#because Uta probably wanted that
lonely--seeker · 2 years
Saw op red film today and firstly, I enjoyed the movie, really did. Secondly tho, why do I feel there was so much, so much, potential lost?? Can I trust fanfiction will fix this?
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sage-nebula · 3 months
"Suffer No Fools" - Shiver vs. Marina Analysis
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It's been a few days since "Suffer No Fools" released, but I wanted to go ahead and release my analysis of Shiver's and Marina's verse since that's the one that has caused the most discussion within the fandom. I've seen a lot of debate over Marina's section in particular, with people unsure whether she was being sincere or sarcastic, and I think the actual answer is a little more complicated than one or the other, at least with regards to the first couplet of lines both she and Shiver sing. Of course, people are free to interpret this song however they wish, but after seeing numerous interpretations I personally didn't vibe with, I just wanted to put my own out there, breaking it down line by line.
So! Here we go.
Exchange 1:
Shiver: "Your haunting voice -- there's no escape. How nice it must be for your fans." Marina: "You're far too kind! I love your vibe. I can learn so much from your style."
Analyzing from dialogue only:
Shiver is insulting Marina's voice by calling it haunting and saying there is no escape, insinuating she wishes there was one. She says how nice it must be for Marina's fans, again implying that she isn't one.
Marina says that she loves Shiver's vibe, which on the surface could be a compliment, but given the context (a music battle) it could also be a Mean Girl "ooh I love your [thing] :)" passive-aggressive drawing-attention-to-something-ugly insult. More direct though, is the "I can learn so much from your style"; you can learn what not to do from someone just as much as you can learn what to do from someone. Marina's engaging in plausible deniability here.
HOWEVER. Lyrics are NOT the only thing that need to be analyzed from this first verse, which is arguably the MOST important exchange between these two. Instead, we need to look at how these lines are delivered.
Shiver is singing in a traditional Japanese folk singing style, specifically a style based on Shima-uta, which her voice actress has a background singing in. Unfortunately, I don't know the actual term for this style of singing, only that it's not kakegoe, something Shiver also does that is different from this. Anyway, in these lines specifically Shiver is singing in her Shima-uta style, a style that she has presumably been practicing since she was a small child, a style that is probably culturally significant to the Hohojiro clan. Singing in this style is not something that just anyone can do. It's completely different from singing in a (for lack of a better word) "western" style. The way you breathe is completely different. The way you incorporate your voice into your breathing is completely different. So by singing in this style, which Shiver has been doing practically her whole life and which, presumably, only she of the four there can do, Shiver is FLEXING on Marina regardless of what lyrics she chooses to sing.
But then Marina, who grew up under the domes in Inkadia, who presumably has never heard Shima-uta before she started listening to Deep Cut and heard Shiver sing, who presumably has had absolutely no training whatsoever on this style of song . . . mimics it perfectly and flexes on Shiver right back.
Could Marina's words to Shiver be interpreted as passive-aggressive in turn? Yes. But does it matter? No, not really. Because in this first verse, Marina's ACTUAL comeback is to take the style of singing that Shiver has been perfecting her entire life and throw it right back in her face despite having never (as far as we or Shiver know) practiced it herself. Shiver was flexing by presumably doing something Marina couldn't do, only for Marina to do it flawlessly, being every bit as divine with a voice so fine as Pearl said she was previously. Marina says "I love your vibe" so she takes it. Marina says "I have so much to learn from you" but does she really, when she can already do exactly what Shiver can, and has, just now, right in front of her?
And Shiver noticed, hence:
Exchange 2:
Shiver: "You remind me of my neighbor's little daughter . . . What's that saying? 'Octo see, octo do.'" Marina: "Glad you approve -- your praise has left me moved. Thanks to your notes, I'll find my groove!"
Shiver drops the Shima-uta singing, because now there's no point. Marina can also sing in that style, so it's no longer a flex. Shiver lost ground on that one, so instead we're back to the same (again, for lack of a better word) "regular" style of singing that everyone else is using. For that reason, we can go back to analyzing purely based on the words alone.
Shiver is calling Marina a copycat, essentially, because Marina copied her Shima-uta singing style in the previous verse (hence why Shiver had to drop it, as previously noted). Marina then gives her "glad you approve -- your praise has left me moved" . . . basically noting that by Shiver accusing her of copying, Shiver is saying that Marina -- someone who just tried the singing style off the cuff right there on the stage for the first time -- was just as good as Shiver, someone who has trained in that style her whole life. The audience saw for themselves that Marina was able to emulate the style, but Shiver saying, "you copied me!" is basically admitting that Marina was just as good as her in Shiver's own eyes, and Shiver is a pro. That's Shiver's aggravation handing Marina the win and Marina smiling wide as she accepts it.
Exchange 3:
Shiver: "Oh, look at the time. Isn't it getting late?" Marina: "Not at all! I could go on like this all night long."
This one doesn't even really need an analysis. For all that she prides herself on being "so cool even sharks call her cold-blooded," Shiver is known for being easily irritated and riled when she's losing due to her competitive nature. Marina successfully got under her skin, and this is her trying to end the battle fast because she didn't have any further comebacks. Marina, meanwhile, gives the classic "I could go on all night" because she's not riled at all, and is instead perfectly comfortable in this environment, knows what she's doing, and has had the upper hand from the start.
It goes back to another post I made about Experience vs. Inexperience. Shiver and Frye are still new idols, whereas Pearl and Marina have been at this for a long while. And while off the stage Marina is a sweet, kind, gentle person who will go out of her way to help others, and can sometimes be a little spacey or naive, she's also a 23-year-old literal genius who has been in the music industry for years now and knows full well what a rap / music battle is and knows her way around a stage. Personally, I found it to be a little infantilizing to insinuate that she "didn't realize Shiver was insulting her," when not only do I think she knew full well, but also she was the one with the upper hand not because of sick burns (that's Pearl's department), but because of sheer innate musical talent.
But those are just my thoughts! Everyone else is free to have their own.
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fanaticsnail · 18 days
This is probably asking for much more than you already do and considering the dreaming of you prompt are mainly one shots for characters totally understand if you don’t do this but would you consider writing a pt2 or at least an ending for katakuri’s one. Recently read it, love it, can’t stop, thinking about it
I got you, anon. I wanted to have them see each other, at least. He didn't get to talk with them like the others in his NSFW fic prior, and I wanted him to have a happy ending. You're making me work today!
Masterlist Here,
Word Count: 970+
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Synopsis: After the events of Elegia with Tot Musica and Uta, you awaken to the looming figure of Katakuri standing above you. You apologise for the events that transpired, asking forgiveness for putting his siblings in danger, and only have respect meet you in your wake.
Themes: Katakuri x afab!reader, sfw, feelings, fluff, mentions of battle, mutual respect, mutual pining. Part 2 for Dreaming of You (NSFW) Here, One-Piece RED fic.
Tag list: @sordidmusings @nerium-lil @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @indydonuts @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @carrotsunshine @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training
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Waking up alone and isolated from your crew was not the way you anticipated your time in Elegia to conclude. A vicious battle between the demonic presence of Tot Musica, under the command of the siren-song of Uta, was not what you envisioned for your getaway. If you knew this is what awaited you, you would have especially taken more consideration in inviting your new friend Brûlée along with you to the island. 
Looking to your side, you noticed her form remained unmoving and unconscious as you stirred from your position lying in the grass. You immediately crawled over to her, your lethargy weighing you down and prompting your movements to be slow and staggered. 
Just before you managed to reach her, you felt a presence behind you and a large hand placed on your shoulder. You slowly winced up, your mind in a haze as you turned your gaze towards the presence. 
Charlotte Katakuri crouched down beside you and looked at his unconscious siblings just beyond you with an unreadable expression in his eyes. In his mind's eye, and in your own, you were all engaged in a vicious battle to take down the entity in perfect unison: you within the dream-land from the sing-sing fruit, and the reality combated by him externally with the Red-Hair pirates. 
You felt him in your eyes, and he felt you in his; both your observation Haki working in perfect synchrony to take down the demon and save the civilians and marines only there to enjoy Uta’s music. He placed a little more pressure on your shoulders, pinching the muscle beneath his wide fingertips. In unison, you spoke immediately in a hurried tone. 
“I’m so sorry, lord Charlotte,” you bowed your head and began to utter your sincere apologies to him, “If I knew this is what was waiting for us when I invited Brûlée here to the concert with me, I never would’ve-,” you started your hurried apology, only stopping when you focussed on his words.
“-I have never experienced fighting alongside such a skilled Haki user before. Observation and armament alike, you are truly a revered warrior,” he complimented you, shifting his grip on your shoulder to caress your cheek with his large hands. “Your grace on the battlefield and protection over my family did not go unnoticed here.” 
Your breath hitched, darting your eyes between his before looking down to the bodies of his unconscious siblings. Shaking your head away from his grip, you slowly sink to your knees and bow your head to him further. 
“I deserve no such praise, my lord,” you admit to him with a soft quiver in your tone and your mind racing with the aftershocks of adrenaline, “This is the second time your sister Brûlée has been injured because of me, and Oven did not fare much better.” Katakuri collected your chin beneath his fingers and angled your face up to gaze into his eyes. 
“They are unscathed,” he searched within your expression and thumbed over the apple of your cheek, “And they are unharmed physically.” He leaned forward and lowered himself down from his crouched position to kneel in front of you. “I am grateful for your friendship with my sister, please do not ever apologize to me for it.” 
A weight lifted off your shoulders as you darted your eyes between his, feeling something within his orbs suppressed below the surface. You dart your eyes down to the fur shroud covering his lips before returning to gaze up into his hazel-colored orbs. 
“Thank you, lord Charlotte,” you hang your head once more, choosing to honor him further with a low bow. He chased your gaze by lowering his head and angling his chin down, the shroud loosening over his lips and revealing a soft, toothy smile. 
“Please call me by my name,” he smiled further, both of you not noticing the two other Charlotte siblings stirring beside you and glancing up at you. You sighed, a small and shy smile rising to your lips, as you looked down to view his sharpened teeth and eel-like jaw. A soft rosy blush of shame and embarrassment grew on his cheeks as he noticed your gaze down on his lips. 
Wincing away, he retracted his hand and attempted to relift his shroud back over his lips, halting when he felt your gentle hand reach forward. You looked between his eyes, slowly adding a soft amount of pressure on his hand and softly urging him to reveal his face to you once more. 
