#because he's making himself chef robots
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Sleepy Romeo <3
Okay PJ Masks Tumblr please inform me if I'm incorrect, but it appears to me that Romeo lives in the flying factory. Why is the 6-year-old homeless, where are his parents
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haoboutyou · 1 month
gym crush | choi seungcheol
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fluff | 1151 words | suggestive descriptions. i’m y/n’s just really thirsty
an: please take this as a formal invitation. requests are open! (whether i answer on time is another problem)
you don’t like the gym. absolutely not. it gets super hot and humid inside, it stinks of sweat, and the big machines always intimidate you.
what to do? you’re just a girl.
you usually wouldn’t even phantom the idea of stepping foot into the gym if it wasn’t for your best friend. really, the only reason why you’re even sitting in one right now was because you arrived too early for your meet up with him.
that’s how you ended up perched on a high stool, legs swinging as you patiently look around while soonyoung finishes up his last few sets of… pull-ups? you’re honestly not sure. how he’s still chatting with you while completing his sets – barely panting through it, too – is beyond you.
“so i was thinking,” soonyoung casually starts, lifting himself like he was made of paper. “we can get dinner at the new italian place downtown? i heard they’re having a opening promotion right now.”
“mmh, sounds good.” your eyes are flitting all around the gym, trying to find something interesting enough to catch your attention.
“right, i almost forgot! seokmin texted earlier; he said he’ll drive by to pick us up later too.”
“really? that’s great.” you sound enthusiastic but your hunched posture informs soonyoung otherwise. at this point, your best friend can tell that you’ve tuned out of the conversation. he huffs at the way your eyes zone into the far corner of the gym, where the weight benches are. soonyoung scoffs more when he realises your eyes are trained on a very specific person, watching intently at the way the muscles on his arms bulge every time he lifts a dumbbell.
“yeah, he also said he saw mingyu running into a tree earlier… even said a rat fell on him and started pulling at his hair and controlling him like a robot. do you think the rat would make a better chef than mingyu?”
“wow really? that’s great.” your replies get progressively monotonous as you keep your eyes trained at the corner. yeah, now he definitely knows your mind has completely left the conversation.
your breath hitched as you watched the mystery man run a hand through his faded red hair, baggy t-shirt sleeves hitched up to reveal more of his biceps? triceps? never have you ever wished you paid more attention to your biology lessons back in high school.
everything about this mystery man has you swooning. the thick veins on his hands running up his arms, the way his eyebrows furrow in concentration, how the sweat glistening on his forehead seemed to cast a heavenly glow all around him. you can’t forget the grunts he lets out with every movement, entrancing you with his deep voice. gosh, even his hands are perfect. an angel has descended to soothe all your gym-related problems, converting you into a devout worshipper of his physique.
you’ve never been more thankful for soonyoung’s suggestion to wait in the gym.
soonyoung’s arms may be burning from hanging on the pull-up bar for too long, but he just couldn’t believe his eyes; your mouth is hanging open and– wait, is that drool?! is his best friend really drooling over a man in the gym?!? a laugh of disbelief escapes him as he finishes the last of his rep. soonyoung mutters a quick prayer of thanks to god for gifting him prime blackmailing material. he drops back to the ground and swiftly snaps a picture of you, in all your thirsting glory, before he picks up the rest of his stuff.
“y/n,” he calls out. “i’m gonna hit the showers and then we can go. you good staying here on your own for a bit?”
“yeah, yeah! i’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.” you wave him off, not even bothering to turn towards your best friend. soonyoung lets out another tut as he turns towards the gym’s locker room. that is, before a brilliant idea comes into mind.
the red-haired man turns towards soonyoung’s voice. “hoshi, you’re going already?”
your best friend nods his head, grinning at how your eyes seemed to pop out at the way he was casually talking to your new-found eye candy. “are you doing anything tonight? i’m meeting seokmin and the others for dinner later, wanna join?”
“kwon soonyoung!” you whisper-hiss. “what the hell are you doing? you guys know each other!?” is that blush creeping up your neck he sees? the tips of your ears tinge so pink soonyoung thinks he can almost feel the heat radiating from them.
“thanks, but i’ve already got plans.” the mystery stranger shoots you a gentle smile, flirty (flirty?!) wink (WINK?!?) towards you. still, you can’t hide your disappointment; you would’ve loved to get to know this new-found work of art more.. “maybe next time? you can properly introduce me to your pretty friend then too.”
soonyoung thinks he heard a strangled cry from you, coughing as you somehow manage to choke on your own saliva. he chuckles at your suffering. “sure, hyung. i think she’d like that too!”
soonyoung doesn’t know what to expect when he finally emerges from the locker room cleaned and refreshed, but it definitely wasn’t you raining attacks on his sore arms and shoulders. seungcheol (he had introduced himself to you while soonyoung was gone– in fact, the two of you managed a whole conversation while he was gone (no, you were so shy and embarrassed you were barely able to keep eye contact with him)) waves at the both of you as you leave the gym to wait for seokmin to arrive.
you’re convinced the blush on your cheeks is going to be a permanent feature of tonight. it doesn’t help that it becomes the main topic during dinner with seokmin and mingyu, the other two boys cracking up at soonyoung’s dramatic retelling of your new-found gym crush.
(it also doesn’t help that you had a balled up fist under the table all night, hiding the hastily written phone number on a piece of paper that seungcheol had managed to slip to you while you were leaving, mouthing the words ‘call me!’ behind soonyoung’s back.)
“remember when you couldn’t keep your eyes off me when we first met?” seungcheol swings his arm around you, broad shoulders almost engulfing you whole.
you groan, choosing instead to bury your head into your boyfriend’s chest. soonyoung cackles from across the booth. you have to physically restrain yourself from clawing him alive.
“hyung it wasn’t just that; she was drooling over you!” he wiggles his eyebrows, ignoring the daggers you were staring his way. blush makes its way up your cheeks, dusting them pink.
seungcheol laughs, planting a kiss on the crown of your head.
“if it makes you feel better,” he whispers in your ear. “you were my gym crush too.”
soonyoung almost falls off his seat laughing when you blush even harder.
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paranoidginger · 2 months
Last but not least, we have the Defense team!
Starring Heavy, Demoman, and Engineer!
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Nicolai, the heavy weapons guy of team Blu, is a gentle giant with his teammates and a force of destruction for his enemies.
More intelligent than anyone gives him credit for, he is usually pretty quiet, but still more talkative than his Red counterpart. His English is better, although he still struggles occasionally with remembering certain words.
An avid reader in his free time, he will often discuss the stories and plotlines in his books whenever people will listen, although it is usually only Johann who will indulge him, leading to the pair bonding over literature quite often.
Nicolai is fiercely loyal to his team, and far less attached to his weapons than Mikhail, fully willing to drop anything to make sure he can protect his team.
He is the resident Chef of the team, and thoroughly enjoys branching out and trying new foods, although it's hard for him to pass up a classic sandvich.
Unfortunately, due to his loyalty and protective nature, it is incredibly common for him to end up seriously injured and in his medics care, something he doesn't mind, because it means that he gets to see Johann in his element.
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When it comes to the demolition expert, bombs are not the only explosive thing about Finnegan.
He is an excitable man with an addiction to adrenaline. He has a rough and tumble exterior, but is a kind, sweet individual towards his team. He gets along great with nearly everyone on the team, especially Scout, Pyro, and Soldier.
It isn't uncommon for him to give his teammates hugs, and he's one of the best at raising his team's spirits.
Although he does enjoy the occasional glass of scrumpy, or bottle of beer, he doesn't drink nearly as much as Tavish, and does his best to work through his problems in more productive ways, although he will admit that when he does occasionally get drunk, he comes up with some of his best ideas.
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Ben Connagher, keeping the last name of the man he was cloned from, the engineer of the blue team takes the mad scientist roll from the medic. Far more experimental in his buildings and machinery, he is dying to get his hands on a functioning robot, if only to take it apart and find out how it works, something rather difficult when you're on the battlefield destroying the things.
When it comes to his form of mechanical science, unfortunately for everyone who cares about him, self-mutilation is not off the table, as evidenced by the removal of his own hand just for the sake of replacing it with a mechanical one. It isn't uncommon for him to try and talk Johann into helping him with attempting to augment himself in one way or another.
Despite his mad scientist demeanor, he can be a sweet man, caring a whole lot for his team, even if he does seem more interested in his machines a lot of the time.
Unlike Spy, who tries his hardest to keep their relationship ambiguous, Ben is clearly head over heels for the man, going through a period of severe depression during the time that the Spy had been headless and stuck in an enemy fridge. He spent most of his time isolated and doing nothing but working on his machines during that time.
He has essentially adopted Scout, and helps with trying to teach him how to read properly, as well as teaching him other basic skills alongside his actual father, the Spy.
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ojamayellow · 23 hours
Earthspark spoilers. It's time for my opinions and theories.
Before I start, I am aware of the writers changing. I will put that into consideration in this. And for the record, I did enjoy Season 2 so far, but I admit it has nothing on S1 for now.
First two episodes were really good, I loved the Breakdad moments, I love Aftermath and we get a glimpse on how the Decepticons have been operating. 2nd episode with the Quintesson gave us some lore and suspense, and I always love a Mo and Thrash tag team. These episodes felt... right for Earthspark, but not as Season 2 starters? If that makes sense.
Hashtag's alt mode is neat, but I miss her chunkiness in robot mode. Made her feel more distinct you know? But I'm with the others saying VAL being an AI in Hashtag's mind is really weird considering what Mandroid did. Maybe she's coping? I have a theory that this VAL might be manipulated in a future episode to control Hashtag, but for the sake of Hashtag's well-being, I HOPE this doesn't happen. (Also, hi Shockwave).
