#because my sibling is going through the same crisis so we talk about it all the time
ahoyrcmanoff · 1 month
— based on the s4 tarot cards scene.
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(hi! tbh I have no idea if this has been done yet. I’m finally out from the shock of this shitty ending lmao. Only seen a thing or two about this topic, talking ‘bout the Hargreeves’ fate… but i wanted to give it a deeper thought, ‘cause I just haven’t stopped thinking on that specific scene where klaus does a reading, and what each card meant for his character specifically, so, I decided to do this for fun & because I have my good knowledge on tarot cards. enjoy.)
Okay! So, the scene starts with Klaus sitting in the van, just passing time by doing a small reading with his cards. Which, not only gave us a brief look into the future for the Hargreeves’ fate, but it also gave us a look into who Klaus Hargreeves is. It shows us how his character could’ve been developed, what they could work at as a person (if they hadn’t erased a certain couple of scenes). And it is honestly sooo on point with their personality.
• We start off with Card #1 — The Lovers.
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This is the first card that comes out. A classic. And obviously, we all go to the same thought when seeing this one specific card, but if you watch closely you can see much more in it than just a couple. Klaus jokes about it, saying; “that’s obvious, I haven’t been laid in months.”
And sure it’s a fun joke. We all might think the main thing that is the talk about this card (love, couples, lovers, etc). And damn my mind also went to Dave. But it has a deeper meaning.
This card talks about self-love. Something we know Klaus struggles with. Sure, they are a very confident person in their body, they care for their appearance, but he also despises himself for their usual low points. For letting it out on his family, all the stealing he did, the times he didn’t accept help, the times he felt like he wasn’t important or that he was a disappointment. The Lovers is the card of the search for self-love, for confidence, of being your own soulmate, in a way. This person has a tendency to fall in love quickly, but they have to be careful — the mountains and the snake represent the obstacles to reach to that desired love. Which, hell, Klaus had to go through considering his true love (Dave) is from another time and couldn’t be free. Romantic love will be easier to find once you reach into that self-care/self-love. The angel does represent that not everything is lost, there is a chance for love, for a certain couple.
Yet— we don’t see that happy ending for Klaus on the screen.
• Card #2 — The Tower.
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What there is to say about this that isn’t obvious? This card represents pure chaos. Klaus says it himself; “Loss of self-control.”
It is also the card of change. Ringing any bells yet? All the siblings went through a big change on those six years without powers. And Klaus’ was impressive, he spent three years sober, now lives with Allison and Claire, and had developed a germaphobia.
If we get the negative sort of change, The Tower brings a misunderstanding, the way something that shouldn’t be will be forced. (Klaus getting his powers back, then when he sees how it will be inevitable to fall into old habits again as soon as he gets home and gets into the argument with Claire). But if we get the positive side, we’ll also get strength against the adversity, some optimism. (Which, hey, he managed to escape from the building and then from a goddamn tomb, it showed huge strength of character from someone like Klaus to do that.)
Now! If we look into the future with that reading scene being the starting point — there is even more change. Watch the card, there’s two characters jumping out of the window, away from the fire and darkness of the tower (one’s mind). There’s also some doubt, but it is something inevitable, you have to escape. It represents a freeing or liberation, a crisis, a rupture of some sorts. It can be shown in the other siblings as well, as we saw during the season.
But for Klaus specifically — he got freed from the constant fear, and got his powers back after dying. Again. Which, once again, wasn’t his choice but that is where the chaos starts. Right after that, there comes the fall in his sibling relationship with Allison, and once again the liberation, where Klaus finally stood up for himself. They are in a crisis, because he thinks he will fall into old habits. Because he thinks it’s inevitable as soon as the ghosts appear.
But with change, comes an end. A realization, an escape… In the deleted scenes, we see how Klaus decides to go to A.A. after Allison and Claire help him out of the grave. There’s this loving moment, where they let the fight behind and they go back to being a family. And this also shows strength from Klaus, because after so many years, he is willing to accept the truth. He talks about his struggles with addiction, opens up, shows his development during those sober years, says how he regrets on letting it out on his family (which surely means specifically Ben because he was the one to see Klaus on each fall, and then they never got a chance to have a serious talk because even Ben’s ghost is gone). And finishes up by saying he is an alcoholic, showing that development. Despite everything, he gained psychological strength and decided to accept the help, to deal with his problems and stay sober.
• Which brings us to Card #3 — Ten of Swords.
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Klaus is *very* clear when this card comes out. “The card of death.” He says, and then immediately put everything away, scared. And yes, it did show that he would die, to later come back to life — as we saw when he got shot and the siblings didn’t have any other choice but to give him the marigold. But once again, there’s always a deeper level with Tarot.
Well, there’s something about the Swords. They all talk about the mind, thoughts. The path of the swords is to learn through experience.
Klaus Hargreeves has gained plenty of experience in various topics throughout the seasons. Starting off with how much their powers developed over the years, how much they trained on season three. How emotionally developed he had always been. How each experience gave him a new thing to learn. And despite everyone’s thoughts, Klaus does learn. But he just keeps facing shit and sometimes has to hit the same wall to really learn first.
There is a certain insecurity in the swords, a lack of level, that is also shown on the other two cards that Klaus took. But before he learns, he has to hit the same wall, has to face the chaos, has to hit rock bottom.
And that is what this card means exactly, hitting rock bottom. We’ve seen Klaus hitting it a couple of times, but this was the drop that was needed to fill up the glass. When this card appears in a reading, it’s hard to advise the person, why? Because this person has auto-destructive tendencies. Sounds familiar? Klaus has had those tendencies since he was a child. We saw it. It started off with their addiction, then with hitting dangerous places, the constant dying, the way they haven’t really gotten into serious relationships, how he always chose the thing that would explode in his face. So, anything that happens could cut the stability that this person may have gained. Which is why Klaus kept falling into the same patterns over and over throughout his life.
But — with an end, there’s also a new start. With death also comes a reborn, literal death and reborn for Klaus, because of his powers. It shows that the person couldn’t escape their problems anymore, because the thoughts (the swords) they have been trying so hard to ignore, sneaked on them and killed them. (Once again, a bit literal for Klaus). One has to face their problems to come back. There is a need for transformation, like a butterfly, or like the Phoenix that comes back from their ashes.
And honestly, this would’ve been so much more clear if they actually kept the Klaus’ scenes they deleted. Where he embraced the transformation, accepted his problems and searched for a solution. Where he could get a closure, a hint of hope.
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Anyway, if you can’t tell, I genuinely love this sweetheart and I think they deserved so, so, so much better than the ending they gave him. It doesn’t take much but be observant on how interesting of a character Klaus Hargreeves is but unfortunately this fell into the wrong hands, because they couldn’t give a character with so much depth a good final. (And all the Hargreeves for all the matter! Justice for my fav siblings). If anyone actually takes the time to read through this, thank you. This was for fun, out of love for the show, love for Klaus and love for tarot all combined. <3
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abcd-adventures · 1 month
Not an "easy read"--feel free to skip.