“Would…” you began, searching his now revealed face with more purpose and a soft flush rising to your nose, ears and cheeks, “...Would you like to stay with me a while, Katakuri? Just until your siblings regain consciousness?” Katakuri looked beyond you to where Brûlée and Oven were looking at him, immediately falling to their backs and closing their eyes to feign unconsciousness. 
He smiled a soft, knowing smile and leaned forward, prompting your hand to raise from his hand up to cup his cheek. 
“I would like that very much,” he whispered your name, pressing his forehead to yours and closing his eyes upon impact. 
The connection between you was strong and powerful, short sparks of ignition tingling between the press of his head and the flames of new beginnings rising in your heart. You both raised soft smiles in unison, in view of his ‘sleeping’ siblings, and your crew now catching up with you in your place on the island. 
Katakuri now knew it was not only a possibility to have his dreams potentially become a reality with armament haki, but you may feel affection for him as he did feel for you. Breathing each other's air and holding one another close, you felt at peace and hopeful of what new beginning these sparks meant for the both of you.
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Imagine the red hair pirates helping you with your depression
Unfortunately, it's that time of year when seasonal depression, and regular depression team up and beat my ass. So new content will come slower than usual, and I'm sorry about that, but appreciate your patience and understanding.
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Shanks: *enters your room* are you gonna get up anytime soon.
You: *in a cocoon of blankets* I don't want to.
Shanks: *stares at you for a minute* are you okay?
You: no
Shanks: should I get Hongo?
You: there's nothing he can do for me.
Shanks: *thinks back to Roger's illness* ... What sort of illness do you have exactly?
You: depression,
Shanks: oh... Well staying in bed isn't going to help
You: I don't have the energy to get out of bed
Shanks: then let me do it for you, *scoops up your cocoon and carries you outside* sun light ought to do you a lotta good.
Hongo: what's going on?
Shank: they're depressed.
Hongo: oh, I have just the thing for that *goes into his office*
Benn: hmm, I suffered from depression as a young man.
You: back in the Stone Age?
Benn: *playfully rolls his eyes* yes, back in the Stone Age. My life kind of fell apart because I couldn't care for myself. I could not wash my clothes, or bath, or brush my teeth.
Shanks: that explains the state of their room then.
Benn: elaborate
Shanks: their laundry bin was overflowing, trash on the floor, and the whole room was dark and smelt bad.
Benn: ... Cleaning it would probably help them recover.
Shanks: would you go evaluate the room and see what needs to be done.
Benn: we're probably gonna have to clean it top to bottom, I will go get some volunteers.
Hongo: *comes back* no I need you to eat these supplements, and this mushroom.
Benn: how come they get to have some of your hallucinogens.
Hongo: multiple studies have shown they're very effective at treating depression long term and because they're mine, and I get to decide who to give them to.
Shanks: *pulls open your cocoon, and hands you a cup of water.*
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While you are tripping
The crew: * cleans your room, does your laundry, and puts said laundry away*
Hongo: I think the main cause is seasonal depression, they were fine a month ago when the light was at its fullest.
Shanks: hmm, would installing another window in their room help?
Hongo: probably.
Shanks: okay, while the shipwright does that, (y/n) can stay in my room.
Benn: you just wanna fuck them.
Shanks: A few orgasms would probably do them some good. Plus I can help them better if they're close to me.
Hongo: he's right, but you need to make sure you're not taking advantage of them.
Lucky Roux: we also need to make sure they're eating, I noticed a while ago that they're only having one meal a day.
You: eating is inconvenient, and having a corporeal body is like being stuck with a pet you don't want.
Shanks: *pulls your head into his lap and strokes your hair and shushes you* sh sh sh, I know darling, I know.
Hongo: we should also make sure they exercise more, in fact we all should.
Benn: we can take up daily training practice.
Shanks: totally
You: I dun wanna
Benn: well I expect you to at least try it out for a week, if it doesn't help then you can quit.
You: really?
Benn: no
You: aww
Benn: we'll find a nice activity you like, or don't mind.
You: ugh fine
Shanks: thank you
You: ... You have pretty eyes, kinda like storm clouds
Shanks: we should get you high more often.
You: do we have any music snails?
Shanks: *pulls out his collection of Uta's music* Yes we do.
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luffyvace · 5 months
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Yeahhh!!! Luffy hcs we’re what my first ever hcs were about! Look how far I’ve come! I love Luffy and I’m so proud of myself! enjoy these Luffy hcs lovely readers <3
Bathing together is SUPER FUN
and messy
you have lots (too many) bubbles
and yes bath toys
even stuff that’s not supposed to be in the bath-
like sticks-
let him tell it they’re swords
he personally doesn’t bathe bc he doesn’t care
even if its mandatory seeing as though no one wants to smell all that funk 😀
so he canonly bathes once a week right??
with you !! He can bathe at any time!
why? Cuz it’s funn 😆😆
you turn it into a game! an adventure!
so now he looks forward to bath time ;3
luffy splashes water everywhere
I wouldn’t be surprised if the ceiling is drenched with that dude’s strength 😂🤦‍♀️
it takes you FOREVER to clean up
but you know what takes even longer?? GETTING HIM OUT THE BATH
”AWWW but we were having sooo much FUUUUN (NAAAAAME)”
actually it did take a long time til you found a cheat code 😋
tell him sanji’s making food!!
ez way to get him out 😎
The final boss tho??
is getting him to help out with cleaning the mess up
especially after you told him there’s food around🧍‍♀️
Now bro’s DEFINITELY not listening 🙉
unless you use another cheat code (saying you’ll tell sanji not to give him any meat til he helps clean up)
your not getting any help buddy..
he’s already gone by the time you get him out the bath 🤷‍♀️
but again! If you use cheat code no.2 you can get him to help :)
which leads me to…!
Cleaning together !!
which turns into a game too :P
well, more like a competition-
Because that’s the only way you’ll keep him from getting bored and complaining instead of actually cleaning
even with meat on the line 🤭
‘it’s just so boriiiiiiiing ☹️‘
- according to luffy
so yes! You propose a competition!
and whoever cleans the fastest wins the prize of…….you guessed it! MEAT!
now he’s up like a whirlwind, swiping up all the soap with a towel and water with tissue 😏
you probably don’t even have to do anything anymore 😜
he may have won the battle but you won the war
eating together can also sometimes be a competition
now you can win by playing it smart like Uta
or just agree so he can leave you to eat, without actually trying
but if it’s not a competition…it’s certainly a war..
and I mean the dangerous one every straw hat goes through each time sanji calls in for food..
Luffy stealing your food!!!
no but seriously, not even you, Luffy’s s/o gets the benefit of the doubt⁉️
it’s every man for himself in the dining room 😂😂
if your intelligent, depending on if your more like Robin or Nami you’ll either be unbothered about his antics or super annoyed
with being unbothered you’ll have a lot more peace of mind
and luffy will probably get away with more of his tomfoolery because you put up with him 😆👍
however with a s/o more like nami who gets annoyed easily, yeah he’s not getting away with any of that
thankfully for her, nami has less to stress over now (you take 50% it’s a requirement)
If your more carefree like luffy
i can guarantee you’ve got on like every straw hats nerves at least once
oddly enough I have a feeling you haven’t been able to bother brook just yet
dude’s 90 he got bigger problems..
but yes you terrorize everyone (even outside the straw hats) whether it’s intentional or not
if your strong it’s a relief for luffy not to have to worry about you and he’ll send you to defeat some guys, protect the ship or protect one of your weaker Nakama
he highly believes in you and your capabilities likes he believes in Zoro 👍
he also doesn’t have to worry about strong attacks hurting you as badly or if you go off on your own/get lost or separated or smth
especially as his s/o
if your weak he probably worries about you a little bit more but all the straw hats can handle themselves to some sort of extent
and he knows for sure you won’t go down without a fight!
and that you can at least hold over until he gets there
then he’ll beat the crap outta those guys!
he always tells someone strong to go with you to fights or what might be dangerous
if he doesn’t have to be somewhere for some reason, he’ll go himself!
he just wants to know your safe :)
Luffy loves you because your you! and he really just appreciates that fact in itself.
he looks past physical appearances completely and goes straight for personality
and even then he doesn’t judge that!
point is, no matter what type of anything you are, Luffy loves you because he just does.
he gets a funny feeling in his stomach and he gets extra excited!
Luffy loves you.
He simply does.
and there’s no explaining why.
These were short but sweet<3
to which i hope you enjoyed them💗
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thesharktanksdriver · 10 months
Red Burning Stars (Platonic)
Y’all asked for Shanks you have received. Since everyone was asking for him I decided to make his part of Determination it’s own thing. I’m thinking of doing something like this for other characters as well
Also Uta is canon in this cause I really like her and I said so
Hope y’all pick up a bit on my foreshadowing of shit. It’ll eventually be explained (not now tho cause I’m evil muhahahahhahaha)
Part 1 Part 2
Tagged: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea
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From the moment that you had stepped aboard the Oro Jackson shanks had knew he wanted to be friends with you
It was an instantaneous affect
One that deepened and got worse the moment he locked eyes with you across the large ship
Your calm and kind eyes connecting with his own
He felt as if in that moment time had froze, it was just him and you on that ship alone
A tugging feeling in his very soul calling out to him
Telling him to approach
To say something to this stranger that had somehow caught his attention in a way no other had ever done
It’s an odd feeling to look back on in retrospect since he’d never felt it again or with anyone else
Especially considering he’d heard some typically describe what he felt as something akin to a romantic connection with someone
Hell, when he had explained the phenomenon to Reyleigh the first mate had assumed it was a crush until Shanks repeatedly told him it wasn’t like that
But no, he knew from the start it wasn’t a silly crush or love outside of that of platonic
It was more like…a calling from something greater than him saying that the two of you were meant to be allies
Telling him that the two of you were meant to meet
Meant to befriend one another
Like fire and gunpowder
Or a sailor and the sea
Two forces that are meant to be combined together
Naturally creating something new in the process
He doesn’t understand it now and sure as hell didn’t as a kid
But back then he didn’t question it much
Not when he was Solely focussed on that feeling
That call from the universe guiding him towards you through the crowds of men
Past Buggy who’s yelling at him for leaving all of a sudden from whatever they were doing before you were invited aboard
He felt like he was being pulled on a lead
Mindlessly following without a single thought in his head other than he had to meet you
Had to do something at least
And when he stumbles his way into Rogers office as you sat down on a cushioned chair
Turning around to meet his brown eyes once again
Shanks feels a wide smile stretch across his face as if it were rubber
“I’m Shanks! Wanna be friends!?” It stumbles out his mouth excitedly as does his jagged breaths. He whips out his hand, outstretched towards you as you stare at it for a moment in surprise. A bit of worry coats his face, shit he probably came off to strong-
Suddenly he feels your hand in his, gently shaking it. “Sure, I’m y/n by the way”. He nods, his smile getting wider. “Do you usually forget to ask for people’s names when you try to befriend them?”
