#because y'all got me fucked up on a Tuesday night no less
blessednereid · 3 years
LFLLLL Prologue: Mutual Pining
Series Masterlist
WC: 3.5k
Taglist: @rogershoe
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        Lydia's House
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"Lydiaaaaaa!" You had barged into Lydia's house unannounced that afternoon. You had work that afternoon, but you called in sick, not physically, but emotionally. And only Lydia could help you. 
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Lydia's mom, Natalie, had come out of her office because of your shouts.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Martin, I didn't realize you were home. Your car wasn't in the driveway," you apologized.
"It's fine, dear. Lydia's upstairs taking a nap. You know how much of a heavy sleeper she is."
"Thank you, Mrs. Martin."
"Please, I've told you many times. Call me Natalie."
You nodded before heading upstairs, where Lydia's room was. 
You opened her door, and as you thought, she was lying on the bed, snoring and drooling. A sight you had gotten very used to since you first met her in third grade. 
"Lydia Lorraine Martin. We have a code-red!"
Immediately, Lydia jolted up from her bed and began flailing her arms in the air. She lost balance before falling off the side. 
"Oh, MY- Ugh." You went to help her sit back upright on the bed, sat next to her, and laid your head in her lap. 
"Y/n, what's wrong? Why did you wake me up?"
"We have a code red!!"
'Code reds' were what you and Lydia had when you caught real feelings for a guy. 
When you were younger and in middle school, Lydia had gotten a crush on the cutest guy in your math class. 
On Valentines Day, she wrote him a card and put it in his locker. The card said, "I think you're cute♡︎ What do you think about me?" Later that same day, she found out that almost all of the kids in your two's class had read the card. And on top of that, the guy was a huge jerk about it. 
Since then, you and Lydia vowed to never catch feelings for anyone until you were at least twenty-five. 
"Who is it, babe? What happened?" Lydia asked with a concerned tone. 
"It's Isaac."
"Your partner for the World History project?" 
"Yeah, him," you sighed. "We started getting closer, and he started talking to me, and we bonded over our moms' death, and there were carnival rides and vampires and freezy pops!"
"Woah, Woah, Woah! Slow down!"
"So basically, I did what you told me and took him to the county carnival, right? Then, he told me about his mom dying, and we talked about that, and then we went on rides and fought about their pace, and he was fine after like a two-hundred-foot drop. So then, we went on a rollercoaster, and after that, I was cold because I was wearing a light jacket."
"Okay, keep going…"
"So then he warmed me up by giving me a hug and then led me in the building, and we just hung out there until like five? Then when we were doing the slideshow, he started asking me about my room and shit, and when we were done, we watched that show I told you about, with the high school vampires."
"Oh, the babysitter one?"
"Yeah, that. So, he was actually interested. And then we just kept watching it together throughout the week since we finished the project. And then when we were presenting today, you know I have that stage fright. He just held my hand and calmed me down, and he listened to me after we were done, and he actually cared about it instead of dismissing it.
"Not that you dismiss it, Lydia." She nodded. 
"Anyways, after that, GB had to talk to us, and she ratted me out about writing his name down, and then he got slightly mad at me but not really, and then I explained. And he just told me he would see me tomorrow for our movie night…" you trailed off, debating whether you should tell her the last part.
"So that's when you realized?"
"After that, I turned away, and then he kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear, 'see you tomorrow or something like that!"
Lydia chuckled. "So you have a code red?"
"Lydia, I have a hang-out with him tomorrow. I'm not gonna be able to fucking think straight!" 
"Babe, just go and see how it goes. Maybe it's a 24-hours thing, you know? Just adrenaline. It affected you like this because you don't go out."
"Lyds, it's not like that. It's different."
"Y/n, that's what I tell myself before every hookup," she deadpanned.
"Okay, yeah. You're right. It's just a 24-hour thing."
"It's just adrenaline, babes. Nothing more, nothing less."
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  Movie Night
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'Nothing more, nothing less…"
Those were the words that kept repeating in your head as you twisted Isaac's hair around your fingers around Isaac's hair as his head rested in your lap.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
You blinked rapidly.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine!" 
"It's just, you're not watching the show?" 
"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something."
"Whatever you say, princess…" 
Princess. The pet name made your heart flutter, and you thought you would explode. 
"Give me a minute, please!" was all you said before picking up your phone and dashing out the room.
You headed to the bathroom and dialed Lydia's number right after texting her "Code Red Emergency."
"It's not a 24-hours thing, is it?" she said when she picked up.
"Okay, here's what we're gonna do…"
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 Previous Day
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He watched you as you turned around. His nerves crawled through his spine, and he curled and unfurled his fingers before finding the confidence–, no, before finding the ability to move.
When his lips touched the side of your face, his heart was set aflame. 
'How did I just do that?' he thought. But entirely different words came out of his mouth. 
"See you," he said, and he internally pumped the air when he saw your lips curl upwards into a smile.
When he reached class, his actions had finally sunk into his mind. 
He went to his seat where his friend, Dillon Karis, sat beside him. Dillon was the only friend of Isaac, and they had known each other since middle school. 
Dillon turned his head to his friend, whose urgent tone caught his attention.
"You know that girl I was telling you about?" Isaac said enthusiastically.
Dillon scoffed. "You mean the one who's been taking up all your Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights?
"Yeah, I remember her."
Isaac rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Dude, I think I may actually like her…"
"Holy—" Isaac cut him off.
"Shut up!"
Dillon took two breaths to calm down before speaking.
"Explain. Now!"
Isaac threw his head back.
"I don't know. It's just the way she makes me feel." He smiled. "It's like… the way my mom used to tell me about how she felt about my dad? It's weird."
"Bro, you barely know her. Are you sure?" 
"No, I'm not sure, but I think."
"Well, let me know. This is interesting. Shoulda brought some popcorn today, as I had planned," Dillon burst out laughing, and Isaac followed.
"Dude, I have to go to her house tomorrow."
"Why? I thought you already turned in the project." 
"We have our movie night," Isaac said before realizing what that might sound like to his friend. 
"Oh shit! So y'all already been going on dates?"
"No! No…" Isaac pointed his finger at his friend, signaling him to stop.
"Dude, so what are you gonna do?" 
"I don't know…"
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Movie Night
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Isaac was now highly flustered as he laid his head in your lap. You didn't bring up the kiss, so he assumed he either made you uncomfortable or you didn't like him enough to care. 
He looked at your face to see if there were any signals or indications, but he saw that you were completely zoned out. 
"Y/n, are you okay?"
You blinked before saying, "Oh yeah, I'm fine." 
Isaac raised his eyebrows before turning his attention back to the television. 
When you dashed out the room with little explanation, Isaac took his emotional matters into his own hands. He had decided to get rid of his feelings, sure that they were unrequited.
He headed out of your room and knocked on Stiles' door. 
"Come in!" he heard faintly, and he opened the door.
"Isaac, what's up?" Stiles had barely looked up from his work.
"I know we don't know each other that well, but I need some advice, and I figured that you probably know a lot about girls…"
"Not really, but I'm flattered you would think that. Please come in!"
Isaac stepped into the room and sat on Stiles' bed.
"Is this fine?" to which Stiles nodded.
"So, Isaac. Tell me what's going on," Stiles said before clasping his hands together. 
Isaac took multiple deep breaths. He was about to ask your brother how to get rid of his feelings for you. Who does that?
"I have a crush… on this girl. And I know that she doesn't like—" 
"You know, or you think?" 
"I think, but she's given no sign of liking me…"
"Okay, continue."
"She doesn't like me. And I was wondering if you knew if there was anything I could do to… get rid of the feelings I have…"
"Oh boy. Isaac, I wish I knew. I'm in that same position. However! I wouldn't tell you if I did know. Because you never know, right? Unless they've told you that they don't like you, you don't know for sure. And even then, it could happen in the future."
That was not the advice Isaac was hoping for, preferring to put himself out of his misery before he could get in it. 
"Alright, thanks, Stiles."
"No problem, bud!" 
Isaac walked back to your room, where you were laid down on your back. 
"Hey, where did you go?" 
"Nowhere, I just needed to… uh.. get some air." 
You squint your eyes, and even Isaac wasn't convinced by his lie, but he didn't say anything else before he laid beside you. 
"Lydia is having a party next Saturday. You should come."
"Oh, I don't think—"
"Please, Isaac? It'll be good for you to get out of your house like Mrs. GB said."
He couldn't resist the tug on his heart when you flashed your pouting eyes, and he had to give in.
"Fine, I'll see what I can do. That's not a promise." 
"Yay!" You exclaimed before pressing a kiss to his forehead. The action made Isaac's heart race, and all he wanted to do at that moment was kiss you. 
In fact, it was all he thought of for the next few minutes. 
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Isaac's Daydream
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"Yes, babe?" you responded to him. 
"This is the spot. Stop going ahead of me." 
You mouthed an "Oh" before laying down on the blanket he set by the flowerbed. 
"So, whose house are we breaking into right now, Mr. Lahey?" you teased. You and Isaac were sitting in the backyard of a foreign house you had never seen, but you followed Isaac anyways.
You scoffed a 'what' as you had never seen the house in your life.
"Mines. Ours." He smirked.
Your face of pleasant surprise made his racing heart slow, as he thought you wouldn't like it. 
"This is our house?" 
"Well, it was my grandparent's house. They left it to me when they died. They said I can only get it when I turn 18, and now since we're together, It's our house."
You leaped onto his lap and kissed him feverishly. 
"This is the best surprise ever!"
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"Isaac!" You yelled, and Isaac didn't know what you had said before. 
"Sorry! I just zoned out."
"It's not a problem."
"So, do you want to watch a scary movie?" 
You actually weren't planning on doing any of what Lydia had suggested you do, which was to just come outright and tell him you like him. 
Instead, you chose to suffer in silence, thinking there was no way possible that Isaac liked you back. And even if he had, you two would be better off as friends… Right?
At least that is what you chose to tell yourself.
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Isaac Leaves
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When the movie was over, Isaac went home, and you prepared for bed. 
That night you dreamt of things you wanted in your life that you couldn't have. 
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Your Dream
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"Hey, Isaac?"
You two were curled up together on a couch watching a movie, much like your reality. However, a few things were different.
"What are we having for dinner?"
"Babe, we're in a hotel, and the only restaurants have a pre-set menu. If you want food, you either get what they have, or we Postmates." 
"But neither sounds good. I want Pasta!" 
He sighed. "Then lets Postmates pasta, babe."
"But I want you to make it," you pouted. 
"Okay, how about this." You turned to face him to hear his proposition. 
"I get you dessert with the food they have here, and I make you pasta tomorrow?" 
You smiled and wrapped an arm around his neck.
You hummed before saying, "That sounds perfect," and he kissed you with a burning passion.
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"Y/N! WAKE UP!" Stiles woke you up from your dream. 
"WHERE'S THE FIRE?" You flailed around before falling off the bed. 
Stiles chuckled loudly. 
You groaned loudly before grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him, effectively knocking him down but not ceasing his laughter.
"Relax, Relax! Dad's taking us out for breakfast."
You rolled your eyes heavily. "Ugh, I hate you. GO! Let me change!"
"Wait! Wait! I have a question…"
"What's going on between you and Lahey?"
You looked down and away from him. "Nothing," you murmured. 
When you looked back at him, his eyes were narrowed, and his forehead was crinkled. 
"I don't believe you one bit."
Your face heated. 
"There's nothing going on, Stiles."
He scoffed. "We may be fraternal, but we're still twins, Y/n. Whatever, I don't like him anyway."
"Why not, Sti?"
He moved his face closer to yours, and you craned your head back for air. 
"Because I'm your brother, I'm never gonna like any guy you date. None of them are worthy of my sister."
"Well, you don't have to hate him because nothing is going on."
"Hmmm... Sure," he stated simply before walking out. 
You got ready, wearing an off-shoulder baby blue top that was slightly… starchy in texture, as well as a pink plaid miniskirt and black slip-on sneakers. 
When you got downstairs, your dad and Stiles sighed a heavy "finally," and you mocked offense. 
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Waffle House
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You got in the car and began driving. You looked out the window enjoying all the sights while Stiles tried to coax your dad into talking about cases. 
Your dad turned and pulled into the parking lot of the Waffle House.
You sat at the counter and talked until someone came to get your drinks order. 
"So, Stiles, when are you going to bring a date home?" your dad asked with a squint. 
"Not anytime soon, He's still stuck on Lydia."
Stiles blushed. "Well, I mean, It's working. She knows who I am. "
"No, she doesn't. But… I do know this girl—" Stiles cut you off. 
"If it's not Lydia, then no, thank you. I'm stuck on her like white on rice."
Your dad interjected your argument. "Stiles, you sound like a stalker. Normally, we arrest people like you."
"Okay, Let's change the subject. Y/n, wanna tell dad about Isaac or should I?" 
You rolled your eyes. "Why should I? There's nothing going on?"
"Wait, who's Isaac?" your dad said while whirling his hand beside his head. 
"He was my partner for a project I had for World History."
Stiles laughed. "We presented on Friday. What have you guys been doing in your room?"
Your dad's eyes widened. "Why is he in your room?" 
"We just watch movies, Dad! We do nothing else!" 
"I highly doubt that. In fact, why don't I ask Isaac right now?" 
You blanched. "What do you mean?"
"He's coming up behind us," he said, looking past your head. 
You began choking when you saw him in your peripheral version. 
"Can I get you something t- Stiles!" Isaac popped up from behind you and began to ask for your drink orders. 
"Hey, Isaac," you said as you turned around. 
"Hey, Y/n!" His intonation was normal, his facial expression was off. 
"What do you want to drink?" he asked, though his focus was on your dad's squinted gaze pointed directly at him. 
"Can I get a coffee?" Noah spoke up first. Isaac jotted down his order.
Stiles followed. 
"I'll get an Arnold Palmer!" he said while raising his hand. 
"Is that on the menu?" Isaac asked confusedly.
"No, but it's half of a lemonade, half of an iced tea in one glass."
"Okay… Arnold Palmer." 
"Y/n," the lovestruck boy said with a smile. "What about you?" 
The corners of your mouth turned up. "It's not on the menu, but is there an option for an iced coffee?" 
"Uh, I'm sure there is." He knew there wasn't, but he also knew you didn't like hot coffee much. 
"Are you sure? I don't want to--"
"It's fine, Y/n," he reassured.  
He walked away and headed to the kitchen to tell the cooks the drink order. 
"I need an iced coffee, a regular coffee, and A half-and-half lemonade-iced tea. Please," he added. 
Isaac glanced outside the kitchen window and gazed at you softly. He admired the way your eyes glimmered in the sun and how your hair bounced with every gesture you made. From this, he began to appreciate how amazing your hair looked and how the light refracted off of it. 
He smiled a lopsided grin as he watched the way your lips move. He imagined how they would feel on his. Soft. Smooth. He had the notion that you were probably experienced in that field, more so than he was. 
No. He couldn't imagine that. When he thought about the things he just thought, it sounded creepy and perverted. Besides, there was no way that you liked him back, so even thinking about it would just lead to further heartbreak. 
He grabbed your table's drinks and walked back, trying to ignore your smile because he couldn't stop the race that his heart ran whenever he saw it.
"Alright, here are your drinks."
"Isaac, can I talk to you outside?" asked Stiles.
"I'm actually working, so I can't do that. But, I can take your orders."
He jotted down each of your orders and went back to the kitchens.
"Stiles, I swear to God, I'm gonna hurt you."
"Not my fault you're over here pining after Lahey but won't do anything about it."
"Up your ass and off your high horse, Stiles!" You did your best to be quiet with your statement, but your dad still heard. 
"Hey, hey!"
"Sorry, Dad," you and Stiles said simultaneously. 
You watched the cooks prepare the food in front of you, but you hoped to see Isaac somehow, even though he was in the back.
You thought about his messy hair and how it felt in-between your fingers... How his eyes dilated with each smile, and the tiny specks of green in those ocean blue eyes were always able to calm you down.
You noticed how his lips were never chapped and how his cheeks looked like apples when he smiled, and the one dimple that was prominent in those moments as well. 
You wondered if this was how Lydia felt for the boy that caused their entire concept of code reds or if you began to feel something much more for the boy with the shy demeanor and quiet voice. 
When Isaac came back, you thought about how you could try to confess your feelings. But, you knew that if Isaac was barely willing to talk to you for a long time, it would be a snowball's chance in hell that he liked you the same way. 
"Alright, here's your waffles and your hash-browns, Y/n. Your sandwich, Sheriff, and your All-Star breakfast, Stiles."
"Thank you, Isaac," you said with a smile.
He turned to leave before you called out. 
"Um, Isaac!" He spun around on his heel at your calling with a questioning look on his face. 
He walked back towards you, prepared to write something else down on his order pad. 
"Movie night, tomorrow?"
He smiled. "Yeah, sure." 
"Dorota, you cannot tell me you do not like him."
"Mieczysław, I do not." 
Your dad cut in. "Sweetheart, and if you do?"
"I don't. Can we just leave it at that?" 
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houseof-harry · 4 years
Fuck You Too | G.D.
Part 2 of Hate You Too
A/N - surprise! why im posting so late, I couldn’t tell you but here we are. im so excited to share this part w y'all, and im currently obsessed with this whole story line at this point. pls lmk what you guys think!!!!! (and @vintagedolan​ is an amazing gifer and I will be using her gifs on everything I post but we knew I loved her from the start and anyways)
Word Count - 5.3k
Warnings - some nasty, some angst, nothing new
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Kacey described it as a glow.
You hated that, because that made everything seem warm and magical and nice. That’s not what you were feeling, despite the new pep in your step.
But how were you supposed to tell Kacey you’d slept with her boyfriend’s twin that you despised and now you couldn’t stop thinking about it?
The worst part was everything was almost back to normal the next day. He was making rude comments, you were rolling your eyes, and you were flipping each other off by the time dinner came around all over again. But something felt a little different to you. The way his eyes shined a bit brighter when you caught him giving you a death glare, the way you thought about your late night activities with him whenever he flashed you his middle finger, a whole new meaning associated with the action.
You hated that he was giving you these new feelings. So you decided to hate him even more for it.
