#bc those tags are barren
weathertheraine · 1 year
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The littel guys !! :D I know it’s more trendy to have daisuga be rabbit + bear… but cmon, teddy bear Asahi is too good!! Daichi is a German Shepherd (herding dog with a big loud bark, but also a friendly puppy when hes not Working) and Suga is a HARE, not a rabbit. And there’s a difference.
(I’ve done these animal assignments before where I just gave them ears, along with the rest of the team - here!!)
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kakusboyfriend · 1 year
Man I forget that not everyone likes the villains I like so youll straight up see posts like The hero should've just bashed their head in and it's
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skullzy20 · 2 years
Hi I wanna apologize for the big lack of art and just general posting recently, SAD has just been kicking my ass and has drained me completely
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0rchidm4ntis · 2 months
SOBS BC YOUR ADDED TAGS HAVE RUINED ME FURTHER!! just,,, imagining the emotional realization that lilia has when he becomes aware of the fact that little silver is the reason why he's finally purring. this human child, the blood of his greatest enemy, has awakened such a great and powerful love within his barren and shielded heart to the point where he's instinctively purring to soothe any tears or simply to express a level of peace he hadn't even realized that he was experiencing? and that the boy doesn't know any different, doesn't know that his father has never purred, not once in nearly seven hundred years, and instead toddles to lilia with bright eyes and a gap-toothed smile so innocent that it takes lilia's breath away as he squirms into his toto's lap and shyly leans his head on lilia's shoulder and asks for their special lullaby?
(mal finding them later; lilia still purring, eyes closed with faint traces of tear tracks on his cheeks and a thin, wobbly smile as he cradles his sleepy baby close, a hand unworthy and trembling against those silken strands of moonlit hair)
OH MY GOODNESS LETTIEEEE you don't know what a treat this was to find in my ask box 😭🙏🙏🙏 kicking my legs so hard rn!!
the thought of lilia, whose hands are drenched with the blood of silver's kind, who felt nothing but hatred for them for centuries for all they stole from the fae now holding so much love for this little human that his body can't contain the joy of it makes me want to weep. silver brings him so much peace and healing without even realising it, the gentlest of balms over lilias wounded soul..
and ahhhhhhh going even more insane over you pointing out that silver wouldn't know how significant this is bc he grew up with it!! he makes lilia so happy that the sound quickly becomes familiar, a source of comfort that he can indulge in whenever he's upset. his toto will simply craddle him in his arms while purring to make him feel better <3
the image of malleus finding the two of them together like this makes me so emotional my godddddd. the moment they're sharing is so tender and full of affection, it's so clear to see how much the boy has come to mean to lilia and how dear he is to his heart (and while I don't wish to spoil the mood, I can't help but spare a thought to the feeling of envy that's surely curling in malleus' gut at the sight. maybe in another life that could've been him 🥲)
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brandwhorestarscream · 6 months
Skywarp helping Thundercracker get over his depression by telling him to write fanfiction 🤌🤌🤌 like I’ve never considered it before but it’s now been ingrained in my brain that he’s a fanfic writer bc it’s very in character for him. And now skywards gotta figure out how to get Starscream to feel alive. Who knows how he does it. Is it science? Is fashion? Is it G1 starscreams favourite hobby of being a bastard?
It’s probably not that…
I'm glad you asked! I think we've got a pretty great idea for what he does for Starscream
So, Vos is a flying city, right? It's way, waaay up in the atmosphere, barely a gleaming speck when viewed from the ground, and it has no set day or night cycle due to it constantly moving independently of Cybertron's rotation. As a result, though the acid rains they produce nourish the vast crystal flora on the planet beneath them, Vos is entirely barren. It's environment is entirely unfit for crystals and they can't thrive, bleeding their color til they turn gray and shattering to dust within mere hours. Because of this, most Vosians have never even seen a real crystal flower before.
This is where Skywarp comes in. Starscream can only pursue his love of science, of exploration, of the unknown in the palace's vast library. This sort of thing would put Skywarp to sleep, but there's always fire in the prince's optics when he's glued to a textbook or meticulously scanning through advanced theories, and it's clear he's boundlessly curious. He'd love to do some proper hands on science, but it's not necessary for his future as the Winglord to know advanced physics or xenobiology, so the current ruling trine wouldn't approve. In a perfect world, Skywarp would love to see a laboratory space installed in the palace, but seeing as that's not going to happen anytime soon, he sets his sights elsewhere
The idea comes to him after a portrait catches his eye in the halls while he's escorting the prince and his fiance. It's a beautiful painting, lovingly crafted and flawless perfection down to the tiniest detail. It depicts Starscream's carrier, visibly sparked, his chassis glowing softly with the life he carries and belly perfectly round. He's seated in his throne, a regal, serene smile on his face, posture perfect and arms tenderly cradling the swell of his midsection. It was a commemorative painting to celebrate the Winglord's first concieved children, but that's not what garners his attention. No, it's the background: the second Lord of Vos is surrounded by glistening white crystal flowers, reflecting light in rainbow dapples. They're gleaming and glittering and only serve to make him glow with a heavenly backlight.
