#bc reading that i gave you all happiness made me tear up :')
taegularities · 6 months
Hi babe, its me hi! I hope you’re okay wherever you are. Reading you say how demotivated you are recently because Tumblr has been empty disheartens me for some reason. You saying you want to leave.. well its really your decision if you want to, if you think its best for you and if it will make you happy. Then I will support you even if its going to make me sad that one of my fave writers will go. Tbh a lot of writers just left without a trace and I wonder where they are, hoping they’re ok regardless. We all outgrow something at some point in our lives and if you want to focus on something else, that’s ok too.
Took me a few days to reach out because when I saw your post I was sad.. maybe disappointed. I wished you would have been happy with “just us”, and accept that people come and go. But I realised after a while that you’ve given us so much happiness and love the past few years you’ve spent with us and sharing us your stories. And that’s enough. I just hope if you decide to leave the platform, that you’ll tell us!! So i dont go crazy wondering if you’re okay. Im okay as long as I know you’re okay!! Hope that makes sense 🤣🤣 ily my dearest angel, cheers to 2023 🫶🏼
awh babe.. i feel so incredibly bad for making you feel like you're not enough or that i'm ungrateful :( the truth is, the one and biggest reason i'm still here is because of you guys. if i was to leave, it would 100% not be bc i'm not happy with you, i can promise that!! the reason i got demotivated was because the dash was super empty. i'm super okay with ppl coming and going, but since this summer (?), it's been a ghost town and i wonder what happened (not just on my blog, but in general). :( it's like, logging in and not knowing what to do bc nobody's around...
but it's absolutely not bc of any of you 🥺 you've given me so much love, care and support the last few years and i will always be grateful for it. like i'll legit be 40 one day and thinking back to all those wonderful moments we shared!! i love love love you all so fkn much, and i'm not kidding when i say that you all showed me that someone does care. i feel valued and even idk... precious, you know? so please know that if i left, it wouldn't be bc of you and like.. this love you've been giving me genuinely has the power to change my mind 🤧 i'll never dip like that, pinky promise. i keep having ups and downs all the time (wanna stay forever... wanna leave tmrw.... wanna stay..) but either way, i'm gonna update you, no matter what 🤍
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malfoyfarms · 1 year
She Wanted You
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JJ Maybank x Routledge!Reader
Word Count:1.4k
A/n: angst bc im boycotting watching season three LOL, not my gif
“What do you mean she left?” JJ questioned, dumbfounded. He didn’t realize it, but he was walking into a war zone. The Chateau no longer had the same feel. It was like someone sucked the air out, and pumped smog in. 
With tears in his eyes, John B pointed towards his sister’s room. Sarah and Pope were lingering in there, but JJ had no idea why. The room was oddly neat, incredibly out of character of the girl who resided there. Her closet was emptier than usual, the three picture frames that once had pictures of her with her family and friends were empty. What caught JJ’s eyes next, made his mouth go dry. His breath was no longer there. The navy sweatshirt he had given her years ago was folded, on the bed, next to the pillow he always claimed during their relationship. Atop the sweatshirt was a ring from a gumball machine, an orange and green friendship bracelet made of paracord, and a pile of notes written on scraps of random papers. Every other personal belonging was missing from its spot. 
JJ tore through the girl’s nightstand, and when he realized the box of her life savings was gone, he let out a string of colorful words and kicked the stand.
“Here, you should read this.” Sarah handed him a neatly written note. By the tear stains on Pope’s face, the somber tone from the kook, and JB’s raging anger, it was a farewell. 
He took a deep breath, and swiped the letter from Sarah. The familiar handwriting was already pulling at his heart.
I’ve rewritten this letter four times already, and I still don’t know how to put my thoughts into actual words. Firstly, I love you. I love you until the waves stop coming in. I love you so much that I knew I needed to leave. I’ve known since you wandered home with John B in third grade, and gave me all the answers (even though they were wrong) to my math homework that if there was going to be another boy in my life, he was going to have to fight you for that spot. From 7 years old, I only ever wanted you. But over the last two years, I can see that I’m not the one for you. And that is why I’m leaving. One of the only things that got me through my day was seeing you smile, but I understand that there is someone else who causes those crinkles by your eyes.
I have to leave because it’s too painful. I need time to have all your kisses leave my body, I need to leave because I can’t smell the ocean, listen to Akon and Konvict, or even wash my fucking clothes without thinking of you. I see you in body language, in the waves, in every damn aspect of my life. Not only are we ingrained on this island, but you are ingrained in me. If I’m ever going to come home I need to remove every trace. 
I told you last week, I’d always be on your team, even from a distance. I need you to pursue Kiara because there is nothing more I want for you than happiness. Deep down, I know it will always be her. While that sentence feels like a shot, I’m coming to terms with it. 
Don’t try to come find me, either. I won’t be going to any of the places we’ve ever talked about, I do have my secrets still. Not Yucatan, not Tybee, and certainly not Jekyll. Take care of my brother.
All my love, 
“When did you and Y/N break up?” Sarah asked. JJ couldn’t even think straight. Y/N and the boy broke up about a week ago, for that specific reason, JJ thought there was something there with Kiara. He didn’t think the girl would pick up her stuff and bolt. Leave her brother, her best friends, and the life she claimed to love. 
“I, uh, initiated it last week or so,” he stuttered, “it wasn’t definite or anything, but it was insinuated I guess. We had a conversation about it, but I don’t think I ever could have said it out loud.”
“Oh,” she thought. “You know she really loved you with every bone in her body.”
He sucked in a deep breath to try to keep his tears at bay. How could he walk out to the front room and face John B. He was the reason the youngest Routledge had left. With Big John gone, she was all he had left. Hell, with Luke gone, she was all JJ had too. In some form he robbed his friends of a family member. 
JJ laid down on the neatly made bed and latched onto the sweatshirt that smelled just like her. His memory flooded with images of Y/n in that sweatshirt. From it covering her bikini when they went night swimming, it being the one sweatshirt that was specifically for after she came home from school, the one thing that grounded her when she was having a rough day. JJ felt his chest start to tighten, and his hands were clammy and shaking. 
“I thought you said you’d never break her heart!” JB screamed. Impeccable timing. 
“John B don’t–” Sarah tried to interject.
“No Sarah, he promised. He promised me almost three years ago that if I gave him permission to date Y/n, he wouldn’t hurt her. He knew he’d be breaking more than just her heart. And now I can’t even help her pick up the pieces. I can’t fix my baby sister, the way she fixed each and every one of us!” 
“Bro, you think this is what I wanted? I had a conversation with her. Nothing was definitive. It’s not my fault she took her shit and ran!”
“When has Y/n ever not taken her feelings and ran? Name one time!”
JJ sat there in thought, and there had been one time she didn’t run, and he had promised that he wouldn’t tell. He was going to anyway.
“When you disappeared. I held her while she cried herself to sleep for nights on end. So don’t act like I never treated her right. You know I did.” JB ran his hands through his hair and left the room. 
“Until you decided you may have feelings for the girl who is like her big sister.” That stung. 
“What’s going on?” Kie asked.
“She’s gone.” John B said. “‘Cuz JJ’s in love with you.”
JJ sat in the hammock, wearing the navy sweatshirt he hadn’t worn in years. It smelled just like her. He could even feel the marks of where she rolled the sleeves and dug her thumbs into the side. 
He barely remembered last week’s conversation about Kie, but never did he think that it would cause you to disappear. Y/n was so incredibly loyal. She wanted him. Every. Damn. Day. She wanted him when the clouds were out, and the usually blue sky was gray. She wanted him when he was bruised and beat up, she wanted him when he was crabby after a 14 hour shift, she wanted him at every hour of the day in any way she could have him. 
It was just a conversation, he thought. He never flat out said that he was leaving her for the tanned, wealthy kook. 
He felt so fucking stupid. He felt so much self-hatred. He remembered when they were 12 and 14, and Y/n wanted to walk to the gas station a few streets over, but John B wouldn’t go with her. He remembered what she usually bought. Peach iced tea, sour straws and a bag of munchie mix. Every single time. 
He remembered when the girl got drunk for the first time and dialed him to come get her. God, she was so inebriated. She clung to the boy, giggling profusely. That was the first night she ever told the boy she loved him. Y/n never knew it, but JJ kept that memory locked in his head. 
He pondered the time she was ready to give him her virginity. He remembered how nervous she was, but how much she trusted him. 
It had grown dark by the time he wandered back into the Chateau. He was surprised JB didn’t kick him out, he fully expected to be out on the streets by now. As he stumbled towards the bedrooms, he went past his own, and fully dove into the light purple sheets he had come to love. She’ll come back, he thought. She has to.
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
what do you think about batboys/ feysand/ nessian with a mate that used to get bullied before they met, And one day they’re at ritas and she sees her old bullies and she freezes up. They notice and reader explains and they beat the bullies up, UGHH THE ANGSTT AND COMFORT👀🤍
Ex’s Are Assholes
Poly!batboys x reader
A/n: I went with the boys on this one bc they’d go feral if you ran into your old bully (I didn’t proof read this so sorry in advance for typos I didn’t have the energy)
Warnings: over protective bat boys and slight violence
For date night the boys decided to take you drinking and dancing at Rita’s. It wasn’t with the rest of the group, just you and your mates. And they promised you ice cream later so you were happy to go to Rita’s for date night.
You were just happy to have their undivided attention. Currently you were dancing with Rhys. He spun you, pulled you back into him so he could sway with you to the music.
Cassian and Azriel made their way back to you holding drinks for all of you. Cassian handed Rhys his wine and you your cocktail. As you danced around with them more Cass accidentally bumped your arm causing you to spill your drink.
“Oh, honey! I am so sorry. Let me get you another one.” He said in that sweet apologetic tone. You smiled at him kissing his cheeks. “Don’t worry baby, I’m gunna go get another.” You sauntered off to the bar shooting them a wink over your shoulder.
Approaching the bar you spot Marcy, your favorite bartender ever! “Hi y/n! Usual cocktail?” You gave her a big smile. “Yes please. Cass made me spill.” March smiled and shook her head as she made you another drink. “I’m out of your choice of vodka. I’m gunna go grab another bottle.” She said, walking out from behind the bar toward the back room.
As you waited by the bar you felt someone nudge your arm. You moved over a smidge to give the stranger room but you couldn’t shake the familiarity of their presence. Glancing next to you, you stop breathing. Your ex-boyfriend is staring down at you, wearing a smirk that made you squirm.
“Hi y/n.” He drawls clearly drunk. He tries to tilt your head up by your chin but you jerk away. This male was the last person you wanted to see. He treated you like shit throughout your relationship. He was verbally abusive and tried to turn your friends against you. Gaslighting you was his fucking hobby and when you had enough he played the victim.
You firm,y pointed a finger at him, “Don’t ever. Fucking touch me again.” Your voice shook a little, your eyes going wide as tears welled in them. You hated that he had this affect on you. “Come on sweetheart. You know you want me back.”
You were at a loss for words. The only thing on your mind was getting back to the safety of your boys and getting the fuck out of here. You turned on your heel and sped walked through the bar until you saw the back of Cassian’s wings.
You rant the last few steps, grabbing Azriel’s arm to try and stop your hands from shaking. You looked back at the bar and saw your ex walking toward you. “I want to go home. We have to go now.” Azriel put his drink down on the high top table they were standing at, gently holding your arms.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Your whole body was shaking at this point. Cassian and Rhys followed your gaze and saw the male drunkenly stumbling towards you. “Was he bothering you?” Rhys’ voice tense and dark. You nod. “He’s my ex.”
You let your tears flow down your cheeks and that sent Cassian over the edge. He stretched out his neck and cracked his knuckles. Az steered you into Rhys’ arms copying Cassian’s movements. Your ex finally made it to the table and clearly couldn’t read their mood.
He tried to walk toward you but Cassian caught his shoulder in a bone crushing grip. “She doesn’t want to speak to you. I suggest you leave.” He growled out. “Or things won’t work out so well for you.” Az added, his voice deadly.
Your ex tried to push Cassian and that’s all they needed. Azriel’s shadows restrained him and he struggled against the dark chains. “Take her home.” Cassian commanded to Rhys. “We’ll be there in a bit.” The two Illyrians led the male outside. The last thing you saw was the door slamming shut before darkness surrounded you and Rhys.
When light appeared again you were back in the living room of the Town House. You collapsed on the couch and began to sob. Rhys held you against him rubbing soothing circles on your back. “It’s ok. You’re safe now, it’s just us. No one’s going to hurt you y/n.”
Pulling yourself together you sat up and wiped at your eyes. Rhys scooted down the couch an inch to give you some space as you took deep breaths. “I hate that he got this reaction out of me.” You gave him a sad look which he returned. “I know darling. Sometimes we hold on to things without even knowing it. And it’s ok to cry about it, there’s nothing wrong with letting those emotions out.”