Carnival episode. Is Schloder reduced to an incidental now? I hope not and that he becomes important as well. But also, I figure its a traveling carnival/circus, which makes sense to why we haven't seen this Fairemaestro before, and the little interaction with Swindle shows up 'oh yeah he's a bad guy' already. But you can't just tease a GIANT COSMOS-LOOKING RIDE AND THEN 'OH BTW ITS COSMOS' LAST FEW MINUTES. If Cosmos doesn't show up in later episodes I'll be so disappointed, like...it's freakin' Cosmos! <-Perfect design though. *chef kiss*
I do think the Robby crush on Izzy was cute, but it being involved with the plot felt....eh? It was like, nothingburger to me.
JBAM episode. I LOVED THEM. Jawbreaker has clearly gotten more comfortable with himself and such since Grimlock, but him not taking a hint from Aftermath (who was being direct) reminds me of my younger self. <-Was an insane chatterbox and would not shut up no matter what was said to me.
But the contaminated energon stuff like, yeah callback to that weird bear. Sorry if I forgot, but back in S1, was there a reason GHOST was just leaving it around? I don't remember. And what's with the horrific energon mushrooms, and those poor animals? I know people who are going to be turned off from this show just from that alone, but at least it's 'off screen'? But also Aftermath betraying Jawbreaker hurts, I was hoping he'd like, impress Breakdown with the stolen water BUT NOPE, NO MORE AFTERMATH AND BREAKDAD STUFF. (I know Aftermath was like, not 'what did you just call me' when he was called Son but, cmon!!)
Spitfire episode. I personally think this episode went hard. Gave me Sonic VS Metal Sonic vibes. The fight scenes were really done well, and the tension was so good! To me, Spitfire wanted to be superior but felt inferior when not chosen for the mission, so that desire to be the best consumed her. I'm personally a big fan of this episode, and Alex is awesome. And so was Spitfire, I'm kinda obsessed with her.
Bodyswap episode. Always love a good bodyswap scenario, but somehow this felt... weak. It's plausible for the others to believe Spitfire (as Twitch) had a scrambled processor from the previous episode BUT the fact Wheeljack was the first to catch on? Before a Malto? I'm SO GLAD they referred to Dad2 again but, IDK, feels... strange to me.
Trailer episode. Was kinda nothingburger again? It felt like they needed to add SOMETHING before the horrors of the final two episodes, but maybe I just need to re-watch it because I didn't feel much from it. Optimus was clearly getting aggravated and uncomfortable, which was making me uncomfortable. But also, OPLITA? COMPLICATED? If they don't ever bring this up again I might be a bit...bitter.
And finally, the Witwicky 2-Parter. My anxiety was through the roof here, but I also kinda figured it out early that a Titan was involved. Was still surprised though, and her design is awesome?! But what was making me panic more than anything was Hashtag was going to see Starscream. Yes I know, a one-episode bond may not mean much, but we all had hopes, yeah? Anyway, I love nasty bitch Starscream. It's what makes him Starscream. And I do think what he did was in-character. But it would feel off if Earthspark was someone's introduction to Starscream, you know? This specific one, who's attitude told the audience 'I hate Megatron he abused me so I'd be a better leader than him'. But also...
The scene with him killing the Chaos Terrans was a fucking horror movie. It does a lot when I am SCARED OF STARSCREAM. I wish he didn't do it, but he also needed the shards. If the Autobots/Maltos needed the shards from the Terrans, how would they do it? Would they hesitate to find a safer way to keep the Chaos Terrans alive? Or would there be some sort of urgency? It really makes me think, but Starscream wanted those shards ASAP, he does what he need to do to get what he wants, he's Starscream. A manipulative, traitorous bitch who almost never gets his way in the end.
But you might be wondering, "Kit did you feel like the character development was thrown away for Starscream?" Well, yes and no.
It's really upsetting how Starscream twisted his advice to Hashtag. Truly upsetting. But it also does feel like something a Starscream would do. I keep flip-flopping between "yeah this makes sense" and "um what the FUCK writers". See what I mean by "yes and no?" And Hashtag calling Starscream worse than Megatron AND Screamer taking it as a compliment? Again, very Starscream thing to do, but I think ES! Starscream should've been at least a bit offended?! And out of all bots to call him the worst... Why did it have to be Hashtag? I guess it has more 'meaning', but still...
My theory (or moreso, hopeful thinking) is that Starscream re-invented his advice to Hashtag so he could get detached from her. Starscream had a mission, a personal selfish goal, and he needed to take care of HIMSELF, no friendship. Only comrades willing to follow him, and the Maltos were not those comrades.
My other theory (which I gained from seeing someone on twitter saying this) is that the Chaos Terrans DIDN'T GREY OUT FROM DEATH. Therefore, there is a chance they can return. Maybe something from the Allspark or Matrix or some kinda macguffin will help?! And I sure hope they come back, because they could learn to be good (but still cheeky) and we can bring back the messages and theming from Season 1! Right, right?
As for 'Starscream the child killer'...look, it's upsetting I know. But like I said, selfish goals. And while I am not familiar with every Starscream from different canons, I've met enough versions. Other Starscreams have have committed war crimes, blew up a human hospital, threatened to kill innocents, committed war crimes, wanted to kill everyone to end a war, squished humans in his servos... (yes I know Skybound is more for an adult audience than kids but I'm just saying). War crimes. I am not excusing Starscream's actions here, but when he needs something, he'll do what it takes to get it, for his own selfish goals. It makes sense but I also feel its wrong and I agree with other fans who were quite upset with this scenario. If the Chaos Terrans don't come back I'll be really sad.
Again, I've considered the fact this show has new writers, which is unfortunate. I saw someone on here say that Season 2 (so far) feels like a bootlegged version of S1, which is how I feel about it. I did enjoy the episodes, but they were a bit messy. Also, the lack of Nightshade and honorary family member Bumblebee really made me sad. Was it a script decision, or could they not afford Danny Pudi enough because they used the money on the new cast like Flea? (Don't quote me on like, celebrity net worth here). The lack of Nightshade though is very suspicious though, considering how big of a deal it was for them to exist as a non-binary character.
Side note, Shockwave. I'm glad he finds Cybertron itself more important than creating a New Cybertron, it feels right for him to not care about Earth. But if he going to attempt to lead now? Or something?
If you read this, thanks! If you have any responses feel free to reply or reblog. Feel free to reblog in general, I love hearing opinions and such.
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raeynbowboi · 7 months
Mystery Inc as a DnD Party
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I figured as long as we're still in the vicinity of spooky season, I'd build everyone's favorite gang of teenage mystery solvers as a collective unit. Pulling from their group dynamic to come up with a party roster that will give everyone in the party a designated role.
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Skills: Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion
Freddie is the dimwitted but lovable himbo leader of the team. He's also the muscle, except in moments of athletic skill, when he's outshined by Daphne. His backstory isn't always consistent, but he's usually a jock of some sort. He's not usually all that book smart, but he has a good heart, and inspires his team to success. Paladins who swear an Oath to the Crown hold law and justice above all else, and Fred usually enjoys catching the bad guys and seeing justice served.
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Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Performance
As surprising a choice as this might seem, Bard is actually a very appropriate choice for Daphne. Modern Daphne is the most supportive and emotionally intelligent member of the group. From What’s New Scooby-Doo? to Be Cool, Scooby-Doo, Daphne has become the emotional powerhouse of the group. Sensing when her friends are off their game, and offering sage advice to her friends when they need it. She’s also become a very creative girl, skilled in singing, dancing, fashion, design, and more. She’s grown to be the group’s resident skill monkey, almost on par with Velma’s uncanny encyclopedic knowledge on all brainy subjects. If a lock needs picking or the gang needs to get out of a trap, you can count on Daphne to have a nail file, bobby pin, or something else on her person to save the day. She's typically also the face of the group when it's not Fred, meaning she's going to want high Dexterity and Charisma. I chose Lore because Daphne is a reporter in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island and this is the only real career she's ever had. A lore bard is basically a more magical reporter, and singing the tale of her group's mysterious endeavors.
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Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature
Velma was the most debatable one for me, as she could be a wizard or an artificer. And I was really leaning toward Wizard, but I had to stay true to Velma's character. She's been a tinkerer and a gadgeteer for a long time now. Velma is absolutely fascinated by robotics. But while Velma in our world can handwave superstitious nonsense, in a world with gods, demons, and real ghosts, I could absolutely see Velma using her knowledge to become a powerful wizard. I even considered the Knowledge Domain Cleric because it's basically designed to be a magical detective, and if Velma was going to worship a deity, it'd be a god of knowledge and reading. Ultimately, I did choose Artificer as it was more in-line with her base character as a skeptic and a scientist, but she would work as a Wizard. Plus, as is, Daphne is the only full-caster in the party.
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Skills: Animal Handling, Investigation, Stealth, Survival
No surprises here, Shaggy and Scooby are a bonded pair, and the two were going to be joined to each other one way or another. Scooby is technically a Beast of the Land, and there's no Great Dane stat block, so call him a Mastiff if you need to. You can't really build Scooby by himself per se. There's no dog race unless you go Custom Lineage or something, and even then, I'd struggle to assign Scooby a class as he's mostly an animal sidekick. Make sure Shaggy picks up Cooks Untensils and proficiency with them so he can become the party's designated camp chef.
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Ultimately, I'm happy with how the team turned out. Fred's the tanky and bulky frontliner, Velma can use her robotics to help solve mysteries, Daphne is the face on top of having so many skills, and Shaggy works with Scooby. Inadvertently, they're also all classes with access to healing spells. So, while I suspect Daphne being the sole full caster will probably assume primary role of group healer, everyone is capable of healing each other up. Making this a great group of supportive friends taking care of each other.
