#because I can't pay attention to what's being said while I am doing something else
synobun · 1 month
You seem like the kind of dude who'd listen to NPR.
This is a compliment.
The little preview box in my notifs made this look like it was going to be my first ever tumblr hate mail
I was kinda excited ngl
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athena5898 · 8 months
I often think when people hear "infantilizing a group of people", they think of it literarily that we are actively being made a infant. While this is a part of it, I think people miss the subtle things that end up causing chasms in their relationships with that group of people.
It's actually hard to pinpoint because it's never a singular event, it's many tiny things but the end result is always "I am the authority, I will always know more then you, I will never take your advice, I will never be honest with you (you know to spare *your* feelings), any disagreement is your fault, any problem in your life is my cross to bear and you must follow how I tell you to fix it, I will never stoop myself to understanding what your needs are as X group and will view everything from my own lens and judge you accordingly, we are not equals, and we never will be. (This is not a exhausted list, nor will everyone have all the same traits)
It is very hard to connect with someone who just automatically assumes a higher status to you just because of something you can't change. All the while the offender thinks what they are doing is actually a good thing. They are somehow helping you by just assuming they are better then you (which in the end, that's kinda what this is).
I have a few people in my life that I care for a lot, but they are not that much older then me yet they act like I can't possibly understand them and automatically shove this "child" label on my forhead.
And here is the thing, they will voluntarily bring up why they think this if you pay attention. It might be trauma they've dealt with, it might be that they have kids and you don't, age, or anything else like this. However I think it's important to note that I have friends who do not talk down to me and respect me as my own person with autonomy and also have these things going on in their life. So it's not like it's impossible to treat someone with respect and have these differences.
Now what do some of these subtle differences look like? There are many ways they can materialize but to name a few.
- Demanding the person solves a problem their way despite the person telling them why their circumstances do not allow that.
- assuming...well anything and all the time. These people have a tendency to think they know exactly what you are feeling and other such things and if you try to correct them then they will actually get upset at you or show some type of passive aggressiveness.
-Speaking on your behalf without asking permission
-never valuing your expertise on any subject. They are older/more mature then you, therefore to them they know more about everything. What's really fun (/s) about this is when they will explain to you, why you are wrong, by repeating what you said back at you.
- any reason why you can't do a thing, or why you need an aide is an excuse. You could do it if you *really* wanted to, but you are just being lazy. Now the real adult has to take up your burden.
- they do not/cannot listen to you. No matter what you say or how you say it, or if they even confirm what you say, there is always a part of them that is not listening. Or hell, they could of listened to you, but since what you say isn't important to them, they will quickly forget it and may even try and claim you never said anything to them.
- I'm not sure if this counts as infantilizing, but I notice that it happens a lot in tandem. While they think less of you and treat you like a child whose facts and opinions don't matter, all of this will change at a moment's notice when they need something from you...oddly enough something they probably normally do not take seriously from you on a normal day. Suddenly thrusting you with this burden of taking care of them even though they are never there for you in any meaningful actually helpful way most of the time. Like you will literally be demanded to stop what you are doing, and get over whatever you are going through to help them and their problem. I cannot explain how frustrating it is to be demanded to be the mature one while most of the time being denied respect.
I could go on, but honestly if I sat here and thought of every single tiny thing they do to make sure there is distance between you and them up on their self made pedestals, I'd be here all day.
The worst part on all of this is that I have no idea how to resolve it. People who do this are not inherently bad people, hell they might not even realize they do it. But this can actually make it more difficult to bring to their attention. I have tried many ways and many different times to resolve this, but I haven't been successful yet. Anyone who has corrected themselves were people who just had a little mess up but still obviously viewed me as a person from the start.
These subtle ways someone can dehumanize you, it can cause terrible rifts and of course the other person never understands why (see point above about not listening)
I am writing this as a autistic person, but I know there are others who go through this. Please check the ways you create artificial authority over someone.
Edit: someone reblogged this with hashtags about how we shouldn't do this to children either and I completely agree, I was using the term because it's the one often used to explain these things. Adding the edit cause I have no idea how to respond to the hashtag thing and I think it's a important thing to note.
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maxknightley · 6 months
on the one hand I do understand where people are coming from when they respond to The White American Desire For Authentic Culture by going "you already have a culture" and pointing out that this desire often has reactionary undertones
that being said, I think it's largely sidestepping the actual issue, which is that American culture fucking blows chunks. American culture is strip malls and military worship and the elevation of mass-market pablum to Bold Artistic Statements.
and subculture is only partially an escape from this, because most subcultures exist within the same constraints of American culture as a whole; they are captured and redefined by capital on such a frequent basis that it often feels impossible to hold onto them in any meaningful way.
moreover, even the parts of American culture that aren't complete garbage are more or less inextricable from the colonial, imperialist, and racially-stratified history of the country. like, I think of that post that went around a while ago talking about "America sucks but has some good parts," and one of the things it listed was national parks, and people (rightfully!) pointed out that the national park system is fundamentally flawed and tends to shit on indigenous nations by design.
the only thing I can think of that's even sort of an exception is pop culture - jazz and rock music, superhero comics, Hollywood. and all of those are, again, captured and defined by capital, and in one way or another have historically been built on screwing over the artist.
so we come to a position, one way or another, where a lot of people say something like: "I'm alienated. I'm surrounded by traditions and institutions I think are shit; I have no way to meaningfully undermine them, and I can't escape them without effectively destroying my life. the culture I was born into is a gravestone on top of another gravestone, lifeless and miserable, and people are constantly shouting that I should be grateful because it's The Greatest Country In The World."
at that point, one seeks an escape, and I think there are three major routes here.
one is to become a weird lib obsessed with the Real Soul Of America. America is really about the good parts, not the bad parts which outnumber them and which they are built upon.
another is to fixate on the Exotic, for lack of a better word. cultures which you do not have an obvious "connection" to, but which fascinate you or appeal to you. obviously this can be pretty fucking fraught, though I would argue that taking an interest in other cultures is a good thing if you aren't shitty about it. (That's its own conversation.)
the third is to fixate on the culture(s) you feel you "ought to have" had, that which was sacrificed on the altar of whiteness by grandparents or great-grandparents who, frankly, had different concerns. to look at a culture that may still be defined in many ways by cruelty and stratification - the way I would argue most human civilization has been - but that seems to have had something else going on, at least. a culture that may not have been recognizable 500 years ago, but at least it existed.
again, none of these impulses is beyond criticism, and I think it would be naive to say that the last one can't have reactionary undertones. I also doubt these impulses are unique to the USA! alienation is extremely common in today's world, and it's not as though the USA is the only settler state in existence.
what I am saying is more that I think the conditions that lead to these fixations are worth paying attention to, and that dismissing them with "you already have a culture" kind of misses the point in favor of getting in a zinger. people wouldn't want a different culture if they were happy with the one they had. like so many other things, people want one that Doesn't Completely Suck. failing that, they'd probably like to not be defined by any culture at all - but that, tragically, is just as impossible.
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myung-heee · 9 months
manipulation c.yj
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kinktober: day 9 + manipulation
pairings: yeonjun x f!reader
warnings: manipulator!yeonjun x (kinda) innocent!reaader, manipulation, unprotected, (noncon at first), oral (f receiving), missionary
yeonjun is your closest friend since high school, both of you are complete opposites. he was popular, athletic, and had good grades, making him every girl's ideal type. Well, you can't blame them. yeonjun is a total package, embodying everything one could desire in a guy. he's like the living standard of a man.
both of you are quite close, and the reason why he was close to you and never broke your friendship remained a mystery to you and the other students around you. imagine being friends with the most idolized man on your campus while you consider yourself just a potato. however, yeonjun doesn't see you that way!! he views you as a cute potato.. (lol) he likes you as a woman, as a lady. he just hasn't found the right time to tell you
on the other hand, there's kai, your new friend who recently transferred to your class. initially, yeonjun didn't pay much attention; he would casually greet kai with a smile or a simple 'hi' whenever they crossed paths.
your friendship with kai seemed to flourish as yeonjun got busier with his basketball practices.
"let's hang out at my place," yeonjun approached you while you were sitting at your desk, copying the notes kai had lent you. you looked up at him and said shortly, "sorry, can't," before returning your attention to your notebook.
he raised a brow and asked, "can't? why? do you have something important coming up today?" he replied, "yeah, I'll be studying with kai," you said without even glancing at him. his expression faded, and he scoffed, "kai? the new guy, huh?"
"are you replacing me, y/n?" he asked. You looked up at him, trying to find a joke in his expression, but he seemed genuinely serious, gripping his towel, eyes fixed on you. "it's just one time.. i can always hang out with you, you know?" you explained. he sighed and looked away. "that's the point—just one time. this is the first time you don't want to hang out with me and choose someone you met just weeks ago?" his voice grew louder, drawing a few glances from your classmates. you sighed and looked around.
"jun, let's talk about this tomorrow. i have something to do," you said, showing him your notes. he just scoffed, wiped his face with the towel, and walked away. Before he could leave the classroom, he said, "i'll see you at the gate after class. i won't take no for an answer," and left.
your brows furrowed as you were about to say something, but the door had already closed. you sighed, put down your notes, and placed kai's notebook on his empty desk.
you told kai you weren't able to study with him tonight because something urgent came up. luckily for you, kai didn't actually mind it and told you that it was all fine.
you smiled at him. after class, you went to the gate right where yeonjun told you to. you saw him on his phone, a basketball on the side of his waist, and he had a towel hanging over his shoulder. you cleared your throat; he immediately looked in your direction and smiled, putting his phone in his pocket and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
"i really thought you didn't want to be friends with me anymore," he chuckled. you looked down. he was your only close friend, so of course, you would choose him over anyone else.
you had been debating with yourself earlier about whether you would hang out with him or kai, then a thought came to your mind. yeonjun was a popular guy, yet he chose to be friends with you. you felt bad, so you thought that maybe you had to choose him too.
"well, you're my best friend... why wouldn't i hang out with you?" you smiled. he patted your head. "i am your only best friend, so you'll choose me over anyone, okay?" he whispered. you nodded.
"that's what i thought," he smiled. you looked at him, confused about what he meant, but you just brushed it off. as you arrived at his home, his parents were there, and you greeted them.
"we'll just study together," he said and guided you upstairs into his room.
as you entered his room, you immediately made your way into his desk. you put your bag on the table and sat on his gaming chair. his eyes were fixated on you. "do you really think we'll study?" he chuckled. you furrowed your brows and threw a glance at him. "wait, we won't?" you asked in a confused tone.
he put his towel on the doorknob before clicking the lock. "yeah.. we'll hang out, remember?" he smiles innocently. you looked over at the doorknob, confused about why he locked the door.
when he saw your doubting expression, he slightly scratched the back of his neck and looked at you. "i just wanna have some privacy, so i could make up for the time i should've been with you instead of my practices," he sighed. you slightly nodded. "it wasn't your fault though.. besides, we're best friends, it doesn't really matter. it's not like i am your girl or anything," you said quietly.
best friends. he smiled at that word.
"yeah, best friends," he replied. you smiled and stood up. "what should we do then? we aren't going to study, right?" you asked. "do you want to play games? multiplayer?" you continued.
he shook his head.
"there's, uh, thoughts in my mind that i want to ask out loud, but at the same time, i can't" he softly said. you tilted your head in confusion. "what is it? Tell me, I'm your friend," you smiled.
"yeah, that's why I can't tell you because you're just my friend," he sighed. you stared at him for seconds. not knowing what to say. "what.. should i do then?" you asked, his face lit up like a candle. smiling at your response as if it were the exact words he wanted to hear from you.
"are you sure you can do anything i'll ask?" he raised a brow, making his way towards you.
you slightly nodded; you trusted him. so why not?
"you know.. you've been spending a lot of time with kai, and it makes me.. jealous." he sighes. he stops walking. he's in front of you, towering over you. you looked up at his tall figure.
"you feel jealous?" you asked, confused. he nodded.
"yeah." he places his hands on your chin and looks at your eyes deeply. "i wonder if he's being this close to you." his voice sounds like it's hypnotising.
you immediately shook your head. "n-no.. he doesn't," you said. he chuckles. "he better be," he says, lowering his head. "you won't let him, right?" he whispers in your ears.
"no," you shortly said. "good girl," he said as he kissed your temple. "that's what i thought, hmm?" he smiled.
you nodded. with each second, you grew more desperate and needy for your best friend. all the signs of battling from your thoughts that he was just a friend disappeared. every word that leaves his mouth feels like music to your ears.
"i know you like me, y/n, so why don't you show how much you do?" he held your shoulders and sat you on the bed
"h-huh? right now?" you asked, confused. you held his arm and shook your head. "we can't.. your parents are downstairs." you whispered.
