#because e there were no drivers
possibly-pasta · 5 months
feeling guilt guilt guilt
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andromedasummer · 2 years
"x formula e driver just HAS to go to formula 1" if you liked them you wouldn't wish that on them, you wouldnt wish that on anyone
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chussyracing · 2 years
it'll be fine next season right?? its the only thing bringing me joy right now
i hope so, but also i can't promise u that
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being poor in America is just like
I did exactly what adults told me to do, I did it how they told me to do it, I followed their exact advice for how to succeed in this country. And I failed. I keep failing.
my teachers, my parents, everybody, told me “all you have to do to succeed in America is get a college degree in anything except English or History and you will succeed. Know how to write a cover letter and a resume, have excellent grammatical and spelling skills, especially in writing. Be polite and sit up straight. Look people in the eye when you greet them. Smile, firm handshake. Get good grades in college and do extracurricular activities that you can put on your resume. Do that, et voila, success will come to you.”
sooo I did all that.
Except, hey, turns out.
That advice was a recipe for success in the 1980s, aka about the last time any one of those adults had needed to find a job. Not a single adult ever said to me “Hey, tech and bioscience and computer programming and IT are the future, and soon will be the only skill sets society values at all in an employee. networking and knowing the “right people” will be the only true ways to lucrative employment. how do you meet the right people? by networking. how do you network? by knowing the right people, of course.” which is of course really just to say that the rich look after their own and only their own, but NO ONE EVER TOLD ME THAT!!!!
i was a little shit as a kid, but i WOULD HAVE LISTENED. i did exactly what all the authority figures in my life told me to do. and it was garbage advice, all of it. no one prepared me for adulthood. my parents actively pulled the rug out from under me by both kicking me out at 18 and then letting me begrudgingly live in their basement or their storage room when my bedroom was literally just a junk room for my mom’s hoarding habit and making me pay rent and buy my own food on a minimum wage job and wouldn’t even pay for me to go to drivers ed and then bitched about how I lived in their house and didn’t drive and didn’t have a car but only bc they wouldn’t send me to drivers ed or teach me to drive at all and they also mocked me for not being able to drive and having to walk everywhere but didn’t have an answer for why they wouldn’t help me either and they knew i couldn’t afford it with the fucking pennies i was making working at a fucking gas station
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 month
Angel || LN4
Summary: Kingsday gets a little wild, in honour of Lando’s nose. Warnings: alcohol, injuries, blood WC: 1.7k
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Lando wasn’t drunk, but he was by no means sober either. Everyone had warned him the Kingsday event was a marathon not a sprint so he was taking it slow, sipping his rum and coke out of the orange paper cup while the river boat cruised its course.
By midafternoon it was another story completely.
Martin had taken a break and let a playlist continue the party without him on the deck while he went in search of Lando. The British driver had reached the point of being tipsy and fallen into a state of drunkenness where he could no longer block out his intrusive thoughts. Everywhere he looked couples were dancing or making out and he couldn’t help the despair of loneliness that separated him from the fun.
Leaning back on the cushions that covered the bow, Lando looked up to the bright blue sky and wondered why he couldn’t find someone that loved him with the same passion he had. He was always the one to fall harder and knew it was why things didn’t work out long-term.
The half empty cup was stolen from his hand and Lando lolled his head to see Martin drinking it dry. “No more for you, my friend. Smile! It’s Kingsday: the sun is out and the music is loud.”
“Sorry,” Lando sighed, not quite able to muster up a real smile.
“What’s wrong?” Martin dropped onto a cushion beside him and nudged his shoulder until Lando spilled the thoughts he was harbouring.
“These heels are killing me,” you complained as they wobbled on the cobblestone. “Can we stop for a minute?”
There were groans from some of the guys in the group but their girlfriends silenced them. You smiled gratefully at your friends but knew they were in just as much pain after hours of drinking in the city for Kingsday. The thought of walking any further to the house party someone had invited everyone to nearly had you calling for a taxi, despite the chances of getting one next to nothing.
“Lennon said there will be tons of single guys at the party. In that dress you will totally pull a 10,” Sarah said as she leaned back against the bridge rail and rolled each ankle to ease the ache.
You laughed at the statement and mirrored her position, careful not to drop the glass you had accidentally stolen from the last bar. “Getting laid isn’t the problem, it’s getting the guy to stick around afterwards.”
“Relationships are overrated,” she said, blowing a kiss to Lennon when he looked her way and raised a brow. “Not ours, baby.”
You sighed longingly as they shared a smile. “I want what you guys have.”
“Well then you better hurry up because the love of your life might just be waiting for you. Wouldn’t want to miss that, would you?”
You rolled your eyes but decided that you would continue the walk barefoot and put your heels back on when you got to the house. Leaning against the rail, you balanced on one foot and reached for your heel just as a drunkard went flying past on his e-bike.
“Ah, shit!” you screamed as you lost your balance, toppling back over the rail and straight towards the murky water below.
Martin yawned as he listened to Lando’s long winded explanation for why he was alone and all his friends were in relationships.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I was putting you to sleep,” he sassed.
“Well if you want some advice, from someone in a relationship, you’re not helping yourself moping around. For starters, you need to get up,” Martin encouraged as he rose to his feet and offered his friend a hand before the sunlight disappeared, the boat passing under one of the many bridges. “Love isn’t going to just fall into your lap-”
A scream pierced the air before a flurry of orange material crashed onto Lando, both their eyes squinting to readjust to the bright sunlight out of the tunnel.
Your heart hammered in your chest as you realised you were still alive and you looked around to see what had broken your fall. “Holy shit, I am so sorry!”
A stunned man sat beneath you and you reached for his face as you noticed the blood running down his nose. “Oh my god, did I do that? Are you alright? Shit, you probably don’t speak English.”
“He speaks English. It’s getting him to shut up that’s the problem,” a man standing above you said with a laugh. “Lando, mate, snap out of it.”
You started to climb off his lap but his arms tightened around you and he shook his head with a wince. “Don’t move, you might have broken something.”
“Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you apologised again.
“Not me, you muppet,” he laughed. “You might have broken something.”
You patted yourself down, straightening your dress back into place at the same time, but everything felt fine. You tested your wrists and ankles too, only to notice you had indeed broken things.
“What’s the damage?” Lando asked.
“Ego mostly,” you admitted sheepishly. “I think I broke my heel on your face.”
“Pretty sure that was your glass,” he said looking at what remained in your hand, the sting of the cut on your palm finally appearing when you noticed the blood on the broken glass. “How bad is it? Am I hideous?”
“You are still a 10,” you giggled after noticing he was devastatingly handsome, even with the cut across his nose. Grabbing the hem of your dress, you gently dabbed the blood away before realising that it was a stupid idea. “You don’t have any diseases, do you?”
“Rabies,” his friend joked.
“Speak for yourself, mate,” Lando shot back and while they bickered jokingly you heard your name called from the river bank. “Is that your boyfriend?”
“Are you alive?” Lennon shouted as he ran along with the boat.
“Nope, I’ve died and gone to heaven!”
“I’ll let Sarah know!” He grew smaller as he stopped running and the boat continued downstream to some unknown destination.
“That’s my best friend’s boyfriend,” you explained as you patted your bra but found your phone missing. “Can I borrow your phone? I think mine drowned.”
Lando carefully shifted you so he could get to his pocket before settling you back on his lap. The grateful smile you gave him almost made him drop the device and he had to enter his passcode in twice before he got it right.
“Where is this boat heading to?” you asked as the dial tone connected. “Hey, it’s me, calm down, I’m alive.”
“Good, I’ll kill you myself! You gave me a fucking heart attack, woman!” You had to hold the phone away from your ear as she shouted her concern.
“I didn’t do it on purpose, but I’m sorry for giving you a heart attack.”
“As you should be! Len said you landed on some guy. Is he hot?”
Your face heated and you knew he had heard the question with the curious look on his face. “Mhmm, very.”
“You should invite him to the party and do a little sexy dance for him!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I kind of…broke his face.”
The silence was damning before you swore you heard her laugh from all the way upstream. “Only you could have the worst luck with men.”
“Trust me, I know all too well. Anyway, they are stopping at the Rose Bridge so I’ll just meet you guys there. Guess my luck isn’t all that bad.”
You ended the call and handed the phone back.
“What party are you going to?” Lando asked as he pocketed it again.
“I don’t know, it’s some house party. There’s a local DJ playing.”
Lando’s smile grew and he pointed to his friend. “Local DJ, ha!”
As it turned out the house party wasn’t actually a party at someone’s house and the DJ wasn’t just locally renowned. Once you were finally introduced to Lando’s friend you found out he was the DJ, Martin Garrix, and Lando was even more famous.
“I can’t afford a lawsuit,” you groaned when you realised you had practically assaulted a celebrity.
“It’s just a scratch,” Lando assured you after Martin found a first aid kick. His poor attempt at wrapping a bandage made Lando look like a mummy so you took the box yourself and found a couple of small butterfly stitches. “Nothing a kiss wouldn’t fix.”
You giggled at his flirty nature you had come to adore in the last hour and if you hadn’t drunk so much liquid courage at the bar you probably wouldn't have been able to lean closer and kiss his cheek. His skin was warm and soft beneath your lips and when you opened your eyes you found his blue eyes staring intently back. “Better?”
He shook his head. “Nope, I think it needs another try.”
“Hmmm, good idea.” You kissed his other cheek and grinned when he pouted. “No? One last try.”
Your fingers delighted in the feel of his soft hair as you combed the curls and dipped your head to his. Your heart rate spiked and you closed your eyes as you kissed his pillow-soft lips teasingly slowly before his hands cupped your face and he deepened the kiss.
You broke away with a small gasp and your eyes were wide with the want for more. It was a look reflected on Lando’s face as he gently stroked your heated cheeks.
“Hey, lovebirds! We’re here,” Martin called as the boat reached the canal edge.
You kicked off your broken heels and Lando frowned before he gave you his, looping his fingers into the straps of your shoes to carry them. You were already wearing his shirt since your dress had his blood on it and you were certain you looked at absolute mess.
“Ready to party, Angel?”
“What else would I call a beautiful woman who fell from the heavens?” Lando wondered if he was making a mistake and moving to fast like he always did but it was too late, the question was already out there.
“You could call me your girlfriend.” You cringed in an instant. “I mean not tonight, that would be way too quick but-”
Lando cut you off with a kiss and you felt his smile against your lips before he asked, “How about tomorrow?”
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inkyray · 2 months
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a/n: send more requests i love doing them for yall
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3k words
warnings/content ahead: bsf!chris x virgin!reader, smut, oral fem!receiving (eating out yess), suggestive, p in v, fingering, pet names (princess), Fritos, missionary, and more come find out
Your roommate had just left to see her family for the next week, which meant you had the apartment all to yourself for a full 7 days. You were ecstatic, immediately letting Chris know.
guess what rn
You type excitedly, your fingers practically shoving a hole through your phone screen. The message immediately goes to seen, and you watch bubbles pop up, indicating he was typing.
You finally came to your senses and decided to move out of that disgracefully small apartment ?
dude no
you know i can't afford that shit
im staying here until i start making the bag i deserve !!!
now guess
You cut all your hair off and went bald
Please tell me you went bald
Actually no
Please tell me you didnt go bald
nah not bald 💔
Holy fuck
The caps had me go BLIND trying to read
where's the happiness and the cheer
you better start typing back in caps.
god bless ☝️ now come over so we could politely watch a movie
hmmmm Depends
what movie is it
Ya Momma! 😂😅
sounds amazing
I'll be there in a few
You close your phone, getting up to quickly clean the place around you.
Chris was no stranger to you, you two had known each other since the day he threw up on you in middle school. He had caught a bug and unfortunately he sat behind you. You didn't really understand how throw up could reach past a desk capacity but it had somehow made it into your hair. Disgusting, horrific week. But he made it up to you.
For him, he moved to LA for work reasons. He was famous, although he didn't like to admit it, nor did it really feel like it for him. You moved because of college, the moment you two graduated out of highschool, it was as if the universe worked hard to get you two closer. And, it worked. You guys were closer now than you were in school.
You would split the rent with your roommate, which was already an expensive bunch, considering this was LA. But Chris would constantly insist on helping you out financially, paying for most of your things when you would practically beg him not to. You had a hard time receiving stuff, but Chris had a problem with giving. You two balanced each other out in that aspect.
You hear a knock on the door, already knowing who it is. It doesn't take you long to reach it. "Why are you holding Fritos?" You ask, huffing a laugh at the weirdly large bag of chips in his hand as he enters your apartment and heads for your bedroom.
"'Cus I wanted Fritos." He answers like it's the most obvious thing in the world, flopping on your bed as you follow him to your room. You notice a few pairs of socks on the floor that you failed to pick up, doing so. "You know, I had to like, Uber here. You know how fucking crazy that is? Ubering to your place? Fucking embarassing." Chris complains, taking off his shoes and cuddling up in your bed.
"Why didn't you just ask Matt?" You wonder, folding your clothes. "Matt didn't want to. I need to get my drivers license, bro. Shit is getting ridiculous." He opens his bag of chips, and your head snaps up. "Chris." You warn as he looks you dead in the eye, a smirk playing on his lips as he slowly raises a chip to his mouth. 
"Chris, I swear to God if you drop a single crumb on my bed."
"I won't." He says, before dropping the chip back in the bag.
"I'm not hungry." He folds the chip bag and places it on your nightstand beside your bed. "You get what I mean though?" He asks, taking off his hat and running a hand through his hair. "Like, I cant ask Matt to fucking, I dont know, drive me to a hook-up or something." He huffs, exasperated from the imaginary scenario he created.
You sit beside him, nodding like you agree, grabbing the TV remote and opening up a streaming platform for movies on your TV. "Oh fuck, imagine I like, pull up to a bad bitches house in an Uber. That's so fucking wild." This time you laugh, "Ubering to get your shit sucked is crazy." You say, scrolling through the endless options of what to watch.
"You ever done that? Ubering to a sneaky links house or something?" Chris asks you, sitting up on your bed. You take a second to answer. "Well, I have my drivers license." You don't know why that would qualify as an answer, but you say it anyway. "But you don't have a car." Chris reminds you. "Right." You confirm, looking at your TV, pretending to be really interested in finding something to watch.
"So? Have you?" He questions with a chuckle, not really sure where you were going with that. "Chris, I'm a virgin." You grin at the irony. A second passes and he realizes you were being serious, his jaw drops. "You're joking."
You shake your head, turning to look at him. "But– you're like, a whore." He says, you scoff, "I'm not a whore?"
"Yeah, you are." He shrugs.
"No, I'm not. I literally just told you I'm a virgin." You put the remote down. "That's why I'm shocked, you would tell me about a new boy every week and then forget about them." He says. You pop a shoulder. "I just never felt comfortable enough with them."
"Oh." He mutters. "So you didn't bang?" He draws out.
"So I didn't bang." You confirm.
"You're nuts, you would say the most diabolical shit about them too." He points a finger at you. "I'm most definitely not." You push his finger down. "How old are you again, 19?"
"19 and untouched." You wink, he stares at you for a moment. "What? Can't wrap your head around the fact I've never been creampied?"
You watch Chris close his eyes, wait for a moment, then open them again. "I'd like for you to wrap your head around it."
You two burst out laughing.
This movie was devastatingly long and the Fritos on the bedside table were completely neglected.
You and Chris were staring at the TV, both of you pretending to be interested in what was going on. Truth was, you both were lost in your own train of thought.
Chris had resorted to an extra pillow over his lap with his mind racing in all different directions. In his defense, he was human. Once you admitted to him that you were a virgin, he could help but think of all the ways that he could strip that away from you. How easy it would be for him to just bend you over and take that purity away from you.
It wasn't the first time he'd thought of you this way, he couldn't help it. You were gorgeous, and he got lucky with the fact that you were interesting. You were probably the only girl he'd met with a soul as beautiful as her face, that's what made you so special to him.
His eyes quickly darted to yours, who were watching the movie with such intent, he saw the screen reflect in your eyes, a new scene playing. The room was dark, the only light being produced was from the illuminated TV, keeping the place a simple shade of dull blue. His sight drags down to your lips. Your full, plump lips.
Chris wonders if you've ever wrapped them around dick before, sucking just as attentively as you were watching that movie. Sliding your tongue across the tip as you slowly pushed the rest in your mouth, your eyebrows arching as you began to stroke the rest of him. Even then, you'd still be considered a virgin.
You turned to look at him, feeling his gaze on you for too long. He didn't bother looking back, holding your stare as you tried putting together what he was thinking of. "Chris?" You asked with the same lips he was just thinking of. "Hm?" He hums, his eyes lazily back on your mouth, studying every word you form. "You okay?"
He nods, you furrow your eyebrows. He was definitely lost in thought. You lower the volume of the movie and he looks back up at you. "Are you celibate?" He asks, out of nowhere. You're taken by surprise, but answer nonetheless. "Not really?"
"Not really." He repeats on his tongue, as if testing the way it would feel on there. "Okay." He says, voice as low as it could get. "You were just never comfortable?" You nod, confirming it. You watch as his eyes slowly brush over every part on your face, eventually resting on your eyes. Through the enlightenment of the TV screen, you watch his dark pupils dilate over his blue eyes. "Would you be comfortable with me?" He finally asks, voice low. You swallow.
He had multiple strands of hair fly messily in multiple directions, some over his forehead. You raise a hand to neat a messy one on his head down, using two fingers to get rid of any potential knots, soothing your hand through it as he bends his head down, letting you. "Yeah." You answer. "I would."
He lifts his head up, his grin soft but undeniable."You wanna test it out?" You felt your heart cage within itself, but as the second passed you realized you wouldn't want to lose it to anyone else. You have been waiting for this moment for a while, a really, really long and dreadful while.You stared at his fidgeting finger before looking back up at him. A simple nod does the trick, and a hand is on the side of your jaw, guiding your mouth to his. You've kissed before, he knew that, but he was still treating you like a delicate flower. His lips pressed against yours and his hand was soft against your skin. You kissed back harder, licking his lips, forcing them open, insinuating for him to let loose.