“Nope, only you so far”
“I must be special then”
The entire time as that happened Roger watched on with a large grin
Practically kicking his feet beneath his desk out of enthusiasm
Despite being a grown man his captain was able to match his and Buggy’s childlike spirit
It’s perhaps because of that he was able to understand the connection the most
Not chocking it up to a crush or puppy love
It was something more akin to Nakama
Something the pirate king had felt when meeting some of his crew
He just knew they had to be friends
To be apart of his crew
Admittedly it take awhile for Buggy to warm up to you compared to Shanks’s instantaneous pace
But eventually the three of you fall into a comforting balance of personality
Whilst he and Buggy are rambunctious and rather impulsive your the opponent
Your a calm force, you think before you do and help them find a solution with more opportunities
If your combined force together is a hurricane then your the eye of it
The calm within the storm
It’s what the rest of the crew begin to affectionately call your trio
Even Roger begins to use it when referring to you all
Much to Buggy’s displeasure
He doesn’t mind though, unlike his friend shanks finds amusement in the nickname
One that he thinks actually fits the three of you quite nicely
Meanwhile you don’t think much of it
Instead just thinking of it as a the crew poking some light fun
Speaking of your role in the trio
You make sure neither of them get killed
Usually cause of both Buggy’s and his stupid plans of playing pranks or stealing more food from the kitchen instead of just asking
Both of which become much more successful that they aren’t arguing over said plan and screwing up
Now their Fort is stocked with cheese and as many sweets they could plunder
So much so that the cooks are now on edge as someone sets up a diversion for the other two to strike
It’s fun
A whole lot of fun that he realizes up until now you had seemingly missed
Admittedly he nor Buggy know much about you
Hell, none of the crew besides seemingly their captain knows anything
But honestly he’s fine with that
Their not entitled to that knowledge unless you deem them so
All that he’s focused on is the moment
The fun times he shared with you and Buggy
Nights spent out atop the crows nest looking up towards the stars
You explain that each has a story behind them all
Every island and their cultures have given them stories and formed differences constellations
It’s fascinating to him
Perhaps not Buggy who opts to go to bed
But as you both sit there, legs kicking back and forth while sitting on the ledge
It leaves him listening with eager ears
Engraining the new knowledge into his mind
It’s not just constellations that he listens about, it’s basically anything that you talk about
The others besides Rayleigh and Roger no one seems to notice how much you’d be seen despite your age
It’s odd but he notices
Especially as you sometimes mumble about how much you missed acting like a kid
Acting your age
It worries him
But he focuses on making you happy
Showing you the wonders of the life here
Stealing more food
Playing tag with Roger who can’t help but join much to everyone’s amusement
Outings on islands you sometimes recognize that usually end with the three of you raiding an ice cream shop
Sharing the spoils of stealing toys gotten from a few stores he might’ve yoinked them from
Times where he and Buggy protectively would start fights when other pirates at bats would try to pick on you
Roger would always laugh, calling them big brothers and mother hens
But of them would deny it even if they both knew deep down they saw you as a younger sibling
And that you did the same likewise
It was something unspoken but there that they all unconsciously and silently acknowledged
It came naturally as well
The two of them fretting over you when you got too close to the edge of the ship or did something reckless enough that even he and Buggy thought it was too dangerous
And that’s saying something
Their both really worried about that
You put your safety behind others
And whilst that might be fine in some cases in yours it’s dangerous
Really dangerous
There had been times he narrowly saved your life without you even knowing
A wild animal sneaking up from the brush
An enemy pirate almost swinging his sword at your neck
It bothers everyone on the crew how many close calls there were
Almost unnaturally so
But it makes him on edge even more when his captain has a look in his eye
One of unspoken sorrow and worry
Roger was a man who ran head first into danger
Someone who never considered the consequences before diving into the lions den
Never showing fear or hesitation for his actions
Only doing so when it came to the safety of his crew
And even then he knew they would be fine
They all had each other to rely on
But that look in his eyes directed towards you was something he’d never seen
Buggy tries to ease Shanks’s worried in his own…Buggy way
While he appreciates the effort not much can ease the tension in his shoulders
Roger never looked that worried
And that init of itself was scary
And it’s even more so when it’s directed at someone Shanks had dearly cared for
Rogers death comes as quick and painful as a shot to the chest
Burning white hot pain encompassing his entire form
Buggy and him got into a fight and when their separate ways
The crew disbanded
No one but Roger knows where you disappeared off to
He just said you were doing him a favour and like a whisper in the wind you were gone
Almost as if you were never there to begin with
The memories and small mementos show you were there though
Not a figment of his imagination
Not a cruel mirage
You were real, he knows that
Yet everything feels like a blur
Grief tinges his vision and mind like a filter over his perception of the world
For a long while he’s hopeless
Wishing and hoping to find someone
To perhaps find you once more
To find stability again
His dream lost and shattered
His life is very much the same
Yet after a long while he rebuilt himself
Began building his own crew
Finding and making stability once more as he sailed the seas both you and Roger loved with a whole heart
Many a nights he spends drinking and partying but occasionally finding a quiet corner for a moment
Staring up towards the night sky you taught him about
He always pours one out for the dead and lost of his former crew
A sign of respect for the people he might not meet again yet wishes to reunite with one day
In death or in life it doesn’t matter to him
Just one day meeting once more
You included
Though you had never formally joined the crew everyone had accepted you there with open hearts
Him definitely included
God he hopes your alright
That despite your terrible track record of danger and lack of self awareness you were alive
You’d be quite grown up by now
Maybe you found an island and settled down
He doubts that thought
You were much too like Roger and him
Souls called and nurtured by the sea and thrill of adventure
Never leaving her waves until possibly being drowned in her salty cold embrace
But that’s what makes him think that perhaps you hadn’t though
That perhaps instead you had died
The thought leaves him sick
So much so that when it happens he braces himself again the railing
Fingernails digging into the wood as his Haki flairs up
Seeping from his form and through the cracks of his cheery facade
Ben always notices
Pulling him back to the party and into his normal self
Handing him a fresh pint of beer with a knowing look
Shanks always gives him a thankful nod
Then going back to drinking with his crew
His first mate already knows of his history
Of why he’s wracked with grief and when no one’s looking stares off at the night sky
He’s never confused when Shanks returns to the party with an empty bottle yet doesn’t seem any drunker
Lucky and Yassop sometimes notice but don’t push him nor Ben on the topic
It’s better that way
Shanks would rather not air out old dusty laundry of his past anyways
Especially not when he had to keep morale up
Cause if his crew saw he was down in the dumps they’d follow suite
Caring too much about his sake to back down in doing something
It’s admirable
It reminds him of the good old days of the Oro Jackson
The way in which the crew would cheer you up when you were lost in thought
A glazed look of sorrow over your eyes they all desperately wanted to wash away
Because you were a kid
Because you were a friend
Because you were a part of their Nakama
Because you were his little sibling
No blood was shared between either of your veins yet the kinship of family was there anyways
He misses it
He misses a lot of things from the past but that’s one thing he especially longs for
Even if for just a moment he’d like to see you smile once more
Perhaps even hug you again and let himself cry
….yeah that sounded nice
Rumours on the sea spread fast and wide but are always dubious in nature and reality
It’s something you learn quick whilst on the seas
Especially when your as seasoned as he was in that retrospect
He’s spent his entire life on some sort of boat
being found by Roger in a treasure chest and being taken in by the entire crew
He was quite literally raised by the seas
It’s why when he hears rumours of a travelling child on the ocean going from place to place it doesn’t initially make him hopeful
It in fact makes him kinda melancholy
He can’t help it, not when he still wonders about you
Maybe that was your kid or something, he wouldn’t be surprised
But either way that wasn’t his business
Or at least that’s what he tells himself despite keeping an extra eye out for any small raft on the sea
A small desperate part of himself clinging to some sort of hope
That maybe it somehow was you despite the fact you’d be a grown adult
That after all this time of wondering and praying to whatever god had listened you were alive somehow
That the child more precious than any treasure he befriend all those years ago who he cared for as if they were his sibling was still out there
While at piers he tries to find what he’d imagined to be your grown up face in the crowds
Tries to find the rickety old dingy you called your loyal stead
And comes up empty handed as the whispers of the child on the raft continue to spill into his ears
At this point it’s either pointless fodder or a plain lie that leaves him disappointed
Ben pats his back as takes a sip of his drink, guzzling it down with ease as his men party around him
….and then someone enters the bar
He doesn’t care to turn around, not when he’s in a sour mood
Doesn’t care to bat an eye to the newcomer who sits themself down next to him on the only other empty barstool on account that no one wanted to be near a grumpy drunk emperor
Yet this either brave of foolish soul dares to do so
He’ll give them that, they either have balls of steel or a death wish since he really isn’t in the mood for bullshit right now-
“Huh?, what happened to Rogers hat? Did you give it away or something?”
