l3yawa · 2 years
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Beast Slayer (personal project)
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ooeygooeyghoul · 6 months
Azem || The 14th Seat of the Convocation
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Vulcan || Master of the Forge, Beastslayer, and Forbidden Keeper of the Primordial Flame. A cold and apathetic man misunderstood by the people around him. Not a single one of them knew just how deep his ambition ran. Vulcan is one of those Azems who is only vaguely similar to his shards. He and Shiun don't have a lot in common, but Shiun's construction does contain a part of Vulcan's soul.
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Propaganda under the cut.
Tabitha Scarlet:
owns a mine, has banned her ex girlfriend from said mine, has a lot of Mom Trauma that has resulted in her wanting to be vulnerable while simultaneously believing she cannot afford to be. also some paths in the game lead to her killing someone and she's not as upset about it as she probably should be
She literally runs one of the largest coal mines in the area, coal baroness, strikebreaker (does not want her employees to unionize), if you build up a close enough relationship with her you can find out she's not really a horrible person and she's just dealing with the weight of hundreds of years of obligations on her shoulders but it still doesn't excuse the fact that some of her inspirations include Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford
Morte Asherah
I will level with you I have not finished this game (i am close to the end though). however. I love her dearly and I want you to know her because so few people do. that said oh she's going to lose immediately. the fanbase is 3 people wide. but look. look. she's fantastic. morte is a 16 year old anarchist who we learn early on in the game is absolutely Adamant on bringing on armageddon and destroying the entire world. she is also the deuteragonist of the game. we are not actually avoiding killing the world here. she is also: the most down with murder good guy I have ever seen in an rpg who isn't at all framed as Evil at first or even an antihero. so far she has not taken a Single alternate route to solve a problem when it could be solved by killing somebody. where any other jrpg would have a stealth mission go down to try and get these papers from a lord without anybody noticing, she just says "fuck it let's just kill him and take the papers off his corpse". she literally just kills all her problems. jesus h christ. she has a bounty on her head from the very start of the game and multiple fun monikers like Lady Death and The Scarlet Plague. my personal favorite is beastslayer for the simple fact that in this game the entire upper class is composed of furries. she is So Much. she just Is a guillotine. also as a bonus (maybe not a bonus?) she's like. from an outside perspective kind of generic? like until she opens her bloodthirsty little mouth if you see her you'd assume she's just Jrpg Girl. she looks like it the few cgi cutscenes in the game show her like she's a Jrpg Girl. she's pink and ruffly and Loves Murdering Authority Figures and is very fun and upbeat about it all. her magic attack in the game is a molotov cocktail. she's fantastic.
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deathlaw · 2 months
get to know your mutuals!
tagged by @jazzmckay , thank you!
Currently Watching: One Piece, Malcom in the Middle, finished The Boys the other week. Also a lot of movies. I started Joe Black last night but fell asleep so I need to finish it later.
Currently Reading: Gotrek & Felix: The Second Omnibus. Specifically I am on the Beastslayer book.
Currently Playing: Deep Rock Galactic, Left 4 Dead 2 & Disco Elysium. Also Lethal Company and Fallout New Vegas / Fallout 3
Current Obsession: Painting my minis, I am on a roll. Also watching Caleb Hammer and RE4 play through (again bc my pc can't handle it and I want to play it)
Sweet, Salty, or Savory: All of them, but if sweet it cannot be *too* sweet.
Relationship Status: Not single
Favorite Color: Black, yellow, blue, idk all of them?
Last Thing I Googled: Hunter Biden - Needed a pic of the guy to make a specific meme for my friend group.
tagging: @sweettsubaki @autistook @petiterusk @misfits-den @someidioticurl
If you guys wanna do it go for it, if not do not go for it xD
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craftramsay · 1 year
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unintentionaloracle · 4 months
One thing I think is funny about my current top three favorite WWE guys is that two of them have some pretty distinct "eras" you could do little visual timeline things of that I think is pretty neat:
Seth has NXT, The Shield, The Authority, the redemption/Beastslayer thing (I think those kinda overlap IIRC), The Monday Night Messiah, and (my personal favorite) The Visionary...
Sami has his NXT/Underdog from the Underground stuff, the heel tag run with Kevin, the weird Shinsuke manager thing, his Conspiracy Theorist phase, The Honorary Uce, his face tag run with Kevin, and now The Contender...
...Meanwhile my dear top guy Kevin Owens, aside from like the "Face of America" thing I think (haven't seen much of that outside of Kevin bringing it up as an "oh that was a weird phase let's forget it" thing in an interview), has pretty much never changed drastically when it comes to appearance; just the beard, tattoos, what shirt he lives in when it comes to gear, and generally aging (character is a different story). King worked out his vibe and aesthetic early on and has pretty much stuck with it and I love that about him.
