#bc if i did it based on personality it'd be SO wrong
kolyasz · 7 months
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saeyoungchoismaid · 3 months
Okay so I just finished my first round of Andromeda Six and here are some thoughts I have (both good and bad!). Pls feel free to comment with your thoughts or send asks or message me or whatever!! I'll update this anytime I get more info or think of smth new to add lol. Warning: obvi will contain spoilers.
The amnesia thing - I think the biggest thing for me that I wanna talk about rn is the whole royalty thing. While in general the whole thing is a really cool idea and either way I still love the plot, I think the whole 'I'm royalty' thing was WAY too obvious. Like the SECOND the a6 crew revealed where they found me, I was like "okay cool so I'm the princess got it." and then everything after that only fueled that theory (which obvi turned out to be right). Idk I just think if you're gonna have a game that's based around your main protagonist having amnesia, you need to make the player just confused as the char yk what I'm sayin? Like I shouldn't be able to know stuff that the char I'm playing as doesn't know yk? 😂
Nerissa - I think one of the biggest things for the fandom (that I've seen really only on Tumblr by the way lol) is the whole Nerissa thing so here's my two cents lol. I actually really like the plot twist of Nerissa being alive. My only thing is that it doesn't really make sense and bc she's alive, the whole thing with Vexx at the prison where he breaks down kinda gets (almost?) vetoed in response. To explain, I think it doesn't really add up that, at first, Oppo and others were like 'yeah, only the youngest princess' body wasn't found' (which in general was already weird cause ??? how do they know that her body wasn't found but then people also apparently quote unquote "didn't know she existed" like huh????). They mentioned NOTHING about the literal heir's body being missing??? Like idk if Zovack did that on purpose (and if so ???? homie wyd lmao) but if not, it's a big plot hole in my opinion lmao. Also just the fact that she was literally shot by Vexx (who held her bleeding out and dying body in his arms) and then shows up later like 'yeah no I'm completely fine actually' is CRAZY. Like what kinda medicine do these folks got that makes that so easy?? Like she's not on crutches, has a cast, a limp, like ANYTHING. It's absolutely bonkers to me. It's just very OP like okay so she can literally be shot in the future now and I literally won't react cause she's apparently immortal 💀 N e ways I think it's cool that the MC can choose to basically defy Nerissa and be like miss girl you're so wrong and I don't wanna do that is SO SLAY. Cause yeah no she was not it at first (and I lowkey didn't like her for a phat min). Also, kinda off topic, but I was surprised they actually showed what she looked like. Like, I guess her skin tone is ambiguous enough to work, but I think it would make more sense if they just said somewhere that the king had more than one wife, had a side hoe he got pregnant, yk smth like that lmao
Different species/race - As someone who has only played the game once, I'm not completely sure about what I'm about to say next, so pls correct me if I'm wrong! I think it's really cool that you get to choose from 3 different species in the beginning of the game. I was hoping that this meant that this would change your backstory, but from seeing some posts about this on Tumblr, I'm assuming this means that certain things will change but overall your backstory is the same and you're still royalty. Which is fine as long as the different species thing actually makes a difference. I just thought it'd be cool for one if it's like oh you're a human? Yeah, you're Peg'asi. Oh, you wanna be Tilaari? That's cool, but this character doesn't like you bc of it. Like that kind of thing would be super cool! Anyway, either way it's fine lol it's just a thought I had
Vexx - I haven't seen anyone say otherwise, but I personally really love Vexx and his arc/development. I never really blamed him for what he did since it was literally done against his will (and turns out Nerissa is alive anyway so it's like okay I can't even be upset that you killed her when she's literally alive). Something I will say though (which is kinda similar to my stance on the amnesia thing) is that I think it'd be nice to have a little more doubt on whether or not Vexx is on our side or not. Like, when you first find him and regain your memories, he's pretty cutthroat after the shock he initially feels. After that though, anytime you see him, it'd be described as 'an emotion I can't decipher crosses his face' or 'a piece of the old him flashes in his eyes' kind of thing and I was just like "yeah okay so he's good but is just being brainwashed or being blackmailed or smth." Like, there was no danger in it. Not once was I ever like "omg no he's gonna kill me/my friends/my boyfriend/etc!!!!!" Like no dude he's just a lil guy that needs help lmao. So yeah, a lil more uncertainty about him would've been super cool (or even an alt route where he really is bad and they didn't make him do anything. like there could be choices in the memory section of the game of your time in the palace where like if you were rude to him, he actually betrayed y'all kind of thing)
Kitalpha - I might just be dumb, but when Aya was explaining her backstory about her home planet, I was a little lost. Like, I understand the basics ig, but I overall am still confused on how it actually got destroyed lol. I read the Wiki and it still kinda doesn't make sense to me. Also, the info dump they give on this (and a lot of stuff in general) is CRAZY. Like I need so much time to process what you just said and you're already laying another bomb on me lmoa. That aside, I think it's really weird that such a (apparently) major planet that (apparently) hosted a major species went supernova 10 years ago and you just never hear anyone talk about it??? Even Aya says that people kinda just forgot about it and moved on. Like girl HOW?? (Like okay yeah with the whole Zovack thing I can understand cause they got more important matters ig but he only overthrew the throne a MONTH ago like what were people doing before then lmao). It also didn't make sense to me as to why no one wanted to help them??? Like Aya explains that they were just met with closed doors from EVERYONE. Like why??? What about a dying planet/species is so bad that people are like 'yeah, that sucks and all, but we aren't gonna help. Good luck w that tho! 🥰' Also, I saw someone on here say that they wish there was more definitive features for the Kitalphan than just having gills and I agree! I didn't even notice that Vexx had them for the longest time. Also the fact that we never get a scene where Aya/you/Vexx get to actually use them (to my knowledge anyway) is insane. Like, what's even the point of giving them the gills then??? lmao
Update: I found this post that explains more in detail about the races. "It was, despite that, their own choice as to whether to live above or under water, and those who chose to do so submerged, had their bodies altered to further adapt to their environment; webbed fingers and toes, bright colored skins to allow for better camouflage among sea life, nictitating membrane over their eyes. Those who chose to live inland, on the other hand, kept to the more human appearance, with only the gills telling the difference." So, from my understanding, those who choose/chose to live underwater are the ones that are more fish like whereas the ones who choose/chose to live on ground are the ones who look like Vexx and Aya (more humanoid looking but still fish-like qualities like gills). Still think it would be cool if we could then meet a Kitalphan that chooses to live underwater!!
Time - speaking of it only being a month, it's only been a MONTH bro???? Like, Zovack overthrew the throne, had the entire Peg'asi family killed, you've been with the A6 crew trying to regain your memories, visit like 4 planets, find love, discover your sister is alive, and start planning out your plans for a war all in ONE MONTH. Like, ig it's not super inaccurate, it's just kinda crazy yk? 😂 I saw someone say that they wished we could've spent more time on all the planets and I completely agree. For some like Orion, it makes sense that we couldn't really stick around lmao. For others though, I didn't understand why there couldn't be more downtime ig? Idk maybe it's as simple as there's nothing interesting enough to write about that will keep the player's attention that's not just boring filler? But eh idk how much I believe that. Instead of info dumping a lot of stuff, they could've spread it out for moments like these where like yeah we aren't exploring this planet or whatever necessarily, but we are learning more lore while we are here getting gas lol. Also the fact that other planets get mentioned but we don't actually get to see or learn anything about them. I can't think of any examples off the top of my head (but if anyone really wants I can go through the logs to find them), but like planets or stations they'd stop to refuel or whatever just never really get talked about. I think there was a place that was similar to Teranium or Cersa that everyone was like 'omg be careful here like don't wander off alone' and then like nothing happens (or am I crazy and mixing my stuff up and I'm just yappin??? lmao. I'll probs come back and edit this once I play the game again). (I actually think it might've been the pitstop they mentioned that was ruled by mercs so they probs wouldn't have any problems with the K'Merii. Maybe it's the place they're supposed to go to on their way to Goldis?? Cause isn't it that the place that Khandar (help is that their name??? Google isn't telling me his name help pls 😭) said he has contacts??)
