#bc I really think they have so much potential and they could be SOOOO cute
sunnibits · 1 year
not to sound like the most annoying cunt ever but I do think it’s really funny that I’ve seen multiple people since the new clip dropped being like “wow I never even considered fang/izzy until now but they’re really cute!!” bc like,, bitch I’ve seen the Vision™️ since day fucking ONE. ever since I saw THIS fucking image for the first time vvv
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this has ALWAYS been the vision besties. they have ALWAYS been here. not my fault y’all are blind as fuck lmao
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Hi! I have some questions for you. First, Rank the Hawthorne brothers:
Now, your most favourite character from the whole series :
Your least favourite character from the whole series:
I really want to know whether or not we think on the same wavelength about these characters or if I'm the odd one out. Last question, who are the characters that you wish had been mentioned more in the series, as in, their relation with Avery?
hello!! sorry it took me so long to reply but I have been heavily debating my answers. these were such good questions and it was so hard to decide!! but I feel like my answers are gonna bug you…
like genuinely love them all the same and I cannot choose, I had tried (hence why it took me so long to reply) but it was impossible 😔😔
I mean if you’re talking boyfriend wise: Grayson would be my first choice but I would not mind any of them, literally if they existed I’d be lucky to get a side glance
favourite character: you know what this is so difficult for me because it literally changes daily 😭😭 and it is so dependant on my mood but I’ll give you a top five
Gigi is my babyyyy, I love her to pieces!! she’s so bubbly and cute and sweet and I literally just want to hug her to death, but at the same time her character is so much deeper than that and she hides all of her pain. (and I’m a sucker for an emotionally traumatised character that’s trying to bottle everything up until they have to break).
okay this might get me hated on but I’m allowed to have my own opinion… I personally love love love Savannah… WAIT NO ONE KILL ME YET… I just think she’s such a girl boss, I love a strong independent woman who fights her own battles. also I love her pure confidence and how she also bottles her emotions in a more cutthroat way than Gigi, I love her coldness (I probably sound like a mentalist), idk I just love her and her intensity, it’s just so alluring!!
oh also tell me why nan Hawthorne is my literal idol?? idk I just love her. her energy is everything, she’s so cool 😭😭 idk I have an emotional attachment
I know I said five but we’re counting the Hawthorne brothers as a whole here (one whole split into quarters so it’s like 0.25 each). Grayson, Jameson, Xander and Nash are all spectacular in all different ways and I could sit here and book on why but I won’t bore you…
I know I literally just named half the characters in the book but overall if I had to give one answer I would have to say that Avery is my favourite character, call me predictable or clichè but I worship that woman and she’s such an amazing character
Least favourite character: this is the one I feel like I can give a straight answer on. I mean it’s the obvious E*e, Em*ly and Tob*as, like ew hate them.
oooo okay hottakes now (yay)
I feel like we don’t get enough of Libby and Avery just being sisters, like I need more. me and my sister are super close and I want to see that in those two. they have so much potential, I know we get snippets but after the first two books it kind of fades a bit…
obviously I want to see Lyra and Avery become besties because I feel like they’d bounce off of each other, like they’re both super smart, both (practically) dating a Hawthorne brother and I think they’d have such a cool friendship
idkkk but I loved the Avery/Xander dynamic from the hawthorne legacy (I think that’s when those two bonded more, but I might be wrong) so more of that would be amazinggg
and I know this isn’t about Avery but honourable mentions bc I want to see more Gigi and Xander being plutonic besties and also more Gigi and Savannah moments. I would also LOVEEE more scenes of just the four Hawthorne brothers bc those are always hilarious and they just gel so well together.
but now I’m practically naming everyone in the series, sorry for my waffle and not-straight answers 😭😭 but thanks for asking <33
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kurishiri · 9 days
thank you sooo much for your translations!! ngl ever since i’ve seen the arrival of the vogel trio im soooo on edge they seemed so shady from the first moment and with them i actually get more of the villain kinda feel haha but im also so utterly intrigued omg i’d get myself killed so quick if i was kate;; i’m excited to see how this aaall ends at some point 👀
hii anon! and ty for reading them too and leaving this message 🤍🤍 it means sm to me! /gen there r just sm mysteries surrounding vogel, it doesnt help that we know they’re “lying abt smth” either 😅 it definitely makes them seem more villainous compared to crown to me too! i hope you dont mind me rambling abt them, mb some spoilers, below the cut nhfkshfds i would love to hear your and others thoughts on vogel more too 🥹🫶
i do really like how each of their relationship is portrayed with kate. its refreshing to see other dynamics added into the game. like how 🍒 seems to easily wheedle kate to do what he wants, but also kate seems comfy enough to like chat with him and, well, give him a good ole wack every now and then lmao or how 💍 seems to be the one being teased by kate and how he gets easily flustered. hes really cute and im pretty convinced that if he had villainous tendencies it would be bc 🪽 had ordered him and whatnot. and 🪽 seems pretty two-faced but still considers kate a “favorite” of his. hes innocent and yaps a lot but also v calculating and good at diversions, which could check out as he has the curse of rothbart. in fact, i was thinking if theres any rt here that wouldn’t reach the threshold of romance to the fullest the way the others had, regardless how focused on romance it was, it would probably be 🪽. out of the three, i couldnt tell you which is my fav as they r all interesting to me, hehe
aside from that i can also see potential with worldbuilding 🙂‍↕️ what with how the twins seem to have the same curse from their profiles, when it shouldnt have been possible. (though maybe 💍 is actually cursed by odette while 🍒 is odile .. my personal theory, even if it may be a stretch, is that someone possibly associated with rogers dad was finding a way to see if the same curse could affect more than one person, and smth sorta backfired that made them have similar, but still dif curses. bc while both their curses share the same trigger, the effect it has on the recipient is different)
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new potential love interest reveal for anyone invested in my personal life for some reason. bc some are
okay SO. there’s this other guy i work withhhh of course and i’ve had a bigggg crush on him from the literal first moment i met him because god he’s sooooo fucking cute UGH. (the first time i saw him at the training me and my bestie gave each other a Look and were texting each other under the table like Oh my god did you just fall in love with him too. we have been jokingly fighting over him for MONTHS 😭) however it was like. never that serious it was just a fun thing for my friends and i to joke abt all the time and i haven’t felt the need to talk abt him for a variety of reasons bc 1. i was clearly BUSY with my other situationship hell and 2. me and him literally Never talked. like we talked comically little it was almost a bit that we’d never had a full conversation he would give me his stuff and then leave the second i got there so it wasn’t like we were super close by any means lmfao. and of course 3. he just HAD to have a girlfriend because why wouldn’t he. why WOULDN’T HE. they always do. but me and my friend were like okay soon we have to gauge how serious it is like what’s the deal is it serious is it like a canada girlfriend or what. so i finally brought it up with him this past friday and he talked abt her a bit and showed me pics of them and she was verrryyyy pretty and they’d been together for like two years which whatever that’s fine cool now i know right. NO! that’s not the end.
