#because seconds before afo is thinking about how izuku isn't like all might he's different
mettywiththenotes · 4 months
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Me looking for any excuse to find clues that Tomura is coming back: IS THAT YOU?? MY POOR MEOW MEOW??
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MHA S7 ED Analysis of the Official Music Video Part 2 [Part 1]
[Warning: manga spoilers]
You were always acting funny to hide your pain
This part is so sad! The boy in blue (Izuku's actor) is curled up and scared while all these hands are reaching for him- probably to represent the pressure of being the ninth/final holder and having to be the one face off against shigaraki + afo. It's a little hard to tell, but I played it back and I'm pretty sure there are exactly eight hands reaching toward him.
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I was too dumb to realize it
And then it cuts to the boy in orange picking the green cape from the ground and blinking in confusion before looking back and forth across the field to see where the other boy went 🥺🥺🥺
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I'm the one who made you wear that "strongness"
Y'all... I... I... 🥹🥹🥹
So are we all agreed this is about Katsuki bullying Izuku and his guilt for branding him with the name "Deku", later inspiring Izuku's reckless lack of concern for his own well being in order to prove that he isn't "useless" anymore? Cuz literally what else could this be about. It's so sad, there's a flashback to the boy in orange happily tying the green cape around the other boy's neck. The guilt and angst is on another level. Just... just... 😭😭😭
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Searching for words to make the buds start to bloom
Y'all 🥹🥹🥹
The warmness you have continuously given me
Just... damn. It must be said again, the angst is on another level. The boy in blue runs away from the scary room he was in with the hands attacking him from what is probably a closet (👀👀👀) and goes back to one of their old hangout places to rebuild the dummy villain the boys destroyed earlier when they were playing. The boy in orange walks in and sees him and the stare at each other in surprise.
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It planted seeds in my heart
Oh, Mr. Kacchan Bakugou, everyone but Izuku already knows!!
What's heartbreaking though, is the boy in blue turns around and lifts his arms up defensively over the dummy. Like he's afraid the boy in orange will destroy it. The boy in orange looks surprised but takes a small step closer without hesitation
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Those flowers cannot bloom without you
Did I meant the angst hits HARD?!?! Because it's about to hit harder...
No matter what we do, we will never become one
We live each other's lives with different minds
Bakugou thinks that too many misunderstandings and conflicts have happened between them for him and Izuku to ever be close like they were before. He thinks he's hurt him too much in the past and irreparably mangled their relationship.
Nevertheless, my heart is crying with your pain
This reminds me so much of certain events in chapter 403 where a certain someone whose about to unintentionally explode his own heart from a quirk awakening thinks to himself about how the all the pain his body is going through is because he is now walking the same path a certain childhood friend of his had to walk when he was learning how to use OFA
Can I at least be by your side, even if we cannot understand each other
Hoping that flowers will bloom side by side in the future
Ajejdjjdjdjsjjsjdj I feel like this just perfectly captures all of the "Izuku's" Katsuki says in his last moments (and even after resurrecting) and the yearning and how it's finally revealed he held onto the All Might card they won together even get all this time
My flower buds will never give up on the present
Ok there were just too many flashing scenes in this montage and I couldn't get all of them but here's one
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Then it goes back to the two boys facing off in the shed and a close up of their faces. The boy in orange reaches out to the boy in blue
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And then it cuts back to the band for a second before the video ends.
And now you too, can devolve into madness with me 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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ravelights · 6 months
head canon/ theories for who Hisashi is and role he'll play in the story
With DFO resting in the grave, I thought I'd give a few of my other theories I have come up with for Hisashi over the years.
He's the person the Deku narrating everything too. IDK why but for Some reason I always liked this theory. Although there no evidence that Deku is telling the story to anyone, I can't help but think it's neat.
He studies quirks, like that his job. Considering 80% of the world has a quirk I think it's fair to say there would be people studying them for many different reasons. I think he be this strange mash up of a doctor, scientist and academic. His job would make him travel around the world and study bizarre, amazing and dangerous quirks. It also be a great tie in stories wise to the quirk doomsday theory, if it turns out he was really away studying to see if that theory is actually true. (I also think that where Deku pick up his hobby for studying quirks as well) his job would make him have to be away from home for long period's of time and not easy to contact sometimes. Despite how interesting his job sounds, it actually involves a lot of paperwork and reviewing and research.
When he's home he's usually home for a good six months or more, and typically the three would do things together when he's home. Inko doesn't mind Hisashi job because he was doing it long before he met her and didn't want him to quit doing it just because they got together. And like most Japanese housewives she controls the finances he just makes the money that give them all comfortable lives.
I think he's a quite, charming guy who keeps to himself, unlike Izuku and Inko he's much more calm and never cries. He very much like's his life, he has no dreams or goal to become a hero or be out on some battle field. He's a passive guy who isn't big on violence, and see's the value in a ordinary life. I wouldn't think of him as a pushover, but like Izuku he's nice to everyone he meets. Also like Izuku he is the person you do not fuck with, he seems like a guy that vaguely feels like he's been through some stuff, it take a lot to get him mad but when he is, you run for the hills.
Izuku doesn't think of him much because he knows his dad doing just fine and is used to him going away on long trips. But also because as much as he hate to admit it, Izuku does not want to end up like his dad when he grows up. As much as he loves and respects Hisashi and think he's a good man with a stable job, he feared that if he grew up to be his dad then it's an admission to giving up on his hero dream, and just being content with ' an ordinary life'. Something he does not what to think about now that he had a real shot at being a hero. That being said, If Hisashi where to come home at anytime Izuku would absolutely be happy he's home and they go do something together.
Hisashi is the person who introduced heroes and heroics to Izuku, and arguably shaped how Izuku viewed them, and how Izuku would believe a hero would act. Hisashi like Izuku is an All Might fan, just not to Izuku level. Izuku only vaguely remembers, but Hisashi was the one installed a lot of values that is ingrained in to Izuku being, of being a good person. One of them being to never give up on saving a person and that everyone deserve a seconded chance. (I think he'll show up at some point in the flash backs that are happening)
His is neither supportive of Izuku hero dream nor is he dismissive, ultimately he just believes that Izuku life is his own and Izuku can do what he wants. Hisashi just there to provide Izuku with every possible pathway he can get, no matter how impossible they may seem.
He's AFO son, because can you imagine how hilarious that would be.
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makeste · 10 months
So before the next chapter translation/recap drops, I wanted to ask what you think of Bakugo very likely being AFO's final opponent? I didn't really see that coming. The rival is always there, but they usually team up with the MC for the final fight or aren't part of it (Vegeta during all the DBZ saga final villains, Sasuke at the end of Shipuuden). AFO isn't even Bakugo's personal villain, like Dabi is Todoroki's and Himiko is Uraraka's. I'm trying to wrap my head around it so it's more satisfying, but while it's REALLY AWESOME, I'm not feeling the *personal* stakes and ngl I spent half the time wondering if Deku would swoop in. I'm guessing he won't, final battle Shigaraki vs Deku, but yeah.
I think it's an interesting subversion of the usual final boss tropes. it's true that AFO and Bakugou don't have much in the way of personal history. they lack the tragic family ties of Dabi and Shouto, or the frequent homoerotic encounters of Toga and Ochako. Horikoshi clearly went a different route here.
that being said, there are a few things I do like about the setup. first, I really like that Bakugou chose Kid For One to be his final villain (and then inverted things on top of that -- you're not my final boss, I'm your final boss, lol). it's very much in line with his usual stubbornness and singlemindedness. everyone else -- Izuku, Shouto, and Ochako -- were sort of unwillingly dragged into their conflicts by fate. but Bakugou wanted a final boss so much that when life didn't conveniently hand him one, he went out and DEMANDED one. literally DIYed his own. that's the most Bakugou thing ever tbh.
second, I like the recurring theme of AFO creating his own demons. he's so powerful that the only thing that can bring him down is his own hubris. he accidentally created OFA by trying to dominate his baby brother. he tormented the OFA users for centuries only to be mutilated by a royally pissed-off All Might. and he has been snidely dismissive of Bakugou on multiple occasions throughout the manga, which is certainly looking like one hell of a mistake right now. not just because he missed the opportunity to kill him off on earlier occasions, but also because we all know that the more you ignore Kacchan, the more determined he is to prove you wrong.
third, I like that AFO is the one who apparently has personal trauma and not the other way around. even if the extent of his trauma is just, "you look like the guy I really hate!!", lol. it's unexpected and mildly amusing and I enjoy it.
and lastly, while I'm probably not super qualified to weigh in on this (seeing as there's a big chunk of the Deku vs. Tomura/AFO fight which I still haven't read yet, so I don't know how much ground has been covered already), I'm not so sure that this is the actual final battle. as you mentioned, those usually involve the rival teaming up with the MC against a single final villain. and neither Tomura nor Kid For One is giving me genuine final boss vibes tbh. I think AFO, and not Tomura, will be the final "final boss", but I'm guessing it will be a different version of AFO. either the AFO currently taking up residence in Tomura's head, or, potentially, the one possibly hanging out in Deku's.
either way though, that also means the final phase of this battle will likely take place not in the real world, but inside the OFA/AFO Mojo Dojo Casa Realm. and I think it will be Deku, Katsuki (since I'm convinced he also has OFA), and Tomura (plot twist) united against AFO. which I think would make for a much stronger final battle than the current setup. we were promised an ending which would surpass Heroes Rising in epicness, after all. a simple Deku vs. Tomura would hardly cut it, especially with Deku having already pushed himself to his limits and revealed all of his current OFA tricks that we know about. gotta be more to it.
so yeah, those are my thoughts. I'm enjoying the current antics, but I do think they are miniboss antics and not final boss ones. any finale that doesn't involve multiple OFA users teaming up against a single AFO wielder is going to feel a bit like it missed the point. it's literally in the name, lol. we need the "all" versus the "one", or else all that foreshadowing goes to waste. that's my hope at any rate.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
Dont know if youre still doing the AU asks but if you are, 5 HC for an AU where Eri, running away from Overhaul, runs into Gran torino and while panicking rewinds him back to his prime.
