#beartooth show very good
slicksquid · 6 months
they’re so fun but I am not built for concerts
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A Taste of the Divine- E.M.
OKAY OKAY OKAY so I based this one off of a song I have been utterly OBSESSED with lately called The Summoning by Sleep Token. You can find it here: https://youtu.be/wJNbtYdr-Hg
I definitely think Modern!Eddie would make this kind of music and you can fight me on that. The other song I have quoted in here is I Have A Problem by Beartooth, which you can find here: https://youtu.be/KTUCGRu_DL4
You go to your first rock show and you get a much different experience than you bargained for.
TW- 18+ MINORS DNI, smut, fingering, dirty talk, pet names (pretty girl, good girl, angel, etc.), pnv, protected sex (wrap it up, babes), dom!Eddie, degredation kink, praise kink, slight corruption kink if you squint, drinking, cursing (lmk if I missed anything!)
Pairings- Modern!Rockstar!Eddie x Reader
Word Count- 6,335
(Pic and gif not mine, credit to owner!)
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There’s just something about him. 
Past the intimidating exterior of black leather, studded belts, and cigarette smoke is someone whose sole mission in his life is to worship every inch of skin on your body.  
You never meant to end up with someone like Eddie. You never even heard his name before your friend laid a poster down in front of you at your weekly lunch date, squealing as she told you about the show. You looked at the paper, detailing the time and place of a band you had never heard of, and honestly didn’t really have any interest in learning about. You were never one for rock music, instead favoring the sound of smooth indie and pop. But your best friend was so keen on going. Her boyfriend is in the band, but all of the friends she had that liked the kind of music they played weren’t available, so she was begging you to accompany her.  
“Pleaaase, Y/N! I’ll do anything you want!  It’s just their first headlining show and I don’t want to be in the crowd alone!” She pleads, giving you those best friend puppy dog eyes. After careful consideration and a lot of bargaining, you finally relent, resolving that she would buy your drinks all night.  
“Corroded Coffin, huh? Sounds like pretty heavy stuff,” You eye her with uncertainty. “I really don’t think this is gonna be my scene,” Your best friend rolls your eyes at you, wagging her finger at you. 
“No take-backs! You already said you’d come! And you don’t have to like them, I just really want you to be there with me to support Gareth! You know how big a deal this is to him! I’ve never asked you to come to a show with me before, and I swear, if you absolutely hate them, I’ll never ask you to go again! I promise,” She sticks her lip out in a fake pout as an attempt to further suck you in to her plans. 
“Okay, okay, fine! Just this once, because I love you!” She does a happy dance in her seat across from you, giggling like a madwoman. 
“Okay, great! Oh, Y/N it’s gonna be so much fun! And you definitely have to wear something hot. You can borrow some of my fishnets! We’re all hanging out after and the lead singer, Eddie, he’s so fucking fine. If I didn’t love Gareth so much, I would totally be on that.” The face she makes as she speaks makes you laugh, which helps you feel better about going. 
“Alright, fine,” You roll your eyes, chuckling at her giddiness. “But this Eddie guy better be, like, the hottest guy I’ve ever seen.”  
“I really don’t think you’ll be disappointed.” She promises with surety.  
When you get to the venue, it’s packed wall to wall with people in black, decorated with studs and leather. The smell of alcohol and sweat was heavy in the air, and you take it in as your best friend keeps a very firm grip on your hand as she drags you toward the front, near the stage. She pushes past people with authority, and when people give her dirty looks, she just exclaims “MY BOYFRIEND IS IN THE BAND!” This makes you laugh, because more often than not, the people just move out of her way. People respect that sort of thing around here, you guess.  
As you near the rail, your friend flags down one of the security people hovering near the stage, and your friend introduces you to him by name. “Carlos! This is my best friend, Y/N. I’m gonna go get us some drinks, so can you just make sure no one’s creepy to her? She’s never been to one of these shows before.” Carlos, a nearly middle aged gentleman who stands at least 6 feet tall and looks like he could wrestle for WWE, nods. 
“I got you hon, no one gets past these eyes,” Your best friend pats him casually on the shoulder with a smile. 
“I know I can count on you, buddy.” With that, she starts making her way toward the bar, pushing past people like it’s the most normal thing in the world. You look over to Carlos, not wanting to just stand there awkwardly. 
“So,” You begin, shouting slightly over the din of all the other concertgoers, “Do people get pretty rowdy at these shows?” Carlos makes a face and shrugs. 
“It really just depends on the crowd. I’ve had to knock a few assholes out in my time, but generally no one gets too rough with the people who don’t want it. Just try not to get sucked into the mosh pit. That’ll do some damage if you’re not careful.” You nod solemnly at his sage advice, clinging a bit closer to the rail for safety.  
“And what if I do get sucked in?” Carlos raises an eyebrow as he mulls it over. 
“Don’t be afraid to push your way out. They can get pretty nasty, but usually it’s just a bunch of people dancing like maniacs,” 
As your friend returns, holding the drinks above her head, Carlos takes a step back toward the stage. “Here you go! Tequila Sunrise for you,” She hands you the clear plastic cup, careful not to bump someone and spill it, “Vodka Cran for me,” She holds her cup out to yours, and you tap them together before taking a big drink.  
“Is it gonna start soon?” You ask. 
She nods, “Yeah! I saw Gareth and the guys walking through the back door. Should be any minute now.” You keep talking and drinking and laughing for a few more minutes until the lights start moving across the stage, and everyone starts screaming as the band comes out from behind the curtain.  
“Whoa,” You mutter, eyes going wide as you spot him. Eddie Munson is wearing nothing but a tight pair of black jeans and a leather vest, his arms and torso covered in intricate tattoos. His hair is a wild mess of dark curls, and he wears a serious expression. There’s a glint of silver around his ears as you spot a rows of earrings going up to his cartilage, and a little hoop in his right nostril. His broad hands are littered in heavy silver rings and necklaces drip from his neck to swing at his mostly bare chest. You feel your best friend nudge you, and you look to her as she gestures up toward Eddie. 
“Disappointed?” She wiggles her eyebrows playfully.  
“No, no I don’t think I am...” You give a bark of a laugh.  
“I knew you wouldn’t be! Wait until you hear him sing!” You make a face of bemusement before turning your attention back to the stage, where Eddie has started shredding on his red and black crackle-painted Warlock guitar. Everyone goes crazy, including your best friend, as Eddie’s voice comes screaming through the music. 
“I found my vice, I found my vice. It lives in a bottle and wants me to die! I found my vice, I found my vice. It lives in a bottle and wants me to die! But I wanna be alive.... Go!”  
The sound is overwhelming, and it sends your eyelids flying open wide as you listen. You’ve never heard anything like this. You can’t tell if you like it, but you’re definitely impressed by the lung capacity Eddie surely has to be able to perform like this as often as he does. He doesn’t even start to sing until he gets to the refrain, and the suddenly smooth sound of his voice sends a shock through your body like you’ve never felt before. He grips the mic stand with both hands, eyes closed as the guitar swings by his hip. 
“I guess a bottle can’t save my life, I guess a bottle can’t tame my mind... This is my reward, a barely beating heart? But I still lie to myself, I always lie to myself. My hands are in the air, and God, I hope you’re there! Cause I can’t make it myself, I’ll never make it myself...” You’re stunned as he switches back and forth from screaming and singing so easily, and you find yourself start to move your body to the beat of the music, a smile growing slowly on your face. Your best friend is jumping up and down next to you and then the whole venue starts screaming with Eddie, “SUBSTANCE THERAPY NEVER SET ME FREE,”  
By the time the song ends, you’re dancing with your best friend. Although you’d definitely prefer your music taste to this, you can’t deny the intoxicating rush this music sends through your bones.  
When the next song starts, the mood in the room shifts a bit, and you can see why. Eddie’s body language changes from angry to seductive, his hands caressing the microphone like it’s a long lost lover. A stark comparison to the death grip he held on it during the last song. You watch as he pushes the hair out of his face, a soft synth echoing through the room before the guitar starts. Then Eddie begins to sing, his lashes low on his eyes, his tongue darting to lick his lips. “I’ve got a river running right into you. I’ve got a blood trail, red in the blue. Something you say or something you do, a taste of the divine... You’ve got my body, flesh and bone, yeah. The sky above the earth below...”  
He runs a hand up his toned torso, gripping lightly at his throat as he lets his eyes scan the crowd and you stand, mesmerized by the way he moves. When his eyes meet yours, you almost gasp at the intensity of his gaze. He holds it for just a moment before he flits his eyes away, probably to some other beautiful person he sees among this sea of people. Still, you can’t tear your eyes away from his performance. 
There are a couple minutes in the middle of the song where Eddie has a guitar solo, and it almost looks like he’s making love to the guitar in his hands as he walks around the stage with it. He comes to the edge, just a few feet from where you stand, front and center with your best friend, falling to his knees and throwing his head back, his plush lips open in a silent moan as glistening beads of sweat trail down his forehead and chest. It makes heat flood through you, and you watch his nimble fingers as they move across the strings like lightning. You wonder what else he can do with those fingers... 
As he gets back to his feet, his eyes open and land on yours again. The look on his face as his eyes bore into yours makes you feel like you’re the only one in the room for a moment, and then he’s gone, sauntering back to the microphone, the guitar dropping out as gentle synth intermixed with piano float over the room again. He takes his time taking his guitar off his neck, grabbing the mic stand and dragging it with him as he walks, back toward where you stand. Your best friend starts shaking your shoulder and you rip your eyes away from the delicious sight.  
“This is the best part!” She yells excitedly. “You’re about to get soaked, so get ready!” She squeals and turns back, gripping the rail, whooping in excitement. 
When Eddie stops, he lets his face fall forward, his bangs brushing over his eyes as his lips hover right over the microphone. The drums kick back in and he raises one hand over his head, ripping the mic out of the stand as the song drops into half time. “Oh, and my love, did I mistake you for a sign from God? Or are you really here to cut me off? Or maybe just to turn me on...” He drops down to kneel on one knee, one hand still holding onto the mic stand as he taps his fingers on the mic with the other, keeping time. He’s so close you can almost hear his rings clink against the metal. “Cause, these days I would be lyin’ if I told you that I didn’t wish that I could be your man. Or, maybe make a good girl bad...” His eyes graze over you once more, and you watch as they rake up and down your body, sending a shiver through your spine. Then, he gets up, mic in one hand, stand in the other and walks back to where he was before to finish the song. All of the air is sucked out of the room for a moment as the final chord dissolves in the stale air before the room erupts like a million firecrackers. 
You have to take a deep breath to keep your cool. There’s never been music that made you feel exactly this way before. But then again, you’ve never been eye fucked by an insanely gorgeous metal singer as such dirty, beautiful words spill from his perfect lips before. 
The rest of the night goes on like this, and as you indulge in a few more drinks, you loosen up even more, letting your body flood itself with the sheer vibrations of the music around you. It’s like you’re waking up in a brand new world filled with raw emotion, no matter what kind. “We’ve been Corroded Coffin! Thank you!” Eddie screams as the lights come up, and the whole place, including you, is chanting as they exit the stage, all high fives and smiles in the euphoric haze of a good show well done.  
“Come on!” Your best friend has to pull your shoulder to get your attention, the rush of adrenaline written all over her face as she starts pulling you through the crowd. You make it to the edge of the rail and a security guard lets you through, knowing that you’re with the band, and you find the back door to backstage to go through. You run up the steps with her, laughing as you finally find some semblance of quiet behind the closed door. Your ears are ringing, adjusting back to the lack of chest rattling music as you go find the band. “Baby!” Your best friend runs to Gareth, and he lifts her off the ground, spinning her as they embrace. “You did so good out there! You guys were so amazing! I swear to God a record deal is coming any day now.” She then turns to you, “This is my best friend, Y/N, she’s never been to a rock show before, but I think we’ve won her over,” She explains. “I can tell you liked it! Don’t even deny it!” 