"let's just be quiet and quick," he said reassuringly. he gently kissed your neck down to your shoulders, your hands holding on to his shirt.
you said, stopping him from removing your shirt. halfway through it, he paused and looked at you. he can see that you were hesitant.. you were about to say something, but he cuts you. "don't you trust me? come on, y/n.. i'll take care of you. hmm? you'll love this," he confidently said, kissing your nose before completely removing your shirt.
he traces soft kisses on your shoulders, leaving soft marks. "trust me, okay?" he said softly. he cupped your clothed chest and massaged it softly before removing your bra. you blushed, feeling all shy and embarrassed.
"you're so pretty," he whispered, giving both of your chests equal attention, sucking and licking, leaving bite marks all over them.
he knelt on the bed and pushed you on the mattress, back touching the comfortable sheets. he rubbed his palm against your inner thighs. you're still wearing your denim shorts.
he was about to pull them down when you stopped him again, holding his arm. "wait—i don't think—" you were stopped when you met his eyes; his eyes are dark, staring into you. he seemed to be losing his patience now.
"don't act like you didn't do these with kai. Such a whore." his words hit like a brick as he pulled your shorts down. you rubbed your legs together, and you knew deep down that you didn't want this at all. but you can't do anything. you like him, and you trust him.
you bit your lips as you felt his finger rubbing your clothed sensitive spot. you've never felt this way before, not with your best friend.
you gasped when you felt him pull down your panty, revealing your wet core. he laughed softly when you covered your face embarrassingly.
he said before completely diving into your wet entrance, covering your mouth to muffle your moans, the other hand gripping to his sheets.
"kids! dinner's ready!" your body froze as you heard his mom shout from downstairs. your brain is getting fuzzy. your eyes shut, you force yourself not to moan so hard.
"yeonjun," you moaned his name quietly, making him look up, his mouth still on your entrance. your eyes met, you could see how his jaws move up and down and the way he eats you out.
he groans, and he can tell that you're getting close. and he has a bad idea. as you were about to release, he removed his mouth from your core, your hips chasing his mouth. you whined at the sudden loss of pleasure. "junnie." you glanced at him, brows furrowed.
he chuckled at the view. he ran his fingers through his hair before lowering his sweatpants, just on his thigh. he took out his hard erection. you were about to say something but were stopped when you felt him rub his shaft against your wet pussy.
when he entered his shadt inside you, you couldn't help but whine. "hnggg!" you whine loud enough that both of you stopped at the same touch, eyes meeting with each other full of lust.
the surroundings were all quiet until you heard him chuckle, "keep quiet for me, y/n." he kissed your forehead and pushed himself deeper.
as he found his pace, he began thrusting fast enough that you could hear the bed creaking. your brows furrowed, hands on your mouth, and the other one is holding his arm.
you were so lost in pleasure, yet you remained conscious, forcing yourself not to release a sound.
"fuck. im near, fuck!" he groans. you shook your head. "please pull out," you said quietly.
the case is that he won't come unless you go first. he held it in and began thrusting harder and faster, hissing. "come on, cum for me," he said desperately.
you can feel yourself getting closer and closer until a wave of pleasure hits your body, making you moan out loud. yeonjun immediately covers your mouth and chuckles. "shh.. you're taking me so well," he says, still fucking you through your orgasm.
he closed his eyes and pulled out, exactly as his seed spurted out on your thigh.
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qawcamiz · 1 year
scaramouche being jealous? 😁
Are you... jealous?
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SFW : gn!reader, fluff, jealousy, no proofread (SORRY)
a/n : This has been in my inbox for a while now 😭 I didn't know how I'd begin the process (my struggle everyday)
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Scaramouche never quits teasing you, He’s a pang in your ass that’s for sure, there's no denying that he is and you can’t stop him no matter how much you would like to because that would be accepting defeat in the face of his endless mockery. You're used to it now though, and so is he.
you have gotten good at shrugging off his remarks when they're provided with enough irony to make you crack up rather than cry or maybe even punch him in the arm for being rude like what happened before but you don't want to do that and risk getting yourself thrown in an infirmary so instead you shrug him off every time and try not to let it get under your skin. You've long since come to let in that you'll never understand his humor, but still, he can be aggravating sometimes, but this time, you let your eyes drift towards where he is standing at the counter, ordering you a coffee from that one barista who always manages to beam sweetly at him while taking down his order that somehow made you feel nauseous to your stomach whenever you saw it.
On the other hand, Scaramouche wasn't even paying attention to the barista who kept on flirting with him as if she was giving her whole soul to him in order to seduce him, somewhat, he had a misbehaving flash in his indigo eyes as he keeps an eye on a guy approaching you with a big grin on their face. It was an unreadable expression, which was odd because Scaramouche knew how to read people well and clearly and the way the guy approached you was way too casual for someone who was about to start hitting on you.
He quickly paid for the beverage and made his way across the room, stopping right next to the two of you without cautioning you about it. "Oh? Am I interrupting something?" he asked, tilting his head to the side with a little amused grimace tugging at the corner of his lips. His voice was low and rough, which made you realize that he must use some kind of throat tonic since his voice sounded slightly hoarse.
"Uh, can't you see I'm busy trying to talk to them?" he snapped at Scaramouche with annoyance lacing his tone. His hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his black jeans and even when Scaramouche looked unbothered, you could sense a slight tension increasing in his body. The guy was irritated by him, and you knew it was just the calm facade he put on.
Scaramouche gave you the same mischievous look he had just a moment ago, "Oh I don't know about that. Look at them, I think they like me." he said as he grabbed your chin, gently raising your gaze to meet his indigo eyes. You had to look away when you felt the heat of those eyes on yours, embarrassed. Your cheeks felt warm when he spoke again, "Besides, We're currently occupied, and I wouldn't appreciate others attempting to distract our plans ahead." he added in a low whisper that only you could hear while brushing a thumb over your cheekbone.
The guy felt awkward enough that he didn't have anything else to say after that, he looked conflicted between wanting to leave and staying near you to keep an eye on Scaramouche and avoid making things weird. Eventually, He thanked you and turned around abruptly, and marched out of the cafe without sparing another glance toward either of you. Scaramouche watched him go and then quickly removed his thumb from your cheekbone, letting your skin go back to its usual temperature.
You blinked at him in confusion, "What's that for? The guy was just—"
"They were flirting with you, y/n," he told you simply, a little snicker sneaking up behind his words before he went completely silent. Scaramouche was glaring at his mug as he took a sip, his shoulders stiffened almost bitterly, probably to hide any signs of emotion, which made you curious as to why he was suddenly behaving this way, his eyes darted up towards yours before lowering his gaze back onto his drink, muttering quietly, "It was obvious."
You furrowed your brows and were a little scared before realization dawned on you, feeling the corners of your mouth turning up into a knowing smirk as you leaned against your chair and crossed your arms on top of your chest, "Pfft... Jealous, huh? I never thought I would get to witness that side of you, Not like I'm complaining, The sight of you looking jealous is quite funny..." you commented with a chuckle as you shook your head fondly, amused.
When he shot you a glare, you couldn't stop laughing anymore, your shoulders shaking as you tried to breathe through your laughter. "So what if I'm jealous?" he glared at you in response and you could tell he was pissed now but it only made you chuckle more, he was just too adorable, and it was so easy to pick on him, especially now that you finally got to do so.
"There's no need to be jealous. He was just asking for paths because he was going to meet his boyfriend and he's new here, so he's not familiar with the city yet."
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Monochrome 🔞 [Teaser]
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In which Jungkook has never fallen in love before- not until you came along, at least.
Tags/Warnings: Hybrid AU, Munchkin Cat!Reader, Siberian Tiger!Jungkook, DDLG aspects, Daddy!Jungkook, height difference/Size kink, petplay (in a way?), strangers to lovers, mild Angst, Fluff!, quiet!Reader, Model!Kook, mentions of death & grieving, romance, smut, protected sex, Dom! Kook, manhandling, strength kink, biting, hybrid behavior (scenting, marking, grooming and other)
Length: approx. 4-5k
He's still irritated. You don't deserve any of this.
He hopes he might be able to get the paperwork signed- and you out of this place as soon as he can. There's technically nothing speaking against it after all; he's a level 2 at the end of the day, his hybrid side a lot less dominant than in someone like you. And while it's made him feel like an outcast for a long time, feeling like he doesn't belong neither here nor there- looking at you now, his feelings have changed.
He feels glad, for the first time, that he's the way he is.
"If she's getting too much you can just tell her to go play or something." One of the workers tells him as she'd spotted him with you still somewhat laying on his thigh, his hand comfortably resting on your shoulder while you play with his rings on his other hand. "She tends to get clingy with anybody who pays attention to her." She snickers, but he shakes his head.
"No, it's really fine." He denies her, well aware that she's been eyeing him ever since he'd gotten here the first day, and he can't hold back on his next words. "I actually think she's cute." He smiles down at you, and your cat-ears twitch at that before you look up at him, making him laugh.
"I mean.. I guess? Maybe it's a hybrid thing that you like her." She shrugs, crossing her arms. "But she's gotta move soon, your manager told me they wanna take some more shots." She says with more bite to her tone now- and in a way, it satisfies Jungkook.
He lets you rest on him for a little longer- until he pulls out something from his bag, brown paperbag containing a baked treat you know all too well.
He brings it every time, ever since you've told him you like it, after all.
"Nuh-ah." He chuckles when you instantly sit up and reach for it, turning his body a little towards you on the bench before he holds out the donut, testing the waters. And for his own amusement.
And much to his said amusement, you do exactly what he hoped you would.
Without thinking much it seems like, you lean forward to take a bite out of the sweet treat while he's still holding it- and he can't help but smile at the scene. You're so unaware of your own appeal, completely oblivious to how charming you are, and in a way, it makes him upset. You really are just a soft soul being used and nothing else- and he just feels like he's got to offer his protection.
Because you seserve it- and vecause he wants to be that protector.
Mostly because the connection you both have to one another is undeniable. Mates are an odd thing; but they're a real thing at the end of the day, and it's clear now that he's found his own in you.
You seem to have a moment of realization after the second bite, ears turning before your head follows as a worker says something Jungkook himself doesn't quite catch- but he knows he doesn't like it. "Hey- I'm over here." He tells you, and you look at him with a more shy expression now, almost embarrassed- letting go of his wrist as you sit back down on the bench, visibly uncomfortable. "Dont listen to them. I'm more interesting, am I not?" He teases to get your attention back, reaching out to wipe a crumb from the corner of your lips, making you smile a bit shyly to yourself.
You're so easy to catch.
"Why.." you start, seemingly thinking about your words. You do that a lot, he noticed- you either don't talk at all, or very quietly, and in a way, he's not sure if that's been something they pushed onto you in the carecenter here, or if you've always been this way. He wants to find out, that's for sure. "Why do you.. like me?" You ask, visibly unsatisfied with how you formulated that sentence. It's another proof of your difference in hybrid level compared to Jungkook.
But no matter, he will learn to understand you, until he no longer needs you to speak at all.
Jungkook simply shrugs at your question. "Maybe a mate thing. Maybe just because I like you." He answers. "I don't need to have a reason for it, though. You're a very sweet person, very likable." He tells you before he breaks off another piece of the donut, holding it out. "Now come on. Be a good girl and finish up, alright?" He teasingly tells you as he eats the other leftover piece himself, just to pull yours away from you when you reach out for it with your hand. "Nop." He chuckles, making you glare at him, tail swiping behind you from side to side, and he can't help but laugh at the scene, head thrown back.
Until he feels your lips brush against the tips of his fingers as you snatch the last piece of your treat from him, his gaze immediately back on you as you watch his reaction with a more challenging expression, and he can't help but be intrigued.
"I feel like it'll be a good idea. Jungkook!" His manager smiles, walking up to you both. "You've got her there already, perfect. We'd like to unclude her in the next few shots tomorrow, see how she does." He tells him, and Jungkook looks at you who seems visibly uncertain.
"You okay with that?" Jungkook asks, and you look at the camera set up close by with an almost fearful expression. "Dont worry. They'll tell you what to do, and I'll help as well. Or is it something else?" He asks, making you move to sit on the bench more properly, feet almost touching the floor, but not quite. He realizes what might be the problem when a staff member accidentally let's a brush fall to the floor, your ears instantly flattening for a short second from the harsh sound. "Ah- does the camera sound scare you?" And you nod at that, making his manager laugh a bit.
"Oh no, don't be scared! It's totally normal. Maybe Jungkook can show you how it works?" He says, before looking over at the careworker close to him. "My son has a hybrid too- he used to hate the sound of the microwave too until my son explained to him how it functioned." He chuckles. Jungkook remembers that. Namjoon and Jimin are an odd couple, but weirdly, they also fit perfectly.