Luckily, since your mini vacation you’d been able to avoid seeing Grayson. And you thought you’d be able to continue that streak tonight. You and your friends were headed to your favorite bar for tequila tuesday. You didn’t typically participate in something that sounded like an excuse for a frat to throw down during the week, but between your constant thoughts of Grayson and your stress from heading back to work, you were in need of a midweek drink. Or ten.
So you got on your best top, your cutest jeans, your hottest shoes, and you made sure your hair and makeup were both perfect. Tonight was about distracting, about your “glow” becoming sweat from dancing with your friends, and maybe even having an actual excuse as to why you were less uptight because Kacey was getting way too suspicious for your liking.
When you first got there, your spirits were high. Your friends were quick to get some tequila in you, and before you knew it you had that warm feeling all over your body. You had hope, you were feeling good and loose, ready to forget everything that had been haunting you for almost two weeks.
But then the Dolans walked through the doors, and it was almost like you had this 6th sense they were there because the second Grayson was inside, your eyes met. You quickly moved your gaze elsewhere, anger already flowing through your veins alongside the alcohol that was continuing to fog your brain by the minute.
You hear Kacey greet Ethan excitedly, and turn your head to see her almost tackle him down. It makes you giggle to yourself because as much as you had wanted to hate them at first, they were cute as fuck. They almost made you want a relationship of your own. Almost.
“Already drunk?” The deep, and now familiar voice of Grayson comes from behind you, already way too close for comfort.
A scowl makes its way onto your face as you turn around, finding him almost directly behind you. You have to look up at him to see his face, and he looks plenty amused with how much he’s already gotten under your skin.
“Maybe. Does it matter to you?”
He shrugs casually, looking around and smiling at the rest of your friends before looking back down at you. “Not at all. Just something I’d expect from you.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes and pushing at his chest so you can step away from him. “Mind your fucking business, Dolan. I don’t even know why you’d come to a bar when you know you’re not gonna drink.”
“Oh, so I’m not welcome to hang out with you guys? That’s kind of mean, Y/N. Does alcohol make you mean?”
The teasing tone of his voice is only adding to your quickly building frustration as you take a large sip of your drink. “You haven’t seen mean from me yet.”
Before he gets a chance to respond, you walk over to Mila, a more than annoyed look on your face.
“Fuck that kid,” you mumble, finishing off the rest of your drink in a few gulps.
She laughs, shaking her head at you. “Easy there, tiger. You’ve already had four shots and two of those. You wanna be able to walk out of here by the end of the night?”
You roll your eyes, putting your empty cup on the table. “Fine, mom.”
“Damn, he’s been here for less than five minutes and you’re already a bitch,” she laughs, her eyes going to Grayson for a moment to watch him talk to Jas before she looks back at you.
“Can you blame me? He’s unbearable,” you whine, a pout on your lips. You feel a bit childish, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. Grayson was a nuisance. A nuisance with a big dick. But definitely a nuisance.
“I think you’re literally the only one who feels that way,” she responds, her eyes clearly raking up and down his body, and you turn to do the same. The tight black long sleeve shirt defines his muscles quite nicely, and his jeans follow the curve of his ass.
You shake your head to bring you out of your trance, knowing yourself too well. Tequila made you horny, and you refused for him to be the one you wanted to spend the night with.
“He’s shallow, condescending, and straight up rude. I don’t get how any of you even like him.”
“You’re the only one he seems to be like that too, though. I wonder why.” Mila grabs her chin, tapping her lips as she tries to think of a reason.
You can’t help the anger that bubbles right back to the surface at her statement, though. That’s all everyone tells you. He’s so nice, and cares about others, and he makes people laugh and is a good time overall. It’s just you that he isn’t nice to. And they love to remind you every time he comes up in conversation, which is more often than you find necessary. They seem to literally swoon over him. You wonder if he’s fucked them too, and that’s how he has a hold over all of them. Maybe he thought it was what would make you like him more, but it didn’t fucking work and you despised how much of a cocky ass he was about fucking you.
So you do what you do best, and find the most attractive man you can. It’s almost laughable how much he looked like Grayson. He was about 6 foot, dark hair, beard, tattoos all over his legs, defined muscles, almost a Grayson look a like. But not quite. And fortunately enough for you, he was easy to woo because he was dragging you out of the bar not even an hour later to bring you back to his place. You hoped he was a distraction enough, finally no Grayson in site to continue to ruin any type of fun you were determined to have.
You were grateful that your friends so regularly opened their homes to you. It led to many nights spent at their pools, in their living rooms, cooking in their kitchens, that all created new amazing memories for you to remember forever.
And that’s what you guys were all doing tonight. You were at Mila’s pool, floating around with everyone and going over your weeks to catch up. That’s when Mila asked about the guy you went home with, and you decided now was your moment to finally brag about the man from the bar. He didn’t make you cum as hard as Grayson did, but he got the job done and you’ll be damned if you don’t let everyone know.
To be honest, when Grayson heard you talking, for a moment he couldn’t even blame you for fucking the guy and being so proud about it. But then he remembered it was you talking, and he instantly felt his blood pressure rise.
“His hands were just so...big. And his hand print was bruised on me literally until this morning.”
All the girls around you giggle, ignoring Grayson's looming presence as he wafted in the water closer and closer, trying to seem as casual as possible with his back turned to you all.
“Oh my god and the way he just manhandled me, he picked me up without even batting an eye. It was fucking amazing.”
“Ugh, you’re really out here living the dream,” Mila sighs out, a pout adorning her lips.
“For real, Y/N, you gotta give us all the tips,” Jas adds, a knowing smirk on her face. You roll your eyes before looking at the other girls again.
Before you can respond with anything, Ethan is announcing dinner and the girls are dispersing. You decide to float around for a few minutes alone, wanting the space before you’re back at the dinner table with everyone.
“So he’s got nice hands?”
You jump and cover your mouth, fear shooting through your body for a moment as you turn to see Grayson in the water with you.
“Jesus fucking christ you dick. How long have you been stalking me?”
He rolls his eyes, sinking into the water so that just his neck and head are above it. “It’s a small ass pool, I’m not stalking you.”
You huff, looking over to see all of your friends starting to get their food and sit around the table that’s blocked by the fire pit. You could see them, but they could barely see you. “Aren’t you going to eat or some shit?”
“Aren’t you?”
“God you’re annoying.” You decide to move and float on your back, closing your eyes so you can do your best to ignore him.
“Bet he didn’t make you cum as hard as I did.”
You groan, clenching your fists as heated anger shoots through you. Of course he’s right, but he shouldn’t know it. “You’re such a fucking boy. Not everything is a damn competition. But, if it was, he won.”
For a minute you’re met with silence, and you think maybe he’s actually going to leave you alone.
“Oh my god,” you sigh, shifting your body to be upright again. You’re met with his smug face, muscles bulging as his skin drips with water from the pool. For a second you think about how he definitely looks better than the other guy would dripping wet like that, but you shut it down real fast. “First, you need to put your ego in check. This may come as a shock to you, but you’re not some god on earth. Second, stop talking about this shit while our friends are here. They don’t need to know shit happened.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I definitely don’t want them knowing I slept with the fake ass princess of town. I’m just saying it’s a shame you think you’ll ever get better dick than mine.”
“You are such a fucking asshole. Like a grade A, picture perfect image of an asshole.” You start to swim to the edge, over his antics. Your patience for him is thin to start, and he’s pushed your buttons enough for you to need another two weeks of not seeing his stupid face. You reach for the deck, getting ready to pull yourself out when you feel two large hands grip your waist, forcing you to stay shoulder deep in the water. You couldn’t stand here, but he could.
“Running away from your problems, like always?” His voice is right in your ear and you’re sure if you shift your head just a tiny bit you’d feel his lips there as well.
“So you finally admit you’re a problem?”
He chuckles softly, his thumbs rubbing circles into your hips. “Maybe. But you’re not much better.”
You cock your head to move farther from his, almost as if you’re considering his words. “Maybe,” you mock him, your muscles tensing as one of his hands slowly moves to the front of your bathing suit. His fingers dip in, quickly finding your clit and getting to work. You hate that your body naturally responds as you relax like putty in his grip, your legs spreading. “But at least I don’t have to trap random girls in a pool with me to reassure my fat fucking ego.”
He bites his lip, temporarily ignoring your words and he continues to circle your clit. He listens to your quiet whimpers as you do what you can to stay silent, both for the sake of not feeding further into his pride and to keep your activities a secret.
Soon your chest is rising and falling quickly and you’re grateful you’re in a pool because there would be no other way to explain the drips of sweat on your hairline. You can feel the fire in the pit of your stomach slowly growing, spreading throughout your entire body.
“Interesting you think you’re a random girl,” he mumbles into your ear before removing himself completely from you.
You gasp, quickly coming back to reality as your orgasm fades into the past, watching him pull himself out of the pool next to you. It should honestly be illegal how good his back looked when doing that.
He looks down at you, annoying ass smirk and all with his hands on his hips as he watches you try to process everything that just happened. “Going to eat. Or some shit.”
And with that he leaves you alone in the pool, cheeks flushed, pussy clenching and a whole lot to think about.
“You’ve got the new dick glow girl, I’m telling you.”
“Oh jesus, Kace. It’s not even 9 in the morning,” you huff, sitting across from her at your table, breakfast in hand.
“You have been happier lately,” Ethan chimes in as he watches you begin to eat the vegan french toast he claims will change your world.
You take a bite, shaking your head. “That’s not a thing, and even if it were I don’t have it. Haven’t had dick in a week.”
Although that’s technically true, your mind can’t help but go to the pool from a few days ago. There was no dick involved, but it definitely made you flush a bit. There was definitely no glow, though. If anything it was from embarrassment that you let Grayson touch you again. Or, that’s what you tell yourself, at least.
“Well you’re acting like you’re getting dick every night. Was it so good you masturbate thinking about it every night?”
“Oh jesus christ.”
Ethan turns bright red as Kacey laughs and you rub your face in your hands. Her accusations aren’t wrong, but telling her would mean telling them that Grayson was the one haunting you while you laid awake, chasing sleep but his body, his hands, his everything wouldn’t leave you alone until you did something about it.
“Oh my god, is it the feelings glow? Do you like the guy?” Kacey continues to laugh, wiggling her eyebrows as you make a face of disgust.
“Absolutely not. I don’t want to date anyone right now, and I don’t know anyone who I’d be willing to give up my single life for. Ethan,” you turn to him pointing your fork at him. “Good luck, she’s fucking crazy today.” You stand, grabbing your plate and walking towards your room. “Now I need to get ready, so stop talking about my fucking glow that doesn’t exist.”
The couple wait a few moments to hear your music blasting before Kacey turned to Ethan.
“God, she’s got it for someone. Think it’s the guy from the bar?” She wonders aloud, watching Ethan inhale what’s left of the french toast he served himself.
He shrugs. “Dunno. What exactly is the ‘new dick glow’?”
“It’s when a girl starts getting dicked down, but like actually dicked down, not just by a guy who has a ten second stroke game. Whoever the guy is definitely fucked her right, because Y/N never gets the new dick glow. She hasn’t made a joke about guys not knowing where the clit is for almost three weeks, which might be a record.”
Ethan scoffs, looking down the hall and then back at Kacey. “I know where the clit is.”
Kacey laughs, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “I know, baby. That’s why I’m dating you. You gave me the new dick glow.”
He smirks, crossing his arm over his chest. “Fuck yeah I did.”
“But that’s why I wanna know who it is, because Y/N deserves to be happy with someone who makes her happy. The only reason she got defensive was because I’m right.”
Ethan nods in agreement, thinking to himself for a moment.
“Is there a guy equivalent to the new dick glow?”
“Well, any guy who likes dick can get the new dick glow.”
“No, I mean like would I have gotten a new pussy glow when we started fucking?”
Kacey sits back in her chair, running her tongue over her teeth as she thinks before shrugging. “I mean I guess. Any pussy to a guy is good pussy for the most part, though. It’d have to be a girl they’re really into to get a glow.”
Ethan hums, clearly lost in his thoughts. Kacey raises her brow, sitting up to grab her fork. “Why, do you think you got the glow when we started seeing each other?”
“Oh 100%,” he nods, resting his elbow on the table to put his head in his hand while he looks over at her. “But that doesn’t surprise me. I just think Grayson might have the new pussy glow.”
“Mhm,” Ethan nods, now even more confident in his conclusion. “He’s just been more energetic than normal, and he hasn’t mentioned how desperately single he is since our beach weekend.”
“Who’s he been seeing?”
“That’s the thing,” he huffs, the frustration clearly starting to build as he racks his brain to put the puzzle pieces together without success. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen anyone new, and when he’s talking to his new soulmate of the month he doesn’t shut the fuck up about her before he even knows her last name. But none of them have ever given him the pussy glow, not like this.”
“Wow, the odds Y/N and Grayson get the glow at the same time? Maybe they’ll finally be able to stand one another,” Kacey jokes.
“What if they’re fucking each other and that’s why they’ve got the glow?” Ethan laughs, shaking his head before continuing to eat.
Kacey laughs with him at first, but then her face falls when she thinks about it.
“You said Gray stopped complaining about being single after the beach weekend?”
Ethan nods, looking at her confused.
“That’s when Y/N stopped with the hating all men jokes.”
They both sit there for a moment, watching each other.
“Nah, there’s no way. Grayson can barely stand to be around Y/N for five minutes. There’s no way she could give him the glow,” Ethan speaks up first, shaking his head.
“Yeah,” Kacey sighs, a slight frown forming on her lips. “You’re right. Would kinda be the perfect love story, though.”
2:53 am.
That’s the time your phone says it is.
And somehow you’re wide awake, Grayson haunting your thoughts.
You’re not sure if it’s the exhaustion or the way he seems to consume every part of your mind and body that has you opening your messages with him. There’s only a handful of texts there, all of them short. Your last conversation with him was from when you were out with your friends, but Kacey and Ethan had too much fun too fast. They needed to get home, and being the best best friend, you willingly put your ego on the line by texting Grayson to come get them.
That one word was staring at you, mocking you almost from the screen, knowing that despite how much love Grayson has for his brother, he was still barely willing to do what you asked just due to the fact it was coming from you. It made a small pang of sadness shoot through you, but it was quickly overpowered by anger, and that anger was only heightened by the fact that his snappy attitude and the way he was able to get such a rise out of you made you so fucking wet.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you see the three dots pop up on the screen in front of you for a few seconds before they disappear. You hold your breath, unable to move from the anxiety of being caught staring at these messages looming over you for no reason. It was probably him trying to reach someone else and he didn’t realize he was typing to you.
But then they pop up again, and for almost a full minute before they went away again.
You lay there, waiting to see if he’ll actually say anything to you, but the three dots don’t come back. The time at the top of your screen says 3:01, and you can’t believe he’d even be up right now. Hell, someone probably had his phone and was trying to text you as a prank or something.
But fuck it. You wanted dick, his dick.
you up
You press send before you can think too hard about it, knowing if you let one brain cell evaluate your decision, you wouldn’t have done it.
As you read the message back to yourself, you see why. What kind of douche ass shit was that? That’s something you’d expect Grayson to send you, not the other way around. What were you going to say after he responds? If he responds. What would you say the next time you saw him if this didn’t go as planned? What even was the fucking plan?
As you continue to spiral, your phone dings and lights up in your face, his name popping up.
what do you want
You purse your lips together, surprised by his response. First, the fact he responded and also by the fact he didn’t totally dismiss you either.
But how the fuck do you respond to that?
You decide honesty is the best policy, and at this point there isn’t anything you could do too make things worse than they are because they are already so fucking bad.
thinking about your dick
Shit. You can practically feel his ego growing from your comfortable position under your sheets, even though he lives almost a half hour away. Maybe you should start consulting your brain cells after all.
did you just fucking booty call me 😂
Great. Just more fuel for him to add to the fire.
no. it was a text and i didnt ask you to come over.
thats a shame
You sit there dumbfounded, his response confusing you even more than every feeling he stirs up inside of you. Did he want to come over? Was he thinking about fucking you? Did he actually mean to try and text you before and pussy out?
Ethan and Kacey were at the guys’ house, leaving you alone in the apartment. Realistically, you could totally have him over for a quick fuck without them noticing, as long as he snuck out and back in without waking either of them up. Did you trust him to be able to do that? No. Did you care about that more than getting fucked?
guess im going to bed
A double text from the Grayson Dolan himself. Maybe you weren’t the only desperate one here.
what would you do if you werent going to bed rn
if it were up to me id come fuck you
gonna unlock my door. don’t let k or e hear
You throw your phone face down on the bed as you get up, slight panic running through you. This could quite literally be the dumbest thing you’ve done in a long ass time, and especially sober.
But there’s no time to harp on that, preparing for Grayson’s possible arrival taking the cake. So you get up, moving to the front door and unlocking it before rushing back to your room to get ready. You do what you can to freshen up, changing into just an oversized shirt for easy access, and cleaning up the room, doing what you can to make it as nice as possible. He’d never been there before, and you had no interest in him picking apart anything before getting to what you really want.
Just as you’re fluffing your pillows, you hear the front door open and shut. Butterflies explode in your stomach, nerves you’d been ignoring unable to hide deep within you anymore as you anticipate finally seeing him after what felt like so long.
You check the time on your phone. 3:33. Only a few minutes earlier than you thought he would get here.
You turn as soon as you hear your bedroom door opening. His wide shoulders take up the majority of your doorframe, his white shirt tight across his chest, and his casual stance making you practically drool. And you let yourself enjoy, taking in his athletic shorts that show he is definitely not wearing anything underneath and he is also definitely excited to be there.
He chuckles, crossing his hands over his chest. “Did you tell me to come here just to check me out?”
The minute you hear his voice, your eyes quickly meet his, and his gaze seems to be burning into you.
“Dunno. Do you know how to do anything besides stand there and look pretty?”
He rolls his eyes, making his way into the room and kicking his sneakers off as he gets closer to you. “You and I both know I can do a lot more than that.”
“You’re gonna have to remind me, then,” you hum, a smirk on your face as he finally grips your waist, pushing you gently against the bed so that you have to sit in front of him.
“That shouldn’t be a problem.”