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luna-rainbow · 2 years
lightyear, the endgame dissertation
You know that post along the lines of "Lightyear as a movie was okay but then you learn it was a video length essay rebuke against Endgame Steve's ending and it is chef's kiss"...it is 100% on the money.
First thing's first, I never got into the Toy Story franchise, and in fact I found it pretty hard to connect with most of the Pixar movies, despite how much accolade they get.
Lightyear by itself is...par. It's got humour, it's got heart, it's got a solid central message around friendship.
But when you put it in the context of a Endgame critique then you realise how much BURN it packed in there.......
(Massive spoilers under cut)
I want to start this off by saying Izzy is adorable and she had a solid character arc that wasn't overshadowed by Lightyear's. She went from bluster to feeling inadequate to forcing herself to confront her worst fears for a friend. Two separate character arcs in one movie, imagine that, Marvel!
The premise is that Buzz makes a mistake during an emergency launch and strands the entire crew on a semi-hostile planet. Feeling immense guilt that he's ruined the mission (and thereby, much of the team's dreams of being "Space Rangers"), Buzz commits himself to running dangerous solo missions to trial fuel combinations that could get the ship off the planet. With each trip he approaches hyperspeed, he experiences time dilation, and he is so focused on his mission that he barely notices his best friend (Alisha) ageing until he comes back one time and realises she had already passed on.
When Buzz finally finds the right fuel combination, he's 80 years in the future. The crew and their descendants have truly settled into the planet, but in recent weeks the planet has been invaded by a ship of ominous looking robots.
He meets his best friend's grand-daughter, Izzy, and her crew of misfits. Then for the next 40 minutes, Buzz learns he doesn't have to do things alone, and that he doesn't have to shoulder all the responsibility on his own.
And as he learns this, he gets transported up to the spaceship to meet the villain who is, I kid you not, Old Man Buzz. Old Man Buzz came from the same past as young Buzz, but he almost got arrested on one of his return journeys and became so disillusioned with the world, he flew off into hyperspeed and realised he could jump back and forward in time. Old Man Buzz knows the pain young Buzz suffers, and entices him with the prospect of going back in time before a mistake was ever made. It is also worth noting that young Buzz has friends that he is shown to now depend on and trust, while Old Man Buzz only has himself and in his drive to achieve his mission, destroys his only 2 semi-sentient robot companions (Sox and Ivan).
What follows is the greatest dissertation against Endgame I have ever fucking seen in live motion.
Old Man Buzz says that Alisha will get to be a Space Ranger again and young Buzz pointing out that "but...she won't have her family. She won't have Izzy". Old Man Buzz says dismissively "She's not going to miss anyone if she never meets them in the first place" and young Buzz looking absolutely SHOOK by those words, realising this old man was going to wipe out 80 years of lived experiences so he can have his past. Young Buzz then tries to appeal to the old man's rationality and point out that Alisha had an entire life and Old Man Buzz dismisses it as "what kind of life is that?!" because he has in his mind what kind of life she should have, while refusing to acknowledge the life she had was fulfilling and full of joy. Old Man Buzz presses him with "You don't want to live like this Buzz, waking up with the same nightmare, haunted by your mistake, but you can finally let go of that."
And Buzz does, by walking away from Old Man Buzz and refusing to go back to the past. Buzz owns and then forgives himself for that past mistake (and accepting fallibility and forgiving oneself is a recurring theme in this movie, not just for Buzz, but for the other characters too) by accepting the present it has created, because he realises there are good things about the present worth living for.
"You're going to erase everything!" Young Buzz yells at Old Man Buzz as he preps the crystal, "People's family, their friends. My friends."
As much as Buzz misses the friendships of his previous life, he values the connections he has made in the here and now and he doesn't want to erase them for what has already passed.
Buzz defeats Old Man Buzz by destroying the fuel source, i.e. the only hope of Buzz going back in time, and the day is saved by everyone coming together to help each other instead of Buzz struggling to do it on his own (and also why Old Man lost because he only had himself and his robots, who he didn't value).
In the end, Izzy asks Buzz about the now destroyed fuel source, "Your mission...you've always wanted to go home."
Buzz smiles, "You know, for the first time in a long time, I feel like I am home."
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natalynsie · 2 years
random ducktales headcanons in whatever order I think of them
Louie likes math. He acts like he doesn’t because he thinks it’s dumb and nerdy, but he likes math.
In a human AU, Huey would wear cargo pants, track pants, or jeans on occasions. Dewey is a jeans every day type-of-guy, he doesn’t own any pants besides jeans. Louie always wears sweatpants or track pants.
Researching Scrooge really got Webby into American history. She loves learning about Scrooge when he was in America. Some of her favorite periods to learn about; The Gold Rush, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, primarily the early Gilded Age.
As Dewey gets older, he gets a passion for writing. His overactive imagination is a tool for this. He also uses inspiration from his childhood fantasies and incorporates them into his stories. For example, he makes references only he would get about Dewey High in his writing. He does primarily action/adventure and realistic fiction.
Louie gets easily embarrassed about his hobbies. He starts by doing them nonchalantly, but when he realizes people are noticing, he starts doing them in secret.
Huey does not get art, primarily poetry, plays, or anything written. It just goes right over his head. He hates English class and Shakespeare.
When Lena likes something, she draws it a lot. Whether it be her magic, people, friendship bracelets, or even just a little trinket she found, she’ll draw it. These drawings go into her most beloved sketchbooks. But she also has the Sketchbook of No Return, in which she draws things she hates as a way of getting her emotions out. Sometimes she even blacks out the page after drawing it.
Violet introduces Webby to Ancient Civilizations. They study early history together, from Mesopotamia to India to Greece.
Huey and Violet get competitive when they do Junior Woodchuck things, but they get along really well otherwise. They both have passions for science and nature.
Boyd and Huey are best friends, and hang out all the time. Despite being a robot, like all Gearloose’s inventions Boyd feels human emotions. Huey finds this extremely fascinating. Louie likes to tease Huey about being friends with a robot, but Louie doesn’t really have many friends himself so he can’t say much.
Gosalyn feels awkward at the huge sleepovers the Duck and Vanderquack family are always hosting. Her only friend at them is Dewey, while everyone else knows each other. Even Boyd knows Lena and Violet. Plus, Gosalyn doesn’t even know the rest of the Duck boys. But, eventually she warms up to everyone after being super competitive in games and sort of cold as a defense mechanism.
Lena and Violet dye their hair together sometimes.
Panchito and José eventually become known as Uncle Panchito and Uncle José.
Huey, being terrified of Dewey’s carelessness, finds Louie to be his Comfort Sibling™
Louie is kind-of into knitting???
Fethry, Gladstone, Donald, and Della always came to Scrooges for the Holidays. Every Holiday. Winter and Spring break too. They all got pretty close. Plus, adventuring was not Donald and Della exclusive.
Donald is the only one who can tell the triplets apart when they do their hair the same way and wear the same clothes.
One time Louie stole Webby's skirt because he wanted to know what it was like to wear one. He's also done this with Scrooge's clothes.
Dewey cannot cook for the life of him, but Huey is a master chef. Huey also makes the best soup-and-salad combos. Louie is in the middle ground, but for some reason finds baking much easier.
One time Della, Donald, Fethry and Gladstone played War together, but on teams. Donald and Gladstone wanted to see whose luck would outweigh the others, so they teamed up. The game was cut short because the table got knocked over and the cards fell through the floorboards. They looked for the cards but couldn’t find them.
May loves drawing and June loves reading, and they like to write books together. Daisy gives May fashion tips for her characters, and reads the books June recommends.
Webby likes to photobomb Dewey's selfies.
Gosalyn and Louie scam people together.
Webby and Lena have a playlist of both their favorite songs. They sing to all of them at their one-on-one sleepovers.
Lena and Violet both like heavy metal.
Gosalyn was extremely girly as a child.
Lena reminds Scrooge of Donald when he was younger.
Drake adopted Gosalyn (obviously).
Lena and Huey lowkey have beef.
Dewey was actually laid first.
One time Dewey accidentally called Storkules his Uncle Storkules. The man was never happier.
Panchito became a sky pirate once but Don Karnage booted him.
Boyd really likes listening to Huey talk about his passions, which is good since Huey goes on and on about them. Donald thinks it's so sweet that Huey has such a good friend. Boyd is Donald's favorite of all of the boys' friends.
Louie's khopesh is his favorite treasure ever.
Della was Donald's best man at his and Daisy's wedding. It didn't matter that she wasn't a man.
Launchpad and Drake nerd out together for at least three hours a week.
Drake cannot handle affection. He gets all awkward when someone tells him they love him or when someone hugs him.
When Louie isn't around, Boyd is the number two comfort buddy for Huey.
Violet and Boyd get along really well, and Huey gets jealous of Violet. But they primarily hang out in JW meetings so it isn't crazy.
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v-anrouge · 5 months
All of pomefiore has a slight sweet tooth especially for fruit, epel has the worst
Pomefiore has some of the best apple centered dishes, it may not look like it but there are plenty of to be five star chefs in there
Ignihyde has a can room/wall of all the energy drinks and sodas they have consumed (its meticulously cleaned and organized) Sometimes they use some cans to make parts for robots
Ortho has a small panel on his arm that has a pop off cover and Idia makes decorative coverings for it (usually a trimmed can thats his favorite energy drink at the time) Sometimes Ortho requests a special made cover
If you are speaking with malleus he has a very intense look, he stares right into your soul. Its kind his way of showing hes paying attention (Wide eyes, arn behind his back, and leaning in a little)
1- YES SO CANON I feel like rook would be the least of them i feel like he wouldn't like things that are too sweet they make ur mouth taste sweet for a long time or that have a strong smell, vil loves sweets so much yet he deprives himself because of the industry he works in and body issues, thankfully, trey is always offering him sweet treats he picks up that vil is eyeing and manages to convince him to eat a bit, i have an hc that they have little scheduled tea times where he bakes sweets that have less sugar and other things that usually make vil avoid dessert for but still keeps it sweet enough to have the dessert effect and not the "want to eat unhealthy stuff?? just have will power and make a healthy version" which never works and never satisfies ur cravings...
