#beckett definitely wasn't any better
whumpshaped · 11 months
Helle and beckett, but they are dancing (i know, crazy.)
anywho they're dancing and having some fun. genuine fun and afterwards helle feeds off beck but takes care to be gentle... Idk I thought maybe there shouldn't always be a bad time, maybe a less awful time at least
tw vampire whumper, idle whump, intimate whumper, emotional whump, memory loss
"It is such a beautiful night tonight." Helle was jumping around on one of the classical music playlists, skipping forward, changing their mind, going back. Beck didn't know any of the pieces, but the vampire seemed very intentional. They were looking for something. "The kind that brings up memories."
"Of when you were still alive?"
They tilted their head just a little, lost in thought. They skipped another piece. "I think so. I wish I could say for sure."
Beck didn't really understand whenever they said something like this. More and more, he was beginning to think Helle barely remembered their life. And while he wasn't terribly sympathetic towards a demon like them, this thought always made him a little sad.
"What memories?" he asked gently.
"Maybe memory is the wrong word to use." They finally settled on a soft melody, one that reminded Beck of old movies and ballroom dances. "It is more of a... feeling." They turned around and extended a hand to him, paired with a smile that seemed quite genuine compared to the mocking or condescending ones he was usually given. "I can show you what I mean."
"Ah, uh..." He swallowed nervously, realising Helle was definitely asking for a dance. "I've never... um... I've never done, uh–"
They rolled their eyes, but without any real malice behind the gesture. "Yes, I figured. Lucky for you, I can lead wonderfully."
They pulled him up from the sofa despite his protests, guiding his left hand to their shoulder and taking the right one in their own. He flinched a little when they put a hand on his waist, and they murmured a soothing 'relax' in response.
"You do not have to worry about anything," they reassured him again, and really, Beck was trying not to; new situations simply weren't his strong suit.
But Helle wasn't lying when they said they could lead. It was... strange, to trust them so unconditionally. Maybe it was the fact that it was already late into the night and he was tired, but it barely took him a couple minutes to start believing that Helle wasn't about to use this opportunity to completely humiliate him in some way. It was so easy to to allow them full control over his movements.
"This is the memory," they whispered. "Dancing in the moonlight, carefree and... happy, I think. My body remembers the steps and how it felt to hold someone... But I cannot actually remember the night, nor the person I was holding."
Beck felt a pang of compassion, an emotion that always scared him when it came to Helle. He couldn't help it. The moment was so intimate, even between the two of them. He couldn't imagine what it would've been like to have shared it with someone he loved, then forget about it so completely.
"I'm sorry," he said without thinking, and it made Helle chuckle.
"For what? Whoever it was, they are most likely dead by now. It is better for me to forget."
As the piece was coming to its end, Helle stopped and changed their hold on his hand. He didn't say a thing when they slowly brought it to their lips, biting into the soft flesh on the inside of his wrist. It was almost gentle, the way they did it. Careful. As though they didn't want to break this spell of calm.
Beck was thankful that he could lean on them, and even more so for the hand still resting on his waist, steadying him. It was almost comforting. The playlist moved on as Helle fed, and the room was filled with another melancholic tune. He could've easily fallen asleep to it.
"You should get some rest," Helle said when they finished, and Beck could hardly believe his wishes were coming true. He didn't need to be told twice.
"Thank you," he said quietly before he turned to go back to his bedroom. "It was... a nice evening. And night."
"All I hear is that you want to slow dance with me every night from now on," they teased, and Beck huffed out a laugh. As if. "You are right, though," they went on, their voice taking on a more serious tone that made him stop and hear them out. "It was nice. Thank you for indulging me, dear."
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump @d-cs @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @tauntedoctopuses @blueyellow8green @typewrittenfangs @whumpsoda @steh-lar-uh-nuhs
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sea-owl · 2 years
it's featheruary and we have no wing aus. I must fix this, especially since we have the Featheringtons!
As a huge fuck you to his dad (and may have been unknowingly partially inspired by his best friend's huge flock) Simon took his falcon wings and went around traveling to create his own flock. Making a very well known point that they were all his wards and he was not going to mate any of the women of his flock. Some joined to escape their birth flocks, others to help ease financial burdens, others did it because why not? While this practice was unusual in today's age it was not unheard of especially when it was used during times of war or plague.
