#because y'know yuki is right
mayordea · 1 year
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Happy birthday to the number one princess in the world!! 💖
~from her biggest fans :)
ramble of my scattered thoughts on the piece under cut as usual cuz i love talking 😋
This has been an idea I've been cookin for a while, and it was so cluttered and unlike any other ensemble piece I've made... and I decided I oughta do it anyway. I love Miku, I love Vocaloid, and I wanted to do something really ambitious and crazy for her anniversary. Crazy that she's turning her "canon" age this year TwT
I had the idea floating around since like, May...? And then finally started acting on it around June 18. I'm terrible with deadlines, obvious with how I can never make a silly birthday post in time, so I started wayyyy ahead to make sure I have some room to be lazy lol, especially with an idea as ambitious as this.
This was finished on July 12! So I had to sit on this for an annoying amount of time. Very difficult for someone like me who just wants to talk about everything I'm working on to the masses. But at the very least, that gave me the time to work on the draft for this post.
Here's some ~behind the scenes~ scribbles leading up to the finished piece!
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Left is the chicken scratch plan i made in my handy dandy notebook (whenever things are getting real and ambitious, i always made a rough ROUGH plan in there. Usually I'd do a rough pass of the full thing, but this was too complicated for me to do traditionally. I majorly benefited from digital tools to make this possible). CyberDiva and CyberSongman were considered, but I ended up cutting them cuz I just didn't feel like drawing them sorry-- (just pretend they're off to the side. They gave Ruby and Clara the pizza lol). Right is the "final" completed sketch (before I decided to include Chika mid-way through coloring and VY1 and VY2 near the finish line). I started by drawing the main "groups" separated on a different canvas so I can plop them into the main canvas for easy rearranging and transforming. However I got lazy and ended up drawing everyone in the bottom right corner directly on the canvas since I liked seeing the big picture of everyone's positions. Y'know.
Almost excluded Chika! But I like her design so much that I just felt like including her last-minute. You win this time, Chika fans. VY1 and VY2 were very close to being cut! I added them when I began doing the banner and thought "eh why not". I figured their non-human designs would be pretty easy to include pushed back in the bg. Ik VY1 is more commonly associated with the fan design, but I referenced the hairpin cuz it was simpler and the fan looked very annoying to draw 😭
Sorry to the fans of many Vocaloids I had to cut because this composition was insane enough as is. I promise I wanted to include fellas like CUL, LUMi and Sachiko 😭 I will admit I was a little biased on who I wanted to include over others. Like, I don't normally care for Bruno and Clara, but I wanted to get some more international 'loids in the mix. Also wanted to stick in the realm of official designs and not fan-designs since, as much as I can appreciate those, are just a whole "wait who is that guy supposed to be" situation I didn't wanna deal with. I also did wanna include even more character references through the balloons, but they ended up being kind of ugly and overcomplicated the BG :,) (Oh, and while this was originally planned to be a Vocaloid-only piece, I did end up including Teto, Neru, and Haku 'cuz those are Miku's besties dude!!! They may not be Officially in the club but they're her girls and it would be criminal to not invite them to her birthday).
Anyway, this project marks the first time I've drawn a lot of Vocaloids. Lily, Piko, Rana, Yuki, Yukari, Miki, Maika, and many more lol. All of 'em I've heard or seen in passing, but now I actually drew them, and some have really cool and fun designs!! I got into a habit of drawing Merli after this since I just love her design for example. And I'll probably be drawing more lol!!
Oh and the last thing I'll add for now!! The cake is indeed made up of various song references!! I wanted to reference the "big four" producers, just absolute icons in Vocaloid history. The pink/black checkerboard is "World is Mine" (Ryo), the crescents on the side is "Rolling Girl" (Wowaka), the smiley faces is "Matryoshka" (Hachi), and the three hearts on the side is "The Vampire" (DECO*27, which is sort of a symbol of his whole Mannequin album tbh). I know "The Vampire" is a bit modern but I couldn't think of anything else off the top of my head. I'm a fake DECO fan I know 😔 "Matryoshka" was originally going to be referenced in the colors of the candles but believe me it looked like shit so I just went for something else last minute 😭
That's all I have to say!!! Hope you didn't mind the text wall if you made it here. I hope you like it as much as I do!!!! Happy freakin' birthday Miku!!!!
I have to deal with tagging all these characters now for my page,,, in the drafts my tags got cut off after a certain point so I think I'm massively breaching the tag limit 😭 um... I'll figure that out later...
not losing sleep that i can't tag everyone, even for page organization purposes because some characters have pretty generic names and some are a little hard to see in full yknow. If you're one of those people who tag every character in the art piece you reblog... I am very sorry.
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jesswritesthat · 6 months
Iwaizumi Hajime: Brothers’ Best Friend
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: 2.5k, fluff
• It can be hard when you catch feelings for your brother best friend, but the least you can do is be mature about it and turn it into a game.
Warnings: a few insults
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Iwaizumi Hajime had been 5 things to you over the years, some you'd regretted, many you'd denied, but there's 1 he'd finally accept.
He was your ‘brothers’ best friend.
Even from a young age, Iwaizumi Hajime had always captured your interest - most would often sway towards Oikawa but considering he was your older brother figure as your families were quite close, you saw quite enough of him already.
To anyone, your favouritism was evident, including to Oikawas' parents who regularly took you to collect Tōru from his Volleyball club practices.
Gingerly you walked past the child players who varied in height but were all taller than you, some recognising you and side stepping so you could locate your targets faster.
All while Tōrus older sister filmed the humorous ritual. You strolled toward the familiar pair, Oikawa immediely breaking into a blinding smile and picking you up with a prideful greeting. Iwaizumi halted beside his partner whilst he lifted you (there was only 2 years between you but at this age you'd yet to grow).
However, it was not your brother you wanted - no, he held you in his arms only for you pout and kick in his grasp.
Adhering to his childish personality, the cute Setter scoffed whilst mumbling curses as he passed you to his best friend who had his arms open already, used to this familiar favouritism behaviour - a smug look sent to his partner as you settled immediately with a content grin.
Happily you allowed Hajime to manoeuvre you to a piggy back position and carry you over to your amused family.
"This'll be good blackmail in the future y'know, I think for all of you~" Tōrus sister finally pressing stop on the recording, you supposed that at her age she had it out for her 'siblings'.
He was a crush.
A phase you'd told yourself, just some ridiculous school girl crush that'd pass eventually because above all else, he was a good friend.
"Hi (Y/n), Iwaizumi is here y'know." Oikawas sister said it with a playful mirth to her silky tone, knowing smirk situated on her face upon seeing you light up.
"Iwa?! Really~"
"That's the guy you talk about, on the high school team with your 'brother' right?"
"Yes! You have to me him -them- c'mon." Eagerly you dragged your friend into the kitchen where the two volleyball players were conversing.
"Hey guys."
"Awh! Chibi-chan, did you miss me? I know I'm amaz—"
Fluently you ducked under his open arms, flying straight into the unsuspecting but easily prepared Iwaizumi who only groaned in reply.
"Tch, not as amazing as Iwa-chan apparently."
"You've grown (Y/n), and who’s your friend?"
"Yeah, that's how life generally works Iwaizumi, oh and this Yuki."
"Nice to meet you. Oi, careful, you sound like Crappykawa and one of those is enough thanks." Iwaizumi chided after introductions, leaving you shaking your head but excited to ask your next question.
"How was the game? God I can't wait to start Aobajohsai next year! I'll finally be able to watch you guys for real."
"We won 2-0. Next year you can come to our practices too. We still need a manager and since Crappykawa is going to be Captain, he might put in a good word."
"Not likely, especially since you'll take Iwas' side in everything." Oikawa sneakily replied, giving you a childish face which you naturally returned.
"That's because he's usually right Tōru."
Once finishing your conversation, you left for your own home like originally planned with Yuki, also glad she’d finally met the two most important people in your life.
“Wow, you’re big brother figure is really good looking~”
“Ew no, did you even meet Iwaizumi? He’s so cool, he’s the arm wrestling champion at Aobajohsai.”
“You know we don’t stand a chance, they’ll be thirds years whilst we’re first years.” She’d awkwardly added, but you remained charismatically confident.
“You’re not thinking ahead, I’ll have a chance one day but until then there’s a bunch of cute guys in our year.”
“Yes, speaking of, I finally got the courage to speak to Tadashi-kun today~”
He was a protector.
"Back. Off." Every word was deadly punctuated, standing as a warning all on their own without needed the back up of Iwaizumis dangerous glare.
"Who are you?!" The pestered had glowered, having followed you from your friends’ party that night.
"Take another step and you'll find out."
"Iwaizumi, it's fine— I can handle this." You had every intention to, but Iwaizumi stood protectively in front of you and fingers twitching to punch this scoundrel if he dared make a move to touch you, it was best to leave it.
"Whatever.” Then he was gone, storming off in the other direction much to your joint relief.
“(Y/n) you need to be more careful.”
“I was careful! That’s why I messaged Oikawa the second I noticed him following me.” Hold on, why the hell was Iwaizumi here then?
“Creeps will target students walking alone, especially ones like you.”
“Don’t you think I know that? I’m not and idiot an— what do you mean ‘like me’?”
“What? You’re, y’know— you’re ours!” He seemed stifled by his response but he couldn’t exactly tell you it’s because you were considered attractive.
"You can stop treating me like a baby, I'm 16 Hajime! I can take care of myself, besides..." There was brief hesitation but your emotions were too strong. "I need to get used to you and Tōru not being around, don't I?"
It was a low blow, you knew that, but had every right to be angry at both the world and him, especially with that bubbling feeling of betrayal being so fresh.
"What? So protecting you suddenly means I'm treating you like a child?"
"What else would it be?" You bit back again, knowing by this point you were only being hurtful.
"That I—" A pause.
"That I care about you dumbass, is that so hard to believe? I know you're growing up but that doesn't mean me -or Tōru- are gonna stop looking out for you just because we're on the other side of the world."
"Sure it doesn’t, I'm going home." Despite his words being full of honesty, you turned your back on him and started walking.
"I'll walk you."
"No, I'll walk myself thanks."
"It wasn't a request."
