#bc honestly i dont think i would stay friends with a person if i knew they'd tried to kill someone else multiple times. full stop
tradingjackbs · 7 months
It is annoying being told I need to get over the domestic violence committed against me and forgive the person who did it
Like I get she's my sister but I already did that once and all that happened was she fuckin tried it again later like ?????? I'm learning my lesson instead of risking it for the 3rd fuckin time. Goddamn I give her enough chances and eventually she is going to fucking kill me, and then what???
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deathbxnny · 6 months
Ok ok ok, i have thought about it a lot and here are the results! So can i request Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet react to reader’s death by the hands of Arle? This is essentially a part 2 to the Lyney x reader post you recently did
Here the context: (im getting very giddy so apologies for any misspelling you might find)
So the last time we saw our dear reader, they ran away right? What if when they ran away, a certain harbinger was following them. She knew it would be too much of an liability to have the read- no the distraction stay alive, despite Lyney firmly “breaking up” with them. So when the reader went to an alleyway to sort out their thoughts and heartbreak, Arle decided to kill them to ensure no one distracts her “children” again. Officially, the reader seems to had moved out of Fontaine. But unofficially, they were murdered and a body part of the reader was sent to her “children” as a warning to not get too close with anyone in Fontaine and remember their mission.
How does the three of them react to seeing their dear friend (or crush in Lyney’s part) dead?
How does the three of them react to hearing to Arle’s reason for killing them? (Gaslighthing and the blame game is her favourite tactic yk?)
How does the three of them honestly just deal with this whole mess? :)
Also let’s make it more angsty by having a flower that Lyney likes giving to reader being found alongside their body part (IF YK YOU KNOW!!!!)
Btw i hope you dont mind me rambling about the paralles i found :))))))
While in my last ask, i put one person with the other but if you think about it, Lyney and reader arent really firmly the same to Reze and Denji but more of a mix of each
Lyney has Reze’s spy position, facade to be normal, and secret of being in a dangerous organization but he also has Denji’s end (never getting a lover due to his boss killing them)
Reader somewhat has Denji’s position of being in love with Lyney despite everything (do i think they would accept Lyney’s position, maybe..?) they know Lyney loves them back (like Denji knows that Reze does as well) but they also have Reze’s end (dying in an alleyway just for loving a pawn).
And yeah that’s it for now. I have more but they are either too hard for me to put into words bc how im crazy about the detail or im running out of time. So yeah that’s all bye!!!!
- Flower Anon 🌸
Hello Flower Anon!!!<33
I made the post to this request in a separate post, so that it's not too long. But I hope you like it hehe!
You can find the post here.
Thank you again for the brilliant request and sorry it took so long!!!<33
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soobnny · 2 years
for the year ender, after hours!riki please
desc; im very quiet n reserved, a li'l like y/n's personality in the fic actually <_<; i dont really like going out often, bc i end up drained quickly, even if im having fun. my friends have said im intimidating,, n even after theyve gotten to know me they still say im scary, which ive taken as a compliment now haha (i hope this is a good enough description? im not sure what else i should describe ^^;)
ps. please do a fic rec list !! id like to read more of the stuff you enjoy n even get inspiration from – 🐞
year ender event
after hours!riki would never force u to attend any of his games (unless u want to) ☹️ .. instead he looks for U after the game so u can celebrate his win together or be together in his loss i truly believe this. maybe even just spend it in the field with some takeout n u guys can chat quietly among urselves
he’d most probably take u to a local restaurant or a fast food chain (broke college kid problems) but it’d always be fun when u guys r together
u guys 100%%% strike me as the intimidating looking couple on campus. when people catch news that u guys r together … oh Wow ppl r gonna stay out of ur way n just admire yall from afar honestly (if only they knew how silly goofy u two actually are)
u get along most with sunoo in his friend group. i believe he’s like the social battery the both of u need so there r a lot of trio hangouts with u guys! u honestly just have a tight circle of friends n EVERYONE wants to be part. oh and riki teases u a lot but dont worry cos sunoo’s always on ur side
bonus: i think after hours!riki would be the type to shyly like leave hints that he wants U to wear his jersey like he’d purposely leave it behind ur dorm or in front of u n he can only hope that u Wear it
i will make the fic rec list soon :)
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tactician · 2 years
1, 2, 6, 7, 37, 48, 61
(pointing at you) thats my dm. everyone clap for him RIGHT NOW
1. what drives them? what’s their ultimate goal? oh god it has evolved in so many fun ways over time. i think reides still really values his own personal pursuit of knowledge so that's still a core goal of his. he wants to learn a ton about the world and that will never change. in many ways i think that curiosity has been his major, constant 'drive'.
but he's also learnt a lot about like. forming lasting connections with other people? like when i think about how he was prior to the campaign, he was extremely caught up in his own head. the stuff that went down with his family and him believing he was rejected / disowned / a pariah to his home compounded that a ton, too. so he gained an approach to looking at his life as like... something that belonged to himself and himself alone. i don't think he was necessary selfish but he was definitely careless / distrusting when it came to how he viewed other people. it was a freeing but really lonely mindset. now he has a lot of things outside of himself that he cares about, like, TREMENDOUSLY. he has friends in the form of the party (including past party members ofc), and those are SOLID friendships; not just fleeting kind encounters that he eventually just fluttered away from. he has aske and is in a good spot with his family / home now, too. so he's definitely not driven solely by his own quest for knowledge anymore. as corny as it is, he is absolutely powered by love too, and he wants to keep those he loves safe. that connects to his duty as a prince-slash-ambassador and makes him take it all the more seriously. like... at the end of the day, once they're safe, he's meeting his goal. if he has to face threats targeting the whole world in order to keep them safe, he'll do it.
of course, love isn't all sunshine and rainbows; it's a dangerous thing and i try to reflect that in how willing he is to approach enemies now. reides of the past would shy away from killing his enemies even if they tried to hurt his friends (especially after everything that happened with tyrian LMFAO), but now he's significantly less merciful and definitely not a pacifist. that darker side of him only comes out when prompted though. if they dont try to hurt his beloveds we're all good :)
2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept? MY ORIGINAL CONCEPT WAS LITERALLY JUST 'I WANT TO PLAY A WEIRDO' then rachel showed me tritons and i was like 'I WANT TO PLAY A WEIRDO TRITON' FLGKHKFGH IT'S SO SILLY... i was also really interested in playing a high int / low wis character - even if reides is average wis-wise, i still have a lot of fun with that. originally i wanted him to be a druid but i was absolutely not willing to sacrifice my high int / low wis fantasy. now i'm on that evocation wizard grindset and i really am enjoying it a lot so i think it worked out for the best :-)
as for other changes, i was definitely really surprised by reides' growth over time... i should've known better bc Everyone Grows but when i went into dnd i was really set on him just staying mega flighty, ditzy, lalala freedom journaling studying sillaying lala... i'm just reides i'm a fun little guy there's nothing going on with me no siree i am not a runaway prince who may or may not be exiled from my isolationistic empire, whatever gave you that idea? :)! i knew some of the darker aspects of his character would eventually come to light but i didn't think he would like... change as much as he did?! like he became a lot more serious when the situation(s) surrounding him became more serious. his view of his homeland also became A MILLION TIMES more complex over time, which i really, really enjoyed (and continue to enjoy). i don't think he's like, NOT DITZY or anything now because he totally is, but he has honestly grown so much that i get emotional when i think about it. this guy who was extremely preoccupied with running away from anything that he felt threatened his personal freedom is now turning around and facing stuff with his head held high... secure in who he is and the person he wants to be... he will take his own freedom with his own two fucking hands it makes me feel all mushy :)
tying into all of that, i also went into the campaign wanting to play a mega deflective character and i tried SO HARD to stick to that LMFAOOO i think it worked out super well though because his big, impactful character moments have been extremely fulfilling to me and hopefully fun for others at the table too? so that wasn't really a change per se but i didnt expect some of the challenges that arose from it and im very happy they did. :3 reides is also still plenty deflective right now and i'm currently trying to like. re-adjust how guarded he is. bc i think he has attained a level of confidence / aptitude which is a bit at odds with that previous deflectiveness, if that. makes sense. LDFKGDFG but i'm not too worried about overthinking it because i think reides, himself, is struggling with it a bit too. it's a fun little zone to be in! :D
6. how have they changed in the last year? how about the last five years? ok i feel like i lowkey answered this during those previous questions but YOU KNOW WHAT... to summarize, i think he cares a lot more about other people!!! he has seen a lot of shit and has experienced a whole lot of loss and that has only fed into how much love he has in his heart for the world. it's not like... an abstract love anymore, either. LIKE HE HAS SEEN A LOT OF SHIT!!! so now he wants to use his own abilities to play a role in protecting the world and the ones he loves. he also has embraced his inner chaos way more; he's not ashamed of being the storm prince, it's a title which gives him strength - and he, in turn, is more willing to muster the strength to accept his duties. he's a whole lot braver!!! and like i said before, significantly more cutthroat!!! willing to lean into his power!!!
7. there’s a magic item (or technological innovation, or special resource) made just for them—what is it? legendary froggy boots... for splashing in puddles... ;LKFGHLFGKH NO UMM honestly i'm not sure. i feel like something that bridges his experiences on the surface with his experiences in the depths would be ideal for him... not sure what that 'something' is or what it would do per se, but just something to quell that constant 'i'm missing someone right now' feeling he tends to be plagued with LMFAO. alternatively something cool and linked to sea-storms since that's his schtick.