“Thank you.” You whispered, slipping your arms around his neck as he pulled you into his lap.
A few moments later Cassian and Azriel came in the front door. Their knuckles bloody and panting. You rose form the couch motioning for the, to follow you. You led them to the upstairs bathroom and pointed at the edge of the massive tub, “Sit.”
They followed your orders and waited with their hands resting on their knees. Rhys came to stand next to you handing you two cloths. You wet both of them and started wiping their hands. “You don’t have to do this y/n.” Azriel said, his voice softer than it was when you left him at Rita’s. You just shook your head and continued cleaning his scarred hands until most of the blood was gone.
You threw the cloth in the laundry bin, picking up the other to clean Cassian’s hands. When you were done you kissed them both on their foreheads, pulling them up and leading them to bed.
That night they squished you extra tight between them. Making you feel safe and secure.
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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hanasnx · 4 months
(the executive dysfunction monster hit me too, i fear. was stuck between babydaddy!red hood and babydaddy!arkham knight, but i settled on red hood bc i'm choosing to gatekeep my ak thoughts)
baby daddy!jason, who you co-parent with in a very civilized way. no joke, the picture of camaraderie between exes. he takes your daughter on the days he's supposed to (which isn't that often, given his occupation) and brings her back on time, always with a little gift for you as well. flowers, chocolates, a little knick-knack reminiscent of when you were together. it's not because he's in love with you or anything; it's just the principle of the matter. "happy wife, happy life," not that you were married or even dating, but he figures the mother of his child should get love sometimes. 
baby daddy!jason, who, the next time he sees you, it's to drop off something your daughter forgot with him, and as he's handing you the bag, he casually asks why you haven't been asking him to take her more often. you had been for a while when you were going on dates weekly, but for some reason, the relationships never went anywhere, so you just gave up. "oh, you know, it just wasn't working out." you say off-handedly, "kept getting ghosted." you sound only marginally disappointed, moreso annoyed. "hm, what a shame, they're really missing out," he says, getting real close to you and taking up your entire field of vision.
baby daddy!jason, who's got your entire calendar memorized and knows that his daughter's not home tonight, and you've got no plans other than watching movies in solitude. he knows you're too stubborn to call him over for company even though you've been giving him fuck me eyes in passing for the past few months, so he figures he just has to take matters into his own hands and corner you until you give in like he knows you want to.
baby daddy!jason who fucks you on damn near every surface in the house, telling you he's just christening the place like he would've already done if you lived together. whispers apologies in your ears about scaring off all of your dates while he's splitting you open, bullying his cock into you while your eyes roll to the back of your head because you haven't been fucked this good in years, not since the last time you'd been with him. your face is deep in some pillows when you realize the memories you had of his dick pale in comparison to the real thing, and you weren't sure you could go back to using your imagination to get off after tonight.
baby daddy!jason, who keeps you up all night until your pussy's red and puffy from how many times it'd come in contact with his hips while he was fucking you. fat tip kissing your cervix until you were clawing at his biceps, begging him to give you some reprieve, tears in your eyes while you babble incoherently, too lost in the feeling of him to make any sense. he admits in the midst of sex that he tried to get over you, he really did, but he just couldn't; just couldn't picture you with another man in any capacity. the thought of someone else touching you, fucking you, loving you, made his stomach turn, filling him with rage and an overwhelming need to claim you as his. 
baby daddy!jason, who's a level-headed, non-fragile ego'd man until it comes to his family, which, contrary to what some would say, did not only consist of his daughter but you too, and any guy who tried to get with you was a threat. he didn't know the intentions of other men, but he knew his own, which was to keep his little family happy as long as he was alive. if that meant putting a gun to the head of anyone who made a move on you and consoling you by stretching you out the way he knew you liked until you just said "fuck it" and let him put another baby in you, then so be it.
i have a hard time responding to long inbox messages but i wanted to tell you thank you for indulging me in my idea i loved reading this :)
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kimakento · 5 months
&team when you leave home after an argument
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pairing:(s) ot9 x fem!reader ⌙ 1.0k
genre(s): fluff + very minuscule angst(?)
warning(s): none?
author’s note: i’m so proud of myself bc i wrote this all today 🤭 this was a request and again, i’m so sorry for taking so long to write this but i really hope you enjoy this !! tysm for those who read this :D
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euijoo —
ej would definitely literally run out after you, apologising profusely. he’d cling to your arm and ask for a second chance, saying that the argument was his fault.
you couldn’t bare being away from him and eventually gave in. he’d make it up to you by taking you out and peppering your face with little kisses.
euijoo tries to make you laugh with jokes and embraces you constantly until that smile he loves to see on your face shows up.
harua —
harua would feel it’s his fault and he’d torture himself by filling his mind with the sight of tears streaming down your face just before you left. a sense of remorse would continue to haunt him.
but tell me he wouldn’t continue to spam your messages, with a bunch of apologies and asking you to come back. midnight voicemails are a definite, he explains his side to the argument and express that he misses you.
harua would appear the next day, with flowers in hand, asking for forgiveness. he’d admit that you were the only one for him and the argument you had was nothing to him if it meant being away from you.
maki —
very like harua to be honest, he would be so persistent. it depends on the nature of the argument but he swallows his pride and admits fault. although he’s quite a hot-headed person, he still felt as if he should try to get you back.
you also come to the realisation that you miss him more than ever. he’d send you little gifts with notes saying things like ‘come back to me.’
he adorns that same puppy-like frown every passing day. that moment when you return is his happiest, maki couldn’t bare one single day of not waking up without you beside him. the promise of never doing it again lingers fulfilled as the chemistry between you grew even stronger.
nicholas —
nicho is a very clingy guy, when he feels how his bed feels so empty without you, regret would consume him. you on the other-hand, missed warmth that his presence provided.
the warmth that made you feel so safe. he acts so tough, but is literally so weak for you. he’d show up at your door the next day, asking so sweetly for a second chance. nicholas would start beaming when you told him that you missed him as well and apologised too.
taking your hand and kissing your knuckles is his favourite form of affection. also, you remind him that you forgive him and that the argument was only something small and meaningless.
k —
k would give you space, understanding that sometimes we all need a little break. he’ll let it rest for a few days, but also checking in on you consistently. but you being stubborn, left him on read which made him even more worried.
his name stands for king of apologising and making up for stuff with big gestures. “i’m so sorry, i understand it was my fault.”
his guilt would definitely eat him up from the inside and he’d insist on taking you. that’s when he realises that you’re the person who he cares most about.
knowing him so well, you can tell that it affected him as much as it did you, so you try to make it up to him and reassure him every chance you find.
yuma —
he always has a smile on his face, but when you go it also suddenly disappears. the similarity between you both is your stubbornness, neither of you wanted to apologise. but in the end, you ended up asking to meet up.
at the sight of you, yuma would start grinning and open his arms for you. no words would have to be exchanged. you both knew what the other was feeling without even having to say anything.
the fact that he’s with you is enough to make you happy and give you an extra bounce in your step. he was your calm that grounded you during the storm and you loved him for that.
fuma —
mentally scolds himself for ever taking a petty argument that for that you leave. spends the whole time thinking about how to get you to return back to him; he even starts asking his own members.
while you’re gone, he feels like he can’t genuinely enjoy anything. fuma calls you nonstop until you pick up and cry on the phone to him.
he’ll ask you to come back and when you do he’d hold you in his arms all night, tending to your every need, even when you say you’re fine he insists on doting on you like you’re his princess. (he calls you that daily)
jo —
i can’t imagine a scenario where he’d let you leave. jo would resolve the situation then and there, choosing to pull you into his lap and wrap his arm around your waist.
all while whispering how much he adores you and how sorry he is. even when you cry, he’d probably kiss them away. you’d turn around to him and peck his nose and pinch his cheeks.
his half-stifled sniffles don’t go unnoticed by you and at that both of you chuckle, even wondering why the argument was even that important.
“i love you, yeah?” | “i love you too, jo.”
leaves you alone for a while and reflects on the whole situation.
instead, you turn up again the next day, apologising for being so stubborn. you see his weary, tired eyes and bad posture. but when he sees you, his smile is groggy and you jump into his open arms.
he opens up about his inner turmoil and also says sorry. you join beside him in his bed, stroking his soft hair.
while his eyelids flutter from the overwhelming fatigue, he repeats how much he loves you and promises not to let you leave ever again. he pecks the side of your mouth and falls asleep.
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they’re all so cute !!
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scekrex · 3 months
Okay, hope I'm doing this right, but can you do an Adam x male reader where the reader is an angel who doesn't has wings and is Adam's assistant, and Adam ends up falling in love with him. Also, can you make it smutty since there's barely a lot of 'em.
Don't ya worry hun, ya did it just fine, here's assistant!reader x Adam w a very happy end
Reach out and touch faith
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, blowjobs
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Adam didn’t know when this all had started, when his tummy had started to feel funny when he was around you. You were supposed to be his assistant, someone who would do the lame and boring work so that he could continue to enjoy being the first man and not bother with the work Sera gave him. And yet he grew quite fond of your company over time. By God, he even found himself disappointing whenever you canceled boys-night. A thing Adam had invented once the both of you grew attached.
Tonight was yet another boys-night you had to cancel, a thing that happened more often than you liked it, but as Adam’s assistant there was a shittone of work to do, especially since Sera knew you’d tear off a limb in order to hand in paperwork on time. Fucking bitch. Adam was not very amused about the fact that you couldn’t hang out tonight, it had been a couple of weeks since he had seen you on boys-night. It wasn’t like he wasn’t hanging out with you after work, that man spent every free second with you as long as time allowed it, but boys-night excluded other people. Boys-night was a you and Adam thing. It was very dear to the first man, though he’d never say that out loud. So the second he got your text that you couldn't make it, he left his apartment and headed for your office. It only took him a couple minutes to barge through your door.
You flinched at the sound of the door hitting the wall and when you looked up you expected many people, but surely not Adam. “The fuck you mean you can't tonight?” the first man asked, he was visibly pissed by the fact that you had work to do. You tried to offer him a smile but he wasn't having it at all, he crossed the room until he stood in front of your desk, his hands slammed down onto the white wood and he hovered over you. “You’ve been canceling this shit for weeks, are you fucking avoiding me?” At that you had to chuckle - oh please you couldn't even avoid you even if you would try. You liked him too much to avoid him - too much to consider him just a friend. But that was the closest to him you could get, a friend, a homeboy. And maybe that was enough, it was certainly more than just being his random assistants he only talked to because he needed to. And yet you longed for him and while Adam had made it quite clear that he was not gay, you felt like he longed for you in the same way. Though that was probably just his thing, the possessive, flirty behavior was simply Adam. Right?
It was normal for colleagues to bond over physical touch, wasn't it? In the beginning Adam had strictly avoided touching you, not because he thought of you any less but because he didn't know you. Soon the both of you grew closer though and with that came cuddling. He often wrapped his arm around your shoulder whenever the both of you had to attend a meeting with Sera, it grounded the both of you. And sometimes - when you work until you pass out at your office - he'd come in late at night and carry you home. Your way home was quite long and due to your lack of wings it took you longer than the other angels.
The wing situation. Another thing that Adam had been surprisingly gentle with. Of course the first man had cracked jokes, now more than ever given that you were friends now - cose friends even. But he had always been quite sensitive with the topic itself, in God's mighty name, he even defended you a couple of times when strangers were to comment on it. I mean it was Adam, most of the time he flipped those people off and yelled at them to go fuck themselves. But he stood up for you and that was what counted in your book. He stood up for you when you kept quiet and you were quite thankful for that - even if he did that in his own adamish ways.
“I’m not avoiding you, dingus,” you rolled your eyes at the brunette who had taken his mask off in order to look at you properly. A huff came from the taller man hovering over you and your desk, “Yeah? Then why the fuck do you keep cancelling boys night? I only ever get you when fucking Lute is around.” But he liked Lute, didn't he? What was the problem with Lute being part of the group? Confusion clouded your eyes heavy enough for Adam to notice, even in his rage - but was it truly rage, or was it anger that only burned because fear fueled it? “Adam I don't understand the problem we're having, we still see each other daily, I-” Adam interrupted you by slamming his hands on the table loudly, causing you to flinch away from him a little. “It’s not about how fucking often we see each other, shithead, it's about when and where we fucking see each other,” his words only caused more confusion on your side, what was his deal? He knew you had a shit ton of work to do, mainly because he and his behavior was causing all this work in the first place. You sighed, “Look I'd rather chill on your couch too, eat shitty food and watch a fucking boring movie, but I can't okay? Sera will murder me if I don't get all of this shit done by tomorrow.” Adam's eyes roamed over your desk as if he was considering something and with a swoop of his wings all the papers that had been sorted through fell to the floor. “The fuck?” you asked surprised and annoyed. It had taken you ages to sort through every sheet of paper and now you had to start all over again. Adam reached for your chin, forcing your eyes to look at him instead of the mess he had just caused. Again. “We’ve known each other for a fucking while now, babes,” he hummed as his eyes took in your face as if it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Behind cool golden eyes flames were burning, flames hot and bright enough to set your own on fire. “You keep slippin’ away from me and I don't fucking like that,” you had made your own fair share of experiences with Adam and his possessiveness but this felt different, more intense, more real. “Adam, I should-” but yet again the first man wasn't willing to let you finish your sentence. “You should shut your fucking mouth and come home with me, you've worked enough for today.” - “But Sera-” Adam huffed, he was clearly fed up with how things played out and he pulled you closer, forcing you to not only get up from your chair but also to lean over your desk, you inhaled sharply as his face was suddenly so close to yours. “Sera can suck my fucking dick. I say you're done for today.”