He asks Starscream if those were real flowers, and he responds that of course they were. It may have been before his birth but he knows perfectly well that his sire would never spring for anything less than the real deal. Skywarp asks if he's ever seen a crystal flower before, and Star kind of sighs, rolling his optics and shaking his helm. Of course he hasn't.
And that prompts Skywarp to suggest that maybe he should.
Starscream scoffs because that's ludicrous. Importing flowers has an asanine price tag, and they shatter within mere megacycles. The dust gets everywhere. He's seen pictures, that's plenty.
But Skywarp jumps in, insistent, "No, I mean, you should grow your own!"
Starscream barks a single, bitter laugh, because surely he must be insane. Crystal flowers dont grow in Vos, it's impossible!
Is it impossible?
Skywarp can practically see the gears turning in his head, and goes in for the kill.
He suggests that Starscream experiment. Research. Learn. He's read plenty of books on botany, right? Sorted through academic papers and knows Vos's atmosphere extremely well. If anyone could figure out a way, it would probably be him. Crystal gardens are a common sight amongst the houses of grounders nobility; why should they have anything the seekers don't?
It takes him a long time, a lot of trial and error and a lot of research, combing digital foreign libraries and maybe even writing to botany professors from Praxus or Crystal City. Starscream noticeably changes, becoming brighter and more exuberant now that he has a hobby he truly enjoys. The shelves in his room start filling up with various pots of ground metal soil from the surface, full of seeds and withered half-sprouts, and he's always got his face in a notebook, scribbling away new theories and notes and recording data, tweaking his hypotheses and trying everything he can think of. Thundercracker is always nearby reading his latest romance novel or writing his own fantastical ideas down, and Skywarp is always there too, watching over them and thoroughly enjoying just how happy they look.
And sometimes 🤭 multiple nights a week, Skywarp takes him down to Cybertron. Checking out the gardens and wild fields of flowers around Praxus, maybe even wandering through the delicate forests surrounding Crystal City. Star takes samples and observes them with intense scrutiny, and buys hundreds upon thousands of seeds for his experiments. Skywarp has never seen him so happy, so excited, when his first crystal seed sprouts.
It's after months of work and trial and error, but miraculously, it finally happens: a shy little blue crystal sprig, poking out of it's pot by less than a pinkie's width, but it's there! Starscream is overjoyed, mumbling to himself a mile a minute and rushing to triple check the sample ID and write everything down, as well as begin mass replicating that batch to see if they can get more to grow! He's smiling so widely it looks like his cheeks may become sore, and his wings are fluttering behind him, actually fluttering, he's so pleased with himself. Skywarp lends a hand preparing more pots and flower boxes, and when Thundercracker arrives he congratulates his fiance wholeheartedly. Maybe his endeavor even inspires the blue seeker to write some more 🤭 it may not have been the chemistry lab work ups Starscream used to dream of, but the thrill of scientific experimentation and discovery feels just as good as he thought it would, and for the first time in a long time... he truly feels happy. Content. Fulfilled. And it's all thanks to this lovely courtesan. That night Skywarp puts on the best show he can, and who knows? Maybe someday, he'll be able to dance for them with petals falling from the sky 💖
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birb--birb · 8 months
OC Associations: Cassius
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Tagged by @cleric4vampire, thank you for getting me to think more about my boi! It was really great for fleshing his character out more:)
Animal: something about him says hyena to me, is it bc hyena ears make the potion of bloodlust and its busted on a barbarian? Maybe, but small carnivorous wild dog also fits him
Colours: teal, rust red
Month: November
Songs: Popular Monster by Falling in Reverse, September by Sparky Deathcap, Hayloft II by Mother Mother (heres his playlist if you want, its a wip still)
Number: 3
Day or night: day 
Plants: rue, hyacinths, celosia, columbine (possible interpretations in tags)
Smells: dry dirt, leather, black pepper, licorice root
Gemstone: quartz
Season: late fall, those days before first frost when the land isn't yet barren, but close. 
Place: dead woods, dry grasslands 
Food: Crusty bread, any kind of spiced cookie/baked goods, curry. Kinda left field but I think he'd be delighted by popcorn.