Both hands go to grab each side of your face this time, kissing you hungrily as he moves himself from beside you to in front of you. Your neck is cranned up as he sits up onto his knees. You raise your hands and slip them under his shirt, feeling his bare skin as they slide down his torso. He pulls away, immediately taking his shirt off.
You looked up at him, his gaze lingering harshly on you as he stared you down. You bit your lip as he slowly grasped the bottom hem of your T-shirt. "Arms up." He orders, and you lift them. He takes the shirt off of you, bunching it up and throwing it to the side of your room. You aren't sure what to do, you hadn't exactly worn a bra under that. You cross your arms over your chest for some sort of coverage, but Chris quickly laces his fingers around your wrist. "It's okay." He tells you, slowly dragging your arms down. "Are you okay?" He asks soft enough to send a shutter down your spine. "I'm okay." You confirm, he leans down to kiss you once more, pulling away just as soon as his lips meet yours, going to take all of you in. Your body felt hot, your chest feeling as if it was steaming the way he memorized each of your curves. He looked up at you, making direct eye contact as he began to take one tit in his mouth as the other was being caressed by his hand. You throw your head back, surprising yourself with a moan as he begins to give you open-mouthed kisses, his tongue grazing over your nipple, validating its hardness.
His mouth begins to trail back up to your collarbone, leaving desperate kisses until he's reached your neck as his empty hand trailed down the side of your hips, his thumbs curling onto the elastic of your pants, pulling them down as he bit down a hickey. You gripped onto his hair, pulling onto the section that fell above the back of his neck as he distracted your mouth with tongue-filled kisses, but you were extremely aware of the hand that had slipped into your panties, two fingers suddenly pressing against you. You whimper.
"Everything okay, princess?" He breathily asks, watching your face scrunch up as he begins to rub your cunt. "So wet for me, how long have you been dreaming of this?" He tries to catch your eyes but they're sewed shut, the soft noises coming from your mouth giving him all the answers you need. His soft and lengthy fingers suddenly pump into you, and you gasp. "Chris." You utter, feeling him pump in and out of you as his thumb grazes harshly onto your clit. You flinch. "Chris." You moan louder.
"That's right, say my name." He says as he pumps you faster, his other hand grabbing the secure of your jaw. He wanted to feel your mouth back on his, he wanted to feel your moans and whines on his mouth. The clench in your stomach reaches an all time high and your hips buckle. Your stomach loosens and you feel your loud moans muffle harder by Chris's refusal to leave your lips, you feel him smirk under the kiss as you cum all over his fingers. "Feel good?" He questions, your nodding is instant and he laughs at the quickness of your answer. Your hand follows his hair as he begins to lower himself, kissing your stomach, thighs, and then your pussy. His tongue trails down your slit, his mouth collecting what had just been your orgasm. Your thighs immediately close around him, your legs going over his shoulders and crossing at your ankles. It was safe to say you've never been eaten out. Until now. And it was heavenly.
Your hands push down on his head, feeling his nose press against you and a huff of laughter giving your pussy a breathy gust of air. "So needy." He hums, licking your folds.
Embarrassingly enough, you reached your second orgasm, pulling hard onto his hair. He looked up at you, smiling with his teeth as white liquid drooped down them and off his chin. He fixes his posture, sitting up but still between your legs.
Catching your breath, you glare at him. "Still a virgin though." He sings the last word happily, memorizing the image in front of him as his hands massaged your thighs.
"You gonna change that or what?" You finally muster up a few real words, challenging him. He raises an eyebrow, "Oh?"
"Take your pants off for me? Let me feel you, Chris." You tell him, sounding awfully like a whiney, desperate order. The smirk is still playing on his lips, looking at you through his messy hair. "And to think you'd had enough."
"You promised me something, remember?" You palm his dick through his sweatpants, feeling him rock hard against your hand. Instinctively, he pushes his hips into your hand, and you squeeze his large size, whimpers sneak from his mouth. "It's obvious you hadn't had enough, though."
Chris wastes no time shoving his pants off taking it right down with his boxers. His dick springs up and you need a moment to register. Okay, woah.
"Finally fuck me?" You wonder. His grip on your hips were tight, as if he was keeping himself from suddenly ramming himself into you, keeping in mind you were trusting him with your virginity. "Finally." He confirms, the idea of fucking you in his mind since the moment he was able to form a thought like that.
He slowly enters himself in you, and your hand clasps around your mouth, trying to keep yourself from screaming at the sudden stretch. He clicks his tongue, letting out a series of curse words. "Fuck, you are so tight." You answer him by pushing yourself onto his cock as he holds you down. You clench yourself around him and he audibly moans, slowly rocking his hips back and forth. Each thrust was long, slow, and wet, you soaked up each movement desperately.
With his hand still holding onto you, he drops his head to look at the sin you two were participating in, guiding your hips in and out of him. Each pull rhythmic as he pushed himself deeper into you as you clench, trying to get used to the feeling. Your whimpers got louder as he went faster, hypnotized by the scene in front of him. He wanted to keep this memory locked in his head forever, how beautiful you looked sprawled against your bed, moaning his name as he thrusted in and out of you, taking away your virginity.
For a moment it all seemed too good to be real, and he went faster, wanting to see just how the narrative in front of him would go. The thrusts harsher and quicker, you gripped the sheets hard and your moans grew louder. "Taking me so well, princess." He hit your G-spot three times too fast, and you practically blasted him with cum. You tried warning him, but he seemed lost in his own mind. As if on cue, he pulled out the moment you came all over his dick. "Fuck." He followed that up with your name, finishing as his orgasm splattered on your stomach and chest, where he'd specifically aim it there.
He flops down on the empty spot beside you, both you guys attempting to catch your breath. A few seconds of shocked but comfortable silence pass.
He turns his head to look at you. "Good or nah? Wanna try again?"
"What, like, take my virginity again?"
"How about we try a nice shot at my first ever aftercare, yeah? Then I'll consider it."
"Right, of course."
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ellieslittlewh0re · 6 months
ִ ⋆。 °✩ ❝ 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐄 𝐋♡𝐕𝐄 ❞ ✩°。⋆
(𝒘𝒌) 5k
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〚𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒〛 ✰ rockerstar! ellie x groupie! reader ✰
〚𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒〛 ellie williams. her name was everywhere- the underground music’s next breakout star, and for a good reason too- a honeyed voice mixed with gravel, her passion, energy, the fact she was everything rock and roll should be. also, let’s not forget the sex appeal.
〚𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒〛 sex, love, drugs, and rock and roll. !!TW!! for descriptions of drug usage ( c0cain, L$D) fingering (r! receiving), oral (r! receiving), strap on usage (r! receiving) overstim kinda, dom e!, sub r!
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It started with a video- a grainy, shity quality one at that, but still a video. She was center stage of some grungy bar from the looks of it, spotlights illuminating her face enough to see stands of her hair sticking to her forehead with sweat, and a chipped cherry red electric guitar hanging from her shoulder. She was magnetic, hypnotizing- not just with her performance, but her looks as well.
From that day on, you just had the desire to get closer to her in any way you could.
It had been two months since you started following her band while they toured across the West Coast. You had been to every show, seen every performance, and Ellie was starting to catch on.
The first time she saw you, you immediately caught Ellie's attention- I mean, how could you not? You were by far the hottest girl in the venue that night, swinging your hips so effortlessly it put the rest of the girls to shame. Ellie remembers that night vividly because she was so pissed she couldn't find you after the show to bring you back to her shitty motel room and have her way with you. But Ellie quickly forgot about you when the company of two other girls took your place that night, along with a few too many hits of whatever her drug of choice was during that time.
So, that's how you ended up here- at a run down gas station bathroom touching up your makeup in the middle of the fucking desert, and a van full of strangers that you were currently hitching a ride with waiting outside at the pumps.
And Ellie? Well, Ellie was doing what she always does before a show- drugs, and lots of them, whether it was molly, coke, weed, tabs, or maybe even a deadly concoction of all the above, she didn't care as long as it made her feel alive- claiming it made her perform better or something, but really she just liked being fucked up while fucking girls after the show.
While Ellie was living this "glamorous" rockstar lifestyle, you were on the complete opposite end- quitting your day job to follow some girl around who doesn't even know your name and catching rides from people who definitely look like they have seen the inside of a prison cell- AKA, you were a groupie.
The air was hot, stale. A thin layer of orangy, rust-colored sand coated the windows and the van's gaudy upholstery. The landscape outside flashed like an old fashioned reel movie, cacti, shrubs, Joshua trees, and repeat.
It was desolate, and if the road and occasional mile marker wasn't there to remind you, you would've thought you were on a different planet.
"Your stop is next, daisy." The man with a handle bar mustache yelled from the drivers seat, meeting your eyes in the review mirror.
Daisy. A nickname given to you by the group when they first picked you up further up north. You had a daisy tucked behind your ear, and from then on, you were daisy.
It was dark by the time you arrived at the venue, venue isn't really how you would describe it. It was more like a diner turned bar turned into whatever the fuck it was currently. You waved your goodbyes to the the group of not-so-strange strangers, all of them bidding you 'farewells' and 'good lucks' before you watched the red tails fade into the pitch dark of the desert.
For once, you were early. Turns out a bunch of traveling hippies and outcasts aren't on a timed schedule, who knew?
Even though you were early, the dirt patch of a parking lot was packed, cars in various stages of deterioration lining the sides of the building, and people gathering outside to avoid the cramped interior. But you weren't here to socialize or drink and get high- you just wanted to see her, dance to the strum of her guitar, and let her voice consume and overtake you.
It was 40-ish minutes past midnight, meaning Ellie and her band were late, but that's not a surprise. She had a bad habit of keeping the people waiting, but she was a busy girl- hanging out backstage or at a hotel, a room full of girls for her to pick from, and no shortage of drugs and alcohol. But tonight, she went a little too overboard. Her band mates were practically carrying her across the motel parking lot to their van, trying to get her to sober up on the way to the venue with water and motivational speeches that mostly consisted of "get your fucking shit together".
The short 30 minute drive to the venue was barely long enough to get Ellie back in the right state of mind. She was slightly unsteady on her feet, and her speech was a little slurred, but she's used to preforming under these conditions.
You waited patiently of course, babying a strong cocktail mix since you didn't dare get drunk and risk not remembering every detail of the night- every detail of her.
When the crowd shifted their attention to the back entrance of the building, silent murmurs at first before a load cheer erupting was when you knew, she was here, and she looked like heaven- a black tank top that was torn near the neckline, a studded belt loosely securing a pair of baggy, black patchwork cargo pants.
The crowd parted a pathway for her as she made her way through the room with her bandmates following behind, a cigarette tucked between her lips as she'd occasionally stop to sign whatever was thrown at her- a piece of paper, cash, a pair of tits- which she'd always happily comply, but if she saw a girl she liked, she would lick her pointer finger and index, smearing part of her signature on their cleavage while the marker was still wet to subtly let you know that she wanted your company for the night- at least, that's the rumor you've heard.
You found yourself holding your breath- she was so close, a mere body or two keeping you at arm's length from her. You could smell the cigarette smoke, and see the details of her chipped black nail polish holding the marker between her fingers.
Ellie hands the notebook and marker back into the wave of hands, looking up while blowing out a cloud of smoke, and that's when she sees you. She was about to walk off, but she stopped for a second. You don't look like you belong- you were different, sweet, and innocent-looking compared to the rest of the audience. But she doesn't let her eyes linger long, she has a show to put on after all.
She turned, and walked towards the stage stairs, and centered herself behind the mic. She shifted her weight on her feet, and took one last drag of the cigarette before suffocating the embers on a ashtray near the edge of the stage.
"How's everyone doing tonight?" She barely could make out before the crowds hollering drowned out her voice. She laughed into the mic while plugging a cord into her guitar that was connected to a beefy looking amp.
Her ego was at its biggest right now- just her mere appearance could make a group of strangers act like dogs, and she fucking loved it.
She played a few cords on the guitar, ensuring the tune was where she wanted it before looking back up into the crowd, "c'mon, you can do better than that." And even though her mouth was covered by the mic, you could tell she was smirking.
The crowd cheered louder, fists clenched high above the sea of heads, and chanted her name over and over exactly how she wanted them to.
And for you? Well, you were also chanting her name, maybe not as loud, but you were too busy squeezing your way through to get to the front.
She needed to be able to see you.
And she did see you- you were front row, playfully singing and dancing along, your bright, twinkling eyes boring into every little thing she did- from the way she'd run her hand through the front of her hairline, ridding her face of the baby hairs and bangs, down to the way her fingers curled over the frets of her guitar. She made sure to look elsewhere into the crowd, interacting with everyone, but her eyes always found themselves back on you.
Ellie closed out the show with an encore, most of the crowd was overly intoxicated at this point, stumbling, and starting meaningless fights with whoever was closest- aka the usual time you'd leave, but you couldn't, at least, not when Ellie was walking towards you, her eyes set on you. You glanced to your right then your left- confused, and definitely was searching for an explanation as to why she was getting closer. Surely, it was someone else who caught her attention, but it was only you nearby.
You take a step back from the stage as the tips of her dirty converse near the edge. She bends down at the knees before sitting all together, dangling her legs over the edge. She doesn't say anything, and you didn't either, maybe from intimidation mixed with confusion as to why she chose to sit here out of all places.
She reaches her tattooed arm behind, shifting her weight to pull out a pack of cigarettes, and offering the carton to you, but you shyly decline. She smirked, a dimple deepening on the one side of her cheek, "So-" She said, her voice momentarily muffled by the cigarette between her lips, "-you don't look like you're from here, where'd you come from, baby?" She ignited the end with a metal lighter, holding a free hand up to cover the flame which only amplified the warm glow of the flame on her face.
You chuckled a nervous laugh, looking down at your fingers as she blew out a puff of smoke, "M' not. I'm from up north. " Your voice trembled, leaking with submission and uncertainty which only fascinated her more, but also she was frustrated- most girls wouldn't need a conversation to know what Ellie wanted from them, and you weren't looking at her.
She grabs your hand, and pulls you closer to the space between her knees. A sharp breath gets caught in your throat as she does this, your cheeks hot, and your gut feels like it's jumping being this close to her- enough to smell the fumes of her cologne mixed with ash. You watch her fingers come up and hover over your chest, her fingers gently dancing along the skin of your clavicle to examine the charm of your necklace, but really it was just a flirtation tactic to her.
"What's a girl like you doing in the desert in the middle of the night, huh?" She asked, dropping her voice down to an almost whisper- raspy, and thick with suggestion. You shake your head side to side, a nervous tick of yours when you felt uncomfortable, but being uncomfortable isn't always a bad thing.
"I uh-" you paused, mentally wavering if you should tell the truth since it does seem a little pathetic. "-I wanted to see you play."
Ellie's eyebrows raise, her bottom lip puckering into a frown with a slight nod. "Is that so?" She hummed, rolling the edges of the charm between her fingers. Ellie was certain she had seen you before. It wasn't a trick of the light or getting your face confused with some other hot chick- you were unmistakable. But she didn't want you to know that she found you out, not yet, not now.
Ellie learned in further, your knees almost buckling out from under you, feeling her breath against your lips. She played it off like she was getting a closer look at your necklace, extending the religious symbolic charm out so the chain tugged on your neck. "Do you believe?" She asked, still looking at the damn necklace, furrowing her brows like she was in a deep philosophical thought.
You swallowed dryly, wishing you still had your drink from easier, "N-not really-" you stuttered, "it was a gift from when I was younger."
Ellie chuckled, but it wasn't lighthearted or sweet- it was dark, methodical, and a tad bit sadistic.
She released the charm from her fingers, letting it hit your bare chest with a muted thud before looking up. Her eyes were a darker shade than you remembered them being- irises blown out and framed beautifully by a thick band of dark eyelashes.
Her hand reached out and gently grabbed you by the wrist before yanking you closer so your tummy was flush with the side of the stage, leaving only a few inches between your tits and the denim of her crotch.
You inhaled a sharp, breathy yelp as she did this, your hands not knowing what to do or where to divert your eyes- her hands on you, her face so close to yours that you could count the freckles on her cheeks, even the ones that are faint enough to miss- or maybe how her thighs were drifting apart, and you were in between them.
Her hand comes up, which causes you to squeeze your eyes shut, but the wrinkles around your eyes relax as you feel her hand on your face and her lips on yours. You moaned instantly at the contact, resting your hand on her thigh where it felt most comfortable. Ellie took this opportunity to slip her tongue inside, using the muscle to work against yours. Her hand snakes down your side, squeezing the soft flesh of your hip before pulling away, leaving you breathless, and hazy.
Her eyes were intense looking into yours, her lips wet and craving a deeper satisfaction.
She only said one thing, a simple sentence that would separate you from being just some regular fan,
"Come with me tonight, and I'll show you something worth believing."
So that's how your night shifted- how one decision to follow some band across the state had finally paid off because now you were here- a hotel room, alone with the band's most valuable member snorting lines of a white powdery substance off of a mirror topped end table.
Ellie held the rolled 20 between her fingers, putting the end of it to her nose while the index on her other closed the opposing nostril shut. She dragged the end of the cylinder across the smuggled surface, inhaling deeply until the white line disappeared behind it.
"Fuuck-" She sighed, throwing her head back, and swipes the bottom of her nose with her thumb,
"Here-" She held out the rolled 20 for you to take, but you lean away,
"I don't do that stuff."
She looks at you curiously, a furrow between her brows that suggests she found your refusal even more entertaining.
Ellie leaned forward and turned her body to face you on the edge of the dusty duvet, "What-" She scoffed, "'think you're too good for it?"
You shook your head violently, indicating a 'no', "No- no, that's not what I meant-"
Ellie laughed, causing you to stop mid-sentence, "I'm just fucking with you, doll. I should've known." She smiles, and you return the smile in relief that you didn't actually offend her.
Your eyes divert to the wallpapered walls- a faint pattern of stripes with cream-colored baseboards, a warm yellowed lamp on the bedside being the only source of light in the room to contrast the night outside.