When Simon told his aunt Agatha of his plan to create his own flock of wards she immediately sent for his first new one in the form of young Gareth St. Clair and his too big for his body canary wings.
"If you are creating a flock then take your cousin." Lady Danbury ordered. "Lord knows he'll be better off with a presumed rake than with that man he calls father."
The next person to join was Kate Sharma with her peacock wings. With the recent passing of her father and the financial strain on her family Kate began looking for ways to help. She knew there was enough money left for Mary to comfortably take care of one daughter and provide her a dowery but not two. Hearing rumors of a duke's heir looking to create his own flock Kate went looking for Simon. Simon agreed to take Kate on as one of his wards, and unknown to Kate he adds to money she sends her birth flock.
Next to join was Sophie Beckett and her silvery wings. Gareth had found her when Simon went to do business with Earl Gunningworth at Gunningworth's country estate. Gareth had came running up to Simon whispering about a young lonely lady. When Simon inquired further with Earl Gunningworth he was only told that Sophie was the earl's ward. Simon immediately knew the earl was just hiding Sophie away and suspected a former mistress was involved. So Simon took a gamble and offered to take Sophie in as his own ward. Just as Simon suspected Earl Gunningworth was happy to get rid of his illegitimate daughter.
The fourth member to join his growing flock was raven winged Penelope. Featherington. Simon wasn't too proud of how she ended up joining but he knew it was leagues better than where she could have ended up. What kind of father bets his daughter over a game of cards? Simon took a quick trip to the club the night before he and his flock were to leave London again. He needed a drink to steel his nerves as he always did when in London. Simon hated being in the same city as his father. There he overheard Lord Featherington betting the hand of his third born daughter in an attempt to win back some money he had lost. Well Simon couldn't let that slide, he knows of several women who would have his head if he didn't do something. Simon took the bet and won, but instead of a future wife Simon took Penelope in as his ward.
Penelope was sent to join her new flock the very next day, and then they were off to Gloucestershire as Penelope made a suggestion for their next new member, Phillip Crane who had wings like a barn owl. Penelope informed Simon that she met Phillip while on a trip to visit her cousin in the country. Penelope liked the boy but hated how his father treated him. Simon saw what Penelope meant when all he didn't even get to finish his sentence about wanting to see Phillip before Sir Crane pushed Phillip towards Simon and claiming Simon could take him.
Michael was the next to join in all his golden ealgle winged glory. Simon still isn't sure how that happened. He just kinda showed up one day when the flock was in Scotland, and then never left. But Michael really helped bring Phillip and Penelope out of their shells. So despite Michael being a pain in Simon's ass sometimes he did like having him as a member of the flock.
Now Simon definitely remembers how they got Lucy whose dove wings still had baby feathers on them when they acquired her. Penelope had gone to visit her sister Felicity, who still resides in the Featherington flock, with Michael and Phillip. The trio left together and then had come back with a small child. They claimed Lucy's parents had passed and her uncle was evil. They couldn't just leave her there! After writing to Lady Danbury to confirm that the trio did not kidnap a child from a loving flock Simon found himself with his final ward.
Once satisfied Simon then proceeded to travel the world with his flock giving them the freedoms he has been so desperately craving for years. Once in a while different members of his flock will go off and visit their birth flocks. But they always make sure to send note of their safe arrivals and leavings.
In the beginning of season of 1814 Simon receives a letter from Lady Danbury that his father has died. He must return to London as the new Duke of Hastings.
You also have three eligible young ladies in your flock. Perhaps it is time to make their debut and for you to find a mate.
Simon debates this, it is true that Kate, Sophie, and Penelope are all of marriageable age, and as the leader of their flock he does have a duty to make sure they are married and matched well, as well as Lucy when she is of age.
He brings it up to his right hand Kate, who wrinkles her nose in confusion. "I suppose it would be right to make sure Sophie and Penelope find good husbands."
Simon doesn't mention how Kate doesn't include herself.
"Edwina wrote to me as well. It appears Lady Danbury is sponsoring her this season. I want to make sure she finds a good match as well."
