#because coffee reminds me of Ignis and Ignis also loves coffee
lunarlegend · 2 years
-finally eats for the first time today at 9pm-
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secret-engima · 4 years
Does Regis ever ask how Titus has papers for the boys? Whats Cor or Clarus' PoV of this? What are some things (fluff or humor) that the boys get up to? Because I can see them getting adopted into the Ulric Clan because of shenanigans and Nyx going 'Yes, these are my people' since LCs just remind me of Ulrics with magic. And how do the Galatians take to the nephew of the Nif Chancellor and clone of the Crown Prince? Since I'm imagining that Titus told some of them and the
rest are guessing anyway. And does everyone assume that Noctis and Nox's magics resonated since they're kinda sorta close to each other/are the same person? How does Regis take the news that the only reason that Noctis got healed is because Nox pretty much felt everything Noctis did? /Both/ of his sons were basically attacked by a daemon and he only knew about one of them at the time and didn't do anything to calm or reassure Nox? (Clarus: Only because you didn't know
About him, Regis. Regis: Thats no excuse, Clarus.) Does Iris get to be a Shield or did Nox latch onto Axis or one of his kids? Does Acastus find Prompting and drop him off with Noct/Cor? Does Nox hang out with Noct, Ignis, Gladiolus and Prom all the time or does the memories act up enough to make him feel weird about it? How does Regis take his brother and son's Sick Days? What about Dissidia? The 3 youngest Royals getting snatched and the group watching on Crystal
Vision? Dad Titus/Regis freaking out over their kids having been summoned to a death match? And how exactly does Titus see the boys? Sons, brothers, cousins? Oooh, more Trauma. Noct, Nox and Acastus w/others playing and end up in the Crystal room. Cue the boys lighting up, maybe passing out because the magic hits their young system really hard (its why Royals aren't supposed to be Presented until 18) and everyone freaks out, and news makes it to Regis and Titus that they
Are in the infirmary and the gist of what happened via panicked guards and rush there immediately and are jumped by panicked kids talking and crying about what happened. I didn't realize I had so many questions. But now I need to know. 👀👀 Please!🙏
Oh! Just remembered a little more! Does anyone pick up on the people/places that he shouldn't know? Do they assume that Nox got some of it from Noct, like with the Marelith? Or are they assuming LC/ Oracle DNA mix?
Me: Yes, Regis asks about the papers and Titus doesn’t OUTRIGHT admit he did an illegal but he does grudgingly explain that he needed papers in case the NIfs came looking and he ... knows ... a few people who can help ... “recreate” papers for refugees who lost theirs in whatever fire or tragedy drove them from their homes.
Regis mulls over that for ten long seconds then blatantly pretends he never heard it in the first place. Those “people” likely saved the life of his son and half-brother, he can let it slide this once.
I need Nyx Ulric to adopt these two now JUST so Nyx can tease that he’s related to Captain (then later when he learns that they’re Lucis Caelums he can quietly die in a corner because OH NO HE’S RELATED TO THE KING). Not sure how or when Nyx adopts them, but he absolutely does.
It probably happens when he's just a wee bit sloshed. Not enough to be incoherent or insincere, but enough that he doesn’t feel any fear offering to adopt the pair while babysitting them because Captain had to work late and Nyx is off the combat roster until his ankle heals. Once he’s sober he is a Panic™, but Captain takes it surprisingly well and Nox loves his new braid. Acastus just looks Amused™.
Lib slaps Nyx over the head because IDIOT THINK THIS STUFF THROUGH then gives him another drink because TWO MORE ULRICS. It’s a good thing Nyx is an Ulric Keeper in this AU, because he can teach them most of the Ulric Clan stories and dances and make them proper Ulrics.
Acastus loves introducing himself as Acastus Ulric Drautos, both because it’s fancy like “Lucis Caelum” is and also because it made both Titus and Nyx spit their coffee the first time they hear it.
The Galahdians ... have mixed feelings at first. But the predominant one is that it doesn’t matter that this kid is clearly related to the Chancellor (at first they all think the Chancellor bedded Captain’s Aunt, since they don’t know about the LC blood, and that’s why he looks like Ardyn) because Captain has clearly staked a claim on him. Galahd (in my HCs) is a Very Adoption Heavy culture and big on judging people by their current family rather than any previous blood ties, so ... mostly the Chancellor thing gets intensely ignored. Acastus isn’t an Izunia, he’s a Drautos (and then later an Ulric). So they will treat him as such.
But in private there is some debate on exactly what happened, for the Chancellor to vanish around the time his ... relation (son? They mostly assume son), shows up in Drautos’s care.
No few number of them think Titus stumbled on Ardyn with the two kids and killed the Chancellor to save them.
For Nox ... the Lucis Caelum blood is basically impossible to hide. This boy LOOKS like a literal carbon copy of the Prince but younger and he’s young so his control over his magic is ... not. Not that good. Especially not when there’s so mUCH of it.
All of Galahd listened to the Glaive who was on babysitting duty when Nox had a rare tantrum and skewered the wall with ghostly blades and all privately, immediately agree to Never Tell Anyone. Ever.
Well. To be fair, they do debate whether they have a duty to tell Regis, but again the Adoption Culture comes into play and they decide it’s up to Titus to spill that secret. A few Glaives do ask Titus about it (Titus nearly has a heart attack because SINCE WHEN DID THEY KNOW) and when they ask if they know who the mother was, Titus looks very grim and very, very quiet for a long time, then admits:
There is no mother. There never was.
They stare at him in confusion until Acastus, lurking nearby with too-sharp eyes, gives a smile that could cut and says brittlely that “amazing things that can be done with science these days you know. Truly amazing. Why, get a blood sample and a tank of the right solutions and you could probably grow anything you wanted”.
The Glaives are Horrified™. So is the rest of Little Galahd when it gets around and then is made a Clan Secret by all the Clans unanimously. The secret never leaves the borders of their little slum.
Also yes, people assume that Noctis’s and Nox’s magic resonated because Nox is a clone and it freaks them out.
Regis is Such A Guilt when he finds out how Acastus knew about Noctis’s injury. No it doesn’t matter that he DIDN’T KNOW NOX EXISTED. One of his son’s (his FIVE YEAR OLD son) was suffering. Was screaming in agony and terror and Regis didn’t do a THING about it and no amount of logic can make that better.
Nox latches onto Axis’s triplets in this AU so while Iris will be best friends with him, his Shield, Hand, and Sword are actually all made up of Axis’s three kids. Axis is a BIT of an internal Scream when Nox is at the age people start making noises about him building a Retinue and taking Iris as his Shield and Nox goes, “NO. I have a Shield already! A Hand and Sword too!” And stuff spirals out to reveal Axis as Clarus’s kid (Clarus takes it much better than Axis thought he would, tho Axis didn’t expect to see Lord Amicitia go deathly pale and sit down hard in the nearest chair).
Honestly Iris might be the future love interest in this AU you never know. It would be hilarious if nothing else.
Bold of you to assume Acastus didn’t find Prompto early and bring him home to NOX because “Look Beloved Nibling I Found You A Friend!”. Prompto is a confusion because Nox is like- 4 at the time. But Prompto likes babysitting and playing with Nox and hearing Acastus’s stories and Titus just kinda- sighs his way through the playdates until he realizes that Prompto has been staying in his house for about two weeks with no sign of the parents.
Titus, after much snooping later, sitting at the kitchen table of Grandma Ostium quietly pulling his hair out: HOW DO YOU ADOPT A THIRD CHILD. DOES IT COUNT AS KIDNAPPING IF THEY COME OVER AND STAY WITH YOU FOREVER AND THE LEGAL PARENTS NEVER NOTICE. ACASTUS WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME.
Acastus: I regret nothing. Do you want me to fake Prompto’s death? I’m sure there’s enough Prompto’s out there that nobody will notice if you gain a nephew called Prompto Drautos.
Titus, holding his face in his hands while Grandma Ostium laughs at him in the corner: NO, ACASTUS. DO NOT FAKE THE DEATH OF THE CHILD. How do you even know how to do that? Nevermind I don’t want to know.
Roughly a year later when Everything Gets Revealed, Titus and Cor: *intense staring contest over Smol Blond Child*
Cor: You don’t know where he-
Titus, growling like a cranky Behemoth that might very well bite off someone’s head: He’s a Niflheim created clone. I know.
Cor: ....
Titus: He's been living in my house for a year. I’ve seen the barcode. It’s not like I wasn’t raising one already.
Cor: His legal parents-
Titus: Is me. The Argentums were emotionally neglectful and didn’t even notice when he hadn’t come home for a week and a half.
Cor: *guilty angry silence*
Titus: ...Kid could use an uncle. If you want to man up and be part of his life.
(hgfhg this is post is getting long Imma try to speed through the last questions a bit)
Yes, Nox hangs out with the Chocobros when he can because he adores them (especially Brother Prompto and Team Mom Iggy) but he also has his own friend group in the Little Galahd community so it doesn’t strike anyone as odd really. Nox is a naturally loving child for all he’s shy and Iggy and Gladio are Noctis’s friends and Prompto is his adopted brother (and later Noctis’s best friend).
Regis does Not take the Sick Days well. It makes him alarmed and angry because Lucis Caelums aren’t supposed to get sick days from their own magic and it speaks of BAD THINGS that both of the presumably experimented on and tortured LCs have them.
I’m going to have to come back to Dissidia another time (someone remind me) because this post is too long to ramble here but it would be- it would be Great. Honestly. It would either be the 3 littlest, just Acastus, or just Acastus and REGIS for some brotherly bonding and any of them would be Great and Chaotic. Crystal-o-vision absolutely happens.
The Crystal Room is under 24 hour guard so I don’t think the kids could wander in by accident, plus Acastus would actively avoid the area because of his Trauma.
Now Acastus being presented when he turns 18 on the other hand... >:))))))
Short Version: Much shouting, much alarm, much angst from Regis and Titus and everyone and also the first Sick Day Acastus has had since he turned 17 and by far one of the worst he’s ever had in his (second) life.
I might to a longer version later but not right now.
For Nox’s oddities and odd knowledge they kind of assume both? At first they think it’s just him resonating with Noctis so deeply that there’s a transfer (cue angst from Regis because what is going to happen to Nox when Noctis fulfills his destiny as Chosen King???) but then when Nox starts knowing stuff Noctis doesn’t/can’t know, they start to wonder if the scientists ... Tampered with his DNA. If they got their hands on Noctis’s, which should have been impossible, then it’s not all that out there they got their hands on Oracle DNA.
Sylva is ... very alarmed and very confused when Regis secretly contacts her on a secure encrypted line to ask if there were any ... symptoms to look for in an Oracle child. Because- yes there were but WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?
Regis: they wouldn’t happen to be *lists very specific things*
Sylva: ....Have you seen any Messengers nearby lately.
Regis: Carbuncle, a black puppy that disappears into thin air, and a bird woman who can summon wind storms. She calls herself Garuda.
Sylva, having a minor crisis behind her Queenly Facade: I am Very Sure I only have two children so please explain this. Right Now.
Regis: Well............. NiflheimclonedmysonandIthinkmixeditwiththednaofyouoryourdaughterandhehasseerpowersandImayormaynotbepanickingrightnowpleasehelpme.
Sylva, slowly running that over in her mind and figuring out what Regis just said:...
W H A T.
XD Honestly Niflheim might invade Tenebrae only to find the royal family gone because Sylva coincidentally packed her backs and took her and her children on a secret trip to Lucis to have a look at Nox, then since they’re there when Niflheim invades and a spy gets word on what just happened Sylva and Co just- stay there. Oracle Mom Death averted.
Also they absolutely think that it’s Luna’s DNA they used to make Nox because of how instantly Nox gloms onto Luna like a limpet- JUST like he did with Noctis and Regis, and how Luna gets this dazed look in her eyes as their magic tangles and she whispers, “I ... I know you. I know you, don’t I Little Prince? I met you in a dream.” Luna starts crying softly as she pets Nox’s hair and when Sylva asks in alarm why she’s crying, Luna blinks and whispers, “Because he was crying in the dream, and I couldn’t comfort him.”
Acastus lurks in the shadows, watching it all with ... very mixed feelings.
Oracles. He could have gone his entire second life without meeting anymore Oracles. Aera she looks so much like you is that what our daughter would have looked like and oh astrals I KILLED her. I killed the girl with your eyes and your smile and laughed about it later.
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gastricpierrot · 4 years
Title: Breathe fire into me
Series: Promare
Pairing: GaloLio
Rating: T
Lio might have a little crush on the cute barista from the boba shop he visited recently.
Only there’s a catch: there’s much more to Galo Thymos than what he seems.
Note: role reversal AU, boba barista Galo, archer main Lio
Also on AO3
[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
Lio, to his own disappointment, did not find the peach tea particularly special.  
It was fragrant, at the very least. And the caffeine has just the right kick. It's just...a little on the sweet side? Okay, maybe a lot on the sweet side. Lucia definitely loved her drink. The bitterness from Aina’s matcha helped balance out its overall taste. The rest had some wide eyes and raised eyebrows upon their first sips.  
Still, it’s not bad enough for Lio to want to avoid the place the rest of his life. Maybe he can try for an order with less sugar the next time? Not that he thinks he’ll have the chance to do so soon and—
“Lio, you’re about to miss your mug by about a mile.”
Lio’s snapped out of his daze by a sharp clap on his shoulder from Remi, and he only registers what he means when he sees that he’s this close to pouring his coffee directly onto the countertop. He quickly fixes his aim, frowning hard at his mug like it’s its fault that he almost made an embarrassing mess.  
“You can always talk to us if something’s bothering you,” Remi offers, sounding genuinely concerned that Lio seems to be unusually out of it.  
“No, it’s not a big deal, really,” Lio assures because it shouldn’t be. It ridiculous that he’s even getting distracted over something so insignificant when there are more important things to direct his time and energy towards—especially now knowing Mad Burnish has once again gained a new leader. They’ll have to start tracking him down soon, start paying more attention to potential target locations for arson. They must not be allowed to mobilize.  
“If you say so.” Remi doesn’t sound entirely convinced, but he doesn’t pry. “The offer still stands, though.”
“Thanks.” Lio then slightly jiggles the jug he’s holding. “Coffee? There should be just enough left for another mug.”
Remi shrugs, accepting his offer. The two spend a silent moment in the pantry simply huffing into their mugs, trying to cool their drinks down enough to take careful sips. The wall fan in the lounge buzzes extra loudly whenever it turns a specific direction and sends the weighed-down papers on the desks flapping in place. It's quiet enough that they can faintly hear Lucia’s muffled laughter from the nap room upstairs as she indulges in whatever random online content she’s managed to stumble across this time.
This is the sort of tranquility of night shifts that Lio really enjoys.  
He heads to the rooftop once he’s finished his coffee and cleaned up, leaving with a casual reminder from Remi to not fall asleep there again. Lio climbs the stairs and reaches the top, pushing heavy doors open to be greeted by a sea of black.  
The stars aren’t visible tonight—though it’s not like they’re normally all that easy to see either thanks to the ever-present city lights. It’s the moon that Lio’s spotted earlier when he happened to glance out a window; a bright, pale yellow orb seemingly hanging low enough in the sky for him to simply reach out and touch at the height he’s at.  
He takes a breath, savoring the air from the breeze blowing towards him as he casts his gaze afar. Even in this time of the night, the city doesn’t seem to sleep. Music echoes from somewhere in the distance, some stray cats are having a fight in some alley. There's a short revving of bikes. Even along the streets within the station’s proximity, where most—if not every—shop should be closed by midnight, Lio spots people walking about, heading somewhere yet seemingly nowhere.
He pulls his jacket just a little tighter around himself and sighs, relishing the moment.  
And he nearly jumps when the sirens suddenly blare to life.  
Lio’s bolting downstairs in an almost conditioned response, mentally taking note of all the information recited through the speakers by a computerized voice, sent directly from the site of fire via compulsory built-in detectors as part of Promepolis’ centralized fire alert system. A residential house at the south district, approximately three kilometers from base. No particularly flammable substances reported. Cause of fire: Burnish flares.
Lio would not be able to participate directly in the extinguishing part of the mission, with his Gear still awaiting repairs. They have a spare one in store but Lio, to his frustration, can’t seem to pilot it half as smoothly as he can with his own—to the point where Ignis agrees that he would be of more effective help without it.  
A residential fire isn’t usually a particularly difficult job, fortunately. Only Remi, Lucia and Lio himself are dispatched, with Remi in charge of the brunt of the work while Lio and Lucia deal with support in whatever way they can.  
Lucia sends out a drone the moment they’re close enough to the scene, promptly processing whatever information she can glean and giving out instructions to guide the others. The flames seem to have originated from the first floor and have spread downstairs, but fortunately not yet to adjacent houses. Most neighbours seemed to have evacuated from their homes nonetheless, just as according to standard safety procedures taught to them during periodic neighbourhood fire drills.  
Things look under control—until Lucia’s drone detects the presence of two people within the fire.  
Lio and Remi are leaping out of the Rescue Mobile before it’s even come to a proper stop; Remi diving right into the blaze in his Gear while Lio prepares to deliver first aid and handle crowd control.  
It's not difficult to discern who had been inside the house when the fire started and who are merely bystanders. Lio hurriedly approaches the group of three covered in soot and huddled together, obviously still shell-shocked at whatever had just transpired. They’re a pair of parents with a child around ten to twelve years old. Lio tries to assure them that they’re safe, that the FDPP is here to help. Asks if they’re hurt anywhere, carefully scans over their limbs to make sure they really are fine when they respond negative.  
“But our daughter,” the mother manages to stammer, voice choked with barely restrained panic. “She’s still inside!”
“My teammate’s getting her out of there,” Lio assures, noting the sporadic crystalline bursts from Remi’s ice bullets behind him as he tamed the fire. He knows he’s holding back; he has to be extra mindful about preserving the building’s integrity while there are still people inside, lest everything collapses around them. “Just give him a moment m—”
“No, you don’t understand!” The lady clutches Lio’s arms, increasingly frantic as she digs her fingers into his jacket sleeves. “There’s this young man, he just—”
She doesn’t manage to finish her sentence, cut off by the sudden roar of serpents erupting from the blaze. The hairs on Lio’s neck instantly stand on their ends, and on instinct, he turns around.  
And he feels his stomach sink as Lucia manages to intercept the fire just in time, freezing it in place barely a foot away from him. Lio swallows thickly, hearing multiple screams around him. It seems that he’s not the only one suddenly attacked by the flares—but what happened? It wasn’t this aggressive before, did something—
“Someone’s leaving the house!” Lucia’s voice fizzles through his earpiece, nearly drowned out by the shattering of ice all around them. Lio grits his teeth, willing his body to move and look towards the house’s front door, peering through the flames to see two figures indeed shuffling their way out into the open.  
Why aren’t they with Remi? Lio doesn’t have time to wonder. He gets on his feet and rushes over, expecting either of them to collapse any moment from the heat and smoke and having to bodily carry them to safety.  
Except they don’t.  
The pair are engulfed in flames that look different from the usual Burnish flares, a shade of teal instead of the bright blues, pinks and yellows. It looks completely harmless on them—almost looking protective, even, shielding them from the raging fire of the house. The young man has a hand on the girl’s shoulder as he walks her out.
It finally clicks: these two are Burnish. The girl must’ve either just awakened as one, or lost control.  
Lio watches the flames flicker and dance, subconsciously mesmerized, before they abruptly retreat back into the young man’s body like it’s where they belong.  
Lio could've sworn he hears the faintest sound of giddy, child-like laughter as it happens.  
“Hey, you’re...”
Lio glances up, and, in a moment of what feels to him like pure absurdity, finds himself face to face with the staff from the bubble tea place.  
Burnish are actually people who’ve undergone a sudden, unexplained mutation, many a result of extreme stress.
The girl was a university student, apparently just about overwhelmed with exams and papers to write and under a lot of pressure to perform well to maintain her scholarship. There could’ve been more factors building up to her awakening; Lio did not and was not obliged to pry. There are more than enough similar cases, people driven to the limits of what they can emotionally and mentally bear by their circumstances and randomly bursting into flames.  