You laugh, smiling sheepishly as the band looks at you expectantly. You give a nod, “Yeah, that was... A rush.” You turn to Eddie, who smiles coolly as he takes a drink of water. “I’ve never in my life heard a voice like yours. It was incredible.”  
“You see, Eddie! I told you she’d like you!” Your best friend interjects. You shoot a glare over to her accusatorily, and she shrugs, a smug smile on her face as she holds Gareth close. You feel a heat rush to your cheeks as you turn back to Eddie, who’s still looking at you. 
“Thanks,” he says. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” His voice doesn’t even show a hint of strain as he speaks, which is mind-blowing considering all of the screaming he did on stage. You follow awkwardly behind the band as they make their way to a sitting room of sorts, complete with a TV and a few couches. You sit near your best friend and Gareth, who share a plush armchair, but making conversation with them is no use, they’re too wrapped up in each other, kissing and talking to each other in hushed tones about the show and how much they love each other. While it’s a cute sight, it feels as though she’s stranded you on a desert island with a bunch of strangers, one of them being the scorching hot singer sitting next to you on the couch. 
You smooth your impossibly short skirt as you sit, trying to keep yourself from saying something stupid. “So,” You hear from beside you. You look up and Eddie is laying back against the corner of the couch, legs spread. You can see now the faint smudge of black eyeliner on his eyes, and it only makes the dark chocolate of his irises look that much more tantalizing. “You not really a rock person?”  
You scoff, quirking your head to the side a bit, “No, not really. Well, I never have been before anyway. I’ve never really enjoyed the screaming.” He nods, his brows raising in recognition. 
“Yeah, it’s not for everyone, I suppose. But you liked it tonight?” He raises his brows hopefully. You bite your lip lightly, eyes flitting up, remembering the feeling as the intense sound washed over you.  
“Yeah, I did. I have to say, I think you may have completely converted me.” You both laugh lightly at that. “Can I ask, how do you do that? It’s the most baffling thing I have ever seen!” Eddie’s smile widens a bit, and he makes a sound like he’s trying to find the words.  
“It’s a lot of practice. There’s some technical bullshit you need to understand to fully grasp it, but essentially, it’s all about breathing and the way my mouth is shaped,” He shrugs, letting out a short laugh, “That’s a pretty shitty way to put it, now that I think about it, but it’s fine.” You breathe a laugh and nod in understanding. 
“Don’t worry, it’s okay. Not like I do a lot of screaming myself, anyway,” Eddie smiles out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes looking you up and down. 
“Really? That’s a shame...” He takes a gulp from his water bottle, and you feel heat rush over your whole body. Your fingers fiddle with the hem of your skirt again as you try to think of something else to say.  
“Y’know, that second song you did... The girl you wrote that about sounds pretty lucky to have you to come home to.” You look at him through your lashes, gauging his reaction. You watch him clench his razor sharp jaw, his hand running over his thigh lightly as he adjusts himself to look at you better.  
“There isn’t one,” Your brow raises in feigned curiosity and bat your lashes at him sweetly. 
“Oh? Then who’s that one written about?” You lean toward him ever so slightly. His eyes rake over you once more, and he leans in toward you, his mouth hovering just over your ear. 
“Could be you, if you play your cards right...” A jolt of lightning streaks right through the center of your body, and you feel your heart thump loudly in your throat. Damn, he’s smooth. You try to clear your throat and recover your control, but Eddie sees right through you. It’s a game of sexy chicken, and he’s winning. 
“And what makes you think that I’d want that?” Your voice isn’t as stable as you wish it was and you inwardly curse yourself as Eddie gives you a playful, boyish smile. 
“I saw the way you were looking at me out there. And I think you saw the way I was looking at you, too.” He leans his arm against the back of the couch, laying his head on his hand. “Y’know, you don’t fool me, Y/N.” The way he says your name sends a shiver up your spine and wonder how he’d say it from between your thighs... “I can tell that beneath that bohemian, hippie girl façade, there’s a wild little girl just begging to be let out of her cage. All I’m saying is that I could be the key to her freedom, if you want.” 
He’s done it now. You bite your lip, a heat rushing over your face, all the way up to the tops of your ears, and you have to fight to keep your breath calm. You get up, letting skirt ride up just a touch so he can get a good look at the garters running down the backs of your thighs before holding your hand out to him. “Wanna give me a tour?” You ask innocently, but your eyes are wandering over him, fantasizing what he’ll look like once he’s on top of you. You see Eddie’s cool exterior crack for just a fraction of a second before he takes his time reaching for your hand. His feels massive in yours, his fingertips rough with callouses. The rings he wears make cold indents in your skin.  
“Right this way,” Eddie starts walking, his hand tightly holding yours. You shoot your best friend a quick look over your shoulder, and her eyes are bulging out of her head as she watches you walk away. She sends you a quick thumbs up before getting back to her conversation, a silent “Good luck!” as you walk towards a darkened hallway.  
“Where are we going?” You ask, your eyes scanning the dim hallway covered in posters and sharpied graffiti. 
“Right here,” Eddie opens a door to the right of him, and pulls you in. The room isn’t very large, but there’s a vanity sprinkled with a few pieces of jewelry and makeup items, and worn couch. Eddie closes the door behind you, and you hear a lock click as you look back at him. “So,” The tone on his lips is warm and sultry, and you inhale sharply as you feel his fingers barely graze your bare sides, the bustier top you wear coming only to just under your breasts. “This is my dressing room...” His lips hover right at your ear, and your lashes flutter when you feel the slight tickle of his lips just grazing the skin there.  
“It’s- it’s nice,” You’re losing your resolve, the slight wobble in your voice is giving away your rather compromised position. 
“Why, thank you,” You can hear the amusement in his voice as his lips travel down, not even touching, just teasing you with the hope of contact. His hands, however, grip at your hips a little more now, pulling you closer to him. A mad rush of heat spreads down your thighs as you feel the bulge of his cock starting to form in his jeans. “I’ll tell you how this is gonna work,” He mutters. “I’m gonna ask you what you want, and you’re gonna tell me. I don’t like playing guessing games. Do you understand?” 
You’ve never been spoken to this way before, but damn, is it sure erotic. Borderline pornographic, really. You nod, barely finding your voice as you say, “I understand.” 
“Good.” His lips brush over your shoulder now, and with all of the anticipation it almost makes you go weak in the knees. “Now, can you tell me what you want first?”  Your eyes flutter closed, and you move your head out of the way of his lips. 
“K-kiss me?” You breathe. Eddie chuckles darkly behind you as he presses a firm but gentle kiss to your shoulder, moving the strap of your top out of the way as he blazes a path up your neck, taking his time to find the spots that make you hiss in pleasure. 
“Like this?” He taunts. You nod lightly, your brain growing fuzzier with every sensation. He suddenly turns you around, spinning you by the hips. One of his hands presses into your back as the other grabs your chin, pulling your lips to his in a wanton display. His tongue darts into your mouth and you taste the faint menthol of what was probably a cough drop to soothe his vocal cords. The moan that escapes you is swallowed by Eddies mouth as he moves you backward, your legs hitting the couch. He lets you go as you sink down, and you move yourself so that your legs are spread apart to accommodate for him while you lay back. Your hands find his chest as he comes to lay with you, one hand finding your face, the other supporting him on the arm of the couch as he kisses you again. His lips move lazily down your neck again, sucking soft bruises occasionally, and you let out a soft whine, not wanting to be heard by the band members outside. Your body arches up into his, craving the feeling of his body against yours. 
“Do you want something, sweetheart?” He presses chaste kisses just below your ear, nipping lightly.  
“I want... Fuck... I want your fingers... Please,” Your eyes screw shut, and you feel his lips meander back up your face, capturing your mouth in another hot kiss, Eddie’s thumb brushing over your cheekbone.  
“I think that can be arranged...” The hand on your face starts moving down, over your collarbones, the curve of your breast, giving a squeeze there, down and down until you feel his large, rough palm against your heat. You grind into his hand pathetically, the scant fabric over your clothed pussy doing very little to hide the mess you’ve made. Eddie lets out a little laugh as he plays with you, and you can’t help but whimper at every touch. “Not so tough now, are you baby?” He presses kisses to your jaw, letting his tongue swipe along the skin. “You just wanna be a good girl, don’t you?” You almost want to protest, but it seems impossible as his fingers pull your panties out of the way and dip into your sopping pussy. He pulls his fingers up your slit, and you gasp harshly as he flicks over your clit, the callouses on his fingers creating a new sensation that that of your own.  
Eddie rubs slow circles round your bud, and your hands find his back, nails digging in as you get further lost in the pleasure. “I want...” You pant as Eddie’s mouth travels down to the tops of your breasts. “I want your fingers inside.” Eddie hums against your chest in acknowledgement, fingers moving down to toy with your aching hole, dipping gently in with two fingers. You push yourself further onto him as he curls up, and you tighten your grip on his body as he moans gently at the feeling of your velvet walls wrapping around him. 
“Goddamn. This pussy’s gonna make me cum quick, isn’t it. So fucking tight. You suck me right in, pretty girl.” He purrs. He pumps in and out of you at a decent pace, letting you reach your peak on your own time. You’re sure he’s done this so many times he must have it down to a science. Your moans get needier as the seconds pass, your release approaching in near record time. Eddie can tell. It’s like he can read your mind, or at least, your body, like an open book. “You gonna cum for me, baby? You gonna be a good girl and soak my fingers?” The encouragement only spurs you on as you get closer, closer until finally, your walls flutter, and Eddie kisses you to swallow the sounds of your release. He groans as he continues fingering you, his thumb brushing lightly over your clit as your legs shake from the intense climax. You pant hard as you find your way back to your body, and Eddie pulls his fingers out, his lips still on yours. He pulls away as he brings his hand to his face, and he stares intently into your eyes as he sucks his fingers clean. You almost whine just at the sight of him, brain completely melted out of your skull, replaced only with the carnal need for him to fuck you, good and deep. “Next time, I hope you ask for my mouth,” He muses, “I need to get a proper taste of that sweet pussy.”  
“Next time?” You breathe. He gives you a smirk. 
“If you want,” he says. “But now, I’m hoping you tell me you want my cock inside you.” You let out a girlish laugh at that, hands reaching for his pants before you feel his hand cover yours. “Ah, ah, ah... Words first, angel.” He commands. You look at him through your lashes, hips moving up so your pussy grinds lightly against the knee positioned between yours. You see a subtle flutter of his lashes as he waits for your reply. 
“Please, Eddie,” You press kisses to his jaw, sucking deliciously. “Will you stuff my cunt with your cock?” He lets out a groan, his hips driving down into yours. 
“Good girl,” He rasps, and he lets you continue your task of undoing his heavy belt. You can see the strain of his cock against his pants, and you can’t help but paw at it, your mouth watering at the mere thought of him filling you up. He reaches around to his back pocket to pull out a condom, and unceremoniously rips the foil open with his teeth while you pull his pants down, spitting the ripped piece in his teeth away. You pull out his cock, stroking the long, thick length of it a few times, collecting glistening droplets of precum on your thumb before sticking it in your mouth, relishing in the taste. Eddie watches you rub the pad of your finger down the length of your tongue, a devilish smile breaking out on his face as he rolls the condom down his length. He leans back down, necklaces tickling your chest. “I knew there was a bad girl in there somewhere,” He hisses as his cockhead comes in contact with your entrance. You can’t say anything, moaning as he pushes into you harshly. “You like the taste of me, don’t you?”  