37. if they’ve had one, what was their first kiss like? nothing of big note tbh! reides is absolutely not the type to care about that sort of thing. it was casual and fun; one of those fleeting little special encounters from the past... but it definitely didn't happen back when he lived in aquos LMAO it was sometime shortly after he arrived in port valor. he doesn't remember the name of the guy and he definitely didn't even tell the guy his own name. they were also probably both pleasantly drunk and caught up in some tavern wildness LMFAOOO
48. do they relate to anyone in their group? conversely, which person do they relate to the least? ough this is a tricky one... i think he relates to everyone in the party in particular ways, though he's also very, very different from everyone as well LMAO. i/t he probably relates to ashara the most in terms of her interactions with the world - her being puzzled over how much has changed in modern times definitely reminds him of how the surface world puzzles him. he's FAAAAR from self-concious over his Sense of Wonder re: the surface, but it's still comforting to see someone else experiencing fascination over the 'mundane.' i also think he relates to erak a LOT because the two of them have a similar sense of humor / similar morals as a whole. erak came so close to getting the prince reveal AGES before anyone else in the party because reides just like... feels so seen with him, you know? it's ironic considering that erak TECHNICALLY doesn't know reides' whole deal right now but i'm sure he will someday :D
as for who he relates to the least... i think probably slumberjack wins this by default but only because neither of them were all that honest with each other during their time together. he still cares about them a lot, of course, but it's hard to relate to someone when most of what you know of them is a lie and when most of what they know about you is a lie, too. tbh, i think the regret reides feels over how All Of That went sort of fueled his like... willingness to open up to the rest of the party? he realized just how damaging having secrets can be to others and also realized just how much he cared about his friends (sj obviously included). but as i write this i feel like that means he relates to sj a SHITLOAD especially in hindsight so you know what, i have no idea who he relates to the least. HAHAHA
61. is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh? AAALKDFDGK I ANSWERED THIS ONE BEFORE BUT LUCKILY I HAVE A WEALTH OF THESE MOMENTS SO HERE IS ANOTHER: i loved when viglis warned him not to get any splinters in the shipwrecks near aquos and reides was like I Didn't Get That Many As A Kid!!! and viglis said that he'd have one for each finger and reides insisted that ten splinters wasn't that many. i think that moment was like SO SWEET and it was prob the first little like... sweetsibling moment that the two of them had in a LOOOONG time. it was really cathartic somehow and i remember thinking 'ok this bridge isn't burnt after all' when we rp'd it, which was super cool :)
💌 sixty-nine questions for your ttrpg characters!
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Tagged by: @thevoiceofthanatos​
Favorite color: warm bright yellow, mustard yellow & old gold, and just yellow in general. its a good colour. it makes me happy
Currently reading: idk, probably star trek fanfic my friend @rubbertplant​ was writing to give my opinion on it. i often read through my own stuff too lol, like whoah i wrote that??? ADHD has taken everything from me including my capability to read though, for real. ive been thinking of trying to listen to some audiobooks recently though, this cannot continue... its just that i also have no ears disease so idk how well that would go. determined to try though
Last song you listened to: havent been listening to music so much bc ive been playing videos instead but my last.fm has all my spotify listens so itll stay up to date on whatever i listened to last. currently seems to be “please play-bite” by pinocchioP. i often just let spotify play me whatever it recommends anyhow so theres variance. and i only started this account like a few months ago max so its not really a full picture of my music-listening
Last movie (in theaters): its not really a movie, but if it counts, the first ginga nagareboshi gin stageplay (recorded and released in finland in theaters with subs)
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ginga was always huge in finland for some reason. idk. the anime is so violent though that i got really afraid of bears for some reason. theres so much blood... i never read the manga either i just knew of the anime and partook in my share of wolf roleplays (dogs were uncool! so i didnt do dog roleplays. iirc that really was my reason).
heres some funny wolves from my wolf rp days
2010. one of the first things i coloured digitally... i painstakingly cleaned the scanned pencil lineart with a mouse
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2011. i had gotten my first drawing tablet as a birthday/xmas gift and practiced a ton around this time (more than just wolves lol)
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Last series I watched: trigun stampede. even changed my phone bg into vash... but millions knives is probably my favourite. he just does everything wrong and makes his life worse. and everyone elses life too bc he sucks. but hes multifaceted so hes also my meow meow and whatever. i hope a ford explorer drives over him
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if it counts though, ive seen some star trek TOS episodes and movies because my friends have been watching them. im not super into it but its always fun to hang. i also dont watch a lot of stuff. i dont even know what i do. guy who doesnt read or watch things but listens to jerma videos on youtube without actually looking at them while i “draw” and “write”
Craving: food honestly. i should cook something lmfao. i also want soda so bad but i dont have any. id make some tea but its disgustingly warm in my house so i only want cool drinks. could kill for a nice milkshake or a smoothie rn i think
Tea or coffee: tea... im the only finnish person who doesnt drink coffee for real. also got really into loose leaf tea bc i befriended a chinese lady who is really into tea and has a tea shop in the city near where i live
Currently working on: drawing this and trying to think how i want to do it. somehow want to incorporate flat colours and maybe shade his body naturally, and make the blood look realistic instead of flat colours... hmm not sure yet what i want to do
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other than that im trying to proofread the chapter of my ryanyuri fanfic i already published because theres a lot of typos and strange sentences in there but its been a chore bc my body breaks down when it gets too warm smfh... not looking forward to when my apt goes over 30 degrees celsius it is unlivable. im also trying to complete a “lookbook” of my tnb sims. but i always start huge projects that take three million years to complete and im really slow lmfao
Tag people you’d like to get to know better: i could just ask these questions from everyone i talk on discord with. fuck my friends i know irl or otherwise, only asking people who r my friends through tumblr. no need to do this though. also this isnt probably meant to be answered so long-windedly... thats just me. i cant answer with one word i gotta write an essay. heres three tags though @basslinegrave​ @vita-divata​
(record scratch before 3rd tag) and @rubbertplant​ bc they were streaming a game in discord when i started typing this and i was like hey wanna do it and they were like yeah
i expect replies on my desk by 5pm TOMORROW!!!!get to work!!!! no i jest, do it or dont, i dont mind either way, just if you feel like doing this. if you see this and want to do it feel free to consider yourself tagged. godspeed
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wanderrlust0 · 4 months
yeah thats what ive been dealing with for like a year now omg bc we first hung out last july and we basically hang out like every 5 MoNthS Lol okay not actually that long but like every 2 months about so yeah we dont even see each other that often?!? so lemme catch up with them and not have to worry about upsetting him and also thats why im even more anxious for when i tell him about the party thats a week after the concert bc it will be sooo soon like soooo soon considering our typical hang out gap and i wouldve brought my other friend but shes going to mexico!! so since they already came with me for her first party it technically does make sense to bring the same person with me and i also wouldnt be able to bring him bc he works every saturday but now hes in the middle of switching jobs so he actually might be free on saturdays soon and idk how soon but then what if he is actually free that saturday but i just decide to not go with him like will that make me an awful gf like idk but at the same time its a late party and ofc there will be drinks and he didnt drink last time when he met my friends for the first time but tbf it was a pretty quiet hangout so i cant rag him on that but say he comes like will he drink with me or be social or get bored or feel out of place. how long would he want to stay till he crashes or feels likes hes not having fun. he will be thinking about the like 20min drive back to his house and also the biggest biggest obstacle i think about is that he will know someone there already bc she was an old fling of his before he met me and she just happens to be my excoworkers gf;-; and she was there at the last party but i was blind, didnt notice, it was dark and i wasnt sober and its not like everyone who was there spoke and saw each other bc there were ofc a lot of diff cliques and we stayed near the same people but like people will walk by or youre chillin in the same area and its inevitable that theyll see each other so yeah thats honestly the main reason why i wouldnt wanna have him there which idk if thats selfish or bad of me bc its not like im scared something will happen ofc like i dont feel threatened by her or think that he’ll be into her now bc its been so long but like idk the thought of it feels weird to me esp since she already hit him up once after their friendship died out and she apologized and asked to get lunch w him and he politely declined and he told me about it after and thats how i know that they have history so its truly a small world where i live bc people got mutuals all over the place but yeah that concludes my insanely long thought and some background info between him and my friend) but i will tell him tomorrow about the concert (girl you better do istg) and tell him about the party a diff day
edit: i just told him and its 11:48pm omg. still made it before midnight
edit: 9.5 / um so obviously i didnt tell him that we went to the party together bc after lots of thinking and speaking to my best friend and dealing with his reaction to the concert, it was better to not tell him. i felt guilty for keeping it a secret but its true that i dont need to tell him every little thing. ofc not when it comes to being unfaithful but innocent things that would be better off not said is OKay. its not right.. but its not hurting anyone. to this day i still believe that hes better off not knowing bc the concert really put him over the edge and we argued so much from it. two of my friends actually did show up to the party as well bc they knew my coworker from hs so i was able to tell him that and i was so glad they showed up so i posted a pic w one of them and obvi posted none with snow. i also told them that he doesnt know were going together & explained why its for the better. last time we hung out was when we went to brooklyn dekalb market with their friend and that still caused some tension ofc..couldve been worse tho! but no actually seeing him after that was a reallyreally weird day filled with not a lot of talking or touching until it was night time and we were forced to speak. in the end he was able to snap us out of it bc the energy was actually. terrible. like awful. i wish i wasnt there. but we ended that night back to our normal selves and since then weve been really good since i havent hung out with snow in a month. ive also had a long talk with his sister and he ofc talks to her as well and she understands how i feel and how its unfair to me so she said she spoke to him and suggested that she hang out with me and snow one day since he clearly didnt want to. oh yeah as of now me and snow need a chaperone🥲chappell roan. the trust he has in us is currently still stuck to the bottom of the ocean and who knows when itll rise
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lqfiles · 4 months
🐣🐣🐣 anon hereeeee. ok??? why’s haechan so cocky i hate him 🙄🙄😒😒 who does he think he is… (he’s hot) i liked the chapter a lot btw i love all your smaus (two i think) ☹️☹️ sometimes i search for a smau and js find really ugly ones (no offense i truly mean no offense with this) while yours are js so… accurate to the real app? like for imessages and twitter they look EXACTLY like the app itself
ok enough, yesterday i was about to fall asleep and i asked myself whether or not, after how popular stg got, did u choose the title to ptp thinking of what “abbreviation” (idk if thats the right word in english) people would use with it? like whether it would sound good or not?
i hope you’re doing great again and having a fun or light week. if you find yourself in a position of struggle, a break is always a good idea. be mindful of your own worth and make sure to not let people make you feel less than what you deserve 😠 take care and be healthy, goza de salud y amor!
about my ppt and test… i can say that thursday and friday were the worst ones. on thursday i have 5 classes, from which i did 4 “tests” (idk how to say it in english but i mean 4 different ways to give me a grade), PE saved me that day. at friday i was supposed to have 3 classes and 3 “tests”, but my personal bff (art teacher) gave us one more week to deliver the project so yay, i did ok in my spanish test and the history ppt was ass.
