#because oh my gosh these contractors
tj-crochets · 4 months
Work's being absolutely ridiculous, so please send me quilt or plushie ideas! Puns and pride flags are bonuses but not required, I'm looking for anything like color combos, patterns, suggestions that are more vibe-based than specific color combo based, anything
It's sorta difficult to figure out what level of detail I have to remove in order to anonymize my job, but basically two of the other people who do my job are out, so I'm helping cover for them, but one of their contractors turned in paperwork showing three different dates for when he did [job that should have only taken one day]. I ended up having to call the customer and ask when our contractor did [job]. Thankfully the customer found it a little funny and was willing to answer, but I hate cold-calling customers to tell them our contractors can't do paperwork correctly and we need their help to fix it
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mynameismckenziemae · 1 month
Okay, hear me out (I know okay, I know I need to work in my current WIPs but but but but…)
This is WaspIke . He’s a Service pupper who serves on the USS Wasp. (His rank is listed as LCDR (lieutenant commander) 🤭).
And… here is where the idea comes in. (And god, my brain needs to chill but I can’t help it, especially when it’s fluffy fluff.)
The Navy is complex. The Daggers are not just a permanent Squadron at Miramar (which is not Navy anymore so technically, they’d probably work out of NAS Lemoore, btw but I digress), but they’ve also been assigned to a specific aircraft carrier. It’s fiction, so one can make up a name.
The carrier has been accepted as part of the Mutts With A Mission program, thus, it’s been assigned a pupper. The pupper would have a handler, of course. And they’re civilian. (Yes, I already researched this. There are civilian contractors aboard those ships and carriers although most work in technical/engineering fields or for MWR.)
Ahhhh… I’m getting sidetracked omg. My brain is a bit all over the place today. I’m sorry.
Aircraft carrier.
Service pupper.
Civilian handler.
And one day, the first day actually, the pupper runs up to this tall dude with glasses, almost knocks him over because the pup’s handler has thrown a toy and it went farther than anticipated. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. The sun was in my eyes. Are you okay?”
The voice is sweet, amused, but also apologetic. And once Bob finds his bearings after being taken off guard that there’s a golden retriever on the ship (what?), he turns to the voice, holds his breath because woahhhh. “Uhm…” Bob is legit lost for words. First a pupper and now a beautiful woman dressed in civilian clothing. “Are you lost, ma’am?” Are you lost? Of course, she’s lost Floyd, jfc. Bob scolds himself mentally. The carrier is still docked and there are tours of the ship today as part of Fleet Week. Even so, this area is restricted to civilians.
“What? No. Actually, we’re checking out our second home, aren’t we Morla? Yes we are.”
Bob watches as Morla rolls over, accepting belly scritches like it’s totally normal to get belly scritches on an aircraft carrier. “Your second home?”
There’s a soft laugh, bright eyes scanning over Bob. “Yes. Morla is part of the Mutts With A Mission program.” You stretch out your hand, introduce yourself and Bob gently squeezes your hand in return. “I’m a veterinary assistant on base. In order for Morla to be part of the program, she needs a handler, preferably with a background in veterinary care so, I applied. And here we are. Didn’t think they’d process my paperwork this fast, so I’m scrambling to get to know the crew and ship. It’s a lot, really. But I’m part of the upcoming deployment. At least, Morla and I have our own room. Which by the way I hope we didn’t take from someone else. That would suck. I know space is a luxury on these ships. My dad was in the navy. So I know a few things… and… I’m talking too much, aren’t I? Gosh I’m sorry. First, Morla almost knocks you over and now, you’re listening to me go on and on, and I didn’t even ask for your name.”
Bob is still holding your hand, and now he’s laughing softly, cause how adorable are you. Honestly, you could’ve continued on and on. He wouldn’t have minded at all. But he’s volunteered to be a guide today and the next group will be here in ten minutes and he still has to get the welcome packets. “I’m Lieutenant Floyd.”
“Nice to meet you Lieutenant Floyd.” You smile and Bob is finally snapping out of it, slowly lets go of your hand.
He inhales sharply, chuckles when Morla bumps your hand with her head. And then he has a lightbulb moment. “The next group should be here soon, you know, for a tour of the ship. If you like, you and Morla can join us.”
You smile grows wider. “That sounds like a great idea, actually. I swear, I got turned around five times before I found the right way to the upper deck. Please tell me we’re stopping by the galley. I need a coffee. And something to snack on. Honestly considering on making a travel bag with snacks. I might starve to death if I ever get lost on this ship.”
Bob chuckles. There you go again. Talking away. But he already likes it. You’re already the energetic Yang to his quiet Yin. “Not to worry. I’ll show you how to read the plaques by the stairs so you’ll always know which deck and section of the ship you’re on.”
1. Where did you get video of my dog? Because WaspIke is a doppelgänger to my Holley.
2. I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH! Morla 😍 and the meet cute and the Yang to his yin? I love the bubbly, energetic, talkative personality with his quiet, subdued one
3. Write this. Right. Now.
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yourmomni · 1 year
Arguments 3
Hey yall I was asked to finished this so I did🩵🩵 hopefully you enjoy this
Jakesim X black reader
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Jake was beat. He didn't know how to fix this situation at hand without making you more upset.
You left earlier on your way to see about Jake's meeting. You wanted to see why he took that call. And why he would rather be here rather than with you.
Once you entered the office Jake's secretary immediately greeted you with this biggest smile.
" Mrs. Sim what brings you in?" You smiled at the sweet lady. " Hello Mrs.Park I was told Jake had an important meeting today." She nodded. " Well yes but he called me and said he wanted Mr.Lee to take over on his behalf."
You smirked. Of Course he would ask heeseung to take over in case of an emergency. He was his right hand.
" Ms.park you wouldn't mind directing me to the meeting room? Would you?"
Jake was still trying to find ways to get into the house. He was hungry and tired. The couch was getting hard and uncomfortable.
He had to find a way in.
He tried climbing up the rain gutter but kept slipping due to the rain that morning, then he tried opening the windows cursing when they wouldn't budge.
He was beat.
Maybe he did work too much to the point he was pushing you away and not spending time with you. You did so much for him and the least he could have done was make you happy.
He messed up
He pulled his phone out to call you to apologize but it wouldn't turn on. He groaned sliding off the sofa " I hate today so much."
He groaned. Then an idea hit him. He gasped standing up
Why the hell didn't he think of this idea sooner. He rushed to the Gate that led to the front of your house running to the front door. He went to the door pad that showed a device with a keypad.
" I'm such an idiot." He typed in the code which was your Anniversary and the front door opened.
Jake screamed in excitement running inside and closing the door. Going straight to you and his shared room.
He threw his clothes off hopping in the shower. The hot water hitting his skin relaxed his muscles as he moaned in satisfaction.
He was definitely going to make a call to his contractor to put a shower in the guest house along with a kitchen. Just in case he got himself in another predicament.
He wrapped a towel around his waist, happy to be clean. " What do I owe the pleasure ?" He jumped, grabbing his heart leaning on the dresser.
" Oh my gosh baby you scared me." You were leaning on the door with your arms crossed wearing a white shirt with a matching black blazer and a pencil skirt. Your strappy heels that reached All the way to your calves were mesmerizing.
" I see you finally found a way in huh." He nodded " yeah after many failed attempts." He looked up at his beautiful wife.
He would do anything for her. He opened his arms motioning for a hug and she immediately fell into his arms. " I'm sorry my love. I wasn't appreciating you like I know you deserve and I've been a huge dick to you lately. You're more important to me than any job and I've decided to take a break for a little."
Her eyes widened. " What no I don't want you to stop working." He frowned his eyebrows looking down at her pushing her hair back from her face. " Then what was this whole argument about? I thought you wanted to spend more time with me."