Astrological sign: Scorpio or sagittarius maybe?
Element: air 
Drink: rum, honey and ginger tea, really strong chai
Tagging anyone who would like to also yell about their Tav/Durge/OC to join <3
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bookishjules · 24 days
got a voice message from the girls i babysit (but haven't been this summer) today. eleven minutes of the most life-giving conversation that was at times completely incomprehensible bc of the extent to which they were talking over one another. at one point, the 13yo says that she loves my poetry. that she misses my poetry. she says that she used to get to read my poems on the bus home from school, implying an amount of reverence for those moments. when she would ask how my day was and if it wasn't the best day, a lot of times i'd say i had written a poem and then i'd pull up the tumblr post, because she always always wanted to read it. i'd forgotten how much i appreciated hearing her thoughts on my poetry. or on the topic they were exploring. our mutual fondness for sad things allows for a great amount of incredible discussions about literature and the world. and i miss that. i miss her. i miss writing poetry. she asked if i'd written any poems lately and... it almost hurts knowing how barren my poetry tag has been this summer. the world had been so wearisome that any imagery that does appear in my head slips through my fingers just as fast. but maybe when school starts again.. maybe i'll find my flow again. hopefully i will. if anything, to give my 13yo some more fond memories of our time together before it comes times for us both to move on.
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svturn-exe · 1 year
some snipes info bc i love that guy <3 long post under the cut !
⚡ sniper's trenchcoat is missing the left arm. this has a practical purpose (not getting in the way of his weapon arm) but is also a reference to his sexuality, being a gay man. literal cut-sleeve
⚡ his grasp on things like morality and social convention is tenuous at best. sniper was created somewhere in the ballpark of a week before the apocalypse, so he didn't have much time to spend around people in a "normal" environment then of course everything goes to shit and the chaos brings out the worst in most people. sniper spends somewhere around 50 years around the gradually dwindling human population, during which he really gets to see some of the worst of what humanity has to offer. he eventually had enough of this (read: "if it sucks, hit da bricks") and went on his own way, mostly ignoring and avoiding other people (human, machine, & synthetic alike) for another ~100 to 150 years
⚡ snipes got the grand majority of his scars during those 50 chaotic years immediately following the end of the world, including the injury that stripped a lot of the skin and muscle from his jaw & lower cheek area
⚡ he has difficulty emoting because a lot of the muscles that would control facial movement (the bottom half of it, anyway) are either damaged or completely gone. he can move his upper lip, but not much. most of sniper's emoting is done via eyes & brows
⚡ sniper clacks/snaps his teeth when he's angry. it IS a threat, and will often be the last warning you get to back off before you get the electric chair treatment (thank u to michael for the idea :3)
⚡ it's also difficult for sniper to clearly pronounce some sounds, and he just straight up can't produce 'm' or 'p' sounds because he doesn't have a bottom lip to use
⚡ i mentioned in the tags of another post that sniper gardens when he isn't electrocuting people. basically, while exploring the ruins of a city, he happens upon a lab/bunker, and inside he finds these rows of pods. inside these pods are human children in suspended animation, locked away by their parents who were hoping to spare them the worst of the calamity in the hopes that things would get better one day. sniper decides they can wait a little longer. it'll be hard enough for them, waking up 200 years in the future with their families all gone, but there's no reason they should then also have to live in a destroyed scarred wasteland. so he makes it his mission to green up this city and make it a nicer place to live :] i'm sure his methods for doing so will be very normal and not at all kind of fucked up! ⚡ sniper kills his fellow organic machines & synthetics to harvest their "hearts" to use to power drones he pieces together to assist in the task of tending to the city garden. this is what i meant when i said he electrocutes peopl e
⚡ eventually, kitbash (another oc i have to draw eventually .) shows up at the city garden and while she's marveling at the patches of greenery in an otherwise barren waste, sniper tries to kill her. they're pretty much at a stalemate because girlie is an engineer/mechanic. she's Strong ok. eventually she says the magic words that prompt snipes to stop trying to kill her and start trying to give her a tour and showing her how everything works :) the whiplash doesn't kill her but it comes close. they get to the part where sniper tells her the garden is powered by peoples' hearts and she says that's fucking stupid you're stupid there are better ways to do this shit I'm Taking Over. and sniper goes uh . ok??