Eventually you arrived at Oikawas’ house, storming in and ditching your shoes in his porch - the pretty brunette heaving a knowing sigh. Oikawa would give you a minute, Iwa having now walked into the house moments after without a word, and that’s when Oikawa followed your path and hesitantly knocked on his own bedroom door for entry.
"Don't be mad at Iwa-chan."
"Yeah yeah 'he's only trying to look out for you' and 'Hajime is protective over people close to him', heard it all before Tōru." Came your muffled reply, face hidden in your arms on the setters bed.
"...Guess you have but uh, this is different."
"It's because he's going to miss you, our Ace won't ever admit that but it's true. Not seeing you and dealing with our chaos all the time will be weird for him. You were near the top of his list to tell once he’d made his decision about California y'know?" Tōru sat tentatively beside you, a reassuring hand patting your back in aid of comforting you.
"Doesn't make it hurt any less, finding out I'm not only losing my big brother but his best friend too."
"You're more upset about me though right?" There was a preganant pause, quite honestly you weren't exactly listening but it was enough for Oikawa to sit abruptly from the bed. "Right?!"
"Fine fine, I'm taking that as a yes, but anyway, Iwa-chan just wants to make sure you're gonna be okay in life before he leaves (Y/n)."
There was another silence, a quiet sob escaping you that you’d desperately tried to cover up.
"…Where were you? I needed you Tōru and you weren’t there…"
You felt him cease up, the pain laced your voice and he knew it was partly because it’ll be this way for the foreseeable future, but this time wasn’t his fault.
“Iwa-chan was here when I got your message, he was out the house before I could even put my shoes on. So I waited here for when you came back.” They really were the best team. “Anyway, I’ll prepare my sisters old room for you to stay tonight.”
Awkwardly you shuffled into the kitchen, finding the Ace situated at the table, already changed into a t-shirt and joggers he had here and tiredly brooding over some freshly made tea.
"Hey..." The quietened whisper from your lips surprised even you, let alone Hajime who looked up from his cup with a softening frown.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, I um, I wanted to apologise. You were only trying to help and you even walked me home after I was a crappy friend so..."
"Anytime." There was a hanging silence again, hugging yourself a bit before the brunette awkwardly cleared his throat. "I uh, I understand you were upset, and butting in on the situation probably wasn't necessary so I'm sorry too. It just pissed me off."
"We're good then?"
"Yeah, we're good."
Pausing at the entrance, you sighed quietly - bare feet quickly tapping on the floor and before Hajime could check the origin you'd engulfed him from behind, arms wrapped around his chest and nose buried in the nape of his neck.
"I'll miss you too Hajime."
You heard his breath hitch, muscles tensing under your touch and tentative fingers gracing your own with a gently sigh.
Then you pulled away slightly, the same moment he'd looked back to you, gazes meeting for only a few sacred seconds like sharing a thousand words. Softly you smiled, both of you laughing as your fingers slipped from his figure and you'd walked back to the guest room. Only to find Oikawa sat expectantly on the bed waiting for you.
"You tell him?"
"Not quite. But I said enough."
He was a traitor.
Not a phase. It must be a familiarity thing then, Hajime had always been present in your life since you could remember. There wasn't a prolonged period of time when he hadn't been involved - at school, at home, with Oikawa, even on vacations, or via social media.
Maybe once he'd left, once he was no longer around, the constant familiarity wouldn't influence your feelings anymore.
For now though, when you were gifted a moment alone with him that’d likely be your last, you decided it couldn’t hurt to express your feelings. Calmly and nonchalantly.
"I like you Hajime."
"I like you too (Y/n)." He paused, soft and sentimental smile gracing his lips briefly as if resenting his next words. "But you know there's the age thing."
"I know, but I'm in it for the long game."
You could tell your confident statement caught him off guard, yes Iwaizumi knew the topic of conversation was to be handled with care but that didn’t mean he wasn’t perplexed by you.
"I don't want you to wait for me or anything, considering I'm heading to California."
"I had no intention of waiting, our paths will cross again. It's nice knowing you're out there, I'm out there, and we both know. That's enough." You shrugged, leaning back far too casually for the situation.
"Knowing we're both out in the world, I can play along with that."
"Besides, I'll win in the end Hajime."
"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure."
There was a playful smirk on your lips as you sat up a little straighter, hands clasped and head tilted in curiosity. "Well, date me now?"
"No way."
"Okay, then date me later?"
"..." Despite his snapping reply earlier, he now furrowed his brows in thought. "You don't even know what we'll being doing in the future."
"You're not saying no."
"..." A flicker of realisation when meeting your competitive gaze.
"See." You smirked. "That's what makes so sure."
"The long game huh?" Iwaizumi smiled "Count me in."
Oikawa joined you both then, stepping out onto the field and standing before your sitting figures.
"I'm still going to hate you though." A playful punch hitting Iwaizumis’ shoulder as you rose to your feet. "For leaving. I can't hide those feelings very well."
"I know, and it's okay. Hate me for as long as you need to."
“You two done? Let’s go~”
However it was the text later that night which left you more confused than ever.
[ Iwa: Finally. ]
[ (Y/n): Huh? ]
[ Iwa: I didn't give you an answer earlier, so that's it. ]
[ Iwa: Date you finally. ]
[ (Y/n): What does that mean? Eventually??? Later??? Iwaaaaa!!!! 😭 ]
[ Iwa: You're playing the long game remember?  So you'll just have to wait I guess. Anyways tell Shittykawa he better be up early tomorrow, night (Y/n) x ]
[ (Y/n): Tōrus' right, you are mean! 💀 ]
He was a friend.
"Someone grew up good." Iwaizumi nodded to you in greeting when you’d shown up to Oikawas’ family home, yourself gladly embracing the former traitor.
"Iwa-chan! That's my little chibi-chan!" Oikawa was quick to chastise, even at your expense.
"Tōru I'm not so little anymore, I'm a grown assed human with a job and rent for crying out loud!"
"With a petty attitude to boot." Oikawa mocked, sticking his tongue at you like you were children again.
"Wonder who they got that from Crappykawa?"
"How dare you compare me to him Iwaizumi?! That's it, we're enemies now - prepare to lose."
"I just got back from California, can't we do things normally for once? Like unpack, then celebrate my graduation by going out for dinner together like old times?"
Yourself and Oikawa looked at each other with offended expressions, mirroring smirks etching onto your lips once you'd set your attention back on an irritated Iwa.
"Nope!" You devilishly grinned, Oikawa already holding up Mario Kart controllers as he finished off.
"We're going to my place to have a tournament, loser buys dinner!"
“Woah, us ‘idiots’ threw you a graduation party. We’re the best friends ever, you should be thanking rather than insulting us y’know.” Oikawa pointedly corrected referring to the destination later tonight.
“Yeah, when Tōru got back from the airport, we even tried making you a cake!”
“Guys… thanks so much…”
“Iwa-chan, congratulations on your graduation.” Tōru proudly cemented, next you gladly followed. “And welcome home.”
He was the love of your life.
It was a beautiful summers night in Tokyo, and you'd come to congratulate Iwaizumi on his recent job offer as the Japanese Olympic Volleyball Teams fitness trainer.
You didn't think you'd be sitting beside him staring up at the stars though, a blissful warm breeze allowing you to truly feel the moment.
It seemed Iwaizumi was the same, content smile upon his face.
"It's nice to see you (Y/n), I'm glad you made it."
"Well it's easier when you don't have to catch a flight from the other side of the world." It was evident to whom you’d referred, his absence always being felt in some way.
"Heh, yeah I got to speak to him over video chat though."
"Ugh that means he didn't get the slaps he deserves." Was your witty reply, Iwaizumi laughing alongside you.
"Nah, but don't worry I managed to scold him for anything ridiculous he came out with."
"Like beating everyone?"
"Exactly. With the team I'm gonna train, I'll kick his ass." It amazed you, that even as best friends their rivalry continued into adulthood.
"I hope you both do well Hajime."
"Hm, I hope Japan and Argentina get to face one another most of all."
"You miss him."
"Yeah." A sentimental smile and Iwa turned to you. "And I miss you too."
The atmosphere once again settled into that of comfortable tranquility. You supposed there was only one last thing to say then.
"Well Iwaizumi Hajime, I have one last question for you tonight."
"I know, you've been waiting. So go ahead." It was a challenge, the brunette facing you with an expectant smirk that matched your own.
"Date me now?"
"Don't you remember? I said date you, finally."
"Finally?" You mimicked again, still not knowing what he’d meant by that phrase.
"Guess the long game is over now huh?" Iwaizumi shrugged nonchalantly, despite his mocking tone which only left you sarcastically retorting.
"Shut up asshole."
"It meant, I may not have been your first love (Y/n), but I have every intention of being your last." His sentiment surprised you, especially if this is the thought he had when typing that text all those years ago. "If that's okay with you obviously."
"It is Hajime, then it's your call."
"(Y/n), will you finally go on a date with me?"
"No." You'd said it proudly, Hajime only knowingly smirking. "You don't get to take the victory lap now. This is my game, and I asked you first. You owe me an answer."
"Ah man, it was worth a shot but the only true loss here is missing the chance to be with you so yeah."
"Don't get all sappy on me Hajime! It doesn't suit you."
"Hey! I said I'd date you (Y/n), aren't I supposed to be a little sentimental with that." Though he seemed confident, Iwaizumi hadn’t hidden his blush very well.
"You might want to make another call to Oikawa, I'm sure dating his 'Chibi-chan' will have him back here in no time. Don't you need his permission huh?"
"Already got it." Iwaizumi seemed smug about it, no doubt probably asking prior to this encounter since he already knew what you wanted to ask - but you had your own surprises.
"Funny, I did too."
"You asked his permission to date me?!"
"Duh, you're his best friend. I got permission before you even left for California~"Not explicitly, but you assumed Oikawa had always known how you felt.
"You really had me from the start didn't you?"
"Yeah, but you had me too Iwa.”
Iwaizumi Hajime was (and had been) your everything. But you were always his everything too.
[ Masterlist ]
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thesovereignsring-if · 11 months
Hello there, dear author! :D
I'm wondering, if you could cast voice actors for all the important characters in your game (ROs, siblings, empress, etc. ), who would you choose? :3
I personally prefer Japanese voices, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on those, but if you like English more, then that's fine too!