You felt her hand creep up your thigh, tempting the skin below the hem of your dress before it disappeared underneath the fabric altogether. She leaned in, her other hand on your face to encourage you closer, whispering a "so soft" in a raspy breath before connecting your lips with hers.
It started slow- her lips overlapping yours like a soft current on a still morning before it turned into a ranging one during a windy cast. You moaned into her- soft and delicate mews between each detachment, and it fueled her.
Ellie's body overpowered yours, using her strength to her advantage. But it's not like she needed it- you were putty in her hands, fully committing yourself to her, letting her push you into your back, and her body hovering on top of yours.
You squirmed beneath her- each bump, and drag of her knee between your legs left you feeling more desperate.
"Ellie-" you broke the kiss in a breathless euphoria, looking up at her with a needy expression. Ellie knew that face well- it's not like she had all this experience and didn't know what to do with it, so- she got up, leaving you alone on the bed, and walked over to a black duffle bag decorated with pins of miscellaneous logos and bands.
She riffled through it, pulling a small clear plastic bag out before joining you back on the bed.
She opened the baggie, pulling something out no bigger than the size of a postage stamp, and tearing it into smaller halves before looking up,
"Do you trust me?" She asked, her green eyes piercing into yours, causing a wet sensation to spill from the heat between your legs. You swallowed, not really sure what you were agreeing to, but you nodded anyway, "Yes, Ellie... I trust you."
She placed the colorfully decorated paper on her tongue and held the sides of your face, kissing you and slipping her tongue inside, transferring whatever it was into your mouth before pulling away. "Swallow." She demanded, tilting your face up by your chin, and you did it without hesitation- straining the walls of your throat as the mystery stamp slid downwards.
She smirked, and swiped her thumb over your bottom lip, "good girl."
She followed it up by doing the same, placing the tab on her tongue and swallowing, but she made it seem so much more intentional like a ritual of some sorts.
Ellie leaned away from you in the bed to rest her back against the headboard and pillows, "C'mere" she said nonchalantly, patting her thighs.
With shaky knees, you did as you were told and crawled your way up her legs until you were straddling her waist.
Her hands come up to rest on your hips, her thumbs tracing circles through the flimsy fabric of your dress, "so obedient" she said lightly, almost under her breath to herself and not at you directly. 
Her hands started to wander- first on your hips, then down to your thighs, gliding them up to the plush beneath your skirt. You felt her fingertip squeeze and caress, sending chills up your spine and a hot/cold sensation throughout your body.
Next, her lips were on yours, and her fingers were tightening the follicles on the back of your scalp as the kisses became more intense. Your back instinctively arches, and you reach a hand between your legs to soothe the ache, but she stops you with a firm grip on your wrist, "Gettin' impatient, huh?" She said in a cocky tone, smirking against your lips. You whimpered- nodding your head, and grabbed her hand, inching it closer to your core.
Ellie chucked at this- the kind of chuckle that was half way a scoff, and half way felt like an insult.
"Damn- you need me to fill you up that bad? 'thought you were one of them good girls."
She tisked her tongue against her teeth, but still let you guid her hand where you needed her.
The back of her knuckles grazed between the pillowy folds over your panties, going agonizingly slow before turning her hand over to fully palm your cunt.
You melt on top of her, resting your head against her shoulder, all the while dragging your hips against her hand.
She turns her head, her warm breath fanning against the helix of your ear, "You're so wet and I've barely touched you."
Her words echoed throughout your brain like her voice waves were sending signals to every part of your body. And her touch was magnified- each cell, fiber, and pore was experiencing a new sense of heightened, whether it be because of the drugs or not, you couldn't be sure.
"El-Ellie, please... need you."
Your words rang a siren song to Ellie's ears, creating a sticky pool between her own legs. She muttered a guttural "fuck" before she grabs you by the sides of your thighs, flipping you over so she was on top of you.
She was already yanking down your underwear, and tossing them to the side before you could comprehend what was happening. You felt her fingers stinging to the flesh of your thighs, prying them apart like she couldn't wait to see you, to taste you.
You sucked in a sharp breath as her tongue lightly traced a line down your folds before her lips met your clit where she pulsated the bud between her lips, letting out a moan as she made contact, "fuuck-" She curses before flicking her tongue over your bundle of nerves, igniting a colorful array of shapes behind your tightly closed eyes.
She was messy but precise- using her tongue along with the motion of her head to send you that much further. Your fingers tangled in her hair, tugging harder the closer you got which was the perfect time in Ellie's eyes to add a finger.
She slowly pushed her middle finger inside, stopping halfway at her knuckle to let you adjust before slamming it all the way till her knuckles were snug against your puffy lips.
You wriggled beneath her, reaching out to push her away with a palm to her shoulder, but that only makes her add a second finger.
You cry out loudly through heavy breaths, the veins on her forearm coming to the surface of her skin from how much force she was using, and her mouth putting in just as much work.
You were climbing higher and higher, the peripheral of your vision going white-
"Ellie... I'm- I'm gonna-" You don't have much time to warn her before your body starts to spaz, starting at your hips and up into your chest like volts of electricity through a highly active current.
Your knees close around her head, your back arching high off the mattress, and your eyes rolling into the back of your head. She slows her pace as you come down before pulling her fingers out and lifting her head.
With your eyes closed, and an arm draped over your face, you feel her pat the inside of your thigh before her weight leaves the bed.
She comes back a couple of minutes later, only opening your eyes when you feel her weight return to the mattress.
Your eyes go wide as you take notice of the new attachment- a black, strappy harness with buckles near her hips, and a crude shaped silicone cock bulging at her crotch.
She lowers herself over you, her hands on each side of your head before she leans down to kiss you, slipping her tongue inside. She pulled back, momentarily admiring the way you looked just from something as simple as oral and some fingering- glossy eyes, puffy lips smeared with her spit, and if she looked down- how your inner thighs glistened.
Her lips trial from yours, staring at your neck, then your chest, and finally your tits which Ellie had absolutely no problem with pulling the straps down to expose them, leaving the fabric bunched around your stomach. In her eyes, everything she wanted- no, needed was accessible this way.
Ellie looks up, placing a delicate kiss on the skin of your lower stomach, "Got one more fr' me, pretty girl?" She asked softly, tenderly, but it still managed to come off more intimidating than a question should sound.
You nodded shyly, a small whine emitting from the back of your throat, looking down at her with your breasts out for her viewing, grabbing pleasure, and your legs spread wide, ready to take her.
She lifted her upper half up, slim fingers holding the base of her cock, and lined the artificial tip with your entrance. She glided the tip up your folds, coating it with your slick, and let out a sultry exhale since she could practically see your walls clenching around nothing in preparation for her.
She teased you for a bit- only giving you a couple of inches before backing away and repeating, each time causing you to whine harder and harder out of frustration. Sure, Ellie was having her fun watching you squirm, grab for her, and fuck- how your hole gapped each time she pulled out, a clear, viscous fluid leaking from it, but she was growing just as impatient- feeling your legs wrap around her waist, pulling her closer, pleading variations of her name and "please" and who is she to deny you when you ask so nicely?
She thrusts her hips forward until her crotch was flesh with your ass, your legs in the air, and her hands pushing on the back of your thighs.
"Is this what you wanted, huh?" She gritted, pulling her hips back only to snap them forward again.
You cried out loudly, curling your fingers around the bedsheets until the blood stopped circulating, turning the skin there a lighter shade than the rest of you.
She pushed harder on the back of your thighs- your knees pressed up against your chest, and using what you can imagine is all of her strength to thrust into you. She was reaching the deepest part of your cervix- grunting and moaning on Ellie's end while you mewled high-pitched noises mixed with the wet slapping of her cock repeatedly slamming into you.
Ellie's eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly upward, and her lips parted as insufficient, short breaths seep from them. Her hips started to falter from the endless abuse her clit was suffering behind the base of her strap, her boxers now a sticky, cold mess that stuck to her cunt and thighs.
She collapses on top of you, snugging herself between your legs to connect her lips to yours in a desperate effort, overpowering all your senses with her. She continues to fill you over and over again, both of you moaning in between breathless lips.
You wrapped her arms around her as her head hung low into your neck, digging your nails into the skin of her shoulder blades.
"El... mmhm- I'm gonna-" You babbled before biting your lip to silence the cry that was bubbling in the back of your throat, and Ellie wasn't far behind.
The pistoning motions of her hips turned into a grinding one- keeping a steady pace and rolling her hips forward, "M-me too- fuck... stay with me, yeah?" She said in between soft pants, the warmth of her breath brushing against your lips as her hand came up to gently but firmly wrap around your neck.
Ellie's head goes fuzzy as you looked up at her with your half-hooded gaze and your perfectly rosette lips that are just begging to be wrapped around something, so- she released the hold she had on your neck and brought her two fingers that were previously inside of you to your mouth.
She didn't even have to say anything for you to part your lips wider, slipping her fingers inside and rolling them over your tongue.
You moan, closing your lips around her as her fingers reach further back, causing tears to fall from the corner of your eyes.
"That's it-" She coaxed, her eyes focused on the split trailing down your chin,"-such a good girl."
She motioned her fingers in and out in a vulgar manner, bitting her bottom lip before pulling her fingers out all together to fist the bed sheets beside her.
"Fuckfuckfuck-oh my god-" She grunted incoherently, dropping her head to space between your neck and shoulder. Her forehead glistened with proof of her efforts as she rushed the pace to ease the itch between her legs.
You tightened your legs around her waist, pretty little noises falling on Ellie's ears as you both peak.
She rolls her hips- making it slow and deep until your voice grows tired and quiet before pushing her upper half away from you.
You wince at her absence, feeling your walls retract back to its original shape like the sand inside of an hourglass.
She plopped down beside you with an exaggerated sigh of exhaustion, pulling up the bottom of her tank top to wipe the slick/sweat mixture from her chin and nose, giving you a few seconds to admire her hardened stomach and prominent 'v' which lead your eyes down to the fake dick still standing high between her thighs.
She catches you looking, the corner of her lips tugging into a smirk as she lets out a low chuckle.
You meet her eyes, realizing you have been caught, which causes you to look away quickly, but her hand grabs yours.
"Gettin' shy on me now after all that?" She said, pulling at your hand to silently instruct you to get on top of her, so you did.
Her hands rub up and down your thighs, and her bottom lip snug between her teeth. She eyes your body, starting from your tits down to her cock that is resting against your lower stomach.
"Wanna do me a favor?" She asked, palming the fat of your thigh that spilled over the heels of your feet. You hummed at her- a sweet, genuine hum that was full of eagerness to assist her, which almost made Ellie feel bad for what she was about to say- key word almost.
"Put that pretty little mouth of yours to use and clean me up."
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gentlyweeps-world · 6 months
The “It Girl”
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summary: Being a rookie in the world of Formula One comes with challenges, added on with the fact you’re a girl, American and racing for Red Bull doesn’t help. While you do have your “guard dogs” and “it girl” tendencies, it doesn’t help that you’re also trying to figure out romance.
pairing: 2021 grid x fem! driver, romantic interest tbd
warnings: sexism, alcohol consumption, toxic environments, uncomfortable situations
Many had said the 2021 grid was the best, the most exciting grid yet. While that was true, it wasn’t fun as a rookie in Red Bull, better yet, a female rookie in Red Bull. But that wasn’t the end of it, an American female rookie racing for Red Bull.
Least to say PR had a field day when they announced you would be replacing Checo after his retirement in 2020.
At only 21 years old you were making history, and you were once again today. Finishing P1 on home soil at the circuit of Americas.
Now here you were, alongside Max Verstappen, your teammate, and Lewis Hamilton, the break in between the two Red Bulls.
“Y/n how do you look so good after a race?”
“Y/n what makeup do you use?”
Only ten minutes ago did the end of race press conference start, and only five minutes did the most sexist and offensive questions start. And only seconds ago is when you were put out of your daze from the most infuriating question you had received.
“Y/n? How do you race while menstruating?”
Suddenly knocked out of your daze, your face contorts into one of shock and annoyance from the question.
“E-excuse me?”, You ask out shocked, not sure if you had heard the question right. I mean after all this was a post race conference, and not one question was about racing.
You glance over to Lewis and Max, who both look equally upset and disgusted.
The interviewer looks at you and smiles while he asks once more, “Can you tell us about how racing while having to deal with menstruation affects race strategy in your car?”
Max and Lewis still have a confused look, while Max looks at the interviewer like he will rip the guy’s head off.
The interviewer smiles and says, “Don’t be offended L/n, but girls and women on their period don’t think as fast or as clearly.” He then pauses for a moment to think about what he’s just said, and he adds, “Of course, it doesn’t matter anyway, women don’t belong in F1.”
You can feel your face contort to bewilderment, taking a moment to realize this interviewer was from DTS. Then you hear Max slap his hand on the table.
“She just got fucking P1 and you expect her to answer these ridiculous questions? Treat her with some respect, she’s done more than you have!”, Max says sternly, his eyes shooting daggers at the interviewer.
The interviewer grows visibly intimidated by Maxs reaction. He swallows twice and his tone visibly changes
“I-I’m sorry, I just had to ask.”
Lewis then speaks up and says to the interviewer, “I want you to listen to what you just said and think about what you just did. Women aren’t allowed to drive just because they are on their period, do you even hear yourself?” Lewis sounds genuinely sad.
Max remains silent, but his eyes are still angry. Instead of adding anything onto the conversation you just sit there, shock still on your face.
You let out an awkward cough, drinking some of you Red Bull, you clear your throat and look up towards the interviewers, annoyance clear in your eyes.
“Could we please move on now? Maybe ask a racing related question”, You say, showing no interest in being there.
For a few seconds, there is complete silence. Then a new interviewer finally manages to speak.
“Of course, a new question. So, Y/n, how do you feel about being the second woman to win a Grand Prix in Formula One?”
A faint smile appears on your face as you hear the question, “About time, a normal question”, You hear Max mumble out, a grin tugs at your lips, thankful Max has your back.
“It feels great, I’m super grateful for my team and engineers”, You say, “But very thankful to win, glad to have proved all of the doubters wrong”
Another reporter then pipes up and asks, “How did you feel about the backlash from a lot of people who didn’t want a woman in F1?”
You take a moment to think on how to respond, taking a moment to consider how much trouble you could get in if you answered honestly, but that was PR jobs right?
“Uh..well I think they’re fucking stupid, and they clearly don’t know who Desiré Wilson is”, You state, a small smirk on your face as you answer, knowing DTS will eat that up.
For a moment everyone is silent, until Lewis breaks out laughing, “I think this would be a great way to end this conference”, He says with a grin, getting up from his seat and moving out of the room. Max soon follows behind, and you’re quick to follow Max, not sure what to do afterwards.
As Max and you make your way back to the garage you hear chants and jeers thrown out, but it wasn’t enough to wipe off the smile on your face.
Finally reaching the Red Bull garage, Max and you get there and are immediately bombarded with cheers, laughter and applause from the Red Bull team.
After a good hour of celebrating with the team, you feel your phone vibrate in your hand, “Who is it?”, Max asks, curious to see who texted you.
Checking the notification it’s from an unknown number, asking if you wanted to go and celebrate with them, you look up at Max with confusion, but his face shows the opposite.
“Didn’t know he would be asking you so soon..”, Max says with a look of shock.
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radio: Hope this was a good one, im quite excited to work on this series!! I’m leaving it up to you guys to pick a love interest in the comments, keep in mind the grid is 2021 not 2023 💙💙 (send in any requests and leave any comments)
next part
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
Cave boy Danny just casually mentioning things that correspond with Bruce, like the time he stole an experimental power suit and shot a god corresponding with Bruce shooting Darkseid or the Infi-map being like the time Bruce was lost in the time stream, and the bats wondering how this kid can remain a civilian
Danny tried his best to not blink too quickly, as it may cause the stranger to shoot him. He honestly has no idea how he ended up here, but somehow, he was taken hostage alongside a bus full of people on his way to buy some chips.
He got tired of Alfred's instance to ban all junk food from the manor and had snuck out while the Wyanes had been busy going over plans for some big showdown with a guy named Scarecrow.
Danny doesn't know who that is and doesn't care to find out. The less he knows, the less likely he will have to deal with rouge. He's on vacation, dang it.
Or he was until the bus was taken over by a group of men wearing gas masks. They forced their way onto the bus when they stopped for some passengers, forcing the driver at gunpoint to drive them off course, and now they were heading to a wear house. People were crying, but Danny felt like screaming.
He just wanted spicy chips, and- maybe if he had the time- he would swing by the old junkyard to find a steering wheel for his ship! Fenton luck strikes again, it seemed.
"I wouldn't be so smug, Kane," One of the people in a gas mask shouts at him. He blinks up at the woman pointing her gun at his head but scoffs at her stance. His mother would throw a fit if Danny or Jazz ever placed their feet so off balance like that while wielding a weapon. "Once Dr.Crane is done with you-"
"I'm sorry did you just threaten me with myself?" Danny cuts her off. She pauses seemingly thrown before she sputters.
"No- not Kane, Crane."
He blinks at her. "You just said the same thing"
"C-R-A-N-E." She spells in a huff.
"Ohhhhh. Sorry, the mask makes it hard to understand you. Okay, so where were you? Dr. Crane is going to do what with me-?" Danny asks, leaning back in his seat, and waving his hand at her.
There is a moment of silence before she hits him across the face with her gun. "Don't you mock me!"
"Ow." He deadpans, rubbing at his cheek, and wonders if it was supposed to hurt. His healing had vanished the pain before her gun left his skin. "I thought we were having a conversation, but forgive me, I had no idea you had an inferiority complex and assumed everyone was mocking you. Let me guess, no one has ever told you they are proud of you, and now you are defensive of every action you take because-"
"Shut up!" His voice wobbles and Danny knows he hit the nail on the head.
"Does it keep you up at night? Does it freak you out that everyone can see your issues on your face as bright as day? I bet it does it. Bet it causes you to cry like a sad little confused kid who still can't figure out how to ask for help." He doesn't mock. He states it as fact because that is what it was. Fact. She does break down about it; he can tell by her reaction, and his tone makes it all the harder to swallow.