first of all him and i have already been talking a bit more than usual (maybe a few full conversations at this point!) but even better we were actually teaching together this week which means we’ll get to spend a bunchhhh of time together (also me and situationship are separated which helps too bc. out of sight out of mind) and he was like i’m so excited to finally be able to work closely with you and talk to you and whatever which is fun i was super looking forward to it. but anyway context there had been a wedding at our week on friday and so on monday my other coworker was like God I feel sooo bad for him we keep talking abt the wedding and stuff it’s probably making him feel worse and i was like. hey wdym. wdym. and they were like oh he just went through a really rough breakup and he’s kind of unwell abt it. and listen this person is Not the most reliable source whatsoever so i was hesitant to believe it because he had literally been raving abt her less than three days prior bro like WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!! so i casually bring her up (he’d mentioned that they might’ve been going to an event at our work together in a few weeks and i asked if he was still planning on that) and he was like oh yeah me and girlfriend unfortunately broke up it’s kind of a mess right now. and i was like oh my god i’m so sorry i had no idea i feel bad for bringing it up and he was like no it’s okay it’s fine i should’ve seen it coming. it’s kinda funny i totally switched up the gender roles and *i* was the one begging her for an explanation and to try and stay and fix the relationship and she was the one who ghosted me LOL! (.) BUT THERE’S ONE MORE KEY DETAIL. he’s leaving in LESS THAN A WEEK ACROSS THE COUNTRY because he’s getting his fucking PHD from a nice ass school (i fucking know dude) i always knew this but he’s leaving like much much sooner than expected. but anyway he is like. insanely attractive and charming and smart and it’s like 😭 why are you doing this to me. he’s so tall and he has the nicest hands if anyone i’ve ever seen and he’s sooo sweet to me and he’s always nerding out abt the smart ass shit he’s studying and it’s soooo charming dude you have no idea he’s so fun to talk to and be around. he is insanely out of my league like i think we all have got to be a little in love with him but for some reason the last few days i’ve been deluding myself into thinking there’s any chance something could happen and yknow what? i will absolutely try my luck he’s literally gonna be gone in a week i will totally make a rebound offer bc he keeps asking to hang out soon and shit. the pieces are falling into place let me finally have this universe. LET ME INNN
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gayleafpool · 9 months
Talk about Varian
-> one thing i’ve been thinking SO hard about lately is the potential of a lady caine and varian friendship. imagine it. she lost her dad and varian thought he lost his which drove them to seek revenge against and grow to hate the royal family. they both get thrown in prison. and basically forgotten about. A FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN THEM WOULD BE SO FUNNY he would probably think she was soooo cool. wait imagine if they had cells near each other in prison. imagine if she saw the things he went through w andrew in prison and thought hm wow that was insane and fucked up. what if they meet again later on like post s3 and become sorta pals and feel like they can vent their lingering resentment toward royalty w each other and just like. idk talk about all the shit they went through. WHAT THEN HUH
-> related i get so emo about varian repressing his trauma and like, outwardly it seems like he got over everything that happened to him with the blizzard/amber/prison/etc etc but really it was more relief that rapunzel forgave him and was able to free quirin so it felt like everything should be FINE and it would easy to just leave everything in the past so he tries and he thinks he’s getter better and doing well but he’s really getting so much worse and refuses to address or process any of the shit he went through until it all majorly comes crashing down a while later. there are these little signs in the way he behaves like he acts weirdly reckless sometimes and will put himself in bad situations, just starts to exhibit signs of what happened to him. iykyk u know we know. and it’s so hard for him to rationalize this and accept this bc his feelings are so complicated bc he would tell himself that he deserved to be treated that way or even liked it because he was so lonely and desperate for positive attention so there’s this shame and guilt aspect that makes it 10x harder to talk about and AUGHHHHHHH. i could write an essay. this is so important to me. everyone be nice to me about this
-> okay lighter topic. something i always forget about varian is that he’s a good artist like canonically i think that’s so fun. THEREFORE: varian and rapunzel drawing/painting together. ENOUGH SAID!!!!! i love them
wait now i’m thinking more varian and rapunzel thoughts. rapunzel teaching him how to dance. rapunzel being one of the few people who’s happy to sit and listen to him ramble about chemistry n shit cuz she loves learning new things so she’s genuinely interested. they are so <3 IVE ALSO SAID BEFORE that i think varian looooves learning new languages and he’s really good at it and i think rapunzel would be too!! they just end up having lots of common interests
also i refuse to believe varian ever gets taller than her i just cant see it
-> mmfmfmfmfmf varian and ulla thoughts. the fact that they look so similar makes me crazy. i also like to imagine that his hyperactive inquisitive balls to the walls insane personality comes mostly from her too. cute but batshit 🫶🫶 also the anger issues. u know that image that’s like i inherited my mother’s anger yeah thats varian. also the idea that quirin is so protective of varian bc he feels like he couldn’t protect ulla esp when you factor in that varian is basically just a copy of her. WAUGH!!!!! i’m emo.
something something donella seeing hugo start to catch feelings for varian and being like oh so this little shit is EXACTLY like his mother. bc it reminds her of how she loved ulla but could never have her. and it makes her hate varian sooo bad. girl rein in the projection
this has been explosion hour with gayleafpool come again soon
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
I am thinking soooo many thoughts
 Drunk buds Hen and Buck are back ahhh!! Look at their cute little faces 🥰
((Buck saying clearly he wouldn’t have an issue while gesturing at himself pls help me I’m 💀))
I cannot believe the fandom nailed this one. Like full on nailed it and the dilemma.
Hen and Buck both drinking makes me wonder if when Buck came over for her perspective (bc of her and Karen’s past experience with the donor option), they also got to talk about her own dilemma of school v. paramedic. I’ve always loved the big sister/little brother thing they’ve had and I hope we get more of that tonight! Bucks always been so supportive of Hen and I hope we get to see her leaning on him for a bit, because that woman deserves a break for as hard as she’s been working herself for the last few seasons.
There’s just*so* many implications that can come from this story line. Hen nailing it with her line at the end because can he actually walk away? Buck who obsessed over Mitchel and Thomas, Red, the group from last episode, etc. etc.? The man who obsessively baby proofed Maddie and Chim’s apartment months before Jee was even born—to the point he locked their upper cabinets with baby locks? The same man who built a whole ass skateboard for Christopher after talking to Eddie one (1) time after the fall incident? That man isn’t really capable of being detached and with Hen’s line I don’t know how Buck goes through with it.
We don’t know if it’s a one time donation for one child or if they will attempt to have multiple embryos, meaning Buck may have to face the reality of fathering multiple children and being involved with none of them.
Buck wants a family of his own so badly that the idea of him having kids but not really having kids would eat away at him. The Buddie in me hopes that Buck goes to Eddie after Hen for his thoughts and perspective and we get a “you’re already a dad” moment. Because I will not survive that, even a little bit. I do think they will talk about it though, because there’s a zero percent chance Buck goes through something this massive without consulting his best friend.
Also, the possibility of Buck having to consider his family history with cancer before making a decision — like maybe he makes it to the paperwork portion and realizes in the screening what he could be passing on to a child, and has to reevaluate a few things in that moment. Or maybe he and Maddie talk (which, I really hope we see him talk to his sitter about this) and she brings up the potential health risk—something we saw her concerned about even after Jee was born and she had to take her to the hospital last season. What happens if he has to go back and break the news to his old friend and their partner that his family had a history of juvenile leukemia? That his brother passed from it and they (Buck or them or both) decide not to move forward? I think that could very well crush him, honestly — and not just for being a donor, but for having to consider future children and what he could pass along. It might jar him a little to consider that he really doesn’t know the full scope of his family medical history and if Daniel hadn’t come to light a few years ago he may have never known. Buck likes to fester, so I can see him ruminating on all the ‘what-ifs’ and that could further lead to the much speculated breakdown.
That small little scene had so much packed into it I just —
There’s so much more to unpack, mostly centered on how fucking phenomenal Hen really is. She always sees through the nonsense and can pick out exactly what is eating at a person—and here she knew exactly what Buck needed to hear. She’s such a rock for this show and I love, love, love her for it.
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I just saw the other merman Suguru ask and why are they so right and cute the glowing one(I had to look it up what that means bc I am kinda dumb 😔)and him trying to move with his tail 😭😭 I never wanted to be in a scenario this much I need to get isekai’d😭😭
And I have a question 🙋‍♀️ : Do merfolks speak the language of the region they live in, or is there a language only they can speak? And if the latter is true, will the reader need to teach Suguru the language they speak? (Sorry this one was a little bit long😔) 🌙
🌙 ANON HELLO!!! first of all; NEVER apologize for making ur asks a lil long, it’s never too long for me!! i love hearing ur thoughts!!!! feel free to write a whole essay i’ll savour every single word <33
AND WAHHH THAT’S SUCH AN INTERESTING QUESTION….. i still haven’t thought that much abt the mer lore in this fic so this is a great opportunity 🤔🤔 hm hm hmmmmm. i feel like…. they probably have their own language?? but i can see it being almost entirely non-verbal, almost like a form of telepathy? but also just a kind of sign language!! i do think they probably learn the language of their region, but only for safety purposes — so they can understand what humans are saying if they’re in danger. and i imagine that sugu is a pretty powerful and intelligent mer who’s studied the human language more than most !!! i feel like maybe he really loved humans when he was younger, and eavesdropped on them often…. but then maybe one day he witnessed firsthand how cruel humans can be :(( and that made him lose all his trust & affection for them.
