#beatles Lockscreen
good-to-drive · 7 months
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labyrinthaze · 2 months
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New outtakes of Taylor Swift and Paul McCartney for Rolling Stone's “Musicians on Musicians” cover story in 2020 ❤️💙
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complementares · 2 years
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mockscreens · 1 year
Can I request Beatles lock screens? 💗
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asldfkjgfg i used to be a huge beatlemaniac and had all these great pictures of them but i can't find them anymore, i had to do with what i had :(
please like/reblog if you save!
more lockscreens here!
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stargiirl27 · 4 months
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part of my hopeless romantic beatles series
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beetlesrecs · 1 year
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꒰⠀⠀︵⠀ 𝅄beatles maniacs lockscreens⠀⠀◌
like or reblog if you save
don't repost or claim it as yours!
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lil-melody-moon · 1 year
This was quite a long time ago, two months I think, when I've accidentally stumbled upon one photo of Paul McCartney. He was far from the camera, sitting on a rocky beach or something like that, his back facing the camera mostly, but I think his side profile was shown a bit. There was sea in the background, that I'm sure of and I can't find this pic.
Can someone help me find it, pls? 🙏
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carfulpls · 1 year
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yorkshireteauk · 6 months
yelena comes home one day to find kate and the dogs dressed as the beatles from Sgt Peppers and as kate is scrambling for an excuse yelena has already taken a photo and made it her lockscreen
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third-arch · 6 months
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My Corazon HC’s!! pt.1 🤍🤍
Corazon’s an interesting one, bc I feel like he’s either a really corny but like informed dad, or just a really really chill and sweet guy. So, here’s my random hybrid of HCs for Rosi!!
Two Beatles songs he really likes are “For No One” and “In My Life”.
His favorite flavors are cherry, strawberry, and lemon.
He loves Steven Universe.
He LOVES IU and he’s so vocal about it. Because of this, he likes purple! It’s not his fav color, but he thinks it’s very pretty.
Vinyls > CDs for him
He’d be the person to send you memes that are either very sweet or kinda outdated. 
Like the previous one, he’d react to some of your texts with corny dad gifs.
He’s a Swiftie. 
I’ll make a list of a bunch of anime I think he’d watch some other time, but he loves Madoka Magica. His favorites are Madoka and Mami. He got Law to watch it, too.
In general he really likes cute, silly, and magical girl anime, so things like Sailor Moon, Is This Order A Rabbit?, Chihayafuru, and Nichijou.
If he likes you, he’d invite you to concerts.
He has this hanging in his closet:
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He’d watch Gossip Girl with you, but he’d be saying things like,
“These people are horrible!” the whole time LOL. And he’d still watch it with you. It would be a case of “This is horrible…I need more!” (Poor Corazon)
If you asked him the artist he listened to the most last week, he’d say Lyn Lapid. If he listens to her often is up to you. 
If you ask him, “Do you like Radiohead?”
He’d say, “Radiohead’s okay. They’re not something I’d listen to on a daily basis, but I know Law really likes ‘em.”
Something I could imagine him saying would be,
“Oi, Law! Check this out! There’s this anime that y/n showed me called K-On. Isn’t it cool? Look!”
He’d cry watching KDramas like Descendants of the Sun. He’d invite you to watch them with him.
Romantic HC’s!!
He’d write you love letters. They’d be very sweet and gentle.
He’d stop smoking altogether if you didn’t like it. Like not just going to the balcony or setting boundaries, but he’d quit altogether. 
He’d love whatever you wear. 
If you guys met long distance or like not directly, then one likely possibility is that you met playing Sky CoL. (I might write a HC on this, too.)
If you had an art account, he’d like all of your posts, and tell you in private how much he liked them. 
His love is very very gentle. He’ll let you take the lead on more intimate things and just be an equal with you.
He’d get so happy just having you as his Lock Screen. He’d show you off to Law or his Marine buddies.
“Look at y/n! Aren’t they cool?”
He’d kiss his lockscreen sometimes in front of you. Like (mwah) <-that
He’d get really sad if you called yourself ugly. Like he’d reassure you so much.
