athinasaurus · 2 months
Need to be Daddy!Daddy!Daddy!-ing on it so badly
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Okay after spamming taskmaster for the last half an hour I am giving in and asking the internet void if anyone else has read the wonderful “Should’ve been obvious” fic by unquiet spirit on AO3??? I NEED to discuss
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archivistsunbird · 5 months
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bobfishpresents · 3 months
❤️ Le Dépôt de Bruxelles 💕 One of my favorite comic book shops in Brusse...
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Le 8 novembre paraîtra aux éditions Petit-à-Petit le Docu BD "METAL", Un ouvrage collectif de 192 pages où chacun des talentueux artistes ont décrypté les styles/genres de metal à travers des Bds qui racontent et décortiquent cet univers musical…
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kkennymccormickk · 1 year
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vclvetfleur · 1 year
Obedient Chapter 16
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Summary: After your talk with Roman, Jess gives him some friendly advice. And Logan is now deciding on who to throw under the bus for the scandal. Based off of S2 E10 and S3 E1
TW: Mental health issues, NSFW (oral) 18+
Word Count: 4.6K
Notes: Sorry again for the slower updates. Bigger things are being planned for the story so bare with me.
Chapter 16: ken is def bd
Jess had just gotten back onto the yacht after making a trip out to the land to just explore. She saw Roman as he sulked. Roman had decided to just remain by himself, avoiding others, trying to distract himself from the massive fuck up he had put himself through. Jess would’ve never thought she’d do this for Roman in a million years, but she couldn’t help herself. She slowly walked to Roman, hoping not to startle him. “Hey, you guys talk?” She asked him.
Roman removed his sunglasses, looking at Jess completely defeated. “Fucking yeah- uh- yeah we did. She doesn’t wanna hear it.” He decided to open up rather than push. The trip to Turkey had made Roman realize the way he pushed and didn’t talk about his feelings really put him in difficult situations. Any day could be his last.
“I’m sorry- what happened?” She sat down, trying to get all the details. There was no way she was going to get any of these details from you. Roman blew air out, trying to recollect every detail of the conversation to only cut it short enough. “Well- she said she doesn’t love me anymore. That it was before.” He tried to slowly remember all your words. He heard Jess scoff, rolling her eyes. “Bull-fucking-shit.” Jess lightly laughed to herself at how ridiculous the idea was. She had sat right next to you and was lying down. She saw your gaze behind your sunglasses. They were constantly on Roman. You just wouldn’t stop staring. You panicked and nearly had a meltdown because of his trip. You isolated yourself from the court hearings because Roman didn’t need you there. You mentioned him a lot. You would just bring up a funny thing Roman did weeks ago while hanging out with Jess or remember little moments that reminded you of Roman. You were still very much deeply in love with him. Whether you admit it or not.
“Yeah- well, that’s what she said. Uh-so, she said I can’t be forgiven easily. And this could never be what it was.” He shrugged, playing with the corners of his sunglasses. He fidgeted a lot while talking. He just stared off, trying to calm his thoughts. He didn’t know how you did it for him so easily. “That’s just- honestly, it’s just y/n telling you to chase. Just bug her. She’ll scream and yell at you, but trust me, she wants you to chase. She loves to lie about ‘leave me alone’, but as soon as you do, she’s not happy you didn’t run and slam her doors down for her to forgive you. She’s an attached avoidant. It’s her way of- don’t even fucking know.” Jess shrugged, trying to explain your personality to Roman. Jess has seen you do this with everyone; Friends, boyfriends, and family. You would scream at your friends, go hide, and then expect them to come to you. But when they didn’t you told Jess and villainized them. You expected your family to eventually come back. You don’t want them back anymore. The timing has been too long.
“I’m just glad you made y/n actually happy for a bit. I would hate for her to lose that. Despite my distain for you Roman.” Jess admitted. Roman appreciated the sentiment. “Fucking whatever- uh while you’re here and y/n isn’t. Can you get me a beer or something?” Roman teased. Jess flipped him off before leaving him alone. Roman now knew you better. He wasn’t going to let up.