"I don't think she'll understand that, but you can try." The careworker shrugs disinterested, clearly upset at Jungkooks lack of interest in her.
"Come on, let's have a look then." Jungkook simply tells you with no thought wasted on the woman, as he walks to the big cameras with you, Taehyung already looking your way. "Hey, can you maybe explain to her why the camera makes that noise?" Jungkook asks his friend, who nods at you.
"Its pretty loud, isn't it?" He tells you, and you nod- standing on the tips of your toes to try and see through the lens, but to no use. "You're so short!" Taehyung chuckles, and Jungkook can't help but be amused too.
"Hm, here, you can step on that." He offers, sliding an upside-down thick plastic bucket close to you to stand on; his hands instinctively on your body yo steady you as you step onto the container.
"Alright, so.." Taehyung starts to explain the camera to you, and Jungkook can't help but be thankful that his friend is clearly aware of the fact that you're not a stupid child- the photographer never oversimplifying anything, simply telling you the general mechanics to make sure you understand what's happening, that nothing is breaking or could cause any harm. And then the camera makes its distinctive sound.
Your ears still flatten for a split second, but your body makes no sign of being scared or surprised any longer. It worked.
"I can't turn it off, sadly. It's a mechanical sound, so there's no way around it." Taehyung shrugs towards his friend, and Jungkook simply nods.
"It'll be fine." Jungkook says, helping you down from the bucket as the manager says his goodbyes to the first staff. It reminds Jungkook of something in that moment he almost forgot. "Alright, go get your stuff now. I'll go change and then we can go, alright?" He asks, and you seem confused- until you seem to realize.
You're going home with him today. And tomorrow. And the day after, too.
Jungkook can't help but laugh when you dash off into the hallway to get your things, as he himself goes to change himself. He really hopes you'll like it at his place, hopefully enough to decide to stay- and if you do, all he needs are your papers signed and approved. He hates the way the system works, but he also understands it somewhat.
Even though it's clear that not everything goes exactly as it's meant to be.
But once you're with him, once he's got you safe, there will be no more of this. He'll make sure the world gets to know what's going on behind closed doors, having already discussed the plans with his management after all- and he can't deny his anticipation.
He can't wait to see that man lose all he's never even deserved to have in the first place.
But before he can even think any further about those things happening, you're pulling on the hem of his sweater to gain his attention, already dressed in scarf and coat and those fluffy boots he'd bought you yesterday- a lot better quality than those worn down things they'd given you. You deserve to be spoiled in his opinion, not tossed aside like you've been for God knows how many years- and he'll make sure that'll happen.
"Come on." He smiles at you, taking your bag for you as he walks outside the building to his car, opening the door. "We can sleep early or have some food delivered- what would you like?" He asks, getting into the car after you, the driver closing the door after him as he's finally seated next to you, seat belts clicking into place for the both of you.
You shrug as an answer, and he laughs, watching as you yawn, the tiger teasingly pointing his finger into your mouth- but he doesn't expect you to close it so quickly. While you don't bite down on it (at least not hard enough to ever really hurt), he still can't help but be affected by it. Especially when he pushes down on your lower lip, your tongue jokingly licking the tip of his finger, making him smirk at you.
Behind your innocent facade does slumber a tiny little tiger too, in a way, it seems like.
And he honestly doesn't know if he can handle having you around him like this for much longer, while not doing anything about it at all. He's already almost kissed you yesterday, and by now he knows you feel just as attracted to him as he does to you.
You're mates after all. Similar age. Technically in the same hybrid group. Nothing speaks against it.
And yet he's got to be careful. He doesn't want to end up breaking your heart if things don't go as expected- he'd hate leaving you devastated. And yet still he feels as if he'd die soon if he doesn't at least get to feel your lips on his- there's nothing wrong with at least a kiss, right? Maybe just a little further than that- his couch his comfortable after all, and he for sure won't be able to withstand the temptation of at least holding you close with you staying with him tonight. "Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight? I can take the couch, no problems." He asks you to distract himself, ground himself again and get his mind off of things-
But then you visibly pout, ears drooping down a little as you look at him almost disappointed.
"Not.. with you?" You mumble, and his gaze focuses on you again, pupils dilated as he swallows thickly.
"I mean, I won't say no." He tells you, eyes never leaving yours. "But I probably should." He says, making you tilt your head in question. Though in your eyes, in the way they sparkle mischievously, he knows you're very much aware of the implications.
"You won't." You simply smile next to him, legs stretching and tail swaying from side to side, and all he can think of is brat. There's no trace of the shy little cat left it seems like right now, as you look at him all confident and almost challenging.
And yet, he can't disagree.
He won't say no.
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fairytsuk1 · 6 months
Could you write something how alexis would deal with a needy gf? He seems so busy and all that he wouldnt have time for a gf and then theyd argue but make up afterwards ofc
alex with a needy gf
honestly yall you cannot show your neediness before the relationship or he's running for the hills LIKEE i'm sorry but he def does need someone mildly independent in order for him to feel safe to enter a loving space
once you're together, though? well he's literally locked in. he'd definitely feel so bad being with you and having to manage the server, his channels, and everything else. coming out to see you fast asleep on the couch makes his heart hurt. is it really worth the eyebags and sudden colds? to leave you on the couch as the sun sets back on the earth? suddenly, work didn't seem all too important.
he really starts putting in hard work once he realizes he can't have his cake and eat it too. it's thrilling! finally, his shoulders aren't clenched up to his ears and he has less headaches. you do all the things he needs.
you crawl into his lap like you belong there, and you do. he swears he could almost hear you purr as you nuzzled into his neck, "hey there, what's up?"
"just missed you," you mumble lazily, "i wanna stay in here while you work."
"babe..." he'll get distracted, you'll distract him, but your frustrated huff makes him think twice, "well..."
you're completely content to relax into your beanbag chair, slotted right next to his desk so you can lean against his calf and whine for his attention.
there's other times though where the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. alex wasn't an angry person. he never so much as yelled at you, but when he was stressed like this? you could tell it was eating him alive, and you knew that every rejection from his end was only the result of stress.
you weren't the one to take that, though. demanding he speak to you, scoffing when he rejects you, and finally you break by shouting at him, "i wish you would act like my boyfriend sometimes!"
alex's heart skips a beat in the worst way. he can see every rejection clear as day. when he declined to have lunch with you that day because he'd been too busy. when he'd said, "i really don't have time for this!"
you stand there, pathetically wiping stray tears of frustration off your cheeks while holding yourself defensively. he doesn't make a move towards you, fearing the dreaded step back you might take.
"i-i'm sorry," and you're still silent, "mi amor, i'm really so sorry."
you don't reply. sniffling and barely glancing at him. you don't step back when he approaches you, when he wraps his arms around you and he feels how tired he is. and how he feels better just hugging you.
"i know i haven't been paying you much attention," he whispers, and there's something in his voice that sounds watery, "i'm too stressed, but i can't take it out on you. my love, i am sorry."
"you're so stupid, alex! god, making me cry and everything..."
you wail into the cotton of his sweater, but he can hear the forgiveness laden through your words. he can hear every wonderful thing. your sweet breaths, the beating of your heart, the loving embrace of your arms. you care so much for him, and he cares for you.
"i love you so much, i really am so sorry," he says.
"i know."
"let me make it up for you, please?"
the tenseness washes away. the next morning, you're delighted to feel alex sleeping behind you, spending a few extra minutes snoring away into the pillow. the lull of sleep and warmth of your body lets him dream the sweetest of dreams.
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heavyhitterheaux · 10 months
Can't Take You Seriously
First Lady of Private Garden Blurb
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AN: I saw a tweet about this and just had to do it lol
Synopsis: You are trying to have a serious conversation with your husband, but can't figure out why he's so distracted
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist 1
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist 2
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“Baby! Are you even listening to me?!” You exclaimed as you looked at your husband who seemed like he was focused on everything else but you.
“Of course I am!” Jack replied to you as you were standing in front of him.
“Then what did I just say?!”
“Umm, I forgot to do something that you asked.”
“And I asked you to do it last week! If I knew that this was going to take this long, I would have done it myself. You’ve been home for three weeks now from tour. I let you relax a little bit and take a moment for yourself, but did you suddenly forget that you’re a husband and a father too?”
“I’m not trying to argue with you, babe. Of course I didn’t forget!”
“Then why are we having this conversation for the third time this week? I’m about to drop you off on Maggie’s doorstep but now that she’s gotten rid of you, she probably doesn’t want you back.” You complained while crossing your arms and Jack still had that weird look on his face and didn’t even bother responding to your previous statement. 
“Jackman! What has you so distracted? Because you are literally hardly paying attention to anything that I’m saying. I could use a little more help here and I don’t know how many times that I have to say it. You decided to get me pregnant, did you not?”
All you felt was Jack move your wig that you were wearing slightly to the left, taking you aback and you were now the one looking confused.
“I literally cannot take you seriously while you’re yelling at me and your wig is crooked. Now it’s not, so we can continue.” Jack muttered while smoothing out the top and you were just looking at him in disbelief.
“Look, as much money as I spend on buying them for you, I need to make sure we’re getting my money’s worth and you’re wearing them right. Now, as you were saying?”
All you did was roll your eyes and Jack noticed that you now had a pout on your face.
“If you rolled your eyes at me any harder just now, they would have gotten stuck. So, now you’re quiet and don’t have anything to say?”
“You get on my last nerve.” You replied as you were trying your hardest not to laugh.
“I can’t have my wife out here looking like I don’t love her and take care of her! Can you imagine the headlines? And then he who shall not be named will take that as an opportunity to slide right in and take my place.”
“Not with him wearing those inspector gadget looking outfits.”
“I-... we’re going to leave that one alone.”
“But seriously, baby can you please go do what I asked?” You said as Jack pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Yes, babe. I’m going right now and I’m sorry that I’ve just been in a mood lately. Being a husband and a parent doesn’t stop and I promise that I’m good now. Was just overwhelmed for a minute.”
“And you didn’t tell me this because? What did I tell you about that?”
“I know and I have no excuse. Thank you for always being here for me when I need you.”
“Always and forever.”
“And I’m always going to be here for you especially when your wig needs to be fixed.”
You pulled away from Jack to look up at him and gave him a blank stare.
“I should have returned you with the receipt when I had the chance.” You muttered and Jack rolled his eyes.
“If the receipt you’re talking about is our marriage license, keep in mind that you were the one who got drunk and proceeded to almost set it on fire and would have if I didn’t throw you over my shoulder and Dani grabbed it from you.”
“Hmm, she was useful for some things I guess, but I don’t recall.”
“I guess not since the next morning you didn’t remember a single thing that happened, but it’s okay. I love my wife and her crooked wigs and all.” Jack leaned down to kiss the tip of your nose and you were trying to get away from him. 
“Uh oh. Government name was used.”
“Use your hand for a week.”
“That’s how you’re going to treat me after these hands fixed your wig for you? They can make you cum too if you let me.”
First Lady Blurbs Taglist
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storiesforallfandoms · 9 months
bad idea, right? ~ joseph quinn
word count: 2789
request?: no
description: yes, i know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
pairings: joseph quinn x female!reader
warnings: swearing, rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
semi based on this song
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We didn't intend on reconnecting. It was a complete accident. A coincidence, even. We were both out with our friends at the same bar. It had been months since we broke up, and it was one of my first outings post-break up. Despite the fact that the relationship hadn't ended poorly, it was still hard to process. I spent a lot of nights crying to rom-coms with my friends afterwards.
I didn't expect to see him there. Actually, for once, I had fully forgotten that Joseph even existed. I was just excited to be out for the night, to have a good time with my friends.
It wasn't even me who saw him first. One of my friends, Fiona, who is incredibly sweet but also incredibly lightweight, gasped and leaned towards me to ask, "Isn't that Joseph?!"
Lynn, my best friend, elbowed Fiona as I whipped around to see where she had been looking. As she said, there he was - the beautiful, chocolate button eyed man I had been in love with for so long. He hadn't seen me yet. He was at the bar with a few of his friends, sat around and chatting. My heart started to pound as I turned back to my friends.
"Do you want to leave?" Lynn asked.
"No," I said. "I let him keep me from having fun for long enough. I'll just...avoid him as much as I can. Maybe he'll do the same if he sees me."
Lynn gave me a skeptical look, but decided to respect my wishes.
For the most part, the plan was a success. The girls and I moved to the dance floor once we all had enough drinks in us, and Joseph became a distant after thought.
That was, until I stumbled off the dance floor to get myself some water. I could tell that the alcohol was starting to get to me in a way that I would regret in the morning if I didn't try to sober up a little bit. I pushed through the crowd at the bar and asked the bartender for an ice water. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings as I waited, until I heard a familiar voice say, "(Y/N)?"
