could respond, however, a knock sounds at the door. 
Eleanor shoots up from her position, moving to stand on silent feet and pulling a small stack of books that Lo had already read and discarded into her arms. She can feel the Prince’s displeasure, but pretends not to notice as she mov to put the books away.
“Enter,” Lo drawls. 
“Pardon the intrusion, your highness,” curtsies a slimmer, red haired demon as she enters.
“Did you need something, Aurora?” Lo asks, his displeasure palpable.
Eleanor listens from behind the stacks, frowning as she puts the books away. As much as she enjoyed spending her days researching with Lo, and lazing about as she read romances to her heart’s content, she was still adjusting to being part of a demonic court. Well… More so adjusting to being part of a court, she supposed. 
Years spent living in relative solitude living in the Shadow Realm had left her preferring her own solitude as opposed to being around lots of people, and while House Sloth was relatively quiet, being that it’s essentially a giant library, she attracted a lot of unwanted attention. Mostly due to Princess Vittoria’s fixation on the  particular corner of The Underworld from which she hailed. She remembered when she first arrived here, wanting nothing more than to curl up, into a ball and disappear. She probably would have, had it not been for Lo’s warning about revealing her fears. 
It was Lo who somehow managed to ease every fear and anxiety. It was he who had quickly understood when she was becoming overwhelmed, and helped her escape the situation. He was the one who made her his personal research assistant, in part, after he spent an entire night talking with her about the books they read, what genres she enjoyed and answering questions about their respective homes. Sloth had respected every boundary, while gently encouraging her to test her own limits from time to time, as she  accompanied him to visit his brothers, discuss court matters, or even attend a party or two. Although, that last once became less frequent after Lust made his desire for her known, to get under his brother’s skin, if nothing else. 
Eleanor put the books away in silence, her simple, blue gown trailing behind her, while her mind raced with thoughts about when she got here, and the comfort that she often found in her Prince’s presence. Although, she also knew that there were others who were vying for his affections as well, and while none of his past relationships had ended negatively, from what she heard, she wondered if that their relationship, be it romantic or not, would be the exception. She was learning that she was the exception to many rules, in regards to the Prince of Sloth, so naturally, she worried she would have to be the exception in ways that she did not like, as well. 
That thought terrified her. 
Enough so that she had to fight to keep the tears from falling.
This was ridiculous. Nothing had even happened yet. They had no romantic relationship, yet she already grieved what might not even happen? 
Or perhaps it was more so fear of losing her home?
But then, would House Sloth be home without its Prince?
Would she find that same comfort here, if it weren’t for Lo? 
She tried to tell herself ‘yes’. That she might have made a home here if not for Lo, then her own love of books.
She jumped, dropping the books in her hands to the ground.
“I-I- Sorry! I got scared! I’ll be more careful!” she got out, while moving to pick up the books. 
A hand reached out and grabbed one before she could. 
Her eyes snapped up, only to see Lo kneeling in front of her, book in hand. 
He hushed her, gently reaching out to wipe a tear she hadn’t even realized was falling.
“What happened?” 
“You’re crying,” he gently points out, “What happened?”
“I- I don’t-” 
“Shh, easy. Just calm down,” he whispers, leaning forward to pull her into his arms, “Just relax, and when you’re ready, tell me what happened,”
Eleanor only nodded, sniffling into his chest, letting the tears fall. Sloth’s hand rubbed gently, up and down her back, while he left gentle kisses on her temple every so often. She wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but she’d almost fallen asleep to the beat of his heart against her ear by the time she realized that she’d calmed down. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Lo asks gently.
“I- I was thinking,” she managed to get out, “I was thinking, and then it just started spiraling, and then I couldn’t help but think about how this place is my home, and I might lose it one day,” 
Lo’s hand freezes, and she can feel his eyes snap to her, but she didn’t meet his gaze. If she did, she wondered if he’d confirm her suspicions, or tell her how stupid those thoughts were, and that they’d never happen. She wondered if he’d see her as more trouble than she’s worth, or if he’d scold her for entertaining such ideas. Perhaps the prince would sternly remind her of the danger of keeping secrets, or perhaps he’d comfort her, and tell her how she was wrong about-
“That’s okay,” 
Her head jolts up and she meets his icy gaze, only to be caught off guard by the warmth, as well as something else. Something she couldn’t quite place.
“That’s okay. It’s not your fault your thoughts ran wild, and it seems like it was quite exhausting,” 
She blinked up at him. 
“You- aren’t you upset? Or going to tell me they’re wrong?” 
“I could. That wouldn’t solve the root of the issue, though. Besides, whatever you think or feel is completely valid,” he shrugs, glancing away.  
