97tears · 9 months
gruesome depictions of martyrs in catholicism and kaze to ki no uta itself are exactly the same thing to me
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fluidsberlin · 2 years
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#humancolours #kitkatclub #musik #liebe #farben #dharma #dharmasraya #sanatandharma #dharmabums #beatified #updharmadown #swargaloka #dharmawangsa #lovemydharmabums #dharmainitiative #dharmapuri #muadharmasraya #bodhidharma #peace #safeplaceberlin #ibudharmawanita #bravenewrave #bhuvalove💕 #deva https://www.instagram.com/p/CnO4crzMuKT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dalandan-oranges · 11 months
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[…] his brother, Paciano Mercado, was a disciple of Burgos, '72 meant for Rizal the childhood trauma of a change of name — from Mercado to Rizal — and the wound was obviously still festering when, years later, he defiantly dedicated his second novel to the martyred priests.
-Nick Joaquin
A Question of Heroes, Nick Joaquin / the trailer for GomBurZa
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angelfruittree · 3 months
I am seeing bikeriders on release day first showing I’m not fucking playin around I - ticket BOOKED , concessions pre ordered . Jeff Nichols , universal the propaganda worked
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thecruellestmonth · 6 months
...no, I still disagree with you.
i've seen the argument. i've seen you and others restate that argument. multiple times. and it's still no more solid than the opposition. 🤷‍♀️
a factual point is that B has destroyed so much more than W ever has, or ever could.
otherwise. you have no right to label people as bigots for not adhering to your headcanon.
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arlathen · 8 days
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anyway, the kids' rooms (hahlena's -- sorin's) and amadea's study :)
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erebidaean · 1 year
Thinking about the time I worked as a cashier at a grocery store and a nasty old man called me a faggot and the lady behind him in line screamed at him for it and I played up the crying so I'd have an excuse to take a 20 minute break and then two days later my manager hands me a card from the lady who tried to defend me with a gift card telling me to keep hope for the goodness in the world
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nochoirliketheirsong · 3 months
Song #116
This song is stuck in my head right now
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ylajali · 1 year
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portraitsofsaints · 3 months
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 Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassatti
1901 - 1925
Feast day: July 4
Pier Giorgio Frassati was a handsome, fun-loving, athletic, courageous and devout Catholic born into a prominent Italian family. He died at the young age of 24 and has since become the model for lay people all over the world. Beatified in 1990 by Pope John Paul II and named "The Man of the Eight Beatitudes," Pier Giorgio teaches us that holiness is for everyone.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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bloop-bl00p · 1 month
Rewriting Hellaverse Heaven
Welcome to Heaven
We all know that Vivienne's worldbuilding skills are terrible, I’ve been pointing out a few issues so it’s not a new concept. I don’t want her to butcher Heaven in the second season, I know she will so I did something myself.
Anyway, I’ll start with the lowest in the hierarchy and gradually start climbing higher, it’s not 100% accurate to the angelic hierarchy we all know but where’s the fun in taking the accurate text without making any changes?
I. Humans:
Different ranks
Humans, while mostly there to rest after their death, can access more important ranks that are essential for Heavens to keep working. It’s based on how they lived on Earth.
Venerable: Venerable is the title given to a deceased person recognized as having lived a virtuous life, they sinned but it wasn't that bad and their good doing overcame their bad deeds. They are very common.
Blessed: To be beatified and recognized as Blessed, you must die because you accomplished a virtuous act based on the 7 Capital Virtues. A Blessed has the opportunity to assist a Saint in their daily routine and help welcome new souls in Heaven, making them visit different places and integrate them into the communities.
Saint: Sainthood requires a heroically virtuous and borderline sinless life, which means they dedicated their entire life to helping others and the world around them. A soul who accessed sainthood has the opportunity to further participate in the maintenance of Heaven. Saint Peter has the keys to open the Gates and knows which souls can have access to it.
The Choirs
Venerables can be part of a Choir since they have the most free time. The main style is currently Gospel and Acapella but Gospel Rock with Christian Symphonic Metal recently added themselves with new generations.
If I had to rewrite “Welcome to Heaven” it would probably be like “Gospel True” from Hercules.
II. Earthly Messengers
In other terms, those angels interact the most with humans whether it’s on Earth, in Heaven, or in Hell.