Friends, it has been a week. I am so. freakin. happy. to have zero plans today (other than, of course, catching up on a million chores). B even slept in until 6am. I was so grateful I'd turned my alarm off because that meant that I also slept in until 6am; I honestly cannot remember the last time I've done that. Even my mother coming out here to disrupt our quiet morning and make a jab at me about not going to church isn't going to derail this sense of peace. *eye roll. She's been sick, so I just casually asked her if she was going to church today. She responded, "Yes. Are you?" Look, man, I fully support anyone's spiritual or religious choices and practices so long as they're not harmful to others. Personally, I have never felt further away from my own sense of spirituality than I do in a church. It's not for me; I wish that didn't translate into my mother constantly in anguish about me going to hell, but what can you do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, on Monday, I left work to take a friend to the psych ER for severe SI and a transfer to inpatient. Let me tell you, that process is horrific. As a therapist--and just...you know...a human--I actually cannot think of much worse for a person having a mental health crisis than to be put into what is essentially a cell in a psych ER. (And, please don't come at me to explain why they are the way they are because I do actually know all of that but my statement stands.) Thankfully, I was able to stay with my friend and eventually even able to transport them myself--SEVEN HOURS LATER--to the inpatient hospital, but everyone else was there alone. I honestly cannot imagine. While there, I got a call from CPS...nothing like that to scare ten years off of your life. They were actually calling about one of C's siblings because they needed an adult relative to release said sibling to or they were going to have to spend the night in CPS custody. I am not actually a relative, but I explained that my son is and gave them his number and then called him to prep him and talk him through the situation. Holy. Shit. Our house is already full to bursting, so I gave him money to get a hotel nearby and some essentials and dinner. Then, the SAME NIGHT, my husband had to call in a wellness check on my MIL and said, "It just feels like this is the night I'm going to hear that they've found her dead." That was not the case, but she is...not doing well, but was doing well enough to refuse EMS intervention.
I am very grateful to be able to support the people I love in facing difficult things. My friend is doing so much better already. My son is making me very proud of how he is being there for his sibling, and my husband and I are making a plan for what we can do for his mother. It is a lot, and it is heavy, but quiet days at home help. And, I would take the heaviness any day if it means that we have the privilege of being there for others.
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stxrrynxghts · 4 months
Re-watching Mahabharat (6/?)
Not Karna being scandalized by Dury's adharmi talks
Yudhishthira's room is so pretty, but where is the bed? Where will he sleep? On the sofa?
Dhritarashtra is continuing the Kuruvanshi pratha of uncles manipulating their nephews
Sahadeva's sahadeva sense is working up again~~~~~
Sahadeva's wig is so fckin UGLY. Like my boy deserves better.
How to manipulate Yudi: just say "tum to dharm ke gyaata ho" and move on
I think Yudi knows that he is being manipulated.
"Jis ke putra jeevan kaal me hi mar jate hain uske jeevan me bhi nark aur mrityu ke pashchat bhi nark." YES. And Yudhishthira will be experiencing that feeling in some 20-30 years.
Oh God. Dhritarashtra is that one uncle who convinces you to name your share of property in his sons' name, because you are well settled and don't need it anymore.
Not Arjun and Sahadeva sneaking up on these two XD
Arjun pulling UNO reverse on Dhritarashtra heheheeeeee
I see. Arjun is doing Krishna's job before Krishna enters the picture. Then he will be a dumbass innocent lil sweetie for the rest of his life
Subhadra is such a dumb cutie
FINALLY. A room with a bed. I can die in peace now.
If only the makers had paid some attention to this couple T_T
Arjun has begun his dumb ways. This is the Arjun we know and love.
Arjun is an expert in household chores. EXCELLENT.
Arjun is a simpleton, hence proved. See what you have done. Poor Subhadra is in tears because of you.
Subhadra, you sneaky lil brat. I pity Balarama so much. He has to deal with two drama queen siblings daily.
Le Subhadra: a trip with Arjun? YAYYYYYYYYY PAWWRTYYYY
Ngl, this is one of my fav episodes in this show. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Krishna enters in this one.
No Kunti, there is no dharm in Dury's heart.
So....Kalyavan is a white male, going with the description?......
Arjun is having a laugh at Subhadra's expense, XD
oh GAWD. I am not prepared for this.
I can't believe that I will be simping over both Arjun and Krishna at the same time.
Arjun's earrings are so low quality. I swear I have seen so many like those for 50 Rs in Sarojini.
Arjun: tum swasth ho? Sweetie, I don't think she is fit or fine ATM.
Krishna has done a PhD in separating the water by putting his foot in it.
WHAT A GLORIOUS ENTRANCE. I am at a loss of words.
Not Krishna posing like a cool guy (as if he isn't jumping inside at the thought of meeting his mortal bestie for the first time.)
Arjun being awed by Krishna is their entire friendship summarized.
I didn't know that I needed to see Arjun with wet hair this badly.
That scene where baby Krishna collides with adult Krishna >>>>
Srsly, I feel so bad for him. Cons of being a God.
Honestly, Krishna's life has so many lessons to learn from. He knew how his loved ones would die, he had to abandon the people he loved, and yet he remained happy and loving through out all of this. He is seriously such a sweet and lovely God.
"Jagat me sabse sundar, Kaun Madhav?" "Mai Parth, aur kaun?" HAYYEEEEEEEEE
Arjun, that is THEEEE Rukmini's love letter you are laughing at :<<
Krishna broke the 4th wall, didn't he?
Yo Brihannala is such a cute shawty-
It seems as if Mahodaya has some questions about Brihannala's identity.
Krishna: I warned you don't blame me !!!!
Krishna sneakily taking aashirwaad from Rukmi for the first and last time in his life hehehe
How come Rukmi has no questions about KRISHNA touching the prasad? Only the bride and groom can touch it, no?
Damn Rukmi. You are such a fool.
Rukmini is so pretty *Sobs*
Arjun is going through severe existential crisis haha
what a joyride.
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calitsnow · 3 months
I just finished the Time Killing Event, it was awesome, love our trio of detectives. There are just some things I want to ramble about:
Spoilers below:
Tw: suicidal thoughts, suicidal behaviour (even if it is not stated as this and that it may not be to that extent, I prefer to put this in case, so if you’re uncomfortable with these subjects, don’t go past the photo and stay safe)
Just wanted to start with, it was an event so funny, I really liked the comical situations and the story.
I loved all the illustrations (there were so many, it was so nice)
loved the interactions between the members of the bus
loved the focus we got on Rodya and also the bit of focus we got on Ryoshu (it was super nice to see that she had warmed up to the other sinners)
Dante please go talk to Ryoda, she needs to tell someone how she feels and put off her mask for the moment of a conversation
But I have to just ask: Hong Lu, are you okay?
Because like 60% of the time Hong Lu spoke I was like: wait what
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Hong Lu are you okay ?! What do you mean “when my siblings tried to kill me”, what do you mean “the first time”?! And what did you just say about your family ?!
I know, we knew Hong Lu’s past was probably as messed up as his family, and this event really confirmed it. But the way he talked about it, the way he talked about the first time (implying that there was others times) his siblings tried to kill him, how he proposed himself to be a bait to this time killing distortion, it was so unsettling but also kind of sad ‘cause Hong Lu clearly doesn’t care about his end or even, in a certain way, himself. And the fact that he understood them wanting him dead, either because Hong Lu also wishes to be dead, or (and that’s probably more this case) Hong Lu understood their hate for him because Hong Lu knows how to read people and how to understand them at a, sometimes, really deep emotional level. We saw it with Yi Sang, we saw it many times, Hong Lu is capable of very profound empathy.
Okay, sometimes he said things that are very off with what the sinner usually meant and so it passes as something pretentious or said by a rich guy who never had to live a hard life but sometimes those lighthearted comments also convey a form of truth or clue for the others to understand.