Your brain was going wild, there was no way you could respond to his words, it was all a buzz. You felt like someone had wrapped your body in cotton. It felt soft and warm and yet not quite enough. Your eyes were focused on his, golden orbs staring into golden orbs, his expression was serious, left no room for debating things while you were still surprised, lips slightly agape and eyes wide. You wanted to lean closer, to capture his lips with yours and fight with your tongue against his, knowing well that he would win. But you didn't, you couldn't. Your body was frozen in place, still trying to process how close your face was to Adam's.
Being physically close to the first man wasn't new at all, Adam was quite touchy, resting his arm on your head every now and then, wrapping his wing around your back when watching movies at his place. But being so close to his face? That was new and that was clearly something your brain struggled to keep up with. Something in his eyes shifted as he took in your facial expression and it took you a little too long to recognize the emotion that was suddenly on display. Desire.
“Adam I'm being serious, you just caused more-” No. No, Adam was done listening to your excuses. All he wanted was to spend the evening with you, to relax and forget about the sometimes stressful days in heaven. The hand that had been holding your chin in place tightened a little just to pull you in all the way. You let out a surprised gasp as you almost crashed down onto the table, however his wing stopped you from doing so, the soft feathers pressed against your chest to keep your body up while the other wing of his was being wrapped around you. His lips were onto yours and despite your expectations the kiss was surprisingly gentle and slow. You had always taken Adam for the type of guy that would kiss women like they were a five star rated meal, eating them up greedily. But you weren't a woman and Adam's kiss was gentle - so maybe you should throw your expectations aside.
The first man was eager to deepen the kiss, clearly aíming for more, but you pulled back. Confusion was written all over your face. The kiss had been pleasant and warm and had lulled you in immediately. Yet you didn’t quite understand why. “Adam?” you questioned and you watched as the confidence in his eyes faded and was slowly replaced by uncertainty. It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to continue the kiss, maybe even deepen it, but you also wanted answers. Was this some one-time thing? Or was he looking for more, something more permanent, something that would go beyond just having sex? “Can you- fuck,” he pushed his hair back in frustation only for it to fall back into place, covering his forehead. “Can we just fucking leave and go home already?” And you wanted to tell him no, wanted to madly tell him that he had just created so much more work when he had pushed all the documents off your desk. But you were tired and Adam’s warm breath on your face felt like a promise, a sickly sweet promise that there would be more than just a kiss - if only for the night or for all of eternity suddenly didn’t matter anymore as you closed your eyes and leaned in again, your lips meeting his to dance with each other yet again. His feathers tickled your chin and you breathed out a laughter that bled into the kiss. This time it was Adam who parted from you instead of the other way around and when he did many emotions laid heavy in his eyes. Trust, desire, comfort, want and love. “Adam I can’t leave, I have work-” “You clearly need to fucking relax, babes, “ he hummed as he stepped around your desk, just to push you down into your chair. Perplexed, you looked up at the first man towering over you. With wide eyes you watched as the brunette dropped to his knees in one fluent motion, his hands were quick to undo your pants and you yelped in surprise as his wings lifted up your body in order to get rid of the fabric, revealing an arching hard erection. Adam shot you a proud grin, you simply rolled your eyes at him, “Don’t interpert too much into it, I haven’t had sex in- oh holy fucking shit,” you interrupted yourself with a loud moan as Adam’s lips wrapped around your penis without a warning and you threw your head back against the backrest of your chair, the gigantic wings made sure you stayed in place.
Confidence reflected in his eyes as he watched you react to his actions, his surprisingly skilled tongue played with the tip of your dick, licked your slit and effortlessly turned you into a whining and moaning mess. If this was Adam’s way to make you relax, you definitely wouldn’t mind him dropping by more often. Sure, you’d probably get even less work done, but who cared about that now, you certainly didn’t, not with your dick shoved down Adam’s throat. The first man moaned around your erection, sending shivers down your spine, his golden eyes were focused on your face, he wanted to see every little reaction of yours, didn’t dare to miss even the slightest bit of desire that was written on your face as he started to move his head up and down your shaft. Your hands clenched down onto the armrests of your chair, nails leaving scratches on the leather that covered them, oh dear lord have mercy. Your eyes were closed and yet Adam felt like you were looking at him with just as much adornment as he held in his eyes for you and only you. Was this how he had thought your first sexual interaction would play out? No, definitely not, but he didn’t mind it at all, not when you were the most divine looking creature he had ever laid eyes onto, and for the record: Adam had seen God himself before so that meant something.
“Adam,” you cried out as you felt your orgasm approach, you knew it had been quick, knew that you lacked the amount of self control it would’ve taken you to keep you from coming undone, it had simply been too long since your last sexual interaction involving someone else and the fact that it was Adam on his knees for you, Adam who you have had a crush on ever since you had first met him, Adam who had always been making jokes about fucking your brains out or giving you the head of your life - well, afterlife - only made it harder to resist. “Adam, ‘m-” With a popping sound he pulled back from your dick, he quickly licked his lips, drinking in every little drop of precum that had stained them so far as he responded, “Fucking let go then, this shit isn’t about holding back.” And then he dove in again, the pace was quicker than before, sloppier as well and with the knowledge that the first man’s only goal was to push you over the edge, no matter how soon that might be, you did as he had told you to and let go, your body physically relaxed underneath Adam’s touch and only a moment later the brunette felt your dick twitching violently against his tongue before he tasted the salty liquid. The taste of cum was gross, Adam wasn’t going to lie about that and it certainly wasn’t the reason why he swallowed it down. He swallowed your load because he wanted to take what you had to offer, no matter how gross it might taste - besides, cleaning it off the floor later wouldn’t be better so he might as well keep the surroundings as clean as possible.
The brunette pulled back yet again once he was sure you were all spent, licked the tip of your dick clean, then his very own lips. His warm hand gently patted your thigh which made you look down at him through hooded eyes, a small yet very thankful smile was on your lips and the brunette couldn’t help but smile back at you. “Feeling better, babes?” You only managed to hum in agreement, too tired to properly respond, as Adam got up from his knees and lifted you off the chair as if it was the easiest thing he’d ever done, “Good. So can we go home now?” You simply nodded as you wrapped your arms around his warm, comfortable body. You weren’t sure when Adam had dressed your lower half again, nor were you sure when he had carried you out of the building, your eyes kept falling shut and you obviously struggled to stay awake. “Get some fucking rest while I fly us home,“ was all you heard before you finally fell fully asleep in Adam’s arms as the cold air of the night surrounded your body, yet Adam’s body heat kept you warm.
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jadeddangel · 4 months
Heyyy, just read your poly ff with lute, adam and reader and it gave me idea... Just imagine, readers day being particularly long and they feel like shit and so they come home to their two lovers and just cuddle and get taken care of + if there is wing stuff, I would go insane like wing caressing
You can write something of this or just have it in ur head bc can't get it out of mine hahha
Adam x reader x Lute
Let me make your day better
You were a newer angel working for the seraphims, Sera and Emily. And you loved your job you truly did, but Emily was exhausting. It was her job to make everyone happy and, in a way, working for her made that your job too. So all day you've been climbing through play places, making sure businesses were doing ok, cheering everyone up AND planning the early extermination. You were done, your social battery was shot, and it was taking everything you had to not just snap at absolutely everyone."Hey! Are you ready to go have more fun? We can have a slumber party? We could invite our friends! Drink soda pop until our heads explode! And have fun all night! I've got glitter glue and googly eyes!!" Emily listed off excitedly, bouncing on the balls on her feet. (If you understand the reference, I do write for sun. 👀) You took a deep breath trying to calm down and not snap at the sweet girl, "Emily darling it's starting to get late, it's not good to plan this things so late, plus you hate the dark and Sera won't be happy if you keep the lights on" you spoke trying to convince her it wasn't a good idea . Emily teared up slightly, "but I really really wanna keep hanging out! And having fun!" Emily whined loudly, and you finally lost it. "That's enough, emily!! I said not tonight!! You're so annoying!!" You snapped wings puffed up in anger, making you appear bigger than you were.
You could hear gasps of shock from around you due to the fact that you just yelled at a seraphim.You felt guilt start to overtake you, "emily.. i- oh god Emily, I'm so sorry, " you said softly, smoothing your wings out with your hand before crouching down in front of Emily. Emily looked like she was about to cry, "n-no, it's ok, I get it.. you can go home, " Emily sniffled and hiccuped. You nodded slightly, understanding that you weren't in a headspace that was open to keep working.
You nodded and left, heading straight home. It was starting to get dark in heaven anyway. You trugged through the front door, setting your clipboard on the table with a sigh. You went to your shared room and just turned all the lights off, cuddling up in the covers. You relaxed at the familiar scent of musk and sandalwood. Adam and lute used the same cologne, so it was the smell of both of them. You sighed, and you realized that with how close Adam is to the seraphims and how news travels around quickly, you knew Adam and lute were bound to find out quickly.
And as if on cue, you heard the front door open and two sets of boots step into your home.You sat up a bit and set your phone on the charger, Adam was the first one to enter your bedroom his mask and boots off. "Hey there sugartits you wanna tell me what happened with emily?" Adam said as he began changing into his at home clothes, aka just some sweatpants and a shirt.
"Today was just a lot, and I snapped.. she wasn't taking no for an answer and I couldn't take it.." you muttered
Adam nodded a bit. "Did you eat anything today?" Adam asked, turning to look at you. You shook your head a bit."I didn't get a chance. Can we just order something instead of cooking?" You asked
Adam sighed and nodded "yea we can do that." Adam plopped into the bed next to you on your left, pulling you close to him "Mm I missed you today, " Adam muttered softly
You could feel the smile crawl onto your face. "I missed you both too speaking of. Where's lute? I heard her come in?" You said, looking up at Adam. Adam smiled down at you. "She's grabbing you some water. She thought it'd be best to give you some space," Adam explained, rubbing your side.
Lute walked in after a few minutes with some water and a snack, "Hey there darling, I brought you something to eat," Lute said, crawling into bed next to you, handing you the water first.
You chugged the water down, not realizing how thirsty you had been throughout the day. "Thank you, lute.. I'm sorry I'm not being the best right now.. today was just shit.." You sighed a bit.
Adam was still rubbing your side while scrolling on his angelphone, showing you funny videos occasionally. Lute reached behind you, rubbing the base of your wings sweetly. "Do you need help winding down? A massage? Some of our kind of play time, maybe?" Lute offered gesturing to the chest of "toys" you had.
You relaxed a bit. "If you just keep playing with my wings and rubbing my back, that'd be great.. I don't think I'm supposed to fit in half the places I did today. " You laughed slightly before moving, resting your chest on Adam's thighs. Adam moved his phone a bit to look down at you "yknow you could put that mouth to use girly~" Adam put his hand on the back of your head moving your head a bit closer to his crotch. Lute slapped his hand away. "Stop that she just wants to relax pervert." Lute said sternly as she straddled your lower back and began massaging paying extra attention to your wings and breaking open some of the pin feathers you hadn't even realized you had.
You let out groans when lute hit knots in your muscles and your wings, "fucking hell lute.. you're so good at this" you breathed out. Lute snickered a bit "oh I know I'm good with my hands deary" she teased.
Adam huffed. "What so you can joke, but I can't? What a double standard danger tits, " he was whining. You took a deep breath. "Adam dear, I love you. I do, but if you keep whining like a toddler, I'll hit you," you threatened. Adam gasped playfully. " I'm the one buying food, and now I'm being threatened by my own lover? I can't believe you, " Adam joked as he handed you his phone to order what you wanted. You could hear Lute laugh at him as she massaged and rubbed along your wings. "Mm lute right there... that feels so good..." you whispered a bit.
Slowly lute finished the massage and ordered her food as well, and sat you back in your spot. Adam put his phone down as he put the order in before grabbing the remote and putting on your comfort movie.