The entire family was set at the table, including the older staff and you and Jess. Roman had made sure to save you a spot and fill the rest of the table up before you had come in with Jess. You took your seat next to him, waiting for Kendall and Logan to make their entrance in. “So, do you think they’re throwing little Greggy into the ringer?” Roman asked the table. Greg shifted in his seat, looking around nervously. “Hey man, not fucking cool- okay? I mean- just...” But he was cut off once Logan and Kendall entered. Roman just laughed at Greg’s anxieties being so present on his face. Logan had finally announced who would take the blame and have to step away from the company. Kendall. No one could speak. The air felt thick, and it felt as though even though all our hearts raced, they were all matching. Your stomach felt disgusted. You looked at Kendall, sympathizing for hearing Roman beginning to protest for his brother. He was the only one to do so. No one wanted to sacrifice themselves to Logan or the company. It was better if Kendall dealt with it then them because… well, it wasn’t them. Roman felt like it wasn’t fair. He couldn’t let it happen. Someone else was responsible and Kendall should have no part in being blamed for it.
But Kendall already accepted his fate. In fact, he stepped up to it. “Hey, it’s okay. Guys, you’re off the hook.” He cleared his throat as he put a napkin in his lap. No one was going to be able to eat after this. You had completely lost your appetite. Roman couldn’t believe what had just happened. His older brother, someone he saw being set up for greatness has just taken a nosedive. Roman leaned in and asked Kendall “You okay?” He couldn’t trust Kendall’s judgment. He knew how much the company meant to him. And for him not to be a part of it anymore, Roman knew it would destroy Kendall.
Kendall tried to put on a brave face and lied about being fine. But everyone knew this was going to become a spiraling downward spiral for Kendall. He was nothing without Waystar. His whole life was set up for Waystar. You put a hand on Roman’s shoulder, trying to relax him Everyone just then began to ask for themselves. Roman and Shiv didn’t bother to ask for themselves. Just kept quiet. Before Logan announced the new Chief Operating Officer.
He was shaken at all the news being through his way. He was happy, but so devasted at the same time. He just let out a heavy breath, unsure what to do or say.
Shiv took the news hard. Roman didn’t even want to believe the news, assuming he’d be watched over by Frank. But Logan promised it was the real deal. Roman was now COO. It was finally the real deal. His dad hadn’t been lying to him this whole time like everyone said. It was never Shiv. It was always him. He wasn’t too stupid or incompetent.
Kendall looked at Roman as if he had been stabbed in the back a thousand times by all his loved ones. It was the position he was meant to hold, now given away to his younger brother. Roman looked at him, unsure of how to accept the news, but told Logan he could do it. Kendall let a smile shine, before retracting it. Despite his failure, he was happy to see his younger brother be able to step up. He had faith in Roman. But Roman couldn’t accept it, but Kendall reassured him it was great. That he was happy for him. Kendall pushed everyone to go on with the dinner. But there was a kind of silence. Roman couldn’t eat. He just watched as everyone's forks and knives hit the plate, making that god-awful sound. You just tried to keep Roman calm enough on the outside. You breathed in and out slowly for him, having him follow your league in a quiet way so no one noticed what you both did. But Jess noticed. “Congratulations Rome, you deserve it. Really.” You whispered to him, taking a bite of your food. He nodded, finally deciding to eat after watching you eat. Dinner was awkward. Barely anyone spoke except Kendall and Logan from time to time to ease the awkwardness. But once everyone was finished, they scurried away into hiding like roaches with a flashlight on them. It was as if they’d be next to get the news they didn’t want to hear. Roman could barely move though. He was the last one there with you. You stayed for emotional support. “Hey- come on, let’s get up, alright?” You encouraged him. He was in a complete haze. You grabbed his arm, standing up and tugging. “Come on Rome- it’s alright, come on.” You continued. He just looked up at you, you weren’t sure what he was feeling. His face told you nothing. “I-uh- I finally fucking did it.” He laughed anxiously. He rubbed his face with one hand, roughly going over his jaw and mouth. “I mean- like- what the fuck was that, right?” He continued to just laugh nervously. You forced him up and tried to drag him to his room. “Do you think he was fucking with me? I mean seriously. You can weirdly read him. Do you think he was lying or-“he was ranting. His mind was going too fast. He couldn’t slow down. “Roman- I think he was serious. Now come on. Let’s just get you to your room. You can celebrate there.” You tried to redirect him. You fortunately got him to his room, but Roman could not stop talking about what just happened. He told you everything you just witnessed as if he recounted it to someone who wasn’t there. The door finally shut as you finally let go of Roman.