Shanks goes still as the sound of your very familiar voice enters through his ears
He goes ridged and his emperors Haki lashes out
A few men drop to the floor as the attention turns to him and the small figure who sits looking up at him
Shanks slowly turns and faces someone he had missed for a long time now
There you sat
As young as ever, looking like you haven’t aged a day despite the fact it’s been well over a decade and now nearing a second decade
You still have Rogers coat but now it’s adorned with several trinkets and charms along with the fact you seemed to have gained more souvenirs from other pirate friends (much to his chagrin)
Your eyes are still innocent yet have the spark of something ancient in them
Chubby cheeks pulled up into a look of confusion at his agape reaction
He accidentally spits the beer out his mouth into Ben’s face
His right hand man can’t even seem to be mad when your looking up at the red haired man with a small grin at his expression
“Never thought you’d waste beer like that. Not when you’d beg Rayleigh and then sneak a sip from the mugs of people passed out”
Not even a word after that can come out your mouth before your in his arms
This feels unreal to him
Like a cruel dream he’s gonna wake up from
He’s preparing himself for it yet it doesn’t seem to happen
Your still in his arms
Your still you
He’s still him
His crew is watching gobsmacked and confused as tears begin to like his eyes
Him, red haired Shanks crying for the first time in years let alone at some small bar with a random kid he’s hugging
Maybe they think he’s so drunk that he’s imagining you as Uta or Luffy
But no
Your you
And perhaps that’s the one thing that makes this feel like some sort of fever Dream
He’ll give his captain credit where it’s due, he could’ve never imagined Roger keeping a secret let alone several important ones
Though Shank supposed that Roger was a man of his word, he’d rather cut off an arm rather than go back on a promise he made
And that extended to keeping something a secret
But he had to admit of all possibilities as to why you haven’t aged a single day this was the one he dreaded the most
He was hoping for some mad science experiment or just a weird devil fruit
But this was much worse
Many people want it, but like a monkeys paw every blessing comes with a curse
And you had seen the extents of what it could bring to not only you but those you had gotten close to
The mental horror of watching someone you were close to die not knowing they would appear across the world moments later
And then having to grapple with the fact they had traumatized that person now with the possibility of meeting them again in the future
It sounded torturous
But it also now explained the fact as to why you were already hardened to the sea back then
Already seeing it’s worse storms and foes
It’s why your eyes despite their innocence are hallowed out, empty of life sometimes as you stared out towards the sea you loved
Why they always seemed older than what you looked
It’s cause you were technically older, just stuck physically and mentally as a child
One who had braved the seas for both its treasures and tortures
Content in wanting to explore and see all that could be seen, experience everything there was
It is fascinating as it is horrifying
He can’t imagine what you had been through up till now
Who you had met on your journeys
that explains why you’d always tell cryptic stories about people you’ve met that now looking back sound suspiciously like big mom and Kaido
Speaking of which that probably means their trying to look for you still
….god this did not turn out to be what he expected nor wanted
He takes a sip of his beer as his crew can’t also help but be exasperated from how nonchalant you are about all of this
As if dying repeatedly isn’t a big deal
Nor is meeting future emperors and Yonko’s who were definitely affected by your time with them
If he hears that you befriended Doflamingo or something then he’s officially done
With all these things coming to light though he can’t help the small grin that made its way onto his face
You weren’t exactly ok (at least mentally speaking) but you were alive
The greatest blessing that came with your immortality was that you were alive
He can’t help but continue to hold you close
You don’t mind, you had seemingly missed his presence over the years
Even if your time on his ship will be but a blip in your long life he knows you’ll remember it
You have that feeling as well
Every night with them is a party of sorts
Shanks had always been one who enjoyed a festival’s atmosphere so it’s no surprise that each night with his crew is an experience
They drink, laugh and dance with one another
Singing songs familiar to you and your years at sea
Even one that they now realize was made for you
The undying star in the sky that leads sailors to wonders untold
A spark of determination lit in their souls when the star moves across the sky to a new horizon
A lot of old stories and rumours at sea make sense now on the fact that your probably connected to them
But what’s perhaps the most funny thing about all that is the world government knows about you but doesn’t have a clear enough picture to try and pursue you
Photos are always blurry or downright incomprehensible, descriptions are muddied and vary
The people who met you refuse to tell even a pep of what you looked like
They can imagine it’s driving them mad
Especially Sengoku who has been tasked to find you for years now
And for a time you were right under his nose without even knowing
They all get a good cackle out of that
Imagining the old man’s face when he does eventually realize
It would probably take a big public event for that to happen though
Something you’d probably inevitably crash for whatever reason
So until then your relatively safe from marine pursuit
But even when that does inevitably happen you’ll have a good portion of the pirating world at your side
Him and his crew included
Like all those years ago on the Oro Jackson you work your ways into the crews hearts
A relatively quick process that somehow happens with everyone you meet
Yet it’s something that has yielded you much more power than you know of
Hell, your probably the most safe person on the sea not accounting your devil fruit ability on account of somehow getting on everyone’s good sides
How you did this he and his crew don’t know but it’s certainly something their suspecting is due to your devil fruit
Or you just have some uncanny ability in literally having the power of friendship or something
Either way their not writing it off as other just quite yet
Not when their all too caught up in your stories or insisting on teaching you blackjack
You don’t tell them you already know how to play, especially since you use that to win their desserts
Shanks just laughs, especially as they all sulk at “being beaten by a kid” momentarily forgetting your older than all of them
Whilst Shanks is both happy and ecstatic of finding you again he can’t help but feel melancholy
He swears he sees his old crew mates while lucky Rox and Yassop toss you around like a hot potato
His mind playing tricks as Ben messes up your hair just as Rayleigh did
Whenever this happens you seem to know
Always ending up at his side, going to a quiet part of the ship for a moment of peace where he can breath
In its there you both truly talk
You both catch up with what’s happened over the years
After the crew disbanded he was aimless
The fight with buggy
Him raising Uta with his crew before eventually leaving her for her own safety despite the fact it still kills him on the inside
The young boy who ate a fruit he was transporting for the world government, the reason why he doesn’t have Rogers hat anymore and why he’s missing an arm
It’s all a lot to process
Yet it’s even more when you tell him what’s happened on your end
The other pirates you’d met, the marines, becoming and dying as a slave
The pain
The loss
He can’t help but just sit there for a few solid minutes
Processing everything
And then comes the guilt
If he had tried harder to find you none of that would’ve happened
If he had done better
If he-
Your small hands shake him from his stupor as you place them gently on his tear stained cheeks
Here he was, an emperor crying as a child comforted him
Yet as he does it feels natural
Like back when he had a nightmare when he was a young teen and you talked with him to help distract from it all
The times that despite being your self appointed “older brother” he’d rely on you for advice
He crumbles in your gentle hands yet he does not care
Because when shanks is with you he knows he’s not the cabin boy of the Oro Jackson
He’s not red haired Shanks, the fierce-some emperor of the sea
He’s not shanks, the bastard child of some celestial dragon who was abandoned at birth in a treasure chest
He’s not the father who left his daughter out of both love and fear for her safety and wellbeing
He’s not the party animal who’s constantly drunk despite his power
To you Shanks is just Shanks
The man encompassed by the colour red
And most importantly of all Determination
For once in a very long while he feels the stress fall from his shoulders
As much as he loves his crew and the sea he feels a heavy burden of responsibility on his chest out of love for them
But like a switch it melts away
He feels a bit guilty that he’s the one crying when your the one who went through so much pain
But when he sees your gentle smile he knows you don’t mind
A soft look of ‘its ok’ and ‘you can cry’
And so he does
So much so that his eyes turn red from irritation
It’s inevitable that you leave
He knows that when it comes to you yet he can’t help but feel sad
And notice something slightly different this time around
When on the Oro Jackson you’d leave from time to time
Staying for good portions of times before leaving for awhile and somehow always making your way back
You never once hesitated to leave
Back then they had all accepted it
Knowing you’d come back eventually, so much so that they’d plan parties in advance
But now as you prepare to leave it’s different
Your tired
It’s easy for him to tell since he’s known you for a good portion of time
Though your smile is as good as a mask as ever he sees the cracks
The way you don’t look at the sea like the way you once did
He can’t blame you
But it worries him
A part of him wants to offer you a place here permanently but that in some sense would be cruel
He can’t will himself to take advantage of your exhaustion to essentially trap you here
The sea is meant to be a place of freedom and would not shackle you like others once did
He won’t guilt you into this when he knows you’d stay out of guilt
He may be selfish but he isn’t selfish enough to do that
Not when all he wants is for you to be happy
So he prepares to let go
Knowing you’d meet again
But not before he throws you the biggest party they’ve had in a long while
Stacks of food are prepared
So many Desserts to the point big mom would have to stop and take a break from eating
Enough booze to create a running river
Streamers and confetti decorating the ship in all the colours of the rainbow
Songs sung loudly as the few who knew how to play instruments strummed away
Mihawk even showing up much to his surprise because he apparently already met you once before
Not surprised at that fact but Moreso on how that stubborn asshole gives you a small well made sword
One obviously custom made and designed for you with it’s whole star design
Neither of you elaborate how you both met
Both giving each other a silent stare before turning to him with shit eating grins saying that “that story is for another day”
It leaves his a bit huffy but he’s secretly happy that it seems the two of you are both well acquainted
Even more so that you finally have something to defend yourself with for once
God knows the amount of times he and buggy had tried to convince you to bring some sort of weapon only for them to say you’d be fine and then save you at the last minute from being stabbed
It seems Mihawk shared this same sentiment since he nearly jumps out of his skin when you start mock sword fighting with Ben and his second hand man gets the death eye of the century
It’s good though, especially as you sing with the crowd of drunks who are either happily joining in for the party or sadly joining in remembering this is a goodbye party
Your hoisted and thrown playfully in the air screaming the lyrics of shanties
Given a few sips of alcohol behind Ben’s and Mihawk’s backs (Shanks is guilty of this as well)
At some point someone decides fireworks are a good idea and almost set the ship on fire
It all works out though as sparks scatter in the sky
Fluttering down until fizzling out
All the while you watch on from the crows nest beside him
Everyone else down below watching and dancing
Mihawk nearby enjoying the lively atmosphere
It’s nice
Yet as he wishes for this moment can last forever he knows it can’t
The reminder of this is when you begin to speak once mor e
Shattering the silence he wishes to keep as to have the moment last longer
To not be reminded of the imminent departure from his ship that this entire party is about
Your words aren’t that bad yet it fills him with solace
You tell him you’ll keep your eye out for a kid in a straw hat
It’s probably inevitable you run into Luffy at some point
Knowing him you’ll probably even join him on some grand adventure
The kid Is a supernova waiting to happen and you seem to have an affinity for finding them
You also promise to check up on Uta for him if your given the chance
Meeting her when she was only a baby when he had found her in a treasure chest just as Roger had with him
For the first few months of her life you helped him raise her
The young toddler even eventually naming you her Auncle
The whole crew got a laugh out of that
As did he
But now as you say that it just reminders him you’ll be leaving again
He doesn’t have the courage to look you in the eyes until he looks up at the stars
They burn brightly in the sky
Golden light thousands of miles away yet still brilliant in their glow
And it’s there looking at those stars he’s reminded of the day you climbed aboard the Oro Jackson
The spark of determination in him to be your friend
He remembers now why he had felt that calling all those years ago
The world government had been vague in why the fruit you ate was so important
Naturally Shanks attributed that to the nature of immortality that came with it
But it seems there was more to it than meets the eye
Whenever you had met someone you ended up being a catalyst to their determination towards something
And perhaps that was more powerful that immortality itself
Being the spark that can change someone’s entire life course
It’s no wonder why they wanted this fruit
One that would most definitely play into enlisting more powerful forces and lighting the fuse to their souls that would have them walk to the ends of the earth to accomplish it
It’s like with the gum-gum fruit that they had him try to deliver
But now thinking about it perhaps that one as well has some sort of other purpose they needed it for
Not if he has any say in it though
Shanks is a selfish pirate at heart and nothing comes between him and protecting his treasures
Whether that be a boy in a straw hat, a girl with half white and red hair or a child always floating at sea with stars in their eyes
He will fight tooth and nail to keep them safe
Cause selfishness is something taught to him by his captain
Protect what you love no matter the cost
Protect their freedom and your own,
Be determined to take the stand in liberation
Red is the colour of his hair and it encompasses his soul
Shanks’s hands are dyed that colour as well; the colour of blood and love.
