#because i cannot stress how animal like it looks I'm not being mean it is Literally Ouppy HDJSKSKD
euclydya · 6 months
twirling you very gently!! thank you for kind words auth wah :']! hoping for good things for you!! wishing you all the best forever and ever <3
thank you friend !! -auth
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lemonmaid · 9 months
Parenting 101
Enter gojo and geto pre-scenting items for their new pup
Warnings: omegaverse, toddler/Newborn reader, mentions of infertility, family Fluff. Worried Suguru, Gender Neutral reader, No one dies AU, modern AU
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Did Suguru need to use Satoru's card and basically buy a whole store?
But it wasn't like Satoru was going to complain or pay for it, that's the Gojo's Clan problem, plus they wouldn't care as long as it was for pup stuff.
“Papa, can we get McDonald's-”.
“I want a happy meal!”.
“No, I want KFC!!”.
“But we had that yesterday Mimiko-”.
Suguru pinched his nose, “no one is getting anything unless you start acting right, we are in the middle of the mall. Also it's almost dinner time, We have food at home”.
The four pups looked at Suguru wide eyed.
Megumi was starting to pout, the four year old's lip quivered, his milky scent quickly turning sour, Tsumiki noticed quickly, “Geto-san, Megumi is crying”.
Suguru sighed, picking up Megumi and pulling him into his neck. “Girls. Can you please grab the bags, we are going home”.
‘One more can't hurt he said, one more every time’
Satoru was currently at home with a lady that was currently filling out paperwork for a house study.
“So, Gojo-san. Four pups, you and your mate want one more?”.
Satoru huffed, “we… always wanted a big family…”
“How charitable-”
“Listen, can't you accept that we might actually like kids and want to have a loving family? we aren't in this for the money or tax benefits”.
The beta sighed, “Well… the house is big enough. Has enough bedrooms and bathrooms and I've already spoken to your mate and children the day before, I'll contact you when we find a good fit”.
Satoru sighed in relief. “Thank you so much”.
On cue, a tired Suguru, a sleeping Megumi and three rowdy girls walked into the house, “We're home!!”.
Satoru jumps up immediately, taking Megumi from Suguru, “Go rest hon, I've got it from here”. Suguru nods before dragging himself upstairs.
“Papa lied! There isn't any food!” Mimiko slammed the fridge-door.
Satoru nervously laughed, “she's joking”.
The beta woman raised an eyebrow, “here's my card info and the case number”. She says her goodbyes and leaves.
“I want KFC!!”
“GIRLS!” Suguru yelled.
The three girls got quiet looking at Suguru who stood at the end of the stairs, “rooms now”.
The girls hurried to their rooms, leaving Megumi, who was napping on the couch.
“Is everything okay babe?”
Suguru sighed, “I'm just… nervous, stressed and overstimulated”.
Satoru wrapped Suguru in a tight hug, “it's going to be okay, we've done great with the other four, a newborn isn't any different”.
‘Isn't any different’. Suguru scoffed, when they took in Megumi and Tsumiki, Megumi needed to be potty trained and Tsumiki needed help brushing her teeth daily. Suguru sighed, “are we actually ready to have a newborn?”
Satoru shrugged, “I think so, I mean, the parenting books say we are ready”.
Suguru's eye twitched, “oh so what does the parenting say to do now”. He points up the stairs where the girls are eavesdropping. “Do we give in and buy KFC because I'm not touching a stove tonight-”.
“I'll cook”.
“You cannot cook”.
“Um… ramen?”.
Suguru sighed, “fine”.
As Satoru boiled water in the electric kettle, Suguru tended to the nursery, scenting all the blankets, pillows and stuffed animals that were being prepped for their newborn.
Suguru stared at the mountain of blankets, something felt off, nothing felt right.
Satoru interrupted his thoughts, “knock knock, are you feeling any better?”.
“I'm just….nervous. This is the first time We can scent anything for the pup. We couldn't do it for the other four, I didn't want to overwhelm them. Now I can scent-”.
“You're making yourself sick worrying like this, you'll be fine, they'll be fine”.
Suguru handed a blanket for Satoru to smell.
“We'll make sure they are loved”.
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panda-writes-kpop · 11 months
TWICE - Reaction to S/O Cuddling A Plushie (Requested!)
A/N: We're back to two uploads a week since I'm trying to clear my WIP before December 1st! I want to take a small hiatus for the week before and of exams plus I can spend time with family and friends for a bit without having a bunch of stress and extra responsibilities.
Also, to the lovely anon that requested this since I no longer have that request - I am so happy that my works bring you peace and happiness. I know what it’s like to go through rough periods, trust me, I’ve been through my fair share. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and I promise the future will be so much better than your present. I can’t promise that the road will be easy, or that you won’t want to give up, but stick it out, okay? My writing will always be here for you to enjoy, and I’m so glad I could bring you some peace of mind during a rough part of your life. Wishing you all the love and joy that the world can possibly bring your way. <3
TW: None!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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100% teases you by pretending to be jealous
“Ah, well, I guess I’ll just have to find someone else to cuddle since you’re busy.” 
She blushes like crazy when you pull her into your arms along with your plushie
“Yah, I was joking, baby!”
Completely unbothered by the presence of a stuffed animal
Happily accepts the cuddles, and she gives your stuffed animal a boop on the nose in approval
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She may tease you about it if you’re okay with it
“Do you mind if I hold you as well, or are you a little too… preoccupied at the moment?”
Otherwise she’ll wrap an arm around you and stare at you lovingly as you hold your plushie
“You’re adorable, honey. Have I ever told you that?”
Definitely does not notice until she’s in your arms and feels the plushie digging into her back
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“What are you poking me fo- Oh, it’s your plushie!”
Will apologize to said plushie or the guilt will eat at her all day
“I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Will hold the plushie along with you as long as you let her do so
Immediately pulls out her phone and starts taking pictures
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“Smile, my love!”
And then she sets the photo as her screensaver and your contact photo
Will want to get in on the cuddles with said plushie
“You’ll let me cuddle with the two of you, right?”
It warms her heart to see you happy, especially if you’re on edge a lot or have been going through a rough period
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She won’t disturb you as you cuddle in peace, but she may check up on you if your plushie is a comfort animal for your rougher days
“Is everything alright, babe? Do you want to talk about anything?”
She’ll happily observe you and the plushie from afar unless you invite her to join… who is she to say no to that?
“Of course I’ll join you! I missed you while I was at work all day, you know, and I like when we can just relax like this.”
Her heart internally combusts as her face externally combusts
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You’re too adorable for her heart to handle sometimes, but she rarely admits it
“I like seeing you happy with your plushie… it makes me happy too.”
Will buy you matching plushies for your birthday if you’re a plushie fan
“I know you like the plushie you have… but I got matching ones for us so you’ll always be with me and I’ll always be with you.”
Definitely teases you a lot and/or makes jokes
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“It’s only been eight hours and I’ve been replaced… I see how it is, then.”
You know she’s joking by the way she grins and laughs when you scoff at her.
Settles by your side and lays her head on your shoulder as you hold her hand while holding your plushie
A sweet, toothy smile breaks out on her face.
“I love you so, so much, and I hope you know that.”
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You are simply too cute for her to handle!
She tries to sneakily take a picture, but you catch her in the act.
“Sorry, baby! You just looked so cute with that plushie…”
Enjoys just being in the room with you while you cuddle your plushie because the sweet, soft vibes cannot be replicated when Chaeyoung is by herself
She leans against the doorframe and just… observes with a lovesick smile.
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Your child-like glee really comes out when you cuddle your plushie, and if you rarely show that side of you off, Tzuyu just wants to enjoy that part of you while it’s present.
“Do you mind if I join you, love?”
You invite her to sit next to you, and you place one of her hands on the plushie as she plays with your hair with her free hand.
She’s mostly quiet while enjoying the moment with you, but she will talk to you if you want to talk with her.
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ctwinsduo · 2 months
hey hi hey! do you perhaps have cniki/ceret/cwilbur hcs? any of them r fine and if you dont thats okay bye!!!