Hong Lu gave so much the impression that he wouldn’t mind dying or at least doing something akin to dying. And the fact that he just want to experience a lot of things before having to go back to his family I guess, is still concerning for me because even though it seems that his family agreed on having Hong Lu going on a trip, I can’t help but getting the impression that Hong Lu is a teenager who allegedly ran away from home following a crisis with his family. And I know Hong Lu never phrased it like that and everything is pointing toward him going on a little trip with his family’s authorisation , but I can’t shake off this impression that that’s not the case …
And this sentence about the world staying unchanged, what does this mean??? Of course, it made me think about the book, but I don’t know yet how to put it together yet. You see, if I get it right, one of the thing The Dream of Red Chamber tackles is this notion that nothing is truly unchanging, even more, that things are constantly changing and so never the same, never a fix thing/identity. And these changements are something that Jia Baoyu has to learn and recognise as being a part of his mortal life in “our” world. And there is more and more to this theme but I am not going to dwell on this now…
Bref, Hong Lu made it clear that he lived through the Hunger Games when he was with his family and that there are many things wrong with this latest and Hong Lu’s past and everything surrounding it…
Still no mentions of Lin Daiyu, I keep wondering where will she fit in all of this…
Hong Lu also mention his second oldest aunt which could be Lin Daiyu’s mother (Jia Min) or Xue Pan and Xue Baochai’s mother (Aunt Xue) and Baochai is the one who ends up marrying Jia Baoyu in the book …
Anyway, I am also glad that this event highlighted once again that fact that Hong Lu knows how to read people on an emotional level.
On another note, the story of Hong Lu’s new identity was nice because once again it proves that Hong Lu knows how to observe and analyse others and details but his left eye was not mentioned… so idk what to think because is it it hidden between the lines ? Is his left eye not involved in this ? Or is this a reference to the book? See, for the third option, which I find interesting, it reminded me of the fact that even though the jade with which Baoyu was born is recognise as something precious and magical, its existence is not really questioned nor are his magical powers. Nobody really question how, why Jia Baoyu comes to be born with a jade in his mouth, its just a fact.
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busyxfangirling · 11 months
The second season is honestly becoming increasingly harder to watch because what are they trying to do?
The show is titled Loki but he feels like a side character is his own show, I know many MANY things are happening but literally Loki is not the central figure driving the story.
My expectations were low but I did not know Disney could do this much worse!!!!
What the FUCK was episode 3 with the Miss Minutes thing and weird little Ravonna/Victor attempt???
Marvel is just getting worse and worse with what they're putting out, I want the character or even narrative driven stories back where people were well fleshed out, had consistency and their actions made sense to who there were!!! This feels like just trying to sell shock value because you know you have a base of consumers who will stay to see what happens to their favourite character.
They are absolutely ignoring all the material they have available to them to work with! This Loki has only experienced things till the Avengers movie, there is so much character deep dive they could do! What is the point of giving them their own show and then not talking about them at all??
I'll come to the queer things later cause boy do I have a list for that, but first of all, Loki is not a new character in any capacity??? He has been loved and is arguably the biggest fan favourite since his introduction, the amount of theories about him and what people would like to see is very well known!! Right in front of them is his still unclear feelings in his adoption, about being a Jotun, loosing his family and the complicated relationships with them. I can see they are acknowledging his God of Mischief status a little bit but!! Trickster!! Let us see him be a wild card properly!! Not in the sense of betraying his new TVA family - that's what it is and you can fight me on that- but being chaotic!! Yes, using his magic like with Brad!! SHOW ME HE IS A GOD!!!
The worst thing is how lost everyone feels, like I'm not talking about the whole free will conundrum everyone is going through, that is spectacular! Unfortunately it is not coming across, we literally don't get to hear any of the characters talk about what they think of it. There was the key lime pie moment but no follow up to what that is for Loki? It's just one crisis after another, maybe rehash some of what has already happened, bring back the seriousness of this!! The entire multiverse is at stake but we'll make it look like whimsical wishy-washy stuff??!??!!!
Don't get me wrong, I am LOVING the time travel aspect of it, where it looks like Loki/Mobius are on cute dates. But then make it real, the fucking queerbaiting is ridiculous. The throw-away comment in season one about looking being bi was just that and nothing else. And I'm not saying this cause aww they look cute together! But also cause the development of their relationship has been as such!! They have been very dependent on each other and that's not being addressed at all.
I know there are multiple posts about a possible betrayal and my fear is that they're going to try to use that to basically change everything about the characters again, a lot of OOC based on the fact that oh yeah they're going through an existential crises so it makes sense.
Sylkie made barely any sense to me even apart from the whole selfcest issue- they just imposed a the structure of what a straight relationship should be where there was barely any chemistry. S1 E3 had them as really good chaotic siblings/twins and then adding the romantic tones to that really ruined it. Trying to bring it back, possibly, is just weird cause so far they want very different things. These people just don't align together, stop forcing them to? The fact that they refuse to even talk about that kiss shows that they are keeping it open and not just acknowledging that "hey, we don't want the same things in life and I'm happy for you, you matter a lot to me but a romantic relationship is not happening. Also cause you know, we're the same person, lol."
Sylvie as a character is also very confusing rn, there is honestly no need for her to keep coming back in this way??? I'm going to reserve further opinions because half the season is left but I dont expect anything to really get better.
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iaus · 3 months
okay. i need to like. keep myself distracted until noon so. woe porter write up be upon ye. (feat jace because. well i mean look at me.)
So last time I did a little write up it was just a quick phone typed teehee here's some Jace headcanons but Porter has been fucking bugging me. I have a lot of thought put into this dude, but haven't really... written him much yet. So:
-> He is the Solace equivalent of an army brat. Raised in a military (paladin) family and moved around a lot. This is part of the reason he's really confident in himself because he was actually? Pretty popular? Wherever he went. I have diagnosed him with unfortunately hot his whole life so now he is the way he is.
-> Oldest of *hand wave* siblings (not committing to his family size just yet because I don't want to retcon my own hcs) and this sort of fuels into his rage. He was held to an impossibly high standard (that he was proud to meet! He did hit those goals!) and he was raised very much in a tough love environment, and then his parents slowly loosened up as they had more kids so Porter was really pissed off and angry because he thought his parents were doing a disservice to his little siblings. How are they going to be the best they could be if they're not being pushed? (Porter himself does not engage with this thought on a deeper level.)
-> I think he's somewhat estranged with his family at this point. It's not really a conscious cut off, but more of just we email updates every once in a while and his parents and a few siblings send moonar yulenear (i'm crying i hate typing this out every time) cards. He's that distant uncle who lives with his best friend to some of his siblings' kids. His youngest sibling actually just hates his guts and refuses to talk to him.
-> Yes. He is as confident as he projects, but Jace specifically does something to him. I'll get into that in a bit.
-> He's had a handful of what he counts as serious relationships, but the partners he had always ended up being like. Are we going to get married. Are we ever doing more than this? And Porter was always like. No? Isn't this as good as it gets?
-> I like the idea of him being (a bit) younger than Jace, but I haven't actually got into the nitty gritty of making timelines yet so just know they're nebulously the same age (midlife crisis age).
-> I think I said in my first fic that Porter was Jace's senior by a few years, but I also like the idea of Jace being at Aguefort like 5-ish years when Porter starts teaching. I'm not really committing to either at this point. But, either way I picture him at least in his early 50s by junior year.