She pouted, pulling away from him, taking off her blazer and flopping on to the bed. " I went to the office today, I noticed that I never visit you at work so I should see what you do all day." He leaned down in front of me untying my heels, taking them off.
" I went into that big meeting you told me about." He faltered a little. " oh how did it go?" I huffed. " Really good. It was exciting seeing Heeseung close a deal. I see why you work so much." He smiled, pulling the shoes off and sitting them by the bed.
" I don't want you to stop doing what you love because of me. I want you to enjoy it more though. Celebrate those exciting wins. Hesseung told me you never go out with them after a huge accomplishment. Instead you come home to me." I sat up looking down at him as he rested his head on my legs gently stroking them with his finger.
" I'm sorry for making you sleep in the guest house. And leaving you out in the rain. And breaking your Lego death star." He whipped his head at me. " You did what?" I put my finger to his lips and shush him. " Hey we'll worry about that later but just know I'm very sorry."
I gently smiled, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it. " Let's never argue like this again." I nodded, leaning down and pecking his lips. " okay."
He stood up going to his closet. " Oh by the way I sent flowers to your mom to apologize for how I acted. Do you think she's going to like them." I shrugged unbuttoning my shirt. " Maybe throw in a fruit basket then some baseball tickets for my dad."
I heard him chuckle. " Okay noted." I unzipped my skirt taking it off as Jake emerged from the closet wearing a normal t-shirt and sweatpants. " How about we invite them over for dinner instead." He walked towards me grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. " Okay, sounds fun, I'll get the menu together." He was staring down at my lips biting his.
" this morning were you trying to tease me?" I raised my eyebrows. " What are you talking about."
He kissed my neck. " the oversized t shirt." Kiss. " with nothing under It but panties." He was kissing my neck now
All the way to my Jaw then to my lips. " You're so pretty." I laughed in the kiss. Pushing him away
" Baby i've been out all day and I'm wet from the rain. I'm going to go take a shower." I kissed his cheek going to the bathroom leaving him there in the middle of our room.
He whined pouting at me. "Come on, you've been mad at me all day. I just want a little love." I rolled my eyes at him. " I'm only gonna be 10, maybe 20 minutes we will watching a movie when I get out.
He groaned laying on the bed. " oh and by the way I wasn't wearing underwear." I winked at him closing the bathroom.
He laughed throwing a pillow at the door laying back in the bed
" Wait, did you really break my Lego set?"
He heard you gasp and turn the shower immediately he rolled his. He'll deal with that after you get out
He could get use to being home all the time
If it meant being with you
This is for you @jaeyunlover 🩵
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cornix-the-void-crow · 4 months
Your RHD owned by the Vees AU has caught my attention. I like it A LOT. It’s very 👀👀👀, and I’m dying to know more.
I saw you write stuff in the tags on some of the posts about wanting to know if anyone was interested in hearing more details/infodumping/etc. and, me. I am. I’m very interested. Please do tell whenever you have time. <3
Oh my gosh! I have so much stuff to tell!
One of those stuff is actually what happens with demonic contractors and contractees.
Demonic forms seem to be influenced in part by sins that each particular sinner has committed or vices they indulged in. Those sins have effect on the powers demons have, it's like a flavouring to their soul. In cases of more powerful demons, this flavour of sin is more present, more noticeable. The addictions become harder to resist indulging in, especially if they don't hurt the demon. Yet. With new souls, contractors actually receive not just the power boost, but also the good chunk of that sin flavouring, which is more intense the more powerful the soul they acquired. So, for example, if one was to win some hypothetical gambling overlord's soul, this lucky lucky demon may become more likely to take on risks with odd not exactly in one's favour. And because that is a gambling overlord we are talking about, the intensity of what is essentially a long-effect curse made it just a matter of time before the gamble did not play out in that demons favour.
Then, if one was to get an overlord-killer's soul with strong flavour mix of old time aesthetic and cannibalism, with some additions of spite and disrespect of status quo... well, aren't Velvette's tastes lean more savoury recently? And started wearing more accessoriesin art deco style?
On other end of the leash, contractees are left with more dulled version of their sin flavour. It's not the only thing that's muted, in a lot of cases natural vibrancy of more powerful demons gets dimmed once they are under contract. Some colours in their appearance may even shift the hues to certain degree. For example, did you know that in his half full demonic form Angel's eyes are less reddish hue than in his normal form? And his normal form's eye colour is actually relatively closer to pinkish red of Valentino's smoke, which is similar colour to Val's eyes? That's not even counting Vox's assistant, who almost casually cosplays resident TV objecthead.
The exchange is obviously not fair, but this is Hell we are talking about. At least there is hope that one's sin would be the one to break their contractor's back and cause their undoing. Though, some people may claim that having their sin no longer clouding their judgement is actually a benefit of being under a contract. But typically soul contracts are not actually made in contractees interest
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In The Name Of Love 💌 | Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd Headcanon
Link to my TGM masterlist
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Thank y’all so much for 900 followers!!! 🥹♥️ I appreciate all the love and support and can’t wait to share all my works with you lovely people 🥹 much more to come so stay tuned !!
Content Warnings: age gap (since LP was born in 1993 & probably canonically Bob was too, then lets imagine you were born in 1984-1985, also im basing this as though the setting for TGM is 2022 Instead of 2019), suggestive content, profanity, NSFW content below the cut. Also title of the song references a line in “pour some sugar on me” by Def Leppard which will be mentioned in this. Female!reader (she/her)
Bob falling in love with a woman older than him would look like:
Okay so envision you’re like 8 1/2 almost 9 ish years older than Bob & y’all didn’t meet until he was in his mid 20s—like roughly 26 and you were 35. By then he was already a Top Gun graduate and you were a civilian contractor who was very educated in astrophysics and aeronautical engineering, so it wasn’t a surprise when the school would call you back for some insight. You weren’t Bob’s instructor, in fact you didn’t formally meet him until the graduation ceremony where he accidentally bumped into you causing wine to spill on your dress.
“O-oh my gosh—I’m so sorry ma’am. I wasn’t paying attention—,” poor guy was embarrassed as hell and literally rushed to get napkins to help you. Thankfully your outfit was a simple, elegant black colored dress because if was fall so you tried to tell him it was okay and when y’all locked eyes Bob swore the Earth stopped spinning. Heat filled his veins, cheeks going bright red as he muttered a curse word before apologizing again—this time for his language. You were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life and the when he heard your voice, Bob felt like he could listen to it forever. Offering to replace your drink you followed Bob to the bar where you two fell into a conversation. That’s when you found out he was a WSO stationed at Lemoore and he graduated from the Naval Academy 5 years prior.
You pieced it together quickly you were quite a bit older than Bob—which was by almost a decade. At first it worried you when you started to feel attraction for him because most men in their 20s were typical bachelors and playboys who just wanted a quick fuck. They were immature, greedy, thought with the head between their legs and not the one attached to their necks. You dated playboys in college, and then in your 20s focused on building a career than having relationships. Now in your 30s you were hoping to find someone to share life experiences with and settle down. You never thought it would be with someone younger than you, but Bob seemed to be changing that opinion by the minute.