Damon - I'm so down bad for this man it's not even funny. His route is the first and only route I've done so far and I really just have one thing to critique I suppose. I fell in love w his char bc he's this super tough, mysterious, elusive guy that teases the shit outta you and just in general dgaf lmao. When you choose his route, pretty much all of that goes out the window. Now, don't get me wrong here. I still love Damon and I love that we get to see his sweeter/softer side, but I don't like how his bad boy side kinda just disappears. Like, maybe in chap 9/10 it'll show up more, but since choosing his route, he's kinda just become a big ol softy (which again I love that about him but I just kinda miss mean Damon lmao). Like, when the whole Wren thing happened, I feel like as soon as Wren points the gun in our face, OG Damon would've gone FERAL. Like, even if knows he can't actually like stop them or whatever by fighting, like just starting to mouth off to get attention off of us would've been so UGH. Idk maybe this is just a me thing bc I like crazy men but yeah would've liked more consistency ig in that aspect?? lmao. Like, there was one point in the game where I lowkey almost didn't choose Damon cause he was such an asshole (and almost went w the other loml Bash). Like THATS THE ENERGY IM HERE FOR. Make him a morally grey char and stick w it yk what I mean? Yes, he has walls up and he's actually very sweet and care about his found family and has a soft spot for cats and blah blah blah, but you also need to remember his upbringing and why he is the way he is ykkkkk
June - Maybe this gets explained later or more in his route, but when he's explaining his backstory and who he is, I was a little stumped. I mean, he wonders the exact same thing, but why is it that he can withstand the testing that was done to him and is now a super human, but his own twin brother and soldiers and whoever can't. What makes him so special? I figured he was able to become this super human and the K'Merii and whoever couldn't bc he was being tested on when he was still in the womb. Again though, if this is the case, why did his brother not make it? Would love to know more about that whole thing
Okay I'll stfu for now...but I'm sure I'll be back LMAO
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irrealisms · 7 months
and by way of honoring the things we once both held dear liner notes
fic here if you haven't read it!
the Pants Party was one of the first ideas kelardry and i had for pmmm au--back in, like, last october or so--of… in minecraft, not wearing full armor is a major combat disadvantage. in pmmm, not transforming is a major combat disadvantage. magical girl outfits are all skirts and dresses. therefore: pants party. or the PP, for short. they would think this was funny.
one of the main Points of this fic is something i've been turning over in my head for a while, and that's NPPP + 3ht parallels. they're both teams based around intentionally disadvantaging yourself. bacon saying "if they kill me then everyone's gonna call them broke. because when you're at four hearts it's definitely a disadvantage in some ways, but it's nice because-- who's gonna kill you? like, if they kill you they're just a bad person, you know?" & parrot saying "you can kill us however many times you want, but killing someone with no pants on is embarrassing. it shows nothing but your desire to only fight the weak."
and specifically ... parrot says that there were two options, on the NPPP. either you put on pants or you start exploiting. and either way you're not weak anymore. and he's sort of right but he's also sort of wrong. 3ht shows that that's wrong, in the wormhole, with planet on three hearts, bacon unstacking his totems. there is a third option: you can stick with your team until it kills you. you can stay weak and die for it. i did check pmmm to make sure this was canon-accurate but also: planet's dead body is wearing pants because, ultimately, she's more of a symbol of the Pants Party/NPPP spirit than either parrot or spoke at this point. she stayed weak. and, also, the NPPP spirit is dead, both because they all gave up on it & bc if you stay weak you die. spoke and parrot end the fic transformed. planetlord doesn't.
some canon stuff i wanted to include in the fic but didn't quite work in: the fact that spoke shows the control room to everyone because he respects that planet stayed on 3 hearts (that planet stuck by the disadvantage in his team name!). the fact that spoke fed parrot totems and gear throughout the wormhole. the fact that parrot helped spoke stage the dupe war.
another main Point of the fic is just ... looking at planet's death ban at the end of s4, in a setting where the server doesn't immediately end and restart. in a setting where planet is just ... dead, and everyone has to grieve that. the vision of this 13-year-old girl, dead on the pavement, because of what spoke did, and parrot can't bring herself to kill spoke but-- something is irrevocably broken, with that. there's no going back. planetlord is dead, in a world where that can't get reversed, in a world where that means something.
relatedly: the fact that in PMMM au they're all 13-15. this is so important to me and also i think it captures something important about lifesteal to me which is that they're all...very young? obviously PMMM au is younger than canon but it's also higher-stakes than canon in some ways. the dissonance between "these are people who are destroying worlds" and "this is a teenager who thinks naming something 'poopies' is the height of humor" was something i really wanted to draw out, esp in this setting where death is real and widespread destruction kills people. in PMMM au they are doing horrible things and also they are all so fucking tiny. planet and spoke are both 13/seventh graders; parrot is 14/an eighth grader. they're middle schoolers! they're middle schoolers. i sprinkle this in throughout bc it's so crushing to me to imagine.
bonus fact: i have ages, wishes, outfits, and general storyline mapped out for, like......12 different characters. i have a vision for basically all of s4 in this au. almost everything that happened in s4 has a pmmm au equivalent. it's fun. if i were to write anything else in this au it'd proooobably be mapicc & zam--i have a lot of specific mental images there. check out this pmmm zam i commissioned i love her so dearly
i did fudge spoke's wish for this fic though. in the broader au it's actually vitalasy that can grant second wishes/contract girls without involving kyubey, and spoke and ash did Some Bullshit with that. but vitalasy is so very a witch by this point in the timeline & i thought it'd be fun if parrot had the same "i could cheat and kill spoke here with her own exploits" dilemma that canon parrot had.
you dupe witches by taking a familiar out of the witch you're killing, keeping it alive, and then feeding it humans until it becomes juuuust large enough that it's a witch of its own and will drop its own grief seed. rinse and repeat. this is horrendously unethical but it CAN get you a ridiculous number of grief seeds quicker and more easily than fighting witches normally! i love lifestealers.
i'm proud of the line "She can’t walk forward without stepping over Planetlord’s corpse." . it is up there with planetlord wearing pants in terms of Blatantly Symbolic Imagery.
the title comes from Unmasked! by the Mountain Goats. in general i really like Beat the Champ + Lifesteal. something about the showmanship of it all. as far as Unmasked! specifically ... there's something about finales and losing your secrets and, worse, losing your gimmick. about parrot's triple agenting and spoke's social engineering. about knowing each other and fighting each other and saying goodbye.
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ragnar0c · 11 months
On my other socials, my main thing was my OCs for my project Mage Prophecies.
About this girl, Mio, who was a reincarnation of a goddess. And she tries to learn more about the past incarnations. She learns wonders and many many HORRORS.
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*old art*
I like thinking about her story, OoS, and the parallels between them. So brain rot about the Etrian Odyssey OC vs Mage Prophecies OC pairs I think of.
Hana and Mio
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Teen girls plagued by the HORRORS! Hana is haunted by the future, Mio is haunted by the past. They are both seen as little outcasts who want fame and renown. Both had really lonely childhoods and long for friends. But that's all they have in common really.
Hana is... Very standoffish...! If someone doubts her, she will hold a grudge! Mio is super friendly! If someone doubts her she gets determined to prove them wrong... but will always be kind!
Hana wants friends but rejects/doesn't acknowledge kindness toward her for while. Mio wants friends and tries to desperately make them by making a RELIGION ABOUT IT. Become one of her sect members! You'll be her family!
They seem like opposites, but they really do have a similar motive--
If they met: Hana would think Mio was weird for calling herself a goddess but would be swayed by Mio's whimsy and interest in her. (Like everyone in Mio's story)
Alope and Mel
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Mel is a supporting character in Mage Prophecies! She's like the protector in Mio's party, which the ability to form hologram shields to protect them. She can spawn a wall of protection as will but still gets her shit rocked running into danger!!!
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SoooooOooo Alopecore!
These two are based off similar characters. Tbh it's hard to differentiate them until I realized one HUGE difference. Alope is poor, and Mel is filthy FILTHY RICH. LIKE WEALTHY FAMILY.
So. Alope goofs up like in chapter 1 and she is treated so (Hana shows disapproval). But MEL? EVERYONE WANTS THE GOOD WORD WITH HER. They clap and say she did a great job and it goes to her head. She is like Alope if no one around her STOPPED HER. (Tho eventually she does get told off)
Mel is pretty friendly, but initially (also subtly) condescends Mio before warming up to her. Also. Given her noble history, she tends to be a bit biased in politics, siding with the king of the country just bc she knows him. She's naive. But she's the type of noble who learns to understand and protect those in her domain.
Alope is also friendly! And also.. condescends the main chara (Hana) not so subtly. But unlike Mel she is more flexible with her views bc she's not constantly being praised. Alope's arc is... much different from Mel's.
Mel is actually more naive than Alope. Blah blah Alope lore I haven't gotten into but Alope's cheery nature is sometimes feigned while Mel's is genuine all the time. She'd be a little jealous of Mel.
But personality wise. Their similarities are super uncanny...
Main characters: plotting something elaborate
Alope/ Mel: So what if I run head first into it?
Main charas: what. The HELL. GET BACK HERE???
If they met: it'd be at a bar. Alope would say something utterly ridiculous and when Hana would glare at her, Mel would turn around and say...
"Nooooo, don't get embarrassed. You are soooooo funny!"
Next shot they are making out in an alleyway.
Ignis and Lady Micah
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Lady is an antagonist in Mage Prophecies. Not a villain, but she intends to stop Mio from roaming around so freely via banishing her.
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She's cold. Heartless even to children, her own unintentionally.