That voice sobered me up better than any water could.
I turned to see Joseph stood basically right next to me. He looked as shocked as I felt. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Luckily, the bartender gave me my water, so I used that as an excuse to try and get away.
"Wait!" Joseph said, reaching out to grab hold of my arm. He quickly let go just as soon as he grabbed me. "Sorry. I just...I didn't expect to see you."
"I didn't expect to see you, either," I said.
"Are you...here with anyone?"
I knew what his question meant, and I was a little surprised to hear him ask. "Just my friends. Lynn and the girls."
Is that relief I see on his face?"
"I'm here with the guys," he said, gesturing over his shoulder towards his friends. "I just got home from filming, they wanted to celebrate me being back."
"Aren't you tired from being away filming for so long?"
Joseph sighed, as if me asking him that lifted a weight off of his chest. "I'm so tired. I had such a long flight, too, but the lads wanted to go out right away because they're all busy the next few days."
"How long are you in town for?"
"Indefinitely. I have nothing else lined up right now until I have to do promo for A Quiet Place: Day One."
Why did I ask that? He's going to think I want to see him while he's home. I can't see him. We're broken up, I've mourned this relationship and let it go.
But have I? If I had, why did I ask him how long he's in town for? Why am I still here talking to him when I'm sure he would let me walk away if I tried to.
"It's good to see you," he said.
"It's good to see you, too," I said. I was surprised to find that I meant it, too.
We both stood in silence for a moment. I knew I should walk away, just end this whole interaction and go out separate ways. But my feet just wouldn't move. I just stood there, looking at him, every good memory I had from our year long relationship running through my mind. Despite my attempts to try to move on from our relationship the last few months, I was suddenly overwhelmed with a desire to pull him in and kiss him.
"Can we meet up while I'm home?" he asked. "Just...talk about things?"
Bad idea! Do not say yes!
"Yeah, okay," I responded.
His eyes lit up. "Okay. Um, do you have the same phone number?"
I nodded, unable to form the one word response. He still had my phone number? I thought he would've deleted it, considering he was the one who ended our relationship. I still had his, but only due to the fact that I had memorized it. Lynn deleted his number from my phone, but I never told her I had added it back in about a week later after a particularly hard night.
"I'll text you tomorrow, yeah?"
I nodded again. He smiled and reached out as if he were going to hug me. He hesitated, so I closed gap instead, grateful for the contact.
I thought he wouldn't remember, so I didn't bring it up to my friends. I didn't even tell them that I had been talking to him. I figured it was just one time, one night of momentary happiness, before I fell back into the sea of despair over my ended relationship.
So, imagine my surprise when I got a text message the next morning that read, "hey, i understand if you changed your mind, but that offer to meet up is still open."
As you can probably imagine, Lynn wasn't happy when I told her.
"You what?!"
I winced. "I didn't think he'd remember! It was late enough into the night that I figured he was a few drinks deep, and by the morning he wouldn't remember even seeing me."
"So you're not actually going to see him, right?"
I looked down at my lap, unable to look her in the eye.
Lynn groaned, "(Y/N)..."
"I know, I know. It's a bad idea to go."
"It's a terrible idea! You're still trying to get over your breakup. Going to meet up with him is just going to open old wounds."
She was right, and I hated that she was right. I had this sliver of hope that maybe meeting up with Joseph would result in us rekindling our relationship, but I knew that was unlikely. Joseph had broken up with me months ago because of how quickly his career had suddenly taken off after Stranger Things. It was like he went from a low profile actor to one of the most sought after actors. First it was Hoard, which was filmed right after Stranger Things. Then he was cast in A Quiet Place: Day One, which was an insanely big deal. And then right after that was Gladiator 2, an even bigger deal.
Between filming and press tours, I knew I wasn't going to see Joseph very often. That revelation hurt, but I knew he was happy, and if he was happy then I was happy. I would push through the long nights of missing him, the mornings waking up and wishing he was in bed next to me, the lonely feeling in the pit of my stomach. All of it was worth it to see him thrive.
But, Joseph didn't see things the same way, apparently. Because, just before he left to film A Quiet Place: Day One, he sat me down and told me he thought it would be best for me if we broke up.
"I don't want you to always be waiting for me," he had said. "You deserve to be happy with someone who will always be around and can give you everything you want. And, with the way my career is going right now, I don't think I can be that person for you."
As much as I wanted this meeting to end with us getting back together, I knew it was highly unlikely that Joseph would've changed his mind. It had only been months, and he still had so much on his plate. Just because he was home now until he had to leave and do more promo didn't mean he suddenly was no longer busy.
Lynn was right, I shouldn't go to the meeting. It was a bad idea. But, at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to cancel it.
So, that's how I found myself in the coffee shop where Joseph and I had our first date, waiting for him to show up. I wondered if he had intentionally picked this place for us to meet, or if it had been a coincidence.
I wasn't sure which option would hurt less.
I looked up as the bell over the front door chimed, and the familiar face of the love of my life looked around the room. When his eyes landed on me, he smiled and made his way over to where I was sitting.
"Hey," he said as he slid into the booth across from me. "You're early."
"I wanted to make sure I got us a spot to sit. I expected it to be busier here today."
It was a Sunday afternoon, which I figured would be prime time for a coffee shop to be busy. Besides Joseph and I, there was only one other person in the place - someone who was typing away at a laptop a few tables over.
"I got you a coffee," I told him as I slid the cup towards him. "Your usual."
He beamed at me. "You remembered."
"It hasn't been that long since I was making you your usual," I reminded him.
He nodded and looked down at the cup in front of him. An awkward tension filled the air. I wondered if what I said was wrong. Should I have brought up our relationship? Were we going to pretend we hadn't dated for a year? That we hadn't talked about marriage and planning our futures together in that year?
"There's so much I wish I could take back," Joseph said, finally. "I wish I hadn't...I wish I hadn't been so stupid all those months ago."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
He sighed, the air from his mouth disrupting the steady flow of steam coming from his coffee. "I thought I was doing right by you by ending our relationship before my career got so hectic. I thought...I thought it would've been better for you if you could be with somebody who didn't have to be away for long periods of time and leave you by yourself."
"That wasn't really something for you to decide, though," I pointed out. "Not without talking to me first."
"I know."
"You just ended our relationship out of nowhere. I thought everything had been fine, and then suddenly..." I trailed off, feeling a lump form in my throat as I remembered that day months ago. I shook my head, trying to hold back any tears. "It was like the whole issue wasn't even up for discussion. You had decided we were over, that was it. The end."
"I know," he repeated. "And, God, do I ever feel like such a fucking idiot because of it."
"Good. You should, because you were an idiot."
I didn't say it maliciously, and luckily Joseph picked up on that. He chuckled. "Yeah, I was a massive idiot."
There was another moment of silence. I raised my coffee cup to my lips, blowing on it a little before taking a sip.
"I don't suppose there's any chance at trying to start over?"
The coffee slipped down my throat the wrong way as I reacted to his question. I quickly put the cup down and coughed up the hot liquid. The person a few tables over looked at us, interested but uncaring, before turning back to her laptop.
"Are you okay?" Joseph asked, a light chuckle in his voice.
"You couldn't have waited until after I swallowed to ask that?" I retorted.
"Okay, maybe that was bad on my part, you're right."
Once I had finally finished my coughing fit, I cleared my throat and sat up straighter to look at him.
"Are you serious?" I asked him.
"About starting over?" I nodded. "I am serious. (Y/N), you have to believe me when I say these last few months have been hell for me, too. I missed hearing your voice every day, or seeing your texts come in. When I got word that I was coming home for an indefinite period of time, I almost called you to tell you on instinct. I made the biggest mistake by breaking up with you. I know that will never go away and it will likely always be something that hangs over us, but I would do anything to prove to you how much I do still love you."
I was so sure I was dreaming. There was no way this was real. This was exactly what I had wanted to happen, so surely it must've been a dream, right?
But the burning in my chest from swallowing hot coffee the wrong way told me I wasn't dreaming. Joseph was actually here, sat across from me and looking at me with those big brown eyes that I loved so much, asking me if we could try to start over in our relationship. Obviously, I wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him and tell him that of course I wanted to get back together with him. This was all I had wanted for months since we broke up. But, the more rational part of me (the part that sounded like Lynn, actually) told me not to go there just yet.
"You really hurt me, Joseph," I reminded him.
"I know I did. I know I'm sorry isn't enough, but I am so sorry for doing what I did to you."
"If we are giving this relationship another shot, then you have to promise me that you will talk to me about this stuff before you make big decisions like that. I understand that you were trying to think of me in that moment, but if you had talked to me before deciding to just break up with me, I would've told you that I wanted to be with you even if I don't get to see you for long periods of time. I was so happy for you to be getting those roles, Joe. I was excited to hear the stories from sets and to get to watch you grow. The feeling of loneliness was a very small price to pay if it meant getting to see you be happy."
He looked away from me again. "I guess...I didn't really think of it that way."
"Because you were being an idiot."
He smiled. "Yeah, I was."
"A colossal idiot."
"A mega idiot."
"A mega, colossal idiot."
We both laughed then. Joseph's hand started to reach out towards me, but then he hesitated. I reached out the rest of the way and intertwined my fingers with his.
"Will you give me another shot, (Y/N)?" he asked again. "I promise I will never be such a mega, colossal idiot again."
I nodded. "Of course I'll give you another shot."
His entire face lit up with happiness. He squeezed my hand before tugging on it, pulling me a little closer as he leaned over the table to kiss me. It was only a quick peck, like he was testing the waters, but it was all I needed. It was what I had been wanting for so long now, just to feel his lips against mine again.
When he sat back, his hand still in mind, I gave it another squeeze and asked, "Are you allowed to tell me any stories from A Quiet Place? Or is it all top secret, hush hush?"
He smiled. "You know I'd tell you anything, even if it was top secret."
And just like that, we fell back into a usual routine. It was as if the last few months apart had never happened. And I was more than happy to forget it had.
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catherinnn · 1 year
I'm really sorry.
JJ Maybank x reader (happy ending), Pope Heyward x reader (angst)
JJ wasn't really paying attention when Pope tells him about his new crush, that's why he ends up flirting with her and accidentally starting a relationship with her, until Pope can't believe that JJ is such a bad friend, and he gets a chance to explain himself, would he be able to forgive him?
warnings: mentions of sex, angst, fighting, alcohol consumption, you will want to hug Pope really tight.
words: 3.6 k
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“Oh wait, I need another drink!” You said while you stopped dancing for a minute and went to the table where all the drinks were. You decided to go out tonight with your friends to the annual bonfire that was being held at the cut. You grabbed the bottle of vodka, the juice and the ice and started pouring it in your cup, when you noticed someone staring. JJ Maybank, you didn’t really know him much, never really talked to him—well, directly at him, you did talk about him with your friends noticing how cute he is.
“Hi?” You said when he kept watching you.
“Hey sorry, I was just about to offer you a beer” he says.
“Oh no thanks, I’m having vodka”
“You prefer vodka over a beer?” he said in a judgmental tone.
“Well, don’t say it like that! It’s good, I promise”
“”Yeah it’s good, but not as good as beer”
“That’s cause you haven’t tried mine yet”
“Oh, I doubt it, sweetheart”
“Here” you handed him your cup and he grabbed it with a questioning look. He took a sip, then a second one, and a smirk showed up on his face.
“It’s good sweetheart, I’ll have to give you that” You smiled at him. “Now you have to try my beer though”
“What’s the difference between a JJ beer with the regular beer?” you asked playfully.
“Oh, you see, I always pick the best one, it’s like a talent”
“A very impressive one” you joked and took the beer to try it. “Mmh, that’s… really something else” you said sarcastically. Obviously it tasted like all of the others.
“Right? Well, I have a proposal for you, we’ll share that beer and this cup of vodka together and that way you’ll have to stay by my side for the rest of the night” he flirted.
“Oh, do I really have that kind of a privilege?” you joked.
“Well, thanks to your amazing vodka and your pretty face, you earned it by far”
“Ohh, lucky me!” you smirked and accepted his offer.
The night went on with you both drinking, dancing, and flirting a lot. Going from group to group until you got to JJ’s friend group, the pogues. Now, this wouldn’t have to be problem if Pope didn’t tell JJ he had a crush on you a few weeks prior, on another party that you attended too.
“How can I do this faster than Kie, she always wins” JJ complained to Pope while he examined the can of beer so he could figure out how to drink it faster than Kiara when they were playing that game. But Pope’s attention wasn’t entirely on his friend, he was watching you dance and talk with your friends for afar.