"I'll kill you!"
"Do it." He smiles. "Saves me from your boss. But will that keep you safe? Let's find out! How long will it be before he breaks you down? Ten, maybe fifteen minutes? And he will break you; you know he will. He's already halfway there."
"I-" She stumbles away from him. He doesn't have to see her face to know it's gone pale. Ha.
One of her crew hits her shoulder, having heard him speaking while the rest of the bus stares. "Stop letting him into your head!"
"Oh, what's your name?" Danny asks, blinking his large blue eyes at the man, watching his body language for clues. His eyes zero in on three belts and how they all match up at the buckle despite the fact that they are stacked on top of each other. Didn't Jazz once say that a belt with that much control hinted about attention to detail?
"Is the plan falling apart- can you not control it? The way life just moves on without you and that freaks you out doesn't it. The lake of control?" He asks, and the man jerks back. Bingo.
"Holy shit," A teenager whispers in the back horrified. "It's Dr. Crane jr."
"No, that's the Rabid Dog," Another answer. "Heard he made three elites cry after talking to him for more than ten minutes."
Danny is about to open his mouth when suddenly Robin crashes through the front window. Rude. There is glass everywhere now.
Hours later, Alfred franticly checks him over for injuries while the rest are freaking out. Apparently, they had feared to find Danny screaming from terrible visions but instead found him mentally breaking the hired goons with Jazz's training. "It's not like they did anything. I had a harder time stealing a super suit than those fruitloops-"
"You stole a what?" Tim cuts him off, eyes narrowed. Danny shrugs.
"I mean, haven't we all stolen a super suit?"
"Literally, no one here has done that," Steph tells him, and Danny tilts his head.
"You guys must have had boring childhoods. Surely you at least tried to organize your school into a battle-ready militia? No one can finish school without doing that at least once."
Dick raises a hand. "Brucie, how common is this in your world? Because that's alarming."
"All the kids at my school do that. My graduating class has done it three different times back in freshmen year." He shrugs. Cass makes a strange noise in the back of her throat.
"Not a lie. Brucie is strange," She tells the group, and everyone stares in bewilderment at the boy sitting on the medical table, even Bruce.
Danny smiles at them sweetly like he would at Vlad when the fruitloop is over, and he gets his parents to throw him out sooner than he wants to leave. It curves with just the right amount of innocence and mischievous nature that no one can tell if it's a positive or deadly expression.
"You are from a war-torn world?" Damian inquires, fingers under his chin with a frown. "How are you so carefree?"
"Oh no, we haven't had a war in about- eh fifty years? Give or take." He answers and once again Cass confirms the truth of his words.
This does nothing to settle their nerves.
"Every day I learn more about teenage Bruce, and every day I am more unsettled," Jason announces, and the rest of the Bats nod. Danny's smile turns broader and softer. It makes him more attractive but unsettling in a way.
Alfred sighs with a fond smile. "Oh, the memories. Master Bruce used to smile at his dates in the same way. I can picture him taking that sweet girl to the movies as if though it was yesterday."
"Bruce, how in the world did you get people to date you? That's creepy as hell. " Dick accuses the man who only shrugs.
"Oliver once told me it was part of the thrill. The idea that I could kill them."
"I wish I knew chum."
Danny slips the control into his sleeve- he will rip it apart later for the Bluetooth piece. He will wait till the Waynes are too busy with Bruce's old stories about his first few dates to take apart the fear gas bomb he took from the woman earlier today. Could he use it as a fuel?
He'll have to do some tests.
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cheriladycl01 · 13 days
Can you do a cute one shot please where reader gets drunk and she’s a super lovey and cute drunk and just wants cuddles with Max or Lando please?? Love 🍷 anon who is deffo not drunk and crying over max edits 🥰🥰
Drunk in Love - Lando Norris x Drunk Reader x Max Verstappen
Plot: Your were drinking for England after your first podium. To the point where you can’t tell the difference between your boyfriend Lando Norris and team-mate Max Verstappen.
Warning: Throwing up, General drunkenness.
A/N: This request was hard to choose whether i wanted it centered around Max or Lando, so i added Max being cutie.
Credit to il-predestinato for the GIF
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You'd gotten your first podium and you were in a celebrating that in a London Club after the British GP. There was a load of drivers in the club with you including your boyfriend Lando Norris.
You were being offered drinks from pretty much everyone in the room, it was absolutely insane and you'd taken so many drinks without even thinking how much you'd had.
You vision was so blurry, and you were at the point where being this intoxicated was scaring you and you just wanted to get back to your apartment that you kept in London while Lando had the Monaco apartment.
"Lan!" you cry looking up at who you thought was your boyfriend because of the shirt he was wearing. It the shape, same colour and same material when you leaned in to touch it as what Lando was wearing.
Your vision was beyond fucked and you couldn't even make out your boyfriends beautiful face.
"Baby!" you cried at him, tugging him towards you, your eyes blurring more with tears as you struggle to get his attention. The body turns round, and Max is now looking down at his friends very drunk state.
"Y/N?" he asks looking over at you bending down.
"Lan, please baby. I love you but I want to go home!" you say nuzzling into his neck and wrapping your arms around his middle.
"Oh-erm Y/N" Max tries but because of how loud the club is your drunk self cant even tell that it's Max and his Dutch accent that is talking to you and trying to pry you off of him.
"Why are you trying to get me to let go! You love cuddles!" you pout looking down.
"Do you not love me anymore?" you gasp before sobs start to rack through your body at the thought of Lando, the love of your life no longer wanting to be with you.
"Hey, Hey shush!" Max comforts you, pulling you in for a hug and brushing you hair with his hand in a polite manner. You nuzzle into the hug, and you started to feel strange, this didn't feel like a Lando hug, it didn't feel like your Lando full stop.
This body was taller, but not as built as Lando. It didn't feel right. And you couldn't help but wonder who on earth this imposter was.
Max was asking around him, trying to get Charles and Carlos to find where Oscar, Logan and Lando had all wondered off to away from you.
"You are my boyfriend! WHO ARE YOU?" you ask your eyes squiting to try have a better look at the man in front of you.
"Y/N it's me Max!" he smiles kindly putting his hand on your upper arm to steady you as he can see your swaying.
"I want Lando, please get Lando!" you ask with little gasps of breath, sounding like hiccups while you try to catch you breathe a little.
"Carlos has gone looking for him, look come sit down here next to Charlie and Daniel, i'll go help Carlos!" Max says leading you next to Charles who moves over a little in the booth to give you room to get in.
You sit there quietly waiting for Lando's return.
Max was practically running round the club, looking to spy Lando or even Carlos so they could team up and look for the trio together.
After looking he finds them out on the balcony looking down at the busy London street below.
"Lando!" Max shouts making all their heads snap round.
"What's up?" Lando asks putting his drink down making it clink on the glass of the table.
"It's Y/N she's like ... I've never seen her this drunk before. She didn't even know I was me, she thought i was you!" he explains and Lando looks between Oscar and Logan with a shocked look.
"We left her for what... like half an hour!" Lando sighs before following Max back inside leaving Oscar and Logan to their own devices out on the balcony.
"Baby?" Lando asks tentatively, seeing you slouched against Charles.
"Lan!" you exclaim, jumping up and launching yourself at him. You hug him and he wraps you into a familiar warm bear hug and you know that it's him now.
"There's MY Lan!" you smile, nuzzling into him. He kisses your forehead before pulling you back and bending down to your level to look over your face. He could see how spacey your eyes look and that it's for sure about time you should be leaving.
"Come on baby lets go!" he smiles and you shake your head with a soft whine.
"My feet hurt so much" you say groggily and he cant help but laugh at the little pouty expression on his face.
"That's okay, I can carry you baby" he smiles and lifts you up as though you were the weight of a feather. He carries you bridle style all the way back to your apartment which was actually on a 15 minute walk through London.
"I love you so much! I'm sorry about tonight!" you sighed at him, not enjoying filming guilty for making him leave this early.
"Why are you sorry darling!" he laughs as he places you down in the now moving elevator of your apartment building.
"Because i made you leave early from the fun because I don't feel well!" you pout, grabbing his arm and hugging it close against you. He just smiles down at you. You were normally very affectionate anyway but drunk you was very clingy and needy.
Not that Lando minded, he actually loved it.
"Come on baby, it's bed time for the both of us. No need to feel guilty, I was kinda wanting to come back for a nice cuddle session with you anyway!" he grins and you then look down.
"Shower!" you complain looking at him as the lift doors open to your pent house. He carries you straight through to the bathroom, you collapse to your knees throwing up all the contents from that night.
Tears brim your eyes hating the sensation, while Lando rubs your back soothingly trying to help make sure you can breath.
"Okay, lets wash this down and then get you in there to clean up yeah hunny?" he smiles at you, grabbing the shower head down and turning the water on washing the sick from the floor of the shower down the drain until its gone. He helps you step in undressing you, then himself.
He helps you shower, not trusting you alone in the shower by yourself in this state before drying you off and brushing you teeth for you.
You both snuggle up in the big bed, you cuddling into him playing with his curls.
"I love you!" you whispers looking up at his expression.
"I love you more" he smiles placing a kiss on your lips before turning the lights off with the remote and laying his head back to sleep.
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Summary: anon request- "Hear me out, y/n is on a girls trip to Vegas. When out at a club one of her friends spots Colby (and friends) and plays wing woman mentioning to Colby that he is y/n's "hall pass." He's interested and they party and hook up all weekend. Including heavy smut and dom Colby, please"
Warnings: this story is going to contain reader CHEATING on fiancé with Colby, SMUT18+, Hall pass Colby, LOTS of unprotected sex, rough sex, fingering, oral (f rec), hair pulling, choking, creampie, scratching, biting, lots of filth 
Again, this one shot is going to contain reader cheating on fiancé with Colby as their chosen hall pass.
Word count: 8.2k | kinda proofread
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N I G H T * O N E 
"I'm so excited for this trip." You say walking to your rental car, "I can't believe we're here!" 
Your best friend, Hadley sighs, looking around, "I know! Im so glad we agreed on doing the solo bride and maid of honor trip." 
You nod, throwing your suit case into the car, "So the hotel?" You ask getting into the drivers seat. Hadley gets in and nods, "Yeah we gotta get ready." 
"Ready for what?" You look at her with a laugh. 
"Please tell me you didn't think we were staying in the hotel room all weekend.." she shakes her head, "No baby. We're throwing a bride sash on you and not having to pay for any drink." 
You laugh, "Okay. Yeah. Your idea sounds so much more fun." 
"There's the spirit." She punches your arm handle and you laugh, "I'm so glad you remembered the bride sash. I literally forgot about it until right now." 
She points to herself, "I'm the maid of honor, of course I'm going to be on top of things." 
You nod and shake your head as you continue to drive to the hotel. 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
By the time you got settled and showered and all dressed up to go out, a few hours have passed by, making it time for you and Hadley to go out. 
"Oh!" She rushes to her suit case and pulls out the sash, "can't forget this!" 
"Yes!" You laugh and point to her. She walks over and lifts it over your head, "Perfect." She steps back, pointing to the door, "Let's go." 
Luckily, the club you were going to, was only a short walk away. 
You get your ID back from the bouncer and you walk in, looking around. 
Every thing was so, alive. 
You were amazed and excited because you can scratch going to Vegas off of your bucket list. 
"Alright." Hadley says, "Let's make that sash, work." 
She interlocks her arm with yours and pulls you towards the bar. You had to admit, you didn't think the sash would work. 
A guy does a double take, smirking as he reads over your sash, "Bride to be? Huh." He nods, "You get a drink yet?" 
Haley nudges you and you laugh, "Oh, Um. Not yet." 
"Here." He waves the bartender down and motions to you and Hadley, "Add the next two drinks to my tab." 
The bartender nods and you smile at the guy, "Thank you." He winks and looks away. You turn to Hadley and laugh quietly, "Oh my god." 
She prances in place and squeals quietly, "I knew it would work." 
After the last two hours of mingling and sipping on drinks, Haley rushes up to you and grabs your arm, "Guess who the fuck is here." 
You look around, "Who?" 
"Colby Brock." 
You feel your face relax with shock. 
Colby is your celebrity crush basically. You adored him. He was in fact, who you told your fiancé your hall pass is. 
"Isn't he the-" 
You nod, already knowing what she's going to ask, "Yes. Yes." You laugh slightly, "Avery knows my hall pass is Colby." 
She covers her mouth, "how often does this fucking shit happen?" She sighs, "So if you meet him do you get to use it?" She look at you and raises her brows, "Cause I mean.. I would." 
You laugh, "um, no. I don't think that you can ac-" 
"Come on." Hadley pulls you through the crowd and your heart starts beating. You can't sit there and say you haven't thought about Colby while having sex or while doing it solo, because you have. 
Colby's hot, like godly, you'd let him ruin your life hot. 
So, you would in fact risk it all, "Hey." You pull Hadley back to you, "Keep it low key, I don't want very many people knowing about my embarrassment if I get rejected." 
She smirks and nods, "Alright. I gotchu." 
You move over to an empty table and sit down, your eyes scanning the crowd. Hadley leans in, "Okay, so I'm going to wait for Colby to go up to the bar and then I'll go talk to him." 
You laugh at her, "You're too good at this." She shrugs, "Wingwoman things." 
You look around, anxiously thinking about what you wanted to do. 
Well, you already knew what you were going to do, you were mainly anxious about the possible outcomes for the repercussion of it. 
After a little bit of waiting, she gasps, "Oh. There he goes." She quickly gets down from her stool and she looks at you, "Look cute, okay?" 
You nod and quickly go into the mode of trying to be cool and cute.
You force yourself not to look over there, you couldn't believe that this was even happening, like, Hadley was right, how often does this shit really work out? 
A few moments later, Hadley returns and she nods, "He's interested." 
Your eyes go wide, "no." You shake your head, "You're lying." She laughs, "That would be a sick joke. I'm serious! I gave him your number. I told him to text you because it's a big deal. Blah blah privacy. You know." 
You stare at her, slightly in shock, "This isn't real. This isn't happening." 
Hadley sighs and reaches out, pinches your arm. You wince in pain, "ouch?" You look at her and she smirks, "You're awake. This isn't a dream." 
You laugh, "Oh my god." You sigh, "What about Avery? Oh god. I don't think I can do this."
Hadley lays a hand on your arm and leans in, "y/n. Look at me." She squeezes your arm, "You know that saying, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas?" 
You nod and she nods, "Exactly.." 
"The fact that you're thinking about passing up the chance to fuck Colby Brock." She shakes her head, "Are you seriously going to do that?" 
So along with the whole wanting to fuck Colby, you also have had this, weird feeling, that you could always pull him. 
Maybe it was just your ego expanding because you know you're hot enough to actually pull him. 
"Is he really the person you'd risk it all for?" Hadley asks and you sigh, "Fuck, yeah. I mean, look at him." 
She laughs, "Good, because here they come." She straightens up and you sit up, "Oh fuck. Fuck." You smile as Colby's eyes meet yours. 
The way he makes you feel soaked just by looking at you, really tells you that you made the right choice. 
"Hey, guys." Hadley smiles, "Colby, who's your friend?" Colby smile and motions to the blonde next to him, "This is Sam." 
You laugh slightly, smiling at you nod, "We know. We watch your videos." Your eyes move from Sam to Colby. 
He smirks and nods, "We appreciate it." 
"So which one of you is the bride to be?" Sam leans in looking for the sash, "Ah. There she is." He smiles up at you and you tilt your head, "Here I am."
"I'm going to go get a round for us, be right back." Sam points and you nod, your eyes following Colby as he sits down next to Hadley, "So when's the big day?" 
You couldn't lie. You were so nervous you could throw up.
"Um, three? Weeks? Three and half maybe." You slowly lick over your bottom lip, "It's been quite crazy." You laugh and bring your drink up to your lips.
"That sounds like you need to take this-" Colby pauses and looks at Hadley, "How long are you here for?"
"Mm." Hadley pulls her straw from her lips, "The weekend. Friday to Sunday."
Colby looks back at you, "you need to take this weekend to relax." 
You slowly pull your bottom lip between your teeth and if it was just you and him, you'd jump him right then and there. 
"That's what I've been telling her! The whole plane ride here." Hadley sighs, "she deserves this." Hadley looks from you, motioning to Colby with her eyes and you can't help but laugh, "Yeah, yeah. I know." 
"Tell you what, our friend is throwing a party tomorrow night, why don't you guys swing by?" Colby looks between the two of you and you nod. 
This man has you in a mental chokehold, "That would be great, just text me the details." 
He smiles at you and nods, "I'll do that." 
Sam walks back up and sets the small tray down on the table, "Here we go." He grabs a glass and holds it up. You all follow along with raising yours and Sam looks at you, "To the bride to be." 
Your she's move from Sam, locking onto Colby's and he smirks, tilting his head slightly, "to the bride to be." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Alright. I think we're going to head out." You say getting down from your stool. 
"So soon?" Sam jokes and you laugh, "Yeah, it's almost two am." 
"Fair enough, did Colby tell you about our friends party?" Sam asks and you nod, "Oh right, yeah. Colby. Text me the address and stuff." 
Colby points back, "Yes, thank you for reminding me." 
The more you drank, the more the tension of wanting to fuck each other was growing quickly. 
You smile and link arms with Hadley, "Thank you for the drinks!" Hadley turns, "Bye guys!" She waves and you walk out. 
The cool, night air chilling your overheated bodies. 
"That did not.. just fucking happen." You press your fingers to your lips and think for a moment, "What the fuck." 
Hadley sighs, "Ah yeah. That's what you get for waking up in Vegas." You laugh, "Yeah, but wait, we didn't wake up here this morning." 
"Can you just-" she laughs, "don't ruin this for me." 
"Oh. Sorry." You both drunkenly laugh as you walk back to the hotel. As you make your way in, you dig your room key out of your purse. 