“Common” Angels
a. Overall:
That’s what they are called in the scripture and honestly, I was too tired to find another name. They are mostly pacifists avoiding confrontation and only carrying action and the words of God for the Greater Good. “Common” Angels take humans' appearance to blend in to spread good morals and values to inspire others.
They have to protect mortals from demonic influence, AKA identify and either repel the demon or slay it in extreme circumstances. They are my replacements for the Cherub in Helluva Boss and the reason IMP and other needs humans disguise.
b. Guardian Angels:
A guardian angel is assigned to protect and guide a particular person. You can't see them but their advice manifests as your internal monologue. It's up to you if you want to listen to it. They are the reason you think twice before willingly making bad decisions.
If the “Common” Angels take care of individuals person, Principalities take care of kingdoms and large communities focusing mainly on the chiefs so they rule fairly over their people.
Unfortunately, most Principalities fell with Lucifer and the Fallen currently use their skills to manipulate rulers for the benefit of Hells.
a. Overall:
Powers heavily partake in Heaven’s army and it’s not rare to see them roaming around with a sword and armor, I mean, it’s their duty to protect the place. Once a year they descend to Hell in order to kill as many sinners as possible.
While it’s still a hazard as demons in general have varieties of powers that can make a fight difficult they do it nonetheless. During the war against Lucifer, their loyalty was such that no Powers fell which not only boosted their ego but also made them loathe those who turned against the Almighty.
Archangel Michael is the leader of the army but since Lucifer obliviously does not want the guy near Pentagram City Misael, his best soldier and lieutenant, takes the lead once in Hell.
b. Context around Exterminations:
The Examination was set up when Lucifer stopped torturing sinners and established a semblance of society to gain more power. Misael proposed it, not only to stop the Fallen Angel from harvesting strength but to regulate the number of souls in Hell. Which got accepted.
A deal was made with Lucifer who did not want to start another war. It’s a simple arrangement, nobody but the Powers could have access to Hell, the Extermination can only happen once a year at 12:00 AM on New Year’s Eve finishing the second the clock reaches midnight to announce the New Year. The Angels don’t have access to other rings and can only kill within the enclosure of Pride, they can attack anyone (Hellborns included) but not members of the Royal Class. It’ll be wise to be precise that blue blood can’t intervene during the extermination, it’s part of the deal.
Each of them has prayer duties where they need a few days to demand forgiveness after each extermination because they destroyed souls.
Sinning gives more power to the Seven Deadly Sins, so each Power chooses their victims wisely specifically targeting sinners classified, in their own terms, as Overlords since they massively perpetuate immoral behaviors in others. They know exactly who targets thanks to Adam and Eve.
The first humans were sent to Hell because they doomed humanity except that not only did they keep their human appearance but they got a pardon from the wrath of Lucifer. Sealed away from the chaos of Hell, they stay in contact with Heaven and inform them of news deemed as important like the rise in power of a sinner.
III. Heavenly Rulers
While they rarely venture among humans, the actions they take can affect life on Earth.
The Archangels
The Archangels have been given the monumental task of managing life in Heaven for humans and the travel between Heaven and Earth/Hell. Each one of them has a different area of expertise translated by the etymology of their name.
They take care of the “Common” Angels and Power's activities making sure everything goes accordingly. They make sure everyone follows the rules, arresting/killing those that don't, and assigning the proper sentence when ordered to by God or the Dominions. They can be sent to Earth to deliver very important messages and are responsible for miracles, you know, people magically getting their visions back or limbs suddenly growing back, yeah, it’s them.
Dominions rule over the Angels under them in the hierarchy, they monitor their activities making sure everything is fine. They solve arguments and grant intelligence with their immense wisdom and, like judges, give verdicts and penalties to criminals often helping God himself when faced with dilemmas, they were the ones who proposed the flood and helped God make his 10 Commandments.
The Ophamins
They are eyed wheels inside eyed wheels that contain fire whiting them, don’t try to visualize that.
Whenever Gods ask for a place to be blessed they will take the fire from them and spread it around making mere earthly houses holy. When that happens Hellborns (imps, succubus, or else) cannot approach these areas, unless they wanna die. You see this fire doesn't just repel sin it cleanses it completely and since Hellborn creatures are physical manifestations of sins they die the second they get close to the fire.