I don't have much c!niki knowledge I'm afraid however I will give what little hcs I have (also credit to my buddy @cinn-namon for half of these Eret HCs, if you want more feel free to mug him /hj)
- Prone to singing or humming whenever given the chance, when there's an audience he puts So Much Effort into it but he'll do it when he's alone aswell - Her first instinct in most situations is to laugh, she doesn't mean to but it just sorta slips out regardless of the circumstances - By far my wildest Wilbur hc: Wilbur is a nature spirit- my basis for this is mostly Greek mythology. In Greek mythology it's common for the children of gods and immortals to be some sort of nymph or dryad (basically a nature spirit) and the concept of nature spirits is a really vast one that can range from "pretty lady found in Trees" (Dryad) or "Unidentified mystical energy" for my HCs I tend to use more of the ladder. So Wilbur is a physical manifestation of the wilds, basically a shapeshifter but add a connection to the world itself. In theory he has no "true" form but the form he took when he was born was just a straight up fox (later learned how to shift into a more humanoid form as he grew) - More thoughts on nature spirit Wilbur ahead: how she appears and how well she can hold her form is entirely dependent on her current state, because of this she changed a lot between L'manburg and Pogtopia :3 When she first came to the SMP she looked almost entirely human, save for a few "off" traits (strange eyes, fangs, slightly pointed ears, ect.) but when Pogtopia hit she changed rather suddenly, becoming more like Fundy in appearance. Ghostbur was just a straight up spectral fox, and post revival Wilbur always has a few fox-like traits showing that she can't seem to get rid of - All of their mannerisms are slightly off- they don't quite emote "right". When they're fully human they come off as oddly animalistic, when they're more animal-like they're weirdly human. They tried to play themselves off as at least Mostly human for awhile but gave up pretty quickly - Has no fucking clue what his species is because of the samsung smart fridge nonsense- honestly he just assumes that he was Born Weird. When asked he's always weirdly cryptic about it - God awful cook, y'know those posts about people fucking up their food in unbelievable ways? That's Wilbur. Do not let her into the kitchen she will burn water - Disaster bi, seemingly most attracted to people who are either actively against her or have done shitty things to her in the past and she Cannot be normal about it (See: all of the shit said about Schlatt, Eret, Quackity, the list goes on) - Touchy but only when they're in a good mood. L'manburg era they'd always be putting an an arm around someone's shoulder or ruffling people's hair, small acts of physical affection, but any other time they've actively shied away from touch unless it's initiated by them. This is mostly because they're easily overstimulated by touch (despite being incredibly touch starved post revival)
- Wither hybrid, they can shift to hide some of their wither parts. When they were apart of L'manburg they also played themselves off as human - Loves to bake and stress bakes when especially stressed out- I like to think her and Niki would often bake together - Looking directly into his eyes activates a person's flight or fight response, which is why so many people have gotten Jumpscared by his eyes in the past - Probably has one of the best fashion senses in the entire SMP and yet only really dresses up whenever someone is coming over (90% of the time she just lounges about in comfy clothes, we love a comfy queen) - His memory is absolutely god awful so he's prone to writing things down or- more often- taking photos. A lot of the pictures from early L'manburg were taken by him - The L'manburg uniforms were made with Tommy and Eret's combined efforts (Wilbur supervised and occasionally stabbed himself trying to help <3) - Sews all of their own clothes, they'd love to sew for someone else but they haven't gotten the chance to outside of the uniforms (if they did they'd probably make an entire wardrobe though) - She's the one that taught Tommy to sew :3
- Catgirl c!niki supremacy - She likes churus (the cat treat) and will eat them like gogurt - Being as close to Wilbur as she was she's absolutely heard way too much about all of Wilbur's awful crushes on their enemies (she can never look at Eret the same way again) - She has autistic girl swagger idk what it is but she just does. Has the most unsettling stare known to man (by complete accident) - Despite being a cat hybrid she enjoys playing around in local bodies of water, big fan of stomping around in rivers
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drdemonprince · 1 year
do you have tips for distracting yourself from thoughts you don't want to have?
As we all know intellectual repression does not work, so I try thinking of a problem that I actually do want to solve rather than worrying about a hypothetical problem that doesn't exist yet or one that cannot be solved.
Like so: "okay, let's stop worrying about this writing project that I am not able to work on right now because I'm not even near a fucking computer, and instead let's worry about making a shopping list and a meal plan for this whole week of groceries."
Or: "Okay, I'm not gonna be able to fix the guilt over my role my dad's death at the moment, so let's think about when I am going to hang out with XYZ person I've been meaning to see for a while, and what I could invite that person to go do."
I also try throwing my brain a challenging problem or intellectual exercise related to a topic that I am interested in, or reading about. Like so:
"Okay, I'm worrying a lot about the future of my job, but that isn't helpful right now, because I don't even know who my new boss is gonna be yet and I won't for another year. But here's something I do want to think deeply about: I am reading this very interesting book by Freddy deBoer right now about how the left fails to build large enough coalitions to achieve real political power, and he makes some fair points, but doesn't that concern of his seem to contradict his earlier point about how the neurodiversity movement is too large of a movement and too big of a tent, with not enough focus on those with really high support needs who hate their mental illness? I wonder what Freddy would say to that question?"
And then I'll spend a good long while pondering that question.
Another way that I cope with intrusive negative thoughts is to ask myself if a line of obsessive thinking or worry is going to bring me closer to the kind of person I want to be. And if it won't, what is something that I could be thinking about that might help me better embody that person.
So if I'm reenacting a fight with my mom over and over again in my head, I might notice this, and tell myself: hey. This thing we are thinking about is only making us a more angry and resentful person, which we don't need any more practice on. We are already good at being angry and resentful. Where do we actually need to grow? Oh! I remember, I wanted to start doing more volunteer work. I'll spend the duration of this bus ride looking up some local mutual aid groups and putting their events in my calendar. And so on.
I really think of using my brain as a form of exercise, if you'll excuse me for sounding a bit sigma male -- everything we think about, we get better at thinking about. Every thought process we engage in with our brains, we make more reflexive and natural-seeming for us. So if I want to be a more compassionate person, I can just sit and think about people in a compassionate light to slowly expand that skill. I'm bored of my own misanthropy, anxious worrying, fault-finding, and work-related stress at this point. Rather than telling myself to stop thinking about those things, I try offering my brain something else to exercise with.
Another thing I'll do is just turn on a podcast that will keep my mind engaged. True Anon, Trillbilly Worker's Party, Anime Sickos are all favorites. Sometimes that's enough to quiet down the noise, especially if paired with a vigorous activity like cleaning or a long walk.
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september-rainn · 2 days
Donnie darko agere hcs perhaps? 🤨
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Little!Donnie Darko Headcanons
✮⋆˙ 1/2/3 - 4/5/6 - 7/8/9 ✮⋆˙
I am surprised I haven't done this earlier, he's my everything. I cannot believe it took an ask to get this made. I've seen a lot of headcanons about him being transgender and I kind of see it, so I'm following the masses and incorporating it
CW: Mentions of pills & dysphoria
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☆ Donnie's little age is anything pre-puberty, typically ranging from 5 to 8, but can slip as young as 2 when especially stressed or as old as 11 when on the cusp of regressing
★ He tends to slip into little space when with his therapist (due to hypnotherapy, though he hardly counts it), when extremely anxious, or when extremely dysphoric.
☆ He's primarily pre-puberty to help with discomfort in his body due to maturing. Part of it is because he mourns never having a "masculine" childhood, and wants to live that out like every other boy got to do.
★ He refuses to have a caregiver. He fantasizes about having one, and what it'd be like, but is too independent to allow anyone to take care of him
☆ Doesn't mean people, primarily his sister and mother, haven't tried. He's more open to letting Elizabeth care for him in small doses. He starts to get agitated if he feels she's impeding too much on his "little" time
★ THE KING OF TANTRUMS!! He'll scream, he'll cry, he'll stomp his feet, he'll throw things, he'll rip things up. He has a hard time managing frustration when he is little. This contributes to his adamancy on not having a caregiver; he doesn't wish to subject someone to his fits
☆ Fiddles a lot. He loves having things to fidget with. His go-to is the strings of his hoodie, and small handheld trinkets, like a Rubik's cube. Not much of a teether. Needs to keep his hands occupied
★ Loves coloring books!! He steals Samantha's coloring books, too shy to get any on his own. Samantha notices. She doesn't say anything
☆ He loves drawing too. Depending on how old he is, it can be pen scribbles or well-thought-out doodles. He holds the pen in his fist to make his drawings look more child-like
★ He still had the doggy stuffed animal he got from his therapist. He has an unhealthy attachment to it, In and out of regression. He panics if he doesn't have easy access to it. Washing it has always been a pain
☆ The only little gear he had ever gotten for himself (aka not stolen from Samantha) was a sippy cup. Mostly drinks mixed berry juices and sparkling water
★ Samantha and Donnie play together sometimes when he's regressed. The trampoline is their favorite toy to play with. Samantha isn't aware of his regression, but she's happy he plays with her
☆ Surprisingly, he's more willing to take his pills when regressed. His brain is too foggy to conceptualize if he needs the pills or not, nor what they say about him (will fuss a little. It's tradition)
★ Only eats soft foods. Things like cakes, bread, soup, bananas, etc.