⚡ one day sniper finds an artificial (human) heart in an old world hospital and decides he can do something with this! people are apparently not typically ok with being killed (oops) and while the majority of the bodies of the organics & synthetics he wrecked to harvest their cores are in Very bad shape, there has to be enough usable material between them to mash them together and make a New one. this is a great idea i'm sure
⚡ sniper pieces a bunch of salvaged parts together into a new body, puts the artificial heart in there, and as he's getting ready to dr frankenstein that bitch kit walks in and is like . why the Fuck are you making. weird corpse effigies in here and sniper goes oh that's a wonderful name for them actually ^_^ and eletrocutes the body until it wakes up and that's how effigy is born
⚡ snipes' weapon arm can grow back if it is cut off, but it'd hurt like hell and he would prefer not to have to go that
⚡ sniper's body produces an immense amount of bio-electricity that he must discharge periodically or else risk causing damage to himself or his surroundings in the event of violent accidental discharges. the nerves in sniper's arms are mutated & highly specialized
⚡ he can project electricity from his hands over distances of up to 50 yards, but it's definitely a lot less precise. it's definitely at its most effective when he can physically get his hands on whatever - or whoever - and just really pump it full of volts
⚡ his body is adapted to be able to handle a ton of volts, but he's only resistant, NOT immune. if sniper goes overboard he can seriously fuck himself up
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
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Omg so I saw your tags on that one gif set I reblogged and it made me think of what would happen if Maxi, who had no clue that Jude was there because it's a surprise, went up to his room, opened the door and saw this!
(Also, this is one of my favorite gifs of him)
literally me as soon as I saw this in my inbox:
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And I can say it would definitely depend on the day; I see likely one of two ways:
If Hex and Rora saw Maxi had been working a lot lately and decided to smuggle Jude in to cheer him up (not that they would ever to admit to that, ofc), he would probably walk in a little bit exhausted, loosening his tie — and just linger in the doorway for a minute, processing. “Aw, man.” He’d walk over, still looking tired but unable to stop smiling. “I must be havin’ one of those really good dreams.” And then immediately just flop over on top of Jude in a hug, and nuzzle his way under his jacket. “Nobody better wake me up, or I’m gonna be pissed.” He’d be content to just lay there cuddling for a while, catching Jude up on everything that was going on with them at the mortuary (and with Seth/Vincent/They Who/whoever was the biggest pain in their collective ass at the time) and then wanting to hear how the other Mathesons were doing and wanting to hear about the bookshop, and the Barrens, and everything else while fiddling with Jude’s hair or his beard or something he was wearing, just as an excuse to keep touching him. (If he’s tired enough, he might even fall asleep on top of him for a bit to the sound of Jude’s heartbeat, but feel like an awful host when he finally woke up and insist on at least making him a proper dinner to make up for it :’D)
If everything was going pretty well, and Jude was just swinging up to say hi/surprise him, then he would immediately yelp with delight and take a semi-flying leap (or as much as he can manage lmao) to pin him down in a hug and just absolutely pelt the man with kisses. There might be some actual giddy feet kicking involved, the man cannot help himself when his Person is around. He’d still want to hear about everything new with Jude, just maybe between making out at least a little lmao. Then provided they don’t get distracted fooling around, he’d see if Jude wanted to go out to any of their usual haunts (some figurative, like the cafe, some literal, like the cemetery) to get food/just hang out, insisting that if he came all this way he wanted to at least take him somewhere fun. Wherever they went, he’d likely be happily chatting away about his most recent services, or the last town council meeting where he’d already brought up ideas for the local Halloween event, or the CEO who mysteriously got fucking eaten and he’s pretty sure he might know the rougarou involved and he seemed nice enough the last time they met just kinda quiet, or Rora’s latest attempt to reanimate something she was calling “Reba” (but that last one might take some explaining best not done in public lmao)
Either way, he would be absolutely delighted, and likely a tiny bit flustered, because lord knows Maxi can’t look anyone he likes in the face for too long without going kind of starry-eyed and a smidgen of blushing lmao.
Thanks for taking the time to send this in, babe! 🥰 this was super cute to find — I can definitely see why this is one of your favorite .gifs of him, it made me have to avoid giggling whenever I looked at it so I didn’t attract attention to myself while I wrote this lol. 😂
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I’ll match yours with this one, bc look at that smile. That’s definitely going to show up when he sees such a nice surprise waiting for him lmao.
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koithelittle · 10 months
please please write more cg!wilbur! i'm new to regressing and wilbur is my comfort, there's really not enough agre positive fics on here for wilbur and that makes me really sad :( your writing is so good and i loved the little christmas one you wrote! i'll be here patiently waiting for more 💛
I have sooo many plans for cg!wilbur!! wil is like my primary comfort of all time so I seek alot of that more when I'm regressed<3 the wilbur agere tag is sooo barren so I'm happy to fill it!! (I'll also tag a few agere creators who make things for wil (aka some of my mutuals!))
thank you so much!! I was so nervous about the Christmas one bc I really leaned into the self indulgent and I felt I rushed it but I'm very happy you enjoyed it!!