“She’s- just gorgeous” he mumbled thanks to all the alcohol he drank tonight. “Have you seen her? Y/n I mean”
JJ didn’t really pay attention to him as he kept thinking on techniques to drink the can faster than his other friend. “Maybe it’s not the can, maybe it’s the swallowing technique”
JJ mumbled to himself but Pope ignored him to keep talking about you. “God, I’ll never have a chance with a girl like her, what am I thinking?”
But JJ did pay attention to that part, he didn’t really know which girl he was talking about, but he knew his friend was probably wrong.
“Dude, no, don’t say that, you do have a shot”
“You think?” Pope asked him while he almost tripped because of how drunk he was.
“Maybe not tonight, but the next party when you’re more sober, you’ll definitely talk to her” JJ said. He didn’t even listen to which girl, but he was sure his friend had a chance, he was very smart and a good-looking guy.
Now back to the bonfire night, JJ’s chance with you night. You having JJ’s arm around your shoulder, sharing drinks, dancing together, flirting shamelessly in front of everyone in this party, in front of all the pogues, in front of Pope, didn’t really give Pope the most comfortable night out with his friends.
He didn’t really say anything, just silently hating and wondering to himself how could JJ do this to him when he had, just weeks prior, told him to shoot his shot with you, that he totally had a chance. Unbelievable.
The rest of the pogues didn’t notice anything, they didn’t know, Pope had just told JJ about his crush on you. They all kept talking and dancing with you two, laughing or rolling eyes at every flirty comment you threw at each other.
“Alright! Just kiss her already” John B joked.
“Dude!” JJ said kind of embarrassed and you laughed.
“You two keep flirting, just kiss, you’re both desperately waiting for it” Sarah said this time. JJ looked at you with a smirk to check on your reaction, when he saw your blushed cheeks and your smile, he knew. Only if he had checked on Pope he would have seen his serious face clearly showing how uncomfortable and sad he felt. But he was busy lowering his face to meet yours and finally kissing you. All of his other friends were busy cheering and watching how cute you two looked together.
The night ended with you and all of the pogues in the Twinkie with John B driving everyone home. You decided to go to the chateau with JJ. You did hesitate at first, not wanting to be “easy” but then you thought of how much you actually wanted to go home with him and how sweet he was with you all night for him to think that low of you.
And after a long night of are you sure?’s and moans between the two of you, and a morning of wearing JJ’s clothes and sharing breakfast, Pope thought he could finally catch a break and start forgetting about you or having to watch his crush with his best friend instead of him. He really thought.
But just like Sarah and Kiara had told you, they’ve never seen JJ so enamoured with someone as he was with you. Giving you his shirts cause “they looked better on you anyway”, cooking with you, cuddling, or even spending the entire pogue’s hangouts either talking about you or texting you. His other friends found this very cute, finally witnessing what JJ is like when he’s whipped—like John B had put it.
But I say that Pope thought he could’ve caught a break is because here he was, a month after the bonfire party, yours and JJ’s party. He was on his way to the chateau to meet his friends and when he got there, he found you and JJ sitting together outside on the couch, just perfect.
“Hey” JJ was the first one to notice him walking in.
“Hi, Pope” you sweetly said. He simply nodded to your direction to at least acknowledge you two and then quickly went inside where the rest of the group was.
“That was weird” JJ stated but didn’t think much about it just yet.
A few minutes later everyone joined you outside. You didn’t notice this, but Pope chose the spot the furthest from you two.
JJ kept noticing how quiet Pope was being, serious face as if he was in a bad mood, and he wanted to cheer him up. So he tried to joke with him, the problem was when Pope didn’t respond, he didn’t even laugh. Thanks to this he started noticing how he would make small talk with Kiara, John B and even with Sarah. Just not with him. As if he was ignoring him for some reason.
“Pope, what’s going on with you today?” JJ started but Pope just shook his head not showing any emotion on his face. “Come on, you can talk to me, this is a safe space” JJ insisted.
“Oh, is it really?” Pope snorted. Everyone else kind of startled with this reaction.
“What? What’s going on man?” JJ asked again.
“I just don’t really think you would be my definition of ‘safe space’ right now, that’s all JJ” Pope answered, still clearly mad and hiding something.
“Why not? What do you mean?” JJ couldn’t understand why he was acting like this.
“You have no idea, do you?” Pope couldn’t believe him right now.
“About what? Dude!”
“Two months ago! I got really drunk at that party we went to and kept telling you how pretty Y/n was!” he exploded and told him the answer, not giving a shit that all of the other pogues and specially you were right there to listen too. It took you by surprise, you had no idea this had happened. JJ seemed to remember that night, the only thing he forgot was who the girl in question was that Pope had talked to him about. “And you told me I should try and talk to her the next time I saw her! But guess who got there first?”
“No, JJ!”
“Pope, I wasn’t listening! OK?! I didn’t pay attention to who the girl was, I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Surprisingly, that doesn’t make me feel better! Just- fuck you, dude! Really!” Pope stood up and walked away ready to punch anyone who got in his way.
The group stood in silent for the next few seconds, everyone trying to process everything that had just happened. You could feel the looks of Kie, Sarah and John B going from your face to JJ’s back and forth.
The first one to break the silence was JJ. He turned to look at you and his gaze softened. “I’m sorry” he whispered, not able to believe that he really just did that. You walked to him. “I didn’t fucking know, I wasn’t listening when he told me-“
“It’s ok, J-“
“No, now I’m gonna have to choose between you two, and I don’t want to- I-“
“JJ, it’s gonna be ok, we’re gonna go talk to him and calm him down” Kiara and John B said before going to follow Pope.
“I don’t want to stop seeing you” JJ said to you, tears forming on his eyes and clearly panicking. You went to hug him tight.
“JJ, it’s gonna be fine, you won’t have to stop seeing each other. Remember when Kie made John B choose between me or her? And now we’re still all here-“
“That’s not the same, Sarah. I’m gonna lose both of them” JJ said in a week voice.
“You won’t” you whispered for him to hear. “Let’s just wait for John B to come back, and we’ll see what we do”
A few hours later, John B was back. JJ stood up again from the couch. None of you really said anything until he came back, you just kept hugging JJ and he tried to keep calm.
“So?” JJ asked.
“He’s more calmed now, he still doesn’t want to talk though. Give him time and maybe you can try tomorrow”
“Fuck” JJ complained.
“Did you get to talk to him a little?” Sarah asked this time.
“I don’t think he wants you to choose. It just took him by surprise to still have to see you two together after a month” John B said. JJ didn’t respond, just kept thinking and thinking. “Dude, I think you should get some sleep and we’ll try again tomorrow”
“Yeah, JJ” Sarah joined in.
“O-Ok, yeah. Could you stay over?” JJ turned to ask you. You nodded.
“Of course”
For the rest of the night, JJ was having a really hard time trying to sleep. His mind was re-playing the night when Pope had told him he liked you, and all that he could remember from that talk. He remembered telling him to talk to the girl, he remembered thinking that Pope most probably had a chance with whoever the girl was, it didn’t really matter. Then re-playing the night of the bonfire, when he saw you and thought you were the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, talking, flirting, and dancing with you. He remembered when the pogues encouraged him to finally kiss you, and he remembered kissing you, how he felt, how he even did that in front of Pope too. He started feeling like the stupidest person on this planet.
And while everyone else in the chateau were sleeping, even you, sleeping next to him, he had asked you to stay because he thought it could maybe help him get some sleep, he thought that if he spent the night alone in his room, he would only overthink everything so many times and wouldn’t end up sleeping at all. He wasn’t entirely wrong, he did overthink everything that night, but thanks to having you there too, he was able to catch a few hours of sleep eventually.
As the next day comes, JJ keeps fighting the negative thoughts like losing you, or Pope, or even both of you. A few hours into the afternoon, he couldn’t take it anymore, he wanted to give Pope all the time he needed, but he couldn’t concentrate or keep himself distracted anymore, he needed to talk to him.
“Give him some more time, you can’t expect him to get over it in just a day- not even 24 hours!” John B fought JJ and his impulses.
“I can’t just sit here all day and do nothing, I need to show him that I’m sorry, I need him to understand!” JJ explained.
“I know that! But when you’re mad, we give you the time you need to cool off” John B tried to explain but when JJ kept and kept fighting, he just gave up.
“Alright! You really wanna do this?! Okay, just let me come with you so I can mediate if he’s still mad” John B finally said, getting the keys of the Twinkie. 
Once they get to Pope’s, they find him working, helping his dad. They don’t say anything as they get out of the van, they just stand there looking straight at him. When Pope turns around and his attention is drown to the people at the door, his expression changes, from his resting face to an annoyed and serious one.
“Of course it’s you two” Heyward, Pope’s dad, begins when he sees them. “Five minutes, you already had your break” he warns his son and lets him get out to talk to them.
“What?” he simply asks.
“I need to talk to you, I need to explain” JJ says.
“Just hear him out, man” John B tries to convince him. Pope only nods giving him permission to speak.
“I just- I’m sorry man, I really am. I did the shittiest thing and I did it to you and I just want you know that it wasn’t on purpose. The night you told me that I was pretty drunk too and just concentrated on some other shit that doesn’t even matter, and I didn’t pay attention to who the girl you were talking about was. I started paying attention when you said the things about not having a chance with her, and it didn’t matter who the girl was, I knew you weren’t going to have a problem with that and I didn’t want you to pull yourself down. That’s why I said you should talk to her the next time” JJ started explaining why he wasn’t paying attention the first time. “And then the next time we saw her, I didn’t know it was her, and I’m really sorry for what I did”
“I understand that” Pope slowly started. “What was actually hard to take was that you never spend more than a night or a week with a girl, or if you do, she doesn’t really spent so much time with us. That’s what made me react that way”
“I know, man, I'm sorry” JJ agreed.
“Listen, I’m not gonna ask you to stop seeing her, or I won’t stop being your friend. Just- just give me more time to get used to the idea of her being with you”
“Yeah, yeah, I just needed you to know… why I did what I did. Just- all the time you need, man”
Pope was about to say something more when his dad called him to get back to work. “I have to go now”
“Yeah, of course. Just- thank you, really” JJ says before leaving with John B again.
A couple of weeks later, you were meeting with the pogues again for a couple of beers and a bonfire among all of you. JJ and you had kept seeing each other throughout these weeks, you haven’t really seen the pogues in some time though, so it was nice to actually get invited again.
What was even nicer, was that Pope was already there too. You and JJ were wondering if the two of you together could ever enjoy the hangouts with the pogues again. Obviously JJ still hangs out with them, they were his friends first, you were the new one. JJ had told you that Pope seemed a lot better lately, he even asked him how things were going between the two of you, and he actually seemed happy when JJ responded that they were going really good.
At first, even though everybody was really happy to see you again, especially Sarah and Kie for having another girl in the group, you were still a little quiet and showing zero PDA with JJ— which wasn’t something usual for the two of you— but you did it so you didn’t make anyone feel uncomfortable. As the night continued, you let loose a little bit more, actually enjoying it a lot more.
Now, as you saw Pope getting up and going inside the chateau to get more beer, you got up too to follow him.
“Hey” you said so he would notice you went with him.
“Oh, hey” he said a little nervous, not really expecting you.
“Um, I just wanted to thank you for being so understandable I guess, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, I just wanted you to know I really appreciate it” you started.
“I’ve honestly never seen JJ so…whipped for someone, I couldn’t be the one fucking it up, it’s pretty funny to watch” he joked and you started laughing.
“Yeah, the guys have been saying that too” you tell him.
"Yeah really, we’ve never seen him so in love, I guess that’s what bothered me at first, cause it had to be with you. But, like I said, I just couldn’t be the reason for him to lose this” he admits.
“You’re such a good friend, Pope, really. All of you really are his family, and I’m happy he’s got all of you”
“He’s got you too, you’re the reason for him to be so happy lately, that makes you part of the family too” You could actually cry right now, his words were so thoughtful. “I was the one who told him to invite you tonight, everybody missed you a lot and I wanted to get to know you too”
“That sound great, I’d really like that” you gave him a smile and hugged him for being so unbelievably nice.
“Princess, what’s taking you so lo- oh hey” JJ came to look for you and was taken aback when he found you two hugging.
“Hey, we were just talking, I was actually welcoming her to the pogue family” Pope explained.
“Yeah, I came to thank him for being so nice and cool with us” you told JJ. He smiled and walked to you, hugging you by your shoulders and pulling you closer. “And he also told me how whipped I've got you” you joked.
“You do” he admitted.
“Never thought I’d see the day were JJ gets so corny” Pope admits. “You need to ask her bro, it’s been long enough” he tells JJ and you don’t really understand what he’s talking about.
“You sure you're okay with it?” JJ asks him and Pope nods smiling. Then he walks back out with everyone else.