ok i got a little mad here sorry for the rambling
i had to speak on the URSS’ economy during and after WW2 but my other classmates took 3/4 of the whole class for their own fun presentations so i had to keep my part going after bell rang :( ugh i was so stressed and i messed up and made a weird noise like “eek” and the whole class laughed… that was embarrassing. also we use canva for presentations like these and my friend (A) kept telling me that my completely normal slide was ugly and that she would change it, i told her not to and she kept insulting me… my other friend (M) defended me tho. then the next morning my other friend (R) changed the ENTIRE presentation —not just my slides— and my best friend (J) got mad at her and protested (which is something i cant do cause im a little shy or ashamed to stand out for myself), but R yelled at her and insulted the way her slides looked, J changed her tone but wasn’t screaming, at this point i didn’t gaf anymore but i got mad at the fact that R was disrespecting J, so i screamed a little too hard at R scolding her for not being able to defend herself without screaming… i think i made her feel bad bc all of my friends stayed quiet after that :( im struggling cause at some point she kinda deserved it for being so rude, but at the same time maybe i got too carried away ☹️
but i did well on most of my “tests” this week! i like to think it was all thanks to you and your good wishes :)
do you ever get strokes reading my messages? im sorry if u do… i get nervous when sending u asks :( i swear im better at english than u may think… also i think i talked way too much im sorry if it bothers u, dont feel obligated to answer 💗💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
- love, 🐣 anon ! <3
ps: i think this is my longest ask yet… maybe longer than the first one i sent u about how much i loved stg? the long ass one……… idk! i hope u have fun reading my beef ig…….. love ya!
you might think i’m lying but truly, that’s not what crossed my mind while coming up with the title loll. i knew that i wanted a witty title that related to the story and the genre of the story just like stg was, and the whole concept of ptp is that y/n moves to a cheaper apartment where she can pay the rent while also having to deal with haechan. pay the price = LITERALLY pay the price of her apartment but ALSO paying the price that is having haechan disturb her peace, pretty witty right? it was honestly just a coincidence that it ended up being three words as well as having a nice abbreviation lmao
he’s hot and i he will be hotter in the future too unfortunately. thank you for liking it so far tho as well as my other smaus (literally only stg) ALSO I FEEL YOU ON THAT PART tbh i’m so accustomed to the social maker twitter lay out and messages that whenever i see another format it catches me off guard lmao, but people are just using what they can, and it’s the story that counts in the end i guess.
you’re always so cute i can’t help but smile :)) i’m doing good and i have a two week holiday soon so i’m even more happy, i would never let anyone make me feel less than i am, but if i ever do i’ll remember your words!!!
THAT SOUNDS LIKE ACTUAL HELL omg exam season is so stressful, i hope you don’t feel too much under pressure 😭 i’m happy your art teacher gave you guys extra time for your work, MAKE SURE TO USE YOUR TIME WISELY IM SERIOUSSS you don’t wanna give your worst and face the consequences!! and i’ll even personally pray for you ^^ YOU GOT THIS LOVELYYY and im glad you did well on your others :)
what the fuckkk :(( first off all, that’s such an unfortunate situation to be put in, your classmates are immature as hell for that but i wouldn’t believe that they were laughing at you, perhaps it was just the awkwardness but i’m sure it wasn’t meant to belittle you, still, that’s mean and immature as hell. your supposed friends need to learn how to respect you because if you told them that you didn’t want your slides changed, there really shouldn’t be an issue with that like wtf why would she insult you as a response.. weird. i personally don’t think you’re in the wrong, clearly friend R thought they could boss you guys around and was seeking issues for no reason, all that WHILE being mad for some reason like no need to raise your voice. i hope you’re okay :( don’t think about it too much you’re amazing and i’m sure you’re slide was fine ^^ i have used canva before too and it’s not like you can make the most outstanding slides on there anyways so WHO CARESSSS
whenever i see your asks i just smile because your words are always so sincere and it’s the fact that you go out of your way to type it all even if english isn’t technically your first language, NO STROKES DONT WORRY! i would feel shitty if i didn’t respond to you, i would always respond don’t worry ^^ this was long but i don’t mind, again it’s really cute YOURE SO CUTE ANON
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wretcheddthing · 10 months
How does Venali's post-game/epilogue go for her? (her finali, if you will)
Also, how well does she get along with gale's cat (tara I think??)? Does she have any pets of her own?
AUGH i had a whole thing typed out but forgot to save it and lost it all so . Take 2
also i smile and grin whenever you send me an ask about her :)) 10/10 pun btw zero notes
under the cut for patch 5 spoilers
okay so i beat the big brain and got the Gale romance ending where he proposes and asks you to go to Waterdeep with him and Ven was like. Uhhh yeah. Duh. Of course. And then it IMMEDIATELY goes into the epilogue and I start hyperventilating. Narrator describes how Gale and Ven are super in love and happy in Waterdeep so already it’s a strong start.
I spoke to Shadowheart first and it was honestly SO nice to hear that she’s living a relatively quiet, peaceful life brewing drinks from apples and caring for animals. Gave her a hug :)
Then I talked to Karlach and immediately cried bc she sounded SOOOO happy to be back from Avernus and WITH WYLL!!! Both of their new armors looked SO good on them, and Karlach saying it’s easier to brave the hells with someone she loves 😭😭😭 AND there’s a chance she can fix her engine and return to Faerûn for good! gave Karlach a hug :) didnt get the option for Wyll idk if it’s a dialogue path thing or what but if it is I missed it :(
Spawn Astarion’s end was EXACTLY how I described their dynamic in the last ask and I was SOOO CHEERED by that! !! I’m happy for him finding something to do that makes him happy. Gave him a hug :)
Lae’zel wasn’t there in person but it really meant a lot to Ven the efforts she went through to send a projection of herself to see everyone at the party :)) Ven is really very proud of everything she’s doing for her people, but will never turn down an opportunity to see her. Wish I could have given her a hug ;-;
i must confess i did not bring Halsin out with me hardly at all but he had a good time at the party! got really drunk and turned into a bear, and he gave me a lil wooden duck that he carved :)
Jaheira was everything 2 me. I love that lady. She was SO fun to have around the whole time I knew her but referring to herself as “Fun Jaheira” was super good. I’ll never be unhappy to see her
Minsc was, of course, hilarious. Just brought a random guy along after dangling him over a ledge for two hours, and dude was more scared of the hamster than him. For good reason, I’m sure. Boo cuts a very menacing figure.
Spoke to the bard for a bit too, told him I know who he is so he’d stop being so depressed.
And then I talked to Gale and Let Me Tell You. Unwell. Unwell about it. I know if you ask him to stay in Baldur’s Gate with you, he becomes a house husband and picks up creative hobbies which is also REALLY good and I Love that a lot. But bc Ven went with him to Waterdeep, he becomes a professor of illusion magic at Blackstaff Academy and I am quite frankly over the moon about that. And he’s so nervous about being there at first but thanks you for dragging him out to see everyone!! AUGH. Whatever.
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Also his new kiss animation for this. Whatever. Whatever. Whatever. i dont even caare. (<— cares so much).
And Tara was there!!! I saw for some people she doesn’t show up, I guess that’s if you piss her off if you find her in act 3? But I tried so hard not to piss her off and it paid off!
She’s a bit jealous about having to share Gale’s time bc she is his oldest and best friend, but Venali respects that and is very much fond of having Tara around. I like to think they actually work very well together and Tara even helps Ven with her own research. It’s so so sweet that she wants to have Gale and Ven around more for dinner with Gale’s mom. Ven never had pets of her own, but she loves animals. I think the first time Tara curls up on her lap is considered one of the best things that’s happened to her since moving to Waterdeep.
And that’s another thing, I really think Ven and Morena would get on so well. But I also think she would know about Ven’s wizard persona reputation before meeting her and that makes for a really fun awkward situation where she has to explain the whole thing to her future mother in law.
And Ven and Gale are married in the epilogue!! But Ven would also really want all of her friends there, so To Me they’re still planning the wedding and she invites all of her friends at the party :)
There are also a bunch of letters from the friends you made throughout the game and you’ll never guess! cried. The letter from Hope got me the most , my god. House of Hope is one of THE quests in the game and how it frames hope as a concept through Hope’s character is. good. So that letter definitely got me.
Loved the epilogue. So much. Really really happy Larian added that in, the closure was amazing.
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Tommy thinking Sam Nook and Sam are two different people would lead to such funny senarios.
Especially if you apply this logic to everyone.
what if mexican dream and quackity are the same people and that was just him making fun of dream and making tommy laugh and tommy genuinely thinks dream killed mexican dream and that hes a different person
and when ranboo pretended to be killed by clarencio
he just doesnt realise
he thinks girl dream is someone else too
tubbo genuinely has a bunch of personalities and so he thinks theyre all different people (and also he doesnt realise theyre the same people a lot)
sam, in his normal voice: tommy do you have the- tommy, crying: what happened to sam nook?
sam proceeds to live as sam nook around tommy because he once tried to tell tommy sam nook isnt real and he started sobbing and so sam cant
sapnap, approaching sam on the site: hey sam can you do this for me? sam: su- tommy, running up: SAAAAAAM!? sam, in the sam nook voice: hello tommy! sapnap: wtf??? tommy: this is sam nook! :D have you met him? sapnap: what? thats just s- sam: shakes his head, behind tommy where he cant see sapnap: uhhhhh sam: takes out sword sapnap: h-hi sam nook! tommy: :D
sam is not the only person this happened to. 
tommy: technoblade???? techno, sneaking into l'manberg: uhhh techno, in a highpitched voice: no this is Clarencio tommy: the llama? techno, in high pitched voice: no the pig tommy: hmmm techno: sweats tommy: smiles brightly ok!!!! techno, under his breath: that worked??? tommy: wanna hang out with me? techno, in high piteched voice: i really need to go tommy: buttttttt :(
technoblade proceeds to have to pretend to be clarencio the pig and hang out with tommy all afternoon
phil, coming to check on techno: techno? techno, in a frilly pink dress, in a high pitched voice: hi tommy: phil!!!! have you met clarencio??? but not the llama!!! clarencio the pig!!! phil, holding back a laugh: is that so?