☆ Unsurprising; He likes watching the Smurfs, alongside other cartoons. He loves to curl up with a blanket and his stuffed doggy and binge episodes for hours
★ Has glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling, and a few dangling over his bed
☆ Despite his age being on the older side, he loves crib accessories, like mobile hangings and soothing bedside toys. He has one from when he was a child that plays a faint lullaby
★ Needs calming noise to sleep. Either white noise, a lullaby if he's feeling bold, or the calming voice of another. The latter hasn't occurred outside of his mind, but to him, it works all the same
☆ Plays a lot of board games. He has a hard time finding people to play with him. He's a sore loser. He plays with himself. It makes him sad. It makes him more regressed.
★ If he did have a caregiver, he'd want to call them mommy or miss. Not interested in having a male caregiver-- He's too much of a mama's boy. He's so weak to motherly attention
☆ Would cry if an older woman said he did good. Needs praise to survive
★ Someone kiss this boy on the cheek I think he needs it !!!!
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Hi, I read Toman and Muslim Reader a while ago and I like it So since Eid al-Adha is near, can you write a second part with the addition of Tenjiku and Yuzuha?
And I wonder what their reaction will be when they discover that a reader cannot marry a person who is not a Muslim unless he converts to Islam and performs all the religious duties as it should.(It was funny when reading Mitsuya and Draken's reaction when they found out that Muslims don't get tattoos 😂😂)
Of course love! Also please tell me how you want to be called. Someone claimed the 🍰nom as an anonymous, you can have a name too!
I think Imma convert to Islam to be honest 'cuz it's such a cool and peaceful and beautiful religion and I honestly hate anyone who thinks of them as terrorists or some other bad thing.
Is what you said 'Eid al-Adha' this festival where you kill/sacrifice a goat or sheep or something? My friend told me that she would do it this wednesday or thursday, as in the festival being two days long or something...? Also she said that she'd fast on the 27th...oh well
Anyways, I actually laughed my ass off when I thought about their shocked faces and then also thinking of each other like 'damn, Draken/Mitsuya has one too!' and then the first one calling the other and berating each other about getting their tattoos removed lol
Also, I'm going to write stuff which is sadly not happening canonly, and I'm only at chapter 139, so please bear with me. Also you didn't tell me which ones, so I just did these below plus your precious Yuzuha.
Also sorry for only posting it now...
Characters: Izana Kurokawa, Kakucho, Ran Haitani, Yuzuha Shiba
I did not proofread.
Tokyo revengers with a muslim friend :D , part two
part one , tr with a muslim wife
Izana Kurokawa
Nah bruh, that's not it.
he saw you for the first time when he craved some food in the convenience store
didn't really think much of you at first, but he didn't really see you before
you also didn't really look like a japanese woman, more like a foreigner
so, he just watched you for a bit
you were actually having a pretty good life, and he was a little jealous
but then, one day, you were quickly making your way to a bigger shop, while talking to somebody in a stressed manner, you were sweating and looking around fevereshly
over the time he watched you, he grew somwehat protective of you
and when he saw you like this? He didn't like it
he thought that somebody was after you, and what would be the best way to introduce himself to you?
After all, many people here knew him and also not to mess with him
"my name is Izana Kurokawa, and I noticed that you didn't look very well. Are you alright?"
and when you noticed him, like really staring into his eyes, he lost it
you were the most beautiful woman he's ever met actually, and he felt his breath hitch
"Huh? Oh no, it's alright love, just preparing for a festival is all!"
Festival? But there were no Japanese festivals announced yet-
"Oh, let me introcuce myself first. My name is ____ ______ and I'm from ______. I'm a muslim, as in my religion is Islam, and in a week, a day called Eid-Adha will come and there we will sacrifice a sheep/goat and share some meat with our aquaintances and eat it along with friends and families."
This was too much input, but he managed to understand
"Do you guys have a sheep yet?"
"Sadly no, we also can't buy slughtered meat from the meathouse because it's not halal."
"And what does that mean?"
"It means that the sheep is not slaughtered by a muslim."
"...and what if I bring you an alive sheep? would that be okay?"
"What? Oh, no. No no, please, you don't have to stress yourself, Kurokawa, it's alright!"
Nah, it was not. Your parents were in dire need of a sheep actually
And safe to say, you were secretely happy that the friend you made the day prior did not only help you with your groceries, he also brought you a sheep the next day
...but where did he get that animal from?
after your confrontation, Izana had no choice but to tell you the truth.
He told you about everything that happened and expected you to give him a scared expression and then run away
but you gave him a sad look.
"I can somewhat relate to what you're going through right now. But doing all this because you're holding a grudge against his little brother is not going to lift your spirit, you know?"
You poured him a cup of tea and he thanked you silently.
Izana was surprised that you still talked to him. He really expected you to run away
"would Shinichiro be okay with you trying to hurt his brother? You're Emma's brother, after all. Have you gotten in contact with her yet? I'm sure she'd love to see her sibling again."
Tears spilled from his eyes. His shoulders shook.
"Izana...it's okay. let it all out. God knows what you're going through. He is testing you."
"why..? Why is god doing that to me...?", the leader croaked, and you could see a spark in his eyes.
"Because he loves you. God loves every single living form in this planet. He created us, after all. And he is also the most forgiving of us all.
Talk to Mikey, talk to Emma. Talk to everyone you don't like and see what happens. Hope for the best, pray for the best thing to happen. Imagine how happy Shinichiro would be if he saw his two brothers getting along! Imagine how happy Emma would be to see you again!"
He thought about it, but he was not so sure.
But he tried.
He asked you to accompany him, and you said yes with a smile. you were glad to aid as emotional support.
What you didn't tell him though, was that you already knew Mikey and Toman.
Izana didn't.
And so, Izana met with Mikey, who firstly greeted you, and then also greeted Izana, but with a little less respect.
"Listen, Manjiro Sano, I'm sorry. Surely, you must've read my letters by now,", he started as he noticed a carton boy with opened letters that looked an awful lot like the ones he and Shin sent each other.
"I...was jealous of you. That you were his...real brother. I wanted to be his brother too, but well..."
Mikey understood. "then let's be brothers, Izana."
Izana looked at him with more widened eyes, then he looked at you. You smiled at him.
From that day on, Tenjiku and Toman were good with each other, thanks to a little help of yours.
Izana also felt closer to you. He felt at ease with you. He wanted to know more about you.
Izana wasn't really a religious person, so it gave him a little whiplash when you told him that you could only marry a muslim or a converted muslim.
He never knew that he'd want to try to become or do something for someone
but if it was you, then he'd for sure try.
and it was actually the best experience he had
praying fives times a day was no problem, as you and him frequented a mosque that wasn't too far away from you
he was a little sad by the fact that he couldn't pray with you, but the brothers on the other side welcomed him with open arms
Izana would've actually liked to stay there longer and listen to the men, but he remembered that he had to meet up with you in two minutes
like an excited puppy did he tell you about everything he knew, and only after a second did he realize that you knew most of it already
still, you gave him a smile and encouraged him to learn more
That guy is just as stupid as the others.
He also just noticed you recently, but he found you to be a pretty foreigner
He actually wanted to hang out with you, and so he also introduced himself
"Name's Kakucho, may I know your's, pretty lady?", he was actually quite the charmer (my headcannon)
you smiled, his heart pounded, and you said your name as well
still, you asked him about his scar, which was...very visible
"Ah, just a little accident!"
"Really? Poor you ...Oh, it's time for me to go, it was nice hanging out with you! See you soon!"
and with that, you left.
like Izana, Kakucho felt the strong need to look after you.
I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't want to protect a pretty girl like you?
Kakucho also hoped that he'd have a chance with you, but we'll come to that later
Safe to say, you two saw each other very soon
some nameless delinquents were cornering you and you had no other choice but to scream
Out of curiosity, Izana's "brother", looked at the source
and he saw red.
you were holding your purse close to your chest and pressed yourself against the wall, and in front of you were three guys with knifes in their hands
"give us you-" *CRUNCH*
the first one fell down, two more to go
You stared at the body on the ground, he must've given the guy a concussion
then you looked at your savior, who just punched the other two away and came to you
"Are you alright, ____?" "Yeah, I'm fine. But you didn't have to beat them up like that. but...but still, thank you."
he smiled and blushed and felt so happy that he saved you
"It was no big deal, but hey-; what were you doing at this hour? It's already past six!"