He will continue to stain it that colour to protect what he’s passionate about with vigorous anger if the world government so much breaths in any of their directions
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Seven-year-old Luffy meets Uta and he is the happiest he's ever been because he finally has a friend. Someone to hang out with who is not the same age as him but close enough. Close enough to be something more than a friend. An older sister, maybe. She appears out of nowhere, on a ship full of dreams and songs and adventures Luffy is dying to go explore too. She's a song that never ends. A song that still keeps playing in his heart when the ship disappears into the sea once again. And he waits and waits for her to come back. He never realized how quiet the village was before Uta came into his life. And then, after singing to himself for God knows how long, the ship meets shore again. But the song suddenly stops. The music that never ended finally has played its last note. Shanks only gives him a vague excuse for his sister's absence and smiles, full of sorrow and guilt but Luffy only sees lies and betrayal and- He can't hear the song anymore. Doubts he ever will again.
But he has to move on because Uta told him to be strong. To follow his dream the way she's following hers if what Shanks said is true.
Then Sabo and Ace come into his life just as suddenly, like a storm. A messy one that makes the uncontrollable waves of the sea sink ships and makes adventures more interesting. The one that dirts your clothes and makes you cold and want to run against the wind. The one that's stopped by the warmest of suns and hottest of summers. And they love him the way Uta did and he loves them the way he never thought he would again. And this time they do say they're brothers, unlike the silent promises he made with the diva. He keeps wondering if they would have gotten along (probably not, because Uta is everything they are not. She's idealistic but thinks things through. And she's sweet and clean and she would hate the way Sabo and Ace are optimistic in a careless way. And how they're rough and caring but dirty. She would say she hates it. She would only say it. Because she might be a diva, but she's also a pirate, after all). And he never mentions her to the guys because there's no need to keep singing a song that's playing too far away for him to listen to it. They'll meet eventually. The four of them. Maybe Shanks too, even.
But it never happens. And Luffy feels like he's soaked in seawater because he's the weakest he's ever been. It's not like losing a limb, like Ace describes, but like losing his strength. Dreams. Soul. And he feels himself melt and drown in tears he can't stop. Ace tells him to be stronger, and Luffy remembers Uta. He should have known better back then too. He lost her and he doesn't know where she is because he wasn't strong enough for Shanks to tell him. He wants to become stronger so he never loses anybody again.
At least he has Ace, though. Ace will never die. And he promises it like Luffy is stupid for having the mere, irrational fear of Ace disappearing. So he believes him.
It's a lie. He lied. He lied. He lied.
It's freezing cold when he loses ace. Literally. His lifeless body rests on the floor and Luffy's hands are soaked in cold blood that was once what decorated Ace's heart. His laugh. His touch. His promises. Everything's gone except his smile. And Luffy wants to die, too. Because if he can't be strong enough to keep his family or his crew, he has nothing else to fight for anymore. He can only hear Ace's vivre card burning down into ashes while the last drop of blood falls to the ground in the middle of a battle Luffy doesn't care anymore about.
Uta. Sabo. Ace.
No songs to sing. No sea to sail. No fire to be warm.
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demonslayedher · 9 months
This is the Hashibira House--hear me out
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I've mentioned this idea in a few posts here and there, but I'm putting it here with my nine reasons:
I think Tanjiro will ask Inosuke to inherit the family home and charcoal kiln.
Reason 1. Kanata and Sumihiko live in the city and show no ties to charcoal farming. This makes me very sad, but although they inherit Tanjiro's sword and the earrings, and although the two of them both perform Hinokami Kagura at a local shrine at New Years (Fanbook #2 Taisho Secret), they are is no mention of charcoal aside from the "sumi" in Sumihiko's name. Even then, he is the second son, so it's kind of like they forgot the family traditional when Kanata was born. Really goes to show how much they still value the old family trade that kept them working with fire, hmph!
Although Tanjiro knew the need for charcoal was decreasing (Fanbook #2 post-epilogue comic), and although he'd probably be happy to see his descendant free to be a parkouring zookeeper, that's still generations of the family trade that's been tossed out. Not that Hinokami Kagura is needed in their world anymore, but still, that sucks some of the meaning dry. So again, I am sad.
Reason 2. There is precedent for the house and its legacy to be passed around.
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According to the Taisho Secret right before Chapter 191, the house was previously used by Yoriichi and "Uta." It only became the Kamado house once Suyako and Sumiyoshi came across it when it was abandoned.
It was temporarily abandoned again later on when Tanjiro had to take Nezuko and make a run for it, and despite all the care taken of it the house is already hundreds of years old, so it wouldn't be surprising if it gets abandoned again. Still sad, though.
Reason 3. Tanjiro already kind of expected he wouldn't live there long.
In the Fanbook #2 post-epilogue comic, Tanjiro mentions that even though he doesn't need to, he likes working, and he wants to leave money for everyone when he's gone.
He feels the effects of his injuries and everything else he's been through, and needs regular check-ups down at the Butterfly Mansion. Maybe he'll be fine for most of the years he has left, but what if it's a steady decline from the easily-tired point he's already found himself in? Take care of the house is going to take more and more out of him, and his children won't be old enough to take on many responsibilities before he's 25.
He's at peace with the understanding that he'll be gone someday and hopes the others will live peaceful lives without him.
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We know that Kamaboko living arrangement couldn't had lasted long, though, because he and Kanao go on to have descendants together.
Reason 4. Kanao's not going to have Kaburamaru for long.
As much as I have faith in Kanao to live near-blind in the deep mountains, it's going to be a bit harder once she loses her seeing-eye snake, and Kaburamaru's already a somewhat old snake by the time she inherits him. If she's going to continue being a doctor, she may have an easier time of that staying in the Butterfly Mansion with all the resources there, and patients coming to her (a challenge to ask them to go up the mountain for her services).
Reason 5. There's someone who might do just fine without those extra conveniences and resources, for she is very resourceful.
Even though Kanao would insist the contrary, Aoi--who always called Shinobu by "-sama" and never "-neesan"--might feel Kanao has more claim to inherit the Butterfly Mansion, for Aoi was always a little hard on herself and insecure in her role as a failed Corp member. I stress again, none of this would make a difference to Kanao, who knows Shinobu cared about Aoi just as much. As much as Aoi has demonstrated her ability to run a clinic, I have just as much faith in her to run a mountain household, including handling its inevitable repairs, as well as to go make house calls around the village whenever needed.
Reason 6. Inosuke is more genki than anybody. And, more importantly, he's learned to make charcoal.
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This takes us back to the comic in Fanbook #2, where Inosuke is so well-adjusted to life in the Kamaboko household that he's not only learned the charcoal trade well enough to say, "buy Inosuke-sama's charcoal," but he's also a shining star when it comes to doing chores. He's doing really well with growing up and taking on human responsibility!
He is also, however, the King of the Forest. That's his home, and even when spending long periods of time in the Butterfly Mansion, the forests call him.
Reason 7. You know who else loves nature? This dude.
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Just because he wants to be alone in nature doesn't mean he grew up on Mt. Kumotori, but I do suspect he has spent a lot of time there, because that's where the blue spider lilies--the subjects of his failed research--had come from. Although we don't know how this research started and who got the flowers in the first place, the potential connection is strong.
If he wasn't raised in that house, then maybe he and his family still go out there regularly to take care of it. After all, even if they don't remember who and they're unmarked, there are important graves to show respect to and take care of there. Maybe it was on a trip like that when Aoba discovered where the blue spider lilies grow, which put him on the botany path.
You know who he apparently didn't run into? Any Kamados, as he and Sumihiko didn't meet until Aoba was unemployed and Sumihiko was scolded by the police and they were both hanging out and depressed in the park.
Reason 8. Tanjiro trusts Inosuke.
Entrusting Nezuko to Zenitsu is one thing--Zenitsu obviously would do anything to keep Nezuko safe, happy, and comfortable, but Zenitsu's heart isn't in the mountains. He's a city boy and doesn't like the inconveniences of mountain life, and clearly he doesn't show much initiative for the demands of keeping a mountain home. Tanjiro wouldn't expect this of Zenitsu, nor would he trust him with it, even if he'd trust Zenitsu with just about anything else.
In Inosuke's case, Tanjiro understands Inosuke at an intuitive level--what he needs to hear and be told, and what Inosuke's strengths are. If ever Tanjiro got the inkling that he can no longer take care of the house, or that he must prioritize taking care of his small children and partially blind wife, then he wouldn't think of anyone else but Inosuke who would be happier having that home for his own.
Inosuke sure wouldn't be happy at first, though. That house is Kamado Tanjiro's house, and he doesn't want a house without Kamado Tanjiro in it.
But Inosuke, who has never had a traditional nuclear family, might come around to the idea of being the head of his own family, and having something normal and human like this of his own.
The Hashibira house, with Inosuke the head of the Hashibira family, providing for them with his labor.
I can imagine Tanjiro would run the idea by Aoi first, who would accept the responsibility as an honor, and maybe this would come after Tanjiro and Kanao had been a married couple on their own a while in the house first. The town where the boys sell charcoal is big enough that I can see Nezuko being pretty happy settling down there where it's close both to home and more along the lines of Zenitsu's tastes, but eventually...
Reason 9. One way or another, the Kamado and Agatsuma families are both going to wind up in the heart of urban sprawl, far away from Mt. Kumotori.
It's only a question of when and why.