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday! :D
Oh this is a really cool question!! I am a connoisseur for both Eng and Jp Vas so I will provide both. Lmao Some of these are highly specific because some of these characters were lowkey blueprints 🙈 Though I'm curious about what other people would think!
His voice is soft, light, almost sweet tenor. It's gentle and very friendly, the kind that kids find soothing and approachable, but can go into a deep earthy tone when he wants to be serious.
Miyano Mamoru (Chrollo/Light Yagami)
Matt Mercer (Yusuke Kitagawa)
His voice would be a very smooth, relaxing tenor, dark but very gentle.
Jun Kasama (HiMERU) or Yuichiro Umehara (Alhaitham/ Keito Hasumi)
Greg Chun, specifically when he making cheesecake or as Adam)
Her voice would be the dark, warm and slightly husky voice. Y'know the one that screams Mommy that will wreck you uwu but also playful aunty.
Miyuki Sawashiro
Allegra Clark (Chihiro Morimura/Beidou)
Junichi Suwabe (Sukuna/Archer)
Cam Clark (Kratos Auron/Prince Crescendo) but Patrick Seitz (Frederic Chopin) works too.
Finny has a youthful voice, something bright and almost nasally. I wouldn't take him very seriously and ruin the tone of the story, but I think it would be sooo cute if he had a little lisp. ;//w//;
Masakazu Morita (💕Tidus💕/Kurosaki Ichigo) or Yuki Kaji (Alibaba)
Max Mittleman (Ryuji/ Itto Arataki)
She would have a very sweet, bubbly and airy voice. Something that borders on fairy-like and soothing, but isn't grating to the ears.
Rie Takahashi (Emilia/Hu Tao/Takagi)
Laura Bailey (Cheria Barnes/Rise Kujikawa)
Her voice would be something bright, cute and confident. Nothing too high or low, something just right in the middle.
Haruka Tomatsu (Kyoko Hori/ZeroTwo/Asuna)
Kelly Sheridan (Barbie/Sango)
Her voice would sit somewhere between pretty, sweet and just edging on sexy. Not too bright or husky, a rich tone that's fitting for a young woman.
Rie Tanaka (Himeko / Lisa)
Michelle Ruff (Velvet (OdinSphere)/Sakuya Tachibana /Sadayo Kawakami)
Androgynous, but soothing, dark and slightly husky. Something that makes you question their age, gender and your sexuality.
Romi Park
Veronica Taylor (Tsukasa Okino) or Eric Vale (Yuki Sohma)
SASS. Something not too bratty, but has a rich and sauve twang to it. A rich tone that borders on nasally.
Noriaki Sugiyama (Sasuke Uchiha/Uryuu Ishida/Shimazaki (Mob Psycho100))
Liam O'Brian (Ingway(OpinSphere)/ Akihiko Sanada) or Yuri Lowenthal (Suzaku Kururugi/ Sasuke Uchiha)
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errakiari · 3 months
-Erra is my char, i do not own any other chars except for 'Erra'. [Apologies for my mistakes and grammars, english is not my first language!!]
Erra after watching spyxfamily: I wanna be like Anya to read other peoples' mind too..
The next day..
Yukimiya, thinking: I'm really thirsty right now, i need something to drink..
Erra, heard what Yuki thought: Huh?
Yukimiya: Did you heard something Erra?
Erra: No.. here, you could've said sooner y'know? *hands him a bottle of water*
Yukimiya: I didn't say I was thirsty tho..
Erra: Oh you didnt..?
Karasu, thinking: Did I put enough hair gel on my hair??
Erra: *shocked because she now can read minds*
Yukimiya: Are you okay? You seem like you seen a gho-
Erra: *ran off*
Yukimiya: -st..
Erra: I can read minds now!
Shidou, thinking:
Erra: *reading his mind* Ok what the actual fuck.
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festivalofthe12 · 4 months
[Scene: a bustling festival, where our group has gathered in appropriate garb. Yuki and Machi have separated from the others, indistinctly walking between stalls in the background. Our cast watch them from afar.]
Haru: ...not to state the obvious or anything, but: you have a thing for Yuki, right?
Kyou and Tohru: *startled spluttering*
Kakeru: *hands on hips* Hahaha, where'd you get that idea from? But, and I'll make myself clear, that could not possibly be further from the truth! Because, you see: Yun-yun, my best friend, is currently dating Machi, my sister! So! I most definitely do not have a thing for Yuki.
Haru: Ah.
Kakeru: Quite so!
Haru: But, like, you are gay though, right?
Kakeru: Bi, actually.
Kyou and Tohru: *continued awkwardness*
Haru: Oh, nice; same.
Kakeru: Super! But not for Yun-yun, of course. Because he is, as we speak and watch, dating my sister. And that would be a very bad situation for literally everybody involved!!
Haru: Gotcha.
Tohru: *still very red* Erm... n-now that we've seen them off, should we-
Haru: For what it's worth, I think there's a pretty decent chance he's into you.
Kakeru: Huh!!!!
Kyou and Tohru: *instantaneously hysterical*
Kakeru: Wow!!!! That. Sure is a thing you just said, right there. Haha!!!!
Haru: Not that I'm 100%, or anything. Just a vibe, y'know.
Kakeru: I think that I understand!!!!! *brow furrowed, face very red* Hmmmmm. Wow. This sure is a... whoa. Just whoa. Huh.
Kyou and Tohru: *have already left*
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turtlemagnum · 2 months
beat all the kanto gyms. progression was a tad obtuse at times but to be fair that's how shit went in early gen pokemon (and also a lot of games of the prehistoric period of the 20th century), and we have the internet these days so it's fine. surprised at how good of a challenge blue was, really; though it makes sense given how he's the final gym in the damn game. all that's left is mt silver... and Him... i think i'm gonna grind the elite 4 for a bit to get my guys all ripe and leveled up, i think i've settled on my final team. if you wanna hear me rant about my team, click the read more because i'm probably gonna go on for a while about each one and they all deserve it.
well, there's my starter, JAINA! the feraligatr. she's always been there, and honestly i was pleasantly surprised when i got a girl since those are always rare with the starters. i will say that my favorite gen 2 starter is the chikorita line, but every time i play a pokemon game i try not to overuse my favorites and go for a different experience every time and i already used chikorita during my HGSS playthrough (which, i'm actually pretty sure i haven't completed, but eh). i will say that out of all of my pokemon playthroughs, JAINA! has easily been my least reliable starter, and not to sound cold but i only love her a normal amount rather than the "i love her dearly" i've had for all my other starters. she's still really good though, and i do still love her
then there's kurohime!, my jynx. for a while, i've been of the opinion that ice types Suck and frankly? she turned me around on that. probably helps that she's also psychic, but she's consistently been one of my rocks ever since i got her (which, to be fair, was just before the eighth gym in johto). she's just like, really good, and i love her dearly. also, if you're wondering, her name is just the japanese word for "black" (kuro) and the japanese word for "princess" (hime) mashed up together, and i actually have a marginally convoluted train of thought for that. so, jynx is very obviously inspired by gyaru, right? and, well, as far as i'm aware male gyaru are called "gyaru-oh", with the "oh" meaning "king". and one of the most notable varieties of gyaru are called "kuro gyaru", so i just sorta like, reversed the gender there but since i didn't know the japanese word for queen i just went for princess instead. got the point across, anyways.
there's Ashe., my skarmory. i caught her either just before or just after the eighth johto gym, i forget which. she's also an extremely reliable pick just in general, often living through shit that's even super effective or crits. not even mentioning how good she is at "defusing" all the shithead self destruct users, given her steel type. she's also my flyer, so that naturally makes her innately useful. i had a pidgeotto named yuki!!! as my flyer before, but skarmory is just Better. my reasoning for naming her Ashe. is long forgotten, forever ago when i got my first skarmory in pokemon emerald she was also a girl and i decided "yeah, ashe is a good name for a skarmory" for whatever reason. maybe it's that the route you can catch skarmory on in emerald is the ashy volcano area with the banger soundtrack, i dunno.
now that i'm thinking about it, here's an honorable mention to my graveler KNICK (pronounced with or without the k depending on whichever's funniest at the time, so usually with the k). he was solid but by the time i got to the end of the johto gym challenge he had outgrown his usefulness, especially given how since i'm not playing on original hardware and i have no friends i can't really trade him, y'know. he was also really good at dealing with exploders, for what it's worth.
for a good while there, i had a gligar named GILLY!, i think he actually was there for the first time i took the elite 4. gligar learns Fuck & Shit for moves, at least in gen 2, so i cheated a bit to give him some relatively basic things like earthquake and rock throw and such. sue me, i cheated in literally no other regard. also, i named him after a line from a david bowie song, i believe ziggy stardust specifically. for some reason i just had that specific line of "jammin' good with weird and gilly!" in my brain at the moment so i was just like "sure, he seems like a gilly.
we have ivy!!!, my bellossom. i honestly expected him to end up a lot weaker than he did, but pretty much as soon as he evolved into a bellossom he became solid as they come. goddamn tanky, that's the best word for him, a motherfucking tank. dude could take super effective moves from guys well within his level range and take like a 10th of his health bar in damage. i feel like i could try to set him on fire with a lighter in his sleep and he wouldn't even wake up, and i'm not exaggerating. all while being a goddamn adorable little hula dancer fellow. fucking legend, i love him with my life. was a pain in the ass to get his evolution stone, fucking bugcatcher contests are bullshit.
there's my newest member, the guy who replaced GILLY!, his name? Ken. with the period. all of these are with the punctuation marks i wrote them with, because i think it's funny. i got him as a little baby tyrogue and trained him up real good until he evolved into a hitmonchan. it also took him until being a hitmonchan to learn some fucking moves other than tackle, though to be fair his Three Elemental Fist Techniques all came to him at the same time, with his first fighting type move coming fairly quickly after the fact. it's a weird euphoria leveling up once when all you've been training with is fucking tackle and immediately getting three pretty decent moves. instantly gave me solid coverage, even if his special attack stat is weak as hell we can always overcome that with training. and we currently are! after he got fire, ice, and thunder punch, he started growing damn quickly and caught up with the rest of my guy's levels almost immediately, it was damn impressive. went from like, level 10 or so to level 40 over the course of a single day, and i'm really proud of him. he's kinda got brittle bone disease due to how common birds are in general but that's nothing that obscene amounts of training can't fix! i kinda wanna get all my guys to level 100, or at least well into the 80s. Ken. is definitely a glass cannon, completely unlike his namesake but to be fair kenshiro from fist of the north star is stupid OP. he's my special little boy. but not my special-est little boy, that honor belongs to....