THIS ASK IS SO GOOD IT’S MAKING ME COME UP W MER!SUGU LORE tysm 🌙 anon…. but anyway!! i feel like reader and sugu can communicate pretty well because of this :33 i can picture suguru refusing to speak to them at first bc he does Not fw humans so they just assume he can’t speak the language…. but then one day they’re bringing him his fresh fish and he’s warmed up to them a little so he’s like. thank you for the meal. and reader just EXPLODES bc wdym u could speak this whole time???? they’re soooo flabbergasted and he’s just amused.
and on the other hand i can also picture sugu teaching you some common gestures that merfolk use to express emotions … (maybe one of them is a way of saying ”i love you” and reader ends up signing that to sugu at some point. or the other way around. yeahh i’m weak for that trope sorry) THERE’S JUST SO MUCH POTENTIAL…
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caps-clever-girl · 1 year
Okay I'm going slightly wild because I think I know your opinions on the mainstream ships - don't feel the need to do all of these 😆
I ABSOLUTELY answered all of these and you did actually include one of my fave rarepairs in this jkjshdfkj THANK YOU!!!!!! Ship game here!
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Fell in love with this pairing in the peach milk fic, i CANNOT EXPAIN this??? But i just lve how soft robin can be and i think thomas would do well with that. Also having someone who’s a bit more blase about monogamy could help thomas calm down a bit with how obsessive he is (or it could of course backfire and make him sad :c ) also i feel robins pranking/little shit-ness could go well with toms dramatics IF he let himself.
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This one was DIFFICULT. I love burnt bread ok annie/mary is absolute soulmate shit. Its funny bc at the start of ghosts i did think kitty/mary was very cute, but between a growing fondness for kitmas and my LOVE for annie/mary i lost interest. I personally perfer this trio as annie/mary and their bestie kitty? But i do think the potential is cute as fuck and i an happy to be convinced of an ot3!!!!!!
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I FUCKING LOVE JULIAN FANNY AND I WANT THEM TO BANG. I WANT THEM TO BANG A LOT. I WANT FANNY TO FINALLY SHOW HER TRUE HORNY COLOURS AND I WANT IT TO BE WITH JULIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously i fucking love these two as an item, they were giving VIBES in s4 and i want those vibes to continue in s5 DESPERATELY. I think they get on so well when they arent insulting eachother (and when they are) like they’re both smart and can go toe to toe with eachother. And fanny is soooo repressed, i think she should unleash that and finally be her horny self and who better to do that with than julian? Yes he’s an ass but there is a chance he actually knows his stuff. Repressed posh horndog x huge manslut <3. The concept of these two send me so bonkers. I dont think its romantic, though i would not be opposed to seeing that develop, but i do think they would become besties with nasty benefits. Enemies to lovers, to Frenemies to lovers, to besties to lovers.
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CAP AND ROBIN CAP AND ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! 100% a case of have 2 fave characters? Ship them! Its a shame bc they have SUCH little interraction in canon :( i cry about that every day. But i think they would work and actually work WELL. Robin not only lets cap infodump about weaponry but he’s interested in it!! And again, robin is a little shit but he is also a soft bitch. He would be patient with cap, but in particular because sexuality doesnt really bother him?? (Twas simply not really a concept in is day) he has like…. idk how to explain it but like he has no kid gloves around cap navigating himself. He just says it how it is. He doesnt go overboard with encouragement or praises but its clear that he cares and that he understands its hard for cap?? Yeah?? And cap would appreciate that. Cap can go at whatever pace he wants, talk as much or as little abt it as he wants and robin wouldnt pester him, but would be VERY helpful if cap did need it. PLUS!!! They are nature boys. Tell me they would not spend HOURS out on the grounds looking at birds. Robin would show cap his mouse family and cap would LOVE it, and in turn he would show Robin the ants and robin would be intrigued by the fact insects can be organised and have jobs. Robin would teach him about the animals from his time and cap would be so interested. They would absolutely watch nature docs together. And robin would watch weaponry docs with him (not neccesarily war docs themselves). They would both spend hours watching How Its Made vids. God i love them. So so much.
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Ok my opinion on cap/mike. I do love the concept of this, but i do believe its one sided? Its hard to imagine mike falling for a ghost in general bc he cant see or interract with them in any way (hence i dont mind robin/julian/mike bc they kind of can have a bit of a chat and a joke). HOWEVER cap is canonically attracted to mike at the start of the series so hell yeah if that continued and developed that would be so good. The consequences of him being in love with mike would be excellent at any stage - pre-realisation of his sexuality would be incredible to watch, and it would maybe help him realise. It would be interesting to compare an infatuation with mike to one with havers and see the differences, esp if mike was mid/post realisation. I do think mike would be good mates tho. Just a vibe i have. I would love to see them interract so much. ALSO!!!!! I think the paralell of cap and fanny both having a thing for mike would be SO FUCKING FUNNY. Both of them sat bitching about it like “why me” “why me? Why HIM?” And “he lifted that box of silverware the other day and i fell through a wall.”
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cancrizans · 2 years
the thing about kny that really pisses me off is like ALL of the bad writing in general but specifically how terribly nezuko’s character is handled because her role in the story ties together all my beef with this series. for every other girl you can be like “oh there was no chance/time/whatever to flesh them out” which is another can of worms but it’s at least some semblance of an excuse.
with nezuko it’s just crazy bc like. this is an anime that will dedicate 6 minutes of an already-drawn-out battle arc to hand a random one-off demon villain a sympathetic backstory and internal monologue complete with tanjirou gay smiling over them and wishing them peace in the afterlife AND YET it can’t be assed to give any of that to nezuko, despite her supposedly being a main character and also conveniently our female lead. like i don’t know how you can do that. there were like 4 episodes in a row at some point where they just straight-up did not mention her and it was like. is she fucking dead??? when she’s the reason for the shonen journey in the first place. she has no agency, no internal thought process. you could replace her with a superpowered beloved family dog and nothing would change in her character arc bc she doesn’t have one!!
the other demons can talk. they talk soooo much. but nezuko can only communicate with grunts and noises and she has no voice or say in any of this. she is tanjirou’s goal but has no goal of her own, and we rely on him to interpret for her. and we don’t even know what was lost when she turned into a demon because all we knew about her from when she was human was that she loved her family <3 which is hardly a personality trait and certainly not one anywhere near Defining. what Defines nezuko is her relationship to tanjirou, and she is not a character, but a concept. some concept of the feminine ideal in its most valuable state: a little sister but with the potential for later courtship, which we see with zenitsu (who also does not see her for who she is or who she was or who she can become, but as a cute girl who he wants to marry for Some reason. he doesn’t even know her).
i don’t think i’d be so uppity about this if she had just been relegated to damsel in distress but she’s only a damsel when it’s convenient and otherwise it’s like wow here’s miss deus ex machina coming to save tanjirou’s ass again!!! she still doesn’t have any narrative agency though. or thoughts. like the closest we get to nezuko having something that is Hers and not just some extension of tanjirou is when she realizes that her family is gone in the red light district arc and starts crying and reverts into the form of a child. and then it never deals with it after the fact and she gets shipped off Yet Again until it’s time to save tanjirou and show that’s she’s human again ^_^ and everything is hunky-dory ^_^
kny is just shoddily written in general it’s your average shonen and this extends to the characters. so none of them really hold water but it’s just so Obvious with nezuko because she is the center of the story. she is The Main Girl. the de facto mascot. she is the question and the answer. she’s right there! but the problem to me is that she isn’t really there. or at least not in execution
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ragnarlothcat · 2 years
Hiiiii!! so I was just reading your poet au posts (which btw amazing work, delightful reading all around, can't wait to read a whole fic if you decide to write it-which i really hope you do bc it's soooo good) and i saw that you were kind of insecure about the poetry part and i have a few thoughts about it and i hope you don't mind me sharing them
first, i really don't think anybody is going to judge your poems -nor the fact that you put them as the work of the best poet in off brand France. also there is obviously suspension of belief so if you say the poems are the work of the best poet, people really wouldn't question it much.
also you could just get the base poems from other poets (credit them obviously) and alter it as needed.
and there is also the possibility of finding someone to beta the poems (as an avid poetry reader since I was like 9, i would gladly do it)
what I meant by this whole ask is, although i understand your concern, and i truly do, i deeply hope it doesn't stop you from creating something that had sooo much potential (if you do want to write in full), but also even if you don't further extend the work, what you already created if great
so yeah that's that hope I didn't cross any lines (sorry if I did)
Ahh thank you (and no crossed lines at all!) 🥰 You make several good points! It's true, no one is going read my porny Star Wars fanfiction, scoff to themselves and say "this isn't nearly as good as Molière!" Like, it isn't, but that's probably an impractically high bar.