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maxmallart · 9 months
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Human Beastslayer
Calls himself Tommy as necessary
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razelssacredplace · 8 months
Was holding off on this post for a while but now I'm just tired. I've lost interest in Seth Rollins. Not even as a character but as a performer. First of all, and this is something I've noticed since his rematch with Lesnar after Brock cashed in the MITB contract: Seth cannot sell an injury, real or fake, for shit. He was supposed to go into that match with injured ribs and he went out in that match hitting superplexes, dives, and frog splashes and hardly ever sold the ribs for it. Now with all the Shinsuke and Drew matches where he is working with a legitimately bad back and, with a legitimately hurt back, he is never selling it. He takes and sells the bumps but he never flinches, limps, or anything. I've had little bruises on my back before and it would make so many tasks difficult, I'm supposed to believe he can do dives, splashes, and avalanche moves with a bad back? And then I lost a lot of respect for him this past Monday. Hurt back and seriously injured leg? And you want to keep working? Are you stupid? I've sprained my leg and decided to walk on a cane because I'm not risking the long term damage, you want to keep wrestling with a torn MCL and partially torn Meniscus (I might be reversing that order but point stands)? At that point I think you're an idiot. I swear to God I loved Seth as the Kingslayer, as the Beastslayer, when he was the Monday Night Messiah, when he was running as that little devilish prick against Edge and Cody. But fuck if this face run that started back last year hasn't absolutely soured him for me. It's at this point I hope all of these injuries magically heal tomorrow morning just so I'm not afraid he isn't going to prematurely end his career because he snaps an arm in half.
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artmeyk · 9 months
Homeworld Fans who played DOK (Deserts of Kharak) or dwelled in to the lore. (or played Homeworld 2 and Cataclysm) (THIS DOES NOT COUNT COALITION AS A KIITH DUE TO IT JUST FACTION OF KIITHID)
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ofswordandcrowns · 1 year
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Here ye, here ye, for (BANE) of HOUSE (COLASSO), the (LORD COMMANDER) of (ONDERA) has just arrived. They are (FIFTY-FOUR), and look a great deal like (DWAYNE JOHNSON). Their vassals have described them as (DEPENDABLE & PROTECTIVE) but they also claim that they can be a bit (STOIC & UNFORGIVING).
basic info
full name — Bane Kyros Colasso
nickname - Big Bane, Bane The Beastslayer, Ser Bane, Lord Commander
age — Fifty-Four
kingdom — Ondera
gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns)
religion —not particularly religious, but if he had to chose someone to pray to, it would be Aznas
occupation — Knight of Ondera, Lord Commander of the Onderan Army, Protector of Queen Tanio
living arrangements — The Lord Commander's tower at Castille Flores
physical info
face claim — Dwayne Johnson
hair — dark brown / eyes — brown
height — six foot & eleven inches
clothing style — despite coming from a colder climate, Bane tends to wear light leather armor as he finds it makes it easier for him to move and fight in the way that he excels at. Now that he's Lord Commander and thus is now considered a noble, however, he knows that he needs to start to take more thought into his outfits if he wants to impress. He always, though, tends to wear his prized trophy of the Smilodon pelt as a cloak.
sexual preference — versatile with a top lean; though he prefers to top, he will bottom - but no matter what he does, he is very dominant.
The name Colasso is a name that is synonymous with “warriors”. Though they were not a noble house, instead a knightly one that tended to produce the toughest knights and warriors for the kingdom of Ondera, they were still one that commanded a lot of respect among the higher houses. Born into this knightly house, it was expected that Bane would become a knight and eventually serve the Onderan royal family - and it was something he absolutely thrived at. A master in athletics, being taught all manners of combat - including those from foreign countries, as his mother had hailed from beyond Aladonian lands and was able to teach him the way that her people fought in addition to the traditional Colasso fighting standards - many knights clamored at the chance to have him squire for them and he managed to squire for none other than the Lord Commander of the Onderan royal court.
By the time he had finished with his squireship, he had stood at a massive height of nearly seven feet tall and was nearly as wide as a child was tall, all muscle and brawn. But his final test to prove that he was a knight worthy of House Colasso was to venture out into the Neetry Ice Plains to fight a Smilodon on his own. It took him a week to track one down, to find out where it lived and its sleeping patterns, but even then he couldn’t get the jump on it - it managed to tackle him in the middle of the night and left him with scars he still carries to this day, but that was not the end of his story. No, using his sheer strength he managed to break the beasts neck as he fought them off and when he returned home, it was with a trophy of the Smilodon’s fur for him to wear as a cloak and a title - Bane the Beastslayer.
With his new nickname and his knighthood, he devoted his life to serving the crown of Ondera and joined the Queensguard. From there, he grew to admire Queen Tanio from afar as he traveled by her side and protected her from any harm, loving just how poised and polished she was and her general beauty and generosity was enough to have him growing deep feelings for her. It was wrong, he knew, for a man of her Queensguard to feel that way about her, especially when she was married and set to give her husband children, but he couldn’t help but develop a deep love for her. He kept his feelings quiet, however, and instead continued to protect her.