The rest of the evening was rather relaxed. You ate together, had some dessert, and took a shower together before ending it all in a cuddle pile on the bed with you in the middle.
Lute was playing with your hair while humming softly, Adam playing with the feathers on your wings as you sat together in mostly silence aside from lutes humming and the white noise.
"I hope today is better for you, girly," Adam said softly, breaking the silence. "You know what? I think it will be better, but you guys really made today so much better for me.." you said softly
They always did make your bad days better, and you'll always make their bad days better, no matter what.
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
fic rec friday
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
let there be light, let me be alright by annaaperson
His words stopped short as he, along with the rest of the cabin, stared in wonder-filled horror at Will. Specifically Will Solace. More specifically, his hands. His hands that were glowing a soft golden light into the night’s bleeding darkness. (aka, 5 times Will freaked people out by cracking his joints and lighting up like a glow stick and the one time he doesn't)
this was very sweet. glowstick will solace is such a funny fucking character trait and it does not have the spotlight it should have. loved the will & lee and will & clarisse. and i am a 5+1 truther why are those fics like actual crack
2. Death Boy by percyspandapillowpet
The three times Nico said he hated the nickname Will gave him and the one time he didn't.
okay full and fair warning i WILL be talking about this author all the time. they carried the pjo fandom in 2016 truly. and this fic is so tooth-rotting!! love fics where nico slowly warms up to having friends as he deserves truly
3. The Thing You Need Most by @wintersky101
When he's finished in the infirmary, when he's finally done all that he can to keep himself distracted, Will staggers into the Apollo cabin and immediately crumples to his knees, tears already springing to his eyes.
no this one is so important bc sometimes i feel like this fandom falls into the repetition of sad-nico-comforting-will and while thats not necessarily bad!! its nice to have some variety. and having nico be there for will when will cant be is so important and lovely to see. this fic does it so well!!
4. I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract: by @nicostolemybones
Will breaks the entire Hippocratic Oath.
i read this fic months ago and i literally think about it all the time. the quiet bitterness. the rebellion borne of a deep deep love for everyone around him. the backbone made of steel. william andrew solace i would die for you
5. Beautiful pain by Phantomxlegend
Will can take the pain of others and bear it himself. Half the time it’s not even a conscious decision and he doesn’t even know he did it... until later when the pain hits.
is this a little out there? yeah. a little wumpy?? yeah. but what is the point of fandom otherwise. this fic is exactly what it advertises
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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papercupids · 1 year
living w svt; headcanons ('96 line version)
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pairings -> junhui x reader, hoshi x reader, wonwoo x reader, woozi x reader.
warnings -> concepts of overworking (pls take rest ok <3) , arguments in woozi's part, metions of killing someone in junhui's part but very jokingly.
word count -> 1927
a/n -> i love writing these scenarios so much bcs i love domesticity and my own home life is pretty shit lmao but writing these gives me an outlet about the kind of life i would wanna live w someone so haha
also big, big shoutout to lacey (@haet-sal) for brainstorming jun's part w me and just being there overall ily &lt;3
-> read the maknae line version here -> read the 97 line version here.
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☆ junhui. 
the sky has already quietly settled in the darkness when you leave your office, and you sigh as you look at the time, 10:30 pm and junhui’s text that you couldn’t answer until almost 2 hours later, courtesy of your boss assigning you work at the last minute on the presentation you gave him. 
the same route was the one you took in the morning, humming to yourself about the fact tht tonight would just be you and junhui, he was going to be home after so long, and this had to be the exact day it happened.
you’d texted him back as soon as you could. “i’ll be a little late,” little? you wanted to laugh at yourself, you’d planned on getting out at 7:30 almost. the message you sent was still delivered, so you figured junhui was already asleep. but even if he was asleep, the aspect of having him home was enough to make you giddy. 
when you open the door, you peek your head in, trying to check where he is, the home is already smelling like the new cologne he’s trying. 
“jun?” you call out in a low tone, not sure if he’s awake or not, and wanting him to sty asleep if he is. 
and sure enough, he’s sprawled out on the sofa, the television still on, and his phone in his hand, it sure is a cute sight but it almost brings you to tears, you missed him so much. the house that felt so empty, and the silence that seemed to be killing you was just gone, in the matter of hours. you resist the urge to hug him and instead check for something to eat, and clean up, all so quickly because you can’t miss even a minute more of being curled up next to your boyfriend. 
and you do so, snuggling up yourself close to his chest and spreading a comforter you borrowed from the bedroom, you’re afraid of waking him up but he shows absolutely no signs of being disturbed, and as you sleep next to him, you drift off as well, with his presence unknowingly taking away all your stress. 
you can swear you had the curtains drawn when you fell asleep last night but you were so tired and happy at the same time that some things were bound to be missed. 
so you wake up to the sunlight harshly pouring in from the windows, thankfully, junhui’s face is away from it. 
you stroke his face, admiring the features and then, unable to resist, press a kiss to his lips and then lie on his side again, this time with a huge grin on your face. 
as expected, his eyes flutter open, “good morning to you too,”
“you’re up,” you can’t help but squeal as you wrap yourself around him tightly, he chuckles. 
“i missed you so much, angel,” he says. 
“i’m sorry for missing dinner last night,” you apologise, “boss made me work late,”
“should i just go kill him?” jun teases, but when you give him a horrified look, he quickly takes it back, “just kidding, baby,”
you decide it’s time to wake up when you realize that you’re hungry, “what do you want to eat?”
jun sits beside you. “i’m gonna make you something, sit back down, just tell me what you want,”
“jun, it’s my turn!”
“it’s mine actually, i want to cook, please let me cook for you,”
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☆ hoshi. 
one of the most endearing things about hoshi is probably the fact that he practically has a sixth sense when it comes to the people he loves, it could even be deduced as intuition. 
because when you’re working for far too long, sitting on your chair, craning your neck that is sure to be painful when you finally rest, tensed jaw and all, hoshi presents a bottle of water and doesn’t leave until you’ve assured him of the fact that you’re actually not a robot and do depend on hydration. 
today’s one of those days, when you’re so focused on work, and now hoshi knows its because the deadline of this project is fast approaching but you shouldn’t be so harsh on yourself, so every once in 2 hours almost, he sits beside you on your table and forces you to move around, drink something, eat something, look at something that’s not your screen (him, yes,). but just not push yourself unhealthily.
you turn your chair around, and face him. “i really need to finish-“
“and you will,” he completes your sentence. sometimes you were surprised about the amount of faith he had in you, even you didn’t trust yourself like that. 
“i will,” you repeat after him. and you did admit, it helped so much with these little breaks because otherwise your brain tired you out with thoughts like, “will i even be able to finish this at all,?” “will they like it?” “what if they don’t like it?” so it was nice to just not think about the situation at hand and instead realize that there was a lot to life even without your work. 
hoshi gives you a smile, and he glances at his watch, “okay,” he bows, “i’ll go now but i’ll be back by 4,” you stop him by holding his hand, and reach up to him to kiss his lips. 
he’s sweetly surprised by your gesture, but he smiles against your lips. “hey, what’s up?” he whispers. 
“i feel like i can’t express it very well , so i just want you to know i love you,” 
“i know, baby,” he kisses your forehead, his hand on the nape of your neck. 
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☆ wonwoo.
you were tired of the day, it was already about 8 pm as you looked at your watch and sigh, it had been such a long week. the train was full of people like you, exhausted as their faces betrayed but they did their best to distract themselves. there was a lot you'd got done this week but the thought of another week was dreadful, the mere idea that you'd be here at the same time next week thinking about almost the same things as today.
entering the password slowly, you remove your shoes and place them neatly in the rack. 
there’s little liveliness in the home, but you can hear the sound of dishes and drawers, and the presence of someone moving around. but you hated the fact that you were too tired to even talk to him for now, so you rest yourself on the couch, spreading yourself to sit as comfortably as possible.
and you don't know when you doze off, all you remember is gentle hands taking away the bag you had in your hands and stroking your face.
“i didn't realize you were home, i'm sorry,” wonwoo's voice is so soothing, you wish you could just listen to him speak as you sleep.
“i made dinner, do you want to have a bit or do you want to continue sleeping?”
the smell was too goo to give up on and you nod.
“should i help you with this?” he gestures to your face. 
you shake your head, the power nap had energized you enough to get up and get dressed in your night clothes.
and when you come into the kitchen after changing, you feel a smile making its way on your face as you look at wonwoo, passionately setting up the table, he's way too much into it. 
he gives you a smile too, before enveloping you in a hug, “long day?” you nod into his chest.
he has his fingers running through your hair. “come eat, you'll feel better,” he whispers quietly.
and the sudden existential crisis that hit you on the bus is slowly evaporating - one day at a time, and at least you had about two days to relax, you can think of monday on monday. maybe quit the job, find something new. you were convinced you could do just about anything if you had this at the end of the day, wonwoo with you, by your side. 
later, when your eyes are fluttering shut almost, after you've told him all about your stressful day, he's telling you little anecdotes about his, small incidents he knows you would be interested and you nod, registering and smiling a bit when he mentions hoshi and woozi's bickering, or the members bullying mingyu once again.
you drift off again, safely snuggled up in his arms. and he smiles to himself, he's sleepy himself so it doesn't take much convincing for him to shut his eyes himself
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☆ woozi. 
something not a lot of people know about him is the fact that woozi’s very glad to be home. there were times when he thought that he would never ever have something that he could ever priortise over his work. 
but when he locks the door on his way in, he sees it, lying on the couch, drool escaping your lips, and the tv is playing something you were definitely not watching. you’re hunched over the armrest for a make-shift pillow as you sleep and on the table beside the sofa is your empty dinner plate. 
while normally woozi would be disappointed that you’re not taking better care of yourself if you get this exhausted throughout the day, today he was in a particularly good mood, because he, after the last few arguments you’ve had with him, has begun to put himself in your shoes, because you were right. 
sometimes he did get a little too arrogant during arguments and refused to acknowledge his own mistake. when he looked at it from your perspective, he understood. and all these days, instead of trying to make it up to you, what he’d been doing was running from confrontation, running to work in the morning and right now, running right to go to sleep. but he’d thought about it, if it went on like this, you were sure to leave and just the thought was miserable enough to send his whole behavior into an entire change. 
so today, instead of his usual routine of dumping the dinner plate in the sink and heading off to change into his bed-clothes (don’t blame him, he’s too tired to shower), he walks over to the living room, his heart slightly melting over looking at you sleep, and he gently brushes your hair away from your face. 
you wake up slowly, mentally groaning over the fact that you slept on the sofa again, but you couldn’t see the sunshine seeping in through the curtains, what time was it?
“come sleep on the bed,” he sits on the edge of the sofa. 
how has he changed? it wasn’t the expression you’d expect from the man who’d been avoiding you all week. 
he looks down to his hands when you look at him, ouzzled. 
“i know i messed up, i’m sorry,” 
and then he turns to you. “i just.. thought about how i could end up losing you over this petty thing and i can’t imagine that. so i’m sorry i was a jerk to you, but i promise i’ll try my best to work on my flaws.”
“it’s okay, you’re here, it’s okay.” you throw your arms around him at that. “you weren’t going to lose me or anything, jihoon, by the way. we’re way in too deep for me to just leave because of that, but i’m glad you realized your mistake,”
“let’s go to bed now?” 
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rakkuntoast · 3 months
Your talks about Missa's mischaracterization are exactly why I made a post specifically asking for Missa mains to give me their analyses for me to reference in Awake Me From My Nightmare.
I even went as far as to slap some parts of the post in Google Translate encouraging Spanish qsmp fans to reply to me and I'd just have someone translate their analysis for me. Which I did (thank u Kami ily). And I was so fucking happy when more of my responses came from Spanish speaking fans than English. Peak QSMP moment <3
But anyway yeah. Missa's characterization has been lowkey my biggest concern writing the fic tbh. I wanna do him justice. He definitely isn't written as a pathetic woobified uwu cinnamon roll, that's for sure.
I've been staring very hard at the paragraphs people gave me on his character and I THINK I've been doing a decent job at balancing the "gets overwhelmed by things" wet cat side Crows see AND the "um actually he could kick your ass and can be a bitchy little shit" reality?? Mans is getting lots of moments where he's like "fuck this" and gets ready to Literally Fight God. There's still lots of tears, but like, if YOUR husband was in front of you covered in his own blood and lookin like he's rapidly wasting away in real time, you'd be an emotional wreck too. So I'm decently confident in his characterization, but I still have that "AAAAA I HOPE I'M DOING THIS RIGHT" worry. 100% gonna be clinging to comments from readers about if I did him justice. So far I've characterized everyone (Phil, Fit, Etoiles) super well according to readers. 😭🙏🏻 Hoping I keep up the streak with Missa in Chapter 3.