And I could totally use preexisting poetry with the relevant details changed (and credited, I'm not looking to get haunted by John Donne), but also the idea of a poetry beta is so fun! I don't have any kind of beta right now for a number of reasons (one of which is that my biggest writing crime is straight up missing words and I prefer to think of that as a sort of accidental madlibs. What is Obi-Wan verbing on Anakin's noun? That's up to you and your imagination!) but I think a poetry one would be especially interesting. We could brainstorm fun metaphors together!!!
If I decide to write more it'll probably be in the new year? I've committed myself to a few other WIPs until then so poet Obi-Wan will be forever wallowing in the misery of his not-actually-unrequited love. But I ended the scene with Anakin in his lap so he'll be fine probably. Anakin is very cute.
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astrobydalia · 2 years
Relationship observations pt. III
I actually meant to post this on Valentines Day but overthinking and procrastination took over as usual ☺️✨
Relationship observations: pt. I and pt. II
Work by: astrobydalia on tumblr
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Juno in Aries people either get married quite young or they get married to someone younger or both things might occur
Juno in 1st house tho IS a big indicative of marring very young after having a love at first sight situation with the person
Also, Juno in Aries/1st house people will marry someone that is just like them in some way
Similar thing can happen if you have Juno in Leo/5th house, you guys just have very similar personalities and get along like buddies. You’ll definitely marry someone you’ll have lots of fun and laughs with
Venus-Chiron aspects indicates attracting third-party situations in relationships. It's not necessarily cheating (could be) but things along the lines of your partner being in a relationship when you meet them, falling for two people, etc.
I swear I’ve never seen Cancer and Taurus placements NOT ending up together
Mars in the 1st house synastry: honestly I really dislike this overlay. Yeah it creates great attraction blah blah but it’s honestly the most superficial overlay in my opinion cause it’ll only make you interested on how the other person presents themselves not wanting to look into deeper levels of their personality, which turns to be incredibly irritating in the long run. Not a good indicator for longevity in any connection.
Capricorn moon in the Juno persona chart indicates the marriage can feel a bit "serious" and maybe even traditional, could indicate unhappy marriage or a partner that is not emotionally expressive. This also indicates a marriage that is hard to break, I've seen this in people who felt the "obligation" to maintain the marriage for some reason
Eros is often interpreted as just a sexual asteroid but I've very much often observed that people end up committing to those who embody typical traits of their Eros sign which goes to show that Eros is also related to romantic/platonic attraction (just like in mythology) and not just sexual attraction
I've observed so so so many times Fire moons pairing up with Earth moons and these couples work surprisingly well together. Basically the earth moon calms down and grounds the fire moon and the fire moon person energizes and amuses the earth moon person. It's pretty cute.
I don’t know why people don’t talk about 2nd house synastry/heavy 2nd house in composite more often. 2nd house is significantly more common than 7th house in many long-term/married couples. This house literally represents stability and our sense of value, things we feel like are worth maintaining because of the value we give to them. Therefore 2nd house synastry or activated 2nd house in composite indicates you see potential of long-term stability in that relationship and you also value your connection together.
I don't think people talk about how commitment-phobic Scorpio/8th house Venus people can be a lot of times. They can be exactly what people think Aquarius Venus is. I’ve seen SOOOO many Scorpio/8th house venus people being super indulgent in their relationships like wanting an open relationship, avoiding labels, getting in on-and-off situatioships and even cheating sometimes. They are deep down very hedonistic and want to explore their sexuality. If they find someone they genuinely wanna settle with they'll be fiercely loyal, but they're not necessarily looking to get attached like that right off the bat cause they see love as giving someone the power to hurt you so a lot of times they just get into relationships to test the waters and if they find the love of their life great but if they don’t then they’re okay with just having a good time *wink wink*
People with moon in the 7th house are the type to dye their hair blond bc their crush likes blonde girls or stuff like that
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Libra, Pisces, Cancer and Virgo placements are literally the ones who invented the "don't leave, we can try again and make it work" concept
Gemini risings will attract wealthy partners!!! Nobody talks about this enough but I swear I haven’t seen a single Gemini rising who didn’t have a wealthy partner/spouse. Their 7th house is ruled by Jupiter after all.
All Cardinal Venus people loooove the chase and those first stages in a relationship
Gemini Venus naives either date literal clones of the same type of person over and over again or they date people that are completely different from each other. No in-between
Libra Venus people think they have a type but deep down they don’t know what they want. One day you’ll see them date someone that is the exact opposite of what they previously described as their “perfect partner”
People with 8th house Venus/Mars are the type to make out with random people in clubs and parties just for the sake of it lol
Venus/Mars in Aquarius or aspecting Uranus will at least once in their life date someone who their family doesn't approve of
Aries moons engage in toxic and co-depandant relationships more than scorpio placements
I’ve noticed people with Venus in the 4th house end up with partners who have a very childish/immature energy either physically or mentally
It’s well-known that Juno persona chart talks about spouse but I’ve noticed it also represents how the marriage is from your pov
Everyone talks about Pluto but honestly natives with Moon-Saturn or Venus-Saturn or Saturn in the 7th house are the ones who will REALLY get themselves in very toxic, possessive and controlling relationships. (Saturn = authority, restrictions)
I’ve noticed Capricorn placements always end up falling for Virgos particularly
Something I’ve noticed about 8th house synastry that nobody talks about is that this overlay a lot of times comes with a whole deal of admiration. The planet person specially is able to easily see everything the house person is capable of (since this is the house of our inner power) and this can either be intimidating or threatening for the planet person or on the contrary it can cause literal fascination and admiration for the house person (this is where the infamous obsession comes from). When healthy, the planet person could really desire to lift up and empower the house person or the planet person feels more empowered around the house person or vice versa. When developed this overlay causes genuine devotion and loyalty in the couple
I personally believe natives with Moon-Pluto aspects belong with people who also have Moon-Pluto aspects in their own natal chart (romantically), otherwise they will feel very misunderstood and alone in their own intensity. Although this can be a double-edged sword too
Natives with Chiron in Libra/7th house are serial daters. The type to jump from one relationships to another in a matter of months. They’re usually loyal tho
Pay attention to PoF in the Juno persona chart, I’ve observed this sign/energy is bound to be significant in the chart of your fs
Capricorn Venus have this tendency to be condescending or patronizing with their loved ones, because in their mind they're just taking care of you
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fumifooms · 2 years
Byclair take, + prompts
Hear me out hear me out... Will x Lucas.
Ok so? Chemistry? Decent potential there. Healthy, interesting dynamic? Def there. Can u have an arc about internalised homophobia, like byler? Def, on both sides. Can Lucas deserve Will & be an unwavering good friend worst case scenario? Ya
Okok now let’s go into the specifics
Ok because Will’s character/whole arc is about healing through trauma & accepting change/letting go, and self-discovery too ig, while Lucas’ is like, accepting himself and strenghtening his identity and convictions and stuff... Lucas can be Will’s constant and support while Will is Lucas’ moral compass and his anchor, his reminder that being different isn’t something to repress, but most of all, a reminder of who he used to be as a kid when he allowed himself to just be.