“What was that about?” you ask JJ confused.
“I really like you, like really really like you. You’ve got me whipped just like they said. You don’t even know how scared I got of losing what we've got when Pope got mad” he explains, you actually do know the feeling of being scared to lose this, you felt it too. “After I made sure he was okay with us together, I asked him if it would be okay if I asked you to be my girlfriend and he said he wanted me to, so… would you be my girlfriend, please? Cause I really like you and I can’t risk losing you” he asks grabbing you by your waist.
“I really like you too J” you admit with a smile. “Yes, I’d love to be your girlfriend”
The biggest smile appears on both of your faces, he pulls you closer and kisses you, still smiling. You play with his hair, enjoying this moment with all you've got.
After you break the kiss before it becomes more heated— you will have time for that later tonight— he gives you a few more pecks on the lips and hand-by-hand you walk back outside where all the pogues are waiting for you expectantly.
“Guys, I’d like to present you… my girlfriend, new official member of the pogues now too” JJ says with some suspense and they all shout and cheer as if their soccer team just won the world cup or something, real emotion. You can’t stop laughing and smiling, this was your family now.
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
The way I WEPT through Dream's journey with Death through her work. I can't tell you.
And it's not because it was about death and dying. There's lots of work about death and dying and I've read this arc before. Argh, writing this to you is making me cry.
It's because 1)I got to see religious Judaism at the moment of death on my screen, gentle, and warm, and loving - finally - after a life of starving for Judaism as something more than Other or Kitsch or Funny. Something that was Divine and Succorous like it is for me at the moment when a Jew needs it most. So that's the first thing, thank you for that.
I'm a social worker and a therapist and I don't know if you pay attention to how those two professions are treated in media? But very often it is also a joke or an enemy. And while I don't help people die, I do spend my time offering people time and space to be with themselves so they can go somewhere else for themselves in a way and in so doing, I am blessed to I share moments of people's lives - just like she described when she was trying to explain to Dream why she could take so much joy in her work, oh, oh it spoke to me in away the comic just didn't. So many of the moments she walked into, when people were hurting or leaving or changing but just was able to be the friendly face who shared those time with them? That's what it's like for me in my work. In the work, you aren't outside that. The woman in the encampment could have been one of my clients from when I did housing and shelter work and Sam could have been one of my talk therapy clients and you live it with them all of them. You are with and a part of people when you try to ease suffering by sharing your empathy and understanding and oh, god, Neil, I love it, the work. The moment she said it's not everyone who loves what they do I just felt seen. It meant everything to hear that articulated by a mouth other than mine for once. I know she's something different for everyone but for Death to give me a way to see the intimacy, honor, love and joy of being permitted to share delicate time with another human being, one who is almost always a stranger, expressed with love and honor and gentleness, truly, finally, after years of that concept being mocked and inclined and demonized and insulted even if it's through Death as a metaphor? It was healing for me.
Just so much about Death was healing for me. The execution of it, the original story you wrote, Kirby Howell-Baptiste's performance. It soothed something in me that I didn't need was raw from fighting upstream and I just want you to know that. Thank you all so much.
That was beautiful. Thank you.
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In his own way {Gintoki Sakata}
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Summary: Gintoki picks up on you being stressed and makes it his mission to make you feel better without you figuring him out
Pairing: Gintoki x fem!reader
Trigger Warnings: mentions of stress, anxiety
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Gintoki is no fool. He can appear as ignorant, but he is not. Especially when something happens to the people he cares about.
A week had passed by since he first picked up on your strange behaviour. He couldn't really explain it himself and he wasn't planning on asking Kagura or Shimura.
"You know... I thought we had agreed on shouldering each other’s pain." He looked at you through the mirror of the small bathroom. He was lucky that you lived opposite from Odd Jobs because it was heavily snowing.
"Sorry?" You turned around to look at him, obviously confused.
After spending most of yesterday's evening and the night together, he had noticed that you were in better spirits than the past week. But that didn't mean he would give up on learning what was wrong.
"You are straightening your hair."
"I am."
"It's naturally wavy."
"It is."
"Do you know how many times I've gotten into trouble just because I have naturally wavy hair? I thought we were in this together."
It wasn't exactly what he wanted to say but he hoped you would understand. The confused look on your face showed him that you didn't.
He didn't bothered you more than that though. He knew that you had promised Kagura to take her to this new ramen shop a few streets away from Odd Jobs.
But when you walked in with Kagura and you weren't smiling, he knew something was up. Kagura always made you smile.
Not moving his eyes away from you, he let his JUMP issue on the couch and stood up. He was lucky that Kagura and Shinpachi weren't paying attention because he practically glued himself on you.
"I thought we were in this together..."
"You said the same thing this morning as well." You sighed and removed your scarf.
"You ate that new chocolate cake from the pastry shop."
"No, I actually ordered mochi, why?" His eyes narrowed. To you it looked like he didn't believe you but that wasn't the case. "Are you angry because I ordered mochi?"
"No, I am angry because you don't seem to understand that we are in this together." He stuffed his pinky finger in his nostril, searching for boogers.
A small pause followed. He could read it on your face that you had understood what he was trying to say. And he was glad that it didn't take you more than that to tell him what had been bothering you the past week.
Like he had imagined, it was your anxiety. He stayed silent as you explained the issue. It wasn't a major one and it was unlikely that it would actually happen but it still bothered you and because of that, he was there to listen.
"Good girl." He let out a sigh and patted your head before turning around to leave.
"You can't just... I poured my heart out! Calling me a good girl doesn't-"
"Oh trust me it does." He turned around, pinky already in his nostril. "My job isn't to feed you lies to calm you down." He said softly as he removed his pinky from his nose, wiping it on his robe. "I prefer giving you something else to think about." He smirked and leaned down to kiss your cheek.
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A/n: this is the first time I'm writing for Gintoki, you are free to request him but keep in mind I'm still in episode 40 something of Gintama so be careful 😂. Anyways I know this is poorly written mostly because my mind and thoughts were all over the place while writing it. It's mostly written to comfort me but of course if it's a source of comfort for anyone else, I'm more than happy to hear that (I was either going to write about him or Dazai)
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feelbokkie · 8 months
One Last Dance | Chapter 7
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pairing: Minho x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au, major character death (I am apologizing now), friends to lovers, soul mates, first love, roommates
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing, suggestive, mention of food
summary: Childhood best friends Lee Minho and L/n Y/n are in their final year of university. While both of them are in love with each other, the only thing keeping them apart is Minho’s fear of change. As both dancers prepare for their lives after college, will Minho finally let fear rule him and his emotions or will he finally gain courage before he loses Y/n forever?
word count: 2,894
screenshot count: 6
taglist: closed!
previous | masterlist | next
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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"Pretty sure the way you're looking at me would be an hr violation if this were a real business dinner," You sigh halfway through your dinner with Chan.
The night has been going well so far. You met Chan in front of his apartment to avoid Minho's temper making an appearance by misreading the situation. Afterward, Chan drove you to a fancy restaurant that is nearly out of your price range, but it's fine. You just have to keep in mind that you can't do any frivolous spending until next payday. After all, since you're the one who needs something from Chan, you're the one paying for dinner.
"How am I looking at you?" He smirks as he leans back into his chair, staring at you through hooded lids.
"Like a fuckboy," You say bluntly.
"You're brutally honest." He laughs, amused by you.
"It's one of my strong suits. My strongest suit being my dancing." You smirk, trying to bring his attention back to the conversation at hand.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop flirting so you can do what you came here to do."
“Thank you,” you wipe the corners of your mouth and set your napkin on the table. “As I was saying earlier, I have a decent amount of subscribers on YouTube from my years of uploading dance videos. I'm planning on using your song as the background music for my company auditions and also uploading the video to my channel. When I become a famous company dancer, that video will be viewed by my fans and those who aspire to be me, which will lead to more people searching for your music. If you're not already super famous by then, it will certainly help."
"No 'if' but 'when' you become a famous company dancer?"
"Yes," You straighten up in your seat.
"You sound sure of yourself." Chan's mouth hangs open as he continues to stare at you in awe.
"Because I am," You pick up your water and take a sip, "You have to be confident to survive in the dance world. Any world really."
"Explain," Chan leans forward, resting his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his right hand.
"Dance is fifty percent skill, fifty percent confidence. Confidence is the line between executing the perfect fouette and landing yourself in the hospital."
“Look, everyone can dance. Dance well? No, but dance in general? Absolutely. But with confidence, none of that matters. If you believe you can dance or you believe that you’re killing it, and your audience sees that, you’re automatically performing ten times better than you actually are. It’s basic psychology. Why do you think everyone is obsessed with TikTok dancers? They’re not even doing leg work and recycling the same five moves 10 million ways, but their confidence is what’s getting them views.”
“Fake it ’til you make it,” He nods.
“Exactly,” You raise your wine glass and wait for Chan to pick up the cue. Luckily he does and raises his glasses too.
The two of you silently toast and take a sip of your drinks before setting them down on the table. You bring your hands to your lap, fiddling your thumbs, waiting for Chan to say something else. Chan’s hand rests at the base of his wine glass as he thinks hard about something. You’re confident yes, but as Chan just said, you’re faking it until you’re making it. Inside, you’re panicking at the fact that you might not get to use his song for your auditions. Not only is it perfect for you to show off your skills, but it’s a completely fresh song, it's bound to make your audition stand out based on sound alone and make them remember that you’re the one who danced to it.
“I love your confidence, but if I’m going to let you dance to my song, I’m going to need to see you in action.” You quickly pull out your phone and go straight to your YouTube channel.
“I have this really good routine that I just did to ‘Maria’ by Hwasa that I’m planning to do for this month’s evaluation showcase—” You're cut off by Chan placing his hand over yours.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk," He slowly shakes his head at you.
Had this been any other man, they'd be on the floor gasping for their breath trying to process what just happened as you casually readjust your dress after flipping them over. But this is not any other man. Sure, you're not entirely into Chan, but who could resist those soft eyes and bright smile? And despite being a bad neighbor and overbearingly flirty, he's a good person.
"What?" You ask softly, suddenly becoming shy.
"If you're going to sell me on your dancing, I rather have a live demonstration." He smirks.
"Right now?"
"I mean, we're done eating."
"Not here," You shake your head as you put your phone away.
"Suddenly not so confident?" He teases, leaning back into his chair once again.
"No, this floor is hard as hell and these shoes are not made for dancing. I'm not rolling my ankles for this," You wave down a waiter so you can get the bill.
"So no demo?" He pouts slightly. Cute.
"I didn't say that-- Ah, yes, can we get the bill." You shift your attention to the waiter.
"The bill?" The waiter furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head.
"Yes, the bill for our meal." You ask softly as you pull your wallet out of your bag.
"I'm sorry, I was under the imp--"
"Y/n, I already paid the bill," Chan says suddenly.
"What? Why? When?" You turn your attention to Chan. The whole point of tonight was so that you could pay.
"When you went to the bathroom earlier. I figured, I technically invited you out so I should pay."
"But I'm supposed to wine and dine you."
"Yeah, but I wasn't actually going to let you pay." Chan thanks the waiter and sends him off. "Besides, pretty people shouldn't have to pay for their food." He mumbles under his breath.
"Then why did you pay for your own food?" You ask loudly.
You can't help but smirk as Chan's ears quickly turn red and a large smile occupies real estate on his face. His mouth twitches as he tries to find a response to your comment. You pull a couple of bills from your purse and tuck them under your now-empty wine glass before standing up from the table. You smooth out your dress before extending your hand out to Chan.
"C'mon tomato, let's go."
"Where are we going?" He asks as he takes your hand and stands up.
"You said you wanted a live demonstration, right? Let's go,"
You flip on the switch in the empty practice room before letting Chan in. You pull off your shoes, not wanting to damage the floor, before walking in after. Your hot feet absorb the cold from the cool hardwood floor. You set your shoes on the counter as Chan explores the dance studio. There isn't much to look at, it's just one of the many practice studios on campus. There are two walls completely made of mirrors so you can yourself from two angles. A dance bar lines the shorter wall. Parallel to that wall is the counter space that's connected to the speaker system, which is almost always littered with water bottles and towels when the room is in use.
"Wow, so this is what the dance studios on campus look like," Chan says in awe. You make your way over to the dance bar and start stretching.
"What, you didn't take one of your dance major groupies in one of these rooms?" You tease.
"No, but what a shame. These mirrors would have made it so much hotter." He walks over to the sound system and starts messing with it.
"God," You place one of your legs up on the bar to stretch it out properly. "You're such a whore."
"I mean, you slept with me so what does that say about you?"
"That I have low standards when I'm drunk apparently."
"Do you want to make them lower?"
"Easy, Channie. We're here for me to dance in the literal sense so I can use your song."