She is. The opposite of Ignis. Yet she's one of the only characters that's an older adult in Mio's story. She and Ignis are around the same age (44+)
I think its funny they're so opposite. Maybe as I aged my view of adults changed?? Bc Lady and every Mage Prophecies adult is so... strange and evil. Meanwhile I made Ignis recently and... he is strange and good. Yeah. He might not like what the youngins in his guild do.... but he sees why and will still protect them. LADY??? SHE SENT MIO OFF TO FIGHT UNDEADS... ALSO SENT HER DAUGHTER WITH MIO??? TO PROVE A POINT AND SCARE THEM??
If they met: Ignis would REALLY HATE LADY. She is gaslight gatekeep girlboss and he is just a chivalrous man.
I've joked about the adults in OoS jumping the Mage Prophecies ones bc they are BONKERS AND ACT UNREAL (but that's why I love them).
It's a neat way to develop both sets of characters outside of canon.... thinking about their reactions. Another part comparing Tank and Enid to MP ocs will come too! Enid and Tank (and even ignis) dont have straight comparisons... Enid in particular is similar to like 3 characters and Tank is similar to a bunch as well! I'll have to pick which ones are the most humorous/interesting/ like them!
Anyway, my MP ocs are dear to me, but currently reworking them and... if I get back into them I'll probably post them on a side blog!
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x-neurotoxin-x · 11 months
Dunno why, but I'm starving for a concept of Dabi getting emotionally attached to one person without any sexual tension (only mutual comfort and sense of silent peace between them) and hypersexual with others but without any emotional bonds. And maybe feeling a bit confused because there is no will to forcefully "fix“ it on the other side of relationship, if they both feel at ease that way. Yes, Kurogiri is still an aroace ✨royality✨ for me, but I feel like Spinner would work better that it. If you think that I'm wrong, prove it to me. I'm waiting.
You're so right. Omg. You're so based, I'm-- aaa
Okay so like, while I do feel like Dabi would fall somewhere on the ace spectrum, i also feel like he'd have hypersexual episodes, sexualize himself a lot, and kind of be conditioned to expect to be sexualized and objectified a lot (whether it be bc of grooming/csa hcs, hc he did survival sex work while he was homeless, etc) and in my hcs he's got consent issues and kinda goes with it. Plus, like, Touya never really had any type of support or safe people all his life, even as a kid he didn't have friends, he never had anyone. So for him to bond with somebody without sex being a factor on either side, he'd probably be confused about it but it'd be so interesting to explore.
So I love this concept and I'm also starving for it, especially with either of these two. It's hard to find content for Kurogiri & Dabi or Dabi & Spinner, probably bc they don't have a lot of canon interaction but like, personally I really love these dynamics. I'm a big spinnerdabi shipper and it's hard to find spinnerdabi content (with just them, minus Tomura) I think the idea of them as a QPR or just as besties is a really good one and I think it'd work for this concept too. Kurogiri & Dabi I have quite a lot of hcs for and really like the idea of them, too. Especially bc I feel like they could relate on things that no one else in the league can REALLY relate to them with (the experimentation at the hands of afo/ujiko, which left them "less than human," being created as tools for someone elses' desires (in Touya's case, twice), both coming directly from hero background and probably expecting to be saved by heroes just to be abandoned and essentially forgotten about, the list goes on) they'd be able to see and understand each other without patronizing or pitying each other too much. Plus I also love the aroace Kuro hc, so like. I'm so on board, dude.
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dragonmage · 3 months
After watching the game play I'm still on kinda hype but kinda anxious about it.
TLDR; some probably wrong theories about what we're getting, mostly positive but also seems like not as much New Fun things tm
-I loved the animations and art style and backgrounds
-Levels: I think its gonna be like Inquisition and parts of 2 where the levels are more 'set paths' kinda things with beautiful backgrounds very much like Val Royeaux - which is kinda iffy on how little was in Val Royeaux but I imagine there's gonna be 'open world' areas much like the Hinterlands. Idk why I expected something different but I did, and am just worried about how much we'll actually get to explore
-The Combat was Kinda Good Kinda Bad - it was hard to tell exactly how much was button combinations or just spamming X; it looked like there was a parry and a dodge option, and as some others said reminded me of Jedi: Fallen Order - which I really enjoyed !.
-I can already kinda guess though that at higher difficulties the enemies are just gonna be health sponges; idk what difficulty they were playing at its already seemed like the baddies weren't that hard but just didn't go down quickly
-I don't/didn't particularly care for switching between party members, but I also think it will be missed - there was so many times where I had to play Cassandra 1v1ing a dragon bc the rest of my party went down lol. I think it added a level of strategy - again not that I used it much, but it was a mechanic of at least 2 and inquisition that I relied on for harder fights.
-I really really liked the rain effects in cutscenes and on characters - i hope that theres a blood option like that lol.
-I was on the fence about Varric Dying and everyone's theories that he is, but there's no way he's not after that game play lol. I saw a tiktok saying that they could see it where Varric's the one in charge/leading/gathering the Veilguard and with his dying is how Rook becomes leader of the Veilguard and yeahhhh that seems pretty accurate.
-I like the companions commenting on your personality, it's always been a fav component of mine and it seems it might pop up more than in Inquisition.
-Oh the entire opening/showed sequence reminded me so much of the Inquisition one which is kinda :/ but it was good , but also sad in how much it feels like a repeat of a climatic/cinematic set piece (ala bridge collapse, demons, sliding, the veil fucky). The magic effects look gorgeous tho.
-Obligatory comment about Varric not being blonde/ginger
-Saw some others comment on dialogue/voice acting; for me it seemed on par with Inquisition, and again a neither bad nor good thing lol. I can see the faults of it having to establish what happened in Inquisition for new players, but again seems like par for the course.
-The different factions seem very interesting to me, and with how much it was showed in the 'tutorial' I'm curious if they're making it even more apparent than again previous games, at least dialogue wise
-I really think that regardless of class, everyone might be getting some 'extra/magic' abilities - someone pointed out that Harding might have some little extra oomf, and with the limited party, ON TOP OF Veil fuck shit, I think it's very possible to see not only party members with interesting mechanics, that Rook has the potential to arcane stuff - I mean the whole thing with the Veil was that Solas was opening it and giving elves magic (iirc, and the funny hahas about Fenris running around with mage spells lol) so it'd be interesting if that was something race effected as well.
-but overall positive, I think it'll feel like more of the same which isn't bad, but I had also hoped with how much time in development There'd be Something More - this is also based off just some sneak peak stuff. I just don't want a repeat of Andromeda where they change the entire feel to something watered down thats for a bigger audience but essentially not Dragon Age/Bioware
-I would love to comment on the story because at the end of the day thats why I play. - game play wise, it seemed expected, story wise I like how many potential things were brought up but its way too early to tell how much we're going to get. It seems more than Andromeda and Inquisition with the factions and new characters and I can only hope that it has as much depth as breadth that its showing
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edge-oftheworld · 7 months
Ok, please explain the your theory about 1D reuniting at Michael and Crystal’s wedding?? You can’t just drop that in the tags and not explain. Were there pictures? I’ve never seen pictures of any pictures of any of the 1D guys there. If this really happened and they actually released pictures onto the internet, then I’m shocked that I haven’t seen them yet, since the we get private pictures of Harry at the weddings of family and non famous friends all the time.
It’s weird to me that all the 1D guys try to downplay their friendships after the band split. They reel us that they talk but they try not to admit to hanging out in person. At least that what I and some fans suspect: they spend a lot more time together than they show us. About a year ago Niall finally confirmed that a picture of him and Harry at a park wearing masks in 2021 really was them hanging out. So we know they hangout in pairs. Those of us that think Larry and Ziam are going strong assume those guys live together when they aren’t traveling for work. I think all five guys in 1D are still friends and hangout sometimes, but I have no proof.
Similarly, I feel like none of the 1D guys act like they are close to any of the 5SOS guys anymore, and Vice Versa. I saw an interview a few years ago where Ashton said he ran into Niall while hiking around LA and they said “hi” but didn’t talk or hangout more than that. That could be true, but it seems odd to me that 5sos don’t hangout with Niall more in particular, since Wikipedia tells me they all own homes in the same neighborhood in Laurel Canyon in LA. Ashton just moved, so maybe that’s not the case anymore. I get the impression that Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn all spend most of their free time in England when they aren’t traveling, and they go to LA mostly for work. But I think Niall and Shawn have made LA their home base.
okay. so. with the caveat that I know very little about the guys from one direction. I'm going solely off this clip I saw on Instagram (don't know the source of, guessing it was some interview or livestream) where michael is talking about his wedding. he talks about how luke and sierra did a song for him, and then someone asks about one direction reuniting for it and he's like yeah, i think he said they performed a song but my memory is a little fuzzy, maybe they just came idk. i know michael and crystal did get married in secret in a ceremony that was smaller than planned due to covid, i'm not 100% sure if they did a bigger reception thingo later or not, but they didn't share any pictures until about a year later and even then, not that many. i'm guessing they didn't want to share pics of everyone who was there bc they knew how this would go down?? either that or i imagined the whole clip which is--not completely impossible. I'm pretty sure it happened though and I don't see why mike would lie.