1- Eri runs, and runs, and hits someone who swears and grabs and she squeezes her eyes tight as light rushes out of her and hands go away. She curls up on the ground, sobbing, and when new gloved hands grab her without a word she does nothing, just hides her face and hopes Chisaki will go back home slowly enough to give her a break before punishing her.
2- Sorahiko got knocked over by a wrecking ball of a kid, fails to bite off his reaction as he gets up and reaches out to help her up. But then she's glowing and his whole body is in agony. Sorahiko's heart isn't soft enough to keep holding on, and he jets back, dropping the kid. By the time he's on the other end of the street, holding on to the building, he's taller than he was a second ago. He holds his breath, but the glow fades and doesn't affect him more when he's out of range. He waits a second, then goes back and scoops up the kid, who doesn't move. Worn out, probably, and the bandages aren't a good sign. Well, he was on his way to Nighteye's office, so he just keeps heading there.
3- Why is he on the way to talk to Sir? Because it's the only reason I can think of to have him be hours away from his home in that area where Eri is. So let's say Gran is there to update him on the fact that AfO is probably definitely back after the Hosu nomu attack. Gran brings Eri in, and that's about the moment that Eri realizes she is not being carried home by Chisaki. She looks up when she's put on a chair and Gran calls for Sir, ignoring the sidekicks at their desk. Sir comes down but stops on the stairs, staring at Gran with a dropped jaw, trying to figure out why someone would dress up as a young, tall, handsome, in his prime Gran Torino. And also why there's a crying child there. Gran snaps that it is very much him, he got hit with a quirk, and would Sir like to do something useful, please?
4- Sir apologizes to Eri for Torino's bad manners, and asks her what's wrong. She mentions Chisaki's name, something he knows as a connection to the Yakuza but not much more, and then explains the bandages when asked. It's a pretty clear, terrible case of abuse, and as he used his quirk, they're allowed to step in instead of handing it back to the police. Eri is terrified that Chisaki will find and attack them for taking her, but Gran says he didn't lose his brains with his wrinkles- he knows how to notice if he was being followed, and he was too quick for a tail. Then he asks how long her quirk lasts for, and she starts crying again because she hates it and can't undo it. For a moment, Gran and Sir share a look. A "we're terrible people for thinking about this" look, a "but, if she can rewind people..." look, a "Toshinori..." look. Then Sir looks down and shakes his head. Obviously it won't work, or All Might will refuse, because otherwise Sir have seen the difference in that vision of his death. Gran lets it go because he doesn't want to think about the vision either, he's still not happy Sir looked without permission even if he also wishes Toshi were enjoying retirement by now.
5- well, that's almost true. Gran changes the topic and says "Well, since we know Toshinori won't actually die of a heart attack on seeing me like this, why don't I go over there to show him in person?" Sir puts his head in his hands, but can't think of a way to stop him. Gran holds out his hand to Eri, says UA will be a safe place to wait, Nedzu will let her while Sir takes care of the paperwork on her case, and she can come see All Might. Eri blinks up as she takes his hand and asks who All Might is. Sir collapses to the ground, but Gran just laughs, and tells her stories on the way there.
+1 Toshi didn't have a heart attack but he did faint. Izuku was very close to it, eyes nearly popping out of his head before he looked around for the real Gran Torino since this is clearly another obvious prank.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 months
Do you think if Shigaraki does come back, do you think Hori will be able to retcon the stuff with Deku and Shigaraki? Like Deku never truly understood him and spent the whole story focusing solely on the crying child inside of him rather than saving adult Shigaraki.
Also, there's the conversation between Deku and All Might in the last chapter about Shigaraki, where All Might already told Deku that he is the greatest hero and that he saved Shigaraki even if he didn't save him physically.
So, if Shigaraki does come back, I am not sure how All Might and Deku are going to approach it. Or I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not sure what Horikoshi will be able to do with the dynamic between Deku/Shigaraki and Shigaraki/All Might. I am just not sure how he will end their storyline anymore.
I do feel like there are signs that Shigaraki is coming back, but I also feel very unsure too.
See....this is where I feel like Hori shot himself in the foot in a few spots.
Deku failed to save his life, and to be honest I don't think we actually know why. Because from what I understand, the second AFO took the body back over, that body was done for. In retrospect, that body may have been done for a long time ago given what we know now.
The conversation they had before he died ("died") is still questionable because we already saw snippets of it afterward that weren't a part of the first time we saw it. So did we actually see all of it? Idk. Deku says he died because he "wouldn't stop being a leader to the LOV" but that...isn't why he died. He died because his body got punched into a million pieces. And his body got punched into a million pieces because AFO was the one in charge of the body. Nothing here really ties together in a sensible way imo.
I also have hang ups on the whole "Deku didn't understand him" piece. While I agree Tomura didn't want to let go of wanting to be a hero the LOV, I don't think it makes sense to let that be the pinnacle of failure on Deku's part. I also don't think Tomura wanting to be their hero was framed negatively, so it still doesn't make sense for that to be what his downfall was and use that to make the protag fail at his challenge. Also, if the way Toga and Touya were handled had gone differently and say, actually leaned into the whole "Tomura saved us" idea, I'd say maybe it could work.
But what we have right now is something where Tomura wanted to be their hero, and he was in a way, but they still needed heroes who would actually save them. Not just save them by accepting them, but save them by pushing them to change and pulling them out of the ruts they were in. And as far as Toga and Touya are concerned, that's what the story went with. It's already happened. They needed someone to save them in every way, which is what Ochacko and the Todorokis did (still a work in progress I'm sure tho). So yeah I get that Deku didn't quite meet him where he was at on that front, I think, but it doesn't make sense to have that be the failing point if that sentiment isn't being shown to be the answer for the other side of things yk? It'd be weird to let Tomura die on an unfulfilled wish? Or like a half-met wish? This is backed up even further by Tomura ending his story with "Tell Spinner Tomura Shigaraki fought to destroy until the very end". Like....the entire point of saving him was to help him realize that he didn't need to destroy everything. That he didn't WANT to destroy everything. AND! Destroying everything isn't what his friends wanted either. For me, it's very unfinished on the Deku/Tenko front. Do I think everything about Deku can be salvaged unless Hori pulls a "Tenko is revealed to be alive and Deku knew he was alive all along but had to play it off like he killed him"? Nope. Unless he does that, well, there's a lot about Izuku that's just kind of...washed away. And I'll take the L on that. Sucks. Idk how he'd come back from that for Izuku's sake tbh. But we'll see. I am still remaining on the hopeful side for everything. I'm not writing everything off yet. I am expecting to have criticisms and complaints by the end, but if a few basic expectations are met then I'll be happy enough and call it a win.
As far as All Might goes....I'm sorry but All Might never once showed any kind of....anything toward Tomura. I know people want to act like he has the same thinking as Izuku but I've never once seen All Might give a shit about Tenko. Sorry. I really have nothing to offer on that front. As far as I'm concerned, he's been written to be more like Gran Torino, just less callous about it.
I have little to no expectations on the Tenko/All Might front. I'm really just putting my eggs in the Deku/Tenko front. I'm at a point where I don't even care if it's done badly....as long as the ending is happy for everyone idgaf anymore. Damn.
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grimalkinmessor · 1 year
Since we are talking about Yhe Undone and The Divine - first I need to tell you "The power I placed inside of you? It ties us closer than you can imagine" drives me insane 24/7, and second - what does it exactly mean? Can All for One read Yoichi's thoughts, or is he being metaphorical? And what are your hcs for canonical reasons for whole "give your younger brother metapower, it definitely won't backfire"?
That line references AFO's speech from the vestige world in the chapter Hero Saturated Society (idr the number 😶‍🌫️), and also in some of the new chapters, i.e. ShigAFO vs. Star and Stripes, AFO vs. Hawks & Endeavor & Tokoyami & Jiro.
We already know that Quirks are tied directly to the user's soul/mind, enough so that it leaves an impression that lives on in another user if stolen or given away. We know that this is how All For One was able to take control of Tomura's body even though he was physically nowhere near him—and also that AFO sees no difference in those vestiges and the person they're based on, because he repeatedly refers to himself and the vestige as one and the same.