And who could blame you? In the few hours you two spent together at the ceremony & at The Hard Deck for the after party the attraction was so natural. Bob was handsome, intelligent, sweet, attentive, and hung onto every word you said. When you causally mentioned the year you graduated college and had been a Top Gun contractor for nearly a decade Bob didn’t even react. You kept doing that, mentioning details that were enough for him figure out you were much older than him. It was more so to see if he would get turned off and feel more drawn to flirting or conversing with someone closer to his age, but Bob never once gave you any indication that your age bothered him. When he excused himself at one point you thought that was it, that he had finally come to his senses or something, but then he returned with another glass of wine for you and water for him. “Why do you look so surprised?” “I…I thought you.. it’s stupid—I just thought you realized I was too old for you and would be better off with someone closer to your age.” “Forgive me, Y/n, if i’m being too forward but there’s no one else I’d rather be with right now. The age difference between us doesn’t bother me at all and I would love to continue getting to know you better if you let me. But if you don’t feel comfortable, I completely understand.”
In the beginning of your relationship with Bob, there was the feeling it wouldn’t work because of the age difference but within weeks your worries went away. You two were like perfect pieces to a puzzle, fitting so well you believed Bob was the person you’d been looking for. The WSO was very romantic when it came to you. Whatever your love language was, Bob was a natural at giving it whether it be physical touch, words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service or quality time. A big concern you had with dating a man younger than you was the idea of having to look after them like a mother would, but Bob never made you feel that way. You were his equal and Bob made sure you always felt that way. He was very mature, financially supported on his own with a great career, and could keep up with you in every way possible. Literally 😉
In Bob’s eyes, you were the definition of perfection. You were beautiful inside and out, insanely intelligent, witty, and made him laugh to the point of tears. Like you, Bob also had worries in the beginning. He thought you’d get bored of him, would think he was childish and were better off with someone your own age. But the more dates y’all went on and the weeks turning into months, Bob foresaw a future with you he was determined to have. He grew to love you so much that you being older was never something he thought of. Bob wanted to wake up every morning to you, fall asleep with you in his arms, go on long drives at night when neither of you could sleep, walk the beach, go to concerts of your favorite bands and artists, attend festivals and conventions. Have kids if that was what you wanted and simply grow old together.
Soon the whole age thing became more of a teasing lighthearted joke whenever you referenced something from the 80s/90s or he explained a popular meme you didn’t understand. Even when he proposed there was a joke somewhere in it, but again it was all in the name of love.
Speaking of in the name of love, we all know #Bobfucks and man’s definitely surprised you when y’all’s sex life was kicked into action. He loves when you call the shots and put him into place whenever y’all argue—boy does he get hard as a rock when you call him by his full name and wants you to take your anger/stress out on him—but Bob also knows how to take control….which you absolutely love. Remember you two are equals, but when it comes to the bedroom that’s when y’all can let fantasies play out and share them with each other. you are having to deal with a lot at work and being in charge of dumb people gets you pent up that when you come home you just want Bob to dominate you. And he sure as hell does with pleasure, but will do whatever you want him to. If you want it slow and sensual he’ll make love to you all night long….but if you want it fast and rough then don’t expect to walk the next day.
And Lord have mercy if a song you two enjoy fucking to comes onto the radio when y’all are driving. One time you were coming home from dinner when Def Leppard’s ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me,’ blasted on 80s on 8 and you gave him that look….Bob literally pulled off to the side of the road where he fucked you right in the back seat until the song was over. You more than likely have more experience than him and can teach him new things, but don’t get it twisted, Bob will surprise you. Your favorite thing is when y’all go to banquets and stand on opposite sides, but stare at one another with teasing looks and gestures to see how long the other breaks. One time you were getting hit on by an older officer, who blatantly ignored the ring on your finger, and Bob swooped in after you gave him that look again ….. the officer heard your screams of pleasure when he passed the mens restroom on his way out.
Family and friends were surprised when they learned about y’all’s age gap. Everyone thought you guys were the same age and although they were shocked at first they long forgot about it and never once made comments that made you two feel insecure. Your family loved Bob and thought he was perfect for you. They were so happy when y’all got married and the same was for his family. They adored you and saw how their son was smitten with you that they always forgot you were older than him by some years. Bob did sometimes get playfully teased by his friends because they were like, “Dating an older woman, hot.” (If you got that reference pls let me know lmao.)
Like when you both got called back to Top Gun for the uranium mission where Bob was a candidate and you were the civilian contractor asked to run the calculations and tests to make sure everything was in order. At the Hard Deck the night you got in, Bob had arrived early because you had a meeting with Cyclone, Warlock, and Maverick, which meant he got to meet the team before you. A lot of the team knew you from their time as students at Top Gun including Rooster, Phoenix, Payback, Hangman, and Coyote. You can bet they were all surprised to find out you and Bob were married, but a whole different reaction came the next day when Phoenix saw your class ring said the same college she attended and asked what year you graduated. The second you said 2006 some jaws dropped, snapping their glance to Bob with Hangman whistling as he smirked, “Damn, Baby on Board. It didn’t pass me to think you were into them older women. I’m a little jealous you managed to cuff the hottest contractor at North Island.” You simply rolled your eyes, made a witty comeback that had the others go ‘oooh,’ which in turn had Bob blush—not to mention you whispered something dirty in his ear to boost his confidence and remind him he was the only man for you.
You know, you thought when you entered your 30s single that it was going to be like that for the rest of your life if you didn’t find someone close in age or older who wanted the same things as you did. But that all changed when you met the sweet, adorable and lovable blue eyed man that was Robert Floyd. He changed your outlook on a lot of things, but most importantly that you anything is possible in the name of love.
Tag list: @avaleineandafryingpan , @caitsymichelle13 , @poppyalice2001 , @cutelittlepotatofry
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Tlou ep7 spoilers:
(I’ve referred to bella as they/them in this post)
To all those who doubted Bella Ramseys portrayal of Ellie before the show even fucking aired, I sincerely hope you have the maturity to admit that you were fucking wrong. Not only did you doubt Bella but you also doubted Neil druckmann (the creator) AND Ashley Johnson (OG Ellie) when they gave their approval of bella and their performance. There is no other word than outstanding to describe bella, their acting was spot on in this episode, it has been in the other episodes too but this one… this one right here I mean they gave us everything, the little side glances, the smiles, the admiration and love towards Riley was just amazing. All those little details and bella didn’t drop the ball once, throughout the entire episode you could see feel every emotion that ellie was feeling and aw man Rahul kohli put it best, “Bella Ramsey is one of the most talented and exciting actors emerging from the next generation”.
While Pedro had like five minutes in this episode he too was amazing, Joel demanding ellie to leave, find Tommy and pushing her away, absolutely fucking gut wrenching, and his face when he realised she never left him 😫😫😫
Storm Reid, bloody hell, again the casting in this show is fucking delicious, like I don’t know how else to describe it. They just don’t get it wrong. Her Riley was great, and even though (any who’s played the game) we know what’s coming for her character, she still delivered this absolutely heart breaking performance, when she notices Ellie’s bite, then lifts her own hand!!!!! I wanted to cry so bad. Storm and Bella did not miss at all and their sapphic tension was so beautiful and I love that it wasn’t shyed away from in the show, I hope they both get recognition and awards because that is the least they deserve.
This episode had some of they most beautiful shots and the lighting was to die for, cinematically it was just gorgeous. When the mall lights came on and it cut to Ellie and her reaction 🤌�� I’m sure we all had the same look on our face while watching it. The shot when the two were playing in the arcade and it pans to the runner/clicker, like I was DONE!! even if you hadn’t played the game, you just fucking knew what it meant and you’re left with dread for the rest of the episode, you’re on the edge of your seat waiting for it all to go wrong and it finally comes and your feeling defeated. You’ve just watched two kids share there first kiss only for them to be sent to their doom within the next few minutes, only for us to know that ellie survived and Riley didn’t. I played left behind when I was 14 just like ellie, I’m now 21 and I got thrown back 7 years ago to my teenage self and I remember feeling so fucking mad and upset for her, all the same emotions came back tonight as I sat and watched this episode, it doesn’t matter that I already knew what was going to happen because Bella and Storm have just elevated this story to a whole other level with their acting ability and no one, no one could have done a better job than those two
The shot of Ellie holding Joel’s hand, their hands curled around eachother, oh my gosh, I know there are people who don’t think that the show can give us anything more than what the game already has but it is fucking giving, it’s giving us all those extra details and insights to all the relationships that are formed and forming that we never got in the game. I mentioned this in my previous post regarding ep 6 but we get more background on Maria,her baby, her job, her marriage and pregnancy. Joel and him being a contractor, and having panic attacks and nightmares, the jokes and the glances between ellie and Joel and ellie and Riley, there’s just so many little things that give us so much more context and understanding and so many more things to love about these characters that we’ve already loved for so many years. and I just cant describe how much I appreciate it, I’m totally rambling at this point but I can’t stop.