“I mean- just- y/n I mean come on- you saw that, right?” He reached out for you to comment on his success. But the door shut, leaving all of his excitement out the door as it finally hit him. “I fucking need you.” His mind spoke, before grabbing you once again, pressing you into him. He forced his lips on yours. You froze, not sure you were ready for this just yet. You pushed at first before finally giving in to Roman’s demands. You pushed his body against the wall, your hands roaming his body. His hands stopped yours, not sure if he was comfortable enough to let this go far enough. He pulled away, looking down at you, trying to catch his breath. “You still do like me.” He began to tease, leaning down to kiss you once again. You pulled away.
“Don’t remind me of what a bad idea this is.” You stood your ground. He nodded, watching you carefully.
“But- you didn’t want me back? Not even for a bit? Even if you were trying to get me to fuck you?” He questioned you. You rolled your eyes, denying it.
“Shut up, this is just your little ego boost now that you’re COO.” You denied your feelings towards Roman. He shrugged, knowing somewhat that it was true. Despite being sad about Kendall, the ego boost it gave him completely drove him wild. “Oh yeah- cause- y’know. It makes this so much hotter; don’t you think? You don’t wanna fuck the potential CEO?” He tried to tempt you. He might not fully be there, but he was willing to push his boundaries with you tonight. Especially since you were pissed at him. It was some way to gain control of himself.
The position of COO gave him confidence like no other. It was such a difference since 2 days ago after being taken advantage of in Turkey. He went from a hostage to a COO. You laughed at him, not trying to admit how much you did want him as badly as he did. You had gone months without touching him in any kind of sexual way. You went weeks without even seeing him naked or just in his boxers. You hadn’t allowed yourself to do anything with anyone else either because you weren’t sure it would feel right to do that to Roman. So, you obtained from everything, other than your own hand and toys. And a bit of fantasy you had.
“Oh yeah- cause I’m the slut who’ll fuck the next man in power.” You said in a sarcastic tone. Roman eyed you down before making a proposal to you. “Uhh- do you actually wanna do this though? Just- can we turn the fucking lights off while you just- I don’t know do whatever the fuck.” He never knew how to ask about these kinds of things properly. His sexuality was such a difficult thing for him to get into.
You looked at him, contemplating. “Well- I just-“ You thought, looking at him.
The desperation was apparent on his face. He wanted to be touched by you. He wanted to actually feel whatever you were willing to give him. But if he could avoid any discomfort of looking at himself along with other issues, he wasn’t ready to address.
The look he gave you, nearly pleading to be touched and loved by you, drove you to your decision. You walked to the wall, flipping the light switch off, and turning the lights off as Roman had asked you. You were lucky enough to be able to find his body. It wasn’t completely dark, there was some ability to make out what was in front of you. Your eyes would adjust soon.
Roman grabbed you, excited, but nervous to finally be able to do what everyone else did without it feeling like a chore. He wasn’t willing to actually go through with everything, but anything would be good. “Just tell me whenever you want to stop, okay?” You checked in with him before proceeding. You grabbed his hand and led him to the bed that remained in the middle of his yacht suite. You sat him down, straddling his hips. You sat down, grinding your hips against his, feeling him get hard almost instantly.