So off to London the flock went, thankfully Lady Danbury always threw the first ball of the season. So at least the flock would be somewhat comfortable.
Or not.
Kate looked ready to punch someone. The plume on her wings clearly ruffled. Penelope looked plain miserable as she tried to hide herself in her wings. Thankfully Sophie just seemed fascinated with the environment around her, her wings relaxed.
Time for some intervention.
"Phillip go dance with Sophie, Michael dance with Kate." Simon ordered.
Phillip and Michael looked confused. Simon gets it. Usually they paired off by age, Simon and Kate, Michael and Sophie, and Phillip and Penelope. But Simon knows Kate needs Michael to make her laugh right now, and Penelope needs Simon's reassurance or she's gonna try to blend into the walls. Phillip's calmer personality will help in keeping Sophie calm.
Before either of them could say anything Simon pushes them off. "Go on, dance with your flock mates."
Simon offers his hand to Penelope who smiles as she takes it. Leading the red head to the dance floor they start the dance. Slowly Simon watched as Penelope looses the tension in her shoulders. Glancing around the room Simon saw Kate laughing and looking more cheerful at whatever Michael was telling her. Phillip and Sophie looked to be having fun too.
At one point dance partners join in a circle with another pair before they temporarily switch off and then repeat to switch back. The pair that joined Simon and Penelope looked to be brother and sister. Simon would put them about a year a part with the brother being older and the same age as Michael. Their blue jay wings immediately give away which flock they belong to.
"Hello sir," the girl greeted. Her voice was light and musical.
"Hello Miss Bridgerton," Simon greeted her.
"I do not believe we have formally been introduced," the girl said.
"No, we have not, but your wings easily give you away," Simon said.
Miss Bridgerton thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yes I suppose they do. Well since you know my family name it is only right you know my given one as well. I am Daphne."
They twirl and Simon is glancing around for the rest of his flock mates. It was weird, so much blue around them. The only one who wasn't paired with a blue winged partner was Michael who somehow ended up dancing with Edwina.
"Simon Basset," Simon said.
They switched back to their original partners, and Simon raised an eyebrow at the slight blush on Penelope's cheeks.
"Did you have a lovely chat with Mr. Bridgerton?" Simon asked.
Penelope nodded. "Yes, he was quite kind."
The dance ended and Simon led Penelope back to the rest of their flock.
Simon looked around at the calling of his name. No one here has called him Basset, they've all called him Hastings.
Through the crowd appeared Anthony Bridgerton.
"Bridgerton!" Simon smiled.
"How are you old friend?" Anthony asked as the two men briefly hugged.
"Learning about how true all your whining was back at Oxford," Simon laughed. "I swear my little wards are giving me gray hair."
"Hey!" five voices shouted behind Simon.
Anthony peaked around Simon's shoulder at the mismatched flock. "When I heard the rumors all those years ago about you creating your own flock I thought surely they had it wrong."
"This isn't even all of them," Simon said. "The two fledglings are at home asleep."
"Trying to copy?" Anthony joked.
Simon played along. "Mine are clearly the superior version." Pointing to each one Simon introduced them. "This is Kate Sharma, Michael Stirling, Sophie Beckett, Phillip Crane, and Penelope Featherington. The fledglings at home are Gareth St Clair and Lucy Abernathy."
Simon turned to his flock. "This Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, some of you already became acquainted with his siblings on the dance floor."
Later on Kate had gone off with her sister saying she will be home tomorrow after spending some time with Edwina and Mary. Simon nodded and after making their farewells to Lady Danbury the flock returns to Hastings House.
"He's trying to fuck me!" Was the only thing the flock heard when Kate came home the next morning.
Several members chocked on their food.
"Kate what are you talking about?" Simon finally asked.
"Your buddy Viscount Bridgerton had the nerve to unfurl and show off his wings in public to me! Right in the middle of an argument too!" Kate exclaimed.
Simon felt his protective nature over his flock creep up, and had to slow his words so he doesn't start stuttering. Something wasn't adding up. Yes it was common that the unfurling of wings and showing the underside of them was part of the mating dance in many parts of the world. Also yes Anthony was one of the biggest rakes he has ever known. But Simon knew, that Anthony knew how to act in public especially with gently bred ladies.