The fire is used to make angelic weapons.
IV. God’s Attendance
They can get physically close to the Almighty and help Him by carrying His orders or even replacing Him in some cases.
The Cherubims
Cherubims are armed with a sword whose warmth rivals the sun, it’s directly made from the fire of the Ophamin. One became the Guardian of Eden after Adam and Eve ate the Defended fruits (A pomegranate in my rewrite) Two also stand beside Saint Peter protecting the gates of Heaven.
Their duty is to protect sacred places, If God sends them to Earth it’s to protect a zone, Noah was asked to build the status of two Cherubim on his arch to ensure its protection, The same goes for Solomon who built temples with sculptures of Cherubim inside.
The Sheraphim
The closest to God physically, Seraphim cover their body with one of their three pairs of wings to not blind people and avoid outshining the Heavenly Father. Their love is so grand they burn, it doesn’t hurt them.
They essentially have endless creativity, not unlimited like God but pretty close, they helped him when creating the universe and its rules.
The Seven Holly Virtues
Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Saraquel, Gabriel, and Remiel.
Also called the Council of Seven, these angels are the most powerful of their type and take charge of Heaven when God is unavailable. Each of them represents a Virtue and they are the ones you’ll see when you’re dead.
Each evaluates your entire life before your eyes and decides whether you go to Hell or not, the process lasts a few seconds from your perspective, hence why you feel like your life flashes before your eyes.
V. More informations
1. Angelic weapons:
Their making always involves the fire of the Ophamins, whether it’s a literal flaming sword or used to melt metals. Ophamins are the only ones able to touch this divine fire, they are literally made from it, Angels above them can be hurted by it but they are allowed to have flaming weapons because of their much more important status and their experiences. Those below are given metallic weapons melted with the fire to give a tier of its properties but it’s less powerful, nonetheless, it is still effective against low-tier demons.
→ A flaming sword kills Angels (fallen or not).
→ A simple blade can only kill the offspring of the Goetia (in my rewrite the 72 Goestia are Fallen Angels that had children in Hell), Hellborns, and sinners.
2. What are they made of?:
Angels were created the second God asked for Light, as they are part of it. They have free will and autonomy but choose to serve their Creator as it seems like the most logical thing to do. They are sinless beings living in another plane of existence. Usually, when angels fall off of grace they shapeshift because they don’t want to be associated with Heaven, only taking a more “holly” appearance to trick humans.
This shapeshifting ability is flawed for both species because their natural eye colors cannot change. You know what they said “Eyes are the window of the soul.”
3. Morality and the importance of ethics:
Angels are moral beings and have free wills, they know ultimately what is really good and what is really wrong and that’s how they base their judgment upon humans.
There’s one flaw in this system, however.
They live in an alien-perfect environment. Everyone knows their place and carries their very specific duties, they don’t question rules because why would a perfect God would create imperfect rules? The last time someone tried to drastically change everything they lost a tier of their friends and witnessing what they are doing now reinforces that feeling that their sense of morality is ultimately right.
Ethics is many things and I still struggle to fully grasp what it is despite the little research I made, what I understand is that it helps in understanding people's behavior and giving fair judgments in court. What is morally wrong can be ethically right, there’s a huge difference between robbing a bank because you want to get rich and being a pickpocket because you have children to feed. Angels don't understand that, they don't understand humans and that’s why so many people end up in Hell without really deserving it.
4. These have nothing to do with the rewrite:
The way I suffered to write this is unreal. I have a bad habit of doing research and writing at the same time! Don’t be like me… because the number of time I had ideas and decided to scrap them because the results of my research made more sense makes me want to cry. I didn't but I was close.
You can also count me not saving my progress and accidentally closing Tumblr so I had to rewrite paragraphs. Anyway, the pain is over and I‘m glad the final result.
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Poll based on winners of each previous bracket!
After this poll is over, our winner will be crowned the patron saint of Tumblr. Then we will have losers brackets, a beatified bracket, Marian apparitions, and more!
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
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Odoardo Focherini 
Odoardo Focherini was an Italian journalist and devout Catholic who rescued 105 Jews between 1942 and 1944 by obtaining false identity  papers for them and transporting them to safety in Switzerland. He was posthumously beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.