Your hands come to rest on his biceps as he grabs your chin to lean down and kiss you. His lips are soft against yours, moving slower than you expected. The kiss is sensual, slow and hot as he makes sure you can feel every part of his mouth on yours. You bring a hand to his wrist, the sensation of finally having his lips on yours making your head spin. You’d missed it more than you’d like to admit.
He begins pushing your body down so you’re lying on your back, your shirt riding up your thighs and exposing the warm skin there. He rests his free hand by the side of your head to lean his body over yours, his knees resting on the edge of the bed in between your legs. You could feel his hard dick against your abdomen and you moan against his lips just at the thought of finally having him again.
He pulls away from your mouth for a moment, both of your breathing a bit more ragged than before as you look into each other's eyes for what feels like the first time. It’s pretty dark in your room, the lamp in the corner the only source of light, but you can still see all the different colors and emotions that seem to be dancing behind his irises.
You lick your lips and pull on his wrist to bring his face back to yours and he seems to hesitate for a moment before conceding, meeting your lips with his again for a moment before dragging them down to your chin. His kisses along the skin there are lighter and quicker, until he is finally trailing them down your neck and finding the spot there that makes you gasp.
He pays attention to this spot, kissing and sucking until you’re sure there’s a bruise there, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
While he focuses on your neck, he lets go of your chin to drag his hand leisurely down your body and to the hem of your shirt. His fingertips dance along the skin just below it, and you feel the goosebumps quickly forming in a trail behind them. He pushes the shirt up slowly, letting himself enjoy the feeling of your skin that hadn’t left his mind since the last time he had been able to touch it.
He grabs the collar of your shirt from the inside, his forearm pushing the fabric up to completely expose your body while also showing some new skin where your neck meets your chest. He lets his lips drag down there, and you let out a breathy sigh of contentment.
“So soft for me,” he mumbles, and you melt into the way his tongue feels against your skin, his hand moving from your collar to your chest and allowing his finger to brush over your nipple
“Grayson,” you mumble, eyes closed as you enjoy his soft touches, but the warmth coming from them is overwhelming. It was caring, gentle, even nice. That’s not what you need from him, though. Not when you’ve already been so confused.
“Hm?” He hums against your skin, licking over the dark spot there.
“Gonna put a pep in your step or what? Thought you came here to fuck me.”
He lifts his head at that, his eyebrows quirked as he looks at you confused. “No build up allowed?”
You huff, assuming he’s only acting this way to get a rise out of you. He wants to hear how ready you are from him, and at this point you don’t care because you want to get your shit rocked.
“I don’t need the buildup, that’s some romantic ass shit. You’d know I’m wet as shit if you touched me where I know you want to.”
You swear you saw disappointment rush over his features for a split second before they harden, his jaw tightening.
“I wasn’t being romantic, I was just doing what I always fucking do!” He stands from above you, backing away as he rests his hands on his hips.
You sigh before sitting up, assuming he’s just throwing a fit and will get over himself to finally do what you’ve both been anticipating.
“That was some soft shit, Gray. Last time you literally told me all the things you hate about me.”
He groans and mumbles under his breath as he closes his eyes to collect himself. You lean back on your hands, amusedly watching him try not to completely lose his shit.
“Do you always have to be such a fucking bitch?”
His words make the smirk fall from your face, and they cut way deeper than you’d expect. You can see from the look on his face that he’s not teasing you, he really meant what he said. You’re not sure if he expected an answer, but before you can think of anything rational, your anger takes over.
“I’d rather be a bitch than a fucking idiot?”
“Oh, so caring about people makes me a fucking idiot?” Grayson’s teeth clench, his skin still red as his fingernails dig into his palms.
“No, caring about you would make me an idiot,” you do your best to be as nonemotional as possible, pushing the anger that is aiming to match his down while ignoring the implication that he cares about you. Of course, anger is a secondary emotion, and the fear of actually caring for someone you’re supposed to hate is what’s triggered your fight or flight, but that’s something for you to work on alone. Or in therapy. But not with Grayson.
He scoffs. “You know what Y/N? Fuck you.”
He walks around the room, gathering the few things he brought with him before slamming your bedroom door.
You let all of the emotional baggage of the past ten minutes take over, tears quickly filling your eyes as you mumble, “fuck you too.”
Read part 3 here!
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hazbincalifornia · 3 years
Not trying to alter the timelines here but oh w-what if possessive Stolas in this whole awesome shitshow with pregnant Blitzy
I’ve been doing episode spinoffs already, so this is just an au thing! Anyway, I'm gonna kick this fic to you real quick before doing my own. 
There was ragged nylon and kevlar cutting into his wrists. Not always a problem, especially when a guy liked rope play, but it sure as shit was right now when he was trussed up like a turkey, wrists and ankles pressed together above him and stomach hanging lower than the balls of a participant in No Nut November. The rope traced around his stomach, making a circle around where it jutted out from his body but leaving it entirely unsupported.
"So, y'all gonna tell me what the deal is here? Kinda got shit to get to, and all the blood's pooling in my gut. Trust me, you don't want me thinking even less, because instinct's telling me-"
"Hey, hey, hey! It took us ages to maneuver you with-" A voice asserted before a throat cleared and the human woman that the voice belonged to stepped forward. "Anyway. You're going to tell us what we want, or else!"
"Or else what?" Blitzo raised an eyebrow. "Come on, I've gotten out of blind dates worse than this on this on an average Tuesday night."
"Maybe this could convince you?" Something sharp dragged along his stomach and his head immediately snapped down to see a pale hand holding a blade that was slicing through the fabric of the shirt. He growled deep in his throat, and the man attached to the hand chuckled.
"Ha, I knew you'd be protective of your weird demon spawn. Do guy demons reproduce or do you just have a really deep voice?"
"Good question! How about you shove it and that knife up your puckered asshole, you fucking dipshit?" Blitzo's tail snapped like a whip, catching the man with a yelp as the knife was knocked out of his hand. 
“Hey! I’m not into anal!” The man scurried over next to the woman, and she patted his shoulder. 
“So, where’s the guy who came with me?” Blitzo’s eyes narrowed.
“It’s still unconscious,” The woman said. “It must be weaker than you. Maybe stronger demons are the ones to carry the young? Is that your mate?”
“Fuck, sometimes I wish,” Blitzo muttered before clearing his throat. “Okay, lemme make this simple: You let me go, and I kill you in a slightly less painful way than usual, sound good?”
“No, that sounds terrible, actually,” the man replied.
“Trust me, it’s a lot better than you’d think. I can get real creative. You ever seen anybody get their ribcage pulled out their throat before?”
They grimaced in unison, and Blitzo squirmed in the rope. No dice, and his stomach was starting to ache even more than usual- without any kind of support from his limbs, it was like the weight had been doubled. Something was compressing his lungs, but if it was the position or some kind of drug he had no idea. 
“Come on, what do you chucklefucks even want? I’ve got tips on how to get horses to trust you and how to make a body into a pretzel, but-”
“Information.” The man stepped closer. “Who you work for, how you got here-”
“What you are,” the woman chipped in, and Blitzo snorted.
“I’m a catch is what I am.”
“Sure you are.” The man flipped some switch and the ropes cinched tighter. Blitzo bit back a yipe, stomach bubbling acid as the weight dropped lower. “And we caught you.”
“Nice one, One.”
“Thanks, I was saving that one.” 
Blitzo struggled, but any movement just pulled the ropes tighter, circulation starting to chafe as his hands got hot- and so did the ring around the now-squirming baby gut as the kid inside started kicking up a fuss at the restricting space.
Losing oxygen to the gut region would... probably be bad.
“Feel like talking yet, demon scum?” The woman had borrowed the blade from her partner, running it along Blitzo’s cheek, and a single drop of black blood oozed over the blade.
Things got... a tad blurry after that. Blitzo knew that he swung forward, trying to bite at the woman, and that she swung with the blade, slicing through his face. Blood oozed over his eyes, and no amount of blinking could get rid of it without access to his hands. 
The lights flickered, then went out, so even if his eyes had been working, they might not have helped that much. The humans yelped, and a warmth swelled up in Blitzo like he’d swallowed lava before he coughed up a single feather. From what he could see, the woman was doing a lot worse, bent double and pounding on the floor before her knuckles split and she started smearing the blood everywhere.
“T-Two? What are you-”
Two didn’t respond, even when the man shook her shoulder- she just swatted it away.
The fountain of feathers erupting from her throat before she vomited black blood was thick, and Blitzo just stared slack-jawed as they kept coming and coming, twitching his eye muscles to try and get the blood off his eyelids. 
“Who dares to harm my precious little impling?”
“Impling? Really? I’m not five,” Blitzo muttered under his breath and entirely without thinking as the feathers formed into a black and red form seething around the edges with deepest Hellfire, the kind that would keep burning for decades if touched even once. The thing was impossible to describe, the edges shifting every millisecond, but it had far too many teeth and wings and eyes, and a roar at the humans made them piss their pants. Blitzo could smell it.
It took mere seconds for the thing to spin itself into a more familiar form, and Blitzo gulped as Stolas lifted him up and sliced through the bonds with a hand.
“Are you alright, darling?”
“I’m fine, they just got my face. That’s the worst place to leave cuts, though, don’t want to ruin this pretty mug.”
Stolas gave a little chuckle, scooping Blitzo up with ease and running a hand over his stomach. 
“I can heal it for you, and I believe that I told you to be careful while carrying.”
“Yeah, well, I believe that they snuck up on us. I’m not trying to get junior whacked any more than I’m trying to off myself, alright?” 
“D-demon...” The man muttered, and Stolas turned.
“Ah, are you two the ones that tied my Blitzy up and mussed his face?” He raised one hand and the man’s brain exploded inside of his head, bits of brain chunk flying out of his ears and popping out of one eyeball. They made a squishy splatter on the floor and the nearest object, which happened to be his partner. Two didn’t even have enough time to scream before the same happened to her.
“...Holy shit, Stolas,” Blitzo said, and Stolas grinned.
“I couldn’t let anything happen to my favorite Daddy, now could I?”
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lgbtqlegends · 3 years
poly!legends headcanons
alright y'all so,,, i was doing the sara/charlie/zari ask the other day and then poly!legends (smth both me and mod choco Love yet clearly don't think abt/write enough lmao) popped into my head and wouldn't leave so,, headcanon time woo!! there's not really any Set relationships it's just,,, poly!legends, so ig they're all just basically dating each other, or at least,, within the parameters of their sexualities lol so like,,, i.e. ava being a lesbian wouldn't be dating any of the guys. do with that what you will. onto the headcanons!
they have giant sleepover movie nights every single week, non-negotiable, and they gather a bunch of pillows and blankets and beebos and throw them on the floor in the rec room. they get into comfy pjs (sometimes they have onesie nights where all of them have to wear a onesie for pjs- yes even you too mick- but most times its just,,, whatever they wanna wear for pjs). they're all in a massive cuddle pile and it's practically the only time they can all have a collective date night bc there's Too Many of them to do much else lmfao
after any really hard crossover missions they forgo the cleanup and instead just have giant cuddle puddles in the middle of wherever they are, because they're all like,,, terrified about the potential of losing each other. everyone else has to clean up around them bc they refuse to move. kara always ends up in the cuddle puddle eventually, bc she pouts and looks longingly until someone tells her to go cuddle
gideon would be such a little shit lmao she would tease all of them about Everything,,, without mercy. everything is fair game. also she has,,, no idea how like half of these relationships even work out but at the same time,,, she doesn't really need to know?? she's just happy that they all found each other and that she was able to witness all of these friendships/relationships/connections form so,,, (the legends all 100% band together to get the science nerds to figure out how to let human!gideon come out every so often bc let's be honest they're all shook by her and they definitely all think she's hot lmao. gideon doesn't know how she somehow ended up in the midst of poly!legends but she doesn't really think she'd change a thing)
they have so many smaller sleepovers too like,,, in between the giant movie night sleepovers. like they all kinda more or less have their main relationship(s) or w/e but they're all still generally dating each other so it's definitely not uncommon at all for there to be smaller sleepovers in any of the rooms on any given night, because they all like spending time together but they have to limit the giant movie nights to no more than once a week bc they can't just,,, permanently set up shop in the rec room and also there are no beds that will fit All of them but they definitely cannot just sleep on the floor with pillows and blankets every night so,,, they make do lmao
all the other superteams are lowkey scared of/intimidated by the legends (and also probably just,,, a little bit scarred for life lmao) bc they've portaled onto the waverider w/o calling ahead before and they've,,, seen and heard some shit,,, and although the other superteams don't necessarily understand like,,, how,,, the legends exist and operate like they do they also like,,, respect them for it too bc like,,, they're all dating each other and they're all also Living together and they,,, have not killed each other yet (at least not Intentionally,,, and i mean,,, they get on each other's nerves and prob Threaten death but that's just How They Are,,, esp with, for the most part, emotionally constipated pyromaniac/thief and former assassin and just,,, everyone else,,, it's just How the legends Are lmao)
also there are,,, so many different levels of affection with them lmao cause like,,, you've got a few who are very openly physically affectionate with everyone (also dependent upon the other person's comfort level w/ affection though), like say ray and nate and mona, and then there's like,,, sara, who's love language Is physical touch but she's much more guarded about it and reserved with it and then there's like,,, mick who is like,,, absolutely Not with physical affection unless it's with snart or like,,, mona (and like,, lita too obvi but that's obvi parental and not some type of poly relationship lmao). but he shows his affection for everyone else in other ways lmao so,,, outside people probably find it very amusing and confusing to watch
speaking of lita, her visits to the waverider are super fun lmao it's always a surprise, she never knows quite what's gonna happen lmao. it's always an adventure n she's got so many aunts and uncles now
also?? there are,,,, So Many "meet the parents" and each time is just,,, utter chaos and confusion. quentin (and dinah) were def the most chill with it, after all they've seen (esp quentin) they're both just like "yeah alright this is just a normal tuesday". everyone else's parents' reactions range from "a little confused but supportive" to "it didn't go very well" and uh,,, anyway quentin and dinah are like,,, "fuck it we have So Many kids now" lmao
sometimes they all try to go on like,,, big proper collective dates that aren't just,,,, movie nights on the waverider, but it almost always ends in disaster lmao. they've tried lasertag and paintball, they've tried escape rooms, they've tried amusement parks,,, it just Always ends in absolute chaos and disaster
anyways that's all I've got for this headcanon post, if mod choco or I think of more at some point, we'll probably post them lmao but for now have these, and feel free to come to our inbox and send us asks abt poly!legends
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bellesque · 5 years
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Sweet Dreams (Loki x Reader) Chapter 2
Read chapter one here on tumblr or on AO3.
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3.5K Warnings/Tags: Incubus Loki, right now I have no idea what else I’m sorry I’m exhausted Summary: It’s your first free weekend in what feels like forever and you plan on snoozing through it without any interruptions. Someone has other plans.
A/N: Happy early Valentine's Day! I'm actually so overwhelmed with the response this has gotten - it's crazy. I'm so grateful and I love you. Y'all are amazing.
You woke up lightheaded and so close, oh so close, to the release that you craved. To have it robbed from you, to come so close only to have it taken away in a little less than a heartbeat, leaves you agitated and—quite frankly—still aroused.
It’s already midday. Surely by now the effects of the mystery man in your dreams have worn off. Surely you’ve forgotten the sound of his enchanting voice, the feel of his mouth on your skin, the absolute bliss that coursed through your body when he…
You’re a little in shock, to say the least. Memories of your fever dream linger in the back of your mind, resurfacing at the most random moments.
You are no stranger to wet dreams. Hell, they’re a welcome change from time to time. What makes this one so different?
Of course, you know the answer. It’s only your stubbornness and pride keeping you from admitting it. You want to chalk it up to just being a dream, too good to be real—only it  was real, and you know that in your heart. You just can’t explain how.
Your Saturday morning is spent obsessing over the man (incubus, you recall him telling you) and replaying every little moment from last night’s tryst.
There’s a niggling feeling that you can’t shake: whatever happened last night is far from over. Oh no, things have only just begun.
And the thought thrills you.
You find yourself constantly checking the time throughout the day.
You’re antsy, whether you want to admit it or not. It’s a mix of fear from not knowing if whatever the hell happened was real or dangerous at all, and anticipation for what’s yet to come.
Until the next night of ours, sweet.
Next. You’re absolutely certain he said next, which means that your indecent show yesterday is getting an encore.
The sound of your TV blurs into background noise as you check your phone. 5:36 PM. Far too early for you to be going to bed, but you can’t even focus on the show you’re watching as your thoughts are consumed by what awaits you when you enter dreamland.
You’re too fucking excited to go to bed that the chances of falling asleep as easily as you want are slim.
With a huff, you rise from your couch, stalking to your closet in the hopes that some reorganization will help you clear your thoughts and relieve some of your pent up energy. Tidying up has that effect, right?
And it helps, even just a little. You settle into a rhythm: keep, toss, hey this is cute, and  ew why do I have this; fold, hang, roll. You’re surprised to find clothes you haven’t seen in what feels like years and check if they still fit you. One particularly racy number catches your attention, bringing to the fore of your brain the reason why you’re fixing your closet in the first place.
You finger the silky material of one of the straps. Maybe if you wear this tonight…
You all but lunge for your phone and check the time, a twinge of enthusiasm in your actions because you can see it’s beginning to darken outside. Which means it’s almost time to sleep.
7:09 PM.
You let out an exasperated sigh.
 As soon as 9 o’clock rolls around (it takes it long enough) and after a long, steamy bath, you pull on the lingerie you found earlier, your hands shaking as if you had just a little too much caffeine. It’s embarrassing how much you’ve worked yourself up over this, turning into a bundle of sex-crazed nerves. It was all you could think about today, you reason. Cut yourself some slack. Or maybe just enjoy it wholeheartedly without the guilt.
The last option is the most appealing.
So you settle into the covers, turn off the lamp that sits by your nightstand, and close your eyes, mentally prepared to accept whatever sexual fate you are to receive.
Only nothing happens.
Your thoughts from today, filthy and secret and quite numerous, play on loop, forcing your mind to stay awake. The opposite of what you want to happen. You want to fall asleep, to see the gorgeous man standing over you and to relish his reaction when he sees what you’re wearing, and then you want to see his expression turn wolfish as he begins to peel off—
You’re doing it again.