You pressed kisses down his jaw and neck, making sure not to leave marks. You didn’t want people to see their new COO with brand new marks on him with only the possibility being a few people that actually gave it to him. His mouth was closed shut, letting hums out. His body tightened as he felt pleasure taking over from simple kisses. It felt nice. He was comfortable enough. “Do you wanna take my clothes off or…?” You tested his boundaries. He nodded quickly, grabbing the end of your shirt before pulling it over your head and throwing it off somewhere. He hesitantly placed his hands on the curves of your waist, feeling them move slightly as you continued to grind into him. You tried to get yourself off in some way. You leaned down, kissing him. Your lips moved together softly, taking this slowly. You moved your hands down to his shirt to remove it before he stopped you. You removed your hands and placed them away from the end of his shirt. You moved yourself away from his lap, moving his legs apart. You leaned down, not breaking the kiss as you got down in front of him. “Tell me when to stop. You reminded him. You kissed down his jaw to his clothed chest before moving away. You laid your head on his thigh. He stared intently, nodding slowly to let you know he was okay to move on. You nodded back before undoing his hands for him. You nearly removed his pants before he stopped them at a certain point. He laid back, propping himself up on his elbows. He wanted to watch you. He hated the sight of himself but adored the sight of you. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He praised you, running his fingers through your hair. Your hands moved towards his cock before pulling it from under his boxers. You looked at Roman again, asking for consent to move forward. Your guidance helped him a lot more than he had expected. Without it, he would’ve stopped nearly immediately. “Touch yourself.” Roman demanded in a soft tone. He didn’t want to sound too controlling, but the neediness in his voice gave away the urgency of how much he wanted you to. You obeyed, licking your fingers before slipping them into the waistband of your shorts. You pressed your fingers against your clit before licking your other hand and stroking Roman at the same time as you touched yourself. His head threw back, biting his bottom lip to keep quiet enough. He couldn’t show off how desperate he truly was to finally be touched by someone. You picked up the pace, watching his reaction getting quicker and more dramatic. He never stopped you though. His head came back to watch you.
“Uh- fucking-uh just- fucking blow me or something.” He tried to get his thoughts in line but was too distracted by your touch. It was intoxicating. You giggled at how much of a mess he was. He needed you so badly. “Don’t fucking laugh.” He seemed almost offended. He held your head in his hand, not pushing or shoving you. Just following whatever he had seen in some kind of porn video he had seen, assuming this was right. “How bad do you need it though?” You asked, slowing down the pace, and pressing a kiss onto the tip. His body twitched, not expecting it to be so sensitive. “Really really fucking bad. Now please- just…” He begged before you finally did as he asked. Your lips wrapped about him, bobbing your head down and up. His lips were slightly separated as he let soft profanities slip through his mouth and whimpers. You picked up a quicker pace, learning what he liked very quickly. He wasn’t too hard to guess. His mouth hung open, his breathing getting heavier the closer he got. He finished quickly, embarrassed immediately as he did. He hid his face in a pillow and humiliated with himself. He wasn’t able to last longer than a couple of minutes. You got up, washing your mouth out, unsure how comfortable Roman would be to receive kisses from you afterward. You came back to see him sulking about being basically sexually inept.
“Hey-…” You sat on the bed, removing the pillow from his face. “Did you have fun at least?” You asked. He nodded, sighing.
“Yeah- Sorry- I just- Sorry I can’t fuck you properly.” He muttered the words out quickly. You let out a stifled laugh, shaking your head.
“Awe shut the fuck up. I had fun. Come on. It was sexy.” You tried to cheer him up. Despite not being able to even get yourself off, it was rewarding watching Roman enjoy himself enough. You planted a kiss on his cheek before getting up to turn the lights on.