-> The teacher Porter respected most at Aguefort was his barbarian teacher who had a very similar teaching approach. It was all about results. If you had to have a bit of tough love to get to your goals? Yeah. You are getting that.
Okay. There's some. Basics for him.
Now. Here's the real reason I wanted to write this teehee.
Porter's deep-seated unhealthy Jace obsession <3
I think Porter is used to actually being pretty popular.
He's not one to get ignored if he shows attention to someone. It's happened once or twice, but he decided that person just wasn't that interesting at all actually.
Jace kind of writes him off when they first meet.
Jace is pleasant (something something obnoxiously friendly) but not pleasant enough for Porter not to pick up a vibe from him. So, while Jace is quietly being like. Unfortunately, I am a stereotype and find the barbarian hot. Porter is like what is this dude's fucking deal.
So, he ends up pursuing Jace. He plays up his charm that he usually doesn't bother with and ends up realizing wow. WOW. He's fucked up I need to know more. And I think a lot of what Porter does that's sweet is him being like. Well. I've been in relationships before and I can recognize a giant ego like my own so I'll go through the motions to keep him coming back so I can keep figuring him out.
But. This ends up with Porter figuring out that Jace is like. Scary good with magic and Jace just rolls his eyes like of course. Magic is innate but also I'm just good. And that is catnip for Porter. Here is this arrogant caster who is so sure of himself and ignores me if he doesn't want something from me I need to make him mine. (He's fallen for the trap. He really has. He doesn't see that Jace's ego is huge, but also really fragile.)
Which leads to Jace leaving Porter out of the blue (in his perception). And he is so fucking pissed about it, so he keeps pursuing Jace. (Again. Again. He falls for it. This is what Jace wants.) And they get locked in this horrible, self-fulfilling cycle.
Porter's not used to being left the way Jace leaves him and Jace isn't used to getting chased the way Porter chases him and it's...
So unhealthy.
But god is it everything they both want.
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via-rant · 1 year
Just a post to give appreciation to all the underappreciated characters in my fav medias rn! (And more opinions on HOO)
Hazel Levesque:
- Y'all need to stop saying how she's "harmless" like yes she's sweet and loves everyone, I agree, (I mean she literally gave up Elysium so her mom wouldn't go to the fields of punishment) but that doesn't mean she wouldn't hurt a fucking fly! She is VERY powerful! Like killed a Giant by herself at THIRTEEN powerful!!
Frank Zhang:
- Same thing for him actually!! And he's actually not as sweet! He definitely is but that's because he tries to be!! He is actually so angry all the time!! I mean your dad having his personality crisis inside your head 24/7??? Hell yeah I'd be mad too!!
- Also the amount of times he expressed how uncomfortable that transition was!! It was more uncomfortable than before!! Like fat Frank for the win please!!
- But you guys have the same problem with him as Hazel!! He WOULD hurt a fly!! He took down an entire army by his damn self!!!
Jason Grace:
- OH GOD MY MAN!! He's so.... sad!! And just doesn't know what's happening 24/7, why was he ever appointed leader after his memory got wiped???
- A little side note: Can you guys just STOP COMPARING HIM TO PERCY!!! Can you stop comparing ANY of them to Percy??? Like it'd be about any other character besides Annabeth and y'all will be like "But what about Percy?" MAKE YOUR OWN CONTENT ABOUT HIM!! Like I love him very much, don't get me wrong, but dear fucking GOD stop making EVERYTHING about him!!!
Grover Underwood:
- *Crying, sobbing, throwing up* He needs so much more loooove!!! I'm SO surprised how little Percy mentioned him in HOO and then literally EVERYONE forgot about him and was like "LOL Jasons his bff now." NO!! Him and GOVER are best friends!! They literally have an empathy link!!!
The other parents besides Sally:
. I cannot exress how little I see of the other parents! Like I barely see pictures of Esperanza, and Emily, and Maria, and Marie and when I do it's like from AGES ago and they're so innacurate it's insane!! Not to mention Tristan and Fredrick!!
- PLEASE I need more content of them, please!!!
- I love her, I love her, I lover her, I lover her!! My Aroace QUEEN!!! The best leader of ALL time!! She actually helped me through SO MUCH!!! Her entire character just helped me figure it out!! She just like me fr!!
- She understood everything I was going through when I was figuring it out and I love her so much!! She deserves all the love!!! I want to give her such a big hug, she deserves it!!!
- Literally one of my biggest childhood crushes!! And we got so LITTLE of her!!
- Can we talk about how she lost her brother TWICE??? Like I can't IMAGINE that!!! I know they barely had ANY time but jeez louise they very much still loved each other and it was so heartbreaking hearing her story only for her to lose him again!! I don't know my little siblings very well but I'd actually die if one of them did!! I love them SO much!!
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lunar-years · 7 months
Oh man oh man oh man if Phoebe, who is basically co-parented by Uncle Roy, gets a sibling who comes with her own dad? I feel like that’s SO crunchy, because if Roy is there as the *third* adult instead of the second he’s not going to be as involved as he was with Phoebe and I feel like there’s going to be so many complicated feelings about that for Phoebe. (Including probably some “good, I don’t have to share” feelings lol.)
YEAH. Listen I love the headcanon because it's SO crunchy along the way but then it ends really happily because their little family expands and more love is never a bad thing <3 also ROY & Co. WITH A LITTLE BABY!!! <3<3 let's appreciate the vision!!
but yeah I think like, if Roy's sister (who i'm going to call Ruth for the sake of the rest of my response because it's too difficult to not use a name and keep everyone straight lmao) was seriously dating someone and then was like hey we're getting married and then shortly thereafter was like oh yeah by the way I'm pregnant:
Roy would definitely go through it a bit because in my head, he didn't realize what was happening/how it really was between Ruth and Phoebe's Dad until Ruth was already like, REALLY in it. Maybe he even liked the guy. I sort of think he did, just because it's extra prickly and it adds to the intense anger over the situation we see him express in canon. Like, not only is he mad at himself for not realizing how Ruth was being treated, he's also mad that he didn't see the signs and wasn't around when he needed to be, and he's furthermore mad that he was friendly with this guy the times he'd met him when he of course should have known to slug him in the face in advance from the first time he met him, etc. Irrational thought patterns, you know how it is.
So. His panicky brain realistically knows this ISN'T the same. But he's also extra vigilant, especially now that he not only has Ruth to worry about but also Phoebe. So he really has to talk things through with his therapist and Ruth and express his fears to Jamie and Keeley before he really can start to feel okay about the whole thing.
Then once he's accepted Ruth's new boo and is excited for all of them, he gets hit with the "you're getting a new niece or nephew!" news, which sets off the panic alarms AGAIN. because what if he's used up all his good uncle juices on Phoebes and there's not enough left over for the new kid? (i just think Roy tragically overthinks everything lmao)
Also, and the Bigger Thing, is how does he navigate just having to be an uncle to this child without the extra responsibility of having to be a co-parent to them like he's been for Phoebe? What's the balance there? And can he step back to let this new person into Phoebe's life, and what if he fills up the role Roy has in her life and pushes Roy out completely? He wants to give as much of himself to this new child as he'd given to Phoebe but he doesn't quite know what new role to play.
Meanwhile Phoebe is having a similar crisis about accepting this new person and then a new sibling into her home. As you say, she doesn't want Roy to not be there in the same way he's always been there, and she also has all the typical pre-teen angst and this is just one more thing. She doesn't want anything to change. She'd very skeptical of this new guy who is suddenly always around. Why does her mum even like him? etc. etc.