mint!!!!!! is my umbreon, my umbreon who evolved from an eevee at damn near level 50 and has easily been my highest level guy for as long as i've been training him to evolve. at first i was undecided if i wanted an umbreon or an espeon, but as soon as i realized i could get a jynx and that elsewise we're pretty hard up for good dark type gamers, i decided on umbreon and only leveling him at night. he definitely took a while, but god do i love my little baby boy... and he's strong! he was even strong by the end of his time as an eevee, an unreasonably powerful eevee because again, he was like level 47 or 48 when he finally evolved. but god damnit was he worth it. also, he evolved on the same night that trump got shot, so that happenstance is probably gonna live with me for the rest of my life. mint is my little gamer, and i love him with my life, and i wanna give him all the treats and pets in the world. he's literally perfect and i will not accept any criticism of him. and he's still technically my highest level guy, though the gap isn't that big anymore. he swept sabrina's gym, too! isn't he special... my precious little baby boy..... seriously just look up the gen 2 umbreon sprite he's cute as hell. again, not to sound cold but honestly i'm about as attached to him as i usually am to my starter, for what it's worth. he's my precious beast
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, Episode 15 - His Uncertainty
Looks like things are wrapping up now. Two episodes left to the end.
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We have arrived at Yuki's equivalent to Eternal Eight. Fortunately, Haruhi does not have the ability to loop time again so Escapist Yuki probably won't be exposed to hundreds of years of repeated time.
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At this point, I'm not even surprised that Tsuruya's family owns multiple homes. Crane Shop is basically the Walmart of Haruhi's Japan.
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The prank murder's job was to entertain Haruhi and keep her from inadvertently conjuring a real murder mystery. Those guys weren't even relatives of Itsuki's; They were his colleagues from his Esper organization.
Why would this ever have happened in Yuki World? Cute continuity reference but this makes absolutely no sense.
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Kyon's sister trying to pack herself away in his bag is a repeat gag....
Y'know, I was concerned when we spent so much time repeating various beats from the Tanabata episode but this episode's doing a bit of recycling too. Did the show run out of ideas?
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Nope, never mind, all good. We are moving right along. TAKE YOUR SWING, RYOKO. AIM WELL. XD
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I'm annoyed that Yuki's better at playing ball than I am. She should not be this good.
It's a depth perception thing. I have no depth perception. I'm like 80% convinced it's because I spent all of my formative years staring at 2D screens and it killed my ability to perceive in three dimensions.
So I can't play games like this because a ball in the air moving towards me is stationary to my eyes. I have no idea when it's actually going to reach me. It's terrifying.
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I like how Mikuru was scared out of her mind a moment ago but now she clarifies that there are no supernatural spookers involved in the Test of Courage. Everyone's just like,
Group: Level with us, Mikuru. Will there be ghosties? Mikuru: Worse. There will be Tsuruya.
Which is a valid concern.
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Mikuru and Tsuruya eat their melons with spoons. You hoity-toity upper-class....
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Even Lawful Menace Ryoko is out here chomping down like a normal person but there's those two in the back being all Elegant Noblewoman about it. I guess Crane Shop customs take dining etiquette very seriously.
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And we're recycling material from the original series again.
It kinda feels like they had too many episodes left over after the Disappearance arc and needed something to pad the runtime. Like, the main goal here seems to be to wrap up the Yuki/Kyon/Factory Settings love triangle but they're stretching it out by Playing The Hits.
This one in particular, however, is hilarious. Like. The cicada hunt is sending me. Have we not seen enough versions of Eternal Eight already? XD Imagine thinking we needed a ninth take on any part of that event sequence.
Ryoko's swinging her net and getting to participate in the cicada hunt for the first time but I'm over here having PTSD flashbacks.
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Ryoko leaping at the first chance she gets to not participate in whatever fresh hell Tsuruya has prepared for the group. And she did it by exploiting inarguable responsibility towards the child in her custody.
You win this round, Lawful Menace.
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Mikuru was freaked out by fireflies this whole time? That's the scary prank Tsuruya plays on her when they do the test of courage? The existence of fireflies?
*deep breath* What is this character.
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Alright, you two. You've got one episode left to figure your shit out. I demand some open and honest communication before Haruhi gets impatient and strangles you both.
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Woo! Crisis averted, nice meeting you two! We've heard a lot about ya
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Oh you have? Well pleasant to meet you, I'm Fuji Okamoto - I'm one of the head for the Next Generation of Hope that helps with speeches and languages.
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I tend to help out my fellow leaders with their speeches and languages since we do work with people all around the world.
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So these guys don't speak other languages?
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Well Mr. Kasai can speak some English along with Miss. Kabuya, I know Mr. Kagarin speaks Russian quite fluently but they have some... social issues that needs a bit of correcting so I need to step in.
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Speaking of which, there they are.
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*Is reading over a piece of paper* 'Welcome all members of the next generation of hope; As the head leader, I am here to announce 3 newest members joining; Setsuka Chiebukuro, Naoyuki Harukawa and Cho...Chole Toussain... Tousow?'
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Excuse uh, Chloe, right? can you repeat how you say your surname, I'm not exactly good at French so...
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Ah, Je vois - It's pronounce 'Tou-ssiant' so say it like that, Monsieur Kasai.
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Toussiant...? Alright that sounds easy, okay thank you.
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Non non, it's fine - it does seem you struggle so I do get it.
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But de toute façon Monsieur Kagarin but do we have to put on that helmet? Is it safe?
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Well of course it Miss Toussiant; all that you need to do is put it on for 10 minutes and the helmet will scan your memories and you'll be done.
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Still, I wish I didn't have to look at the memories of the men here; quite frankly it's a bother.
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Well Yuri we need to make sure all the memories are on those disc, you may not like it but we have to.
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So... is he always like that?
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Well he's pretty harmless so don't worry about him.
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Ah well okay, thanks for telling me - it's gonna take a while to know everyone else so hopefully it's not too much of a bother.
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I don't think you will be...
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Oh, seems the last one has arrive. Is this him?
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Yes Miss. Kabuya, this is Naoyuki Harukawa, he just arrive.
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Howdy there, call me Nao or Yuki if you like; It's good to meet all the leaders!
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Well well, you seem like a decent guys; names Shinji Kasai, I'm the leader of this group and it's good to meet you.
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I heard quite a bit about what you did; you helped the adults that were hiding in the adult shelter at Towa City and help them escape when a war happen.
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And of course another man, well I suppose it's nice to meet you...
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... (That guy surely doesn't like me, huh? I probably should keep it to myself...)
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Yeah figure I do something to help them out, y'know?
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I heard from them that they mostly wanted to leave because they heard that they sided with one of the guys that allow those Monokumas to be made and wanted to leave which I can't blame them so I offer some assistant and even help them settle down.
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Plus I heard things had started to settle down in recent year, I can tell you all so I feel pretty welcome already.
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Well happy to hear that, will be doing introductions soon so maybe you can look around and talk with your fellow members after introductions.
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yunoteru4ever · 1 year
If we’re doing Mirai Nikki fursonas now than Yuki would probably be a cat since they have 9 lives, Yuno would obviously be a bunny and maybe Akise would be a different breed of cat since cats are curious
Oh god, you took my mind down a crazy path. I'm not exactly ready to start making full-on "fursonas," but I definitely have started imagining what I think the logical animal analogs to the four lead Mirai Nikki characters would be. Let's call them, idk, "spirit animals" or something like that.
Yuki? He's a platypus. They're cute, they're loners, they are absolutely weird, and they even have a hidden dangerous side in the form of a poisonous spur on one heel.
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Yuno? Honey badger. Of course, right? They look small and cute but are absolutely BATSHIT and will FUCK YOU UP beyond repair. One of the most hardass animals ever.
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Minene? She gets the cat thing because I thought your "nine lives" idea translates best to her Escape Diary and her personal survival abilities gained as an orphan in the Middle East. But I specifically made her a black-footed cat because it has the highest hunting success rate of any wild cat, making it the deadliest of the lot.
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Akise? A fox. Clever, attractive to look at, inquisitive by nature — it just works.
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Murmur/Murumuru — A tardigrade. Small, kinda cute at first, extremely hard to kill, pretty damn fucked up the longer you look at/think about it.
Takao Hiyama - Labord's Chameleon. Violently aggressive whenever it encounters its own species, it's also a creature that has one of the shortest lifespans of any non-insect. It's especially notable for being a chameleon that completely sucks at its primary feature - y'know, the blending in thing? It uses such ostentatious colors by default and is so slow to shift out of them that it just sucks at its one job. Until it dies. The poor bitch.
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angcrmanagcmcnt · 7 months
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They are two different beings made to coexist as one. They are two different ends of a spectrum, arguably; human and 'monster'.
They are simultaneously sisters and complete strangers.
They are two and they are one, and they are halves of a whole and two complete people, and neither would be alive without the other. Perhaps that in and of itself is the cruelty of their particular circumstances; they cannot do anything without the other, and there can never truly be silence in the little space that lies between them.
They coexist well enough, for two beings so different.
Lyssa is sunshine personified, a ray of joy and light that radiated hope and adoration to those she held dear, and Anger is.....well, she is Anger. Ire and spite, fury that hardly knew any bounds, all condensed into one small little form, ready to burst at the seams at any slight; whether it be perceived or genuine.
Such a wonder it is, that these two ended up stuck together.
It is not such a wonder that they have their ornery moments.
It starts with them being worried about their family's disappearance.
Lyssa would argue that worried is not even half of it, and all Anger wants to do is argue lately, it seems. Argue about what they should do, about whether to stay inside and await everyone's return or go out and actively search.