You nod pathetically as he grabs your legs, pulling you into a better position for him to snap his hips into yours. Every thrust punctuated with a heavy breath. All you can do is try to hold on to any surface, teeth clenched to keep you quiet as you writhe beneath Eddie’s command. The pace he sets is borderline bruising, both of you struggling to keep your breath as your bodies meet. Eddie hooks your legs behind his back, one hand going to grip the meat of your waist to hold you steady as the other starts playing with your clit, making your goal of keeping quiet enough to keep everyone outside from hearing that much more impossible. “God, you feel so fucking good,” Eddie throws his head back in a low moan, eyes screwing shut as he continues pounding into you. “I can fucking feel the end of you. Fuck, I’m not gonna last long,” His eyes open back up and settle on your face, contorted in this piece of bliss he’s giving you. The hand on your clit reaches up to your face, the finger coated in your slick pushing into your mouth. You accept it greedily, moaning at the taste of yourself on your tongue.  
“God, so fucking good for me. You look so pretty like this. So fucking pretty.” His cand comes back down to rub your sensitive bud again. You can feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, your breath coming in short pants. You squeeze your legs around Eddie’s middle, needing him to be even closer.  
“I’m- gonna- cum- Eddie...” You stare into his eyes like they’re art, and bite your lip as the tension in your core approaches a precipice. You shut your eyes, letting the feeling take over as you lose yourself. 
“That’s it. That’s it... Fuck, Y/N, I can fucking feel you...” He lets out a divine whimper as your walls pulse around his cock, his hand tightening around your waist, but he doesn’t let up, not for a moment. “Gonna... Gonna fucking fill you up, pretty girl.” You whine as you feel Eddie’s cock twitch inside you, and then his hips stutter, a deep moan tumbling from his lips as he cums. He fucks into you a few more times, slowing down, the fingers on your cunt rubbing languidly now. Finally, he stills, and you’re both just staring at each other, breaths heavy, pupils blown in the euphoria of the mind-blowing sex you just had.  
Finally, you let out a light laugh, your hand going to wipe a few stray hairs from your forehead. “That was...” You close your eyes and lay your head back against the seat of the couch. “That was fucking amazing.” Eddie gently pulls out of you, and you wince as he helps you set your legs back down, the muscle ache already seeping into your thighs. 
“Yeah,” he says. His lips form a Chesire cat smile, a few beads of sweat falling from his hairline. “I think that I would agree,” His bangs are stuck to his skin, and even though you’ve just had some of the best sex of your life, you can’t help but already want more. You start to sit up a bit as Eddie moves off of the couch to throw the condom away, and he grabs a small towel to hand to you before getting one for himself.  
“So,” He looks to you as he puts his softening cock back in his pants, pulling his belt back through the buckle. “About next time...?” You ask. He lets out a small laugh as he throws your towel into the corner of the room.  
“What about it?” He has a coy smile on his face, eyebrows raising slightly. 
“Will there really be one? Or was that just dirty talk?”  
He considers this for a moment, looking you up and down as you smooth your skirt back into place before nodding. “Yeah, there’ll be a next time. How about you give me your number, and I’ll take you out to dinner sometime?” Your brows flick up in surprise, not thinking he would offer a date. 
“Do you offer that to all of the girls you fuck after shows or just me?” You’re almost genuinely curious. Eddie shakes his head, his lips downturned slightly.  
“No, just you. I don’t really make a habit of this, if I’m being honest,” He confesses. You’re genuinely shocked by that. Not only is he insanely talented both on stage and in bed, he’s also one of the most gorgeous men you’ve ever had the privilege of laying your eyes on.  
“What’s so different about me, then?” Now you are really curious. Eddie shrugs. 
“Well, Y/BFF/N has been talking you up ever since she told us all about you, so that helped. And Gareth seems to think you’re a pretty decent person...” He looks at you pointedly, “But what really sealed the deal was the look on your face from the stage. It was one of the best reactions to me that I think I've ever seen. You came here tonight, not thinking you’d really have a good time, and then you just let yourself get lost in it. It was... intriguing. More than that, really. It was kind of magical.” You cast your eyes downward, a blush creeping onto your face as you smile sweetly.  
“Oh,” You breathe, feeling prettier than you have in a long time. Eddie offers you a hand, and you take it as he helps you to your feet, not letting go as he opens the door for you. You start walking toward the doorway, but he stops you, pulling you back to him and walking you backward until your back hits the cool metal door. His free hand finds your face, pushing the hair away before leaning down to kiss you, deep and slow.  
“How about Friday night? I’ll pick you up at 7,” He suggests as he pulls away, forehead resting on yours. You nod, heart thumping in your throat. 
“Yeah... It’s a date.” You open your eyes to see that beautiful boyish smile again, and he kisses you once more, just a gentle peck on the lips. 
“Okay, then,” And with that, he leads you back out to the living room. You blush wildly as people take notice, a couple of them whooping as you and Eddie sit back down on the couch, except now, he doesn’t let you sit at the other end, like before. He pulls you close, having your head rest against his shoulder as he slings his arm across the back of the couch.  
The rest of the night is spent talking and laughing with the band, Eddie deflecting every playful jab that comes your way about the activities in the back room. And when it comes time to leave, he kisses you again sweetly before you part ways. “I’ll see you Friday,” He promises. 
“Friday, yeah,” Your best friend starts tugging at your arm, but you don’t look away from him until you have to, giving a small wave as you start your way out of the venue. 
“Soooo,” Your best friend asks, wiggling her eyebrows at you as you make your way to the parking lot. “You reaaaally liked it then?” You laugh, hitting her on the arm playfully. But still, you nod, remembering the feelings, the sounds, the sensations.  
“Yeah, I really, really did.” You beam at her widely as she gives a whoop in excitement. You get into her car to go home, closing the door as you find your seat. As you buckle in your seatbelt, you hear your phone ding, and so you look to see a new number texting you, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you open the message.  
“Can’t stop thinking about you. Mind if we move our date up to tomorrow?” Your breath hitches in your throat as you type out your reply. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” 
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inkhowls · 8 months
Hiii, I'm Alexis, but you can call me Ink! 🐾
╺⃝⃤•Welcome to my little bloggy blog!•╺⃝⃤
• ~ I'm a little silly goofy woofy girl with internet access! ~ •
• ~ • (Do you know how hard it is to type with paws??) • ~ •
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About Me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
• I am an adult!
• I use she/her and it/its pronouns, if I choose to experiment with others, I'll list them right here!
• I am AroAce Spec!
• I am autistic! My special interest is Pokémon! (and wolves, but you can probably already tell ^^;)
• I have a wonderful amazing fiancé who I love so very much, we plan on getting married very soon!
• I am a therian, my theriotype is an Alexander Archipelago wolf! I have known I am a wolf since I was very little! (6-8 or so!)
• Writing and photography are my artistic mediums, but I do plan on learning to draw more soon! I'm not sure if I will ever post any art if I do end up drawing, though.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~ Likes & Dislikes ~~~~~~~~~~~
• Special Interests: Pokémon, Halo, & wolves!
• Favorite Hobbies: Playing games, photography, collecting plushies/bones/rocks, writing, birding, playing in the rain, and going on little adventures! :3
• Favorite games: Pokémon, Minecraft, WolfQuest, Halo, Destiny, SCP, and TF2 (Valve and Respawn)
• Favorite Shows: Pokémon, Bluey, Invader Zim, A:TLA/TLOK, Death Note, TWD, and JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
• Favorite Bands: Fall Out Boy, Motionless in White, My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Pierce the Veil, Black Veil Brides, Bullet for my Valentine, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Paramore, and Beartooth
• Dislikes: Rude people, politics, suggestive stuff, loud things, dysphoria, drugs and alcohol, groups of people, and social events :(
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~~~~~~~ Contact & Other Socials ~~~~~~~
• I'm trying to get used to social interaction, I'm not very good at it, but I am trying my best! If you want to talk to me, my messages are always open for you! Don't worry if I take a bit to respond, I'm likely just preparing myself! I am completely interested in making new friends like me!
• You can also find me on Instagram, Discord, and Telegram all under the same name!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
• Please don't try to befriend me if you're involved in:
- Drug or Alcohol reference/use (for non-medical reasons)
- Suggestive/NSFW conversation/content of any manner
- Political conversation (towards me)
I am extremely sensitive to these topics, and I'm not willing to make any exceptions to these!
• For Suggestive/NSFW stuff: This includes stuff you try to keep in other areas or "private", even if you tried to befriend me while trying to keep either of these things secret, the moment I find out about any of it, I will have NO HESITATION to remove you as a friend and immediately block you! This is just fair warning because neither of these categories are things im willing to push out of my comfort zone for.
• For political engagement: Please do not engage in politics with me whatsoever. As long as you keep that away from me when interacting with me, that is fine, but I don't want to be involved in it!
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tomsmusictaste · 8 months
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Tom’s Top Ten | ALBUMS OF 2023
It's (belatedly) that time of year again, let's get into it.
10. Hotel Bleu - Broadside
I’ve made peace with the fact that Broadside record is likely to top Old Bones for me but Hotel Bleu is choc full of plenty of upbeat catchy tunes, a refreshing dose of positivity after their more sombre previous record Into The Raging Sea.
Favourite song: Dazed & Confused
9. Past // Present // Future - Meet Me @ The Altar
MM@TA have delivered a very solid debut record. One downside is the lack of easycore-style riffs and breakdowns (one of the main things that drew me to this band’s previous EPs) in favour of a more generic pop-punk sound - that said, all songs are plenty catchy and do a great job of showing off Edith’s vocal range, which is front and centre of this record.
Favourite song/s: Say It (To My Face) / It’s Over For Me
8. Childhood Eyes - Yellowcard
A big year for Yellowcard putting out their first new music since breaking up in 2016, and it delivers. It may just an EP but it's earned it's spot on the list and made me incredibly excited to see what else is on the way from this new era of Yellowcard. Also a collab with Dashboard Confessional? A Spider-Man 2 soundtrack reunion, you love to see it.
Favourite song: Childhood Eyes
7. Slow Burn - Conquer Divide
One of the later albums from the year but I'm glad that I didn't miss this one - Conquer Divide have been something of a 'background band' for me up until now, but this is a record I found myself listening to front to back over and over.
Favourite song: N E W H E A V E N
6. One More Time - Blink-182
I have to confess I have mixed feelings on Blink-182's big comeback album - great to see Tom back in the band and the band back to their classic lineup, lots of great emotion on the title track. Maybe contro but I do think some of the non-single tracks feel a bit pale or watered down compared to the singles, but the singles themselves do have a lot of what I love from that classic Blink sound.
Favourite song: Dance With Me
5. Postcard From A Living Hell - RedHook
RedHook were a new discovery for me this year, and a welcome one at that. This is one of those albums that soon as it came out I had on constant repeat, just banger after banger, not to mention a collab with Mik from Yours Truly; that gets a hell yeah from me.
Favourite song: Inarticulate ft. THE FAIM
4. Join The Club - As December Falls
One of my hottest anticipated releases of the year, As December Falls have come soaring this year, with this their third album and constantly selling out their tours (before i can get a ticket >:( ). Every single song on the tracklist is single worthy and the record makes no shortage of showing off Bethany's vocals, in particular on the emotionally driven 'Home.'
Favourite song: Mayday
3. A Call To The Void - Hot Milk
After knocking out of the park time after time with their EPs, Hot Milk finally released their debut full-length and brought everything that's good about them to the table. From the very first listen I knew this was gonna be a strong contender for AOTY, and indeed was only beaten out by two others.
Favourite song: Alice Cooper's Pool House
2. The Surface - Beartooth
It should be no surprise to my followers seeing Toof pop up on the list, there truly never has been a Beartooth album that hasn't made my top ten and The Surface is no exception. Going against the grain of their MO up until now and releasing an entire metalcore album full of love and positivity was an incredible move, and wonderful to see Caleb find himself in a place where he can write this kind of lyrical content and celebrate his own journey overcoming mental health struggles. The Surface is a welcome addition to the Beartooth catalogue.
Favourite song: I Was Alive
Before we get to the Number One, I'd like to shoutout some honourable mentions that didn't quite make the cut - those being 'Til The Wheels Fall Off - WSTR, Tear Me To Pieces - Story Of The Year, Power To Play - McFly, Untitled Mixtape - Carousel Kings and Linkin Park's 20th Anniverary Edition of Meteora
Also a special shoutout to Sum 41, Neck Deep and Green Day, for their singles off albums that will be released in '24. Good stuff.