(defenitly happened before he got exiled, i refuse to change my mind)
everytime techno is caught he says hes clarencio (the pig) and tommy vouches for him each time and no one is able to bring themselves to tell him that clarencio (the pig) doesnt exist
sam nook, :handshake: clarencio the pic, :handshake:  mexican dream, (not girl dream) not being able to tell tommy their not real bc hed cry
quackity: i demand to be allowed to join l'manberg! wilbur: ur american quackity: i shpould still be allowed! wilbur: just say your not, thats what everyone does quackity: what wilbur: just make a fake identity?? quackity: youre... the president???? wilbur: yeah and?? quackity: shouldnt you not be be endorsing that??? wilbur: i made tommy the border person. you think i care? quackity: sksksks quackity: still bad tho
the only one tommy never believes is dream, no matter what, he can just tell when someone is dream, like ya know those police dogs? the only reason he didnt realise girl dream was because girl dream is girl dream he thought it was just a dream thing
monochrome bad: tommy tommy: whomst? bad: oh uh recolourfies tommy, screaming: WHAT THE FUCK
tommy doesnt have object permanence but for people
techno, while tommy is staying with him: leaves room tommy, crying: I had a big brother once, i dont remember him tho
phil leaves them and (while stabbing wilbur) tommy just doesnt realize its him until techno says "dad?"
quackity works at wendys and tommy goes there everyday but doesnt realise its quackity
tommy went there since the war ended
and at the time didnt realise tommy cant tell and so when he and tommy started a mafia and became friends he thought tommy knew who he was and tommy once suggested going to dennys and quackity is like 'oh my god' and tommy is like my friend works there!!! and then they go to the one quackity works at and quackity is like 'haha funny' and then tommy asks around and then turns to quackity sadly like "my friend isnt here today D:" and then quackity is like o h
tommy, towards sam, in sams house: sam!!!!!! sam, who was sleeping, in his normal voice: w-what? tommy: sam!!! :D sam: hey tommy yawns whyd you wake me up? tommy: sorry but i really needed to ask you a question!!! sam: did you want to ask me where sam nook is again? tommy: welll.. that too but!!! you should meet sam nook!!!! sam: what tommy: please please please sam: no go back what did you ask? tommy: you need to meet sam nook! i think you'd be friends!!! :D sam, internally: shit sam: uhhh i dont really think i should- tommy: pleaasee uses puppy eyes sam: sure sam, internally: why did i say yes????
sam then has to pretend to be sam and sam nook at the same time
tommy: you're gonna love sam nook sam!!!! sam: uhuh tommy: where is he? :( sam: uh maybe hes behind you tommy: turns around to look sam: runs to other side of tommy sam, in sam nook voice: hello tommy!!! tommy: sam nook! have you met sam??? hes right here!!! gestures to sam who has to run behind him again tommy: sam say hi!!! sam, panting, in normal voice: hi tommy: whyre you all out of breath and shit???
this,,, just continues for a while
quackity, watching this exchange, driunking juice: sucks to suck sam: you'd do the same quackity: no. mexican dream is dead lol tommy, only hearing the last part: cries i miss mexican dream quackity, feeling sad: uh- we can revive him maybe? tommy: wipes tears YEAH! sam, whispers to quackity: told you so quackity, hisses to sam : shut up
quackity then has to pretend to revive himself while running around also he has to steal another one of dreams masks
honestly in this au everyone would hear about what happened during exile and stab dream (while pretending to be other people because ig in this au tommy still thinks dream was once his friend and yeh)
tommy, after crying infront of sam nook and telling him what dream did to him: so.. sniffs do you have any more quests for me to do? sam nook: i have one more quest tommy, cheering up: what is it!! sam nook: for myself tommy, confused: what is it? sam nook, taking out a glock: homocide
insanebur: you want to know why no one listens to you tommy? tommy, pouting, on the verge of tears: What? insanebur, unable to finish, clutching his heart: your too cute
this is just au where tommy is baby huh
wilbur isnt mad schlatt exiled him- hes mad he exiled tommy
schlatt and dream are the only ones not affected by tommys baby vibes and thats their downfall
tommy just has to call everyone a nickname, once, and everyone is melted
niki and jack: tommy is the fault of all our probelms we should kill him puffy: he. bonk is bonk baby bonk niki and jack: look over at tommy tommy, with sam in the distance: cries to sam because he cant find sam nook niki and jack: okay... maybe we should be less... violent...
Sam rlly just went
sam: looks at tommyinnit sam: nothing bad will ever happen to this child ever again
I’ve named this au, au where hes baby ur honour
tommy: i had zero parents (who care) tommy, gestures to puffy and sam: NOW I HAVE TWOOOOOOO
insanebur: god i fucking hate everyone tommy: even me? insanebur: except you tommy
sam: I AM THE TOMMY GAURDIAN! GAURDIAN OF THE TOMMY! sam @ anyone who wants to hurt him: FUCK OFFF
tommy canoanically understands the animal crossing language
ranboo: i can speak enderman! tommy: well i can speak creeper
whenever tommy gets overwhelemed around sam he burys himself he asks sam to cover for him in creeper
okay thats enough of that
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t0shii · 4 years
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% comforting them when they're upset
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.! oikawa, tsukishima, matsukawa (sep) x gn!r
.! angst + fluff/ breakdowns, crying, etc. lightly proofread bc im lazy so sorry for any mistakes.
.! im so sorry if this is absolute word vomit or horse shit 😭 i tried my best though 😌 uhhh sorry for not posting yesterday i got my daith pierced and i was in a lot of pain after that so i didnt feel like writing anywho enjoy this 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 p.s. i was originally gonna write for mad dog but i was struggling so i went with mattsun instead sorry. also idk why matsuns ended up being so short i didnt do him justice i apologize 😩
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— always gets discouraged when his knee bothers him. today was one of those days. his coach had made him sit out of practice because he had been limping a bit. he came home distraught and you noticed right away.
"what's the matter toru?" you asked opening your arms for a hug, which he accepted, wrapping his arms around your middle quite tightly. "my knee is bothering me again 'n coach made me sit out. it's just not fair." he mumbled into your shoulder. you could feel his tears soak through your shirt. you nodded and responded, "baby, he just doesn't want you to hurt yourself. i know it's not fair but-", "but i wanna play volleyball, i wanna get better and practice." he said, aggravated that you weren't exactly on his side, still he held you tighter.
"toru, baby, look at me." he does as told, and you bring your hands up to wipe his tear stained cheeks,"toru, you can't strain your knee anymore than you already do, you know this. i know you only want to play volleyball, baby i know, but you have to be patient." he nods in agreement and you do the same, then guiding his head back to your shoulder, "i know it's frustrating toru, but you can't force it, y'know? he wouldn't make you sit out if it wasn't for your best interest. you know that, deep down."
the two of you had been cuddling on the couch, his back against your chest when you heard him sniffling again, "toru, what's wrong?" you ask softly, sitting up slightly. "i'm so useless, my own knee can't even work right. the team deserves someone better and so d-do you" he hiccuped, hiding is face in his hands. you felt guilty for not comforting him more earlier. "toru, that's not true at all." you stated, forcing his hands into yours, "take it back right now." he looked at you confused. "toru oikawa i said take it back right this instant." you said a little sterner than before.
"no." he managed to get out through sobs, and you knew the stern method wasn't going to work this time around. "toru, please. you're not useless at all, not to anyone, not to the team, and especially not to me. you're the best teammate, friend and boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and your knee just needs a break sometimes, you just need a break sometimes and thats okay. needing a break doesn't make you useless or weak, toru." you say softly, guiding him to a sitting position, hugging him closely and tracing small, comforting shapes on his back.
"you're so so strong toru, and you're an amazing person, an amazing boyfriend, you're such an amazing volleyball player and i'm so proud of how far you've come since highschool." you say, kissing the crown of his head. "you mean it?" he asks leaning back to look at you, "i always do, toru. i love you more than anything, and i'm so so fucking proud of you, but you have to know, it's okay to need a break sometimes and it doesn't change who you are as a person and it definitely doesn't make you weak or useless. he nods in response, burrying his head into the crook of your neck. you both stay like that, you whispering words of affirmations, him listening fondly until he feels better a little while later.
— he usually didn't let the stress of professional volleyball get to him like this, but he couldn't help it he would be lying if he said he wasn't overwhelmed, from interviews, to extra practice to prepare for the overseas games he had coming up, he was exhausted, to add onto it all he had been neglecting you and he felt horrible for it.
you knew practice was going to be running late since your boyfriend had told you in advance, so you weren't initially worried as to why kei had been coming home late at night. this night in particular was the fourth night in a row kei been home late and you starting to grow concerned. you hadn't seen him hardly at all that week, which was unusual because he always made time for you no matter what. worried, you decided to stay awake and wait for him to get home.
when the time finally comes, your heart dropped at his appearance, he looked absolutely horrible, as if he hadn't slept right in weeks. "why are you up?" he mumbled, taking his shoes off rather sloppily, uncharacteristic of him. you made your way closer to yoir exhausted boyfriend, "kei, i'm worried about you. i know you don't like me meddling with your career, and please don't misunderstand my concern for that. i'm just worried you aren't getting enough rest and i've barely seen you at all this week." you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
you knew something was wrong when you saw the tear swell in his eyes, but he just stood there awkwardly, you walked closer toward him, "kei, what's wrong?" you ask, extending your arms toward him, which he basically fell into, he started sobbing immediately, shocking you initially. "i'm s-sorry for neglecting you this week, i didn't mean to i-i just-", "kei, i'm not worried about that, i'm worried that you aren't taking care of yourself properly." you mumble, patting his back comfortingly. to which he shakes his head no."work has been too much recently, i can't sleep and i barely have time to even think. its just practice, interviews, practice, interviews i-i can't handle it all anymore, y/n." he sobbed into your shoulder, you were speechless at his vulnerability.
"kei,-", "but i can't stop now because that'll make me a failure and i don't want to let you down and the team too, i just want to make everyone proud but i think i'm falling behind." he cried, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. "kei, you could never let me down. actually, i think i've been letting you down recently, i don't tell you this enough but, i'm so so proud of you kei, so proud you don't even understand, i'm sorry for not expressing that enough to you. i understand that you feel as if you're falling behind but overworking and stressing yourself out isn't going to help you improve, kei, and i know you also know that."
"you're working yourself sick, kei and i can't stand here and continue to let that happen so you're taking a day off whether you like it or not. tomorrow will be a me and you day, how does that sound? i'll call your coach in the morning." honestly, you wouldn't have let him say no anyways, and he knew that so he just nodded his head. "look at me kei, you have to tell me when you're feeling overwhelmed. it's not good to keep things in like this, it's just like you tell me." he nods his head, but avoids eye contact, "and i'm not disappointed or upset at you, you know. but i can't read your mind, so please just tell me when things start to feel like they're crashing down on you 'kay? i'll help you just like you help me." you smile, he looks at you and nods, hugs you closer and whispers an "i love you" into your ear, which you return.
— you knew his work was stressful and emotionally and mentally exhausting, so there were always worries in the back of your mind that he would become too overwhelmed, well today your worries became reality.