Anger wants to stay put, to wait for them to come back because of course they're going to come back. They can't not come back.
Lyssa does not share the sentiment. She does not hope and she does not wish, she's run out of patience for both of those things, and she is tired of waiting. The last time she was a sitting duck hadn't ended very well and she does not want a repeat of history.
They can both feel the tension in the air, feel the dread pooling in the recesses of their shared existence.
Neither of them like it, of course; who would?
It all comes to a head a week after Ed, Al, and Mr. Mustang disappeared.
It had been calm, for the most part. They didn't know what was going on outside; they hadn't even set foot outside of the house since the day everything turned upside down.
Lyssa had been looking at the food that was left in the cupboards. There was still plenty enough for them to eat, as long as they were careful, but food for the pets was running low. She was making plans, mumbling to herself about trying to get more food for the animals, when Anger spoke up in the back of her mind.
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" We aren't gonna go outside, right? "
They've had this conversation a million times, in a million different ways.
And it seems they have to have it again.
" We have to, Anger. Yuki needs food, and we have to look for everyone. "
" I don't want to. "
The response is so fast that Lyssa startles and almost knocks a can over, but her response comes easily despite it, accompanied by a sigh.
" I don't care, we have to and you know it. We can't stay here forever, Anger. "
" Don't just say that. "
The words have a bite to them that Lyssa is, at this point, familiar with. It's difficult not to, with her little head roommate being the very incarnation of someone's Anger. As a fortunate side effect, she's grown accustomed to dealing with said head roommate when she gets a little too snappy.
But Lyssa is tired of it.
" I get that you're mad— "
" 'm not fuckin' mad— "
" You're Anger, your default is mad— "
" Y'know what, go fuck yourself! I don' give a shit, 'm not leavin' this fuckin' house 'til they come back! "
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" And if they don't? "
There is a sudden quiet in their shared space and Lyssa knows she's made a mistake, misstepped in the worst way possible, but she's come this far and has to stick to her guns. This isn't part of the latest script, but it needs to be acknowledged.
It is a horrifying possibility, but a possibility nonetheless.
" …They will. They always do. "
A possibility that Anger refuses to accept.
And Lyssa is tired of it.
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" Anger, they're alchemists— "
" The fuck're you tryin'a get at here— "
" If you shut up an' let me finish maybe I could get to it! "
Silence fills the air with a kind of dread Lyssa knows well. The other shoe hangs in the air, a hair's breadth away from collapsing to the ground, but she waits in the silence for a few moments longer. She doesn't want another interruption, even if she knows it's inevitable.
" They're alchemists, Anger, they're not invincible. They're human, an' you.....you know how breakable they are. "
" I swear, if you're— "
Being reasonable? Being logical? She isn't listening to Anger anymore as she prattles on about something and all Lyssa knows is that there is a ringing in her ears and her nails are digging into the palm of her hand so hard it hurts.
All she knows is that she is angry. And she needs to calm down because the rage that bubbles within hasn't gotten her anywhere before.
Even if her anger is how she survived, she doesn't like to think about it.
She doesn't want to go back to the rage, not today, but Anger is making it oh so very hard, and Lyssa can feel the dam cracking. It could break any moment and all it needs is one wrong step before—
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" Aren't you listenin' to me? "
The dam shatters and she is yelling.
" Well it ain't like I got much've a damn choice is there?! You're always in my fuckin' head and you never shut up! Nothin' ever shuts up, either ev'ryone is screamin' or you're goin' on some damn rant about God knows what! I don't care, Anger, we're leavin' and that's that! You can't stop me! "
One beat, two. She pants, out of breath and Lyssa thinks for one, feeble moment, that she's won.
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The sense of victory is ripped away from her reach as her right arm is suddenly moving without her input. It reaches up and grabs a strand of her hair and tugs violently, hard enough to jerk her head to one side. She cries out and grips her rogue limb with the one she can still control, holding it in place.
She's barely aware of Yuki barking, and a hollow feeling floods her at the words that come from Anger, eerily quiet and worst of all, calm.
" I can an' I will. "
Dread worms its way into her, and the terror helps adrenaline flow faster even if Lyssa can't use it. She doesn't want to go back. She doesn't want to be stuck in the dark again, she doesn't want to have her own body ripped away from her grasp.
" Anger, please— "
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" No! You think 'm gonna let you waltz outta here an' get us killed?! Nice try, but that ain't happening! You might have a death wish, but I don't! "
And then there's silence. It fills the space between them and fills Lyssa's thoughts with fear. It's hard to breathe. Why is it hard to breathe? It feels like her lungs are seizing in her chest, like—
She tries to draw in a breath. It feels like her lungs rattle with the effort it takes, yet there's still no reprieve, and she can feel herself sinking, hear the screams growing louder as her vision blurs and fades. She doesn't want to go back. She doesn't want to be drowned out again. She—
She's scared.
She tries to grip the counter, and she tries to stay, but it's no use as her vision swims and spirals. She can still hear Yuki barking, closer now, as her legs fold beneath her and Lyssa gasps. Tears burn her eyes.
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" Please, " she tries again, and nearly chokes on the word.
Silence is her only reply, and just like that, she's forced back down into the darkness and the screaming.
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Three days pass before Lyssa is able to wrangle control again.
She doesn't bring up the idea of leaving again.
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garlculean · 10 months
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@yukikorogashi Asked. HELLO MY FRIEND! ❤️ Before this year ends, I just wanna start by saying-- MAN! I'm just so, so glad that I got to meet your wonderful self??? I will say it's certainly one of my highlights during these last few months, meeting a fella as splendid as yourself!
I already mentioned all of this before to you through our IMs, but you bring so much life to my boy here, and just do him so, so much justice! And I thank you, with my hands holding yours, for giving him the love that he so long since deserved! And of course, I absolutely look forward to him and Itsuki interacting, in developing their hilarious lil' Looney Tunes relationship, overtime! It's gonna be so fun, and another thing to look forward to this coming year!
You are just such talented individual too, Mt Beast, like omgoodness??? Your writing, your art, your graphics-- not to mention the fact that you have been such a pleasant chap to get to know. You really are a marvellous bean, and again I'm so glad I found your blog when I did, and look forward to interacting with you more in the near future!
May next year treat you well, my friend. As you so rightfully deserve! Here's to you! 🍷 AUEHAUWHE!!!!
↳ 2023 is almost over! // 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆
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      𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐎𝐅𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐇. Y'know, I do not think there are even words to describe the amount of joy and gratitude I felt when reading this. I am SO VERY glad I had the pleasure and opportunity to meet you too Yuki⸺ I can say with much certainty that the feeling is absolutely mutual!
      I can't even construct my words right but just that I'm literally grinning from ear to ear! WHWUAHAHA Hearing you say that and think that for my interpretation // portrayal of Wario means so much more than you think it does for me. It's honestly an honor to hear that I am doing him justice. So thank you⸺ Thank you VERY much. I too cannot wait for Itsuki and Wario to interact. I still think about the plot in my head and the things we spoke about with their possible bond, depending on how things go in RP, but it kills me EVERY time. I may not KNOW who Itsuki is, but shoot I dont think I need to. All I know and need to know is you make her an outstanding joy of a character! You give her such personality that if she acted any other way I don't know if I'd enjoy it as much as I do when she's in your hands HWUWHAHAA!
      I appreciate you enjoying my writing and my art, I do take a great deal of time in it, especially my writing. Drawing comes more naturally for me so to speak its a lot less brain power as opposed to writing. So to know you favor both and not just one over the other is an honest to god best compliment for me to hear If I'm being honest HAHAAHAH. Also I must give credit where credit is 1000% due, @sangdelune did my graphics, I'd commissioned them to do it. They brought my ideas to life in ways I cannot describe. I do not know the floor from the ceiling when it comes to photoshop or anything remotely in that area, I cannot do that. I'm a writer and an artist--NOT a designer. Best editing I do and can do are my reaction icons. THOSE I DO edit. But that's just the most basic bare minimum knowledge one needs to know to edit the reactions; its nothing supreme or outstanding I'd say. I actually plan on bringing them up in a near future post; once I hit my 100+ follower's count ( which seems to be nearing...) give them a segment because since I was/am so new here in this RPC, I felt me doing it with not much of a following would make them go unnoticed. i.e. no on taking the time to go back to read my first post(s) I made here about them. But for anyone who DOES need anything with graphics GO TO THEM. They were a blessing to work with, I had very VERY specific ways I wanted things done and created to really emphasize how I viewed and seen Wario and I wanted my blog to really exert that. So even if you dont read my writing, you still get the FEEL // aura, per say, that Wario emits when youre on my page and they hit it all on the nail and BLEW my expectations away. Very communicative, quick with getting back to you, good with keeping you in the loop of things, and is just an INCREDIBLE designer and an amazing person to work with. I honestly am grateful and LUCKY to of found them.
      SALUTI MY FRIEND! I cannot wait to see what the year to come brings, but I hope whatever it is, it brings a lot more interactions with you!
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meadowmines · 11 months
OC-Tober/Tojoctober Day 18: Drink
[An evening at the Grand ft. Aoyagi, Chiba, and Shiori]
If he's being honest, Aoyagi preferred the atmosphere at Sunshine. It was smaller, and quieter, and cheaper. Still, he feels better knowing his money isn't going into that Kanzaki shitheel's pockets anymore.
"I mean," Shiori says, "we knew he was a turd after the whole feet pic bandit thing. You told us he was a turd."
"I did say that," Aoyagi says, wiping his chilly hands with a nice warm towel. "In so many words, even. So you're likin' it here a lot better?"
"Oh hell yes." She stops there, with that look on her face like there's more she wants to say, and then she sighs. "I feel so bad for Yuki-san, though. Of course she wanted to try and fix everything but... God, I'm being a downer. On the clock, even! Sorry, guys."
"Aw, don't sweat it." Chiba knocks back about half of whatever he's drinking and his gal (whose name Aoyagi can't recall at the moment and he's too embarrassed to ask) pours him another. "You can always come vent at us off the clock. Oh, speakin' of--" He waggles an eyebrow in Aoyagi's general direction. "Shiori-chan was just tellin' us all about the hot date she went on last week. That didn't work out. Maybe now's yer chance to--"
"Oh, leave him alone!" Shiori swats at him with a menu, but she's laughing and not in an on the clock way, so it's all good. "What can we get you to drink tonight, Amano-san?"