I have a few fics I'm working on so those will be out soon !
some wilbur agere creators; @wilmaslittleflower @littlesakura-anon @littlerosiesoot
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sungbeam · 1 year
hello i am throwing rocks at your window (a la ain't no romeo hj (i have not yet finished reading said title)) and also scaling the walls and eating cobwebs bc by reading rescue protocol i reverted back to the Kevin Moon Brainrot™️ of '21,,, this is by no means your fault (it is, how dare you make me fall in love with kevin for the second time) but honestly that fic changed my Brain Chemistry, like i cannot wait to open my laptop so i can finally rb it with tags 🤩🤩🤩
anw while i'm here i NEED you to know that i am ITCHING to finish reading anr but i can't just yet bc as i said it's midterms szn for me so i'm basically making your series a reward HSJSDG
thank you for thinking about us moonlights (he is SO friends to lovers coded) and for making my heart clench at least 5 times in the span of 29k words
idk if i will be able to survive the chanhee and juhak ones but i am looking forward to more of your works (passes out)
omg pls i like how u say u haven't finished anr yet but u know abt the rock throwing HAHAHA but hello hello skfbskjf thank u sm for this ask chip, i literally saw it during my lecture just now and nearly forgot to actually, uhm,, pay attention LMAOO PLS DONT EAT COBWEBS those things r nasty, but kevin moon brainrot is not nasty 😋😋 i am so happy i could reignite that flame within u >:))
KSJDKSKDKD PLS I DIDNT REALIZE HOW MANY PEOPLE R ALREADY IN EXAM SZN 😭 i forget that my school is just late </3 but good luck and good skills on exams 😼✊🏼 u got this!! liu is not going anywhere haha
kevin moon is deffo f2l coded like how could u not wanna be friends w that man??? and then slowly fall in love w each other until there's nothing else to do but exchange vows— but im glad to have contributed to the sad and barren state of kevin moon tumblr 😭💔 one day, i will contribute even more. there r so many things i have for him wasting away in drafts... maybe /i/ need to start eating cobwebs o_o
bro chanhee's and juhak's........ im sure you'll be fine 😁😁😁 uhm haha *scratches head* ANYWAYS looking forward to what u think abt the remainder of anr as well !! i remember seeing ur rb of ,,, party people??? but yes, it was so nice talking to u chip, good luck on exams!! 💖💖💖
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funfetticandle · 2 years
Quick Note: Guys, I may be going on hiatus for a little while 😭 school just started up again and history has really been whooping my ass— to those who requested, I’m almost done with most of the pieces! I’m so so so sorry they’re taking so long, even though u guys requested in like december :’( anyways I just wanted to get that out and remind everyone I’m trying my best to squeeze these fics out of my barren dumbass brain lol
BUTTTT here’s a cute lil avatar (WoW) x reader idea (sorry to those who wanted rottmnt content)
So like, almost everyone agrees that the Navi purr (based on what I’ve seen in hcs) but when I was scrolling through the tag, I noticed it was only Omatikaya Navi who were given the purring hc. SO— how about a Metkayina Navi Character x a purring Omatikaya reader???
idk who the character would be (ngl I kinda want it to be tsireya or roxto— im so obsessed with these fish ppl teenagers it’s unbelievable) but like, reader and them are just doing something that involves physical touch (no sexual shit though) and reader is enjoying it a lot so they instinctively purr and (insert Metkayina character here) is just like “what 🗿😳” bc their clan doesn’t make noises like that-
ik it sound crazy but I am in love with this idea it’s unbelievable
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gnomewithalaptop · 7 months
Ok, finally getting to those other Asks I wanted to do. So the TAU blog reblog of ur "The last time I saw you (you were so young)" fic post, u said this: "'LISTEN I know I’m meant to be working on that one longfic but my mother told me a story about my deceased grandmother & then I just blacked out and wrote this idk what to tell you", I thought for a sec, u were talking about: "The Man Who Knew the Future You" (I love the idea of Alcor meeting a past Mizar; prob. so weird for both, lol), 2/?.
(Continuing on from my Last Ask(s)): , but then I realized u were prob. talking about "Cue the Sun" instead actually, which I found out from the Ask from toothpastecanyon asking: "What is cue the sun? 👀" (having trouble linking links), & now, I am obsessed w/ that idea/it. Like, a civil war, a R!Ford Mom having a R!Gideon (of all people) Troubled teen of all people (it's also cool to see more Ford & Gideon stuff in TAU & R's of them too), trying to find something to win the civil war 3?/?.