2- ABSOLUTELY YES epel isn't the most skilled at baking but decorating??? god he is one of the best he always makes them so so beautiful you feel bad for eating it
3- oh absolutely they have it and it's all light up too 💀💀
5- THE AUTISM STARE PLEAEE he's so ominous the first time but as u get used to it u just think it's cute and everybody else is wondering how ur laughing and smiling when malleus is staring at u like he wants u dead
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anulithots · 3 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
I haven't been asked this question before, so thank you for asking!
I'm not sure if I'm going to run over ten, so I'll include duos/dynamics as well. (That was a mistake.. this is soo longggg. Thank you so much for asking but I don't think you knew what you were getting into. /pos.)
(In no particular order.... and I've written a lot about most of these characters, sorry if it's a bit long <3 )
Just a note that my JJK analysis's are up to the Hidden Inventory arc. I keep rereading that one to avoid the pain of the Shibuya arc... but I should be on my last reread for now!
Character quick list:
Donnie and Mikey from Rise,
Teacher and Shiva from The Girl from the Other SIde,
Itadori yuji, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki from Jujutsu Kaisen,
Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen
Inej Ghafa and Jesper Fahley (sorry if I spelled thier names wrong!) from Six of Crows
Emma, Norman and Ray from The Promised Neverland
And I really liked Roz from the Wild Robot, and The Magnus Chase series, but It's been a while since I've read them. Currently reading 'A tale for the Time Being' and I like Nao's deep thoughts and unabashed honesty. She's also quite dark and casual about dark themes, and it does feel like how my brain used to be... dark stuff is casual there.
I do like Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games. I watched the movies but have not read the books yet, and I want to before I start analyzing. I also want to read Sherlock Holmes so... yea.
#1: Donnie and Mikey from Rise of the Teenage mutant ninja turtles
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Donnie is literally me. From the way he pronounces random words from his theater kid energy to his obsession with science. (I don't like physics but I'm writing a fanfiction on biology soooo....) I have a need to be useful otherwise I'm wasted space (because the information is more useful and important than the individual), go on infodumps for hours, get irritated and defensive easily and overall, I've never related to a character more. I just don't have the same empathy levels. For that I share traits with Mikey. I like being overly nice and trying to listen and make everyone feel heard. I also get very emotional very fast and constantly need hugs.
Also his relationship with Mikey reminds me of two of my siblings.
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles took me out of a depressive period with the most intense hyperfixation I've ever had, and it's the first time I've read fanfiction (Like father like son..... sobs)
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#2: Teacher and Shiva from the Girl from the Other Side.
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They have the most wholesome found family relationship ever. The pain they give me is insurmountable. Every time I reread the manga I have the widest, dopiest smile because the wholesome scenes are so so so pure. I don't see a lot of stories that let the mundane be that special.
Also the way Shiva's written is just.. chefs kiss. Because she isn't written as an annoying child. She thinks she's being helpful, and she is helpful. All she wants is to keep everyone together, and for everyone to be happy, and the thing she hates the most is people hating her/being scared of her.... and the guilt. The most depth-filled child character in existence here.
And teacher... Just... *screams*. His overthinking and endlessly caring demeanor. The way he second guesses everything he does and worries so much that he gets worried about worrying. He's also quite hard on himself.
And I think they are supposed to represent the two sides of loving others. Shiva is the 'they make me happy and I can help them' part. The wholesome, childlike side.
Teacher is the worrying side. The side that tries so hard to protect the others that their anxiety drives them crazy.
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(I got up to the second delux edition.)
#3 The Tokyo Trio (Itadori, Fushiguro, and Nobara) from Jujutsu Kaisen. (my most recent hyperfixation.)
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Itadori: His fear of regretting his life, using a role to avoid that, making sure not to think about his execution or his death too much. Him trying so hard to help others in a way only he can do. Using 'dying a natural death' to justify to himself that he's okay with this (he isn't). Fearing death that he doesn't have control over. Structuring his life around caring for others. The sweetest bean here.
Fushiguro: HIs morrallittyyyyy. The way he needs to be the one to deliver fairness because the world isn't fair to him. The way he thinks bad people shouldn't be saved, that they deserve retribution, and that good people will let themselves suffer because they are good. So Fushiguro is going to protect good people as much as he can (see Itadori.) Itadori and Fushiguro's morality struggle is sooo interestingggggg aaaa-
Nobara: She's the strategist of the group, the one who'll keep emotions out of the missions so she can enjoy herself later. Kill people? Well, it's part of the job, she's not going to let that effect her. She tries not to get attached to people, and values enjoying herself in Tokyo. ITADORI AND NOBARA'S DYNAMIC IS SO FUNNY (and she would've gotten along with Gojo... I just want an episode with them accidently meeting each other on a shopping trip and getting into trouble.)
And I'm sorry in advance for all the writing I'm about to include:
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#4 Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen
(Also I love Shoko despite how little screen time she gets. )
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I've analyzed them here and I'll include my notes and written analysis... but overall...
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They encapsulate a comfort and trust and love for each other that I rarely see. It's something indescribable and special. They truly transcend labels for each tother and just.... yeah the relationships and dynamics in JJK are on another level. I've ranted about them before <3
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#5? Inej Ghafa and Jesper Fahley.
(I read this before I started writing my analysis's down. Everything from here on out has less writing. Thanks for being patient with me <3)
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(I prefer book them to Show them tbh... although I haven't watched all of the show and I prefer books/manga to shows sometimes because it's easier for me to analyze as I'm reading and reread)
Also it's been a while and I'm doing some analysis from memory so I apologize for any inaccuracies!
Why I like Inej: Her making herself a tool for others so that she could survive. She put her own wants and past to the side so she could become dangerous, so no one could take advantage of her again. Her growth to chasing her dreams, living for herself, saying that her heart aims true for making the world better. She has such a good arc.
Why I like Jesper: He's impulsive and silly and him not being able to get rid of his addiction to gambling even though he's aware of how it's making his father more in debt. Him using a skill he has (sharpshooting) to express his Grisha powers and not wanting to acknowledge that he's a Grisha. ALso him and Wylan. Adorable.
#6 Emma, Norman and Ray from the Promised Neverland.
(last one for now!)
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Emma's caring nature and will not hesitate to beat you up if you're being self-sacrificial. (I wish they went more in depth with Emma's disregarding other's emotions to do what is best for them. Could've been cool conflict). Her wanting to save everyone no matter how hard it will be, loving her little siblings so much. The betrayal of Isabella towards her. ('She didn't like the tests, but she liked her mother's praise'). How scared and conflicted she became. How much she mourned her old life.
Ray's cold cut nature, practical, resourceful. His backstory in which he had to live with the death of his siblings for years, to the point where he resolved himself to save only Norman and Emma. His preparation for years and years to make sure they were safe. Not wanting to save all of the Grace field children because it would doom them all.
Norman knowing that they might not be able to save them all, but wanting to try for Emma. How much he strategized, how hard he tried. How he's in between. How scared he was for himself, how much he admired Emma's care for others, how he tried to strategize for all of them. How he hid his pain and fear.
and to all my mutuals/followers, @mylee-sketches, and anyone else who stumbles across this post...
yes I hyperfixate.
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yalocalfanficaddict · 7 months
Hello, if you’re into MatchaBlossom would you be down to writing something Halloween related with them? 😊
I think Vampire!Kaoru/Werewolf!Kojiro would be super fun, but I also love Witch!Kaoru so it’s genuinely up to you dear author!
Thanks in advance and have a nice day 😘
I am so so so so so so soooo sorry for how late this was!, Annon! I've been fairly busy and so I never truly had a chance to write this properly and I hope I did this justice because it'e been a while since I've watched the anime!! Please do give me any feedback and I'll post this on my AO3 account if you wish to bookmark it there to read it again! It'll be titled 'Love Bites.'
Warnings: Blood and mild language
Word Count: 2069
With a pleased hum, Kojiro came from the kitchen to personally deliver the meals he had tossed together. “Alright, here's the Caesar salad, the house soup, and spaghetti with extra meatballs.” He purposefully gave Kaoru the spaghetti, almost as if to test him and his already thinned patience.
“You know how much I detest garlic, Kojiro,” Kaoru spoke and pushed the plate back to the chef, his words clipped with detachment.
A tight grin flashed over Kojiro’s face as he shrugged, stealing the plate of spaghetti and meatballs. “Oh well, maybe you shouldn’t come to an Italian restaurant, then.”
“Maybe you should try and shave your unruly body hair to not scare any of the ladies with them mistaking you for some sort of animal.”
“Maybe you should get some more sun, you’re looking awfully pale today.”
“Maybe you–”
“Uh, guys? I was the one that ordered the spaghetti…” Miya chimed in, causing the pair to snap from their passive-aggressive bickering. Kojiro slid the plate to the boy before tucking the large tray under his arm.
A softer voice joined in. “Can I still order poutine? I forgot if it’s also served in Italy.” 
Reki rolled his eyes with a groan. “Is that all you Canadians eat? I do not get how you stand that stuff when the cheese melts, and it gets all slimy,” he gags to add effect. 