and tbh I don't really pay attention to who they all hang out with?? like i can name the places in sydney luke posted in his most recent photo dump but that's because it's like my turf yknow?? other than that, what they get up to is up to them and if I see something funny or relatable I will talk about it, if not, monkey brain does not engage at all. so honestly i have no idea how close they all are. from what I see ash isn't super close with 1d but that makes sense, whereas from what I've seen when they used to tour together and stuff it seems that michael was the closest to all of them (I could be wrong) and so it'd kinda make sense for them to come to his wedding? that's all I've got. could try to find the clip but honestly I haven't seen it since
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jakowskis · 5 months
SOMEONE ELSE WHOSE FAV GWEN MOMENT IS HER RETCONNING RHYS 🤝🤝🤝 briefly became the joker of my friend group for saying how much I love that scene. it's a delight
ITS A GREAT SCENE they were worried abt leaving it in the ep bc they knew it'd polarize fans + i know a lot of ppl do in fact hate that scene (gwen bashers who cant handle women's wrongs 🙄) but i love it. im a rhys enjoyer + i think he deserves the best AND i love how fucked up gwen treats him, these things can coexist. gwen and rhys are easily the most compelling canon relationship in tw to me just cuz they feel very real - we spend the most time with them and we see their ups and downs so often. i love how they oscillate between lowkey toxic as hell (people always hold gwen to a high standard but there was def a few times rhys made me 😬 over how he talked to her, too) and cute + stable. i love how theyre fucked up too, like with rhys being an everyman they could've easily kept him & gwen's relationship in a very boring uneventful place but no theyre nuanced anyway n i love it.
and with gwen! it's such a good peek into what kind of person she is (/pos - well, /pos in a sense of like 'i don't judge characters for their actions, i judge characters for being boring, so if a character compels me by having a shitty moment THAT'S wonderful'). i love the manipulativeness of it, the selfishness and desperation. gwen's 'tell me im good tell me im good tell me im good' (dee from iasip) moment hfsdjkds. she doesnt need genuine forgiveness (in a sense of rhys going "i know what you did and i forgive you for it"), she just wants empty words to give herself some peace of mind, bc if she actually told him she'd risk losing him and she isn't willing to let him go... i love that. i love it sm.
also interesting that it's featured in an episode about base human nature, about humans being stripped back to what's underneath, specifically the ugly bits - one of the themes of gwen's character is that she's a very "have my cake and eat it, too" sort. she's constantly trying to balance things that aren't compatible, like there's... mmm i can't think of or find a vocabulary word that implies an emotional/relational sort of greed dhsfkj. but that's present with her character as an underlying theme, it's like she spreads herself thin but not necessarily in a way that's detrimental to her? it's like she has this perpetual need to juggle many things just to prove to herself that she can. maybe she needs the stimulation, i dunno. i think it's an interesting quality. i think it's also something she's not necessarily proud of, maybe she feels gluttonous in it, which is why i mention it in the context of the 'combat' episode, where mark harps on and on about how modern men are angry and frustrated but not allowed to be, and how he thinks they should give into that base emotion in order to evolve. gwen does her own version of this, with pride/greed instead of wrath - she gives into her own selfishness, and her character evolves as a result. not for the better, according to some, but i personally find gwen's moral devolution super compelling. (also, on another note, the men feeling justified in giving into their ugly rage even though it's not socially acceptable, and in fact it not being socially acceptable makes them even more interested in doing it - but the woman giving into a cruel instinct but feeling intense guilt and shame for it even though it's a private moment... sounds about right.)
also ive said this elsewhere but in the director's commentary of that ep burn gorman was clapping his hands and giggling over that scene HFKSJDH one of us
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ryuseiired · 8 months
AAAAAA IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED MY MAHIRU TAGS!! i feel like I've made the tumblr dream of someone screenshotting my tags, posting them, and saying "don't hide this in the tags!" Hsjdkfmfm but yeah, Mahiru has a lot of ingrained shit that needs help. I just hope she gets the chance to get it. I'm curious though, are there any of the prisoners that you think are beyond help? I don't know enough about Haruka to say for sure but personally... I'm sus of him lmao
YES OF COURSE !!! honestly i was really nervous the original post was like off-base and incomprehensible bc i wrote it all in one sitting at 4am haha so to see someone "yes, and also" it in the tags made me very happy as well :3
this is a fun ask actually because i love this question. bc i don't actually think any of them are beyond help, you know? i think any of them could be helped and could change and could be better people... but the question is, what would it require? how likely is it? part of getting help, too, is wanting to be helped. and then there's the unfortunate realism that, within the framework and confines of milgram... it's unlikely we can do anything to help them. take amane, for example: i think she's absolutely not beyond saving, but i also think you'd need to not only get her out of her previous environment but into a better more supportive one, with someone understanding and patient with her, where she can more gradually be guided through the difficult process of unlearning the cult teachings and mindset she grew up with. milgram is not that. milgram is scary and unfamiliar and built to simply punish or not punish for a specific crime. so realistically, while i think amane could be helped, i don't think anything we vote can fully help her. innocent or guilty, either way will not change her beliefs currently because of the situation.
you mention haruka specifically and i kind of agree that he's "beyond help" as far as it being like... milgram can't help him. we can't help him. i don't think haruka is a completely lost cause or anything and i absolutely believe he could be helped, but in order to do that... you'd need a way to say literally anything to him OTHER than either "you're unforgivable" or "murder is ok". situations like how he is in trial 2 put you between a rock and a hard place, where your options are either to hurt him and reject the positive change he has made by becoming better able to talk with others, or to... affirm the belief that actually murder is fine and he never did anything wrong.
basically. i don't think anyone's "too far gone" or beyond help, necessarily? but i do think there's definitely limits to whether or not they are able to get what they'd need in order to be helped and how easy it'd be to help them, and i think there's absolutely certain characters where whatever we do in milgram just... unfortunately can't address the core issues they have.
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thompsborn · 10 months
Diabetic Peter? I'm all about inclusion in writing, but are you sure you're the right person to do that? I have family with diabetes and it'd be upsetting to see them being misrepresented.
literally where do i start with this uh??
okay so, hi! i’m ari, aka thompsborn (or @babyloveparkner whatever suits ur fancy). i’m 23, i’ve been writing since i was in the 2nd grade and have wanted to be a published author since the 4th grade
also, i’m diabetic (: have been for almost a decade (:
i was diagnosed when i was 14, actually (less than a month before my 15th birthday, though that did not stop us from getting an oreo ice cream cake!) so february 26 2024 will be 9 years!
i totally get where this is coming from, there’s that post somewhere about including disabilities in writing should be normalized and should also be handled with care or something like that, but also like. is ur family gonna read my fic?? if they are then sick, but i have a feeling that’s not the case. even if it is, it’s not your disability and you’re preemptively getting defensive for their sake when they’d likely be unaffected either way.
not to like shit on you, but as one of the people with this disability, it’s usually more frustrating than anything else when people get offended on my behalf bc people usually get offended about the wrong things. people writing diabetic characters in fanfiction is not upsetting.
if someone is writing really shitty jokes about diabetics in their fics that is HORRIFYINGLY inaccurate and spread misinformation? yeah i’d probably leave a comment but also it’s still fanfiction, yk?
anyways—again, totally get where you’re coming from, but also, it’s good dude. literally every single diabetic thing in this fic is based on my experience as a diabetic of almost 9 years. it’s gucci my guy 🫡
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A/N: Another Untitled piece bc I'm writing this from my phone and Tumblr is iffy. It's called "Dancing With Your Ghost" like the song by Sasha Alex Sloan. It's based off ot as well.
Summary: The Reader can't move on but a certain Ghostbur offers a way to at least start.
Pairing: Ghostbur x Reader
Genre: Sad Fluff 🥀
No warnings but it is meant to be sad just saying
The sun dipped behind the desacated land and wavered with the sky what colors it should turn. A fiery orange the color of old sweaters or a bright blue of a diamond sword edging the dark that crept up in the dusk. Everything was a reminder.
The way the wind rustled the rose bushes decorating the garden echoed what you could remember of his laugh. It'd been close to thirteen years since Wilbur died but every morning it felt like it was just seconds ago.
You'd tried to move on with your life. You'd shut away the ring he gave you that day before you all went to war. You stopped visiting the forest by Pogtopia to 'talk' to him. You even turned away all the pictures of him and folded up the pieces of paper scribbled with love poems and notes. All physical traces of him were gone. Except one.
One that was your friend and visited you often, had even become sort of a shoulder to cry on. Which was often considering the breathtaking resemblance he had to your dead lover. Ghostbur was a different kind of Wilbur. He was everything Wilbur could've been had L'manberg been granted peace.
Ghostbur was what Wilbur would've been for you according to Ghostbur.
"I just...everything I remember of you is just wonderful. There's no dark patches of plot holes. It's just you and a feeling of joy." Ghostbur smiled and leaned his head against yours which was on his shoulder.
"Y/N?" He said now from behind you. "Y/N why are your crying? Oh please don't cry!" Ghostbur was frantic as he dug into his pockets and produced a blue substance that stained his hands constantly.