Small points I want to shout out:
Mortal kombat!!!!
The clown and wolf mask
Ellie and Riley talking about lingerie 😂
The jumping between rooftops, I would’ve fucking loved to do that as a teenager
Ellie having to stitch Joel up, I’m not really squeamish but I did feel my face scrunch when I watched it
Ellie’s little smile then instant apology after kissing Riley 😫 “for what” 😭
When the dead body fell through the floor, not gonna lie it made me jump a lil, thought it was gonna come alive for a second,
Them stealing alcohol off a dead body 😂 like that’s fucked up
The photo both scene, aw man I wish the photos printed better for them 😢
Just Ellie being fucking gay, every smile or look towards Riley, especially on the carousel, like girl you’re so fucking in love
I like how we got to see how Ellie ended up in the fight at the start
The purple lighting in the arcade was gorgeous as well as the carousel 💜😍
Take on me!!! Who doesn’t love foreshadowing? This song is playing while Ellie is with the first girl she’s in love with, Joel’s gonna teach her how to play it on guitar at some point and then one day she’s gonna sing it to Dina, my heart can’t take this it’s too much!!! 😭😭
Um Ellie and Riley’s lol dance scene together was so fucking cute
My eyes fucking widened and my jaw dropped when I saw those bombs on the shelf!!! Like Marlene why are you letting this kid handle home made bombs??!!
I keep forgetting how much Ellie doesn’t know about the world before, first when she’s in the car for the first time, then the escalators then her Riley not knowing about screenshots lol, it’s really freaking adorable. Electric stairs.
Also did Riley say she is almost 17? That kinda threw me a lil bit
If I got assigned to sewage detail I would run away too
I don’t know why but when captain kwong said to Ellie that he sees a leader in her i thought it was interesting
The naughty dog logo!!! The paw on the keys kwong has on his desk
Dawn of the wolf
Those freaking dolls in the doll store where the infected was, that was actually really creepy to me
This entire episode was just so well done, beautiful shots, lighting, music, cast, and Bella and Ellie were fucking phenomenal, I can’t wait til we get to the next episode, also kinda scared too cos we know what’s coming
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guysgoneexposed · 24 days
Shower tales: HankyPanky
Josh: Oh good! I thought Hank was supposed to have already started working on my new shower. Something must have come up, which is great for me. The warm water wasn't working at the gym, so I need to take a quick shower before work. Hank and I go way back(kind of), I had a huge crush on him back in High School, but I don't think he even knew I existed. I assumed the water would already be off, but it looks like there's time for one last quick shower. I guess Hank is starting tomorrow? I'm kind of excited to be seeing more of him in person again, I was so excited to see he was working here in town. He also doesn't know I know about his secret online persona : HankyPanky. I was actually the anonymous fan of his that inspired him to start sharing himself online all those years ago. I've been his biggest fan and supporter ever since. I've seen every inch of him, and I'm so thankful he is so willing to share all of his naughty adventures. He is also a contractor that does all sorts of renovations. I am paying him well, because I've heard he does wonderful work. When we met last week to talk about what I wanted, it was is if we were in High School all over again... I went from a confident adult to a puddle of mumbling shyness on seeing how well he has aged. I don't think he even remembers me. He had some great ideas, and I just kept trying to sound like a normal person, and my words kept failing me. Gosh he's so damn hot.
Hank: Josh has no idea how hot he is. He is so adorable, always has been. I spent most of High School crushing on him, wishing he'd make a move. HankyPanky all started because of him. Someone anonymously suggested that I start sharing my beautiful body with the world online , so I created this online persona and it quickly went from thirst traps to full on everything anyone wanted. I have one mega fan that pays for all sorts of kinky things and basically keeps food on my table. Ive been making content for him for years and have never met him. We are so connected, it's like he knows my deepest darkest secrets and loves who I am any ways. I've always dreamed it was Josh, and pretend I'm doing it all for him... but I know that's just too good to be true... a guy can dream. When Josh called to see if I could help out with a new shower, I jumped at the chance. I even moved some other jobs around on my schedule to make sure I got the job. I always take 'before' images of my work so I can show off the transformation. I was supposed to start this morning, but I forgot my camera at home. I told Josh to expect the water to be off most of the week. He said he'd just shower at the gym. I have this kink where I like taking nudes in my clients homes and posting them online. It's something my number one fan suggested and has kind of become my thing. I have quite the following of folks who love seeing be be very very naughty in strangers homes. I'm kind of excited to get naked in Josh's house. Seeing him again after all these years, proves he still takes my breath away. He tries so hard to impress and fumbles, but that just makes him all the sexier. I am going to take my sweet time redoing his shower to maximize the potential for connecting with him. I feel like I might shoot my shot with him, of there is any chance to have something with him... I want to try. Back at his house with my camera, I start to get excited at stripping off in HIS house. As soon as I get inside, I peel off my clothes and take a few pics in his kitchen and living room... then decide to head up stairs to his bathroom to get some of my before shots.
Josh: Hank almost always takes nudes in his client's home. I should know... I'm his biggest fan. Fingers crossed I'll get to see those nudes of him in MY house. It'd be a dream come true. His hot body showing off where I spend most of my time naked. Enough fantasizing, time for a quick shower before work! One last shower in my old shower. I peel my clothes off and throw them in the washer and walk naked up to my bathroom. I turn the shower on and let it warm up. I lather up and start touching myself just drooling over the idea of Hank getting naked in my house, knowing I'll get to see him enjoying himself and working on MY shower. I spent all those years to scared to even say hi to him, and now we're both adults and I have nothing to lose. I want to tell him I'm his biggest fan and tell him I want him. I think we're perfect for each other, maybe I'll ask him out for dinner to celebrate a job well done? Just as I finish rinsing off, I hear a camera shutter click and look up to see Hank standing there BUTT ASS NAKED taking pictures of me... me... NAKED!
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frogspawned · 6 months
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this is such incredibly poor reasoning. biden is actively alienating his own party, you know, the thing he needs to have behind him to win, the people who want him to win this fucked up binary of bad options, to appeal to people who absolutely will not vote for him. who cares if they are stirred up! they don't like him anyways! they were never going to be swayed to the left, particularly in the current extremely polarized political climate in the united states. you're alienating your base for ZERO return. why are mainstream democrats always pulling this same tired routine? it has NEVER worked! you're just cutting away your own support, like some idiot sawing at his own rope while dangling over a cliff, because some of the other guy's might slip loose (spoiler they won't).
if trump wants to be the most pro-israel president in history, why are you competing with him for it? let him fucking die on that hill. your actual voters, your staff, the whole fucking world world are all BEGGING you to get off the hill.