Damn it, why can’t you shut your brain off?
You inhale deeply, squeezing your eyes tighter as though the action is enough to command yourself to sleep.
“C’mon,” you mutter to yourself, squeezing your legs together now too. “Sleep, damn it.”
You don’t. Or rather, you can’t.
You don’t know how long you spend lying in your bed with your eyes closed and the rest of your body fidgeting. You toss and turn, attributing your inability to doze off to perhaps the wrong sleeping position. You lie on your back, your stomach, the left side, the right side—and you’re still as restless as before.
At one point in the night you sit up, half-growling, half-groaning your frustration. You just want to sleep. Hasn’t it been your plan for this whole weekend? How is it that they’ve been uprooted and changed so quickly?
Part of you wishes that as you sat up, you’d be met with the charming gaze of the man, signifying that you’ve successfully fallen asleep. Only there is no one to greet you in the night, and you are still most definitely awake.
You’re irritable and tired of the situation, so you grab your phone to watch something before bed. And then it clicks—last night you were listening to the audiobook! It helped you relax then, perhaps it can do the same now.
Triumphant as if you’ve cracked the code, you open it up and let the audiobook play, the narrator’s voice droning on, the words washing over you like a lullaby.
It’s working, you think excitedly as your eyes begin to leaden with sleep.  This is the key after all! The audiobook is the gateway to sleep, and ultimately the gateway to him.
And a few good minutes later, you knock out.
 You wake up.
Your mind whirrs first, before anything else. The gears of your mind are slow and heavy, groggy, needing a little push. Your eyes haven’t opened, but you can tell it’s already light outside.
What the hell,  it’s already light outside?
Your eyes snap open. You’re awake.
You’re fucking awake and he didn’t come last night.
Humiliation creeps into your veins in the form of heat rushing to your face, even if there’s no one but yourself to see it. You even dressed up for him, you think, grimacing as you look down at yourself. Well. That sure was a waste.
Maybe this is the push you need: he isn’t real after all. This week you were tired, short-fused, and definitely sexually deprived. You climb out of bed and pad towards your bathroom. Yes—you conjured up a literal dream man who also happened to be a sex god. Only your mind didn’t give you the courtesy and satisfaction of actually boning with the said dream man.
As you turn on the showerhead, you can’t help the disappointed exhale that echoes around you. Maybe you’re crazy, and him simply a figment of your imagination, but he felt real.
But it’s time for you to stop living in your head, you decide firmly. You’re calling Isla (she’s the one who recommended the audiobook) to see if she can hook you up with a blind date next weekend. After all, you’re a woman with needs, and you can’t rely on dreams to get off.
This time you enjoy your Sunday without any new thoughts of him.
 “So listen,” Isla says to you on the phone on Tuesday afternoon, “I finally got you a date, but the catch is, he’s not free on the weekend. Thursday sound good?”
“Thursday’s perfect,” you reply, hitting send on one of the emails you’re writing. “Thanks, Isles. What’d you say his name was again?”
“Jacob. He’s a solid 8/10 both in the looks department and in the sheets. You  did say you wanted one night stand material, right?”
“Not a one night stand, per se. I mean, yes, well”—you blow air out through your nose—“it’s whatever.”
“Right, this whatever of yours is going over to your place on Thursday night so better get that engine running soon, because you don’t sound the least bit excited at the idea of getting laid. You okay?”
“It’s fine.” You swivel in your chair. You can’t exactly tell her your blind date-slash-hookup probably won’t top the experience you had with mystery dream guy, so you choose to be deliberately vague in your answers. “Thursday it is. Now, I gotta go, I have work to do—talk to you soon.”
This is your solution: to screw him out of your mind by replacing figment with fact. Hopefully it works. 
You get the feeling it won’t.
 Wednesday night, you fall asleep to the sound of rain outside. There’s something about the peace and tranquility, the steadiness of the pitter patter, that comforts you like a familiar blanket.
You’re dreaming tonight: it’s nothing out of the ordinary, just you and Isla on some island getaway downing tropical drinks. You’re heading up to your hotel room, laughing, but a figure in a jet black suit stands right in front of your door. You stop, blink, and the scene changes from your island getaway to your bedroom.
He’s back. And real.
You’re sitting on your bed, staring, your heart thumping loudly against your ribcage. Vastly different from you, he’s leaning against the door, his posture casual and aloof as if he owns the place.
He regards you with a twinkling eye, his lips just barely curved upwards. He quirks up an eyebrow as he pushes off the door and takes two steps towards your bed.
“Did you miss me, pet?”
Something inside you melts as soon as the question is asked, his voice still as rich and full as you remember it nights ago. And then you remember it’s been almost a week, and that he’s left you hanging for that amount of time.
Without much thought, you slink out of bed and walk towards him. “You came back,” you say, and you’re proud of the fact that your voice is stronger than you feel. Right now you want to melt, sink into him and all his spaces, but the humiliation you felt (albeit weirdly misplaced—who gets upset that they got stood up by a dream guy?) takes precedence.
“Did you doubt that I would, kitten?”
You are about a pace apart from each other. Feeling bold, you look up into his green eyes. Oh, how you can get lost in them: warm and seductive and—
No. You will not make this easy. He comes for pleasure, and his alone. You were a little naïve to think he would consider you in this equation, but you know better now.
“I mean, it has been a fucking week. Almost.” There’s an edge to your tone, you make sure of that. Just to make it clear to him that even if he isn’t human, it’s not fair to leave someone on the brink of orgasm and let them think about it for days on end.
“A fucking week?” he repeats, only his tone is amused and thoughtful. He takes a step towards you and you instinctively take one back. A dance of sorts, only there is no reciprocation from you. “I apologize for my absence, sweet. I had other responsibilities I needed to take care of and I didn’t think it would affect you  this  much. Let me make it up to you”—your knees bump against the corner of your mattress and you buckle under the surprise of it. You sit with a yelp, and he rests his hands on your bare shoulders. “Let me make it up to you by a fucking week.”
“What?” Is he going to make you wait again?
His fingers begin to drum lightly on your collarbone. His eyes are practically glittering with excitement, mesmerizing you with how devastatingly handsome he is up close. Especially when he’s looking at you like  that.
“As you put so eloquently, sweet, a fucking week. An entire week of me coming to ravish you night after night, until you’re completely sated and satisfied.” His voice is a murmur, so low and heady you think you hear it inside you, warming you from your innermost parts to the tips of your fingers. “Does that appeal to you, pet?”
Your eyes flutter close as his long fingers skim up and down the column of your throat. Barely five minutes and your resolve has flung itself out the window.
“Yes,” you breathe, arching your neck as he brushes hair from your shoulders.
“Good. I intend to have my fill, and we’ve barely begun. Let’s make a game of it, hmm?” He twirls a lock of your hair around his index finger. “Being my lover is no easy feat. We need to heighten your senses, make sure you’re well-prepared.”
“What do you mean?” The question you ask spills from your lips as a default reaction, not truly thought out. Your attention is elsewhere, that being everywhere his fingers brush against.
“I’m going to learn about you, sweet. And you are going to learn about me.” He presses his palm flat against your chest, right on your sternum, the purposeful action a contrast to your now submissive self. Gently he pushes you until you’re lying on your back, and he climbs onto the bed with each leg on either side of you. His lean figure looms above you, dominating, as he lowers himself, stretching across you, the length of his body encasing you in his warmth and scent. He settles his weight on his elbows so he doesn’t crush you, but the hungrier part of you wants to have as little space between you as possible. It’s intoxicating you further; with every breath you take you feel like you’re inhaling more of him. You just want more of him.
He lowers his head until you feel his mouth at the shell of your ear. Something inside you coils in long-awaited anticipation, your muscles tense and rigid, as if any unwarranted movement will cause this reality to crumble in on itself.
His nose skims the helix of your ear, his prolonged inhale adding to the fire in your veins. And then he speaks in that spellbinding timbre that drives you mad.
“Night after night after night, I’m going to ravish you with my attention. My affection. I will discover, sweet, what desires you keep in the deepest recesses of your heart, where no one else but I can reach, and I will discover what desires have yet to be awakened in you. I like to think I’m quite skilled at that.” He chuckles in your ear, the sound filling your mind with fantasies and visions of other sounds he can make, none of them innocent. “I want to know  everything, sweet. I want to see everything—every rise and fall of your chest when you come close to release, the way your delicious lips part when it finally happens.”
Your eyes have slipped close at this point, every fiber in your being attuned to his words and his voice, hypnotizing you into picturing what he means.
“Yes, can you see it now?” His index finger traces light, arbitrary patterns on the outside of your bare thigh. “Because I can, quite perfectly. You’re going to be a wonderful treat, my dear—so delightful to unravel. Every change in expression, every shift in of your muscle, I’m going to savor it all. Savor  you. And then you will learn about me: what I enjoy, how to make me beg for you after you’ve begged for me.”
He drags a hand over your thigh from the knee up, until it rests on the spot between your hip and your ass. You can’t stop yourself from making a little noise (did you just  whimper? ) and your hips lift off the bed ever so minutely you think he doesn’t notice—but he does, because he hums and settles the weight of his pelvis over yours.
He’s hard and huge, and a thought flashes through your mind: oh, the things he can do to you with that much power between his legs and the things  you want to do to it.
“I like that sound, pet,” he comments, his lips skimming across your earlobe. He gyrates his hips over you once, twice, and then heaves off you. “Do it again.”
A curse tumbles from your lips, and he chuckles.
“What are you doing to me?” Your voice sounds different to you, breathy and almost whiny, and you’re hit with the realization that any form of coherency you have left is about to disappear from you entirely.
He puts his weight on you again, the stiffness poking at your belly a reminder—as if you need it—that there is the promise of more, and that he wants this probably as much, if not more, than you do.
“Teaching you,” he answers simply, his head dipping further to pepper your jawline with kisses. This time you allow yourself to relish the moment, and your neck moves to give him more access as his lips travel to a sensitive spot behind your ear.
“I… I’m not sure w-what I’m learning,” you respond between heavy breaths.
He sucks on a sensitive spot, just at the junction below your earlobe where the base of your jawline is, and you hear yourself gasp, a needy sound that under any other circumstance, would make you shy away in an instant. But here, in this moment, you feel there is no other way to express fully, and the sound is just right.
The gentle suction on your neck is somehow in time with the throbbing of your body, pulsing with the ache for more. His tongue licks over his new spot once he’s done, and your eyes all but roll to the back of your head at the action. The idea that he has just marked you as his sends an electrifying shudder down your body. He moves his face so it’s aligned with yours—you can feel his nose brushing against yours and his lips are a hair’s breadth away. They’re parted, so close to yours—you could easily capture them in a kiss with the slightest tilt of your chin. You try to do so, only you can feel him pull back and laugh lightly.
“First lesson,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against the corner of your mouth and then down to the ear he hasn’t whispered in. You shiver, craning your neck to the side. “Well, perhaps not a lesson just yet. But the first thing you must remember is my name.”
Yes. Finally you will know his name, something you can scream and whisper and groan in the future. It’s as if he reads your mind, because he continues, “I want to hear you say my name in all different ways. Soft, loud. Pleas, demands. Is that alright with you, sweet?”
You can’t string a single sentence now, with his mouth at your ear and his hands skimming over the skin where your pajama top has ridden up. Your brain is fried, muddled with lust, so all you do is nod.
“Good girl. Now let me hear it from that pretty mouth of yours.” He moves to kiss both your closed eyelids, your nose, until he’s hovering over your lips. You can feel them move above yours and it takes all your willpower not to kiss him right there. “Repeat after me: Loki.”
Loki. It’s a fitting name, for some reason. You can’t picture him with anything else.
“Loki,” you whisper against his lips, quiet and hushed, and it feels right, rolling off your tongue like a stream of water.
“Very good,” he says, and at last he presses his lips against yours, searing hot and languid at the same time. It’s as if he’s taking his time tasting you while you let him take control, his tongue skimming your top lip. And then he kisses you with more fervor, a little growl coming up deep from his throat, and he opens his mouth and takes your bottom lip in between his teeth.
Stars. You’re seeing stars.
Your breathing hitches as he sucks on your bottom lip, a steady rhythm that opens up the floodgates of filthy thoughts and wants and wishes. Giving one final suck, he completely lifts his entire body off of you. Your eyes open, bleary and heavy, and you can see just how divine he looks above you: aroused, flushed, and staring at you with the intensity of the summer sun.
“First  real lesson, sweet,” he says, his voice just the slightest bit rougher, “is sound.”
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lov3nerdstuff · 5 years
Wicked Game {Part 3}
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~Professor Hiddleston AU~
*Tom Hiddleston x reader*
Part: 3/?
Words: 4k
Warnings: Professor x student (college AU)
Summary: After transferring to a new university for the last year of your master's, you meet Professor Hiddleston and soon find yourself unable to stay away from him.
A.N.: I really suck at summaries, I'm so sorry 😅 this is a slow burn romance with lots of pining 💗 so this is where things get really interesting!!! I've currently finished chapter 5 already and I honestly can't wait for y'all to sit squealing on the edge of your seats haha
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
It was Tuesday, another day with another Hiddleston class. That was your first thought when you woke up two hours before your alarm, groaning and tired. After admitting to yourself last night that you were indeed crushing on your professor, you had hardly been able to sleep at all. Even if you'd never have any kind of relationship with him outside of an entire professional one, you still felt like the past four weeks were heavy weight on your heart. You needed to talk to him, if only to apologise for whatever you'd done wrong in that first week. However you saw that there were limited ways to actually do that without making the awkwardness between you even worse. For a moment you were tempted to buy him coffee once again, but quickly dismissed the idea. Maybe you could try to stay after class and talk to him… but then you'd be a small spark in the raging fiery pool of girls, desperate for his attention. An email? That seemed a little bit impersonal, even for your weird whatever-it-was. So you settled for a small note that you'd drop in his office before class. Rolling out of bed (despite it being so fucking early, dark and cold) you wrapped yourself in your blanket like a burrito and sat down at your desk. You wouldn't use any of your fancy paper or pens, that would've been a bit too much, but a plain white sheet and a plain black pen would do.
Dear Mr. Hiddleston.
I couldn't help but notice how, over the past weeks, things have been weird between us and I hate it and I want you to be nice again because I'm heavily crushing on you and this is fucking stupid.
You groaned and hit your head against the tabletop. That wouldn't work, not at all. You needed to talk to him, before class, even if it was only to briefly get your apology out. If things remained weird after that, at least you couldn't blame yourself for not trying to better thing between you. But you also wanted to do more than say sorry, you wanted to make him smile, to see him happy like on the first day you had met. So you got out another piece of paper and aimed for something entirely different...
After taking a long and hot shower, you got dressed in something cute and comfortable, did your hair with a little more effort than usual and packed your bag for the long day ahead, hiding your little letter between a stack of books.
"Hey Y/n…" Your roommate came sauntering out of his room into the hallway and you could already tell that this day had just taken a turn for the worse. "Uhm, I have this thing going on tonight and… well, I don't think it's gonna be a good place for a… woman." He mumbled, not even brave enough to look you in the eye.
"You do realize that this is also my apartment and I pay more rent than you do?" You groaned, crossing your arms in front of your chest. This was not the time to deal with the fundamental problems of your housing, but obviously he was being serious about that.
"I know, I know… but please, Y/n, it's really important. Can't you stay with a friend for the night?" He whined, walking too close to you for your liking.
"I'm sure I will be fine in my room tonight." You replied defensively, backing up against the still closed front door.
"Those guys… you know, who always hang here… they saw you in that little dress you wore last night and well..." He insisted. "They always get what they want, you must know that!"
As you frowned deeply at him, he continued.
"Look, I'm just trying to look out for you. You really really really don't wanna be here tonight."
"Stop inviting people who want to harm me then!" You shouted, definitely not in the mood for this conversation. He was a fucking creep and you seriously considered getting into debt just to get away from here.
"I didn't invite them! They…" He started shaking a little. "I kinda owe them a little for… stuff. I beg of you Y/n to stay gone for just one night. Then I promise they won't ever come back."
"Not ever?" You asked roughly. "No more destruction, no more shouting, no more shadowy business?"
"I promise!" He stood straight and looked more or less serious about this.
With a groan you returned to your room, grabbed all valuables you could stuff into your backpack (it weren't many for you'd always feared 'someone' would steal them), along with your materials for tomorrow's studies and then locked the door from the outside.
"I swear I'll call the cops if those guys ever come back. Or if anyone enters my room." You grumbled as you pushed past your roommate, repeatedly asking yourself why exactly you were doing him this favor.
"Thank you Y/n, I owe you!" He called after you as you stepped outside into the chilly morning air.
"Big time!" You called back, making your way to the Metro station. Only when you were starting to get uncomfortably cold, you realized that in the heat of the argument you had completely forgotten to put on your coat. With a sigh you decided that you wouldn't be outside for long anyway and just hurried even more on your way to uni.
After a short debate with your bank account you got yourself a large coffee before heading to campus. It was still super early and you hoped that Hiddleston wouldn't be there so you could still get stuff done before he arrived. Unsure if it was the right thing to do, you slipped into his office unnoticed, placed the letter on his desk and made your way to the lecture hall as quickly as possible to have some more alone time to relax before the madness of the day would start.
When Tom got out of his car, he quickly debated whether or not he needed a jacket for the short way to his office. Deciding against it, he only took a few steps before someone called out to him.
"Hey Tom!" His friend Benedict shouted from over at his car.
"Morning…" Tom sighed, slinging his bag around his shoulders.
"What's got you so moody?" He inquired as he joined Tom in his walk towards the building.
"Nothing I want to talk about, Ben…"
"Oh, come on! Is it the freshman class? I told you those…"
"No, it's not the freshmen!" Tom rolled his eyes and glared at his friend for making him talk. "I… have issues with a student."
Now it was Benedict's turn to roll his eyes. "Oh don't tell me it still gets you all upset when you have to give people a bad grade. That happens all the time!"
"No, it's not about the grades." He sighed, digging his hands into his pockets.
"Is it those girls who appear seemingly out of nowhere to stalk you? We've talked about that before, it happens to me, too, all the time…" He talked on and on and Tom didn't know if he should laugh at his rambling or punch him in the shoulder.