"Kate, tell me what happened exactly," Simon said.
Best to figure this out before the others try to send Penelope out for retcon.
Meanwhile across town Anthony was trying to not strangle his brothers who were laughing at him after accidentally unfurling his wings in a threat display during his argument with Miss Kate Sharma.
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morfinwen · 9 months
Fortnight of Books (in one post)
I'm so happy i read enough books last year to do this for once! Here's hoping for a repeat this year. Next year. Whenever.
Overall - best books read in 2023? Tress of the Emerald Sea
Best series you discovered in 2023? The fun thing about "best" is that it doesn't necessarily mean "good". And while i hold out slightly more hope that future Margery Allingham mysteries will be more captivating than The Crime at Black Dudley, i have to admit that there was something about Ngaio Marsh's utterly underwhelming mysteries that kept me reading. So congrats to her for her single victory.
Best reread of the year? Watership Down. Granted it was only one of two re-reads this year, but it's usually the best anyway.
Most surprising (in a good way) book of this year? A few books were minorly surprising. Certain elements of The Sunlit Man were … not unexpected exactly, but took things in interesting directions. I was not expecting to find a book that took place in Wisconsin and was by a nosleep author (Dead Eleven). And Overture to Death and Surfeit of Lampreys were surprisingly enjoyable for having been written by Ngaio Marsh!
Most disappointing book/Book you wish you enjoyed more than you did? I was hoping that The Crime at Black Dudley would show Allingham to be a better author than Marsh. It did not.
Book you recommended most to others in 2023? I don't do book recommendations, but i very nearly suggested Tress of the Emerald Sea to a friend on FB asking for suggestions, and the only reason i didn't is because someone else already had. I believe i also recommended Shardik in a discord group, which i did not re-read in 2023 but definitely should at some point.
Alt question: A book you did not finish in 2023? I really need to finish The Lost Metal. It's not that i was disliking it or finding it boring or anything, i just had trouble maintaining momentum for reading it. Unfortunately, a very common problem.
Alt question: A book you bought in 2023? The Kingdom of Heaven by tumblr mutual Evelyn M. Lewis (i haven't read it yet i'm so sorry i promise i will get to it!!)
Author you read the most in 2023? Ngaio Marsh. She did not deserve it.
Most thrilling, unputdownable book of 2023? "Thrilling" is … not the right word, to put it mildly, but there was something gripping about Dead Eleven nonetheless. At the very least, there was something that made me stay up way longer than i should have fine-tuning my review of it. Someday i will understand what it is that makes certain books good but not gripping/gripping but not good, and how to recognize it, etc.
Book that was most outside your comfort zone/new genre exploration? Dead Eleven again, for being a book i just picked up at the library without having heard of the author before or having any idea of it beyond what the dust jacket/first chapters indicated.
Favorite cover of the year award goes to: All of Sanderson's Secret Project books had beautiful covers, but i'll probably give the prize to Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. It's currently my phone background!
Most beautifully-written book you read in 2023? Hmm … I wasn't quite as impressed with Stiefvater's prose in my re-read of All the Crooked Saints as i was the first time, but i think she still gets the credit. I love Sanderson, but his prose is more utilitarian than pretty.
Most memorable character: Does Hoid count? His role in Tress and the Emerald Sea was his best appearance yet (second place going to his role in "Yumi and the Nightmare Painter", where he was a coatrack for most of it).
Most annoying character: Lily Beckett from Dead Eleven. I had some sympathy for her at the start, but … ugh. None of the characters in that book were very good, but she was easily the worst.
Favorite couple: Charlie and Tress from Tress and the Emerald Sea.
Worst character death: Obviously a spoiler, but, Yumi's (temporary) death in Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. Props to Sanderson that i actually thought she was gone for good for a moment.
Favorite non-romance relationship: Nomad and Aux from The Sunlit Man.
Alt: A book you enjoyed well-enough but wasn’t a stand-out? Giving Death in Ecstasy a shout-out for being the first Ngaio Marsh book i almost kinda enjoyed, sorta.
The book I read but have already forgotten: Turns out i read The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Riddle of Ages last January, and completely forgot about it. Oops.