The discussion you've been having is exactly why I'm doing my best to do him actual justice. And I might actually read back through your posts and translate the Spanish bits just to get even more insight. I don't see enough people talking about qMissa like this.
And on a semi-related note, GOD I wish there were more YouTube clip compilations of Missa moments. Like idec if they're not just qsmp, I want more of them in general!! Idk if I just wasn't searching well enough or what but when I went looking a while back, there were MAYBE 2 videos at all, let alone Eng subtitled so I could understand them. And rooting through Tumblr for clips is a pain. 💀
Tldr thanks for talking abt this Rakk, this is exactly why I've been busting my ass trying to not write Missa reduced to one trait or the other. Tbh I've been seeking out proper analysis/understanding of qMissa even before I was writing him in a fic. Bc I KNOW what we Crows see is a fraction of his character.
ISAAAA you're doing God's work honestly, the "fights God through tears" is peak qmissa characterization akfknsjx
I do think we need more translated Missa content, sadly like the best thing you can get is qsmp clips translated or someone on twt decided to translate this one bit from his videos (like him having a crush on a pineapple)
it's sad that it doesn't get talked about how clever the guy is and while the fix is pretty easy (just getting more missasaurios to talk about him) it's just a case of bothering to translate stuff cuz that shit takes time and effort
as well as missa's miscaracterization not being talked about as much cuz a lot of the ppl who talk abt him are English crows who think he's a sopping wet cat<- i am BEGGING for people to unlearn this word it's making me insane
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kitashousewife · 2 years
i wish i knew you wanted me
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an: i've been swimming around with this idea for a while! this is loosely based on the song bad habit by steve lacy :D
pairings: timeskip!kuroo x fem!reader
warnings: childhood neighbor!reader, kuroo is down horrendous, food mentions, reader has a shitty bf (neglectful, unkind to reader) anxiety mentions, slight angst, fluffy ending, lots of fluff bc kuroo is a sweetie, lowercase intentional
word count: 3k
you've always loved kuroo. ever since you were 8, in fact. kuroo loves you too, but just a little differently.
that's because he is in love with you.
you'll never forget the day you met him. carrying your small backpack up the steps of your new home, a ball rolled in front of your feet.
"sorry! did i trip ya?" a rooster-haired boy stumbled over and grabbed the ball. he took your hand in his and introduced you to his friend kenma. before you had a chance to talk to them, you were whisked away by your parents.
every day of your childhood was spent with them, in some way or another. waiting for the bus together, playing on the sidewalk after school, even the occasional sleep over on the weekends. kenma and kuroo are the best friends anyone could ask for.
kuroo thinks he started to love you when you were 10 years old. one day, as the three of you stepped off the school bus, you tripped and scraped your knee. the worry he felt for you was strong, and hated seeing you in pain. ever since that day, kuroo has tried his best to keep you happy and smiling.
he started by giving you little gifts. a bouquet of dandelions from recess, that you carefully brought all the way home and placed in a jar. he gave you tons of rocks he found over the years, even giving you his favorite snacks to share.
you think you started to love kuroo when you were 12 years old. you were in middle school, walking down the street with kuroo and kenma, talking about an upcoming volleyball match that they had. a boy from school passed by and tripped you, calling you names and laughing as he walked away. you blinked tears back, assuring kenma and kuroo that you were fine, it was no big deal. without second thought, kuroo turned around and pushed the other boy, which started a fight that you and kenma had to separate. kuroo got a black eye, but he never complained.
kuroo fell in love with you when the three of you were first years in high school. one day, when he got home from a run, he saw you sitting on your front steps reading a book. you looked perfect. eyes focused on the pages in front of you, almost glowing in the afternoon sun. once he got closer, he realized you were reading his favorite book.
"good book?"
you peak over the top of the pages and smile. "so far, yes."
"what gave you the idea to read that one?"
a blush coats your cheeks and you return to reading.
"i just had a good recommendation."
kuroo spent the next two days speed reading the novel so that by the time you finished, he could ask you all about it. two weeks after that day, though, he realized that you didn't read it for him.
the last day of your first year, kenma and kuroo had been looking everywhere for you. you had plans to walk home together, and do your annual all-nighter to celebrate the end of another year.
"i haven't seen her all day," kenma mumbles, eyes trained on the game in his hands.
"me neither, but she couldn't have forgotten. we do this every year," kuroo's words trail off as you come around the corner, hand in hand with one of the most popular boys in your school. his heart drops, his stomach flips and twists. as soon as you reach his gaze, you feel the exact same way.
the entire night, in the glow of kenma's video games, kuroo seethed. there were so many chances, so many opportunities for him to have said something, made any kind of move. and now it doesn't matter. that night, he decided that he was going to put all of his focus on volleyball and studies. but still, he never stopped being your friend. he would never admit it, but every new years, every time he saw a shooting star, and every single other time he was given the opportunity to make a wish, he would wish for you.
high school flew by, as did college. the three of you stayed in close contact, calling every week, visiting each other every chance you all in town during your college years. you even went on a trip with kenma for a couple days for one of the events he was invited to. you remember that entire trip, all you wanted was for kuroo to be with you. that was the first sign that you were ready to leave your high school boyfriend.
the two of you had been together for five years now. things were great at first, as they always are. flowers, special dates, notes passed through classes, stolen kisses in crowded hallways. but, as soon as the honeymoon phase was over, you began to see who he really was. a man who put everything else first, keeping you to the side until he really needed you.
and you've had enough.
one night, after a particularly long shift, you had sat down in the kitchen to enjoy some takeout before your weekly facetime with your two best friends. right before the call starts, your boyfriend walks in.
"you're still talking to them?"
you tilt your head to the side. "what do you mean? they're my best friends, you know that."
he scoffs. "don't you think that it's time to grow up? you know, make some new friends?"
you feel your palms start to sweat, and anger starts to fill in your chest. "why would you even suggest that?"
he shoots you an annoyed look. "don't get all defensive, alright? i just think it might be time to move on from that twitch streamer and whatever his name is."
an incoming call appears on the screen from kenma, which you accept immediately. forgetting to mute yourself, you turn to your boyfriend one last time. "his name is kuroo, and maybe it's best if you just go home for the night."
he rolls his eyes. "whatever,"
as if it was on purpose, directly behind your boyfriend is a photo of you and kuroo at graduation. wide smiles, bright eyes, full of excitement for the future. when you look at the photo, you realize you haven't smiled that genuinely in months.
you want to be happy again.
"actually, i think it's best if we break up."
kenma sits on the other end of the call, jaw dropped while he watches the entire scene unfold. he knows you probably meant to mute yourself, but he doesn't have the heart to tell you. kenma has hated your boyfriend for years, truth be told. kenma also knows that his best friend is deeply in love with you.
that same friend should be hopping on the call any second now.
kenma watches your boyfriend stutter, mumble something under his breath that the mic couldn't quite pick up, and hears your apartment door slam shut. you let out a deep breath and grab your phone once more, letting a small gasp when you realize that you are in fact, not muted.
"k-kenma!" you cheer, voice shaking slightly. you wince. "d-did, did you hear that?"
he nods, pretending to be focused on his game. "yeah, i heard."
you groan and put your head down on your kitchen table. "please don't tell anyone."
he hums. "i won-"
"not kuroo, either."
he looks at the screen and nods. "i wouldn't. i promise."
feeling a little relief, you rub your eyes before picking up the phone again. "hey, kenma? i think i'm going to just head to bed. i'm really sorry. i'll call again in a few days, yeah?"
kenma nods once more and gives you a small smile. "you text me whenever you need to."
as soon as your face disappears from the screen, kuroo's appears. kenma chuckles, which earns a confused face from his best friend.
"what's that for?"
"she just left. she wasn't feeling to well, but said she would give us a call a different day."
kuroo was dying to see you, to see your face. he loved his job, it's a dream, but lately he is feeling stuck. he was really looking forward to this week's call. he knew your voice and pretty laugh could give him the boost he needed to keep going.
sensing kuroo's disappointment, kenma sends him an invite for the match he's about to begin. "wanna hop on?"
kuroo looks at the same photo you have from graduation, placed on top of his dresser, and lets out a sigh.
"yeah, why not."
it's been over a week since the call. you haven't talked to your now ex-boyfriend since that night either, or anyone for that matter. you've felt down, not because you miss your ex, but because you just feel alone.
kenma notices this.
hey, you doing okay?
you feel a little better after seeing kenma's name.
i'm okay. i miss you guys
kenma debates even saying this, but decides he can't take it anymore.
kuroo misses you. he's been asking about you for a week now.
your heart skips a beat at his name. you've been avoiding him, not because you don't want to see him, but because you can't stop thinking about him. you wouldn't admit it to anyone, but you couldn't help but think about how kuroo would treat you. he wouldn't scoff at you when you're having a good time. he wouldn't blow you off, night after night, just to hang out with his friends.
the buzz of your phone brings you out of your thoughts.
it's really annoying. you better message him before i drive him to your apartment.
you smile for the first time in days.
fine. anything for you
kuroo walks out of his last meeting of the day, exhausted and ready to go home. unfortunately, he still has two hours to go before he is free for the weekend. pulling his phone out of his pocket, he is surprised to see text notifications. he checks the text from kenma first.
you're welcome.
his face twists with confusion, but before he can respond, he sees your name in his notifications as well.
hi tetsu! i miss you
when can i see you again?
his heart stops. he feels like he could faint.
tonight. come over, ill be home by 6
he doesn't have time to worry if that text was too forward, not when his head is filled with thoughts of you. hugging you, seeing you, watching the way your nose scrunches at the nicknames he gives you.
your feet shuffle up to kuroo’s door, right at 6. you walk a little slower as anxious thoughts fill your mind. am i too early? is he just seeing me because he feels bad? what if it’s awkward, i haven’t seen him in-
“you’re here! come in!” kuroo exclaims, pulling you in by the grasp of his hand. as soon as you step into his apartment, he wraps his arms around you and spins you around, filling the room with your laughter.
“tetsuro! put me down!” you laugh, hands gripping the white dress shirt he still has on. setting you down with a chuckle of his own, you look him in the eyes for the first time in weeks.
you forget how to breathe.
somehow, he looks older. his hair is still a little unruly, but much better maintained than before. his eyes are full of love. you pout a little when you see how tired he looks.
“tetsu’, you look tired,” you sigh, looking at the dark circles sitting directly under his eyes.
he offers you a small smile. “works been kicking my ass, that’s for sure. but,” he sing songs, grabbing two cups for tea. “i feel much better after seeing you.”
what would normally be a friendly comment between the two of you, now causes your cheeks to heat up slightly. “how have you been, besides work?”
his fingers tap against the counter tops. a habit he picked up as a child that has stuck with him to this day. “besides work, i can’t complain,” he lies. “how about you?” he almost didn’t want to ask. his promise to himself to make you smile and protect you from hurt as a child is still true to this day.
“works been okay, it hasn’t been too busy,” your tone sounds convincing, but he can tell in your eyes there’s more to say. “i also, well, how do i put this,”
“is everything oka-“
“we broke up.”
kuroo’s jaw drops. “what!” he almost shouts, but when he notices how startled you are, he clears his throat. “i’m sorry, u-um, let me get you some tea,”
the two of you sit in silence for a few moments while kuroo pours tea in each of your mugs. he doesn’t want to rush you, by any means, but he can tell you’re hurting.
“you don’t have to talk about it, you know.”
you sigh. “but i need to. i’ve been keeping it to myself for a week now, and i know it’s not healthy to-“ you pause your rambling and look at kuroo. his eyes are swimming with concern and love. he hasn’t stopped looking at you since you walked in, giving you his full attention. “i just decided it would be better if we separated.”
kuroo nods. inside, he is a nervous wreck. it’s been years since high school, yet he still can’t get himself to make any type of move. every time his mouth opens, he shuts it quickly, swallowing back the words.
he scratches the back of his head with a sigh of your name. "you can talk about it whenever you're ready. no rush," he smiles at you and nudges your mug with his. picking it up in both hands, you smile but set it down. kuroo raises an eyebrow.
"do you remember the night after graduation?"
he nods. of course he does. that's the night the two of you stayed up til 3, talking about the future, about college, your fears, and excitements. the two of you laughed until you cried, nearly falling asleep on his bedroom floor with tears in your eyes.
"why do you ask?"
a small smile forms on your face, but kuroo can tell there's some sadness behind it. "i think that was the last time i was truly happy."
he stands up and comes by your side, hugging you while you sit down. he doesn't say anything, but you don't need him to.
kuroo decides this is his chance. he takes a few steps towards his living room and loosens his tie.
"do you remember the work party i took you to last month?"
with a roll of your eyes, you stand up and walk over to his place on the couch. flopping down next to him, you begin to laugh.
"oh my god, of course i do. how could i forget tripping in front of your colleagues and spilling a drink all over myself and your boss?"
kuroo can't help but laugh. it was a sad sight, watching you trip over your own feet, spilling your drink and his all over his boss who happened to be right in your path.