With that all out of the way, let's get into my NUMBER ONE ALBUM OF 2023...
1. So Much (For) Stardust - Fall Out Boy
It was tough to crack down on the order of the top three here, but ultimately the number one album couldn't be anything else. I've made no secret that I'm not the biggest fan of the three FOB records prior to this, but here the boys return with a bang combining all that's good about both their pre-hiatus and post-hiatus sounds, resulting in an incredible record that has been definitive for my 2023. What more can I say? Fold Out Bed bloody did it.
Favourite song: Love From The Other Side
And there you have it! Those are my top albums of 2023. We're already a fair way into '24 at the time I'm posting this and this year too is shaping up to have some strong contenders... bring it on.
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thisaintascenereviews · 11 months
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Beartooth - The Surface
Caleb Shomo, the brainchild of Beartooth, has been in that band longer than he was in his first band, Attack Attack. They were around from 2007 through 2012, give or take, but Shomo was the primary songwriter of the band. Their brand of metalcore meets electronica was revolutionary in the mid-00s with their debut, Someday Came Suddenly. The band is also known for having former Of Mice & Men vocalist Austin Carlile in the band, and that was his start in the metalcore scene, but after he was kicked out before their second record was written and released (that was one of the biggest band beefs of that time), Shomo took over vocals and showed that he was actually quite talented. I just never got into his new band, Beartooth, at least until 2018’s Disease.
Personally, I always felt as though Beartooth leaned way too hard into cliched metalcore tropes, and the lyrics weren’t very good, ultimately trying too hard to be edgy and intense when they didn’t need to be. Disease was the first album that clicked for me, but I went back to to their earlier albums and they’re a lot better to me now, although I can’t say I love them, really. Disease introduced a catchier and more hard-rock sound to the band, and it was a lot more accessible, including some better lyrical choices and ideas. I did listen to 2021’s Below a few times, and that record was fine, but I was really excited for The Surface. I loved the first two singles from it, one of which came out last year, entitled “Riptide” and the other that came out earlier this year, “Sunshine.” They came out before the album was announced, and I was hoping that a record would be announced, because these are two of my favorite songs of the year.
The Surface has been out for a few weeks now, and this is easily one of the best albums of the year. This is everything I not only want with this band, but with rock and metal in general. It’s catchy, fun, uplifting, and best of all, memorable. This record is short, only 38 minutes, but it has a lot to do and say in that time. A lot of this record is about positivity and rising up from the depths of depression and being in a bad place when it comes to mental health. Shomo has talked about how that’s where the inspiration came from, and how this album is supposed to be happier and brighter, not sour and pessimistic.
The music itself reflects that, being very, very catchy and leaning more into rock and alternative territories, not just metalcore and hard rock. This is some of their “poppiest” stuff yet, but it isn’t a pop album, it’s a rock record with an emphasis on hooks and melody, although some breakdowns and heavier moments are here. They work quite well to counteract the lighter moments, but they feel more earned. Of Mice & Men’s new album was similar, but the difference is that the hooks on their new album didn’t hit as hard. That record is good, too, but this one is just better, because of how catchier and more energetic it is.
There’s only one guest spot, and it’s country artist Hardy. I didn’t know what to make of that at first, when I saw the track listing, but I did enjoy his last album from earlier this year, although the song he’s on, “The Better Me,” sounds like nothing on his last album. His last LP, The Mockingbird & The Crow, was a double album that was half a country album in the vein of what he’s known for, and the other half was a hard rock album with huge riffs, some breakdowns, and a few screams here and there. This song just doesn’t sound like that, although it does have a solid riff, but the lyrics are much more positive and not as obnoxious. Hardy sounds great, and mixes very well with Shomo, but it makes me wonder why his last album didn’t sound like this, and it’s also one of my favorite songs on the whole album.
Oh well, The Surface is one hell of a record, and it’s one of the best of the year, hands down. It’s nothing special, necessarily, but I don’t care about that when the album is this good and this fun. There’s a lot of energy here, and because of its positivity, I can’t help get sucked into it. If you enjoy hard rock, metalcore, or anything like that, you’ll love this. I’ll be shocked if a hard rock fan hasn’t gotten hooked on Beartooth yet, but this is the best time to become a fan. This is easily their best album, hands down, there’s no question to it. They’ve really come into their own here, but they’ve also entered in a new era with this one. It’s a lot brighter and catchier, but this whole record is so much fun. I can’t recommend it enough, folks. You gotta hear this one.
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athetos · 7 months
The Beartooth concert was awesome, they Put on a very good show and great energy, openers were great too, sleep theory killed it and invent animate were heavier than I anticipated, and the plot in you was… well they tried <3 my only real complaint is the venue sucks absolute dogshit. Whoever the fuck thought it was a good idea to turn a shoe store into a venue deserves to be thrown into a pit full of alligators and perhaps crocodiles as well. Did not mosh because my friend with me is still recovering from a hysterectomy. Truly tragic.
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beartoothbarry · 2 years
Beartooth songs they need to put in the set list:
1. Keep Your American Dream
One of the best songs on disgusting and one of the best songs ever made. Good for the mosh pit too. PLAY IT A MILLION TIMES FOREVER
2. Rock is Dead
Look, has it been in the set list before, for like basically forever? Yes. And they should PUT IT BACK. I need that drum solo
3. Believe
Listen i know it's not one that will get everyone jumping around and dancing but it's a really beautiful song and it makes me emotional and it's really good ok
4. Burnout
I LOVE it SO much. It was the first beartooth song I got obsessed with as a teenager and I would just play it over and over and over again for hours. I need to hear it live.
5. Manipulation
It's so so good when Caleb does the thing where he throws in that specific rock and roll sound he does sometimes. Usually it's a reference to AC/DC but in this case it's more like if you walked into a diner full of bikers it's what would be playing at the bar. He should do that more
6. Permanently Sealed
I love the drama of this one, it's like a movie soundtrack. You know will deely would do something cool with the guitar in this
7. Takeover
Severely underrated, very fun and danceable. More people would probably remember it if they saw it live at a show
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unorthodoxsavvy · 9 months
When you get this, share 5 good things that happened to you in 2023, 5 songs that defined your year, 5 shows you discovered, and 5 friends you made. Then send this to 5 people to spread some happy memories ✨️🎉💛
5 good things that happened to me in 2023:
Reconnecting with my wonderful gf @princess-pathetic-112898 who I’m dating again
Finishing my OSPBB piece
Meeting up with @did-you-fall-for-a-shooting-star to go to Pride and getting a killer tat while I was up there/meeting up with my friends back home
Seeing INK again (as always)
Traveling just to the beach or to Florida or whatever and just getting good food and good drinks
5 songs that defined my year (so hard to pick just 5):
Same Old Energy/Burn Your Village by Kiki Rockwell
Meat and Greet by Ice Nine Kills
As Good A Reason by Paris Paloma
The In-Between by Beartooth AND by In This Moment
Ludens by Bring Me The Horizon
5 shows I discovered:
The Mentalist
Musician Mansion
Honestly I don’t think I’ve really discovered anything else and if I have I don’t remember
5 friends I’ve made:
One of my coworkers
Another of my coworkers
VERY drunk girl and her polycule
Tumblr mutual who I got a tattoo from!
Best friend’s husband? I guess?
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concerthopperblog · 1 year
Review: Sexbruise? Debuts New Single & Music Video for “Ford Taurus”
Sexbruise? has just presented to the world their latest single AND music video for their hit single, “Ford Taurus”! Like Sexbruise? says, “When I pull up to the club in my Ford Taurus, all the ladies want some.” Per the band’s bio, Sexbruise “is a satirical pop quartet” that hails from Charleston, S.C., and is most notable for their unique blend of improv, pop ladened (and very catchy) hooks, energetic live shows, electronica, and even a dash of funk for good measures. Sexbruise? consists of Julie Slonecki, Stratton Moore, John Pope, and Will Evans.
Think Cherub meets Chromeo meets Little Stranger, and you can maybe then describe the awesomeness that is “Ford Taurus”. Once I started this video, I noticed actor Tony Cavalero (best known for his portrayal of Keefe Chambers on HBO’s The Righteous Gemstones) and I instantly knew that this was going to be a fun ride. Plus, add some funky saxophone with some provocative lyrics to the mix… well then it is definitely dancing time. Just like their live shows, this song is energizing and funky from start to finish. If you aren’t bopping your head after listening to this track, check your pulse. The hook is very memorable and blends well with Julie’s soulful intro and John’s rhyme time surprise. This has to be a real treat to witness live at one of their shows!
When asked about the inspiration for “Ford Taurus”, John Pope (drums/lyrical wordsmith) said “When I was in college I drove a Hyundai Sonata. The car in the song was inspired by this car and my roommate’s Ford Taurus, which was also pretty shitty. I found ‘Ford Taurus’ to flow much more smoothly off the tongue than ‘Hyundai Sonata”.
Stream “Ford Taurus” 
Apple Music 
You can follow Sexbruise? on the old socials by checking out these handy links: Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, & Bandcamp!  You can also catch Sexbruise? on tour on the following dates in 2023:
Thu, APR 20
420 Charleston
Charleston, SC
Sat, APR 29
Visulite Theatre
Charlotte, NC
Sat, MAY 20
1904 Music Hall
Jacksonville, FL
May. 26 - 28, 2023
Summer Camp Music Festival 2023
Chillicothe, IL
Jun. 1 - 3, 2023
Mountain Music Festival 2023
East Oak Hill, WV
Fri, JUN 2
Asheville Music Hall
Asheville, NC
 Curious about Concerthopper? You can find more music related articles, interviews, various photo galleries, indie music reviews, our very own ‘Bars & Bites’ section, our exclusive “She Said, She Said” column, or become a Concerthopper at www.concerthopper.com. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by following this link: The Setlist! Please ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date in 2022, on all music-related events/festivals such as: 40 Years of Acid Tour: Morbid Angel w/ Revocation, Crypta, & Vitriol Live at The Masquerade, Relix Presents Yonder Mountain String Band, Railroad Earth, and Keller Williams and The Keels: Live at The Eastern, The Parallax II Tour: Between The Buried and Me Live @ The Masquerade,  20th Anniversary Tour: August Burns Red (Rapids Theatre), Spring Tour (2023): BongZilla with Wizard Rifle @ Grantski Records, Beartooth & Trivium: Live at Buffalo Riverworks, AmericanaFest (2023), Ghost RE-Imperatour U.S.A. with Amon Amarth: Ascend Amphitheater, Beartooth and Trivium: Live at Buffalo Riverworks, So Much For (Tour) Dust: Fall Out Boy/Bring Me the Horizon @ Darien Lake Amphitheater, Withered, Bathe, and Omenkiller: Live at Grantski Records, The 5th Annual PorchFest, 12th Annual Papa Joe’s Banjo-B-Que Music Festival, Souls of Mischief: 93’ til Infinity 30th Anniversary Tour @ City Winery (Atlanta), The Dark Horizon Tour: In This Moment, Motionless in White, Fit For a King, & From Ashes to New – Live at Buffalo Riverworks, and Yob and Pallbearer: Live at the Masquerade by following us on all social media formats: Concerthopper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Also, you can follow my concert hopping on Facebook and Instagram for even more photos not available on Concerthopper.com.
