#because depending on what we do we may have to take a financial hit for a while to afford a more reliable but more expensive option
coffee-cait · 8 months
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We apologize to announce this right when 5h0p was reopened but wnnu and I have made the decision to temp close in light of more Pyp@l error issues. We will begin shipping confirmed orders starting Monday and have opened communications with PP to resolve current error issues.
We are now faced with the dilemma of: do we continue our 5h0p on BgC@rt3l but only with Str1p3 as our p@yment option? Or do we have to start over an entirely new platform from scratch?
After multiple instances of this error along with learning of accounts from customers and friends that this has affected them in the past both as 5h0p owners and customers of other BC 5h0ps we feel continuing to allow PP as an option on our BC page is not feasible.
To everyone who has ordered from us we thank you sincerely for all the support you've shown us and for those who've encountered the error and reached out we thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we continuously try to resolve the issue.
When we make our decision on how to move forward we will inform you across socials as soon as we can. Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Thank you all and have a good day, good night and a happy lunar new year!
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lightofraye · 2 months
Gender stereotypes lead to problems when it comes to abuse. Many abuse survivors will be overlooked, ignored, because of that problem. We would like to think that a man, who is usually physically dominant and likely more aggressive, is impossible to be abused.
However, they’re more common than one would think. The way they’re abused also varies greatly.
I know. The question that comes up is: if a man is being abused, wouldn’t we know it? Wouldn’t we see it?
The answer? Nope. You wouldn’t.
Men in abusive relationships is kind of like a dirty secret. People, especially the victims who are living with it, don’t talk about it—if they even realize it’s happening.
Here’s the reason why: Societally, we see it as impossible for a man to be abused. Because if he is, that must mean he’s weak and easily manipulated if the abuser is controlling him or abusing him. Right?
No. Not one bit.
But that impression, that perception, persists, and that keeps the victims from opening up about their abuse and seeking help when it’s needed. Of course, that assumes the man even recognizes he’s being abused. It’s sadly common for the victim to have trouble seeing it and be resistant to admit it.
For a man, admitting he’s being abused can be emasculating, making him feel he’s not a real man. He may decide to develop patterns of behaviors or thoughts to help minimize and explain what he’s experiencing. They may also have a narrower definition of what is considered abuse in a relationship.
Abuse isn’t just physical. If you ask a man if he’s experiencing abuse, he may automatically assume you’re talking about physical abuse, if he’s being hit by his partner. It’s more likely that the man experiencing abuse is dealing with emotional, psychological, verbal, or even sexual abuse.
Many male victims will ignore any other kind of abuse that isn’t overtly physical and fail to recognize what’s happening to them.
This is a huge blind spot in society for the relationship abuse men can experience means we fail to notice how much more common it is than we want to believe.
A woman who is abusive to her male partner, however, may exploit the general restraint men are taught to never use their physical advantage over women in an abusive manner. So she may give into her own anger issues or manipulative instincts and become verbally or emotionally abusive toward her partner. This kind of “you can’t touch me” approach leaves a man unsure of what to do, other than to take it and live with it.
Men are also prone to sexual coercion by women. Rather than forcible sexual abuse, a woman may use sex as a weapon to try to control a man. This may come in forms of withholding sex, promising sex or sexual acts in order to get what she wants, using sexual flirtation to control or outright hurt him.
There is also covert forms of sexual acts—such as forcing fellatio or grabbing genitalia—that can be seen as a form of sexual abuse.
Because some men are responsive to acts of a sexual nature, they may not recognize this manipulation as a form of sexual abuse. However, using anything as a means of trying to control your partner, including sex, can be seen as a form of abuse.
Psychological abuse can also be used. This can include demeaning the man in their life, undermining his confidence, causing the man to feel isolated and dependent. These can manifest in a few ways, such as being socially cut off from friends and normal activities; being called names or intimidated; interfering with family relationships; making unfounded accusations of infidelity; constantly monitoring calls, texts, and social media; and exerting financial control and manipulating or undermining behavior—such as overspending.
In addition, the man’s children may be used against him. They may threaten a man’s access to his children.
So if men don’t want to talk about it and may not even recognize it—and there are no physical signs—how can you tell if a man is being abused?
There are signs to look for.
• Changes in personality. This may not signal abuse, but it means something is going on. Such as an outgoing person becoming withdrawn or a responsible or steady man acting in angry, wild, or irresponsible ways.
• Being anxious or fearful about his partner’s response. Being regularly and overly concerned or anxious about how you partner will respond to you isn’t healthy. It may be a sign of fear that failure to please will result in punitive or abusive measures.
• Becoming overly apologetic. A person experiencing abuse may become accustomed to unnecessarily apologizing or overexplaining their behavior.
• Needing to check in with his partner repeatedly. Along with becoming fearful of his partner’s response may come the need to check in with his partner constantly. Or the partner’s needs to keep tabs on him and know his whereabouts at all times.
• Depression. In men, depression can manifest as anger more so than in a despondent mood.
• Alcohol or substance use. Men are prone to using alcohol as a method of self-medicating. They use it or other substances as a means of managing emotions and escaping. So if a man begins drinking more than usual or starts smoking, consider it a warning sign something may be off.
• Seeming generally unwell. Men are notorious for their inability to express feelings. If a man is experiencing abuse, he may not know how to talk about it, feel ashamed of his situation, or stuff his feelings. This can result in outwardly observable illness. In essence, the abuse is making him sick.
Stopping abuse in any relationship is difficult and complicated. It’d be nice if it were as easy as just saying stop or leaving, but it’s not.
Ending abuse is not something that’s easily done alone. Many people experiencing abuse find that the support of family or friends, and likely a mental health professional, can help them make the needed changes.
It can be done.
But the hardest step for a man is the initial step, which is admitting the abuse exists.
Be there for them. Let them know they’re not alone. Above all, believe them.
Dutton DG, et al. (2013). Male victims of domestic violence. (Opens a PDF)
Friendly C. (2018). The victimization of heterosexual males.
General statistics. (n.d.).
Hine B, et al. (2020). "I have guys call me and say 'I can't be the victim of domestic abuse'": Exploring the experiences of telephone support providers for male victims of domestic violence and abuse.
Mathias T. (2019). Male victims of domestic abuse struggle to disclose abuse.
Male victims of domestic abuse face barriers to accessing support services – new study
Coercive control: Male victims say they aren't believed
The Truth About Abusers, Abuse, and What to Do
Abused Men: Five Painful Issues They Face
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 month
I too considered the term “flop” to be about budget.