"Just let it go. Please, Ben, I don't want to talk about it right now."
Benedict shrugged. "If you say so… but I'm here if you want to talk."
"Thanks…" Tom said as they walked through the main door, enjoying the warmth that surrounded him here in the hallway.
"Good morning! Mr. Hiddleston, Mr. Cumberbatch…" A female student squealed at them out of nowhere, making both men jump. To their luck, she walked away as quickly as she had appeared.
"Does this get worse every single day or is it just me?" Tom asked his friend as they continued their way to the faculty's tower.
"I think you're just having a bad day."
"More like a bad month."
"Is that when your 'issues' started? A month ago? But that was…"
"Yeah. First day of classes." Tom ran a hand through his hair and turned to Benedict sharply. "If you must know, I'm having a really, REALLY hard time not doing something incredibly stupid and it's slowly eating me up from the inside. Are you happy now?"
Benedict just stared at his friend in surprise, for Tom was the last person who would ever snap at him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to… well." Tom apologized immediately, sounding more like himself again.
"It's fine. Maybe you should try to get your issues with the student sorted out, even if it's annoying. Talk to them, today if you can. I can't have my best friend walking around looking like he might murder someone soon." Benedict gave him an encouraging smile once they reached his office, then he disappeared behind a stack of books on his desk.
Already feeling a little better, Tom made his way to his own office. Ben was right, he needed to do something about this mood he had fallen into. After all, he enjoyed his work and he enjoyed teaching. And that meant he would have to talk to you. Soon.
When he walked into his office, it took him a moment to shake off the gloom of the morning, but the prospect of talking to you today got his heart beating and the corners of his lips twisting upwards. Once he finally sat down behind his desk, he spotted a neatly folded piece of paper on pile of books. Frowning, he unfolded it and started to read.
I wish I wrote the way I thought; obsessively, incessantly, with maddening hunger. I'd write to the point of suffocation. I'd write myself into nervous breakdowns, manuscripts spiraling out like tentacles into abysmal nothing. And I'd write about you a lot more than I should. - Benedict Smith
For a long while Tom stared at the little piece of paper and the neat handwriting. He had read that quote before and thought that it held a lot of truth in it. If we would just write straight out what we thought instead of censoring ourselves, we would reach a deeper level of authenticity, and of understanding for literature. Whoever had placed this little quote here in his office must've known that he would appreciate it; probably one of his colleagues after he'd left last night. It wasn't really important who sent it, but that it made Tom smile. In fact, he was still smiling when he walked to the lecture hall for his literature class. Before he could even open the door, he already heard a quiet voice singing inside and his stomach started doing backflips. But he had wanted to talk to you and he would do it.
"Good morning." He announced his presence as he stepped into the room, his voice a little hoarse. You jumped, making him bite his bottom lip to suppress the smirk that wanted to force its way through his barriers.
"Good morning professor!" You replied in a voice that sounded just as nervous as he felt. "I'm sorry about my singing, again…"
"And again I say don't worry about it." He smiled at you politely. "I enjoy the song. Very much so. Wicked Game… it's one of my favorites."
"Oh…" You looked at the books in front of you and Tom asked himself why on earth he had to keep making you uncomfortable all the time.
"Uhm… Miss L/n…" He started, unsure of how to put into words what he needed to get out. "Would you… would you be so kind and help me put these papers on everyone's tables?"
"Of course!" Your reply came quickly and he couldn't help but genuinely smile as you tried to climb out of the tower of books you had built around yourself.
"I wanted to talk to you anyway, Mr. Hiddleston…" You said as he handed you a stack of paper. "I… I'm not sure what I have done wrong during the first week of class, but since then I feel like I'm on your bad side. And I would very much like to change that. I'm very sorry if I have overstepped my boundaries or been disrespectful."
When Tom looked at you, standing right in front of him with eyes so sad that he could drown in your unshed tears, he felt his heart break a little. His eyes went wide in surprise and regret and he couldn't blame himself more for your sadness. Yet, he found himself at a loss for words once again, opening and closing his lips like a fish stranded at the shore.
"You… you have done absolutely nothing wrong, I'm so sorry that I made you think that." He finally got out and saw you visibly relax in front of him. He, however, still felt miserable and it showed.
"Are you alright?" You asked, looking concerned. "Did I say something wrong?"
"No!" His reply came too quickly and his mouth felt utterly dry. "I… I'm sorry, I've had a rough month. If I made you feel uncomfortable or unappreciated… in class, I dearly apologize for doing so."
You let out a long breath, looking at the papers in your arms, then back at Tom with a small smile. "Thank you, professor. This was kind of really important to me, I absolutely love your classes and it was…" You stopped mid-sentence, looking away from him.
"Please do go on." He smiled at you, a sincere and curious smile and he watched you blush adorably.
"Well, it's just… I tried so hard to be good enough that I got quite far ahead." You bit your bottom lip and peaked up at him through your lashes.
"What's so bad about that?" He leaned his head to one side and kept smiling at you, unable to stop now that he knew that you weren't, in fact, mad at him.
"It's bad because I'm having a really hard time not interrupting you from time to time to throw in some new info that I read about." You laughed nervously. "I… kinda wanted to impress you."
Now it was for Tom to blush, he could feel the heat on his cheeks even before it became visible. At the same time however, a cold shudder ran from the top of his head right to his core.
"Well…" He smiled, which turned into more of a nervous laugh. From the red on your cheeks and the tiny smile on your face he could tell that you felt equally… hopeful about this conversation. "You already are the best student in any of my classes, that's for sure." He said. "And I would love to hear your opinion on the topics."
If he wasn't completely mistaken, there was a hopeful glimmer in your eyes, a spark of certainty and excitement that made him continue. "If… if you'd want that, you could… uhm… write down whatever you want to say in class, and whatever comes to your mind about the topics and give those notes to me at the end of class. I'll read over it and make my own comments, then pass it back to you and so forth."
Tom didn't know if he had just made his life easier or way more difficult, but when he looked at you positively beaming at him, he couldn't help but smile.
"I would love that." You replied with a huge smile of your own.
"You could call it extra credit, if you want…" He let out a breathy laugh and ran a hand through his already messed up hair.
"Nah, I don't want any credit for it." You grinned. "I'm just trying to learn."
"Not that you would need it anyway." Tom smiled back at you and after another minute of just being flustered and observing each other, he finally tore himself away from your captivating presence to pass out the papers before the rest of the class would take their seats. You did the same, humming quietly, but Tom could hear it nonetheless. As he placed paper upon paper on the tables his eyes kept darting between you and the task at hand. He felt like a giddy school boy, all tingly on the inside, but he forced his body and mind to calm down. He had wanted to ask you to discuss your opinions over coffee after the lecture, but fortunately he had realized soon enough that going out for coffee in the middle of the day would've been a bit too much. The idea with interchanging notes was both appropriate for a professional relationship and a good way to get to know you. Maybe, this arrangement would finally allow him to walk the thin line between his desire for you and his attempt to keep said desire to himself. However, your encounter today had also shown him that you wanted his attention, even if only on an academic level. And that you were by no means opposed to out-of-class time together. For a single day and after a whole month of pining on his part this was absolutely fabulous. So he didn't stretch his luck and went to prepare for his lecture.
You couldn't believe your luck when you sat back down in your chair, hiding your huge grin by sipping on your water. Talking to him had been such a good idea, and even if it had only made you fall for him so much more, you could at least be sure now that he wasn't mad at you. And he was willing to hear about your thoughts of the topics. That was so much more than you had hoped for, and yet so much less than you had dreamed of. Digging through your backpack, you pulled out a journal that only had the first few pages filled. Those you ripped out carefully and done: you had a place to take notes for Hiddleston.
With a loud slump, Sky sat down next to you and immediately started talking.
"Y/n, you won't believe what just happened!" She sighed while the other students started to take their seats.
You could see Hiddleston grinning to himself, before you turned your head towards your friend. "Try me." You chuckled and rested your head in your hands while listening.
"Woah, what's the good mood about?" She asked with exaggerated surprise.
"You go first! What happened that is so incredible?" You laughed at her and poked her in the shoulder with one finger.
"I know I said I'm not into dating and stuff… but there's this amazing person and they… asked me out. I said yes, can you believe that! We're going for dinner tonight." Sky grinned at you and seemed genuinely excited.
You couldn't help but grin in return. "That's amazing! A nice boy, or girl, or whoever, will do you good."
"They don't label themself and I won't either. I'm cool with that." She shrugged. "I'm just really excited."
"Yeah I get that!" You laughed. "I wish you good luck with them and a very nice evening."
"Thank you!" Sky sighed and bit her lip. "Uhm… I know that's a really stupid thing to ask of you, but I'm kinda super broke at the moment and also kinda super hungry…"
You rolled your eyes with a smile. "I can buy you lunch after the lecture."
"Oh you're the absolute best Y/n! I'll pay you back, I promise!" She pulled you into a tight hug and you let it happen with a smile. Hopefully you still had enough cash to buy lunch for two…
"Alright, good morning everyone!" Mr. Hiddleston said loudly to get everyone's attention. "Let's get started on today's topic."
With a smile, you turned towards the front and started your written commentary of the lecture.
"What are you doing?" Sky whispered to you once she noticed that you weren't taking notes of what your professor said, but instead writing down little snippets of information or thoughts.
"... Extra credit?" You mused, only partially happy with your answer.
"Is that why you seem so happy?" She grinned. "Because you talked to our handsome puppy down there?" She motioned toward Hiddleston with her head.
You let out a way too loud snort at her words, which made a few people turn their heads towards you, but Sky didn't seem to mind. "Actually… Yeah, Hiddleston seems so much happier than usual. You did talk to him didn't you!" Sky playfully punched you in the shoulder. "Asked him out on a date yet?"
"Sky!" You hissed, blushing bright red. "He's a professor! Stop those wicked comments…"
"But you can't seriously tell me anymore that you're not crushing on him. C'mon Y/n! You're practically undressing him with your eyes!"
"Stop it! I'm not!" You tried to keep your voice down as much as possible. When Sky looked at you with an who-are-you-kidding expression, you rolled your eyes. "Alright, I… I kinda might have a little crush on him, okay? Can you shut up now?"
Sky pretend to zip her lips closed and you could finally focus back on the lecture.
After class was over and everyone was packing their bags, you thought about it for a second and then added can't wait to hear your thoughts :) to your notes. Then you flipped the journal shut, sealed it with the weird elastic that was attached to it and grabbed your stuff.
"You coming?" Sky asked as she made for the exit.
"Gimme a sec, I gotta talk to Hiddleston." You replied and ignored the knowing grin that Sky shot your way.
You kept your eyes fixed on him as you pushed your way through the usual crowd of girls and when you reached the very front, a few of them even started protesting and elbowing you in the ribs.
Once he noticed you, he simply ignored the babbling girl he was forced to listen to before and you could see the despair in his eyes.
"Uhm, professor, I… we have to go to this… meeting… with the board, immediately, you remember…?" You said loudly and motioned towards the door, hoping he would catch on.
And he did, after a mere second of doubt. "Ah, yes! How could I forget that!" He replied, grabbed his bag in an instant and started making his way through the crowd, following closely behind you. "I'm very sorry, but you all will have to come to my office hours or send an email if you want your questions answered." He called over his shoulder at the irritated girls, while he rushed towards the exit with you. At the door, you grabbed Sky by the arm and lead your group of three around the next corner before finally slowing down.
"What on earth was that?" Sky laughed, looking at you, then at Mr. Hiddleston.
"That, Miss Monroe, was a brilliant save in the last second." He replied with a chuckle. "Miss L/n here saved me a good thirty minutes of meaningless questions from attention seeking students."
You held out the journal to him and grinned. "Did it for utterly selfish reasons. I didn't want to wait to hand this in."
He took the black notebook from you and held it tightly again his chest. "Thank you nonetheless." With another smile he bowed ever so slightly, making Sky giggle.
"Have a nice day, you two." He said then and walked a few steps down the hallway, before turning around once again. "Oh, and Y/n! I'll let you know when you can pick up the notebook." With that and a huge grin, he made his way towards his office, rounding a corner and then he was out of sight.
"Oh well, that was something…" Sky laughed, starting into the opposite direction to head to the cafeteria.
You however remained frozen to the spot, staring after your professor.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" Sky asked with concern once she noticed that you weren't coming.
"He…" You frowned, feeling hot and cold, numb and very much alive at the same time. "He just used my first name…"
General Tags:
@its-remy-not-ratatouille @wegingerangelica @thidls12333
Wicked Game Tags:
@just-the-hiddles @inmyworstlies @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @foodthatsgoodforyoursoul @jessalynjones1989 @dark-night-sky-99 @hiddles-lobotomy @shockwavee @laudylovesyou @maze-lt101 @cupcakeangelness @fairlightswiftly @lys-syl @ordinarygirlfromasmalltown @pinkzz123 @spookycatqueen @exygon @izzy10718 @jenna-sakura @hiddlescastle @starklymydear @darkprincessloki92 @kinghiddlestonanddixon @alt-er-love-er-alt @timetraveler1978 @dreary-skies-stuff @daddys-littlewhitegirl @justthatfangirloverthere @lucantis @missvilsana
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uweiy · 5 years
They were roommates part. 14 (final)
At morning break, Jiang Cheng caught sight of Lan Wangji in the corridor, accompanied by Wei Wuxian.
"Lan Wangji." He said as a greeting.
Wei Wuxian's eyes traveled back and forth between the both of them. He clasped his hands together. "Okay I'm gonna leave you two and ... grab some juice !"
He hurried away with an awkward smile.
Once his brother disappeared behind the corner, Jiang Cheng cleared his throat."How is he ?"
Lan Wangji shot him a pointed look.
Yeah. Stupid question. "You didn't answer last time. Can you give me Xichen's number ?"
"Why" Lan Wangji's eyes gauged Jiang Cheng probingly. Jiang Cheng flinched (internally) from the intensity of it.
"I uh need to talk to him. It's important."
There is something I need to tell him.
What even.
"Look. I know you don't like me and well I don't fancy you either but it just so happens that I won't give up on Xichen so here we ar-"
Jiang Cheng's eyes followed Lan Wangji who sat down with a perfectly serene face and took out a piece of paper and a pen. While Jiang Cheng was still talking.
"I am not giving you Xichen's number." He repeated, holding out the paper to Jiang Cheng, still watching him directly.
Jiang Cheng's brows furrowed, and he slowly took the piece of paper. He felt as if he passed some sort of test.
An address.
Lan Wangji stood up and straightened his clothes while Jiang Cheng was still gaping at the paper. "It is not far."
And he left Jiang Cheng standing there, following the path Wei Wuxian had taken.
The night fell early now, and it was already dark when he got out of class and headed towards the indicated location. Despite that, the path was very clear. After opening the gate to what must've been the garden– really it was more of a park–Jiang Cheng followed the paved stones marking the way.
The entire time he was walking, Jiang Cheng's heart was threatening to overflow with feelings, resting heavily in his chest. It was beating so loudly he was sure anyone passing by could hear it. He almost turned back a few times, but the tiny paper tucked away in his pocket kept him going.
The mansion was entirely in stone, the high walls dragging on into the night sky. Jiang Cheng could see light emanating from the numerous windows.
He felt very small before the imposing woodden door, engraved with the Lan family's symbol. Even the doorbell was decorated with elegant silver flower motifs.
He pushed the button, fully expecting some kind of butler.
The wait was nerve-wracking.
Just as he thought he would burst with nervousness, the door opened and Jiang Cheng almost walked into Xichen. His eyes widened "Wanyin wh-"
Before he could even think, Jiang Cheng slid his hand against the back of Xichen's neck, and kissed him, his lips easily finding their place against Xichen's.
He felt Xichen relax ever so slightly, melting into it and Jiang Cheng ached with how much he wanted this, how much he didn't want to stop– he jolted back to reality.
Want just pooled in Jiang Cheng's stomach.
He let out a shaky breath "Shit I'm sorry I..."
They were both standing in the entrance, Xichen with a confused look on his face, cheeks tinted red by the cold, lips flushed, and Jiang Cheng couldn't find the words anymore.
Instead he dropped his head on Xichen's shoulder, burying his face in the crook of his neck. Xichen smelled like spring and clean and fresh soap and god how Jiang Cheng had missed him.
Xichen rested one arm on Jiang Cheng's back, surprise still clear in his voice "What's wrong ? We can talk insid-"
"I actuallyliedtoyouonce." Jiang Cheng blurted out. "When I told you to go I... I didn't mean it." Now that he had started, the words just came tumbling out.
"I was so scared I’d drive you away too. Everyone always leaves me. But you're just ... There and..." His voice cracked. Damnit "I don't know what to do now you aren't anymore. And I think I actually love you so fucking much I would bring you croissants every morning if you wanted them"
Xichen let out a small laugh, but Jiang Cheng could hear the choked tears in his voice.
"The elders already took their dispositions." Xichen said without much conviction.
Jiang Cheng felt his voice vibrate right next to where his face was pressed into Xichen.
"I don't care. They can't force you into something that doesn't make you happy. Study music." Come back. "Come back."
His words rang with certainty in the night, and Jiang Cheng watched the rise and fall of Xichen's chest for a few more moments before he forced his head up.
He had to go. Now. He would never let go of Xichen again otherwise.
He pushed himself away, holding Xichen by the shoulders so he could look at him directly in the eyes.
"I better see your stupid face around school again. If not, I'll come back and drag your sorry ass out of this mansion"
He took a step back. "I'll get going now"
He took a few more steps and turned on his heels as Xichen called out to him. He didn't so much run as stride away in long steps but the sentiment behind it was the same.
Jiang Cheng slumped down on a bench to calm his racing heart, and waited for his legs to stop wobbling long enough for him to walk home.
If before he'd had memories and daydreams plaguing him, now he could feel the very real phantom of Xichen's lips chasing him, ghosting over his. At times it was all he could think about.
Every day, Jiang Cheng checked if he saw Xichen's face in the dining hall.
He didn't.
He opened the door to his room one evening and blinked. "What even- What are you doing."
Xichen was perched on top of a small ladder trying to reach the top of their curtain. He smiled down on Jiang Cheng. "Decorating" he gestured towards a box on the table "can you give me the–no not that,–left,–yes that please ?" Jiang Cheng automatically reached for the object, a decorative light string, and handed him.