I’m a elmax shipper so Max isn’t an obstacle to me, and if she is that can be good angst/character arc material there. Like! Ya want parallels? I’ll dish ya parallels of Will letting his love for Mike go & Lucas accepting that him and Max aren’t good for each other romantically
Dynamic? Ok they actually mesh soooo well, like think about it. [Skip the whole paragraph if u don’t want my take on other Will ships, no bashing i just find them boring srry, idk i like comparing ships when explaining my like of one in particular, it just clicks to me. I’m aware this paragraph might turn ppl away but I just wanna share thoughts :( ] Will shipped with any of the other kids is kinda milktoast. Mike? Cute/emotional symbolism and narrative but tbh not much substance /chemistry in practice (imo, no bashing intended), Will likes Mike’s kindness and idealism but them dating would kinda just be Will being cute about liking Mike and them holding hands and doing things together ig but,,, talking? Idk how one would write byler dialogue tbh it feels like kinda just prose, mostly bc that’s what it’s meant to be in canon i think- like, a narrative instead of a ship. ANYWAYS I GOT SIDETRACKED. Will with Dustin? Twilight Sparkle x Pinkie Pie energy which is cute, but again if u dig deeper there’s not much to exploit besides aesthetics. They could banter and Dustin would crash Will’s dnd games and they could have cute wild & free spirit x prissy rigid thinking soft artist imagery & interactions but like,, they wouldn’t really bring anything to the relationship, esp not something that their friendship doesn’t already give. Will with Eleven? Well, sibling dynamic now, but they’d always kinda just have been the 2 misfits having an understated soft romance n being sidelined lowkey. They could hurt/comfort but bot much else, and again this is smth that a friendship does already, and better i think. Will with Max? This one is actually kinda interesting to consider, esp if u think about them both having upside down personal haunting trauma, but that’s mostly bc Max & Lucas are similar in personality/character anyways, which is one of the reasons the lumax ship kinda fails at being interesting and endearing (to me).
But Will with Lucas? It fits so well.
It’s the "we’ve been friends for years but we’ve kinda grown distant lately, but even now when we don’t hang out much and spirits of the past are haunting us, I can see your pain while no one else does". It’s "I understand how you’re hurting because you want to fit in, because I wish I could, too". It’s "we’re both kinda getting sidelined from our friend groups, aren’t we, and we’re both not fitting in with the others quite like we did before, and we don’t play d&d together much anymore, really, and we’re lonely and stuff but we see each other and idk, i find it easy to click with you, like I always have. Wanna go grab an ice cream?"
It’s the best of every world!! Fluff?? Very doable! Angst? Soo easy! Poetic hurt/comfort inner monologue, my beloved? Super tonally compelling. Platonic instead of romantic? Also such untapped potential, but the relationship being of a romantic nature does bring something to the table!
Logical yet bold Lucas. Soft yet driven Will. Lucas being there to comfort Will unconditionally, but also being able to confidently tell him, when he’s having self-doubts, that it’s all bs. Lucas reassuring him that heartache isn’t the end of the world when he notices his love for Mike, ever observant, then Will doing the same for him when he goes through his last breakup with Max, and a connection forming from there. Them just hanging out, alone the two of them for whatever reason, because everyone else has a lover, or they just feel like it, and they hang out and talk and chill. Will and Lucas having one on one d&d sessions!! Because the others aren’t available for Will’s schedule and wants, and Lucas misses it, and also he’s always loved the ingenious creativity of Will’s campaign ideas and the passion with which he roleplays. Lucas, the out of place jock, and Will, the bullied misfit. Gimme the AUs!! Gimme the slow burns!! Gimme the secret pining narratives!! Everything would be SO good
Ok hot take but not really, but I was lowkey pissed at how the season just, doesn’t talk about Lucas and sports at all? The show kinda implies that he joined the basketball team and everything just for the brownie points with the popular crowd, to be accepted and all, but does Lucas just not care about the sport?? Does he not like basketball?? Is he naturally gifted to have landed that winning score or did he spend many hours desperately training to have a chance of popular kids accepting him? We don’t know!! Why don’t we know when that’s like, such an obvious loose thread?! I always kinda just thought that he, y’know, wanted to do basketball on the basketball team but the way it’s all done and how Lucas says something like "I should never have joined the team bc they suck and i have u guys" in the last ep, I was like?? So was the basketball just an extra to making the team or? To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with that narrative, it’s actually really compelling. But the thing is that the show doesn’t address it at all, it kinda implies it but doesn’t state anything or does anything with it so it kinda just dies a no closure death and feels off and ruins the potential when all the cards right for it was laid out Actually that last criticism is a common flaw i’ve found throughout the season tbh. Putting all the crumbs necessary for a cool pay-off, then just doing nothing with it or worse, dismissing them and going back on them.
ANYWAYS where i was gonna go with that is, Lucas teaching Will how to play basketball and do scores and them playing ball together, even if Will is clumsy and shy/reluctant about trying sports <3 Lucas chilling on Will’s bed head on his laps, prob listening to music or audiobook or thinking about life as Will draws. And when Will wants to show Lucas his drawings, Lucas immediately shifts his focus on it and is genuinely invested in them and loves it, and it rekindles his love for fantasy and d&d that he thought he had lost. And maybe Will allows Lucas to be soft, after all. With Max, he wanted to be though and worthy, to prove he could be the best boyfriend, that he shouldn’t be dumped, that he was as cool as her and that her brother shouldn’t have seen him as someone she shouldn’t hang out with. With the rest of the gang, he has to be smart and bring something to the conversation, keep them safe, be useful, offer reasons for why he wants to do some new things instead of playing d&d with them, why he hangs out with them less lately because of inner turmoil he doesn’t wanna share, the insecurities of having to be more mature, more adult, more responsible and irreproachable, and of needing to conform to be accepted where you think it matters. To keep appearances up, to have it both ways and overlook shady behavior of your new pals until they threaten your real, old ones who you debate on ratting out or saving them at the cost of your safety and status. And now when you look at all of them, you can only hope they’re ready to forgive and forget the time you ditched them for assholes and had to be pushed to the brink to go back to their side fully, hope that you can one day forgive yourself. Hope that Max can love you, and that maybe this time you’ll feel whole when you convince her to get back together with you, because you dedicate all you have to her and if she doesn’t want that then maybe you can never be enough for anything. He has so much to prove.
But with Will? Ya, he can chill with Will. Doesn’t mean angst disappears, it just means that he feels less pressure and in a way, they’ve seen the worst lows of each other in a way that feels liberating, instead of putting standards and expectations on their shoulders. And maybe Lucas can let himself be a dork, if Will is there being the hugest dork of them all and is still so lovable and amazing and thriving. And as Will rambles about his new convoluted worldbuilding and campaign ideas to Lucas, Lucas entertains the visions of fantastic grandiosity and dragons and heroes saving the world with the power of goodness. And he loves what he sees, what he says, and he loves the voice, and he loves the way he rambles and talks about it all with such a spark, passion that Lucas himself had become to think was impossible to muster for anything anymore, and he loves him, and maybe that means he can bring himself to love himself, and love life. And they chill in Will’s room, and life is good and sweet and they’ve both found someone they can truly, fully enjoy being in love with.
I never ever thought i would be galaxy braining about Lucas Sinclair out of anyone but. That just goes to show how everything can be passionating with the right fanon spice
Lucas is an interesting character, and Will is too, they’re both flawed but so lovely, and idk Lucas in canon just was never really given the right environment to shine and thrive as a character you will want to ship and write fics of and stan in my experience, but Will x Lucas? Reborn potential & i love it sm
Also like, idk, Lucas has such good Eleven step-brother vibes & potential? It’d be so fricking good and funny. Lucas is such a good straightman & sassy voice of reason i love him (which is more than I could say about my feelings about him like 2 hours ago lol. Canon why are u set on reducing him to the boring sidelines)
Okok, Fumi out, rarepair rant over. They came to me in a flash randomly during a work shift and I am so glad for that blessing
... Excuse me have I been writing about them nonstop for almost an hour
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Renjun would include
Requested by anon: hi !! your dating series headcanons are very cute, could i please request one for renjun 🥺
A/N: I have the biggest soft spot for this man
Series Masterlist
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*You can see Renjun in the corner bc you’re on FaceTime. He’s trying to listen to your story while doing something else. The texts are what led up to the impromptu call.*
Crushing Stages:
So I mentioned here that I think if Renjun has a crush on someone, he doesn’t look at them
He can like them A LOT, like literally dream about them
But his friends don’t even know he likes someone. He is just so lowkey about it and the possibility that you may like him too??? KINDA SCARY
I feel like he could be a potential enemies to lovers type person IRL
When you initiate the interest, internally Renjun is PANICKING,,, but he eventually gets all soft and comfortable in your presence???
Like the way he giggles at your jokes, or leans into you, or generally how happy he is to be around you (although he does try to maintain somewhat of a front)
That’s when you really know he’s down BAD bc he’s like this with no one but you
He only lets so many ppl into his life like this so pls be careful with his trust
But the moment you get him to really open up, you become his favourite person
The rant sessions are the best
bc you two are just agreeing with each other about how everything sucks
he just gets you, you know?