For example if a movie costs $100,000.00 to make and it makes back less than that then it is considered a flop because the studio lost money. Even if it hits the budget, it may be looked at by studios at as …..we failed because we gained nothing. But artistry wise, if the world loved it and becomes part of pop culture in a good way…..then is it really a “flop”?
Now of course it’s subjective once you go away from budget. A movie with terrible audience ratings and critics ratings could also be considered a flop but that’s dependent on your individual taste. How many of us have movies we hold dear to our hearts for whatever reason yet they failed at the box office, critics and audiences reviews were terrible yet we watch the movie and like or love it and go…..wth is wrong with people, they don’t understand good art. 😂
As far as the actors standpoint, if I were an actor and my movie flopped at the box office financially, yes I’m nervous because those things are, I assume taken into affect of if I can carry a movie or not, but my saving grace would be if the movie ratings were high, meaning critics and audiences loved the movie, it’s still a win. It also would help my popularity and possibly help push me up the ladder to better opportunities?
Unfortunately with the current trajectory, it seems money is the primary focus for the head executives in charge at these studios and they are scared of taking creative risks and just want profit so from a creative standpoint they don’t care if the movie was well received or not as long as it brings in more money than they spent and gets popularity for said project and actors, then those actors again can use that as leverage when looking for roles.
It seems very complex and again this is all my opinion…..I don’t know crap about that industry. 😅 but I do wonder how spot on I just might be. 🤭
Yes, it’s a loss of money. You have to find that perfect balance of making the money back and a profit plus being a hit with audience, and maybe even critics. I think this is a well thought out ask. I still don’t know why the studio dropped $100M on a romcom was a bad call. At the most, I could see this getting a bit of a surge of viewership at some point, but Apple really needs to work on promotion. What projects do really hear that much about besides Morning Show?
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transforming · 1 year
Life Update + Commissions!
Hey y'all! So here's a life update because right now, it's fucking hell on earth:
I'm going through major financial instability in my life, and as a college student, it's really hitting hard. Parents are out of a job, and my college just implemented a salary earnings cap for student jobs, which honestly I think is stupid and cruel to low-income students like me. On top of that, where I live, students can't work part time jobs outside of university, which would make it even more (and already) extremely difficult for me to cover my living expenses, let alone tuition fees.
After talking to some of my friends in this community about what I could do to keep myself afloat (and try to keep paying for my studies), and after getting some advice on how to proceed, I have decided to open up writing commissions.
To start, here is how it's gonna work with me:
Firstly, send me a message. You could do it over here on Tumblr, that's fine, but I'd much prefer it if you could message me on Discord, since I'm more reachable there. This makes things a lot easier for us to talk through your ideas and delve deeper into them, really flesh them out, and figure things out before I start writing.
Do NOT send me commission requests through asks.
Second, make sure to properly read through my rules below. Pricing details are set out below (rule 4), so make sure to keep that in mind when you're sending a request and when we're in discussion.
The number of commissions I will take on at at time will depend on a number of factors:
balancing my writing with college assignments & priorities
my level of interest
my writing mood / mental health
I'll make sure to provide updates on when I'm open to them or not.
Okay, now that those are out of the way, here are the very important rules that need to be taken in consideration.
The Transforming Commission Rules:
1. I reserve the right to refuse writing commissions.
Beside the above-mentioned reasons for the number of commissions I'm willing to take; or regardless of the reason; or for no given reason, no means no. Flat out.
I may not like the idea. Maybe I'm busy with classes, life or other commissions. Or perhaps my mental health's taken a downwards spin and/or I'm just not in the mood to write at the moment.
Make no mistake, if you pester me and ask if I've reconsidered your idea, I will simply just block you, no questions asked. If you want to politely ask again if my classes/time/mood were the issue for my saying no, I'd be more than happy to talk things out.
Also, please keep in mind that besides writing stories and my college classes, I have a life too. If you message me about a commission and I don't respond immediately, I'm either just busy or asleep.
I'll make sure to reply to those that inquire, it might just take me a sec.
2. Be as creative as possible, but also use your common sense.
As a creative writing student, I'm gonna be hard on this: one-sentence commission requests that just say "Make me into a twink!" or "Turn me into a frat bro!" will more than likely get refused. That said, try to make your request a little more compelling for me.
Come up with a plot summary, throw some more tf's in there, maybe add a delicious plot twist that would subvert a part of your idea, . I can only write so many of one type of tf story - they're fun, but don't make me bored sick of writing any more of them.
Also, be conscientious and realistic about the length you want. I'm no literary god with unlimited time, and I definitely can't fit a heavily descriptive tf AND a good plot in just 1,000 words.
If you're feeling insane super generous, or more supportive to help me out, and want to commission longer pieces (more than 3,000 words), we can talk more about it when you make the request.
3. I have limits. Push them and our deal's off.
Some of these are without question:
Underage characters / tf's (you will immediately get blocked if you make such a request).
Violence / pain / rape / non-consensual acts
Homophobic tf's (refer to my repost of @idesofrevolution's post - they've explained it better than I ever could)
Unrealistic sizes
Animal tf's
Celebrity tf's (more details below)
I'm primarily a male tf writer, so gender tf is fine, but a heavily female focused story is a nope from me.
Don't even think to ask, I simply will not write them.
As much as I used to include them in my previous stories (especially with TF College), I won't generally do celebrity tf's anymore (i.e. stuff like "Turn me into Henry Cavill!") There may be a lot of very sexy celebrities around, and as hot as it may be to become them, I've had my fair share of writing those stories to the point where I'm done with them. Writing up original characters are more my thing these days - I'm a creative writing major, after all.
There is, of course, some flexibility with this, so if you have an idea but aren't completely sure, you can always ask me. If the idea is compelling enough -- and the guy hot enough -- maybe I'll make an exception. That's much better than getting rejected.
4. Payment & Delivery.
See, as much as I'm struggling right now, I'm not inconsiderate either - I know I'm not the only writer going through shit. I also know people aren't gonna dish out money to completely cover my life and instantly get me out of this hellish rut.
That said, I charge $0.04/word (for my British friends, £0.03/word). That's $40 (£30) per 1,000 words, or $20 (£15) for 500 words.
Payment is via PayPal. In full, up front. I will not begin writing until I've been paid.
When it comes to format of delivery, I will send you a pdf of the final story, provided you give me an email to send the pdf to (unless you' message me on Discord, for which I can just send the pdf to you directly).