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toskarin · 4 months
Rant - I somehow found the comic adaptation of Saya No Uta online and wow it was not good!! I think turning Saya into a government experiment was the worst to me, especially when the protagonist is like “She’s not the monster, you guys are!” bleh!! I know there were some themes in the original that they were probably skittish about, but then I don’t understand why they even wanted to adapt it at all?
the saya no uta comic is really funny to me because you'd assume it was part of that wave of unauthorised bootlegs where a comic writer gambled that copyright couldn't cross the sea, but it was actually (as far as I understand) just nitro+ being nitro+
on one hand I don't really respect it as it exists, but on the other, the interviews about its production that I've read from liatowitsch and ocvirk indicate that it wasn't coming from a bad place or anything
they were working on it before there was an english translation available, so ocvirk's wife read through the entire thing and translated it for them as she did. it explains why the adaptation was so loose (they literally couldn't go back to reference the story and weren't even the ones reading it), but I can't help appreciating how sweet that anecdote is
they over-edited it (even accounting for what they realistically needed to edit) and changed the plot around in really questionable ways, but nitro+ apparently outright encouraged them to focus on the love story and build the rest of the story out from it, which is how it got to where it ended up
we still get things like that every now and again, but at least publishers seem to have gotten much less jumpy around the idea of something being anime-adjacent
it's just such a weird product from such a weird time
and it sucks of course. it's important to clarify after being so sympathetic towards it that I also do still think it sucks and isn't worth reading
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cho-aaacho · 5 months
Cherish ~A cute light-yellow bloom with a purple center~
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Tags : Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Comfort, Soft Gojo Satoru, Canon Divergence AU(?), Gojo Satoru needs a hug.
Summary : "Come back with me and let me unfold my story once more for you. So you can write me as the main character in the pages of your life. I need you. Please come home."
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You're a new teacher at Jujutsu High School and have been promoted by the higher-ups to teach in Tokyo.
Despite being a novice teacher. Your students hold you in high regard, earning instant respect from the famous Gojo Satoru.
Initially, Kusakabe felt skeptical of your ability, having never witnessed you on missions, and he questioned how someone without a good track record or license could teach. 
However, Gojo held a more open-minded perspective, a typical Gojo Satoru. Believes that anyone could be a teacher, regardless of their lack of experience.
His opinions led you to think that Gojo's reputation isn't as bad as anyone says about him. The truth is, Gojo is a good friend. Very interesting man. Cute. Somehow, you loved how he treated you.
Despite how loud he is in the teacher's room, he always injects joy into your empty heart, filling you with happiness. All of your days are always surrounded by yellow since you know him. Rays of sunshine. Yellow. So warm yet so bright.
He knew how to make you smile, giggle, and laugh. What a wonderful man he is!
Sometimes he would bring you a morning coffee with so much sugar on it, along with some marshmallows. Invite you to lunch, picnic, and watch Kohaku Uta Gassen on New Year's Eve.
Everything about him is too much until you feel dizzy. Because your mind is always full of him.
His other habit is showering you with souvenirs whenever he is aboard. Despite how weird the souvenirs were, you kept them in your bedroom as a charm, a treasure that you would cherish.
Unlike Kusakabe, you dislike Gojo's teaching methods, which seem too casual and childish. However, you can see that his students are talented, even at such a young age. 
He undoubtedly unusually encouraged his students; you know exactly how he expressed his affection for them. His students mean everything to him. Everything.
One day, he said he needed your help and claimed that you were the only person who was capable of helping him. He didn't give you any details, but he only sent you a message with crying emoticons, expressing distress.
You found him in his favorite spot. Which is a cat cafe near Tokyo. Even with his eyes covered by a blindfold, you could tell he was worried by the tone of his words.
He started. "You know, two days ago I sent Megumi to examine Sukuna's finger, and... at first it went so well, but... there was a kid the same age as Megumi, and he swallowed Sukuna's finger. I don't know what to do now. He's possessed by Sukuna. The higher-ups want him to be executed, but something about this situation is bothering me."
"Oh, is he in the same situation as Okkotsu-kun? I know Gojo-senpai always has something good in his head. I understand why the higher-ups are concerned, but their opinions are often biased. Gojo-senpai is more suited to this. So, do what you think is right, and I'll help if you need me."
"Senpai, I understand your concerns. However, that kid still needs you right now. He's probably confused, and I want you to guide him. Where is he now? Should I greet him?"
"Sure, you can meet him at school. I'm sure Yuuji-kun likes you."
You understand that very well. Gojo is in a fragile state where he can't think clearly. He seems to look to you as a moral compass or hopes for some good suggestions.
Last year had a big impact on his mental health, and you've been deeply concerned. He never scolded you before, but every time you mentioned Yuuta, he always raised his tone when talking; he didn't want you to be involved with his problem.
Kusakabe says that Gojo will solve his problems on his own, as he's always done since they were young. Gojo always has a tiny space in his mind to solve everything.
Yet, he is still human, right? In the end, he needs someone to encourage and support him, no matter how strong he may seem.
The Shibuya Incident left everyone with so much trauma and pain. The Jujutsu world lost everything at that time. Nanami was gone, Maki was severely injured, and Shibuya transformed into a big black hole in only an hour. 
This impact hits you as well. Your own realm seemed to be falling apart. There was a pain sensation as if transparent swords were stabbed all over your body. The series of nightmares filling your mind, including the worst scenario.
Gojo Satoru.
Why did this happen to him? Was he too reckless, pushing himself against those curses? Did he let his guard down?
You kept sending positive thoughts to your brain, hoping and praying that Gojo would be fine and that you could help him escape the prison realm. 
But no matter how hard you tried to be strong, you couldn't hold back your pain. Especially when reading the announcement from the higher-ups—taking advantage of Gojo's absence, they declared the execution for Yaga and Yuuji. Two people are important for Gojo.
Of course, this was not what you wanted, and certainly not with Gojo.
Everyday. Everyday. You hope that a miracle will whisper your fortune. You are hoping for him to come back and see his face...
at least one more time again...
...with him.
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spiralingemptyness · 4 months
Luffy really looked at Shanks and Benn, two pirates with high bounties, one who is an emperor of the goddamn sea, both who are strong haki users and can make admirals not wanna fight them, and adopted them as his parents.
Shanks literally lost an arm to protect him and acts like a proud father. Seeing luffy’s first bounty, proud father. Seeing Luffy’s gear 5, sun god nika, proud father (HIS FUCKING SMILE WHEN HE SAW 🥲), plus that’s not even mentioning the fact that he gave Luffy his hat, yknow the one luffy wears all the time and will literally murder anyone who takes it who he doesn’t like, who gives it to his friends to wear while he fights for him, yknow that one, the one that belonged to his old captain… side note, does luffy know his hat belonged to the king of the pirates at one point. Anyways-
Beckman who went out to talk to Luffy when he ran out of Makino’s bar for being mad at Shanks (for not telling him what happens to Uta), he also probably went because he saw shanks upset. Who saved him from the mountain bandits and carried him back. Who consoled Luffy while he cried and stated he wanted to get stronger, Plus his smile when Shanks and Luffy reconcile. He also kept kizaru (who was starting up an attack) from Nepo, and Law when they (Nepo) were carrying a passed out luffy.
Need I say anything else, I could probably list more things about these family of pirates (yes, pirates, fuck you garp). Also it would be on fucking sight with the Red hair’s against Garp if they ever found out his training methods with luffy and the fact he fucking left him alone on a goddamn mountain.
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nobody-is-here01 · 7 months
Someone's probably already done this but this has been plaguing my brain for weeks!
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The kiddies seeing the animatronics
Alright so!!!
Ace is Foxy
Because he runs a lot into fights and he tends to hide from some of his emotions that aren't anger
Also he just fits Foxy's vibe
Sabo as Bonnie
because he's most likely to pick fights first, between him and Ace
And he's more level headed ig
Uta as Freddy
He's the main singer of the group and she likes to sing so it works
Luffy as Chica
Originally I wanted to make Luffy Freddy, but the reason I didn't was for one of Chica's lines
"I was the first i have seen everything"
And I just felt like this would fit
Now who is William Afton
simple it's Teach
He'd definitely kill kids
So Luffy was the first to be taken and stuffed in the suits
Then it was Ace since he noticed Luffy was missing, Teach told him he knows where he is and followed along only to be met with the same fate as his brother
Uta noticed both Ace and Luffy were missing so she decided to look for them, Teach noticed her snooping and decided to take her out too, he couldn't risk being caught
Sabo is the last kid to be killed, he noticed very quickly that Uta was being led away and went after her, he got there a bit to late and she was already dead, he tried to fight back and scream for help but it was for nothing and he soon joined them
People looked for so long but nobody could find the poor kids
And Teach got away. For now.
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Imagine taking UTA and Luffy trick or treating with Shanks
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Shanks: thanks for doing this, I know you probably had other plans for tonight.
You: *a friend of Makino's who volunteered to take Luffy for the night* It's really no problem, my plans changed when my friend got sick and had to cancel her party, so figured I take Luffy for the night, so both he and Makino could have fun.
Shanks: A party? Is that why you're in costume? Well, Uta'll be pleased, she was very insistent about all of us dressing up for her first time trick or treating.
You: Oh it's her first time?
Shanks: yeah it's something that's only practiced here in the East Blue
Luffy: Hurry up you two, people are starting to go already.
Uta: Yeah! If you take too much longer there isn't gonna be any candy left!
Shanks: Yes, yes, we're coming.... I like your costume by the way, it suits you.
Uta: ( TT n TT) What about my costume?
Shanks: Yours is gorgeous my sweet.
You: *nods your head* I can tell you put in a lot of work into it.
Uta: whatever, I have candy to collect. *runs off *
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An hour later
Uta: *notices the way Shanks is looking at you*
Luffy: *runs to you and jumps into your arms* Look! Look! That house was passing out full sized candy bars!
You: oh wow, never seen that in this neighborhood before.
Uta and Shanks: *come over from playing a game at a neighboring house*
Shanks: what's going on?
Luffy: Uta, this house is giving away full sized candy bars. Jumps down*
Uta: EHH! No way! I want one! *pulls Luffy towards the door and rings the bell.*
Old lady: *answers the door*
Uta and Luffy: Trick or treat!
Old lady: *looks between Uta and Luffy, before glancing up at you and Shanks* Oh my, how scary! Who do we have here?
Luffy: I'm a pirate
Uta: and I'm a pop star. *Throws up a peace sign and winks*
Old Lady: I can see, you're very sparkly, dear. *let's Uta pick out a full sized candy bar from a selection* Now I believe I already gave you candy bar.
Luffy: *grins and nods* he he, yeah, thanks, I just came to bring her. You've already paid the toll.
Shanks: *wraps his arm over your shoulders and sighs*
Old lady: *catches the red head out of the corner of her eye and hands Luffy two more candy bars* Why don't you take these to your lovely parents. *Gestures towards you and Shanks*
Uta and Luffy: *look over at you two*
Uta: That's my dad! Keep your hands to yourself!
Luffy: but he's the one touching them?