Also bickering every 2 minutes
While he fights you, he would also fight anyone for you
Why is he ready to square up with u from the moment he wakes up
"You moved too much in your sleep last night" OK and what are u gonna do about it? NOTHING
He’s just so petty
Why are competitions ‘do or die’ for this man
Be ready to literally go head-to-head with him with anything
Also he either gets all shy or whiny when he wants affection from you
"Come here." "Why? Do you wanna cuddle or something?" "No..." "Okay then I'm not going there." *in a quiet voice and his arms reaching out* "Pleaseeee. Don't make me beg."
Very affectionate when it’s just you two
Not a fan of PDA
Like he won't admit it, but he likes to be BABIED
Can be sensitive from time to time
No doubt in his mind that he would defend your honour if someone talks shit
You are just an extension of him and NOBODY messes with what's his
When you do something embarrassing he’ll look away and pretend he doesn’t know you
Colouring book dates :-(( where you guys just sit across from each other and colour together :-(((
Also picnics in scenic places where you guys paint on canvas
Soooo pouty
He really truly does admire you
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Gets mad if someone is noisy while you try to take a nap
and then he'll put a blanket on top of you and kiss your forehead :-(((
Doesn't answer your facetime calls the first time you call him, but will call you back like "🤨 what?"
Annoying him must be soooo fun, like you know exactly what ticks him off so you do it
With just one look you can tell when he's over something
Tries his actual best to be patient with you
Because he does have a soft spot
He will literally stay up with you if you need help with something
And try his absolute best to make time for you
And update you with new things so that you're not worried about him
Makes sure you're not stressing yourself out too much by bearing some of the load off your shoulders
His love language is saying "you're so annoyinggg" when you're actually being really cute LMAO
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tries to cheer you up by singing to you
this song ALL THE TIME (nooo why did I actually search up ‘Renjun’s lil song’ on youtube djskkwosk)
Once you get past his "tough" exterior you know he's really just a grumpy baby that just wants to be loved by his favourite person
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fallindomino · 3 years
how i would have changed s2 of hsmtmts
obvious disclaimer but im not a screenwriter or anyth so im not claiming what i want is best, this is just for fun lololol
okay so first of all nini would still have dropped out of yac but she wouldn’t have gone back to east, she would have transferred to north bc she was too ashamed to tell anyone she left at first and maybe she still wants to explore who she is away from ricky and the others
nini could join north’s batb and this way maybe we could have some playful rivalry with lily and nini and more scenes with antoine shdhdjdj also it could have been a great opportunity to flesh out lily’s character so those scenes where she reaches out to ricky and her confession at the end of the season actually make sense lol
speaking of ricky ,,, i think he should have left the play at some point hear me out. he only joined in the first place because of nini and barely wanted to do it at all once he realized he wasn’t gonna be able to perform with her. he could have joined crew and been a manager with natalie or smth considering he rlly does see the theater gang as a second family. also this would leave so much room for ej and ricky development and bants since ej joined the av club and began to pursue film. they could have some convos where idk ricky asks ej how he figured out what he wanted to do after duke didn’t work out and ricky could actually develop some interests that arent the play or nini ,,, maybe fucking art club i mean he did p good on that centerpiece for carlos’ quinceañera.
with ricky not being the beast anymore i think seb should take his place that would be soooo good. and since seb isn’t chip anymore carlos won’t make those snide comments about chip being a small unimportant role and we can just cut that whole fight bc it was dumb and bad. we could still have seb being insecure that carlos is only dating him bc there aren’t really any other gay guys at school. in a heartbeat is great and i did like ricky being supportive in the background it was kinda funny too idk dhdjdjfj
ooh i almost forgot abt rini ahshdj okay so i still think they should break up. but in my version there’s no ricky pulling an ej 1.0 and deleting comments off of nini’s insta, cause with ricky in art club and nini at north trying to figure out what she wants i think one of them would realize that they’re going in different directions and only got back tgt because they made each other feel safe cause what they had was familiar. this could be triggered by ricky mentioning smth abt nini at yac and then nini breaks down and tells him that she dropped out and is at north and doesn’t know where she’s going. and then they can both realize they aren’t good for each other rn and have a less tragic mutual break up.
honestly i really liked the scene of nini taking charge after miss jenn freaked out cause with the character detail of nini giving every person in the cast of productions she’s in a thank you note she just seems really like someone who is suited to lifting others up. this could still be explored at north, maybe she could help lily through her issues that were briefly implied in ep 11 and nini realizes she wants to be a drama teacher and encourage kids to go off book and put themselves into their acting, something she couldn’t have at yac.
okay now ej ,,, so like i said in ricky’s section, more bants between them cause i feel like friendships kinda fell by the wayside due to all the relationships so more friendship !!!! also the scene where ej tells his dad he’s not going to duke shouldn’t have been an ending scene, it should have been fleshed out with his dad pushing back saying how he pulled all these strings to get him in and ej saying he doesn’t wanna go if his own hard work couldn’t get him there. and also more scenes of ej doing av club things !!! and realizing he rlly likes film and wants to do it OMG IT WOULD BE SO COOL IF HE BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AND ASKED THE DOCUMENTARY CREW ABT THE FILM INDUSTRY god i would love that. the only scene we rlly got of ej doing film things was at the quinceañera which made me kinda sad. uhhh also i just wanted to specifically mention how ej got mr mazzara that job at cal tech bc it really showed how he wanted to be there for people not just for gina, who he had a crush on, but for mr mazzara who supported him outside of romance, so i wanna keep that for sure.
gina !!! okay so i mostly liked her arc in this season, the only changes i would make would be to flesh it out a teeny bit (god this hypothetical s2 would have to be like 22 eps at least shdjdjdjfj) anyways besides ashlyn singing home to get gina to stay i think there should be a scene where they actually talk in her room abt how gina feels safer when shes on the run (second chance reference ilysm) hhhh and also a scene of her and carlos actually working out compromises for their choreo cause i liked that bit of development too and fleshing that out would make gina an even better foil for lily, who felt a need to hog the spotlight like gina used to. with gina’s own arc fleshed out her character would feel more whole independently from romance and portwell would be even more rewarding than it is in the current s2. the only thing i would really change abt portwell is that they would kiss !!! in the finale but thats bc im biased.
ashlyn should have gotten a more fleshed out storyline about being insecure about not being a good enough belle or the typical belle. there were some throwaway lines when north did their typical dramatics but the only two real scenes that showed it were when ash talked to big red about it and when she was telling nini she wanted to do a run in “home” bc lily did it. ashlyn should get more screen time where she has to grapple with the reasons she doesn’t feel good enough and big red can still support her but also gina too bc i would like more roommate besties interaction.
kourtney could still date howie, that harry potter shit was cute but there needs to be smth else for kourtney’s arc. idk she’s still into fashion so maybe she could be out here trying to create her own line or smth? this doesn’t have to be resolved in s2 like making a wholeass line takes time and she could work on it into a potential s3. kourtney just didnt get much outside of howie and the stuff at the beginning of the season where she said nini inspired her to be independent and that's why she got a job was just dropped?? so i think that fashion could fill that for her if she’s still dating howie cause like having her whole arc just be the pizza place kinda overlaps w big red’s mini arc abt how he wasn’t settling for hospitality, its what he wants to do with his life.
ik what ur thinking. anna, even if you added more episodes, where would u find the room to add all these plotlines?? well first we cut (most of) the seblos fight, so thats some time saved. honestly most of the time that we r going to gain is going to be from cutting ms jenn’s time. things like ms jenn’s and nini’s car ride would get cut, but mostly all of ms jenn’s romances would get cut down. considering she’s the teacher and isn’t actually a character with an arc how does she have THREE love interests this season?? like all of the weird tension between her and zack can be cut, like just some short scenes of them being competitive can stay. all of the stuff with ricky’s dad can go bye bye we don’t need it. i did like her w mr mazzara so most of that can stay i just didn’t like how he said he would give up cal tech for her, ew no that would be gone.