Eleanor sniffles, still taking in his words.
“But I-” 
“What do you need?” he cuts her off, glancing back, his gaze soft. 
“I- I don’t know,” 
Sloth hummed, but didn't push. Instead. He scooped her into his arms, squirming, and walked back to the couch they were using earlier. 
“Would you like to go back to conducting research?” 
The question silenced any protests. Instead, Eli watched him skeptically. 
“Will you actually tell me what it is you're researching?” 
“Perhaps, dove,” 
Eleanor narrowed her eyes, even as something fluttered in her chest at the nickname. 
Sloth gave her a slow grin, before he plopped down, with Eli in his lap. One arm moved to circle her waist, while the other wrapped around to press her head to his shoulder before he pressed a kiss to her temple. Eleanor had assumed Lo would grab his book and continue to read while she was situated on his lap. Only, he didn’t. He didn’t pull away at all. Sloth didn’t even reach for a book. Lo merely kept her there, cuddling her close and kissing her periodically, like they had been earlier. 
“House Sloth is your home,” he murmurs, “You’ll never lose it, and I’m willing to prove that to you,” 
“I already know that. Those thoughts are just my mind spiraling,” she assured him. 
“I still want to make it known. Not just to you, but to everyone,”
“Be mine.” 
“Be. Mine.” 
Eli stared at him, having just been cut off twice. 
“Be… Yours…?” 
“I’ve been researching ways to ease anxieties, and my findings show that some people prefer physical comfort, while others prefer space, or words of affirmation. I’ve also been studying which ones are most beneficial to you,” he explained, and her eyes widen, “So even-”
It was Eli’s turn to cut him off. 
“Hold on- hold on- hold on! So all those times I layed in your lap, or gave you a hug, or let you braid my hair, was to-”
“Was it to research ways to ease your own anxieties? Yes,” Lo responded calmly, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. 
Eli nods slowly, still taking it in. 
“And now you want-” 
“For you to be mine? My lover, my princess, my partner. All of it,” Sloth smiles.
“Are you sure your last visit to Prince Greed didn’t leave a lasting impression?” Eleanor giggled. 
Lo rolled his eyes and leaned forward, as though to plant another kiss to her cheek, only to nip at her ear at the last moment. Eli squealed, pure delight and surprise radiated from her. 
“Perhaps I should find a way to quiet you after all,” 
“How could you say that to your lover,” Eli huffs.
Sloth’s eyes widened, and for a moment, Eli swore that some unknown feeling sparked in them at her acceptance. Followed by his lips twitching upward. 
“So you-” 
“Yes. I’d love nothing more than to be yours, Lo,” Eleanor smiled.
Lo pressed several lazy kisses to her face, ending with one, right on her lips. He moved one hand to her head, to rake it through her raven hair, much like he had been doing earlier. The gesture sent a soothing sensation through her, one that calmed whatever remained of her frayed nerves. Eleanor’s eyes widened, before she pulled back to look at him, a brow raised.  
“So it really was-” 
“It really was for research purposes,” he chuckled.
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earanemith · 7 months
Promises made
Chapter 6: Home
Read on Ao3
She hated it with a passion. Understanding they needed to turn her, put pillows in different places touch her, and liking it were two very different things. Looking forward to the day she was able and allowed to do it herself so they'd stop touching her. The only positive thing about it was Miriam. She was very glad that Miriam seemed to be her main nurse. Where the others just came in and did what needed to be done. Miriam talked to her while doing it. Warning her every time when she was going to touch her. It made her less anxious to be told beforehand what would happen with her body. Already she felt unstable enough without the uncertainty of what would happen.
This time Miriam did not come in with the goal to move her body.
"Hello Ziva. I am going to take you to get some more scans. If they look good you will start with physical therapy."
No better news could have come at that time. This laying around was not what she and thus by extend her body was used to. Every time Liat held up the cup to let her drink she could feel the weakness in her arms, from disuse. If everything in her life was changing she at least could get back on of the things she'd loved before. Exercising, keeping her body moving. In the past it had also helped her get her mind of other things.
Rolling Ziva's bed out of the room was the last Liat saw from both of them for the next hour. Not noticing that as soon as Ziva's bed was moved the woman in question closed her eyes. The scans were taken and after Ziva was being rolled in again. Liat could see the exhaustion on her face. Not surprising. The moving that came with preventing bedsores already made her tired. Moving her to the scanning machines would take even more energy from Ziva.
Back barely half an hour and doctor Raviv already entered the room.
"I have very good news for you Ziva" she said as a way of greeting "the scans look good. The events from a couple of days ago did no further damage. For both your spine and pelvic region there are good signs that it's starting to heal."