Book with a scene that left you reeling: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. If you've read it, you know the one. Not quite on the level of the basement in Warbreaker, but pretty darn close.
Alt question: A book that made you laugh? Surfeit of Lampreys, believe it or not. Though the title still sucks.
Book you read in 2023 and are most likely to reread in 2024? Tress and the Emerald Sea.
Alt question: A book you struggled with but completed? The Crime at Black Dudley. I think the fact that it's ostensibly a murder mystery, but switched less than halfway in to a "escape the criminals" plot, then back to the murder, was not in its favor.
Series you gave up on in 2023: I think i'm done with Ngaio Marsh.
Favorite passage/quote of 2023: Maybe i should have taken notes. Since i didn't, i browsed the quotes page for the best books i read, and came up with the following selections: “Do you have darkness inside you?” “Yes,” Tony said. “And do you want to be rid of it?” This is a harder question to answer than one might think at first blush. Almost no one would think it’s correct to answer this question with a no, but the truth is that we men and women often hate to be rid of the familiar, and sometimes our darkness is the thing we know the best. ~ All the Crooked Saints All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed. ~ Watership Down Memories are fossils, the bones left by dead versions of ourselves. More potently, our minds are a hungry audience, craving only the peaks and valleys of experience. The bland erodes, leaving behind the distinctive bits to be remembered again and again. Painful or passionate, surreal or sublime, we cherish those little rocks of peak experience, polishing them with the ever-smoothing touch of recycled proxy living. ~ Tress of the Emerald Sea
Book which had the overall greatest impact on you this year: Perhaps Dead Eleven - i already mentioned how it kept me up late writing a review. A mostly negative review, but still.
A book you didn’t read this year that will be your #1 priority in 2024? I've got a long list of books that i checked out from the library (or wanted to) that i never got around to last year, hoping this one works out better. I suppose the priority goes to The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst, which i started last year but haven't finished yet.
New book you are most anticipating for 2024? I don't really anticipate books, and i'm out of relevant alternative questions.
I had an amazing 20 books on my "read" list this year -- not sure if it beats 2019 or whenever my other reading spree was, but it blows most other years out of the water, and i'm hopeful for 2024.
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
The writing for marina this ep was kinda iffy but dani and stefania's chemistry made up for it. The rest of the episode was done really well imo
For sure. Danielle and Stefania are always able to make the most out of so little. They always make the scenes better, thank god for them! And I agree, the crazy part is that the rest of the episode was done well, it was just the Marina stuff that felt off to me and it's probably mostly because it was rushed in an episode they tried to fit in so much but the dialogue still just wasn't it. If they had Maya and Carina elaborate though, I'm sure it would've been better. Obviously this fandom can explain their scenes to make them make sense like we usually have to do and in this case we do because they barely got any dialogue, but it's just unfortunate with something so big at the end of their resolution that that has to be done in the first place.
But the Vic/Beckett stuff was great. Josh and Barrett did an amazing job. Jack's stuff was good too, despite me not really liking or caring about him anymore. He deserved to have that family stuff going on. They could've definitely done it sooner instead of shoving it into an episode right before the finale but 🤷🏻‍♀️
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ventruevitae · 8 months
Would Kat or Mitchell consider making their own Childer, or seriously taking on a protégé? :3
while i think it would be fun to answer yes the truthful answer is definitely more of a resounding Hell No lmao
kat's embrace was really goddamn traumatic, to say the least, & her sire did a fantastic job of making it worse for the better part of a decade before she broke away from him. apollonnio was legitimately fucked up even by ventrue standards & she suffered thoroughly for it. she also carries the guilt (whether justified or not) of knowing that her youngest sister would have dodged the lasombra if kat was never brought into the camarilla. she can't picture any kind of situation where she would willingly ruin someone's life in the same way, even if she also knows that she wouldn't treat any childe of hers like she was treated or even like she would be expected to by the camarilla standards of her clan.