The girl sustained no injuries from the event, but she was still sent to the hospital to get checked just in case, and later on she’d be introduced to a mental help program to hopefully provide her the support she needs. Once all that’s settled, she’d be registered for classes to teach her how to keep her fire under control so there hopefully wouldn’t be more unfortunate accidents. Her family will be staying in a shelter in the meantime while they settle matters concerning their house.
The young man, on the other hand, had been in the area by sheer coincidence on his way back home when he’d seen the explosion of fire in the house. The madman had then barged right in, evacuated the rest of the family, and stayed with the girl until he could convince her that the fires wouldn’t hurt her and that the rest of her family is safe. It's after she’d managed to calm down that they’d then left the house, and the remaining flames allowed themselves to be put out.  
He’d insisted he’s completely fine when asked and had slipped off soon after handing over the girl to Lio’s care.  
Lio can’t help but wonder if he’ll ever consider joining the FDPP—that sort of courage and resistance to fire is exactly what they need—but he digresses.
They manage to wrap things up within the next hour, and thankfully there’s no other incident until Lio clocks off the next morning. He heads home just as dawn breaks and the rising sun colors the sky with a gradient of yellows and blues. Lio barely notices this, though, dead set on simply making it to his bathroom to take a shower and then pass out for the rest of his long-awaited day off.  
He wakes up starving some time in the afternoon, and even then he’s trying to convince himself that a human being can last a solid number of days without food just so he wouldn’t have to get out of bed. He does eventually manage to drag himself up, though, only when the hunger and dehydration begins gnawing at him. Lio groans as he shuffles his way to the pantry to put together some cereal and milk.  
He lets out a huge yawn before scooping a spoonful into his mouth, staring absently at his fridge as he crunches on the lightly sugared bits. He’ll have to do some grocery shopping later; the remaining ingredients he has wouldn’t last him until his next break day. Lio ponders over what he should get while he slurps up the last of the milk in his bowl, then later briefly cleaning it up and heading back to bed with his phone in hand.
He spends the next hour or so mindlessly scrolling through his social media feed and watching whatever’s on his recommended list on Y*utube. Lio used to be bothered by how he seems to only be able to laze his way through days when he’s off duty, but he’s proud to say that he's mostly gotten over it. Although being part of Burning Rescue does not necessarily mean there’s always an emergency to tend to, they must always be ready to drop everything and rush out when need be. Carrying out rescue missions and dealing with Mad Burnish when they pop up are one thing, but the constant anticipation for alerts wears them down almost just as much. Lio doesn’t always have the chance to simply let his guard down like this, and he’s gradually learnt to appreciate the quiet, insignificant moments he has when he can just pass the hours idly in his apartment.
It’s almost six in the evening by the time he works up the motivation to prepare going out. He changes out of his jammies, nearly forgets to brush his teeth, and bunches his hair into a hair tie because he can’t really be bothered to untangle it at the moment. He then pockets his phone and wallet, scoops up his keys and a couple of reusable bags from the little basket on his shoe rack, and with a final sweep of his gaze across his room to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything important, he heads out.  
To be clear, Lio still hasn’t figured out what he’d like to eat for the next week. Then again, it wouldn’t be much different from the usual meals he could whip up either within thirty minutes or cook in a large batch so he can just store them in the fridge and have whenever he needed. He’ll just have to get some meat, fruits, some fresh cartons of milk. He's run out of bread too, he remembers. He could get some canned tuna to make some quick snacks while he’s at it.  
The supermarket is close enough to Lio’s apartment for him to walk there and back. Plus it’s the best option since rush hour is still ongoing at this point. Crowds of people gather at bus stops, the roads almost packed with slow-moving traffic. Lio spots students in uniforms chattering loudly in groups, adults in various types of work attire carrying their own bags of groceries. In the distance, a train rattles by.  
Lio spends a moment to bask in the mundanity of it all.  
He's greeted by a familiar playlist and a blast of air conditioning the moment he enters the supermarket. Lio eyes the growing queues at the check-out counters as he makes his way to the aisles, and decides not to dawdle too much before the crowds get bigger. He briskly heads to the usual sections and fills his basket, grabbing himself some bags of chips in the last minute when he spots the discount labels on the racks. He'd planned to look around and see what else could be on sale, but guess he’d just have to save that for the next time.  
Lio walks out about forty minutes later, heavy bags in hand, and pauses in his tracks.  
And finds himself going a different direction than that leading home, a slight, subconscious spring in his steps as he moves closer towards the city center. It takes maybe fifteen minutes and one wrong turning before he finally reaches a street that’s still just vaguely familiar. It'd been midafternoon the last time he was properly here and not just passing by, the sun almost too bright in his eyes and blinding when reflected off the many white-washed walls. Now it’s pleasantly buzzing with activity, the incoming night illuminated with bright lights and loud music.  
Lio doesn’t plan to properly go into the shop. He’ll just have a look while walking past, just to make sure the guy’s doing okay after that fire. Just be natural, Fotia. Don’t stare, don’t try too hard. At least it’s probably a busy time now and he won’t have the time to notice every passerby and—
The shop is quiet, with the staff crouching behind the counter scrolling through their phones. By sheer dumb luck, Lio’s eyes somehow almost immediately meet with those belonging to the one with spiky blue hair.  
Sees an excited grin bloom across his face.  
“Mr Firefighter!”
Lio hates the way his heart does a little flip at the address.  
“Oh, hey,” Lio manages to respond casually enough (god at least he hopes so), stopping to watch the guy maneuver his way over from his workstation. He's suddenly very aware of the fact that he hasn’t combed his hair. “You doing okay after everything?”  
“Yeah, it wasn’t anything serious, really,” Boba boy assures with a scratch of his cheek. He then spots Lio’s groceries. “Went shopping today?”  
Lio hums his affirmation, trying not to grow overly conscious of the crinkling of his bags of chips next. “Won’t be off until sometime next week after this.”
“That’s a shame. Thought I’d treat you to a cup, but guess it’s not exactly the most convenient for you at the moment, huh?”
Lio raises his eyebrows at the sudden mention of a treat. “There’s really no need, though?”
“Please, just take it as a token of appreciation. For taking care of a fellow Burnish sister yesterday.” Boba boy then frowns. “Or maybe you’re the type who considers that sort of hour ‘this morning’.”
Lio, the absolute fool he is, finds himself charmed from that statement alone. “I’ll drop by some other time, then? I’ll see if I’ll be free to visit after work tomorrow.”
“Cool, cool! I’ll keep an eye out for you!”
“Thanks,” Lio says, then realization belatedly dawns him. “By the way, I don’t think I’ve ever caught your name?”  
“Oh, right.” Boba boy lets out a sheepish laugh as though it hadn’t occurred to him as well. He slips his hands into his pockets, leans his weight back slightly. Relaxed, casual. “It’s Galo. Galo Thymos.”
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tenshiscientia · 4 years
What I See
Tumblr media
I look at Ignis now after he was found on the Alter of Leviathan. How he sleeps so fitfully. I want to sooth him...but I have no idea how. He twists and turns in his sleep, whimpers escaping parted lips. His hands clenching and un-clenching.
I tried to help once and was almost stabbed in the chest by his daggers...
I had tried to wake him from the nightmare he was having, and I managed to...but it seemed the last dregs of it followed him into wakefulness and he thought that I was the cause of his nightmare come to life before him. His daggers were summoned in mere seconds, and he threw me onto my back beside him on the bed. Straddling my hips, he pinned me down with his weight making, sure I was unable to escape him. One of his hands, despite having the dagger in it, pinned my own above my head, the other raised his second dagger above us and aimed it straight for my heart. I had turned my head away and screamed Ignis's name, hoping and praying to the Six above that he would realize that I wasn't who he thought I was.
He froze above me, his chest heaving and sweat beading down the side of his face. My name slipped through his lips and I confirmed to him that it was indeed me. The daggers dropped from his hands and disappeared in a flash of blue crystals as they did so, tears dripped slowly down his face, then began to fall even faster as he realized what he had been about to do to me. I pulled him down against my chest to quiet him, and pressed the side of his head against my chest. His sobs ended up being so violent they shook his entire body. I soothed him by running my hands through his hair telling him everything would be alright, that everything was alright, and that in the end everything would turn out okay.
I don't know what to do now though.
"Ignis?" I ask, looking back up.
I hadn't realized my gaze had drifted to the ground as I had been thinking.
"Will...will you come here, please?" Ignis's voice is so hesitant in his question, but I could never deny him anything he requests of me and I never will.
Standing up, I walk over to the side of the bed and sit on the edge of it.
"I'm here Iggy, what do you need?" I ask, reaching out to gently place my hand over one of his.
He flinches when my hand reaches his, but that's normal now. I should have remembered to tell him I was about to touch him.
"I need you." he starts off softly, "I need you to...I mean, if you will..."
He withdraws his hand from mine, and I have a feeling that somehow I've done something wrong. He's never pulled away from me since he lost his sight, it's always the opposite, he's always reaching for me. Ignis sits up, slowly lowering his feet to the ground so he's sitting next to me. He reaches out towards me with uncertainty, still trying to figure out how being blind works. I wait patiently for him.
He made it perfectly clear that he didn't want to be babied, so we have to let him do things on his own. But at times it's so damn hard not to reach out to help him or hand him things. Finally his hand connects with my shoulder and his fingers bunch their way into the material of my shirt. He softly pulls on the material, indicating that he wants me to come closer to him. I scooch over closer to him so that my hip ends up pressing against his, something he and I always did even before this.
However, all we would do was sit together, we would never do more. Ignis's hand lets go of my shirt and he slides his arm around my back so his hand rests on my other hip. His head dips down so it is leaning against mine as he pulls me farther into him.
I hear a small whispered, 'Please?' from above me, and I smile softly.
Twisting in his hold, I slowly wind my arms up around his neck and pull myself into his lap. The hand that was on my hip now rests over my knees, while his other hand has come around to make sure I won't fall off his lap. Not that he would ever allow that happen. Turning his head, he presses his forehead to mine and we simply sit like this together. A couple times we've sat like this, and each time I've found that it brings the both of us comfort. I trail one of my hands down his jaw, then ever so lightly trace the outline of the scar over his left eye. He hisses in a breath, but does nothing else. Doesn't tell me to stop, and he doesn't pull away. So I continue to slowly trace it until I fully run my fingers over the actual scar. Ignis's right eye flutters quickly, and I hear another quick intake of breath. I yank my hand away thinking that this time, I actually hurt him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." I began.
Ignis caught my hand in his and brought it up to his lips, gently pressing a kiss to my fingers.
"Your touch is like fire, but I'd rather burn in your flames than the fire the Kings of Yore inflicted upon me." he whispered softly raising my hand back to the side of his face, "Your fire is sweet and gentle torture...theirs's was pure and utter agony."
A blush streaked its way across my cheeks as I slowly slid my hand back up Ignis's jaw.
"Is...is that what happened to you?" I whispered, leaning in and gently pressing a kiss just under Ignis's closed eye.
Another sharp inhale from him.
"Yes, in order to use the rings power, if the Kings deem you worthy...a sacrifice must be made..." he whispered.
"I thought the sacrifice was your life, Ignis?" my voice was angry, but also trembled with fear.
I had harbored a deep crush for Ignis for the longest time. As our journey to Altissia continued, I found my crush growing into unrequited love. It was a miracle that I didn't have the fabled Hanahaki Disease, and start coughing up cherry blossoms. I noticed so many things about him that just made my heart see him for the caring, selfless person that he truly was. He always hounded Noctis to eat properly.
Yet after a hard days fight, he would make the fussy prince his absolute favorite food with no protest to make him feel better. He would always remind the others not to spend too much Gil on frivolous things. But would go behind all of our backs and buy more curatives then necessary for Gladio cause he would always come out of battle a little more banged up than the rest of us. Because Prompto loved taking cool mid-battle photos, whenever he saw Prom with his camera out, he would always throw some more flare into his fighting style. And for me...for me, cause I loved a hot cup of tea in the morning, he started looking for fine tea's in Lestallum every time we visited, and would wake me up in the morning so he and I could drink our tea and coffee together and watch the sun rise together.
If I had lost him to the Kings of Yore...If he had sacrificed himself while using the Ring...I don't think I would have been able to forgive Noct. It wouldn't have been directly his fault, but Noct would have been the one Ignis had sacrificed himself for. And every time I would have looked at him, I know the anger at that fact would have welled up in my heart. I wouldn't have been able to continue on the journey with him, it would have been too much to bare. I would have ended up lashing out at Noctis. Whether had it been verbally or physically, neither would have been good. My words can sting horribly, but my powers...I would have injured him badly had I tried to attack him. But Ignis was still here before me.
"It was..." Ignis's voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"You fool!" I nearly shrieked at him, my hand falling to slap against his chest then bunch in the material.
Ignis flinched but stayed silent under the torrent of my anger.
"Do you realize what you would have done to me if-" my words quickly cut off as I realized what was about to come out of my mouth.
Ignis's head tilted as he pulled my hand free of his shirt.
"What would my actions have done to you?" he asked quietly.
My eyes watered and I turned my head away as I tried to hold back my tears. I wasn't ready to let him know that I was in love him. He was still bound to Noctis and he couldn't deviate from that. I had no chance with him while he still had to help Noctis. He would have no time for me.
All of his time would be taken up by Noctis. It already was in the first place. The few quiet moments that we got to spend together in the mornings were when he was making breakfast for everyone so even then, our time was not truly ours.
"Nothing...you wouldn't have done anything. Just forget it." I muttered, my voice wavering just the tiniest bit.
I tried to extract myself from his arms and off his lap, but he just held onto me tighter and wouldn't allow me to leave him.
"You know as well as I do that that's a bold faced lie. Even I don't need my sight to know that. What would my actions have done Tenshi?" his hand came around to cup my chin and turn me back to him.
By now, the tears I had been trying to hold back had started to slide down my face and slipped their way over his glove less fingers. Ignis gasped in a short breath as he felt the warm wetness gather in the space between my skin and his. Damn the fact that he wasn't wearing his gloves. The one flocking time...
"Tenshi..." his voice was gentle as he called my name.
"Alright fine, so I am lying!" I huffed a little more angrily than I wanted to.
Ignis stayed silent waiting for me to continue.
"I...I would have been more pissed off than a wet chocobo still caught out in the rain if you had gotten killed." I muttered.
That brought a laugh out of Ignis which brought a smile to my face.
"Well, look okay! Back in Insomnia before shit went down and everything got real, you were my rock and everything. You helped me get my lazy butt through training! I couldn't have done it without you. I mean you were my stability. Those nights that I woke up and had those all out panic attacks and you had to come running down to my house to chill me out.
Oh and that one time you actually had to break the door down cause I was too out of it to even come let you in, so we agreed on you having a key! Then when King Regis asked if you thought I would be good enough to come with you, that entire week, I had like a  panic attack almost every other day. But then, you would come sit with me at the end of the day, after you made dinner for Noctis. You would bring some of the dinner you made for him, and we would sit and share that, and we would read on the couch while I was dressed in my night clothes. I would always end up falling asleep against you.
Then when I woke up in the morning, I would always be curled up in my bed under my covers. But the night before we left, remember I asked if I could stay at your place cause I was just so scared I didn't want to be alone. And I ended up falling asleep against you on your couch. But when I woke up then...I found myself snuggled against the side of your chest in your bed. And never in my life have I ever felt safer.
And there is...that's when I started to have a crush on you Ignis. I knew it wasn't good, that it wasn't right and that there was no room  for it on the trip, so I've been trying not to dwell on it. But its been growing and growing, and I damn might as well have Hanahaki Disease now. I'm really surprised that I don't."
A hard cough ripped through my sentence and a purple cherry blossom petal flew from between my lips then fluttered to the floor.
"Oh hell fucking no! Me and my damn big mouth..." I muttered.
"Tenshi? Tenshi, what's wrong?" Ignis asked, worried by my choice of words.
I had my moments where I let my more vulgar side show and usually I was either disgusted, angry, scared, or surprised.
"Well I suppose Hanahaki Disease is real. I never believed it was..." I started hacking hard.
"Hanahaki Disease? Might I inquire what that is?" Ignis asked, his head tilted to the side trying to find where my face was.
Finally my coughing stopped, only for me to throw up a fair amount of cherry blossom petals into our laps.
"Hanahaki Disease, means unrequited love from one person to another. A flower blooms in the persons chest and eventually it can kill the person if the other does not return the feelings. I understand if you don't. I can have the flower removed...it's just...i don't want to forget what I feel for you. I don't want to forget about you.
But I can understand if you don't feel the same way." I replied, coughing again.
Fuck, I didn't think I loved him enough to end up with Hanahaki. I just might be screwed...
Ignis picked up some of the cherry blossoms (how the hell were they purple?!?! I've never seen purple cherry blossoms before!!) and rubbed them between his fingers.
"Why hadn't you told me any of this?" he questioned, voice soft.
A petal dropped into my hand before I looked up at him.
"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked, my chest starting to heave.
"Do I not command your respect?" he asked.
'Oh fuck me, he's pulling rank...Astrals above...'I rolled my eyes, knowing he wouldn't see it, but replied to him nonetheless, "Yes, Sir."
"Do I not command your loyalty?" he continued.
My jaw dropped.
'Fuckin' really? We're gonna go through the whole shebang here? Really?' my mind clicked over into auto pilot, "Yes, Sir."
"So, do I not command your honesty?" he finished.
"Yes, Sir." I droned.
"Then why didn't you-"
Violent coughs ripped through my body and this time, it wasn't petals that made their way out of my mouth. Brilliant crimson blood dripped its way down my hand and my chin.
"Holy Six, please." my voice was shattered, "Don't do this Ignis!"
I remembered everything said and that I read about Hanahaki Disease. If he didn't accept what I was saying, I was doomed. I couldn't bring myself to remove the flower, couldn't bring myself to get rid of my feelings, my memories of him. If he said he couldn't love me in return, that he didn't return my feelings, I might as well just go kill myself now. It would be an easier end than suffocating because of the flowers or choking to death on my own blood.
"Tenshi! Listen to me!" his voice snapped harshly through my morbid thoughts, jolting me out of my despair, "Why hadn't you told me how you felt?"
"Be-because, I know you have to help Noctis complete his quest to..." couching consumed my words and I ended up hacking up more purple cherry blossom petals, "Damn it! I know he's the King of Light and he needs to be protected and guided until he reaches the time that he can banish the darkness from our world, and you are one of those that protect him. I don't want to distract you from that duty. I also know that due to that, you will have no time to devote to me, so I would always be second on your list.
Everything would revolve around Noct. He would always come first. His safety before mine. And I don't blame him for that. He is more important than I am, I know that, and I don't want to hold you back from your job...Fuck!"
A sharp hacking cough made me throw up harshly and this time not only petals came up, blood and a full cherry blossom flower itself came up. Shit, I needed to shut up I guess. Talking was getting me in trouble. I reached down and plucked the flower off of Ignis's lap. I had to admit, though it was morbid the flower was pretty.
The way the blood glinted off the purple petals in the morning sunlight. Shimmering just the right way enough to almost make it seem ethereal.
"I know your loyalty to him would always come first and I don't want to get in the way of that Ignis, and that's why I've always stayed silent. I don't want you to have to choose and I won't make you." I continued after a moment.
"You never would have made me choose Tenshi. There never was a choice." he whispered.
My heart started to pound harder, he was going to say that he chose Noct. I was going to die, I just knew it.
"I've harbored a similar feeling since I met you back in Insomnia but I was never too confident about them. So I just pushed them aside, concentrated on my work. So I never knew, didn't even fathom that you felt as such. I suppose I just ignored what was right in front of me. I would say that was wrong of me, considering the pain you're going through now.
Forgive me if you will Tenshi, I do return your feelings. I do love-"
"Will you just shut the fuck up and kiss me! I know I have blood on my face, but if you want this to stop that's the first step to doing it." I hissed at him, snagging both sides of his face in my hands and pulling him into a quick kiss just to shut him up.
Surprise filled his features.
"Now, can we try that a second time, but properly?" I asked softly, one hand brushing the backs of my fingers over his cheek.
He nodded slowly and I guided him forward so his lips met mine again. This time our mouths slowly danced against one another, and I traced the seam of his lips with my tongue asking gently for entrance. For which I was granted with a gentle sigh. As our tongues danced together, despite the coppery taste of my blood, I noticed hints of the Ebony coffee that he always drank and sweet honey tainting the inside of his mouth.