“Did you- did you like it though?” Roman asked, insecure about his own abilities. You turned and nodded. “I had the best time Roman. It’s a huge step. I’m proud of you regardless…” You admit, planting another kiss on his lips. “Do you want me to stay over?” You asked. Roman nodded, moving himself to give you enough room on the bed. You scooted in, undressing into just a shirt and underwear before you got in with him. He stayed quiet, finally holding you again for the first time since Dundee. That had to be about 2 weeks ago at this point. He was just glad to finally have you back here with him. He wasn’t going to fuck this up anymore.
You both had fallen asleep fairly quickly.
When Roman woke up a deep set of emotions began to finally sink in. He was COO and Kendall was now going to take the blame. He had taken the job his brother had been waiting for his whole life. And it was all over for Kendall. Roman was conflicted. He was so excited and happy about the position but upset with his brother. This was an injustice done to Kendall. But they were going to have to do a press conference to push out the news. He wasn’t sure if the public would even accept him being COO. His reputation wasn’t the cleanest. He didn’t look fit for the job. But he felt he could do it. You made me feel like he could for the past couple of months. He was grateful for you.
Kendall had been sent out to the states while the rest of the family stayed back. Jess had left with Kendall, and she assured me Kendall was still keeping her on. She assumed he was going to need her for other ventures he might be planning to do.
You felt your stomach turning as you were watching the press conference. It felt sickening. Almost like watching a Shakespearean tragedy but modernized. “I can’t fucking believe this is actually real…” You whispered to Roman. He nodded, biting on his fingernails. He couldn’t either. Everyone watched as if it was watching a slaughter happen on camera. Kendall finally came into the frame before finally talking into the tens of microphones. You leaned in forward, anticipating his announcement.
Kendall then turned against his statements, trashing his father and the company on live television. He had notes set up. Roman got up and rushed to the common room that kept Logan and Shiv. You ran after him. “Fuck…” You murmured. You couldn’t tell if you should be happy or angry at Kendall. You were upset he would ruin his brother's new position, but glad he was standing up against Logan.
Logan watched, feeling a sense of pride. Kendall finally learned the game that Logan has been playing for decades. “We have to go…” Roman whispered to you. You nodded and followed his lead.
“I can’t- holy fuck- fuck- fuck-fuck!” You couldn’t believe what you watched. Roman stayed quiet. He was annoyed he ever felt sorry for the fucking asshole. This was his plan the whole time. He didn’t want to give up the COO position because he was trying to do good by their dad. He wanted to spite his father, even if it ended up hurting Roman too.
Roman’s memories of Kendall putting things before him, rushed to the front of his mind as Roman ranted to you about what an inconsiderate loser he was. How he never truly cared. How Kendall was a psychopath.
“I mean- what the fuck? Right? I mean he encouraged me for getting the COO position. And then he goes and does this? Is he fucking insane? Is he trying to put me in fucking jail or something? I’m too gorgeous to go there. Fuck no. Fuck that cunt.” He couldn’t stop ranting. It really hit you that he put everyone in the company in trouble. Anyone slightly involved could go to jail. This wasn’t just a feud. This was a war to Kendall.
“Ken’s not gonna send you to jail…” You tried to ease Roman’s thoughts. He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “No- no more defending that cunt. Kendall isn’t some sweet little no chin having sensitive latte sipper. He’s just as fucking crazy as all of us. He’s doing this out of some crazy drug-induced fucking psychotic break.” Roman called it out. But you weren’t sure if that was truly the case. Kendall did seem to have a lot of regrets and a lot of emotions towards the victims and the incidents that happened.
A slam on the bedroom door occurred, startling both of you. “Roman- get your hand out of your fucking pants and let’s fucking go.” One of the staff called out. You grabbed your stuff and rushed out. You got a look from everyone as they were just down the hall. Why would your stuff be in Rome’s room? Logan was too busy to focus on his son’s relationship with his assistant, not that Logan had any room to talk.
You had gotten into the helicopters, landed in a landing strip, and waited for the private jet to finally arrive. What a fucking nightmare. They didn’t even know where we would fly to and had no pilot for another idea.