even stripping all of THOSE reasons away, still a no lol. she's more or less raised 4 kids at this point after she had to step in for her deceased mother, so she'd be too prone to taking on too much responsibility for her childe & stressing herself out Way too much all the time. (ironically in life, she actually did want children of her own, but that dream's been completely destroyed & it's definitely a no-go area in conversation.) on the flip side, the fact that she's so used to taking on that type of role means that a lot of fledglings (especially new ventrue runaways) are drawn to her. she'll huff and pretend to be more bothered by it than she actually is, but honestly? she's also the person who ends up being the quickest to help in a bad situation. she's great at stepping up for anyone (outside of herself, but shh), definitely not a bad choice if you're looking for someone to fill a bit of your sire-less void. she'd never actually seriously mentor someone 1:1, though--again, it's the trauma. she's pretty hard-pressed to let herself get attached to anyone these days, knowing how badly losing people has fucked her up before (& she's really only started to heal from that, 50 years later) so aside from a select few kindred, she tries to maintain a bit of a personal distance. is this always effective? not... exactly. more of a placebo effect if anything, but she at least feels like she's doing something to protect her heart.
mitchell is a bit of a grey area here? her biggest strike is that she's just really not all that interested. if we're comparing experiences, mitchell comes out the winner purely because her sire got executed before she even got to know him (she thinks he might have sold her some drugs, but that doesn't mean much of anything). she doesn't have the hangups but also can't really picture a situation she would feel compelled to do it in. she doesn't even feel all that bad if she accidentally takes too much blood during a feeding tbh. out of her two most frequently seen partners, vv hasn't sired anyone (that she's aware of), and beckett's choice of a vampire hunter was... a questionable decision at its absolute best (she thinks he was dumb as hell for that one, actually, and it doesn't really matter what either he or even anatole might have to say about it--although, anatole might actually be on her side here?).
even when heather was around, the motivation to embrace her just wasn't there. it might have something to do with being put through the ringer for the first few weeks mitchell spent as kindred, or she might also just not want the responsibility. as detached as she is, she does think it's a little bit objectively shitty for your sire to just leave you on purpose, particularly for malkavians. tbh if she didn't get to know anatole through beckett, she'd probably feel significantly more lost than she does, & that's not really a relationship she would compare to a stand-in sire.
anyway, she's a hard Maybe. she doesn't have some big painful reason why she's avoiding it, & who knows? she might just meet the right person at the right time who would handle it well.
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Okkkk!!! I know Beckett is staying in the Encanto temporary so can we a one shot of him leaving soon BUT, he gives Mira a promise ring since he's coming back in a few months!!! Pretty Please 🥺
Oh i was WAITING for this kinda prompt. Let's GO!
He felt so stupid. How could he let it get this far? An explorer wasn't too far from an entomologist, since they both had one motto- leave things how you found it. Every leaf was kept on their tree, every bug was returned after studying. And yet, he was leaving his mark here. He fell for a real stunning lass. One important to a community. It was rolling up to their first year, and he thought nothing of it.
Until he got a letter today, requesting he come back this week. His father knew nothing of Mirabel, for he kept her a secret. Not out of shame or anything, but because his father believed in love so strongly, he'd make him stay. But he couldn't. He loved this girl, but not enough to forget his duties and his passions. He just hoped she'd understand.
"Bruno, afternoon! How are the rats?"
Bruno was sitting just outside of the house, relaxing under a tree. He had grown to like this guy, even though their meeting was a little bumpy. Bruno saw him, and nodded, scooting over the bench and motioning him to sit with him.
"Fine, unlike you. Telling Mirabel the news today, huh?"
Beckett sat next to him, burying his face in his hands.
"Right. Future vision. How long have you known?"
"Had the vision last night. I wanted to tell her, but honestly, It doesn't feel like my place. Got a script ready?"
"I feckin wish..."
Bruno sighed, taking a sip of his drink, before patting his back.
"Just go easy on her. This is her first relationship. And she really, REALLY likes you. It's cute."
He ran his fingers through his hair in stress, before looking up at the older man.
"Think I can beg ya for a vision here? I'm desperate to know how this ends."
"I would, but I don't do visions on the family. Personal rule. But I think your 'gift' is more than enough."
He was about to reply, when Dolores popped her head out. She knew something was amiss, obviously, just not what, and he could tell it was killing her.
"Beckett. You should come inside, someone's waiting for you."
"Is it Mariano?"