This is a great opportunity for Phoebe and Jamie bonding and an Uncle Jamie teaching moment, because Jamie of course also has a stepparent, and one I personally believe he was VERY skeptical of when Simon first came into his life. So he can share with Phoebe the role Simon's played in his own life and in doing so, gently encourage her to give Ruth's partner a chance. ❤️
everything ends up all right of course. Ruth's partner is a wonderful person who slides right into the family and is very patient with Phoebe and Roy both. And they all instantly fall in love with new baby. Phoebe would be the best big sister. I think it would just be really exciting for everyone involved!!
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birb-boyo · 1 year
HELLO(I just got from my nap, sorry for the wait)
All heroes, instead of having a triforce, they have a shard of First’s gem, also called the Shards of Courage. These shards are made of basically just Light because that was Hylia’s parting gift, to make his shards shine brighter than the morning sky. Ask the chain, except Sky, they fucking hate it. It’s Sky’s nightlight by the way. It’s like a naturally made flash bang. It’s an activation thing, so it’s not always there.
I don’t know why I explained that last part but whatever.
I actually haven’t thought about how they met, but I suppose we could stick with the iconic dream montage. Like, they all pass out randomly and suddenly First is talking to them like, “Hyrule needs her heroes to assemble and-“ blah blah blah
A lot of them probably ignore him, but some days later, when they all end up through a portal, surrounded by each other with their bright ass shards, they definitely believe the magic dream man.
Time is a fusion between Fierce and Mask
I should also clarify that Majora and Fierce were never masks, their gems were put in stasis. Skull Kid and Mask were able to gem those gems out of stasis(I didn’t think about how yet) and I guess the final fight was like a Pokemon fight and I love that idea so much but it’s also so stupid-
Mask and Fierce were going to part ways, but Fierce has been in stasis for so long, he knew that the surface had changed. Not only that, but being in stasis for so long made him weak. It made Majora and Fierce weaker than they used to be.
So Mask, still in a existential crisis, was like “we can be travelers together then” because mask didn’t want to seem like he used Fierce (even though he kinda did) so he offered to be travelers together with Fierce.
My boy Fierce took that “together” the wrong way and kinda forced Mask to fuse with him.
Mask is kind of shaken like, “What the fuck?”
Fierce is kinda like, “Isn’t this what you meant?”
Mask is like, “No!” Mask then uses they mirror shield. “I mean…”
So now they’ve been fused for a good while. They also just feel safer inside the fusion because they know that if one fumbles, the other has their back.
I also have a feeling that no gem truly knows what it means to be married, so when marriage was proposed to Time, he was kinda just-🧍🏼‍♂️
Then Malon(I’m keeping her human…hylian) explained it sort of like, “Marriage is like promising to be best friends forever-“
“Then me and Fierce are married?”
I would give the Goddesses Diamonds. Nayru gets Blue, Farore gets Yellow, Din gets White, Hylia gets Pink.
Hylia gets pink because she is all over the place. But she is actually shattered too. She shattered herself after First got shattered so her shards(Shards of Wisdom) could be beside First’s for all eternity. You know Demise’s hating ass shards(Shards of Power) are also there, tearing shit up🥰🥰🥰
The other diamonds, Nayru, Farore, and Din, just monitor what the shard wielders are doing and making sure Hyrule doesn’t fall in on itself.
Yes, Ravio was born in the same Kindergarten as Legend. The same hole too. He was made after Legend though and came out “deformed”. Physically, Ravio doesn’t look really deformed, but other amethysts disagree. He’s skinnier and weaker and far more in the mind(smarter) than he should be.
That being said, my boy did not have fun while trying to serve his diamond. So he ran away. He attempted many times to run away, in turn, he was kind of tortured by his “siblings”. Don’t worry, there’s no crack, but other amethyst would forgive and forget in a solid three human years, but Ravio? Those nights are engraved into him gem.
In order to truly escape, he had the help of an opal(Hilda) they kinda just hang out together until they find another amethyst(Legend) on earth and started spying on him and WOW ANOTHER GAME INCOMING
Kinda dropped backstory there whoopsie😅
@the-cucco-nuggie :D
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yours-etc · 9 months
Pancakes For Dinner
Short little ficlet based on this song <3
Pt. 1, Pt. 2 (coming soon)
Eddie is pacing his living room back and forth back and forth back and forth back and—
“Dude will you sit down you’re making yourself more stressed!!” Chrissy yells at him from their couch. 
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me Chris, I'm a writer this is what I do! So why is it so fucking hard to write a best man speech for my best friend, besides you of course Chris” Eddie adds to the end in quickly to cover his ass. 
“probably because you’ve been in love with him since high school eds! And you need to tell him, because if you don’t he will marry that stupid rich bitch his mommy set him up with who he’s only marrying to make her happy and because he thinks he has no shot with you! And somewhere down the line probably 6-10 years in they’ll get a terrible divorce and he’ll have an early midlife crisis and buy a boat or a condo in Florida. he’s settling and he knows it and you are ignoring it.” 
Eddie stops in his tracks and looks at Chrissy. they grew up together, practically siblings. eddie’s mom nannied for her family and eventually, Eddie was born and so was Chrissy. Raised together like siblings as Chrissy was the youngest of 3 sisters who were all moved out by the time Chris could walk. she has been here through every broken bone (4), every school play (6), a gay crisis, and one big fat crush on his guy best friend.
Steve and Eddie meet in freshman year English class. well, not Eddie’s freshman year, Steve’s. Eddie was two years older than Steve and so ended up being his English tutor to get extra credit in his own lit class. Eddie was smart, he just hated school. And yeah he repeated senior year twice making him and Steve graduate at the same time, but they both got the same degree in the end. 
“I just don’t get it!” Steve would yell about Romeo and Juliet and Huckleberry Finn and Frankenstein and Dracula and pretty much any book he had to read…
Eddie would always smile and say “Don't worry steve-o, that’s what I'm here for”
Eventually tutor sessions turned into to hang out sessions turned into smoke sessions turned into crashing on one another’s couch. and yeah they’ve woken up a few times in… not totally platonic positions, but they were high and half asleep, no one could be blamed, so they didn’t talk about it. but Eddie and Chrissy did. 
“Chris he doesn’t like me like that!” Eddie finally says responding to her. 
“Bullshit! If he’s not in love with you then Robin and I are a straight couple!”
“That doesn’t make sense—“
“Shut up it doesn’t matter. how about you write two speeches. one where you pore you’re heart and soul out to him declaring your undying gay love, and then write the one that’s appropriate to say at his wedding. I would say just tell him now, but you know it’s your life, all I know is you need to get it off your chest one way or another.”
She was right. Eddie kissed her on the head and walked to his room and locked the door. 
Eddie didn’t even make it two steps into the bar before Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and Will, some kids Steve started babysitting in high school to make some extra cash who grew up to be both of their favorite gaggle of kids, cornered him by the door. 
“so what are you going to do?” Dustin asks
Eddie looked at all four of them, “I plan to get him shitfaced, hold his hair back when he eventually throws it all up, and have the perfect hangover cure for him waiting in the morning so he can… make it down the aisle.” 
Mike rolls his eyes, “You know that’s not what we are talking about.”
“We are talking about you stopping Steve from marrying the Richie Bitch!” will whisper yells. 