"why would you bring that up!" you playfully slap his arms. raising his hands to protect himself, he takes a deep breath.
"you looked absolutely stunning that night."
your laugh trails off and you feel your heart beating quicker and quicker by the second.
"thank you, tetsuro," you mumble.
"you've always been so beautiful," he whispers and places his warm hand over your own. he almost pulls away, worried that he's scared you. shoving down the fear that bubbles in his stomach, kuroo grabs both of your hands in his.
"i'm in love with you."
you open your mouth to say anything, tell him anything that you can to let him know you feel the same way, but words don't come out.
"since we were 15, i-i just have always loved you, and i just needed to finally tell you." his eyes examine your face, trying to read any emotions that cross it. he's already in deep, so he might as well keep going.
"i remember when you started dating him, god, i was so angry. at myself. i let you get away. and it killed me to see you so upset and hurt. every call we had, i could see it in your eyes. and i just love you so much, i can't-"
"i love you too," you whisper, placing your hand on his cheek. the tip of your finger rests over his pulse, and you feel terrible at how quick it's beating.
"i love you too. i have for a long time, i just-" you stop, and shake your head. "do you want to go out sometime? just you and i, maybe we coul-"
kuroo cuts you off by placing his lips on yours. his lips are soft, pulling away to linger right above yours. you close the gap again, pulling him closer and wrapping your arms around his neck. he only pulls away when he absolutely has to, taking a deep breath. he can't help the giddy smile that appears.
"i don't want to be that guy," he laughs. "but i've literally been waiting years to do that."
leaning into his warm body, kuroo holds you tight. suddenly he sits up, reaching into his back pocket for something. grabbing his phone you see him giggling to himself.
"thinking about the company dinner again?"
"no, no. this is much better. just a sec,"
kuroo snaps a quick photo of the two of you, arm wrapped around you, fingers intertwined. he giggles again and hits send. as soon as he sees delivered, he locks his phone and gives you a kiss on the cheek.
a text to kenma has been sent.
Attachment: 1 image
remember that bet we made when we were 16? i'll take my money now.
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edosianorchids901 · 5 months
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Drifting With Every Wind
Ace Omens Hugfest 2024 prompt - "smiling into a hug"
Athens, 450 BC
Aziraphale looked around anxiously, twisting his hands together. His heart beat far too quickly, and he couldn’t quite catch his breath. No matter what he did, he simply couldn’t calm down.
And all the worse because there was no clear reason for it. He was simply a nervous wreck, quite close to the verge of a panic attack.
He went for another walk around the agora, trying to steady himself by studying the wares for sale. Ordinarily, that would cheer him up immensely. He loved to see the latest imports, as well as the local goods, and he’d spent many a long day contemplating the scrolls of poetry for sale.
Today, not even the thought of new reading material cheered him. He briefly contemplated a nice snack, but not even oysters or yummy bread or grapes seemed appealing right now. His tummy churned at the mere though, queasiness rising, and he let out a shaky breath. No, no snacks, not unless he wanted to be sick in front of everyone.
The thought of that made him feel even worse. Oh Heavens, what if he really did throw up in front of everyone? They would all make fun of him, understandably so, and then he would cry, and then they would make fun of him even more—
“Aziraphale, are you okay? Sounds like you’re trying to win the Olympic sport for breathing too fast.”
Aziraphale’s breaths caught, which had the effect of making him suddenly quite dizzy. He whipped around anyway, towards the demon with a perpetual questioning expression. “Crawley! Oh, I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you!”
He flung himself into Crawley’s arms, hugging him tight. A smile broke out even as he squeezed his eyes shut against tears. Oh, it was so good to see someone he knew, someone who never made fun of him in earnest.
“Whoa! Uh, hi.” A little awkward, Crawley patted his back. “Glad I showed up when I did. You looked like you were freaking out pretty bad.”
“Don’t be silly. Angels don’t ‘freak out’.” A few tears escaped, and Aziraphale clung to Crawley as a wave of shivering rushed through him. “Admittedly, I-I was having a trace of anxiety.”
Oh. He likely shouldn’t be hugging Crawley for this long. It wasn’t something they did.
He let go and stepped back, quickly dashing away the tears with one hand. Crawley gave him another quizzical look. “Just a trace, eh?”
“Mhm.” Aziraphale touched a hand to his chest, and was rather annoyed to find himself trembling. Oh, really. This was ridiculous. “Whatever are you doing here, anyway?”
“Buying wine, to start.” Crawley looked around the agora. “I stopped in at a tavern in the Piraeus after my ship docked, but I need to get a jug or two to shove in my room. Wanna go shopping with me?”
“Oh, could I?” The thought eased a great deal of Aziraphale’s nervousness, and the pressure on his chest lessened. “That would be so lovely. I’m afraid I’ve been feeling a bit…”
He sighed. Oh, it was so hard to put into words, especially when he had absolutely no idea why he was so stressed.
Crawley just gave a little sympathetic pout and beckoned to him. “C’mon. We’ll go buy stuff, and you can help me carry it back to my place.”
Quite grateful, Aziraphale accompanied him. He rolled his eyes at Crawley’s rather bad attempts to barter with the vendors, sighed when Crawley got distracted from shopping by a need to sample his wine, and chuckled when a wandering goat attempted to eat Crawley’s sandal. It was quite a nice way to get his mind off his own worries.
“Right, okay. So.” As they veered down a narrow dusty street, Crawley passed him another jug of wine and opened the door to a little house. Aziraphale struggled to adjust without dropping anything. “I’m staying here for now. It’s not exactly the most terrific part of town, but it was cheap, and Hell’s been nitpicking my expense reports.”
“Ah, of course.” Aziraphale clutched at one of the jugs of wine, trying to steady it as it slipped from his grip. “But naturally, you had to purchase a vast quantity of— oh no!”
He lost his hold on the jug, and he could only watch in horror as it plummeted towards the street. Oh, and Crawley would be angry at him, and then Aziraphale would cry because Crawley was angry at him, and then—
“Whoops, my bad.” Crawley grabbed the jug before it could hit the ground. “You wanna come in and have a glass?”
Aziraphale stared at him, lip trembling. “You… you’re not angry with me for dropping it?”
“Wot? No? I’m the one who handed it to you without making sure you had a good hold on it.” Crawley shouldered inside and set the jug down, then took the other two that Aziraphale was still carrying. “Why would I be angry with you?”
“Because… because I always fail at everything?” Tears welled again, and Aziraphale suddenly found himself unable to breathe. “G-Gabriel said…”
“Ohhhhhh. Okay. I get it.” With a soft hiss, Crawley stepped closer and took Aziraphale’s arms in a surprisingly gentle grip. Aziraphale looked at him in confusion. “I’m not like the Archangels, Aziraphale. You don’t have to measure up to impossible standards or some shit, not when you’re with me. Okay?”
“Well, the… the Archangels are good, and just, and everything.” Aziraphale cleared his throat, trying not to see Crawley’s skeptical look. “But thank you. I, um. Admit that I get more than a trace anxious sometimes.”
“Yeah, I kinda got that.” Crawley gave a kind smile, then jerked his head towards a cushioned couch. “I sprang for the good couch. Come on. Let’s go sit.”
“Oh, um. Yes, that would be lovely. But…” Swallowing hard, Aziraphale searched the demon’s face. Crawley gave him an inquisitive look. “Could I by any chance hug you again?”
“Oh! Sure.” Looking slightly embarrassed at the prospect, Crawley opened his arms.
Aziraphale stepped into the embrace, closing his eyes. He smiled again as Crawley hugged him close, his heartbeat slowing. Here, with his friend, his anxiety eased until it really was only a trace.
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farawaysoph-ie · 2 months
The Sunshine Court Incoherent Whatever (pt.1)
Okay. Okay.
I just finished The Sunshine Court and 1) Jean Moreau what have you done to me? 2) Jean Moreau what have(n't) they done to you?
I started this, then went and re-read tkm (bc the obsession was always latent and never gone), so I could compare both Neil and Jean pov and well, suffice to say I'm not okay and I feel too much.
Thank you Nora Sakavic, it was painful and amazing.
I have a long train ride so I might as well bring back my incoherent whatever after *checks the notes* 4 years :')
As always this will be so full of spoilers.
(Unrelated spoiler: the train ride wasn't enough)
Let's start with the general:
After loving Neil maybe too much the shift to Jean took awhile to adjust to but now I'm ready to fight at least three mafia families, every single hater (fictional or otherwise) and the FBI for him
Jeremy Knox was everything, but like everyone on here, what are you hiding Jeremy?? What's going on??
Cat and Laila, my beloved ™️ the care these two effortlessly gave made me cry
This whole book was a serious trigger for me, but I'm in too deep with this series, imagine me like that Simpsons meme, I did it for my new french son
Characters, thoughts:
I said before the Ravens were a cult, but I hadn't really understood that statement. Every time Jean spoke of them it hit deeper and deeper how messed up and unfair it all was.
Boy am I happy that Riko is dead, like I didn't really wish anyone the fate of being shot by an unfeeling older brother, until Jean's pov hit me like a high speed train.
Andrew spoke exactly one word in this, still was iconic and a scene stealer, how in character for him
I forgot how much I always want to slap Kevin Day when he's trying his best to be annoying, it's because I love him, I swear! (But seriously his relationship with Jean is so complex and well executed I will think about it for a very long while)
I didn't give much thought to Renee and Jean relationship in tkm, but it broke my heart here, it's when I started to actually tear up, I love them so much rainbows, a cool evening breeze. I can't.
"Tell me something"
"Where are you now?"
The whole dynamic of the Cat&Laila& sometimesJeremy's apartment
Cat teaching Jean how to cook + motorbike ride (open roads)
Laila taking him to shopping
Jeremy wanting to make Jean Moreau the Person his success story
Neil dragging Jean towards survival without giving him a choice, again and again: he sent Renee as gentle bait, closed a deal in his name with a mafia boss, promised him he would win against Riko in his name too, promised him again Riko was dead, ordered a hit on his rapist, offered to delay the talk with the FBI, linked his sister to his name, to survival and to what he deserved. I NEED more interactions between them, I am not above begging.
I have to get a better idea on the other Trojans, but for now the policule was cute, I need more Cody and less Lucas. Like I can understand where he was coming from? But he needs to shut up now, you made your mess man, now go play Exy like you were supposed to.
I miss the Foxes :'(
Wymack! I almost forgot everyone's favourite dad-coach: he showed up, brought alcohol, got more tired, delivered care to yet another traumatized child, spent a whole day on airplanes to bring him to Los Angeles, left him money for clothes&co. bc he's not doing this again, answered his call when he was having The Breakdown. Best dad-coach ever in the history of dad-coaches.
Plot things:
Jean at the beginning was so scared and in so much pain it took a while to get a clear picture of him as a person
Still loved all his salty comments and insults, he couldn't help himself
Renee sitting with him and caring with Abby and Wymack :')
Jean being afraid of going back and of not going back to Evermore, hating the ones that got to leave
The self harm and all the people in this that fought him to keep his hands from his neck, his scars, himself
"I am Jean Moreau. My place is at Evermore. I will endure."
Jean not believing in Wymack care, waiting for the act to end and the other shoe to drop
The disbelief at Kevin being away from the court and him admitting he went at knifepoint (and meaning it literally), sometimes this was a comedy
Wymack, Jean, and the burning of houses
Jean's opinion of the Foxes going from those mediocre fools to those mediocre madmen to the madmen that actually beat Riko Moriyama
Wymack putting Jean's phone in the freezer and hating computers
“That man is years overdue for a high-speed, head-on collision.” couldn't have said it better, but Neil was already on it at that point
"Jean knew better than to look for anger in his stare; the best Kevin could manage was bottomless guilt."
“It was my only chance,” Kevin said. “I knew you wouldn’t come with me.” “My place is at Evermore,” Jean agreed, “but you did not have to slit my throat on the way out.”
“Your blind loyalty to those clowns is exhausting.” “Some of them you like,” Kevin reminded him. “Don’t you dare,”
Nathaniel "Hello Jean" Wesninski vs Jean "Go away" Moreau
This whole conversation went very differently compared to tkm: like there Neil came, dropped a metaphorical bomb, glossed over the explanation and went away trying to convince Andrew they are something
Jean was ambushed by two of his most complicated acquaintances (???) and their "pet goalkeeper" (god I need Andrew's reaction to this "nickname", but I guess no one will ever say this to his face, Neil would be too busy fighting you at the suggestion to ever repeat it), had his worldwiew turned upside down with no chance of having a say in the matter, then was left alone with Kevin Day and the aftermath.
So yes two different conversation; also I kinda forgot of the deal about Neil and his smile
“Everyone who has tried to tame him has failed.”