It was a joke, but she clearly wasn't amused. She probably thought this was a break up, and was already planning how to dispose of his body. He bid Bruno farewell, and walked inside. He tried to go into the kitchen, when he suddenly had hands over his eyes, and weight on his back.
He chuckled as he held onto her hands, not quite pulling them away just yet.
"I want to kiss these hands, but not if this is Camilo again."
"Okay first of all Imma beat him up. Second, nope, all me, bugs."
He pulled her hands away, and after smooching them, he turned to see her. His face immediately lit up, he could feel it.
"You're...wearing mom's bow."
She shrugged nonchalantly, as if this wasn't just an incredibly precious gesture of her.
"It's like. A LOT. But it's cute, and I thought it'd be perfect for today. Especially since I have a surprise for you."
Oh no, he hated the fact that her excited smile disappointed him so. She practically pranced into the kitchen, and pulled out a few dishes, putting them on the table.
"Oh...miraposa, you didn't."
"I did! I know you said you missed food from your home, so after doing some research, and a LOT of trial and error in the kitchen, and I mean a LOT of error-I made these for you!"
He was wooed, obviously, by such a sweet gesture. They weren't perfect, and that was when he knew she did it herself, rather than have her mother do it.
"You made boxty?"
"Yeah! I mean, a LITTLE burnt, but I made 'em! Took me forever and now I hate potatoes, but hey! Oh, and I made colcannon! You mentioned you REALLY missed that stuff!"
The bowl was plentful, thick as paste and slathered in butter. It was stuffed to the brim with greens, and it was exactly how the dish SHOULD be served. Then she had to seal the nail in his coffin.
"Oh...Miraposa. There's no way."
"But there IS! Soda bread! I even made your favorite kind- the cranberry ones! I had to have Isa help me get the berries, for reasons, but..."
He made it a point to listen to her, but here, her words started to fade as he just. Watched her. He knew, as he sat here with this loaf of bread (that looked as if it needed another minute in the oven), that he didn't deserve her. His father would adore her, and he knew if he met such a pretty, caring, awkward girl, he'd talk him into quitting his job and staying here. He'd adore her. He'd love her so much, he'd give her the keys to the fucking place. He couldn't help himself. He stepped forward, grabbed her wrists, and leaned down to kiss her.
She was so soft. So vibrant. She was like a butterfly, fluttering in the breeze, determined to see the world and all its beauty. He held the kiss for a good moment, enough that if her father saw, he'd PROBABLY make his presence known. When he pulled away, she shook her head a bit, trying to knock herself out of the trance he just put her in.
"You...really like your bread."
She was so cute. He hated that he did this to her. He should be ashamed.
"I really like you. It's...why I'm sorry."
"For what?"
Could he do this? Could he stand to look past those glasses and be so abrupt to her? No. But it didn't matter. She NEEDED this.
"I...how do I say this...mi amor. Mi mariposa. I can't be with you anymore."
She looked confused, as if him using those words didn't make sense(he was getting better at the language, but his accent needed work. Félix called him a 'white-xican'. Whatever that meant).
He took a deep breath, and decided she should read it for herself. He helped her put the bread on the table, and handed her the letter. She read it over, and took a step away from him, as if he just said something cruel to her. He took a step towards her, slowly.
"I'm going to be going home in a week. On...the day of our anniversary. I'm sorry."
"You're...breaking up with me, then?"
He noticed Félix in the corner of his eyes, holding Agustín back. He WAS making his youngest daughter cry, he was absolutely due in his anger. But he wasn’t scared of them, he was scared of hurting her.
"That...is up to you. While I can't physically be with you, I'd like to be with you in spirit."
He dug into his bag, and got on one knee. She stared at him, completely in disbelief. He pulled out the little box, and opened it for her to see.
"It's a promise ring. We're...a little young to be married, unfortunately. But, if you think I'm good enough, I'd like to promise to be yours and yours only. I will be back, I just. Don't know when. I'll write you every day, I'll send you photos, I'll write you poetry-and I hate poetry. So...what do you say?"
She thought about it. She was uncertain. This was asking a lot of her, he understood. If she said no, he respected it. If her father kicked him out or her uncle beat him up, he'd accept it. She fumbled with the hem of her skirt, trying to coax herself into talking.
"What...do YOU want?"