You step onto the elevator and the only thing on your mind right now is Colby. 
"Are you thinking about him?" Hadley asks and you nod, "Oh yeah." 
"Are you gonna do it?" You can tell she looks over at you but you keep your eyes on the doors of the elevator, "Do you think it's worth it?" 
"So you think Avery was serious about the whole hall pass thing?" Hadley asks, and you both walk off the elevator. 
"I mean.." you sigh, "I couldn't tell if they were joking or not." 
Hadley looks around and leans in, her voice going quiet, "The way Colby was looking at you tonight.. tells me that there's no way that man didn't catch feelings for you right then and there." 
You roll your eyes and she tilts her head, "I'm your best friend, so I'm going to be honest with you.. let's not forget who doesn't even want you on this girls trip to celebrate their upcoming wedding." 
You nod, "We talked about it.. it's fine now."
She nods, "Okay. But still." 
You look up at her, "Look I know you don't really care for Avery, but they're who I'm here, celebrating to being married to soon, okay." 
You both needed to sleep. You've been flying, driving, and just non stop going all day. 
You sigh, "We just need to go to bed and the alcohol isn't helping.. so yeah." You turn around and walk into the room. 
You go over to the door that conjoins your rooms and you stop to look over at her, "If this happens, are you going to tell anyone?" 
A smirk grows on her lips and she shakes her head, "I promise I won't." You nod, laughing slightly, "I'll let you know how it goes." 
She salutes you, "As you should." 
You laugh, "goodnight." 
You walk into your room, leaving the door unlocked and you go to get undressed. As you're stripping down, you can tell your phone goes off so your heart starts to beat faster. 
You grab your phone and walk in to the bathroom, smirking as you see it's a text from Colby, mainly just giving you the address. 
You bite your lip and type up your text back, Sounds good. See you tomorrow. 
You set your phone down on the counter and take a deep breath as you turn on the shower. As you're waiting patiently for the water to get hot, Colby responds. 
You pick up your phone and smile as you read his text, It was really great to meet you and Hadley. 
You hop into the shower and pull the curtain closed. You turn your back to the water and tilt your head as you type, It was really nice meeting you and Sam. You both are just absolutely unreal. 
You hit send and rest your phone on the little shelf thing so you can take an everything shower. 
You couldn't go without checking your phone, in hopes to see his name pop up. 
You couldn't lie. This was all a lot for you right now, like you couldn't believe that Colby Brock and Sam Golbach know who you are. 
When Colby finally answers, you give it a few minutes before you unlock your phone and read over his text, Speaking of, I gotta say. What she said kind of really peaked my interest.
You take a minute, because this could go one of two ways. 
Something tells you to just roll with it, so that's what you do, what did she say to you again? I just want to confirm that she got all the details that we talked about, lol. 
You sit your phone down, forcing yourself to finish your shower before looking at your phone again. 
It was a twenty nervous filled minutes. 
You wrap the towel around yourself and walk out to the room. You sit down on the bed and read what he said, Oh, I see. So you were in on it. If I have to say, that's probably the hottest pickup line ever.
Something flips in your stomach, peaking your interest even more. 
You lay back, holding your phone above your face as you type, I just need to know if it's a real thing, ya know? 
You jump slightly when you see Avery's name pop up at the top of your screen. You let out a sigh and accept the FaceTime with a smile, "Hey, babe." 
"What's going on, baby?" They ask and you sit up, "Just got back from the club a little bit ago.. you?" 
They shrug, "Nothing. Just got back from Cam's house." 
You nod, "Oh yeah? How was that?" 
"Eh. I just can't wait until you're back on Sunday, but you probably are having way too much fun without me." 
You laugh slightly, seeing Colby's text appear at the top of the screen, It can be as real as you want it to be, y/n. 
"Do you miss me?" 
You chew the inside of your lip, nodding as you look at Avery through the screen, "Of course I miss you, too!" You laugh slightly, "Why would you think that I didn't?"
"I'm just messing with you, babe." Avery laughs and you roll your eyes, "Very funny." You yawn and Avery sighs, "Yeah I'm going to head to bed." 
"Yeah, me, too." You nod, "I'll call you tomorrow, alright? I love you." 
"I love you, sleep good." Avery smiles and waves before hanging up and you take a second to process the call. 
You get this really strange feeling that you, honestly, have never felt before. 
You didn't like it. 
You thought about what you wanted to do, and either way, if your suspicions are right, at least you can say that you fucked Colby Brock, right? 
You go to Colby texts and type, The Venetian. Floor 25 room E, last room on the left.
You hit sent and you toss your phone as you now anxiously await the sound of a knock on your door. 
A few moments later, theres a soft knock on your door. 
You walk over, peeling back the tape on the peep hole to look and to your shock, you see Colby. You push the tape back over and open the door, "How'd you get here so fast?" 
"I was down in the casino actually, how weird was that?" He glances down, raising a brow a he tilts his head to the side, "So.. you're really getting right to it, huh?" 
You look down, completely forgetting that you were in just a towel, "Oh.. shit. Wow this is embarrassing." You turn around and Colby walks in, "Mm. I like it." 
You look at him shyly and smile, "Oh, okay." 
"So.." Colby walks up to you, "Can I ask you a question?" You look up at him, giving him a smirk, "Of course." 
His eyes stay on yours, which makes it kind of hard for you to stay focused as he asks, "Out of everyone, why me?" 
You bite down on your lip, "I mean." To step back and motion to him, "Have you seen yourself?" 
Colby chuckles and shakes his head, "I should be asking you the same thing." He bites his lip and sighs, "I am very flattered that I am what you call your - "He puts air quotes up, "Celebrity Hall Pass.." he laughs, "And you being hot makes it ten times better." 
You bite your lip, "How do you.. wanna do this?" Your eyes flick up to meet his and he shrugs, "How ever you want to do it, baby." 
Baby, you smirk, god you wanted him. 
He steps closer to you and you can feel yourself freeze. 
His hands hover over your body. Teasing you with the oh so close presence. You grab his wrists and push his hands to meet your body. 
His fingers dig to grow his grip tighter. Your hands slide up to his neck and your eyes never move from his, "I want you." 
That's all it took - Colby lifts you up, your legs wrapping perfectly around his waist and he walks you over to the bed. He gets up on his knees before laying you down. 
His lips crash into yours with that fiery passion you knew you felt. You moan against his lips as he grinds his bulge against your bare cunt, causing you to whimper out. 
You needed him, you want him so bad it hurts. 
"You sound so pretty, baby." Colby leans up, shifting all his weight onto his left arm as his right hand drags up to the top of your towel, "Can I take this off?" 
You nod, "Yes, yes." You bite your lip as he pulls back the towel, revealing your fresh out of the shower body. 
Colby can tell you instantly want to cover up. He licks His lips and leans down, "I think.." he presses a kiss to your neck, leaning back to make you look at him, "You are the hottest fucking person I've ever come in contact with."  Your pussy grows wetter and your cheeks grow hotter from his words, "You hear me?" 
You nod and lift your body so he can pull the towel from under you, "Hey." He tosses it and leans in, "You are fucking beautiful. Okay?" He nods at you and you nod back. 
He plants a kiss to your forehead and you feel his hand drag down your body. He stops at your waist, looking from his hand to you, "Can I touch you?"
You nod quickly, laying your hand on his to push it down to your achy cunt, "Yes." You breathe out, "Please."
Colby's voice is low, "Spread 'em for me, baby." 
You comply, parting your thighs. He smirks and you move your hand so you can watch his hand slide down to press his middle finger to your clit. 
You let out a gasp and buck your hips, you needed more, "Colby!" You whine out and he chuckles, resting down on his side and presses a kiss down your shoulder, "Tell me what you want, sweetheart." 
"I need you in me." You whine out, turning your face to look at him. You lay a hand on your cheek and moan out.
He watches your face twitch with pleasure as he drags a single finger between your folds, listening to you let out another moan as he pushes that finger into you. 
"Fuck." You breathe out, rolling your hips, "C-Colby." 
"What, baby?" Colby asks and you whine, "more.." you whimper, "I need more." 
"How do you want me to fuck you baby?" Colby slowly pushes in another finger, obliging to your request, making you moan out. 
Colby chuckles, "Want me to be slow and gentle?, Or do you want me to fuck you rough and hard?"
You nod, whimpering out, "y-yes." 
"Which one baby? Talk to me." Colby curls his fingers inside of you and you arch your back off the bed, "F-fuck me.. hard and rough." 
"Hard and rough? Mm" Colby leans down, kissing up your neck, "you want to be treated like a slut now don't you?" 
You nod and Colby chuckles, "Words, sweetheart." 
"Yes." You whisper out, "I want to be a slut for you."
He pulls his fingers out and stands up, "Rub that clit for me while I undress, baby." Your hand drags to your clit and you gasp as you slowly rub circles over your it. 
"That's it, baby." Colby nods as he strips his clothes from his body, "You're so wet already." He smirks, as climbs onto the bed, "I turn you on that much?" 
You nod, laying your hands on his shoulders, "oh yeah." You bite down on your lip as he positions his hips in between your thighs. 
"I couldn't wait to be inside of you the second I saw you sitting at that table." Colby whispers as he rubs the head of his cock against your opening, "So fucking hot." 
He inches his cock in, a groan from him mixing with your moan. Your nails dig into his shoulders and you squeeze around him. 
Your eyes roll back as you feel him stretching you the further he pushes in, "C-Colby." 
You drag your nails up his back, moaning out loudly as he pulls out and thrusts back in. His pace is slow, but his thrusts are hard. 
"Does your fiancé make you feel this good?" Colby mumbles with his lips against your forehead. You gasp out, tilting your head back, "Fuck, no no no." 
Colby slips an arm under your back and holds you up slightly. His other arm supporting his weight as his thrusts grow faster, more vicious. 
"You have the pussy that was made for me." Colby moans lowly and you whine, "You feel so good." 
Your nails sink into his shoulders as he rams himself into you. You moan out with each thrust, eyes rolling back as he lays you back on the bed.
He leans up, hands reaching down to hold your hips, and his thrusts grow hard, "F-fuck." 
Your back arches against the bed and you groan loudly, "F-fuck.." you gasp, feeling yourself come undone around him.
"Fuck, fuck." Colby groans, tilting his head back. He pushes your thighs back, pinning them down as he watches his cock disappear into you repeatedly. 
As he's fucking you through your orgasm, you feel his thrusts growing sloppy, "Where do you want me to cum, baby?" 
You roll your eyes, shrugging as you whimper out, "Anywhere, I don't care." 
He groans and nods, "Fuck." He thrusts his hips forward, slowly thrusting as you feel his cock twitch inside of you. 
You couldn't help but moan. 
Colby slowly pulls out, still keeping your thigh pinned back, "Fuck. Tell your fiancé that I'm sorry in advance." 
You bite down on your lip and furrow your brows, "Huh?" 
He lets go of his grip on your thighs and leans down, hands beside your head, "I said." He chuckles lightly, "Tell your fiancé that I said I'm sorry because I'm about to murder this pussy every day you're here." 
You swallow, nodding desperately. Now that did fuck him, you're addicted. 
"Really?" You whimper out quietly and he smirks, "Any chance I get, baby. This pussy is mine this weekend, right?" 
You nod and Colby tilts his head, "Come on baby. Let me hear it." 
You smirk up at him and nod, "This pussy is yours for the weekend." 
Colby presses his lips to yours, "Glad we're on the same page." He winks and moves off of you, "Now come on. I need a shower." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
N I G H T * T W O 
You and Colby fucked again last night. 
You fucked again this morning. 
And you're one hundred percent sure that he's coming back to your hotel room after their friend's party, which was honestly kind of boring. 
You and Hadley were loners until Sam and Colby and some of their friends joined. Once you got a few drinks in you, the night got a little bit better. 
When you're finally ready to leave, you look a Colby, "Are you, um." You laugh slightly, voice going lower, "Coming.. over tonight?" 
He gives you a nod, "Do you want me to?" 
You smirk, "I think we both already know the answer to that question." He nods, a smile on his face, "I think we do, yeah." 
An hour later, Colby is opening the hotel door from behind you. Your back is pressed against it, and his lips are on yours. 
He walks you backwards through the door and kicks it shut before bending down to lift you up, "This dress is fucking hot as hell, baby." 
You smirk, "I thought you'd like it." 
"Seems like you know me well enough already." He teases as he walk you over to the bed. He lays you down and lays down on his side next to you, fingers gently dragging up and down your thigh. 
You giggle, "I mean, I can't lie. I've followed you on social media for so long, so that kinda helped prepare me for this." 
"Smart girl." Colby slips his hand under your dress and you part your thigh a little more, "Sometimes." You breathe out with a laugh. 
Colby's fingers drag up and down your clothed pussy, "Are you wet for me?" 
"I've been all night."
He smirks and presses his lips to yours as he reaches down to undo his belt. You eagerly pull your dress up and work it up over your head before moving to get your panties off. 
As soon as the clothes are off and scattered, Colby's on his knees on the bed by your feet, "Roll over." He motions, "Ass up, sweetheart." 
You smirk and roll over onto your stomach, glancing back over your shoulder as you feel his hands on your ass. 
They stay on your ass as you raise your hips, keeping your arms bent flat by your head. 
"Good girl." Colby says lowly, gliding his cock up and down your soaked slit. 
You push your hips back as he slides in and you grip the sheets, letting out a loud moan, "Fuck, Colby." 
His hands tightly grip your hips and his speed picks up. He pulls you back to meet each of his thrusts, "Can't get enough of you." 
You moan out in response, pleasure consuming you as he hit that perfect spot with each of his thrusts, "F-Fuck." You whine out, "Gonna cum." 
You felt so close already and you blame the connection you and Colby have. 
It's incredible. 
Colby leans down, sliding his hands up your body to grip your shoulders. He pulls you up and you push yourself up onto your hands. 
His hands slide around your throat, gradually closing his grip tighter, "Such a good little slut." He breathes out, "Fuck." 
You let out a strangled moan, eyes rolling shut as he pounds you into orgasm. 
Colby groans as your walls squeeze his cock, "Fuck, baby. That's it, cum for me." He focuses on guiding you through your high, loosening his grip on your throat and you gasp. 
His left hand goes to your shoulder and his right hand grabs your hair and gathers it into a makeshift ponytail, "Can I fill you again. Sweetheart?" 
You nod your head, wincing as he pulls, "Words. Baby." 
"Y-es." You moan out, "Fill my pussy." 
Colby smirks at how much control he has over you. He knew you would do anything for him. He had you wrapped around his finger. 
"If you say so." He smirks, pushing your face down to the bed. 
You let out a loud moan as the slight position change and Colby's hand keeping a tight hold on your hair, "Fuck." 
Colby moves his left hand down to your hip, gripping it right as he thrusts harder into you. You clench around him, urging him to fill you, just like he did before. 
"Please please please." You whimper, "Fuck, fuck fuck." 
"Whose pussy is this?" Colby asks and you smile as you moan out loudly, "Yours, baby. It's yours." 
He pushes his cock all the way in as he lets go of your hair to grip your hip. He pulls out slightly and pushes back in, "Fuck." 
He allows you to feel his cock twitching as he fills you completely before he pulls out fully. He lets out a sigh, "You are fucking perfect." He leans down to look at your face. He brushes hair from your eyes and smiles, "Do you need anything?" 
You shake your head, "No I think I'm going to go for a shower though." 
He tilts his head and before he can even say anything you smile, "Come on."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
S U N D A Y * M O R N I N G 
Colby ended up staying the night with you again and you found yourself wide awake around four a.m. 
You just laid there, rethinking everything. 
You reach over slowly, making sure not to wake Colby and you grab your phone from the stand. You bite your lip as you navigate through your phone and into your text message threat with Avery. 
You struggled to type out your question, because you didn't want it coming off as bad, but you just had this feeling that either way, with you being in Vegas with a fiancé who doesn't even want you here isn't going to make it better.
You locked your phone, deciding on not sending a message. You cuddled back into Colby's chest and he pulled you closer, "You okay?" 
You nod against his chest, a soft toned lie coming from your mouth, "Yeah." 
It's quiet for a few minutes and you clear your throat, "I'll be right back. I'm going to see if Hadley has any melatonin or something..." 
Sounded like a decent excuse. 
You got up, walking over to the connecting door and quietly unlocking it. You push it open and step in. You quietly prance over to her bed and sit down on it slowly, "Hey." You whisper, "Hadley." 
She stirs but still no luck. You lean down, "Hey. I need to talk to you." You whisper slightly loud and her body jolts, "what.. the fuck? Y/n?" 
She rubs her eyes, "what time is it?" 
"I don't know like four thirty?" You move to get over the covers and your sigh as you lean back against the headboard, "I'm stuck." 
"On?" She knows, she just wants you to make yourself say it out loud, so you do, "Calling.. off the wedding.." 
"Why?" She rubs her eyes, "Like, because you've been hooking up with Colby or because you want to be with Colby." 
You know the answer, but you stay silent. 
"Do what makes you happy.. I mean.. all I'm gonna say is that you're with someone who doesn't even want you here celebrating their wedding." 
You nod, "But.. I still slept with Colby." 
"Okay, before he starts to get skeptical about what-" she tilts her head, "what are you here for?" 
"Oh." You nod, "I told him I was coming to get some melatonin. I was going to text Avery but I chickened out." 
"Well before he starts wondering why you're taking so long, I think first off you need to find out whether or not Avery was serious with the whole hall pass thing but you can play around it either way. Just tell them that you got to meet Colby and I was joking about it or something." 
You stare at the bed, thinking for a moment before you nod, "Yeah." You look at her, "That's good. Thank you." You go do get out of her bed, "Sorry for waking you up." 
"Mhm." Hadley mumbles as she moves around to get comfortable again, "Night. Good luck." 
You let out a soft laugh as you make your way back to the conjoining door. You quietly slip through, closing it beside tip toeing back to hour side of the bed. 
Your eyes move up and down Colby's sleeping figure and you just can't help yourself. 