So his line of "The power I placed inside you ties us closer than you can imagine" is a direct reference to the fact that he's left a vestige of himself in Yoichi by forcing a Quirk into him. Even if All For One takes that Quirk back (which he will eventually find that he can't) he's confident that it will have both the vestige of himself AND Yoichi inside it. Thus tying them together forever :)
Plus—in canon, Izuku is regularly able to interact with the One For All vestiges and even feel their emotions and thoughts. He even mentions something about getting vague feelings from All Might, who isn't a full vestige yet. People who share a Quirk are canonically psychically linked, and All For One, the King of Quirks, would absolutely know this. He will be able to feel Yoichi's feelings and even some of his thoughts, and Yoichi will be able to do the same to him :3
As for my hcs for "giving my brother a Quirk totally won't backfire" is because everything that we learn in canon about Quirks and how they transfer or linger are things that All For One has already known for (presumably) a long time. He knows that he leaves a vestige behind in the Quirks he, uh, bequeaths unto others, and that through this vestige he can sort of 'possess' people, or at least force them into doing what he wants.
This might even have worked with Yoichi for a while, until Second and Third came to get him out of the vault and he passed One For All on to Second. Then there would've been two vestiges in the void vault to combat All For One. We don't know how long it took to lock the AFO vestige away, but we know in canon that his vestige is most likely what's behind that vault door. (Gotta love Yoichi's pettiness in vaulting his brother right back lmao—"Let's see how YOU like it!").
Yoichi is someone I see as having a lot of willpower though, so Yoichi's escape from the vault and subsequent defiance is from what I assume is Yoichi getting some hope back and fight his brother's vestige back long enough for him to get out and far away. After that I imagine it was a collective effort between Yoichi, Second, and Third to play keep away until Yoichi ended up passing OFA on to Second.
In conclusion: All For One didn't think giving Yoichi a Quirk would backfire because he never thought Yoichi would be able to get out of the vault and get help, much less pass on the Quirk. And even if it did become a problem, he had to have assumed that he could just take it right back. No one had ever come across a Quirk that could pass on other Quirks before, other than All For One, so why would he assume that he wouldn't be able to get it back? He thought he had complete control over the situation, and, if Second and Third hadn't shown up, he would've been right :/ Kinda scary to think about lol
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midnightrooftops · 2 years
All Might has all the past users quirks.
Hear me out.
I don't think even All Might knows that he's been using the past user's quirks because they didn't manifest in the same way as they did with Izuku.
Going backwards, Nana had Float. One of the first things we see All Might do is leap into the air. It's played off like part of his strength quirk (all of them are played off as just his strength) but we see him scouting for a building to land on with Midoriya. That suggests he has some form of control, maybe even unconsciously, of where he lands.
We see his control over this "leap" in Kamino when he lands EXACTLY where he needs to to face AFO.
With the 6th user, En, it's pretty apparent how All Might uses his quirk. All Might physically SMOKES/STEAMS when he transforms. The manga points out that it's not just dust, in the USJ arc, Izuku sees it mixing with the dust. And All Might lets off a tell-tail steam when his time is running low.
I think this quirk manifested when All Might felt most compelled to /hide/. I haven't read Vigilantes so i don't know if he steams in that prior to his injury but it would make sense that, as All Might lost muscle mass and began looking significantly different than this personal identity, smokescreen developed to hide the transformation.
Now, Banjo is the first one I'm stumped on bc I can't figure out how it translates to All Might's power. Best I can think of is sense it's the most outwardly different quirk than the others, not something we can casually think is part of All Might's all-might-ness, i wonder if this is the only one he DIDNT develop. He had long-range attacks using a form of airforce so he may never have felt the pressure it took to develop it. I'm not sure, what do you think?
Hikage, though, is also fairly obvious. Danger sense is all but confirmed in vigilantes (I saw a scan or two) but also as the TOP PRO, we've seen All Might elude to feeling uneasy and can easily find crime/danger.
The third user's quirk, Fa Jin, is basically an all Might smash. During the USJ, we see All Might punch the noumu 300 times before delivering a huge smash after building up the power. TBH, I'm still a little unclear of how Fa Jin works but from what I've read, it's basically that.
Now, here comes the speculations.
What is the 2nd user's quirk.
I think it has to be a form of body manipulation. Based on how much All Might uses the other quirks passively, the only "that's just all might" thing we haven't explained is All Might's transformation. I think the second user has the ability to change his limbs. Hear me out. When we see 2 and 3 burst into to save First, 2 is pointing some kind of gun at First. We only see ONE hand. I thought it was just part of the gauntlets we see in the spirit form but now I think that gun IS his hand.
This is, tbf, my least convincing argument, at least in terms of the "all Might has all of the users quirks" theory. Bc yeah, that very well could be his arm but how does that translate to All Might's transformation?
Best I can theorize is that the quirk is a low level mutation quirk, sorta like a shape-shifting quirk? If we believe OFA grows in power than maybe it has limits and over time turns into the ability to completely reshape your body.
(If that's true, it's going to be kinda hilarious to see Izuku go full buff, lmao. Like can you imagine? Yikes. Though, he DID "arrange" his face to look like All Might but that's most likely a manga gag.)
Something else I've toyed with is the idea that it's a MENTAL quirk but now I think that's actually First's.
Think about it. How did ANYONE, even him, know he had the ability to pass on a quirk if everyone thought he was quirkless? I think First's quirk isn't "can pass on quirks" but rather, the ability to pass on quirks is part of a larger, connection quirk.
Maybe AFO is SO attached to his brother because they literally had a mental attachment/connection that First ends up severing when he's taken by 2 and 3. Then, he makes a connection to 2 and through their bond, First passes on the stockpiling. 2 is suddenly able to connect to 3 and that's enough for them to figure out what's going on.
Eventually, this connection of minds builds the void inside OFA where all the past users "live". Sometimes AFO can access it, forcing a connection or reopening the door that First shut on him.
I'm thinking this bc Bakugou sees Toshinori in the vestiges world. I think izuku and Bakugou have formed a connection, one Izuku could pass OFA onto him (but won't bc it's too powerful for anyone else now) and they are now able to share that subtle connection like First and 2.
(Maybe Izuku has made that connection with EVERYONE. Maybe the entire class gets brought in on it and is boosted by OFA's shared power. Or maybe Izuku extends that connection to Shigaraki and that's how he's saved)
Anyway, what do you think?
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softer-ua · 4 years
i can't be the only one who wants izuku to get fucking pissed at his situation, at all might, start questioning what the fuck is going on with OFA.
because if you're going to trust a fifteen year old with something like OFA and bind them to the life of a symbol, you do not get to withhold information. deku was not told he'd be dealing with an enemy like AFO when he got the quirk, nor was he told that basically its whole point was not fighting some vague concept of evil, but fighting a very tangible very dangerous villain. he wasn't told that up until all might, inheriting this power was guaranteed suicide, and even after all might you only have a vague chance of survival. to be offered such a life altering "gift", Izuku should have been warned of everything. from the start. and if not then then from the very moment izuku started seeing vestiges, or at least when AFO resurfaced. WHY IN GOD'S NAME WOULD YOU HIDE ANY, ANY BIT OF INFORMATION ON A QUIRK THAT IMPORTANT?????
no because, if you look at it cynically, All Might took this kid who had nothing and who looked up to him as effective god. He took this kid who he knew had no sense of no self-care or self-preservation. This extremely reckless kid who he saw putting his life at risk three times (sludge v1, hanging on to AM as he jumped, sludge v Katsuki) within 24 hours. He picked this kid who he knew would give everything (because Izuku had "nothing", and therefore nothing to lose) and "gifted" him with a ticking time bomb. Of course Izuku is willing to break himself if it means using OFA to max potential. So much of his self-worth is based on OFA. He's said time and time again he isn't sure if he deserves it, that it's a borrowed power. If you've taken this kid and given him everything practically overnight, of course he'll go to self-destructive lengths to prove himself worthy of it. Who'd want to go back to being nothing after all?
And this is a logical conclusion. Someone like Izuku, someone like All Might probably used to be in his youth and still kind of is, they're perfect to be put on this kind suicide mission. They're a perfect vessel. Sure they're heroic and brave and selfless, but most importantly they're willing to die for the cause. OFA the quirk knows this. Literally two seconds after Katsuki sacrifices himself telling Deku not to do shit alone, Deku renders said sacrifice useless by doing exactly what Katsuki warned him not to😭 And the quirk and vestiges encourage him. They don't give a shit about repercussions and Deku's chronic pain or possible arm paralysis. They just want to beat AFO. You go son you break those arms 🤠
Doesn't it all feel a little bit exploitative?
Look at it like this. A kid is born with no power. This kid wants to be great, but the world says he can't. He meets his hero, and the hero says he can't either. Then the kid acts heroic, but reckless. The hero sees an opening. This kid is good and doesn't care one bit about his well-being? Jackpot! He offers the kid a deal. Great power, an extraordinary gift at surface layer. But one with so many more hidden strings attached that hurt and break and haunt the kid, that he was never warned about or taught how to deal with. But he can always give it to someone else! Can he, really? Can he go back to being nothing? With a personality like his, well nope. And that's why you pick the overly selfless reckless ones. The ones that will feel indebted to you to a ridiculous degree.
Isn't it like dare I say... like a deal with the devil?
As we progress more and more into the lore of AFO and OFA, I can really see why Katsuki's started to view it as a cursed power. And with how wildly different from expectations (at least mine) + far more nuanced the Todofam drama has revealed itself to be compared to what it seemed upon first intro, I'm inclined to believe there's more to the OFA story than clean cut, young bro good guy vs mean big bro oppression.