"It's almost Christmas so I figured we needed these" Xichen said, facing the curtain.
"You know that's not what I meant. What are you doing here" Jiang Cheng didn’t couldn't allow the hope that was blossoming, warm and treacherous in his chest, to wash over him just yet.
"Well...after your... impromptu visit, I did a lot of thinking. And when it came down to talking to the elders I tried to imagine what you would say."
Xichen lowered his voice and put on a stern face that looked very Jiang Cheng "Who the hell do they think they are. If they don't agree with your choices they can fuck off." He smiled fondly at Jiang Cheng. "So I essentially told them all that. With less swearing".
Jiang Cheng snorted "Not bad not bad." His smile faltered "what about ?" He gestured towards the room. "This isn't your room anymore."
"Oh you know...  Your roommate was quite happy to change rooms. Another spot opened so I simply suggested this arrangement."
He fidgeted "unless you don't want me to ? Maybe you'd prefer it if we didn't see each other so often or–"
Jiang Cheng grabbed his arms and forced him down from the ladder so that they were eye to eye level.
"Or...or maybe –"
"Shut up."
And Jiang Cheng kissed him.
"Just... don't leave again." He breathed against his lips.
Xichen thought about the elders. About his duties as the family’s eldest. He wouldn’t ever be completely free of them, he knew that. But none of these mattered as much as Jiang Cheng against him, warm and hopeful and Jiang Cheng. And with him by his side, he wasn’t scared anymore.
"I won't."
First part//previous/extra
Author's note : THE EEEnNnD ladies and gentlemen and others ! Or is it ?
Spoiler : there'll be a little extra, probably tomorrow, or next tuesday because well someone said they had a bed so it had to be used 😏 not sure if I can post it on here tho so I'll tell y'all when it's on ao3 if I can't. Please don't expect too much haha and don't hesitate to tell me if you need me to tag specific things.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, and that it was as fun for you as it was for me 💛
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ellaenchanting · 5 years
Beguiled Recap
      Every year writing these gets harder. Because I can only go to con about once a year it ends up feeling less like a normal convention and more like visiting a town where you grew up. There are so many people to see and they've often changed so much since you've last seen them. People have broken up, people have gotten closer, people have gotten more connected to the community at large, people have started or ended a conflict, people have exciting changes in their real life, people have joined, people have brought their friends, some people aren't there. You’ve drifted apart, you’ve drifted together. It's dizzying taking in the new dynamics and just feeling really connected and disconnected at once. There are quite a few hypnofolks that I would happily spend an entire weekend with one on one so it's hard to split time and attention to connect to everyone that I really, really want to spend time with. There are always a ton of people who seem awesome and who I would really like to know better but probably never will. So many hypnokinksters are magnetic to me-  I try not to get pulled so hard that I end up drained of energy or time or behave unkindly to folks I'm already committed to*.
It's a balance.
 I fuck it up.
 We all do- there's probably no way to be connected meaningfully to a plethora of people and not fuck up the balance of time and energy. But- one of the things I'm most happy about from this weekend is that I got to spend at least a little time with a bunch of people who I feel connected to and who I really care about. I hope others had a similar experience (as loose and fast and chaotic as it all can be).
TMI ABOUT MY FUCKING FEELINGS (aka the skippable part):
- I’ve had a rough 2019 in terms of mental health and I was really worried about con leaving me worse off (like it did last year). I was trying to be really mindful about eating and sleeping enough as well as not over-committing myself.  I had the full range of difficult experiences and emotions for bits of time- tired, lonely, rejected,  jealous, angry, sad, guilty, ashamed- but I never quite felt like I fell into a hole that I couldn’t get out of. I had a bit more fight in me this time. I don’t know quite where that came from but I’d take riled up over despair any day. I generally only really get to hang out with hypnokinksters once a year - I’m glad I could fight to stay present for it.   
-I felt more toppy this con than I have in a while- sometimes in low-key ways and sometimes in ways that felt much more aggressive than I’ve experienced in a while.  I’ve had a lot of times recently where topping felt inauthentic and hard- like I was pathetically pretending at something I’m not talented enough to achieve. (Hell, I felt like that for most of Heart of Texas.) It’s hard to reconcile the helplessness of depression with a good confident hypnotist headspace.  It was nice to get back into an extended toppy groove this weekend. Thanks to everyone who was nice to me around this and who was excited to see that side of me. 
A Jangled Tangle of What I Did (In Roughly Chronological Order):
My con was much more about connecting with individuals than doing big public things that would make an interesting recap. I'm going to write some details below but they'll be really vague. If you think I'm talking about to I probably am. :) :
-Topping is for Everyone was so good. Excellent participation and beautifully given. I’m so happy about how it went- and would love to actually join you next year (if you want to do it again).
-Playing around with visual hallucinations and just hanging out for a bit during a con that I know was busy for you. Hopefully helping a bit? I’m happy for all of the positive things you experienced this weekend and all the support you received. :)
-Thank you for the picture. It's beautiful. :)
-A rude interruption of my nap. Harumph. :P Clearly I hated it.
-Not bringing nearly enough clean clothes. 
-Femme flirt had some problems this year but I'm still very happy about it as an event and grateful to everyone who came out. Thank you to @daja-the-hypnokitten and @sex-obsessed-lesbian for co-organizing.
- I've already talked to you about this scene but- I like you so much. :) Light sensitized touch (especially lip touching) and just the perfect tone. Also fun with blankness. Additionally- lots of random little talk and play throughout the weekend. You're the best and just being around you always fills me with happiness. 
- Thanks for letting me cuddle with y'all. :) Sorry I was half-asleep.
- Demo bottoming for Setting Your Subject Up for Success. I've been through this class 3 or 4 times now and have learned something every time. It's such a useful class and so well taught. @sex-obsessed-lesbian has an amazing style that I always really really enjoy.
- Getting lunch and catching up.:) Also getting some time to do mutual "I like you" trances and play with rope. (Rope! Who knew you were so kinky! :P  )  Also co-topping! Twice! :) That was fun. I know schedules are weird and you've got a lot of stuff going on but- I want you in my life as much as you're reasonably able to be there? Don't be a stranger. :)
- Also- hey thank you for thinking of me as a co-top! I enjoyed it a lot- and you have lovely reactions. I hope your weekend ended up being everything you hoped for. It looked like you were having tons of fun! :)
- Fear Play Lounge- I never thought I'd be particularly interested in doing fear play but the opportunity came up to join a fear play group before con and- apparently I've been storing ideas because all of a sudden I could think of a ton of things I wanted to try. I still don't think of fear play as being particularly sexy, necessarily, but kind of fascinating and really fun to think about logistically. (I may have a logistics kink.) Had a very sexy Killing Eve inspired scene, did kind of a two parter brain parasite/helpless passenger thing (HOOOOOT- you were a beautiful partner),  and did a Madoka Magica-inspired soul gem scene. All were VERY fun- some of the favorite things I did at con with fabulous scene partners. I also loved watching what other people were doing and their mutual creativity (like in the “bugs on the floor” scene). Thank you to everyone from the lab for making such a cool atmosphere and especially to my scene partners for letting me experiment with something new. 
-More unexpected co-topping was unexpected! But nice! (Not always co- but- sequential topping?) I'm sorry for crashing y’alls time together (I didn’t quite realize that’s what I was doing)- but was really glad I got to spend more time with both of you and do some light casual trancing. Y'all are cute. :) 
- Nice deep trance with some fun cleverness around finding My Unconscious. Have I told you recently how much I love your voice when it gets soft and gentle like that? Mmmm. Also hot mirror things with a little bit of switchiness. Love you. ♥️ You're incredible.
-Dinner and a scene :) Thank you for finally letting me take you out. And- hmmm- boots. Deconstruction. Fuzzing out the unimportant words and thoughts. That thing where you do something so attractively that I have to see it over and over again. So grateful for you and your trust and your friendship. Thank you. (Also for Tuesday morning was an additional, unexpected hotness. Don’t think I haven’t gone back and reread or that I don’t have plans. It doesn’t really matter which thoughts are originally mine and which are originally yours when yours will all eventually be mine anyways, right? )
-Didn’t think so
-You probably shouldn’t think about that too much either, hmm? <3
- Killing Eve things again! That was my second scene with no hypnosis (you know, -ish) and it was different but really exciting to do. You’re devastatingly hot. Still trying to decide between doing and being done to- being a switch is confusing. :P Thank you for asking me and for taking time for me and for trusting me with something a little dark-feeling (and also for the beautiful dress). Let’s do more of all the things, yeah? 
-It was lovely seeing you look adorable in pretty dresses all weekend. I was so happy about our gentle and fun Sunday morning scene.  I really liked your happy purr- and I had a happy purry feeling myself after we were done. Thank you! :)
-Don’t Drop Yet was such a fun class to participate in. I’m glad that I actually made it this time. Y’all are great. :) I still haven’t figured out quite how resistance play works for me as a bottom but it’s a fun thing to explore. 
- Teasy fuzzy handcuff things were really fun. :) I didn’t do a lot of concentrated bottoming during con (see above re: headspace) but I’m glad I got some of that time in with you. I also appreciate your care and concern later in the weekend. Things work themselves out- but I appreciate you thinking about me. I won’t tell anyone how sweet you are (who doesn’t already know). :P
-Thanks for going to dinner with me. :) I did genuinely enjoy hearing your thoughts and theories. Also- I think i owe you a text message and  an amnesia rant (which I also apparently owe to @daja-the-hypnokitten and @spiralturquoise). Thank you for taking out the time to spend with me. 
- @sebsteerpike- I really like talking with you. I just want to note that here. Consider it officially noted. :)
- Sunday night didn’t turn out exactly like I planned, but the positive side of that was that I got to see a socialize with several people I hadn’t really seen all weekend (and some since my first con). Also got to be a “victim” of my own breast induction (and see it done way better). Also had someone tell me I would make a wonderful vampire- which is the True and Proper way to flirt with me. Thank you. :)
- Thanks for lunch on Monday. Like I said- it was an absolutely perfect way to end the con. And- I’m so so excited for you- both the adventures you've had and the ones you’re about to have. :)
- Thanks for letting me hang out a bit in y’alls room on Monday. You’re both lovely. Also re: sliding into my DMs- yes please? I know mutual time/energy is a thing (especially during con) but- could be fun. :)
- @ultinath made me blush randomly all weekend. Again. I am working up an absolutely devastating counter-flirt that you will be helpless against when we next meet. Beware.
-Concom did an amazing job. I don’t know Tumblrs but- thanks! :) 
-If I saw you this weekend, you added to my experience and I really valued the time we spent together. This is a not-at-all comprehensive list but:  @ab0ut---blank, @andsleep @arihi, @brainbound @bylineloislane, @carneggyblog, @dancercoder, @daja-the-hypnokitten, @darthkyra @enscenic,@hypnoricebunny @hypnoobiwan @lily-ackerman, @kitty-sylvie @jungle4566@minddiver @hypno-moon-gazer @mr-ackerman, @ragezdasta @sebsteerpike, @sex-obsessed-lesbian @spiralturquoise @silentstream9@ultinath @zanydanger @a lot of y’all in the fear play room that I don’t know the Tumblrs of @also a lot of you femme flirters @everyone I’m leaving out. Thank you for being in my life.
*And "committed to" does not just mean romantic here but- generally if we interact frequently I'm committed to our relationship in the way that we have it
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boshawbearclaw · 6 years
The 5th Anniversary
Sorry y'all if there are some mistakes, enjoy none the less
“I’ve been living in Georgia on my own for a while now, ever since I moved out of my momma’s house when I was eighteen, my dream was to live in a trailer park in Senoia, Georgia, don’t judge me ok, I don’t like material possessions. Anyway, i’ve been planning this since I was sixteen, so fast forward to age 25, i’m a welder and I have a steady income flowing and my dog, Ryeman, and I are healthy and everything is fuckin’ great. I also have a boyfriend whom i love so fuckin’ much, his name is Merle and he’s the light of my dark life. “
5 years ago--
About a few hours into unpacking the moving truck on the first day of moving, Lucas met a very shy man, Daryl Dixon, and his bombastic brother, Merle Dixon. They approached the moving truck with smirks on their faces, Lucas was in the back of the truck, bent over trying to pick up a box.
Once he picked up the one he was looking for, he turned around and headed for his trailers door but was stopped by the brothers standing in his way. The raven haired boy stopped in his tracks to stare at the men for a moment before saying, “Uh, hi, who are you two?”
The brothers stare for a moment before answering their new neighbor, “We just wanted to greet the newbie, ain’t that right Darlina?” the older brother says, ‘Darlina’ thwacks his arm with the back of his hand. Lucas smirks at the nickname, “Ignore my idiot brother, i’m Daryl.” the younger Dixon said gruffly, Lucas smiles at him, “Haha, I don’t mind a little humor, i’m Lucas Yilmaz.” the boy said while scooting them out of the way of the door with the box in his hands.
Ryeman barked excitedly as his owner walked through the door with another box, Lucas set down the box with the other ones on the living room floor. Lucas turns back around to see both the brothers peering inside of the boys trailer, “Y'all can come in if ya want.” Lucas says innocently as he bends over again to check the name of the box real quick.
Merle and Daryl both step inside at the same time, accidentally wedging them side by side in the doorway, they both grunt as they move out of each other’s way to head further inside the trailer.
Merle whistles lowly, “Wow, fancy as fuck.”, Daryl agreed with a small grunt he sent in Lucas’ direction.
“Christ, it’s hot as fuck today.” Lucas said with a grunt, he unbuttoned and slipped off his red and black flannel shirt, his sweaty tattooed torso glistened in the sun that fell through the windows. Both the brothers stare at the boy with a sort of primal hunger in their eyes, “Uh,what’re y’all starin’ at?” Lucas said quietly, peering between the both of them. They both snap out of their stupor and shake their heads, “Nothing.” Daryl quietly said, “Yeah, just admiring the view.” Merle said flirtatiously.
Lucas blushed with a small smile plastered to his face, upon hearing two new voices, Ryeman hops off of the couch and bounds towards the two men, Ryeman tries to nip at their hands but Lucas stops him by grabbing his hips and tugging backwards, “Sorry, he does that to everyone he meets for the first time, bad boy stop it. Go lay down booger.” Lucas says before motioning for his boy to go lay on the couch, he stands up straight and walks between the two men to go back outside to go fetch more boxes.
The brothers look at each other briefly before going back outside to go and help Lucas with the boxes, the eighteen year old boy thanked them before telling them where each box went. Soon they were done sorting boxes, the men were sitting on the couch with beers in their hands as
they watch Netflix on the flat screen tv, Lucas had set it up while they ate some pizza that he ordered 40 minutes ago. “Come by tomorrow if y’all want, id love it if you brought more beer, ‘cause you know you drank all of mine.” Lucas said with a smile as they shuffled to the door,
putting their boots on as Lucas walked over,
“Yeah, we’ll come back here ‘round 11:00 o’ clock at night, and don’ worry we’ll bring some ‘shine to pay ya back for the beer. Ain’t that right, Daryl?”
Daryl nods softly as he chews on the side of his thumb, ‘Aw, cute stim’ Lucas thinks to himself,
when they leave Lucas hops to unpacking the boxes around the room, setting up the room how he had in his mind. By 3:00 AM, Lucas had all of the boxes unpacked and set up in his trailer, all he had to do now is break down the boxes and toss ‘em into the back of his truck. Which Lucas will do in the morning because he is dead tired.
Lucas heads to bed with his boxer in tow, he walks into his finished bedroom and jumps into bed after turning on the box fan that was on his dresser pointed at him, for some odd reason the boy just can't fall asleep without a fan being in his face. Lucas had shed his clothes in his sleep, first came the socks, then the pants and finally the shirt, his tattoo that says *Down Boy* on his side itched so he rubbed the fresh tattoo with the tip of his fingers.
Lucas moans in delight as he took his first bite of cold pizza, it may be night time but Lucas doesnt care, he wakes up when he wakes up. 20 minutes after waking up, he leaned against the stove as he took his second bite, he looked at the stoves clock behind him, taking note of
the time, ‘it’s 11 o’clock at night, they should be here soon.’ he thought to himself.
Right on que,there was a knock on the front door, Ryeman barked as Lucas made his way over to the trailers door. When he opened the door he was met with Merle and Daryl holding two 24 packs of PBR beer and a paper bag with 3 bottles of moonshine, “Shit, y’all i was just kiddin’” he laughed as he moved outta the way so that they could get inside the homey trailer, “Nah, we had to pay ya back, ho-lee shit boy! You really outdid yerself with all the decoratin’.” Merle laughed at Lucas’ face of surprise.
“Thank you, here lemme help ya.” Lucas said as he walked over to grab the boxes of PBR, Merle felt his fingers brush against Lucas’ as he took the box, the boy put the box on the counter then walked over to Daryl and took the box as well,the other man’s fingers brushed against his fingers. “So, what do y’all wanna do?” Lucas says, Merle scratches his chin in
thought while Daryl shrugged his shoulders and bites the corner of his thumb.
All the sudden ,while the men thought of things to do, music started to blare from the neighbors from across the street, Lucas growled deeply, “You gotta be kiddin’ me, it’s fuckin’ 11 o’clock, and they’re blaring fucking music!” Lucas shouted, both Daryl and Merle flinched at the level of volume Lucas used, “Sorry about that, i’ll be right back.” Lucas said as he went down the hall to his bedroom to grab his orange and black 1911 pistol from the nightstand.
Lucas struts down the hall, pistol in hand, to the main area of the trailer, “Ha, I like your style kid, all right!” Merle said while taking out a 9mm pistol out of the back of his waistband, Daryl followed suit with his own pistol and a small smirk on the his face. “Now boys, we’s just gon’ scare them city slickers, ok?” Lucas said with a smile plastered to his face, they exited the trailer and headed across the street to the neighbors door.
They rang the doorbell, they wait patiently as the music turned down a little, Lucas heard footsteps come closer and locks being unlocked, a girl about age 17 opens the door with a preppy air about her. “What.” the girl said with a pissy attitude.