"Okay, okay. You can't say I didn't try though."
"No one will ever say that about you. Now put something on for me to dance to."
"What do you want?"
"Surprise me. I'm trained in every basic style. You can even play gospel music if you want." You finish stretching and join him at the counter.
"You're going to twerk to gospel music?"
"Who said anything about...Chan, just put on a song."
Chan laughs as he goes through his phone. Once he's ready to play the song, you help him hook up his phone to the sound system. Once he's ready to go, you take your place in the middle of the studio.
"Before you start panicking, I have shorts on under my dress." You lift the skirt of your dress slightly to show him.
"It wouldn't be anything I haven't seen before, baby." He grins as he sits on the counter.
"I will hurt you." You roll your eyes.
"Keep talking dirty to me and I'll have to marry you. I love my women feisty and on top every once in a while."
"Someone should hose you down, seriously."
"Care to do the honors?" He smirks. How he can say any of this straight-faced is beyond you.
"Do you have a flirty comeback for everything?"
"Who said I'm flirting? I'm just talking. Sounds like you're falling in love."
"Great, you're delusional too. Just play the song already."
"Yes, ma'am!"
A lo-fi jazzy beat you've never heard before starts flooding the room. You take a deep breath before letting the music move your body in rhythm. The song is nice, but a little weird for a solo. It feels like you're missing something. Someone.
Roughly three minutes later, the song is over and Chan's loud claps fill the room.
"Wow, that was just... wow. You're really go." Chan hops off the counter and comes to help you up.
"Thank you. If you're that impressed by a song I've never heard before and freestyled to, imagine what I could do with Scene Stealers."
"It's not just my song. I'll have to ask Changbin and Han but it's pretty much yours."
"Thank you! If they need more convincing you can show them my channel."
"They probably won't need much convincing. Especially Han."
"I'm so excited, I could probably run all the way back to the apartment." You say excitedly.
"Do you want to walk back?" You and Chan grab your stuff and leave the practice room.
"What about your car?" You ask as you pull your sweater on.
"It can stay overnight. We're only 20 minutes from the apartment anyway. I can use the walk down here as a warm-up before going to the gym. Plus, it's warm out and I'll get to spend a little more time with you."
You nod your head and take his hand as you leave the building. You're still barefoot, not wanting to put your heels back on. Chan stops dead in his tracks and starts to take off his shoes.
"Don't, it's fine. I have dancer's feet, they're calloused at the bottom so I'm fine." You say quickly when you realize what he's doing.
"Yeah, but your entire livelihood is reliant on your feet. You should still protect them. Plus, I can build up the callouses on mine." He finishes taking off his shoes and taps your ankle so you can put them on.
You hesitate for a second before putting them on. He helps you put on his shoes, even tying them before standing up beside you again. As you begin walking, you grab his arm to keep yourself from falling. His feet are so big that the shoes are practically dangling off of you.
"That song you played, did you write it too?" You ask after a few minutes of walking. The air is perfectly cool and cars whizz past the two of you in the street.
"Yeah, why do you want to borrow that one too?" He laughs.
"Yes, actually. It would be perfect for the final project Minho and I have to do for our partner dancing class."
"Minho is your roommate, right?" Chan asks, his pace slowing down a bit.
"Yeah," You reply softly.
"What's the deal with the two of you?"
"We're best friends."
"That's all? You're not like best friends?"
"How complicated?" Chan isn't prepared to be yanked back slightly as you stop walking. You press your lips together.
"We've done everything together, literally. Even took our first breaths together. Our moms are best friends and were so excited to be pregnant at the same time. Min's mom went into labor and I apparently was jealous and came out two months early. So we're close. Always have been." You slightly hesitate, thinking about what the actual situation with Minho is.
"But?" You start walking again, dragging Chan with you.
"Before you say anything, we never slept together or anything like that. We were each other's first kisses when we were 16 and that's about as far as we've gotten. But, we both do like each other. He's just too much of a coward to go from friends to more than that."
"That is complicated."
Silence falls between the two of you again. You've been walking so long, you're already almost at the apartment. You can feel Chan thinking beside you. The Minho situation is probably causing him to hesitate to flirt with you.
"So, did you sleep with me to make him jealous?" He asks quietly.
"Oh please, Minho would get jealous just watching me stand next to you. I slept with you because I wanted to. And because I was drunk, but mostly because I wanted you. Minho was the furthest thing from my mind that night. Besides, I'm not going to just sit around and wait for him. If I'm with someone else when he wakes up, that's on him."
"Hmm..." He hums. The two of you climb up the stairs to your floor in silence yet again. It felt quicker than a 20-minute walk somehow.
You and Chan walk straight past his apartment and walk to yours. Once you're in front of your door, you quickly go to take off the shoes and hand them back to Chan.
"The situation with your roommate sounds a bit too messy so I'm going to back off. But don't worry, I'll still be your friend and let you use our music. I've had my handful of complicated relationships already, but this one sounds like it's going to be a pain." He breathes. You can't help but give him a soft smile. You aren't looking to date Chan, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt a little.
"Fair enough. Anyway, thank you for tonight." You put your key into the lock and turn the knob.
"I am backing off," He grabs your hand to stop you from opening the door further than you already have. "But a good night kiss wouldn't hurt. It can also be a goodbye kiss. Like a concession in a way, since I'm so graciously stepping back."
"Oh yeah, oh so graciously." You laugh.
"Just one little kiss. Or else I'll be mad at myself for the rest of my life. I'll even stop blasting music in my apartment."
"One kiss for some peace and quiet?"
"And to cure my breaking heart?" He smirks.
"Oh, well I guess I do have to kiss you then. Wouldn't want that on my conscience." You smirk back.
Chan lets go of your hand and places his hand on your cheek, using his thumb to brush your lower lip before leaning in. You close your eyes just as you feel Chan's soft, slightly chapped lips melt into yours. His free hand finds your waist and pulls you closer. You drop your shoes and throw your arms around his neck. His tongue desperately swipes at your bottom lip and you part your mouth to let him in.
The two of you quickly separate once you hear a loud noise come from your apartment. The both of you panting, staring at each other. Your lips are wet and slightly swollen.
"That was a little more than just 'one little kiss.'" You smirk.
"I took tax for wearing my shoes home." He bites his bottom lip. His lips are slightly tinted red from your lipstick.
"Again, fair enough. I'll see you later Chan. And remember, I'll come over to kick your ass if your music is too loud." You laugh as you pick up your shoes.
"Don't tempt me with a good time, sweetheart. I will buy industrial speakers if that's the case." He laughs as he starts to talk back to his apartment.
Once Chan is outside his apartment he does a little wave goodbye and gestures for you to go inside your apartment. You wave back before you take a deep breath, hand on the doorknob. You push the door open just as you hear a loud slam come somewhere inside.
Buy me a coffee?
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@amyyscorner @aaasia111 @weird-bookworm @allaboutyej8 @kangaracharacha @lilcutieana @jungkookies1002 @lanatheawesome @hanniemylovelyquokka @jiisungllvr @marked-unknown @kitheat @spearb-99 @chlodavids @veedoesntknaur @yongbbokkie @warlockwithoutcharisma @fennecnco @aslou  @babygirlsuna @jihanlovic @kalopsian-thoughts @reianagarcia @sunshinessky  @brain-empty-only-draken @f9clementine  @jaydebow @phtogravi @mal-lunar-28 @jhstayy
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ricky-horrors-whore · 7 months
Vinny Mauro Headcanons
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Because I love him
I am small please be kind
He will get you to film him doing stupid shit if Ricky's not around (like peeling off his callous then eating it...).
You start to get a little apprehensive when he gets excited and goes "Hey, hey, film me real quick, watch this-" but you do it anyway. Your camera is filled with little clips of him.
Will also take your phone and leave you surprise pics of either goofy ass faces, or little smooch faces and making little hearts with his hands.
Always signs off texts and ends calls saying "I love you" (he says this so much he's such a sweetie I can't guys)
Loves if you make him playlists, or help make him playlists.
He will randomly sending you a playlist he made for you, and it'll either be favorite songs, or sappy songs cause he's trying to be sweet, but then there's be something random as hell like Big 'n' Chunky or Carl Poppa thrown in just to smack you.
Do the same to him and he'll look at you so betrayed before laughing.
Big fan of nicknames, will come up with the goofiest, mushy ones when he's trying to get your attention. It gets worse if you try to ignore him. Pookie? Angel? Gummy Bear? My favorite tree frog? Dragon cookie? just anything until you HAVE to at least side eye him.
Normally just sticks to one though, 'Mama' (@foliosriot killing my sweetly here)
Actually loves when you call him 'Babygirl'.
He will answer to anything you call him, ridiculous anything, but he gets a little giddy smile with that one.
Gets sad when he doesn't get to see you for awhile and just wants you to join him on tour.
Doesn't matter if you have no way whatsoever to be helpful on a multi-month trip.
"Yeah but you make me happy, moral support." with a cheesy grin.
So many jokes. inside jokes. random jokes. He loves making you laugh so much and he's so good at it.
So much to the point he'll turn to you with a look and you can't help but giggle and it annoys everyone else what is this about.
His place is always well stocked with the best snacks, your favorites included.
Will share the best with you, including his ice cream, then try to say he's not playing favorites.
Loves if you feed him snacks while he streams. Like he is not paying attention to anything and you'll just feed him whatever.
He fully trusts you doing this too.
Not long after he said he doesn't like twizzlers "But you look like such a twizzler boy??" "What does that mean?? chat help", a few stream later, you look directly into the camera and start feeding him a twizzler to see the truth.
He munches away mumbling "thanks" and is very confused once he's done and you just say "Liar." while chat's going ballistic.
Loves when you join him on streams, whether you play anything or just hangout with him, he's happy you're there :)
He's pretty private besides his stream knowing you, but talks about you all the time.
His mom knows about you and thinks you sound wonderful, keeps asking about you too and he's happy to talk.
The guys know all about you before you meet any of them. Chris asks you about something that happened to you the other day before you're even introduced.
Vinny is a cuddle bug and your personal teddy bear. He will just come up and wrap his arms around you and snuggle up to you, not PDA shy, he wants cuddles.
If you're sitting or doing something he'll come up behind and press his chest to your back with his arms around you and just contently snuggle up and sigh with a smile resting against you.
Or flop onto your lap and try to demand attention (favorites being playing with his hair, and kisses.)
He runs especially warm! your personal heater coziest of hugs especially when you're cold.
Just walk up to him for a hug and soak in the warmth. He knows you're doing this and just grins and rocks you both back and forth.
For that reason cold temps while sleeping are a must.
Both for cuddling at night and nearly kicking you off the bed.
There is either a hand in your face and Vinny sprawled across the mattress or you're stuck wrapped in his strong arms and occasional snoring beside you for the foreseeable future.
Sleep talker, he just mumbled nonsense in your ear or whatever's happening in his dreams. He also gets talking like that when he's really sleepy especially when he's up far too late gaming and you'll ask what he just said and he tries to recall through brainfog and has no idea.
When he's sad or just feeling down he'll hug your stomach and you pet his hair softly and it's his favorite way to be comforted.
Very playful and goofy but loves tender moments like that.
Strikes me as a guy who would be SO impressed and in awe if you took your bra off without removing your shirt.
You're just chilling together and sick of wearing it and now he's staring at you, not even for tiddies, just WHAT.
Might steal a bra to try it himself when you're not home.
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newtdrawz · 8 months
Could u do dally and pony friendship hcs🫣
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You don't understand,, how obsessed I am with their friendship omg 😭 (lil warning these are prolly ooc but I really tried 😭😭 I promise) (feel free to add on to these I love seeing other ppls hc's!!)
Ok throwback to my Ponyboy HC's post where I said Dally is really supportive of Pony's hobby in art!!!!!
Dally might be (secretly ofc he would never admit it) like the #1 fan of Pony's art, besides Johnny and Soda obvi
He really likes watching him sketch and paint, it's memorizing to him and he can't fathom how it looks like a picture from a camera almost, he tells him that too. ("I dunno how you're able to do that so quickly, Pone." "It looks like a photograph almost.")
Pony always tries to downplay his talents and Dally (ofc in his mean/tough love Dally way lol) tells him not to do that and to not sell himself short
Dally truly believes Pony could be famous from his art. That he could get out of Tulsa and make a name for himself. He doesn't really know how to communicate that to him besides the rare compliment here and there.
Another throwback to the post where I did the hc that Johnny and Dally will sit in and listen to Pony read,,
Dally doesn't like reading, never really cared for it. He thinks Pony reading all the time is a little funny and he'll tease him abt time to time.