TL;DR - All Might is the metaphorical devil jr who gave Izuku a passed down deal, and neither he nor broccoli boy read the fine print.
Bakugo’s ghost sent me this ask 💀
Lol but seriously, these are all excellent points and I’ve been sitting on this ask until I had time to answer it because you’re absolutely goddamn right
This shit is explotive af, and I’ve got a suspicion as to why
I don’t think Deku was a random choice, there’s a layer of fate/mystic woven into the bnha world that gets over looked.
Sir had insane fortune telling abilities that were never once wrong about anything except when it came to the 2 OFA users fates. Deku even specifically says he’ll smash any fate in his way, and I think on some level he knows he can because he has a different destiny.
The vestiges break him from Shinsos hold, meaning the can have some level of control over Dekus body. You think AM noticed every time something like that happened? AM didn’t even notice Bakugo internalizing all the blame for his retirement even after watching his mom force him to apologize for it??
“I keep forgetting that your still a child” AM, sir, this is the third time you’ve admitted out loud that you were just gonna let Bakugo suffer his own fate 💀 please stop indicting yourself and at least pretend you care about Bakugo outside his relationship to Deku jfc
Also what are the chances you get nine random holders and none of them turn out to be corrupt or at least too self serving to die for the cause??? Slimmer than the pages bnha is printed on.
There’s something pulling some strings here, and I think it’s the true power of First users quirk.
What would be the point of transferring a quirk if that’s it’s only power?
What would be the point of this quirk being essentially password locked?
What would be the point of this quirk being able to forced on to someone?
There’ wouldn’t be any.
But what if that’s not what the quirk is?
What if the quirk is actually passing something along, and that’s why it’s dna based, it’s the transfer of an integral part of them.
Something that would change a person if forced on them but would possibly eradicate someone if stolen. Something like a souls desire? That could be a dangerous thing to give to someone else especially if it’s something they didn’t want, now they suddenly have to?
Then you give this quirk a strength enhancing quirk?
Now it’s got some juice, how much stronger did it get? Can it sense others with a similar goal, can it make its host gravitate towards those people?
Is the firsts quirk purposely finding exploitable heros, like Nana AM and Deku. All people who were/are willing to give up everything for the cause. How much of the first is in there, how much sentient power does this quirk have?
We know that Nana gave up her family, her child, for the cause. AM never bothered cultivating a family and pushed away Sir and anyone else who is anti him dying, and now we’re seeing Deku do the same.
Deku who had no friends to begin with, a dad who’s out of the picture, and an already slightly strained relationship with his mom?
Is this quirk capable of learning? Does it know that having people you care about slows you down from sacrificing yourself?
Does this quirk compound with the other users goals make the drive stronger each time?
Idk but there’s a glimmer of hope that Deku isn’t doomed to be a glorified meat puppet, and it exists in the form of Kacchan.
No one else had someone so deeply rooted to them, who could fight right along side them. Bakugo is an outlier in this story, almost the exact opposite kind of hero OFA wants, his connection to Deku breaks the cycle.
Deku would never give up on Katsuki, and even if he tried Endeavor will start coughing up ice cubes before Bakugo lets him. He couldn’t leave Deku alone when he was convinced he hated him, there’s no way he’d do it now.
Dekus story will be different from the other users that’s for sure.
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bloustorm · 3 years
So about the Yagi Fall AU, since you mentionned this kills him, what happens now? After all, "no one" knew Yagi was All Might, so is All Might declared officially dead but with no "proof" everyone think it's a hoax? Does All Might just stop appearing from one day to the next? How badly does this wreck the timeline? How much guilt is Izuku's feeling?
Gonna have to wrangle my brain into wroking for me here
So, the death of Yagi Toshinori gets only discovered on the next day because he had the unfortunately luck of falling on the less visited side of the building.
The police group that gets send to investigate the death actually involves Tsukauchi who, upon seeing Toshinori has a bad freak out.
After all he thought that Toshinori didn't reply to his message the night before because the man was busy, it had happened before.
Tsukauchi is of course very suspicious of the death because an accident really? Or suicide like a foolish coworker proposed? No he doesn't belief that. He fears that either AfO isn't as dead as they had thought, or that it was another villain who was responsible for this.
He, Nedzu and Gran Torino are working really hard on finding out what happened.
Of course the world wonders what happened to All Might, after all it isn't every day that the Symbol of peace just vanishes right?
But they don't really know at first, over time it becomes clear that All Might won't come back. Especially after the 3 finally talked to the HPSC and told them about All Might's second form and that he was dead.
The HPSC covered it up, said All Might had been on a big important mission against a big bad villain and died in the final fight and that the people should not worry because the villain was caught with the help of Endeavour (who was not happy about this because this is not how he wanted to be the #1 Hero).
Of course some people still don't want to belief it but after the funeral and all the time that All Might doesn't appear back the number grows less and less.
With All Mights death many of the villains feel like it's prime time for causing chaos and Japan's Hero system has big trouble keeping up. It isn't that bad because the LoV doesn't really exists right now (AfO is trying to figure out which villain dared to kill All Might or well how he died because this seems all suspicious to him)
Izuku of course feels very terrible about all this, (it wasn't shown in the comic but basically the pointed finger was actually a jab in Toshinoris chest who leaned a bit more backwards and then the rail broke) he thinks he is the one responsible for All Mights death and that he is a truly horrible person right now, surelly he s one of the worst villains ever, and he can't just go and tell people because if does that he would break his mothers heart.
After Toshinori fell it took a bit before Izuku went home in a daze, and it took even longer before he snapped out of it. After he had a long and well deserved freak out he went and made some plans for the future. Because while he never imagined a world without All Might, he knows his death will have horrible consequences so he has to make plans.
The Timeline is affected, you can't say it is destroyed because somethings happen just for other reasons, but because of some factors like people not being there they go sideways.
For example the USJ happens, but because All Might is dead, Izuku is not there and Katsuki went through a huge trauma (the slime villain that put him into a coma for a bit thus letting him wake up to a worl with no All Might) it goes different.
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greenhappyseed · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 317: Thoughts & comparisons part 2 - THE OLD MAN AND THE KID
As mentioned in Part 1, I'm splitting my thoughts on Chapter 317 into 3 posts: this one about Deku and All Might (part 2), plus separate posts on the hero brain trust and the media (part 1) and the hero killer Stain (part 3).
* * * * * * * * * *
This part of the chapter was an emotional sucker punch and gave me strong "Gift of the Magi" vibes. All Might is trying to protect his boy by following him, and Deku is trying to protect his idol by saying goodbye. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee of safety for anyone right now, so their "gifts" of protection are unusable. All Might isn't safe whether All Might follows Deku or stays behind. Same for Deku -- his loved ones aren't safe whether he accepts their help or not. It's the harsh reality of what AFO does. The real thing that All Might and Deku need to focus on isn't giving each other the "gift" of safety, but on how strong their bond is.
The main stumbling block is that Deku STILL idolizes All Might (as All Might recognized a few chapters ago). As the adult, it was on All Might to speak up, but he didn't because he's scared to disappoint his boy. He already knows the pain of disappointing a fanboy, so this would take it to a whole new level. But if he really wants to keep Izuku in his life, he MUST risk it and tell the kid all the things he wishes someone had told him. As I wrote previously (between Ch 315-16) it's maddening because we know All Might is capable of having this kind of frank talk with Izuku -- he did it all the way back in Ch 2. All Might saw Izuku overworking himself and modified the workout plan to moderate Izuku's extreme behavior, which would have prevented Izuku from reaching his ultimate goal if left unchecked. So yeah, All Might knows better, and knows he can’t stand idly by while his kid makes a massive deadly mistake. When a child doesn’t have the capacity to help themselves and the consequences are serious, an adult HAS to step in and help ASAP. Talk to the kid, talk to the kid’s friends/teachers, talk to professionals. Keep going until your kid gets the help they need, because even if a parent/guardian can’t help directly, it’s their responsibility to find that help for their kid. Haven’t we learned anything from the lost children in the League of Villains?
Meanwhile, Deku doesn't see All Might as a human who loves Izuku Midoriya. I think, in part due to his being bullied and his innate tendency to not take himself into account, he sees All Might's devotion to him as part of a predecessor-successor relationship. Deku will struggle as long as he sees "All Might" as an ideal and not the human in front of him. (Admittedly, I thought the HPSC storyline might go here and disclose All Might’s awareness of some “grey” missions, causing Deku to look at his mentor through a different lens.) But even now, Deku is trying to have an "I AM HERE" moment so All Might is proud of his successor, but fails to realize All Might is ALREADY PROUD (in part because All Might hasn't vocalized it in a way that Deku can truly hear it). The "You don't look back at me anymore..." in context is immediately followed up by this glowing Dadmight moment:
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It only becomes a sad moment in retrospect as All Might realizes (1) he didn't really tell Deku explicitly how proud he was often enough; and (2) the full weight of what it means to nurture a child towards independence (and that his boy is just like him, and is heading towards the same fate as him....)