5. Use of Images & Posting on Public.
The final say on any images included in these commissions are up to you. You're completely welcome to bring your own images to for me to write around, but if you don't have any, I'm happy to try and find some I feel fit the particular story if you'd like me to.
Then again, I can't make any promises. If I can't find image(s) that fit, or you don't like the ones I provide, I won't climb every mountain or cross every stream to find something. These are writing commissions in the end, so keep that in mind.
I'll also give you the final word on posting these commissions here on Tumblr. If you specifically don't want me to post yours, please say so during the process. If you say nothing, I may end up posting some of them after they've been delivered.
If you're okay for me to post the commission, but would like to remain anonymous (as in not get tagged on the post), make sure to let me know that too. This is an easy one to forget, so I'll be reaching out to you on posting after I've delivered it.
- Drew the Transformer
P.S. Don't forget, you can also tip me over on ko-fi, if you can't or don't want to commission! Seriously, any support during this very difficult time is always welcome, but I'll also understand if you can't.
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hypergamiss · 10 months
hello 💕
I’ll be 23 in February. My question is, what steps should I take to get a wealthy HUSBAND. I have a strong desire to be married, i have passion for this as I also don’t have big professional goals. I’ve dated wealthy men before, but they were of a lower caliber & I wouldn’t marry that type. For example, one man was a dealer I dated, took me on exotic trips and bought me things as expensive as 10k Chanel bags but was extremely toxic and too young for me. The second man was a white collar worker, respectable job yet he was an alcoholic and had a spending problem, his spending problem benefitted me, but by the end of the year he was basically broke cause he lost all his money lol. This is NOT healthy sustainable husband material to me. I live in Detroit but im moving to west palm beach Florida in a couple weeks which I know in itself will be a whole different playing field of men. I don’t have long term success with high quality white collar men as I may not fit in. I don’t need a millionaire, just someone with a high paying job and generous. I usually meet my men in clubs or online but I realize now the men of quality I want aren’t going to be there. Any tips ? 💕 I want to be a wife and out the game
Hi! I’ve said this before on here but I think it is worth repeating: I strongly recommend to wait for marriage until you’re at least 25 years of age or older. Obviously you’re going to do what you want but I want you to be aware that when you hit 25 it’s almost like you go through a second puberty and your thoughts change and even things about your body might also. I think it’s better to make life altering decisions after you have become a full grown adult because in our early 20s we simply don’t know what we don’t know. Having a passion for finding a husband while not having a life of your own will make it really hard to find one. You will continue to attract men like the ones you described above if you don’t have your own career and goals. Even if you’re not choosing a career that’s traditional, you have to be passionate about your own interests. Wealthy men tend to be bored in a way especially if they grew up with money. They’ve had many experiences and things given to them because they were simply available and they didn’t have to think about money. Even a self made man will have almost everything they’ve wanted or done what they’ve wanted to do a few years into reaching wealth. If all you have to offer is fixating on him and not being able to hold intellectual conversations he most likely will not stick around. Looks get you in the door and your personality keeps the person interested. Men love to hear you talk about your passions and see you get excited about your own projects. It’s attractive to them. I recently became friends with a wealthy 50yr old and we started talking about dating because he’s single. He said he didn’t really care what his future partner does, as long as she’s actually into something and working on something that gets her excited to start her day. He knows that a kept woman also needs to have something of her own going on or she will always be unfulfilled and unhappy with her entire life, including her marriage. Other than needing your own life/career/goals to be an interesting person this is also important so that you can be interdependent. You are independent when you need to be and you can support yourself financially. You’re dependent on a partner when it suits you, but you should always be able to leave him when your standards are not being met. Nothing gets a man to act right like a woman walking out the door the second he disrespects her. You’re on the right track by realizing that your current routine isn’t working for you. I suggest you go to places where you think you will meet your future husband during the day. Also, don’t underestimate the power of befriending young or older women who might set you up on a date with a man that they are friends with or related to.
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niaoniaos · 2 years
I only just found out about kinpuri and Tackey. I am so shocked. Would you please tell me what your conspiracy theory is 👀
holds up a mic welcome to my ted talk
my conspiracy theories have only been more solidified by several friends doing tarot readings and ALL getting internal conflict so uh. johnnys is about to go through some FUCKIN SHIT
anyways the most "conspiracy" theory i have is that i don't think the reason ren and kaito are giving for staying (to keep king & prince alive for the fans) is the full reason. the news, honestly, would've been more believable to me in the first place if johnnys said all 5 were leaving because they're so attached at the hip, but the fact ren and kaito are staying, just reads as something else to me. idk if its for Japanese trademark law idk if there something in johnnys contracts where after a certain period of time they get access to stuff but idk, ren and kaito staying and keeping the king & prince name alive gives off woohyun publicly saying he only stayed with woolim to try and get all of infinites hard drives and info more than loyalty to the company (especially since all 5 of them leaving together would mean a higher probability of a company just snatching all 5 of them versus them having to sign separately)
the other part is we know that these talks have been happening for over a year. there's no way that in that year, johnny higher ups have not been sending senpai after kinpuri to help negotiate. there's no fucking way matsujun did not talk to sho and be like. what do you want I'll help you get it. the fact that SHO AND KISHI ARE TWO OF THE THREE THAT ARE LEAVING, two of the most loyal fucking people to the company, hirano i make this company so much fucking money sho decided to leave, means that something SO BAD had to happen they couldn't be convinced to stay. i think its more than just a personal ambition to go international. something had to happen to make two of the most loyal people in that company, two of the most quintessential johnnys people want to leave.
the tackey part is while tackey was the jr CEO, there was no way he didn't know this shit was going on. personally i think tackey saw the writing on the wall with kinpuri and went i need to get traja debuted and get the fuck OUT and that's exactly what happened
honestly this is all just very stupid on johnnys part, they're going to take a very large financial hit from this and i think even more instability is going to come. a lot of the jrs wanted to be kinpuri and looked up to those memories, and its gonna shake them. not to mention kinpuri were friends with basically everyone in the company, and while we may not know the whole story I'm sure other artists in the company will find it out, and who knows what will happen with that.
will be interesting to see if theres any sort of power change that happens, especially depending on who sho/kishi/jin sign with.
also sidenote now knowing all of this, seeing how they openly interacted with genki at the racetrack event also reads like a big fuck you to johnnys as well.
ANYWAYS sho is my ult so i will very much support him regardless, but the part that makes me sad is the loss of kinpuri music, they really were stepping outside of the traditional johnnys box and having their musical growth cut so short is just so sad to me.