"my opponent wants to wear the shit crown, but gosh, his followers -- who hate me viscerally and will never support me under any circumstances -- won't like it if i don't fight for the shit crown. oh well! guess i better wear it first!"
i'm already holding my fucking nose knowing i'm going to have to vote for this joke, because the alternative is the the same but worse! at least i can try to shame biden, and pressure him! we've moved the needle incrementally, and the momentum is building. too slow, but it is. the us abstained for the last UN vote for ceasefire. which is not enough, laughably paltry by any stretch, but at least it's creeping in the right direction. trump's going to continue to fund israel's war machine gleefully, with no hold's barred, if not ramp it up. he will actively enjoy any protest as red meat for his followers. because then he can whinge and posture and puff himself up. biden has an emotional attachment to the idea of israel? who gives a shit joe! maybe one should care more about the reality than the idea, and the reality is undeniable at this point. it's standing stark and naked before the world.
the reality is the united states has poured BILLIONS into a genocide machine who openly celebrates ethnic cleansing. idf soldiers put up selfies and funny tiktoks, and loot the homes of the palestinians they've slaughtered for the crime of existing on land they want. idf snipers target aid workers and doctors and children. they block food and medicine. they blow up trucks of flour. this is not speculation -- even if someone doesn't believe what their own eyes can see, every day, of the horrors pouring out of palestine, then take israel's word for it. they're proud of what their doing. they celebrate it. they snipe old women and beat old men to death, use children as bait for ambulance drivers, tear down homes and temples and mosques and centuries old olive groves then post it for their friends and family to see. they actively corroborate their own war crimes on tiktok.
but because it's easy, because the us has always done it, because it makes money for contractors and makes evangelicals giddy about the apocalypse, we'll just continue to pour anti tank rounds into their hands, missiles, drones, whatever tools they need to """mow the grass"""" in gaza. the military industrial complex has the us in an inescapable chokehold, in every facet of our lives, and god forbid we stop throwing lives and money and blood down the endless money hole. they might stop bombing people if we stop sending them bombs! and then how will israel sell that prime beach front property?
and in a decade we'll wring our hands and coo about what a tragedy it was, how sad, how inevitable, and throw up a fucking memorial in some park so we'll never forget.
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Hi! Just finished with the Lost Episode! :D Firstly, I want to say I did tear up a little ngl! (But the good kind, promise! I appreciate stories that can pull that off!)
So many emotions! The hunter really got hit from all sides huh? Which I guess in a way helped because having their attention so divided prevented a solid reaction about, well, everything. The waking up as a vampire, their friend not wanting to let go, then their friend being a whole Demon (or two whole halves of a demon?), the thirst that was taking so much of their focus (and which is now basically a source of self-loathing), the dilemma of cryptids being able to feel so much more, AND basically a confession of feelings from their friend, you know, the Demon. Not to mention the morality crisis they are probably going to be dealing with for A While.
I imagine that the whole turmoil also made it way easier to accept the true nature of Sun and Moon. They were offering comfort, and god, did y/n seriously needed that. They were first shown the caring side of them. And also the offer they make as a solution makes sense. They will kill evil people regardless, so y/n only has to take advantage of it. Of course it's not perfect, because they feel really strongly about protecting even bad humans, and I can imaging that on an emotional level, feeding will probably be the part they hate the most about their new existence.
Not even to mention the things they will realize they miss with time. I imagine they no longer will be able to eat any food even for pleasure. The warmth of the Sun, that is now lethal to them. They will have to be very careful around other people, not even knowing how often they need to feed, so they will have to be even more reclusive than before. They lost their friendship with Vanessa. I imagine those days will be the tougher ones, the ones when they struggle to keep their promise the most. Their reflection also being something they probably will have mixed feelings about. I almost thought the one in the bathroom would be broken or at least covered, but I guess that might just make it more difficult for them to get used to it instead of helping in any way.
I do like the hopeful ending! The next days especially will be the toughest to come, but they have their demon that promised them they won't let them turn into a monster, and provide comfort when they need it (which will probably be often). They still have a sense of purpose, to protect from other dangerous cryptids, though they will probably have to leave their contractor soon for their safety and secure other means to find their hunts. And maybe even discover other kinds of joys in this new life! They are stronger now, have better senses. Maybe they can get to experience a walk at night through a forest like they never did before. Maybe they'll get to hear sounds that suddenly seem more clear and wonderful than before. Maybe they'll get to see the stars and notice so much more that their human eyes couldn't before. Who knows! It's for them to discover now.
All in all, awesome chapter! Glad it's not canon, but very glad it exists and that I got to read it!
Hey, babe! Oh my gosh, that makes me so happy to hear that ;-; I'm really glad it's the good kind, too ♥
Ahh, that's exactly it! Y/N is getting slammed with one world-twisting event right after the other and basically has to go "Okay" because how does one process everything like that all at once?? But it did help soften the blow of Sun/Moon's true nature revealed, so that's one good thing out of that entire mess! I believe I've said this before but the canon reveal will go differently than in The Lost Episode. Very differently.
Oh yes, Y/N is not going to be okay with drinking blood for a long time, if at all. It's just so haunting and despicable by its nature, but, Y/N promised to stay, so they're going to do their best to adapt, even if they hate themselves for it.
Y/N's going to miss the Sun the most, but they do have Sun to make up for it ♥
Awww, yes, I love that! Sun/Moon showing Y/N the good things about their new state of existence and how their senses can reveal so many beautiful things, too ;-;
Thank you so much for reading!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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f0point5 · 6 months
From your recently graduated tax accountant 😊 -
Tax evasion is the illegal one and avoidance is legal 🤷
Not all of these tax breaks are available to everyone because different tax brackets do exist BUT, plenty of is available to the public (most people just don't know what to look for). All your 'favorite' celebrities and influencers do it, not just the dtivers
Oh gosh yeah that’s true!
Totally spaced on that lol. But congrats on your graduation!
I mean, not even celebrities, anyone with a modicum of wealth that necessitates a personal accountant will likely be advised of ways to optimise their earnings. For a brief period I was a contractor and was on the books of my family accountant, he set up a way for me to pay less tax. And I wasn’t even earning that much. Gaming the system is just…what you do. Everyone plays the game at their own level.
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Fictober 10/31 -- “It’s my name on the line.”
Why Bruce? Because he knows what it’s like to hide because people fear you.
Also while I do like Antman and Antman and the Wasp, I also really liked BFFs Tony and Janet more so 🥺 That’s what we’re going with instead. Like I said! A pocket of time post-2012 Avengers.
It’s over 2K so look out for the cut!
“Dr. Banner,” JARVIS said, breaking through the haze of calculations Bruce was working on in his head.
Bruce blinked, trying to refocus his eyes from the microscope he’d been looking through to his glasses that had fallen back into place when he’d stood up. He tipped his head back to look at one of JARVIS’s cameras. “What?”
“Ms. Weber would like to speak to you, but she wants to make sure that now is an okay time.” There was a pause. “She has advised me to tell you she’s got cookies.”
“She doesn’t need to bribe me if cookies if she wants to talk,” Bruce began. “I’m in the middle of something, though, so if she could—”
“They’re molasses cookies with pieces of candied ginger in them,” JARVIS cut in.
Bruce began hastily shutting down his equipment. “I’ve got the samples of goo out so just tell her that I’ll come up to her.”
“Very good,” JARVIS replied, sounded both smug and amused.
It was only when he was standing in front of Lottie’s door, hand raised to knock, that he realized he hadn’t asked if it was okay. Maybe she wanted to meet somewhere more neutral. The common room probably would have been better. They were two very dangerous people, after all, and the last time (the only time) he’d been in her apartment in the tower, it had been to use the Hulk to subdue her if she had another panic attack.
The door opened before he could ask JARVIS to relay a request to meet in the common room. Lottie stood there, blinking at him. She frowned, brows furrowing together in concern. “Are you okay?”