"Jack and Coke, hold the Jack," Aoyagi says. "And whatever you want." Chiba's eyes light up and Aoyagi cuts him off before he can even start. "Nobody's talkin' to you, I meant Shiori-chan." Chiba and his gal both laugh about that, because that's just how it is with this bunch.
"What if I want champagne?"
Aoyagi grins. "Did I stutter? And one of those fancy fruit platter thingies."
Shiori winds his arm into hers and plops her head on his shoulder. "See, this is why all the girls love you. You spend lots of money and you don't get drunk and obnoxious. Unlike some people at this table!"
"So whatcha been up to tonight, Amano?" Chiba says in a transparent-ass effort to deflect. "Ain't like ya to be runnin' all over town on a work night."
"Eh, this n' that," Aoyagi says. "Ojisan bought me out for the night, told me to go get a hooker or 'a Nintendo' or whatever, y'know, like he does."
"Like he does," Chiba echoes with a knowing nod. He swore up under the old man, after all, he ought to know.
"Checked out the competition," Aoyagi goes on, and Chiba's gal perks up.
"Oh yeah," she says, "Neko Lovely? I went in there last night! It's... okay. Pretty inside. Super expensive, though."
Aoyagi nods. Expensive, and all the food is shitty prepackaged snacks in overpriced vending machines, and the cats are all purebred and for sale, and--as the sobbing manager told him in confidence--the owner gives every appearance of being that Kanzaki shitheel's cat cafe counterpart. "Yeah, 'expensive's' just the tip of the iceberg," he says. "Made me mad enough to go lookin' for a fight. And then some jackass boosted my wallet--"
"What!?" Shiori exclaims. "You just ordered a fruit platter! And champagne!"
"I got it back!" Aoyagi rolls his eyes as the rest of the table busts out laughing. "Gawd! What do ya take me for!?"
"Hey," Chiba says, gesturing with his glass, "at least ya got yer fight."
"That wasn't a fight," Aoyagi snorts. "Dude went down off one hit. From me."
"Welp." Chiba empties his glass and does not quite slam it on the table. "There's always our civic duty. Think I saw a couple fun ones on the board earlier. How 'bout you, Shiori-chan? Wanna help us clean up some trouble later? Yer shift's just about up, right?"
"Oh, you bet!" Shiori beams. On the one hand, Aoyagi always feels weird about Shiori coming with them on stuff like this. On the other, she's a card-carrying Civic Association member, she can do her thing in perfect safety from the sidelines, and, well... there's a certain former purveyor of feet pix out there who's probably still checking under his bed for her every night. "My favorite customers on my last table of the night and mayhem after work. This is the life.*
"All right, then..." The waiter brings Aoyagi's Jackless Coke and fancy fruit platter and pops the champagne for whoever's going to drink it, and Aoyagi lifts his unleaded glass. "To mayhem."
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Anime Update V2 57
Vinland Saga S2 - At long last, I return to this series and jump right into Episode 1 of its second season that aired earlier this year. This episode told the tragic tale of a man named Einar, who lost his homeland, his mother, and his sister in a horrific attack by marauding brutes who took him prisoner and sold him into slavery. At one point he tries to flee only to get found, recaptured, and brutally beaten. At another point we see old man Leif, looking to find his lost nephew among the slaves. At the end, Einar is sold to Ketil to work at his large, vast farm in southern Denmark, where he is introduced to another of Ketil's slaves: a moody, badly damaged young man with dirty blond hair...named Thorfinn. And thus, a connection is made!
Hunter x Hunter - New information regarding how the Chimera Ants operate in their different heirachies and their ongoing breeding patterns is given to us as the Hunters Association is now tasked with fighting and killing the Ants, hoping to slay the Queen before she can give birth to a King. We also got some neat fights of Gon, Killua, and Kite in that order against Chimera Ant footsoldiers sent after them by the big lion guy. And on the side, Colt and the other leading soldiers are discovering the secrets of Nen, continuing to be easily the most intriguing part of the show at this point and I await more from them.
Fruits Basket - First episode of the pair I watched was mostly set at school, with the first half delving into Machi's backstory, how the trauma messed her up, and her blossoming relationship with Yuki, and...OK, which female student council member had the parody "tragic backstory?" Because Machi's backstory just did not click for me AT ALL. I could get the idea behind it and wanted to appreciate it but the execution was absurd; it legit felt like something someone would make up to convey how Fruits Basket does traumatic past-based stories, yet we're meant to take it seriously. I like Machi, but her development with the backstory and romantic material just sucked. Ironically, the second half that put focus onto Yuki's biggest fangirl, Motoko Minagawa, actually landed better and got me more emotional and choked up! Yuki, you took for granted what you had in this girl and her wacky fangirl posse! The one weird part was Naohito having feelings for Minagawa the whole time. THAT'S what he meant when he declared Yuki "his rival" when they first met? C'mon now!
The second episode brought Isuzu and Haru's subplot to its climax in a truly beautiful fashion, along with some payoff for Hiro and Kisa as well, and the best part of all was getting to see Haru grilling Akito for the truth, standing up to her, and coming just short of decking her in the face. Kureno helping Haru to go reunite with Isuzu and Akito starting to break down about this was icing on the cake. I might not be the biggest fan of Kureno but compred to Akito, Ren, Shigure and the head servant, he's a good lad who understands wrong and right.
Re:ZERO - Season 2 is a go for this too, as we're treated to a horrific Happy Ending Override where Rem has ended up vanishing from everyone but Subaru's memories again and a whole bunch of Crusch's soldiers got slaughtered by two new Archbishops of the Witch's Cult, a white haired Simon Laurent and a crazed beastman who talks like Erik Scott Kimerer doing Alexander Polinsky. For some reason, the effect went in reverse for Crusch, as now she's lost her memories of everyone else. The episode's last scene with Subaru and Emilia was nothing short of extraordinary for its pathos, it really got me. Things look to be taking a darker direction for this season, and y'know what? With a show of this quality, sign me the fuck up!
Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works - Now this was a lot more interesting compared to what I'd been watching before. Lots more serious and involved discussion between Shirou, Saber, Rin, and Archer, a scene where Shinji reports to Kirei at his church and he even references his grandfather Zouken, Rin and Shirou staking out to confirm or put to rest any suspicions regarding their bespectacled classmate who lives at the temple, Rin alluding to the true connection she has with Sakura, and Shirou thinking back to Kiritsugu and why he's adopted the "hero of justice" ideals from him to the point of a stubborn, unhealthy Savior Complex. Good stuff to see get adapted.
Symphogear GX - I thought Hibiki's father seemed bad, and Tsubasa's father also seemed cold and unloving, but now we get the full truth about her birth...her grandfather is thought to be her biological father who impregnated his own daughter in law just to breed a worthy family heir and spite his two sons. DEAR GOD. Seeing how fucked up this clan is, it was unsurprising to learn that Tsubasa's father was wanting to protect his girl from dealing with it all. What was very surprising was the full extent of Carol's plan, which turned every triumph the girls had made against her Dolls upside down into defeats that only got Carol closer to her objectives, and how she accomplished so much just by spying through Elfnein's eyes. The two biggest delights here were more of Chris bonding with Kirika and Shirabe as their senpai and working together to kick ass, and the glorious return of none other than DR. VER! Extra batshit as ever and still claiming himself to be a hero, he's with Carol and the Autoscorers now! Can this possibly get any wilder? I sure hope so!
Eureka Seven - On errands with Eureka and her kids, Renton meets a kind elderly lady who turns out to be a Vodarac religion member and a suspected terrorist who Holland is after in order to turn her in and collect the bounty on her. The morality of what Gekkostate is doing suddenly gets a lot blurrier to Renton, and he and Holland now clearly have more than a few issues with each other even in spite of Holland coming through in the end to ensure the old lady evades the military after he's taken his pay. Eureka is still awesome, though!
Gintama - So this might've been my absolute favorite episode of Gintama yet. Just all the ways they played with the "whodunnit" mystery genre while also lampooning stalkers, selfish, dishonest and unloving boyfriends, and tight parental control without the child's input all in one hilariously twisty and turny episode kept me immensely engrossed and entertained from start to finish. Also, Otsu continues to be surprisingly amazing, and we even get the backstory for why Shinpachi became such a die-hard fan of her, with the one thing that distracted me is that suddenly she's singing in Japanese even in this dub; did the constant English singing of "Your Father's Bleep Bleep" face such backlash that they dared not attempt a dubover of Otsu's songs again? Ah well, that's no big loss at all!
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 2 years
Just curious, what are your thoughts on Nelly Yuki? I felt rlly bad for her tbh. She was just living her life and having a sweet bf then Blair tried to sabotage her life all to get an extra minion. Ik she isn’t perfect but Blair’s treatment of her was disgusting. (I love Blair but she has her flaws)
I actually genuinely liked Nelly as a character and as a concept - she had the same drive of 'wanting to fit in' that Jenny had, but her character arc was so different, and I feel like there was so much scope for her as a character - which early GG fandom has actually capitalised on! at one point, I loved reading Dan/Nelly fic - there was one in particular that I really liked, but the author's taken it down, so I can't rec it :(
I really liked that Nelly got to go to Yale and become successful after leaving the negative environment that was Constance + the mean girl gang. I'm always furious about Blair literally taking the batteries out of her calculator pre-SATs, it's one of the most deplorable Blair moments imo.
As I see it, Nelly was more successful than Blair. What did p6 Blair do? Have Waldorf Inc handed over to her because her mom was running it, do a terrible job at running it, and somehow only making a profit by coming up with a line that's themed on... wait for it... uniforms! which are, by definition, standardized clothing that schools assign kids. she didn't invent anything!! i don't think she actually accomplished anything for herself! (and tbh it's pretty sad, i DID want blair to break out of that world and that mindset, but. gg writers, y'know.)
Nelly on the other hand - got to go to Yale, reinvented herself, realised she was actually a girlboss, became a reputed well-known journalist. nobody handed that stuff to her on a platter - she did it herself! P6 is a shitty season, but Nelly in that season being successful was one of the only things I actually liked.