“Turn. Down. The. Music. Before we come in there and make you turn it down.” Lucas said in his serious tone, Merle and Daryl make their presence known by hanging off the boys shoulder. Lucas leans in, “And remember, i know where y’all sleep.” The boy whispers, she gasps before slamming the door in his face busting his nose, “Ah! Fuckin’ bitch!” He yelled at the door.
Lucas punched it, he screeched as pain blossomed in his fist. Daryl and Merle both put their pistols away, one brother grabbed Lucas’ wrist and the other brother grabbed his shoulders and made him turn around to guide back to the trailer. When they reached the boys home, they led him inside and made him sit on the counter as they took care of his wounds.
Merle situated himself between Lucas’ legs so he could ‘take a closer look at his nose’ as Merle said moments before, “Well, they turned down their fuckin’ music so we succeeded in that respect.” Lucas mumbled, Merle smiled as he thumbed Lucas’ cheek, “It’s alright Cher, Daryl and I will take care of you.” The man said comfortingly, Daryl agreed by putting his hand on Lucas’ thigh.
Daryl previously grabbed the medkit by the kitchen sink and set up a small station of medical supplies, he handed his brother a gauze soaked in alcohol, Merle took Lucas’ hand along with the gauze and padded the his busted up knuckles, “Mm, shit that hurts, thank you guys for helpin’ me.” Lucas said lowly, Daryl piped up a bit, “It ain’t no thang, b’sides we wouldn’t wanna let you go in there without backup.” Daryl said softly while he patted and rubbed Lucas’ thigh.
The end of the night went smoothly after the boys took care of Lucas, they drank some ‘shine and watched horror movies while layin’ all over each other. Merle was sitting on the couch with Lucas’ head on his lap, while Daryl sat on the floor with a beer in his hand. Lucas felt something
stiffen near his forehead but ignored it, as he was incredibly tired.
Lucas fell asleep on Merle minutes later with his thumb in his mouth, Daryl looked over and smiled softly before asking Merle to help him carry Lucas to bed, they stripped him to his boxers and turned on his fan before turning off the lights in the trailer and leaving the trailer after saying a few good byes to Lucas and Ryeman.
It was a Tuesday afternoon when Lucas got the call, "Hey son, I wanted to talk to you about my 5th anniversary, I was gonna have a party to celebrate being married to your step mother for 5 years and I was hoping you'd be there." Pa said on the other line, Lucas had a smile on his face the whole time, "Of course! I would love to come hang with you guys for a couple days, can I bring my boyfriend with me?" Lucas asked.
His Pa agreed and made plans for Lucas to come up to Washington State for a few days, maybe a week. They ended the call with a couple of 'i love you's and see ya soon's', Merle was in the shower getting ready for work when Lucas ended the call, "Fuckin' A, if i see Pa im gonna have to see that fucking cunt they call my uncle."
Suddenly the water shuts off, and a naked Merle steps into view, "Who you talkin' to, Cher?" The man asks, "Uh, my uh my pa, he asked me to go to Washington state for his wedding anniversary, I was gonna ask if maybe you wanted to come with me?"
"Of course ill come with you, after all Daddy needs to protect his Little Boy."
Merle comes closer and envelopes his arms around Lucas' broad shoulders, pressing his nude body against his half naked one, Lucas paws at Merle's ass while he nipped at the mans neck. Merle shoved his boys underwear and grabbed his ass with possessiveness.
Merle kisses his boy with passion as he picked him up and impailed him on his cock, "Ah fuck, Daddy please." Lucas whined in between breathes, Merle started to rail Lucas without thinking.
The boy clung to his Daddy like his life depended on it.
Minutes later Lucas is in the shower with an ass full of cum, while Merle got dressed with a smile, after Lucas got outta the shower , he got dressed and ate breakfast with Merle before going to work via his truck, Merle went to work on his bike.
Lucas still doesnt know why Merle has twin lighting bolts on his bike nor has he ever met any of Merle's friends, Lucas thinks hes gonna ask him when he gets home. Lucas arrived at the contracting site with the thought of his uncle in mind. Jared, one of Lucas' friends, confronted him about his gruff attitude when he said hello this morning.
Lucas explains that he has a terrible past and that he has to see the person who gave him a terrible past for a couple of days, Jared understood what that meant and left it at that. Lucss finished some welding projects for Chevy and sent 'em to the packaging area for the roll cage bars to be sent out.
---- end of the day ----
It was around 10 o'clock when Lucas got home, ryeman barked up a storm when he hear the door open, "Hey baby boy, wanna go potty?" Lucas asked his precious dog, the boxer ran out side, pissed and took a shit before clambering up the stairs again to run into the trailer.
Lucas found Merle in bed on his phone, the clicks of the iPhone distracted the man, he didn't even noticed Lucas getting undressed in front of the bed, Merle looked up with a smile on his face, "Hey doll, why dont you get your pretty little butt over here and give me a kiss."
Lucas smirked as waltzes over to the right side of the bed where Merle was sitting, the man wrapped his arm around Lucas' hips, leaning forward a little to kiss the other mans hairy stomach. "Who ya textin'?" Lucas asks softly.
"Mm, Daryl is wondering what we're doing tonight." Merle murmured into his boys stomach, minutes later they settled down and fell asleep on each other with Ryeman at the foot of the bed.
The next day is the day of the flight.
The morning of is when Lucas packs his and Merle's bags, the Dixon brother still slept naked on his stomach while Lucas got ready, the boy stared at the rednecks pearl white ass, Lucas crawls onto the bed, prowling forward as he dragged his tongue along the mans hairy thighs up to his butt.
Lucas bites his butt cheek softly before sitting up and planting his crotch on his ass, "Merle baby, you gotta wake up, its almost time to go." Lucas whines, the man underneath him groans and opens his eyes then rolled over under Lucas.
The boy was still in his underwear whilst the Dixon brother was naked as the day he was born, "Ooh, baby you are as beautiful as a God." Merle praised in his scratchy morning voice, his erection was pressing against Lucas' own.
The boy smiled and softly kissed Merle's lips, "C'mon hon, we gotta get to the airport in time for the flight." Lucas said as he got off of his man, he walked over to their duffle bags and zipped them up before getting dressed in 0.2 seconds then walking over to the front door to set them down until they left.
Merle walked out into the hall fully dressed with his hard on still very prominent through his pants, "Hey boy, c'mere, gimme a little blowie real quick."
Merle said suggested, Lucas complies quick and easy as he walks over to Merle, getting on his knees.
Merle's fly and button was down and undone already Lucas noticed, the boy took Merle's cock in his mouth a moment later, slurping and sucking with fervor, "Ahh fuckin' A, boy yous really into it aintcha?" Merle asked in between breaths.
Lucas did the thing with his tongue that has Merle gasping and using his fingers to graple a fist in Lucas' hair, bucking forward into the warm, wet cavern.
Moments later Merle cums inside of Lucas' mouth while he held his head taught against Merle's crotch. He lets go when he feels Lucas swallow his load, the boys coughs a little before standing up to kiss Merle's lips.
"Come on M, we gotta get on the flight soon, lets go." Lucas said as he grabbed their bags and ran out the door to his truck, throwing the bags in the back of the chevy before getting into the truck, Merle follows Lucas into the truck and starts blasting some sick fuckin' tunes.
They headed for the airport, got there on time and made it through security without any fussing along with getting to their gate just before they called for people to get on. Ten minutes into their flight is when they both got comfortable enough for the 4 hour filght ahead of them.
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Im playing my online farming game and I hear "come on guys. Let's go. Time to quit playing around. Mom has people waiting -- like the whole world for our results"
Well it's been 7 hours since the last update and about 6 since they got that larger batch going
Chasity: the UV is doing better than i expected, I'm pleasantly surprised but it's also worse than i thought.
So she explains to me that it is easy to kill but it develops very quickly as it ages but its not harder to kill. Like a fine wine it goes down quick.
Chasity: mom you play too Much. So as it ages it does become slower to kill but it's not easier nor harder just longer.
Me: that's weird
Chasity: yep. We had several different people test it. And the results were all the same But it was milliseconds however we are spraying directly onto a a Petri dish, an antiseptic/antiviral/antibacterial that is prescription for lab use only and so in real life out in the air we don't know the actual results as far as in time - at this time. But we are only 12 hours into the testing phase -- first we had to confiscate the correct virus -- which we did about midnight last night but we didn't really want to test it unless there was an interest and to prove the "PRESIDENT" wrong is an interest. At least for us here in this lab. Because we Are scientist and not idiots. And so to find out how about air we have to spray it into a confined room we have here in the lab and it will show how fast it dies airborne or if it remains air borne past the allowable spray. So like is it just sprayed then falls like the one mom had created (on "accident" through George Bush) so its not airborne or does it remain air borne like the COVID and COVID-19. which once again if you have COVID-19 you cannot get COVID, I've tested it here in this lab they do not interact -- mom what do you call it? A one way window?
Me: yeah because i tried to explain the one way pathway but George Bush didn't understand... He doesn't understand that blood flows one direction through the body from left to right he just thinks the blood goes back and forth in the same blood tube. Like a two way street and so he argued with me and so i explained it as a one way and two way window and he was all "the only one getting arrested here is you. I've proved I'm not smart enough to do all this! Twice!! Just to you!" And he leaned over the table And whispered "And all my life to the secret service" he makes it fun to screw him over to make the perfect virus to kill aliens. To get them off our planet. But to keep humans safe!! And so yes one way mirror.
Chasity: oh that is too funny. That is all i wanted to hear you say, that hes dumb. Your memory is perfect!
Me: so how is the humidity going?
Chasity: sucks fast growing and not easy to kill. But! It does die in about 5 whole seconds and not milliseconds like the UV
Me: so people should feel safe to hang their clothes on the line?
Chasity: oh yeah! Exactly! But they should know the virus can spread in the sun and the UV aka sun won't kill them but it should be safe if it's not like apartment living and its in a private location. It would be better watched to dry in the sun with a fan on an extension cord in a barricaded outdoor place and if you hear someone cough while your clothes are outside you should spray Lysol for at least 2 seconds immediately directly onto the clothes. At least that's what I would do, stay outside with them listening for a cough or discreet spray from a hoodlum or terrorist which is the same now a days. While reading a book and catching some rays myself with sunscreen and sunglasses of course -- in the privacy of my own yard which is allowed even in Spain.
Wendy: so what is the safety? I'll answer that myself. Very very bad. The one mom had was very digital and not many were getting sick from just the Corona. This one however is very bad in just the way it makes any one everywhere very sick and the rate it multiplies. Mom waited too long to close the labs but she stopped one that was 10 times worse and presumed to kill within hours if not just a few days. Like 3 or 4 immediate death. This one now isn't designed to kill, its like mom's. But this one she stopped on Tuesday was like COVID But for every one. It was true Hell. Luckily JuJu pissed her off and she ordered it closed. Otherwise my dad would be dead and probably millions if not billions. They had the orders up,boxed and ready to ship, they just wanted to test on a human first -- my dad.
Long story short. JuJu was the test dummy..
Wendy: yeah! And he died in 4 short hours! My dad wouldn't even had time to get home and would died in his car on the road and it would looked like a generic car accident! So yeah fuck JuJu. I'll kick his ass.
Me: sounds like you did
Wendy: no that was you! Once you posted he committed suicide he knew it was a cover up Because you were just going to have him murdered so he just drank it on his own. That's what i saw.
Me: he hates women so much he committed suicide so that i couldn't have the honor of killing him. Well he only proved women are always right which has Always been my fight with him. Well we won in the end! Hoorah!
Wendy: like 17 people committed suicide that night!
Chasity: Mostly by poisons. They didn't wanna go to jail And wanted control over their own death.
Me: over all death. That's why we always tried to stop them but that was dam sneaky on JuJu
Chasity: he said it was an antidote mom so we didn't know what to do
Me: don't listen to the lab people. I said there is no cure.
Chasity: but for the Corona because we knew there was a new variant for the President of the United State's request because he's mad he is going to die of COVID. I told y'all we needed a human!
Me: well just kill any thing the Corona Variant 2 is mild
Chasity: just a wet cough. But dad got it worse than you so we we're kinda scared.
Me: well i got it at Allsups and I'm nearly over it. As long as i take cough medicine. And fever. Its less than the modern day cold and flu. Corona is literally a joy to have over regular sinus infections and bronchitis. Shit i been sick from that crap they've let loose on their labs. For months sick. This is a wonder virus. So nice to have compared to 2013 and 2014. There was no emergency anything but the cold medicine aisle was wiped out all kinds. People were sick and dying! This? I'm all sleep for awhile, cough take medicine and that's it.
Chasity: yeah well dad had it really bad i thought he was going to die
Me: but he was working out exercise and working and
Chasity: doing cardio and all. See dad? You should stay with mom. She would take care of you. Stay in bed and have chicken soup, a few push ups and repetitive weights and back to bed. You don't have to reply but I hope you're listening.
Brian: shit she takes care of me like I'm a beast! Don't touch me! Breathe over there! We will lay back to back so you know I'm here but no breathy stuff. You want sex? Die first So i don't catch what you got then come back to life after. She is funny tho. I don't mind her so much. That last time i was sick and she was with me i was all "i feel great let me go running!" Then i went back and begged her to never let me do that again!
Chasity: you wanted to die huh?
Brian: she put me in a cool bath and I fell asleep. And I woke up and she was adding hot water. Which made me sleep more. But she left me in there alone while I was asleep! She said I was too tall to drown unless she tried to kill me so she just stopped any one but the little girls from going in. But she covered me with a towel so they couldn't see my junk in the front. And i thought it was a blanket and I was all "oh she's so sweet to bring me a blankie. What the fuck! It's wet who did this to me?! Oh that water is hot. Ouch. Good thing I'm asleep that ain't me. I always turn my own water on. No girl would bathe me. Just ask JuJu Bee. Im too ugly but then again she tells,him she calls him that because bees only sting once and Then they die and she's been stung and she's just waiting for him to die and JuJu because there's no Jesus for what he's done and over all jujuBe candy is good for nothing with no nutrient value and he should shut his face or she's gonna kick it in. What a chick. Hand me that wet towel back I'm getting cold" and you know she told me "it's hot you can't tell the difference of the temperature and the towel is in your lap you never handed it out. But some things you see in your dreams are real. Your body just doesn't know it." And I seriously woke up and I shrieked "are you trying to burn me like in that book with the grandma? You're trying to burn my balls off?!?" And I heard all this laughter but I saw her face looking directly at me not at all amused but slightly sad and I got really scared "why are you such a nightmare?!?!" I seriously shrieked and i thought she would cry but she started to laugh and she got up from the edge of the tub and suddenly a rubber ducky started to float in the tub and I grabbed her arm and said "no babe look!! Did you turn into a duck?!?! No I'm grabbing your arm what am I thinking?!" And she looked down into my eyes real deep like she does and she says "you're real beautiful don't you know?" And i let go of her arm "go on go pee. But what is that laughing you have a tape recorder or something?" She said she wished because it wasn't funny then but she knew she would laugh later. Finally she told on them two, Annabelle and Declan because she adjusted the towel and I was getting ready to throw it out but she shrieked then "no!! You need it to cover up for the kids!" And I said "well where are they?" And she moved her head slightly to the left and motioned me to shh. So i pretended to be a sea monster with a pink towel over my waist and scared the dickens out of them both. Declan looked at me in horror and said I was no fun! Me! Me! Of all people. After i was nearly pissing in my tub talking in my sleep. Shit. I knew i said some bad stuff but all i could think was that it was about sex and murder. Luckily the words that came out were sober compared to what was in my head which was drunk with power.
Chasity: so you're seriously thinking it won't be so bad then? To live with mom then with me?
Brian: I mean well..yeah now JuJu is dead and so is a lot of other people it might be a possibility.
Chasity: because dad this is really important to me So don't mislead me.
Brian: well she's not So bad... She's just a lot of work!
Me: you are a lot of work. You want to treat me like a baby and do everything
Brian: No like you're a doll! But you talk back! Sheesh! A lot too I might add! That makes the work double because then i got to think!
Me: well you don't seem to listen too badly.
Brian: Oh wow! What a compliment! That is a compliment isn't it?!
Me: yeah
Wendy: im Peter Pan's wife do you remember me? Dad you need to grow up and get a wife. Quit being a bachelor. The look isn't good on you. Or on mom. Do you hear?
Brian: yeah i hear. I am listening.
Wendy: okay good. In conclusion of the virus growth we will get back to you tomorrow, general public. And dad we hope you grow over night just as Much. Mom's been typing just over an hour and no major changes to report but now we need to get the room ready and we will have that report tomorrow. Dad thanks for the talk. We always enjoy the Tales of the Man Dressed in a Pink Towel in the Bathtub.
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mir-katnip · 7 years
Pride Month days 9-13 🌈🏳️‍🌈
You’ll have to forgive me for not keeping up with my posts lots of crazy weirdness happening.
Like complete failure of the hybrid electrical system on the car we’ve only had for 17 days. Fighting with the buyers of River, and overnight work event. And while I’m keeping myself painfully busy, I’m still putting my best face forward.
6/9 - I ran several errands, lots of crazy drivers on the road. While leaving Trader Joe’s an older woman lost control of her cart. Heavy carts and high winds are a threat in this town. Noticing that she had a cane propped in her runaway cart, I raced out to grab the thing before any serious damage was caused. I made my way back to her and offered to help her out. I’ve never seen someone’s face light up at my offering to help, quite like hers did. She grasped on to my arm, pointed me in the direction of her car, and chewed my ear off for twenty minutes. All about how her husband usually helped her with the errands, but he “landed himself in the hospital.” She didn’t offer to expand on that, and I didn’t pry. I wound up giving her my phone number and told her to call if she needed someone who could dash to the store for her. She attempted to tip me, and I declined.
6/10 & 6/11 - overnight job in Santa Barbara. With the new boss, and K. I haven’t told y'all about K (Kirill) Kirill was born in Russia, when he was just a tot his parents moved them to the states. He is a very clever young man. Very forceful, but it makes him good at his job. What it doesn’t make him good at, is small talk. Nothing is small with K. (Get your mind out of the damned gutter ;-p) Kirill likes to play that he knows everything about everything… Unless it’s medical, then he comes to me.