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papirouge · 2 years
I've seen some girls say they want to be SAHMs not because they want to build a family but because they don't want to work. This seems to be a quite common sentiment among younger girls...
It just shows that a lot of people think that being a housewife is a walk in the park, and thus you have some literally seeing these women as freeloaders.
It reminds me of all those memes or posts trying to convince women of not joining the workforce telling them how they'll be 'wageslaves' for a man that doesn't care about them, instead of staying home taking care of their husbands and kids. Logically, people point out that it doesn't make sense for women to be wageslaves when they work, while men are seen as providers for that. I honestly think the men making these memes are actually projecting their own feelings about their jobs.
I think about all those cases where men start resenting their wifes for staying home and 'not working', even when they were the ones that wanted a SAHM in the first place. They get home and see their wives sitting on the couch and think that's what she's been doing all day, not even paying attention to the fact that the house is clean and the children fed. So they literally start hating her for 'taking his money' that he worked hard for while she did 'nothing'. Yet these men would never consider the option of being a stay at home husband because they're too good and respectable for that.
I'm not saying every case is like that, i know there probably are many cases where the husband loves and cherish his wife and respects her work at home, but we can't turn a blind eye to the many failed trad marriages out there and just blame it on 'choosing the wrong partner'.
I agree the standpoint of feminist arguing that being a stay at home wife is predatory because your income is solely depending on your husband is stupid considering that there's as much reliance on your boss💀 Sure, the dynamic is different because being dumped by your husband hits harder emotionally than being laid off, but let's not act like working for someone made us remotely more "free" than women who chose to stay at home (and who may even have a side hustle which brings them in income, which imo is more #girlboss than those so called feminist working for companies owned by literal scrotes)
What you're talking about men resenting their wife for "not working" is a subject that's tackled on hypergamist circles as the brand of "traditional man" to avoid. Traditional man =/= man of value. A man of value would never complain about his wife "costing him money" lol Like, what's the point to have a one income household if it's to get mad at not making (enough) money? I feel like those men like the idea of priding themselves into being the sole provider of the house....without having the financial mean to back it up. Broke & Stingy men shouldn't seek after housewives.
There's a video on tiktok from a SAHW literally crying because her husband forbade her to work so she had to stay at home and take care of her children, but she expressed a lot of frustration about her life and sadness and it was so awful to see :/ (I tried to search for the video again but couldn't find it sorry). This video would be a great reality check for any person acting like being a housewife was a walk in the park. Aspiring housewife should seek advice from mature & experienced SAHW - not 23 years old girl who married 6 months ago.....
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gretaxstuff · 2 years
A Challenge but With Hope.
Margarette U. Garcia, SHS University of Perpetual Help System - Laguna.
As this story starts, I would like to acknowledge the family members of the people who did not make it through the pandemic. A lot of things have happened to all of us these past 3 years. A pandemic hit us so hard that a lot of families struggle to make it every day. I am very thankful to God that my family is not that rich, but we are comfortable. Our barangay was one of many in Carmona that has a lot of COVID-19 patients since, in our community, the houses are so close to each other that almost one wall connects two houses together.
So as this pandemic starts, the way we act, perceive, and analyze the world has unquestionably changed as a result of COVID-19. What used to be so close now appears to be so far away. It forced us into what felt like a "warp zone," where you have to train yourself to adhere to new laws. Keep your distance from anyone you encounter or converse with. Why is this person not hiding their identity? Is the person coughing in front of me sick? Do I need to spritz alcohol on the doorknob first before opening it? What is the physical separation protocol once more? a meter or two? Also, a lot of businesses went bankrupt.
I personally observed how businesses of all sizes attempted to survive despite unfavorable labor and financial conditions and government-imposed restrictions. Our barangay has all these problems, and you may call it miraculous, but yes, our barangay and its people have found a way to survive during this crisis. And since the government's implementation of the regulations, the Philippines has struggled. The Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) was introduced after a period of appalling incompetence, during which the authorities both grossly underestimated the virus and failed to keep up with the preventive measures of neighboring countries.
In addition, it appears that the last-resort shutdown itself exacerbated a number of problems rather than effectively resolving the fundamental issue at hand: ensuring public health and safety rather than reducing the full impact that the virus had on the country. Except for frontliners, strict rules to follow the ECQ are mandated for all citizens until at least May 15.
Curfews, severe penalties for being outside, and a populace that is becoming increasingly hungry have resulted as a result of this. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on all of us. However, depending on our status as individuals and as members of society, the pandemic's effects and repercussions are felt in different ways. While some people try to adjust to working online, homeschooling all of their children, and using food panda and grab to get groceries and food, others are forced to be exposed to the virus in order to keep society running.
Our membership in society and, thus, our susceptibility to epidemics is determined by our many social identities and the social groupings to which we belong. These are challenging that the entire country and the entire world will need to cooperate on. Since many nations are affected, there is currently an international effort to resolve this problem. The gifts, on the other hand, I think are from God. First and foremost, the nation's leaders are working hard to support their nation. Other gifts include those given by the courageous frontliners — ordinary people who played crucial roles in this problem and rose to the status of heroes.
The last gifts are us — those of us who are aware of the issue and working to address it in any way we can. Because we now have confidence in our abilities, these gifts essentially guarantee a great future for us. As long as we unite and give it our all, we can solve any issue. I believe that we Filipinos should take accountability lessons from this problem. Many people took action, improved their performance, and became more responsible as a result of this situation.
I hope we can resolve this problem, but I also hope we can take something positive away from it. I hope that this pandemic will serve as a wake-up call to everyone, serving as a reminder that we are all connected as people in addition to serving as a reminder to stay safe and practice proper hygiene. We can all work together to solve problems because we are all related.
We've made it through the day at home by completing tasks. We perform household duties and arrange donations for organizations as a way for our family to spend quality time together. As we get ready for Lent, it's also a moment to reconnect with our Savior. Every time we attend mass and pray the novena, it feeds our spirit. As a result, I immerse myself in God's Word every day, because if I don't guard my heart, my love for Christ will grow stale. These are the times when I first started counting my blessings to determine what was still left.
In difficult times, counting our blessings brings us solace and fortitude. It lessens the pain we feel when we lose something or are disappointed. We might feel hopeful by remembering that there are still many things to look forward to and appreciate. The strong presence of the Holy Spirit resides inside us, so there is no need to live in fear. God did not guarantee a world without problems. He permits our struggles because they are necessary. He permits people to go hungry so they can taste His provisions and increase their faith in Him.