Roman tried to ease his father, only getting insulted. Poor Hugo had to be stuck in a car with him. You frantically were texting Jess for updates. All she could tell you was that Kendall was completely out of his mind right now. She thought he was having some kind of midlife crisis. You both passed over information to each other, worried about where this would end.
But Jess thought Kendall was justified, while you were severely on the fence, especially since Roman could potentially see jail time for this.
You decided to stay out of all the discourse, unsure if it was any of your business.
Logan had been scarily silent. He wasn’t yelling anymore. Just genuinely curious and delirious. He had decided to call Kendall. That’s when the threatening began, and he was back to regular Logan. You overheard everything, rushing to Roman. “Hey-uh- how you holding up?” You asked.  
“Uh- well, my brother is a drug addict mentally ill man who wants to ruin us and my dad an angry delirious….” Roman began to whisper so Logan would hear. But he cowered under his father. Everyone did. Roman just fed into Logan’s game and tried to discredit Kendall.
“Uhh- I don’t know if this could help… But I’ve been texting Jess all day and she’s been texting me things we could use against Kendall.” You prompted, catching Logan’s interest. He raised an eyebrow and asked you to read the texts out loud. You nodded quickly, grabbed your phone, and read the texts out loud. “Ken is off his meds….. ken is going fucking nuts again…. I think naomi is feeding this fucker coke again there’s no fucking way….. uhhhh….. ken def is bd…. He’s hitting rock bottom….” You tried to pick out the texts and even handed the phone to Hugo to read them. “We could use this. This could be a source. Someone close to Kendall. It could work.” Hugo admits to Logan. Logan tried to think it through before finally deciding. “Whatever we could use on the ungrateful fucking bastard.” Logan grumbled under his breath.
Logan walked off, leaving you, Roman and Shiv alone. “Uhh- I-I-I don’t know why I just fucking did that…” You deeply regretted your decision. You put Jess up there now. Jess was now involved. Holy fuck. Oh no. Fuck FUCK FUCK FUuuuucCKK. HOLY FUCK.
“It’s alright. We gotta bring this fucker down.” Roman tried to settle it. “No! I- I don’t know why I involved Jess. Holy fuck… Oh god…” You panicked. Shiv got up quickly, wrapping her arms around you. She shushed you and tried to keep you from spiraling. “Shh- hey this is business. I’m pretty sure Jess knows that. You’ll be alright.” Shiv tried to remind you. “I mean look at Tom. You basically cooked him alive twice and he still thinks you’re a great asset.” Shiv tried to remind you. You nodded, trying to reason with yourself. Maybe this could be fine. It’s not like Jess was going to hate you. Kendall needed Jess. He was acting crazy anyways. He was crazy. You’ve seen how he’s been for the past couple of weeks. He’s gone insane.
Staff had been making calls constantly, trying to find some way to keep this calm. Roman tried to settle his emotions with jokes or insulting Kendall while Shiv kept to herself, trying to soothe herself. You just texted Jess, she was your one way to always relax.
You were scared to see where this was going to end.
Notes: Did people not like the last chapter? I barely got any attention on it and I thought it was a pretty good one.
Chapter 17
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shit-talk-turner · 11 months
Alexa's IG story showing tom sturridge at he bd party all happy holding the cake, that's what you look like in your loved one bd party, alex, take notes! And speaking of, does anyone have greg screenshot od alex looking miserable at paulines bd? I went to the archive here but it was only posted IG story links, they are obviously all gone
we don’t have a screenshot, but we’ll look for one. Does anyone have one handy?
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sondheims-hat · 1 year
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Some past Reciters from Pacific Overtures.