"Ghostbur, I'm okay I promise." You sniffed and took the blue greatfully. He hugged you and you nearly started sobbing. Ghostbur smelled like Wilbur to. Not Pogtopia Wilbur or Vilbur, as people had begun to call him. Wilbur. Like sunflowers and cinnamon. The kind of scent that reminded you of reality but drug you into a fantasy too good to exist. That was what Wilbur smelled like. Not gunpowder or gasoline or dusty caves with sharp, electric scents of redstone or smoke.
"Are you sure? C'mon lets go inside." Ghostbur took your hand and led you back into the makeshift cabin. "You stay here." He instructed and left you at the designated kitchen area.
You obeyed and clutched the blue substance. This was something that didn't remind you of Wilbur but of Ghostbur. The color itself was a permanent reminder. Cornflowers decorated each flower pot in the cabin to remind you of your ghostly friend. Deep down you knew Ghostbur wasn't Wilbur, at least not really, and that was what counted. Ghostbur was Ghostbur and you were overly thankful that that was easily distinguished. That he was and could be his own person.
"Okay now follow me." Ghostbur was smiling and a blush of light blue dotted his cheeks. He was excited about something. Music drifted in the air and you again nearly started sobbing.
"I remember something about this song and you. That you loved it but it was horribly difficult to get." Ghostbur rubbed his neck and took the blue out of your hand, now stained, and put it back into his pocket.
He was right. The song that was playing was called Chirp and you'd found a spawned with it inside but you're been horribly under geared. Wilbur had had to come down, also very under geared, and help you get the disc. Wilbur told you Dream had confiscated it when L'manberg was overturned. You hadn't hardly cared at the time as it was more so that you had just wanted a decent song to dance with Wilbur to.
"You're crying again. Did I get it wrong? Do you actually hate this song?!" Ghostbur panicked and you we're quick to assure him.
"No no no! You got it right Ghostbur I do love this song," you hugged him close and kept your hands on his shoulders, cold despite the sweater. "I just can't believe you have it. Alivebur told me Dream.had taken it." You muttered. Wilbur was Alivebur to Ghostbur so you tried your best to use the term around him.
"Oh...I don't remember that. Perhaps Dream did take it and Alivebur got it back." Ghostbur suggested.
"Maybe." You feigned a smile. You knew Wilbur had lied now. There was no way he would've jeopardized the war for a music disc. Not one that wasn't one of Tommy's special discs anyways.
"Let's dance before it ends yeah?" Ghostbur wrapped his thin arms around your waist and pulled your close causing your arms to swing around his neck.
"That sounds great Ghostbur." You said and rested your head on his chest. There was no heartbeat and hardly a sound of breath. It halfway made you panic for a moment.
'He's dead. Remember?' You thought stupidly and let yourself melt into the rhythm of Ghostbur's lead.
"Thank you for being here Ghostbur." You said after a moment.
"I'll always be here Y/N." The ghost responded quietly in return. A tightness in your chest loosened at the words. The promise in them. A promise only one other man had made you and failed to uphold. Somehow this one felt different, despite them being similar in all ways but one.
As the sun went down and the music faded away, a man rotted in a cage with a book in hand and a plan.
: )
Hope you liked it, go listen to Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Alex Sloan to get a better grip on what I was going for in this oneshot. I repeat One shot! No continuing parts. Now everyone go to bed you gremlins love ya!
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
OKAY so i was thinking about it a lil more and while I am primarily into haikyuu, I did catch up on the demon slayer anime recently and I THINK AKAZA WOULD BE AN ARES CHILD
Not because I think he's a violent hothead, but more because of how he seems to treat his fights? (haven't read the manga yet so idk anything about his backstory, I could be so wildly off base LOL)
I was thinking about his fight with Rengoku, how he kept praising and hyping him up the whole time, like he was just whole-heartedly enjoying the experience, the thrill of it. More than just the violence, it wasn't the kind of senseless beatdown one would expect, but he was GENUINELY thrilled whenever Rengoku managed to do something that impressed him, he was giddy thinking about being able to fight with him forever, to have someone who could make him stronger, and he could make stronger in return.
I think it'd be the same in a demigod AU. I don't think he'd care as much for the results of the fight as long as he came out of it having learned something, I think he'd be a good teacher too! Maybe not NICE, but I think Akaza would be good at being able to bring out the best of anyone he spars with, perceptive enough to know what would make his opponent tick and how he can use it to his advantage.
He'd use it to encourage them too, I think after a fight he'd be willing to sit down with them and work through what could be done to improve, where they went wrong, what they did right. He seems kind of chatty, and incredibly passionate, so these conversations might take a long time LOL it would be important for him to have a sparring partner that's able to keep up.
Im actually about to go re-read the books rn i cant stop thinking about it and i want to be able to go into more detail LOL
YESSSSS!!! it suits his backstory too!!!
i can absolutely see akaza as a child of ares!!! he's so emotionally driven, but i also think he's got a fascination with technique. he literally cannot pass by someone without offering to spar with them for practice. love him.
also side note but rengoku as a son of helios????????????? not quite a demigod in the pjo/hoo sense bc helios is a titan, but CAN'T YOU SEE IT???? rengoku and his eyes that look JUST like his father's. the way he RADIATES body heat. a voice that carries even in the most dense of places. a type of personal gravity and a gift for prophecy (since helios is also a prophetic god)...... I CAN SEE IT
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gloriousmonsters · 2 years
unfollowed you by mistake lol. anyway. do you think song lan and xiao xingchen could have changed their philosophy/outlook on life to include any kind of "class consciousness" without encountering xue yang, and do you think that given the chance to live post xue yang encounter, that they would have regressed into a more conservative/prescriptive ideology as a reaction to their own trauma, or rather have eventually reflected on what produced a xue yang and how that understanding of injustice and trauma can improve their own approach to cultivation as a mean to better society? i am very tired and this is probably badly worded and shallower than i would like it to be lol
its possible that it can be both btw. a seemingly not class conscious ideology can still include principles of guidance which can look prescriptive to the outsider while actually implementing the kind of life long dialogue between teacher and student which is not essentially repressive nor excessively patronizing in nature, despite having a clear hierarchical nature and a heavy emphasis on individual responsibility
welcome back lol
and I... hm. Idk, there's a part of me that often kicks in with MDZS characters where I'm like 'this is for a certain value a Person but also very much a Tool of the Narrative' (possibly bc mxtx's works tend to be so laden with... moral problems, is the best way I can think of putting them, and I love it). So my kneejerk answer to the first question is that if they'd developed that class consciousness without meeting XY, it'd be kind of lame because then they couldn't have partaken in their part of the story. It's possible, of course, answering watsonianly (though I've never had the necessary drive to deep dive into any of the schools of thought/philosophies/etc that they come from, so IDK how exactly it might come about) because a lot of things are possible if you fiddle with the factors.
And I also find the question of 'if they'd lived' to be an interesting one bc for me... XXC's committing suicide is his answer to the challenge that XY presents at that point, and I feel like if he did somehow live his mind would be clouded a very, very long time not so much by problem-of-xue-yang-as-related-to-justice-and-revenge-murder, but the problem of xue yang as 'how did this person have two such utterly different faces, and which of them was real? is it possible to reconcile them?' I feel like it might stand a chance of him feeling pulled to understand XY and consider what role society played in his shaping when he's remembering his friend, and then overcorrecting with 'but none of that can matter THAT much, I shouldn't be thinking about that kind of thing' when the guilt and shame of 'this is a massacre killer who blinded my bff and may or may not depending on what timeline this takes place in engineered his death'.
IMO time, one of the big themes in MDZS is: people are very good at thinking they're ruled by principle when they're actually ruled by the buffeting winds of trauma, bias and emotion. All three of the villains show a strong awareness of different societal issues and how they can create, well, people like them, and point these things out, and the reaction of the good guys is usually... rejecting those arguments based on gut reactions, not objective reasoning (much like swathes of the fandom lololol). XXC rejects XY's reason for what he did based simply on it's just wrong, even if what you said is right you went too far so I can't focus on your reasons. So while I think there's a chance he could come around, I think it's slim. (It would probably involve a Lot of conversations with XY with crying and yelling and they'd both hate it).
SL is more of a cipher to me bc i like never write him and read him only slightly more but he's pretty much established as the more severe and judgemental of the two so....... all of the above but decrease the chance from .01 to .001 percent.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
Who are your 3 least favorite Swtor companions and why?
heh heh hoo boy. Details behind a cut so people don't have to read me venting about potential faves in a couple cases, but tl;dr is Kaliyo, Skadge, both of whom I strongly dislike, and either Vik or Lana(not nearly as strong).