Filipinos learned to keep their attention on God and not the issue during those trying times, when their loyalty and faithfulness are put to the ultimate test. Because He provides us with strength, we are able to remain patient and carry out God's will in whatever we do. Never let the lack of trust in others dictate what we should do because our Lord knows our needs and will never replenish us in the same way. Instead, His response to us will always be exactly in line with what we currently need.
We must promote virtue in our neighborhood and broaden the scope of our giving, ideally to those who are in extreme need. In addition, I'm hoping that we may all be each other's beacon of hope when we're all feeling hopeless. Only he has the power to restore and heal the soul; we are unable to do so on our own. All in all, we should all be thankful for what we have and still be thankful for what we lose. We may have lost a lot, but we made it up to now. This is my roller-coaster pandemic experience.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Survival means more than shelter and food. It means not having to keep looking over your shoulder for the creditors. Debt can be the single most debilitating "disease" we can have in our lives. When we have debt, we are, truly, a slave to the lender. It affects our relationships, our jobs, our joy (even though we feel that getting more stuff will make us happy). Getting out of debt frees us from the bondage it has on us. If that debt is affecting the joy of life, freedom is possible. If you have gotten into the habit of immediate gratification, spending more than you make, it won't be easy. But the habit that you made, you can break and create new and better ones. Start now! NOTE: From an off-the-grid-living perspective, we can't truly live off-the-grid, in peace, with creditors trying to hunt us down. When we say "get out of debt now", that doesn't mean you can just pay off all your bills and live free. It means "start, now, on the process of becoming debt-free". Be encouraged that you can do it and there are rewards. Generally, there are two schools of thought on debt reduction: (1) Some advisors recommend that you focus on the highest-interest debt and pay that off first. It makes the most fiscal sense, but it doesn't work for some people because the size of the loan is so discouragingly large. (2) That's why a second group of financial advisors recommends that you pay off the smallest loan first even if it's not set at the highest interest rate. They believe that, like dieting, even a small success delivers a significant amount of satisfaction. So paying off one loan will provide the incentive and motivation to pay off more and serve as a reminder that becoming debt free is possible. Only you know your personal motivation style, so choose the plan that works best for you. As mentioned previously, chances are that debt happened because of some bad spending habits; habits that have caused to take the wrong path. Now, purposefully focus on replacing bad habits with saving, reduction in spending and eliminating current debts. Changing financial direction is a four-step process:
1 - spend less than you earn
2 - avoid more debt
3 - build liquidity (Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving - Warren Buffet)
4 - set long-term goals to focus on hitting a target
To omit even one of these steps is to miss the mark. SUGGESTIONS FOR PERSONAL DEBT REDUCTION:
Reduce recurring monthly expenses (a little inconvenience will result in big rewards)
Eliminate or reduce addictions such as smoking, alcohol, drugs (put a $ amount to realize what you are paying)
Create a Budget: Getting out of debt requires a plan. Creating a budget is your roadmap to a debt free life.
Snowball Debt Payoffs: Pay off debt in order of smallest to largest, gaining momentum (and encouragement) as you knock out each balance. When the smallest debt is paid in full, roll the money you were paying on that debt into the next smallest balance.
Reduce or Eliminate Gift Giving: Whether it's the economy, a desire to be more careful with your money, you're burnt out on getting and giving gifts that just clutter up your house and theirs, or a combination of everything above, it may be time to reconsider gift giving traditions. Consider that most people have the bad habit for immediate gratification and little tolerance to wait so they will, usually, get what they need or want on their own.
Don't Waste Money on a Vehicle: It's a box on wheels expense with no investment value.
Don't buy your wants; buy only what you need. Learn to Live on Less (Live Below Your Means): Is it really necessary to go to the 7-11 or Starbucks for coffee or have a 70" screen television?
Reconsider Quality: Depending on what is being purchased and its purpose and necessary longevity, does it really need to be 'high quality'?
Make, Grow and Reuse Your Own Stuff: Improve personal skills and reduce dependency on others which usually costs more money, may not be the best quality or just be a pain. Learn to become more self-sufficient and rely less on others and commercial products.
Suggested Resources: Six keys to financial success https://compass1.org/resources/debt Advice on Getting Out Of Debt How To Approach Your Student Loan Repayment 4 Unique Ways to Pay Off College Debt SEE ALSO: Retirement Planning Starts at Age Zero Job Loss - Plan B - Don't wait for it to happen Bartering & Finances Minimalist Living NOTE: No kind of financial advice is being offered here. This information is being presented for informational purposes only and should NOT be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific plan, product, or course of action. It is presented to help make better financial decisions with the participation of a licensed professional, if desired. These techniques have worked for many others and is presented in the spirit of education and sharing. You are solely responsible for your own actions on how you use this information. [Reference Link 1] [Reference Link 2]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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blubein · 8 months
Why Do I Need A Dietician To Decide About What I Eat?
Life is a one time experience. Nature has given us a lots of resources to enjoy this one journey that’s limited by time. Human beings have found out ways of utilizing the natures resources and making things that makes our lives easier, happier and tastier than ever before. Everyone is acquiring skills & knowledge and this is knowledge age where huge amount of data is available. Research happens in every field and is adding to the data that exists. But still there is a surgeon, an electrician, an engineer and the security professionals specializing in their own areas of expertise. When you know to lock your home, use a pass code for your computer and a 3 step authentication for your bank account, with CCTV & laser sensors at every step, why do we need police? The question translates to something like this? Hope you got my point! Yes, as we get smarter, so the problems & the problem makers too. An engineer charges a few thousands to hit a button & start a machine. Charges are not for just hitting. He has to know, the where, when, how and at what force he has to make the shot? There comes expertise and everyone who has a hammer cannot hit every machine he sees and claim to be an engineer.
Human health has evolved. Lifestyle has changed. Demands have increased. Rat race is so ferocious that humans are winning the race. We need to be more focused, more performing, more expressive & impressive to remain in and win the race. In this process of running behind achievements, looking for recognition, growth & money, we compromise our health & other daily routines and even relationships. Most problems of life starts from self health. If ones body, mind & soul is going to be in sync, the person will be able to take time & focus on every ones needs around him, he being a social animal. When his physical, mental or emotional health is not in balance, he himself will have issues, forget about he devoting time for others. Now in this fast paced life, we don’t have time to sit and eat. No time for exercises & as we keep running, healthy food choices fresh from the field are getting rare as we depend on processed foods that are available readymade, so we eat on the move & focus more of our time on earning techniques. One is successful in life by earning money & a respectable position in the society does not necessarily mean that he knows everything under the sun. A researcher on astronomy need not know paper processing & the beauty expert may not know food processing & vice versa. So we know what we do and need, for a earning.