Finally some good news. While Ziva tried her hardest to pretend her emotional outburst at Eli's abandonment hadn't happened she had feared she made things worse for herself.
"Later today your physical therapist will visit you to discuss everything. I will also send in a dietitian. Before we can truly get you out of this bed and moved to occupational therapy we need to be sure to get you eating again. Any questions?"
"No, thank you doctor Raviv" pleased with the good news she had gotten.
- -
Habits. Hard to break if it was a wrong one, hard to get right if it was something not completely natural to the person. After his weeks at sea only one habit had stuck. Not the getting up early, he still had as much trouble with that as before. Writing his letters to Ziva however did stick.
Even with being back at his desk, the place he longed to be back at the moment he left. Even with being able to actually talk to Abby, tease McGee, get his head set straight by a slap to it by Gibbs. He still needed her. Not that he'd ever thought he would not. Getting to walk back into the bullpen every morning was great. Finally hearing from Ziva would be better. It became clear to him that no one from NCIS had heard from her since she left. The only one he had not approached about it was director Vance. He'd rather not do that.
Not after his attempt to question Gibbs about her. They had been going to a witnesses house to question them when on the drive there Tony had finally dared to ask.
"Have you heard from Ziva?"
Silence as it was so often with Gibbs was also his answer now.
"I never thought I'd say this but I miss our Israeli officer.  Did you know that neither McGee or Abby have heard from her? I had hoped you had any contact with her, is she on another mission for Mossad? She told me once it wasn't all hot women and car chases but I had always wondered if she was just.."
"DiNozzo. Your rambling" His boss said in a gruff voice, Tony knew that if Gibbs had not been driving instead of speaking he'd have head slapped him.
"Shutting up boss"
 So, even though he had gotten almost everything he had wished for he still picked up his pen and paper and wrote to her. Late in the night when no one would glance twice at the senior field agent still at his desk.
The hope that she was send out on a mission and unable to contact him at all grew smaller and smaller. Or maybe it just got harder to cling to that hope.
As always he started his letter with her name. Just her name.
'Ziva, McGee and I have been back at NCIS for some time now and it is not the same without you here. I need my partner. You still haven't contacted me. I know what we said right before we left but.... I am starting to get worried. Where are you? Do you know how many times I picked up my phone to call you? The only thing that prevented me to press call was you yelling at me for compromising the mission you're on. That is the only explanation I can think of for you not contacting me.'
- -
Just as promised later that day a new face entered the hospital room. Shaking Ziva's hand and introducing herself as "Rasha" explaining since she and Ziva would be working close together she did not see the need for fancy titles or last names.
"Now I read through your medical file but I would like to hear from you what your life looked liked before you came here. How much exercise did you get? That way I can best make a plan for our sessions to get your body in the best condition for when you start occupational therapy"
"The normal amount. I always run...ran about eight kilometers every morning. Three times a week I would go to the gym for martial arts training. Sometimes more if work allow it. "
Inside Rasha had to chuckle, with Ziva saying the normal amount. Rasha read in the files that Ziva was a Mossad officer. Now she did not know about their training regime but she had patients that were in the IDF before, knowing how much they trained Rasha could only believe Mossad was at least that focused on physical strength and health.
"That is a good baseline to start from. That means you are in excellent form" her level of health greatly improved the odds of her recovery.
"I am not so sure about that" Ziva answered her even though no question was asked. "Since I have woken up my friend has had to help me hold a cup, they have to move me because I cannot do it myself. My arms feel weak"
"That is all perfectly normal. Your body has had to go through a lot these past weeks. The weakness you experience is normal after the coma you've been in. Loss of strength is already expected after a week. Let alone the time it was for you." A soft smile appeared on Rasha's face. If all of her patients were in the shape Ziva had been in before she would for sure see quicker recoveries. "The fact that you were in good shape before your accident means that your body is used to working. We will get you back in shape, get your strength back up. I cannot promise you you'll get back one hundred percent. But if you are willing to work so am I. Don't forget your body is also not getting the nutrients the way it is used to. Once you get back to eating you will find your strength will return fast. I'll take my notes and start working on a program. I will be back tomorrow. Prepare to start working then."
- -
The dietician Michael was a nice enough man, though that was maybe also due to Ziva's excitement at him being there. Longing for a bite of real food, not ice chips. After checking her mouth and swallow reflex quickly jolting things down in his file he gave her the good news. "You are good to go with oral ingestion again. Any swelling from the ventilator is gone. This does not mean you can immediately get back to eating full meals. You're digestive track has not been working on solid foods for too long for that. We will start you off slowly with broths onto mashes and introduce more fiber into your diet again. It is all written out so the nurses can handle that. I will check in periodically with you to see if the plan needs to be tweaked." Looking up when Miriam came into the room holding a tray with a bowl on it. "Now are you ready for real food? We will go slowly since you have been flat for a while. Give us a sign if you feel uncomfortable"
He pushed the button to raise her bed. Then everything went wrong, the bed had barely moved up a couple of inches. Nausea swept over her. More intense than at all the times they had moved her or had rolled her bed down to the scans.