When he first finds Johnny sitting in the lot with Pony and Pony reading one of his books out loud to Johnny he obviously had to interrupt and obviously sit with them (they're happy to include him btw they don't mind 😭😭)
Dally will not. Shut. Up. He asks Pony abt a million questions abt the book. ("Well why'd the guy go and do that?" "Why's he stupid?" "Wait what happened before that?" "What's that ladies name again?" "Wait What's she look like again?")
This is one of the very few (and probably first) times Pony talks back/sasses Dally ("Why don't you be quiet and let me finish reading the page? And then maybe you'll know what's happening.")
Idk how to explain this but Dally is def the type of friend to feed into his friends delusions 😭 or like hype them up for something they definitely SHOULD NOT do,, like ykwim?? And he def does it with Pony
He definitely encourages Pony to get into a little bit of trouble, just a tiny bit.
Obviously Pony can get in trouble on his own and he does plenty but Dally just encourages it a little bit more lol
He calls it "getting Pony out of his comfort zone" while Darry calls it "peer pressuring" (there was def a conversation/argument abt it 😭😭) (Dal: I am NOT peer pressuring him, I'm getting him out of his comfort zone. Dar: yes you are Dal! Dal: No I'm not! Pony do you feel peer pressured?! Say no. Pony: No... Dal: See?! He's fine. He's having fun!)
Dally 100% keeps Pony out of any real trouble tho, the kind that'd get him sent away or seriously hurt. He'd never encourage him to do something bad enough to warrant those things.
Ok, Dally is actually really nice but in a mean way. Like he's aggressively nice where no one's sure if they're being threatened or complimented or insulted. He's no different with the gang
If Pony or Johnny are like really bad at something Dally will threaten the rest of the gang to lie and be nice 😭😭😭 he won't be nice because it's not expected of him but he'll make everyone else be nice.
One time Pony tried to bake a cake and for some reason he just can't bake. He can cook fine but not bake. So it was like awful but ofc the gang tried it.
When Pony isn't paying attention Dally turns to the gang and straight up threatens them. ("This thing tastes like shit but you're all gonna tell him it tastes good or I swear I'll shove your faces into the cake.")
Dally has no idea WHY he does it, cuz he's not nice (he is) and he doesn't care abt Johnny or Pony's, or really anyone's, feelings (he does he's just emotionally constipated 😭😭😭)
Dally still is kinda mean to Pony though, not mean but like teasing?? Like in a big brother way
Sometimes he just says things without really thinking abt it or randomly teases him (like Pony reading all the time and being a nerd and not talking to girls)
One night they're both sitting on the porch smoking and it's kinda late and Dally randomly just says "ya'know I don't really mean it, right?" And Pony says yeah and Dally just nods and they go back inside.
After that Dally still teases him and stuff but Pony kinda knows now to not really take it heart cuz that's just Dally being Dally.
From an outsiders perspective it does look/sound like Dally is just being and a-hole 😭😭 but the gang just knows him enough that it's some weird love language he has to just be mean to them 😭
Whenever Dally's about to do something really stupid/dangerous/illegal he threatens Pony and Johnny to not do it
Before he does anything he'll look both of them in the eyes and either tell them to beat it incase the police show up or back up and hideout
He looks directly at Pony and goes "Do NOT tell Darry I did this infront of you or else." ("Do not, and I mean do not, EVER do what I'm about to do or I'll beat both of you.")
Dally is basically like the only one rlly allowed to be mean/tease Pony (in his head at least 😭)
Dally makes fun of him plenty and Pony just rolls his eyes and laughs. Dally will ruffle his hair and punch him in the arm and all that.
But the minute someone who isn't Darry or Soda or himself says something rude to Pony he just gets so mad 😭
One time he threatened Steve cuz Steve said something to Pony. ("You better shut up and leave the kid alone, Steve.") (Steve's confused cuz like not even 5 seconds ago Dally just called Pony an idiot or something 😭😭)
He's especially this way with socs and authority figures
And it's not like Pony can't defend himself or anything, Dally knows he can but he just gets mad anyways and again he just starts talking before thinking and next thing he knows he's nearly throwing hands with someone cuz they were an a-hole to his friend lol
He's basically the "only I can be mean to him and no one else can" type of friend 😭
Ok this post got a little out of hand 😭
I had waaaaaay too much fun with this I just really love talking about and making hc's 😭 I'm still trying to nail down Dally's personality so if (which he probably is,,) he's ooc sorry 😭 I literally can't help taking the characters and literally changing sm abt them from canon 😭😭 it's truly a problem but I will try to get him right 🙏
(If there's any spelling mistakes or anything sorry I did this half asleep w/ a headache cuz I was so excited abt this ask 😭 I couldn't wait)
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sukieros · 2 months
chapter two: happy birthday | NEXT
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Jungwon × Reader × Jake × Heeseung — a boy born in February, a guy who was made in February and a man who likes February. Who's the real Valentine Killer?
a story inspired by Cynthia Eden's U.S.A Best Selling Book, Die for Me: A Novel of the Valentine Killer.
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SYNOPSIS: In which Y/N, a good student, gets involved in a tragedy she never expected to happen only because of meeting the new student. Detectives from their town, were later on standing in front of her for an unknown reason.
DISCLAIMER: Please bare with my incorrect spelling and grammars. I'm still learning and growing up from my mistakes. This story will be mentioning triggering images that included blood. Content contain mature themes and violence.
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“Hey!” Jungwon called you. “Hey, Jungwon!” You greeted back. He's smiling cutely again with his bunny teeth.
“Where are you going Y/N?” Jungwon asked.
“Uhm, I was about to buy my brother's girlfriend a present.” You said.
Jungwon nodded in amusement. “Are you close to her?”
“W-well. Practically, nope.” You told him the truth. “Why?” He asked curiously.
“I hate her.”
After telling him that, you continued walking while he stopped on his tracks.
“But you're going to buy her a present,” Jungwon said enough for you to hear and continued walking to keep up with your pace.
“Who said all presents are good?" You said mischievously and looked at his eyes.His eyes sparked something that you cannot understand. He was silent.
“I like you.” He said out of nowhere.
Jungwon realized what he said. “I-I mean that side of you is. Yeah, amazing.” He said. You gave him a teasing grin that made him smile uncontrollably and blushed.
“Stop it.” Jungwon said and walked faster.
“Awwww... Jungwon likes me!” You teased him while hopping like a kid which made him laugh.
But you can't brush off the fact that he just confessed to you.
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“Isn't it odd?” Heeseung curiously asked from Jay.
Jay was busy reviewing a report again. He looked up at his colleague and cocked an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
“Yunjin's still not here,” and Jay glanced on Yunjin's desk. Heeseung was right. She's still not here.
Jay looked at Heeseung. “Wait. Why are you even paying attention on her presence?” Jay asked Heeseung with the presence of jealousy on his tone.
Heeseung was flabbergasted. “Chillax, bro. I'm just informing you. And I am only observant of things here in our office as a colleague. Nothing else,” Heeseung defended.
Jay didn't looked convinced enough.
"I promise. I'm not into your girl.”
Jay glared at him.
"You should call her. Never have I ever witnessed her being late. She's the early-bird in our department.”
“I'm the early bird.” Jay complained like a child.
"Why are you so worked up today? You're weird.” Heeseung chuckled and shook his head.
"Go on. Call her.” Heeseung asked Jay seriously.
Jay shot a glare on the poor boy again. He slid his office chair without his sharp eyes leaving Heeseung alone while grabbing the telephone on his desk. His attention left hie colleague and punched Yunjin's number.
The phone was ringing.
But no one was picking up. After multiple rings, “The subscriber cannot be reach. Please try again later. The subscriber cannot be reach. Please try again later,” was the only response that Jay received from the line.
“Did you two fight or did you two broke up?” Heeseung asked.
No. Yunjin and Jay never broke-up. Yes, they did fought but she never left him like this.
“I'll try to call my sister,” Jay spoke and called you.
He punched your number anxiously. His mind was clouded with scenarios he shouldn't be thinking of. His heart clenched in pain as he imagined what was happening. But he tried to erase it because he believed and still firmly believed that there's nothing bad happening.
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You were at the school oval lying down on the carpet grass. You were taking a rest from all those stressful projects and plates, not until your phone rang. When you glanced on the phone Id caller, it was your brother.
“Oppa?” You answered the phone without any hesitation.
There was a second of silence on the line until Jay's sobs were heard.
“Oppa, are you okay?” You, who was worried, suddenly sat up from the where you were lying down on.
“Y/N-ah... D-did Y-y..y-yunjin c-called... or m-message y-y-you???” Jay said with a shaking voice.
Yunjin never messaged you and called you. In fact, you were never even okay with her until now. Hearing the shaking voice of your brother made your anger on Yunjin grew out.
“She never called me. She never did. Why would she?” You asked. You're so confused of what's happening. Why is your brother crying and why is he calling you about his girlfriend that you've never even liked since day one?
“Is that so? She did not?" Jay asked.
“Oppa, I never even conversed with her. You know my issue with that woman,” you responded.
“Why are you asking me about her anyway?” You asked back.
“Yunjin did not come to the office. She never take absences,” Jay answered.
“Maybe she's sick? Was her phone... ringjng or something?”
“She will answer my calls. But... the phone was just ringing. I tried my best to track her through asking someone I knew. He said that the phone number's location is not showing up. Although, I have gained a signal from it.”
“That's weird? Maybe she did not answer you because you both have a problem? Wait, do you?”
“W-we... didn't fight.” Jay explained.
"Did you call her last night?”
“....Yes.” He answered.
“Jay. What did she tell you while you were calling her?”
“She said that she was going back home to her flat after her duty. She even told me to eat dinner... a-and I told her I am busy and I want her to submit the report to the Captain.”
It was eerie. You've got a sudden goosebumps. It's all falling in to pieces. Slowly, your ears perked up and the strands of your skin hair stood up. You've got sudden shivers down to your spine.
“She said that I'm always working.”
“That's all?”
“Y-yeah. I've ended the call. She should be submitting the report by now.”
“About what report?”
“Well, Y/N, it's a confidential report-”
“I don't care. Tell me.”
It's Valentine.
“Jay. Why is she making this report?” You've asked. Jay's hand was shaking. He was trembling in fear.
“Because she saw...” Jay couldn't continue nor utter the words.
“...Valentine,” You muttered.
The woman that you've hated your entire life just saw Valentine.
Jay couldn't control it anymore. He suddenly ended the call and stood up from his desk. His brain cannot process the information. He ran out from the station while Heeseung screaming behind him.
“Jay! Jay!”
But Jay didn't stop either. He just hopped on his big bike and drove away to Yunjin's flat. When he arrived, he quickly went off. Before he can even step on the doorstep, he saw some keys on the ground.
Yunjin's keys.
He looked up and looked for any signs of camera that is directed on her doorstep. Luckily, there's one. He even looked on the doorknob for any webcam. There's also one attached.
He instantly grabbed the keys and inserted them one by one inside the keyhole. The door opened. He went inside to find Yunjin's room for any signs of CCTV monitors. There was none. And he remembered that Yunjin has her own office in her flat. He quickly went inside the office.
The CCTV Monitor was there.
He grabbed the mouse of the computer and started going back to yesterday's CCTV shot.
Yunjin just parked her car.
She was busy shuffling the keys.
Behind her was a white van and a guy in pure black went down from the vehicle which Yunjin didn't noticed.
Jay was terrified to watch while witnessing his girlfriend getting kidnapped.
When the guy was about to grab the poor woman, the screen went static. It was all black. The footage was deleted.
“GODDAMNIT!” Jay screames and punched the table in anger while hot tears were coming out from his eyes.
He went berserk. Jay could see nothing else but black and red at the same time. His knuckles was bleeding already.
*Ding Dong*
Jay stopped when he heard the doorbell. He looked on the monitor and check the person who just rang the doorbell.
There was no one.
Jay immediately went to the living room where the front door was located. He aggressively grabbed the door knob and swung it open.
It was just a box.
A box.
The box.
The box that he knew. The familiar box that was perfectly wrapped with customized roses printed on the plastic seal.
He wore his latex gloves and grabbed the box with his hands trembling. It was heavy and not the typical weight that he can feel when carrying the box delivered by the killer.
Happy Birthday! was writted on top of it.
He sat on the doorstep crying.
“You're right, Valentine”
“It's Yunjin's Birthday today.” Jay cried so hard while grabbing his hair. He was in too much pain that he can't even identify on how to express it.
He slowly unpacked the box while crying and the familiar smell was existing again.
Jay quickly closed the box after seeing what's inside.
“...Fuck...” Jay only muttered.
It wasn't a heart anymore.
It wasn't the brain either.
He cried harder in sadness in fear.
It was Yunjin's head with her eyes and mouth opened that was drenched in her own fresh blood.
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