We wind up having some very deep political, and philosophical debates. And of the things he had taught me, the best is not to judge. I can be over critical of somethings. Fashion choices I don’t understand, people’s complete disregard for the language they are speaking. And then some. The more I work with K, the easier it becomes to overlook those things. This weekend was full of odds and ends of things I’m usually judgemental about. And while our boss was keen to point out the “Oh holy shit… Look at that…” I found myself nodding and smiling a lot.
One woman came in with a poodle the side of a Great Dane. I’ve never been a fan of poodles. They’re not bad dogs, there’s no such thing… I just don’t understand how people find them attractive. Now the poor dog’s human was easily hid behind small groups of people at this event. But when she came into view, I heard the boss say loud enough that she might hear, “I guess it’s true when they say after a time people start to resemble their dogs. I had to casually stomp on his foot to get him to stfu. Warning: even if your boss is cool, correcting their behavior can get you in trouble.
I’m glad I didn’t say a word because our very pregnant neighboring vendor was this woman’s niece. She’s in the beginning stages of dementia, and the odd hairstyle choice wasn’t a choice at all. Jill (Our neighbor) came over while the boys were hitching the trailer or some other nonsense, and thanked me. “My aunt doesn’t have anyone to look out for her. If I didn’t pack her up and drag her out, she’d be a hermit. She hates feeling like she can’t control her own life, so I try not to push her on her appearance.” I was never so grateful that I kept my mouth shut, and tried to shut my boss’.
Saturday night was fun, of course. Boss had prepaid for three rooms at this dingy little motel. Turned out he only paid the deposit. The dude at the desk was grouchy and refused to let me have my room key unless I had a notarized statement from the card holder (company card)
So I had to wait for the boss to get there, and listened while he was told that they would not accept the company card because it wasn’t his name on the card. (Great) Poor guy pulled out his personal AmEx and paid the $492 bill with his own money. Then asked what we were doing for dinner. He wanted quick, easy, and cheap. I did I quick search and found a Taqueria within walking distance. And of course the boss wound up paying for dinner as well. (K just had to have a beer) I couldn’t handle the food for some reason, but the boys loved it and were happy.
Sunday morning check out was two hours before I was supposed to be at the event, so I decided to go hunting for breakfast. Found the cutest little hipster café, and wound up getting coffee and cronuts for myself and the boys. Nothing better than wide-eyed thank-yous for caffeine.
6/12 - While I was gone my father’s brand new Hyundai Ioniq had a system meltdown. Essentially the electrical system that makes the damned thing a hybrid, failed. This car has only been in our possession for 17 days. He got it safely to the dealership service center, who informed him that the service team were gone for the day, and they weren’t open on Sundays. They’d call Monday and tell him what they found.
In these three days, another Ioniq owner brought his car in for the exact same reason. We were told that they had to order parts from Korea, and didn’t know when they’d get in. But they offered to pay for a rental at our local Enterprise.
My mother and I went to Enterprise to pick up the rental, I helped her politely ask for a car with best mileage, since she was itching for a fight. Wound up with a Versa that ALSO had problems. (This saga will continue to this morning (Tuesday)
In the middle of this I’m still trying to figure out why my poor River who was purchased from me on Thursday is still sitting out there on the street. Turns out the guy who picks up the cars wanted to wait until he had another job up here. Did I do a good deed? Unless you count sitting in my mother’s car white knuckled fighting not to scream at her to slow the fuck down… Or letting my father drive my Prius to work - No, not really.
6/13 - My dad called home around 10 this morning to tell us that Hyundai called him. They had been ordered not to fix the two Ioniq failures until the Korean engineers could be sent out to look at them. This adds an indeterminate amount of time where he doesn’t have a working car. The dealership may be paying for the rental, but we’re paying for gas, and a $22/day insurance on a car that doesn’t get near the mileage he’s use to.
I have drastically cut my work hours, just so my dad can get to work using my car. Thankfully I’ve been promised that part of my insurance will be paid in recompense, as well as his share of the gas.
Had to go to a work meeting at the office (is it really worth it to drive for 2.5 hours to work less than two hours?)
On the drive home I pissed off every single person who found themselves behind me on the freeway.
Turns out I have a new anxiety, (I’m hoping it was just because of the whole New Moon thing.) Logically I know that if I drive the speed limit (or only up to 9 mph over to keep up with the flow of traffic) my car can handle the curves of the road. My brain did not get the message. At every curve I slowed down because for some unknown reason I just felt like I was going too fast to make the curves safely. So if you were on the CA I-405 this evening and a red Prius was pissing you off…. I am so very sorry. Really.
Maybe it doesn’t read like I’ve done much good these last five days, but I have been working to do good for my family’s sake as well as the sake of others around me.
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kingstonjael · 7 years
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There is no better day to get in touch with my ignorant side than Temptation Tuesday! 🙌🏽 Last night, my brother, Junior, and his girl of almost three years, Vanessa, came to visit me at my new apartment. 😍 They were my first official guests…meaning they weren’t coming by to unpack a box nor set up furniture. 😩 They were just there for pure entertainment but I was the one entertained after a conversation about my brother’s ex, Maria, came up. Apparently, for years, Maria has been calling Junior…crying and begging him to take her back. Once, at the beginning of his relationship with Vanessa, my brother made the mistake of entertaining getting back with Maria but he confessed to Vanessa and she (surprisingly so) set my brother and his ex girl straight! 😂😳🙄😂 The interesting thing about Vanessa is she is a junior scientist and generally very laid back. To me, she’s been the most observant and smartest (as far as how to interact with our family) out of all my brother’s girlfriends. She never wears out her welcome, never gets into family mess, and stays low profile. From the outside, she may seem timid but when you see her interact with Junior…you can tell she’s a passionate firecracker. 🙌🏽 I like that about her. A man can never reach greatness if he has a weak woman next to him. 🙌🏽 Vanessa and my brother were friends first (while dating others) before they got together. So Vanessa is aware that Maria was considered Junior’s great love. I beg to differ but who am I to have an opinion when my love life is like one big toilet flush after the other! 😂 But I digress… Knowing that Junior and Maria had a deep history filled with a painful bond, Vanessa stepped on the scene to win Junior’s heart and it appears she did that…with an iron fist…after that one slip up. 😳😂 As the evening went on, we filled my rather large living room with laughter. One thing I found amusing that the happy couple did not…was my brother’s need to still pick up Maria’s crying phone calls. According to Vanessa, Maria has been calling for years saying she’s going to kill herself in hopes of pulling on my brother’s heartstrings with every phone call. This pisses Vanessa off to no end. She kept asking “why the fuck do you still pick up your ex’s phone calls?” Not to mention at least two of them sorry bitches still call him asking for another chance! 😳 Vanessa let my brother know that when they get engaged, she’s shutting down the Maria hotline…like a wife to be should! 🙌🏽 R.E.S.P.E.C.T. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I could not stop laughing at my brother’s love life! Lol. In Junior’s defense, Maria has had a very traumatic life after she left him. She is in the throes of a domestic violence relationship that is slowly killing her everyday coupled with some serious health issues. 😩 So Maria’s situation is serious and my brother does not want her to hurt herself. That’s one of the main reasons why he still takes her calls. However, Vanessa’s point is that Maria needs professional help and Junior (Vanessa’s man) ain’t that help. ✌🏾Not to mention Vanessa is wondering if these threats are in fact real because every time Junior calls Maria’s family alerting them of the situation…Maria calls my brother back cussing him out! 😳 So in Vanessa’s mind…Maria is just looking for attention! 🙄Now let me be clear about something….SUICIDE IS NO JOKE and neither are suicide attempts! With that being said…that Maria has always been a scammer! She knows she’s his Achilles heel (or use to be) so I do not put anything past her. But I digress… Why are some of us still taking exes’ phone calls? The Ex Factor is really the only ex situationship that I currently keep in touch with. And once I meet BOAZ…that will be a done deal! 🙌🏽 I’m ready for that everlasting love and the Ex Factor ain’t it! The only reason why we still keep in touch (I can only speak on my end) is because for some reason breaking away from the Ex Factor (much like breaking away from poison) in a dramatic fashion makes the break up impossible. For me, speaking to him everyday and not seeing him is a win win situation. I get to ween myself off the crack (that is the Ex Factor) while giving myself a new reason everyday of why I’m thankful it’s over! 🙌🏽 It may sound dangerous but it works for me. And if someone great came along…the Ex Factor is easily history because I am the one that has set the boundaries. I could care less if I ever saw him again. I’m at that falling out of love stage and since he claims he’s never been in love…we are soon to be equal! 🙌🏽 As far as the other exes, Julio and Elijah, I have them blocked! Not because they matter…they sure the fuck don’t…but because they are very negative people that cannot be a true friend to me. They doom all my relationships…especially Julio! 😐 Speaking of Julio, that fool has been blocked since January 2016 after he damned me and Elijah to all hell in a phone call. To add injury to insult….that fool called me from a Texas number last Friday night and when I didn’t pick up (I do not pick up numbers I do not recognize) he had the audacity to leave me a text message that said “How rude, Kingston! You blocked me! Ok I got you.” Um…no you fucking don’t Julio! If you truly got me you would get the message! I blocked your Jersey number so now you calling from a Texas one?! Hop the fuck up off my phone number and bitch be gone! ✌🏾When dudes shitting on women and running off with the next bitch…they expect love to wait on them! Well no the fuck it didn’t! I moved on! And even though I did not find the love of my life…I still found peace not being in love with you, hurt by you, dumped by you, and true serenity not being disrespected by you! 🙌🏽 You think you can cuss a woman out in order for her to want you back?! I haven’t been attracted to you since 2007! If you were the last penis on earth…I would never touch you! I’m good! Now leave my fucking number alone! But I digress…. Woosa! Woosa! These fools got it twisted! And trust and believe I cannot wait for me to be 100% there with the Ex Factor! 🙌🏽 I’m 98% there though that fool has more lives than any cat! 😩🙄 smdh. I’m all about awaiting BOAZ so soon the block list will get longer! ✌🏾Moral of the story…y'all stop picking up your exes’ phone calls before I send Vanessa to your house! Lol. And she ain’t no punk! You better act right and stick to loving those who appreciate and love you! 🙌🏽 ~KJM on Temptation Tuesday! Julio, go fuck yourself! That’s been 20 years coming! Jerk! ✌🏾
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So, I have for y'all a little proof that even little things you don't think twice about can make someone's week. Cuz this happened Sunday, and I just thought about it again and smiled to myself a little.
I live in a relatively inclusive area. Most people here are open and supportive of each others' differences, my coworkers included. Sure, I don't broadcast my gender identity to the store for everyone and the customers to know, but most of my coworkers have probably heard something in passing between my work friends and I. It's certainly not something I feel I need to hide. The important thing to note for this event is that none of the customers know, except people who shop at my store that I know personally (like old high school buddies, or my family).
There is one customer that stops in at least four or five times a week on his way home. Usually its just to pick up something that needs to be fresh for his dinner that night, or a little treat for the missus (they're an adorable older couple who are always doing cute things for eachother). They do a big shop about once or twice a week, and that's when I see him and his wife at the deli counter instead of just walking by and waving. I don't even know their names.
Sunday was... A bad day. I only had a six and a half hour shift, and I'd been sick since Tuesday night, it was my first day back, I still felt like shit, I got told to deep clean and refill the fryers with fresh oil (difficult to time right on a full shift) and I found out that some things that should have been getting done when I was out (like the fryer bottomed I need to drain the fryers into) weren't actually getting done properly. The new closers haven't been trained to close the back yet, but no-one else would stay while I was out, so they largely had to figure it out themselves (and did a great job, all things considered) but there were some little things they didn't know how to do and didn't even know they had to do every day that weren't getting done because no one told them. On top of all that, Superbowl Sunday ended up being way busier than expected (someone forgot about all the 49ers fans that live in the area) so we were understaffed. Sunday was a sucky day, I was still coughing, and hard enough that customers were asking if I was okay after the coughing fits. We were an hour and a half late getting out.
But this particular customer (dude with the winner marriage) came up to the counter after the rush had died down. He'd gotten off the ferry and had stopped to pick up some lunch meat for sandwiches so his wife wouldn't have to worry about cooking when she got back from the party she'd been at over at their kid's house (super sweet of him). We just chit-chatted, I asked how they were doing, he asked if it had been terribly busy (a question I customer-service-voice laughed off to avoid screaming at the moment). And he called me sir as he left. Probably didn't even register. I was turned away to use the slicer for most of the interaction, and I'm short enough that only taller customers can see my chest over the counter, and see that yes, I have breastesies. But my fluidity had decided that this Sunday was a Guy Day, and so being addressed like just another dude made everything slightly less bad.
Is this guy the only customer who has called me a guy without even blinking? No, but it doesn't happen too often. Is he my new favorite customer for a while? Fuck yes.
You might not even notice it happening, but it's the little things that can make other people smile when they think about you.
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therappundit · 7 years
R.I.P. Prodigy of Mobb Deep
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I grabbed my backpack before I left for work today, wondering what I would write tonight. Tuesday nights have been scheduled writing nights for me, and I have been keeping an active list of any potential projects that I have been mulling over in my head. As the clock ticked by, I was getting increasingly excited to zero-in on one of these projects as soon as I hit the street, and that would be a cherished task on this sunny New York City evening. 
What I couldn’t plan for was my day would end with only a fallen rap legend on my mind, and a brief but unforgettable moment...as I left an elevator only to see Funkmaster Flex board the elevator facing mine, knowing that he was going upstairs to the Hot 97 offices to talk about the death of Prodigy on his radio show.
I am shook. Prodigy, the man responsible for so many legendary rap songs, classic quotables, and a collection of some of the greatest bars to ever kick-off rap verses in the history of hip-hop (“To all the killers and 100 dollar billers”, “I break bread, ribs, $100 bills”, “I put my lifetime in between the paper’s lines” - sure I could go on, but those three are as infamous as it gets)...passed away today. He was only 42 years young. I have been listening to Prodigy and Mobb Deep for twenty years.
20 years of fandom. From the high points (I remember reading about “Keep It Thoro” on HipHopSite.com about a year before it dropped on the radio, and how excited I was when the Alchemist-laced banger managed to somehow meet expectations), to the low points (ugly beef with Jay-Z, off and on feuds with friends within his own camp, a stint in prison), Prodigy rarely left either the highs or the lows outside of the studio. He addressed his struggles with sickle cell anemia on records, he addressed his flirtations with life and death openly, and in a style of delivery that inspired many, but none were able to match. 
A dark sub-genre of rap music could be dedicated to the sound that he and Havoc helped perfect. Mobb Deep, the Boot Camp Click and the Wu Tang Clan formed an ominous triangle for the rap game in the mid-90′s, as the three separate camps were so pivotal in defining what was - and still is - the definitive sound of New York sound. The M-O-B-B were never away from the game for that long, as the duo put together a lengthy discography of music that will continue to be dissected for as long as this genre of music exists. Perhaps that’s the one silver lining here: Prodigy blessed us with a ton of music while he was here (likely more to come from the archives), and when an icon within an art form passes away, it prompts us all to revisit the things that made that artist such an icon in the first place.
For me, it starts here, with shouting-out what I believe to be P’s finest gathering of verses on one song, courtesy of “Quiet Storm” off of 1999′s Murda Muzik (one of the most heavily bootlegged albums of all time, an unfortunate hit to the Mobb’s pockets, but a testament to how thirsty their fanbase was at that point). 
R.I.P. Albert “Prodigy” Johnson. We will continue to appreciate all of the words and music that you have shared with us, while mourning the painful fact that you left us far, far too soon...
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[Verse 1: Prodigy] I put my lifetime in between the paper's lines I'm the quiet storm nigga who fight rhyme P, yeah, you heard of him, but I ain't concerned with them Nigga, I pop more guns than you holdin' them Make my route while the sun's out and scold your men Unload ten in broad daylight, get right Fuck your life! Hop on my '98 dirt bike You try to stop mines from growin' I'll make your blood stop flowin' Take affirmative action, to any ass if he askin' Now here come the MAC-10 You's a dick blower, tryin' to speak the Dunn language What the drilly with that though? It ain't bangin' You hooked on Mobb-phonics, Infamous-bonics Lyin' to the Pop Dog like you got it You ain't no wildin' out for the Knife-Fist thrower Rusty shank holder, we live this shit...
[Verse 2: Prodigy] Yo, the P rock forty inch cables, drinkin' white label My chain hang down to my dick, my piece bang glass tables Diamonds and guns before the fame, duke A nigga like me hold TEC's, are you the same too? Goin' through the emotions of gun holdin' Long shotgun's down my pants leg, limpin' Killa B, you still livin', even my pops too He taught me how to shoot when I was seven I used to bust shots crazy, I couldn't even look Because the loud sound used to scare me I love my pops for that, I love my nigga D. Black I'll take the life of anybody tryin' to change what's left And through all of that a nigga ain't scared of death All y'all brand new niggas just scared to death I spent too many nights sniffin' coke, gettin' right Wastin' my life, now I'm tryin' to make things right Grand open some gates, invest in the rag business Do things for the kids, the little Dunns Build a jungle gym behind the crib, so they can enjoy youth CBR's and VCR's, ATV's and big screen TV's Nigga, please don't make me have to risk my freedom We worked our whole life for this, you get your shit beat in...
[Verse 3: Prodigy] It go one, two, three to the fourth That nigga P-Double got that shit for y'alls Peoples to rock to, stirrin' up pots of brew In hell's kitchen, I chef the impossible To serve hot plates all across the Unified States Sit down and sup with the top rap reps We the streets that's watchin', boy, move diligent You better walk like a nigga on a tightrope do Infamous first infantry, first division, fourth mission First assignment, give 'em that shit they been missin' My new edition's way bitchin' Those that listen get addicted to my diction Fuck rhymes, I write prescriptions for your disease Generic raps just not potent like P's One-thousand one-hundred CC's on the throttle I peel off, chest naked on Katanas Spaghetti head Mobb niggas is full bred Fully-blown melanin tone I rock skeleton bone shirts and verses But thirst for worse beats So I can put more product out on the street Get respect and love all across the board We've been adored for keepin' it raw Nothin' less or more, I score every time for sure While the rest of y'all niggas just nil...
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wanderingandfound · 7 years
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