The envelope in Eddie’s coat pocket suddenly weighs about 100 tons. He didn’t know why he brought it. The letter is about three pages long with lots of chicken scratch and eraser marks, but it’s all of Eddie on paper. And maybe he’ll give it to Steve, maybe he won’t. He hadn’t quite decided yet. “What makes you think I can stop him?” Eddie asks. 
“Because you’re the only one he listens to, besides Robin, but even she’s getting desperate!” Lucas pipes in. 
“Guys, I’ve tried, We’ve all tried. He’s not budging, all we can do is be there for him through all of it. Eventually, it will crash and burn but until then, we put on fake ass smiles and we are happy for him.” Eddie says addressing all of them, “Now I’m going to grab a table, order a round of drinks, and I expect all of you to just focus on making Steve’s party the best part it possibly could be.”
He shoved past them to grab a booth, set his jacket down, and went to the bar. And yeah he downed a couple, maybe a few, okay a handful of shots, for confidence, that's all. The longer he sat there the more he wanted to pull his hair out individually by each strand. He knew he couldn’t let Steve go through with it, but he didn’t want to lose Steve completely, because that would break him. Like completely and totally shatter him into a million pieces that would get scattered into the wind. And yes, Eddie was aware of how cliche he was starting to sound. 
Eventually, he made it back to the table with a round of drinks for everyone, Steve walked in looking, well looking gorgeous. It’s like that moment in the movies where the whole room disappears and it is just the two main characters. There’s a love song playing, except this is a crowded dive bar and they are playing some Zeppelin song that Eddie can’t take the time to name because Steve walks in with too tight a shirt and too tight pants and Eddie is only a man. 
And suddenly the envelope in his pocket is not only 100 tons but also on fire.
Pt.2 coming soon...
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nerves-nebula · 8 months
So I'm the eldest and I love all my siblings but god ever since I moved out my brother has been such a lil shit to our youngest- back when I lived there I was always the one to deescalate situations (in general not just my brother)- and he in general wouldn't behave that way when I'm around (i always thought its cause me and him are close but once I talked to mom about it and she says that he probably doesn't because he's scared of me... which is not great- I have to admit when the two of us were little I was a lil shit the same way he is now - I only got my shit together at 14- 15 because I realised that there had to be one responsible person in the household and it wasn't going to be our parents- also I just didn't want my siblings to hate me after I died. But since me and brother are the closest in age he remembers more of that time when I sucked than our other siblings do - so I shouldn't be surprised he is behaving similarly especially since he never had to go through the same crisis that i did at 15 (thats not even getting started on how our parents have affected all this)) but that doesnt change the fact he's being a lil bitch to my sister!
And I can't go tell him to knock it off- I have been bullied in school before I'm not dumb- a figure of authority telling a bully to stop it is just gonna make the bully be pissed that the person they're bullying snitched
Idk- he'll be moving out in 2 years so she won't have to put up with him after that but I still feel like I should fix the situation- I want to shake him and tell him "I got my shit together why can't you!" But it would be a bit rich coming from me
He seems to be at least semi aware of it- he tends to avoid people after doing shit like that- but he never apologises and that still sucks!
Tldr I'm very used to being the one responsible for fixing things in my family , but now I have moved and I can't do that and I'm very frustrated about it
Idk, I want to ask if you have any ideas but I know that would be a bit much and I already dumped so much on you- I'm very sorry about that- if you want to ignore this ask feel free to do so
i dont have any ideas, sorry. though my oldest sister might hahahh. that was more their role than mine. for what its worth i feel a similar kind of guilt about moving away cuz my little sister is stuck with mom and my oldest brother and it's frankly terrifying to think about that situation for too long.
my oldest sister has made a lot of progress reconnecting with us though through honest & emotional conversation. they've apologized for what they've done and they've worked on making sure we all don't, like, kill ourselves or something. so maybe you could start with that?
like, instead of starting out shaking his shoulders and yelling at him you just start by apologizing for the way you acted and stuff. and if you can try to segue into a level headed, non-accusatory conversation about why he shouldn't treat his sister this way.
idk i am not incredibly smart when it comes to this stuff so if that goes bad you can't blame ME cuz you're the one taking advice from a depressed art student on tumblr afasdfsdf
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(This is a bit out of order but it was in my head and I needed it out fast so I didn't lose it. For context all of the kids (so Lily, Lil Coding, all four Haltmann siblings, and Timmy) ended up in the same place together without anyone else, got found by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and their group has somehow ended up in possession of an airship and mostly figured out where Ozzy and Gary's hideout is. Lil Coding has been extremely unhelpful the whole time and making some pretty over-the-line statements about Root, and is getting on everyone's last nerve. This scene is when somebody besides Lily (who has been arguing with him the whole time but can't get through his thick skull because he's calling Bias due to her usual relationship with Root) finally snaps and calls him out on not just his current bullshit, but his behavior ever since the end of Raging Riptides.)
(Also keep in mind that everyone in this scene except Lil Coding and Barney are currently ponies and everyone except the two of them and Lily currently have hooves. Because Equestria.)
“Okay, I have had it with your shit the last few weeks, you stupid cat!”
Everyone on board whirls around in surprise to see that Hex of all people is the one who spoke, and she’s now stomping up to the target of her ire, who makes the mistake of opening his mouth again.
She briefly pauses her approach and slams a hoof down onto the deck to interrupt him, “Nope! It’s HMG2’s turn to talk!”
“Yes, we get it, you did the “good-aligned cheap knockoff of a villain gets manipulated by a trick-ass bitch” first. What, do you want a medal!? This might be hard to believe, but not everything has to be about you and your problems!
“Now, I’m not saying you don’t have a right to be mad about what Root did -though you probably have the least reason to be this mad out of everyone who was directly involved, quite frankly- or that you have to forgive her! Hell, I was pissed at her too for a while and I’m pretty sure Vee’s at least still on the fence. But at least we’re not bitching and sulking while there are lives on the line or saying a literal disabled and abused child deserves whatever that omnicidal maniac’s doing to her-seriously, what the fuck, man!?
“I was willing to put up with whatever hangups you’re dealing with back home where we weren't mid-crisis and the adults could deal with you, but they’re not here right now and you’ve apparently made it your mission to be as much of a burden as possible, and I can’t FUCKING take it anymore! So you can take your Messiah Complex and Catholic Guilt and SHOVE 'EM UP YOUR HAIRY PURPLE ASS!!!”
By now she has him backed against the ship’s railing and is right up in his face, “Now shut up, get over yourself, and either help us or find a corner to sulk in and stay out of our fucking way!”
She spins around and stalks off, not looking back as he falls over stiff as a board, and sees all the other kids staring at her, “Anypony else have some grievances they need aired?”
Scootaloo ducks back down behind the wheel in a panic while everyone else vigorously shakes their heads, which prompts Hex’s mood to do a complete 180 back to her usual quiet cheer, “Great! Let’s keep going then.”
While most of them go back to keeping the airship running (albeit now visibly unsettled), Lily can’t help but keep looking at her sort-of cousin in confusion, “The hell was that?”
“Well, she is based on SMG4,” Barney notes, “I suppose it makes sense that she inherited his temper.”
The idea of Hex being the one to call LC on his bullshit is such a nice idea, I love it. The fact that she gives him no room to argue, points out all the flaws in his shit, and still manages to get her point across is flawless. Also, the idea of this pony gradually backing up a cat, that is probably taller than her at the moment, up against the railing is hilarious.