"I had to pick up my little brother from his friend's house. um, would you like to accompany me? I don't want to get attacked again, you know? I mean, if you're free at the moment...!"
Could this day get any better?
"Sure! You know where he lives?"
and so, you two talked and laughed along the way here.
the topics lead to religion, and how you loved doing your prayers, spending money for charities, to your ideal type of husband,...somehow
"...and, well, my husband has to be a muslim as well!"
"Really? So...uh, if we're speaking of a friend, and he really likes that girl, but she is muslim, but they are close friends, and the guy thinks he has a chance with her...then...should he just-- convert to Islam?"
You felt your cheeks heat up. Why? guess we'll never know
"Uh, yeah! Y-yeah, sure! But! I-it shouldn't be taken lightly! Fulfilling the five prayers is not easy, or reading the Quran, or learning arabic, or doing your best at all times. Of course, the religion is beautiful and makes a better human out of you, but it is not to be taken lightly, and shouldn't be accepted because out of love to a person, but to Allah.
He created us after all. And the only thing he wants from us is to believe in him, to look for him when times get rough, to search assurements from him when you do not feel well, to thank him for having such a life as yours, even if it's bad. It could always get worse, so always be grateful for your creator."
Kakucho then started thinking more of the religion than of you
mans never had such a peaceful feeling when he was listening to podcasts of converted muslims and men or sheikhs talking about things that can or shouldn't be done
Kakucho thought that he'd never see heaven, but he prayed
"dear god, sorry for only talking to you now, but there's this girl I like-no, I love her! And well, it's kinda stupid of me to say this, because you know, 'cuz you created us and shit, but...could you maybe bring us together? I'll also try my best in becoming a muslim!"
He just hopes his prayers were heard
Eid-Adha came and you were busy as heck
you didn't have time to pick up kakucho's phone (let's imagine they have phones in that timeline) because of making all the food and cleaning up the house
boy did he get worried
he was already by your door and ready to know when his phone rang
it was you
he didn't even let it ring the second time and picked up the call
"Kakucho? Are you alright? Why did you call me so often? Did something happen?"
Again, he relished the fact that you were worried about him
"Ah, it's nothing, I was just asking you if you'd like to hang out with me today?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm still preparing the food for our holiday!"
"Oh! I'm sorry! I totally forgot about it-"
"Hey boy, stop standing in the way!", a male interrupted
the man was carrying a cut sheep
Kakucho thought about punching the man but started helping him when he remembered in front of who's house he stood
'if that guy is her father, then I have to leave the best first impressions!'
Kakucho. You were still in your gang uniform. YOU HAVE A SCAR ON YOUR FACE.
But the man didn't let a single emotion be noticed than hard work and fatigue, so he didn't really fight the delinquent who shockingly offered his help in a sweet tone and nice smile
"Dad, you're late- Kakucho?!", you yelped.
"You two know each other?", your mother chimed in as she examined the boy who was now standing with the cut sheep, your father let himself fall on a leathered chair
"Yeah, he's the one who saved me from the bad guys!"
his day couldn't get any better
"Hello, my name is Kakucho, and I'm glad I could help, I'll be taking my leave now-"
Kakucho and you looked at your dad with surprised faces
"Who'll help me cut it into smaller pieces? My wife is tired and my daughter is not strong enough"
of course you objected because well, you're a girlboss/feminist
but eh
let the men do something for a change
and that's how kakucho ended up laughing at your parents stories of you being the clumsiest baby they had, with you dying out of embarrassment of course
your dad took him out for a moment
"Do you like me daughter?"
"Y-yes sir."
"You know that you have to be a muslim to marry her, right?"
"Yes sir."
"Tomorrow. 1. at this address, and don't you dare come late."
It was the address to a mosque
what could happen next?
Ran Haitani
That twisted mf
he actually couldn't have cared less about who you were
he actually was just strolling around Roppongi, looking for trouble to deal with
then he saw you
sweet, in your own little world, happily walking your way
bro nah
of course he followed you and made himself known
"Oh, hello? can I help you?"
"Yeah, uh...tell me. What's a sweet little thing like you doing here? And all alone?"
Please I'd punch that guy
"Well, I just had to do my groceries, and I just can't seem to find this store...do you know where it is? It's one of the only stores here that sell halal food"
he didn't know what halal meant but he'd for sure ask you later
And of course he knew every single shop here
he and Rindou owned Roppongi after all
when I tell you that he's been through the five stages of confusion
1. staring at the name, then the shop
2. then smiling reassuringly at you
3. looking at the shop's name again with a frown this time
4. calling one of his allies
5. telling you the truth
you being down, him feeling unwell
ran could've been a little dissappointed in himself for not knowing that shop, but oh well
"according to google maps, I should cross this road!"
'she has a phone? It looks rather new too-'
"Aw, man...there's so much traffic...how am I going to cross it?"
this 'gentleman' told you to follow him
all the damn cars stopped
you were shocked but also happy
ran's pride flared up
and you guys actually made it to the shop
this is the second part of five stages of confusion
1. why is there a different smell in every direction he breathes?
2. why is there such a wide variety of tea??
3. why are there sausages, onions and fish hanging from the ceiling?
4. why was there a cat on the cash register?
5. what did you need from here?
an elder man came to view and you bowed politely
ran felt somewhat out of place when you talked to the grandpa in a foreign language
the man studied your paper and put everything you needed in a bag
then he said something which made you mad
you quickly fished out your money and slammed it on the counter
the man yelled something
you yelled something
you pushed ran out of the shop
you ran out
but not before petting the sweet cat, which purred in return
and you sighed angrily
"uhm...what was that??"
"he didn't want to accept the money."
"so? good for you."
"wha- no! I was the first customer there. He had this shop only opened recently. and I felt pity on him, so I gave him thrice from the actual price I had to pay."
"Because that's what people from my family do!"
He didn't understand you
but he wanted to get to know you more
so he tried to accompany you as much as possible
and well, you two became friends
and you talked about your religion a lot
ran liked that about you
that you were a kind young lady, who only wanted the best for everybody
but he froze when you once spilled the tea about one od your cousins from your dad's side
"and she wants to marry an American, I mean, can you believe it?!"
"wait, what's so special about it? I mean, if she loves him, then...you know...?"
"Yes, but he is not muslim. And he doesn't want to convert to Islam. That's the problem."
"...I don't- I don't understand-"
"A muslim woman has to marry a muslim man. This is tradition and religion."
"Oh.", that's when he froze.
Ran also came to terms that he really liked you from that moment.
Like, he really really liked you.
that...that might be a problem.
"So...marriages between a muslim woman and a non-muslim man are not allowed?"
"And what about you? would you marry a non-muslim man?"
And you laughed. Was this a joke to you?
"Why would I marry a non-muslim man? I don't need a person who hasn't got the same beliefs as I do. Also, I don't need a man even half as much as I need Allah, Ran."
Guess he'll convert to Islam then.
Yuzuha Shiba
This precious baby girl
She actually knew you from Emma and Hina (let's pretend they know each other)
she loves how modest you dress and how mature you act
she loves how you can cook sweet oriental food and also tell the craziest stories which you had with your cousins
this girl
doesn't get
why you don't have a boyfriend yet
the first option would be her brother, because Yuzuha thinks that you would be the best wife for him
and uh, well, she doesn't really know anybody else
she doesn't like that you have to marry a muslim guy
like c'mon
"why can't you just marry Hakkai, ____?"
"Aren't you christians? And Hakkai always freezes up when I'm near-"
"sheesh, he'll get over it. And he can convert."
"Yuzuha, no. I don't want him to accept another religion because of a girl. He has to accept it himself. and why are you so mad about the fact that I have to marry a muslim? I wouldn't want to marry any of these guys here. every single boy in our age is a delinquent."
"But...does that mean that you'll go back to your country? What if we never see each other again?"
"....Are you guilt-tripping me right now?"
"...is it working?"
You two cried after a few seconds while hugging each other
your precious holiday came near where you sadly had to kill one of your goats
you didn't kill, your father and his friends, but still
you cried when you saw the head
you wanted to irk your bestie out
"look what they did to him...!", you said over the phone.
"What do you- EEEEEWWWW, ____! Why'd you show me that?! Euehzfg....Heuvghghg, I think I'm gonna puke-"
You heard puking sounds and you gagged as well, but you also chuckled.
"I c r i e d when I saw the head. I don't wanna suffer alone, love."
