#bc I’m getting a bit concerned he’s going to try and escalate his behavior
darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
Bruh. A bear came up to our front door yet AGAIN and I knew immediately bc Sigurd now has a very distinct bear alert bark and it is. Uh. Primal? My dude just leapt from his spot on the landing and sprang into action. Guess I’m beginning to understand how a whole team of these can be used for polar bear deterrent.
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arrantsnowdrop · 4 years
The Hardships of Love - Aragorn x Reader (angst/fluff)
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Request: "...the reader is a dunedain ranger like aragorn and they're very good friends. one day they're talking and the topic of love comes up and they're both sorta upset at their luck for falling for elves. the reader reveals she is/was in love with haldir but sorta ran from that romance because it was doomed (due to the difference in races)"
Tags: @subtle-sunrise
Warnings: angst (break ups and sadness as a result), 2,335 words
A/N: The lovely @subtle-sunrise gave me several ideas about how to finish this request, I chose to go the route of the reader and Aragorn bonding/perhaps falling a little in love with each other. You can choose to read this as platonic or romantic, it's deinfitely up to your interpretation. I LOVED THIS REQUEST UGH I would also love to write more Aragorn stuff bc he's hella cool so lemme know if you are interested, otherwise enjoy :)
The Trollshaws had always been a dangerous place, filled with Stone-trolls who came down from the north looking for people to snack on. Luckily, most of them stayed within the confines of the woods, only eating those dumb enough to trespass on their territory.
However, for the past month or so, the Trolls had been venturing out of the woods, terrorizing the many villagers and halflings who lived on the East-West Road. The situation had escalated to the point where several townsfolk got together and asked the Rangers of the North to intervene.
In (Y/n)’s mind, their plea for help was indicative of the severity of the situation; under normal circumstances, most people were too afraid of the Rangers to even mention them in conversation, let alone willingly talk to them.
You’d been sent out from Rivendell with Aragorn to diffuse the situation by whatever means you saw fit. Though you did not want the confrontation to escalate to violence, you knew it was nearly impossible to bargain with a Troll. 
The two of you had ended up fighting a cohort of twenty or so Trolls, killing a few and chasing the rest back into the Trollshaws. You’d returned to the town you’d chased them out of to help dispose of the corpses and offer suggestions on how to deter the Trolls in the future (“Building some fences would not hurt,” you’d said sarcastically, grinning as Aragorn stifled a laugh).
The sun was already beginning to sink beneath the horizon by the time you and Aragorn had begun your trek back to Rivendell. You’d both agreed to travel for an hour or so before setting up camp and getting some much needed sleep; you’d hopefully return to Lord Elrond’s domain sometime tomorrow afternoon.
The ride was almost completely silent, save for the sounds of your horses’ hooves hitting the dirt road and the crickets chirping in the woods around you. You were both extremely tired, and when Aragorn noticed a small patch of moss nestled between a cluster of trees, you’d gladly agreed to stop.
Aragorn was beginning to light a fire in the middle of the small grove, and you were making sure the horses’ reins were tightly secured to a fallen branch. You tossed them both some carrots from a sack you’d brought along with you, then turned back to where Aragorn was piling wood onto a steady orange flame. You grinned, relishing in the warm feeling the fire provided.
“Thank you, Aragorn,” you murmured, sitting down across from him and holding your hands up to the flames. He hummed in reply. It was early fall, and though the cooler air allowed you to fight without producing copious amounts of sweat, it was now too chilly at night for your liking. Aragorn looked up and noticed you shivering slightly.
“Would you like a blanket, (Y/n)?” he asked, gesturing to where your bags sat behind him. You shook your head and Aragorn chuckled, standing up to grab one anyways.
“Aragon, that’s not necessary,” you whined as he rummaged through your bag.
“If you catch a cold, the Elves back in Rivendell will tease you relentlessly for the rest of the week,” he replied as he walked over to you, blanket in hand. “I’m saving you from that rather unlikable fate.”
You laughed, grabbing the blanket and draping it over yourself.
“Thank you for sparing me from certain Elven humiliation, then,” you said, noticing the corners of Aragorn’s mouth tilting upwards into a small smile.