You move onto the bed, sitting on your knees as you lean down to lay a few kisses over his abdomen. You glance up at him and smile as he stays asleep. 
You reach up, laying a hand on his cheek, "Colby?" You whisper as your thumb strokes his cheek, "I need you." 
"You need me, mm?" Colby smirks and you're not in the mood for jokes, which Colby picked up on when you moved to straddle his waist. 
You slip your shirt off and toss it, leaving your boobs in full view. You're thinly clothed cunt hovering above his sheet covered cock, growing harder as the situation continues. 
"Yes." You whimper out, "I need you." Colby's hands grip at your waist and slide up to move your shirt, "Whatever you need, sweetheart." 
You leaned down, pressing your lips to his and his hands slide around to your ass. He pushes you down as he pushes his hips up. 
You moan as his cock grinds against your clit, "F-Fuck." You whimper against his lips, "Please." 
He flips you over moving the sheet to bring it over you and he moves his body to hover over yours, "You're needy early this mornin'.." Colby tilts his head, "everything alright?" 
His hands move down to slip into the top of your panties and you gasp as you feel his fingers brush your clit, "I'm good." 
You were in fact not good. 
Far fucking from it. 
Your mind was racing as lighting speed, did I just ruin someone's life? What if doing this wasn't worth if? There's a chance Avery could have been serious about it.. 
You let out a groan, grabbing onto his neck, "Fuck me. Please." You could cry from the amount of emotions you have, you just wanted Colby for fuck them all away for a little while. 
He pulls his hand out of your panties and he slips them into the waist band, pulling them down your legs. 
He pulls them over your feet and your knees are spread wide. You reach out for him and Colby smirks as he leans down. His lips sync with yours and you wiggle your hips, moaning out as you feel the head of his cock rub against your soaked folds. 
You bite down gently on his bottom lip, gasping as you feel his cock slide in to you. Your nails digging into the top of his shoulders as you tilt your head back, mouth parted as you moan loudly. 
"O-oh.. F-Fuck." You arch your back and Colby takes the opportunity to slip his arm under your back and hold you like that as he begins to thrust. 
His lips meet the valley between your boobs, planting open mouth kisses as he moans against your skin, "Please don't leave today." 
"Colby." You whisper, clenching your walls around his cock, "I-I ha-" Colby cuts you off with a sloppy kiss and he shakes his head, "No. no. Baby, please don't say you have to." 
He rests his forehead against yours and you moan out, "why?" Colby rolls you over so you're now the one riding him, "Why, what baby?" He asks, hands tightly gripping your hips as you move your hips up and down.
"Why shouldn't I leave?" You breathe out as you dig your nails into his chest. He bucks his hips upward, "Do they fuck you better than me?" 
You shake your head, "N-not even close." You smile and look down at him, rocking your hips against his as you tilt your head back. 
Colby slides his hands up from your hips, gripping your boobs to knead at them. 
You let out a moan, whimpering as you look down at Colby, "I'm so close." 
Colby slips you back over, one arm bent by your head to hold his weight and the other on your cheek, "You feel so good." 
You were desperately chasing that high when all of a sudden your phone rings. Your head snaps and to the side and from as far as you can lift it, you know it's Avery. 
"Fuck." You gasp, trying to sit up. You groan when Colby doesn't move and you groan, "Colby, I need to answer that." 
"Answer it. I'm not stopping." He leans up and you quickly grab your phone, "please don't say a thing." 
He smirks at your plea and shrugs, "My mouth will be full don't worry." 
You answer the phone, sounding like you just woke up, "Hello." 
"Hey," Avery says, "What are you doing?" Your eyes fix on Colby bending up your legs and pushing them up and away from him, "Trying to wake up." You laugh slightly, gasping quietly when Colby's tongue presses to your clit. 
I mean, he did give you a few minutes of talking normal to your fiancé, so you can't be mad. 
"Yeah." Avery laughs anxiously, "Sorry about that."
You hum in response, mainly towards Colby slipping a finger into your soaked cunt, "No.. it's fine." You breathe out and Avery stays quiet for a few seconds, "Doesn't sound fine." 
You know this is turning into an argument. The anger rising within you, is starting to make you not want to care if they hear another person making you cum. 
You arch your back up off the bed as Colby adds another finger and you manage to choke out words, "What's that supposed to mean?" 
"You huffed when you said it's fine." Avery says, a hint of anger dashing their words, "No. no. You know what. You come home today, I don't want to fight with you. I shouldn't have even brang it up." 
You look down at Colby who is staring up at you, beautifully to add. His fingers thrust into you at a slow pace, curling up ward right when you needed him to. 
You felt awful for being on the phone with your fiancé while Colby Brock is knuckle need in your pussy. 
Also, turned you on in such a way that could never ever be waterboarded out of you. 
"Avery." You say, pausing as Colby moves to rub your clit with his other hand, "I just woke up." You breathe out, turning it into a fake yawn, "What's going on with you?" 
They take a breath and start speaking, "I just wanted to call and say that I love you so much and I'm so excited to see you today. You're going to make sure a beautiful wife. My beautiful wife." 
Your stomach drops and you get that same  gut feeling that you got when you were on the phone with them. 
Your whole demeanor changes and Colby notices, stopping his actions as he sits up. You hold your hand out to him displaying one finger and he nods. 
You move to sit up, "Avery.. what's going on?" 
"What do you mean what's going on?" They ask and you rest your head in your foreheads, "I don't know, you must haven't ever called me to tell me you love me like this before." 
You mainly repeat it just so Colby can know what's going on. You lay back down and roll your hips towards him. He smiles, taking the hint right away. 
He leans down, tongue sliding in between your folds and you fight back a moan. Luckily, it was Avery's turn to speak. 
"I'm just.." they sigh and you bite down on your lip, waiting for them to continue, "I'm nervous but so excited about the wedding I just wanted to tell you that I love you." 
Their excuse didn't sit right with you. 
"Oh." You laugh slightly, "I see. Well.. I love you, too, baby." 
Your words made Colby's grip tighter on your hips. You look down at him just as he rises to his knees, hand gripping the base of this cock as he slides it against your glistening cunt. 
You know this was going to be hard. 
"What time does your flight get in?" Avery asks and you hum as you keep your lips pressed together, "Five.. I think." 
Colby pushes his cock in and you lay a hand over your mouth, "Fuck." You quickly cover it up with a laugh, "I'm so excited to see you." 
Colby thrusts his cock deeper into you and you clench your jaw as you close your eyes. He lifts your right leg, placing his hand flat against the back of your thigh so he can push it back. 
You fight back the moan from the new angle his cock is  sliding in and out of. 
"That's the spirit." Avery laughs and you weren't sure, but you thought you heard the sound of a distant door shutting, "Alright, I think I'll let you go back to sleep." 
"Mm." You hum lowly, "Okay." You lay your left hand on Colby's as you keep the phone pressed to your ear. 
He leans down, replacing his hand on your leg with his bicep so he can interlock his fingers with yours. You squeeze his hand and tilt your head back, "Wait." You laugh, trying to make it a funny story, "Hadley and I were at the bar and you'll never guess who I seen leaving just as we got there." 
The lying is good, keep it going. Avery hums, "Mm, I'm not sure." 
"Colby Brock." Your eyes meet his and his gives you a wink, followed by a cocky grin. He didn't give a fuck about your finances feelings. 
Only yours. 
Colby really didn't you. He thought you were literally the perfect girl ever for him. He wanted you so bad that he sprinted to you at every call or text. 
He wanted to be yours just as much as he wanted you to be his. 
"I'm not su- wait." Avery laughs, "Colby Brock, isn't he the.. fuck, what do we call it?" They pause for a minute and you ask, "Hall pass?" 
You smirk at Colby and take your hand from his grasp, moving it to place your fingers on either side of his slowly moving cock. 
He fights back groaning at the sight and you bite down on your lip as Avery laughs, "That's wild. What did Hadley have to say?" 
"She pointed him out as he was waking away and all she said was, How often does that shit fucking happen." You answer, sliding your fingers up to your clit. 
Your eyes stay locked on Colby's as you continue to speak, "She asked if that meant I could have sex with him and I said no. Avery wouldn't like that very much." 
A laugh leaves their lips and Colby bites down on his, smirking as he shakes his head. 
"Exactly. I would in fact, not like that. Thank you, baby." They sigh, "Alright. I'm going to bed. I love you." 
"I love you." You whisper, "Mhm.. bye." You hear the three little beeps and toss your phone off the bed, sitting up at you reach up to grab Colby's neck slightly rough,"fuck me good." 
Colby smirks, taking your hand from his neck and pins it above your head. He does the same with your other one. He holds both of your wrists against the mattress with one of his hands as he holds his weight up on his left arm. 
Your legs wrap around his waist and your arms go to his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair as his thrusts speed up. 
His face is buried in your neck, leaving little love bites on where he can kiss. He whimpers out quietly, "I can love you better than they can." He kisses up your neck, whispering in your ear, "I can fuck you better than they can." 
He lets go of your hands and you instantly sig your nails into his back, squeezing his cock with the walls of your soaked cunt. 
You drag your nails upward which causes a groan leaves Colby's lips, "Fuck, baby." 
He lifts his head to look at you, "Stay. Please." He presses a sloppy kiss to your lips, whimper the next words against them, "Stay with me." 
You bit your lip, "C-Colby.. wh-" 
"Y/n." Colby moans out quietly, his forehead resting against yours, his eyes on you, "We work. I know you know we do." 
You arch your back, rolling your hips to meet his, "Fuck.." you moan, looking up at him, "Yeah." You breathe out, "We do. We do, baby." 
"Fuck." Colby groans, "As soon as I saw you." Colby shakes his head, letting out a sigh, "I just fucking knew that you were who I needed in my life." 
You smile, panting as your orgasm is teetering on the edge, "F-Fuck, s-so cl-" Colby lays a hand on your clit and you gasp, nodding as he runs fast circles with his fingers. 
"Fuck. Fuck." You moan out loudly, "C-Colby." You cling to him, moaning constantly as your body explodes with fireworks. Your walls pulsate around him as he kisses your neck, moving up to kiss your lips. 
You feel his cock twitch inside of you and you use your ankles, that are interlocked behind his back, to pull him in closer to you. 
You could tell that he loved it. 
"Fuck." He groans out, a smile on his face, "So fucking good for me." He presses a kiss to your temple and slowly pulls out, "Come on." 
Colby stands up and holds his hand out, waiting to lead you to the shower with him. You smile as you sit up, taking his hand to follow. 
He walks in, closing the door behind you and you go to turn the water on. You turn to face him, "I think.." you swallow, she's searching the ground as you the strength to say it out loud. 
"What's going on?" Colby is hesitant now, unsure if you're going to say anything towards him. 
You bite your lip and try to fight back crying, "I think Avery is cheating on me." You keep your eyes on your feet you quickly see Colby's before he tilts your head up to look at him.
"What makes you think that?" Colby asks, thumb rubbing over your cheek. You sigh and nod towards the steamy shower, "Come on." 
You pull him back and get into the shower with him. The warm water rushing over both of your bodies. 
"They said they went to Cam's house and I've heard from multiple people that Cam doesn't like me. And then they call me at five am and wants to tell me how much they love me?" 
Colby keeps his hands on your waist, nodding as he continues to let you rant, "I just.. usually that isn't a good sigh. I've been through something like this before with another person and they were in fact cheating." 
You take a breath and Colby cups your cheeks, "You deserve someone who worships you. Who love you inside and out." 
Was he referring to himself? 
He places a gentle kiss on your lips but that quickly grows into a slow, hands groping each other make out. 
"I just.." Colby sighs, "Fuck." 
"Say it." You urge him, "Tell me." 
Colby's hands slide up to the sides of your neck. His eyes search your face, "I.. I don't want to scare you away." 
You shake your head, "You won't." Your eyes stare into his and he nods, "I honestly.. think I may be falling in love with you." 
You nod, "I think.. I may be falling.. in love with you, too." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Hi hello! Thank you so much for reading! Please tell me what you thought of it, as always I love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
529 notes · View notes
chussyracing · 5 months
Can I ask why you don’t like mclaren?
TLDR: I'm just not the target audience for this team, but agree they can be appealing to lots of especially younger people.
I'm in my mid-twenties and teenagers don't do it for me. If I wanted kids, I'd either produce my own or take more babysitting shifts.
I don't even fall into the new audience category either, because I've been on and off fan since I learned to walk.
I don't enjoy the lack of personality showed by Oscar, nor the plethora of it showed by Lando.
I'm not the fan of the humour if all those digs and jokes can be described by "humour".
I'm not even the fan of the team in general, last person I liked was Charlotte Sefton and she left afaik.
But yes, there was a time I thought they would be a nice team I could follow. Fortunately you grow and learn with time spent in the fandom.
0 notes
pearlzier · 2 months
hiii! i hope you’re having a good day/night ^_^ i was wondering if you could wirte either sam or dean winchester with a bimbo reader!! smut or fluff i dunno ahhh TY!!
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☆ ┆.ᐟ ᰍ ︵ this took me so long m'so sorry ml !! ۫ .
☆ warning ; tad bit suggestive i mean. it's dean ,,
“pass me the fuckin’ uh..” dean ran his hand through his hair, crouched beside baby. it was a one in a million day where dean had no shit to do, so he found himself doing checks on baby even if she was in perfect shape. doesn't mean he can't check in on his girl, whilst his girl is sat on the precariously stored chair. yeah, he'd told you if you fell he'd absolutely laugh at you however he knew full well that he'd literally perform an act of magic on you to keep you safe.
“uh, screw driver?” you bat your lashes at him, legs rocking as you typed on your phone, snorting out a laugh at the emoticon that charlie had sent you. of course, you liked to help dean out. but the weather was so good, and the sun was good for your skin, or so that forum that you read at the library when you went with sam said. also, you and charlie had a lot of gossip to catch up on, so.. you weren't on your game as much as you usually were.
a soft laugh slips past dean's lips as he shakes his head, looking back at the toolbox in your lap. you watch as he gets up, his hands a little stained with car oil, which in fact, does not suit the white colour of your babydoll top, clinging to the curve of your chest. which dean took much pleasure in, but besides—so you squirm back a little when he comes closer, “dean, you cannot touch me with your hands like that, i love you, but no—”
“relax, sweetheart, just tryna get a wrench,” dean teases, “can't a guy get a wrench? jeez,” he raises his hands teasingly before he carefully grabs a wrench from the tool box. not before swiping his thumb over your nose which causes you to squeal, and he quickly makes his way back to baby before you can retaliate.
“dean!” you gasp, rummaging for your pocket mirror in the pockets of your baby pink hoodie, finding it and soon looking at yourself in the mirror. a little smudge of darkness glistens on your nose and the pout you give dean makes him cackle a little.
“c'mon, it adds character, don't you think?” he does a little tinkering under the car, to which you have absolutely no clue what he's doing. did you want to know? no, not really. you wanted to know why you had oil on your nose! you knew why, but why dean did it was a mystery, and you huffed.
“you'll know what character is when i'm done with you,” you mumble back sassily, giggling when you see the surprise fill dean's gaze. so, he rises from where he is, and saunters his way back over, having used a rag to wipe down his hands so you wouldn't throw a little hissy fit.
“is that right, hm?” his green eyes lift to yours, and leaning against the chair, he bites his bottom lip. hell, he likes when you get fiesty with him. “gonna show me character?” his low, gravelly voice cooed softly as his hands brushed over your sides.
this knocked you down a few pegs, because to be fair, if your bombshell of a boyfriend is speaking like that and holding you like this, well, who isn't gonna get a little flustered. “uh—yeah, character.” you do notice how his eyes flit down to your cleavage for a vague moment, and you speak up, a little uncharacteristically but in a way dean adores—“eyes are up here, deano.”
a groan slips past his pink lips, and you soon find his green, piercing eyes hooded and looking up at you. “tease,” he mutters under his breath, and a flush dusts his skin that he never expected to happen. “think i know where your eyes are, doll, just enjoying..” he traced a finger over the lace containing the spill of your tits, “the view. know you're enjoyin’ mine.”
you thought he wouldn't notice! you'd been staring at him for a while now, considering the fact he'd blessed you with the sight of not only his arms in a tank but sweats? your man was a slut, you couldn't even deny it. “dean, stoppp,” you mumble, getting a little heated as he brushes his fingers over you. “shut up.”
he pouts playfully, pressing his forehead gently against yours. lifting his thumb to your glossy lips, he pulls it gently before letting it go, a giggle slipping past his lips. “now you're being mean, pretty baby,” his hands slide down from your chest to your thighs, squeezing them gently. “mean to your ol’ dean?”
you push at his chest playfully, tapping your acrylics against his chest with a little laugh. this causes dean to dig his fingers into the meat of your thigh a little and pull you against him. “you were bein’ mean to me first, dean!” his brows raise, “you know exactly how. oil? nose? coulda’ gotten it on my top!”
he rolled his eyes at your behaviour, it's not like that top was expensive anyway. you two got it when dean had literally stolen 20 dollars from a wallet he found on the floor this one time. but that's besides the point. “can always get you a new one,” he shrugs his shoulders, flashing the signature winchester smirk. “kinda always been itchin’ to rip this one anyway. doesn't do that body justice.”
“dean,” you two were literally outside the motel, you couldn't do anything like dean was absolutely suggesting. and judging from the way his hand was sliding up under your skirt to cup your ass, well, he was suggesting a lot. he gives a gentle squeeze, growling softly before he lifted you up off of the chair, causing you to squeal. “dean!”
he swung you over so you'd sit on the hood of the impala, watching as your little skirt hiked up. a grin played on his lips and he sighed softly. “how'd i get so lucky, huh?” dean lifted ring clad fingers to brush the side of your face. “grumpy hunter like me.”
“fine ass hunter like yourself,” your retort was instant.
“i didn't say it, you did, so it ain't braggin’,” dean wiggled his eyebrows instantly, drawing you impossibly closer as his hands groped at your thighs gently. he was clearly a big fan of your body.