"Stop" was all she was able to say before her stomach protested. At once she started dry heaving. For nothing was there to come up. Quickly she was lowered down again.
"Deep breaths Ziva. This is just a reaction from your body from laying down for so long. We will wait a couple of minutes before we try again. Let it sink down"
And like that, a couple of minutes later they tried again. Ziva closing her eyes before he could start the bed to lift her up a bit. Again with just a bit of movement the nausea came back. This time instead of lowering her down Michael just stopped the bed.
"Remember Ziva deep breaths. We'll try to stay like this to see if the nausea goes away. Your balancing organ just needs to get the message that everything is okay"
With the minutes passing the nausea did not go away. It just seemed to get worse. Ziva felt herself grow warm and start to sweat. When Michael saw this then he lowered her down again.
That whole process was repeated a handful of times more in the next half an hour. Sadly without any change.
"Please no more" Ziva finally said. Since the second time they'd tried to lift her she had not opened her eyes anymore.
Then finally it clicked with Miriam. Who remembered she had Ziva close her eyes on purpose quite a bit in the last couple of days.
"Ziva, did you feel dizzy or nauseated before going up?"
Nodding her head not daring to speak in fear of dry heaving again.
"All the time?" the answer now being a shake of her head.
"Ziva I know it is hard but I need you to answer me. When do you start to get dizzy?"
"When moved" were the only two words Ziva dared to speak.
"When we move you around, also when we move your bed right?" A nod confirmed it.
"I think we need to get you on some different pain medication before we try to get you up again. I think you are experiencing a side effect. I will talk with doctor Raviv to see about the change" leaving her alone with Michael.
"I believe Miriam might be right. For now we will wait until the medicine is changed. Depending on how you are feeling I will be back late in the afternoon."
After Miriam's talk with doctor Raviv it was decided to indeed change Ziva's pain medication. One that was ever so slightly less strong but with a lot less side effects. The change of the medication  was not easy. The pain medicine that had made her so sick going out of her system being sure it was noticed one last time. Which caused another bout of dry heaving even though Ziva was laying flat on her back. The morning she woke up after was better, the change in medicine very noticeable.
When Michael came back that day and they repeated the whole process there was a big change. She still got dizzy and nauseas when they lifted her but not as much. The need to throw up was gone. In slow fazes she was lifted. Somewhere between laying down and upright was where they left it for today. Not wanting to overwhelm Ziva's system. Because the day had taken a lot of energy out of Ziva it was Miriam who spoon fed her the soup. Trying to get over that embarrassment was hard but was made somewhat okay at the feeling of the broth going down. The taste of the salty broth did her good, finally something ells than the ice chips she had been allowed before.
 When everyone concluded she would keep it down Michael told her again how they would build up her tolerance to solid foods. If at any point she felt her body fight against the food or feel nauseas by it she needed to let them know. Before he left he wanted to lower Ziva, who stopped him, down again.
"Can you leave me up please?"
He continued with lowering her "Your body has enough to adjust to. The half hour you have been up is the max I can allow right now. Mostly because of your spine. I will message your physical therapist, noting you responded well with being as upright as you are right now. You will work on being up for longer periods of time."
"You did well today Ziva." Miriam, always being kind to her, said before both she and Michael left. Leaving Ziva alone in the room with Liat. Who had come back from the gym right when Ziva had finished her broth. They talked some. Ziva informing her of what happened when she was gone. Satisfied with a day where she finally did something it was not much later that Ziva closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
- -
A new day had started and for the first time since Ziva landed in the hospital Liat finally thought things were taking a turn, for the better and staying that way.  Where she had thought that before this was different. This was the first day that Ziva had woken up with a smile. Looking forward to eating, to starting to work with Rasha.
"Hey Ziva, Liat" Rasha greeted her happiness being infectious. "Ready to work?"
Having to only look at Ziva to see her smile in reply. "Let's first get you up a bit more. I got the note from Michael and I agree with everything getting you stable upright is important right now"
Slowly she raised the bed. Ziva was happy to note that she did not get as dizzy today and not at all nauseated. After checking if Ziva felt okay Rasha took a seat on the other side of the bed that Liat sat. "Before we start I wanted us to talk about something. I know a lot has happened in the last couple of days and that everything can be very overwhelming. That is why I want you to know that this whole process that we start today is in your hands. Everything we do here is to give you as much choice and control for when you are okayed to leave. There will be times when progress seems none existent and things will get hard. But I am here to work through that with you."