I honestly think whether you loved him back or not, if he had the chance to, one of the ways of telling you how much he loves you would be playing “Lover”, “Love Like You”, or “Thinking Out Loud” for you on the guitar. Just some really well known love song I feel like.
He’d find a way to dance with you. He’d make it work, somehow. He’d dress really nice, too!
Author’s NOTE:
I meant to make this tomorrow, but I’m taking a break from studying, so I went ahead and wrote it. Some of these were inspired by my boyfriend :))!!🤍🤍
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okwritingandpain · 1 year
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da: The Beatles x Reader
Chapter 1
Y/N sat in the coffee shop, sipping her mocha in peace. Her fingers tapped on the keyboard as she had to turn in her newest college paper that afternoon. Her airpods were in her ears playing the melodies and harmonies of the Beatles. It calmed her, listening to songs that seemed to give off such a feeling of joy. Being 19 and joyfully on the way to having an English degree, she thought of what fun it would be to write stories for the world. Her parents were supportive, which was all that mattered. She had played piano for as long as she could remember which sparked her newest story idea for her paper.
A Tale Of A Lone Pianist
It was perfect and she couldn't wait for everyone to read it. Taking another sip, many people zipped by her. The shop was busy, basically bursting at the seems with people. Sometimes she could basically feel the people staring at her computer screen. It annoyed her, but she continued her story.
"Watch where your walking, old man!" Someone snapped. Paying no mind, she felt something hit her foot. A phone.
"I'm sorry, luv. My phone got away from me." A man said, trying to hide his face with his hood.
"It's alright." She said, grabbing the phone off the ground. Her fingers grazed the button, turning it on. The lock screen was a picture of Paul McCartney. She smiled as she handed the phone to him.
"You a McCartney fan?" She asked, trying to get a better look at the man. He made a small laugh.
"You could say that." He smirked, putting the phone in his pocket. His clothes looked stained, as if he had spilled his coffee or something. Oh, wait...
"Can I buy you another coffee? You look like you lost yours." She giggled, as the man stiffened. He looked at his clothing.
"It's okay, you really don't have to." He murmured, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"I insist." She said, standing up. "All I ask is that you watch my stuff. What coffee do you want?" The man fumbled with his jacket, uncomfortablely.
"You trust me?" He asked, unsure. She nodded.
"I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt." She concluded. He seemed to relax and smile.
"I prefer tea actually." He said, quietly.
"No big deal, I'll get you what you want." Standing up she went to stand in line. Watching carefully the man sat down and just looked around a bit. He didn't even glance at her computer screen. After finally getting the tea, she walked back to him. Handing him the tea, she sat down across from him.
"Thank you." He said, gleefully. The hidden sunny smile shone at her.
"So, what is it you do?" She asked, striking a conversation. The man was shocked, but appreciative of the kindness of the girl.
"I'm a musician." He remarked. Interesting, but it made sense due to his lockscreen.
"That’s cool. I've played the piano since forever, but I never written my own song. It's so cool you could make a career out of it!" The girl cheered.
"An interesting one at that." He muttered, "What do you do?"
"English Major in college." She explained, "I like to write stories." He perked up at her with a genuine smile.
"I'm sure you are very good." He glistened, "I want to thank you for your hospitality. I was trying to fly under the radar a bit, but I guess if one person knew it wouldn't be a big deal. As long as you don't tell everyone here" She cocked an eyebrow at him.
"Okay?" She questioned, unsure of what he meant. The man lifted his hood a little. His brown eyes glowed and shined in the light. His gray hair whipped in a wave. His childlike features smirked at her. She was talking to Paul McCartney.
Grasping a hand over her mouth, she bottled up her shock and excitement. Was it really him or was she hallucinating? Maybe she somehow overdosed on Beatles music or something...
"I know it's shocking." He muttered, placing his hood down again. "You seemed so nice, and trusting. I thought you would want to...I don't know...know me?" She blushed at his words. He was so kind.
"It's nice to meet you..." She trailed off. "Sir McCartney--"
"Please, call me Paul." He insisted with a smile. "What’s your name, luv?" He looked up expectantly.