Mako (1976), Ernest Abuba (1984), Greg Baldwin (1985), Mikio Harata, (2001), Takeharu Kunimoto (2002), Joseph Anthony Ferona (2003), BD Wong (2004), Anton Berezin (2014),  George Takei (2017), Lisa Yuen (2019), Jason Ma (2023)
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Hi *snow white-s your steven universe*
Sooooo im going to ramble abt this au bc its my personal brainrot!! It basically started w me thinking abt steven🤝snow white=curly hair, everyones best friend, sings a lot, has family issues,,,and of course it has progressed into a full-time au
Basically wd is the queen, bd and yd are the sisters, pd is the 1st snow white. All the other gems are still the gems, but most of them sorta serve the humans??? And wd cannot leave pd alone, she feels miserable every day, and her story and relatonship with pearl is kinda the same as original. One day she uses a shapeshifting potion to become unrecognizeable and sneaks into the outer world as a cooker called rose. Then she meets garnet, bismuth and spinel, but she tries to slowly, quietly help the gems instead of making a rebellion. They become really close through the years, and at some point she meets greg, who is a hunter, they meet when he takes in the prey for the kitchen, and she pretends to be a cooker again. After a while she reveals him the truth, he accepts them, and they stay together(pearl dislikes him, the others find him funny, like in canon), rose tries to stay as far away from the palace as she can. Rose dies while giving birth to steven, white finds out about everything and kind of raises steven like he's the second pd. Steven grows up under a lot of pressure, yd and bd feel sorry for him, but are too scared to help, he doesn't like being the princess and the replacement, but at least he has greg, his loyal knight, best friend and crush connie and sweet people around him(like sadie, who is a bard, and lars, who is a baker). The gems constantly look after him too, they love each other!!!! He meets lapis and peridot somewhere along the way and befriends them. White pearl acts like the mirror in the og tale, once white asks who is the most perfect and she shows steven. Amethyst overhears, so she warns steven and he runs away to live in a small hut with the gems. That's how he lives for a while, then wd finds him and uses the same potion rose once used, then everything is basically the same with the original tale, except for steven is saved not only with connie's but also with the gems' and greg's love. And bd and yd might inherit the throne, but im not sure??? But everyone lives happily ever after.
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lexsiyette · 2 years
Hey guys! I'm LEXSIYETTE! It's your fellow theater nerd!
Normal blog: @lexsiyette
Oc ask blog: @ask-thembruvs
General Life Blog: @gettoknow-lex
Fandom's I'm in
Amanda the Adventurer📺
Little Shop of Horrors🌼
Anything Disney Princess related🏰
Rescue Team Academy (it's a fandom I created)
Steven Universe 💠
Wings of Fire🐉
Warrior Cats 🐱
Welcome Home 👀
Scott Pilgrim 💔
Peanuts 🐶
Back to the Future 🚘
Rainbow Friends🌈
Spongebob 🧽
Mystery Science Theater 3000 📺
KinitoPET 💻
Drawing, acting, singing, dancing, ranting, being creative
OCS TO RP WITH! (Please rp with me I'm lonely please please please)
Ex- Casual rp, he/him. Theater kid that works backstage, gay little boy 🎦
Lexsi- me 🤩
Tidepool (wings of fire)- SeaWing performer💦
HiddenBlaze (warriors)- Tabby she, medicine cat of BlisterClan (or RiverClan canonically) 🐾
K0811(creepypasta)- lil robot gal 💜🤖
Lucas Van Pelt (peanuts)- Self explanatory, Linus and Lucy's little cousin🩵
Olly Octavius (spongebob)- an orange teenage octopus from rock bottom! 🐙
Peridot 1-4L (Steven Universe)- hey, there are multiple peridots, this isn't the canon one🟢
Muscovite (Steven Universe)- a gray type of gem with lie detector powers🩶
Orange Pearl (Steven Universe)- a rebel pearl, summons a hand fan🟠
Newt (Fursona)- a lil actor Tiger guy who carries a lil doll🐯
Maggie (Welcome Home)- info can be found somewhere on this blog 👁️
Kai (scientist's daughter au)- strange girl I came up with, the crystal obsessed daughter of a scientist💎
Alex Hopper (Back to the Future)- Marty's best friend, a theater kid of course because I self insert a lot (no flame please) 🚘
Alexander Mackowics (fame)- trans broadway actor who is my dream self✨
Phoenix (wings of fire)- A gal from a tribe I created (TigerWings)🐅
Pop (wings of fire)- an animus BubbleWing🫧
FullMoon (wings of fire)- a WillowWing🌑
Leo (wings of fire)- a StarWing💫
Sandy (wings of fire)- a GlassWing🔍
Tulip (wings of fire)- a FlowerWing🏵️
PeridotPebble(warriors)- a cowardly gray tom who loves kits❇️
BurntFace (warriors)- a cat in a hat 🤩🎩
Lexsi Marinn- A Mystery Science Theater host! 📺
George Forrester- Dr. Clayton Forresters twinky grandson 🟢
My rp format: (insert descriptive parts here) "insert dialogue here"
Just Me
It's pronounced LEX-SI-YET! NOT LEX-SI-YET-I!