"But why me though?!"
"Cuz you're my bestieeeee <3"
please just pretend they all have phones.
"Also do you wanna eat? I made food. It's our holiday after all!!!"
of course she came over
But she was mad surprised when she saw the amount of food there
she's never seen so different looking stuff
she wanted to eat something from every plate
and she did
little by little
you two gained at least two pounds
you two were not happy
but full.
and that's all that matters. :D
guys I wrote stuff that might not suit your expectations or what is not correct, because again, it is all from the knowledge my muslim friend gave me.
but also please feel free to correct me if I made a mistake!
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hyolks · 2 months
ALso i just said id died for ur wastelands au but I ALSO HAVE QUESTIONS! mainly abt Al. actually all abt al lol
so u explained that it was a blood problem n they had to cut off most of the infected parts (WHICH SOUNDS SO PAINFUL I FEEL TERRIBLE FOR HIM I WISH I COULD GIVE HIM A KITH) so how does his internal organ system work? does he still have his organs? if so, how do the digestive and excretory systems work? (HOW DOES MY BOY USE THE BATHROOM??) does he feel phantom pain? can he bathe or function as a normal being? what can or cannot he do?
honestly just go into more detail if you can bcuz this is brilliant so keep up the good work and i love yu al is so so handsome even w machinery being 85% of him i luv yu (not all questions must be answered. no pressure at all. u don't even have to reply if u don't want to. jus answer what u can!! : 3)
O7 i will try my best !! to be coherent !!!!!!! im word dumping. i love thinkin about this al.
EHHHH so. one of my ideas was that al lost 100% of his arm and legs but a good portion of his torso was still...... there? i guess? and that the automail torso functions more as a shell to both to help operate the limbs and protect everything that was left. I thought of it like this so that he he could retain all of his organs. but also this leads to the imagery that Al is literally a nugget once you remove the automail parts (EXPLODES MYSELF) so i have ignored it bc i didn't like that !!
The main reason i thought of it like that was because it's never mentioned in the manga/anime whether or not theres automail organs and I'd imagine there isn't such a thing, so i wasn't sure whether or not to make the jump myself and give al automail lungs/intestines/stomach/etc. because that makes automail HELLUVA lot more crazy. the absolute magnitude of shit that winry and pinako would have to be able to do to keep al ALIVE would be fucking insane??
Idk if i mentioned it somewhere but i also thought of al particularly losing more and more of his body over time. Like. maybe the legs/arm were gone from the word go, but it would slowly keep leaching further and further up his torso or even down his neck to his chest since they either couldn't cut it all out. hence them being able to keep progressively working on Al's torso and creating/replacing the organs as he both grows older and decays. i primarily went with this because if Al lost all of that body mass right from the initial accident, he literally would not be able to survive. they would not be able to make automail organs fast enough.
it's something i need to do more research on bc currently I'm just word dumping onto this ask and am not looking at anything but! what IS the limit of organs someone can have as mechanical replacements? like there's artificial lungs and hearts in modern medical practice, but would having both put too much stress on the brain?? what is the neurological impact of that??? the amount of shit that al would need replaced would be insane. how the fuck would the brain comprehend that.
i didn't even think about it until just now tbh but i wanna know any opinions on if Al should have a bionic eye...? this would of course mean more facial automail which i'm nooot against? idk........
he very much feels phantom pain!!!!! he is in pain 95% of the time!! i think i mentioned the idea of al having to take sooome kind of pain-reliever to even be able to deal with day-to-day life, but with that train of thought i was worried i would toe into addiction issues coming up (bc. i mean. either he's in cataclysmic pain or he's not. i wouldn't blame him for not wanting to feel like a giant fucking bleeding wound) and i wasn't sure if that is a subject i want to tackle/am confident i could tackle and do justice with.
anyways. yea! i never thought about whether or not he had to use the bathroom honestly lol. i knew that i wanted him to still not be able to eat. which BLOWS he gets to be human (????? are u still human if you're 85% metal??????) but my guy can't have fucking pie??? such bullshit. i'll haveta think about how he gets energy though bc of the lack of food intake. (lol what if hes solar powered . KIDDING)
he bathes! he frequently has to oil the automail. he hilariously still has to brush his teeth. he still sweats on the skin he has left (WATER CONSUMPTION..... adds this to my to do list). being in the heat fucking sucks because that shit's just metal on skin babey ! so he's in more pain. thumbs up. can this guy get a fucking break
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only-by-the-stars · 3 months
more little NL vs NH thoughts because I can't stop playing NL again and apparently can't shut up about it (it is so important to me okay?)
-villager dialogue is just so much better in NL. I've heard people complain about the villagers not being mean anymore in that game like in older ones, and I have little opinion on that, but whew can I ever see the downgrade between NL and NH. the regular dialogue is so bland, and there's fewer options for when they have something to ask you for. in NH, it's:
wanna come over/can I visit your house RIGHT NOW? I had a fight with [other villager], can you deliver this gift? I'm trying to sell stuff, will you buy this from me?/here's a random item (this always happens when I'm digging up clams and need empty pockets...) can you catch this bug/fish for me? (very rarely) want to play a treasure hunt game?
whereas with NL it's:
wanna come over/can I visit your house RIGHT NOW? wanna come over/can I visit your house later? can you take this gift to [other villager]? I'm trying to sell stuff, will you buy this/can I trade you for item in your pockets? can you catch this bug/fish for me? wanna play hide and seek? can you bury/dig up this time capsule for me? can you bring me a piece of fruit? I need to speak to [other villager] but can't leave my house, can you bring them here?
I'm probably forgetting something, but you can see the disparity anyway. regular dialogue was generally more interesting too. I also like that you had to bring a sick animal medicine for *three* days instead of just one, it felt like nursing a sick friend back to health instead of one and done and was more rewarding.
-speaking of more rewarding... SHOP UPGRADES, MY BELOVED <333 my file has T&T Emporium, and it is SO NICE, OMG. ;w; I loved the process of working towards the shop upgrades and seeing it become gradually bigger and with a better item selection. ALSO I MISS YOU, GRACIE. </3 the fact that NH has the nerve to try and sell me ridiculously expensive furniture without the GracieGrace brand attached, smh.
-it was the Bug Off today! if I'd realized, I would've prepared last night, but oh well. I still got to get a couple cute furniture pieces and I think I'll place first, so that was fun.
-doing item customization yourself is more convenient (because you can see what things will look like without using a guide) and faster, but... I actually still like using Cyrus? I know he's at the co-op on Harv's island if you shell out enough cash, but that's so expensive and his prices have gone up. customization kits aren't cheap either! in NL you paid less, and had to wait a half hour for an individual item to be ready, but I like that. I like going a bit slower. NL in general is slower and so much more relaxed and relaxing, I like walking at a normal pace and getting to soak in the atmosphere and music.
-as much as I appreciate getting to hear Blathers blather about the donated stuff, I also like the convenience of getting to look at the info in the museum itself without having to bring him another one. it's part of what makes going to the museum soothing, despite that there's no wow factor in the design of the exhibits.
-Main Street in general is just so nice to have, and it makes the actual town feel bigger. I do like being able to decorate outside, but... at the same time I like the simpler feel here and the PWPs that we had. and remodeling town hall and the train station was so neat!!! why can't we do that in NH???
-the music. again, the music. NL remains one of my favorite video game soundtracks ever. when it hit 7 PM last night and The Song started playing... oh man... ;w; will we ever have that level of music quality again?
-cannot stress enough how much I miss Tortimer Island. the minigames! the easy access to summer bugs and fishing! AAAAAHHHH
-I... forgot what the Aquarius Urn looked like in this game and now I'm annoyed all over again at the blandification of the Zodiac series in NH. IT WAS BLUE AND FILLED WITH WATER. I COULD'VE. IT WOULD'VE LOOKED SO GOOD AS PART OF MY ZORA-THEMED AREAS. AAARGH!!!
-odd little discrepancy, but why is it when you talk to Gulliver to try and wake him up in NH you have to put away any tool you're carrying, but not so in NL? weird.
-I like the hyacinths and windflowers, but I also miss the violets and carnations. the purple roses were also a LOT prettier in NL.
-also, for all that NH offers more freedom in some aspects, it really took a big step backwards in house customization??? you can't even GET a different exterior until you have ALL the rooms, and you have NO CONTROL over the room size??? and the exterior options are all SO BLAND. you could be way more creative and aesthetic in NL by choosing which rooms to have, how big they were, and you had way more and more interesting exterior options.