We are what we eat. If we eat good, we will have good health & vice versa. We human beings evolved & so our food too. Milk is now processed for ghee. Nuts are now processed for nut butters. Seeds are now available as oils. What was available in some seasons like mangoes & melons in summer are now available throughout year in tins and cans with preservatives. With technological advancements, we work after sun sets and sleep during broad day light as the needs and wants have also evolved. But the body & mind has to cope up. When they try to cope up against nature, there will certainly be some shakeup in health as we work sometimes with nature and sometimes against it coping up with our financial and recognition needs. The nocturnal cycle changes, the biological clock resets and the organs and systems may experience a jet lag as we time travel between various zones for our work. So everything has changed for our body and mind over decades and centuries. This change needs changed nutrition and adequate care that may otherwise lead to health issues. So a specialist is needed to understand the physical, mental & biological changes that we are undergoing and provide solutions to us on what our foods should be as the demands are now changed. Still the foods cannot be common or same for some group of people because every individual is different and has different physical, mental, emotional & social needs. Some smoke. Some drink alcohol. Some cant live without tobacco. Some need coffee in litre. Some don’t drink adequate water & some don’t like green leafy vegetables. Some live on fried items & snacks without food for days and some take more briyani's than the no of days they have lived in their life till now. When all these have changed, we need a expert to observe and help us with our food, so we remain healthy. So we need a dietician to help us plan our health.
Now the challenge is not just food. There is a solution for every problem. Its more applicable with food. Certain micronutrients are classified as essential, meaning, they cannot be synthesized by our body and should be taken by food or should be supplemented adequately with fortified foods or drinks.
When there is a sea of products & when every products claim uniqueness in one or other way, the challenge is which one to select and for what reason its should be selected and is that product safe or suitable for me? will be the set of questions following a decision on taking a supplement.
For every stage in life there is a supplement. From new born to the ones counting their days. From Skin to nail to hair to liver to heart there are supplements. Supplements synthetically processed, those without processing as raw s possible & those that claim to be organic supplements assuring no harmful effects of pesticides or other poisonous materials.
To select the right supplement pls take the help of your dietician or the nutritionist or your other healthcare professional. They specialize in such foods and supplements and can give you solutions, customized for you and not in common. Everyone needs are different and there are minute details in products that we as common man with relatively less knowledge on such specialized areas find it difficult to understand and decide.
For example, we take the case of Fish oil. Now if I am an adult with a normal health profile, but with family history of hypertension & some cardiovascular diseases, how to select a fish oil supplement? I know that fish oils are good for cardiac health and with a history of such things in family, I need it. But is every fish oil the same? Can I consume any fish oil? Any qty? What is the decision making process to decide the right fish oil for me? The decision process for you might not be the same as that of your fiend, who smokes, who takes a lots of fish in his diet, who doesn’t have a family history of cardiac diseases, or someone else who is already on a medication for hypertension and cardiac diseases. The dietician can help you find the right product in such customized circumstances.
You may find a huge lot of materials on fish oil. All fish oils are not the same. All oils extracted from all fishes are not the same. They differ in quality & quantity based on the source. All constituents of fish oil is not required to be consumed. All fishes don’t have the same constituents in the same quantity. Fishes like salmon, anchovy etc are considered some good sources of the fish oil with right constituents.
The important constituents in fish oil are EPA & DHA. These are called Omega 3 fatty acids. There is another O3FA, that is ALA – Alpha Lipoic acid. ALA can help health by converting itself as other O3FAs. ALA is available from plant sources. But its not available in good quantity to produce desired health benefits. So the right fish oil supplementation is required to help body get the right mix of Omega 3 Fatty acids like EPA & DHA. These two are the important constituents with health benefits for human beings. Taking fish from oceans and fresh water can help. But they should be consumed in huge quantities to get health benefits. Also fish when consumed regularly over years can help in health and not after having a condition, where immediate benefits are expected out of its consumption, where the supplements can help. The danger of other unwanted materials getting consumed also is possible with the products extracted from ocean sources as with any other sea foods like lead or arsenic poisoning etc. Now these issues are sorted out with the improvements in technology and science for purifying the same. The EPA & DHA constituents can be beneficial in maintaining cardiac, nervous & muscular system health etc., especially in people with social habits like smoking which can increase the toll on blood vessels and heart. Who should take how much? How to decide how much to take, when on other medications? & When to take? Are questions the nutritionist or dietician can help.
But always remember, Balanced diet, Balanced lifestyle, Enough & Adequate sleep, daily exercise, Yoga involving body-mind-soul- for a stress free day, good friends and moments of happiness cant be replaced with any supplement.
Good foods taste bad sometimes like bitter gourd. Bad foods taste yummy like potato chips and samosas. We need to know our limits and limitations before venturing in to a “Eat & drink like never before or never after – as its just one life” hypothesis that can permanently damage our health and jeopardize our future.
Practice does not make man perfect. Right practices makes man perfect. Practice right & Live happily, without loosing health controls. Only one life & so lets live it healthy & happy!. Best wishes.
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p-mmechanicalinc · 8 months
P&M Mechanical Inc.
P&M Mechanical, Inc. was the preferred HVAC provider for Fairfield and Westchester counties more than twenty years ago. To fix it, just turn on the air conditioner.
Among our many distinguished clients are Eversource and Con Edison hvac contractors new york The availability of environmentally friendly temperature controllers has skyrocketed.
When it comes to security companies, P&M Mechanical, Inc. is far and away the best. Regardless of the cost, we will complete the project.
Based on your demands and budget, choose the appropriate maintenance solution from three available options.
Before prices keep going up, it could be a good idea to stock up.   My identity will be defined in great part by it. Ongoing endeavors could prove beneficial for developing systems. When you purchase all three things simultaneously, you will enjoy the most savings. 
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Many services, such as plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), air pollution, and customer complaint response times, need research. If you require assistance with the plumbing, HVAC, or any connected matters, please do not hesitate to contact us whenever you need. P&M Mechanical Inc., with its prominent Port Chester, New York headquarters, ought to prioritize its customers. Whenever it's most convenient for you, our offices in Port Chester, NY are open 24/7.
Our needs are completely disregarded by this. Those in high-ranking positions who interact with them report that they are picky. They would rather have updates on a frequent basis, for instance. As a small, family-owned company, we have always strived to provide our customers with the highest quality products and services.