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chaosdisorganized · 2 years
15. Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold
I'm pretty sure this song was written about some movie or book I can't remember the name of. The movie or book has characters that struggle with addiction so this song is mostly about drugs and doing them. I did not know this before doing research because I honestly thought the song was about going to Hell lmao so yeah. This song is relatable to us because we feel it alludes to trauma and dissociation. Also some lyrics talk about living on and fighting through life and we just love songs like that. Some lyrics:
"He who makes a beast out of himself // Gets rid of the pain of being a man"
"Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay"
"Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone)"
"No one can save me, and you know I don't want the attention"
"As I adjust to my new sights // The rarely tired lights will take me to new heights // My hand is on the trigger, I'm ready to ignite // Tomorrow might not make it but everything's all right // Mental fiction, follow me, show me what it's like to be set free" (there's a lot more but I don't want this to be too long, it's a long song lol)
16. Beaten in Lips by Beartooth
This song is about physical abuse, more specifically physical abuse done by parents. Heavy tw for that because that's what this song is all about. But it's also about surviving and living on in spite of trauma. Honestly I find it to be very motivating and inspiring, even though it's about such a dark subject. Here's some lyrics:
"As if life isn't hard already // Add it to the list of things to forget // With one chance to define ourselves // We're gonna keep on living, keep on living"
"This is for the kids with the beaten in lips (yeah) // Whose parents try to shut them up using their fists (yeah) // Keep living loud and proud // They never can hold you down"
"Light my wounds with kerosene"
"Listen to the sound of your children revolting (yeah) // Listen to the sound of the lives you're ruining"
17. Beautiful Pain by Eminem ft Sia
This song is about trauma imo. I feel like every song about trauma is usually about overcoming it in some way and yeah this song has some of that in there too. It's about surviving and life after trauma. Eminem hits pretty hard with this one, it's such a good song honestly. Some lyrics:
"Today is a painful reminder // Of why we can only get brighter // The further you put it behind ya"
"Yesterday was the tornado warning // Today's like the morning after // Your world is torn in half // You wake in its wake to start the mourning process // And rebuilding, you're still a work in progress"
"'Cause they hurt you so bad // It's like they murdered your ass // And threw dirt on your casket // But you've returned from the ashes // And that hurt that you have, you just converted to gasoline // And while you're burning the past // Standing at inferno and chant"
"It happens all the time, they take your heart and steal your life // And it's as though you feel you've died // 'Cause you've been killed inside // But yet you're still alive // Which means you will survive"
"As time passes, things change every day // But wounds, wounds heal // But scars still remaining the same // But tomorrow, today's going down in flames // Throw the match, set the past ablaze"
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meowtalhead · 2 years
Put your top 5 On Repeat Spotify tracks
Tagged by @random-jot thanks! 😺
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Tagging: @mistybogchild @djentle-soul and anyone else who wants to :3
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sagehaleyofficial · 4 years
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Machine Gun Kelly dropped a new song, “Smoke and Drive,” which was recorded while smoking a blunt and hotboxing his car. The song shares a title with Blackbear‘s track with Yung Pinch and P-Lo.
YouTuber CrankThatFrank dropped a surprise EP he made with Makeout guitarist Tyler Young after posting a tweet aiming for 500 retweets to release it. The EP features six songs with comedic titles.
Hayley Williams released another new track from her upcoming solo debut, Petals for Armor. The new song, “Over Yet,” was written with Paramore bassist Joey Howard and producer Steph Marziano last summer, according to a recent post.
Craft Recordings announced an expanded edition of the Plain White T’s album All That We Needed, which features unreleased recordings. Reissued digitally across all major streaming and digital platforms, the album will drop on April 10th.
The 1975 released the recording of “Jesus Christ 2005 God Bless America,” which they debuted live in Australia back in February. The band originally premiered the track on a radio show last year.
Green Day released a surprise EP consisting of new remixes of songs from their 2012 albums, ¡Uno! and ¡Dos!. The EP is titled the Otis Big Guitar Mix, and features remixes of the songs “Oh Love,” “Lazy Bones” and “Wild One.”
Machine Gun Kelly and YUNGBLUD partnered up again for an intimate cover of the Oasis song “Champagne Supernova.” Both artists contributed their vocals and musical talents from the comfort of their own homes.
After the release of their latest album Wake Up, Sunshine, All Time Low gave fans a new lyric video for their song “Monsters,” on which they collaborated with Blackbear. The band also announced frontman Alex Gaskarth will be making an appearance on Good Morning America next week.
My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way took to Instagram to reveal four unreleased solo tracks. Along with the songs, he shared a photo of his vocal cords, which was taken prior to the band’s reunion.
Ozzy Osbourne was forced to cancel his medical trip to Europe due to the coronavirus pandemic. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, he is responding very well to stem cell treatment according to his daughter, Kelly.
Billie Eilish and her brother FINNEAS performed during James Corden’s “Homefest.” The online event saw Dua Lipa, BTS and more all performing during the coronavirus quarantine.
Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, The Pretty Reckless announced their upcoming tour was postponed. The rescheduled dates are set for September and October.
Slam Dunk Festival revealed an updated lineup after being forced to postpone the event due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The festival gave a lengthy statement updating fans on the changes.
Likewise, the Punk Rock Bowling and Music Festival announced it would officially be postponing its event. The festival will honor passes and tickets for this year’s event for the new dates, slated for May 28th-31st, 2021 in Las Vegas.
In addition, Bunbury Festival made the announcement yesterday that they are cancelling the 2020 event over the coronavirus. This year’s festival would’ve featured Twenty One Pilots, Melanie Martinez, Angels and Airwaves, and more.
Beartooth put together “stay at home” merch bundles, through which the proceeds will benefit the Grammy Awards’ MusicCares COVID-19 Relief Fund. The kits consist of a hoodie, fleece blanket, deck of cards, bottle opener and tote bag.
Jeff Grosso, legendary skateboarder, father, commentator and host of the Vans’ Loveletters to Skateboarding series, passed away last Wednesday. The sports icon was only 51 years old.
Live Nation launched the Crew Nation initiative, a $10 million benefit fund to help tour crew members during the coronavirus pandemic. Their goal is to ensure the crew members are taken care of in this tough time.
Hayley Williams’ hair dye line, Good Dye Young, added a line of pastel colors called “Lighter Daze” to their website. Afterwards, a Twitter user posted a screenshot of two of the colors, “Pink Puff” and “Wondermint.”
Fountains of Wayne bassist Adam Schlesinger passed away at the age of 52 from complications related to his coronavirus diagnosis. His attorney, Josh Grier, told Variety more about his condition after a fan account tweeted out he was in a coma due to the coronavirus.
Vans partnered with BILLY’s TOKYO again to release three new OG Sk8-Hi LX’s. The new line comes with different pairings of three colors: red, blue and orange; yellow, brown and blue; and black, navy and tan.
30 Seconds to Mars’ Jared Leto released a new shirt that will see 100% of proceeds going towards Partners in Health. Additionally, Leto will be matching all money made from the shirt’s sales.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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Of Mice & Men - Tether
Metalcore band Of Mice & Men has gone through a lot of things over their 13 years as a band. I swear they’ve been around longer, but their debut came out in 2010. They’ve been in their current incarnation since 2018, when original vocalist Austin Carlile left the band, and the band’s bassist, Aaron Pauley, stepped up to be the lead vocalist as well. It kind of worked out, because at that time, they were going through a sound shift; from 2014 to 2018, they were one of the first bands to incorporate more nu-metal into their sound and they were open about being influenced by bands like Korn, Papa Roach, Deftones, and Linkin Park. 2018’s Defy, which was Pauley’s first album as lead vocalist, culminated in being one of their worst albums (2016’s Cold World was bad, too), but they’ve been on the upswing since then. 2019’s Earthandsky was a lot better, as it was a metalcore album that went back to their roots but added a progressive element to it. It was very unexpected, but also very good.
Before their new album, Tether, we got Echo in 2021, but what’s interesting about that is that album was released in four EPs. I ended up listening to the album as a whole last year, and I thought it was fine. It took some time to grow on me, as it was more akin to a generic metalcore album, and I ended up enjoying it with more listens. A few songs came out from Tether, but I waited until the whole album came out, too, and I forgot it came out this week. The 13th is when a lot of stuff comes out, so I thought it came out next week, so it was a nice surprise to see it in the new release section this week. Despite not knowing what to expect, I felt as though that if it was like Echo, it would be pretty good, and sure enough, Tether is a solid album. Just like with Echo, it did take a few listens for me to get into it.
If you’re going into this expecting a brutal metalcore album, you’ll be disappointed. This record leans more into their melodic side, but not without having some heavier moments thrown into the mix. I do appreciate that every song isn’t a clone of each other, because it makes the heavier moments that pop up feel earned and worth it. Some songs are a bit slower, and lean more into hard-rock, whereas some are more energetic metalcore bangers, and that’s all across a 38-minute album. Of Mice & Men has never been great at melody, per se, especially when they helped to create the “generic clean chorus guy” trope in metalcore, but they’re not bad, either. Aaron Pauley is a good singer, and he can make a hook work, but I will admit that a lot of the books on this record are just passable at best.
A few of them are pretty good, but this album isn’t quite as good as their last couple of albums. I appreciate the diversity, as each song isn’t just a metalcore banger with a main riff, clean chorus, a breakdown in the bridge, and that’s that. That is something to appreciate, but the hooks aren’t extremely strong, and I actually get psyched when the metalcore songs show up, because there is a pulse to them, versus a rather mid-tempo hard-rock song. They’re not had at all, and they’re actually solid for what they are, but if you prefer their metalcore stuff, you won’t care for this as much. I’m sort of torn, because as much as I like the diversity and the more melodic angle, the hooks aren’t very strong, despite the performances being good. This is a mixed bag, but it works more than it really doesn’t, and if you like that kind of metalcore with a more hard-rock lean to it, such as Wage War or Beartooth, you’ll like this record. It’s got just enough heaviness to stand out a bit, but it’s got a lot of accessibility as well.
0 notes
bthenoise · 4 years
The Best Of 2020 As Picked By Members Of Underoath, The Amity Affliction, August Burns Red, Neck Deep, Movements and More
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Okay, we know what you’re thinking: Isn’t it a bit of an oxymoron to list the “best” things to come from such a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year? 
While yes, we completely agree with that statement, we would be remiss not to shine a light on all the wonderful things that helped us survive one of the most challenging years in recent memory -- you know, like best album, best song, best movie, etc.
So, as a way to help you count down the end of this miserable year (22 days, 7 hours and 52 minutes to go as of this writing), we’ve completely turned our year-end, best-of list over to the artists we cover on a daily basis. Because let’s face it, as we’ve noted in years past, their opinions are the ones we all really care about, right? 
To check out what members of Underoath, The Amity Affliction, August Burns Red, Neck Deep, Knuckle Puck, Movements, Counterparts, Hatebreed and more have all been obsessing over for the past year or so, be sure to see below. We hope you enjoy this final list as much as we do and wish you all the most peaceful and positive holiday season.
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Best Album of 2020: Tame Impala - The Slow Rush Best Song of 2020: Foster the People - “Lambs Wool” Best Music Video of 2020: Sir Sly - “Material Boy” (also one of the best songs of 2020) Most Underrated Album of 2020: The Chain Gang of 1974 - Honey Moon Drips Best Movie of 2020: Onward Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: American Horror Story Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Metal Kenneth Copeland had me cracking up Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: I really enjoyed playing Lost In The Sound of Separation in full for the first time ever and it was our first ever live stream so it was super special and something I’ll never forget The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Writing tons of music, my lady, hiking/working out and my great dane Snoopy 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Put MORE art into the world
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Best Album of 2020:  Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher Best Song of 2020:  Spiritbox - “Holy Roller” Best Music Video of 2020:  Architects - “Black Lungs” Most Underrated Album of 2020: Lost For Life - We All Share The Blame Best Movie of 2020: Palm Springs Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Queen’s Gambit Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Donald Trump’s Twitter account. Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Europe tour with Beartooth right before the pandemic. The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Drawing and painting 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Start smoking more
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Best Album of 2020: Hum - Inlet Best Song of 2020: Sir Sly - “All Your Love” Best Music Video of 2020: NOFX - “Live At Red Rocks” Most Underrated Album of 2020: Sea Wolf - Through A Dark Wood Best Movie of 2020: The Social Dilemma  Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Queen’s Gambit Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Best show I played this year was our Thrill Seeker 15 Year Anniversary livestream, though I hope that we one-up that show on Dec 12th when we do our Christmas Burns Red show. The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: The return of live sports, specifically baseball and especially football. Fantasy sports have been my 2020 escape. 2021 New Year’s Resolution: I’d like to look on the bright side more. 2020 has been an easy year to focus on the negative. I don’t want to be that way next year (or ever).