It wasn’t until a visit to a Northern nobleman’s keep that things changed. With a party of Queensguard and the Queen, they traveled to the lands of the Northern most Onderan lord but had become attacked by a massive Mammoth in their wake. The Mammoth’s mate had just given birth and they had ventured too close to its babies and mate, so the beast was ready and willing to protect them at all costs. The mammoth killed all of the Queensguard but one - Bane - and using his mighty hammer, he used his strength and skill to cave the Mammoth’s head in. And when the Queen and Bane returned to Castille Flores, the King named him the Lord Commander in thanks for protecting his queen and the future of Ondera.
The new position that was given to him was one that had elevated House Colasso from just a knightly house to a Noble one, and while Bane had always yearned for the opportunity to become Lord Commander - as he had learned a bit when he had squired for the previous one when he had been a boy - he never thought it would happen. But, with the new position comes a new pressure to find someone to marry and have children with - not only to ensure the future of House Colasso, but to ensure that future generations would learn the unique fighting style that comes with his House, too.
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catariasteele · 2 years
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okay, self-indulgent time
i replayed fire emblem fates recently to actually learn the reclassing system (i was only using master seals previously), and the first thing i noticed while looking up stats is how drastically boons and banes can change the avatar's stats. So, as a joke, I immediately decided to play a magic class. Also, I played hard mode for the first time.
This is Kaori, a diviner/onmyoji classed avatar, with +magic and -strength. She's mature and calculating and not physically strong (making some early game dialogue pretty funny). She sided with her birth family, and picked up magic after her "father's" lovely sword exploded in her face. She almost immediately ditched Yato, using a +1 thunder tome that she totally didn't dimension hop to get (I also worked out online play finally). She's also a little salty that she was pushed towards swords growing up.
She managed to 1v1 Leo in his map with magic, and Xander which allowed her to skip his entire level lol.
She adores her son Kana, who reclassed into paladin and picked up tomebreaker from a previous logbook unit who had it. With tomebreaker, armourslayer, and beastslayer, Kana took down quite a few scary threats.
In terms of a magical avatar: fun, funny, decently strong, but very frail, at least in hard mode. Often having to hide behind defensive units meant she didn't see as much battle, but the onmyoji being able to use staffs meant she had added utility as a healer, which was why I picked it over sorcerer.
Fates can be hilariously bad in some places, but it's my first fire emblem game so I'm still quite fond of it. I miss being able to customise the player character so much ;-;
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coderiderr · 2 years
6, 7, 10, 12, and 17 for the fire emblem engage asks :D
6 & 7 answered in another!
10. Who is your favorite royal?
Oh Ivy no shot my scrunkly cringefail loserwife. She’s so endearing and her I personally just love the sound of voice, and her va does a great job!! Her design looks exactly like an oc id have made freshman year of highschool so she gets points for that!! And she’s been through so much and stayed strong and cares about her people and helping elusia thrive!! Also cool big sister :)
12. Who is your favorite retainer?
Pandreo no competition he’s just so fun and endearing and he makes you think he’s just some what if a priest partied? joke at first but he cares so much about making a church that not only helps people but they genuinely enjoy going to. He’s been through a lot and it’s so interesting to see how that affected his relationship with his faith. Plus he goes big brother mode whenever possible haha he’s very sweet as well & I adore his relationship with Panette they both deserve the best AROOOOOOOO
17. Who is your least favorite enemy unit?
Well I haven’t finished the game so might change but like,,, mauvier? he was just kinda annoying to fight bc i don’t really keep beastslayers in the party & Alcryst could oneshot Zephias Health bars, Pandreo could do Marnis and kagestu just, destroyed Griss lol
But character wise? Idk lol uhhh hyacinth? Sombrons’s at least kinda inch resting but despite getting a special cutscene & big part of Ivy & Hortensias lives he just feels kinda there for me
Thank you for asking Sammie!!!!
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owminiaturesarchive · 2 months
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BB3 – Grendel’s Mother
BB Series - Official ‘Beowulf Beastslayer’ Miniatures
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r-truth · 1 year
i miss kingslayer and beastslayer and demon balor
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News from the Borderlands
Our lead item this week is Heorot - Roleplaying in the World of Beowulf Beastslayer. It's a brand new Kickstarter-funded rules-light RPG based around the Anglo-Saxon legend of Beowulf (as well as the odd piece of Norse mythology) and written by Fighting Fantasy legend Jonathan Green. Lovely illustrations, including some from the late Russ Nicholson.
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Anime RPG fans are well catered for this week since we have a nice collection of BESM (Big Eyes, Small Mouth) in, including some rare supplements that we've not had before.
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And here's something of an oddity that we've not had before either - White Wolf's Street Fighter RPG (yes, as in the video game series).
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And possibly even more of an oddity - the RPG based on Ralph Bakshi's 1977 animated film 'Wizards' (Mark Hamill's film debut).
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thedudear1992 · 2 years
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