While I definitely think Bakugo will knock some sense into Deku, I still think All Might is the only one that can truly “release” Deku from these burdens, especially the ones related to the “Symbol of Peace” and the Shimura family that are tied directly to All Might. We see this in Deku’s callbacks:
Nana in the vestige world sobbing over her mistake in giving up Kotaro, saying she and Gran Torino were wrong, and testing Deku’s resolve to save Shigaraki. Juxtaposed with Gran Torino saying, "I should have made the kill...sorry...don't be so rigid. Killing can be another way to save someone," and Shigaraki screaming in emotional pain, “I don’t care if you understand. That’s what makes us heroes and villains!” It’s not just AFO — it’s the weight of generations and broken families on Deku’s shoulders. It’s All Might’s failure to save Shigaraki earlier that has become Deku’s problem now.
Post-USJ Deku meeting with All Might, talking about the first time he used OFA without breaking himself, and All Might pressuring Deku to become the Symbol of Peace. Even though All Might no longer feels that way, and SO MUCH has happened since then, he never clearly said so to Deku, and Deku keeps that weight on himself. The past never dies.
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Deku is overwhelmed and destined for a poor decision that will hurt someone or himself, which would definitely play into the media's (and AFO's) hands. First, note the flashback inception with Deku recalling the post-USJ All Might meeting, which itself contains a flashback to Thirteen lecturing about how uncontrolled quirks can kill.
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Second, the image of the defeated assassin is downright ominous, with the way All Might is shown above Deku's shoulder like a conscience [Edit: see @codenamesazanka's post here for a Spinner parallel!!] and the way the villain is tied up with his head hanging back, mouth open, eyes rolled back…. Deku and All Might are in shadow, and the villain is in the light…. no real attempt to talk to or understand the villain, just what he knows of AFO……SO MUCH POWER in a volatile teenager with too much responsibility and too few physical and emotional reserves. This won't end well.
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Ok, time to bring the real Dadmight pain. All Might dives to save Midoriya and falls. The only other time he’s fallen flat on the ground like that is when he dove to save the random lady during the Cider House incident (which we got in the anime last week). In that fight, All Might needed a guardian gremlin to save him from falling debris. Hopefully that means he’ll go to UA and find young Bakugo soon, and he won't do something dumb and sacrificial in the meantime. WHO SAVES THE (EX-) HEROES?
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All Might is a genuinely good person with good intentions, and he drove himself into the ground to help others, but he’s NOT a god. He’s not infallible or omniscient. He has tunnel vision from pursing the same mission from age 14 to, uh, 50-something, and is learning how to function as a "normal" adult. He never asked for help before, and in fact, considered it shameful (even in Kamino). He needs to follow the advice he was going to give to Deku, and reach out to others to save his little boy and himself. He’s still very much capable of inspiring others, even if he needs to rest sometimes. And with that, we cut to Stain, an extremist who believes in self-sacrifice and idolizes prime All Might. Cue Part 3...
A few other points:
Nobody in this arc (including Deku) seems to be using All Might as a resource based on his decades of experience with the media OR with AFO, and it really bothers me. Why is All Might excluded from the brain trust? They’re acting like All Might is useless because he’s quirkless and no longer a ranked hero, but he's still got his brain and his memories. Are Endeavor, Hawks, and Mt Lady really going to chat with Edgeshot and sort it all out??? Will Jeanist's fiber puns stop AFO??? Ugh. This is why hero society as we know it needs to be radically reworked; these top heroes are misusing resources and NOT TALKING to people who might actually have useful info. Does a "hero" need to wear a costume or hold a license to use their brain?
Will anyone tell Inko???? I posted before about this chapter's reference to All Might promising her that he’ll keep Deku safe. But she generally only appears after Deku gets a big advancement of some sort, so I don't know if she'll pop up soon...although I feel like she might need to? (E.g., my pet theory is that we only get her note in the hospital after the forest raid because Deku saved Kota but failed to save Bakugo.) Who else has "lifted up" All Might except Izuku, Inko, and Aizawa -- and Aizawa is probably not in a place to do heavy emotional labor right now???
Others have noted the outreached hand parallels (PAIN!) so I won’t belabor that. BUT look at All Might’s hand, how it is first outstretched and then starting to curl as he realizes he can’t reach Deku in time. Also, how small and frail All Might's hand looks as it curls up. He's normally drawn with huge hands (as big as Deku’s head) so to see his hands look equal in size to Deku’s shows Deku’s growth. Also, contrast this set of hands moving apart with how we saw hands moving together at Kamino, where All Might’s fighting inspired fearlessness. Hopefully All Might can “fight” here too, and inspire the next generation to to amazing things.
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caandlelit · 3 years
Tokoyami takes full advantage of the darker parts of his quirk when he threatens you. You feel trapped in an eternal darkness, like the air was being stolen out of your lungs. He speaks simply, but full of venom. He's shrouded by this aura of calm vexation. He feels toxic to even be around and his apparent apathy makes it more scary. He feels no guilt when he's reached that point. He's one of the slowest to get angry, and when he does, there's no stopping him. You'd never been scared of the dark until that day.
Momo says how she can buy everything you own. How she could take everything that gives you happiness until you're a shell of what you once were. How she has connections, and could ruin your life with a simple phone call. She radiates pure, controlled rage and you want to get away as fast as possible. You feel as if you're going to die at any moment and from that day forward you'll always look over your shoulder, too scared to sleep.
Uraraka is right next to Shoto in scary, and beside Izuku in surprising. She threatens in smiles. Her usual cheery attitude and excitement don't fade as she happily tells you how she'll make your life a living hell. She laughs as she says how she'll make you watch everyone you care about die before you, knowing you could have avoided it. She doesn't raise her hand, but she leaves you trembling and wetting your pants. You'll have nightmares. Sounds like Toga? It's because they're girlfriends.
Shoto is incredibly blunt with his threats. He somehow corners you alone, and calmly tells you how he could kill you, make it look like an accident, get rid of the body, and get away with it. In excruciating detail. He'll leave you sacred for your life, and regretting the day you got on his bad side.
Tsu will stare into the depths or your soul, daring you to piss her off. Being incredibly blunt, she will, just to make sure you get the message, just walk up to you and threaten to slit your throat or something.
Izuku has, after the first year, gotten into the habit of outright threatening pro heroes. It's blackmail more times than not, he has the info to ruin them. It started with Endeavor, then slowly All Might, after he got sick of beings pushed too hard, and extended until all pro heroes that weren't Aizawa, Present Mic, or Fatgum were doing his bidding.
Tenya regularly subtly threatens to call Japanese CPS on Endeavor to knock him down some rankings on the hero list. Nothing he can be charged with, and nothing that anyone out of 1A can trace back to him, but threats to keep him in-line. Have to make him know his place every now and then.
Izuku and Shoto would be the heroes parents want their kids to look up to. Momo and Mina would be the heroes parents want their female kids to look up to, specifically.
You know how 1A all want to be like All Might (mostly)? When they find out what being a 'Symbol Of Peace' really entails, I don't think they'd want to be on anymore. So they'd become beacons of hope, with Izuku shining the brightest out of all of them.
I know they don't technically have to live together if they're all part of one big hero agency. But like. It would be so fun if they did. And with the local rich kids (Momo, Tenya and Shoto), God knows it's gonna be some big-ass mansion. And it'd be sort of a throwback of sorts to the dorms. And I feel as if they'd the be glad for that familiarity, with how much change is occurring. And also, Bakugo and Monoma under the same roof would be fucking hilarious.
I want to see Shoto deck a fellow UA student for saying the wrong thing. Like maybe they'd say "Bakugo acts like a such a villain, no wonder everyone is scared of him." And Shoto would just look around to see Ochaco holding Izuku back with identical looks of rage on their faces. He'd see Bakugo looking down at his feet, trying his best to look unbothered, but his frown is more sad than his usual one. He'd see the Bakusquad trying to convince him it's not true. He'd see Tsu with her fist clenched, and Tenya glaring daggers at the person, and just deck the guy. Incases his fist in ice, to make the blow harder. Kick him a few times too. And would look up at their shocked faces and shrug, "No one fucks with my family. And Bakugo? He's family. All of you are." Deku just starts bawling there and then.
There's no UA traitor, and they just forgot to remove Touya from the family group chat.
After Monoma realizes that no one stops Bakugo from coming after him when he says dumb shit, learns to control his mouth by their first year of working/living together. Interviewers would ask him, "How do you manage with number 2 (tied with Shoto) pro hero DynaMite trying to 'kill you the time?" And Monoma would just answer, with deep tiredness in his voice "Speed, self control, and not sleeping."
HC that Uraraka's quirk isn't zero gravity. It's gravity manipulation, so zero gravity is just a subsection of that. Her quirk exceeds the rules of zero gravity, and it's plausible that because she didn't have much money growing up, she wasn't able to get it properly tested, which should have been free, but we've established hero society is fucked up. This means, essentially, that she should be able to create a black hole. It'd take a lot of training, and a crap ton of effort, and she'd never do it, but she could.
The heroes should be glad 1A (Shinsou and Izuku especially) are good people. Because they could ruin them. They could take down hero society by themselves, and they all have been given reason too! They're just good people, and the heroes should appreciate that. Because the moment they stop being good people? It's all over.
HC that Aoyama is one of those kids that has known he was gay since birth, and never had to come out because people just knew.