"welcome home issei." you called from the kitchen as your boyfriend walked through the door, though he offered you no response, which made you frown. "issei?-" you gasped when you felt a pair of strong arms sneak their way around your waist, "jesus, issei, you scared me!" you giggle placing your hands atop of his own, but you realized he was not laughing with you. "issei, baby?" concern laced in your tone as you maneuvered your way around to face him, "what's wrong baby?" you ask, taking his face in your hands to wipe at escaping tears.
"work was rough today." was all he said as he melted at the feeling of your thumbs running back and forth on his cheeks. "oh issei, i'm sorry." you mumbled, kissing the tip of his nose lightly, "is there anything i can do to help?" he didn't know why but something inside of him snapped when you asked him that, and sobs escaped his lips, he could only hide his face in the space between your neck and shoulder because for some reason he felt... ashamed to be crying in front of you like this. "please just hold me." he cried, so you did just that, shushimg him when his sobs got violent, rubbing your hand up and down his back soothingly.
the both of you stood there for a good 15 minutes before you spoke up after he had calmed down a bit, "is there anything you need to get off your chest? you don't have to tell me now or even at all but i want you to know that whatever is bothering you, you can tell me, anything at all. i know your job is mentally exhausting and honestly i dont even know how you do it but i dont want you thinking you have to carry the burden of it alone, okay? i'm so proud of you, so so so proud of you issei, i just wanted you to know that."
you felt him nod in the crook of your neck, a soft, "thank you." sounding shortly after, "of course." you responded, kissing his shoulder a few time.he wasn't sure when he would feel completely ready to get things off his chest but he felt loved knowing that you would always be there to comfort him, and for that he was forever grateful.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Hey!! Could we please get more sugar daddy fics with a black reader ofc 😋 idk if you've done shoto already but that'd be nice or hawks and deku💕
A/N: “wrist on glitter, waist on thinner, imma show you how to bag a eight-figure nigga” 👅💋 I enjoyed this way too much
All characters are 18+
Warnings: it got a lil spicy so imma put the line 
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Todoroki Shouto:
this mf has money to burn 
we all know todoroki came out the womb w cash from his hair to his ass 
he’s on some “yes, jeff bezos knows me” type shit so if you’re tryna end up with someone that’s gonna possibly buy you a house, he’s your guy 
he slid into your dms after you posted a pic with your skin moisturized and glistening under golden hour and your body had him wanting to run laps 
he had been plottin on you for a min but never got the motivation to do something about it until then
he’s a no strings attached type of sugar daddy
todoroki is a big name even outside of hero work and he’s well aware of all the people that have tried to use him. so instead of letting that happen, he’s decided to do things on his own terms 
when yall first started talking, he questioned you like this was managerial position at apple 💀 
best believe he ran an in-depth background check and made you sign an NDA 💀💀💀
he was a tough one
but you passed w flying colors and y’all settled on an arrangement
you have a weekly allowance that hits your bank account every saturday with some bonuses that he’ll give you depending on how the week goes
todoroki isnt needy nor is he one to be all up in your business 
it’s actually weird in an endearing kind of way? 
he only wants to have conversations with you 
i mean, dont get me wrong, he’s up for anything you are
todoroki would be a liar if he said he never ended some nights with a picture of you and a hand down his pants 
but that’s not what he’s mainly looking for 
you figure out very quickly that shouto just wants someone to talk to 
he’ll randomly hit up your phone and have a 30 min convo about something like the weather or hero politics, and then he’ll dip
next thing you know, you got $1000 in your cashapp
you kind of panicked bc like...wtf? 
your dumb ass messaged him: “did you mean to send $1000?”
sis, dont put a question mark where God put a period
him: “Yes.”
and that was the end of that
you dont question anymore
he’s not doting in any kind of way, and sometimes you lowkey think he forgets about you, but you still get your allowance 
doesn’t send a lot of gifts unless you explicitly state you want something
he doesnt text back a lot, but he tried to respond when he can
but i do see him liking it when you send him mundane things you do throughout your day, like pics of cookies you baked, or a cool plant you saw at home depot
and he enjoys the times you and him end up just trashing his father for nearly an hour. expect to find flowers, with some expensive ass coats or something at your door the next morning 
he really fucks w your laid back vibe 
sometimes he forgets you guys arent really supposed to be friends 
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Takami Kiego (Hawks):
this is not hawks’ first time being a sugar daddy
he’s hot, rich, and one of the most eligible bachelor’s in japan with a life that prevents him from having anything too serious
so, long story short, he’s a veteran at this 
he used to be the type to reach out to instagram baddies but he had a couple bad run-ins and decided to stick with the official sites because it was a lot more secure on both ends 
the funny thing was, you set up your account a long time ago as a joke. though at one point, you did take it seriously, but you came in contact with a lot of super creepy men that sexualized you for your skin and ethnicity. 
you were tired of the “chocolate king/queen” and “amazonian god/dess” comments,so you took a break. you didnt have much activity since
so imagine youre surprise when the #2 hero hit your line talking about some 
“Hey~ I’ll get straight to the point. I think you’re beautiful and I’d like to talk with you about an arrangement” 
you thought this was a fake account, but after he chatting for a little and sending some pictures, you knew he was the real deal 
hawks is your standard tit-for-tat transaction sugar daddy
he’s the type to hit you up at night with a “how ya doing, dove? got any pics for me?”
he’s good about his respect ad won’t do anything out of line
it’s the bare minimum, be he doesnt fetishize you so that’s always nice 
however, he does make you call him daddy, sir, etc. whether it’s through text, call, or when y’all get together for...reasons
ngl his dicc game is fire
he might ghost you for a week or so but he’ll always come back with a nice check to make up for it 
just be careful about catching feelings bc he’s so fucking smooth. he makes you feel like you’ve got his heart, but dont fall for that shit
if you think you can “change him” or fuflfil whatever wattpad romance fantasy lives in your head, he is not your guy. you better get on w your life before you get your heart broken
he’s here to suck, fuck, send pics, do a little phone call here n there, send some money, and go 
if you’re not with all that, you might as well dip 
but if you’re cool with that, rest assured, you’re gonna be living your best mf life with this man in your wallet 
and good news, you might not be his only, but you are his favorite
there’s just something about you that’s got him giving you a few extra thousand than he normally does 
he doesnt take his sugar babies on proper dates bc he’s gotta stay away from media outlets, but he will invite you to his office for a “lunch break”
if you ever surprise him with a cute but sexy hawks cosplay, you won’t have to work for two whole weeks bc you cant walk  
overall, he’s a good sugar daddy. defintely good for your pockets and any other non-romantic desires you want fulfilled
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Mirodirya Izuku:  
the way you two met and came to this arrangement was more or less an accident
the life of the number one pro-hero was lonely and stressful 
he’s tried to dip his toes in the water here and there, but it never worked out because not many people could deal with the fact that he’d always put hero work first
he was teetering on the edge of signing up for one of those sugar daddy/baby websites until he met you at some cafe he passed by 
it’s cliche really. you were his server and, honestly? he was hooked on day one 
he watched you intently as you pranced around in your cute uniform. he couldnt stop admiring your brown skin and eyes and how cute your hair was. you spoke with such enthusiasm and cheerfulness that he couldnt help but swoon. and it didn’t hurt that you were very easy on the eyes
he listened to you as you went on a spiel about how college was a fortune and how you stayed up last night for a project bc you had to pick up extra shifts
that’s when he made his decision
by the time the hero is out of the door, you collected the reciept and almost fainted when you realized he left you a $500 tip and his personal number 
“i enjoyed talking to you today and i hope we can continue that...here’s something small to help with your bills. and i hope this isnt too forward but you’re very beautiful. stay safe. deku.”
and what did you do that night?
you called his ass right back
you were nervous as hell bc you still couldnt believe this was real, but after talking on the phone with him for two hours, an arrangement was set
midoriya is the most gentlemen like sugar daddy out there 
you wake up to good morning texts and a few hundred in your bank account almost every two days 
he goes crazy over your insta posts. and if you wear something green? expect a bonus
takes you out shopping unprovoked 
izuku: “are you busy? i saw you were having a rough week and was wondering if you wanted to go to that new outlet mall downtown”
you: 🏃🏾‍♀️💨  
you most certainly had homework due that night but what tf you look like missing out on that offer? 
it’s after so many “dates” that deku realizes that he prefers hanging around you more than he should but he doesnt wanna ruin anything so he keeps that underwraps 
he’s the idiot that goes into this thinking he won’t fall in love
deku defintely has some dirty thoughts about you but he doesnt try to bring it up unless you do first
if you’re comfortable with anything nsfw, you gone see a whole different side to izuku
he’s a giver, giver, giver, but when he recieves, he just about loses it
send him “innocent” pics of yourself matched with a string of filthy texts and he’ll combust 
when you send him pics of yourself in deku-themed lingre, he deadass sends you a whole black card with your name on it as a thank you
you guys get very comfortable with each other very quickly
soon enough, DA’s start turning into y/n stayng over for a week 
you both realize this relatiosnhip runs a lot deeper than an arrangement when he accidentally let it slip that he told his mom about you 
he’s profusely apologizing but you shut him up with a kiss and tell him that you’ve kinda caught feelings yourself 
your next conversation works out well for the both of you 
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socheckitout-mikey · 4 years
Can I request a Johnny x soc reader where they hide their relationship and suddenly realize they really dont want to so now they have to adjust
heya birdie! i only really write hc’s so that’s the format they’re in. also, i kinda focused it more heavily on the reader meeting the gang, bc johnny would be pretty set on her meeting them since they’re pretty much his family. i hope you enjoy what i came up with! - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Johnny Dating a Soc Reader and Hiding their Relationship Hc’s:
° None of the gang seemed to pick up on the fact that Johnnycake is dating you, and honestly, Johnny is pretty happy about that. Boii get’s teased enough as it is whenever he does open his mouth, he doesn’t need to be flooded with an onslaught of attention in regards to you.
° It’s just not Johnny’s style to be propped on top of a roof of a building, yowling about how he’s together with you. That’s more of Two-bit’s style. It’s not born out of embarrassment of dating you, someone who’s in a different social class altogether, it’s more over the fact that attention tends to overwhelm Johnny since he’s a raging introvert.
° In fact, Johnny is incredibly ecstatic to have you as his s/o despite the ample amount of insecurities he has about himself and his social status. He considers himself a lucky guy to have bagged someone as amazing and understanding as you. You balance a lot of his anxieties and insecurities out with patience and reassurance: Two things that we all know Johnny desperately lacks outside of the gang.
° Johnny tends to get effortlessly embarrassed whenever the spotlight is scorching on his form. So when you had told him you wanted to keep your relationship a secret, a part of him was incredibly relieved, but not before his mind started racing madly over the negative avenues for your reasoning.