(Continued from Last Ask(s) again, sorry for how many Asks): , but then them finding like a 2016 (I think it was 2016) Gravity Falls and meeting a skeptical and/or sus. Stan (Stan meeting reincarnations of his brother and enemy and/or past enemy, man, oh man) and the OG Mystery Twins (Dipper and Mabel, right? Awesome. That/This should be very fun), and they all think it is 2016, and not, 7098 (man, the year differences is gonna be strange &/or confusing for everyone), &/or etc. 4?/?
(Continued from my Last Ask(s) again): Like, sign me up for "Cue the Sun"! And it is gonna be a longfic (probably)? Like, even if it wasn't, I would still be interested in it, but it being a longifc is even better (as a Gravity Falls, TAU, and/or etc. fan even more esp.). The map(s) u did for "Cue the Sun", & the thought u are putting into "Cue the Sun" is amazing. 4 or 5?/?. The next 1 should hopefully be my Last Ask. I didn't realize the/my Asks would get this many.
(Continued from my Other Asks. Just 1 more after this): Is there any more "Cue the Sun" posts besides that Ask I mentioned in my other Ask(s)? When I try searching up "cue the sun" on ur blog, this is all I get "Sorry, no results for cue the sun". I didn't even get that Ask I talked about, that literally has "cue the sun" in the Ask. Tumblr's Search can be so bad sometimes. Anyways, really excited for "Cue the Sun", whenever that is. & I love ur other TAU fics and posts too! 5 or 6?/?.
(original cue the sun post)
Oh dude. Dude. Never apologize for sending too many asks -- getting this in my inbox literally made my day. To your first question: yes! The longfic in question is Cue the Sun -- I'm still working through it rn, and I'm hoping to start publishing sometime this summer/fall -- woot woot graduation time! Right now, it's looking to be about 6-7 long-ish chapters? Which is def a longfic in my book lol (I'm trying to get it all written out before I start posting -- that way I can keep with a consistent update schedule)
I am SUPER excited about it though -- I've been having a blast working through the twists and turns of it all and making sure all the pieces fit together (and dropping Easter Eggs to as many other pieces of TAU lore as possible lmao)
But yes! OG Mystery Twins are 16-17 y/o Mabel and Dipper Pines, Stan is extremely sus (but lbr that's par the course for him), and Olya and Fatima (r!Gideon and r!Ford) are about to have the worst week of their lives.
Featuring: dead sisters who haunt the narrative, utopian society models gone wrong, weapons of mass destruction, the long-term effects of magical radiation (i.e. what happens when you stick a Chernobyl disaster inside Gravity Falls), and narratively significant golf carts
FINALLY: you can find all my writing posts under #this-is-gnomes-writing-tag, but since you're the second person to express interest in this fic, I'll start tagging Cue the Sun stuff with #cue the sun. Right now there isn't really much there (read: it is a barren wasteland) bc I tend to just vague post about things, but I'll make sure to tag any future excerpts/asks/milestones
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If I Wrote the Reboot, part 6
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four | Part five
As of now, I am dedicating each part to a person. This part is dedicated to @dungeons-are-too-cold bc they keep leaving me really nice comments, if you want to be tagged in one of the later parts, let me know!
Garcia's first case back at the BAU
"Garcia, oh thank god," Emily says as Luke and Penelope get off the elevator together. "I am so glad you decided to come back, our new tech just quit and I had no idea what I was going to do if you didn't come back. I know this is only temporary, but if I still don't have a new tech by the time we're done with this network, can you stay until we find one?"
Penelope opens her mouth to say yes, of course, but Luke sent her a look that said, "Don't push yourself, don't agree to too much, put yourself first for once in your life." This was the reason he had asked her to re-join instead of Emily.
"I don't know," Penelope replies. "I don't even know if I'll be able to do this whole thing with you guys. I'll try my best, I promise, and I love you guys, but I gave so much to this job... and I almost lost myself because of it multiple times. I can't risk that again. I'm here because I want to be, but I need to know you'll let me go if I need to. Pretty much my whole life I've put anyone and everyone before me for everything, and I finally need to do some things for myself."
Emily smiled, albeit a bit sadly. "Of course. I understand. I mean, that's the whole reason I went to London. As long as you want to stay, we'll have you, but as soon as you need to leave, we'll support that too."
"Well since you are here, at least for a bit," Rossi says. "We should probably get you set back up in your office."
"Right, of course." She turns to Luke. "You're going to help me, right?"
"Of course."
They walk down the familiar hallway down to her old office and flick on the lights. It feels barren and empty, but it's nothing some good ol' Penelope Garcia magic won't fix.