Miya cackled before wolfing down on some of his pasta. “Y’know…that’s rich coming from you, slime-boy,” Miya spoke between mouthfuls.
Kaoru smacked the back of the cat-boy’s head, earning a wince. “It’s rude to speak with your mouth full, Miya.” As he struggled to hold his composed persona, Kaoru felt his stomach churn. The stench of garlic mingled with the sharp odor of silver from the woman a few booths down, not to mention the lack of blood he had made his head spin. Kojiro felt cruel enough that when Kaoru lost their personal beef, he was forced to go a month without it. Thankfully, in a few more days, it’ll all be over.
Kojiro must’ve noticed the faint sway Kaoru had as his brows pinched together. “Don’t you want something to eat, Pinky?”
He shook his head while simultaneously stuffing the bile that rose up in his throat back down deep into his stomach. He sipped of cool water to refresh himself, and condensation wets his hand and lips. “I’m fine. I had something else before heading out.” 
Kojiro grunted, unconvinced. “Just don’t pass out or anything. I don’t think your stupid robot could carry your unconscious fat-ass.”
With Kaoru on the outside of the booth and the closest to Kojiro, he not-so-subtly kicked him in the shin. Smirking, Kaoru savored how he yelped from the shock and hissed from the pain. “Maybe bumbling flea-bag also shouldn’t underestimate my capable Carla.”
“Hey!” He whined and placed a fist on his hip. 
“Father, Dad, please don’t have another one of your lover’s quarrels in front of me and my food,” Miya requested, mouth rimmed red with sauce. “Please just kiss and make up—for everyone's sake and their sanity.” As the grown men sputtered in protest and denial, Reki cackled and clung to Langa for support, who blinked in confusion.
“What’s so funny?” Langa asked. Even if it wasn’t specified, everyone knew the question was for Reki to answer. “Did Miya get adopted? Why did I not know about this until now?”
Reki patted his fellow skater reassuringly. “No, no, Langa. It’s only a stupid joke.” 
“Oh, okay.”
Kaoru felt terribly sick as he felt heat licked the back of his neck. The last time he checked, he didn’t see Kojiro that way…they always squabbled and taunted each other since Adam came along! But that was also the most recent time he had considered any...potential for them. No, don’t be ridiculous, he thought. That’s just the little brat talking.
All that overthinking didn’t help Kaoru’s unease, and this time Kojiro wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Okay, enough’s enough, precious. You need to eat something, and you’re not leaving my kitchen until you get something.” 
A large hand wrapped around Kaoru’s arms and tugged him out of the booth, ignoring his protest. Some of the complaints involved insults such as ‘Put me down, you mangy-mutt!’, ‘I said I didn’t want anything, you Loony!’, and so on. 
The rare chef glanced at the pair—one more than the other—but would otherwise not give them any attention. Kojiro tossed Kaoru into the freezer and locked it, shutting them inside. The sensor lights flickered on, casting a milky-blue hue along Kaoru’s cool porcelain and Kojiro’s warm bronze complexion. Puffs of vapor left their mouths, but only one started shivering. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Kaoru snapped as Kojiro pulled and tugged on his collar. 
“Well, how else will you bite my neck to get some blood?” 
Kaoru folded his arms over his chest and huffed, pivoting away from him. “That’s not how it works, you’d be dead you mangy cur!” 
He could hear the rustle of clothing and footsteps before being spun to face Kajiro. His chin is pinned between a thumb and an index. Kojiro faked a pout and planted his free hand on Kaoru’s hip. “Oh, come on, now. I’m trying to help you out, fang-face. Besides, I don’t want to have to take care of you if you go feral during the Halloween S race…there would be so much blood if someone crashed.”
With a grumble, Kaoru shoved Kojiro off and pushed him to the crate, where he sat on one of the chef’s thighs. “So is this your way of calling off my beef punishment?” He asked as he rolled the cuff of his sleeve. He shouldn’t be this desperate for some blood, let alone Kojiro’s, but he could practically smell each pulse under his skin. It made his nerves jittery, and his blood-lust hit harder than he thought. Kaoru’s mouth watered while his fangs grew more defined and sharpened with each anticipating second. 
“Woah, hold on there,” Kojiro chuckled. “Isn’t there like an important artery there? I thought you didn’t want to kill me.” 
Kaoru sighed but continued to yank his sleeve up his arm. “Ever heard of veins?” 
Before any more time could be wasted, he brought the bare forearm to his lips and searched for the safest vein to satisfy him. He sank his fangs into flesh, and satisfaction came in an instant. Would it be wrong to say that the soft grunt and shift of discomfort underneath Kaoru didn’t help him with his slipping control?
“K-Kaoru, are you done yet?” Kojiro asked. 
Not realizing how much blood he drank for how long, Kaoru took his last sip before pulling away, panting. “Thank you,” he mumbled, wiping his chin. 
“If you need more, you can take it, but I need a moment. Here." Kaoru reared back as Kojiro began to unbutton his shirt. “You’ll need better access...right? Well, I won’t exactly be able to go skating on Halloween, so do what you need to do.” 
Kaoru couldn’t tell if his face grew hot from his new blood intake or from seeing his shivering chest exposed. When his icy hands began to wander along Kojiro’s bare torso, he glanced into rusty-red eyes with great questioning. “Why are you doing this? I mean, I tormented you so much for the past week.”
“Pity isn’t the right word, but it’s something to that effect. I understand the struggle of being…different, so I want to help, I guess.” 
After silence settled in the frigid air, Kaoru began to drink his fill, careful not to latch onto the more lethal options along Kojiro’s body. Kojiro’s face pinched and twisted in unease when Kaoru sucked his more sensitive areas, so he would lick the marks to soothe him. They’ve done this before on rare occasions, but the comments from the restaurant booth plagued his mind.”‘Kiss and make-up?” Absurd. Well, they can and have made up now and then—especially after living two hundred years together—but kiss? No, vampires and werewolves don’t mix well in romance. He and Kojiro only became friends over their shared enemy, Adam. But Kaoru did enjoy the taste of Kojiro’s blood over others. Yet, it could be excused he’s a werewolf, making it something new and exciting instead of dull and bland.
“You done, flat-pulse?” Kojiro panted, snapping Kaoru back into reality. “You sorta stopped. Don’t tell me my blood doesn’t actually do anything, all because I’m a werewolf.” 
Kaoru shifted his balance on Kojiro’s lap and looped his arms around his shoulders. “You are such an idiot. I’m what Adam calls a defective vampire. Otherwise, he’d be able to drink your blood, too.”
He pretended not to notice the calloused hands that traveled to his hips and waist.
“Oh, my bad.” Kojiro chuckled, fog fanning their faces. “I’m probably also a little defective then, too.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?” Kaoru questioned, eyes sharp and narrowed. 
He pretended not to notice how the hands began to fist the navy-blue fabric of his kimono, just below his obi. 
With a huff, Kojiro angled his head upward to keep as little eye contact as possible. “Dammit, how do I say this?”
“With your words.”
“No duh,” he snarked, finally looking back at Kaoru again. “What I wanted to say…is that I think I like, like you?” 
Kaoru stumbled off of Kojiro’s lap and pressed himself against the bare wall nearby. It's mostly out of shock and surprise, but he also needed something to keep himself standing. “What the hell?! Why say that now of all times?” Kaoru shrieked. 
Before he could utter another word, Kojiro had crossed the room and clamped the hand over his mouth. “Keep it down, please?” Kojiro wet his lips and removed his hand when Kaoru gave him a weak nod. “Listen, forget I even said anything. I know it’s stupid, but I don’t know how it happened, and I needed to get it off my chest.”
“What the hell, Kojiro? You don’t just dump that out of nowhere,” Karou spat. “And what about all the women you chase after? Don’t tell me that you randomly confess feelings after you pay for their dinner.” 
Kojiro winced at his words, almost regretful. “About that,” he awkwardly grinned. “I only went after them to make you jealous.”
“How cruel,” he mused.
“Unlike someone I know, I don’t eat people I’m interested in!” Korjio complained, throwing his arms defensively across his chest.
Karou chuckled in a rather cruel tone. “That was one time.” 
“Well, who knows if you’ll do it again—or if you’re telling the truth! I personally believe I’m sticking my neck out on the line by telling you how I feel.” Kojiro raised an eyebrow at Karou in a theatrical manner. 
“Was that pun intended?” He finally steps toward Kojiro, and a sly grin reveals his razor-sharp fangs. 
“Oh, fuck you.”
“Besides,” he continued, ignoring the crude remark. “It was a dare, and I was young and foolish back then, so I say it doesn’t count.” 
“You? Young?” Kojiro scoffs, finally letting his arms fall limp at his sides. “So that was when? The dark ages?” 
Karou threw his head back with a laugh. “Probably, I’ve lost count by now. Tell you what, you take me somewhere tonight, we can give it a go, and you’ll see for yourself if I still eat my lover-boy’s.”
Kojirou sputtered as he chased Karou out of the frigid room. “Hold on, now. Karou…you mean that?” 
He gave a one-shouldered shrug as they walked back to the booth. “Why not? If it doesn’t work out, it’ll only be a speck of dust in my lifetime.” 
As Karou was greeted by Miya and his eager waving hands, Kojiro grabbed him by the bicep and spun him around. Kojiro’s breath warmed the side of his neck as he whispered. “Would eight work fine?”
“Oh, how dramatic, you big brute,” Karou mused as he shoved him away. “Sure, that’ll suffice, but don’t be late and don’t be tacky.” 
“Tacky?! Me?”
Miya cleared his throat. “Everything’s fine now, dads?” 
“Just peachy, little dude,” Kojiro replied calmly before growing red. “Wait, we’re not your fathers! Oh my god, I—”
Everyone besides Langa and Kojiro erupted into fits of giggles and laughter. “I still don’t get how it’s funny,” Langa sulked.