Just realized something, feeling sad so you must too. Shigaraki could have been Touya's Izuku in another world. In a less fucked up universe, they could've been friends. Shigaraki- Tenko could have saved him.
Monoma is trying to start an enemies to lovers with all of 1A, Shinsou included. He obviously knows nothing about social interactions, maybe the poor boy is just trying to flirt the only way he knows how: being a prick.
In the Combined Hero Agency, fans and other heroes wonder how Mei keeps up. She's the only support hero, makes (though her interns help) and designs hero costumes AND support items for everyone in the agency, while also making them for her interns when asked, AND has time to participate in family game night every other week.
She really has no secret, just a love for what she does, hard work, dedication plus a lot of time and patience. That doesn't mean she doesn't endorse the rumors she has some secondary quirk or something, she actually enjoys fuelling the fire and watching it unfold. Fucking with the media is her favorite pastime.
At some point, Class 1A convinced Shinsou to make Endeavor to say "I'm a giant piece of shit" live on TV. And that was only after they swore up and down that he wouldn't be kicked out of the hero course, and promised to take the fall if anything goes wrong. The worst thing that happened was All Might trying to say what he did was wrong but he was told to fuck off.
The boys in class 1A like lending their jackets/sweaters/hoodies/jumpers to the girls. And the girls don't return them a lot, and only Mei, who feels bad if she keeps them, returns them, surprising the boys. You leave yours in the common room, don't expect it to be there in 30 minutes. And it didn't stop there. The boys also take each others' cover-ups (Shoto started this by asking to borrow Tokoyami's), and take the girls'. They find them comfortable and soft, and they nice-smelling. Basically everyone's wardrobes (private stuff is kept separately) is up for grabs by second year.
1A and (most of) 1B (+ Mei) are just like so, physical affectionate with each other. So much that even when they're pro heroes, the media isn't sure which relationships are which. Even when they clarify, they don't do anything to stop the rumors and even revel in it, fuelling them from time to time. Like, Ochaco would show up to an interview wearing Izuku's gloves, and the next she'll be in Tokoyami's sweater. Not to mention that her and Tsu are dating a (former) VILLAIN.
What if Momo like, buys a house. But not just a house. Like when they're still UA students, she buy a house for all her friends that don't want to go home over the holidays/weekends. It's (surprisingly) a lot of them.
Katsuki because he doesn't want to get yelled at after almost dying a crap ton. Denki because his parents will be mad about his grades, and he's trying, but it's so hard, and he can't focus. Ashido because she gets made fun of back home for her looks. Shoto because Enji. Tenya because he wants some time away from the pressure of his family to "live up to the Ingenium name", and don't get him wrong, he wants to be the new Ingenium, but he also when he just wants to be Tenya for a bit. Ochaco because she's tired, and wants a break. She loves her parents, but it's so much stress. Tsu because she'd rather be with her friends. Shinsou because he doesn't have a home. And much, much, more.
I think Dabi would've turned out more like Shoto if he had an Izuku. They were incredibly similar, in mentality and around the same backgrounds. The main difference is that Shoto has people to support him now, Dabi didn't. If Dabi had someone like Izuku to help him, help break down his walls, to make him feel validated, and seen (which, as I stan Shiggy and Izuku being siblings because AFO, could have been Tenko in a different world) he wouldn't be a villain.
Kids that are worried that they'd lose their friends when they become heroes would be So happy too. Like "I want to become a hero, but what if my friends and I lose touch? I don't wanna leave them behind, even if we're pros!" While they'd just be there like "we've been with each other since high school bro. they don't have to go nowhere lol"
HC that their fans would start to believe God is a woman, because Momo.
And like, they would be regular visitors at schools and orphanages. None of them ever got to be kids, and very few of them had good experiences with school, so they would want to inspire more kids. That they can become heroes, too. They'd definitely keep all the gifts they got, plus Momo and Izuku seem like the type to pin up every drawing they get from their kid fans in their offices, no matter how good/bad. It'd be good morale, and the kids of the next generation of heroes would have perfect role models to look up to.
It'd be cute if 1A didn't go on to start their own hero agencies. I mean, they'd have to figure something out with Tenya and Shoto, but I feel as if they would go on to make one, big hero agency instead. They have the perfect selection of quirks and personalities, from rescue heroes to support ones! With a bit of help from their friends, of course. (Yes, Mei is included. I love her too much not too)
Sero and Denki seem like the type to get (platonically) married, though Sero is aroace (personal HC) and Denki is dating Shinsou. No one even blinks an eye anymore, too used to their BS.
I HC that Shoto was previously very closed off with his siblings, even after he was allowed to spend time with them. I want to see, after spending time with 1A, him open up. Slight things at first, like offering to go for a run with Natsuo, or giving Fuyumi a kiss on the cheek, to going to amusement parks with Natsuo, and talking about his day and friends with Fuyumi. They not sure what caused this change at first. But then they meet Izuku, and the rest of the IzuCrew, and 1A, and suddenly it all makes sense, and God do they love these kids.
I want to see 1A actively antagonize Endeavor, but only when there's no one that would tell around. Like, anything they can get away with legally, and somethings they can't, but they make sure to not get caught. Natsuo loves it.
I have this HC that around the middle of the year, 1A just gave up on sleeping separately, or the "everyone sleep in your room" rule. After the horrific bullshit they'd been through together, they figured out that sleeping in the same room as each other helped the (inevitable) night terrors that came. And setting a time that everyone should be in their rooms was disastrous. So now it's common to see Shoto or Izuku in Tenya's room, or Mina and Kirishima in Bakugo's, or some nights they all just sleep in whoever has the most space at the time.
I want to see 1A when they're in 2A move into the dorms again. Like, Enji would go "Shoto I don't want you in the dorms this year." And Shoto, who's been waiting to go back since the dorms closed and has already packed all his shit goes ". . . You've gotta be shitting me, old man. I'm gonna go see my friends, who I value more than you. Fuck you." Then freeze him, grab his bags and run to the spot where the rest of the class agreed to meet, to get food then got to the dorms.
Shoto is constantly being used as the class portable heater, and has learnt to accept it, not without making the occasional "I went through years of abuse and trauma for this" comment though
Hatsume and Izuku should be friends. I feel like they'd understand each other. The others try, but they're the only ones who can keep up with how fast each other's brains go.
I want to see 1A visit Rei in the hospital. It started as Shoto introducing his friends to his mom, but they grew fond of her, and now visit her regularly to talk, and update her on what's going on with like Shoto, or school
Imagine if there was no UA traitor, and they just forgot to remove Touya from the family group chat.
Rei should be introduced to Izuku as "my best friend", Tenya as "the friend who stops me from doing bad things", and Kastuki as "my other best friend, though he denies it". Shoto with his lack of social skills would just go "Oh Bakugo? We're friends. He's like that with everyone."
Rei doesn't need to know about the murder, what she doesn't know can't hurt her. And whenever Shoto tries to mention it to her, Tenya just slaps his hand on his mouth to shut him up, or nudges him aggressively until he (after a long time) gets the message .
After a while, when Izuku is asked what hero he wants to be like, he responds All Might. Why wouldn't he? All Might is bold, courageous, strong, and always saves people with a smile. The perfect hero.
But in his mind, he only has one true answer. Eraserhead. Mr. Aizawa is the perfect hero, maybe not to the public, but to his problem children. He's always there for them, and hasn't failed them like a lot of heroes and the society at large has.
Aizawa-sensei is the epitome of everything they strive to be, and though they'll always give different answers: All Might, Hawks, Powerloader, Cementoss, Lunch Rush, there'll always be one true answer. Something only they know. Mr. Aizawa is the ideal hero.
Dark Shadow uses they/them or it/its pronouns. Just makes sense, considering Dark Shadow isn't human, and likely doesn't conform to the same rules of gender we do
Considering Shoto (canonically) trauma dumps to make best friends (Izuku and Katsuki), it's only a matter of time until he does the same for Tenya. Especially after the Stain arc. And I feel like it'd just SHATTER his world view of heroes and hero society. He sees it through even more rose-tinted glasses than Izuku, so the realization that someone wildly viewed as a hero could so such things and get away with it would be totally new to him. Especially because the only experience he had was with Tensei, who is the ideal hero.
Back on my 1A and 1B hero agency bullshit, all their interns love them. They're always so kind to their interns and treat them really well, despite how they normally are or treat their fellow heroes. They remember what it felt like during their own internships, being scared and on their toes. They don't want their interns to feel like that around them.
In their shared agency, Kota and Eri intern there of course, but so do a bunch of other hero students. Some from Gen Ed too, anyone they feel like have potential, application or not.
The Combined Hero Agency (I don't have a name yet) most definitely teach their interns quirkless self defense, for all the times their quirks have failed them or made things more difficult. Hand to hand and using a variety of weapons.
1A is used to Mei and Izuku (Sometimes Tenya tags along. Very rarely, Denki) meeting up to talk costumes and mad genius shit, with Izuku's quirk analysis and Mei's skill in building, 1A would have the best costumes.
these are all so extensive and thought out .......... i love this anon uve put work into these they're so excellent .......... i love 1a family dynamics :( godddd i love them theyre lovely i love this AHHHHH MAN
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ignitification · 3 years
okay but like idk if it's intentional or not. but hawks lobbing around one child abuser. lady nagant lobbing around another child abuser. hpsc said good taste just isn't allowed here.
it'd be interesting to see what would be her reaction when she finds out about overhaul. will it mirror hawks' - in that case I don't want hero/hawks stans to say anything bad about her - or will she abandon him?