They get to work, her powering on all her computers and him taking some items out of her box to start putting all over her desks. "I didn't even know you had this picture," he says.
She turns to see which one he's holding, and her face lights up in a smile. "Yeah, it's my favorite." The picture is of the five of them, her, him, Roxy, Lou, and Sergio. Her arms are around the pets, and his arms are around her, kissing her on the cheek. "It's our family photo." She takes it from him and places right beside her main computer. Then, she reaches into the box and produces a very familiar squeaky cat, which finds its home right next to the photo.
"Wow, I get front and center with the main computer? I feel special."
"As you should. It is a highly-esteemed place of honor."
Almost no sooner are they done setting up than she was getting the notification for a new case.
"Guess it was too much to expect the peace to last, huh?" She asks.
"In this job? Absolutely. I'll help you set up the presentation."
"Don't worry, I can do it, I've done it a million times before."
He grabs her hand. "Penelope. I'm not offering help because I don't think you can do this alone, I'm offering my help because you shouldn't have to. I know you hate crime scene photos, and this stuff is really, really bad, so I don't want you going through this alone. We just talked about you doing too much and putting yourself first."
Knowing he's right, she concedes. "Fine. Let's get this over with."
"Are those the only names you need me to run?" Penelope asks Luke and JJ over the phone.
"Yeah, for now," JJ tells her.
"Done and done, I will run them for you and bring you my results forthwith!"
"Thanks, Newbie," Luke says, before promptly hanging up.
JJ stares at him, agape. "Did you just-"
He holds up a hand, silencing her, and silently begins to count on his fingers. One... two... three...
As if on cue, his phone rings again, and he picks it up.
"Luke Alvez, you have better not actually just said that to me and then hung up," comes Penelope's (slightly furious) voice.
"I love you," he croons into the phone.
Flustered, she stammers. "I- uh..." she huffs, indignant. "I love you too." With a click, she is gone again.
Luke smirks and pockets his phone, then turns to JJ, whose eyes are still as wide as saucers. "Is that... all it takes for her to stop being mad at you?"
"No, that's all it takes for her to stop being annoyed at me. Occasionally. If she's actually mad at me, which is rare, by the way, don't go ripping my head off, it takes a lot more sucking up and owning up to my mistake than just a simple 'I love you.' Although, I do still say it a lot."
JJ makes a noise of comprehension and approval. "Smart man."
"A man who knows how great he has it and would be damned if he messed it up and lost it," he corrects.
After their case is over and the team is back, Penelope is there waiting for them, just like she used to be.
Luke's whole face lights up at seeing her, even after being together for two years and living together for one. He's the first to go to her and hug her, he finally feels like he's allowed.
"Hey, no Penelope hogging," Tara calls. "You get her 95% of the time anyway, leave some for the rest of us."
"Aw, you're fighting over my affection." Penelope sighs, bringing a hand to her chest. "You do all really love me."
Rossi gives her a pointed look. "And don't you ever forget it."
Part seven will be linked here when ready
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dailypokemoncrochet · 2 years
Maybe I'm overly rejection sensitive, but I look at this spreadsheet of which social medias I've posted my crochets to and it's so funny to me that Imgur is noticeably barren and I didn't even bother with Ravelry
I made the list back when I was trying to suss out where I could get the best feedback from (Tumblr obvs lmao) and in Imgur I got routinely downvoted early on, and Ravelry was stuck up about me wanting to post some patterns. So I very quickly stopped posting on either of those.
Tumblr so far has been best for me because I'm more consistent here and this is what I consider my "main" platform. The most complete showing of my art as well as other personal tidbits (blogger lore) and misc pokemon and crochet and blog thoughts and rambles.
Reddit has been mostly good (I'm love hating the new post insights because I am fascinated with all these numbers (thousands of views?? Invisible) and I want to know WHO is downvoting and making the upvote rate 97%) (and I am salty and jealous that other people's work reach tens of thousands of views more easily than mine (but that's a me issue not reddit))
Twitter is okay? I keep trying to structure it like Tumblr which really doesn't work and also it feels so much more VISIBLE and PUBLIC and kinda scares me. But there's a handful of people who I think only know me through there and consistently like my art so I'm still there for them ♥️. One thing I like about Twitter is that I can "log" all of my crochets in one Twitter thread and it doesn't get obscenely long like it would in Tumblr so I confidently know that I have crocheted # of Pokemon and on which days
Facebook has real people some of whom I know irl and I feel weird about all of that so I haven't refilled its scheduled queue in..a while
Instagram I love for the focus on just my art but I do not like the platform itself or the way tagging works there. Also somehow there's always a bot promoting themselves on my stuff how rude. I forget it exists until my mom says something (she got an Instagram just to follow me) and then I'll post a random thing.