A small moan left my throat, and I felt it returned as I started to pull away and I ended up catching the scar on Ignis's bottom lip between my teeth.
"Much better..." I whispered, pressing my forehead against his, our breaths a little heavy though my chest didn't hurt anymore, "Sorry about the blood, but you just helped so much right there."
"I'll do so much more, if you let me help you freshen up." there was promise in Ignis's voice as he whispered his words.
"How are you going to help me get...Oh!" my thoughts stopped momentarily as I realized what he meant.
I really couldn't believer I didn't catch that hint right away. Yeah, facepalm, big time.
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
A Knight For The Light
A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Loqi Tummelt, Somnus Lucis Caelum, Gladio Amicitia, Dario, Amisitia(my oc), Prompto Argentum
 My national language is not English. I apologize for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Sorry, my network is so weak and I can't insert photos.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
After a moment, when the sun was in the middle of the sky, Loqi stands away from the main tent, he couldn't put Lunafreya on the ground because he was afraid that her condition would get worse! So he took her back to the main tent of the camp. Crystal's gaze was fixed on both of them. She knew they wanted to be with Laura, and what a bliss it was to fight beside her. She glanced at Ignis, kissed his cheek and smiled bitterly:
"Dear, can you wait here?"
Ignis didn't need to look at the crystal! He just nodded and let her go! Crystal arrived at the tent just as Luna was talking:
" I can't leave you alone. This battle is to keep my king .. Please let me be with you."
After Lunafreya's words, Laura's frown deepened.
"What war has happened?"
That was the question that Prompto raised. And that's exactly why Laura frowned. She put his hands on the table and leaned on them:
" Your respectable Lunafreya. But no one knows what the end of this war is! I can't risk those for whom Noctis is dependent. If your life is in danger, Noctis will be alone!"
"Answer Prompto's question, Laura!"
Gladio's voice said this a little louder, but it didn't make Laura look at him!
"When you are not going to participate, there is no need to know it !!"
"I am the sworn protector of it !! You have to tell me !!"
"Gladio !!"
It was Laura's fear that silenced everyone. She took a deep breath so she could control herself. She tapped her hand gently on the table and punched:
" I don't risk your life. I can't see you die!"
"We are with Noctis, please, princess!"
Once again, Lunafreya had spoken. And he was the one who kept going:
"It's so easier if we be more!!."
Laura took a deep breath again. She lifted her hands from the table and stared at the crystal that stood between them:
" Do you want to participate?"
Crystal nodded. But Laura easily objected:
"You're my Oracle, and I want you to stay with Ignis! OK?"
"But .."
"It's an order, Crystal!"
Crystal took a deep breath, it was no wonder that Laura had called her Oracle himself because they had seen her miracle while rescuing Luna! Crystal returned to Ignis with both hands outstretched to bring the two together. Pointing to Laura's gaze, Loqi accompanied them, but only gave them her sister's address.
Now it was time to explain Laura to two men who didn't know about it. She pulled the chair back to sit on it:
"Noctis is going to die for the light! Noctis will be sacrificed and his soul will be the future sun of Eos!"
The shock and disbelief was the reaction of Gladio and Prompto. Both were staring at Laura, who was staring at an unknown spot. Gladio was better able to control his emotions, but Prompto .. The emotional boy of the story leaned on the table and lowered his head to mourn the death of his friend from now on !!
Gladio barely spoke. He clenched his fists and swallowed so he could speak:
"Did he know this himself and did not tell us?"
Laura's short answer made the two men worse than before, but the confusion didn't last long as Laura continued:
" I'm getting ready to kill Bahamut .. because this is the only way to save his life!"
There was a frown between the eyebrows of gladio. A frown of confusion and, of course, determination to save his life! Contrary to Gladio's frown, Prampto was staring at Laura in surprise. He was so shocked that his mouth was open and he could not speak.
And Laura was not the one to wait for them !! He drank some of her coffee and continued:
" Bahamut is the devil of darkness. When it disappears, darkness is replaced by light. No need to be a victim!"
"Where did you get this information from ?? Who said a god can be a devil, he is the god of gods?"
"I said!!"
Gladio asked a question and Somnus answered. Laura's gaze turned to Somnus. He was standing in front of them with his own human body! The presence of Somnus in those clothes was ridiculous for Gladio and Prompto. Hard to try not to laugh.
"What beautiful clothes !!"
Prompto said with a laugh. Laura got up from the chair. She drank her last cup of coffee and headed for Samnus. She stood beside her and answered Prompto seriously:
"This man is .. my grandfather and the founder king! Somnus Lucis caelum!"
And again it was a shock that both, and of course Loqi. But Prompto was a little scared. maybe more. Because the king had made fun of the founder !! Embarrassed, he laughed:
"I didn't know at all!"
With his words, Prompto ruined everything so much that Gladio hit him in the back of his had and then paid his respects to Somnus. He had no doubt because Laura had introduced Somnus !! Following the respect of Gladio, Prompto also bowed, but Loqi did not see the need because he did not see Somnus as his own king.
Somnus just nodded. He turned his gaze to Lunafreya, who was standing next to Loqi, trying to pay her respects to somnus! Her face reminded somnus of his pain!
He went to the chair and sat on it. He gave up a little so he could sleep on the chair!
"When the group is complete, wake me up, rabbit!"
It was Somnus who said and called Laura a rabbit! At that moment, Laura looked at Prompto, Gladio, and Loqi! She understood the meaning of their fanatical look. His majesty was shattered. She squeezed her temples with one hand and closed her eyelids:
"Can't you call me a rabbit in front of them?"
A smile broke Somnus' face a little! He was very enjoyable to make Laura angry with this method! So he answered and closed his eyes:
"No, rabbit commander!"
Prompto's eyes sparkled with love and he stared at Laura. He doesn't see her as a predatory white tiger anymore. He saw her as a little rabbit with a cottontail and pink ears!
Laura noticed Prompto's condition. She was sure that now, in Prompto's imagination, she has both long ears and a cottontail! She put her hand on her forehead and regretted it:
"Let's rest until Cor returns! After that we set off, we have to reach Ardyn!"
The discussion was separated from the joke.
That was the question that Gladio asked. Laura turned her gaze to him and nodded her head in approval:
"We need him to kill Bahamut too!"
"But he was an idiot who brought all this disaster on us!"
It was Prompto who spoke angrily. That word touched Gladio's heart. Laura understood, but tried to answer calmly:
"Ardyn is our blood. He was the great brother of the founding king and an Oracle! His obscurity happened by Bahamut! That creature has become filthy ... and it is our duty to restore its enlightened existence. Believe me, he hurt me more than you, but we need him!"
"It is right with the prince .. When the light shines on Ardyn's heart again, he can balance with the darkness in his being! Then he will make all of us proud."
Luna completed Laura's words. In contrast, the words of the two princess's Gladio and Prompto, have to be obeyed.
When the tent was deserted and the new members of the group left to rest, Laura was left alone. The discussion was so heated that no one noticed Dariolus. She laughed softly and sat down in front of her. Dariolus closed eyes had Laura also fallen asleep!
She put his head on the edge of the bed and closed her eyes, even though she had eaten a large cup of coffee, but still gave in to sleep.
Laura's sleep was equal to the onset of her nightmares! All her life she had not had an asleep without a dream or even a sweet dream. But this time, Laura's nightmare was the key to Dario's awakening!
Ventus passed over Laura's head and landed next to Dario. He stared at his owner with his golden eyes. He tilted his head slightly so he could see better him. Unconsciously, he opened his beak and shouted as loud as he could. Ventus cried out to Dario. Not only did Dario but Somnus wake up too! But the first to react was Dario. He leaned on his hand and raised his tension, stared at Ventus with a terrible frown, and hit in the head of the bird:
"I am asleep! Don't scream over my head !!"
Ventus fluttered his wings in response to Dario's natural reaction and sat on Laura's head! He wanted to wake Laura, and of course, make Dario aware of his princess!
In the first case, he did not succeed, but in the second case, yes. Dario kept looking at Laura's face. His frown got thicker when he saw the bandage on her face! She was injured !!! He wanted to wake her up to ask her what had happened to her!
"Let her Sleep! She must have enough energy for command!"
This voice was unfamiliar to Dario. He raised his head and stared at the man who sat on the chair. A man in ancient clothes. He sat on the bed, took off his coat, and threw it on Laura's body:
"Do I know you, young man?"
When this asked by Dario, somnus laughed at him. He put his feet on the table and put his hands behind his head:
"We started a relationship together when you were dead!"
"He lies!!"
Cor's answer made Somnus laugh more than before! Dario looked at the stranger and stared at Cor. His face became serious while Cor stared at him with a hidden surprise behind his frown mask:
" I thought she was mentally injured, but apparently ... I was wrong!"
Dario slowly got up from the bed. He put Laura to bed on, and regardless of Cor's surprise, he asked his question:
"What a disaster has befallen her!"
Cor's gaze was fixed on Laura and then on Dario! He didn't know how to say it, he wasn't afraid of Dario, he was worried about Laura. He took a deep breath and stared at Dario again:
" I attacked her!"
Cor's answer, filled Dario with anger. With his empty hands, he took the volume to Cor and grabbed his collar in his fist. The pressure on Cor's throat caused him to pull his head back. There was nothing on his face but a frown of coldness:
"Which fool did you want to do the she want to stop you that you attacked her?"
Dario's loud voice woke laura up. She sat down quickly and saw Dario. That's not normal either!
" Execution is not as you think!"
Cor's answer increased Dario's anger. He was taller than Cor, and that made him even scarier:
"I swear to the gods, I will kill you this time !!"
" Enough, Dorio!"
Laura shouted. She got up quickly and went to Dario. But it's as if Dario isn't falling short this time. This was not the first time Cor had attacked laura. Cor's face was blushing and the veins on his forehead were swollen because he couldn't breathe well. He did not defend himself. Not that he couldn't, Dario was right!
Laura's hands wrapped around Dario's arm.
" Please believe it wasn't his fault. Finish it now!"
Dario's hand pressure dropped around Cor's neck, but he didn't let go. He stared into Laura's frightened eyes and answered in a loud voice:
" It's not clear when he will attack you again, Laura !! I have told you many times not to approach this bitch! How many more times do you and your personality have to be destroyed to get rid of him! He doesn't value you and your life, why don't you understand!"
"This is not true !!"
Cor answered instead of Laura. When the scorpion stared at his anger with red eyes, Cor continued:
"I am not that person 30 years ago, understand this! Why should I attack the woman I loved !!"
"That wasn't Cor's job , Dario! Itwas Ardyn's job! He captured Cor to attack me because he thought he would either kill me or I would give up my goal by killing Cor!
Laura's words made Darius gave up! He let go of Cor's collar and stared at the women's breath! Suddenly, he punched him hard in Cor's face with his fist. As a result of the punch, Cor went back a few steps and turned his head. With this blow, all the glaives that were standing around watching were eaten. The fact that their beloved commander was beaten was very bitter for them, but no one dared to stand in front of Dario and say what was the reason for his work! No one knew why Darius hated so much Cor! No one knew about their past! And that's what made the different judgments! In any case, the truth was hidden ... even the truth of this sudden fight!
Laura ran to Cor and grabbed his arm:
"are you okay?"
There was a small scratch on Cor's cheek. Laura's worried face was in front of his eyes, and he couldn't bear to see her worry. He kissed Laura's head and hugged her because he knew Laura was scared! If Dario had killed him separately, Laura would have killed herself! Because she couldn't choose between her two loved ones!
This time, Cor's embrace did not calm Laura. She kissed Cor's wide-eyed shoulder and forced him to sit on the chair. She frowned and turned to Dario:
"You'd better stop hating, Dorio.. He's my husband now!"
Laura's words made Cor smile. Dario, and Prompto and Gladio, who came for the noise!
"What ??? What did you do ???"
Dario spoke first and reacted! But before announcing his opposition, Prompto took a photo of the crowd:
"Without notice ???"
Gladio took the camera from Prompto's hand and frowned at him! It's meant, now is not the time for photography! Laura glanced at Prompto and then at Dario:
"Dario, that story was 30 years ago! I am no longer my former Laura and Cor too! Now is not the time to fight. The Glaives are watching!! Cor is their commander, you should not crush his personality! Let us have a beating heart when we are alone!"
"Just oldest wifes!"
Somnus whispered to himself and laughed. He tied his hands behind his head and closed his eyes! Dario's gaze was locked on Cor. He took a deep breath and then looked at Laura. Slowly he grabbed the bandage on her face and opened it cautiously. Laura's frown, which was a little tied, made Dario tremble worse:
" I'm sorry I couldn't stop that trick!"
Laura just laughed in response to Dario. He took his hand with both hands and stared at him with a smile of nostalgia:
"If you were with me, Cor was dead now! I repeat .. I and those two days ago had a simple marriage, he is now a part of me .. can't you hurt him?"
Dario's frown was fixed on the cold, frozen gaze of Cor! He took another deep breath and stared at Laura:
"You idiot Laura!"
"I'm in love and a lover is an idiot!"
Laura's answer forced Dario to gave up! His behavior was somewhat funny, but no one dared to laugh at him! Everyone was ready for the battle, and Laura and her men decided to go to Insumnia. She wanted the Citadel courtyard to be his battlefield! In addition, he and Somnus had to go to Ardyn!
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
May I request what the Chocobros life is like married to s/o? Your stuff is amazing and I hope you're having a good day :)
Aww, thank you so much, Anon!
So, just a note, married life is a ton of fun. I’m currently sitting in bed with my S/O, making fun of the way they pronounce “quilt” (it sounds like “cult”.) 10/10 would recommend marrying your best friend.
I don’t think this is my best work, but I wanted to get something out today! 
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013
If you like what you read, please consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
Totally loves married life.
Just like normal life but with more kissing.
All the kisses.
Steals kisses.
You are now royalty and have tons of duties.
But you get to see each other every night, so that’s a plus.
And you get to see his smile all the time.
Your moments together are both romantic and fun.
Getting to enjoy mutual distaste of other royals.
And you listen to him complain about things.
He supports you in all of your endeavors.
But also falls asleep on you, a lot.
You’d have a pet…probably a cat or a dog.
Fights are often resolved after much pouting but discussion.
Would take at least a day to apologize.
You’d go your separate ways during the day, but always kiss when you first saw each other at night.
You married and became royalty, but also the spouse to your best friend.
You married the funniest man you know.
He’s always making you laugh.
Whether he means to or not.
So many inside jokes.
He can say one word and you bust up laughing.
You’d pull pranks on each other,
And have Nerf gun fights.
But also super thoughtful gifts at every anniversary.
He’s always trying to help around the house.
Not always successful.
You’d have all sorts of cute pets!
He wants a chocobo, but that has to wait.
So for now you have a bunch of cute little pets.
Fights happen infrequently, and he normally apologizes first.
Life is full of joy with this man!
Chores are 50/50 as much as you can.
But you each understand that sometimes you have to pull more for the other.
He always loves to cook for you.
But loves to cook WITH you even more, now.
Super organized home, but would try his hardest not to touch your things.
But, man, that gets hard if you’re messy.
Always compliments how you look.
Enjoys being goofy with you.
And you have many inside jokes you refer to as certain “incidents”
“Love, remember the pasta incident?”
Fights are resolved before you go to sleep,
As though you were discussing the matter with a mediator.
But the approach works.
He’s always open about everything: from finances, to feelings.
He embraces the hard discussions.
You’d get one…MAYBE two pets.
Coffee together each morning.
Or at least getting the pot ready for the other.
Married life is a comfortable routine .
Seriously, loves being married.
Loves to spoil you.
And tons of laughter.
And learning.
You’d have a whole library together.
All the pets you can cram into your place.
Always trying new things together.
And you’re all about keeping it fresh in the bedroom.
You make a habit of escaping to go camping.
You even have favorite campsites, now.
Fights include yelling, but he calms down quickly.
“Let’s talk about this…” because he wants to work with you.
You are a team and his best friend.
Comfort, love, patience. That’s what married life is about to him.
The two of you are so comfortable around each other.
You don’t have to have alone time.
But the two of you still enjoy it and accept it.
Enjoys moments with you, doing separate things together.
Still loves your silly requests.
“Read to me.”
“Dance with me.”
They steal his heart each time.
Pets? Eh, ok. Might get a calico cat.
Pyrna and Umbra are enough for him, though.
But really likes houseplants.
Always wants you close.
His magitech arm brings him discomfort,
And he constantly worries he’ll hurt you with it.
But you quell his fears by lacing your fingers with it.
You comfort him when he wakes from night terrors.
By simply holding him close.
If he’s exceptionally romantic, he’ll dance with you spontaneously.
Fights are rough.
He battles with himself, taught by Niflheim never to give ground,
But wanting to give to you.
It’ll take a lot of coaxing to get him to talk to you and work with you,
Rather than just shutting down or agreeing with you.
You are this man’s everything and he is so happy to be your husband.
Your life with this wonder is sweet.
So many compliments.
So much showing off.
And you get to kiss her all the time!!!
Sweet, soft kisses.
You’re silly together.
And you dance without warning.
And you love her pets.
If you fought, she’d be incredibly stubborn,
not wanting to move from her position,
But she would calm herself and at least see yours.
But it’d still be a process to come to an agreement.
It just takes practice for her to learn that it’s two people fighting a problem,
Because she’s so used to solving all of the world’s problems on her own.
Married life is a soft routine.
Married life to him is hard when he’s gone.
Loneliness is a rough partner.  
But it’s soft when he’s there.
You’d slip into an easy routine.
Tons of kisses, but only if you felt like it.
Any time together is enough for him.
You don’t even have to be touching for it to be good.
He would enjoy doing different things but being close to one another.
You’re each unique and enjoy different things.
So it makes sense.
You’d have to remind him to take you out on date nights,
But he’d enjoy doing so.
Fights would be…difficult.
He’d get quiet and too readily agree with you.
You have to coax out of him what he wants and his opinions.
But being married to him is natural.
He’s your best friend and you couldn’t imagine life differently.
Oh, so sweet.
He never thought he’d get married.
So he’s thrilled that you are with him.
Always kisses you goodbye.
Fights are rough. He always leaves.
But he comes back after he’s calm to apologize and explain what he was feeling.
Loves you so much.
So protective.
Wants so many pets.
But due to schedules, he’s hesitant to get any.
You could convince him to have a few small pets, though.
But he really wants a big dog.
Like, the biggest dog he can find.
Constantly making remarks about how the situation would be if a large dog were present.
“You’re an amazing cuddler, but you know what would be just as amazing?”
“A dog?”
“A dog…”
The future is unknown, so Nyx makes sure to spend every moment with you that he can. 
So gentle, so soft.
He’d be so protective of you.
And would always show you off.
And ALWAYS introduce you as his spouse.
He’s so proud that he’s married to you.
Still gets turned on by you.
And would be one to never stop learning about you.
Fights are talked out, but you may have to drag him to the discussion.
He’ll likely agree to your position and still do his own.
You have to get him to see your side of the matter.
But he loves you and wants what you want.
He goes out of his way to watch over you and spoil you.
You’re a mischievous and loving couple.
Soft and snarky life.
She’d give you nonstop shit.
You give it back.
But that’s your relationship.
It’s all in good nature.
“Wait, how do you pronounce that?” through giggles.
You’d do everything together.
Always at each other’s side.
Fiercely protective of each other.
Your fights would likely be her not talking to you for awhile,
Until she shouldn’t stand it anymore and gave into your pleas for discussion.
And a totally badass fighting combo.
She wouldn’t think to introduce you as her spouse, but when it comes out, it would just make sense.
Life with her is about seeking the horizon with your best friend at your side.
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absolutelynoct · 5 years
For that soft ask thing if you're doing it maybe Prom or Noct if that's ok
Okay Prompto turned out longer than I expected it to be but I will do Noct too and add it to the post later! Thank you for asking!
What they smell like: When Prompto is sweaty, he smells like warm sunshine after a downpour in the middle of summer. He’s like fresh wheat and a newly bloomed tulip. He smells like brightness after a long period of darkness, and is often asked what cologne he wears because of it (he doesn’t wear any, just deodorant). 