1.Absolute hands down least favorite is Kaliyo. I legit hate her. She's self-centered, vindictive, and thinks it's funny to ruin people's lives. I literally won't even talk to her any more when I play Agents. She spends the ENTIRE GAME with a little yellow triangle over her head bc I refuse to engage. I did her convos/quest with Jaaide, my first Agent, up til the Anspi'shel thing, then stopped when she wanted to sell Anspi'shel to a life of slavery or worse bc it'd be funny revenge for some not-nearly-deserving of That "transgression". Jaaide wanted to punch her in the face and never spoke another word to her the game didn't make me. I watched her romance on youtube and it did her no favors. AND THEN we get to her presence in KotFE. Making all of Zakuul suffer bc of what their leadership did? Outright terrorism? I wouldn't recruit her ever if you didn't have to. The way I always do ch 12/13 is telling Jorgan to destroy the GEMINI signal and then telling Kaliyo to stay put. Which she ignores, and gets Havoc killed. And then refuses to accept responsibility for it. ("If they're so good, why are they dead?" Hmm, maybe bc you were throwing thermal detonators in an enclosed space????? THAT MIGHT'VE DONE IT) She usually dies there, unless I'm trying to keep the toon 100% light side, and there's a few that got through there before I figured out how you get the option. *Sidenote: makes me love Jorgan even more that he disapproves if you kill her. He can't stand her, is currently furious at her bc she got his team killed, and he still thinks executing her is Too Far for punishment. Honestly, if there was a Jail option like you get for Saresh in KotET, I'd do that instead of killing her. But I'm not letting a vengeful, psychotic anarchist who knows the location of my secret base just LEAVE, and I can't let what she just did go unpunished, so death it is.
2. Skadge is... Skadge. The threatening to shoot you and steal your ship if you don't agree to let him come along? Yeah, all my Hunters were ready to shoot him and dump him in the lava for that alone. BUT I will talk to him for the xp, so he's slightly less hated than Kaliyo. Still kill him in Rusk's alliance alert though /cough
3. Okay so this is a sharp drop off from the other ones. Kaliyo and Skadge I actively dislike/hate, this one is much more.... barely wavering to the negative side of neutral. Vik annoys me and I wish we could have Fuse if he was alive instead. He's selfish, and way too willing to throw away other peoples' lives for his personal gain.
Lana I don't hate, or feel strongly about at all, it's just... between her Developers' Baby plot armor so she doesn't die(like Koth, Theron, and Senya can) or lose anyone important from her life(like Theron can *glares at WFI and JUS*) and her "Whatever you think is Best" attitude, I'm not crazy about her. I don't like Yes Man companions in general(why I like Carver better than Bethany in DA2), so anytime we get someone who's just blindly supportive of the player character they rub me the wrong way. It's more a problem I have with the archetype than her specifically. (Not to mention the numerous things she's a hypocrite about) I don't mind her as a character or roll my eyes and groan when I have to talk with her, and I'm even running her romance on a couple toons(it's AMAZING with a smuggler). She's just not my favorite.
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bluebunnysart · 2 months
Rain (Mikuteto sequel to Song fic) fanart: https://x.com/Slyvasta/status/1816039089239646720
look look look look look look!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
You don't even have to read said fic to look at the fanart, it's pretty spoiler-free!! I freaking love this.... I can't believe lightning struck twice and someone made me fanart of the sequel (like 5 days after posting too omg), I was staring at it some more last night and now I have it printed out and at my desk.... It's propping up my sanity fr fr, I love it so freaking much.
I love how "creature" Teto gets with each rendition of her: this artist gave her a horn, a visible fang, ears with a sharp point at the ends, and her wings are so based.... So far everyone has been consistent with the triangle tail too which is one of my favorite parts of her ofc so I love it 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤♥♥♥❤❤♥❤💖💖💓💓💓💓
So far I encounter fanart whenever I'm feeling bummed about something Negidrill-related?? It's so sweet and makes me so happy though, because seeing it just makes everything so worth it... This time they seemingly nuked my account for posting too much I think and it's still not back 😭 but I hope I get access to it again soon so I can RT all the beautiful Mktt art and post some more...
ANYWAY heavy fangirling and heavy fanfic spoilers below (I recommend reading the fanfics on AO3 before reading what I say below, unless you don't mind spoilers but I feel like "Rain" especially is best read blind lol)-- this has opened the gates to me yapping people's ears off about the setting bc at least one person likes it and even drew something for it, so nice 😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I'm really glad I separated the fics the way I did, into 6k+ readable parts, because while it's technically a 12-13k word oneshot now, a two-parter written the way it is is good.... I do want to keep writing and making more, actually, but the next part is the hardest lmao and I want at least like 90k more words of slowburn so...?!? It'd have to turn into a multichapter something and idk how to approach that at ALL lol; I'll talk more about what I have in mind at the end of this. xD
If Song is a "Miku fanfic" because it's all about Miku and her motivations and why she does the things she does, then I would say Rain is a "Teto fanfic", even though Miku still shares a lot of the POV in it. This is obviously because we learn a bit more about Teto, even if it's not a major ton: you learn where she lives (in a cave 10+ minutes away); Miku is curious about Teto's home and is willing to walk there, but Teto goes "no" because she's only known Miku for about a day and isn't gonna invite a stranger to her place immediately even if it's Miku; and you learn about how Teto reacts to Miku's antics in general. This setting is also partially "Hello Planet" inspired ofc so Miku is really devoted to her mission of protecting/finding/singing songs since that's what she was made to do, so while Miku will try to protect herself, she really easily switches the priority order of things in her own mind and has no trouble putting herself second or third. That ticks Teto off ofc because Miku does the equivalent of jump off a mountain/hill/cliff, but Miku quickly learns that Teto doesn't like that so she won't be doing things as extreme as that anytime soon. Miku's "self-preservation" skills are basically subpar (since she doesn't fully grasp that sacrificing yourself for a small object isn't a reasonable thing to do even if it's really important to you lol) but they're improving thanks to Teto lmao. Likewise, Teto was also doing the bare minimum to survive, so she also has a little more motivation to continue to try so she can continue hanging out with Miku.
Regarding the type of animal/chimera Teto actually is, this artist said "bat wings" and they're not wrong hehe but it's specifically unspecified in both fics, so they could be bat wings, not-bat wings, creature wings, anything! I specifically leave it up for interpretation because interpretation is cool and Teto is also secretive (to me AND Miku), but if you want the author's two cents/guess, I'm thinking she's like a bat-dragon-creature hybrid. (That's right! ALL of them!! www)
In the first fic, Miku asks Teto if she can breathe fire and compares Teto to a dragon, but Teto says she won't spill her guts to Miku, aka tell her all about herself, especially when there's nothing in it for her. I dunno if anyone likes to randomly Google words sometimes like me (especially when writing), but one of the definitions for chimera says "(in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail." "Official" Teto doesn't even have a tail that isn't the belt under her skirt I think but since UTAU is up to interpretation, you could absolutely take parts of this definition and depict her as such.
I was thinking that in a desolate/ruined world like the one Teto lives in, it'd be pretty hard to survive without some tricks up her sleeve, so she probably can breathe fire, which she likely uses for light (the candle in her home), cooking her food, boiling water to disinfect it, etc. etc. There's no telling how good she is at it (maybe she's REALLY good at it or she has effort pulling it off), but I just have to say that I freaking LOVE Teto in this setting lol. I freaking love dragons too btw so I think it'd be so so soo cool if she was actually part dragon. Teto thinks dragons are cool too which is why she's pleased when Miku compares her to one, but anyway, keep in mind that even though I'm the author, a lot of what I say isn't actually set in stone or official/canon. That's why I called my fanart earlier "fanart of my fanfic" instead of "official art", because it's just another interpretation and I LOVE seeing other people's interpretations, like how this artist gave Teto a single horn. 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Teto really is full creature.... I wonder why she only has one.... Is it possible she might've had two before but she lost it or it was broken....? Teto with one intact horn and a half-broken horn, ooogh.....
I'm gonna take another couple minutes to gush about this Rain fanart again because I freaking love seeing how other people interpret (my) stuff and I'm really really into the kinds of scenes that were depicted. xD
I think the way they drew Teto in the top left is so cool.... Her wings are ALSO another highlight of her and I love them and I love how the artist drew them.... Sharp and cool.... I also like that the author depicted this scene in general-- it's not the first thing my mind thinks of when I think of making fanart of the fic, but it's so good. Which reminds me...
The reason Teto doesn't let Miku come over to her place immediately is because even though Teto gets attached to Miku quickly in the first fic, that doesn't mean she's willing to let her in immediately. In fact, in my first attempt at writing this sequel, she ends up falling asleep WHILE Miku is there because Teto has been awake for a whole day and hasn't slept so she basically pulled an all-nighter listening to songs with Miku-- she was gonna get sleepy/tired eventually. Anyway, since Teto fell asleep in front of her and being asleep is basically when you're at your most vulnerable, when Teto woke up, she (the character) was REALLY freaking difficult about it, lol. It was like you ran out of trust coins with her and she resisted my every attempt to make her and Miku's friendship/relationship progress in any way. 😭 It was like "(dark/emo voice) I've shown you a moment of weakness, I can't let that happen ever again (*stands in the shadows dramatically*)" and I was like "omg Teto FINE I understand, I started the fic off wrong, I'll rewrite it 😭😭😭😭".