A moment passed. "Y/N." She said, quietly. He gave her a dreamy look.
"A beautiful name...George always liked that one." He frowned for the first time since they met. Guilt rushed over her.
"Thank you...I'm sorry about George." She murmured. The smile returned, but felt a little forced.
"He's not suffering anymore." Paul whispered. She nodded as the world fell silent.
"Why are you talking to me?" She asked, attempting to change the subject.
"The world needs more people like you. I like to surround myself with the best of people." He sighed.
"I can understand that. It feels just yesterday--" She was cut-off.
"That’s it! I've been waiting forever for this chance, luv!" He croaked, standing up. She was shocked. He looked like a wild bore in his frantic outburst.
"What?" She asked, as Paul grabbed her wrist.
"How would you like to see Abbey Road Studios!" He cheered, as she pulled her wrist away. She grabbed her belongings putting them in her book bag.
"I would love to, but why are you..." She ran after Paul as he dashed to the exit. People stopped and stared. Some were muttering:
"Is that Paul McCartney?"
She raced towards where Paul was at his car. He motioned her to get in. Obeying she got in the passenger seat. He drove off. A quick and sudden realization hit her. They were in America, New York. They were no where near London!
"How are we going to get to Abbey Road Studios?" She asked, gripping her seat belt.
"I may have lied a little. Birds fell for it all the time back in the old days." He smirked. She glared at him. After what felt like hours, the two pulled up to a recording studio. Why would he bring her here. Was the first question in her mind. Was he really just some pervert? Paul guided her inside, walking past the front desk to the nearest recording booth. Pulling out a guitar he sat down.
"What are you doing?" She asked, finding a stool to sit down. He quickly motioned her away from the stool, pointing at the piano.
"You can’t play the piano from there." He coed, tuning the guitar a little.
"Play the piano?" She repeated, sitting down. He nodded.
"We're going to play 'Yesterday'" He smirked. Her lips pressed together. It had been awhile since she had played anything seriously.
"Why?" She asked, looking at the keys that were as white as the moon.
"You'll see." He said.
"That song doesn't have piano--"
"But it can." He smirked, beginning to play. She could do this. Following Paul's lead, she began to play what she remembered. Paul sang and every now and again Y/N would join too. Suddenly she felt dizzy. Paul's guitar rang in her ears. He walked over to her, still playing.
"You can save the Beatles." He said, as everything went dark.
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good-to-drive · 7 months
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(redo of this)
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mchiti · 1 year
tagged by @zbee thank you hbiba💓🤲🏽
Post my lockscreen + last song I listened to + the last picture I took + last picture I saved:
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1. my lockscreen, 2. an old italian song from the 70s I’ve discovered and now I’m obsessed with (it’s a sweet song the singer wrote for a friend who couldn’t stop w/ heroin, such a social issue especially back then), 3. I cook more than I eat (and wlh I dont care it’s not Ramadan anymore I missed cheb I wanted cheb) 4. Idk pretty random but I saw this beatles thing on a british humour page and I find it so hilarious idk why
i have no idea who did it already? 😭 But tagging @swaggypsyduck @bostonoriginal @mavieesttriste16 @mrs-bellingham @cryingforcrocodiles @roobylavender @aastraeus @books-loverss @kylianmbappeh @licharlo and absolutely WHOEVER wants to💓
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13eyond13 · 1 year
📷 🎵🦋!
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
a picture of my lil plant babies 🌱
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🎵 Last song you listened to?
Not entirely sure! But I'm watching The Royal Tenenbaums right now, so Hey Jude by the Beatles is stuck in my head
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
scavenger of sweetness
[ask game]
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steelycunt · 1 year
even resident paul girls have george on their lockscreen. pretty privilege innit babe
literally i have to say it when paul pops his pussy the way george was doing day in day out 24/7 like his life depended it then we can talk about a lockscreen feature. until then idk doesn’t he have a beatles rpf to be getting injured in or smthn
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stargiirl27 · 4 months
making beatles lockscreens like its 2012
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