I'm also really glad that she was the first of the original GG cast to make an appearance on the reboot (if i remember right) - I haven't watched the episode she's in and all that, but I remember @blairwaldcrf giffed that moment for me, because they're a sweetheart: check it out!
Random cherry on the top is that the actor who plays her, Yin Chang, is literally SUCH a cool person. I remember reading about "Heart of Dinner," an initiative she took along w/ her partner during the pandemic to feed NY's elderly Chinese community, and like. my heart, man. It just made me feel so warm inside, knowing that the actor who played her is doing such good stuff and making such a solid impact in the world. Which doesn't answer your question directly, but like. stuff like that usually makes me more invested in the character played by the actor too.
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th3-p-a1-nt3r · 2 years
Tw//Angry vibes and venting
Cw//Fake claiming, assholes and just venting our feelings so we can move on..
So this happened a while ago but it still pisses me off, in October we had an alter named Friend (yes the dsmp Friend) and baa is 10 years old, nonverbal, and uses/used to use typing quirks. Now this was their first time fronting and we used to have rules for alters like 1. If you're non verbal use the chat box and DON'T make a sound, 2. Don't use typing quirks, and 3. No little front without a trusted adult/friend with them.
But today we said "Eh, go play! It's not fair to you that you have to hide yourself, go on! Play!" And Friend was super happy! So they fronted for the first time and was having some fun, and they used typing quirks and made fun little sounds (like if they were communicating but used the chat box like subtitles) and when our friends went to explore the world one of our friend's friend pulled us aside and said "Listen...I know what it's like to y'know..not have attention, but lying? Listen I'm not mad if your lying about having DID but I'm saying if your lying right now it's ok to stop, it's not to late...Listen, when you were saying how "You didn't know who your were" I didn't believe it, I mean in my system everyone knows who they are and we all have fast switches, but you? You are too...y'know. Its OK to tell me if your lying but you need to quit it now..."
And poor Friend had to mute sheep's mic because they were crying, and when they said "Am I wrong?" Friend started to shake their head yes they ran off to cry in a corner, they were having the WROST panic attack we've ever seen, baa was barely breathing, snot and tears were trailing down, and they were just repeating the word "Panic" over and over and over again, first word he spoke and it was panic. They left the world and went to a friend to try and say what's wrong, but only the noises came out and they typed with very shaky hands "someone fake cailmed me because i was nonverbal"
Now typing this now my blood boils, getting faked claimed by a singlet is no big deal they're very uneducated, but being fake claimed by another DID system? Thats what made it worst, poor Friend...Baa couldn't even defend themselves, now they HATE fronting without Corpse, they'll do it if Corpse is there (also corpse can help them speak English so their not non verbal)
But yeah, I feel so bad for them that's something I could NEVER forgive myself for...
-Yuki, Friend and Corpse <-(feels guilty)
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proftsutsu · 2 years
AU's have overtaken my brain so have this whole thought out concept idea part 1: void switch,I’ll put it all under cut because it’s quite long lol ^^;
so put it simply; i was thinkin about void sora and then it spiraled into a whole au. The first thing i thought of was the voids and that i didn't want any of them to be related to the original kill order (sorta) so i ended up with *drum roll* syobai, setsuka, sora, yuki, and teruya. I didn't think much about the reasons for them, just that theyre people sora could be close to. So with our voids revealed i'll give their au stories first and then the kill order!
Syobai being first, his backstories mostly the same he was abandoned by his parents and was living on the streets but he didn't get into the broker business here, instead he pretty much was barely getting by everyday and was hardly living properly until utsuro happened upon him one day and blessed him with divine luck. Awhile after that he began collecting stuff off the street to try and sell and miraculously he was able to! And even at a higher price, because of this syobai eventually was able to get by much better and make a small name for himself until a business couple flew in from Japan one day, noticed him, and took him back home with them where he grew up learning how to do proper business dealings. He joined void mostly out of fear that if he loses his luck he'll go back to having nothing and having to scrape by along with the fear that if he can’t do business anymore than he’ll be worthless to his adopted parents. So he's almost as smart as his canon counterpart but with no black market knowledge and while still kinda sassy (especially when threatened or pissed) and kinda sloppy he's pretty chill and actually socializes more with the group. Instead of the ultimate broker he'd call himself the ultimate business man.
Setsuka's story is also kinda similar to canon but quickly diverges, when she was little she got into a car accident that fucked up the side of her head and her eye, they got a regular surgeon/doctor to try and help her in this au though but unfortunately they really couldn't find a way to do the surgery without possibly killing her but still made the attempt, during the procedure utsuro by chance happened upon the hospital, for what reason's up to interpretation but him being there blessed setsuka and her procedure miraculously was a success! Her skull was okay, and she got a false eye too though because of the divine luck it became a constant void eye (kinda like kinjo's its just constantly like that i think) so just like in canon setsuka has to keep it closed, less she be called creepy or bullied. That aside setsuka and her family left the hospital, awhile ( right before the tragedy) after the family got into financial trouble, setsuka wanting to help her parents tried to find a way to get money fast, and luckily found and entered a billiards competition and with the few lessons from her dad and divine luck she won and got a big cash prize! after that she started entering them more up until the tragedy started, and some time after that she joined void so she could stay financially stable along with y'know, keeping herself alive because divine luck is literally what saved her life. I don't think there'd be too much of a difference personality wise except maybe her being a bit more cocky about being "ultimate billiards player" and family being a lot more emphasized being important to her, plus maybe her playing up being carefree a lot more.
Sora is a bit more complicated as I haven't thought of her backstory too well as i got too distracted thinking of everything else ^^; But what comes to mind is that sora was born (as her own human person) with a defect, whether it be a mental illness, a physical defect, or something else it caused her family to shun her and while they didn't completely abandon her yet, she grew up the first seven years of her life being neglected, ridiculed, and mistreated by her own family up until they finally decided to throw her out, she was then found on the street and sent to an orphanage and while treated better she was still neglected and no one seemed to want her until utsuro came to the orphanage, sora happened to be outside at the time and actually got to very briefly talk with utsuro before he suddenly left but he did end up directly blessing sora with divine luck and a few hours later a rich family came in and adopted her where she was given all the attention and love she desired. Eventually sora decided she wanted to explore the world and experience and meet all kinds of new people and places and so that's what she did up until the tragedy. She joins void both out of fear that if she loses divine luck she'll be neglected and ignored again and to find utsuro and talk to him once more so she can finally have answers about the mysterious kid that apparently blessed her so long ago. Sora in this au i imagine being kinda very more talkative, you'd actively see her talking with the other cast members of course keeping her flirtatious side (not too much though) and she’d be very curious about the things around her. She probably wouldn't take being ignored very well though. Since sora wouldn’t have amnesia or be an ai in this au, I imagine with her backstory in mind she’d be called the ultimate traveler.
Yuki's backstory is pretty much the same up until 6.5 which changes completely, Yuki's kidnapped, put in a coma/life support, killing game happens. Big difference though yuki wakes up and escapes wherever tf he was before showing up in 6.5 briefly! Unfortunately though he's only completely fine because of utsuro's divine luck, he eventually figures out what happened to him and while understandably pissed with utsuro gone his regained freedom will inevitably begin to fade and he'll die or possibly worse to him suddenly go back into a coma he won't ever wake from, so he tries to find a way to restore divine luck before meeting and joining the other voids which he does grow to like. In this au's 6.5, rei is tasked with investigating the group void and finds one of their (nearly) abandoned hangout spots being an abandoned building now filled with some monokuma's, they cleaned out the place mostly but theres a few things here and there that allude to the members of void like littered old cigarettes (syobai's), red heels (setsuka's), crumbled up diary pages (sora's), and of course notes like the ones found in 6.5. When rei's done investigating before she leaves she gets a glimpse of yuki looking out one of the buildings windows not seeming to have left like the others yet (he was spying on her almost the whole time btw) he runs off before rei can get close to him and escapes through an emergency exit. Yuki would still be considered ultimate lucky student in this au and his personality is overall the same except a bit more suspicious of others because of what happened to him.
Teruya, oh boy. So everything in dra stays the same and so does teruya’s personality, in fact literally nothing about teruya changes up until a few years after the killing game where the divine luck starts to ware off and both him and rei notice tsurugi getting very Ill and in pain due to divine luck being used to save him back in dra chapter 5. Dr. Ando gives kinjo prescriptions to help with the pain but that’s not enough in teruya’s eyes so he decides to look into it to help tsurugi, upon confirming kinjos pain is because of divine luck fading he looks for some way to regain it because if luck fading is causing kinjo pain not only is that hurting his friend but what about the fact utsuro allowed them to leave all that time ago? Will something happen to him and rei too? This of course leads to the start of teruya’s villain arc. All these worries inevitably leads to him coming to the conclusion utsuro needs to be resurrected and then reluctantly comes up with the resurrection killing game plan, teruya isn’t the smartest so he doesn’t think about death orders or similar motives nothing like that he just knows he needs ultimate level talented people and yuki (who the kisaragi foundation has been looking for). Finding the cast is easy but for yuki and the other voids he happened to find them by chance and since there related to utsuro he figured he’d have a better chance with the resurrection with them plus they have yuki which he desperately (thinks he) needs for this to work, now for the final task of finding a way to do the killing game without actually killing anyone, because of course this is still the teruya we know and love so far, he doesn’t want to ACTUALLY hurt anyone, so he’s stumped on this for awhile until he (now with some luck from the voids) finds the human mikado sannoji who is working on the stuff he was in the original chapter zero minus kg and utsuro related stuff with kokoro, of course most important of note being virtual simulation tech, which teruya now having discovered it existing desperately wants, he buys it from mikado with his own money but when mikado finds out what teruya’s going to use it for he’s very vocally against it and demands his tech back which leads to teruya knocking him out hard and throwing him in the sim with everyone else along with kokoro. Teruya goes mentally down hill from here. Also while I think teruya would have void eyes I think they’d lead more to representing his descent into madness than relating to utsuro or luck.
Okay void backstories done now for kg order and mini (hopefully) explanations!