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Best Album of 2020: Tie between HAIM's Women In Music Pt. III or Owen’s The Avalanche or Slow Pulp’s Movey
Best Song of 2020: “Me & You Together Song” by The 1975
Best Music Video of 2020: Faye Webster’s “Better Distractions” or Phoebe Bridgers’ “I Know The End” or HAIM’s “Man From The Magazine”
Most Underrated Album of 2020: Burst by Snarls
Best Movie of 2020: Dang, what movies came out this year? Each year, I gauge the movies I saw by recounting seeing them in theaters, but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I really enjoyed Portrait of a Lady On Fire though and I saw Uncut Gems on New Year’s Day this year, so I’m counting that as well.
Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: I’m really bad with keeping up with contemporary television, but I am always watching The Sopranos on a loop. I've had so many people tell me this year that they started watching Sopranos because of all the extra time at home, so I loved living vicariously through others watching it for the first time. I’ve also been binging 30 Rock for the first time and it is simply a delight.
Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Phoebe Bridgers and Maggie Rogers’ “Iris” cover album art.
Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Back in February, we played at Beat Kitchen in Chicago with Heart Attack Man and One Step Closer to begin the only tour we would do this year. We hadn’t played there in years, but it felt so good to be back in that venue’s atmosphere again.
The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: My girlfriend, staying connected with my friends and family, riding my bike around the city, having time to somewhat enjoy summer at home in Chicago and revisiting favorite movies of mine.
2021 New Year’s Resolution: Be kinder to others and kinder to myself.
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Best Album of 2020: Punisher - Phoebe Bridgers Best Song of 2020: Too many to pick just one Best Music Video of 2020: “Popstar” - Drake/DJ Khaled Most Underrated Album of 2020: Marigold - Pinegrove Best Movie of 2020: Borat 2 Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: The Mandalorian Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Cranberry juice skateboard guy Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: LDB Fest in Louisville Kentucky 2020, BC (before Covid) The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Video games and comfort food 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Let’s be honest, I’m not sticking to any resolutions
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Best Album of 2020: I haven't even heard it yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll be the new Seahaven record. Band fucking rocks and I've been waiting like 6 years for new music.
Best Song of 2020: The 1975 - “If You're Too Shy (Let Me Know)”
Best Music Video of 2020: It's a tie, but I'm gonna have to go with “Spirit Halloween Theme Song” and the follow up “Unleash Your Spirit” both by Nick Lutsko.
Most Underrated Album of 2020: Chamber - Cost of Sacrifice
Best Movie of 2020: I don't think I've watched any movies that came out this year other than the new Borat, so I guess that's my pick by default. It was VERY NICE!! I wish I could marry the movie so the movie could be MY WIFE!! Get it? You get it. We all get it. It's great. 
Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Again, I've been slacking in terms of newer movies/tv and honestly, I just kinda alternate between watching The Simpsons seasons 3-9 and then watching Kenny Vs Spenny from beginning to end. If you haven't seen KvS, the entire series is on YouTube so please just watch it. I promise it's the best thing to come out of Canada... me being the second best.
Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: When we released the embroidered NLTL hoodie and everyone filled their diapers with shit.
Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Tough call, but it's gotta be either the Chainsmokers concert in the Hamptons or the biker festival in Sturgis that Smash Mouth played.
The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Alcohol, adopting my cat Kuma and finally being diagnosed with ADD so I could get a Vyvanse prescription.
2021 New Year’s Resolution: Play a single show LMAOOOOOO
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Best Album of 2020: Bring Me The Horizon - Post Human: Survival Horror Best Song of 2020: Bring Me The Horizon - “Parasite Eve" Best Music Video of 2020: Bring Me The Horizon feat Yungblud - “OBEY" Most Underrated Album of 2020: Silverstein - A Beautiful Place To Drown Best Movie of 2020: Tenet  Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: The Mandalorian     Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Baby Yoda memes Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Beartooth drive-in show in Oshkosh, WI The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Call of Duty: Warzone  2021 New Year’s Resolution: Stop spending so much money on Star Wars toys
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Best Album of 2020: Insect Ark - The Vanishing Best Song of 2020: clipping. - “Say The Name” Best Music Video of 2020: Billie Eilish - “Everything I Wanted” Most Underrated Album of 2020: Thundercat - It Is What It Is Best Movie of 2020: The Social Dilemma Most Binge Worthy TV Show of 2020: The Mandalorian Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Any of the “My Plans for 2020” memes Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Atreyu - Melbourne, Australia @ Max Watts, Feb 2020. Things that helped you get through 2020: Guitar, video games, hanging with the wife and cat, finishing an album, Atreyu “Carry the Fire” livestream and lots of junk food. 2021 New Year Resolution: Gonna try to have more of that PMA.
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Best Album of 2020: Napalm Death - Throes of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism
Best Song of 2020:  See question #1.  Pick any song from it.  
Best Music Video of 2020:  I don’t have one. I miss the infant days of MTV when music videos were new, fresh and hypnotizing. I used to sit for hours and wait for the Van Halen “Jump” video to come on.  So, I’ll go with that music video for this question. Can I do that?
Most Underrated Album of 2020: Hum - Inlet
Best Movie of 2020: The Mandalorian series.  I rarely watch full movies anymore. It’s all about getting sucked into a TV series.  
Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Can’t choose only one. The Queen’s Gambit, The Mandalorian, Living With Yourself, Dead To Me…
Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Anything posted on kookslams. I could surf that Insta account all damn day!!!
Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: None. We have all been stuck at home. So, best attended/played/watched is me, myself and I crushing it on my basement practice jams. Or falling down the rabbit-hole watching drum solos or drum clips on youtube.  
The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: 1- I got married in May so that was a huge event that we made happen and enjoyed, given the current craziness. Couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day. 2- Our dog, Ziti. He is a constant source of entertainment. 3- Yoga. 4- Ripping around on my mini-bike.
2021 New Year’s Resolution: Drink more water.  Spend less time looking at my phone.  Get back to playing shows again!!!
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Best Album of 2020: Haim - Women In Music Pt. III
Best Song of 2020: Seaway - “Big Vibe”
Best Music Video of 2020: The 1975 - “The Birthday Party”
Most Underrated Album of 2020: I don’t really know what’s underrated and I’ve not listened to a bunch this year but Knuckle Puck 20/20 is a great album that people should go check out if they haven’t already.
Best Movie of 2020: The Trial of the Chicago 7
Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Schitt’s Creek. Although this wasn’t strictly all released in 2020, the final season was and I hadn’t seen any before this year. It was amazing and I definitely binged the whole thing. Final season is a tear jerker for sure. Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Well like most people in music we didn’t get to play a show this year, however, I did attend a Counterparts show in Feb at Rock City which ruled! Static Dress were also on the tour so was great getting to finally see them!
The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Call of Duty - Warzone. Can’t say I’m proud about this one but It helped pass time if nothing else. More serious though, I bought my girlfriend a kitten a few months ago and he’s been a bundle of joy for us. 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Enjoy the little things. This year took a lot of normality out of life and it’s given me a lot of time to reflect and look back on things I’ve done and we’ve done as a band. It’s easy to get caught up and just be thinking about what’s next and not really live in that moment, so next year I’ll be savoring every moment and every show we get.
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Best Album of 2020: This is so tough but I think Deftones’ Ohms is my favorite album of the year. 
Best Song of 2020: I really don’t know if I can pick one but my most listened to was “The Spell of Mathematics” by Deftones
Best Music Video of 2020: I absolutely loved the Bring Me the Horizon video for “Parasite Eve.” But also, the “Ohms” video by Deftones was unreal as well.
Most Underrated Album of 2020: There really are a few I believe. It was a very weird year to put out a record so I think a TON of albums flew under the radar which is a bummer because there was so much great music put out. I think Four Year Strong's Brain Pain was amazing and their best album to date. I think Hundredth’s Somewhere Nowhere was unreal. Rich People put out Harmony in August and I absolutely love that record and those boys. The Killers put a record out called Imploding the Mirage that has some absolute heaters on it as well. The Ghost Inside made a wild comeback with Aftermath that makes you want to go ape shit front to back. Finally, I’d say The Used made an amazing album that caught them right back up with making great music. Not that they didn’t on the previous records, but it feels like they found themselves again. They pushed a lot of boundaries on Heartwork and had some insane songwriting on that record.
Best Movie of 2020: To be honest, I didn’t really watch many new movies this year. The Social Dilemma was super eye-opening and very true. If you dig creepy thrillers, The Devil All the Time was probably top for me. A ton of great actors and just such an eerie vibe in the cinematography.  
Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: I feel like the easy answer is Tiger King, but I really dug The Queen’s Gambit and The Undoing as of late.
Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: I hate the internet really, there is just so much bullshit overload that I can’t even process it all. With that said, when Joe Exotic threw on his EMS jacket when his employee got her arm bit off by a tiger, THAT was UNREAL. I was crying laughing. This man had this jacket for a moment like this. He is wearing this EMS bomber with king tight white jeans, a true fashion icon. The memes that followed were priceless. The “I am never gunna financially recover from this…” memes. So great.
Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: I would have to say the best show I attended this year was the Dashboard Confessional anniversary shows in Detroit. It was back to back nights where Chris played 'The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most’ and ‘A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar.’ in their entirety. He did some older stuff as well off of the ’So Impossible' EP and ‘Swiss Army Romance’ which rocked. Best show we played would have to be on our headliner earlier this year. We played The Observatory in Santa Ana, CA and it was unreal. Best watched show was probably the Puscifer live stream or the Underoath stream. 
The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: I think it was the ability to write more than we usually are able to and kind of tighten up the behind the scenes aspects of Grayscale that people don’t often see. Beyond that, being able to spend time with loved ones and family has been great. It’s been a great year for self reflection as well and I feel like that’s always a good thing when you can get a fresh perspective on life when things get shaken up. I’ve been super thankful even more so this year for the people I have in my life and the opportunities I’ve been given. Those are some of the big things that got me through.
2021 New Year’s Resolution: Honestly, I am not much of a resolution guy, but I’d say just give my all to everything I am passionate about and treat everyone with love. Playing shows in 2021 would be absolutely ideal for a resolutions well.
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Best Album of 2020: Starbenders - Love Potions Best Song of 2020: “You About To Lose Your Job” Best Music Video of 2020: In This Moment - “As Above So Below” Most Underrated Album of 2020: Creeper - Sex, Death and the Infinite Void Best Movie of 2020: Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Queen’s Gambit Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Ocean Spray Fleetwood Mac guy. Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: uhhhhh - welcome to hell. I attended exactly one concert this year and that was a live stream for BVB. The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Music, YouTube, good shows, my babe, my pets and staying busy. 2021 New Year’s Resolution: To get the fuck out of the house 😂. On a more music related note - put my album out ✨
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Best Album of 2020: Into the Raging Sea by Broadside Best Song of 2020: “Watermelon Sugar” by Harry Styles Best Music Video of 2020: “Parasite Eve” - Bring Me The Horizon Most Underrated Album of 2020: Into the Raging Sea by Broadside Best Movie of 2020: Palm Springs Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: 90 Day Fiancé Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Anything involving our EX president Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: *one long sigh* The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: My miniature dachshund puppy and books 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Never take seeing someone's whole face for granted again
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Best Album of 2020: Songs For The General Public - The Lemon Twigs Best Song of 2020: “War” - Idles Best Music Video of 2020: I haven’t seen any Most Underrated Album of 2020: DIVE - I am the Avalanche Best Movie of 2020: On the Rocks Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Jeopardy on DVR. RIP ALEX TREBEK Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Four Seasons Total Landscaping Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Constant Elevation/ Rule Them All @ Max Fish NYC The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Jon Oliver, beer, weed, whiskey, Liverpool Football Club, friends, family, music. 2021 New Year’s Resolution: To spread more joy than ever
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Best Album of 2020: Folklore by Taylor Swift Best Song of 2020: “How Big Is Your Brain” by Super American Best Music Video of 2020: “The Birthday Party” by the 1975 Most Underrated Album of 2020: Women In Music pt. III by Haim Best Movie of 2020: Tenet Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Ozark Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Pretending to break up my band Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Playing Tampa, FL back in March The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Zoom calls 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Be the best live band when shows come back
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Best Album of 2020: Man there’s a few really good ones that make it so hard to choose. I really enjoyed Loathe’s I Let It In And It Took Everything but I gotta shout out Like Moths to Flames’s No Eternity in Gold and Bring Me The Horizon’s Post Human for sure.