Ziva understood. She did not fully trust Rasha for that was not in her nature. As long as what Rasha said was true, that she would do anything in her power to help Ziva they would be okay.
"What helps is to set a goal for yourself. Something to work towards. Tell me, what do you want? How does life look like when you get out of here?"
For a moment Ziva did not know what her answer should be. The past days had started and ended with her mostly focusing on the here and now. More overwhelmed by the drastic change her life had taken. In the past whenever an injury had brought her to the hospital she had fought tooth and nail to get out as soon as humanly possible to be able to return to work.
She turned the question Rasha had asked her over in her head. Again and again. What did she want? Most of the things she had wanted for her life were not a possibility anymore. Or at least the things that Eli had wanted for her. Without deciding to a memory popped in her head. Tony's voice "Promise me you'll come back. Promise me we'll get a chance?". That made her think of him. For the first time since she'd woken up. The thought of him brought a lot of new questions with it. Would he still want her like this? Unable to be his partner again? Would any of them? Right now she was a world away, she could not return in the same state she had left in. Would that change anything for them? Would Gibbs still trust her as he once had? Would Abby, McGee and Ducky receive her back with open arms? Even like this?
When she asked herself that question her mind answered with memories. Memories of them all hanging out after a case had been closed, thanksgiving at Ducky's, her girls nights with Abby, all the moments shared in the last years. They had taught her what it had meant to be part of a team. A team more often than not working as family. They taught her that is was okay to show what she had kept inside when working for Mossad. It was okay to be human, to make mistakes, to cry to laugh with the people around you. It was okay to love.
The answer to all of her questions would be yes. Even this far away from them she was still a part of them, just as they were a part of her. Things would not be as they were before but they could work at a new normal. She did not need her legs to sit down for tea with Ducky and listen to his stories. She did not need to be physically strong to have fun with McGee or a girls outing with Abby. Her and Gibbs shared a bond to deep to just break because of this. And Tony. She had seen him change in the years since she met him, especially in the last year when they had really gotten close. He slowly got into her heart as more than a friend even if that was hard to admit somehow. She knew it was the same for him. The connection they shared would hold, this would not change that. Ziva would make sure to keep her promises to him.
Rasha waited patiently as Ziva seemed to be deep in thoughts. She noticed Liat start to fidget next to Ziva, probably wondering if she should step in. Years of experience had taught Rasha that often times patients had not thought about that question before she asked it to them. Would not think much further than all the medical stuff happening around them. That was why this question was important. Once they realized what they wanted they became motivated they could push through the hard parts. It was visible the moment Ziva had found her answer. A tiny smile broke out on her face and she looked straight into Rasha's eyes. With conviction she spoke, a single word but it encompassed all that Ziva wanted to accomplish.
Tagglist: @benedettabeby, @benditlikepress, @happygirl-0408, @tivafanfic, @loudlooks @hopeless-nostalgiac @mrsmungus @and-he-will @kmpotter4140 @litningmyway @koogamy @oceangirl24 @danceswithdarkspawn @irish-trish @residentdormouse @munstysmind @lovelyme12m @tonysziva @artemisscabin @television-overload @tiva2023vibes @tivancis @ncisfanatics@tonyandzivauk@tonylovesziva@tony-love-ziva@tonyandzivamakestiva-blog@missbuckynat@zivaninja@do-it-for-the-fandom@ztarlucy@take-it-on-the-run@stonetee@mackidockie@chenfordsrollisi@fairy-tales-of-yesterday@sweetsouldhavernas @delicatefalice
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hydr0phius-art · 11 months
It's them. It's the We Had Bad Writing squad.
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This is what it's like having three hyperfixations of varying strengths occurring at the same time.
Here's the rest of the sketch dump too, I suppose.
Some angry Hecate with Pippa clinging to her for dear life.
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Can you tell i was making this up on the fly? I had sizing issues lmao
Some relaxation/pampering time because why not? As well as post-Ahsoka S1 reunion hugs (I need to draw Eli more!) because Thrawn just ubered the witches home and then went home himself after picking Karyn up. He took one look at the Imperial remnant's infighting and decided he'd rather not deal with that after 9 years M.I.A. (the Ascendancy is probably worse but we'll pretend it isn't for now lol).
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little-orphan-ant · 2 years
TMM Day 2: Red
Well if you can imagine it, my fic for @themiserablesmonth today was supposed to be short. Well it's not, so I'm posting part today and part tomorrow.