You’d never understood why Aragorn, or Strider as he was more commonly known, had a reputation for being serious and unfriendly. You’d known him since you were a teenager; he’d been your mentor and close companion as you trained to become a Ranger. You were used to seeing him smile and laugh, though it seemed the majority of the common folk thought he was incapable of doing so.
“Would you like some bread?” Aragorn asked, carrying his own bag closer to the fire. You squinted at him in the dim lighting.
“If it’s Lembas bread, I don’t want it,” you replied bluntly. Aragorn chuckled, knowing far too well your hatred for Elven Way bread.
“Luckily, this is sourdough,” he said, grinning as your eyes lit up. “It’s probably stale at this point, but-”
“Throw me a chunk of that,” you interrupted, gesturing to the loaf of bread he had procured from his pack. He ripped off a sizable piece and threw it over the fire, laughing as you caught it in your mouth.
“Elrond would most definitely not approve of that behavior,” he remarked, ripping off a piece of bread for himself and tossing it in his mouth. You rolled your eyes and groaned.
“The other day, he felt the need to lecture me on my dining etiquette,” you said, grimacing at the memory. “Apparently, not knowing the difference between the different sized forks is absolutely disgraceful.”
“Ah yes, the classic salad versus dining fork conversation,” Aragorn grinned. “I myself have received that same lecture on several occasions.” You laughed.
“I’ve always find it funny how when I visit Lothlórien, the Elves only ask about my duties as a Ranger, but in Rivendell, they only comment on my lack of proper manners,” you noted, watching Aragorn simultaneously laugh and choke on his mouthful of bread. He glared at you as you chuckled at him.
"You must never repeat this,” he said seriously, “but the Elves of Rivendell have a reputation for being the most judgemental and fussy in Middle Earth.”
You laughed loudly, nodding in agreement as you popped the last bit of bread in your mouth. It was not very filling, but over the years you’d learned that some food was always much better than none at all.
“Speaking of Lothlórien, how are the Elves there doing?” Aragorn asked, referencing your visit there a few weeks ago. You’d just returned from the other side of the Misty Mountains when Elrond had sent you and Aragorn out to deal with the Troll problem.
“They’re doing well, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn seem to be in good spirits,” you said, a little too softly for Aragorn’s liking. His brows furrowed in concern.
“How about Haldir?” he asked, noticing you shift uncomfortably.
For the last decade or so, you and Haldir had been in an unofficial relationship. The first time you accompanied Elrond to Lothlórien, you’d managed to capture the blonde Elf’s attention. Since then, you spent most of your frequent trips there with him, writing letters to each other between visits.
You had always thought you were unworthy of his affections. He was so wise and thoughtful, his many centuries of life having influenced his placid demeanor. He was also kind, happy to spend much of his time ensuring the safety of his fellow Elves. Meanwhile, you were a hot-tempered Ranger who was known in the West for being a harbinger of danger.
“Haldir is, uh, well he’s good,” you replied, purposefully avoiding Aragorn’s gaze.
What you weren’t telling him was that you’d ended your relationship with Haldir during your last visit. Of course you still cared for him, very deeply as a matter of fact, but that was the exact reason you had decided to take a step back.
“(Y/n)?” Aragorn asked softly. You nodded, still not looking up from the fire flickering in front of you.
“(Y/n), look at me.”
You bit your lip and shook your head, not wanting him to see the tears threatening to fall down your face.
Silence from Aragorn. You focused on the crackling of the fire, the way the soft orange light danced across the ground. It was a little mesmerizing, and honestly, you were more than happy to be entranced by the lambent flames; it was a welcome distraction from the sadness that had begun to permeate your consciousness.
You snapped out of your daze as soon as you heard Aragorn shuffling from across the fire. You finally looked up, watching as he stood and walked around the fire, sitting down next to you.
“I do not know what troubles your mind,” he murmured, gaze locked on the fire in front of him, “but I know the importance of companionship in sadness, and I’ll gladly offer you comfort if you want it.”
He turned his head, eyes filled with compassion and concern. You felt the tears you’d been trying so hard to contain begin to fall down your face, and you let out a very shaky sob.
Aragorn leaned forward immediately, wrapping you in a strong embrace. You didn’t know how long you spent weeping into his shoulder, him whispering soothing words in your ear as he rubbed your back.
After what seemed like hours, your sobs reduced to small sniffles. You pulled back, exhaling loudly and burying your face in your hands.