-sure were more events and generally things to do in NL. :< the only part of winter I liked was playing snowman bingo and trying to make the different snow people for various rewards! and they took THAT away too! there was more charm, too, I loved the coziness of the "small forested village" that I got in NL, and I prefer taking the train to flying everywhere, and the post office was so cool, and I liked the reliability of taking Dr. Shrunk fruit to learn new reactions. I really hope the next game is a return to form and not more of the same problems that still plague NH...
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duckielover151 · 7 months
Some OPLA Thoughts: Episode 6
Holy crap, you guys were right. This one WAS even better than the last episode. I don't even know where to start.
Okay, the only possibly negative point... Honestly, Zoro's wound didn't look that impressive to me. I was expecting something a little more dramatic for what was-- rightfully-- meant to be a life-threatening injury.
But everything else in this episode was absolute gold.
I love that this is the event that's really impressing upon Luffy what it means and what it takes to be a captain. I honestly don't remember that being such a big deal until later into the anime, when Nami's sick and Vivi's berating him for not being willing to bow down to the Drum Island guards-- to do whatever it takes to save her. He's so visibly shaken throughout this whole episode, until Zoro wakes back up... It was some really great character development. And I loved how often he continued to smile... even when you could tell he really wasn't feeling it.
And damn. All the child actors have been pretty good-- no complaints, at least. (My issue with Kuina was a writing one; I think both young actors did a great job with the scripts they were given.) But Christian Convery as young Sanji was, like, just on another level. I hope he was having a great time doing so many dramatic, emotional, angry scenes, because they came out great. (Okay, maybe I was expecting a little something more with the special effects, as far as him looking starved half to death goes... but they did a great job with the sunburns and general skin deterioration so... I'll give that one a pass.) And I cannot stress enough how glad I am that they didn't censor the origins of Zeff losing his leg like they did in the anime.
I loved the little Easter egg of Nami reading about Noland to Zoro while he was unconscious. There's an added depth to a liar reading a children's tale about a liar.
The fish-men look great. (Arlong's voice is fantastic. Love that casting.) And I really love that they're not downplaying the racism that exists towards fish-people in this world. That yes, Arlong hates humans, but there is a reason he is the way he is. That's something that doesn't really get addressed until much, much later in the anime, and I think they made the right choice in bringing it up.
There are so, so many things... The way they're continuing to incorporate Buggy, the reveal of Nami's betrayal, Zeff's little argument with Sanji about how he didn't save his life so he could give up on his dream and work in a restaurant for the rest of his days... I loved them all. There was not a single scene in this episode that didn't hit exactly the mark it was meant to, and I'm more excited than ever for the next one.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
.....i hate that you converted me. Fine, you win, may i please request Itward comforting reader? The post about matchmaking(specifically the bit where they get locked up) made me feel. Things.
I just think it would be interesting to see usually laidback and chill reader crumble a little at this. Specifically because i hate hate hate things going out of control when i expect them to be predictable. Outside? Yeah, i cannot control the world, it's not my burden. In a group of people? Well am a part of it only, so i can only do my thing and socialize, not police what they're doing.(althrough i do so.. sometimes.. i just like being reliable..) But in MY LIVING ROOM? Nah, if something unusual is happening i'm stressed. Oh the door is closed? Well fuck, just gonna have to sit here and panic, then rage for a bit and try not to cry. And if its a tight/dark space? OHOOHOOO, a panic attack is waiting!
Itward comforting reader !
Yahoo I'm finally getting to this ehehehe!! Hope you enjoy this!
As for the converting
Evilly smiles
The evil spell has worked (evil spell is my writing and character interpretations)
Also that last bit gave me an idea so this post is gonna tackle two settings, in terms of where you guys get locked up >:)
Side note today today by jack stauber reminds me of itward idk why
Tumblr media
So it may have.. left my mind.. but I forgot that itward can kinda. Teleport. Or at least make little portals, as seen in chapter 1... as well as being able to just vanish as seen when he opens the window for fran in the twins house (not sure if that was him becoming invisible or teleporting, both seem in character)
But let's say, for the sake of plot and perhaps some character stuff... there are rules for his abilities, which can prevent him from using them. Mostly cooldown stuff, which.. wouldnt prevent it much unless hes doing it a lot but.. hush, I dont have many ideas!!
With that said, let's get on with the post!
Assuming you guys are locked in a room within the ship:
At first only you notice the door shutting. Itward doesnt notice it wont open until he goes to exit, only to find you're both stuck. Lets also say this is the only room with one exit; so the chemistry room most likely. Though if it were any of the other rooms, we can assume the second exit is also locked down
Itward would likely think that it's a malfunction of sorts, thanks to the doors not being manual push/pull doors... probably silently curses himself for not thinking about the possibility of a jam
Though, hes very clearly a skilled mechanic and engineer, so hes already thinking of what could be the issue and how to fix it
Probably gets way too sucked in taking off the button panel thing to get into the mechanics and wiring... it's not until he notices you quietly freaking out that he looks over his shoulder to check on you
Oh dear..
Slowly drops the spare tools he keeps on him (I mean.. we DID see him pull a wrench out of no where when he started working on his ship during the fire berry thing... perhaps he keeps them within his bones? Like his rib cage? Like obviously it was just the game trying to save time from hydt having him pull one out rather than animate him picking one up from the ground buuuuut I'm silly)
Quietly asks if youre alright
A silly question, he can admit, hes been around many people and this is no new sight for him..
Barely refrains from putting a hand on your shoulder but stops before he reaches you, afterall hes never seen you like this and he doesnt know if you're okay with touch
Assures you that he will have the door open soon, correctly assumes that that is the issue... I mean, he can understand why it's scary, I mean, to be trapped like that. No one would like that
(Ignore that he did the same to fran, albeit non maliciously)
Refuses to get to work on the door (doesnt even realize hes prolonging the issue) until he can get through to you and help you
Hangs onto every word you say, and delivers anything you need
Need a hug? He will wrap his arms around you, and perhaps even purr. Need reassurance? He'll let you know the door is just jammed and he will fix it soon enough. Need to fill the silence? Itward will rattle on about things to keep it from going wuirt5
As soon as the door is opened he steps out of the way, letting you exit first
Keeps a close eye on you for a few hours after the fact
If you guys get locked in a closet
This one is already way worse thanks to the limited wiggle room as well as the darkness. The only light is coming from itwards eyes, and even then its not a lot
You guys are pressed up against each other, but this little scenario is not at cheesy or romantic... itward can feel your heart beating against him, so he immediately knows something is wrong
How did you guys even end up trapped here?
I dunno :3
It's too tight and cramped to move, so itward trying to force the door open or mess with the button panel is a no go.. really, of all the doors to have a manual door, the broom closet should have been the one to have it..
Honestly I think he tries 1 of 3 things
Force the door open with his strength (can he do that? We know that in terms of his powers hes packs a bit of a punch, he managed to face off remor to buy fran time in chapter 1, but I'm unsure of how strong he is physically)..though hed have to try to twist around to face the door
Knock on the door with his foot to try to get someones attention for help, and perhaps guide them through how to open the door
Or three, try his little teleporting trick and take you with him
Regardless of what option he goes through, he can't deny that theres something wrong with you
Unfortunately of you need a hug he cant, given the limited room.. plus you may feel claustrophobic enough..
Tries to give nervous reassurances as he tries to come up with an idea
Most likely case is the teleporting thing, assuming he has the capabilities of doing so in that moment
But just know as soon as you guys are free hes sitting you down at the table in the main area of his ship and making you a cup of tea
Quietly asks you if everythings alright
Similarly, he keeps a close eye on you for a while after this
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"gege will cater to the fans and bring gojo back"
I don't know, I think Gege hates Gojo too much. Yuji has a lot of fans too and he clearly keeps downplaying his achievements while praising Yuta (he dedicated A WHOLE chapter praising Yuta while rushing Yuji defeating sukuna LOL), I think he at most will use some flashback (the yuji gojo one) and keep baiting the fans for trolling.
Honestly leak culture made gojo more important than he really is and a totally different character. Like, for some reason they pretend he is like AllMight from MHA when he barely shares screens with his students. But of course AllMight is "ugly" Soo all his fatherly scenes with the students don't count lol.
Any person disconnected from online culture will just see him as some cool character then keep on with their lives. It's why you even saw anime only watchers say during the Gojo arc "WHEN ARE WE GOING BACK TO THE PRESENT I WANT TO SEE YUJI AND COMPANY". I can see Gojo being as forgotten as Levi Ackerman (people didn't even care about his chapter release this year lmao) once the hype dies tbh. Also Gojo is good in small doses, abusing him and make every other character a npc/drone around him would make me not even read a sequel if a sequel exists.