Employees' need to be liked takes precedence over meeting the needs of the company's customers. No amount of ingenuity on your part will shed light on the topic until the other person weighs in with their opinion. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need our help because of a financial emergency, please don't hesitate to call us.
Since I've been so impressed by the HVAC companies in both New York and Connecticut, I haven't decided on one yet. Take full control of the situation. In both Connecticut and New York, we offer comprehensive insurance policies that may protect any type of home or company. We have about every type of HVAC system available. It was essential to address the problem of insufficient seclusion from neighboring homes during the design phase. Our commitment to meeting the demands of our consumers increased dramatically once we hired HVAC specialists. Until we find a solution that suits your needs, we assure you that we will continue working on it. Whether it's installation, servicing, repair, or diagnosis, our trained professionals can handle it all. The term "HVAC system" is likely foreign to anyone who did not spend their formative years in the Garden State. No matter what kind of storm hits your neighborhood, our services will keep your house safe. Stay inside as much as you can when the weather is pleasant. No matter the weather, everything stays the same. No matter the weather, our trained specialists can quickly repair the air conditioning system of any New York City building. Making ensuring your AC unit is dependable is entirely on you. Having an air conditioner is crucial for keeping a pleasant temperature.
Our HVAC customers in the New York and New Jersey regions have been nothing short of delighted with our work. With this new information in hand, we can go forward with the project. Going out of our way to help our consumers has been a driving force in our success. Jobs of any magnitude are always finished by us. We solemnly affirm that all written commitments we enter into will be reliable. What matters is that you keep going, rain or shine. How well we collaborate in line with our principles and objectives will determine the company's success.
We are the best HVAC company in Connecticut. Until the problem is fixed, our dependable help is available to you at all times. Because we are dedicated to satisfying our customers, my family's HVAC company has become a well-known and respected brand in Connecticut. We can control every one of the fifty states. Finding a reliable HVAC technician might be less of a hassle in New York City. If the issue persists, it might be necessary to repair or replace the HVAC system. Call P&M Mechanical Inc. if you are in need of HVAC services in the New York–Connecticut area. If you ever need HVAC repair, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Among our many distinguished clients are Eversource and Con Edison. The availability of environmentally friendly temperature controllers has skyrocketed.
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surreality51 · 1 year
hope you are doing alright (or as best as you can at least)
Awww, thanks nonny! I'm doing well. A few updates/thoughts under the cut for anyone who is curious:
Still pregnant and on track to deliver in August *fingers crossed*
Extensive testing has improved baby's prognosis. No additional fetal abnormalities were discovered after the initial diagnosis in April. We are hopeful that he can enjoy a relatively good quality of life, but recognize that he has significant hurdles, especially in the first year.
It's possible that he might not make it or may have lifelong disabilities, but there's no way to know that until we get there, so we'll have to take it one day at a time.
We've been coping by reminding ourselves that this is true for any family member. My mom could develop severe dementia that requires full-time care. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and become permanently disabled (that actually happened to my grandma). One of our children could die from childhood cancer (happened in husband's family, his nephew was 6). You can't spend your day worrying about these things, or you will be paralyzed. Instead, prepare the best you can and then have faith in your own strength to deal with whatever challenges may come.
The US healthcare system is truly fucked up, in that whether a family can deal with issues like this depends largely on the quality of insurance you have through your employer or through the individual market. Thankfully I have platinum insurance through my awesome employer, or else we may have to choose between financial ruin vs the necessary care for baby. (The full price of care for baby could easily be in the six figures for the first year without insurance.) That's fucked up.
Tiny whine: it's hard dealing with well-meaning people, especially family members, who don't fully understand the seriousness of the situation. It's not their fault, because they have no frame of reference and we've intentionally chosen not to share the full details of the situation to prevent them from worrying (my mom and my sister both have anxiety disorders). But it's still stressful dealing with questions: Dad: but are you *sure* the baby will need surgery? Our neighbor's niece was born with [insert health issue] and it resolved on its own. Me: yes, Dad, I'm sure. We've talked to all the specialists. Dad: but what about getting a second opinion? Me: these specialists are the best in their field. We trust their diagnosis. Dad: but are you *SURE*? Me: yes, Dad, we're very sure. Dad: But what would happen if you don't do the surgery? Me: HE'll DIE, OKAY?!?! The baby will die. Dad: oh.
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linkbusinessnz · 1 year
Crucial Factors In Business Valuation: Key Elements That Determine The Worth
A business valuation is a process used to determine the value of a company. It's often necessary for various business transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, stock splits or employee stock option plans. How Do I Value A Business is determined by a number of factors that you should be familiar with before you start the process.
Profitability is a measure of how well a business is run, and it's an important factor in determining the worth of your company. Profitability is calculated by taking net income (revenue minus expenses) and dividing it by total sales for a given period of time. For example, if your company brought in $1 million in revenue last year but spent $900,000 on expenses and payroll costs, then its profit margin would be 10%. If you want to understand profitability better, read our blog post about what makes up profitability.
Profitable companies are more valuable than unprofitable ones because they generate more cash flow--and cash flow can be used for things like paying down debt or buying new equipment or expanding into new markets.
Potential for Growth
Potential for growth is one of the most important factors in business valuation. It's also one of the most difficult to assess. But if you can't answer this question, your valuation will be inaccurate and possibly irrelevant.
The first step in determining a company's potential for growth is understanding its industry and marketplace. What are its key competitors doing? How do they compare? What trends are affecting this industry or sector at large? Understanding these things will help you evaluate whether or not there's room for improvement within an organization--and how much room it has left to grow before hitting saturation point (which can be tricky).
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Brand Strength
Brand strength is the value of a brand name. It's determined by the strength of the brand's equity, which can be measured using metrics such as awareness, reputation and loyalty (and sometimes even creativity).
Brand strength can be used to determine the value of a business--for example, if you want to buy a company with strong branding but poor financial performance, then it may make sense for you to pay less than what other factors would indicate because your focus will be on improving their image rather than turning them around financially.
Brand strength also affects how much consumers are willing to pay for products or services; this effect is known as price premium or price discrimination where some customers pay more than others depending on their willingness or ability to pay higher prices due to perceived higher quality levels from certain brands over others
Competitive Advantage
One of the most critical factors in business valuation is a competitive advantage. A company's ability to outperform its competitors can be a major factor in determining its worth, as well as how much it can be sold for. 