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kijosakka · 3 months
and the thoughts taunt me yet again. its just becoming commonplace at this point to ramble on tumblr before i go to sleep uhhh
theres gotta be like, a liiitle bit of established characterization summed up beyond a mess of multi paragraph behemoth rambling posts in a rb chain to rehash canon properly um,,
^ general idea is of noah knowing chris and chef before TD is even conceptualized and growing up in the industry bc of it, if only ever behind the scenes and watching in < all of the posts are actually more character studies about being Wary of the Cameras than anything else but id like to look at canon if only just to try and puzzle out/outline developments and whatnot.
starting out pre-island and segueing into his little time on island (and still being majorly character study-y):
chris, with TD being a new show and all, has trouble filling out the cast, and being fussy about the specifics of his show, is willing to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find those three castmates to pad it out. hence; duncan, ezekiel, and noah
^ duncan and ezekiel both did send in audition tapes, while noah did not, (i'd imagine here something about the TD website having everyones audition tapes release once theyre eliminated as 'bonus content'. everyone, of course, except noah.) cause, you know. up until this point hes only ever been known in The Business as 'that snappy but has surprisingly good insight into the Business kid noah who accompanies mclean', but now hes being asked to join this show he wants no part in. hes perfectly willing to help out behind the scenes, wheres hes comfortable, but chris insists -- and eventually, noah gives in.
the caveat is that he goes into the show both knowing about the resort after elimination and hyperaware of the reality tv aspect. and since, in his mind, hes elimination fodder there to make sure they have a full cast roster, he delegates himself a background character and acts as such.
hes not meant to last long, so he singles out some traits and ideas and detaches his person from them. for the length of the entire show, noah knows he wont be a person. he'll be a character made up of one-liners and quips with no character motivations or involvement in any real plotlines, someone who you see how early they get eliminated and you go 'yeah, that makes sense' and then never think about again.
^ and this is very apparent from his first onscreen appearance -- it takes a good minute for the boat to go back and forth picking up contestants even if most of the spare footage is cut, and as people arrive, even if the camp is a disappointment there's a shared sense of wonder about being the people who made it onto the show they all collectively want to be on. they chat and share excited pleasantries and theres a sense of personality that is immediately apparent to their peers because of it -- except for noah. noah has his one back-and-forth with duncan and then lets himself fade into the background from there on out.
and at first, its a kind of deal where its just like 'alright. hes shy, thats alright!!", but then it continues into when theyre all sent off and distinctly off camera. you try to chat with noah, and he gives you a non-answer or a one-liner than would be great for an audience!...if anyone were watching.
the walk up the mountain for the first challenge is much of the same: no input on the speculation about the challenge, just unnerving blankness. his facial expression is unchanging, not like he was unphased by the challenge, but more like he just isnt there for it. like the plot doesnt demand his presence.
again and again the first impression they get of this guy is a weird, offputting uncanny valley sensation. he doesnt come off as a real person, he comes off as robotic and lifeless. and its weird. i'd imagine in terms of character relationships, a lot of characters would be weirded out by him and completely write him off, while some of the nicer would insist on giving him a chance to get used to everything.
the second challenge comes -- he has his whole fake-faceplant thing that hints at something more, but again. hes a collection of ideas, and one of those ideas could just be potential, overridden by his apathy and laziness; two other key ideas.
noah doesnt touch any of the food provided during that second-first-half bit, just stands blankly off to the side like hes being used for background filler. of course he doesnt, the cameras are right there. (does no one else understand that?)
^ [*]awakeathon comes and goes; noah falls asleep, and that's.... it. no scheme, no strategy, he just separates himself physically from the cast by a few feet, and gets cozy to sleep. and then he wakes up. no insight into the character like with, say, courtney or justin. no plotting like heather. just banal averageness. a play to be overlooked.
and what was he to do? there were no real opportunities for any of his 'collection of ideas' to slot in, so he fades into the background and lets everyone else take up the screentime.
[*there is, i imagine, a kind of alternate version of events where the kiss with cody does happen and can be used as further/a more clear incentive for the events of dodgebrawl to happen.
the reason ive cut it here is because just in the context of noah sticking so hard to his hyperawareness, i would imagine he would know of and preemptively try and take measures against any Sleep Shenanigans that may happen, or may even avoid sleeping for longer because of the possibility.]
and then its dodgebrawl; he sees his chance to really flaunt his non-substance. [*]noah hates physical activity, thats one of his main Ideas in his compartmentalized collection. which better challenge to utilize it in than this one? again, hes elimination fodder. as far as he's concerned, this works out perfectly.
[*this would kind of give you a reason to change his lack of athleticism if you so wished. theres an alternate-alternate version of canon keeping this same noahs background that i might post about on here at some point, but in said AU hes more physically adept bc of his past in behind-the-scenes work. whos to say he hasnt helped carry heavy set pieces or ran around during busy hours?
it could serve to be a) self indulgent to some degree, and who doesnt love that, but also b) further alienate him from his cast, where even one of the barest traits he exhibits is just flat out wrong.
or you could just keep it as-is, and alter his attitude towards anything physical while keeping his unathleticism. or it could just be one of his chosen (truthful) traits that he decides fits with his on-screen character. its pretty ambiguous]
he gloats and inserts his quips where he can, the book hes carrying really just there to really sell it -- in terms of the cast and their thoughts, its again strange.
hes saying Words, but theyre Detached from the character and demeanor. hes putting on a performance and hes selling it pretty well, but its still hard to shake how off something seems about it. but noah does sell it and he gets voted off, off to his long vacation stay which he is absolutely looking forward to.
he arrives at the island, he gives his character interview full of non-answers, and then -- well, thats it. or it would've been it had he not noticed the obscene explosion of popularity the show had from its debut. the general public loved it, and you know what happens to shows that people absolutely adore? they get approved for second seasons.
this is the fact that tips noah straight into barring himself from all interpersonal relationships, as he was already wary simply by virtue of them being his castmates --theyre on screen, on set with him. that changes a lot about your dynamic with someone. -- and that he never really knows if theyre being watched on the playa; it is network-owned at the end of the day. so both the uncertainty and 'confirmation' of a second season lead him to avoid the cast entirely. literally.
nobody sees anything of noah beyond flashes in peripherals, disappearing books from the living area, and dirty dishes -- until theyre called for filming of haute camp-ture. and while its obvious to everyone else that theyre treading lightly around him since they, you know, havent seen him at all, noah acts completely unchanged. no acknowledgement of his absence, just the same dynamic with his castmates hes always had on-screen.
afterwards, someone tries to get his attention, to be like 'hey?????', and noah dismisses them extremely flatly. like npc dialogue. and then he disappears again, until i triple dog dare you, which im going to say they just gather everyone outside and let them do their own things until someone spins them and they have to give a dare. noah sits himself on a pool chair in his swim shirt and trunks with a book and Does Not interact with the cast at all.
^ you could spin it where they get a bunch of dares from the contestants individually and just read off from where theyre listed or whatever but this would be a chance to have alternate povs noting exactly what the characters think of noahs separation from everyone
anyway theyre called on the island for the [*]finale between owen and gwen, and he lets himself fade into the background. his work is done, it has been done, and now he just has to wait for what the segue into the inevitable second season is so he can wipe his hands clean of it (or so he thinks)
[*i think it could be written both ways, one where when the cast cheers he cheers and when they scream he screams, or another where despite the frenzied emotions around him, noah remains unaffected.
perhaps it could be used as a kind of 'well even people like zeke and eva are rowdy about this' contrast where either way it comes off as incredibly uncanny; one way, hes showing distinct emotion where he never has before, while never having shown any emotional investment in the winner. and the other way, hes completely detached from the emotions around him, to the point where he acts like its not even happening; his lack of investment in the winner is offputting, esp when compared to very early eliminated contestants who still do care.]
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thatonetwig · 3 months
Candy Grapes Headcanons! (Chujin x Starlo x Dalv x El Baliador)
• His tail always starts wagging out of happiness whenever he sees any of his boyfriends.
• Chujin often gives his partners small robots or other little inventions as gifts (they usually end up exploding or malfunctioning, but they appreciate the gesture anyway).
• ALWAYS chooses to watch Ben 10 on movie nights...part of the reason why they rarely let him choose.
• He loves headpats and belly rubs, and it doesn't help that Chujin is the fluffiest out of the four of them.
• He has insomnia, but he always sleeps peacefully if he's cuddling with his partners in bed.
• He only feels comfortable sharing excerpts from his books and samples of his songs with his partners (they love them everytime).
• Dalv loves being in the middle because he gets to be surrounded by fluffiness, hugging him tightly from all sides.
• He made a music box with the help of Kanako and Axis to help all of them whenever they struggle to sleep (Dalv composed the song and Kanako and Axis made the music box itself).
• He likes to surprise his boyfriends with a kiss on the cheek whenever he sees them, and they're facing away from him.
• The concerned one. He sometimes gets worried for them even over small things, and it's up to them to calm him down.
• Gives his partners gun training lessons on weekends for their safety (Bailador doesn't like to use them, and Dalv and Chujin can't even hold one properly).
• He thinks of himself as the charismatic one in the relationship, but his boyfriends prove him wrong every time by showering him in compliments and just watching him melt into a puddle of embarrassment.
• Gave his partners sheriff's badges as tokens of his love for them (Bailador wears it openly on his costume while Dalv wears it under his cloak and Chujin under his kimono).
• Starlo sometimes likes to serenade his partners whenever they are bored or in bed, making the mood all the more romantic.
• Unironically a very good chef. He loves to cook for his boyfriends, especially corn-based meals.