Does Patreon count? I post like 4 things consistently on a monthly basis because I don't want to flood anyone (who actually pay for the content?? Wild. Love it) with notifs (bc then I lose the money!!). But it's very different from the other places because people interact with the polls there, they get patterns, I put all the photos into neat collages. It's so disorganized as a platform tho and difficult to work with. I'm always yoyoing about if I want to continue it or not (pros: dollars! polls where patrons can engage anonymously and directly! ) (cons: connect all the dots bc I don't want to: hustle culture, monetizing hobbies, work for a living, paywalling content, clunky ui)
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new-timeline-new-me · 4 years
so earlier I was talking with some friends (i’d tag them but TUMBLRS NOT LETTING ME) anyway we started talking about halloween plus the hargreeves and I couldn’t stop thinking about it so now I’m making a post :)
ok costumes. a big part of halloween. klaus drunkenly called a family meeting just to ask what everyone’s costumes would be. they all admitted they either didn’t have one yet or they just weren’t dressing up. THen someone suggests that they dress up as each other and so they end up putting all their names in a hat and drawing
luther- he gets vanya and he just wears a button up shirt as loose as he possibly can and carries a ukelele around
diego- diego draws klaus and channels his inner bisexual™ to achieve the klaus look. he wears a hawaiian shirt (all the buttons are undone) he puts on sunglasses and wears jean shorts. to add the affect he grabs a boa.
allison- allison draws diego. she borrows some of the clothes from his closet and ends up deciding on his orange button up and jeans. she parts her hair and tries to match the waviness of diego’s . she ends up keeping his clothes bc men’s clothes are more comfortable also she looks hot
klaus- so klaus gets FIVE so he goes up to his old room and pulls out one of his old uniforms that is way to small for him and its basically a crop top with a SKIN TIGHT BLAZER. the sleeves wouldnt fuckin fit him so he cut them off. to make things better- or worse, i’ll let you decide- he cuts the shorts. he claims he’s aiming for the stripper look. he achieves it 1000%. also btw he carries an axe to “complete the look”
five- five thinks this is a stupid idea, but fuck it, they’re gonna make him do it whether he likes it or not. he draws ben. he pulls a charlie brown and just puts a sheet over his head. huzzah. 
ben- ben gets allison and he puts on a fancy dress. he looks absolutely STUNNING. also he tried to do something with his hair but ended up looking like medusa.
vanya- vanya gets luther and she just goes to some store and buys one of those shirts with abs
Tumblr media
yeah. like one of these bad boys. she also puts on a stocking hat with a monkey on it.
they decide not to tell each other who they got until halloween but if you have siblings you’ll know how shit goes down. not a single person’s costume is left a secret. 
they put klaus in charge of decorations and a conversation goes like this:
diego: i thought you were decorating for halloween 
klaus: i am 
diego: you're just hanging up pictures of five 
klaus: what? he's the scariest thing i could think of
then the phineas and ferb episode like the “he gives me the willes” lmao
on the outside five is rolling his eyes but he’s actually super touched that they think he’s scary <3
aLSo diegos in charge of picking out candy and he grabs an unholy amount of literally every candy imaginable. they eat a lot of it while waiting for trick or treaters.
luther, allison, vanya, and ben are in charge of handing out candy. 
all the kids think luther is super cool and they love him. he gives the kids like half a bag full of candy each.
they love allison and the kids parents like somewhat recognize her sometimes they do and then they start talking while the kids like mom lets move on. 
vanya compliments everyone’s costumes and lets them pick what candies they want specifically.
studies prove the kids who compliment ben’s dress and/or hair get 300 times more candy
LAst but Not LEAST klaus decides to take advantage of five’s thirteen yo look and makes him go trick or treating.
every time someone asks him what his costume is he says in the dullest, most monotone voice, “my dead brother”
if the person doesn’t respond right away he starts talking about how when he was thirteen he found his siblings dead bodies in the middle of a barren post apocolapse world and was then left to survive being the last person alive
he gives his trademark shit eating grin (yeah you know the one) and asks in the sweetest voice “may i have some candy please?”
the target™ at this point is traumatized at the words of this poor boy and fucking dumps a large amount of candy into five’s bag.
klaus is waiting right behind him nodding enthusiastically (still in the stripper outfit) with a lollipop in his mouth (also miming suprise and sadness with the dead bro story)
they do kennys mom at one point and she only gives him like two pieces
when they’re walking back five makes klaus carry him AND their fuckton of candy
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