It's not like she lashes out at Miku or anything, she just straight up berates herself for falling asleep in the garbage dump (which, why would she do that anyway, she hates that place, even if Miku and the music make it a little more comfy), so she just got really distant/cold/short with Miku. Any attempt Miku made to get closer to her in any way would be swiftly shot down (without explanation too I think 'cuz she shouldn't have to explain her own boundaries and she doesn't like talking that much about herself), and it was way too awkward for me to continue without going "what kind of Mikuteto fic is this lmao" so I started over.
The spirit of that interaction isn't gone, ofc-- they're still the same characters. But I rewrote it to have Teto basically stay up even longer than she already was and I made sure that Miku was understanding and wasn't too pushy in any way. In other words, Teto probably still would've been resistant to Miku getting close to her anyway (since that's her character/personality), but Miku didn't push it, and Teto didn't accidentally reveal her vulnerable side before she was ready to (falling asleep in front of Miku). You might think Teto's overreacting a little bit but in the wild, falling asleep in front of the "enemy" is like a surefire way to get killed I think (in your sleep lol), so yeah, Teto trusts Miku, but only tentatively. Teto's trust issues are both valid and higher than usual because of all the things she saw/lived through (heck, humans are literally extinct and that's because they couldn't trust their world leaders or those around them or something, idk, lol). I love Teto because she's actually nice and she's doing her best but she's really been beaten down by the world which is why she's harsher/more high tension than Miku is.
We also have to remember that even if she's like a creature and some bats apparently eat rats, Teto is also humanoid and she DOESN'T like rats AT ALL. xD I don't remember if I mentioned this anywhere so I'll put it here, but Teto only eats because she has to, to live. xD She fukken hates rats but they're probably somewhat reliable to catch (we can talk about the actual state of the world and what lives in it later, after I myself flesh it out more lol), so she's basically forcing herself to eat them just so she won't die of starvation or be too weak to fly or anything. Since she's part-creature, I was thinking she only eats like once a week maybe, and that's enough for her to skate by on the bare minimum, but that also explains why she doesn't notice Miku immediately. The garbage dump is huge and she only visits when she's forced to since she hates the sight, smell, and everything of it.
Besides her lack of trust so far, the other reason Teto doesn't invite Miku to her place is 'cuz she literally doesn't expect the rain to magically appear so suddenly. I think the world probably goes entire weeks without rain, kind of like a desert, so Teto thought that that would continue and doesn't see the point of bringing Miku along when Teto can just bring things herself and NOT carry Miku instead. The nature of the world is, again, extreme weather, which I think includes "fast and drastic changes in weather" too. So, while Teto could've expected it, she doesn't anticipate it, so her reaction is probably literally like "what the hell is this timing" and a lot of cursing in her head as she's flying back to the garbage dump in the pouring rain. xD
When I write, I don't have everything planned out; instead, the characters/ideas come to me as I write and lead me along. So the reason I had things play out like that is 'cuz a voice in my head told me "their relationship will only progress with adversity lol" and there was a thunderstorm on the day I got the idea, including the sound of thunder, so I was like, "Oh!! Great idea!!!! Put them in a thunderstorm and watch what happens!!!" (Watch Teto panic lol.)
I got sidetracked from gushing about the fanart again but I also wanted to add that I like that Teto has a visible fang (in the bottom left) because I totally agree!! Girl definitely has sharp teeth/fangs... In fact, when I draw her ('cuz I hope to draw her more), I'll definitely be giving her a fang. I love those. 🥰🥰🥰
The Teto infodumping is not done (unfortunately? lol) and I hope that this is all implied/picked up from the fanfic instead of me just failing to convey that (I try to give as much info as needed but also I like it when people come to their own conclusions/fill the gaps in on their own, like why Teto acts the way she does and what she's been through [there's not THAT much substance tbh and if you dismiss her as a tsundere, that's also a totally acceptable read 'cuz she is one]), but yeah-- these are all MY feelings about her while I was writing her and as I continue to think about her.
Continuing, the thing I liked the most about "Rain" (my second fanfic) was the action parts lol. In the first fic, they mostly just talk and chill, which is cute and all, but I also like it when things happen/there's action, so I was delighted to give Miku the opportunity to just go for it. xD
The first part should be self-explanatory: Miku is a robot who has her eyes closed in the rain on top of a bunch of trash and is curled into a ball so it shouldn't be too surprising that Teto freaks tf out because Teto's under the impression she had a good/chance/one-of-a-kind encounter with Miku a day earlier and then she ruined it/Miku just fukken died so... After everything Teto's lost, Teto is not happy. Tbh thinking about it, she probably could've reacted more strongly too, but she's mostly still in shock/not accepting it so her first instinct is to just call out to Miku and pray. Teto's not good at expressing her emotions/herself anyway, so I think it's a good choice that I switched to Miku's POV for that bit, but this moment obviously sticks with her and you can see that in the very last scene of the fic (which I'll talk about in a second).
The second part (my favorite part really) is when Miku dives after the Walkman after it flies out of her hands and starts bouncing down the trash pile. Miku reacts immediately and catches it, but she starts to imitate the fan animation of Rolling Girl as she herself starts falling down the trash pile instead. Teto reacts like a second or two later, diving after her. I wanted to prepare a quick MS Paint visual to explain why Teto does not agree with Miku's life choices. xD
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Anyway this is why Teto freaks tf out. xD It probably wouldn't have killed Miku since she'd hit stuff on the way down (how sturdy Miku is, we have yet to know) but Teto really did not enjoy seeing this and she was serious about it probably having the capability to give her a heart attack. I hope I conveyed that in the fic well-- a better artist or writer would probably be able to convey the sheer cinematic movie imagery of this scene in the thunderstorm/horrible weather. xD I'm just happy it's out there and Miku really proved that she's not all talk-- she WILL do what she says she will, so ultimately, she can be trusted. xD Thankfully Teto saves her before she can fall very far because Teto is a cool creature and I've always fawned over the creature in a creature x (non-)human pairing more than the human. (Miku is great though; they BOTH carry the story equally, I think, and they gotta, since it's THEIR story. xD)
Okay, some more words and then I'm done gushing. xD
The very last scene is also one of my favorites for obvious reasons, even though it's a tad bit embarrassing to read it back to myself. xD I was thinking that after the stress of the entire day and not sleeping, Teto finally falls asleep, and this time, she won't resist as much because she's learned more about Miku's devotion/dedication, which is kinda on par with a suicide bomber. 😅 Teto is now less worried about Miku suddenly betraying her/hurting her and more worried about Miku literally getting herself killed and hurting her that way, so I guess there's been a significant shift in mindset, lol. After only about two days, lmao; Teto's trust issues didn't go away or anything, but now she's probably really confused about how to deal with Miku so she's trying to learn. xD 😂😂 I think the best way to describe Miku is "willing to DIE for song" lmaoooooooooooooooo sorry wwwwww
Like, the steep drop is a steep drop, yeah, but I wonder if the reader picked up that if the Walkman had fallen into the ocean or something, Miku would've jumped after it too? That would really upset Teto too, hahahaha; I'm sorry, I won't do that wwwwwww. Teto will literally throw the Walkman into a pit of lava. I'm actually laughing just thinking about how different their reactions would be. xD
Okay, back to the end scene. xD Well, a little before that: I have Teto hug a pillow on her bed because I mainly wanted to show the part where she curls her tail around it. It is kinda like a body pillow, I will admit, and I was actually lowkey inspired by this very same artist's other picture (Mikuteto is so based, I love this image so much xD) but it's mainly the tail thing. xD Teto wraps her tail around the stuff she hugs and she's cute and not as edgy as her design implies (she's very cool though, I love her 💞) and yeah. The idea is to stir the imagination for later because I want her to hug Miku like that eventually too, with the tail around her and everything. But we're really far from such a scene and idk how to lead to it quite yet so it's for future Mikutetos. ( uwu )
The very last scene is a moment of vulnerability for Teto because 1. she's had a near heart attack twice and 2. she hasn't slept for approximately 20 hours I think? Which may not seem like a lot but bear in mind that she lives on the bare minimum, flew quite a lot in both fics, and she even carried Miku, so she's fukken tired. xD Singing and listening to music/singing finally calms her enough to knock her out, but then she remembers Miku diving off the side of the mountain and she wakes up in a panic. She hasn't had enough sleep though, which Miku correctly points out, so she's sleep-deprived and worried and nervous, so she's a lot more vulnerable than all her other appearances. I wonder if I could've conveyed this better by giving her like a wholeass monologue or nightmare or something, but I like to present things a lot and let people infer, so I won't be modifying my fic very much, just gushing about it by myself and thinking about everything I included in it. xD
ANYWAY, Teto isn't in her normal state for various reasons and that was how I figured out how to progress Mikuteto by a bit lol-- by making her kinda needy but of course she would rather die than say that out loud, so she acts very normally throughout her conversation with Miku. Actually, now that I think about it, we can probably apply this same format/logic to her first encounter with Miku in the rain. xD I find this Teto very very endearing, personally: she won't let you know what she's thinking about or feeling, so the outside and the inside are a very very different picture. I'm not romanticizing coldness or anything, of course-- rather, I'm most interested in finding out how Miku allows Teto to relax and be more honest and less guarded with her emotions as time passes, 'cuz Miku is a safe person to express herself to. 🥰🥰🥰
I think I finished fangirling about the setting (I'm not kidding when I say this fanart made me release the floodworks; I was always thinking all of this but I didn't want to shove it in people's faces because I didn't know how into it they are, LOOL. This is the perfect excuse for me to go wild and maybe I should do that in the first place, but I like letting people interpret, so I didn't want to get in the way of that by influencing them too hard. xD). There's not much else for me to spell out I think without insulting the reader's intelligence by this point, so I think that's all I can say about "Rain". I literally didn't think I'd get fanart and it makes me so happy for real; it's hard for me to gauge how much someone liked something unless they tell me and I was already immensely happy after the first kudos, so this is way more than I expected. I'm really really happy about it. 😭♥🙏 The Mktt fandom is small I think so we all lowkey know each other? But the people in it can be so kind; I'm really grateful to it. <3 I infodumped a whole lot more than I did for Song/the first fanart, but trust me, I still love the first fanart with all of my heart: I printed it as a poster and it's taped to my wall, lmfao. I treasure all fanart... You're too kind.... 😭
The very last thing I'll say is I think I'll give a tiny diagram of Teto's cave (so far) in case people want to visualize how I saw it in my head (you're absolutely welcome to make something better c:), and then I'll talk briefly about what I have in mind for future stuff (quick answer: I still need things to marinate in my mind but I'm absolutely willing to throw stuff at the wall and tackle it repeatedly and see what sticks c:).