El Bailador:
• Loves to sneak up on his boyfriends from behind and lift them up into a tight hug.
• Knows that his partners aren't as passionate about dancing as he is, so he instead teaches them more calming and elegant dances like waltzes.
• Huge motivator. Dalv is struggling to come up with the next part of his song? Bailador performs a dance tailored to the genre of music it is to try and give him ideas. Chujin is frustrated with what he's working on? Bailador is there to comfort him and tell him to take a break.
• Whenever they're in bed, he sometimes likes to scoop up all of his partners into one big group hug with lots of kisses.
• He's the alarm clock for his partners. In the morning, they're always woken up by Bailador dancing around excitedly and encouraging them to get up for the day.
Bonus! Axis and Kanako:
• Having known Dalv, Starlo, and Bailador prior to them getting together, Kanako was very happy to hear that she was getting them as her three new stepdads.
• Axis, on the other hand, was...very confused. ("WHAT? SO, YOU’RE MY CREATOR, BUT HE IS TOO? HE IS? HE IS AS WELL- I DON'T GET IT.")
• Dalv gives them music lessons whenever they come over (Kanako plays the flute and Axis plays an Otamatone).
• Chujin used to let Starlo train Kanako how to shoot guns...and revoked those lessons the same day when she almost shot him and Axis by accident.
• Axis pulls the, "YOU AREN’T MY CREATOR", card whenever he doesn't want to listen to any of Chujin's partners.
• In addition to dance lessons, Bailador also teaches Spanish to Kanako and Axis when he can. In return, they teach him some Japanese (the first word Axis taught him was, "Kuso").
• Kanako gave each of Chujin's partners a string with a gold bell attached to it to welcome them into the family, and Axis gave them nametags with their names engraved on them from the Steamworks (he didn't know what else to gift them and those were the best he could think of).
And that's it for now! I hope you all enjoyed reading this very long list of headcanons!
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Idk why but your post about if Nebul would read pearls diary intrigued me. Would any of the monsters read their s/o’s diary? I’ve been thinking about it and I feel like Breg would and possible Morell and Vinnel??
[For the purposes of this ask, I'm going off the assumption that the diary is physical.]
Breg definitely would try to read your diary. Come on, he regularly snoops around your home, he touches you while you're asleep, reading your diary is like the least offensive thing on the list of privacy violations he regularly commits. But here's the thing, Breg's shit at reading. He can, but it takes some effort for him to process the words, given he's had to teach himself to read and write at an already advanced age. If you have a very stylized cursive, the breeder will struggle and maybe even give up entirely, as much as it irritates him. Otherwise, he inhales everything he can about you. He's very obvious however, you'll know something's amiss because Breg casually mentions things he shouldn't know.
Morell is not the type to needlessly surf through your diary. He thinks diaries in general are kind of wasteful, or maybe it's just his fast-paced lifestyle that doesn't allow the mushroom to understand the importance of a diary for venting and introspection purposes. Nonetheless, your diary is left alone in most circumstances. I can however, see the chef flipping through it if you're going through particularly hard times together. He'll want to find anything he can in it that could possibly help him make you more fond of him. If you write out what's currently upsetting you, he'll pay attention to that. This isn't a frequent occurrence though.
Vinnel cannot resist flipping through the entirety of it. He just can't, it's second nature. He wants to know your deepest secrets and rub them into his skin, it's the most invasive, exhilarating thing the performer could do and he knows this. Vinnel is definitely cruel about this, making it no secret that he reads your diary, taunting you about intimate moments and oftentimes holding it over your head in a childish game. He likes keeping it, it feels like the slime is carrying a part of your soul, of you as a person, immortalized in paper.
Some others who I think would do this are mainly Patches, Grimbly, Fank-e, Gallon and Shags.
Patches is not only going to read it, he'll print your diary and overanalyze the shit out of it, treating it like any other manual of his and even putting notes in certain sections. All in an effort to know you as well as possible, to pick you apart like a live vivisection.
Grimbly and Gallon do it just because they're nosy. There isn't any nefarious or overly creepy intent behind their action, just an impulse to open it. They are, however, very subtle at this. You won't know they've been reading it unless they let you know.
Fank-e screenshots everything he can and stores it in his memory to be picked up later according to his necessity. He may, however, forget entirely that he holds said information for months on end. He's the robot equivalent of a cluttered desktop.
Shags sees diaries the same way Vinnel does. It's a piece of you, an intimate, raw, beautiful part of your soul- It's you! He all but squeals from merely holding the thing, reading every word of it with bated breath, like it's a grade-A novel, a best seller. It's easy to tell he's been messing with it, especially when you spot random ink dots in the corners of some pages.
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frosted-luckycharms · 2 years
why i love the sentiadrien theory.
(NOTE: this isn't a list of reasons why i believe the theory's true, i know that's already been talked about and debated a lot. these are just reasons i think it's a good twist in the story.)
it has the potential to be so powerful for adrien's character arc. whenever he finds a way to free himself, whether that's by getting a hold of his own amok, or even figuring out how to destroy his connection to it (personally i love the foil-miraculous theory so im rooting for the concept of a cool upgraded cataclysm), it'll be so meaningful as a symbol of overcoming abuse and finding freedom. ESPECIALLY if that comes in the image of using the power of destruction he was given to cataclysm his metaphorical shackles just like how he's cataclysmed physical cages and walls so many times throughout the show. just. the SYMBOLISM. chefs kiss
whenever mari/ladybug finds out about this, hopefully we'll get to see her go all Fierce Protector Mode to defend adrien/chat and encourage him that he's still an amazing and valid person (please?? this would be so cute????)
also since marinette, who holds the miraculous of creation, is known for her bravery, agency, and creativity- traits adrien as a senti never had a chance to have growing up- it gives more reason to root for her and adrien's relationship. she can help him heal, bring out his humanity and grow into himself. if that makes sense?? i read a rlly cool meta on this once but i forget who wrote it:(
it gives a meaningful reason for emilie's death. the plot of the show literally wouldn't exist if not for emilie dying (or falling into a coma if that's what you prefer), and it would be a bit anticlimactic to find out that the reason she died was because she just wanted to create, idk, robot assistants or a pet dog or something. whoever emilie created, she DIED for them, and so imo it only makes sense that the being she created was adrien, her child.
sentimonsters are such a good metaphor for abuse. since the show's for kids, it's hard to talk blatantly about heavy topics like abuse, but this lets them deal with it in a kid-friendly way. and i know this has been discussed already, but i don't think that using a magical metaphor lessens the gravity of the issue at all. as i saw someone point out, miraculous has always been a show that uses magical metaphors (akumas, superhero disguises, you name it) to talk about real-life issues both kids and adults deal with, and personally i think that's really beautiful.
it just..... honestly makes the show so much more interesting/dark/angsty???? in a way that's chillingly unexpected, but also makes so much narrative SENSE looking back on it, which i think we can all agree is the best kind of plot twist. personally as much as i love the lighthearted funny parts of the show (i do!!!), i've always been drawn to the contrast of its more tragic, epic-scale side (especially since seeing cat blanc aka my favorite episode lol). IM NOT EVIL I JUST LIKE PAIN, OK
all the potential for angsty fanarts/fics/other fanworks. i've seen quite a few of these but i know there's also a lot more out there i haven't seen yet, and i just love all the concepts that fans are exploring because of this theory.
sentimonster jokes/memes are hilarious sorry. but not really sorry because i am 1000% sure adrien "i-cope-with-my-problems-with-humor" agreste will be TOTALLY on board the jokes too once he gets over the initial shock/existential horror/etc
ok i think that's all i have off the top of my head but if anyone else thinks of more reasons plz reblog and add on!!! let's get some more positivity for this show's writing and for our senti cat child because he sure deserves it <333
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bruhbenton · 1 year
PIZZAHEAD BRAINROT!!!! [this gets updated regularly]
OK SO PIZZAHEAD ISN'T ACTUALLY PIZZAHEAD'S FULL LEGAL NAME IS "Totino Pagliaccio Enzo" (Totally did not take the name "Enzo" from @very-normal-pizza-tower-askblog)
Totino is from a dimension where people and creatures are made from pizza-like ingredients. Ex: Himself, Cheese-slimes, Toppins, Pizza Granny, etc...
Totino specifically lives in a country called Gaetacione.
His dad is Pizzaface, who've I've given the name Giorgio, and he has a younger brother, whose name is Tonio, or Tony for short, and he has a mom who I haven't made any type of design or name for yet.
The country of Gaetacione, Giorgio is the ruler, which would make Totino next in line when Giorgio dies or something, however, Totino [along with his brother] is stuck in Peppino's dimension, and Totino probably doesn't wanna deal with that shit, so someone else in the Enzo family will probably take Giorgio's place
Totino and his dad don't really get along. His dad really only cares about his reputation and is obsessed with making Totino and Tonio be perfect and proper and shit like that. Totino has a very small circle of friends because of it, and would frequently sneak out of the estate when he was living there because his dad is honestly a fucking prick. That and Giorgio literally sent him to a dimension where people eat pizzas, made him build a whole-ass tower AND death ray AND a robot of himself with no outside help, THEN Totino got the shit kicked out of him for it and nearly died in the tower collapse.
One day Giorgio learned about the dimension that Peppino is from, and learned out that pizza chefs like Peppino create pizzas, and sell them for people to eat. Giorgio thought that these pizzas were sentient like him and Totino, so Giorgio informed his immediate family about it, and basically left Totino alone in Peppino's dimension to build the Pizza Tower and blow up his pizza place. Totino created the robot based off of Giorgio's face as a way to just say "fuck you" to him.