Or, call me Lexsi. Or Ex.
Be creative with my pronouns! Call me "frog" for all I care!
I'm Aroace 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
Favorite Actors: Roger Bart, Anthony Rapp, Jonah Ray, Joel Hodgson, BD Wong, Colin Mocherie, Nathan Lane, Brad Sherwood, Wayne Brady, Ryan Stiles, Greg Proops
Current Project: Books, OCs, becoming a Broadway star
I hope you have a nice day!
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《想見你》 完整电影中国 (2022) 電影版-在线免费票房[TW]
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現象級台劇 《想見你》,延續穿越愛情劇情推出電影版,將於12月30日上映。「鳳南小隊」柯佳嬿、許光漢、施柏宇與劇組,於雙北舉辦3天口碑場,邀粉絲提前看片,滿廳率高達98%,3天53場、10,037席座位數,票房破274萬元,榮登雙北新片票房冠軍。 想見你 線上看
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类型 : 悬疑, 爱情, 科幻, 奇幻 发布日期 : 2022-12-24 运行时间 : 107 分钟 导演 : Gavin Lin, Hermes Lu, Tien Jen Huang, Chi-Feng Chien, Hsin Hui Lin 明星 : Ko Chia-yen, Greg Hsu, Patrick Shih, Jin Shijia, Berry Wen-i Kuo
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read-alert · 20 days
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September TBR! Full titles under the cut!
Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex ed by Nat Smith and Eric A Stanley
King of the Rising by Kacen Callender
Dawn by Octavia Butler
The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice
Self Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix by AM McLemore
Dreaming of You by Melissa Lozada-Olivia
Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of Pillage of a Continent by Eduardo Galeano
The Immortals by Makenzy Orcel trans by Nathan H Dize
Relit: 16 Latinx Remixes of Classic Stories ed by Sandra Proudman
BDS: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights by Omar Barghouti
The Name-Bearer by Natalia Hernandez
Racism Without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldanado
Hestia Strikes a Match by Christine Grillo
King and the Dragonflies by Kacen Callender
Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology ed by Sarah Rafael García, Matthew David Goodwin, and Alex Hernandez
Ghost Squad by Claribel A Ortega
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird by Agustina Bacteria trans by Sarah Moses
Witch of Wild Things by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland
You Dreamed of Empires by Álvaro Enrigue trans by Natasha Wimmer
Ander and Santi Were Here by Johnny Garza Villa
Our Shadows Have Claws: 15 Latin American Monster Stories ed by Amparo Ortiz and Yamile Saied Mendez
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology ed by Shane Hawk and Theodore C Van Alst Jr
The Art of Star Trek by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Teen Titans vol 2: Family Lost by Geoff Johns et al
Batman: Gates of Gotham by Scott Snyder et al
The Old Guard Book Three: Tales Through Time by Greg Rucka et al
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bobfishpresents · 12 days
📦 Thx BD Must for the great #1950s Le Chat by Greg straight out of the l...
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Fanzine ultra gore
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gslin · 10 months
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