Bruce realized, belatedly, his hand was still raised to knock. He dropped it to his side quickly, shuffling his feet in embarrassment. “I was just—is it alright for me to come in?”
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t it be?” Lottie asked, eyebrows raising in surprise. “I’d tell you if it wasn’t.”
“I suppose you would,” Bruce had to agree, rubbing the back of his head. Lottie had been very upfront about telling them that she had lost any sort of filter and that if she didn’t like something, she had no problem saying so. He couldn’t help but wonder if it had to do with her stabbing, but he wasn’t fool enough to ask her that. He followed her inside when she turned, leaving the door open for him, and immediately stopped in surprise when he saw that Tony’s contractors had already fixed the wall and painted over it. It was a nice lavender now. “Oh. That’s a lovely color.”
Lottie clasped her hands together and did an excited little two-step. “Right?! I’ve always wanted a purple room! And look—” She rushed over to the opposite wall, which had a very lovely floral print on it, little white and pinkish-purple flowers on thin black stems. She waved her arms at it, gushing, “A wallpaper feature wall! I love it so much, I’m so glad Tony let me do this.”
Bruce did not tell her that Tony would give her the shirt off his back if she asked for it, because she’d probably learn that in time. He liked when the people he cared for were happy and had offered to remodel for Bruce if he didn’t like something in his own apartment. He was used to worse, so he took it as it was, but he was glad to see how happy Lottie was with the changes she’d made to hers. “It’s lovely. You’ve got a good eye for colors and textures.”
“Thank you!” Lottie exclaimed happily, then sort of blinked, stunned. “Oh my gosh that’s what I wanted to ask you about. I was so excited to show off I almost forgot. Sit down and have a cookie.”
Bruce didn’t need to be told twice, sitting down at the couch and grabbing a cookie from the plate on the coffee table. “Delicious,” he said after eating it in two bites.
Lottie stared at him, glancing back and forth between he and the cookies, before she reached out and pushed the plate closer to him. “Have all you like. I made too many.”
Probably just enough, considering how the Avengers ate, but Bruce wasn’t going to say anything about that either, taking another cookie and taking a more company-appropriate bite. “Thank you.”
Lottie watched him a little longer, then dropped into the papasan chair across the table from him. “Okay, I have no idea how to ask this, so I’m just going to come right out and say it. How did you get comfortable with your name being in the papers?”
“I didn’t,” Bruce answered immediately, then paused as the question really registered. He looked up at Lottie, taking another bite and chewing slowly as she took in how disappointed she looked. He swallowed and cleared his throat, then very carefully asked, “Why?”
“I—I’ve been trying to stay out of the media for a long time,” Lottie began, looking down at her lap. She lifted a hand to curl a lock of her brown hair around her finger, letting the ringlet slide from it and then rewrapping it over and over again. “I don’t want my pictures up everywhere, don’t want people talking about me. But I—there’s this contest. And I wanted to enter it. But if I do, I’d have to put my name on it. What if I win? All the write-ups about it will have my name too. It’s my name on the line, my—my privacy. But I want to enter,” she finally finished, voice small. “I have this great idea, and it would be cool to show people. Even if I don’t win, at least people would see it.”
Bruce remembered the link she’d sent all of them to her cloud, which she apparently shared with all her friends and family. He’d taken a peek, just once, to see what was in it—pictures of dresses, and photos New York, and videos of her cooking food. All of it was interesting, but all of it was carefully guarded behind passwords changed once a month, and he’d felt uncomfortable with her anxiously changing passwords, like he was intruding, that he hadn’t looked again.
It hadn’t occurred to him that she might be starving for interaction, not leaving the tower but once a month to go shopping with her ex-neighbor. Most women her age had jobs outside their house, had friends to visit, parties and concerts to go to, friends to invite home. They had Instagram pages where they could show off, Facebook profiles where they could update their friends and family on their lives and interact. Lottie had a cloud that was password-protected, that you had to be invited to see, and perhaps not all of her friends got the new password every month.
Lottie was here. Alone. All of her friends and family back home on the west coast, with Phil her only real tether here. Her life hidden behind passwords, without even an anonymous account somewhere for her to show off her successes. She seemed happy enough, most days.
She looked really unhappy now.
“Maybe you can enter anonymously,” Bruce offered. “Or with a proxy. Maybe Tony’s legal team could look into it.”
Lottie sat up a little straighter, but then she sort of sagged back into herself, chewing on her bottom lip. “I don’t want to be a bother,” she finally said, frowning down at her lap again.
Bruce fumbled for a way to comfort her, breaking another cookie in half to do something with his hands and shoving one whole half in his mouth. He glanced around the room, frantic, then looked back at her. “Well, what’s the contest? What’s your idea? Maybe I’ll be able to tell you if Tony would think it would be a bother or not.” Nothing would be a bother, but he knew she wouldn’t believe him at this point.
“Oh, well,” Lottie began, wringing her hands in her lap. “It’s silly.”
“It can’t be, if you care about it,” Bruce told her gently. “I’d love to hear your idea, Lottie.”
Lottie squirmed where she sat, then got to her feet and carefully paced around the living room three times before she sat down again. “It’s a fashion competition. It’s being held by Van Dyne Fashion. They have it every year, and this year, the theme is the Avengers.”
“Ah,” Bruce said, recalling it vaguely. “Tony had us sign some paperwork for it so they could use our likenesses. Proceeds go to charity, right?”
“Yes, for victims in Avengers battles,” Lottie answered. “The winner also gets a cash prize I think, but I don’t actually want the money. I just want to enter some dresses and have them be seen.”
Bruce hummed and idly ate another cookie. “I’m pretty sure the only reason this is happening is because it’s specifically for charity and because Tony actually knows the Van Dynes personally. Maybe, if you can’t enter anonymously, Tony could just… ask. I think he’s been looking for an excuse to go to their boutique. He said something about how ‘Janet wants me in a pinstripe suit, but she only trusts herself with that.’”
“I think Tony would look killer in a pinstripe,” Lottie mused, then seemed to remember what he was saying and looked at him again. “Do you think that would be okay? It’s a big project but I’m willing to make it my only project until the contest, but only if I can actually enter it.”
“I think it’ll be okay,” Bruce assured her. “In fact, why don’t we wrap up some cookies and go ask him together? I’ll be your moral support.”
Lottie brightened like the sun, bouncing to her feet and bounding over to the kitchen. Bruce couldn’t help but smile after her. He figured it meant they would be seeing a little less of her, but she had a way of showing up in the common room with her sewing machine sometimes, and he’d even once found that she’d convinced Thor and Clint to cut some lace for her and they’d been very focused on making it perfect, so. Maybe she’d need help with this project, too.
“Do you think it would help if I told Tony I already designed the Iron Man dress?” Lottie asked as she walked back over to him, another plate of cookies covered with plastic wrap in her hands.
“As long as you show him the pictures? Yes,” Bruce deadpanned, because Tony was a nerd who loved seeing the Iron Man armor.
“Great! Hold these! Don’t eat any, you had like ten already and your mouth will hurt from the sugar coating if you eat more,” Lottie added, shoving the plate into his hands and bounding out of the room.
Bruce blinked after her, then turned and looked at the plate on the table. He winced when he realized that what had once been a full plate now had three cookies left on it. He turned as she came back in, raising his eyebrows when he saw her already opening her sketchbook. “You don’t need to show me. I believe you.”
“No, I designed the one for the Hulk already, too,” Lottie said, turning it around so he could see it. “I wanted to show it to you first. Thanks for helping me, Bruce.”
“You’re welcome,” Bruce answered faintly, arrested by the first picture his eyes landed on of the dress in question.