So, Totino basically got the shit kicked out of him, tower got destroyed, and Totino basically got really fucking injured from the wreckage/debris from the tower, fled to the woods to try to avoid being noticed by others, Gustavo eventually found him and took him in because he felt bad for Totino.
Peppino feels that Totino's already got what he deserved (cause he got the everloving shit got beaten out of him, and probably had a few chunks bitten out of him by wild animals), so they're on speaking terms. Totino and Peppino generally get along, they're sort of neutral.
Totino stays in the dimension that Peppino is in, because he doesn't really know how to get back. His brother, Tonio, ran away from home a few years after Totino went to build the tower, due to family conflict. Tonio and Totino have now (as I'm writing this, April 22nd, 2023) have been reunited [yippie!!!] Totino is probably scared to go back to his home dimension because he would have to tell Giorgio [his dad] that he failed, and the fact that he didn't beat Peppino lol, that and as mentioned above, he doesn't know how to get back. He doesn't really feel a necessity or urgency to get back because he's back in contact with his brother.
Pizzahead just sort of hangs out with the Pizza Tower crew (Peppino, Gustavo, Mr. Stick, Noise, etc...), and Peppino just simply tolerates his goofy shenanigans.
Fun fact headcanons:
Pizzahead's home dimension is permanently just stuck in the mid 1930s lol
Pizzahead's home dimension is a monarchy. Giorgio (Pizzaface) is the current ruler.
Pizzahead sounds like Gene Wilder while talking and singing. [specifically his role in Willy Wonka]
Pizzahead is childhood friends with Pepperman and Vigilante. I haven't given them real names yet because I can't think of any rn lol!!!!!
Pizzahead is probably around 25-30 years old, his birthday is June 2nd.
Pizzahead doesn't mind being called Pizzahead. He actually thinks it's a funny nickname.
Pizzahead mostly listens to older music, stuff like The Chordettes and Al Bowly, Vera Lynn, Irving Berlin, stuff like that.
Pizzahead will get mad and nauseous if someone eats pizza in his vicinity.
Pizzahead is scared of humans, mostly because some humans will try to eat his fucking limbs most of the time.
Pizzahead isn't very durable. His skin (cheese) will start melting off at temperatures above 95-100 degrees. His limbs will also easily break or dislocate because they're literally made of baked dough. He can technically be eaten, but he can regenerate over time, or be fixed quickly by being put in an oven. If he is damaged too much, like a large portion of his limbs getting removed, or his head being decapitated, he will have to be re-made, probably by a pizza chef like Peppino. He also bleeds pizza sauce.
Pizzahead is literally a walking cartoon character. He can make random things appear, like comically large wooden mallets or a stick of dynamite. He also moves like a rubber-hose animation character.
Pizza people (such as Pizzahead) are vegetarians. They won't eat anything that is on pizza, like bread, cheese, tomatos, etc. They mostly eat random houseplants, and random plants in the wild. They technically can just eat wood from trees, too, which is a really fucking funny image to me.
Pizzahead is VERY tall. He is 8'5. His younger brother, Tonio, is 7'8. Giorgio is 10'2.
Peppino and Pizzahead somewhat get along. Pizzahead just likes to annoy him and play pranks on him.
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spacecowboyhotch · 2 years
Blue Scoops: A Prologue
Tumblr media
summary: it was time.
pairing: f!reader (blue) x m!oc oliver raven, eventual f!reader (blue) x javier peña
contents: no smut but 18+, death of family, grieving, depression, break ups, crying
wc: 1.25k
AN: a very soft launch to my baby that i’ve been obsessing over off and on. please, please, do take note of the contents and take care of yourself. grief is a pretty big theme throughout this entire work so keep that in mind. also please do remember that this work is 18+ only as there will be nsfw content. eager to hear your thoughts on this so pls do share them if you read, it’d mean a lot to me!
series masterlist | misc. masterlist
He was old. It was time.
Those words blink in your head like a gas station neon sign, blinding, annoying and completely unwanted.
He was old. It was time.
You knew it was coming but not like this. Just like that, the man who knew you best was gone and now it feels like your lungs are filled to the brim with water. You should’ve been there, should’ve sucked it up, and gone over to help him shovel his driveway. The reason you two were fighting has been dead since you were a teen, and now you’re left to add this to your pile of internal bullshit. Another impossible thing to wade through.
He’s old. He was old. And now he’s just gone.
He was old and it was time but did it have to be like this? Did it have to be out in the cold all by himself? He deserved better than that. He deserved the world, he deserved a granddaughter that would’ve helped him instead of holding a grudge after all he’d been through.
“Ma’am do you want to see him one last time?” Jerry, the man that’s in charge of the arrangements, gives you that warm smile he’s so good at. Sometimes it makes your skin crawl, and sometimes it's a comfort.
This time it's the former, because of course you don’t. Seeing the empty shell of your grandfather sounds like a sick and twisted dream, but you’re all he has left and he deserves respect paid. Somewhere inside of you, you find the strength to say yes but you don’t even recognize your voice.
“We can give you a few more days before you decide how you’d like to handle this.”
Shaking your head, your hand falls to your purse, ready to get this all over with, “No, that’s okay. I want him cremated.”
“Usually we have people give it a few days before-”
You cut him off, mouth setting into a thin line, “I know what I want, we planned for this. I want him cremated.”
Jerry whinces, before smoothing his face back into the warm smile, “Yes ma’am.”
You handle all the payment and paperwork with robotic, empty movements, you mind millions of miles away. When you make it out the car with a manila envelope full of documents, Oliver, your boyfriend is waiting for you.
“Hi, sweetheart.”
“Please take me home,” You whisper softly as you sit just on the edge of losing it again.
He doesn’t say anything else, just starts the journey to your shared apartment. He doesn’t reach out to comfort you when the tears start to fall, and it's no one’s fault but your own. You’ve been snarky in your grief, nitpicking every single gesture of care he tries to bestow on you. Grief makes you unkind because you’ve never held it quite like this before. It digs its sharp claws into you and makes you lash out.
The process of going through grandfather’s things will be lengthy and time consuming. With little thought and much haste you quit your job as a pastry chef to free up time. In hindsight, you should’ve been more gentle with yourself, eased into it, but you needed something that reminds you of him to latch on to. Through all of the sorting and compiling of his assets and bank accounts, you find out he has a healthy savings —all yours now— and owns a house in your grandmother’s home town, Laredo, Texas. The house is yours now too, and when your mind immediately thinks of escaping there you pack the papers back up and avoid them.
You’re disappointed with yourself because when you thought of escaping, it was alone, without Oliver. And with that thought came relief. Oliver’s been nothing but good to you, he’s not perfect, but he tries and there’s not much more you can ask for. There’s not much more that you would ask for, because its not fair when you’re treating him like this.
As the weeks pass, you glance at the box the papers are in every once and a while, longingly, guiltily. It only takes a month for you to pull them out again, and when you do, you accept your fate.
It’s time to go.
You’re not in the right headspace to be in a relationship, and you know that it's time when the idea of leaving doesn’t even scare you. It makes you feel terrible— sick to your stomach, but not afraid.
Oliver’s trying and so are you, but it's not working. Since your grandfather died it feels like your relationship is a failed handshake that both parties know but can’t execute.
“Oliver?” You ask as the two of you sit down for dinner.
It's another crockpot meal of chicken and rice and broth. The thought of even getting out the can opener or chopping up a vegetable sounds exhausting. Everything, even feeling angry or sinking into the sadness, feels exhausting.
He gazes at you, looking tired with a voice to match, “Yeah, sweetheart?”
Its now or never. If you don’t tell him now the two of you will drown in unhappiness and resent each other. You don’t want, for yourself, sure, but most importantly for Oliver. He deserves happiness even if you don’t think you do.
You set down your fork and take a deep breath, unable to look at him, “I have to leave.”
“This isn’t working, we both know that this isn’t working.”
There’s a lull, a deep cove of silence that makes you feel like time has stopped before he speaks again, “Is there any way that I can change your mind?”
It feels cold, but you can’t help the humorless chuckle that leaves your throat, “Do you actually want to?”
“I love you, even in all of this.”
Your throat goes thick from his words, god you don’t deserve him. Sometimes you wonder if you ever have, or if the green jadedness growing inside has earned you a life full of sorrow. A naive life, thinking you’ll have the picket fence and nuclear family while in reality it’s all just an illusion. You’re not even sure you want it anymore, not that it matters, you’re convinced you’ll never have it. And while you love him too and always will, not like this. It can’t be like this.
“Oliver…I don’t think that you should.”
“It's not a choice,” He murmurs and there's defeat written all over him. When he looks at you, eyes sad, the tears in your eyes finally fall.
You take his head into your hands, trying to desperately make him understand, “Neither is me leaving.”
There’s no more explicit talk about the breakup after that besides you giving him a move out date and the address to the house. He helps you pack and it makes you feel even more like shit. He’s sweet, accommodating. You wish that he would yell at you, that he would tell you how much of a bitch you’re being but he doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t because he’s Oliver. When you pack up your truck, he gives you a tight hug, tells you he loves you. You hug him just as tightly, promise to call, tell him that you love him so much, that you’re sorry.
When you drive away you feel like you’re rotting from the inside, emotion festering beyond its expiration date inside of you. You’ll take your time making your way to Laredo, hoping that somewhere along the way you’ll find some sense of happiness again.
> chapter 1
let me know if you’d like to be on the blue scoops taglist!
pedro taglist: @lesbianhotch, @honeybrowne, @jazzelsaur, @mccn-bcys, @jxvipike, @thevoiceinyourheadx, @hotchs-bitch, @laurensprentiss, @pedrito-friskito, @lola766, @amb11, @vanemando15, @emilianamason, @iamskyereads
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