the MENKIES !!!! this is the last thing im gonna address cause in a perfect world every character would get a long fleshed out arc but then the season would be waaay too long and also im mostly trying to work within material the show gave so this is mostly made up of “realistic” deviations from what actually happened. lol idk what that even means it just makes sense to me. but anyways!! uhhh bro idk i thought them dropping the menkies was funny but it also made the finale really BAD lmao. in this finale, seb is the beast, east still had to deal w the fact that they’re underfunded compared to north but no one is injured, lily is less of a poorly written character and maybe ppl are even rooting for her, and wow i just realized i never actually said what role i think nini should have in north’s show. OOH she could be student director instead of lily cause lily both being in the play while also directing was weird considering omg i just checked and according to her wiki page shes a FRESHMAN?? and they let her be student director? lol hell nah. okay so with all that in mind ,,, the menkies should have been the season cliffhanger instead of portwell. east and north should both be nominated, both schools perform at the menkies, and then the award winner is about to be announced and THATS when it cuts to natalie and the end of the season.
one, this actually gives more tension for a summer s3 as we would be waiting to see the consequences of whichever school won. also i bet people would be wondering if nini’s gonna be transferring back to east or staying at north. people would also prob wonder if ej would be getting the scholarship if east won and what that would mean for his interest in film.
lmao that got longggg and idk if anyone’s even gonna read this but it was fun to do :D
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whirlybotart · 3 years
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UwU Lugnut,,, what many ppl dont know is actually in fact my favorite TFA Character,,, oh boy do I have a lot to say on him [affectionate]
First impression I thought he was big silly loud man and I loved that tbh <3<3<3<3 I thought he was pretty funny! I enjoyed him a lot <3 I also thought he was kinda interesting but I wasn't paying too much attention to him.
Impression now Lugnut is my favorite character in TFA.... I think everything about him is fascinating and I wish more of the fandom would find a fascination with him beyond joking about him being a simp. I wanna know why he hates autobots so much why he's so dedicated to Megatron! It's all so interesting and I wanna know so much more!!! especially since I think its fair to resent the autobots since their society is really really awful and messed up. I think he's just really cute and entertaining but also very interesting at the same time... Also the gladiator backstory is interesting...
Favorite moment ALL HIS MOMENTS WITH BLITZWING.... <3<3<3 they are so cute... I really love the scene where he punches Blitzwing by accident... And Blitzwing is like "what side are you on??" I love him in lost and found sooooo much him and Blitzwing are soooo cute and I love them a lot <3<3 DO NOT SEPARATE THEM.
Idea for a story
The kinda redemption arcs the fandom gives Blitzwing but make it Lugnut... Give Lugnut a big fucked up backstory on why he hates the autobots, show Megatron using that to manipulate him and then show Lugnut realizing that Megatron never really cared for him or his trauma. THEN HAVE HIM AND BLITZWING GET OUT OF THE CONS TOGETHER AND KISS. While I know I'm a big ol TFA cons stan and personally I like making TFA Megatron,,, like an actual decent person in my writings. That doesn't mean I don't see the potential n interesting aspects of stories that have him as the villain >=3.
Alternatively have it be a tragic story telling a bit of Lugnut's life from his own lens before in Trial of Megatron he is betrayed horribly and like the others merely tossed in the furnace to power the crashing ship after dedicating so much of his life to Megatron.
Unpopular opinion
I don't like Lugnut x Strika, I just dont like that Strika is one of the few female characters in the show who talks and she is found out to be someones wife =/ like we have the One female ROBOT character with speaking roles not in a relationship mentioned in the show and she gets a confirmed husband in the almanac who she is never seen interacting with I JUST DONT CARE FOR IT TBH DSFKGJHDFSGDFG.
Favorite relationship
Favorite headcanon
Look me in the eyes this is not a headcanon it is a theory but it is also a hc bc I don't think this was intentional but listen to me. Lugnut is what an actual TFA Empurata victim looks like. Hear me out. Not only has Lugnut unlike Shockwave got the lobster claw look going on but look at his design just in general.
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If I was an evil awful government who wanted to scar up a citizen for speaking out or whatever else and I wanted them to look damn near non human, almost monster like. This would be way better than what TFA Shockwave has going on. You've got the five optics, his weird jaw and his big lobster claws. and these are traits unique to him.
Another thing is Lugnut is generally the one who has his looks put down the most in TFA. At least from what I remember. I could be wrong KDJGFDFSGDSFG. Regardless, in my opinion; sure TFA Shockwave could be an empurata victim in tfa, but Lugnut would be a much more effective one. One that actually sort of does its job, Lugnut doesnt resemble like,,, Any other bot in TFA. To them he does look like a monster and just can't emote as well as every other bot in tfa can. But that's okay bc he is cute n Blitzwing's lovely husband and everyone is just too dumb to realize that <3<3 [and also this idea of society seeing u as a creepy freak mayhaps could be something him n Blitzwing grow close over UwU]
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theinconveniencing · 2 years
okay because I know you all care a lot and are simply dying to hear my opinion on heartstopper here it is. I’m gonna be a bitch btw be warned
I will preface this by saying I’ve read the comic like four times and I really liked it! it was very cute and I did plan on gatekeeing this show but. whatever I decided I don’t care enough but I can horde the urls of their instagram @‘s and maybe thats enough. if you’re mad at me too bad I already said I’m a bitch so sue me. 
right off the bat. the acting needs work. like seriously every scene made me wanna rip my ears off like why are you taking like that and standing like that and looking at each other like that. it was painful. the dialogue felt so…unnatural so I guess the delivery was on par with that. anyways. 
I know that some changes were necessary to make the comic into a show so I’m not gonna get upset about that, just the changes I didn’t like.
first of all the comic book editing was not very good. like it would have worked if it was consistent but it felt like every now and then they were like “shit this show is based off a comic let’s add some leaves”
now I’m sure this is a Super revolutionary take but WHY did they have that plot line with Imogen there was literally no fucking reason. I hated it and it was a cheap attempt at more drama and it wasn’t even that dramatic it was just bad.
#1 thing I hated about a change that they made in show was how they had Elle out nick to tao because like. maybe I just know my bff Elle better than the writers but like she would literally never do that like. WHY. anyways.
Tao my bff tao. I think I could talk about this for like a thousand words but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum. he is me and I am him and normally I wouldn’t excuse or support his type of behavior from a character, and certainly not a man, but he is me and I am him and I Get It. like they dialed every character trait of his up to a fucking hundred and I loved it. they just made him suuuuch a bitch. In a good way. the only thing I didn’t like was when he said he didn’t wanna be friends with Charlie but other than that. okay maybe I like him so much because as we have established I am him and he is me we are best friends but I literally would have acted the exact same way as him in these situations. the only time I’ve ever almost gotten into a fight was when I tried to punch a guy in the face because he said something mean to my friend and yes you needed to know that. he literally threw a ball at somebody and was mean to them bc they were mean to Charlie and him and got in a fight and threw apple juice on somebody. anyways sorry for being a tao apologist but somebody has to do it.
I have a theory that they took any potential personality that nick could have had and transferred it into tao. because tao felt so big and real but nick might as well have been a rock. like after the first two episodes I was like. tell me why I should care about this man. and then at the end I was like “okayyyyy so he literally could have been any guy and it wouldn’t have mattered okay” like why did they just decide to make him a brick personified I don’t get it.
Idk what the writers thought they were doing with Darcy but it did not slay. they took her chaotic-ness (I hate that word but that’s the only way I can describe it) and combined it with a complete lack of understanding or respect for boundaries and I was not a fan. I’m gonna be a Darcy apologist tho. I quite frankly I have no complaints about Tara tho I think they did a great job with her
the casting for Harry was some of the best I’ve ever seen it was fantastic. he was soooo English and such an asshole I laughed every time he was on screen I loved it. they made him not only hatable but also annoying and honestly might become a Harry stan in like an ironic way you know exactly what I mean 
okay. was ben… not white in the comic?? if not. WHAT was the reason for making him not white. Okay. Uh. anyways.
oh Charlie my bff Charlie they made him even MORE of a bitch in the show I loved it. that’s why him and tao are besties. again he kinda lacked personality a bit but it was fine. (brief sh and ed mention in the rest of this paragraph btw) However, I know that this point in the comic that Charlie’s mental health wasn’t really that big of a thing but at least in the comic whenever he would say something about not eating it was emphasized. whereas in the show it really was just completely skimmed over. also I can’t remember that if at that point in the comic Charlie had told nick about his self harming but if he had I wish that was in the show.