But like I said I feel like Gege loves yuta way too much and hates gojo, he knows gojo coming back would make Yuta look less relevant so while I don't care about Yuta much I trust Gege to use his stubbornness . Too bad he seems to hate yuji too though, this one and their already disappointed fans don't deserve this
Also sukuna has his fans too come on. Even Kenny got a nice out. He deserves his reincarnation/blob. It's not like volume will sell less, sometimes fanatics can even scare away potential new fans
hi, anon. i agree with you on a lot. i know gege hates gojo, and i definitely see why, but sadly i think they are getting a lot of pressure from fans and editors to bring back gojo or keep baiting it, cause ngl the majority of this fandom reads for gojo. i cannot stress enough how many people openly admit they only like gojo (and ofc geto cause they see them as a matched set) and don't even know the other characters' names. i'm not even joking, one person didn't even know who yuuji was ;-;
and this is more or less the bigger part of the fandom who really only care about gojo. they claim they care about yuuji but i only see them venting about gojo's death, not the lack of focus on yuuji.
and yeah. i don't know why gege's so obsessed with yuta, who didn't do anything really impactful or amazing to me. the fact that yuta is getting all the praise while yuuji literally confronted the very king of curses and came back the winner.... it's like gege slapped me and yuuji in the face. betrayal for both of us.
you're so right about the leak and manga culture twisting gojo's character. that's why i love the anime culture a lot more. and you made a really good point about that allmight and gojo contrast. i see a lot of hate on allmight (which i can sometimes understand why) and people overlooking his role in the series just because he's not a beautiful enough guy like gojo is. seriously most fans only love gojo because of his appearance, let's not lie. if that man was "ugly" i bet a lot more fans would somehow start acknowledging more of his problematic traits than they do now. and i agree that they really do exaggerate his role as a teacher. nanami had a more meaningful student/teacher relationship with yuuji imo, and a lot of fans sideline that sadly.
i think gege is stubborn enough to keep gojo dead. and i hope they have enough sense to not give into the pressure. but sadly that means yuta goes back to being the sole focus and with only two chapters left i don't think i can handle any more yuta worship.
gege really loves sukuna so i'm hoping they indulge all of us with some more of him. even if only mentions. because sukuna's death was a bit underwhelming in the sense that there was no discussion about it at all. some emotion and reactions would be nice.
i have hope for the next two chapters but overall i'm definitely not as invested.
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tanenigiri · 1 year
Episodes 6 and 7 of Our Dining Table have my favorite ever scenes in the manga (and that's not even considering that scene) so my opinion of the whole show was pretty much contingent on these two episodes.
And they knocked them out of the park.
(Stray thoughts and ramblings on Our Dining Table eps 6 and 7. Some light manga spoilers but nothing too revealing.)
Our Dining Table was one of the first manga I read, and by then I was very new to the concept of Christmas in Japan being a primarily romantic thing. So that whole scene about Minoru struggling to ask Yutaka about his Christmas plans flew over my head during my initial reading, but after re-reading it it made a lot more sense why Minoru was so on edge about it. I thought the show did this really well, and that added scene with Minoru and his manager in the ramen shop was a great way to contextualize it too.
We only see her for a single scene so let me just say: Ohata you will always be famous. (And her outfit looked so good??? We should've had a scene where Yutaka asked her for advice on which scarf to get.)
The whole "taking care of your sick loved one" trope is 50/50 for me as those scenes seem to be quite predictable, but I really like how Our Dining Table uses it as a catalyst for both Yutaka and Minoru to start truly opening up to each other. Sure, they've gotten very close over the past few months and I think both of them recognize by this point that their "friendship" is something special, but I found it very interesting that it's only by this scene - both in the manga and in the show - where they start digging deep into their issues and expressing why that friendship means a lot to them.
I've already said it in my previous two posts but it bears repeating: how they're handling Minoru's past in the show is such a step up from how it was in the manga. Minoru deciding to open up first so that Yutaka can be comfortable sharing his own past is so in-character and honestly makes that Christmas scene even more of a gut-punch than it already is.
And THEN we get that absolutely devastating scene with Tane and his dad, with the latter worrying about Yutaka dying. I feel like this scene was given a lot more weight in the show - mainly because I felt it gave the scene the space and time to play out - and I am still recovering from it. Very much a top 3 scene of the series for me.
(Also, shout out to the dad for getting the memo not once, but twice and letting Minoru get his much-deserved alone time with Yutaka. I'm sure he's making up for interrupting them in Episode 5.)
Cannot stress enough how fantastic the show's little plot additions have been, and the matching scarves as gifts is probably at the top of my list. I could go on and on about how it represents warmth and comfort and all that, but really I'm already screaming at the fact that they had the same idea on what to give each other.
I also want to point out how much I love that the very first shot of Episode 7 (after the opening credits) is Yutaka's dish rack with the washed bowl and utensils as it takes the viewer a second to realize that this was Minoru's doing. It's up there with the shoes in Episode 2 for me.
While I fell in love with the manga by like the first chapter, I think what cemented its grip on me was how they decided to gives us Yutaka's backstory in the style of Tane's drawings. That was definitely the scene I was most looking forward to in this entire series, and when I saw the Episode 7 preview at the end of Episode 6 with Yutaka just tearfully recounting his story to Minoru, I was worried that they were gonna do away with it. So you can imagine my reaction to not only seeing that Tane's drawings were kept, but that they also decided to animate a significant part of that backstory with the drawings. (All I'm gonna say is that I had to pause the video to calm down.)
Tane clinging to Yutaka like a koala was the best shot of the episode. It was a nice break from all the heavy emotions. And then Tane said sike and gave us that head patting scene and he really got us while our guard was down huh.
I really have nothing to say about the kiss as I'm not really a fan of dwelling on these kinds of scenes, but I will say that how understated it was fit with the tone of the show. If anything my only complaint was how I felt that scene was a bit dark (as in it lacked lighting haha not that it was grim).
Next episode is gonna be a rough and frustrating one I'm pretty sure, but I am curious on where they're gonna end it. There's one more scene I'm really looking forward to seeing but I think that's gonna come at like the finale.
I love this series so much. It's nothing flashy or groundbreaking but it takes pride in its simplicity and makes the most out of it. And I'm so glad more people are discovering it thanks to this show.
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I had a sensory overload today and cried on my boyfriend chest, so you're all getting headcanons so I can make myself feel better! Don't pay any attention as to how late it is!
-He has so little confidence in himself that it's actually sad
-Cannot be stopped from making self depreciating jokes, no matter how many times people tell him it's not good
-If this boy had a tiktok it would be blank. Maybe a cartoon pfp, but not a single video (Same bruh same)
-Out of everyone in the loop, she's the best at makeup. Doesn't mean she wears it all the time, but when she does good shit
-If she's in a bad mood, she can destroy you with words if she wants to. Luckily, this doesn't happen often, especially not to her friends. Random men that don't leave her alone on the other hand...
-For a while she had a "I'm not like other girls" thing going on, especially whenever Noor first came around. Not really there anymore though
-Do you ever get sensory overloads and cry? Then boy, do I have the cure for you! Cry while he hugs you. Automatic cure, I can confirm this right now from personal experience
-Sometimes he gets a little too focused on something and won't realize just how late he's said up until someone has to actually drag him to bed
-Gives the best and most thoughtful gifts. Oh? You collect pinned bugs? He's finding out where to get a rare pinned bug and giving you that on Valentine's day! Yes, that's what he did for me, I love him so much #justfictivethings lol
-Out of everyone in the loop, he has the most...complex feelings about his gender. Being so tied to bees, he's beegender, but with that comes some strange feelings. Most bees are female, so he does feel a strong connection to femininity. But at the same time, he still feels tied to drones/male bees.
-He tries not to think too much about it, and maybe keeps it bottled up a bit too much. Maybe it's because it stresses him out to ponder too much. Maybe he's embarrassed to talk about it. No matter what though, he does feel a lot of gender euphoria wearing skirts and confusing people about what gender he is.