“I’m sorry,” you said meekly.
“Don’t be,” Aragorn replied, hands moving from your shoulders to your forearms.
“I told him we couldn't be together anymore,” you whispered, focusing on his thumbs rubbing circles on your skin.
“Ah, then it’s my fault you’re crying,” Aragorn said regretfully. “I’m sorry for bringing it up, (Y/n), I truly am.”
“No, no it’s not your fault,” you reassured him. “It’s better this way anyways. I’d rather cry with someone I trust than break down in front of the rest of the Rangers or the Elves.”
“I don’t know if our Elven acquaintances know how to manage the more intense human emotions,” Aragorn chuckled. You grinned, wiping the remaining tears from your cheeks with the palms of your hands.
“I just, I couldn't do it anymore,” you said, struggling to find the right words. “I felt guilty every time we were together.”
“Why?” Aragorn asked genuinely.
“Because he’s an Elf,” you groaned, flopping backwards dramatically. Aragorn grinned as you stretched out on the mossy ground.
“Like, he’s basically immortal, but everyone knows Elves can die if they experience really deep loss or sadness,” you said, “and then Haldir told me he loved me, and I just couldn’t help but feel ashamed.”
You sat up and looked at him, an unreadable expression on his face.
“I don’t want to be the reason he dies,” you said softly. “I mean, I’m definitely mortal. Hopefully I’ll live a long life and die when I’m old, but with this gig, who knows.” You gestured to your sword, lying behind you on the ground.
“And then he’s just so, so important in Lothlórien, especially now, with Sauron gaining power and all that,” you said softly. “Staying together could result in me unwillingly killing one of their strongest defenders. I couldn’t do that to him, to them.”
“I understand,” Aragorn said softly. “I understand you completely.”
You looked up at him, confusion evident on your face. He sighed, looking at the fire next to him.
“I ended things with Arwen for the same reason,” he clarified, grabbing a stray twig and throwing it haphazardly at the flames. You gasped, inching closer to him and setting your hand on his thigh.
“Aragorn, I’m so sorry,” you said softly, easily detecting the pain in his eyes.
“You don’t have to be, I’m fine,” he said, turning to you and giving you a very unconvincing smile. “But I do understand where you’re coming from, it’s hard to let an Elf love you knowing that you could easily cause their demise.”
You nodded, leaning over to rest your head in his lap.
“I’m still sorry, I know how much you care for her,” you murmured. Aragorn rested his hand on your head, mindlessly running his fingers through your knotted hair.
“I think we’ll both recover,” he replied. “Besides, it’s not like she was the only being I loved. There are plenty of people in my life I care for.”
You looked up, blushing when you saw he was looking down at you adoringly.
“Does Elrond know you’ve stopped pursuing his daughter?” you asked in an attempt to change the subject.
“Probably,” he replied. “We haven’t talked about it yet. I don’t know whether he’ll be pleased or angry at me.”
“Pleased? Why would he be pleased?”
“He was always upset with me for courting Arwen,” he sighed.
“That’s stupid,” you huffed, causing Aragorn to chuckle. “You’re a great person, Aragorn, Elrond’s standards for Arwen’s suitors are intentionally set impossibly high, that way he’ll never have to part with her.”
“Thank you,” Aragorn said with a small smile.
“No, thank you,” you said.
“For letting me talk about Haldir, I guess,” you clarified. “There aren’t many people who understand what it’s like courting an Elf, and how unworthy they make you feel.”
“Hey,” Aragorn said softly, tilting your head in his lap so you met his gaze . “You are not unworthy of Haldir’s affections, or anyone’s affections for that matter. You’re one of the kindest and bravest people I know, do not be so hard on yourself.”
“Thank you,” you murmured, face flushing at his compliment. “You are also worthy of Arwen’s love, though I know why you feel as if you aren't.”
Aragon nodded thoughtfully, eyes darting to his bag lying on the ground.
“We should get ready to sleep,” he said. You nodded and yawned, suddenly remembering how exhausted you were.
You sat up, wrapping your blanket tighter around yourself as Aragorn grabbed his own worn quilt.
“Is there anything in your bag that you want?” he asked, chuckling as you shook your head and stretched out on the ground.
You smiled as you felt him lie down next to you, sleeping side by side as you’d done so many times before. You turned over so you were facing him and buried your face in the soft fabric of his tunic.