What their favorite smells in the world are: Prompto loves the smell of a chocobo and chocobo farms. He loves the smell of a crisp winter morning when it’s freshly snowed. But more than anything he loves the smell of wood cracking in a fire pit. He loves the smell of food cooking on a bunsen burner, and he loves the smell of the night air because it reminds him of all the camping trips he has taken with the guys. He loves the smell of fresh fish because it reminds him of Noctis. He loves the smell of coffee because it reminds him of Ignis. And he loves the smell of leather because it reminds him of Gladio’s jacket.
What Pajamas they wear (Whoops forgot this one at first): Prompto wears pajama pants with cute little dancing chocobos on it and a sleep shirt. He tried the whole “boxers only” thing but he’s more comfortable wearing pajama pants.
My favorite ship and a cute hc about them: Promptis always (although I love Promptio too). I have a headcanon that Prompto kind of accidentally confessed to Noctis. Like he was talking to Noctis about chocobos or something and just kind of blurted out “Yeah, I love them almost as much as I love you!” and didn’t think anything about it until he noticed Noctis was blushing bright red. So then he stammered over his words and tried to explain it was as friends, but it was too late because it was out there in the open now, and Noctis wasn’t going back now that he knew that Prompto felt the same. So he kissed Prompto mid sentence and have been a disgustingly cute couple ever since. 
My favorite friendship and a cute hc about them: Prompto and Ignis. When Prompto first confessed to Ignis that he loves Noctis, Ignis did everything to make is SO OBVIOUS to Noctis without directly telling them. He set them up on dates, encouraged Prompto to confess, and even hinted not-so-subtly that they were meant to be. Ignis ships Promptis more than Prompto ships it, and he was the first one to offer up his congratulations when they first got together. He was also the first to tell Noctis not to break Prompto’s heart because they would all kill him (Noctis took great offense, but Prompto talked him down from the ledge).
A song that reminds me of them: I’ve done another one in another post, so Numb by Linkin Park really reminds me of Prompto a lot because of the emotional turmoil he experiences. 
What animal I think they would be if they were an animal: A chocobo, naturally. But I feel like he would also be a gazelle or something else that is dainty and cute but also can hurt like hell if you piss him off or scare him.
What position would they sleep in: Fetal position mostly. But when he’s with Noctis (or anyone for that matter- sometimes he falls asleep on Gladio in the car) he always ends up sleeping on one side, curling up into his arms. He’s touch starved and the guys know it, but they don’t make a deal out of it. They just cuddle him in his sleep because it’s the only time he sleeps well.
Their favorite drink: Prompto says his favorite drink is water, but it’s because he’s self-conscious about his weight. His favorite drink is actually lemonade, like the really sugary and bad-for-you kind. Until Ignis shows him that he can cut back on the sugar by mixing it with tea and it tastes delicious (think manga black tea lemonade from Starbucks), and he begins to do that instead. During the winter he really loves peppermint hot chocolates, but only occasionally and it’s because peppermint reminds him of Noctis’s chapstick that Ignis forces him to use.
A gift I would give them if I could: I like to gift people things that they will either use or remember, so I would probably gift him a chocobo excursion or something. Or a weighted blanket to help him sleep at night. I also like to bake for people so I’d probably bake something that reminds me of him and give it to him cause I’m like that? Like my cinnamon roll cupcakes or something.
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chocobroness · 5 years
Boom, CMC one-shot. (Also warnings: minors drinking a bit of alcohol)
There was a loud BOOM!
It shook the ground some. Ignis didn’t spare a second as he proceeded to drop flat into the ground. Narrowly avoiding the flying glass shards of the windows in front of him.
An attack was surely possible. But after 3 years of this routine, it became habit to differentiate between what was an attack and what was someone’s antics. So reacting, assessing and responding to it in a matter of seconds became as natural as breathing.
Didn’t mean he enjoyed it.
After waiting for the floor to stop shaking, he stood and brushed the dirt off his clothes. Nodding to the others passing by, he made his way to the garage.
“What have I told you about detonating bombs within the citadel?” Was the first thing out of his mouth as he entered the room.
As those words were spoken. He stepped to the side. Dodging the baseball that was thrown at his face. He saw the look of glee and amused surprise on the room’s occupant’s face before they exploded into a puff of smoke.
Ignis simply watching as they collected themselves from the ensuing coughing fit.
“Crap, I wanted to have some more fun." Ignis made a soft noise.
“You two seem to have become a lot more ‘affectionate since you found out I won’t allow you to hit me, hm?"
Brushing off the dirt on her sweater, Silas gave a toothy grin. "It's just our way of showing love."
Ignis shook his head. “Noctis has asked everyone to his room for dinner.”
Silas raised an eyebrow. “Already? Time flies by.”
Ignis chuckled at that, Silas joint in with laughter of her own when a box to her left fell over. A small body tumbled out with a surprised cry giving way to glee.
"I wanna go again!”
“Can’t Valentina, boss is calling.”
“Aw Bull.”
Rolling his eyes, Ignis watched as the young girls flew backwards as a resounding boom was made from the mixed bomb powder. slamming into the ground a few feet from him.
Valentia picked herself up and gave her head a shake. Silas joined her with a rolled her eyes.
"Let’s go. Not like this place will be clean anytime soon.” Valentina snorted, crossing her arms.
“Bet he’s sleeping while you’re here.” The answering sigh was enough to bring out giggles from the girls.
“Don’t worry Iggy, if he’s sleeping, I know what will wake him up.”
With a voice of a million sirens suddenly cutting through the evening air, Noctis wasn’t the only one holding his hands to his ears in a futile attempt to blot out the noise. When it slowly cut off, everyone turned their head to the cause of the siren call.
“Silas, why did you have Amata be so loud?” Noctis yawned as Silas shrugged in response. Rubbing his eyes. He looked at everyone in the room.
"What time did I fall asleep last night?"
“You’ve only been asleep for 30 minutes.” Ava replied lazily, busy with the stuff bear one of the younger kids asked her to fix.
Noct let out a whine and curled back up into a ball. “Ugh, so little sleep.” Valentina decided to then throw a small pebble at him in response. Gladiolus, who had just entered the room, proceeded to chew her out.
Which then resulted in a screaming matching between the two.
Amata shook her head in defeat as Silas laughed besides her and cheered on Valentina.
Gaius made himself known as he walked up to Ignis.
“He sleeps too much.” Was the first thing he mumbled.
The second was, “Too loud.”
Followed by, “What’s for dinner?”
Noctis managed to answer his question when he gained everyone’s attention and called for the food to be brought in.
After a moment to bring everyone down from the sudden spike of adrenaline. Things started to go more smoothly.
"-and then that poor child got involved and I'm not sure how she got a hold of my bonesaw but that's when things went down the waste bin.
Ignis watched as the soul of Ms. Castro slowly dissociated from her mortal shell as Amata spoke. she was smiling vapidly, though it was obvious her mind was feverishly trying to ignore the graphic details of some of Ms. Eshmun’s more...’stubborn’ patients.
All he knew of the story she was talking about was that she had woken up to the sound of screaming, a chainsaw hitting something and the smell of blood. Then, both Gladiolus and Gaius had come crashing through her wall after setting off one of Ms. Drusus’ bombs. Her struggling patient in their arms and then her memory just sort of cut off from there.
Now they were all in Noct’s room after finally putting her patient back into her room.
Gladiolus’ face was a bruised mess while Gaius was scorched all over his body, but she had made sure it was all just superficial before they arrived so no one was concerned. Ignis knew Noctis was glad the three were bonding and there was no need to delve further than his happiness.
Kaiser had left to the kitchens before the nonsense had begun. the shenanigans having forced him to abandon the others lest he be caught up in them.
They didn’t blame him seeing as they would have done the same given the chance.
So would he for that matter.
Instead, Ignis focused more on Noctis. Watching as he and Prompto gushed over the bundles of joy in their laps. Umbra and Pryna were barking and yipping softly. pressing into their stomachs, trying to get as much pets and scratches as they could.
Noctis squealed and squished the growing pup into his chest.
"You’re so cute Umbra!!” Prompto looked over at Noctis with a frown.
"Hey, Tiny is cute too!” Noctis looked back and nodded seriously.
"Yes, yes she is," Noctis concurred, watching as Pryna let out a pleased yip as she was happily engulfed in Prompto’s arms.
“Hey guys. I got a question.” Everyone turned to Silas, who had snapped out of her daze.
She nodded towards Noctis. “We already know what you did.” She looked back at the others. “did everyone else have something to do with their folks during the holidays?”
The room was so silent, Ignis would have almost thought that the noise a moment ago was his imagination.
It was not a topic that was taboo per say.
But mostly it was hard to talk about one’s family when one missed them.
Silas was, however, a very curious girl so she decided to help the conversation along but throwing in her piece.
“I mean, my mom and dad would go to this guy in little Galahd and he would make these sleds that always lasted for a few days and they would put them through the ringer.” She moved her hands around, trying to describe what it was like. “Like, they would do so many stunts with them and record it all. They would then gather friends and watch it together.”
She looked around at the group.
“Have you guys done anything like that?”
"Hmm...Sorta," They looked to Ava, who shrugged. She took a bite from her plate and continued with her stitch work.
“We cut our own tree and tied Ribbons to it to hope for a healthy year.” She sipped her mug of coffee and grimaced. "Valentina, did you spike the grounds again?" That set everyone to inspect their cups.
“Damnit Drusus!”
“It wasn’t me!”
“Might I remind you that we are still underage. Adults gone or not.”
“Bad Valentina!”
“Cute defense, still guilty.” Gladio and Kaiser had to hold Valentina back before she launched over the table and tackled a grinning Noctis.
“And why are you still drinking the coffee Ms. Varius?”
Ava didn’t even blinked as she responded. “Because I’m not gonna waste coffee just because there’s a little bit of alcohol. I drank wine with my family on many occasions so this isn’t new.”
She looked at him directly. “Problem?"
Ignis felt like he should have one but he looked into his mug and dipped a finger. He then licked it and looked upwards thoughtfully.
Gladiolus took a swig himself and shrugged. "Got a bit of a kick to it."
"Nice buzz," Gaius echoed.
"What did I say about drinking these things while we’re so young?” Amata berated them. She couldn't blame the group though. And didn’t continue to push it when they shrugged back at her.
After doing so many things that pushed their heads to the very brink. It wasn’t often they touched the adult drinks but sometimes they grabbed a glass of it because something so uncommon shocked them back to their senses. It was stupid and dangerous but they all trusted Valentina to be careful.
trust was all they had most days.
“Back to my question folks!” Silas gained back their attention with a clap of her hands. She then proceeded to point at Kaiser.
“What did you do with your folks?” Kaiser actually took the time to think about it.
“Well, dad was less busy during the holidays so he would make this wonderful smelling but dreadful tasting fruit cake. We would then throw it in the fire place and let the house fill with the wonderful scent while we bought pizza and watched musicals together.” Kaiser smiled softly as he remembered.
“Ooh, that sounds fun.” Valentina jumped in. “But my family was awesome! Dad would get me and my siblings and he would get a bunch of fireworks, and go to the junkyard and set them off while mom cooked this yummy stew!”
“Gaius?” Amata looked at her friend curiously.
Gaius blinked and shrugged helplessly.
“Read old folklore together...Wove new traditions from the old ones...Made spice cider...and burned papers with written wishes.”
“Wow....that was the longest thing I ever heard you say.”
“It’s true!”
“What about you Eshmun?” Amata pointed at herself at the sudden attention.
“O-oh, well we just stayed home and watched movies.”
“Sounds normal.” Silas stated, Amata shrugging with a blush.
“Prompto?” He just shrugged and continued to pet Pryna. Noctis laid his head on Prompto’s shoulders in a form a comfort. it seemed to help as a smile emerged on the blonde’s face.
“ I spent the day with my uncle, nothing more.” Ignis said, focusing on his meal.
Gladio rubbed his chin. “Don’t really remember much traditions for that but we just watched random movies on tv and that was it.”
The meal was continued in silence but it was a thoughtful one rather than an awkward one.
Noctis broke that silence near the end of the meal.
“We can make our own tradition...”
“King you gotta make more sense then that.” Ava said with a raised eyebrow.
“What I mean is, why don’t we make new traditions for everyone?” He kept himself focused on Umbra’s fur.
“We’ve been hard at work for so long and things are started to even out a bit...” he shrugged.
“I thought maybe we can do something special now and then to keep the kids spirits up when times are tough.”
This, is what made Ignis so honored to follow Noctis. How, despite his obvious discomfort when pushing his boundaries, he always wants to help everyone under his care. To put their joys before his own. To save their health and happiness before his own life.
So wonderous yet self-destructive. Ignis had so much work to do to keep him safe when he let his guard down.
And a quick look at Gladiolus proved he wasn’t the only who thought so.
“What should we do?” Kaiser asked curiously, playing with his hair.
“Fireworks!” Valentina automatically suggested. And was as quickly turned down as usual.
“We can come up with traditional foods?” Amata suggested. “Just pay attention to any allergies!”
“We can find some movies at the store?”
“I still say we light something up.”
“Shut up Drusus.”
“Make me Amicitia.”
Ignis smiled as the meal came to a chaotic close.
He already enjoyed the traditions he had made for himself after this new life began.
Watching this group of children become better leaders was always a sight to see.
But watching as they regain their fading childhood joy at such simple things always made the difficulties of the coming year worth the struggle.
Ignis rested his head in his hand and closed his eyes for a moment. Allowing himself to engage in his favorite tradition during this time of year.
And he let the joyful voices lull him into a brief but comforting rest.
Merry Christmas folks! (And please reblog)
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cakelanguage · 5 years
Merry Christmas @aceflorins! I’m your FFXV Secret Santa ( ffxvsecretsanta on twitter) and I’m here to bring you a gift~ <3 Now, sit back and relax as you read the tale of Ignis and Iris going Christmas shopping together.
You can also read this on AO3
It was a crisp winter morning, one that Ignis would generally spend indoors attending meetings or making sure Noctis unearthed himself from the confines of his sheets to do whatever he needed to do that day. Today however, Ignis had made special plans with Iris to go Christmas shopping of all things. He wasn’t sure what sparked Iris’s interest in going shopping with him, but who was he to argue with the strong-willed young lady.
He tugged his scarf tighter around his throat and checked his watch again. Iris still had a few minutes left to get there before she’d officially be late. But he needn’t have checked given that Iris was jogging towards him, a wide grin on her face.
“Hey Ignis, sorry for the delay,” Iris greeted, adjusting the strap of her bag.
“Good morning, Iris,” Ignis said, stepping away from his spot against the wall. “How are you doing?”
“Well I’m great now that I have you here to help with my shopping.” Iris swayed her body playfully. “You boys are always so difficult to shop for.”
Ignis raised a brow with a smile. “Even me?”
She pondered on her answer before shaking her head. “Okay, you’re easier to shop for Ignis, but you always insist you don’t need anything.” She waggled her finger at him with a firm look. “And I’m not just getting you a gift card so you can get Ebony again.”
“I quite liked that gift.”
“Yeah but anyone can give a gift card, Ignis,” Iris insisted. “I wanna give everyone a gift that shows them I was thinking of them.”
Ignis couldn’t argue with that logic. Despite having plenty of money set aside that Ignis could spend on gifts for his friends, he’d always chosen make them special treats to enjoy. Because he knew that the time and effort he put into them. He’d started out this unofficial tradition when he’d made moogle macarons, then an elegant orange cake, then milk tarts, all the way to last year’s dessert of cherry blossom petit fours. Gladio might have laughed at the tiny dessert, but Ignis knew he’d eaten at least five of them.
“I suppose I can lend you any insight I have on your selection of gifts.”
Iris snorted and shook her head. “A simple yes would have been fine, Iggy.”
Ignis rolled his eyes and motioned his hand for Iris to follow him. “Now what would the fun in that be?” They began their trek through the crowded streets of one of Insomnia’s more popular street markets. “But first, we need something to warm us up.”
Iris giggled. “We haven’t even started our shopping yet and you’re already ready for a coffee break.”
“Ah, not a break, coffee fuel.”
Iris’s eyes widened before she burst into full peals of laughter, Ignis’s own laughter joining hers.
 With a warm cup of coffee and hot chocolate in Ignis and Iris’s respective hands, they were ready to start their search for the “perfect” gifts.
“Did you have anywhere you wanted to look first?” Ignis asked, looking around at the multitude of shops that lined the street.
Iris shrugged her shoulders with a sheepish grin. “Not really?” She answered. “I mean, I figured the bookstore might be a good place to go for Gladdy’s present, but other than that I’m pretty much lost.”
Ignis nodded and gestured to the street. “Lead the way, my lady.”
Iris laughed and grabbed Ignis’s arm. “To the bookstore!”
They walked at a leisurely pace, maneuvering their way through the crowds to the warmth of the bookstore. Iris let out a sigh of relief, putting down her hot chocolate on a display table so she could take off her gloves. She shoved them in her pocket and picked up her hot chocolate before giving Ignis another smile.
“So, I don’t know if you know this, but Gladdy has a thing for those trashy romance novels you can pick up at the grocery store,” Iris said, dragging Ignis further into the store. “I’m hoping we can pick up one that’s at least somewhat more cultured than one of those.”
Ignis’s brows climbed towards his hairline. “From what I’ve seen, he reads an awful lot of history and things like ‘The Art of War,’” Ignis said.
Iris snorted inelegantly, her grin turning sly. “Gladio takes book jackets from our library at home and puts them over his books so no one can tease him.”
“Hm, that’ll have to change now, won’t it?”
Iris’s jaw dropped a little before she recovered. “Iggy, you really are full of surprises.”
“I live to surprise,” Ignis said with a mock bow.
“Oh, I’m sure you do.” She nudged her elbow into his ribs before she started perusing the shelves.
Ignis mindlessly began scanning the titles, covering up his laughter as best he could at some titles. Some titles were so over the top and dramatic that Ignis could very well see them amongst the slew of dime store novels in the super markets. He wondered if the authors were all being serious with their naming when he came across names such as ‘Warrior and the Wanderer.’
“Oh my Astrals, Ignis this one is perfect!” Iris squealed, holding a book up to show him the cover. It was bright yellow with flowers and tiny hearts, and what looked to be an oddly colored Zu in the corner. “It’s like an enemies-to-lovers storyline and I’ve read some reviews about it and people seem to like it a lot. What do you think, Iggy?”
“I can’t say I’m well-versed when it comes to romance novels, but it certainly looks enjoyable.”
Iris smiled. “Maybe you need to find some time to squeeze in some romance reading, never know when you’ll need that kind of insight.”
He put a hand to his chest with a mocking look of surprise. “Are you implying I don’t know romance?”
“Well, do you?”
Ignis took a slow sip of his coffee, his eyes giving her a look. “I’m plenty romantic.”
Iris held her hands up in surrender. “Whatever you say.”
Ignis wasn’t really annoyed or bothered by Iris’s teasing, but he liked that Iris didn’t back down or seem effected by his joking back. “So, that’s Gladio down, who are we shopping for next?”
The girls face scrunched up in thought. “I think… Prompto should be next. He’s been really into experimenting with his photography lately, so I figured we could check out the electronic store.”
“He has been trying new things, particularly with his filters and angles. He’s also been trying to take pictures during his training sessions,” Ignis sighed, “he’s going to end up breaking that camera if he doesn’t start being more careful.”
Iris snapped her fingers and pointed at Ignis. “That’s it! Maybe I can get him some camera safety equipment and like a new memory card.” She looked hesitantly away. “Is that lame to give him?”
He shook his head. “I think it shows Prompto that you’re noticing his love of photography and that you want to give him something that he can use to keep one of his precious things safe.” He clapped a hand on her head, smoothing the back of her hair down. “’It’s the thought that counts,’ isn’t just a kind phrase to make someone feel better, but true as well! I told you before but I’ll tell you again, whatever gift you give the others, they’ll love.”
He wasn’t sure if she fully believed his statement, but the soft look he was getting from her spoke of her gratitude.
 The electronic store was as busy as he thought it’d be, but Iris seemed to be right at home in the bustle. Luckily Ignis’s height was his own advantage as he was able to follow Iris fairly easily to the camera section. But he could see the very moment that Iris became overwhelmed by the selection of products in front of her.
“Is it a good time to mention I know nothing about cameras?” Iris asked.
“If it makes you feel better, I know nothing about them either,” Ignis conceded. He knows the basics from Prompto, but any further than that and he’s lost.