Best Song of 2020: Another insanely hard question! I guess I’m gonna say “Teardrops” by Bring Me The Horizon but again I’m gonna also shout out “Animals” by Architects
Best Music Video of 2020: “Teardrops” by Bring Me The Horizon. If you couldn’t tell I’m a big fan of them haha
Most Underrated Album of 2020: Idk if I’d say it’s underrated but I absolutely loved Make Them Suffer’s How to Survive a Funeral
Best Movie of 2020: I haven’t even seen it yet, but I know it’s gonna be Tenet
Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Lovecraft Country
Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: There’s so many it’s hard for me to retain any of them. I can’t keep track.
Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Well my band sold out every show we played this year which was only one haha but for real it was an awesome time and I love hearing our lyrics screamed back at us.
The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: My wife, our new daughter, Indi, and our album PASSENGER 100%
2021 New Year’s Resolution: My wife and I just had our first daughter so it’s gonna be to be the best father I can possibly be and write as many songs as possible until we can rip shows again.
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Best Album of 2020: Punisher - Phoebe Bridgers Best Song of 2020: “Dying Breed” - The Killers  Best Music Video of 2020: Nothing But Thieves - “Impossible” Most Underrated Album of 2020: Color Theory - Soccer Mommy Best Movie of 2020: The Go-Go’s Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Dave Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Four Seasons Total Landscaping  Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: :( The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Pro Tools 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Spend more time outside of the studio
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Best Album of 2020: It’s hard to pick one, but a few I really enjoyed are Father Of All… by Greenday, Ugly Is The New Beautiful by Oliver Tree and RTJ4 by Run The Jewels Best Song of 2020: There has been so many amazing songs released this year it feels impossible picking just one Best Music Video of 2020: Any Oliver Tree music video from his recent album Most Underrated Album of 2020: Watchito Rico by Boy Pablo Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Tiger King Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Tiger King memes were pretty great Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Probably the Sugar Ray livestream The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Zoom parties, friends/family, writing music, netflix, and lots of self care 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Getting back on the road!
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Best Album of 2020: Purity Ring - WOMB Best Song of 2020: “Headlights on the Parade” - The Blue Nile Best Music Video of 2020: “When Doves Cry” - Prince Most Underrated Album of 2020: The Hot N’ Heavy - Drop Dead, Gorgeous Best Movie of 2020: Joker (shit was crazy bro) Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Devs Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Trump getting COVID Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: The only band I saw this year was Single Mothers. Their drummer is very handsome. The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: HBO’s Oz 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Get yourself together. Move to Philly. Buy a loft. Start a noise band. Get 6 or 7 roommates. Eat hummus with them. Book some gigs. Paint. Smoke cloves. Listen to Animal Collective. Start some type of salsa company. KEITH HIGGINS
Best Album of 2020: Endless Twilight of Codependent Love - Sólstafir Best Song of 2020: “Oh Ruthless Great Divine Director” - Lingua Ignota Best Music Video of 2020: Hot Gospel or Cane Hill Most Underrated Album of 2020: Grave of a Dog - Sightless Pit Best Movie of 2020: Color Out of Space Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: The Mandalorian Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Trump getting COVID was top tier Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: LOL The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Destiny 2, dogs and a lot of repressing things 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Turn my brain back on and be a person again hopefully
Best Album of 2020: Underneath - Code Orange Best Song of 2020: “Boss Bitch” - Doja Cat Best Music Video of 2020: “Swallowing The Rabbit Whole” - Code Orange Most Underrated Album of 2020: I Disagree - Poppy Best Movie of 2020: Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Mandalorian Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: The fly landing on Mike Pence’s head Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: Darkest Hour  The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Writing music for the next album.  2021 New Year’s Resolution: Get the next album process set up. 
Best Album of 2020: Poppy - I Disagree. While critics might write this off as a unique, albeit kitsch blending of genres, this record is one of the more satisfying emotional journeys I’ve been on in quite some time. Poppy is able to capture a strange sort of sadness within these songs, that ironically, is often read as mere jouissance. Best Song of 2020: Poppy - “Sick of the Sun” Best Music Video of 2020: Run The Jewels - “Ooh La La” Most Underrated Album of 2020: Sound VVitch - Becoming. Imagine taking something like Chelsea Wolfe but leaning more into an experimental direction that is both sonically beautiful and grotesque. Best Movie of 2020: I’m Thinking of Ending Things, directed by Charlie Kaufman. It’s a shame that a lot of movies got pushed back this year. I think because of this, I didn’t wind up watching many movies from 2020, instead I used the pandemic to try to catch up on films from the past that I never seem to find time for. Still, I’ve come to really appreciate the journey that Kaufman seems to always insist on taking me. Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: Admittedly, I also haven’t watched a ton of new TV shows this year. But, there were both new seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Eric Andre Show, which always finds a way to make me happy. However, in terms of 2020 itself, I did finally watch The Sopranos for the first time and it completely lived up to the hype. Just an incredible TV show all around. I also binge watched all of Tim Heidecker’s On Cinema at the Cinema, which is quite the ride. There’s a whole cinematic universe for that TV show, it’s insane. I give it five bags of popcorn. Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Conner O’Malley’s video where he learns how to communicate with trains got me pretty good. Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: I thought the Code Orange live stream acoustic set was pretty neat. The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: Marijuana and Magic The Gathering. 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Try not to die.
Best Album of 2020: 1. High Road - Kesha. Basically, Kesha wrote an incredibly intense, emotional and fucking hilarious album about living her truth and telling all her haters to eat a dick and that’s really all I’ve ever needed in life.
2. “WAP” burned twelve times onto a CD-R from Best Buy. This one fucking song is a better album than 95% of anything I’ve ever heard and I’m a huge fan of anything related to black women kicking ass and taking names, sex and kink positivity, and insanely clever and funny lyrics. Plus, ANYTHING that makes weak, sexist, insecure men as BIG MAD as this song did is literally my kink.
Best Song of 2020: “My Own Dance” - Kesha.
 Best Music Video of 2020: “Say Nothing (In The Absence Of Content).” Fuck anyone who disagrees, that shit is iconic. Second runner up goes to “The Gray” because Peter made that whole fucking video himself and it’s POWERFUL and I still cry every single time I watch it.
 Most Underrated Album of 2020: Vagina Witchcraft’s self titled record. If you didn’t already notice, I’m pretty fucking done with listening to cis straight white dudes be ANGERY for half an hour; so this album is SUCH a breath of fresh air in a genre that’s become incredibly boring and derivative as of late. Listen to Vagina Witchcraft for sonically inventive, sludgy hardcore, bone-chilling vocal delivery and lyrics that are simultaneously calculated yet raw, and that ACTUALLY FUCKING SAY THINGS THAT ARE IMPORTANT AND RELEVANT AND SO FUCKING URGENT RIGHT NOW. 
 Best Movie of 2020: Miss Americana - The Taylor Swift documentary. One of the most validating things I’ve ever watched in my life and I ugly cried though the whole thing. I fucking love that woman. Most Binge-Worthy TV Show of 2020: I don’t watch TV… Does a YouTube series about voice actors playing D&D count? If so, my answer is Critical Role. Don’t try to binge it though, each episode is like 4 hours and there’s over a hundred episodes.
 Favorite Internet Moment of 2020: Hardcore twitter taking my band way too seriously and as a result of their own hubris, accidentally blowing up our music video and record release, and getting us exponentially more attention than we would have if those losers would just finally learn to fuck off and leave us alone! NICE GOING MOTHERFUCKERS I OWE YA ONE! *blows a kiss* Also, everything Lizzo did. DID YOU SEE HER “FLY IN MIKE PENCE’S HAIR” COSTUME?!?!
Best Concert You Attended/Played/Watched in 2020: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOOD ONE. 
I think the only live music related thing I even went to was a Drum & Bass show back in February in Brooklyn with Dimension, Sub Focus, and Culture Shock. I danced with my friends and drank Bright Fox. It was a simpler time.
 The Thing(s) That Helped Get You Through 2020: D&D, getting a suet feeder to watch birds outside my window and my bootcamp, Launch Academy, with all my brilliant and incredible Boston 30 Cohort-mates. Also, the warm weight of knowing that this coming year, a lot of terrible, evil, abusive people in the world are gonna finally get their comeuppance and I’m making popcorn with EXTRA salt.
 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Ohhhh I’m not going to spoil the surprise for you! But let’s just say I’m planning on using my new superpowers as a full stack software engineer, combined with my old superpowers as a vindictive and enraged bitch who hates rapists, to make the world a safer and more just place.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 5 years
fever dream* (3/4) chris motionless x reader
* - I'm sorry I said it would stop, this is just fingering tho
Song: let the good times rock by Europe
Tag list: @thisplace-ishaunted @ryansitkowskiswifey
I followed the band onto the bus after their set and sat next to Chris on the couch.
"You guys killed it out there, definitely one of the best shows I've seen from you guys."
Ryan sent me a look as he changed his shirt.
"And how do we know you again?"
"We're friends."
Chris said, defending me.
"And you're what? Fifteen?"
Chimed ghost. I rolled my eyes.
"Nineteen but it doesn't matter."
Ricky took a sip of his tour water and looked annoyed.
"It does if you want to be a groupie."
He mumbled under his breath. I sent him a look and Chris just rubbed my thigh. Of all the people who would hate me for no reason I would never expect it to be Rick Olson. Weird.
"You guys wanna go watch Beartooth?"
Ryan asked, pulling a new shirt on. Rick took another drink.
"I'm down."
"Nah I think I'm gonna go watch ice nine."
"I'll take you up in that one."
Balz said, coming out from the back of the bus. Chris looked down at me.
"Wanna go catch any shows?"
I looked at the few I had written on my hand that I wanted to see.
"Attila starts in a half hour, unless you wanna go see something before that."
He smiled at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders on the back of the couch.
"Attila sounds great."
I watched all the guys pile off the bus single file, accidentally let the door slam behind them. I looked up at Chris and he was already staring at me.
"I never would have imagined they would hate me as much as they do."
He scooted a little closer to me.
"They don't hate you."
I laughed.
"Okay, Ricky kinda seems like he hates me."
"I think he's just mad that some random nineteen year old girl showed up at our bus at eight in the morning and has been stealing my attention all day."
He kissed me quickly and I smiled up at him.
"Well I guess I'll have to tell him I'm sorry."
He kissed me again, a little longer this time.
"Now refresh my memory, did we do this before you left me?"
He ran his thumb over my thigh slowly.
"I told you to wait till next time."
He smiled and looked down at my lips.
"And when was the last time?"
I looked up and thought for a second.
"Well I left you yesterday it was November twelfth and we didnt. But we made out and got to second on Halloween, but I think the last time we went all the way was homecoming. So?"
I looked at him.
"October fifth."
We both said at the same time and I laughed. He brought his hand from my thigh to tuck my hair behind my ear.
"And remind me why we didn't make it all the way on Halloween?"
"Nick called your mom cause we snuck out to go to a party."
He nodded.
"I'm gonna have to kill him."
I kissed him gently.
"I think you killed him enough the first time."