° That other part of him felt ashamed of himself, especially because he primarily thought you were doing this out of the fact you were embarrassed of what others would think of you if they discovered the pair of you were dating.
° Yet you swiftly shutdown those ridiculous avenues of thought, ensuring him that you cared for him deeply and that societies prim and proper nose wouldn’t make you change who you loved, - even if it was upturned -. Similarly to Johnnycake, you relinquished from attention, the sheer thought of all these eyes being on you both made your skin crawl grotesquely.
° And thus began the comfortable pinnacle of your relationship with Johnny Cade. There was never much pressure, the pair of you free in the lack of obligation of speaking about your relationship to anyone else. It was beautiful while it lasted.
° You see, the gang weren’t blind. Soon they began to notice a spring in Johnny’s step, how he spoke a little more, how he disappeared frequently. The amount of times he’d led the gang on wild goose chases across town to lose them somewhere along the way to yours drove him insane!
° Teasing became an ample part of his life, the gang eventually guessing that he was dating someone. And although his crimson cheeks probably gave him away, his mouth never did. But Dally was hot onto the younger boy with a knowing smirk because Johnny may’ve slipped it loose once or twice whilst the guy was drunk: Sometimes, miraculously, Dally remembered his drunk endeavors.
° And your friends... fickle they were! Figured it out two weeks into your relationship with Johnny. Though fortunately for you they were trustworthy folk, they never pushed the topic, ready for whenever you were ready to tell them on your own terms.
° It was incredibly comical when you and Johnny met one night, both wild eyed and slightly breathless. The pair of you were sat in your car, the soft drawl of the radio humming whimsically in the background as Johnny sucked the life out of his tenth cancer stick of the night.
° “We gotta talk-” the paid of you mumbled out desperately in unison, the anxiety shivering in your tones made the pair of you spooked. Now that you look back on it, you laugh.
° “You first-” a unison it was once more and Johnny couldn’t help but crack a wry toothy grin before throwing his cigarette butt out the window.
° “Okay, you shoot first, Y/N.” Johnny stated in a shaky tone, his stammering long gone. You were one of the only people he felt real comfortable talking with.
° “I-I think we should tell our friends, because my friends are figurin’ it out.”
° And that night the pair of you stayed up till the early hours devising a plan on how best to break this to your friends.
° Johnny decided he’d need to pull up his bootstraps and meet your pals first, considering they were the nicest of the bunch. After all, the gang were notorious for being nasty to people they didn’t know, though laid off once they did get to know people. It was precautionary.
° And him meeting your friends went spectacularly! They loved Johnny so much and had nothing but great things to say about him. It was a bit of an ego boost for the kid, albeit incredibly overwhelming. He was still grinning in the vacant lot that night when Dally sat with the kid, fully sober for once.
° “Dal,” Johnny had hummed through the night air, shaking softly as nerves wracked his guts, “I gotta come clean about somethin’.” Did he have to say it so corny?
° “Shoot, Johnny-kid, what’s up?” Dally stated, seriousness taking him by the reins.
° And out it all came...
° Dally was ecstatic to say the least, taunting came out in boisterous fits and soon enough he’d wrestled Johnny into the Curtis house, gloating about how Johnny had snatched himself someone fancy.
° No one believed him initially, but then Johnny told them your name and when I tell you Soda’s jaw slammed onto the floor, it really did. They were so happy for him! And with happiness came the wild teasing of six boisterous boys, all eager to meet the person who’d won Johnny’s attention.
° Johnny was on edge about you meeting the gang, considering that you’d seen some of their antics in person from afar. He assured you that after awhile, they’d lay off; but for now, you’d be like that new attraction at the zoo. You hated that analogy but it made you laugh.
° You’d pretty much prepared yourself for the absolute worst, and although you were scared stiff, you sure didn’t show it. It made Johnny admire you more because you took everything the boys gave you in stride: I mean, it wasn’t like you weren’t a stranger to how teenage boys acted, after all, you did go to school with a whole bunch of em’.
° Darry was the most intimidating besides Dallas, due to his stature and height, but also because of that notorious icy look in his eye. He’d firmly shook your hand, muttering a brief “Hi, I’m Darry,” before slinking back into the kitchen to finish cooking dinner. Darry was a tough nut to crack, something Johnny had told you not to take personally: In fact, Darry really liked you from the moment you walked through the door because you were precisely what Johnny needed in a partner. You were also a good kid, something he hoped eventually would rub off on the other boys, but he wasn’t exactly expecting miracles.
° Sodapop was wild eyed and dreamy as ever, albeit just as dirty as the other boys. He flirted with you every chance he could get, eliciting Johnny to wise off to him; something that made the gang both gawk and simper like wolves.
° “What? You’ve never heard him speak before?” You’d quipped back wittily. You were also weary on how witty you were, seeing as you were typically seen as someone out of their leagues, you didn’t wanna come off as preppy, like you looked down on them. The truth was, you didn’t look down on them. After all, they were important people to Johnny, so they deserved as much respect as anyone else.
° Steve was cocky and smart mouthed, something you had witnessed all too often at school: In fact, you were pretty sure you’d been on the receiving end of his callous words more than once. You took everything he said with a grain of salt. He was also a little intense to begin with, joining in on Soda, Two and Dally flirting with you, but only in the sense to get you to be severely embarrassed.
° And Johnny was almost defensive of you, swatting away the gang and wising off to them to cut it out and leave you alone. He should’ve known better than to rise to their bait, because after all, that’s what they were really looking for; to get him going all red in the face.
° “You guys are nasty! I swear, ain’t nobody was this bad when Evie came round...”
° The minute you’d walked through the front door, Two-bit was hot on your heels, with Dally in tow, attempting to make you laugh up a storm. Well, he did, because it’s Two-bit after all: Who couldn’t that guy make laugh? His flirting would’ve been smooth if not for him having hiccupped halfway through his sentence.
° “Hey, sweet cheeks, why don’t you ditch Johnny for a real good lookin’ man like me, huh sugar?”
° “If the mirrors the one who told you that, then it’s lying.” You quipped back skillfully, more than comfortable taking on someone as wise-cracking as Two. The insult seemed to break the ice somewhat because Two didn’t take anything personally. In fact, all the boys thought it was pretty funny.
° Dally was the one that genuinely terrified you. The lines between a hood and a greaser weren’t present in him after all: Dallas Winston was as bad as they got, like Tim Shepard, and if it weren’t for him being Johnny’s buddy, you’d have avoided him at all costs. You weren’t sold short on his little show at the beginning, flirting with you, pulling on your hair like you were his kid sister or something... Dally found every way to irritate the hell out of you.
° “C’mon now, Dal! Cut that shit out!” Johnny snapped particularly at one point, but he meant business: Johnny never really wised off to anyone, so it took some guts for him to go out for Dally like that. Dally just grinned at him silly before ruffling the kids hair. “Alright, alright! Who knew you dug this one so much, eh?”
° Ponyboy, although quiet, was probably your most favorite of the gang. You really weren’t a stranger to him at school, often having some classes together with him. So it was somewhat refreshing to see someone you knew a little well in class. Every so often you’d catch the kid looking at you apologetically from the dining room whenever Steve or Two would say something that would’ve made anyone else run for the hills.
° “You know, if you keep goin’ like that, Johnny-cakes’ heads gonna burst into flames.”
° Whenever the boys got too rambunctious, Darry would pipe up from the doorway, reminding the boys that they needed to tone it down. After all, they’d promised Johnny they’d be on their best behavior, which in fact, that whole promise had been thrown out the window long ago. You’d just accepted it at this point.
° Eventually nighttime curled over Tulsa Oklahoma, and it was time for you to head on home. As soon as you and Johnny got down to the lot, he was intent on apologizing for their awful behavior, absolutely certain that you wouldn’t wanna be with a bum like him that hung out with trash like that.
° “What’re you apologizin’ for? I like em’. I mean, they’re awful, but...” You grinned at your boyfriend, linking fingers with him.
° “Did Two sneak you some booze?!” Johnny was animated, his voice cracking as it reached an octave that it hadn’t before.
° It did take awhile for the gang to accept you as Johnny’s girlfriend, but that didn’t matter to you as the cat was out of the bag: Outing your relationship to both of your friend groups was probably the best avenue to have gone down, since it was never in either of your guys’s nature to have just shown up to school one day holding hands and all that mushy galore!
° Everyone at school made a huge deal out of you guys dating for about a week until the next ‘crazy’ rumor swept their attention. Although you were still subject to some odd looks and some remarks, the pair of you just ignored them.
° The most the pair of you would do in public was hold hands or Johnny’s arm was around your shoulders. Subtle things. He got a whole ear full from the gang about how whipped he was. Johnny just didn’t dig the whole possessive thing that Dally was into. He didn’t need the whole world watching him make out with you!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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requests: open!
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hiddennerdworld · 3 years
MHA Couples Dynamics with art by @leecheedoodles| two bros chillin in a hot tub 5 ft apart cuz they won’t confess their undying love for one another (Shinsou x Reader)
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Warnings: just fluffy stuff; sappy crap that’s so sweet it will rot your teeth; probably rushed ending
A/N: idk how to feel about this. Well I never do lmao, but I love Shinsou and hope I did him justice. Most of my info about him is from tumblr tho so he’s probably OOC. Again, pls check out the amazing artist’s other work if you like the drawing!
You guys have always been destined to be close forever. Whether you met in kindergarten or high school, ever since you’ve entered each other’s lives there’s no leaving them
It’ll be difficult at first bc either both of you or just Shinsou will have a hard time opening up
It mainly lasts bc you guys realize that the other is way more tolerable than other people
You’ll just hang out more and more until you guys aren’t ever apart
Somehow you guys don’t distract each other from becoming heroes, but actually make it easier for one another
Even after high school. Your whole class stays close, but none as close as you and Shinsou. Though you rarely had free time, it would almost always be spent together
People often catch one of you giving heart eyes to the other while they aren’t looking. Or sometimes you guys will cuddle while watching a movie. But nothing more than that bc you guys are just friends right?
You guys even accidentally flirt with each other without even knowing
For the longest time others will think you’re dating, and you’ll have to correct them
It isn’t until you are hanging out with another one of your best friends, Mina, and she has to tell you that you are in love with him
You keep resisting as they give you more and more evidence and then it’ll just hit you
“oh shit, I’m in love with Toshi” you mumble as you stare into space
From then on you start to act weirder when you guys are together and he takes notice
He tells another one of his friends about it and they go through the same talk you did with Mina
“They’ve been acting really weird lately. Like not looking me in the eye and stumbling over their words and shit. Do you think I finally scared them away?”