rapid fire round for characters that were irrelevant to me. hey where the fuck was Oliver btw I loved that lil guy. tragedy of the century. tori was there no complaints about her tbh. Isaac was there as well and he was fine, aled didn’t really do that much in the comic so it’s whatever. Miss singh was great as was that art teacher sorry I can’t remember his name I just don’t care. They took away all of nick’s mom’s personality it’s rough out there for the Nelsons. Taos mom is the best btw I love her.
saved the best for last let’s talk about my best friend Elle. And I mean best friend. I am so happy with what they did with her in the show (aside from the aforementioned outing of nick). They have her so much life and maybe I have my heart shaped glasses on but god I love her so much. I seriously don’t even have any specific thoughts but like. GOD Elle argent is Thee character of all time
and time for the rapid fire round of things that made me raise an eyebrow. Isaac walking in on nick and Charlie almost kissing and it never being resolved or addressed. lol. having Imogen’s dog die although that was pretty funny I did chuckle. sports day. So silly. rugby existing what is rugby. take a shot every time they say “Hi” “hi” and you’ll be so hammered by episode three that you won’t notice that the show isn’t that enjoyable. the school is sooooo ugly if I went there I would be miserable those kids are so strong. this show is so hard to compare to riverdale and it’s concerning considering that riverdale is the cornerstone blueprint etc for all good television. making out in front of a claw machine😐move I want a turn. Nick NOT recommending that he watch but I’m a cheerleader with his mom after he looked up gay movies. not knowing who won the fight between nick and Harry I want to see nick beat his ass. also I’ve seen middle schoolers fight better. 
rapid fire of things that made me want to punch a wall (in a good way!). Harry’s existence he’s so silly fr. commenting on the Elle smells bowling name. hi dani. the British accents which did make the show funnier. the soundtrack was good! I didn’t know or particularly like any of the songs but they fit the vibe. nicks house is so pretty on the outside I love ivy. the your mom jokes. me. 62% gay nick having his Isak valtersen moment. btw this show wants to be skam sooooo bad .Tao’s three story house. so silly. nicks tight ass uniform shirt a boy who plays rugby Would do that. Nick’s ugly ass bedroom decor. he’s here to represent bi boys with no swag. who also dress like elementary schoolers. all THREW of the running through the hallways scenes what if I started crying tears of joy huh then what. Tao’s “you clearly didn’t get hugged much as a child but if you’re craving human contact that badly you could just say so” noora m okay because I know you all care a lot and are simply dying to hear my opinion on heartstopper here it is. I’m gonna be a bitch btw be warned
I will preface this by saying I’ve read the comic like four times and I really liked it! it was very cute and I did plan on gatekeeing this show but. whatever I decided I don’t care enough but I can horde the urls of their instagram @‘s and maybe thats enough. if you’re mad at me too bad I already said I’m a bitch so sue me. 
right off the bat. the acting needs work. like seriously every scene made me wanna rip my ears off like why are you taking like that and standing like that and looking at each other like that. it was painful. the dialogue felt so…unnatural so I guess the delivery was on par with that. anyways.
I know that some changes were necessary to make the comic into a show so I’m not gonna get upset about that, just the changes I didn’t like.
now I’m sure this is a super revolutionary take but WHY did they have that plot line with Imogen there was literally no fucking reason. I hated it and it was a cheap attempt at more drama and it wasn’t even that dramatic it was just bad.
#1 thing I hated about a change made in show was how they had Elle out nick to tao because like. maybe I just know my bff Elle better than the writers but like she would literally never do that like. WHY. anyways
Tao my bff tao. I think I could talk about this for like a thousand words but I’ll try to keep it to a minimum. he is me and I am him and normally I wouldn’t excuse or support his type of behavior from a character, and certainly not a man, but he is me and I am him and I Get It. like they dialed every character trait of his up to a fucking hundred and I loved it. they just made him suuuuch a bitch. In a good way. the only thing I didn’t like was when he said he didn’t wanna be friends with Charlie but other than that. okay maybe I like him so much because as we have established I am him and he is me we are best friends but I literally would have acted the exact same way as him in these situations. the only time I’ve ever almost gotten into a fight was when I tried to punch a guy in the face because he said something mean to my friend and yes you needed to know that. he literally threw a ball at somebody and got in a fight and threw apple juice on somebody. anyways sorry for being a tao apologist but somebody has to do it.
I have a theory that they took any potential personality that nick could have had and transferred it into tao. because tao felt so big and real but nick might as well have been a rock. like after the first two episodes I was like. tell me why I should care about this man. and then at the end I was like “okayyyyy so he literally could have been any guy and it wouldn’t have mattered okay” like why did they just decide to make him a brick personified I don’t get it.
Idk what the writers thought they were doing with Darcy btw but it did not slay. they took her chaotic-ness (I hate that word but that’s the only way I can describe it) and combined it with a complete lack of understanding or respect for boundaries and I was not a fan. I’m gonna be a Darcy apologist tho. I quite frankly I have no complaints about Tara tho I think they did a great job with her
the casting for Harry was some of the best I’ve ever seen it was fantastic. he was soooo English and such an asshole I laughed every time he was on screen I loved it. they made him not only hatable but also annoying and honestly might become a Harry stan in like an ironic way you know exactly what I mean 
okay. was ben not white in the comic. if not. WHAT was the reason for making him not white. Okay. Uh.
oh Charlie my bff Charlie they made him even MORE of a bitch in the show I loved it. that’s why him and tao are besties. again he kinda lacked personality a bit but it was fine. However, I know that this point in the comic that Charlie’s mental health wasn’t really that big of a thing but at least in the comic whenever he would say something about not eating it was emphasized. whereas in the show it really was just completely skimmed over. also I can’t remember that if at that point in the comic Charlie had told nick about his self harming but if he had I wish that was in the show.
rapid fire round for characters that were irrelevant to me. hey where the fuck was Oliver btw I loved that lil guy. tragedy of the century. tori was there no complaints about her tbh. Isaac was there as well and he was fine aled didn’t really do that much in the comic so it’s whatever. Miss singh was great as what that art teacher sorry I can’t remember his name I just don’t care. They took away all of nick’s mom’s personality it’s rough out there for the Nelsons. Taos mom is the best btw I love her.
saved the best for last let’s talk about my best friend Elle. And I mean best friend. I am so happy with what they did with her in the show (aside from the aforementioned outing of nick). They have her so much life and maybe I have my heart shaped glasses on but god I love her so much. I seriously don’t even have any specific thoughts but like. GOD Elle argent is Thee character of all time
and time for the rapid fire round of things that made me raise an eyebrow. Isaac walking in on nick and Charlie almost kissing and it never being resolved or addressed. having Imogen’s dog die although that was pretty funny I did chuckle. sports day. So silly. rugby existing what is rugby. take a shot every time they say “Hi” “hi” and you’ll be so hammered by episode three that you won’t notice that the show isn’t that enjoyable. the school is sooooo ugly if I went there I would be miserable those kids are so strong. this show is so hard to compare to riverdale it’s concerning considering that riverdale is the cornerstone blueprint etc for all good television. making out in front of a claw machine😐move I want a turn. Nick NOT recommending that he watch but I’m a cheerleader with his mom after he looked up gay movies. not knowing who won the fight between nick and Harry I want to see nick beat his ass. anyways I have seen middle schoolers fight better. 
rapid fire of things that made me want to punch a wall (in a good way!). Harry’s existence he’s so silly fr. commenting on the Elle smells bowling name. hi dani. the British accents which did make the show funnier. the soundtrack was good! I didn’t know or particularly like any of the songs but they fit the vibe. nicks house is so pretty on the outside I love ivy. the your mom jokes. me. 62% gay Isak valtersen moment. btw this show wants to be skam sooooo bad .Tao’s three story house. so silly. nicks tight ass uniform shirt a boy who plays rugby Would do that. Nick’s ugly ass bedroom decor. he’s here to represent bi boys with no swag. who also dress like elementary schoolers.all the running through the hallways scenes what if I started crying tears of joy huh then what. Tao’s “you clearly didn’t get hugged much as a child but if you’re craving human contact that badly you could just say so” noora moment. nick is so much stronger than I could ever be if my mom gave me that fuckin 3rd degree when I came out I would have been pissed.
I’m conclusion I don’t think I would have liked the show if I wasn’t already invested in the comic and Elle and tao would have made a much more interesting main couple I’m sorry it had to be said. I just like them better and I Know you do to.  regret staying up late to watch it.
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