It was… elegant. He hadn’t really expected it to be—the Hulk was not elegant at all. The bodice and skirt were done in purple, but the sleeves and a petticoat(?) were done in green. The sleeves looked wispy, lacy almost, sort of ballooning out at the ends until they gathered at the wrist again. His eyes darted over the other pictures—a back view, that showed the back of the dress had a deep V to show off more of the green fabric, that it gathered into something like a rosette at the base of the spine. The green petticoat came down further in the back, almost like a train. The side view added more depth, how there was apparently supposed to be some sort of scroll-work designs on the green fabric, embroidery or lace or something, he thought.
Even if he hadn’t known it was based on the Hulk, he would have been impressed. But he knew, and it made something warm bloom in his chest, that someone could see the destruction the Hulk wrought and still make something beautiful out of it.
“What do you think?” Lottie asked, still smiling, but it had gotten nervous around the edges, eyebrows pulling down in concern. “Is it too much?”
Bruce tried to speak, but he couldn’t around the lump in his throat. He sucked in a shuddering breath.
“Oh my god you hate it,” Lottie said, arms dropping to her sides.
“I love it,” Bruce managed to choke out, and hoped he came across as sincere and not totally panicking because she looked like she was about to cry. “It’s beautiful. I never would have come up with it myself. If the Iron Man dress is even half as good, Tony will commission it himself and put it up in the lobby.”
“I don’t want him to put it in the lobby. I’d rather wear it myself,” Lottie said, confused. “He’s my favorite Avenger.”
Bruce lifted a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Please I’m begging you not to tell him that he’s your favorite Avenger. We will literally never hear the end of it.”
“I’ll just focus on the dress,” Lottie promised, hugging the sketchbook to her chest.
Bruce sighed. “He’s gonna be insufferable about that, too.”
“Well,” Lottie began, then shrugged. “I mean. It’s him.”
Bruce wished he didn’t understand what she meant, but he did.
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
"A Commitment to All Things Cozy" liveblog!
FINALLY!! I've been super busy, but I can finally sit down and just enjoy myself. I'm watching both episodes- episode 6 tonight, and episode 7 either tonight or in the morning.
As always, spoilers below the cut!
0:32 the fact that they highlighted the "treat them without mercy" line in the recap makes me Nervous
0:58 oh shit, they didnt even play the intro. Things are getting serious
1:08 .....Martina?
1:32 and Martina :) team up of the century
1:47 "classic." God I missed Kate and Martina's dynamic
2:10 "to bring Curtain down" we love a vindictive woman
2:27 "Are you okay with this, Constance?" GOD I LOVE HER SO MUCH. she took the time to pause and get consent from the affected party. QUEEN BEHAVIOR.
2:31 "no one can punish her more than she punishes herself." Mic drop baby girl
2:33 "that's true 😥" HAHAHAHA
2:39 Italy? Somehow I did not expect that
2:52 "um... we are independent contractors....no skin in the game." "Not at all." "open to a buy out." okay this is fucking golden
3:03 LMAO HEY the gang's all together
3:17 MILLIGAN USED A TRANQ GUN SHDJDJDHJD. Even if it's just a blow dart one it COUNTS
3:21 "Hello." what an entrance
3:27 fambly 🥺
3:56 MILLIGAN WHY DO YOU RUN LIKE THAT. Boy's high-kneeing
4:15 oh my gosh you could SEE her make the choice to sacrifice herself. Tears. TEARS.
4:33 shit. SHIT. MILLIGAN.
4:55 oh now the opening plays? After that shitshow???
6:02 this is fucking strange
6:28 twi-night by stephanie meyers, coming soon to a theater near you
7:10 while I agree that there are people in the world who refuse to be happy, people who dont want to their brain chemistry to be chemically altered with some kind of high-risk strain of hypnosis dont fall into that category
7:19 Nicholas I swear to god if you dont appreciate number two the way she deserves
8:30 I love the artistic prowess, the peels are adorable 😂
8:59 the comment about the clothes being too tight was, uh. Not necessary. Dont love that
9:46 "Good. Are you prepared to do it?" That is the question, and I'm really not sure what the answer is. I dont think Mr B knows the answer either
10:09 damn, they're really getting into it 😂
10:20 "Ha." MILLIGAN
11:09 "I'm sorry. I'm not helping." "Dont apologize, if you're feeling something, it's okay, say it!" First of all, queen behavior from Rhonda once again. Second, PLEASE. Reynie has been bottling up his feelings since day fucking one, let the boy vent
11:37 "and angry." "At what?" "Myself." Hoooo boy we're getting into it
11:51 "more. Louder." YES LET HIM YELL IT OUT
12:09 glad he's getting this out but why rip off the vest 😂😂😂 what did the vest do to you
12:10 DAMN LMAO scream it out!!!
12:26 "how did that feel?" "Good. Strange, but good." Yeah it's strange because you bottle everything up
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12:51 how did they manage to hitchhike on a chicken truck. How did they get here 😂
13:36 I thought people outside the compound didnt receive the technique thing, but this guy seems pretty frozen
14:21 that inn seems like it's right in front of them, why did they just notice it now lol
14:30 that front entry looks adorable.
14:38 weird vibes from these two
15:04 "a commitment to all things cozy." Cheers to that, and roll credits!
15:38 awww, I love the mug cozies :) I tried to make those one time, but you have to be very careful because if you make them wrong bc it will literally never come off of the mug and you'll never be able to get it entirely clean or dry because of the yarn LOL
16:28 how much are they about to charge these kids for room and board, because I hate to break it to you but they're flat fucking broke
16:45 dumbass didnt realize that a pushpin would keep the globe from turning. Definition of book smart versus street smart
16:59 I was thinking about this earlier, Curtain has had no interaction with Miss Perumal, there's no reason he would recognize the name or know her significance
17:23 I like how he was so sure that Miss Permual's story was a cover when it's just. True.
17:49 oh here we go, they're gonna tell him
18:11 two things:
1. Shoot your shot, you're probably doing better than Marlin anyway lol
2. I love how hard they're trying to break the news gently, but it's not going to work with the monstrous temper on that guy 🥴
18:37 is he calling the victims weak-minded? Like what's the founding in that? Also, that still makes it a side effect of the happiness cult
18:42 "and ethically, their medical condition cannot be shared with the others" he said hipaa laws, bitch
18:59 daaaamn.
19:05 "I dont trust this doctor. Find another one." Maybe that's why he hired Marlin, they're two sides of the same coin. He said the same thing
19:28 "is this the silence of consensus?" "I dont need protecting." Okay two things:
1. Kate's fierce independence is rearing its head, girl basically raised herself and now she has to get used to letting people have her back. I had to do the same thing growing up. Love to see it.
2. I'm sorry but Milligan's sass is the funniest fucking thing to me, you go boy
19:40 "I am careful." "You fell off a cliff. carefully?" book!Milligan cant really say anything about that one, but show!Milligan can 😂
19:51 "I was alone for a really long time. I had to learn to take care of myself." THERE IT IS.
19:56 "and then you just...showed up!"
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20:17 "ARE WE PREPARED TO WIN??" Martina I love the energy you're bringing, but please read the room 😂😂😂
21:00 oh baby I know you're young but I KNOW you did not just do that
21:28 I dont think roasting your hosts is going to get you very far
21:42 yeahhhh I'm with Sticky
21:50 okay so every arc is coming to a peak right now, damn
22:10 tell me this isn't about to be another tv special
22:12 ughhhh
22:38 I dont like this
22:49 creepy. I guess that's how people outside the compound get recruited
23:12 "could I have predicted that Elena would start instead of me? No one could. Because it makes no sense." I love the shade 😂 she's so passionate
23:27 "but no matter what goes down, I'm glad we got to hang out again."