He kissed me again.
"A little more couldn't hurt."
I laughed and shook my head.
"You say that like you can't make it up to me now."
His gaze scanned over my face and I just watched him, feeling his thumb run over my cheek bone a few times.
"You really wanna try that here in the bus? Even though we're both hot and sweaty?"
I looked down and removed his hand from my face, interlocking our fingers.
"Maybe you're right."
He leaned down and pecked me in the lips.
"Then again."
I laughed at him.
"What were you thinking Chris?"
He let go of my hand and put his back on my thigh, squeezing it.
"We could just see how far we get."
I looked between his eyes and dropped my head back against his arm.
"Do you wanna try?"
He slowly moved his hand up my thigh and nodded yes.
Almost immediately his lips were pushed into mine, it was more lustful than loving now. But in all fairness how many times do you get to say you slept with your highschool crush? He moved his mouth slowly against mine as he moved his hand further up, Beginning to Palm me through my jeans. I moaned into his mouth before reaching up and holding his face in my hand. I pushed my hips up a bit as he detached his face from mine. I just watched him look down to unbutton and unzip my jeans, quickly shoving his hand in them. I moaned and dropped my head back as he teased my clit. He started kissing down my exposed neck, shoving two fingers into me and pumping them in and out. My head was now in the crook of his elbow as he made out with my collar bone, one hand holding his and the other gripping tightly to his shirt sleeve as he continued moving his fingers in and out of me. I pushed my hips up into his hand and sat my head back up, him coming back to kiss me on the lips again. I moaned into his mouth as he circled my clit a few times.
"God Chris."
He smirked at me before kissing along my jawline.
"Better than before?"
I nodded as he started moving back down my neck, keeping his hand going.
"I've had a lot more experience now."
I squeezed his hand in mine and moaned out as I came, pushing my hips up again as he still kept moving, trying to help me ride out my high. Then the bus door clicked but I didn't look in that direction, I didn't want too.
"Well shit."
I heard Ricky. Chris looked up at him.
"Get out Rick."
Now I couldn't help it, I looked over at him long enough to see him roll his eyes and stomp back off the bus. Then Chris pulled his fingers out of me, out of my pants, and shoved them into his mouth. He looked down at me as he sucked my cum off his fingers.
"Just as sweet as I remember."
He leaned down and kissed me hungrily, moving his hand to rebutting my pants. When he pulled away I sighed and stood up, stretching but immediately falling back into the couch. He caught me against him.
"What? Do I make your knees weak?"
I laughed and shook my head.
"You know it baby."
He smirked at me and I stood back up, walking to the bathroom on the bus. I looked at myself in the mirror before running my hands over my very red face. Chris joined me in the doorway.
"So, still wanna go see Attila?"
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icequeen-shiva · 5 years
alright, you know what
about two weeks ago maybe by now, i made a post about how i’ve recently hit 200 followers and i’d like to do a q&a again, and even with a reblog from someone more ~*popular*~ than me, and multiple reblogs once a day for a few days by myself, i didn’t get a single fucking question. not one. earlier today i posted two pictures of myself where i felt pretty (i’ve since deleted them) and nobody i actually know of liked it and i got asked by a stranger who doesn’t even follow me if i had any nsfw pictures. i don’t get asks anymore, i don’t get shit. and that tells me that, you may be following me, but you aren’t connecting with me. and i feel that. i get on tumblr and i don’t feel like i’m friends with fucking anybody. and i did that. i know i did that. 9/10 times i let my fear of rejection and embarrassing myself overcome my desire to talk to people, so i don’t do it, or i let it fizzle out and we go our own ways and we don’t become friends. 1/10 times i actually function as a human being and make a connection or at least something that sticks a little.
so here, below the cut, is a comprehensive (loosely) list of things that i like, in no particular order at all, besides tickling, because apparently both sides of this need a little help connecting on any front.
the addams family
the sims
the mcu
classic disney animations; my favorites are dumbo, the great mouse detective, the rescuers, sleeping beauty, and oliver and company (it’s old enough that i consider it in the classic category)
~modern disney animations too; my favorites are treasure fucking planet, coco, and... i’m a sap, beauty and the beast. rise of the guardians too even though it isn’t disney.
musicals; i can’t pick a favorite just fucking ask me, but i don’t know a lot of newer ones honestly
empire records
the greatest showman still
cats (i mean the animals but i also like the show even though it is Weird As Hell)
my cat in particular
alice in wonderland
stranger things
space jam
tsum tsums
elvira, mistress of the dark
kiki’s delivery service and specifically jiji things
winnie the pooh i don’t even fucking care i LOVE HIM AND ALL OF HIS FRIENDS
silly hats
interesting earrings
exploring libraries or big bookstores
true crime mysteries; my favorite youtuber for this is georgia marie, bless her. i also watch bella fiori and kendall rae
fictional mysteries too
i have a kind of fascination with jack the ripper and with the lizzie borden case
shipwrecks! i don’t know why but shipwrecks fascinate me! why did they go down? all the stories that went with them!
i once read a novel that was told as a series of letters, or journal entries, by people on the titanic, including the iceberg and it was THE absolute saddest book i have ever read in my life. like, obviously i knew what was coming, but i got attached to the characters, the letters made them alive and it was just like... NO. NO I DON’T WANT THEM TO DIE. I KNOW THEY’RE GOING TO BUT THEY CAN’T. and it was awful. i had to put it down and cry.
the bermuda triangle theories (i’m not saying i believe sOmEtHiNg’S gOiNg On but i think some of the theories are interesting)
the nancy drew computer games
i still play a lot of my snes games; my go-to time killer and head-clearer honestly is kirby’s avalanche. i also play a lot of super mario rpg legend of the seven stars, super mario world, kirby’s dreamland 3, and donkey kong 2 and 3
final fantasy x in which i’m guaranteed to call almost (i can’t stress that enough) every character at some point “my child”
hyrule warriors, i know it’s not a tRuE zelda game but it’s fucking fun
same with fire emblem warriors
red dead redemption
kingdom hearts
the uncharted series
splatoon but i don’t have it wahhhhh
mind you i am not very Good at videogames, i just like to play them anyway
game grumps
ninja sex party
monty python
harry potter
classic rock. pretty big on queen lately. i like tom petty and the heartbreakers. i like joan jett and the blackhearts.
i just... like rock. across the board. i like the offspring. i like some rage against the machine songs. acdc on the radio makes me happy. def leppard on the radio makes me happy. beartooth, starset, powerman 5000, as long as it’s got a good beat and good stuff going on behind the vocals then i’m gonna be happy. i’m way more into the guitars and the bass and everything going on instrumentally than i am vocally, honestly. the whole big guitar solo to van halen’s “you really got me” and then that bassline that comes in, that bassline is sexy. it’s so simple but i LIKE it.
anyway music as a whole gets me right in the heart and can lift me up when i am at my literal worst point
it’s hard for me to name a favorite or specific bands that i like because there’s so many and i’m not really picky about it. 
pop vinyls
good ol’ vines
buffalo wings
mac and cheese
grilled cheese
dr. pepper
i drink a l o t of dr. pepper
pretending i know how to do makeup well
history; i watch a lot of expedition unknown and mysteries at the museum, and sometimes i’ll watch a free documentary on youtube if it catches my attention. last weekend i explained the donner party to my boyfriend. just.. on a whim. because i’d just watched a thing on it and he said he didn’t really know what it was. i’m that person.
OH I SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED THIS BACK AROUND TRUE CRIME BUT I READ A BOOK ABOUT H.H. HOLMES AND HIS MURDER CASTLE AND THE CHICAGO WORLD’S FAIR. it was by erik larson, i believe. larsen? i could google this. devil in the white city. there’s been talks to make it a movie. it’s a good read though i will admit i skipped a lot of the fair parts because i was there for the murder.
i also read a book about the lusitania by the same author and i was like ohhh my goooood what. it got a little boring sometimes, i had to push myself to keep going, but i would read dead wake again.
csi: miami reruns are the greatest thing don’t @ me
dark purple and black aesthetics
just like... witchy aesthetics. those colors and black cats
if you haven’t noticed by any selfies i’ve posted, i do have my lip pierced and i love finding new lip jewelry. i have a new opal stud in and i love its look
leather jackets
combat boots; i have a galaxy print pair and a pair with classic marvel comics stuff printed on the inside and you can fold down the sides to show it. they’re my faves.
drunk history
the first 5 seasons of supernatural and i still have a soft spot for the winchesters and castiel
i’m slowly making my way through watching the librarians
i’m also making my way slowly through watching the magicians
(american) football
nature walks
going to the zoo
going to the aquarium
like really take me to either of the above and i will lose my shit
road trips
savannah, georgia
the smokey mountains
last august i drove by myself from ohio to boone, north carolina for a friend’s wedding and that wedding was smack on a mountain top and it was the coolest thing i think i’ve ever done
roller coasters BUT NOT EXTREME ONES baby steps ok
log rides tho, i don’t know why, i always love the water rides
ren faires!
cosplay, even though i’m not exactly active in it myself (but i want to be; one of my offline friends is an actually-getting-kind-of-internet-famous mei from overwatch cosplayer)
cards against humanity
pool but i suck at it
speaking of pools i love swimming ... but i suck at it, i just like boppin’ along in a pool
there is nothing like being out in the middle of nowhere in summer when the evening starts to fall and the sky is dark, dark blue and there’s a sea of shimmering lightning bugs out over a field. it’s beautiful. it’s peaceful.
there’s nothing like sitting outside on a calm spring night and listening to the spring peepers (they’re frogs) either.
if you couldn’t tell, i live in the middle of nowhere. i have to find enjoyment in the little things.
dancing around said campfire, you cannot have a campfire without good music. this is when a lot of my classic rock education came to pass.
my favorite books are the abhorsen trilogy by garth nix, tied with the serpent’s shadow by mercedes lackey
i am trying to get into comic books by way of the youtube channel comicstorian. they break comic books down for you and read them aloud with the images, altered slightly to avoid copyright strikes (and that’s all made very clear, it’s not done sketchily), and it’s been really easy for someone like me who doesn’t just have a comics store close (and i would otherwise continue on as i have been, forgetting to ever look for them on the internet). i listened to injustice 1 and 2, and they covered the game. i’m actively following scooby apocalypse, and there was some teen titans stuff i went all the way through up until now. i don’t think it’s finished yet from what i remember.
i love museums
i actually kind of collect tea sets
yugioh duels; i’m definitely just a novice and it’s just a fun pastime my friends got me into when they found their giant binders of cards again
i’m not actually that big on pokemon, i don’t know a lot of them but it’s still fun and i know some. but i did love pokemon go when my friends still played it (don’t really have time anymore, and it kept crashing way too badly on one of their phones anymore anytime they tried to join a raid and it just wasn’t fun as a group then)
i don’t have any but i like the ~look of crystals and would like to have some, not for my own aesthetic but i just... like having pretty things!
listening to the rain
how the air smells (at least where i live) after a long rain and everything is just cleansed
depression has stopped me from writing for a long time but, in my heart, writing has always been something that has touched me ever since i knew how to do it and could put my stories down on paper instead of having to just talk about them... so i’m going to include that here
root beer floats
hard dip ice cream (if you don’t know what hard dip means... as my boyfriend didn’t... it means ice cream that you have to use a scoop with, not soft serve)
soft serve’s good too tho don’t get me wrong
strawberry milkshakes
this isn’t even stuff that anyone would need to know on this site to befriend me at this point, nobody’s gonna message me like HEY I READ YOU LIKE STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKES ME FUCKING TOO
you’re cool if you do that lmao
so bad they’re good creature features from the 50s and 60s
the old godzilla movies
i like the moon more than the stars, but i like them too
flower crowns
bouncy balls
original skittles
this has gone on way too long, nobody is reading this, your mom’s a hoe, goodnight
no she’s not, i’m sorry, if you got this far then i hope your mom is a nice person
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