Uta: and you're not my brother *shoves Luffy and marches over to you*, and you're a stranger.
Shanks: *mutters* Hopefully not for long.
Uta: What was that!
Shanks: I mean, I know we've only met a few times, but I want to get to know you.
You: really?
Uta: What!
Shanks: yeah, *ignoring his child* if that's okay.
You: okay, sure.
Uta: This is not happening!
Luffy: what's the big deal, it's not like they'll be setting sail with you... wait! If they get to go, take me too!
Uta: *throws the first punch* You're not coming either.
Luffy: You wanna go, fine, winner gets to go with Shanks, loser gets to stay here with my Grandpa. *Dodges Uta's fist and throws a punch of his own*
Shanks: Uta, knock it off!
Uta: More like, knock him out, cause that's what I'm gonna do. *gut punches Luffy
You: Luffy, you don't hit girls.
Luffy: no, you don't hit people weaker than you, which makes her free game, because she's older and bigger, and she knows how to defend herself.
You: does she?
Shanks: yeah, I wanted to make sure she could stand up for herself, and others *Pulls them apart and has to wrestle back Luffy.* Stop moving, ya damn brat!
Luffy: Never! *Flails harder*
Uta: *knows better than to fight Shanks on this and sulks beside you,* He would never choose you over me.
You: I promise I would never ask him to choose me over you. Okay? *Holds out your pinky*
Uta: *hooks your pinky in hers* I'll hold you to that while making no promises of my own.
You: I want you to get to know me as well, for Luffy, you're an important friend of his. So that makes you important to me too.
Uta: Fine, I guess I'll be doing you a big favor, because I'm gonna be famous one day. I'm gonna become the best singer in the world.
You: Well I guess I'll have to get tickets to your concert when it comes to this island.
Uta: You'd come see me perform!
You: I'd love to hear you sing, you could even pick the song.
Uta: I'm performing at Makino's bar tomorrow night at three, don't be late. Oh, and ticket cost a candy bar.
You: Yes, you make have my bar, and I'll be there a two thirty, and you can tell me the tales of the adventures of Uta and Luffy.
Uta: *points* HA! They agree with me, Luffy!
Luffy: Wait what?
Uta: They agree with me that "Uta and Luffy" is a much better than "Luffy and Uta."
Luffy: What! (Y/n), you're my friend, you're not supposed to agree with her!
Shanks: Sorry kid, "Uta and Luffy" flows better.
Luffy: I'd suddenly rather be home with Makino.
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liannelara-dracula · 6 months
Hello, I love your writing! Can I please request relationship headcanons for Uta from Tokyo ghoul? 😊
Uta Boyfriend Hcs
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Requests are open
🖤The most wholesome yet chaotic couple.
🖤He loves you a whole lot and I say this because he doesn’t keep a girlfriend so that’s why you’re special. Normally Uta will just sleep around or have one-night stands. He won’t go through a relationship, the closet he’s had is friends with benefits but no actual dates or care.
🖤So when he realized he had feelings for you he thought about actually pursuing you, which means he liked you for a long time before asking. So it took him forever, like years, to ask you. Well he didn’t even ask you. He took things slow he didn’t just take you to the bed. He waited to get to something like that because again he actually liked you!
🖤Anyways, Uta doesn’t appear to be affectionate but he’s actually very affectionate (in a needy way) and sexual with you 😂. Its just mostly behind close doors. And he is such a fool for you.
🖤Is constantly attacking you with kisses and hickeys. There are lots of make outs so if Renji walks in on you two he should be surprised.
🖤One of his favorite things is to grab you by your waist with his arm when you walk by him and he’s working at his craft desk and sits you up on his lap or pins you on the desk. Sometimes it’s just to say “hi” and other times it’s just for fun.
🖤A cruel jokester at heart so he is always pranking or trying to scare you. His scaring is something as simple as his hand crawling up your back if you wear a backless top. Or just when you’re home alone and all you feel is someone’s arms wrapped around you. Although sometimes he gets Halloween props to scare you, which isn’t fun.
🖤Gosh and his laugh is so obnoxious and it gives you chills because he will usually just chuckle during something sexual which is already enough to make you embarrassed but this is worse! His laugh is like cynical.
🖤Once you realize it’s a joke you are hitting him in the chest playfully since he pulled you into him. And he loves it when you do that. Even when you nudge him or burry your face into his chest of fear or embarrassment of something.
🖤“This isn’t funny!” You’d pout, with his arm around your waist as he just teases you more.
🖤“Awww, you were scared. You even called for me.” He’d smirk seeing your eyes get watery as you looked away. Of course, he’s attentive to your feelings so he will notice. Though of course, he tried to see if he actually pushed the limits.
🖤“Shut up.” You’d say, your hands covering your face. Given how you reacted and how Uta was a sucker for your tears he felt guilty that he made his girl cry, or so he thought. He tends to forget that you love to joke around a lot yourself.
🖤Hearing your little sobs he felt guilty, “Hey, c’mon, I’m sorry baby.” He’d admit taking your hands away from your face only to see you smile and laugh.
🖤“Got you!” You’d laugh, only to make him smirk, “You’re such a liar.” He’d tease before chasing after you around your shared apartment.
🖤You share an apartment, he first gave you the key to his place and the more you spent time together he wanted to move to where you wanted to. But it took a while to convince you to move to the city with him. He’d ask you every day to move in with him.
🖤You are probably an artist yourself so your whole apartment is a studio and has many aesthetic and edgy things.
🖤Like he has candles of naked woman, abstract paintings, photographs of you (preferably nude), plants, and more. ( and he makes more than half of this joke and fully claims that you are his muse.
🖤His nickname for you is "my muse". Like he calls you other things like babe, doll, baby girl or y/n but "my muse" is a special nickname. Mostly because he has never used a creative nickname such as this one. He will rarely use "sweetheart" but he does use it.
🖤If you are an artist get ready for paint wars, color arguments, styling of supplies and the constant request of drawing him naked.
🖤You should also be prepared for all the “sit on my lap while we draw together” times, the drawing games, the “your my muse,” speech, him baringin in your room to ask for critique when your in the bathtub or changing, and the “you are art yourself complements”
🖤When you’re making art he will randomly kiss you which usually catches you of guard and often times make you mess up.
🖤Gosh, when it comes to kissing this man doesn’t let you go, nor let you breathe. He always has his hands on your face which keep you from pulling away, he cups your face and his hands are so much bigger than your face.
🖤Even after he’s given many kisses and you seem to be at loss of energy, he still has plenty of it too keep kissing and make you out of breath. He has a lot more stamina in sex and pda then he lets on.
🖤If the windows are fogged up enough, he writes on the car, "We just fucked" after you two have sex.
🖤Smokes in bed with you while cuddling. He is into drugs and would get you into it for sure.
🖤You trace his tattoos when you cuddle and loves it. He was probably the one to give you your first tattoo. It was probably a little butterfly on your shoulder or chest.
🖤Anyways he is a cuddle monster so you usually become the body pillow but even when he’s not squishing you, you’re the little spoon. Always.
🖤He writes songs and wants you to listen to them. Will write a song about you. In fact, he’d make an album based on your relationship. Always writes messages on the CDs he gives you (like in the photos.)
🖤If you have a significant height difference where you're the shorter one, he loves this. Loves to tease you about your height.
🖤“You’re so tiny.” He’d grin, patting your head in the process whilst you pout.
🖤He rests his chin on your head when he back hugs you. I mean he’ll put things on higher shelf’s if you can’t reach it so then you can ask him.
🖤He’d joke about not seeing you cause he’s taller.
🖤loves bringing you into his chest or torso and then look down at your cute face.
🖤Makes you sit in his lap.
🖤Loves it when you kiss his cheek as a thank you.
🖤Digs your colorful vocabulary too. Its no secret that his partner would curse, however he usually doesn't but is amused by you doing so.
🖤Super playful with you and a dare devil. He will dare you to do things. This was especially before you two were dating and just friends. "Flash the next person you see on the street" he'd laugh.
🖤"Easy," you'd scoff lifting your shirt up to flash a taxi driver.
🖤You once dared him to go streeking, lol.
🖤Likes to take pictures of you two all the time. He has so many of you both being silly instead of being romantic.
🖤Other times they are straight-up sexual. Which he keeps private and to himself.
🖤I mean he has pictures of you two posing shirtless you only have nipple coverings on you, just black x and so does he. But you two are goofing off in the photo.
🖤I mean, you two have suggestive photos where he’ll be gripping your ass or boobs.
🖤He has a lot where you smile too.
🖤Paints you sometimes and he prefers it if your not wearing a lot of clothes. In fact one time he painted you when you were in bed after a night of sex.
🖤This mostly because he thinks you look really hot after that and you look better than anyone else he’s fucked so, he’s definitely painting you.
🖤And when you tried to move he stopped you.
🖤“Uta what is all of this?” You’d say about to move out of bed.
🖤“Don’t move please, I’m not finished.”
🖤You’d smile at this, “okay, I promise I won’t.”
🖤Sometimes you find him painting or sketching something and you usually back hug him before kissing his cheek which he loves. "What are you drawing?" You'd smile.
🖤Anytime you kiss his cheek to say “hi” or “thank you” he really likes it. I mean hell, he even puts his hand on your hip.
🖤It’s one of the ways you greet him when you come home from school/work. Usually he stops everything once he knows you’re home. And he completely focused on you.
🖤Anything you say will be on his mind, and he almost never forgets anything you say.
🖤Though he finds debating with you very fun. Tells you fun encounters he had which are mostly meant to throw you off so that you can just tell him he’s dumb and then laugh about it with him.
🖤He loves making you laugh and he’s pretty good at doing that. I mean it usually leads to you crying because you're laughing so much.
🖤When he teases you, you end up hitting him a lot.
🖤He’s pretty observant of you so notices even the little things, he knows when your upset right off the bat.
🖤You’ll be doing something productive with him and even if you’re acting normal he asks if you’re fine because he knows you. He tries to get your mind off of things sometimes by just talking to you.
🖤When you two have more serious talks he is holding you by the waist, while resting his chin on your head. He rubs your upper arms soothingly
🖤I know most think he’s not big on affection but he can honestly never sit still. He always has a hand on your back, hip, ass, thigh, arm, shoulder, boob, etc. He holds your hand a lot too, especially in public.
🖤Uta isn’t ashamed of PDA he does whatever he wants whenever. So it’s really up to his girlfriend if there’s a limit.