All for the game: a summary
There was no getting away; there was only getting through.
Jean Moreau who (hasn't) hurt you, part some of too many
What really makes it messed up is that on one hand there was Riko and his mad cruelty and on the other there was an entire team of bystanders At Best: some people were an active part and then pretended, no sympathy for them; others decided to ignore the truth to survive and get what they wanted, which I can understand but I guess they still didn't have the decency to shut up when Jean got away. The anger that crawled through my skin when the smear campaign and the notebook/postcards/magnets thing happened. You should have stayed silent until the end you fucks.
“Do it, then. It wouldn’t take much; we all know I have brittle bones.”
Jeremy pov kinda gave you whiplash, with him waking up super early, helping homeless men, but then you start noticing all the things he avoids almost effortlessly and like, what are you hiding sunshine man??
What actually broke me about his povs was him noticing all these details about Jean, and then misinterpreting them, bc whatever he's been through Jean has had it 100 times worse and this doesn't even factor in Jeremy world. I'm pretty sure he'll get the whole truth in the end and I'm scared of what it'll do to him.
Also Jean being like Ravens always had to keep secrets and then spilling most of them almost unprompted, let's laugh in order not to cry
“He hasn’t played a clean game in years,” Kevin admitted, “but he knows how to follow orders. If you tell him to submit, he will.” “Literally the most awkward way you could’ve worded it,” Jeremy said.
This will keep coming back, Kevin please. (He 100% ships it, one of us)
The Foxes catching the too tired Trojans and Jeremy being like, you are all approved (I need the two teams to interact now)
Also the Trojans being like how are they still standing, Neil how are you still running??
Someone pointed out they wanted Neil to interact with Jeans closest teammates bc if he is a madman by Jean standards, what would normal people make of him? To which yes, but also guys consider this: Neil said to Cat and Laila that they were terrifying after the semifinal, he took a step back when Jeremy opened the door and silently invited him in. I need Neil and the floozies to interact so Neil can experience real fear.
Mafia bosses have nothing on wholesome people, the true weakness of one Neil Josten
Jean immediately hanging up on Jeremy will never not be funny
When you get to the title of the book and it's Jean insulting people <3
I will Never, NEVER, get over the "nineteen". Never.
I love Abby but when she told that bit about fighting back, It Hurt. She probably didn't really mean it and didn't know everything bc how are you supposed to keep fighting when you are fifteen, alone and forsaken in a place that is built to break you? As it has been pointed out, Neil had rebellion beaten into him by a mother that chose him and ran; Jean had a sister that he hoped to protect and parents that sold him away like property. Five months were actually a long time.
Dobson keeps being iconic, I don't know what to think about the I don't know how exy works bit: I mean I've been obsessing with this and still don't know how exy works (plz don't hate me), but at the same time it was such a power move and got Jean to talk
“Of course it’d be you, you tedious malcontent.” “Good morning to you, too.” Nathaniel held up an oversized bandage.
You see why I need more of their interactions, right?
Nathaniel was different; he always would be. He wasn’t a Raven, but he was, same as Jean. He was Jean’s misplaced forever partner, an unfulfilled promise Jean had stopped believing in years ago.
You can now be forever partners while you tear down your families :)
I think that I'm stuck on the two of them bc while Kevin broke a promise to save himself (to which no hate, when dealing with madmen like Riko you have to save yourself) and still couldn't, not completely, Neil was a promise made and broken by other people. Jean hates him bc they were supposed to share a destiny and all the misery, but I think very deep down he knows that if Nathaniel had come to the Nest they would still be nursing wounds and appeasing a tyrant. Neil is the one that stood against Riko when Kevin wanted to hide, the one that gave him courage by example, the one that dragged Jean away from the Ravens, both for selfish reasons (taking down Riko) and better ones (paying him back for saving his life a the Nest).
But still
“You are only here now because you are an abominable cockroach,”
Funny how Neil forgot to tell us about the breakdown about Kevin's tattoo, he was probably thinking about the match. Junkie.
The cheese drawer guys, ???
To this day I still can't decide what was more iconic: Kevin Day switching playing hand halfway through the game and pretty much scoring everything until the last second, Neil being so fast that it made up for him being a shitty defender, Andrew crossing the court to keep Neil from being murdered (I'm biased, but still iconic moments all of them)
Experiencing this match from Jean's pov was amazing writing, like the countdown of the last ten seconds, the Riko-Neil bit without volume but from a different angle (I didn't really realize everyone was able to see the King attempting murder live on TV, but hey perspective)
Run, Jean thought. He didn't know if he was thinking it at Andrew or Nathaniel. Run.
"That wasn't a miracle," Jean typed out. "That was the Foxes."
When Jean found about Riko though :'(
The shudder that wracked his chest should have been revulsion, but it fell dangerously short. This didn't feel like joy or relief; it only felt like loss. [...] Who was he without them?"
I loved that he woke up to Renee and Neil though, the rainbow and the witness
Renee always hitting the point, this wonderful girl
"Maybe you're mourning the wreckage he made of your life. You're allowed to grieve what he took from you."
"It's impressive, isn't it? How easily these monsters die in the end."
Neil Abram Josten said I'm done letting monsters ruin my life and my people, he actually promised.
When he called him Neil guys, tears
Also I found peculiar that when thinking about the room he destroyed Jean calls it "Neil's dorm room", not Kevin's who he's known for actually longer. It's what makes me think that they have a chance at not being misplaced forever anymore.
Renee either hits you with hidden wisdom of the universe or with practical and brutal advice, and we love her for that
The two of them, the Two Of THEEEEEEEEM
Jean noticed how Andrew and Neil moved like they were caught in each other's gravity, in each other's space more than they were out of it, cigarette smoke and matching armbands and lingering looks when one fell out of orbit for too long.
Just leaving this here.
The airport bit :'(
"Men like Wymack didn't exist. They couldn't; they shouldn't."
Enter Jeremy Knox and his yo-yo in the middle of said airport. Flawless.
This man was put on Earth to test Jean, at least that's what he will keep thinking from here on
The rest of this book is Jean having conversations with people and not understanding them, bc he's been living for five (seven) years in a cult. It is an escalation pretty painful to watch, I think the Trojans are all of us :'(
Question: will Jean end up teaching Jeremy French? Will Jeremy learn by himself? I think I'd probably prefer the latter
Cat, the mess, the music, the tour, I love her so much
Jeremy "he's a little off" Knox, he was trying
Barkbark von Barkenstein
Jean Moreau and the real world (bubble tea? you have to shop for stuff? you sign things yourself? you leave campus? someone help this disoriented french bean)
"Something had gone horribly wrong at Evermore"
oh Jeremy
Watching Jeremy regret almost all his questions :'(
“Three fractured ribs. Sprained LCL. Twisted ankle. Broken nose. That’s most of it.” That’s most of it.
Laila, who pushed and got angry for Jean and didn't back down despite him lashing out, my beloved
You look like a Ken doll." + "This isn't blond."
"Not Grayson.[...] Please." that one made me sick, the writing made me feel even only a part of what Jean was feeling and it was enough to feel sick
The water :'(
Jean just leaving when confronted with Laila and Jeremy in swimsuits was very bi of him
Lucas coming in looking like a well know nightmare and the Ravens dropping like flies
I didn't ask.
It's not like I didn't know, right? But I still died inside
Zane and the betrayal
Jeremy didn’t let him get away with it. “That’s not the issue and you know it. I don’t want to crowd you.” “You are not them,” Jean said. “Kevin would not have sent me here if you were.”
Jean taking one look at the doctor sent by the coaches and going nope, Dobson will be definitely better
Jeremy seeing the nightmares and the scars and not being able to do much:(
A hand on his chin startled him into looking up. When he met Jean’s eyes, Jean only said, “Focus on what’s important.” “I am,” Jeremy said. Jean opened his mouth, closed it again, and let go of Jeremy without a word. Jeremy snagged his arm when he started to turn away. “Who did this to you?”
I'm sorry did he just
“It’s not about size, anyway.” “Defensive,” Jean said, tugging his glove straps with his teeth. Jeremy straightened in indignation. “I don’t have anything to be defensive about.” Jean lost his grip and bit his lip, and Jeremy hurried on before either of them could think too much about that double entendre.
“Say ‘yes, Jeremy’.” He had the distinct impression Jean wanted to roll his eyes. “Yes, Jeremy.” Jeremy forgot everything else he could have said in favor of staring. It was the first time he’d heard Jean say his name.
Are you seeing this? Yes? Good, let's go on
“If I ever make you uncomfortable or make you feel unsafe, will you promise to tell me? If you don’t trust me enough to tell me what’s wrong and why, at least trust me enough to tell me that something is wrong. I can’t fix things if I don’t know there’s a problem. As your captain and your partner, don’t I at least deserve the chance to not be a villain in your story?”
The pool bit :'( and after when they tell there are no pools at Evermore. Riko is so lucky to already be dead :)
You’re forcing us to hurt you without giving us any say in the matter.”
Watching Jean trying to navigate his interactions with the Trojans was painful, frustrating but also hopeful. This boy has been hurt so much and so often, he doesn't get what normal looks like anymore. But the Trojans don't let him get away with it (even if it breaks their heart and the coaches will probably get a lot of grey hair from this)
"Your safety and happiness will always be more important than our season.” “You are naïve.” “Maybe you’ll define success by how we do this season, but I’m not obligated to do the same. You are going to be my success story: Jean Moreau the person, not Jean Moreau of the perfect Court. You take care of one, and I’ll take care of the other.” “That is not how it works.” “Is there a rule against it?” “There is no merit to it. This is all I am.” Jeremy ignored that and asked again, “Is there a rule against it?”
Jeremy gay panicking and the photo of Renee
The floozy line!
Every time Jeremy goes "our coaches" or "our teammates" all I can think in my head is "someone will die" "of fun!!!!"
Jean wondering if the Trojans have something against recruiting tall players xD
“Thank you for worrying about them. You’re a good man, Jean Moreau.” “A ridiculous sentiment,” he said. “I mean it,”
This man didn't even second guess himself, he had to ask because he knew and it didn't even occur to him to be silent. Excuse me sir? Shut up you are a good man
“I assumed the Trojans were idiots,” Jean said. “Now I think you are all insane.” “It’s a step up,” Cody said. “I’ll take it.”
The practices, the scars pt2
“It is all I am, Coach.”
“We did not want outsiders at Evermore.” “Except Neil,” Cat said. “Neil was a special case,” Jean allowed.
You’re hurting me.” “It has been toward for five years,” Jean said, looking past Jeremy at the scrimmage that was still going on without them. “It is not that easy to undo.” Jeremy frowned at him and echoed, “Five? You were only with the Ravens for three.” “I moved into Evermore two years before I enrolled,” Jean said, and hauled Jeremy to one side. The stray ball that had been coming for them ricocheted off his chest instead of Jeremy’s back, and Jean scooped it up on the rebound with a quick snap of his wrist. He hurled it across the court toward Cody one-handed before finally letting go of Jeremy. “I will try harder.”
The notebooks breakdown hurt so bad bc Cat and Laila being angry for him (they are all of us), Jeremy trying to mediate bc he's been there, he pushed and Jean broke and he doesn't want to hurt him, and Jean who confesses his secrets without meaning to, just to realize and panic. What a recipe for a disaster.
“How dare they blame you for anything after what they did to you. How dare you grieve them.” It hit like a sucker punch, but Jean’s frustrated rejoinder was worse: “They don’t know.”
They don't know, but they could guess. They could smell the blood. They joked about his brittle bones. He was sixteen. I'm not sorry for the mercy I don't have after finishing this book
Jeremy could only watch in wretched silence as Jean tried to walk himself back from the edge. He cast his phone aside in favor of catching Jean’s face in his hands, and the way Jean flinched at his touch was almost his undoing. “Hey,” he said quietly. “Hey. Jean. Look at me.” Jean refused, and Jeremy grasped desperately for anything that could bring Jean back to him. He seized on the only thing he could and threw Jean’s words back at him: “You are Jean Moreau. Your place is here with me, with us. I’m your captain. You’re my partner. We’re supposed to be doing this together, aren’t we? Stop leaving me behind. Look at me.” It wouldn’t work, but it did. Jean opened his eyes to meet Jeremy’s stare. “I told you not to ask me about him.”
I had seen the quote before reading but no one told me what followed ç.ç
He felt a tremor in Jean’s hands, and for a blinding moment he was sure Jean would lean into the safety of this silent confession. But Jean only sucked in a slow breath and said, “Now I am not safe with you, captain.” Letting go of Jean was the hardest thing Jeremy had ever done. Everything in him railed against this, and for a moment he regretted giving Jean a way out.
I was not crying, I swear.
“I’m sorry,” Jeremy said, because he didn’t have the strength for small talk or a softer approach right now. “Did Riko break your hand?”