“dean, there are people walking past,” you nudge him, not before placing a glossy kiss to his cheek. he shrugs, glancing over at a passing woman and her boyfriend on the street. in usual dean fashion, he gives your ass a pat and winks at the couple, not that you realise.
“well, maybe, they wanna piece of this fine ass,” he squeezed, looking up at you through his lashes. “they'd have to go through me, first though,” literally before you can even realise it, you've been hiked up over his shoulder with your ass practically out.
“dean, my skirt!” dean acts oblivious, but slides a hand over you to keep the view at bay, a laugh slipping past his lips. “relax, sweetheart, i got you,” does this calm your nerves? no, not really, but, you relax into his grasp.
“you're the worst,” as you shake your head, your earrings shimmer under the dim lights of the motel as you make your way in. dean's practically a deer in headlights looking at you before he focuses again, and taps the doorframe of where sam's in.
“keep an eye on baby, alright? got some uh, things to be doin’, sammy,” it's like sam didn't even have to ask as he saw dean give you a playful swat on the ass, herding you to the bedroom. 
“yeah, sure, whatever,” sam was ninety-five percent sure he might have to go do his research in the impala because knowing you two? you were loud.
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tags ┆.ᐟ ᰍ ︵ @onlynextdoor ۫ .
☆ 𝜗𝜚 ( your honor, i loveeee himmmmmmmmm.... lmk if u wanna be tagged in spn works lolz
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unsolvedjarin · 9 months
Hi! If this inspires you, could you write a platonic fic where reader (who is around Charles’ age and is also teammates with him at Ferrari) is on the podium alongside him and Seb (this being set when Seb is at AM), but like that video or Lewis (that I can’t remember when it’s from) she already seemed exhausted while receiving her trophy, and when they exit the podium, she collapses onto Seb? Just hurt/comfort vibes from both drivers, really. Maybe Seb is close to her like a mentor, he’s worried about her? I think that’s it. Even if you don’t find it inspiring, thank you for sharing your fics. They’re really good. 😊💚
note: thank you for the kind words anon! i saw the word “exhausted” in the request and i kinda ran with it so this might have strayed from the original idea a little bit, but i hope it’s to your liking!
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gif by overtake
pairing: (sebastian vettel x ferrari driver! reader, can be read as platonic or romantic) (charles leclerc x platonic! reader)
summary: you overwork yourself, and pay the consequences for it by passing out on the podium. lucky for you, a certain german driver has the means to catch you and take care of you.
word count: 2.1k
content warning: hurt/comfort, mostly fluff, not grammar checked writing because its 2am
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You were going to throw up or faint any time now, you were sure of it.
“Are you sure you’re good?” A voice asked from beside you. You recognized it to be Charles, who was preparing for the race the same as you were.
“With this excessive asking I won’t be,” you retorted.
“I’m just looking out for you, amour. You haven’t been looking great.”
He was right, you looked awful. Everyone knew Spa was a tough track, but you looked like you had just gotten back from war— and the Sunday race hadn't even started yet.
You’d been feeling horrible all Saturday, but decided to ignore it. After all, Ferrari was counting on you that day to get a high position in quali since Charles was out in Q2.
You were starting in 4th today, Ferrari praising you for your good qualifying result. But the sleepless nights on the simulator along with the strain of being in a car going roughly 200 mph yesterday were detrimental to your health.
But of course, you were too stubborn to call in sick for Sunday— Ferrari was counting on you. And you couldn’t let them down.
The race was long and tedious, but eventually you managed to overtake Lewis and end up p3. Considering the heavy rain and how Charles spun out, you were surprised you even made it to the top 5.
You can’t remember how the race ended as you exited your car, weaker than you’ve ever felt before. The roar of the Tifosi was loud, cheering on your podium win. Whenever you won or got a podium they made you feel proud, a large grin on your face and goosebumps all over.
But not today.
Today, it was too loud. Too overwhelming. You could feel your head ache and pound at the noise. You felt a hand on your shoulder, Max coming to congratulate you. You think he had won the race but you couldn’t be sure, everything was too hazy.
“Congrats Y/N! Your first podium this season!”
You give Max a weak smile and a firm handshake, the pressure almost making your vision fade. God you needed to get out of there.
You looked around, there had to be an exit. Some place where you could rest your head for a second and regain your senses.
Thankfully, a guiding hand led you to the cooldown room, and you recognized it as Sebastian’s. He had gotten 2nd, that you knew, you were battling for his position earlier.
Once you got inside the cooldown room, there was no other word that could describe it but moist. The rain outside had moistened up the inside, barely enough to be noticeable, but to you, sweaty from the race and sick, it was enough to have you stumbling onto your chair.
Sebastian could sense something was wrong, he wasn’t stupid. To someone else you would’ve just seemed like someone who was simply exhausted from a race, but he wasn’t someone else. He knew you.
Before he could ask you about it, however, a man led all three of you out the cooldown room to go to the podium itself. You were moving with half-lidded eyes, and a really really sweaty body.
“And in third, the Ferrari favorite, Y/N L/N!”
You raise your arms as high as you can and put up two thumbs up, exerting all your effort to put up a show for the fans. They deserve it, you think.
Unbeknownst to you however, Charles was watching from the side with a worried look. He was the only one who knew about your sickness the past few days, and his concerned eyeing was not ignored by an observant Vettel.
The champagne spraying was everything but fun, the overstimulation getting to you. It was too much, everything was too much.
The sickness, the sweat, the champagne dripping down your face— you just needed to rest for a second, just…lay down maybe…
“Scheiße!” Sebastian shouted out, his voice not heard over the hollering of the fans. With all the chaos of the spraying of champagne and the bellows of the orange army, no one had noticed how you had fallen into Sebastian’s arms, passed out. He had dropped his champagne in the process, and the breaking of the glass was what had gotten Max to notice what happened. He discreetly ushered Charles, who was still watching from the sidelines, to help Sebastian pull your dull body away from the limelight.
People were starting to notice now, and there were worried glances among the fans and the teams, but were eventually calmed down by false reassurances of ‘everything is fine.’
It was not.
You were burning up, a fever so high it would put the sun to shame. Not only that, but Sebastian had noted how you seemed more physically worn than before. Not an unhealthy amount, god knows being an F1 driver wouldn’t allow that, but enough for it to be noticeable.
You were awake at this point already, but still weak. Lying down on a bed in the First Aid tent, your eyes threatened to close on you again, before Ferrari’s resident emergency doctor walked in.
“Well the good news is we don’t have to bring you to a hospital, you just have to get some food in your body and rest.”
That reassured Sebastian a little, but not enough. He needed to see you healthy and well, or he would be a nervous wreck all week. Thanking the doctor, he was left alone in the room with you again.
As much as he wanted to be there for you, Charles was held up by media duties, which meant that it was only you and Sebastian for a good while.
The German had always been kind to you. Not only was he your friend, but he’d also taught you everything he knew, and half your skills were something you had learnt from him. He was your support system, the one who always helped you when you were down, and the one who always had your back as you had his.
That’s why Sebastian didn’t understand why you hadn’t told him about your current ailment.
“When was the last time you slept?” Sebastian asked, the first words he’s spoken to you all day.
Shrugging faintly, you answer, “I don’t know.”
“Have you eaten anything today?”
“Have you drank anything today?”
“Some Red Bull,” you mumbled, while attempting to slowly sit up on your bed.
Sebastian sighed. You weren’t taking care of yourself and it was killing him. “Why didn’t you sit this one out if you knew you were sick since yesterday?”
A beat of silence passes, and Sebastian could sense you contemplating if you should tell him the truth or not. He hoped you would do the former.
“…Because Ferrari is counting on me,” you finally answered meekly.
Of course. That was why. Your feeling of obligation to constantly deliver for your team was a feeling each driver shared with their own, but you always went above and beyond. ‘Couldn’t you see how you were much more important than some stupid points?’ Sebastian thinks.
Frowning, he sits down on a chair beside your bed, taking your warm hand and holding it with his own. “Schatzi, you’re hurting yourself. I know you want to deliver for yourself and your team, but this is not the way. If you keep going like this you’ll be sleeping at the wheel and end up worse than you are now. Please, I beg you, take a break.”
You wince internally at his words. He was right. You’d end up in a worse condition if you keep this up and disappoint your team even more.
“I just want to prove myself to Ferrari. Tell them I’m worth it to keep, you know? My contract is expiring soon, and I honestly don't know if any team would pick me up. I feel so— so lost and so hopeless— if I lose my seat I don’t know what to do. I mean I’ve built my entire life up to this, and now I just feel like a burnt out shitty driver.”
You had tears welling in your eyes, and Sebastian was quick to grab some tissue from the bedside table and wipe them away. He hated how you thought so low of yourself, he wished you could see yourself from his view, one of the best drivers and people he’s ever met.
“Your seat doesn’t measure your worth, Amore. Trust me, I know. After Ferrari I didn’t know what to do or where to go, my ‘golden boy’ status had faded and not a lot of teams wanted me anymore. But look at me, I’m here. I’m okay. And you will be too, just not like this.”
His words broke your composure, finally letting out all the stress and pain you’ve endured for days— weeks, even— in the form of full on sobbing. You were grateful for the privacy the room provided, as Sebastian hugged you tightly, not caring if he got your fever too. He whispered sweet words to you, stroking your hair and calming you down.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you darling. Just let it all out,” you hear him murmur into your hair. You’re sure he said more things, but you couldn’t really hear them over the sound of your own sobs.
Eventually the dam dried up, and you attempted to compose yourself and wipe away all the evidence of your tears. Sebastian still held your hand, rubbing it reassuringly, reminding you of his presence. He was always constant in your life. You were thankful for that.
You both sat in the comfortable silence, allowing it to calm you after everything that just happened.
“I’m retiring next year,” Sebastian says out of the blue.
Okay, now you’re no longer calm again.
“I just thought you should be the first to know,” he adds.
“Wh- what? Why? You’re leaving? But no— you’re a pinnacle of the sport! You’re Sebastian Vettel! You can’t leave! You can’t just retire and leave me and- and-” you were starting to see black spots again, your emotions making you forget you were still physically weak.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea for him to say that out of nowhere, Seb thinks. But it was now or never, and he wanted you to know before everybody else did. He wasn’t going to tell anyone in advance, but you were special to him. He couldn’t explain it, but you made him realize things in life. The way you enjoyed the little things, the way you laughed at stupid dad jokes, it made Sebastian miss the freedom of just…existing without having to worry about race after race after race.
Silencing you by enveloping your frantic hand with both of his larger ones and shushing you, he replied, “Calm down Liebling, I’m not leaving you. You still have me outside the track, you can visit me anytime and I would gladly let you in. I wouldn’t dare leave your life just like that, I’d never do that to you.”
You smiled softly at his words. He’d never do that to you. That’s why you loved him, whatever type of love it was. He was always there; a constant figure, and that wasn’t about to change. Sure you’d see each other less, but the love would still be there, and that’s all that would matter.
“I would get up and hug you, but I think we’ve both noticed that my body has decided to stop working on me,” you joke. Sebastian rolls his eyes in response, “And who’s fault is that?”
Oops. He got you there. “Mine,” you reply bashfully.
Thankfully he takes pity on you, and adjusts himself instead. “Scooch.” You move aside, giving him space to sit up beside you in your First Aid bed.
Putting his arm around you, he rubs your shoulder gently as you rest your head on his chest. This was nice.
“Don’t you have media duties? Aston Martin will kill you if you miss those,” you ask softly.
Sebastian simply shrugs, “You are more important to me than some reporters milking me for content like I’m a cow.”
His wording made you giggle, and the sound of you happy again makes Sebastian smile. He was going to get a scolding later for missing his duties, and he was definitely going to catch your cold from keeping you this close too, but it was all worth it when he heard that sound of laughter leave your throat.
The next season may be rough, it may not be as kind as this one was. It will be different, it will be lonelier, and it will feel lacking without Sebastian. But right now, as you sit on a bed in comfortable silence in a First Aid tent in Spa, being cared for by a man you care for, you get the sneakiest feeling that yeah— everything will be okay.
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cherry-leclerc · 4 months
back to you ☆ cs55
genre: fluff, oldmoney!reader, strangers to lovers
word count: 3.1k
Fixated from the moment he first saw you, Carlos stays missing someone whom he never even properly met. But that all seems to change one night when you unexpectedly show up to a business dinner.
req!... i'm such a liar lmaooo (iykyk). hope you enjoy, my lil anons :) hope this heals some of the heartbreak we all endured today !!(*bashes head against keyboard*)
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It almost seemed like you had something up your sleeve, a tactic to retrieve all of his attention away from the camera shoved right in front of him - media duties.
“Hello guys, just wanted to come on here to say that I think we gave it all we could during today’s race but there is definitely always room for improvement…” Blah, blah, blah. 
He can’t quite figure out what he’s saying because his brown eyes are attached to the pretty girl walking right in front of him. Not behind him, trying to catch up. Not besides him, begging for a photo. Nope, right in front of him as if you could care less that you have one of the most popular drivers to ever exist almost chasing after you. 
He could hear you mumbling about God knows what to the girl walking besides you. The Spaniard feels like a total creep when it comes to him becoming more alert to possibly catch your name. As you were saying? The media team manager stares back expectantly once Carlos blanks out. Though it wasn’t that unusual. 
The 29 year old flickers his gaze back to the camera and then back to where you were, only except, you’re gone. Out of sight and his heart stops for a nanosecond.
“Onto the next week. Vamos.”
“So then, you have your upcoming shoot for the new fireproofs, testing, stimulator - if we have time, interview at…” 
Carlos tunes out as he blinks at the never ending list as if it were just another Monday. Charles nods attentively, though he also looks far too uninterested. They were exhausted.
“And dinner tonight to meet our new sponsors.”
“Another one?” Charles asks, a slight crack in voice as he tries to pretend he wasn’t at all annoyed. “We just had one last night.”
Maria musters up a stern look. “Yes, again. They’re a lovely family, so we want to impress them with two well-behaved drivers.” The Ferrari boys swallow their laughter as they nod their heads. Got it. 
It takes all of Carlos’ remaining willpower to get ready for dinner that night. On the way to the small Italian restaurant, he second guesses even showing up. He could fake a fever. A sore throat. Shaking his head, he curses as he steps out of his custom Ferrari. 
“Oh good, I thought it was just going to be me,” Charles jokes as soon as he spots the Spaniard. Carlos chuckles before greeting the team. About 10 minutes go by before the Monegasque grows impatient as a child. I could have finished watching my movie.
“Shut up,” Fred murmurs before abruptly standing up from his seat. “Ah! È così bello rivedere finalmente te e la tua famiglia!” Choking on his champagne, Charles scrunches his nose before flying up and introducing himself. Carlos bites back a smile as he follows his lead. 
And there he sees you, standing elegantly with a silk dress that looks as soft as your skin. You’re smiling sweetly at everyone, stepping in to not just shake their hands, but also go in for a small hug. Your mother and father repeat the same action, though they later focus all of their attention on Fred and Maria. 
The Monegasque kicks his teammate’s shin. Carlos winces as he shoots fiery daggers. “We hit the jackpot.”
Charles' shoulders drop theatrically. “Are you kidding me? Are we looking at the same girl right now or are you just blind?” 
But he did see you, and he never quite forgot about you since that day. He could feel the tips of his ear burn bright red as you made your way over to him and his teammate. Charles, so nice to meet you, the green eyed boy beams before going in for a hug. You smile from ear to ear.
“Nice to meet you, too! I must admit; I’m a little starstruck right now.” Charles blushes fast as he stutters his way around such a compliment, even if he’s received thousands of the same one before. “Ah, this is Carlos.”
“Hello,” he feels himself saying. “Carlos, nice to meet you.” As soon as you look up at him, his breath hitches and fears you might feel his sweaty palms flourishing against your soft ones. And if you do, you choose to ignore it as you share a small smile, the kind you share when you see someone after 15 years. 
The kind that seems forced.
With one last glance, you excuse yourself before making your way over to where your parents and Fred chatter about upcoming plans. Carlos blinks. “Wow. No hug,” Charles points out. “That’s weird. She was basically giving them out for free.” 
“Be quiet.” 
The remainder of the night you kept to yourself, occasionally inputting your own opinion with a polite smile drawn onto your fruit punch lips. Very well mannered, Fred would approve as you would bow your head with shyness. Carlos quirked a brow of curiosity. 
He wondered what he might’ve done wrong. Had he been too forward? Cold? Often, his parents would claim he could be like that sometimes, so maybe? He wasn’t clinging onto the fact that he was the only one who didn’t receive a warm greeting from you, but he was left with questions.
“E tu, tesoro?”
“What about me?” you repeat, hair fanning along your face like a shiny curtain. Maria chuckles. How do you feel about being a part of this new chapter? You think about it for a second before settling with the safest answer. “Very proud, there’s nothing better than tying links with such a superior team.” Fred roars with genuine laughter as he pats your father’s shoulder. Smart girl.
“Why fine jewelry?”
The inquiry was directed towards your parents - who would clearly have the answer - but his eyes were trained on you, leaving you to fend for yourself. Lips part slowly as you connect with Carlos’ intense attention. “I’m curious, that’s all. I’m delighted we have you as our sponsors, but I was just wondering what made you dive into the business? Must be hard.”
Squinting your eyes, you click your tongue. It’s in our blood, your father’s voice cuts your train of thought. It’s what we do, what we love. But his warm gaze sticks to you like hot glue. You clear your throat before returning to your wide smile. 
“I think it’s safe to say that diamonds are beautiful. They are scarily so crystal clear that for a moment one might search for a trace of color. And then they do come in other colors, so it’s really no problem,” you say, soft chuckles circling the table. “But I believe it’s also safe to say that we don’t often think about how they got here, shining around many ring fingers.” Your mother approves as she shows her mind-blowing diamond cut. 
“Miners are the answer. They work hard - get their hands dirty - because they know that while it may not be easy to find such precious things…” His eyes roam your lips before dancing back up to your orbs. “It’s very well worth it.” Taking a sip from your glass of wine, you raise a brow. “That’s why.”