OUGH YEAH,, her being based off of SMG4 too,, man that temper can be deadly when unleashed. At least someone's knocking some sense into LC!!
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alphabetboyluvr · 11 months
hi Holly. I just want to appreciate u. u don’t have to reply but this is more just a message to you.
I think ur the best person I have a parasocial platonic relationship with. Not only do you write the best stories (my heart beats for BD) but you also are the best most good intentions, good morals, person.
I like that you constantly update us on your work, your thoughts, and other stuff. It’s like you’re the teacher who engages with her students and tells her kids “guys the marks will be released Friday”, doesn’t take a long time to mark, doesn’t bat around the bush, etc. You never alienate your readers which I feel like a lot of other authors do. I love how appreciative you are of ur readers and friends
Also thank you for posting about Palestine. This is what made me wanna write the message. Im currently typing through tears as I just watched a kid cry because he saw the bombing in Gaza. His trauma is already started and he’s just 3. Thank you thank you for being a good soul. A true girls girl. A true citizen who wants the best for her world. I value you a lot. I love that you’re another girl who has big boobs ( I have a H cup girl it’s fucking horrible but I love that I get to be appreciated through ur stories) , thank you for being so creative, thank you for just knocking it out of the park.
U deserve nothing but the best. Please keep your standards high because you are of the highest standard. I love u girl
honestly i could have cried reading this, what a gorgeous display of kindness 😭 thank you so much.
this is a long answer so I'll add a read more haha
I think (in a way) I also have sort of a parasocial relationship with you guys - I'm often shown such generous amounts of love and support and it's a dynamic that I don't really know how to describe. we might not know each other and yet you all see such a huge part of my personality that a lot of people don't. you hear of virgo boy and of the little trips I'm going on and all sorts of intricate details and yet if you were to see me in the street, you'd probably have no clue of who I am 🥲 sometimes I wonder (when I go to army events / bts places) if I'm talking with people who have read my fics but we collectively have no idea. its a strange little life to live, but one that I enjoy.
in regards to Palestine, and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, I'm deeply horrified by what we're witnessing and am devastated at my government (alongside other western nations) facilitating what's happening. if all I can do is spread awareness or write letter, then you best believe that is what I'll do.
I'm afforded with such kindness that it only feels right I should reciprocate that - I keep you guys updated because it keeps us all happy haha. I love doing teasers and getting that initial reaction from you guys, it's so much fun, honestly. while I write for myself, I'd be a total liar if I said I didn't care for other people's opinions. your input is important to me!!
I've friends in all corners of the world, of all faiths and diverse backgrounds, and the idea of any of them experiencing such horror for the simple fact of where they were born is unthinkable. the people suffering are daughters, sons, husbands, wives, siblings - they are people and they are loved and it is barbaric to see what is happening and not feel strongly about it, in my opinion.
we all deserve the right to safety, freedom and a comfortable living environment. i don't really think my views are that groundbreaking, but I'm glad to know many of you feel the same ♡♡
honestly the big titty agenda part made me laugh so much!! I've been wearing a posture corrector lately cause the girlies have just been a nightmare 🥲 and the titty worship in my stories??? comes from experience!!! you'll find someone who appreciates them, as well as appreciates you, I promise 😭
thank you so much for your message - honestly you've no idea how much it means. have the loveliest day!!!
mwah x
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Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here):
So even though it's made clear that Jonathans role in this group is irreplaceable, there are some important things to note moving forward. And it's mainly this - his family doesn't need him in the same way they once did. We see in Lenora that they aren't having money problems anymore and this is because of Dr. Owens. He set them up in a nice house and presumably got Joyce a job. We don't see Jonathan working for the first time and Joyce had enough in her savings account to pay a ransom for Hopper, so financially they are doing ok. Although Jonathan doesn't get his car fixed, but this could have just been him delaying dealing with things (He does that a lot this season. It also provides a nice metaphor for him being stuck. And there is a whole thing with junkyards and broken down cars on this show.) This is where Hopper comes in. Because now they have a father figure who Jonathan respects. One who can handle shit and only left because he had no choice. Hopper can help pay the bills. Hopper can take care of Will and El. And most importantly, Hopper can take care of Jonathan too. Because he never really had a dad who did that. Jonathan is now the one who is in need of advice. He doesn't know what he's doing with his life and he feels so much guilt and trauma he can't figure it out or talk about it. But Hopper can protect his family while he goes to college now which could ease some of his anxiety. I think not only will Hopper be the one to get Jonathan to figure out what he wants, but Will will have a role here too. Because this whole thing has really been about Will. Jonathan doesn't want to leave him and it's clear with everything going on with Will and his sexuality that Will still needs his support. Hopper being supportive and accepting of him too will go a long way in making Jonathan more comfortable with leaving. Because Hopper isn't Lonnie. But Will also doesn't need Jonathan in the same way he once did. His support and advice are welcome, but Will is older now. Him being more comfortable with himself makes a difference here and this is where Mike comes in. Mike and Jonathan are shown to have an emotional bond with Will throughout the series, just a different one - Jonathan's is sibling/paternal, and Mike's is a deep friendship. The only reason Mike and Will aren't communicating well in season 4 is because of their feelings and confusion over their sexualities. Which is why Will is grateful for Jonathans support in the pizza place - he thinks he's all alone. But he isn't. Mike does return his feelings and once the two of them establish this, they will also reestablish their emotional connection and deep friendship that they've had. While Will will always need Jonathan it's his relationship with Mike that's going to be the catalyst for a lot of plot points moving forward. Because they have a bond that is different than anyone else's. It was Mike who got through to Will in the shed first. Will is going to need Mike in a way that he doesn't need Jonathan and I think knowing this will allow Jonathan to realize that he isn't selfish for wanting to leave. (I think this could also lead to a good friendship dynamic between Mike and Jonathan). Will's always going to want him around and want to talk but he also wants what's best for Jonathan too. Which leads me back to my original point in part 1 about how Jonathan's lying isn't going to mess up his relationship with Nancy.
Because his lying was about Will and not Nancy. And yes Nancy will be upset with him and has every right to be, but they have a conversation that they've been waiting to have since their fight in season 3. They need to clear the air about a lot of things. While this may lead to them deciding to go their separate ways for a little while, they will be brought back together for the inevitable showdown at the end of the season. And we already know how well they work together in a crisis. They showed that in seasons 1-3 and then went and showed us that Nancy and Steve make a terrible team to contrast it. Steve and Nancy's leadership made their problems worse and got people hurt/killed. Everything went wrong this season and part of that was because Jonathan, Will, and Mike weren't there (and of course El too but she plays a different role here). The group needs to be together in all the right ways for everything to work out for them because they each have a specific role to play. I think it's likely that Jonathan will move away for a bit, either for college or he will get a job outside of Hawkins. And then come back when things start happening by the end like Nancy (and possibly the other older teens). This is of course assuming that Joyce doesn't kill him for not applying to school like he said he did. I feel like she's going to be more pissed than Nancy. But I do think that Nancy and Jonathan will reach an understanding and since they are both involved with what's going on with the upside-down (and I think they will be more involved with helping Mike and Will) I don't see them severing ties completely. I can still see them checking in with each other for updates even if they aren't together.