(also - don't ask me if this is supposed to be platonic or not, I literally have no idea. I have never shipped Enjolferre before but?? i accidentally just wrote this?? so make of it what you will)
Read it under the cut :)
Some revolutions burn brightly, the flames of a country tired of the way things are. These are the ones that are legends before they are finished, the ones that are being drafted into books while outside rebels are still dying.
And some don’t. Some revolutions are small, individual hearth fires, set by a generation of young people, of children. It’s only when these small rebellions are combined that it results in an uprising fit for the history books.
The June Rebellion was the first.
The Revolution - no, the “Revolution” of 1831 was meant to be the second.
Meant to be, because some things do not go as planned.
The Revolution of 1831 came and went and did not get off the ground, no matter how much Enjolras willed otherwise. Sometimes, fate has other ideas.
Because Alexandre Enjolras was not to die that day.
“Enj - dear god, Enj, wake up!”
Combeferre held Enjolras close, hissing into his ear. Enjolras’s breaths were shallow, his eyes closed.
Around them, Paris burned.
The day had started well enough - the Amis had split up, heading for each corner of the city. Combeferre’s place had been the district surrounding the Luxembourg Garden. There he had gathered a crowd and given his speech, all according to plan.
It was only after the torches were lit and ready that things went wrong.
Prouvaire, panting, appeared with a message - Enjolras had started early.
Combeferre swore, glancing at the students milling around the Garden, waiting for his instructions.
“Prouvaire, take over. I need to get to the chief.”
Before Prouvaire could even nod, Combeferre was off. The streets blurred together as he raced down them. Left, right, right, straight ahead, left… All he could think was Enjolras Enjolras Enjolras.
Because Enjolras’s assignment had been the government buildings, near the police headquarters, and he notoriously refused to wear a watch.
Meaning that the fires were already set and burning. Meaning that there was a remarkably high chance that the National Guard had been called, or the police, or someone, and the fighting would have started.
Meaning that Enjolras was in danger.
Combeferre could barely breathe by the time he skidded to a halt in front of the rendezvous point nearest Enjolras’s district, but whether that was from the nerves or the running, he couldn’t tell.
The rendezvous was a gnarled old tree that had been the meeting place of Enjolras, Courfeyrac, and Combeferre, since they had all met their first year and Paris, although in recent years it had graduated from that to something more revolution-inclined. They had all agreed that if anything went wrong, they should head to the nearest rendezvous and stay there until someone went and found them.
Enjolras wasn’t there, only a fat brown squirrel chittering at him from the top branch.
“Jesus, Enjolras,” Combeferre muttered. “Why must you be so stubbornly brave?”
He set out again in the direction of the government buildings.
When he was only a few streets away, Combeferre heard the first gunshot, followed by a woman’s scream. He cursed and quickened his pace, running fast enough that the ground seemed just a blur under his feet, all to the sound of several dozen people yelling and firing guns. God, if he let Enjolras die…
No. Stop. Don’t think that.
Enjolras would not die. Combeferre didn’t care if he had to fight the Grim Reaper itself, Enjolras would not - could not - die.
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Bad Descriptions of All My Characters (part 2 technically)
Power Doesn't Guarantee Glory:
Aria Allen (they/she):Short little girl liker who is somehow friends with everyone and is a constant presence in the story even when they aren't truly there
Alex Ruinde (he/they):He read too much twilight as a kid and the aloof mysterious aesthetics seeped into his brain, also they probably listen to hozier
Mathew Mckoy (he/him):A 15 year old who thinks he could beat god in a fistfight. He's absolutely correct.
Salveria Ramel (she/her):Simultaneously the least and most plot important character
Eli Roile (he/him):So much cringy middleschooler energy
Frey Ruinde (she/her):A 12 year old girl already holding the weight of her family's issues on her shoulders
Oriana Mckoy (she/her):She deserves to be a little bit of a judgemental bitch. As a treat.
Inora Luis (she/her):Religiously traumatized librarian
Lani Morina (any pronouns):Butch lesbian who probably ate dirt as a kid
Built on Bones and Flowers
Antoine Villeneuve (he/him):He's trying okay? It's not his fault his parents were aristocratic assholes
Vixen Valentine (any pronouns):Overdramatic goth researcher who's gender is whatever happens to be funniest at the moment
Celestine Maxwell (they/fae/she):Proof all you need in your life is a transfem inventor girl
Arden Clayborne (xe/he/they):The definition of "how could someone so smart be so dumb...?"