Iris gave him a look he’d seen her give Gladio, and there was a small part of him that felt somewhat honored to be on the receiving end of it. “Not much better, but I guess we can be lost together.” She picked up one of the lenses on display. “So do you know what makes this lens different from the other ones?”
Ignis picked up another one and turned it around in his hands. “Well besides the difference in size and the varying numbers along the rim?” He placed the lens back on the counter and nodded his head at Iris. “Haven’t a clue.”
The sigh Iris let out flowed through her whole being. “Maybe it’d be easier to just get him a gift card…”
“I thought you didn’t want to do that,” Ignis reminded, plucking the lens from Iris’s hands and putting it back on the display. “I’m sure we can get Prompto something even without knowing such about cameras. Besides, we could always just ask one of the salespeople for help.”
Iris made a noncommittal noise. “We could ask…”
“I’m sensing a but.”
She sighed. “It’s a pride thing, I’ll get over it.”
“Ah, the Amicitia pride, Gladio’s the same way.” Ignis gave her a reassuring smile and continued looking at the camera display. “Fear not, I’ll be the one asking so you can hang onto that pride of yours.” He quickly held up his hand to halt her protests. “While I’ll tell you there’s no shame in asking for help, I’m not going to make you do something you obviously don’t want to do.”
“Y’know Iggy, you really know how to treat a girl.”
Ignis just smiled at her. “You’re welcome.”
He made his way towards the closest sales rep. “Excuse me, sir,” Ignis said.
The sales rep, Marcus looked haggard but put on a smile. “How can I help you?”
“I’m looking for a gift for a photographer and was wondering if you had any recommendations.”
Marcus’s shoulders sagged with relief. “Oh thank god,” he muttered before a renewed pep seemed to flow through him. “I thought you were another customer asking about the latest phone upgrades or why our computers cost so much.”
“I take it you’ve dealt with quite a few irate customers today?”
Marcus shrugged. “More like the feel entitled. But,” he clapped his hands, “gift recommendations for a photographer! Alright well my first suggestion would be a memory card, those things are more useful than you know.”
Ignis and Marcus walked back to the camera section, Ignis making note of the suggestions that the sales rep was giving him. Ignis winked at Iris when he saw her and Iris held a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from laughing at the action.
“Typically, I don’t recommend picking up lenses for photographers unless you’re familiar with what they’ve already got but if you do wanna go that route it’s best to stick with a gift card.”
He chuckled and shot a look at Iris. “I’ve been informed that a gift card is not an option.”
Marcus quirked a brow, but just shrugged his shoulders. “Well, then I’d lean towards other camera accessories then. Maybe a camera bag?”
Iris punched her fist in her head. “That’s it!” She exclaimed, startling Marcus. “Do you guys have anything that’s good for taking your camera somewhere dangerous?”
Marcus stared at her wide-eyed. “H-How dangerous?”
“Like some hiking, fighting monsters, that sort of thing.”
“O-oh, well if that’s the case we have a really nice sport camera strap and it includes a safety tether.”
Iris’s eyes were positively gleaming. “That’s the one I gotta get.”
Ignis nodded approvingly. “Two gifts down.”
 With Iris’s two purchases safely stored in her shopping bag the two set off again, strolling lazily down the street.
“Any ideas for…” Ignis asked, waiting for Iris to fill in the gap.
“Noct’s next on my list,” Iris confirmed with a little sigh. “It’s just I really don’t know what to get him.”
“No ideas at all?”
Iris shrugged, her shoulders drooping. “I want to get Noct something special, something he’ll really like.”
He nodded, pushing his glasses up. “Well you know Noct likes fishing.”
His statement at least got a laugh out of Iris. “Yeah, Noct would much rather pick out his own tackle than have me pick something out. I would just get him a cute one.”
“Noct doesn’t dislike cute things,” Ignis pointed out, “He adores cats.”
“But he’s basically cat kin.”
“Cat kin?”
Iris shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. Okay besides fishing Noct likes… to sleep?”
He wasn’t able to contain his snort of laughter. “I’m sure Noct would sleep all the time if we let him, don’t you think?”
“I mean, he’d wake up to eat your food at the very least.”
“Truly a high honor.” Ignis sighed. “Now if only I could get him to eat more vegetables.”
Iris giggled. “I mean we can always pray for a Christmas miracle.”
“Even Saint Nicolas himself would struggle to make that kind of miracle happen.” The two dissolved into peals of laughter, Iris falling into Ignis’s side.
They eventually managed to get their laughter under control. “You’re always so serious, Iggy. It’s nice to see you relaxing a little.”
He didn’t quite know what to say about that. He knew he was more serious than the others and that was just the way he was, but he had to admit it was nice to relax a little while shopping with Iris. “So, any thoughts on your gift for Noct?”
Iris hummed, her brows furrowing in thought. “What do you think about a self-care kit?” Iris asked.
Ignis made a noncommittal noise. “When it comes to taking care of himself, Noct does need all the help he can get,” Ignis said. “What sort of things would be in this kit?”
“Well, a soft blanket for one thing.”
“Make it a weighted one, or a blanket that’s a little heavier. Noct won’t ever say it out loud, but he often gets anxious and the added weight on his blankets calms him down when his anxiety acts up.”
Iris looked at him in surprise. “I never knew that.”
He gave her a rueful smile. “Noctis works very hard to make sure people don’t know about it, so I’m telling you this in confidence.”
She pretended to zip her mouth closed and gave him a thumbs up. “Noct’s secret is safe with me.” She walked forward a couple of steps before turning around to face him again. “The next thing I’d put in his kit was a silk pillowcase, it’s great for the skin and your hair.”
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that one sounds like a gift for you,” Ignis teased.
She gave him a mock indignant look. “I’ll have you know I’m only thinking of Noct,” she grinned and sent him a wink, “But I have been very good this year.”
“Of that, I have no doubt.” He shook his head. “I’m sure Noct will appreciate you thinking about his hair, Astral knows how long he spends getting it to look ‘just right.’”
Iris’s grin turned sly. “I don’t know Iggy, I’ve seen you staring plenty at Noct; you must appreciate some of his grooming efforts.”
Ignis felt his cheeks grow warm and he cleared his throat. “So, blanket and pillowcase, anything else?”
“Hm, well does Noctis like taking baths?”
“Yes, baths! He seems like the kind of guy who’d like them, but you’re the Noct expert.”
He nodded. “When he has the time, he does enjoy a good soak. I typically add Epsom salt and a few drops or rosehip and lavender oil, it’s a particularly good combination for relieving his aches and pains as well as soothing the scar on his back.”
Iris sighed wistfully. “I wish someone would pamper me like you do with Noct.”
The blush on Ignis’s face must have spread to his ears, but he maintained his decorum. “There is no doubt in my mind that you will find someone who treats you as the wonderful woman you are.”
Iris’s own face flushed red. “Ignis you really know exactly what to say.”
 Iris had filled the basket on her arm full of little things for Noctis’s self-care kit and had wondered her way towards the cash registers when she spotted Ignis already checking out. She hadn’t even realized that Ignis was also shopping for something. In fact, it looked like Ignis had been gathering items throughout the day and had been hiding them in his pockets until he’d bought enough items to warrant a bag.
Iris quickly paid for her things and joined Ignis by the door. “I didn’t even notice you were buying things,” she commented.
Ignis raised an eyebrow. “Did you really think I had gone to all these stores with you without picking up anything?” he asked.
Thinking about it now, Iris felt a little silly for thinking Iggy really wasn’t buying anything throughout the day. “I just thought you were waiting until we went to one of the specialty stores for your fancy ingredients.”
“Well, at least I don’t have to worry about you knowing what your gift is.”
Iris stared at him and tilted her head. “M-my gift?”
Ignis nodded and adjusted the bag on his arm. “I thought it’d be a prudent idea, just something a little extra for all of you.”
Iris gave him a warm smile, blinking away the water that had gathered in her eyes. “Ignis, has anyone told you that you are the sweetest?”
Ignis hummed and shook his head. “It could stand to be mentioned more often.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Well, that’s everyone’s gift except the one for you Iggy.”
The man quirked a brow at her. “Any thoughts on that gift?”
Iris huffed and threw her hands up. “Well maybe if you’d actually give me something to work with I’d have an idea.” She crossed her arms and waited for Ignis’s response.
Unfortunately, Ignis didn’t seem to catch on to what she was trying to get him to say, not that she really expected him to. “As I’ve told you twice now-“
“I know, I know, the gift comes from the heart or whatever, but come on, not even gonna point me in a possible direction?”
“You’ll think of something, Iris.”
Iris rolled her eyes and prayed to the Astrals she’d figure out something.
 The shop Ignis had taken her into was brimming with the scent of spices, warm cinnamon and vanilla the two strongest scents Iris could pick up on. The lighting was soft and she felt like she’d walked into a home kitchen, if she was being honest.
No wonder Ignis liked coming here.
Iris trailed after Ignis’s sure steps towards the back of the store. “Do you know what you’re making?” Iris asked.
Ignis made a noncommittal noise. “Well, I was hoping you’d help me make the final decision,” Ignis said, holding up three fingers. “I’ve narrowed it down to three desserts, but I felt like you should help me decide.”
Iris let a mischievous smile form on her face. “And if I want to taste test all three before deciding?”
Ignis’s eyebrows shot up and he gave her a look. “I’ll make them all,” he held up a finger when Iris opened her mouth to speak, “eventually. But you’ll help me decide which one to make first.”
She pouted and tried to give Ignis the best puppy eyes she could, but years of being subjected to Noctis’s puppy dog eyes must have made him immune because he didn’t react at all.
“You won’t faze me,” Ignis said confidently, pushing his glasses up, “I’ve become immune at this point.”
“Not to Noct,” Iris whined, “I’ve seen you give in to him before.”
Ignis’s cheeks turned pink as he avoided eye contact. “That’s less to do with being immune and more to wanting to see him happy.”
Iris awed and bumped her shoulder against Ignis’s side. “You big sap.”
“Mum’s the word,” he said without hesitation. “I can’t have Noct knowing I’ll give into him if I know it’s something he really wants.”
“Won’t tell a soul.” Yes she would. She was definitely going to tell Noctis about this. She couldn’t wait to see the prince’s reaction to the bit of info. “Now, give me the dessert ideas!”
With a flourish of his hand, Ignis had his recipe book out. “The first idea was an ulwaat berry and white chocolate mini cake. The second idea also uses ulwaat berries, but is an ulwaat linzer mousse cake.”
Iris furrowed her brow. “What’s linzer?”
“A jam-packed cookie, they’re quite popular during Valentine’s day as the window to see the jam inside can be shaped like a heart.”
She licked her lips. “That sounds delicious, what kind of mousse?”
Ignis read over his recipe again. “I was thinking of a light hazelnut mousse dome that would encase a fresh ulwaat berry compote.”
Her mouth was salivating at the thought of the combination of flavors. “That one.”
The man stared at her and then back at his recipe book. “But I haven’t told you my last idea yet.”
She shook her head. “I don’t need to, this one sounds too good to pass up.”
He had the audacity to look exasperated. “I already said I’d make all of them eventually.”
“The less I have to wait for this one, the better.”
Ignis chuckled and closed his recipe book. “Well, I can’t exactly argue with that kind of conviction.”
With an experienced hand, Ignis quickly started gathering the ingredients he’d need. He grabbed a plastic bag and walked over to the bulk bins and started scooping out the berries he’d need.
Iris was almost mesmerized by Ignis going into “the zone,” but she needed to use this time to find Ignis a gift while he was distracted. She looked around at the cooking utensils, but knew that was a silly choice since Ignis already had all the utensils he needed. It had to be something unique. Something that he’d like and hopefully find funny.
And then she saw it.
It was stupid and she knew Ignis would never buy it for himself, but Astrals it was the perfect gift. She quickly swiped the blue apron from the hanger and all but ran to the register. She couldn’t let Ignis see it, it had to be a surprise. He was either going to hate it or get a laugh out of it.
Honestly, either would be fine in her opinion.
As soon as the cashier handed her the receipt, she quickly hid it one of the other bags. Just in time too as Ignis was making his way over to the registers.
Ignis placed the heavy bag of ulwaat berries on the counter beside the hazelnuts and white chocolate. “I trust you found something, Iris?” He asked off-handedly, as the cashier rang him up.
Iris put a finger to her lips. “It’s a secret for a certain someone,” she mock-whispered. She knew that he knew it was a gift for him, but he continued to play along.
“Well, I’ve no doubt they will love what you picked out.”
She struggled to hold back the laugh that threatened to tumble out of her. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that just yet.”
 When the gang gathered for their mini holiday get together, Iris got to see not only Ignis’s reaction to her gift, but the other guys’ too. Prompto kept looking from the gift in Ignis’s hands and then back to her, switching between laughing and nervous chattering.
“O-oh wow, Ignis you- I mean, aprons are always good to have especially since you cook,” Prompto said, before his eyes got wide and he held up his hands. “N-not that you’re messy, I mean, I’m the messy bitch of this group, definitely not you but I mean… that’s some apron, buddy.”
Gladio however, seemed to have busted a gut from laughing so hard at the other man’s expense. It was nice to know that Gladio still teased the guys in the same way he teased her. Her brother tried to control his laughter and say something but as soon as he looked back over at Ignis he was laughing again.
Noctis’s shy laugh seemed to fill the room with a warmth she didn’t know it was missing. Noctis so rarely actually laughed that when he did, it was something to cherish. Noctis leaned into Ignis’s space and straightened the fabric in Ignis’s hands so he could read it again.
“You know you could always just ask for a kiss, right Ignis?” Noctis teased.
Ignis huffed softly and turned his sharp eyes to Iris. “You were right,” he said calmly, but the smile tuck into the corner of his mouth reassured Iris that Ignis didn’t actually hate his gift, it just wasn’t something he would willingly buy.
Iris shook her head. “Nah, I think it’s a perfect gift Ignis, now we all know how to say thank you for your cooking.”
Ignis’s gaze swept over them all, his eyes lingering on Noctis for a few moments before returning to look at Iris. “There’s no reason to go that far. A thank you will suffice.”
Gladio snorted. “Aw, Iggy if I didn’t know better I’d say our kisses weren’t good enough for you,” Gladio said, crossing his arms.
“Not exactly-“
Prompto seemed to have broken out of his perpetual cycle of laughter and shock because he bounded up to Ignis, bumping his shoulder into the other man’s. “Yeah Ignis, we can definitely pay you back in kisses,” Prompto said, before dissolving into another giggling fit.
Ignis rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond when two arms circle around his chest followed by a pair of lips pressing against the corner of his mouth. He sputtered inelegantly and turned his now wide-eyes to look at Noctis, who was once more just smiling at him. “N-Noct-“
“What can I say Iggy,” Noctis said, shrugging his shoulders, “I’ve got to kiss the cook.”
Gladio and Prompto fell apart into another fit, but all of Ignis’s attention was on Noctis. Ignis looked entirely lost and smitten at the same time. Without conscious thought, he turned just enough to make eye-contact with her.
She waved her arm at him before giving him a pointed look and nudging her head in Noctis’s direction and shot him a thumbs up.
Ignis cleared his throat, his face turning red once more. “Well then,” Ignis said, turning his gaze back to Noctis. “If that’s how you feel, you can give all the thank you’s for the group.”
The prince laughed and shook his head. “Yeah that sounds fair.”
The two seemed to get lost in each other’s eyes, and their staring was only broken by Iris’s giggling. The two men looked at Iris with raised brows.
“But you gotta remember Noct,” Iris said in the most serious voice she could manage. “You can’t touch the buns.”
Noctis threw his head back and began laughing once more, Ignis joining him soon after.
And Iris? She’s happy that her crush was so happy. If she had to lose Noctis’s love to someone else, she was happy it was to Ignis.
The dessert Ignis makes
Ignis’ gift from Iris
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chilledfoodtin · 6 years
Ignis’ Favorite Foods (And What They Say About Him)
1. Fluffy Chiffon Cake
This is my favorite of Ignis’ favorites.  Chiffon cake is one of the bets cakes. I it’s light, airy and not too sweet.  It’s also one of the newest--it has only been around since the 1920s.  An American insurance salesman invented the cake, but he carefully guarded the recipe.  He served the cake at a chain of restaurants in Hollywood (The Brown Derby) where it became popular with celebrities.  It was eventually sold to General Mills and the recipe was released nationwide in 1947.  It was backed by a big marketing campaign that made it a hit (source).
Ignis initially seems like a man who isn’t much for desserts and sweets, so this favorite surprised me, but I immediately found it endearing.  This no nonsense, hard working badass loves chiffon cake.  After a little investigation, I discovered that Japan has its own unique take on chiffon cake that may help explain Ignis’ love for it.  Japanese Chiffon cake is very similar to the traditional American recipe, but it’s often prepared in different pans and sliced like the one yousee in game (check out this guide).  It is also prepared as a cupcake--like these Hokkaido chiffon cupcakes.
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It’s easy to imagine Ignis coming across one of those Hokkaido style Chiffon cupcakes at an Insomnia coffee shop.  Maybe he frequently stopped at a coffee place that sold them (we know he’s a coffee addict). It makes me happy to think of Ignis enjoying a piece of this cake with a cup of coffee.  It is an uncomplicated pleasure that he richly deserves.
More faves after the cut!
2. Breaded Cutlet with Tomato
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This dish looks a lot like Japanese chicken Katsu.  Chicken katsu is similar to Western schnitzel dishes.  It’s got a tasty, crunchy, panko exterior and is often served with a tart sauce (the Japanese version seems to be served with curry quite often).  The FFXV version includes a Lucian tomato sauce.  I wonder if this dish is a bit of a “comfort food” back in Insomnia.  I can imagine Ignis eating a dish like this a lot when he was growing up. It’s hearty, but somehow light and no doubt one of the few dishes involving vegetables that Noctis would readily eat.
3. Fisherman’s Favorite Paella
Paella is a classic (and delicious) Spanish dish (specifically from Valencia).  The word “paella” is derived from the Spanish word for pan -- a reference to the special kind of pan used for paella.  The foundation of a paella dish is saffron infused rice.  The aromatic saffron makes it delicious and gives it the distinctive yellow hue.  There are many kinds of ingredients you can put into a paella--chorizo, chicken, seafood--it all depends on the variety of paella you want.  
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Ignis’ favorite paella is a seafood version.  Seafood paella is definitely one of the more popular forms.  All kinds of seafood can be used, but it’s traditional to include some shellfish (like the mussels you see in the photo of Iggy’s favorite).  Paella is a hearty, aromatic dish that is very popular worldwide.  Ignis’ preferred version, though, speaks of someone with slightly more expensive tastes (though that depends greatly on what part of the world you live in).
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This dish is acquired by ordering it at the Mother of Pearl restaurant.  Given Ignis’ penchant for seafood, it’s not surprising one of his favorite dishes comes from one of the best seafood restaurants on Eos.  When you visit Galdin Quay, Ignis will “idle” around the Mother of Pearl, watching Coctura cook.  Occasionally, I’ve seen players suggest Ignis has a “crush” on Coctura, but I think this is a professional sort of interest--one chef admiring another.
4. Horntooth Meatpie
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I know Ignis only has a British accent in the EN version of the game, but this meat pie is a very Anglo choice.  You get the recipe for this dish by observing a female hunter eating it outside the Meldacio General Store (I’m always amused by scenes like this--4 guys staring at you while you eat).  The fact that it’s a hunter favorite suggests this is a very hearty dish.  This fave is just more evidence that Ignis isn’t particularly snobbish about food.
5. Tomalley-Filled Dumplings
I thought I knew a lot about food going into FFXV, but I had never eaten “tomalley” before and didn’t have a very good idea of what it was.  Some seafood fans probably already know this, but tomalley is actually the pancreas/liver of a cooked shellfish (oftentimes a lobster).  It has a soft green color and, according to Cook’s Illustrated, is valued for its creamy texture and intense flavor.  It’s typically used in sauces or in compound butter.  I was surprised to discover that some people believe it's not safe to eat.  This is due to the fact that tomalley ingestion can sometimes lead to the contraction of “paralytic shellfish poisoning”, but evidently it’s mainly a risk during red tides.  Ignis likes to live on the wild side!  In the JP version, the dish references “kani miso’ which loosely translates to “crab brain”.  The “kani miso” however refers to the same thing tomalley does (a green paste of innards).  Maybe it feels better say you are eating a crab brain instead of a mish mash of its organs?  In any case, it’s also considered a delicacy in Japan.