Odoardo, known as “Odo,” was born in Modena, Italy in 1907 to a devout Catholic family. At a vacation in Trento in 1925, he met Maria Marchesi, and they fell in love and soon became engaged. Odo was 18 and Maria was 16, so they waited until 1930 to get married. They had seven children.
Odo worked as an insurance agent, but in 1933 he followed his passion and started a new career as a journalist. He became managing director of L’Avvenire d’Italia, a daily newspaper affiliated with the Catholic Church that is still being published today. Odo was such an exceptional journalist that he came to the attention of the highest levels of the Catholic Church, and Pope Pius XI awarded him the Order of Saint Sylvester in 1937.
The situation in Europe grew increasingly darker for the Jews and in 1942, Hitler enacted the genocidal “Final Solution.” Cardinal Pietro Boetta, the archbishop of Genoa, asked the editor-in-chief of L’Avvenire d’Italia, Raimondo Manzini, to help a group of Polish Jews escape from fascist-ruled Italy to safety in Switzerland. Manzini immediately recruited Odo, known for his strong moral compass and devotion to justice, to carry out this lifesaving mission. Odo created a secret network of Catholics who wanted to help persecuted Jews as the Nazi death machine took over Europe. Using contacts he’d met during his work as a journalist, Odo procured a large number of false documents and personally accompanied many Jews over the border to Switzerland. Odo saved the lives of 105 Jews between 1942 and 1944.
Unfortunately, the Nazis found out what Odo was doing when they intercepted a letter in which he wrote that he was helping Jews “not for profit but out of pure Christian charity.” He was arrested by the Gestapo on March 11, 1944 and imprisoned in Bologna. That August Odo was transferred to a work camp in Germany. During his imprisonment Odo sent 166 letters to his beloved wife Maria. Later that year Odo was sent to a concentration camp in Hersbruck, Germany. He developed a leg infection which wasn’t treated and became gangrenous. On December 27, 1944, Odo died from the raging infection. His last words were, “I declare that I die in the purest Roman Catholic faith and in full submission to the will of God.”
Odo was posthumously awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations by Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem in 1969. In 1996, Pope John Paul II declared Odo a “Servant of God,” because he was murdered for saving Jews. This began the lengthy beatification process, and in 2012, the decree attesting to Focherini’s martyrdom was finally signed by Pope Benedict XVI. Odoardo Focherini was the first Righteous Gentile to be beatified. Odo’s letters to his family were published as a book in 1994. The Memorial Museum in Carpi displays a large banner with a quotation from Odo that he said to his brother-in-law who visited him in prison: “If you had seen, as I have seen in this prison, how Jews are treated here, your only regrets would be not to have saved more of them.”
For saving 105 Jews, at the cost of his own life, we honor Odoardo Focherini as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
My friend's brand new baby girl, Vianney, who was born on Sept 1st, has been in the NICU since Thursday (Sept 14th) and has just been diagnosed with hemimegalencephaly. It's a rare, non-hereditary genetic mutation that caused a malformation of one side of her brain, causing seizures. She'll have to stay in the hospital for several more weeks while they try to get her seizures to slow down. She needs brain surgery but has to make it to 6 months before she can have it. Unless a miracle happens, she will need special care her whole life.
I work for the Little Sisters of the Poor and one of the sisters has suggested we start a novena asking for the intercession of the newly beatified Ulma Family, particularly asking for the special intercession of their unborn baby that was beatified with them, for a complete healing of Vianney.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could spread the word to everyone you know, asking them to help pray for a miracle for little Vianney and her family.
Parents are Jennifer & Shad, and Vianney has two older sisters, Cecilia & Zelie.
Prayer for the Intercession of the Ulma Family
Almighty and eternal God,
we thank You for the testimony of the heroic love of the spouses Józef and Wiktoria with their children, who gave their lives to save persecuted Jews.
May their prayers and example support families in Christian life and help everyone to follow the true path of holiness.
Lord, if it is in accordance with Your will, kindly grant the grace for the complete healing of little Vianney, for which we are asking You through their intercession and count them among the Blessed.
Through Christ Our Lord
Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory Be...
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tozettastone · 2 months
Oh, sure, any time a famous christian reaches back from beyond the grave and interferes with living humans, he's "beatified" and "worthy of veneration" and "blessed," but when I do it I'm "an undead horror" and "eating our children."
Make it make sense.
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