Melian Doyle (he/him):Former depressed fuckboy alcoholic, current depressed married coffee addict
Analie Villeneuve (she/her):Elegant sword lesbian
Silas Doyle (he/him):Would let a man stab him if the guy was pretty enough
Alexandra Slater (she/they):Butch sword lesbian
The Inhuman Fascination With the Human Mind
Orion (he/him):Freaky little automaton dude who throws rocks at kids
Oz (they/he):They're everything society hates and he loves it
Opal (they/them):Stereotypical horror movie child
Nathalie (she/her):Simultaneously a doll pretending to be human and a human pretending to be a doll
Corrupted Royalty WIP
Casimir Clement (he/xe):Flower shop owner soul in the body of a prince
Fletcher Clement (he/him):Spoiled brat pretending to be a gentleman
Celeste Clement (she/he):Bigender bisexual in the sense that she is simultaneously a he/him lesbian and a she/her gay man. Also he was accused of murder and everyone went "yeah she would do that"
Alistair Evans (they/he/she):Therapy and a relationship with a slight power imbalance would probably fix them but that's not what happens
Cordelia (she/fae):Beautiful, elegant, mysterious woman who knows a suspicious amount about the royal family for the leader of a criminal group trying to take down the monarchy
Rigil (he/it):So chill and down to earth you almost forget he's wanted for murder
Cyrus (he/him):This baby can fit so many metaphorical skeletons in his closet
Fredge (any pronouns):Woah turns out the closest thing this group has to a mechanic/doctor/chef is a 15 year old who says shit like "actually im gender evil"
Tip (she/her):Bloody little girl. Will bite if you steal her snacks.
Tagging: @literatureisdying @gently-decaying-flowers @imslowlydisintegrating @clearcloudlesssky @olive-riggzey @serendipminiewrites @asoulsreverie @talesfromtheunknowable @j-snapdragon @holdmyteaplease @lordcatwich @sm-writes-chaos @enne-uni @sneebl @sixthesnek @leisoree @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @the-stars-sing @shadow-of-tea-and-tea (sorry guys i just think you might be interested in my writing lmk if you want me to not tag you in stuff like this in the future)
please feel free to send asks about my writing i thrive off of answering questions
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
helloo! i've read your previous work for Gun, where you made a oneshot inspired by taylor's cardigan. i was hoping if you could write one inspired by "you're losing me" for Gun again or any other character from lookism that might fit the song. (can it be hurt no comfort?)
Hi anon! Thanks for requesting my fellow swiftie. Uhhh. I'm a little Gun-ed out right now. I've written a few angst Gun fics here, here (the cardigan one) and here. What I will give you, as inspiration randomly strikes at 2am is Eli. Me? Voluntarily writing for Eli?!?!
Eli Jang x Reader: You're losing me
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You tolerated a lot, stretched your patience thin, with Eli. Took his issues and baggage on the chin, bonded with Yenna and love her like your own.
What you cannot tolerate is his reasoning, his logic.
The hypocrisy.
Making himself a martyr trying to protect his own family and ruining countless others.
Leaving behind a trail of tears and heartache within Hostel and ruining Warren too.
The Fifth Affiliates is bullshit. You ask him to explain it to you. Explain what he's doing, to help you understand. Each time he tries but you can't make sense of it. The fog just gets heavier, denser; you're lost and trapped without an exit.
You don't know who he is anymore. This isn't the Eli that you fell in love with. Who you followed from J High back to Hostel.
This is someone that you regret dulling your shine for.
Resentment growing each morning as he wakes, avoiding him and pretending to sleep. Even as you watch through half-closed lids the uniform that he puts on, the badge that he pins.
The Workers logo that you can't bear to look at. That stands for everything you hate. Your love dwindles each time he wears it.
For countless nights you pleaded with Eli to reconsider his cooperation with Workers. To actually choose his family. To choose Yenna and You, to choose Sally and Warren and Max and Derrick.
Eli tells you he already is, spitting fire with his words and daggers with his eyes. This is all for his family, for Hostel.
And it feels like a lie you've heard one too many times.
The hardest part, which tells you everything you need to know, is leaving Yenna. The thought of her growing up without you breaks your heart, causes sleepless nights and months of indecision.
You prolong it as long as you can, just for another day with her. To see her grow up a little more. Become the person you always thought she would.
In the end, you know you can't do it anymore. You've given this everything you had and more. You'll be gone by the end of today.
You watch Eli pin that badge on for the last time this morning and you realise you can't even bring yourself to hate him.
You're completely indifferent.
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daisywords · 7 months
Hello I want to know about uhhh all of your characters in the poll please do expand on some???? :)???
hi :):) don't mind me treasuring up this ask all day (and maybe finishing 1 1/2 drawings so I could have portraits of all of them that I don't hate)
but yes here we go!