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I think this dish further confirms that Ignis has a refined palate and a taste for expensive seafood.  Someone who frequently eats lobster could very easily develop a taste for the rarer bits of that celebrated crustacean.  Noctis even jokes that Ignis should be thrilled when they fight giant crabs with bone crushing pincers (but Ignis replies “what they have gained in size they will have lost in flavor”).  Apparently Ignis has a shellfish reputation.
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To unlock the Tomalley-Filled Dumplings, you have to read Oric’s Culinary Chronicles, entry 5 (which is sitting on a bench near the bridge in Old Lestallum).  It makes sense a story about a “river crawler” would lead to a recipe involving tomalley.  What else can we infer from this?  I’m not sure we can really connect the entry to Ignis (or Old Lestallum).  That said, there was once a theory Ignis was related to Oric, but that will have to wait for another post.
6. Feast of the Divine
Next to Kenny’s Original Recipe, this is the strangest item on Ignis’ list.  This dish is prepared by Gentiana in the Comrades DLC (before Comrades became a standalone you could only acquire te recipe after she made it).  Noctis’ favorite Comrades dish is prepared by Cid, Prompto's is made by Cindy and Gladio’s is prepared by Cor.  Many speculated that Ignis’ fave would be Aranea’s, but not many guessed it would be Gentiana’s.
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Genti’s dish is complex and beautiful to look at.  It features extremely expensive ingredients and gives good buffs.  Does Ignis love this dish simply because it is the most sophisticated?  The best tasting?  The most beautiful?  Any of those could be good answers., but if you break out the tinfoil you can go further.  Does Ignis love Gentiana’s dish because he knows her well?  Is Ignis himself some type of astral?  Or a messenger?  
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Very far fetched, but since we have very limited background info on Ignis it’s tempting to invent theories to explain his past.
7. Kenny’s Original Recipe
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This one is hard to reconcile.  How could a man of such culinary sophistication love something like this??  I’m not even sure what it actually is. It is clearly a salmon fillet, but it’s not clear what is covering it.  Some believe that it’s pastry, others think that it might be a cheese topping like some sort of cursed tuna melt.  Personally, I think it looks like mozzarella cheese.  I did come across a bizarre thing at Japanese KFCs--deep fried salmon bites.  That might be similar to Kenny’s.
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You might think this is just something that Ignis settles for when the bros go to the Crow’s Nest--a sort of adaptation to cope with their many visits to Kenny’s place.  This would seem like a good explanation, but he doesn't just tolerate it--he loves it!  The little sprite Ignis leaps for joy when you select it.  It almost seems hypocritical after Ignis’ snarky remark to Prompto implying Crow’s Nest fare was unhealthy and fattening.
It’s possible the dish holds some special place in Ignis’ heart.  It seems like the Crow’s Nest chain is only outside the walls of Insomnia, but it’s possible a Crow’s Nest or two made it into the city.  Maybe Kenny’s Original Recipe reminds Ignis of some fond moments from his childhood.  Maybe it was a dish someone from his family really loved.  Maybe he saw an ad for it when he was small and always wanted to try it.  Maybe his inner Guy Fieri is coming out.  Maybe Kenny intimidated him into liking the dish.  
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Who knows, but the fact that Ignis loves this is just one more of the many mysteries about Ignis.
Taken together, these dishes reveal a man who has sophisticated, yet not elitist tastes.  A man who appreciates fine dining and the comfort of a home cooked meal.  Most importantly, we know that he appreciates a good cake.  I hope you get to have all of your favorites today, Ignis.  🎈Happy birthday!! 🎈
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Um sorry if youre not taking requests but could you make a like,,,, reverse 'Omens'? Like the guys are still really yandere but the reader is cool with it?
So this prompt was supposed to have waited but when I saw it, I was like “I…I need this more than air at this moment.” So…here we are the “Good” version of Omens.  Also, I’m so happy you told me about yandere, because I knew the word but my mind just would not process it and I’ve been trying to think of it for like a month. Lol
You woke up with a start. Looking around the room that you were in. It wasn’t your bedroom, it was Noctis’s living room, in all honesty, you had no idea where you were. It didn’t look familiar. Stumbling from the bed that you were in you moved towards the cracked bedroom door.
You stopped suddenly catching your reflection in the vanity mirror. You were wearing something different, it looked like a very fancy tea dress. It fit absolutely perfectly, and you had to admit even you look stunning in it. You rose your hand up to find the necklace around your neck, finding that it was actually a magic dampener. Why did you have a magic dampener on?
You turned back to the door as you heard something familiar. A familiar laugh, and conversation. They were here!
Moving out of the room, you followed the voices down the stairs coming to a large living room.
“Y/N,” Gladiolus called, as the other turned to you stepping into the living room. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” You muttered, moving over to the couch, sitting in the empty spot between Ignis and Noctis. “Where are we?”
Noctis smiled, “Home.”
“Home?” You repeated, “You mean the palace?”
“Yes, your new home Y/N,” Ignis replied.
You blinked clearly confused, “But I don’t recall…wait why are we here?”
Noctis stood, your eyes following him as he moved over to Prompto telling the blonde to turn around. Running his fingers through the blonde locks on the back of the man’s neck, showing a very small mark that looked very similar to the Royal Emblem.
“I could not bare to see the outside world hurt the ones I love, so I’ve brought you here to protect you,”  Noctis explained.
“Protect me?” You muttered, turning your eyes to Gladiolus and Ignis. “Do you both have that too?”
“Yes,” Ignis replied, turning his back towards your showing the symbol.
“Gladio’s a little harder to see.” Prompto smiled.
You blinked again shaking your head, “I don’t understand. What happened? Why me?”
“We love you, Y/N.”
“Love me?” You gasped, cheeks heating up, “But what about my outside life?”
“That was a little more difficult to cover up, yet as always Ignis managed to cover it up perfectly.” Noctis chuckled, moving over to press a kiss to Ignis’s lips.
“Cover what up?”
“Your death.”
“My Death!” You shrieked with a slight jump.
“Noct, we have to remember, Y/N isn’t used to this yet.” Ignis gently scolded, as he stood. “I’ll go fetch you some tea, My Dear to calm your nerves.”
You felt Prompto move over taking your hand in the empty seat where Ignis once sat, “It’s not all that bad Y/N. With you here, we can always protect you, and you wouldn’t have to worry about the dangers. We all love you so much, and here we show you that.”
“Love me?” You repeated your gaze to your hand holding tightly to Prompto. “Am I dreaming?”
“Nah, you’re awake.” Gladiolus chuckled. “But I can give you a pinch if you want to make sure.”
You looked up, looking to the three men still in the room, trying to piece together what exactly your life had become. “I don’t…I don’t think that this….” You gasped as you turned to Noctis feeling that dangerous aura of magic come off of him. “Noctis?”
“What don’t you think?” He asked.
“Let her finish her thought, Love,” Ignis replied, returning with a cup of tea. “I’m certain that she had a good reply.”
You felt that magic coming from the both of them, Ignis had known Noctis the longest, so their relationship was pretty much set in stone.  That display of power from the both of them was angry, but you didn’t understand why. As Ignis handed you the tea, you didn’t even realize that you had grabbed it until a little spilled over the edge burning your hand.
Still, you took a second to gather your thoughts trying to find the right words.
“Thank you.”
“Come again.”
You looked up from the tea in your hands, “Thank you. I don’t think that this is enough but thank you. My life was so,” You sighed, “I was stuck in a dead end job, and basically working myself to an early grave and now…Thank you all of you. I do have one request, if I may?”
Four pairs of eyes exchanged glances before turning back to you and nodding giving you permission to ask.
You leaned forward placing your teacup down on the coffee table, fingers going into the chain of the necklace, “Can I please get the mark too? I’m worried I’ll break this, never been too good with jewelry.” You smiled.
Noctis turned to Ignis, who also seemed just as confused by the request. Only for the Prince to stand moving over to you. “Turn around and try to relax.”
“It doesn’t hurt but it feels funny.” Prompto offered, “You can hold my hand if you want.”
You giggled taking his hands, “I trust you, all of you.” You let out a gasp as you felt a pulse go through your body and blend with your own magic, it actually felt rather euphoric as a soft moan left your lips. “Oh my.”
“How do you feel?” Noctis asked, his hand stroking your hair as he removed the necklace.
“A little lightheaded.” You replied as you released Prompto’s hands to take up your teacup. “So just so I understand, am I allow to leave this room…uh apartment?”
“You said this was in the palace, am I allowed to leave the palace?” You asked taking a sip of tea.
“Not without an escort of one of us.”
“That’s fine, makes me feel better. Never felt too comfortable traveling around the city alone, being a girl and all.” You explained taking another sip of tea. “Will you boys be staying here too?
“Yeah,” Noctis stated,
“I can stay whenever you want.” Prompto smiled.
“Same here, unless I need to go home to Iris,” Gladiolus replied.
“I will also be available,” Ignis stated, sitting down on the arm of the couch beside Noctis.
“Yay, I think it would get lonely here being by myself 24/7.” You giggled,  “My last question, what about us?”
“What about us?”
“What are we, our relationship now?”
Ignis cleared his throat, “At the moment, as you have taken the brand, you are Noctis’s betrothed, granted we all do belong to Noctis.”
You cooed, “I get four handsome fiances?”
“To dumb it down, yes.” Gladiolus replied.
You giggled softly, “How lucky can a girl be?”
This seemed to throw the others off, you had known them for less than a year but you were so willing to throw yourself into this without a moment’s hesitation. Everyone had a little hesitation at first when getting themselves into this, but you just seemed to roll with the punches.
“Do you have any objections?” Ignis inquired, asking the question the rest of them were wondering.
“Not really, I’ve always wanted to be more of a housewife, and now I find that I get a restart, and I get to live like a Princess to four very beautiful men that love me. I know it sounds kind of silly but I guess I always had a crush on your guys and never thought I was good enough.” You offered placing down your empty tea. “It just still seems kind of strange to me that, this isn’t a dream. I’m worried that I’ll wake up and be back in my apartment.”
“Aw, don’t think that.” Prompto cooed, hugging you tightly. “You’re perfect Y/N.”
You smiled nuzzling his hair, “Oh may I make one more request, if that’s okay, Noctis?”
Noctis nodded softly.
“May I please get a kiss from my sweethearts?”
“Look here, Love,” Ignis replied, placing your veil on for the engagement interview, holding it out your face for now.
“One more, please.” You cooed, only to get a playful sigh from the man before you, as he leaned forward pressing a kiss to your lips. “I think that should hold me over until after the interview.”
The last few months were pretty much how you expected, granted there were a few hiccups the first couple of months, like any relationship. Yet there were rules in place for you to live the life that you wanted and in order to stay with Noctis and the others.
You recalled the time you were out in the garden with Ignis while the others were busy for the day. You held tight to the man’s arm, only to suddenly release it as you dashed forward, picking up something within in one of the plants. Turning to show Ignis your prize only to be seized by the arm by the man pulled to your feet.
“What are you doing?” He barked. “Were you trying to run away!”
“My earring, I thought I lost it yesterday.” You whispered showing him the green earring. “You bought them for me. “
“You can’t just do that,” Ignis growled.
You felt tears in your eyes before you knew what happened, “I…I really like them because…because they remind me of your eyes.” You cried as you stepped forward wrapping your arms around him tightly. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry Iggy.”
Ignis sighed, as he stroked your head, “Apologies, Love. You can’t go running off like that.”
You muttered giving a soft nod, “Okay.”
“Come along, let’s go met Noct and the others for lunch.”
“You’re so pretty, Y/N.” Prompto cooed, helping you straighten out your dress.
“Oh, Darling.” You purred dragging him forward pressing a kiss to his lips, ruining all the straighten out he did to your dress.
Prompto did allow for you to get away with a lot more than the others, but even he had his limits to what he did and didn’t let you get away with. The poor thing had a jealous strike in him a mile wide, and if the love wasn’t between you and the others it wasn’t nice, such as the time you were watching him train with Gladiolus. Which in all honesty you were actually catching up on some reading in the viewing area alone, every so often looking in to make certain neither of you boys wasn’t in too deep.
“Do you need some assistance, Miss?”
You turned, the door was supposed to be locked, “Oh, oh yes. I mean no, I’m fine. Just watching my fian…my friends train.”
The soldier stepped forward, “This isn’t a place for civilians, here.”
You gasped feeling the man grab your arm, you didn’t recognize him, “Please stop, I’m fine I promise.” You let out a gasp, as a shot rang out hit the guy in the side as he immediately went down, the splatter getting over your dress and face.
You turned large eyes to the door only to find Prompto there, that aura of magic spilling off of him. “Prom…toe?”
“Are you okay?” He asked rushing over to you pulling out a bandana, “I got it on you, here.”
You turned wide eyes to Prompto then to the man on the floor, as he cleaned off your face, “Prompto is he?”
“He’s fine.” Prompto replied, “Come on, let get you a nice bath.”
You didn’t recall seeing that guy again.
“You ready, Babe?” Gladiolus asked, tilting your head  up as you stood on tip toe to get a kiss from him, only to have his sweep you off your feet.
“Ugh, I hate these interviews.” You moaned as he sat you down. “For like 5 minutes of airtime they talk to us for 2 hours, and it’s always the same questions. What dress are you wearing, are you excited to be a future Princess, blah blah blah.”
Gladiolus chuckled, “You handle them perfectly.”
“Glad you think so, if Noct wouldn’t look bad, I would walk out of them. I just want to marry my husband.” You playfully whined kicking your feet under your dress. “Will Iris and everyone be able to join us for the real wedding and not the broadcast one?”
“She wouldn’t miss it,” Gladiolus replied letting out a chuckle at your large smile.
You recalled how upset he got when you had accepted assistance from one of the guards at your ‘Betrothal’ ball, despite having been engaged for weeks at this point. You still weren’t use to your large ballroom dresses, and your heel got caught in your skirts, and you stumbled into a man, as he was helping you up and moving you somewhere to help you untangle. You were just thanking the man when Gladiolus moved in, a look of rage on his face at the other man touching you.
“Gladiolus.” You called trying to defuse the situation before things got too bad. “This fine gentleman assisted me, I was just looking for you or Ignis. Thank you, Sir, for your assistant.”
You watched the man scamper off rather quickly before you were pulled onto the dance floor by Gladiolus. You winched as you felt his large hand holding so tightly to your waist. “Gladdy please that hurts.”
“What the hell do you think you were doing?” That deep rumble in his chest surrounded you as he held you close.
“Gladdy, please.” You whimpered again softly, you could feel the bruising start. “That hurts.”
“Are you flirting…”
“I wasn’t!” You shrieked, trying to pull away tears in your eyes. “You’re hurting me Gladdy.”
You watched the rage leave his eyes as tears found your own, “Babe?”
“I would never, Big Guy,.” You whispered softly resting your forehead against his chest. “I wouldn’t…why would think that?”
That evening he held you rather tight apologizing for the bruises that needed to be healed and your tears.
“Last one.” Noctis yawned walking in the room after Ignis went to grab him.
“Noct.” You cooed, bouncing over to him, wrapping your arms around him tightly as you rested your chin on his chest. “Noct Sweetie, the midnight release is tonight you can play with me tonight right?”
Noctis smiled pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Sure.”
“Yay!” You cooed, pressing a kiss to his lips. “You ready to get this over with? Our last interview before the wedding, and our honeymoon.”
As you put your veil before you face to get to this interview you couldn’t help the skip in your step. The little story put together was that you weren’t in well enough health to actually show your face, and were a little on the shy side, so you often hide your face when on camera, but you were fine with that, as you often got to roll your eyes and sometimes even take a nap should it go on too long.
Still, as you sat down before this interviewer for the fifth time since you were brought home you couldn’t help but think of just the moment where you actually knew this was where you belong with them.
“Is it okay that we’re not at the party?” You asked, stepping into a room you had never been in within the Citadel. Only to gasp at the large floor to ceiling windows overlooking all of Insomnia, you quickly moved over to the window, able to point out landmarks and some of the stars, being high enough that the lights from the city didn’t interfere.
“Like what you see?” Noctis chuckled.
“It’s so pretty up here.” You cooed. “The city looks so different from up here.”
Prompto chuckled sitting on one of the couches, leaning against Ignis, who had take a glass of scotch from Gladiolus, “Do you miss it?”
“Miss what?” You asked pacing the windows, trying to make out one of the constellations.
“That.” Gladiolus motioned towards the window with his glass.
You turned from the window to them than back, “Sometimes I, Ah!” You let out a shriek as you felt Noctis grab your shoulder slamming your back against the window, before grabbing your chin forcing you to look to him. “Noct?”
“Do we not give you enough?” Noctis hissed.
You flinched as the dark magic rolled off of him, you turned frighten eyes to the others, hoping at least one of them would come to your rescue. One of them could normally assist when one or the others got like this and you couldn’t get a word in. But they all had that same look, and the magic was suffocating.
“No.” You tried.
“No, we’re not!” Noctis growled.
“No, no” You cried, “Please no, I don’t.”
Noctis pressed your back further against the window, you swear you heard a crack, “Are we not good enough for you, Y/N?”
You shook your head tears streaming down your face, as you rose your arms reaching out for him, pleading with him as you felt yourself starting to hyperventilate. “…you.”
Noctis release your jaw allowing for you to speak, “What?”
You shook your head, reaching out to take his hand, pulling it to your heart, “I love you, all of you.” You cried. “Sometimes I think about my life before, and how much it has gotten better. If it wasn’t for your love where would I be? Please don’t ever think I don’t love you.”
The pressure of magic released from around you as you let out a gasp, only to feel Noctis’s arms wrap around you tightly. You didn’t even hesitate to hold him back your face buried within his shoulder, nuzzling him softly.
“Oh, Noct I got tears all of your suite.” You hiccupped pulling away trying to push away your tears.
“It’s fine, did I scare you?” He asked, moving you over to the couch as Gladiolus pulled you to his lap, as Ignis and Prompto begun to clean your face.
You shook your head as you smiled towards him, “No, I know that you would never hurt me.”
“That’s right.” Noctis smiled, leaning forward pressing a kiss to your lips. “We love you too much.”
You cooed, “Thank you, Noctis.”
It was one of those rare nights where you were left alone for the evening, the boys had duties to attend to and you were stuck going to bed alone. So you fell asleep on the couch, waiting for one of them to bring your upstairs to tuck you in for the night. Only to feel yourself being carried by someone a lot earlier than you thought, and the arms didn’t feel familiar.
“Shh, you don’t want to get caught?”
You blinked awake, that wasn’t one of you beloveds, only to struggle immediately, “Let me go!” You hissed.
“Stop it! I’m trying to rescue you!”
You slammed an elbow into their temple, as they dropped you, you felt a sting in your arm, but you managed to scramble away far enough, finding yourself in the garden. You turned pulling up your nightdress as you raced towards the door to get back in, only to find yourself tackled to the ground.
“What the hell? Did that bastard brand you?” The person barked their hand to your neck.
“Let me go! Noctis! Noc, mpgf!” You were muffled by a hand over your mouth.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?”
You turned looking over your shoulder, this person looked familiar but you weren’t certain as to why. This only started your thrashing again, as you tried to pull away.
“I’ll get you out of here. I don’t know what spell those bastards have you under but we’ll break it. I promise.”
You dug your fingers into the ground, pulling up quite a bit of dirt before turning throwing it into the person’s eyes, getting a leg between the two of you as you pushed off. “Stay away from me!”
“Y/N, it’s me.”
You blinked the person finally taking shape, he was a soldier that you had maybe a little crush on a while ago and may have gone on a few dates but it didn’t feel right. “What do you want from me!?”
“Please, I can get you out of here. I have a car waiting, we can go anywhere you want, Hammerhead, Altissa, Fuck I’ll even take you to Tarabene.”
“Why would I want to go anywhere like that! My home is here. The men I love are here.”
“Men?” The man stepped forward taking your upper arms within his grasp. “Is it all of them? How far under a spell do they have you?”
“I’m under no spell.” You hissed, “I love them, and I sooner light myself on fire then let something like you take me anywhere. Now let me go!”