“No, they like you, dumbass. And you like them back”
After 10 minutes of debate, “fuck I’m in love with my best friend.”
After all that, YOU GUYS STILL DONT TALK ABOUT IT!! Afraid of messing up the relationship, still oblivious to the fact the other person feels the same
You are honestly content just being together so the possibility of messing it all up wasn’t worth it
The only thing that has changed is that every so often one of you will attempt flirting, which makes the other flustered, which makes the flirter flustered too
It’s an awkward train wreck to everyone who witnessed it. Almost painful to watch.
On the other hand you guys are like “yay, progress”. Really are made for each other
Once you have to pair up with Mina for a mission and she has to see you two interact everyday, then she decides to meddle
“LETS PLAY SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!!” Mina suggests even though you guys aren’t 16 anymore. You guys are at a kind of reunion with your former classmates that Mina is hosting at her apartment. No one is really opposed to the idea, but they aren’t fond of it either. You and Shinsou just give each other a worried glance.
“Since it was my idea, and this is my place, I choose Shinsou and Y/N to go in!” Mina yells dragging you two into her closet.
“Yea, not sure that’s how that works, Pinky.” Shinsou quipped while trying to get out of this.
“It is how that works because I say so. Time starts now! Have fun!” She slammed the door and started her timer excited to see the results of her master plan. She sat on the couch closest to the closet trying to hear what was going on. It had been at least halfway done and she still heard nothing. At this point the other few partygoers were making conversation, not nearly as invested as Mina. They knew you guys were into each other too, but they hadn’t had the chance to be around you guys much since graduating, and they know how to mind their business.
Mina basically has her ear on the door at this point (she’s not a perv, she just wants to say that she told you so). All of a sudden, her timer went off on her phone. Hearing the ringtone, you and Shinsou exit the closet. And to Mina’s surprise, you both look exactly the same as when you entered. No messy hair, no puffy lips, no embarrassed faces, NOTHING.
“Alright, lovebirds, how was the game?” She said moving her eyebrows.
“Fine, I guess. We just hung out in a closet,” Shinsou shrugged.
“Yea, we did get a quick game of 20 questions in there though.”
“WHAT THE HEEEEECCKKKK?!!!!” Mina whined. “Do you two knuckleheads not know the purpose of the game?! You’re in ‘heaven’! You’re supposed express your feelings for one another. At least kiss the other person! It would be one thing if you two were unfamiliar with one another, that’s fine if you don’t wanna play, BUT you two are unbelievably, obnoxiously into each other. You have been for years! Neither of you thought about making a move while you were in there?!”
You and Shinsou both look over at each other with wide eyes. At the same time you mutter, “…wait what?” Mina just face palms and walks away to get a drink. After her walking away, Shinsou was able to sneak you guys out to the balcony.
“Was what she was saying true? Is it that obvious I’m in love with you? Do you feel the same even?”
“Of course, Toshi. How could I not? You’re my ride or die. I love you even though you’re a stubborn idiot who couldn’t tell I’ve loved you since high school.”
“It’s not like you knew either. Also you didn’t have any plans of telling me anytime soon, now I see why seeing as you’re so great at romance.”
You stepped closer and put your arms on his shoulders, “oh you know I love you though, idiot.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist, rubbing gentle circles on your hip with his thumb, “Yea, you mentioned that.” He chuckles and you playfully hit him on the shoulder. After he’s done laughing he sees your pout and leans closer and closer. “I’ll never get tired of hearing it though. By the way, if you didn’t get the memo, I love you too, Y/N.” You can feel his warm breath on your face contrast with the cool breeze, but before you even notice he closes the gap between you. The kiss is so gentle and loving. Shinsou has wanted this for a while and doesn’t wanna fuck it up. When you start kissing him back though none of that matters. You’re both feel warm inside, yet still get goosebumps on your skin. You’re just happy. Shinsou puts his hand on the small of your back to pull you closer and your hands move up to run through his tousled hair.
There’s no telling how much time had passed, but you eventually let go. Shinsou pressed a few small pecks on your lips and then separated, putting his forehead against yours. You couldn’t keep your smiles off your faces. They stayed on your faces as you walked back inside just to leave again, secretly both heading back to your place. You thought you were being discreet, but a grin grew on Mina’s face as you guys said goodbye. She saw Shinsou’s blushed face and how you couldn’t look anyone in the eyes, so she assumed what had happened. She’ll rub it in your face later on how she right she was. Tonight you guys had a lot of catching up to do.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger from outer space
Avengers x reader
a/n: this isn’t great but like im down for some avengers hc requests
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you weren’t exactly accepted on earth the moment you got there
but it wasn’t long before the avengers spotted you
“state your name and your business here” -tony
“wait, stark, just a moment! are you a [alien species]?” -thor
“...my name is y/n, i had nowhere else to go. and yes, i am [alien species]”
i mean, this would be much cooler if the avengers hadn’t already had a bad run-in with the chitauri army
but at least you weren’t trying to destroy any part of earth
“why don’t you come with us for a while? you might be safer in our custody” -cap
you were very uncomfortable with that, but you believed that whatever you were running from couldn’t get you if you stayed with “earth’s mightiest heroes”
and that you were...sort of
the bounty hunters that were on your trail, they didn’t know much about the avengers
so they were dumb enough to strike first
luckily, the avengers took a liking to you
“this is for messing with our new friend!” -tony as he straight up fries one of these goons
you seemed to fight well with them
it made them want to keep you around more than they wanted clint
“having fun, y/n?” -nat
“honestly, yes! i’ve never kicked ass in a group before!”
“i felt the same way on my first mission with these guys” -nat
“wait...is this a mission?”
“well, yeah? what’d you think it was, chess?” -nat
“what? what’s chess?”
oh, my god, this was like thor all over again, it was gonna be great
once the battle was over, they had a question to ask you
but before that...
“did any of you kill the leader?” -you
“which one was the leader?” -sam
“the one with...with the face” *puts clawed hand in front of face for effect*
“thanks, that was really specific” -sam
“you know, he’s got...” *puts fingers near face* “tentacles?”
“you couldn’t say that first?” -tony
“i didn’t know if they were called tentacles here”
okay, that was fair
at that moment the mf hopped out and you pushed clint out of the way so that he didn’t get shot. he said “ow” :( but u were too busy tackling a fellow alien
“you let the rest of those hunters know that they shouldn’t even think about coming after me, are we clear?”
“you’re sparing me?”
“don’t be too flattered, you’re nothing but a messenger to me” *shoots him in the arm*
okay that was a power move
as you kicked this bounty hunter back into his ship, the avengers crew reapproached
“got any plans now that you’ve taken care of your little ‘issue?’” -cap
“you know, i haven’t really thought that far ahead”
“well, if you’re up for it, the avengers would love to have you” -nat
you couldn’t have agreed faster lmaoo
the government didnt like you much
the human population actually wasn’t too fond of you either
but the avengers wouldn’t let anyone touch you
thor made it his own mission to show you all the new stuff that he had discovered on earth
“and these are pop tarts!!” -thor
im talking animals, snacks, music, and more
and dont even get me started on parties
no actually i will
“so, youre from space? list 3 species i’ve never heard of before” -random partygoer
“well, how would you know im not making them up if you’ve never heard them before?”
not much of a comeback for that
you’d only answer questions that weren’t stupid
like “how far away is your home planet?” or “did you have any friends or family?” or “what other planets have you been on?”
and you had a lot of questions too
“what is pizza and where can i get it?”
“you’ve never had pizza? oh, we have to change that” -tony
“what is it though?”
as you went on more missions, you got a better feel for how to work with teammates
especially when they had such different skillsets
“wanda, would you give me a boost?”
“with pleasure!” -wanda
“why didn’t you ask me? i could have flewn you!” -rhodey
“it just feels cooler when wanda launches me, but i’ll let you have your turn later”
“y/n, we should have coffee after this!” -thor
you always got excited when offered new things
*muttering* “what the fuck” -you
“hm. i wonder” -nat
thor brought you to asgard once
it was pretty. (pretty wild, that is)
“maybe you can take me to your planet one day!”
“i’m pretty sure i’m wanted on my home planet, but i’d love a challenge!”
okay maybe he was ur new bff
“so, y/n, how long is your species’ life span?” -bruce
“im not sure that our measurements of time are exactly translated, but i believe in your time it would be....900 years?”
“oh...may i ask how old you are now?”
“wouldn’t you like to know...”
“...n-no, thats okay”
honestly? sometimes your days were nothing but lazy, so you’d learn about human pop culture
“‘tatooine?’ odd, that’s a planet in my solar system. do you think this ‘george lucas’ is an alien?” -you, lying
*cue the entire fucking team going nuts bc they’re about to believe this conspiracy*
okay but like. you KNEW about thanos. you just never thought he’d be a problem all the way out here
so when the whole thanos situation came to earth you were just kinda like 👉👈 sorry guys, shoulda said smth earlier
“you know who thanos is?” -dr. strange
“...yes. i do. he’s big. really big. and purple. kind of looks like a raisin. oh, yeah, he’s crazy. obsessed with balance.”