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Dearest Covey,
Turns out we didn’t get the infection under control (imagine I’m doing the Debby Ryan right here) + cause of my sickle cell I don’t do great with infections but I’m good now (knock on wood) we think it’s because I had a sickle crisis but it’s over now so I dunno 🤷‍♀️ oh well I guess it means I missed my last english review before exam season 😭
I missed my friends party that I think I told you about but my boyfriend said he couldn’t make it either and came and stayed with me cause my dad had work and my older sister was out 🫶🫶 + he brought round his mum’s cooking and GOOD LORD that woman can cook I love her so much (even if I really shouldn’t be eating it 😟 don’t tell my dad or my doctor)
Plus I would like to put my little sister forward as the cutest eight year old ever. When I was home she would legit come into my room like 10 minutes after her bedtime and be ‘sneaky’ so she could talk to me and make sure I was ok and I don’t think I’ve ever cried more. She’s so cute anyway this has been a rant I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hear 😭
Anyway, i thought my couple days away from before was long but Jesus I’ve been gone for like just over a week? maybe 2? Probably about a week. Got loads of your work to catch up on and I will make sure to send a letter complimenting it all because I am SURE it is gonna be amazing (like usual) even though I do not have a scooby where I left off.
I can also vote that Elise and I aren’t the same person but cause she’s using another name I didn’t realise it was her until I sent the letter about having an illness twin and I was like 😨 Rory?? But yeah I’m using a side account so even if you do guess who I am in the anon guessing thing I’ll probably just sign off with my name cause that main blog is OLD and it won’t let me delete it all and it’s cringey as fuck so…
How’s your life been? Hope it’s been as chill as can be and I hope your trip was good! Hope no one else sent in a request and if they did I’m disappointed I missed it 🙁🙁 this is such a long letter but I had so much to catch you up on 🫶 
Finally, loads and loads and lots and lots of love to make up for when I was gone,
🎞️ <3
(This is such a long letter I am so so so sorry Covey you do not need to read this all 😭 I did try and cut it down I swear)
my stunning film roll anon,
secondly, im so so sorry about all your medical issues!! I have no way to relate or even begin to understand what your going through but that must suck like legit balls lmao-
also, your little sister seems so so sweet!! I also wanted a sibling to take care of, to talk to, ya know, but my older sister was too busy being older for that. but we chillin now
lifes been chill, ya know how it be. (ive never been more stressed in my whole 18 years of life. monday save me. monday pls kill yourself. monday be OVER already good lord) (i have my ap test and my last band concert ever...MONDAY DIE)
all my love,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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mahaliaaa · 2 years
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Since the pandemic began, I have been constantly on my phone. I've developed the habit of checking my phone as soon as I wake up every morning. My hand will touch it the first thing when I wake up and the last thing before I go to sleep. It is the only thing that matters to me. I need it to survive in the pandemic; otherwise, I'll pass away from boredom and loneliness.
Although that might sound exaggerated, it is accurate. In a pandemic, our phone becomes our only source of communication. I'll pick up my phone when I'm feeling lonely, message my pals, and talk about anything that comes to mind, sometimes even going off on a rant about how Covid 19 affects so many of our lives. I usually blame Covid 19 when there are minor inconveniences, claiming that it is to blame for what happened. I'll get my phone and open TikTok or play games when I'm bored. I scrolled for almost the entire day, laughed at weird things I found online, and played games.
I tried engaging in indoor activities like painting, cooking, crocheting, and drawing to divert my attention away from technology, but I find it hard to resist checking my phone constantly. So I spend all of my time on my couch playing games, watching korean dramas, movies, and browsing through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok. I'll eventually just leave my room to grab some food and perhaps take a shower. When my mother needs to ask me a question, she just texts me, and my siblings do the same. Since we are constantly occupied with our gadgets because we are unable to leave the house for work, we rarely have face-to-face conversations even within our own home.
No one is allowed to leave during a pandemic. We are completely under lockdown due to the virus's propagation. We are unable to socialize with our friends outside or visit them. It's a good thing we have phones and other technologies since it allows us to contact people without having to go out. It is currently the most practical approach to interact with people and disseminate the information we require for daily life.
Being stuck at home is often challenging and, for some, sad. We all need to socialize in order to live. We usually find being alone depressing. Personally, I enjoy spending time with my friends since it makes me feel happy. I find that having company greatly improves my mood. Additionally, talking to someone helps me feel lighter and reduces a lot of tension. There is a day in my life when we are still in quarantine and I am feeling particularly sluggish for no apparent reason. Knowing that you are alone worsens the unexplained emotion I'm experiencing. I can't help it; I find myself thinking a lot of negative thoughts. Fortunately, when I called one of my friends, she picked up. Even though I know she won't be able to comprehend what I'm saying, simply having her there to listen to me makes me feel a lot better.
Especially during a pandemic, technology saved my life. I use technology to stay away from difficult or unpleasant feelings, which were in abundance during the COVID-19 pandemic. I used screens to communicate safely with my loved ones and friends. Even communicating digitally with them lifts my spirits. In these circumstances, having someone to chat to can truly help a person feel less alone. 
Studies have indicated that being in touch with loved ones via technology, particularly social media and other messaging services, enhances mental and emotional health, particularly during tough situations. Teenagers' ability to handle a challenging crisis, particularly how they used technology to fortify their resistance, is impressive. However, equity also plays a role in resilience since teens who receive a lot of support from their families and other sources are better able to deal with the pandemic. Children may spend less time with their families the more time they spend in front of screens. While staying connected is helpful, in-person contact with people can help young people build valuable interpersonal skills.
Young and older children alike may become socially isolated as a result of increased technology use, which could have a negative effect on how well they learn to interact with others.Teenagers, including myself, are constantly using their phones for texting, sharing, trolling, scrolling, and other activities. We frequently talked on the phone rather than in person. Teenagers today are being taught, among other things, to communicate primarily through screens rather than with actual people.
The pandemic has a massive effect on how we communicate with one another. We learned a lot of new, simpler, and more open ways to communicate. Like how we can now contact friends and family who live far away using social media, instant messaging, or video chat. Despite the fact that it improves communication, it has an impact on our social or communication abilities. Many of us will grow up to be individuals who are afraid of talking, our society's fundamental form of communication, since we don't receive enough practice relating to people and meeting their needs in person and in real time.
We have to exercise social distance because of the pandemic, so when we have to resume normal activities and have face-to-face interactions, it feels unusual. I am so accustomed to speaking to a screen that I find it impossible to make eye contact when speaking to someone. Additionally, because it has been a while since I spoke to someone face-to-face, I occasionally stutter when I speak. Speaking with someone face-to-face is significantly different from doing so via a screen.
By seeing the other person's expressions, I can determine their response to or level of interest in what I am saying and adjust what I say. Because I frequently employ sarcasm in casual conversation, I have offended a number of individuals online. I am usually unaware that I have offended someone until they block me. On the other side, speaking online gives you the opportunity to carefully construct your arguments and omit any that come out as boring.
Since we are still getting used to this new normal, it is acceptable to have a difficult conversation when using traditional ways of communicating. Many people encounter this type of difficulty. You should put yourself in the best position to overcome the difficulties and practice a one-on-one conversation by becoming knowledgeable of them.
We are starting to replace actual human interaction in communication with online chatting and texting. Calls, emails, instant messages, and social media are all used. Even while some people don't mind and even prefer not to see the other person when speaking, they frequently lose the ability to have face-to-face conversations. We are now more likely to interact directly in person since things are slowly getting back to normal and everyone is now able to go out. It could be difficult for us to get used to it once more, but things will always  get better.
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