He seemed to think it over, before wrapping your wrist tightly, kneeling and tossing you over his shoulder, “You’re not thinking right, I’ll get you somewhere, I’ll take care of you.”
You kicked and scream, trying to toss yourself off his shoulder.
“I think you have something that belongs to us.”
You couldn’t stop the smile you knew that voice, “Gladdy!”
“I would care to know as to who this ruffin believes himself to be taking something that doesn’t belong to him.”
“Iggy.” You cooed.
“Ever heard of not touching what isn’t yours.”
“Enough talk.”  A flash of a sword.
You saw another sword being drawn from your “hero”, the guy didn’t wrap your legs, so you kicked out disarming him. Within the disarray, he had dropped you hard on the ground, you felt the pain blossom in your shoulder, turning wide eyes to the man who reached for you, only for Noctis’s sword to meet his throat.
“Ignis, Prompto see to Y/N. I want a word with our little would be hero.” Noctis growled.
You allowed for Ignis to cut your bonds, as you gave him and Prompto quick little kisses as thank you, moving over to Noctis, and your would-be hero.
“Y/N are you so stupid that you don’t even see what they’ve done to you. You had a life outside of here, and now you’re just…”
“Living a better one. Even if I need a hero you would never be it.” You scoffed, “I’m fine where I am. Noctis my I make a request please?”
Noctis rose an eyebrow.
“Can we please throw this hero in the dungeon, death would be too kind.”
Noctis wrapped an arm around your waist, “Of course.”
You could not wait for this day! This day was absolutely perfect! Granted you couldn’t see your beloveds as it wasn’t “tradtion” for the groom, well, in this case, grooms to see the bride prior to the ceremony. So you were able to sneak away for just a moment.
Granted it was kind of hard to sneak anywhere within a large wedding dress that weight more than a behemoth. Still, you found your way down to the dungeon, granted dungeon didn’t really call it right, it was more a glorified holding cell. You only had one guest at the time, and that guest seemed rather upset to see you in your bridal glory.
“So you’re really going to go through with this.” Your Hero from months ago, you never even cared to relearn his name. “Gods, Y/N, I thought you were smarter than this.”
You let out a cackle, turning around as the symbol for the Kings easily vanished from the back of your neck, “Or maybe I’m getting everything I want.”
Wide eyes stared to you as you turned back around, “You, you have them under a spell!”
You rolled your eyes, “Are you really so dumb? No spell needed. My beloveds actually do love me so much, and I have to say I’m actually very fond of them too, they’re absolute sweethearts. Granted those tempers make things a little interesting.”
“So you’re playing them?”
“Oh, oh no, I really do love them. The thing being the entire set is just as nice as one and I lucked out that they all adore me. That wonderful power, do you feel it?” You smirked leaning forward. “I wouldn’t dare give that and their love up.”
“You…you bitch!”
You slammed a heeled foot into the glass wall before you, “Careful with the names. My husbands wouldn’t take to kindly to it.”
“Princess? Princess, we are ready.” A call came down the hall from one of the  maids.
You spared a glance to your Hero, only to raise your eyebrows, knowing that the effect of your magic glare took effect, only for the glow to fall from your eyes, as the brand that matched three of your four beloveds returned. You turned up your lip giving the man a smirk, waving your ringed hand to the man, as you left.
“Here comes the bride.”
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jazzraft · 6 years
A late Day 25 for the NyxNoct New Year’s Challenge: “Yes!” also on AO3!
“Yes! Score one more for Prompto!”
He pumped his fist in the air and trotted a circle around the couch, holding his controller aloft like a victory torch. Gladio applauded his circuit with a deadpan slow-clap, of which Prompto bowed to as if it were a thunderous stadium’s worth of applause.
“I’m on fire today!” Prompto crowed, bouncing back down to the couch to ready himself for the next round.
“Noct,” Gladio grouched. “C’mon. Where’s your head at? I had money riding on you for the last two rounds.”
Ignis cleared his throat, now that Gladio had brought it up. Coins clinked between hands, and Ignis was now a day of city bus fare richer. “You were overdue for some losses,” Ignis told him. “Though, Noct. I rather expected you would put up at least a bit of a fight.”
“Put your head in the game, man!” Prompto said, slapping him in the shoulder. “Give me a challenge! You’re making this way too easy.”
Noctis smiled, too distracted by the casual comfort of being among his friends to focus on the game. It was always easy to get them all together in one room, but it was hard to focus on what he wanted to say, and why he’d gathered them to his apartment in the first place.
Ignis – ever the observant, ever the vigilant; ever the almost supernaturally acclimated to the atoms of Noct’s emotional status – called the attention for him. “Noct, is something the matter?”
Prompto paused the game before the next round could start up. Gladio sat up straighter in his chair. And Noctis could have laughed at how serious they suddenly all looked, ready to fight whatever was “the matter” with him. That snap-to devotion is what made deciding between the three of them so hard.
“No,” Noctis said, purposefully light. “Nothing’s wrong. Just having trouble coming to a decision, is all.”
“Decision over what?” Gladio asked, brow lifting the scar over his eye. A badge of honor for all he’d done to protect Noctis. And maybe a reminder of why it should be him standing at his side?
But then there was the evidence of Iggy’s and Prompto’s worthiness, too. The nearly psychic link between him and Specs, leading Ignis around the kitchen in search of snacks to help buoy whatever this mysterious decision of his might be. The orbital connection between him and Prompto, his friend sidling ever so slightly closer to Noct’s space in case he needed a hug to get through this. These little things just made picking between them that much harder.
Noctis cleared his throat, rubbing a hand along the back of his neck and looking down at the coffee table, playing it off as casually as he could. “Well, I’m getting married soon. Kinda need a best man for it.”
For a second, it was as if all sound had been suctioned straight out of the room as his three friends stalled over what he’d just said. The processing happened almost simultaneously, their faces changing from stunned to ecstatic in a second.
“I’ll have to be your best man,” Gladio declared. “Because Prompto needs to be the official royal wedding photographer. And you know Iggy’s got to be in charge of the cake.”
“It won’t be a cake,” Ignis said, already pacing the kitchen with ideas. “A galette of some sort, or perhaps a croquembouche… something that marries both Lucian style and Galahdian flavor.”
Noctis snorted. “I could be marrying an Altissian for all you know!”
Prompto threw the plush fish that often occupied the couch since its inception into the apartment at his face. “Oh please! Like you’re not gonna marry the guy that gave you a fish for your anniversary. If that’s not true love, I don’t know what is.”
Noctis caught the little stuffed animal, thoughtfully selected for its material in the Lucian tradition of giving cotton on the second anniversary. It was supposed to be for wedding anniversaries. Guess Nyx just couldn’t wait to be married when he gave it to him. Neither could Noct.
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lj-todd · 6 years
PROMPT: #12, Old West AU: Noctis/Nyx
The journey to the town of Galahd had been, thankfully, uneventful and, also thankfully, by train for the most part. At the train depot Noctis had found a carriage waiting for him that would take him the rest of the way.It two three days more from the depot before they finally reached the quaint little town of Galahd.Noctis was surprised to find the town was bigger than he had expected. The carriage passed by several stores and a bank before it slowed, coming to a stop in front of a building with the word SHERIFF painted in dark letters above the door and front windows.The young man felt his palms sweat and he looked at his companion, his escort and childhood friend, Ignis, who had come with him to ensure he reached his betrothed and didn’t run off. Like he had the last three times his parents had tried to get him to marry.Ignis moved the moment the driver opened the door, stepping out first and holding his hand back for Noctis to take. A gesture Noctis ignored. Choosing to climb out himself. It earned him a reproachful look from his escort but, thankfully, Ignis said nothing as he led Noctis towards the sheriff’s office.Inside they were greeted not by the sheriff but by one of his deputies. A charming yet fierce woman named Crowe.
“Nyx had to go deal with an incident out at the Izunia ranch,” Crowe explained, offering them both seats by the desk Noctis assumed belonged to the sheriff. His betrothed. “Should be back in a few though.”Ignis nodded, thanking her, but Noctis was too busy studying the things on the desk. Papers and warrants, mostly, but there was also a framed photograph of two women, clearly a mother and daughter, smiling and happy and his heart jerked sharply. Had his soon-to-be husband been married before? Was this a reminder of the family he had lost? No one had mentioned that. No one had said he was a second prize for…A commotion outside caught his attention and he quickly turned, as did Ignis, and watched as a man, tall and broad, dressed in dusty dark clothes, a scowl fixed firmly on his face came stomping into the office.For a heart stopping moment, Noctis worried this was the man he had been sent to marry. But then a voice spoke from behind the big man.“Get a move on there, Titus. You know the drill by now.”The man moved and, behind him, stood a man, dressed just as darkly, with a cocky grin and twinkling blue eyes. He was tall, not as tall as the other man, Titus, and lean, but he held an air of command. His dark hair was swept back and intricate braids were woven here and there. He gave the big man a slight push towards the back of the building, where the cells were no doubt, and though still scowling, the man went without complaint.“Crowe,” the man who was clearly the sheriff called to the deputy. “You want to get Titus settled in with a cup of coffee? He’s gonna spend the night. Let things cool down with Izunia before he heads back to work.”Crowe nodded and gestured towards Noctis and Ignis.“Your company arrived, Nyx,” she said before disappearing with Titus, who glanced curiously at them.“Thanks, Crowe,” the sheriff called after her before turning to Noctis and Ignis. “Hope you weren’t waiting long. Didn’t count on Titus and Izunia getting into it again this morning.”“Is this a…” Ignis sniffed delicately. Likely finding the whole situation distasteful. “A common occurrence?”Nyx chuckled moving around to take his seat behind the desk, speaking to Ignis but looking at Noctis.“Near three or four times a month,” the sheriff admitted with a grin. “Titus is the lead hand out at Izunia‘s ranch and sometimes they butt heads. Give ‘em a night though and Izunia comes to fetch his husband with his tail between his legs, begging forgiveness for whatever nonsense started the whole thing to begin with.”“They’re married?” Noctis blinked and glanced back towards where the cells were. “But why would you…”“Oh, Titus ain’t under arrest,” Nyx explained, still grinning. “He just spends a night here every now and again to remind Izunia that without him nothing gets done around that ranch.”Nyx’ cocky smile changed then. Softening, becoming gentle, as he looked at Noctis.“I’m sure this is not how you planned on meeting the man you’re set to marry,” he said kindly and Noctis couldn’t deny how the way Nyx was looking at him made heat bloom in the pit of his belly. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to meet you when you arrived.”“It’s fine,” Noctis immediately replied. Meaning it. “You were doing your job. I understand.”Nyx’ gaze softened further and leaned forward, resting his arms against his desk, smiling warmly.“Thank you,” the sheriff said and Noctis barely kept from squirming in his seat. There was something about Nyx, handsome as he was in that rough cowboy way, that pushed buttons Noctis didn’t know he had. “Now, should we discuss this wedding we’re supposed to be planning because, I can assure you, I don’t know anything about weddings and all that. My mother and sister might be some help but me? Pfft, be useless as tits on a boar.”While Ignis looked almost scandalized at Nyx’ crude language, Noctis laughed. The first time since being told he was being sent west to marry the man.He had no idea but, in that moment, Nyx vowed to himself he would do whatever it took to make Noctis smile and laugh. That, to the sheriff, seeing Noctis smile and laugh had been the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. That it would become Nyx’ mission to make Noctis happy in Galahd. To make him happy in their marriage. To build something between them that was real. That would work.He had no idea then but, in the years that followed, he would learn it.He would learn all that and more.Like how much he would come to love Nyx Ulric.
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iggys-sous-chef · 6 years
There’s Something About You(r Love)
I am so behind, but here is my contribution to Ignyx week! I will finish these prompts, I promise, real life has just been in the way of my creative process lately.  Sorry for the late post @ignyxweek
Title: There’s Something About You(r Love) Pairing: Ignis x Nyx Chapter 1 of 7 Word Count: 2623 Rating: Went ahead and slapped on Mature, will most likely jump by the final chapter Warnings: None this chapter.
For ease of reading you can also check it out on my AO3
Ignis hurried from his car, holding his satchel against his hip as he jogged toward the building. Class had already started thirty minutes ago and he couldn’t believe that he, Ignis Scientia - the man who would probably show up early to his own fucking funeral - was late. He’d already missed warm ups, and he huffed as he took the steps two at a time to reach the glass double doors.
He had been eyeing his watch as the conference carried on. It was supposed to have ended at five, giving him enough time to change and get a cup of coffee before driving across the city to find a decent parking spot at the Lucian Artist League, and make it to the studio and get set up before class began at six.
As the meeting droned on, Ignis formulated a plan. At 5:15 it was skip coffee; at 5:30 it was screw the scenic spot and pay to park in the nearby garage ; at 5:45 Ignis was doing all he could to not tear his hair out.
This class was important to him. He’d heard the lectures from his uncle before. He'd heard every variant of art not being a real profession when he initially admitted it was what he wanted to do for a living. “Why do you think they're called starving artists?” he'd been asked time and again in mockery. Ignis believed that maybe if he just followed the path set before him that he could at least take some classes to hone his skill, make some friends.
Yet twice a week he was still met with disdain when he parted to head for the League. Both his Uncle and Lucis Caelum Enterprises claimed his Monday through Friday; the president's son, who now had a seat at the board of directors table, kept him busy beyond his scheduled hours. All he wanted was six hours a week. Two three-hour long classes. He didn't think he was asking for much, which was exactly why he didn't let the usual hang ups stopped him from enjoying his time at the studio.
But he'd also never been late before and he was still in his attire from work perfectly pressed slacks and a crisp button-down hugged his frame and place of his usual 2 large T-shirt and paint spotted jeans. He simply didn't have the time to day and if he ruined one outfit and the name of something he loved then so be it.
The door was locked when he arrived, so he knocked and waited. If his timing was correct, they should only be halfway into the first twenty minute set. He idly tapped the toe of his foot as he waited, wondering if maybe he should have just gone home. Being late was awkward and he felt like he was only causing undue trouble. However, when the door opened, he was met with a soft smile from one of the instructors.
“I was worried when I didn’t see you at the beginning of class,” she commented as she ushered him inside.
“My apologies, Gentiana, work ran late this evening.”
She nodded gently in understanding. “When the next set begins do a few sketches to warm up first.”
Ignis grabbed an easel and took up a vacant spot with a sigh, passing on a hello or two to his familiar classmates. The small bell they used to signal sessions and breaks rang and Ignis abandoned setting up his palette in favor of his sketchbook and pencils.
Of course, it was only as he looked up that he noticed they had two models today. In addition to Crowe, who he had grown accustomed to seeing every week, stood a man with his hip cocked to the side, head tilted. His eyes raked over his sun kissed skin and back up, noting the toned nature of his muscles, the minimalist tattoos, the scar on his chest, how his hair was combed back, braids adorning the sides, and gods when did a five o’clock shadow ever look that good?
Slate blue eyes slid over to him and Ignis froze, feeling his face warm. His lips curled upward a bit and Ignis quickly looked away to his blank page. His heart was pounding and he couldn't make heads or tails of it. It wasn’t as if this was the first male model in class, but there was something about him that just… left him speechless. He grabbed his pencil and began to sketch the basic pose, not letting himself focus too much on the details.Then he did quick sketches of different parts of him, focusing on the curve of his bicep, or the flex of his calf, or the delicate bend of his toes.
When the bell rang again both he and Crowe put their robes back on, huddling together to talk. “Nyx!” she had exclaimed in a hushed voice before Crowe grinned over at him as the man whispered something to her and Ignis found himself feeling warm again as he tore his attention away to finish setting up his paints. The bell rang again and the models moved back to the center, disrobing. Ignis swallowed as the man took a chair and sat facing him, leaning back against it, legs parted, the right one stretched out comfortably, the toes of his left foot hooked around the leg of the chair.
Ignis couldn’t help but feel like it was some sort of challenge aimed directly at him. He loaded his brush, not one to back down, and began to paint. Nyx watched the latecomer, who he’d learned from Crowe was named Ignis. He was an intense guy, eyes as deep and green as a forest glanced between the easel and his body. Nyx wanted to mess with him, good naturedly of course, but found himself fascinated by his attention. The blush was gone from his cheeks now as he worked diligently, and if Nyx concentrated he could make out his brush strokes amidst all the others.  
When he’d lost the bet with Crowe and had to join her for class, he thought it was going to be some dreadfully boring experience. Nyx was comfortable in his own skin, but he hadn’t anticipated the way his heart pounded as he got undressed behind the partition and draped the robe over his body. He hadn’t been prepared for the stares or feeling his his breath get stuck in his throat as he walked out with her and introduced himself. But after sitting through the warm up exercises he had relaxed considerably. With Ignis’ arrival though, there was just something about him that he couldn’t pinpoint. He looked out of place all fancied up - and it was easy to imagine the top buttons done up and a tie around his neck - whereas everyone else was casual and comfortable.
When the bell rang again, Ignis sat back and set his brush down, taking the picture from his easel as Gentiana came around to collect and set it to dry. Nyx couldn’t help but look at it, and to say he was in awe was a bit of an understatement.  In just twenty minutes Ignis had painted him so… beautifully, and Nyx did not feel egotistical at all admitting that to himself, because right then it was less about him as a subject and more about Ignis’ skill. He decided then that there was definitely more to him under that suit and perfectly coiffed hair.
The evening continued on in twenty minute increments, breaking in between for a quick stretch. The last two sessions were done in the same pose to allow the students more time to focus on their work, and Nyx found himself eager to see what Ignis would do, only to find himself a bit disappointed that he had chosen Crowe for his final piece that evening. He and Crowe went and got dressed behind the partition while the students cleaned up, their chatter rising in the once stillness of the room - compliments and critiques flowing like gentle water over river rocks.
“You should talk to him,” Crowe suggested quietly as she pulled her jeans up.
“Don’t know what you're talking about,” he replied just as cooly as he sat to pull on his shoes.
“Um… Ignis, the guy you asked me about and have been making eyes at all night.”
“Excuse you, I have not been making eyes at him. What does that even mean?”
She snickered. “That you were trying to picture him just as naked as you were…”
Nyx looked up to her, his expression flat. “You have quite the imagination you know.”
She scrunched her nose up. “Just go say hi and introduce yourself at least. Then you can thank me for cheating at that game and getting you to come with me tonight.”
His mouth fell open. “I knew it, you bitch,” he whispered through a smile.
She blew him a kiss. “You know you love me.”
“I dunno… I’m starting to have doubts.”
She tossed her jacket over her shoulder and shrugged before walking off with a wave and a reminder. “It’ll be your loss.”
Nyx stared down at the shirt in his hands before sighing and pulling it on over his head. He stood and finished buttoning up his jeans before grabbing his jacket and heading out from behind the partition. Crowe was already talking with some of the artists, looking at their work.  He spotted Ignis talking with Gentiana and it looked to be a rather private conversation as they were away from the other students. So he counted it as a loss and walked out. Besides, there was always the second class that week for another shot.
As luck would have it, Nyx didn’t need the second class. He’d ventured down the street to this little cafe that served one of his favorite desserts and had some of the best coffee this side of Insomnia. He could use a little pick me up and after ordering, settled in at a little table near the window. The fairy lights overhead twinkled and Nyx pulled out his phone while he waited. He had a message from Crowe already, asking why he bolted. And then if he’d had success talking to Ignis, sent with a winking emoji. He was about to ask her what she meant when the overhead bell chimed and who else walked in but Ignis himself.
Nyx watched him walk up to the counter, order, and pay. While he was standing there Nyx’s name was called and he strolled up, tucking his phone away with a grin. He grabbed his coffee and the tart he’d ordered and then flashed a dazzling smile Ignis’ way. He smiled politely in return, before doing a double take, eyes widening.
Ignis hadn’t been expecting to run into him here of all places - or ever again really. So when he glimpsed that smiling face he didn’t think anything of it, but that gentle curl of his lips is what grabbed his attention. How many times had he drawn that smirk? His heart and his voice stuttered. “It’s you.”
Nyx grinned. “Yeah, what a coincidence running into you here.”
Ignis blushed, or maybe it was because of the dim lighting that Nyx thought he did. “Yes… I usually stop here on my way in to class, but my time was cut rather short today. The coffee here is superb.”
“I think so, too.” Nyx scratched at the side of his neck. “Hey, this may be weird of me to ask, but you wanna join me?”