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(Subject to change if I come up with anything better!) Miku actually does sit farther away from Teto after Teto is asleep in her bed which helps explain why the chimera internally complains about it lol. Miku probably moved to avoid disturbing Teto lmao.
Okay, last thoughts! Writing a third one will be hard as hell because after establishing each chara's quirks and bond and whatnot, all that's left is the slowburn part of the romance. And yeah, it WILL be slow, because like I said in my author's notes before, Teto is stubborn and Miku is inexperienced. What would follow is various slice of life tidbits as they try to navigate the desolate world and learn new things, and I feel like it would be stronger if they DID encounter another creature, which helps Teto decide that "yeah, Miku is literally better than anyone else" lol. Teto IS smart and love is kinda the last thing on her mind, I'd say, but even if she did think she was feeling it, she'll immediately question if it's due to being so isolated for so long with barely any company and that's a really valid question imo. In other words, "do I think it's love because she's the only person I know and I'm lonely or would I still feel the same way if things were different, even if I don't think they will be?"
I feel like their whole relationship and the fic would be much stronger if those questions were answered, so while I could and wanted to make it Mikuteto only forever (since I think they'd always choose each other-- I'm biased), I still want them to explore their full potential idk. All I know is Teto WILL overthink it and that's just part of her charm, imo. xD Plus the nature of a tsundere is to deny, deny, deny until a thunderstorm almost takes her (Miku) away and damages her grievously, lmao.
I guess if anyone's curious about what I have in mind so far and actually read this far, what I do know for a fact is directly after this fic, Teto probably follows Miku around like some kinda guard dog/eagle, and since they're looking for more songs, Miku doesn't mind and enjoys the company as they search. Miku likes singing the songs she finds, which includes various love songs, and she wants to become more human-like, which helps her feel closer to her creators. (Plz tell me people picked up on the various references to how Miku is a voice synthesizer and how that influences her relationship with producers, or "humans", plsplspls.)
What I have in mind so far is Miku showing off her "sleep" function to Teto (basically just entering low power mode so she can "sleep" like Teto does) [Teto: "i dont want to see you look dead, why do you keep doing things that make you look dead 😭😭😭"], and Miku singing love songs while trying to understand what she's singing about. Teto is obviously Miku's guide to "human-ness" (even as a creachure lol), so Miku does ask her about love, but naturally Teto answers very awkwardly since she's not sure if she's a good consultant for this subject.
There's probably no question that Miku's going to be the one mainly leading the development instead of Teto as Miku learns more, so I think I just need Miku to learn a looot. xD They can probably achieve this by finding books or movies or something that weren't damaged by the harsh weather. Any buildings left? Hmm....
I've been yapping for about 2 hours now I think but I'm really happy to do so... This is fukken why Twitter suspended me I bet btw, because I don't shut up about the things I'm passionate about, but I didn't even tweet that much so 💢💢💢💢💢😠😠😠😡. Shouldn't spam be like 50-100 tweets a day or something?? I only get spammy very infrequently and then it's like a fraction of that I think, but either I'm underestimating myself or the functionality of the site after a certain someone took over. I hope it's restored and idk how long it'll take thanks to the site sucking, but at least there's a Teto waiting for me in like two weeks so whatever happens, I'll begrudgingly accept. xD
Fanart makes me extremely happy and sure, I want to mainly do things for myself, but seeing someone else like or care about something I made seriously fills me with joy. xD I do feel validated enough to write something as long as this (pls dont mark me as spam, DAMN), but yeah! Mktt fandom is small right now but I hope it grows-- that way I'm not the only one here trying to make as much stuff as possible for them because I love them. xD Then I also know you like my stuff because you genuinely like it and not 'cuz it's your only option/you're starved for content. xD
Thanks to anyone who read all of this and I'm really delighted about the love my random fics/AU got. It really was unplanned for real but Miku and Teto are so good and I've been thoroughly enjoying portraying them in my fic, if that doesn't show from how much I've written just now. xD
I'm not a "content creator", just a really passionate fan, so I want to make Mikuteto stuff whether I get 0 fanart or 0 kudos or what. (My heart will sink a little if I get 0 kudos but it's mainly because I don't want to be the only Mktt-liker and I hope at least ONE person likes it, I try very hard on my stuff lol), but yeah... Enough yapping now. I'm still passionate about these two but I'm trying not to turn my blog into a text-only thing: I'm gonna draw/make more for sure, but fanfic-wise, it will take time.
Negidrill fukken rocks, so damn it,,, damn,,, give me my fukken Negidrill account back 😭. Punished for loving too much, smh. I could talk about why they mean so much to me, but the most obvious reason is they're awesome, so I'll keep loving them. I hope people make more, and I'll keep going too.... I'm just gonna check the word count of this real quick.
4936 words. Yeah, see? This is basically a follow-up to my fic, lmfao.
That's it from me now for real. I need to do lots of stuff. 😭
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wooahaes · 6 months
Idk if you are still open for the fanfics ask but can if so, can I ask for 2 and 20???🌼
2. How many WIPs do you currently have?
god i wish i knew lmao i constantly come up with fic ideas, draft em, and then either don't get around to writing em or i don't finish the drafting part.
theres the soulmate AUs which are pretty close to being done, a set of fics for svt + skz that i haven't drafted yet but am getting ideas down for. the soulmate bodyswap aus (woozi for svt, lee know for skz if i choose to write it). the chubby!fem!reader fic that i'd like to write for felix. shadow (poly UtS) is still a wip. the second part to i won't run away (its a lee know fic). i kinda have a childhood friends -> lovers fic in mind for seungmin. i started this mingyu fic that's centered around food (current title for it is 10 course meal bc its like taste of love where its cut up into sections based on the meals shared). keep it simple, stupid! which is a paboracha fic where everyone is mutually pining for someone but they're a lil blind to it and the rest of skz makes a bet on who will realize it and confess to their person the soonest.
also idk if theres an audience for it but i did have some plans for a chubby!fem!reader fic w seokmin where they fake date for a while and uhh ohhhh it turns real oopsies. theres also the woozi fic i promised a while back where woozi is an art student and chubby!fem!reader ends up becoming his muse for a bit
i had Big plans for july that i still could go back to involving a full group svt fic of the group taking off time to go on vacation together because work and life keeps em all apart and it'd break into individual parts of realizing feelings for reader. i might not do them, but if i do, i think i'd be breaking it into summer-themed fics and i might extend it out to skz (and maybe trsr, depending on how i feel ig?) as well
there's also love, lee that i wanted to write but that one's much more up in the air between being a svt fics involving the lees there or being a felix fic.
basically i have a lot of fics i wanna write and only so many hours in the day to work on them :(
20. What’s a fanfiction trope that you couldn’t imagine writing?
hmm.. i guess yandere stuff comes to mind first? its just not my cup of tea and there's other writers who do enjoy writing it so ppl can always find it there! (obvs nothing wrong w enjoying stuff in fiction, it's just not something i think i'd ever be interested in writing :3)
also ig kind of smut but only specifically on this blog. if i write it, it's on a sideblog, and i rarely write it since i'm not good at it lmao plus something something sexual abuse trauma stops me from... a lot in life and that tends to be part of it
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