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Alya (psychic propaganda) is the main character of my wip Fear Me (which belongs to the larger starlightverse [read: a planned trilogy]). She has "mind powers" including a telepathic connection with her brother and, importantly, the ability to basically beam emotions and basic ideas into other people's brains without their knowledge. Before she knows she has this ability, she kind of uses it accidentally, and chalks it up to just being naturally good at talking her way into things. But, as you can imagine, that power has a lot of potential for political uses and literal propaganda, making her a coveted pawn in, well, the plot.
Eli (plagued by "visions") is Alya's aforementioned brother. He is also a coveted pawn, mainly because he has the power of...knowing things (terms and conditions apply). This is not fun for him, in case you were wondering. If I go with the current plan he is the mc of the third book.
Mar (necromancer on a revenge quest) is also from starlightverse (mc of the second book I think?), but her connection to the other two is a secret. But. um. she comes from a group whose culture and language has been mostly erased in an attempt to also erase their magic system, which involves blood magic teleportation and ancestor necromancy. She starts out on a quest to avenge her father's death, and it gets worse.
Pasha (magic rock) is from my wip Deep and Dark, Beautiful and Bright (DaDBaB). I haven't talked about her a ton yet, because there are two timelines to the wip (past and present) and I've mostly been writing the past and she belongs to the present. But basically she has a...seeing stone, if you will, which mostly helps her to find things. When we meet her, she is being exploited by a group of treasure hunters...or maybe she is exploiting them.
Lya (unkillable amnesiac) is one of DaDBaB's two pov characters. A lot to unpack here. She's a zombie but she's still alive. Possessed by an evil entity but also she's the one in charge. Dies a lot but comes back every time. She can pass through gates between realms. There's maybe more than one version of her running around at once? She gains and loses different parts of her memory. In the past timeline she was this religious chosen one figure in a really weird political/social/religious position. She triggered the apocalypse but also she was right?
Trip (magic battery) is the other pov character from DaDBaB. He's also an amnesiac but there were too many other words in his description. He regains his memory more linearly though. Um...as part of the apocalypse a lot of their tech and zombie-destroying weapons stopped working, and he's the only one that can power/use them...for secret reasons. Saddest guy in the world but doesn't remember why. In the past he was pretending to be a Chosen One mostly to stay out of prison, and then things got complicated.
Anyway these are some of my Little Guys™ and I hope y'all like them!
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treescape · 5 months
Oo, M and N for the ask game?
(M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?)
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
Maybe the AU where Thrawn is a politician 😂 I did write a drabble based on that for Thrantovember one year.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
I really want to expand this Thrantovember drabble where Thrawn and Eli pretend to be lovers to hide the fact that they're spying on the Empire, and I've been thinking about that a lot.
And I really want to finish the Thrantovember prompts from last year because I regret that life got too busy for me to finish, so I've been thinking a lot about those, too! I stopped halfway through the one for day 10, which was "Safe Space," which was/is going to be an Eli hurt/comfort piece
Everything hurts. Maybe that’s a little dramatic, but it’s true.  “Can you tell me where it is you hurt, Lieutenant Commander?” Everywhere, he goes to say, but something deep in his mind stops him. That won’t be helpful. That’s not precise. He picks something at random. It isn’t like it won’t be true, too. “My head.”
Thank you so much for the ask! <3
(From this ask game)
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abracazabka · 2 months
7 Daniel, 17 Demetri
thanks for the ask!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
So, for Daniel, either when it's people on Tumblr talking about him or writing him, I like that most of us don't deride him by making him out to be The Rational One, All The Time. Sure, Daniel is oodles more responsible than Johnny, but he's also kind of nuts too! They both are!
I like when the fandom acknowledges his pettiness, his temper, his avoidance and repression, his rare mean streak. He's a human with flaws, and he's Different But Same to Johnny for a reason. Daniel is a great man and he is kind and patient and forgiving and loving. But he's not perfect and he can't be On all the time - I really love how this fandom, even when it's often under the pretense of his East Coast Punk Sass, acknowledges how Daniel is a complex character.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Honestly, I'm not really invested in ANY of the teen ships aside from SamTory. So, this would be any Demetri ship haha. But since Binary Boyfriends is the most popular Demetri ship, I suppose I should talk about that.
I've actually read one or two fics for the ship but it never really interested me. I understand why some people like it, but my investment in the characters is too low for me to really be into it. I wouldn't say I'm a "hater" of either character but it's no secret I don't like how they handled Eli's "redemption," and I think Demetri is sadly portrayed as just An Annoying Nerd archetype. That being said, I enjoy his character at times since he can actually be pretty funny! I'm more invested in the complexity of Demetri's friendship with Eli (which I believe has not even begun to be close to repaired, despite the show's rush to pretend it is) than any romance with him.
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