“It doesn’t even feel that tough to wear these pieces,” Charles squeaks as he slips on a white gold bracelet around his wrist. “They’re breathtaking.”
Clapping, you squeal at his words. For a moment, Carlos thinks about punching his teammate for getting to see your good side. They’re great, thank you again. You just tip your head towards him to confirm you heard, and slide away. Carlos sighs.
“This is ridiculous. She can’t even look at me.” The Spaniard bites his cheek. “Do you think she hates me?”
“For doing what?” Charles asks, face pinched with confusion. Carlos huffs, arms flying up.
“I have no idea!”
“Well…I don’t think so, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask, right?”
“No.” He groans. “Can you picture how awkward that would be? There’s no way.”
“Suit yourself.”
Pouting, the brown eyed boy zigzags his way into the studio, mentally preparing himself for hours of blinding lights. “Buongiorno, Carlos!” Spotting your father with his arms wrapped around his wife, he walks over with a tired smile. How are you guys? “We’re fine, son, thank you for asking. Tell me, are you excited for this weekend?” He instantly stands up straighter.
“I am. The Tifosi are always great to be around. Gets hectic, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
“I can imagine. My wife and daughter are always amped up when it’s finally Monza’s turn.” He hums, almost as if he’s reminiscing. “Tell you, my baby would beg for us to take her to cheer on her favorite drivers. It’s kind of a full circle moment so don’t mind if my wife gets emotional.”
“Stop,” your mother sniffles as she shares a grimace. Told you, your father mouths. Carlos laughs. 
“I completely get it, it must mean a lot to all three of you. Maybe that’s what makes this partnership work all the more.” Your fathers winks, large fingers wagging over at the Spaniard. Working over time. I respect it. 
“I see why my daughter likes you.”
Carlos halts. “Sorry?”
The older man pants, seeming comedically defeated. “Are you kidding me? She adores you! You've been her favorite driver since you joined Formula 1.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Her love towards the sport had a huge impact on us to join as sponsors, but to be fair, we probably still would have done it. Like I said, it holds a special place in our hearts.”
“Buongiorno,” your soft voice echoes, skipping happily to greet the Ferrari team. Everyone’s energy quickly picks up as you flow with such easiness, skirt wrapping around your waist, making you seem like the only flower in an empty garden. Talk to you in a bit, you cheer as you make your way up to your parents. You stop dead in your tracks as soon as you spot the grumpy brunette. Like always, he can physically see you create a wall around yourself, keeping you from him. He felt like the Beast drooling over the rose inside the glass. “Good morning, Carlos. Logo looks good,” you hum, dark red pedicure pointing at your last name printed onto his fireproof. “Can’t wait to see how it looks on Charles.”
His jaw ticks. “Why don’t I call him then?”
“That would be lovely.”
He’s jealous. Of course he fucking is. He might have found out your whole act is a facade but that didn’t stop him from feeling this way. He could have been your favorite at one point, but what about now? It sure as hell didn’t seem like it.
“She wants to see you.”
The Monegasque furrows his brows. Who? But as soon as he notices his teammates' sour face, he registers the reason for his bad mood. “Stop pouting. You look like you just sucked on a lemon.” Carlos shoots a deadpan expression. “This has gone too far. It’s obviously bothering you.”
“What? You nagging?”
“Okay, ouch.” The green eyed boy takes a small step towards the Spaniard. “You don’t like it that she’s ignoring you because you like her.”
Carlos jumps off the couch. “I do not!” Charles hums. 
“Oh shit, good, then I could ask her out.” He beams. “I wouldn’t want things to get weird between us.” Carlos' heart almost jumps out of his chest as he grows nauseous at the thought of you saying yes. He continues. “I’m telling you; I have a good feeling.” The brown eyed boy clenches his jaw. “It’s like this - I could see myself marrying her, having a baby heiress-”
“Okay fine, I like her!” He pants. “She drives me so fucking crazy. Whether she looks my way or not, she makes my head spin. Ever since I saw her at the Canada GP, she’s been imprinted into my brain like a lecture I’ve been told over and over, time and time again. It makes me sick that she seems to almost get sad when she’s around me. The way she can never look at me the way I’ve always looked at her. And I’m…” He looks down at his race boots. “I’m too afraid of ruining something that I don’t even have a chance at.”
The Monegasque pats him on the shoulder, lips stretched out into a teasing smirk. “Now, was it that hard to admit your feelings?”
It was that hard to admit his feelings. He thought about it for the first time since he met you. Confess everything that’s been locked away deep inside of him; claim his feelings like some kind of gold medal. But then he saw you radiating pure perfection and he would turn the other way. You hated him, he’s sure.
“Alright Carlos, push, now push.” 
He could taste it - sweet victory that he badly craved. If he played his cards right then he could get second place, which was pretty good in comparison to past results. 
The Spaniard tries to not feel too upset about coming in third and waves up at the Tifosi who let out blood curdling screams. Pride rushes through his veins as he walks onto the podium, he didn’t even mind all the attention. Especially the kind you were gifting him with.
The way you smile so big that your perfect teeth shine up at him, eyes crinkling like a love letter. Cheekbones slightly pink from cheering so loud but also from the bright sun. He swore he was on some kind of drug. 
Making his way back into the motorhome after all the interviews, he bumps into you and your parents. “Like it?” he asks as he displays his trophy. 
“Definitely,” your father beams. “You deserve it, son, enjoy it.” After a few more affirmations, he and your mother walk away. Brown orbs find your own. 
“Have fun?” He tries to ease his deep voice, to appear more outgoing, to not scare you away. And yet, you nod, looking down. 
“He’s right. You totally deserve it.” And for what seems like the first time, you bless him with your warm stare. “Felicidades, Carlos.” Pink paints his cheeks. You speak Spanish? Your eyes grow wide as you feverishly shake your head. “I-I- I don’t, but I’ve picked up on a few things here and there…”
“From me.” He tilts his head. “You actually pay attention to me.” 
You can’t help stutter like a broken record. “Of course-e, I ha-ave ears.” You show them off like a weak justification. “See?” you squeak. Playing with the hem of your dress - that had him swallowing a string of moans the moment you walked into the garage that morning - you slowly started backing away. “I should go now…” You point towards the sliding doors. “See you later?”
But he knew there would be no later. Fuck, this was the most you’ve spoken to him since, well, ever. He wouldn’t let that slip away so easily. Even if his heart got bruised along the way. 
“Did I do something for you to hate me?” 
Your brows narrow like a little kid. “You think I hate you?” 
“It’s okay if you do, I suppose, but I’m just lost as to where that happened? Did I-”
“I don’t hate you,” you softly speak up, eyes shut in disbelief that you’ve made him feel that way. You blink back at him. “I promise you, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Okay, he confirms.
“Why can’t you talk to me then like you do with everybody else? Why can’t you even spare me a passing glance?”
His voice sounds desperate now, he knows it, but he was desperate. Now you were embarrassed that he continues to bring up more and more of your poor behavior - but it was never intentional. You twirl a strand of your hair before releasing it.
“You intimidate me.” 
The Spaniard squeezed his fist around the trophy. For a moment, he thought he would dent the steel. Your stomach drops at the sight and he feels guilty for proving you right. He lets out a shaky breath. 
“I’m not a bad guy, y’know? I’m sure it may seem like it, but…” He licks his lips. “I’m not.”
Doe eyes flutter like butterfly wings. “I believe you, Carlos.”
“Good. Now, would you please tell me why you always escape when I’m around?” You softly curse as you pinch your hand for a second. 
“I wasn’t lying; you do intimidate me. But not in the way you might think.” Like an angel, you make your way closer. “You’re my favorite driver, you know that?” The Spaniard’s brown eyes grow wide. You laugh. “Ever since you-”
“Joined Formula 1.”
Your jaw drops. “My father ratted me out?” Panicking, you pace the room back and forth. You could only look at him for a couple of seconds before planting your stare at anywhere else that isn’t him. “I told him not to say anything! Oh God.” You let out a maniatic chuckle. “I swear it’s just a tiny crush, it’s not even that deep - I’ll get over it!”
Now it’s his turn to geek out. “You have a crush on me?” Crap, you groan, biting down on your nail. He didn’t mention that part, did he? Brown strands of hair shake back and forth as you sigh. 
“Forget I said anything, I am so sorry for making things awkward-”
“I’ve seen you before.” What? The 29 year old winces. “At the Canada GP. You were walking with a friend.” Synthia, you whisper to yourself. “I was being filmed for feedback on the race and you were about 5 steps in front of me.” You counted? “I said about - and for months, you were all I could think about. You sort of stuck to me like a nostalgic scent. I don’t know why I felt the need to talk to you, I mean, it’s never happened to me before. I looked away for a second and you were gone.” He shares a lopsided smile. “Then I saw you again.”
“And I blocked you out.” You bite your lip. “Shit, Carlos…I had no idea you felt this way.” He shrugs.
“It’s my fault. I never told you.” Still, you try to reason but he only brushes you off. “It’s not your fault.” 
“But it is,” you whimper. “I acted like a complete snob and belittled you.” Your heart breaks at the image. “And you’re telling me it’s been mutual all along?” 
“Looks like it. This is good though.” How? The brunette winks as he pulls you in. “Because now we do know and I can take you out sometime?” You quirk a brow.
“It works just like that?” 
He hums, comfortable with the two trophies pressed up against him. “Only if you want it to be like that.” You can practically hear your crazy heartbeat with the way he’s looking down at you - as if he’s just discovered a previously nonexisting star. With soft hands pressed onto his suit, your eyes twinkle.
“Just like that, then.”
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
I loved Lando x Actress reader. Can I have Lando x singer reader? Thank uuuuu 🫶🏻
Sing your heart out because he ripped your heart out! Lando Norris x Singer! Reader
Plot: You are a famous singer who was in a pretty toxic relationship and have been single and 'off the grid' for 2 years since your breakup. You come back online dropping a new album that gets people stirred from the tea but the tease at your new relationship.
Credit to quadrantslandonorris for the GIF
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"Today here on Off Camera with me Sam Jones we have Y/N Y/L/N here to talk about everything, from her new albums and songs, to her hiatus, to her sightings, to her relationships" he smiles looking over at you.
"Thank you for having me, it feels great being back and you know talking and meeting new people and I've always wanted to be on a podcast like this so I'm very excited!" you smile and get comfier into the nice seats you guys are in.
"So i think we've got to ask how are you feeling after your time away from the media?"
"So refreshed it was really healing to take myself away from everything. I think a lot of things were being said about me when I first deactivated everything. A lot of them being outright lies, and you know I didn't want to be aware of what people were saying... naturally" you starts and he nods for you to continue.
"But everyday I'd have my friends coming to me saying... have you seen what Taylor Swift has tweeted about you, have you seen what Beyonce and RiRi said. And I'd be like no and I don't even want to know. But when she showed me the love I was getting from all of these amazing people I've worked and collabed with over the years, movie stars who I've walked red carpets with and been in cameos of their movies, models who I've walked runways with all sticking up for me saying how they couldn't imagine anything said about my relationship to be true" you explain and he nods again.
"Yeah, it was actually really moving seeing all these people coming together for you in support! I think even after what certain people said about you the large majority had your back..." he admits to you.
"Yeah, I mean i have some great friends in the industry that you know would message me and always check up on me, so its nice to know that I have people in my corner, after everything that happened!"
"Yeah of course, and I think your new album really shows your raw emotions and I think a lot of people have easily related. So lets go through the album, we have Vicious, which talks about obviously Y/E/B and the emotional scars he's left on you. One of my personal faves is 'bet u wanna' where you talk about being mistreated in relationship and calling it off only for them to want you back. Nonsense which obviously has made your fans go stir crazy- wondering whose got you feeling this way. Bad for Business which obviously has a similar tune to Nonsense in whoever you are talking about, and may i just say people will listen to the happy songs because they are incredible! But talk us through the creative process and how your time away released all of these on the album and more!"
"I think, when you go through something like i did. Where you don't necessarily see and end you have these raw emotions that just tend to write themselves on the paper. I had many nights where I'd be sat in the studio hair pulled back, a massive slice of Pizza on my left and a bottle of water on the other and it would honestly just write itself. There were some nights where I'd just cry and sit there. I think things really sped up when I met my current partner" you blush, thinking how much that silly vroom vroom man had helped you.
"Who is he, and how did he help, how did you both meet if you can tell us!" he asks leaning back a little.
"Well, I'm currently dating F1 driver Lando Norris which when this podcast airs and sure will be a shock to everyone. We met when I was in a really weird patch. I think it had been about 8 months I want to say of being single and dealing through my grief and not really knowing what to do with myself. My ex of 5 years was now dating and having a child with the girl he cheated on me with, and honestly I was a mess. My dad decided to take me to a race, it was the one in Austin, we had paddock passes and that's where I met him" you grin thinking back to the day.
You were at the Circuit of the Americas for race weekend, you were tucked behind your dad who had found some mechanics he was animatedly talking too. Your dad always had a real love for cars, and when you'd made it as a musician you brought him and your mother a larger house with a big garage for a car collection you'd help him grow.
"Damn you've got loads man. How's your girl affording all of this?" the mechanic asks not having seen you as you were wearing both sunglasses and a Ferrari cap.
"I have a ... lucrative job" you croak out a little, if you were being honest with yourself this was probably the first interaction you'd had with a stranger in months, even just any human at that as your contact had been very limited over the past 8 months even to friends and family.
"Ahhh, so what's your fav car in the collection Mr Y/L/N?" the mechanic asks, and some nods from his pals also tells you guys that their interested.
"Oo that's hard it's got to be a toss up between my Mclaren 650S, the Ferrari F8 Spider, or my Rolls Royce Ghost" your father admits trying to think to his collection.
"Not the Porsche?" knowing you'd got that for him for his 50th.
"Mmmmm I forgot about the Porsche" he admits with a chuckle. The mechanics just all looked very shocked at the sheer amount of cars your dad has in his collection.
"Give me a second, I want to see if I can get you guys a garage pass upgrade. I bet you'll want to check out the car's yeah?" he asks making your dad nod very quickly.
You pull your glasses off to give them a wipe as the heat was making them fog up a little and the mechanic gasps, you cock your head realizing he's recognized you.
He scurries of, running back to the Aston Martin garage, he tells all of his friends but says to keep it quiet as he could tell you'd been going through it. Aston Martin didn't have any passes left, so he went to the other garages begging to give you a pass.
"Who did you say was here?" Lando had asked from beside his team mate Daniel Ricciardo.
"Y/N Y/L/N but don't make it public knowledge she's clearly just here to watch the race with her car enthusiast dad. Who did you know owns over 10 super cars that Y/N has brought for him, he was telling me all about his Ferrari" the mechanic starts to ramble before Lando gets him to stop.
"Take me to her, and I'll give her the pass" Lando had offered, wanting to meet you, it wasn't uncommon knowledge that he liked both you and Taylor Swift and had even DJed some of your 'nightcore' remixes.
"Okay! Okay come with me" the young mechanic said, darting of making Lando run after him asking him to slow down a little.
"Hello, this is a Mclaren Driver he's ..." the mechanic starts before you offer him a small small.
"I know who he is Dean, thank you for introducing us" you smile, and he grins at you. You and your father get handed the passes and your walking back to Mclaren at Lando's side.
He was attractive and most certainly your type. He had that goofiness about him that had you laughing for what felt like the first time in 3 years. Yet a seriousness and passion for his sport when talking to you and your dad about the car he was more than happy to show off to you.
"So you'll only be cheering for me right?" Lando flirts as your dad introduced himself to Daniel Ricciardo and Zac Brown.
"I think that depends Mr Norris, are you going to give me a cheer worthy race?" you question looking up him. His face lights up and a big grin comes onto his face.
"Always, you'll see the Papaya on a podium today I'm sure of it!" he offers and you smirk.
"You get that podium and I'll take you out afterwards"
"On like a date?" he asks a little cautious with his tone.
"Yes a date" you nod and his face lights up.
"Yeah alright, your on" he smirks, he turns away to get ready for his race, but turns back placing a cheeky kiss on your cheek making it your turn to blush.
True to his word, Lando came second on Sunday. You took him out on your guy's first date and the rest is history.
*Back to the podcast*
"Wow, that really is such a beautiful story. And from how you talk about him we can tell that you are really happy" he smiles genuinely.
"I don't think I've ever felt so secure with a person. I think it's safe to say I've found my person. I went through a lot with Y/E/B and Lando has helped me overcome a lot of the trauma from that relationship, and I cannot thank him enough for how patient, caring and loving he has been for the past year" you smile, before turning your gaze to the side to look at a teary Lando who had come to the podcast with you, you were scared and didn't want to go alone.
"Well I think it's safe to say we are all so happy you are back, thriving making music and doing what you do best!" he smiles.
After that your asked a few more questions which you happily talk through and answer, before it's wrapped up and time to leave.
"How was that baby?" he asks knowing this was your first media thing to help ease you back into that 'lime-light' life.
"It felt good to just vent, and talk about everything" you smiled at him. It was truly healing for your soul.
"I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you for today!" he grins at you, pulling you in for a kiss. He holds you close, while another hand travels up to caress the side of your face.
"I love you most, which is why I need you to help me announce the 2023 tour... and my new album!" you grin, and he grins back.
"What are they called?" he mumbles into your neck that he'd found retirement in.
"The Grid!" you grin, Lando didn't know but you planned your next tour for 2023 around the 2023 races.
"Hmmm and what does that entail" he smirks.
"Well, I'll get to come to every race weekend with you this year, my tour is roughly going to follow the races. I'll venture out as well when you have breaks and stuff but I don't want to be away from you for too long, and I want to get back on the scene. I'm ready!" you admit and he smiles at you softly before lifting you up into a huge bear hug.
"Did i mention how much I love you?" he asks.
"Every day Lan, every day" you smile at him, pulling him in for another bruising kiss.
It was safe to say, that even though you'd been treated like shit in the past, Lando Norris was the love of your life. Your soulmate that held the other end of the invisible string that had kept tugging you both closer together.
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