I am a tad bit partial to this question, mainly because I myself enjoy Overhaul's character and I don't mind Lady Nagant's. Therefore, I'll answer you in two parts: the first where I tell you my opinion as a simple manga reader, and a second one where I actually try to give a possibly 'true' answer as someone who tries to write metas.
But before that, it is interesting how I also wondered about this in this specific post last week, but is also kinda early (and short) answer for this question.
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In general terms, I don't exactly think it's a 'coincidence'. Narrative contrast and foils, as well as parallels, are BNHA-friendly, as HK uses them if not constantly, very often. This gives a general sense of Hero Society, and why more than one villain tried to change the status quo: it explicitly makes a jab at the fact that it does not really matter whether hero or villain, a person can still make horrible choices and choose to be an abuser. However, it also traces a parallel line between Hawks and Lady Nagant (even more so with their Quirks: Lady Nagant and her 'Rifle' and now Air Walk which lets her move freely at long range, and Hawks who is the man who's too fast, as he flies - and with his Wings that could be as deadly as bullets). Hawks and Endeavour are one part of the spectrum while Lady Nagant and Overhaul represent the other: both Hawks and Lady N committed murder while working at the HPSC, but Hawks has never been thrown in jail for it; Overhaul and Endeavour are both powerful man who always wanted to bite more than they can chew, by using force and abuse, and their plans retorted against them - but while both had been made public (as for Overhaul, at least among the heroes) Endeavour suffered no consequences for it, while Overhaul lost his arms and his Quirk and he has slowly been consumed in prison by the thought of the only parental figure he has ever known.
Now, after having set the framework which I used in order to get a proper answer, here is the main part.
As a manga reader, I think that Lady N won't abandon Overhaul, simply because I think she knows who he is.
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AfO explicitly says who he is and she does not have any surprised reaction, but she calmly accepts the statement, as a matter of fact (which it is). She is still dragging him with her, and if nothing else, the fact that she just straight up tells that the only reason she took him with her is to help her somehow is very telling on its own (considering her absolutely enviable Quirk and the fact that she got a new one with which she would have been plenty fine on her own). Which means that she might not even care about his identity as long as it is useful to her. But that brings up the fact of how she might react to a discovery (which I think has already happened): she does not really care about heroes/villains views, because she ended up in Tartarus (in seeing how rotten the system is) for those, therefore it's likely that she just chose to ignore that and to concentrate on the fact that she somehow empathises with him. She might not know the specifics of his accusations, but in stands nonetheless that he ended up in Tartarus and that is enough to know about his crimes. She still choose to talk her with him, so I don’t see why she would change her mind, when she went to great lengths just to get him out and keep him with her all this time (let’s consider that the Tartarus break happened shortly after the PLW, which was in between on one and two months ago). 
As for someone who instead tries to over analyse everything, I am of the same opinion, more or less. She knows who Overhaul is (and that is to say, she knows he is Kai Chisaki, leader of the Shie Hassaikai and that he is a villain that goes by Overhaul). It'd be wise to consider how Tartarus prisoners have limited access to outer-world information, and we'd have to consider that Lady Nagant has been thrown in jail somewhere between the beginning of Izuku's UA career (one year ago) and Hawks' debut (which is more or less four years ago), likely limiting her knowledge on what exactly went down with Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai in the last period (and his abuse of Eri - and I am not sure she entirely cares about this). She doesn't probably know that he used an innocent girl to produce anti-quirk bullets and that he is technically sick, but let's be honest: I don't think that this would be a deterrent for her (she freed him from his cell in Tartarus, the maximum security prison for villains, and she is definitely way smarter than we think - she definitely does have a clue on what exactly ends up where in Tartarus, especially as she worked at Commission). Now, there are however two possibilities by which Lady N might be cognizant of his identity: a. she just knew him from before her arrest; b. Overhaul told her. But given the circumstances in which we find Chisaki, option B is highly unlikely. Option A, on the other hand, is confirmed by two instances : Lady Nagant actually freeing Chisaki (panels below, where we see she goes in for his specific cell) and then saying (in the first panel) that he is a victim of hero society. Now, it could be argued that him being in such a state (no hands, Tartarus, seemingly disconnected from everything that happens around him to just mutter about the Shiekai's Senior Head) could also be what she defines as 'victim', but I personally don't think that's the case.
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She probably knew who he was before, and how his life started as a homeless boy which has been raised by the Yakuza. After all, she used to investigate AfO, so it is not far fetched that she knew already of the existence of such a character. Consequently, this is to say that if Lady Nagant made the conscious decision to take him with her, it means that she knows he will be useful somehow (I think she does have a sort of plan, which she is not willing to tell AfO about), and that means that she will not abandon him, unless he stops being useful to her (which I don't see for the moment - because why would she then literally drag him with her). (As for hero stans, they can argue with themselves, after all that's what they always do.)
As a P.S. I should specify that even if Hawks and Lady Nagant’s reaction might seem similar, they stem from different environment and person-wise characters. Hawks chooses to ignore the abuse because Endeavour is his ‘hero idol’ and because he thinks he understands E’s ‘the means are not important as long as you get to the goal’, while Lady Nagant is fully aware of Overhaul’s condition and she keeps him with her not because a sense of attachment (we saw it when AfO asked her whether they were friends) but because he might come in handy when she needs it (and because she might empathise with him as a ‘victim’ of hero society - which does not mean she condones his actions, but that rather she has been freed from thinking in a hero/villain dichotomy way). 
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I hope this makes sense. Thank you for the question and thank you for reading!
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makeste · 4 years
Wait. No, wait, I just-I just had a thought, op.
About new chapter, all the new information we've learned about OFA, and how quirkless Bakugou theory is still an option. Or if not him, someone else.
Okay so in this chapter it's practically confirmed that, well, OFA needs a quirkless successor in order to keep on running around without "hippity hippity I'm gonna destroy your body" the next in line person, right.
Okay, cool. Which is why, by lucky chance, Izuku got the real deal "safely" in a way of speaking.
Remember how there's still one "quirk the heck out of someone" bullet on shigarakis possession? One or two, which we were able to see during the war arc but just-I weren't used?
Panels arent drawn just for fun you know, if those bullets were put there for us to see, it means that something could still be under the wraps.
What if- what if someone is shoot quirkless, and THEN OFA is passed to them without all the dying risk and what not?
We already know that the second bnha movie was one of the ideas that could have been the end of it, right? What if the ending that will happen isn't that far off from the movie ending?
What if OFA is passed to someone quirkless, after all? Someone who's been made quirkless via the bullet?
What if!
I honestly wouldn't be too sad if Izuku ended up quirkless all over again. He could make big changes, even that way. In fact, it would be something if be very happy about. Breaking stereotypes, making a change as not what society expects of him, but as him, period.
What if all those analysis he's written over the years and keeps writing, will actually play an important part again? He could become a different kind of hero.
Anyway, these are my thoughts at the moment. What do you think? Is it a far stretched idea or-?
I should probably clarify that a huge chunk of my enthusiasm for the quirkless!Bakugou theory was based on my erroneous assumption that Bakugou was still obsessed with comparing his progress to Deku’s, and hadn’t moved past that mindset. this was based on the “I can’t afford to stay a loser” scene from chapter 275, one of the few times we actually got to see his thought bubbles.
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at the time, it seemed to me like he was still overly preoccupied with not losing to Deku, which seemed to indicate his inferiority complex was still alive and well even after all of his recent character growth. this came as a surprise to me, because up until that point I’d been assuming that Deku VS Kacchan 2, his remedial course bonding with Todoroki, and his internship with Endeavor had all helped him to mature and move past this already. so I started wondering if this meant it was going to take something much more drastic to finally shift him out of that mindset. and since there were already hints that something big was going to happen to him in this arc, along with hints that the quirk-be-gone bullets would play a role in the fight, I connected the wrong dots and arrived at the wrong conclusion.
instead of losing his quirk, Katsuki wound up getting stabbed instead. instead of the bullets being used on him, they were used on Aizawa, who ended up losing his leg. but most importantly, it turned out that Katsuki actually wasn’t in need of any course correction with his character development after all. the obsession with keeping up with Deku didn’t stem from a fear of being inferior to him -- it stemmed from Katsuki’s growing fear that something might happen to Deku. it stemmed from his desire to protect him.
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turns out, I badly underestimated just how far this kid had come. I ought to have seen this coming, but honestly? the character development in 284 is so spectacular that even now it almost feels like wish fulfilment. it’s everything I ever wanted, really. and so I didn’t anticipate it because it didn’t feel realistic to hope for so soon, I guess. it’s almost too good to be true.
but it happened! and then 285 happened after. so at that point, there was really no reason for me to want quirkless!Bakugou after all. for me, it was always about the character development, and it turned out Kacchan didn’t need that. he was one step ahead of me.
so, while I do still think it would have been an interesting thing to explore, at this point the story has moved in an entirely different direction and I no longer feel like this development would fit well with the current storyline. Kacchan’s arc now is all about reconciling with Deku and working towards his atonement. and of course, helping to defeat AFO, and becoming the number one hero.