🖤Although he’s more explicit at home with you. I mean he’d literally play games with you just to have sex
🖤But in public he's not ashamed to talk about things with you, like he likes whispering things in your ear to get you to blush. He also likes playfully biting your cheek or ear lobe.
🖤Randomly pulls you away from a crowd just to kiss you and give you hickeys. So many hickeys it’s gonna look like you’ve been badly hurt.
🖤Literally tries to create abstract art of hickies. He’s made them trail into a heart before on your hip.
🖤You’d constantly try to covering up and he’s always teasing you.
🖤“Nice scarf, you plan on always wearing one?”
🖤“Shut up. Maybe I wouldn't have to if you weren't such a leech.” You'd remark.
🖤Buys a lot of crap, and loves to buy you gifts that are such a troll, like a cum rag. One time he bought you a towel that said “cum rag” just for you. “I bought it for when you squirt so I could help you clean up.” He'd say shamelessly to which you'd just hit his arm.
🖤You call him ugly as a joke and gives you the biggest glare ever and he’ll attack you in cuddles or by picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
🖤Gosh has tickle-fights a lot, and you never win. He always locks you in many awkward positions and has you squirming.
🖤Uta is very carefree and isn't picky about appearance or have too much preference, he loves all kinds of woman. So he wouldn't care if you are curvy or not, he finds purpose in both.
🖤In fact, if you were flat chested he'd love to tease you about not having boobs. Wholesome of course.
🖤He'd call you a board sometimes to which you just hit his arm, "Shut up, you're even flatter." You'd claim.
🖤Flat or not he still likes grabbing your boobs.
🖤Very overprotective, even if he doesn't always show it. He never really lets you out of his sight, like ever. Even if Uta doesn’t go everywhere with you, he does want to know where you're going just in case.
🖤But he is a little controlling over his girl, and this is mostly because he always feels the need to protect her. He babies his girlfriend a lot, he be littles her often. Which is a sorta is red flag since he thinks you can’t handle things on your own.
🖤He would definitely have an age gap with his partner, say about 5-8 years. Even ten years, where he is older than her. He's not into older women.
🖤Also doesn't surprise you if Uta knew you when you both were younger he just took forever to go out with you.
🖤So he always interviene in a potential fight, when a guy hits on you, etc.
🖤“I told you I can handle it on my own.”
🖤 "No, you can’t."
🖤Even when you’re going into a certain ward he doesn’t let you go alone because he feels like you’ll get hurt.
🖤 "I was just going out."
🖤 "Oh perfect, I'll come with you then." He'd say, grabbing his keys to accompany you.
🖤“Uta, I can go on my own.”
🖤 "It's dangerous, I'm coming with you." He'd insist.
🖤 "I'm not a little girl, I can handle myself. I've walked there many times." You'd eye roll, having enough of his overprotectiveness.
🖤He’d give you one look of disapproval before saying, “Get in the car, Y/n.” He’d place his hands on your shoulders and turn you to the direction of the car before opening the door and nudging you to get inside.
🖤“Seriously? I’m fine.”
🖤“You have to understand something, my girl is my responsibility.” he'd argue.
🖤Speaking of which when he gets jealous, he gets jealous!
🖤He will act very calm with you but between him and other guy he becomes a completely different person. When he’s jealous he asks a lot of questions which even leads him to sound a little snarky which catches your attention. Although he will be very quiet if he's not asking you questions.
🖤You question if things are okay but he brushes it off. As your lover he usually tries to gain reassurance through affection. He sometimes fights with you about this but it's not always.
🖤It's not pretty when you both fight, well, he may seem like a good boyfriend, but your relationship can be abusive. Especially if the two of you are ghouls, abuse is different than the way humans would see it. Either one, ghoul relationships tend to have toxicity. I won't dive deep into this but I think that there are forms of abuse that ghouls may revert to even with their partners, this doesn't have to mean physical, even verbal abuse because again, they are not human. They do not have the same mentality as human beings. If his partner is human its very likely that she has felt abused or mistreated once or twice, if not more in their relationship just by what has said.
🖤For instance, in a really bad argument, he may revert to a threat such as "eating her" when he first met her instead of keeping her around.
🖤If she's a half-breed he'd make harsh comments about her upbringing and if she was a ghoul just like him he'd tell her to not be so soft.
🖤Though he doesn't show his barsh nature to you (he hardly does) if he ever is angry enough, he might. This once led you to call him a monster because he wasn't the same person you had come to know.
🖤He will try to apologize to you after some deep thought, but it takes forever for you to just get to that step with him. There have been numerous times when you've cried yourself to sleep or ignored him for weeks. There are many relapses in this relationship because he is hard to love.
🖤Aside from this, he would do anything for the girl he loves. He's practically blind for her.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hiya! I have a request for you (drum roll pleaseeeee🥁)
Shanks as a big brother Headcanons! I can’t wait to see what you come up with cause I absolutely LOVE shanks 😭💕
Shanks As Your Older Brother
Pairing: Big Brother!Shanks x Gn!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: none?
Genre: fluff
Post-Type: headcanons
Word Count: 490
Summary: In which Shanks is your older brother
[A/N: This was a cute request! I love Shanks as a father figure/older brother. Seeing how he treats Luffy, and how he treated Uta in the recent film, he'd definitely make a great older brother. I hope you like it! It's my first time writing for Shanks 👀]
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Shanks as your big brother is just chaotic
It’s giving…how he treated Luffy when he was little
He’s always teasing you and messing around, probably makes comments on how weak you are
“You little squirt, you want to be a pirate as well? Do you think you’ll be able to handle it?” He laughs with his crew, making you upset, but it was all innocent teasing, he was happy to know you wanted to be a pirate like him, even if he knew the dangers that came with being one, he’d never let any harm come to you
He’s your older brother and cares about you tremendously–he’d do anything to keep you safe and happy
So when you join Shanks on his ship with his crew, he always makes sure you hide away whenever other pirates or marines are around
He debated leaving you at Foosha Village with Luffy, someone around your age so you could grow up well, but he couldn’t find it in him to leave you behind–you were his precious younger sibling after all and nowhere would be safer than with him
The last thing he wants is for people to find out about you so you become a huge target, so for now, your identity remains a secret
Aside from the teasing and overprotectiveness, Shanks is also very fond of you
You’re his adorable little sibling, get ready to face his affection; this means lots of hugs and fussing as he brags about you to his crew, who are the only ones that know your true identity as his sibling
If you happen to join Luffy’s crew when you get older and are ready to have your own freedom, he’s a little sad that you chose to leave him, but he knows you’ll be in good hands with Luffy’s crew
He checks in on you every now and then from afar, making sure to not be seen by you or Luffy
Whenever new posters come out for your bounty, he celebrates with pride with his crew, happy that you’re making a name for yourself 
Word of you being his younger sibling will eventually come out to the public, and when it does, you become a huge target for the marines (similar to how ace became one…I won’t elaborate on that incase it’s a spoiler for anyone lol)
The marines will never be able to get their hands on you though because you’re protected by not only the Strawhats, but also the Red Hair pirates, so you have nothing to worry about
He’s always keeping an eye on you and won’t hesitate to step in if you’re ever in danger; this man will just appear in front of you and take control of the situation
So is he an annoying older brother? Yes, but it’s just the way he shows his affection; he truly loves you and will do anything for you
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Posted: 6/28/2023
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dira333 · 6 months
Pretty Woman Sneak Peek
tagging: @misfit-megumi @the2ndl @cup-of-fluff @alienaiver @shoulmate
“Well, I mentioned that one of my kids has a Bubblegum Quirk, right? That’s Kaori. Her little sister Uta is with me now. She got her Quirk today and she was so disappointed that it’s also Bubblegum.”
“Why? What did she want?”
“Her Dad can create giant Soap Bubbles and she wanted to be like her Dad. She was heartbroken, and it got worse when-”
“Oh…” Izuku stops in his tracks, eyes fixated on a spot on your neck. “You’ve got some Bubblegum stuck there.”
“What?” You swipe for your neck only to find his hand there, peeling away at it.
“Just pull it off.” You tell him, sounding braver than you feel. “Like a bandaid.”
The sting isn’t that bad, but it still brings tears to your eyes.
Izuku huffs softly. “I’m sorry. That’s going to leave a bruise.”
Someone clears their throat pointedly behind you.
Izuku flushes. “M-Mina, h-hi.”
“Hi. I’m Y/N.” You stretch out your hand, press your shoulder into Izuku’s in the hopes of calming him down. “I’m a childhood friend of Izuku.”
“Oh yeah, I heard about you.” The pink-haired girl grins widely as she shakes your hand but her eyes do not leave Izuku’s bright red face. “I was hoping to meet you.”
“Likewise,” You lie. You have no idea who she is.
It’s a mess of faces after that. You’ve never been that great with memorizing names and Mina’s rapid-fire way of introducing you isn’t helping at all.
“Kirishima?” You ask a man with grey hair and large, tentacle like arms twenty minutes later, having already lost sight of Izuku.
“Uh, no. I’m Shoji.” He doesn’t seem to mind the mix up though. “If you’re looking for Midoriya, he went to get you something to drink.”
“Oh, thank you. You’re… a Pro Hero too?” You ask, overly aware of your lack of knowledge in that area.
“Yeah. I’m the Tentacle Hero: Tentacole. But you probably haven’t heard of me, I’m pretty low in the ranks so far.”
“Oh, no, I’m just awful with following the news.” You apologize quickly. “I didn’t even recognize Izuku when we met the first time.”
“You didn’t?” Shoji asks curiously. “I can always tell it’s him just by his hair alone.”
... (And because I know that Alienaiver cannot live without Shinsou)
You open your mouth to talk when someone bumps into your back.
“Oh sorry,” you turn around to apologize only to spot a head of purple hair. The groan leaves your lips without your intention.
“Watch where you’re going, punk.” You sniff, try to sidestep but fail. Shinsou’s already got you in a headlock.
“Get off me!” You try to bite him and he laughs until you manage to slam your heel into his foot. His grip loosens and you slip out of it as fast as you can. “You’re the worst!” You groan, too aware of the eyes that are on you now.
Izuku’s only a few steps away, eyes flitting from your face to Shinsou and back to you.
“Dude!” Someone with yellow hair - was it Kirishima, Kaminari or Koda? - asks loudly. “What are you doing with Midoriya’s girlfriend?”
Shinsou stiffens, avoiding Izuku’s eyes. “Old habit. As a big brother, it’s my duty to annoy her.”
“We’re not related.” You remind him. “Besides, you could just grow up.”
Shinsou sticks his tongue out at you and you roll your eyes back at him. 
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