-His sexuality is probably just as confusing to find an exact label, but it's not something he worries about. He just ends up using the term queer and calls it a day
-Fiona being plantgender surprises no one, and it never will. Same with her being bi. She just...you can just look at her and tell
-She's probably the least happy in a modern setting. Everything is just...too much for her. She likes the whole cottagecore thing, but she'd much rather keep to her usual ways. So still stuck in the late 1800's
-She has a way to talk to Hugh with just...looks. Slight facial expressions, body language, they just know each other that well. More often than not, they're flirting with each other like this out in the open
-Was put on kitchen duty once....Once. The peculiars don't talk about this often
-You can't pay him to play sports with the other boys. He'd sooner pull teeth
-I am voting him as most likely to have filled his homework with doodles
-He's not a fan of many things in the modern day, but he does appreciate a few things. Easier tools for cooking, Google, and easy access to fabric to name a few things
-What he isn't a fan of though? Fashion (obviously), dance trends, and the modern humor
-His scream could break glass
-HATES it when people call her a man for whatever reason. On bad days, it makes her cry
-She has a bit of hyper empathy with animals, especially baby ones
-A boy hit on her ONCE and she felt physically nauseous about it for a whole WEEK
-Says her favorite Disney princess is Aurora because her dress is pink, it's actually Cinderella because of the song "so this is love"
-She sees everyone in the loop as her siblings, but especially Enoch
-In a modern setting, she is addicted to those dress up flash games, bonus points if they're princess themed
-Sometimes she rolls her ankle in those big shoes, there are a lot of tears from that
-Has stepped on toes before! Bones were indeed broken!
-Master at finding lost items. No idea why
Bonus Victor!
-Horrible about confessing his feelings
-Makes horrible decisions when he gets nervous. It's like all critical thinking goes out the window
-Seems like the type with pencil graphite stuck in his hand permanently somewhere
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DS9 4x03 Hippocratic Oath thoughts (I'm re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
So excited for this episode, love me some Miles&Julian
"I believe the Ferengi bartender is plotting something with him." Oh Worf, you are new here, aren't you?
"Odo keeps him in check." "Yes, but not in prison." Maybe - just maybe - there's a reason for that? Given Odo's been Chief of Security for three years, and Sisko's a very competent commander?
"We're on course back to the wormhole and should arrive at the station two days ahead of schedule." Hah, no you won't!
Julian just completely bullshitting "by spending your free time in the bedroom, a place you intimately associate with Keiko, you are actually expressing a desire to be closer to her during her absence." like he's a student with a word count to reach
"Why can't she be more like...[you]" "More like... [me?]" "Well, a man. More like a man." I cannot with this conversation, ever.
The two of them bouncing around in their seats is so ridiculous to watch XD
I was so confused about how Miles is a non-com until recently - in LARP it means non-combatant, and I kept thinking that no-one ever respected that Miles should not be fighting!
Miles' non-reaction to "We will kill you first."
"Human, rank of lieutenant with a specialty in the sciences." "Doctor, actually." If he's going to die, he's going to go down with the right title, thank you very much!
Loving this conflict between Odo and Worf. You go, Odo! (Is it bad I'm looking forward to Worf losing this battle?)
"They need a doctor. Someone's injured, or sick." "If that's true, Julian, don't help them." But he's gotta, it's what he dies, Miles!
" And you need to understand that I'm a Starfleet officer, and I won't do any work for you that might potentially be used against the Federation or any other race for that matter. Now, if that's what you want, you'll have to kill me." Julian you are incredible, you know that?
"Now give those men what they need, please." ohhhh, the tight desperation in his voice 💔
Odo is being much calmer about Starfleet poking their nose in his security matters than usual - maybe because Worf doesn't actually have any security jurisdiction, unlike Primmin and Eddington did?
Miles' "Sir" and "Lieutenant" playacting (foreshadowinggggg)
Julian's suddenly gone even posher??! Somehow stress brings out RP in extremis?
I love Miles and O'Brien both having perfectly valid different opinions. This argument is fantastic and I love Julian's impassioned "They're not animals. They're people being used as slaves. And this is their one chance at freedom."
"I am the senior officer here and I have decided what we're going to do. Now, I need the bio-spectral phase discriminator from the runabout's sensor array. I haven't got the technical skills to remove it, so I'm ordering you to do it. Is that clear?" Oof, I don;t think he likes taking this role, and having to give orders, but he's clearly very frustrated with Miles' opposite beliefs
Julian's demonstrating his determined belief in Goran'Agar's goodness by trusting him to find O'Brien for him <3
"You are a soldier?" "I have been." "Then you explain." Finally, something that might resonate with Miles. Just too late.
"Let's just say DS Nine has more shades of grey. And Quark definitely is a shade of grey." Yessss exposition the premise of DS9 to the newbie :P
"You had a choice and you chose to disobey orders, override my judgment, and condemn those men to death." Ohhh, this gave me some genetic engineering feels... (so many in fact, that there is more on that here!)
"Maybe in a few days." I don't know what that smile's doing, Julian, but I'm glad you're hopeful.
This is such a great episode, I really do like it - and Miles and Julian acting as foils to each other and both having incredibly convincing points of view is phenomenal, more please! :P
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spiremire · 11 months
PSA for parents with young kids! please teach your kids the etiquette for approaching strange dogs, no means no!!!!
I don't generally have a lot of advice for parents, not being one myself, but I suppose this is applicable to people of all ages. I'm also hoping this is just a regional problem and that other people aren't currently dealing with this as well, but this deserves a wide audience regardless.
I live in Alaska, where most dogs are well socialized to humans and have absolutely atrocious obedience skills and manners in addition to generally being walked off leash or allowed to wander off leash.
Many times over the past year and several times in just the past few months, I have been out on a walk with my dog and we have encountered unsupervised kids in small groups who try to pet my dog without my permission. Sometimes they reach out without asking at all and other times they outright ignore my refusal after they do ask.
This is problematic in many ways, but is first and foremost very dangerous. If the dog in question is a service animal, it can endanger the handler because the dog could miss something in it's distraction. If the dog is not a service animal, then you, as a stranger, have no idea how the dog tolerates people. Dogs that don't like people deserve to go on walks as well, and they and their handlers deserve to have their boundaries respected regardless of your opinion on the matter.
Some context for my dog, specifically: he is a cattle dog I rescued from the local shelter a little over a year ago, and the shelter staff think his previous home life wasn't great. I have managed to, over the course of the last 14 months, train out his leash reactivity to cars, pedestrians, cyclists, and children. We're still working on other dogs and wildlife, but I suspect that will be much harder.
Because of his breed (he gets nippy when he's excited) and his relatively unknown history, I do not allow strangers to pet him on walks. My dog is not a bite risk (if I felt he was, he would wear a muzzle when we go out), and does not have a bite history, as far as his documentation goes. I don't want this to change, so we do not interact with strangers on walks. He also has a job (he's not a disability service animal but he is a working dog) so I don't really want him to associate being on leash with the reward of human attention, because that distracts him from his job.
The first three times we were approached by children who ignored my denial of permission, he was still highly reactive to pedestrians and children. These kids saw a snarling, barking, backing away, mean-looking dog and decided it looked like it wanted to be pet.
When supervised children approach us, I tell them that he's in training, and that's usually enough for the adult to have them move on.
When unsupervised children approach us, I tell them they cannot pet him because he isn't friendly. I make him stand between my legs a good distance off the path, and we send them on their way before we continue on. Sometimes they listen and its fine. Other times they're trying to pet him anyway. That is met with stern scolding and me physically placing my body between them and my dog.
I don't like intimidating kids this way, but it's entirely unacceptable. These unsupervised kids have ranged from something like 6 to 14. Many of them have been old enough to know better.
If you still don't get where I'm coming from, I want you to imagine a scenario where the strange dog is a bite risk. Every time you approach a strange dog, you only know what the owner tells you and when an owner tells you their dog is unfriendly, you should assume they are not lying regardless of how calm the dog is before you engage with it. In this scenario, I am out on a walk with my bite risk dog, at the time I usually go, which when I expect less people to be around for a more enjoyable and less stressful experience. I am not expecting to encounter anyone, so I do not put on my dog's muzzle (or maybe I don't have one, for some reason, but that's a different conversation for a different audience). An unexpected and unsupervised kid approaches with intent to pet (verbally communicated or otherwise) and I tell them no, not friendly.
The kid reaches to touch him anyway, and gets bit. I now have a pissed off and frightened dog to wrangle and a bleeding child to deal with. I don't know where this child lives. I don't know who is in charge of them. And with the injury, I can't guarantee that the child will be able to tell me where they live or who I should call for them. All I know is that in the eyes of the law, my dog will be at fault, and if the parent chooses to press charges, my dog will be euthanized.
TLDR: If your unsupervised kid would approach an unfriendly dog against the handler's advice, then they should not be unsupervised. Save everyone a lot of pain, medical expenses, and legal fees, and just teach your kids not to do this.
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