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23:34 Madge's honor, that's adorable
23:57 "but standing by if you need me...while also giving you space" I love him so much hahahahah
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24:18 Martina's parents not putting in effort to get to know her explains why she tried so damn hard in school- to get their attention
24:22 "Your dad's trying."
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24:56 god he's about to see her and not have any clue wtf is happening
25:22 that poor man
25:57 it's so alien hearing her say such high praise 😂
27:07 I'm so glad they were able to blow up at each other, and now they can actually talk through it. That's so important.
27:13 "I'm confused too. But I love you just the way you are." My daddy issues are QUAKINGGG.
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27:50 god Reynie doesnt even know and Milligan's trying to break it easy
28:14 "wait, did you just call me sticky?" That's right, she only ever calls him George or George Washington
28:33 the fucking pose 🥴 corny bastard
28:46 "my failure at the Institute shattered me as a man" really? Couldnt tell from the desperacy to prove yourself
29:18 what is that coat thing??? Fugly
29:47 he looks so stupid in the hobo clothes
30:20 why are they both so weird and stiff
30:56 and this is the reason Reynie's joke landed last season- both of their senses of humor are broken 😂
31:28 oh damn, how did they even know her to recommend her? That's interesting
32:01 "we forgive you." They have the creepy twin thing nailed
32:11 THE PATS
32:19 Martina you sneaky snake 😂😂
32:57 we love a responsible girl. Or at least slightly responsible
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33:11 "I'll see you down the road, friends." PLEASE tell me that means she's planned for S3
33:44 the sideeye he just gave her 🤨
34:10 oh he is so gonna blow it
34:17 funky looking pot. I like the colors
34:54 dude
35:24 so this is his plan, sic the kid on her
Wow, what an episode. Overall, good!! Lots of action, character arcs are moving towards resolution. Didnt love some of the side commentary, especially those couple weight jokes. That was tasteless and unnecessary. But generally things are falling into place. I cant wait to watch episode 7!
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crones-trash · 2 years
In reply to Anon: Because of water leakage, mold & structural damage, the disaster at my new house is covered by the previous owners' home insurance...so far. I have made it clear to the contractors that I am not responsible for the cost of anything. I'm only being inconvenienced.
What held up progress was the plumbers not being willing to re-enter the crawlspace until the restoration teams removed all toxic elements. Inhaled insulation fibers can cause cancer, ya'know, not to mention people who aren't allergic can be sickened by it.
One of the restoration guys came by today to install a new subfloor in the master bath that ought to seal off the mold from entering the house. He said the crawlspace was clear but not quite dried out. I told him, not clear enough for the plumbers & suggested they use a shop vac to suck up remaining fibers & standing water. He agreed they would.
It's a good thing I flipped houses back in the 70's & learned how to work w/ contractors. I'm reasonable, haven't cried or cussed, begged or threatened. I told the plumber I imagined all the joins & joints would need to be replaced after being submerged in water for only-gawd-knows how long. He said, nah, it would be quicker, easier & more cost-efficient to replace the whole plumbing system. Apparently, they come almost pre-assembled for manufactured homes. I replied, "You need to convince the insurance people, not me. I just want it done as soon as possible." He agreed, "Yes, mam."
So that's where I'm at. The Park's maintenance man comes by w/ a bucket of water every day to sit by the toilet. I've got cheap 5-liter water dispensers for drinking & brushing my teeth. Now, if I can only find a washrag, I'll get it wet, wring it out, & zap it warm in the microwave to wash my face. Otherwise, I'll be taking showers once a week at my daughter's house & get my laundry done.
The main inconvenience is the delay in the improvements I planned to do. Ya can't paint walls without water to wash your brushes & hands. And I can't have someone from Bathfitters come by to give me estimate until we can both breathe in both bathrooms.
By the way, the total cost so far is $17,000! Oh. My. Gosh.
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fluffy-critter · 9 months
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creedslove · 1 year
marii bb i’m in eps 3 of tlou AND GOSHHHH. everytime joel shows off his brute strength… beating a guy to d word… working in the quarantine zone… GOSH I’M CREAMING SO BAD. he knows his shit he’s tough and rough and self sufficient GOSH WE DESERVE TO BE HIS WIVES 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 we deserve to the whole cringy “joel look at me pretend it’s just you and me in the room” to him 🥹🥹🥹 wanna wrap his bruised knuckles gently with my cute handkerchief 🥹🥹🥹🥹 HE’S SO SMART AND HE GETS THE JOB DONE 😫😫😫😫😫😫 HE’S SO HUSBAND 💝💝💝💝💝
also yes you’re right abt the stickers comparison !! i actually have a sheet of puffy stickers from the dollar section in target that my mom got me when i visited the us like 6 years ago… half of it is still there and i’m still saving it 🤣🤣
-jerk loving anon
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First of all, my beautiful loving jerk anon, I think Joel had absolutely no right to look that hot while murdering that FEDRA agent, all I wanted to do was to take his bruised hand, caress it and wash it, make sure he was okay 🥺
I totally get what you're talking about stickers as well sis because I bought some in like 2016/2017 and I still have them at home because they're too perfect and honestly I'll only use them to decorate my baby's bedroom when Joel gets me pregnant 🥺
Like, I'm sure at first he would be shy because well he is older and he would be like 'oh I'm just an old contractor, she's never gonna like me, I have nothing to offer' when in reality we're just so crazy about him and we are so proud of his hard job and we gush about him all the time to family and friends AND GOD FORBID some motherfucker makes a rude joke or comment about Joel and his job or try to imply he is not intelligent or worthy of you just because he is "a simple man" or "uneducated" and I would kill and go feral, I would never let anyone be mean to Joel because he is a hard working honorable man and he does his best for his family and I would show everyone how much I love him, I want to clean up everything for him so he gets home after work to a nice, comfortable house, I'd cook him too, and I would love to do gardening. Honey, I'm sure Joel would get your gloves so you wouldn't be hurt or he would just get the food and flowers from the store, that's fine really
And speaking of something illegal, I would love to smoke weed late at night sitting in the back of his truck with him, that would be so good, and in fact I would love to have this interaction with him, I already imagined that's the place he will decide he will propose to us 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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saltynsassy31 · 2 years
Bot boy ramblings part 3: Pizzaplex is not well built
An idea that I don't see brought up at all, is the idea that the pizzaplex is not constructed well.
Remember in fnaf 6 when the tutorial unit said this?
"There may be times when you purchase something of questionable quality and we don't blame you. Cutting corners is just good business."
Keep this statement in mind whilst I bring up my next point
As someone who's taken an engineering class,, when you are constructing a building, there are a VERY large number of codes (rules) that you need to follow for every conceivable part of it.
Fazbear Entertainment would probably find it a lot cheaper just to pay off the people inspecting the plex, then actually put money into making sure everything is up to code.
They would also try to construct the building as cheaply as possible, trying to "cut corners" wherever they can. They use substandard materials, contractors that don't double check their work. They build the mall itself over the subterranean remains of their old restaurant, despite this making the ground very unstable.
This all works in my mind because Fazbear Entertainment has been proven to follow the "be as cheap as possible" approach many times in the past.
Heck in the game, one of the emergency exits requires a VIP pass in order to be used!
It's why in my mind, I don't have Gregory live at the pizzaplex after the 3 star ending. Freddy would calculate that it is statistically safer for Gregory to live in his box than at the plex. He instead lives with Vanessa.
Oh yeah
Gosh you really be getting the points I like as well XD there's a reason in my au they were able to so easily destroy the place haha
There is no way they'd let the boy live there with how broken it is, he needs a proper home! That place is falling apart!!!
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