If you have a business that has managed to gain a competitive advantage over others, then it may be possible for you to sell your company at a higher price than if you didn't have such an edge over other businesses in the same industry.
In conclusion, we hope that this How Do You Value A Business article has helped you understand the importance of business valuation and how it can help you make better decisions. While there are many factors to consider when valuing a company, we believe that these four are the most important: profitability, the potential for growth, brand strength, and competitive advantage. Remember that valuing a business requires careful research and analysis so be sure to seek out an expert who knows what they're doing!
Source Link: https://businessesforsalenz.blogspot.com/2023/05/crucial-factors-in-business-valuation.html
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enrichedacademy · 2 years
Financial Advice for Getting into the Stocks Market
Most major stock indexes racked up some serious losses in 2022. We don’t have a crystal ball on whether that trend will continue in 2023, but investing in financial markets has proven over the years to be a key ingredient to building wealth and retirement planning.
For most newbie investors, the biggest hurdle is the age-old question “what if stocks go down? The answer is they do, and yours may too, but there are ways to mitigate that risk. Whether you win or lose depends greatly on which stocks or funds you are holding, but also on your investing timeline. You have to ask yourself, are you investing for the next 10 minutes or the next 10 years? Historical market returns show that you usually do quite well over a ten-year period.
If you are on the outside wondering how to get started in stocks, here are three of the most common questions we get from would-be investors.
Do I need a financial advisor or stockbroker?
Traditionally, a stockbroker was the only option to facilitate the purchase of shares. Nowadays, there are plenty of online brokerages that anyone can use to set up a trading account and easily purchase individual shares and many types of index funds. Whether you need a stockbroker or some other kind of advisor (we recommend a financial coach) to help you depends on whether you want to take the time an effort to learn how to handle it yourself. Check out this great blog from our Financial Coach Matt Dewey to learn all about your options for getting started with self-directed investing.
Lots of Canadians successfully manage their own investments through online brokerages and save themselves a ton of money in fees and charges. Automated investment platforms (robo-advisors) and all-in-one ETFs are popular options because they don’t require much financial knowledge, allow for easy risk management, and are simple to use with relatively low fees.
How do I pick stocks?
The short answer is you don’t have to (and probably shouldn't) rely on picking stocks! Even if you had the time and knowledge to investigate and evaluate potential companies to invest in, your chances of picking winners with any sort of consistency is very low. Holding a limited number of individual stocks is also a risky strategy. A more sensible approach is to choose a diversified bundle of stocks made up of companies across many industries which will help to lower your overall risk.
The great news is that there are thousands of these bundles of stocks already pre-picked for you by teams of financial experts using all sorts of advanced analysis and inputs that an individual investor could never replicate. These bundles are called index funds and there are a number of variations - some try to emulate the return of an entire market like the Toronto Stock Exchange, while others focus on a specific industry or geographic sector.
Nothing will completely eliminate risk, but in general, broad-based index funds are less volatile and a great option if you want to keep your money management simple.
When is a good time to buy stocks?
If you had nerves of steel and a crystal ball and loaded up your TFSA and RRSP with stocks back in March of 2020, chances are you would be doing extremely well these days! Most stocks are up by 80% or more since their bottom at the start of the pandemic. The problem is that fluctuations like that don’t happen often and choosing the right time is always going to be hit and miss. Rather than focus on trying to nail the timing of your entry (or exit) from the market, you should be looking at your investment horizon.
The longer you leave your money in the market, the higher the chance that you will come out ahead of the game. You can always ramp up the risk of your holdings if you have a longer investment time frame and are aiming for higher returns, but trying to capitalize on short-term market fluctuations by jumping in and out of the market is a difficult strategy at best.
If you still have questions or need more information, check out our upcoming free webinars for reliable, practical information on stock investing as well as plenty of other personal finance topics.
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fincrew · 2 years
The advent of the Covid-19 pandemic signaled a profound change in life as we knew it. Not only were lives lost, but the financial structure of many industries in Malaysia also took a significant hit. Yet, we must live our best lives, even in the face of this unrest. Thankfully, there are simple and practical steps you can take to keep your finances going strong, even in these times. Here are a few of them.
1. Consider Consolidating Your Debt
In times of financial instability such as this, it’s only logical to turn to loans to find a way to sustain yourself. However, once the worst financial emergency is over, you need to make clear your debt a significant priority. It would help if you listed all the debts you currently owe and then, depending on the loan size and the interest rates, choose the best debt clearance method. Clearing your debt mightn’t feel like a pressing concern right now, but once done, you’ll be glad you did it, as doing so comes with a sense of relief and an increased cash flow!
2. Find a Different Approach To Managing Your Cashflow And Budget
For the immediate future, it’s safe to say that it’ll be a long time before things return to normal. So, pending that time, you have to adjust to the new terrain. It means making significant lifestyle changes. While doing so, it’s essential that you also be mindful of specific traits that can become harmful if left unchecked. It includes but isn’t limited to excessive online shopping and spending more than necessary on groceries. At the moment, your primary goal should be focusing on budgeting, analyzing the changes in your cash flow, and finding the most efficient ways to use what resources you have at your disposal.
3. Build Your Emergency Savings Again
Like most Malaysians, one of the first casualties you must’ve sustained at the height of the pandemic was your emergency savings. It is even more likely to be the case if you lost your job during this time or had to take a pay cut. So, while it may be hard to do, especially now, you should also make building your emergency savings a priority. Doing so gives you a cushion to fall back on if something unexpected happens and you need funds quickly.
4. Re-Evaluate And Re-Establish Your Financial Goals
Lastly, find a way to reassess your financial goals objectively. Recent events would change your approach towards finances and investment. Because of this, you need to take the time to find your bearings. Give yourself some breathing room and set achievable short and long-term financial goals.
Slowly but surely, you will be on track.
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boomtee · 2 years
Have A Holly Dolly Christmas Ugly Sweater
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Beer Lover Elf Ugly Christmas Sweater Gifts
That unfortunate fact is that, because the Chinese New Year jumps around year to year, it’s always hard to predict which products will be hit hard in a Beer Lover Elf Ugly Christmas Sweater Gifts or to predict how badly your business will be affected. You may barely notice the effects some years, while get hit hard the very next year. So be certain to sock away a Chinese New Year preparation fund throughout the year so that you’ll have some reserves to fall back on should your store be hit harder than expected. This financial pad will help fill in any holes you suffer in your cash flow during the holiday. The last thing you want to have happened is to suffer an inability to cover your expenses due to low sales volumes.
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