Being this close to him, seeing more of the detail of his face, how much softer it looked in the ambient lighting, Ignis couldn’t help but be drawn in. “Sure, I’d like that.”
Nyx gestured with a nod of his head as he took his order and Ignis followed him over to the table. “So, Nyx was it? My name is Ignis, it’s nice to meet you… you know, now that I’ve seen you naked.” He smiled a little as he glanced to him and then averted his gaze.
“Nice to meet you, too. Your work is really nice. I was a bit amazed at how quickly you can get all those details down.”
Ignis smiled a little. “Lots of practice. This is my third year at the League. I enjoy it quite a lot.”
“With your get up I didn’t quite picture you as an artist,” Nyx commented off hand as he unrolled his fork from the napkin and prepared to cut into the pastry.
“Oh… I do it for fun, it keeps me sane when the nine to five gets a little … suffocating.”
Nyx supposed he could understand, but then again he ran a bar with one of his childhood friends and so it felt more like play than work - not to say it didn’t have its moments of being downright exhausting. “What is your nine to five? Are you a lawyer or something?”
“Or something. Officially I’m an accountant, unofficially I’m also a secretary, errand boy, and baby sitter,” Ignis replied with a soft chuckle.
Nyx pulled a face. “Sounds tough, buddy.”
Ignis loved his work, when it wasn’t consuming his life. And the president’s son had become one of his better friends, yet he was still quite demanding. “You’ve no idea.” His name was called then and Ignis stood, excusing himself to retrieve his coffee and the slice of apple pie he had ordered.
Nyx let his gaze shamelessly follow him, thinking that suit had to be tailored to his body because it was criminal how it hugged his frame. He smiled as Ignis returned and they sat in companionable silence as they ate, offering up a sample bite of each other’s treats. As the food slowly disappeared Ignis began to look a bit nervous. He probably thought he was hiding it well, but Nyx was pretty keen on reading other people. Crowe called it creepy. But he thought it was a useful talent to have. It was the subtle actions really, the finger gliding along the fork, the slow way he scraped bits of crumbs into the pie or tapped the side of his cup before lifting it to his lips.
“Hey Nyx-” he began at the same time he sighed and said “Out with it Ignis.”
They both stared at each other in silence for a moment before Nyx softly laughed. “Go ahead, Ignis, what’s up?”
Taking a deep breath, Ignis steeled himself. “Would you model for me? Privately, that is.”
Nyx’s eyes widened; he hadn’t been expecting that question. “Come again?”
Ignis deflated a little. “Because of my schedule I only attend the night classes. We have a project due at the end of the month and I need a subject. I know we’ve only met, and I know nothing of your personal schedule, but I will pay you to make up for any loss of income,” he offered.
Nyx thought for sure when he offered to pay that Ignis was either very kind or very desperate - or perhaps a bit of both. He looked down into his empty cup and then back to him, and those intense eyes of his pinched in hope. Part of him was drawn to this man, had been ever since he saw him walk into class, and for whatever reason fate or coincidence had deemed for them to meet again. Perhaps it was just for this moment to happen.
He pursed in lips in mock thought, drawing out the moment and the look in Ignis’ eyes. He sighed and offered up another smile. “Buy me another coffee and you’ve got a deal.”
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Witch and familiar au what if one of the guys from ff xv was cursed as a furry animal and mc, the local witch, finds them and takes care of them and poof they wake up with a half whatever animal/human in their bed and the other is just all "yeah so this awkward but I gotta a good explanation." Im leaning heavily on it being Prompto with some form of dog ears.
I’m glad I can finally get to this request, @roshytsunami! I was originally going to do HCs about a lot of characters in this situation, but now I think I’ll do a short fic.
I think your idea about half fish Noctis (wait, that’s a merman, right?) is awesome! I also really want to see faun Gladio (goat legs and maybe horns?) and maybe a half cat Ignis…rotfl idk. OHH! What about a half falcon Ravus, so he can have wings?!?! Or a wolfy Nyx?! Ok, I’m getting ahead of myself. I don’t have time to write all of these right now >.
If any of these ideas sound good to you, please request them! I get to requests before originals and use them to gauge what ideas people think sound interesting.
Btw, Roshy is a mod for an upcoming Prompto centered zine that you can check out here!
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Prompto just works too well with SnapChat…
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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Love Spell
Eye of newt,Tongue of dove,A blue flame’s soot,NOW SHOW MY LOVE!
Over your table top cauldron you chanted, throwing each ingredient in. The small container bubbled with a pinkish liquid until you chanted the last line, in which it overflowed into yellow steam over the sides. It was the color of a sunflower explosion.
Fitting, considering who you were looking for.
You must be truly desperate to be trying your own spell to find him, you thought to yourself. The room around you stayed quiet as the yellow steam dissipated.
Life wasn’t easy for your friendly neighborhood modern witch. The tarot cards were moody and only liked to read misfortune while your modern cauldron was the size of a two cup measuring cup. Who could afford a giant cast iron pot these days? You made up most of your own spells because the ingredients for the ones you found in old books or online all called for expensive items that couldn’t be found in your city. You were a witch that flew by the seat of your pants, not a broom.
Without warning, the smell of the potion exploded into the room. It was an unpleasant combination like cheap cologne and a seeding mint plant. The odor overwhelmed your small flat and your ran to the kitchen window, throwing it open to gasp at the fresh air.
As your lungs took their fill, you lingered in the warm windowsill. The sun glowed on your skin, heating your body after the cold of your flat. Your fingers played in the soft soil of your flower box, dancing between your herb plants.
Your eyes stared off into the sunny day, willing you to wander down the busy streets below in search of him. You dreamed of him as your gaze settled on your neighbors yellow and orange marigolds. They reminded you of his hair and cheerful smile.
The man you loved had been gone for three days now. He had gone out to get you coffee and never returned. You missed your love and were worried sick about him.
Sure, you had only been dating for a few weeks now, but you knew you loved him the moment you met him. It was the type of situation where the word just fit. He was your sunshine: the light of your life and the warmth to your days. But you had been too scared to tell him that. Now, you were worried you’d never get the chance to.
It had been three sleepless nights, thousands of missed calls, and hundreds of hours out looking for him. But he was still gone without a trace.
You were woken from your daydream by a sound at the door: scratching. Oh by the six, had you summoned something with your made up ramblings?
You spun from the window, grabbing the first item that could be used as a weapon, which happened to be a large wooden spoon. You held your new sword before you, ready for whatever was going to tear your door down. Your breathing came in gasps and your hands shook as you listened to the soft scratching.
Every sound made you flinch. You felt certain that the front door would come flying towards you at any moment. Your heart beat thrummed in your ears.
“HERE IT COMES here IT comes here it COMES here itcomeshereitcomes” the words tumbled through your mind faster than you could comprehend them.
But nothing happened.
The door stayed perfectly still. When a soft whimpering was heard from the other side.
It sounded like a puppy.
You willed your frozen feet to move, to help you find out what was outside that door. Your initial instinct was to believe it a daemon’s trick, something to lure you outside, but curiosity got the best of you.
One hand on the doorknob, the other holding your spoon up to strike, you whispered, “Please don’t kill me,” before you threw the front door open.
Staring ahead, you half expected to see some giant, red and black glowing beast, ready to tear you apart. Instead, there was nothing.
You looked down towards movement on the floor to see a golden colored puppy sitting at your feet.
The two of you stared at each other in confusion, before it barked at you with its shrill but adorable voice.
Your head snapped to the upheld spoon. “Sorry!” You apologized while lowering it. The puppy rose to all four feet, trying to measure up to you.
You picked up the small baby, holding it before you to examine it. “So…boy,” you confirmed. “Tell me, are you some great daemon in disguise that I summoned to bring about my own bloodied doom?” You looked the bundle of fluff in the eyes. He just whimpered and waged his tail at you.
“AWWWW! You’re too cute to be here to hurt me! Aren’t you little guy!” At the will of this squirming puppy, you became a baby talking, giddy, melty mess. If it was going to kill you, at least you’d die happy from seeing something so adorable. You carried the little pup inside, cradled in your arms.
The rest of your day was spent drenched in sunlight, warm away from your sorrow. You now had someone to care for.
You made some homemade food for your new friend and stitched up some makeshift toys. You would sprawl out on your living room rug and play with him. As the sun was setting, painting the bricks of your flat in orange, you realized he still didn’t have a name. You smiled, watching the puppy yawn, content to put the task off until tomorrow.
You cuddled into your bed, soft and safe from the world outside. Your new friend whimpered on the floor, until you relented, picking him up to cuddle into your blankets with you. He curled up in your arms and was soon snoring under your adoring gaze.
It felt like mere moments later when you awoke. Everything was so warm; from the morning sun streaming in, to your blankets, even the breath on your skin.
Breath on your skin?!
You looked down frantically. Were a soft puppy had once laid, now a blond haired handsome man lay, curled up against your chest.
Your cheeks burned red as you scuttled backwards. Your bed mate moaned in his sleep.
“PROMPTO!?!” You cried! Was he really here? Now? Was this a dream?
“Errmm, [Y/N]?” He blinked sleep filled eyes, trying to focus on you. “[Y/N]!!!!” He realized suddenly who you were, tackling you onto the other side of the bed.
He was so excited to see you! You had to close your eyes to the onslaught of kisses…very wet kisses.
“Prom! Where have you…what have you…” He pulled away from you, his sky blue eyes staring into yours. You couldn’t help but notice small, fluffy ears sticking out of his golden hair as his tongue lolled out his open mouth. “What happened?!”
“I missed you so much, [Y/N]! I swear I can explain everything!” He dove into a rambling story, a tail swishing in your sheets to his cadence.
Ears, tongue, a tail…had your puppy friend been Prompto?!
“Prom, Prompto, sunshine…PROM! Stop!” Finally you got him to quiet. “I don’t think it’s all worn off…” You picked up your phone to show him what he looked like in the camera. He stared obliviously happy at you as you took his picture.
You turned your phone around. It took him a moment to recognize his own reflection. When he did, he snatched the device from your hands.
“THAT’S ME?!” He cried as though it was your fault.
You just nodded, still in shock at the puppy boy in front of you. A blush bloomed again. You had slept with the puppy, you had rolled around on the floor with the puppy, you had seen the puppy’s…
He started to panic, still staring at your phone.
“You were that puppy!” The realization left your lips.
“YEAH! AND NOW I’M ME BUT I’M STILL PUPPY AND…” Prompto had at least triple your anxiety.
You took a moment to breath. Everything was crazy, but he was here now. That’s what mattered.
“Prom, what happened?” You hoped your forcibly calm voice would help him.
“There was this person and I bumped into them and they knew my name and then I saw them here and…”
He was going to give himself a panic attack at this rate! So, you stopped him in the best way you knew how.
You pressed your lips to his. You had missed these soft lips. You felt the tension in your body release as you tasted his wet lips, letting your souls click into place.
Gently, slowly, you pulled away. “What was that for?” Your sunshine asked breathlessly.
“True love’s kiss and all that jazz,” you replied softly, half hoping it had worked.
“Oh…better try again, then.” And in an instant, your lips were reunited.
You could feel the heat in your cheeks rise. You had never purposefully been in a bed with Prompto,  much less like this before!
As heat was starting to build, he suddenly pulled away, his eyes wide. He jumped out of the bed and made for the bathroom.
“Prom? Honey, what’s wrong?” You called, concerned by his sudden departure.
“Gotta go!” He called, slamming the door.
You smiled at the strange scene.
“IT’S REALLY HARD TO GO WHEN YOU KEEP TRYING TO RAISE YOUR LEG!” He yelled from the other side of the door. Yeah, your Prompto was back.
The rest of the morning was filled with a slow breakfast and as much time in each other’s arms as you could have. Prompto kept trying to lick you instead of kiss you and he accidently did whine a few times.
Eventually, you pieced together his story. It sounded like a rival witch had been trying to cast this spell on you, when Prompto walked out of your apartment and right into it! You laughed with him but vowed to get revenge on whoever did this.
With a little bit of research and luck, you discovered that Prompto’s transformation would go away with time and “warm love”. He would need to constantly be around someone he loved, to take care of them and be cared for, until all the symptoms went away, or else he would transform back into a puppy!
“You poor thing! The shock of the transformation must have scared you so bad that you ran away!” You pet his head, trying to comfort him through understanding.
Prompto laughed nervously.
“What’s wrong, babe?”
“I guess…this means the cat’s out of the bag…heh or the dog.” He did a weak finger guns to you.
“The ‘L’ word stuff! LOVE! Now you know…” He looked down sadly. “And I never got to surprise you or make it super romantic or something…”
You smiled, pulling him in close for a tight hug. “Yeah, but I don’t need that, because I have you.” You pulled away to hold is face in your hands. “Prompto, I love you and I never want to lose you again.”
His eyes sparked. “I love you, too, [Y/N]. Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”
You held each other tight, wrapped in the strongest magic the world had ever known: Love.
“I was a pretty cute puppy, wasn’t I?”
“Yes, you still are!”“I am not!” “You can still be very dog-like at times.”
“Well, you don’t need a leash to keep me around.” ;)
“What if I want one?”
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elemyah · 6 years
Link: Ao3 Title: Wearing Thin Rating: Teen+ Pairings: Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia Warnings: - Summary: After Noctis entered the crystal, Ignis’ obsession with defeating Ardyn becomes worse than ever, to the point Gladio isn’t just worried about his health, but also about their relationship.
Few things on Eos annoyed Gladio as much as Ignis Scientia.
No, it wasn’t because of his sarcastic sense of humor, or his stupidly sexy accent, or that perfect ass, or even how gorgeous his eyes were behind his glasses. No, he was way over his teenage days of hating Ignis over those details and just accepted that some people were blessed by nature. Furthermore, he was grateful that all of that goodness was his goodness, and loved each and every aspect of that man…
But he couldn’t stand how he never seemed to take a break.
It only became worse after his confrontation with Ardyn. As if almost killing himself with the ring of Lucii hadn’t been enough, he was now obsessed with preparing the world for the battle they would inevitably face as soon as Noctis came back.
Noct… His absence made everything harder. Ignis avoided touching the subject, but Gladio knew how much he missed the brat — and, to be honest, he did too. After such a long time with the four of them spending almost every moment of every passing day together, being suddenly reduced to three had been a shock. And Ignis, who had acted as an older brother to him since childhood, had it worse than anyone.
Gladio entered the room without knocking, because he knew that would piss him off — serves him right for being stubborn. As expected, Ignis was sitting in front of his desk, surrounded by an intimidating pile of documents, and pretended not to notice him. Gladio approached him, standing behind his chair, glancing at the detailed report from Lestallum he was reading. Looking at it was enough to make him feel exhausted.
“Iggy…” he said in his sweetest tone, placing his hands on Ignis’ shoulders. “Don’t you think you should take a break?”
“There’s no need,” the answer didn’t surprise him. “But I’ll gladly accept a cup of coffee.”
Gladio furrowed his brow. It wasn’t unusual for Ignis to drink coffee, but…
“You’ll end up dying like this,” he said. “I’m serious, this much caffeine can’t be good for your health. Are you sure you still have blood in your veins, by this point?”
“I certainly hope so.”
For someone who was always fussing over them, he sure was good at neglecting his own needs.
“C’mon, just rest for a few hours.”
“I’m fine, don’t worry.”
That stubbornness was starting to get on his nerves.
“Ignis, I swear…” his tone became more serious. “If you don’t take a damn break, I will tie you to the bed.”
“Isn’t it a bit early to be having kinky thoughts, Gladiolus?”
“Don’t you start being sassy on me.” He leaned forward, taking that report from Ignis’ hands, proceeding in a softer voice: “Just for a few hours, it’s all I’m asking.”
Ignis stayed silent for a moment, considering his options.
“Fair enough,” he said. “It’s not like I’ll get anything done with you distracting me, anyway.”
Gladio smiled, giving him a brief kiss on the face.
“Good,” he said. “Just sleep, I’ll come wake you later.”
Ignis didn’t answer, walking to his bed. Gladio waited until he lay down and closed the door. When he came back, an hour later, Ignis was already back at his desk. He considered starting another discussion about that behavior, but gave up, leaving the room in silence.
For the next months, Gladio tried to keep it to himself, respect Ignis’ way of doing things and avoiding a possible confront. But, instead of it getting better, Ignis started to neglect his own health even more. He had lost weight, and slept just the bare minimum during the night. Gladio thought that, if they weren’t living together, it would be even worse, since many times he was the one insisting that Ignis took a short break, or even reminding him that he hadn’t eaten in almost ten hours. He feared that, at such rate, he would end up sick, or worse.
And, honestly, he couldn’t take that situation anymore.
“Iggy,” he said, standing beside his chair.
“Yes?” Ignis raised his eyes to him.
Gladio took a deep breath. He knew it wouldn’t be easy.
“This needs to stop,” he said.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about. I let you do whatever you wanted, and, as a result, you’ve been getting more and more careless about yourself.”
“Gladio, please…”
“No, I won’t back down this time, because I’m tired of seeing you act like this. You don’t even look like yourself anymore!”
Ignis didn’t answer for a while, and when he did, his voice was low.
“Are you breaking up with me?”
That question hurt Gladio more than he thought possible.
“Of course not,” he said. “I’m just worried about—”
“Gladio…” Ignis interrupted him, not looking at his face. “I’ll understand if you’re tired of this. I know it’s not being easy for you to be with me, and I won’t blame you if you think it’s… better like this.”
Gladio just looked at him, unable to believe he had just heard those words. It made him feel a sudden anger grow within himself: was it that simple to him? Could he just end it, as easily as that?
“Is this what you want?” he asked in a low, serious tone.
“This is bigger than what I want,” answered Ignis. “Bigger than me, or you, or anything else.”
He took a deep breath, looking Gladio in the eyes.
“Sorry, but this isn’t something that will change.”
Gladio slammed his fist against the table.
“And I’m supposed to just leave and wait until someone tells me you went and killed yourself while I was away?” he asked in a loud tone. “Do you really think I’d do something like that? It might mean nothing to you Ignis, but it’s important to me! You’re important to me!”
Ignis closed his eyes, clenching his teeth. His silence just made Gladio angrier.
“You keep saying this to yourself,” proceeded Gladio, “that you’re doing this for the greater good, or any bullshit like that. And I’ll stay here, making sure you don’t cross the fucking line, because apparently you can’t do it yourself! Do you think Noct would’ve wanted any of this?”
Ignis stood up, facing Gladio with enraged eyes.
“Noctis is not here!” he screamed at him. “Am I supposed to do nothing until he comes back? And then just watch as we lose him again?”
“I never said that,” retorted Gladio. “But do you think driving yourself to the limit will help Noct in any way?”
“I saw him dying, Gladio! I can’t let this happen! I can’t—”
Ignis voice cracked, and it was like something he had been concealing within himself had finally broken free. He covered his mouth with his hand but couldn’t hold back a loud sob. Tears left his eyes, and he sat on the floor, burying his face in both hands, weeping. Gladio just watched for a moment, taken aback. He never saw Ignis crying so much, not even after what he went through in Altissia. All the anger vanished from his chest as he knelt down beside his partner.
Gladio first touched his shoulder, and seeing that Ignis didn’t reject his touch, hugged him, holding him against his chest.
“I know it’s hard,” he whispered. “I miss him too, every single day. But Noct needs you, alive and well. We all do,” he made a brief pause. “Especially me.”
“But what if this isn’t enough?” asked Ignis. “What if I don’t do everything I can, and I lose him for that? I can’t, Gladio… I can’t.”
“But you don’t have to carry all this burden yourself,” he said. “That’s why I’m here. And Prompto, and Iris, and Cor, and everyone. We’re all fighting for Noct. We won’t let anything bad happen to him. You’re not alone in this, Iggy, so, please, stop acting like you are.”
Ignis didn’t answer for a long time, and Gladio didn’t rush him.
“I’m sorry…” he finally said. “It seems I’m not dealing with this as well as I thought.”
“It’s alright,” Gladio placed a light kiss on his forehead. “Just let us help you.”
Ignis agreed with a nod. He didn’t move away from Gladio, who stayed there, comforting him as he could, reminding him that, no matter what happened, he would be there for him. For everything he needed, until the very end.
And, if Ignis didn’t believe him, he’d just have to prove him wrong.
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