That was one heavy conversation and it's just the start (Jeremy is Not Fine™️)
He is not used to having a voice, and he has never had power. I cannot promise he will ever talk to you.” “I will wait as long as it takes,” Jeremy said.
Still best boy
And maybe in many ways he still was, but a martyr could still be a monster when the cameras weren’t rolling.
Boy do I have news for you (do you think Jeremy will know that Riko didn't kill himself? Does it matter? I think not knowing this particular detail would be fine, I still don't really know how much this sunshine boy can take (more than I expected but still))
Did I mention that I really love the apartment trio? Cat and Laila agreeing to silence but still being angry (drag them girls, draaaaag them), the dinner and movie and Jean not getting up to leave
Did I mention Lucas is free to shut up and play? :) Because I get that you are angry, but 1) it's not your decision to make, we don't need your conspiracy theories 2) it's not Jean problem, he has enough of them leave him alone
“Ask him why he’s so sure the rumors are true. Ask him what his part in it was. If you’re going to believe him just because he’s blood, then at least make him tell you the truth.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas demanded.
And Jean still deciding not to lie, he may be an asshole but almost everyone he has known didn't deserve him
Also I don't know where Lucas got the audacity? You think there is something the justifies breaking a player's ribs?? What is wrong with you, you are part of the sunshine court
The dread when asking if Grayson was home
The bike ride :')
Now that they were settled, he expected an interrogation or a reason for this unscheduled trip out. When she failed to explain herself, Jean finally asked, “Why are we here?” “I love it here,” [...] “I don’t know. I just felt like some fresh air would do you good. There’s nothing like a ride to get you out of your head and into the moment, you know?” Jean considered that for a minute. “Thank you.”
Jean waited until he was out of earshot. “I don’t understand.” “Trust us,” Jeremy said tiredly. “Neither do we.”
Jean vs the Trojans, a summary
The monster shows up and it was a mess and Jean has never had a break, literally never
Which was extremely literal bc Lucas wanted to talk and then Neil shows up
I need a separate post for the last pages bc I started this 24 h ago and I want to do it justice. So part 2 coming.
Edit: I misspelled Jean's surname *facepalms and goes to hide*
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heybaetae · 6 months
gifmaker / cc wrapped 2023!
thanks for tagging me my angel @jkvjimin 💜
i tried really hard not to choose all comp sets, but those take the most effort and therefore are what i'm prouder of than a standard set, but regardless...
here are my top 10 fave creations of the year:
bts chapter 1 insta feed // this was an insanely taxing project and is probably the most work i've ever put into anything, but i was really inspired to do it. it took about a week (one day for each panel) and was repetitive, i literally threw out my back by day 3 from sitting working on it that my body was in SO MUCH PAIN, but i wanted to get everything right and make it make sense which is why i wrote up a detail post breaking it down and explaining every decision that went into this. i still intend to make this a series and do one dedicated to their japanese discography (i actually started on one before i published this but didn't like the concept) and for their solo work, but it doesn't feel like the right time yet as things continue to release. but i look forward to it!
cheesy bts valentine cards // this was purposely corny, but the response was unbelievable! i had fun working on it and was so happy it made people laugh and smile. the tags were a joy to read on this post and it's my fourth most popular gifset ever. thank you!
bts guide to troubled birds // yet another corny idea, but i get a kick out of making silly comps and was inspired to make this. i started with jimin's as an experiment because his poem was the easiest to choose and built the rest of it from there, carefully deciding which poem to apply to each member and recreating them from scratch. i love celebrating their chaos in fun ways, so this was nice!
jungkook's sensitive tear ducts // sometimes i get really random comp ideas and spontaneously start making something with no plan. this was one of those times and it is now my third most popular gifset since making this blog in 2020 lol. ofc i'd never gif him upset about anything serious, so i only chose moments that didn't feel inappropriate to include to keep this set lighthearted and humorous.
long live bts (10th anniversary set) // i always knew i wanted to make something with the lyrics of that song because every word of it reminds me of their story. the 10th anniversary was perfect since it literally says "it was the end of a decade". i wanted the set to just be really simple so i went with a more desaturated look and focused more on choosing a scene from each year that fit the lyric per that gif.
love me again mv // this was my first time bothering to gif a music video in 4k. i usually avoid it bc it slows my computer down and takes a lot longer (i also have to reconvert the youtube download to a different file type to get it to play in my kmplayer, it's a whole process) but i waited a few days after it came out because i originially didn't think i could color it when it premiered so i just didn't gif it. but i gave it a try anyway when i didn't feel so pressured and i really like how crisp they came out.
jungkook's bday set // i didn't have a plan for this when i started, but i searched a lot for inspo and finally found something i felt like i could make something with so i came up with this very barbie-esque rendition for jungkook that i'm still very fond of. i purposely didn't write happy birthday on it anywhere so it could be shared year-round. it's probably my fave set i made all year and everyone seemed to like it too!
jimin's bday set // this was originally just going to include songs from FACE, but i decided it didn't celebrate jimin's work as a whole if i didn't include all his solo songs/endeavors so it turned into a big monster. i like how it came out though!
standing next to you mv // this year i was introduced to HD master files, so instead of rushing to download a new mv from youtube and giffing it fast, i'd wait for a higher quality rip from apple music to show up online. the difference is quite astounding. i made gifs with master files for all three of jk's music videos this year (seven, 3D), but i like how this one turned out the best.
vmin comp // just felt like giffing my two favorite people before they left and needed to channel my sad emotions into something before seeing them seperate for so long. i included moments i've giffed before and ones i've never had the chance to gif. i could have made this post so much longer but forced myself to stop lol. i like the pink and blue colors in it a lot <3 i miss them so much
thank for all your support on my work this year! i have lots of (old) new stuff in my drafts to share in the new year so please keep your love coming x
i'm going to tag @userjiminie @userjungkook97 @btsiu and @cordiallyfuturedwight to do this if they'd like to!
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amethystina · 4 months
Oh man!! The latest chapter!!! The angst was angsting, pain was paining, heart is wrenching, tear is falling, it was soooo mean, but do it again!!!
It was the longest chapter and ironically the most painful chapter as well. Have I said how much I love slow burn and angst and this fic hits home everytime?? Likeee woah I just LOVE how this fic is LOOONG , nowhere near close bc that means I get me read it longer lol.
And I feel like I would never be able to appreciate how much hard work you put in Who Holds the Devil.
I am guessing it is now Ga On's turn to pursue Yohan and Oh man I can already imagine how much he is gonna suffer while doing it 😭 or maybe not (bc he tends to be pretty straightforward at times and impulsive as well) but I believe it's gonna be pretty hard bc Gaon has so much shit to get together and Yohan, my man, already gave up (poor him) so gaon trying to persue him or rather seduce his sugar daddy would look very suspicious to him. Nevertheless I am exited to see Gaon try and miserably, comically and hilariously half fail bc he will succeed eventually as Yohan is too much of a loser for Gaon lol. I am excited for future chapters and definitely wouldn't complain about more angst lol.
It was necessary for this to happen, otherwise the story would go nowhere and most importantly Gaon and Yohan would go nowhere, their problems will never be solved. Sometimes hitting rock bottom is crucial to develop in life BUT I would hate it if it happens to me, hope I will be able to get my shits together before that happens ( or maybe it already happened but I am not relizing it or not acknowledging it much like gaon but he is better than me ngl at least he has the courage)
This became a rant about me naur 😭
Lastly I hope you have a great day and things work out for you 💕
Also idk if it's your cup of tea but My Happy Ending kdrama is sooo good and worth giving it a try. It's a psychological suspense drama hehe. I am soo invested in it nowadays so couldn't help recommending you as well 💫
It was a painful chapter, yeah. And I'm both relieved and heartbroken to finally have it out there. As someone who doesn't actually like angst, this chapter was a struggle in more than one way. But it's necessary if I want their relationship to move forward, so here we are.
At this point, writing Who Holds the Devil has sort of turned into a second job, not going to lie. I still enjoy it, make no mistake, but I have to plan all of my other hobbies around it since I feel an obligation to post somewhat regularly. Like, I've been postponing drawing for the past two weeks because I wanted to get this chapter out (that's how long it took to edit, yes) but drawing is the thing that helps the most with my depression symptoms (that have made an unwanted reappearance due to my burnout), so I've been struggling quite a bit. And now all I want to do is draw for a couple of days.
So yeah. I can't lie and say it's not a lot of work, both in terms of planning, writing, editing, etc., but also how it affects the rest of my life. BUT I just love it too much to give up on it ;)
And yes, Ga On will have to be the one to pursue Yo Han now ;) Or, well, eventually. He has to wallow and overthink things a bit first because, well, Ga On. If overthinking things was an Olympic sport, he'd win the gold for sure. But he WILL give Yo Han what he wants in the end, I promise.
In short, the "the only way after hitting rock bottom is up" saying is pretty apt in this case.
There's still hope, so just hang in there :)
I looked at the plot for My Happy Ending but I admit it didn't really catch my attention. But that could be because I don't really watch much right now? I'm too busy writing and drawing. I'm also trying to finish a drama I started ages ago called Mad Dog. Which, let me tell you, it's disorientingly gay for a drama about insurance fraud. But unlike The Devil Judge I'm not sure if they're actually AWARE of how gay it is? (especially since it's from 2017)
But, like, if I had a penny for every time I've watched a drama in which a traumatised, older man brings home a reckless, bratty twink after said twink got injured — under the pretence of protecting him from more harm — only for the twink to start snooping around his house before deciding to charm the dude with home-cooked food and then just doesn't leave I would have two pennies. Which isn't a lot, but it's still weird that it's happened twice.
Also, what the heck do they want me to think when they have these kinds of angles when the two dudes are arguing?
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That looks questionable both in and out of context. BUT that could also be because Woo Do Hwan could have sexual tension with a goddamn rock. Rarely have I seen a man with so much "fuck me and find out" energy as his character in this drama.
But the twink also has a romantic plotline with the woman on the team, at the same time as he's living in the older dude's apartment and giving this poor dude all kinds of conflicted feelings because he's a widower who's lived alone since his wife and kid died and suddenly there's someone in his apartment cooking him food, nagging at him when he comes late and drunk etc. etc. Like, bruh. It really sounds like the twink is his new wife? And I am SO CONFUSED because the drama plays it so straight (without the "hint, hint, nudge, nudge" winks that The Devil Judge had) that I'm about to have an existential crisis.
Fellas, is it gay if this is the face you make when you're told you're not actually living with the man who took you home to keep you safe after you almost got murdered but then you accidentally behaved like his concerned and doting wife?
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Asking for a friend.
(and don't even get me started on the whole "Bring Your Twink to Work Day" scene)
At this point, I'm half convinced I'm gaslighting myself into thinking this is gay when it's actually just a really heartwarming story about a really deep bromance that I'm too queer to understand.
ANYWAY. Thanks for the rec! But I'm not sure if it's my thing and I'm really bad at watching things right now. But I'm thrilled to hear that you're having so much fun with it! I'm happy for you! :D
And thank you so much for the lovely message 💜
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threestripeslider · 6 months
Hey Blue!
First if all, Happy Holidays. I wasn't sure if you celebrated Christmas or not but in any case, I decided to send this ask not only because of the aforementioned celebration day but because it holds special meaning to me: last year, during Holiday season, I binge read Odd Man Out and it had tremendous impact on me. It inspired me to lengths I don't think I am capable of portraying, to the point that I finally started a project written solely in English for the first time in my life. I was a little terrified of my possibile lack of abilities to do so, but your storytelling made me wonder about all the plot points and ideas that could theoretically have occurred to these characters and I simply could not contain the excitement of portraying them. I wrote a fic, which currently is on a hiatus, but which allowed me to develop a more cohesive style of writing and gave me inspiration for other works and projects that are either also on pause at the moment or still too small to even mention. I gained support, found a community, met new people who became my friends and in particular cases even more than that, and it has all been granted to me thanks to your creativity and the inspiration I got from it.
So what I'm trying to say is, thank you. For writing. You're really awesome!
okay this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days, mostly bc im just. so blown away and overcome by emotions by this ask. like, i genuinely have no words on what to say to such a heartfelt little story!! i guess all i can say is Thank You; for enjoying the stuff i write, for loving it so much, you let yourself be inspired by it. there is literally no higher praise for anyone's art or writing than hearing "this brought me happiness. this inspired me to do my own things and find my own people. this made me find joy in the own things i create." and sometimes i think this is really just what art and writing is all about; this communication and sharing, to reach out to eachother with a "hey i have this idea and i would like you all to hear it". god im tearing up just thinking about it.
i'm so very happy you have found joy and a community. thank you for loving my creations as much as you do, and i hope, you'll find many more joyous things that you'll end up loving just as much, if not even more. thank you for this message!!❤️
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