“Good night, Aragorn,” you mumbled, surrendering to your own drowsiness.
You had dozed off before you could feel Aragorn press his lips to your forehead and whisper a good night, draping his arm over your body before falling asleep himself.
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hnnnfdfds · 5 years
On your blog it says requests are open and I was wondering if you could write a dazatsu where they gotta go undercover to a exclusive reunion of the most dangerous mafia leaders and Dazai idk dances with Atsushi and flirts with him all night long making Atsushi a blushing mess, and after they successfully finish their mission, Dazai can't hold it in anymore and finally wrap up that night with a passionate kiss. (I'm sorry if it's too specific ajdhdhdjs i love these two so much 😭💕😭💕😭💕)
Yup!! I tried but I left out missions details bc I’m bad at writing action fdsf.
“I still think this is a bad idea.”
Being a member of the Armed Detective Agency entails a lot of public service work. You constantly have to help out civilians with things that may be disturbing to their daily lives. Kind of like the police or firefighters, which means odd jobs like searching for cats, helping kids out of a tree (that’s mostly the firefighter’s duty but there were… certain circumstances once), entertaining people at parties ( some abilities are really cool) to your usual stopping thug fights, catching thieves and protecting the civilians jobs. 
But, them being a detective agency, means that they also have to do a lot of secretive work. After all, protecting civilians also includes making sure no one of the underground can harm them. Those kinds of jobs entail a lot of fights with the black market and different shady organizations.
They also entail undercover missions.
And Atsushi hates them. 
“My, my, Satoshi-kun,” drawls his mentor, sweeping some of his brown hair to the side, “you’re doing quite well though.”
He stiffens at the use of his fake name and sighs. It’s not like he doesn’t understand why they are doing this or that he’s not able to pull his fake identity off. It’s just… 
“Also you look really cute in a suit, Sa-to-shi-kun.”
… Dazai is a horrible partner when working undercover.
The other has been relentlessly teasing him for the three hours they were there now. 
"Seriously, Will you stop, Kurosawa-san."
"First name basis, Satoshi-kun," his partner reminds him and Atsushi can't help but roll his eyes.
"Of course, my mistake, Masao-san."
Dazai has the audacity to pout at him.
"Eh, won't you drop the honorific at all?"
He shakes his head at the other's childish behavior before looking up at the sound of a voice.
"You two are sure lively," the newcomer says.
Ah, right, he muses, we are still on a mission.
With a smile, he nods at the newcomer and lets Dazai speak for them.
"Of course, Yamato-sama! Satoshi-kun is, after all, my most beloved pet~"
"I'll cut your dick off, Masao-san," he mutters in reply and Yamato lets out a small laugh whilst Dazai pouts at him once again.
"My, my, you two are quite the pair."
Atsushi really doesn't know how to feel about having a mafia boss compliment his relationship with Dazai. It’s not exactly a day-to-day situation either. 
Dazai drops his arms around Atsushi and leans his chin on the younger’s head, smiling brightly at the mafia boss. 
“Why, thank you!”
Atsushi really doesn’t want to be there but alas, that’s his job.
After a small conversation with them, Yamato bid them goodbye and left to talk with his other guests. God bless, Atsushi’s been really getting annoyed with the man side-eyeing him the whole time.
Dazai stares intently at him before grinning. “Just checked, you’re still as cute as always!”
Atsushi wants to go home badly.
He looks to the side, trying to hide his red cheeks from the other. God, does Dazai not feel embarrassed at all? 
“My, my, Satoshi-kun! Don’t avert your beautiful eyes from me.”
“Shut up…,” he grumbles, sighing. 
At least they were done soon.
“I’m getting some fresh air,” he tells the other, raising his voice a bit, before walking towards the balcony. 
And then Atsushi waits.
A few minutes pass before Yamato arrives in front of him, documents clutched in his hand.
“Sa-to-shi-kun, “ the mafia boss greets him. “I got your documents.”
He smiles at the other. 
“Thank you,” he says, grabbing the documents and looking through them.
“No problem,” the mafia boss waves him off, smiling slightly. “Though seriously, all those other people are irritating. Their manners are terrible.”
Atsushi shakes his head fondly. “Well, they are going to be outright horrible tonight then.”