“balance? what do you mean by that?” -tony
“like, he likes to kill half of each population for ‘balance,’ you know?”
anyways you went back to space
“so, anything else about thanos we should know?” -tony
“he has 2 adoptive daughters, they’re both badass, i know then personally, he’s from the planet ‘titan,’ last of his kind, aaaand he has an army”
“we have a—wait, no we don’t” -tony
“are there aliens that lay eggs in people? or is that just a stereotype?” -peter
“peter, is it? i heard that you’re taught that there are no stupid questions, but that was a very stupid question”
“...i don’t know if that was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’” -peter
tony asked if you could fly the ship. no.
eventually making your way to titan
which was surreal since it had just been so long since you’d left earth
gotg in the house
“where’s gamora?”//“who’s gamora?” “why’s gamora?”//“you know gamora?” “you know gamora?”//“do you work for thanos?”//“no, i’m here to kill thanos”//“so you’re here to kill gamora?”//“what? no! gamora doesn’t work for thanos anymore, it’s been like 4 years”//“holy shit”
and then thanos popped in and nebula too and she recognized you and it was kinda awk but were just gonna pretend it didn’t happen bc it gets worse <3
u, tony, and nebula got trapped in a ship for like 3 weeks but it was good for catching up
and u met captain marvel and honestly youve just met too many people in the past few weeks u were not vibing
“so, y/n, miss space at all?” -tony
“up until we went back to space, yeah. i’m not leaving this planet ever again”
“we need to find thanos” -bruce
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
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relaxxattack · 3 years
to be unfortunately fair zayne clingyduo fought and that just ended in both of them getting trauma and never talking about their problems even after both of them showed major suicidal tendencies and even with tommy consistently prompting tubbo to be honest w his feelings </3
i dont think beeduo falling out would even result in them talking i think if they had a big fight theyd both be so avoidant that they genuinely just. dont anymore. theyre back to awkward friends but now they have to work around having a son (and even then, not truly. they never moved in to the mansion, michael lives with tubbo and they cant move him in with ranboo, no point. ranboo can visit, obviously, but its hard knowing now hes just another person to protect michael from in tubbos eyes), the mansion stays unused, ranboo feels too awkward to help with the outpost anymore and tubbo just relies on the stacks of cookies until eventually hes starving and only makes enough to last until he goes back home (after all, he cant ask ranboo for food anymore and he doesnt know who else to ask because they all seem to be rather limited food wise, but hey, at least he can be legit about the cookie thing now. if anyone notices that tubbos voice is flat when he stops asking for money in exchange theyre too afraid to mention it, and if they do they only get false assurances in response)
tubbos so outwardly apathetic towards a lot of things and ranboos known for taking things in the worst way possible, and neither could quite get to a point of being petty, being spiteful, theyd just be. burnt out. ranboo would move on to the prison outbreak maybe, or if that already happened, just helping tommy (except wilbur hates him and so does quackity and he thinks fundys starting to too and hes already hurt over tubbo hating him [from his perspective] that he cant deal with any of it) and in the end just starts retreating on himself, back into the arctic, afraid to talk to anyone because his options are techno, phil, and niki and he loves them sure but theyre destructive and ranboos still scared of what they would do to tubbo if they now knew tubbo hurt him too
theyre dysfunctional together, certainly, but a fight wouldnt help mend anything between them, not a big fight anyways, and if a small fight was enough to make them stay apart temporarily itd be enough to just tear them apart for a long, long time. theyd fall apart and with everyone focused on their own thing, no one else would help them, especially not without tubbo or ranboo reaching out (and we all know they wouldnt, at most theyd make side comments just to wave it off and go "its fine, im fine, im just overreacting, he was right" to anyone that asked). tubbo wouldnt ask for them to talk unless it was to talk about ranboo, and ranboo would want to talk about both of them but tubbos not going to budge on expressing his emotions and ranboo wouldnt push it, and if he did either one or both would get frustrated and theyd be back at square one
i dont think a falling out would help them, theyd just fall apart and eventually it becomes another thing for ranboo to feel guilty about and for tubbo to wave off and go "in the past, im fine, michaels fine, and im sure hes fine as well, in his own little way". really i think itd take gradual growth for both sides. opening up in their own little ways, small questions from both sides that prod at the other until they open up further. and i think thatd work best for tubbo and ranboos rp style anyways, small steps towards growth and mutual confort rather than Big Events that tear them apart or bring them back together (thats more a clingyduo thing, and again, even they dont talk about their problems). quiet growths of mutual respect until eventually tubbos not using "you wont remember" as an excuse for covering up that he just trusts ranboo and feels comfortable enough to share and eventually ranboo shares his train of thought more openly and tubbo gently nudges him into believing in himself more (even if it comes with a few lighthearted jabs)
tubbo and ranboo arent big gestures kind of people, and i think thatd still be the case in terms of their relationship. after all, they just signed the papers, no ceremony or all. it seems like big steps to others maybe, but to them its the most natural thing of all. also i dont think mr and mr "im going to move in with my best friend for 4 months then we're going to stay over again for 3 more months just in a different country and from there honestly we dont know if wed be able to stay apart, it feels so natural that the other is more than just another person to me" would be able to handle their characters being on bad terms. i think if they had to rp a negative event between each other they just wouldnt. like even that experiment scene would be played nowadays like ranboo joking along w tubbo too and them just getting into shenanigans before eventually forgetting that the experiments were going to happen bc theyre having fun mining and making deez nuts jokes or some shit LMAO -🎭🎪
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duckugou · 3 years
Class 1-A as Red songs
HEYO Red (Taylors Version) just dropped lets mf ride THESE ARE ALL AGED UP CHARACTERS like im talking 20's mama. aka- what it would be like to be with them
cw: angst in some- its honestly all over the place but like no smut so theres that. not proofread
I missed some characters bc i dont know them well enough dawg
(putting all of them below the cut)
State of Grace - Ochaco Uraraka You cant tell me this song doesnt feel like a day of rushing around town and sharing laughs. She is literally bubbly energy with chaos. This song is like being super busy and sharing small kisses. Getting through the tough times with a positive attitude and laughs. Like a love that snuck up on you in the best way and is full of making each other better people. Literally the color pink. Endless love that you couldnt- and wouldnt try to- explain. Youd never take anything for granted again.
Red - Izuku Midoriya The easy answer would be Kiri bc he likes red but hear me out- loving Deku would absolutely be a WHIRLWIND and would toss you up and down all the time. He is so fucking chaotic but so easy to love. He would know every single thing about you and yet- you 'd feel like you had no idea what he was thinking. He would deadass get so caught up in other shit that he would forget about dates- but he would make it up to you somehow. If you break up, hes definitely gonna come back to you a few times to share "I missed you" kisses, but he would eventually decide he didnt wanna hurt you anymore.
Treacherous - Shoto Todoroki This song just feels like him. Wordless love. Scary feelings. So nervous. He would take it so slow and be so nervous to do anything at first. He would make you laugh so hard though- and make you so comfortable. Its full of dinners with other people and holding hands under tables. Its a lot of "are we sure this is what we should do" when making a decision, but always going for it. Cautious until youre alone and all of thats thrown out the window. Youd teach him to love freely and not worry so much- especially about what other people think. Youd make each other better people.
I Knew You Were Trouble - Denki Kaminari Mf is so easy to fall for- and everyone knows hes a player. But you cant resist- LOOK AT HIS SMILE. He makes you laugh and feel special. He makes you so absolutely happy. But never puts a label on it- so he doesnt feel bad when he gets with other people. He was never yours but you always wished he was. He was so good in bed- and so tentative. He bought dinner a few times and you were dumb enough to look too far into it. Now that youve cut him off, you miss him but you know youre better off.
All Too Well - Eijiro Kirishima Okay listen. When you guys fell in love it was so fast. It was so easy. Everything made sense. Late night drives, dinner dates, flowers for no reason, meeting the families, dancing in the kitchen at 3 am. It all made sense. You both couldve sworn youd marry each other. But he had to leave and you had to stay. He was always one to take one for the team- and this team was the two of you. He broke up with you so you wouldnt have to "endure dating a pro-hero" because he figured it would be more stress than its worth. Even when you told him to stay- he still left. Right person wrong time. But youd always hold the memories close when you drove down streets that you did with him and youd always get his favorite drink when you went to the bar that you first met in.
22 - Mina Ashido Baby girl makes sure youre always smiling. She is the BEST FRIEND anyone could ask for. You cry on each others shoulders, you tell each other everything, and you have sleep overs every friday. Even though youre 23 now. Going out to bars on satudays was so fun with her- kissing random people- kissing each other. Shes the type to make you fall in love with your best friend on accident. She would sit on the roof with you and watch the stars. She would shop with you and blast music in the car. One night, you'd kiss and it would be way more intimate than a drunken kiss but youd both laugh and stay friends because that would be way too complicated. And everything would be so easy with her.
I Almost Do - Kyoka Jiro Being in love was simple with her, but once you broke up, it was just pain. You cut each other off after a bad argument and it was the worst. Every single night, you almost call her. And every single night, she almost drives to your house. You both miss each other and your kisses. You miss watching movies together and you miss her teaching you how to play guitar. Everyone knew you were perfect together but that fight really fucked it all up.
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - Katsuki Bakugou Okay yeah he is totally mr. on and off again. You would say all the time that THIS was the last time, but like- we all know youre lying. You two were known for this shit. And I know the song says we arent gonna get back together- but you've said it before. The fights would be so intense- but that would make it so much harder to stay away. You love each other but both of you have fiery personalities so like. Figure it out. But anyone who ends up with this fuck better be ready for dumb shit.
Stay Stay Stay - Hanta Sero He was one to stick by your side through everything- even fights. He would absolutely make jokes about how youre cute when youre mad. You had moments when you almost broke up- but it was so obvious that you had to stay together because the good totally out-weighed the bad. He was one of a kind and made you feel love like no other person ever had. It was end game with Sero.
Holy Ground - Mashirao Ojiro You met him on vacation to Tokyo. You stayed in the same hotel and ran into each other in the lobby. You ended up spending vacation with a perfect stranger. You fell in love and left each other behind- but the time you spent together in the city was amazing. It felt effortless and you felt light. The kisses and the sex- you wouldnt forget that shit. A fleeting romance.
Sad Beautiful Tragic - Fumikage Tokoyami Its all so dramatic lmao- it was like a movie where the bubbly gal falls for the moody boy. But the boy ends up leaving because he cant handle it. The emotions were too much for him- you ended up being too much for him. And thats okay. You'd always have the beautiful memories of falling for each other and telling each other about your lives. He would always have a place in your heart and you in his.
The Lucky One - Momo Yaoyorozu I just feel like she has so much pressure on her. And the line "You wonder if you'll make it out alive" ShUt up. She is so amazing but I know deep down she is so scared. She feels like she has something to prove- she isnt just a pretty face. She sees how some women are treated as heroes and that they arent seen as heroes but as sex symbols and its so scary. But shes so determined. She WILL be a great hero known for saving people- not for being sexualized.
Starlight - Tsuyu Asui Shes just so fun and cute- she would totally make you smile all the time. You'd be louder than her, but thats okay. Youd both end up making each other live a little more freely. The whole sneaking into a fancy party and acting like proper folks- thats so your relationship with her. Just doing dumb shit and making each other let loose.
Begin Again - Tenya Ida OHHH Ida. He would erase everything your ex ever did to you. He would show you that your dumb shit made you amazing. He would make you rethink everything. He would make you feel so completely loved without even trying. Hes blunt and it makes it easier. You know he wouldnt lie to you so you know he means it when he says your beautiful and that he loves the way you (insert "weird" hobby here). Kissing under the moonlight and taking your mind off of bad times is his specialty.
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