Syobai kills iroha (aha the sad, sad irony) He kills her by a simple literal stab in the back and then frames it as a suicide by luring someone (maybe yuri or hajime for canon reference) to the bell tower and dropping iroha’s already dead body off from the top. He explains he went after her solely cause she was weak and therefore an easy target plus it’s been awhile and no one killed yet so. Plus he was convinced that since it’s just a sim it doesn’t matter too much right? His execution is being tied in a coffin getting coins and money thrown brutally at him before being buried alive.
Setsuka kills hibiki (I’m sorry it was just the only option in my eyes .-.) Awhile after the melody rhythm concert she talks to hibiki in her dorm and hibiki somehow manages to correctly guess setsuka as a void and tries to encourage setsuka to switch sides before saying if she doesn’t she’ll out her to the group herself and that leads to setsuka knocking her out and killing her by snapping her neck, she breaks some of hibiki’s bones and puts hibiki’s body in the freezer then dumps her in front of the second island shrine. Setsuka unlike syobai seems very openly guilty for what she did and briefly mentions hoping she can apologize to hibiki later. Setsuka’s execution is being stuffed in one of the black pockets you’d see on a pool table and inevitably being crushed by a giant billiards ball.
Oh boy chapter 3 here we go. So uh this chapter goes very different, sora in nikei’s place defects from void at this point and teams up with this Au’s nikei (who is just a happy yet mildly pessimistic journal boi) teruya finds out about this and sets up a plan to be rid of nikei which leads him to setting up and planning out this whole thing. Motive video’s still happen but also sets it up where he added a warning of “oh yeah there’s another traitor among you” which makes everyone suspicious as hell to one another which leads to yoruko having a fight with shinji and accidentally killing him in the garage in satsuki land, teruya leads nikei over there and with nikei being a nice boy and wanting yoruko to not die instantly helps her cover up everything by discreetly moving shinji’s body making him an accomplice. Post trial teruya modifies the rules so accomplices also get killed so both nikei and yoruko get executed (look guys nikei gets screwed over by rules, again!) Yoruko and nikei get executed by being put on a conveyer belt and crushed multiple times before their remains are mixed into a smoothie. So chapter 4,,So putting it simply sora is just done with the killing game and wants to end it so makes an elaborate plan to murder and get away with it. Since I noticed a pattern of killing the og voids in reverse I’ll just commit to that, she kills Emma. I’m not sure on how, maybe she slits her throat then amputates the body like kanade did with setsuka and places each part around the island during night time so they can’t figure out where she was killed originally. I’m not sure on it though, sora is really acting out from grief unlike canon nikei acting out of spite. That aside during the trial she is just going along with it waiting for them to vote wrong and her desperation to get it over with leads her to acting kind of suspicious but not enough to be deemed a suspect, everyone’s about to vote despite kokoro and kanade sensing something off until teruya also speaks up and points out how odd sora’s acting and with that sora gets defensive and they gotta try and get her to confess or something like that but she continues to deny involvement until teruyer pulls the “you aren’t that kind of person” with sora and she just breaks down. They vote for her and she confesses while in tears and of course she gets executed. Sora’s execution is being put on a stage and having her limbs stabbed by strings being put onto her and then she’s flung into the sky and lands in a aquarium exhibit where she’s eaten alive by a bunch of carnivorous sea creatures.
chapter 5 is as hell as the canon one…But with a twist! So teruya sets up a neat lil trick and makes yuki kill, I never really said who would take teruya’s place and idk if mikado really counts considering how he ended up in the game so to mix things up, ryutaro is there instead, he came with rei just like teruya did in og timeline. Since teruya in this au when they were going in the sim was mysteriously missing till they saw him in the prologue ryutaro went with her in his place and now he’s stuck in the sim and poor boy is in for it. So yuki kills ryutaro following teruya’s very specific instructions so it would like teruya did it and given how chapter 5 goes it does actually work, the majority voted wrong and will be mass executed and as bonus that rule teruya implemented back in chapter 3 makes it so teruya doesn’t get executed along with them. So everyone except the remaining voids are dragged away; kokoro is strapped to a electric chair, kanade dragged by Monocrow’s on a stage to be decapitated, yuri running through a maze avoiding monocrows dressed as aliens, hajime strapped to a wall as a machine with a bunch of boxer gloves prepared to beat him to death, and mikado being tied to a cartoony looking rocket blasting off into the sun. Of course just like canon this mass execution gets interrupted.
Now chapter zero is very different from before, it taking right after this au’s prologue, rei just found out teruya is running a killing game albeit virtual but still, and he’s kidnapped ryutaro (didn’t hurt him at all in the prologue he just literally took him from rei and then kicked her out) So she reluctantly tells Tsurugi this and he’s pretty understandably upset, like they literally went through a killing game together and now teruya is flat out masterminding one. Of course he’s got a job to do so he orders rei to find out about the participants and try to help out however possible while he groups a team up to deal with the possible aftermath in the outside world. There’s also a lil flashback of mikado and kokoro working on the virtual world while discussing the business deal with teruya.
And finally chapter 6! So it starts the same everyone awakens in the virtual world in older forms (idk how old exactly everyone would be in this au so up for interpretation there) they explore the virtual world and we get some exposition such as teruya buying the virtual tech from kokoro, monocrow being yuri’s but instead of being made to help humans they were really just to help yuri how to make ai and robots and teruya decided to take ‘em along with yuri since Monocrow really did already look like a mascot here, mikado explaining why he and kokoro are in the killing game, the dead participant’s files, the monitor room that shows fun stuff like syobai smoking, hibiki rehearsing for the concert, nikei and sora’s meeting, and the whole murder of ryutaro. No more exposition for awhile until the survivor group meet up with rei and tsurugi who are just in the sim already (no re entering happens here) who go on to explain teruya’s relation to the kisaragi foundation and vaguely the past killing game, everyone proceeds to the trial room where yuki is looking super dead inside and teruya very unhinged and the trial starts soon after. It goes kinda the same as canon trial 6 but rei and tsurugi are much more talkative and a bit snappy because well teruya betrayal. The graduate or repeat stuff happens, but instead of putting everyone in sadness/despair teruya literally just rigged it so it would act as graduate no matter what so everyone freaks out when he reveals that but quickly are silenced as they except for yuki, rei, tsurugi, and mikado are sent into ideal worlds. Kokoro’s is just hanging out with mikado, kanade getting to prep for her own concert, yuri getting to go outside and take a walk, and hajime hanging out with everyone. Of course they break out of it and just in time to see teruya awaiting utsuro to resurrect through the dead inside yuki but…it doesn’t happen as y’see no alter ego utsuro was made which teruya never thought about and as rei goes on to explain along with kokoro apparently akane is the wielder of divine luck now and they have no clue where she is, so teruya essentially set up the killing game for nothing and as mikado adds he and kokoro never got to finalize the virtual world so everyone may or may not be permanently dead which hits teruya even more making him realize all the stuff he’s done and how insane he became throughout the whole thing and he breaks down. Everyone slowly leaves the same and the kisaragi foundation decide to just leave teruya in the sim as repentance for his actions.
Epilogue! Midori is grieving ryutaro and minako tries to comfort her while keisuke seems to be getting worse out of grief, Dr ando is trying to treat yuki since he was left extremely traumatized and still suffering from lack of luck, kokoro and yuri joined the foundation and kokoro was quick to start contributing by giving tsurugi therapy, and kanade, hajime, and mikado are wondering about trying to figure out what to do with themselves. Now finally we leave with rei doing her job but still upset about everything that transpired contemplating if things could’ve been different, she goes out for a break but is quick to run into a mysterious women (akane) and boom the end.
And now bonus notes:
In this au kanade is not a serial killer or anything like that, she’s just in desperate need of therapy, she has a complex relationship with hibiki and when she dies she starts to realize that she shouldn’t have let hibiki treat her that way not just for her own health but it was clearly not helping hibiki grow as a person either. The reason she hardly stood up though is because kanade in this au deals with really bad intrusive thoughts and was afraid of accidentally lashing out and hurting Hibiki, her poor mental health is shown through her small outbursts in the trials.
Kokoro I don’t see being related to mikako in this au, she’s just a psychologist who got into virtual tech, though I’d like to think they’d get along decently if they met. Also while she is good at reading people kokoro wouldn’t be super good like her canon counterpart.
Speaking of, I imagine kokoro as the protag of this au with yuri and kanade as her supports, mikado occasionally will join in too but he’s a bit outcasted.
For the reason how yoruko was able to overpower and kill shinji, the yoruko in this au is stronger than she looks, girl has felt with many bar fights and moody customers so she’s grown into being a fighter.
Mikado in the sim is like the ai counterpart at least somewhat, having blonde hair and being pretty static and hardly emoting. This is simply because that’s how mikado was as a teen in this au, he was a lover of style and theatrics and wanted to stand out but he had a lot of trouble showing his emotions a lot if the time so he figured getting into theater and such would help him out if his shell, it did help and older he is much better at expressing his emotions. Though because he was hit pretty hard when getting knocked out and having his memories tampered with in the sim he ended up getting full blown amnesia only being able to remember his name until way later but even then mikado only ends up recovering some of his memories and leaves the sim kind of a mix of his teen and older self.
The og voids backstories aren’t as severe as they are in canon, hajime did have a illness but it was treatable and his parents didn’t abandon him, emma was treated as a kid servant but not really physically harmed too much, iroha was decent at drawing enough to not be treated as harshly but she was still heavily neglected and kind of spoiled by her family staff, and nikei not really having a canon backstory (yet) is obsessed with journalism trying to make a name for himself in the career but failing he still tries though up to awhile after the age he’s in in the sim where he accidentally kills someone and it spirals him into killing for scoops so he’s kinda the serial killer of the cast in kanade’s place.
What happens to teruya after the killing game is that sense he was pretty much imprisoned in the simulation he decides to put himself in the ideal world state to cope with everything, though it’s not really healthy and if he were to leave the sim after he’d just despair and snap even more.
Akane is in fact not brain dead in this au, she does recover from her injuries and leaves the hospital she was put in, she has a whiteish gradient to her hair now but otherwise it’s mostly still the same color and she hasn’t changed too much sense the first game though she is a bit out of it.
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