And in exactly that moment, the speakers turn on.
“Hello, hello~” Dazai’s voice echoes in the whole building, “oh my! It seems like someone stole the treaty documents! Who could it have been…”
Soon after, they can hear shouting from the inside and a lot of loud sounds.
“I told my men to back off and leave,” Yamato tells him. “Not gonna risk my people over some stupid debate and trust issues.”
Atsushi nods at that. One of the few reasons the agency actually gets quite along with Yamato is because he’s admirable in a sense and has a strong code of honor. 
“I’ll be leaving then. Take care on your way out, Sa-to-shi.”
What does everyone have with his fake name? He waves at the other as the man disappears and waits for a few minutes before Dazai appears beside him.
“Hmm, the sound of chaos. Isn’t it lovely?”
“Self-destruction is a sad way to go,” Atsushi responds.
“Well, they are quite the fools, so…”
He sighs, staring at Dazai. “Can we go now?”
“We can! But before we go…”
Atsushi’s eyes widen as he feels lips against his own. The other breaks contact for a moment and smirks at him, an odd glint in his eyes.
“I’ve been flirting with you the whole evening and you wouldn’t say anything. But the moment Yamato appears you start talking? Don’t you love me, A-tsu-shi?”
Before he can even think about responding, Dazai resumes the kiss and bites down. Atsushi gaps at the pain and the other use that opportunity to slide his tongue into his mouth. Atsushi has to lean himself against the railing, trying to stabilize his balance as a hand grabs at the other’s jacket.
Eventually, Dazai ends the kiss and licks his lips, still smirking.
“You taste like green tea. What else did I expect?” he teases him but Atsushi can’t register the words because holy shit, Dazai just kissed him—
“I… I didn’t read the signs wrong, did I?”
The weretiger blinks and stares at the other, noting the hidden concern in the brown eyes.
“No,” he mutters, shaking his head slowly, “... you didn’t misread them at all.”
The smile he gets in response is blinding.
“Well, then let’s go and leave before things escalate way too much.”
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Cats, Children, and Confused: DO end PAW PRINTS n my HPART te DOG my DO eud DAW PRISTS my DOG HEART DO 661.98-11 ysars 10months dd 112s PIW PRINTS LIVE LVE WOOF my HEART DOG Butch DO eudl PRINTS on my HEART my DOG My DOG HAS LEFT Paw Prints manhattan Gorgeous Elderbull In Need - Striking eyes, smart, knows lots of commands, cat friendly, housetrained- Neutered & Ready To Go ON MY HEART acC waiting eud DO PAW RISTS for Love! my DOG HEART TO BE KILLED - 6/22/2019 The eyes and smile are sometimes all that is needed to know about the heart.Butch is without question a heart-breaker. His jolly smile, and honest eyes encourage and invite reciprocation. What is a rotund, seasoned senior doing on a kill list, when his years of service should be rewarded with a loving retirement? Naturally super handsome Butch is timid, despite being a whopping 112 lbs. He is confused at why the home he devoted himself to no longer feels the sentiment of loyalty. Still he braves along in hopes of meeting friends. He wears a spotted vanilla cow suit, huge amber eyes which still sparkle, ears that stand proud when summoned, and a super sized smile. He reportedly does well with dogs and lived in harmony with a cat. He's an easy going fella who needs a gentle approach, and a place to call home. He is a giant in size, with a heart to match.He does not deserve a horrible ending after loving a family forever. Please message this page if you can foster or adopt this special guy. BUTCH@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Butch My animal id is #66198 I am a desexed male white dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 11 years 10 months old, 112 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender 6/16/2019 Reason Stated: Not good with kids Butch is rescue only Butch is at risk for behavioral reasons. Butch has a bite history and has remained fearful at the care center and has exhibited anxious behaviors and a low threshold for arousal. Butch would be best suited for placement with a new hope partner that can provide the necessary behavior modification. Medically, Butch is overweight which has resulted in arthritic changes. My medical notes are... Weight: 112 lbs Vet Notes 6/16/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age:10 years Microchip noted on Intake?Yes History : owner surrender Subjective: fearful Observed Behavior - fearful Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = 120hr R = 40rr BCS 9/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears- aural d/c, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: muzzled PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MC MSI: Ambulatory x 4- slow to get up (hl issues), skin free of parasites, small growths on head and left face, healthy hair coat; overwght CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment intake procedures CBC Chem overwght hl weakness - arthritic changes dental disease Prognosis: fair Plan: rec'd weight reduction plan behavior assessment BLOOD WORK RESULTS: CBC CHEM T4- NSF Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 4. Orange Behavior History Behavior Assessment During intake, Butch was panting heavily and seemed to be whale eyeing. He jerked his head quickly back when I attempted to scan for microchip. I collared him while he was wearing a muzzle. He did try to dodge, but I was able to secure it. No other handling was attempted. Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered Basic Information:: Butch is a nearly 12 yo neutered male large mixed breed dog who was brought to MACC as an owner surrender. Previously lived with:: 2 adults, 1 baby, 1 cat How is this dog around strangers?: Butch approaches new people and smells them. Then he hangs around them. He sometimes barks. How is this dog around children?: Owner does not think Butch is good with children. He nipped at the baby in the home. He barks at children he sees, they are usually running around screaming, as per owner. How is this dog around other dogs?: Owner once almost got attacked by a rottweiler and has become protective around them with owner. He barks at them when he sees them. Butch is playful with other dogs. He has been to dog parks in the past, but mostly kept to himself and owner. How is this dog around cats?: Butch has lived with a cat in the past and got along well with it. He allows them to scratch at him. He enjoys being around them. Resource guarding:: No resource guarding noted. Bite history:: Butch has bitten owner's brother when Butch was trying to go after a raccoon and the brother restrained him. He also tried to bite the newborn baby in the home on the leg but only got her pants. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: medium Other Notes:: Owner describes that if Butch is agitated, the family knows not to be anywhere near his mouth as he's more likely to bite, so they will restrain him with a leash, keeping themselves distanced. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No For a New Family to Know: Owner describes Butch as protective and super friendly. He loves to cuddle and hug owner. He seems to be very in tune when people are not feeling well. One time owner was sleeping and not feeling well and Butch woke her up and she vomited immediately. Owner states Butch can detect low or high blood pressure. He will stay next to person and bark to alert others. Owner says Butch likes doctors. He knows commands, sit, paw, play, stop. If owner tells him "don't worry, I'm coming back" he seems to calm down. Owner gives Butch ice cream, steak, salmon, lamb, chicken. He likes moist meaty burger from purina as far as dog food goes. He is walked 3 times a day. No accidents in home. He pulls on leash if he has waited a long time to go. He can wait for about 12 hours to be taken out. Butch does not play with toys other than balls. Butch is relaxed during baths. Butch sleeps in owner's bed. She has started getting him to sleep in a dog bed and he is getting used to it and sleeps on it in living room. He follows owner around the home when they are together. He is not reactive to loud noises like storms or fireworks =========================== Date of intake:: 6/16/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (In home for 12 years) Previously lived with:: Adults, a baby, and a cat Behavior toward strangers:: Barks at them Behavior toward children:: Barks at them, nipped the baby in the home Behavior toward dogs:: Barks when he sees them Behavior toward cats:: Got along well with a cat he lived with Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: Yes, Butch bit the owner's brother when he tried to restrain him from going after a raccoon. Severity of this bite was not reported. Butch nipped at the leg of the baby in the home when the baby was in the stroller. He bit the leg of her pants. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: If Butch is agitated, his owner reports that she will not to be anywhere near his mouth as he's more likely to bite, so she will restrain him with a leash, keeping distance. Date of assessment:: 6/18/2019 Summary:: Butch has been extremely anxious at the care center, whining, panting, pacing, and seeking exit. Due to the concerning notes from the previous home that he is more likely to bite when he is aroused and agitated, paired with his bite history, Butch is not a safe candidate for a handling assessment at this time. Date of intake:: 6/16/2019 Summary:: Whale-eyed, panting heavily Date of initial:: 6/16/2019 Summary:: Fearful ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no specific history on Butch's energy level so we cannot be certain of his energy in a home environment. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to the noted concerns from the previous owners that Butch barks at children and has attempted to bite the young child in the home, we recommend an adult-only home for Butch. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to all of the noted concerns from the previous owners, including Butch's bite history, his reactivity towards children and strangers, and his tendency to bite when he's agitated, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Anxiety,Bite history (human),Low threshold for arousal Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: The previous owners report that Butch barks at strangers and at children and also escalated to attempting to bite the young child in the home. He was also fearful during his medical exam. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Bite history (human): Butch bit the owner's brother when he was being restrained from chasing a raccoon. The severity of this bite is unknown. Please see handout on Bite history. Anxiety: Butch has been extremely anxious at the care center, whining, pacing, panting, and seeking exit. This behavior was not reported by the previous owners though so we don't know if this is specific to the shelter environment. If this behavior is seen in the home please see handout on Anxiety. Low threshold for arousal: The previous owners report that when Butch becomes aroused and agitated he is more likely to bite. Also, Butch's bite incident with the owner's brother suggests that Butch may redirect when he is restrained and in an aroused state. Please see handout on Low threshold for arousal. BUTCH IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Cats, Children, and Confused: DO end PAW PRINTS n my HPART te DOG my DO eud DAW PRISTS my DOG HEART DO 661.98-11 ysars 10months dd 112s PIW PRINTS LIVE LVE WOOF my HEART DOG Butch DO eudl PRINTS on my HEART my DOG My DOG HAS LEFT Paw Prints manhattan Gorgeous Elderbull In Need - Striking eyes, smart, knows lots of commands, cat friendly, housetrained- Neutered & Ready To Go ON MY HEART acC waiting eud DO PAW RISTS for Love! my DOG HEART TO BE KILLED - 6/20/2019 The eyes and smile are sometimes all that is needed to know about the heart.Butch is without question a heart-breaker. His jolly smile, and honest eyes encourage and invite reciprocation. What is a rotund, seasoned senior doing on a kill list, when his years of service should be rewarded with a loving retirement? Naturally super handsome Butch is timid, despite being a whopping 112 lbs. He is confused at why the home he devoted himself to no longer feels the sentiment of loyalty. Still he braves along in hopes of meeting friends. He wears a spotted vanilla cow suit, huge amber eyes which still sparkle, ears that stand proud when summoned, and a super sized smile. He reportedly does well with dogs and lived in harmony with a cat. He's an easy going fella who needs a gentle approach, and a place to call home. He is a giant in size, with a heart to match.He does not deserve a horrible ending after loving a family forever. Please message this page if you can foster or adopt this special guy. BUTCH@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Butch My animal id is #66198 I am a desexed male white dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 11 years 10 months old, 112 lbs Came into shelter as owner surrender 6/16/2019 Reason Stated: Not good with kids Butch is rescue only Butch is at risk for behavioral reasons. Butch has a bite history and has remained fearful at the care center and has exhibited anxious behaviors and a low threshold for arousal. Butch would be best suited for placement with a new hope partner that can provide the necessary behavior modification. Medically, Butch is overweight which has resulted in arthritic changes. My medical notes are... Weight: 112 lbs Vet Notes 6/16/2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age:10 years Microchip noted on Intake?Yes History : owner surrender Subjective: fearful Observed Behavior - fearful Evidence of Cruelty seen - no Evidence of Trauma seen - no Objective P = 120hr R = 40rr BCS 9/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears- aural d/c, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: muzzled PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MC MSI: Ambulatory x 4- slow to get up (hl issues), skin free of parasites, small growths on head and left face, healthy hair coat; overwght CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment intake procedures CBC Chem overwght hl weakness - arthritic changes dental disease Prognosis: fair Plan: rec'd weight reduction plan behavior assessment BLOOD WORK RESULTS: CBC CHEM T4- NSF Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 4. Orange Behavior History Behavior Assessment During intake, Butch was panting heavily and seemed to be whale eyeing. He jerked his head quickly back when I attempted to scan for microchip. I collared him while he was wearing a muzzle. He did try to dodge, but I was able to secure it. No other handling was attempted. Spay/Neuter Status: Neutered Basic Information:: Butch is a nearly 12 yo neutered male large mixed breed dog who was brought to MACC as an owner surrender. Previously lived with:: 2 adults, 1 baby, 1 cat How is this dog around strangers?: Butch approaches new people and smells them. Then he hangs around them. He sometimes barks. How is this dog around children?: Owner does not think Butch is good with children. He nipped at the baby in the home. He barks at children he sees, they are usually running around screaming, as per owner. How is this dog around other dogs?: Owner once almost got attacked by a rottweiler and has become protective around them with owner. He barks at them when he sees them. Butch is playful with other dogs. He has been to dog parks in the past, but mostly kept to himself and owner. How is this dog around cats?: Butch has lived with a cat in the past and got along well with it. He allows them to scratch at him. He enjoys being around them. Resource guarding:: No resource guarding noted. Bite history:: Butch has bitten owner's brother when Butch was trying to go after a raccoon and the brother restrained him. He also tried to bite the newborn baby in the home on the leg but only got her pants. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: medium Other Notes:: Owner describes that if Butch is agitated, the family knows not to be anywhere near his mouth as he's more likely to bite, so they will restrain him with a leash, keeping themselves distanced. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No For a New Family to Know: Owner describes Butch as protective and super friendly. He loves to cuddle and hug owner. He seems to be very in tune when people are not feeling well. One time owner was sleeping and not feeling well and Butch woke her up and she vomited immediately. Owner states Butch can detect low or high blood pressure. He will stay next to person and bark to alert others. Owner says Butch likes doctors. He knows commands, sit, paw, play, stop. If owner tells him "don't worry, I'm coming back" he seems to calm down. Owner gives Butch ice cream, steak, salmon, lamb, chicken. He likes moist meaty burger from purina as far as dog food goes. He is walked 3 times a day. No accidents in home. He pulls on leash if he has waited a long time to go. He can wait for about 12 hours to be taken out. Butch does not play with toys other than balls. Butch is relaxed during baths. Butch sleeps in owner's bed. She has started getting him to sleep in a dog bed and he is getting used to it and sleeps on it in living room. He follows owner around the home when they are together. He is not reactive to loud noises like storms or fireworks =========================== Date of intake:: 6/16/2019 Spay/Neuter status:: Yes Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (In home for 12 years) Previously lived with:: Adults, a baby, and a cat Behavior toward strangers:: Barks at them Behavior toward children:: Barks at them, nipped the baby in the home Behavior toward dogs:: Barks when he sees them Behavior toward cats:: Got along well with a cat he lived with Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: Yes, Butch bit the owner's brother when he tried to restrain him from going after a raccoon. Severity of this bite was not reported. Butch nipped at the leg of the baby in the home when the baby was in the stroller. He bit the leg of her pants. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: If Butch is agitated, his owner reports that she will not to be anywhere near his mouth as he's more likely to bite, so she will restrain him with a leash, keeping distance. Date of assessment:: 6/18/2019 Summary:: Butch has been extremely anxious at the care center, whining, panting, pacing, and seeking exit. Due to the concerning notes from the previous home that he is more likely to bite when he is aroused and agitated, paired with his bite history, Butch is not a safe candidate for a handling assessment at this time. Date of intake:: 6/16/2019 Summary:: Whale-eyed, panting heavily Date of initial:: 6/16/2019 Summary:: Fearful ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no specific history on Butch's energy level so we cannot be certain of his energy in a home environment. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: New Hope Only Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to the noted concerns from the previous owners that Butch barks at children and has attempted to bite the young child in the home, we recommend an adult-only home for Butch. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to all of the noted concerns from the previous owners, including Butch's bite history, his reactivity towards children and strangers, and his tendency to bite when he's agitated, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide any necessary behavior modification (force-free, positive reinforcement-based) and re-evaluate behavior in a stable home environment before placement into a permanent home. Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression,Anxiety,Bite history (human),Low threshold for arousal Potential challenges comments:: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: The previous owners report that Butch barks at strangers and at children and also escalated to attempting to bite the young child in the home. He was also fearful during his medical exam. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. Bite history (human): Butch bit the owner's brother when he was being restrained from chasing a raccoon. The severity of this bite is unknown. Please see handout on Bite history. Anxiety: Butch has been extremely anxious at the care center, whining, pacing, panting, and seeking exit. This behavior was not reported by the previous owners though so we don't know if this is specific to the shelter environment. If this behavior is seen in the home please see handout on Anxiety. Low threshold for arousal: The previous owners report that when Butch becomes aroused and agitated he is more likely to bite. Also, Butch's bite incident with the owner's brother suggests that Butch may redirect when he is restrained and in an aroused state. Please see handout on Low threshold for arousal. BUTCH IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HIS LIFE.
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