BUT, all that said, the quirk-be-gone bullets potentially being used to pass OFA on to someone else is a very intriguing idea. just in general, that’s something I hadn’t considered before, and I always like reading theories I haven’t considered before. as far as I’m aware though, Tomura still has the remaining bullets, so without them there’s no other way of removing someone’s quirk, save for AFO. and honestly, even if the heroes did somehow find a way to part someone from their quirk, I don’t think the story is moving away from the “Deku is the final wielder of OFA” angle at this point. that was the whole point of introducing the “only quirkless people can use it without dying” twist in the first place, after all.
so as far as “what do you think”, I don’t really see Bakugou or anyone else losing their quirk at this point in the story. I do like the irony of the concept, though. if Heroes Rising hadn’t come out, I think it could have made a very entertaining ending. just the idea of Tomura/AFO shooting someone with a bullet and being all “HA HA NO QUIRK FOR YOU”, not realizing they’ve created the perfect opportunity for Deku to be all “oh perfect, thank you!” and pass on OFA in order to unleash the shiny Super Saiyan double team attack lol. so yeah, although I don’t anticipate it happening, it’s an interesting Chekhov’s gun that I hadn’t even realized existed, so thank you for the ask!
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pocketramblr · 3 years
director’s commentary in general for “I will not ask and neither will you”?
directors commentary
Izuku’s words tumbled from his lips in a mess as he clutched the notebook- the notebook with All Might’s signature! He sort of wished it had been a different one, one that was less exploded and water damaged, but it would do. He’d keep it and pass it on to his children.
All Might chuckled, and Izuku got the sense this wasn’t the first time he’d been told something like that.
“It isn’t, young man.”
Izuku went bright pink with an ‘eep!’
“But I really do need to go, take care of this villain.”
“Wait! Wait, can you just for a minute, I have a question-“
“I don’t think I have a minute left of using One For All today, young man, I can’t.” All Might said it, then froze. His smile slipped the barest bit, though he caught it.
Ok so this is a fun one to write, but because of how much izuku mutters things i didn't want to write it all out and have the fic be 90% dialouge. Since he sorta looses himself in his muttering, i just have his narration think about things and have others react to them- izuku got the sense this wasn't the first time all might had been asked something, "it isn't, young man."- and then get flustered.
This one is also fun to write because i completely nerf Toshi and Izuku's compulsive secrecy. we're speed running the reveals! but, there's a distinction between that and speed running trust, so, that'll be a fun conflict in the next chapter.
“I found a soulmate.”
It was silent for three seconds, then footsteps raced back into the living room. Naomasa leaned over the couch, eyes wide. “You what?”
“I found someone I have a soulbond with.” Toshinori smiled. “Did you leave the fridge open?”
He had, and after a glare that wasn’t very intimidating when combined with the shorter man’s grin, Naomasa hurried to close it before coming back.
“Who is it? Not the villain you shoved in a bottle, I hope.”
“No, no, the boy I saved him from.” Toshinori grunted as he sat up, patting the couch so there was room for Naomasa to sit. “He’s a middle schooler, was a bit overwhelmed with it.”
“And you’re sure it was a bond, not a quirk like mine?”
“I’m positive.” Though he wouldn’t be surprised if Naomasa insisted on double checking just to be sure. It wasn’t as if this was the first time someone had claimed to be a soulbond with All Might, and the hero was more than aware that there were quirks that could mimic it.
His partner, after all, had one.
As had All For One, though Toshinori suspected that one had been more of a compulsion quirk than one that actually bonded the two both ways, however temporarily.
Woo Ok so Toshi and Naomasa live together in this fic and are partners, but honestly i never define if it's platonic, romantic, found familial, queerplatonic, whatever because when i brainstormed this i just wanted closeness without worrying about labels. The opposite of my ageswap au where i have a very specific and very labeled polycule of major characters. Sometimes i just want different things. Here, i wanted Toshi to not be alone and have some comfort, and i also wanted to have a lot of options for Naomasa and Izuku to get close too. i can tell you that toshi and nao do have separate rooms tho, plus one for a guest that will end up being izuku's.
anyway i yearn for a flatmate like naomasa.
There's also foreshadowing here. Naomasa's quirk in this au is that he can create an artificial soulbond with any one person at a time. He uses it to get information, but if the target of the quirk asked him something, he'd be just as compelled to tell the truth himself. AfO, on the other hand, has a compulsion quirk that just makes someone's lips looser. He uses this quirk on tomura to give the illusion that they have a bond though, which means tomura is under the impression that afo can't lie to him...
"You can just call me Yagi though, if you'd like. Would be easier in public."
"Ah, right! I'll remember that, Yagi-san. So, what's those?"
"These are your plan for getting fit in the future, exercising, eating, all that. And a prank from a friend." He tucked the extra papers away, then moved around the car. "
The prank from a friend was indeed Naomasa slipping adoption forms into the pile.
"You can pass on your quirk? Someone gave it to you?" He repeated. It must be true, if All Might was saying it, but still… It was unbelievable.
"Yes. When I was about your age, actually. I was quirkless back then too, but-"
"You were quirkless?" Izuku interrupted, eyes wide.
"Yes." All Might had to answer before he continued. "And I want to give it to you now. You don't have to accept it, but I hope you will. You'd need to build more muscle to use it, a lot more, but I have a plan to get you ready before the UA entrance exam."
Don't worry, Izuku and Toshi will get more practice in how to Not Derail Conversations Via Questions and Compulsive Answers. Which will be important when izuku meets his other soulmate(s)
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
¿How do you feel about the VH arc now that your way of thinking has changed?
It's still not my favorite arc.
That's my nice way of saying I still....just really don't like it. But my reasons are different now.
My old reasons were because I was wanting something the manga was never going to deliver on---looking for ways to dismantle their society in-manga, before the end. And at the time, what I was wanting was the kids to see it through the villains' eyes and go rogue. In a way, it was less about validating the villains' actions (because I didn't need that) but more about INvalidating the heroes.
Looking back, I feel like I just got caught up in the idea that the LOV wanted something better, wanted to make changes, and eventually the kids would agree!
But no, that's not what was ever, ever written. That's not how the villains are written, at all. So I have let those negative feelings toward the arc go. That was my own fault for misreading the characters and having unrealistic expectations. But what remains is my dislike for the pacing, the length, the characters involved, and how little was actually accomplished.
First, I still think it is WAY too many chapters. Way too many for what was accomplished.
The accomplishments:
Deku vs. Nagant, him realizing not everything is black and white, things are fucked up, and not everything on the surface is as it seems with heroes. Now, he says all of these things in chapter 314, but the follow up is still just "here is my hand full of hope". And look, I have no issues with the notion of a character bringing the light back into someone's eyes, I fucking LOVE that whole bit, (and I mean I very much expect the same thing from Izuku/Tomura), but that's not a great follow up to "society is gray and shit is fucked".
Izuku ditching All Might--AM realizing he fucked up by letting this sacrificial kid do things solo.
AFO getting into Izuku's head.
All of these things were fine to happen (some of them necessary!) but it took way too long for....three notable things? to happen, in almost 20 chapters. It really could have been condensed to like, barely even 10 tbh.
Second, it just didn't do Midoriya justice. It was very strange and OOC for him to have 0 reaction to a government sponsored hero committing MURDER behind the scenes, like, no reaction? Maybe the idea is that he's jaded af and isn't shocked anymore, but that wasn't SHOWN. So, I find that this really screwed his very solidly established characterization. Beyond that, I mean, he was supposed to come out of it with a different way of thinking, right? But he didn't. I mean, yes, teamwork is a good thing he needed to learn. He doesn't have to do everything on his own. But I mean other than that..? He already decided he wanted to save Tomura before that. And tbh idk if that was just Horikoshi being impatient and wanting to put the idea out there right then and there, or he just didn't think it through, idk. But it was done in a way where Izuku didn't have a whole lot of things to *realize* during his time solo. He already had the BIG epiphany, so what was left? If it was just to spiral due to taking everything so heavy on his own, I still believe that could have been done a lot quicker.
Third, the arc just really shows how wonky and inconsistent the world building is. Again, I have ditched the absolute NEED for their society to be dismantled on screen. I realize now that this is very much a character driven story. The villains are not written in any kind of way where a fix to society would do them any good in their current situations. They just aren't, their personal problems have taken the front seat. And I have no complaints there because the emotional/interpersonal aspects of the manga are the strongest points in it. But still.....the arc really does just showcase how wishy washy the author is being with his social reform messages.
Fourth, I just really didn't find a reason for there to be so much screen time given to Hawks, Endeavor, and Jeanist. I mean, Endeavor and Hawks had NO development at all that arc, and Jeanist is barely a character to begin with. I like Hawks a lot now actually, but I still feel this way about his presence in that arc! Endeavor, I'm much less averse to his arc than I was, but still....he did nothing in those chapters. So just why.
BUT! I'm not gonna complain when the episodes drop. I'm gonna watch them and really try to appreciate the arc. Maybe the anime will take creative liberties (show Tomura more pls mayhaps?) or maybe not and just seeing it animated and acted out will help. Who knows.
But this is the most I'll go on about the negative thoughts I have toward the arc, the last thing I wanna do is fucking complain constantly. Nope.
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