"Promise it won't influence your choice?"
"I want you to say yes. At the risk of being too forward in present company...Mirabel, I fucken love ya."
She stood straight above him, face immediately becoming stern.
"Fine. On one condition."
"Put it on for me."
He nodded, stood up, and as if he'd break her, held her hand, and slipped the ring on her finger. She was kind, returning the favor. He couldn't help but kneel down a bit to pick her up in a hug. He held her, resting his chin on her shoulder.
"Do you think your dad is gonna follow me home? He looks ready to kill me."
She turned to look at the corner, and gave an awkward smile.
"No no, he's fine! My dad's a softie, you know that. Félix might tell Pepa though, and THAT I'd be worried about. Excuse me. PA!"
Mirabel mumbled/yelled as she pushed them into the hallway. He looked at the spread on the table, and plucked a piece of soda bread. It was kinda bland, but he loved it.
He loved her.
"I still can't believe it. He thinks his stupid job is more important than my little sister? I should kill him."
"It's his passion, Isa. I'd be selfish to make him stay. Now where's the number..."
Mirabel was with her family, who all agreed to come with her to send Beckett off. There was a train station just past the Alma's river (that's actually what it's called on various maps), and it was as busy as you'd think it'd be. She was looking for the train number, as was the rest of her family. Today was not only their first year anniversary, but the day he had to go home for...who knows how long. Pepa pointed ahead of them.
"I see him!"
She looked to where Pepa was looking, and she'd recognize that butt a millions mile away. The group pushed back the crowd, and Félix even grabbed Beckett's bag, so NOTHING could keep her from diving in for a hug. He looked down at her in surprise, yet joy.
"Mirabel! I thought you said you weren't gonna meet me here!"
"I wasn't, but then I realized I wanted to. Then I told mamá, who told Pepa, who told Félix, who told Agustín-wait. Speaking of dads, is yours in there? Are you worried he's gonna see me?"
Beckett put her down, and shook his head.
"Oh as soon as he sits down on a train seat he's out like a light. Which is good, I don't want him to know about us, just yet."
He held onto her hands, sweet as sweet could be. His forehead rested on hers, and she stared into her eyes, one last time.
"Think he can meet me next time?"
"Absolutely. I'd be honored. Hell, both of our parents should meet."
She squeezed his fingers, desperately not wanting to let him go. She wasn't just losing a boyfriend, she was losing a friend. One she trusted and genuinely enjoyed being around.
"Remember that ring on your finger. Imma get mad if you think of other girls."
"What if it was an exact clone? Would that count?"
"Don't push it, Eejit."
"Don't take that tone with me, Culicagado."
She wanted to kiss him and his stupid face. But before she could, he pulled away, just a bit. He looked ready to apologize, when she held her hand up to stop him.
"It's fine, I get it. I'll miss you."
"However much you'll miss me, I'll miss a thousand more, lass. I'll write first thing tomorrow."
She didn't want to, but she let him go. He went into the train, and through the window, he kept looking at her. She didn't look away, not wanting to believe he was actually leaving. Then the train started to sound and steam. She was going to suggest going now, save herself the hurt, only to jump as the thing stuttered and popped. Clearly something was wrong. There were sounds of panic amongst everyone, and the conductor was about to walk outside, when suddenly the train was lifted off the tracks.
"Oh my god-LUISA!"
Luisa was lifting the train effortlessly, tears swelling up on her eyes.
The train conductor, clearly freaking out, called to the rest of the train.
Mirabel was about to try to ease Luisa into putting the damn thing down, when Beckett jumped out of the train, ran up to her, and kissed her. The force nearly sent her to the floor, had it not been for him holding onto her. She cherished it, knowing she'd need it in the middle of the night, when she was most lonely for him. He pulled away after a moment, every part of him looking absolutely flushed.
"I'm...glad she did that. You deserved that. Te amo, Miraposa."
With one more kiss to her forehead, he turned around, and jumped back into the train. Luisa, now in full on tears, set the train down, a bit roughly. She stood next to her sister as the train left, this time, without any other issues. Mirabel watched the tracks, sighing when the train left, and when it started to pour over her head. Pepa was trying not to, but she was crying, soaking the entire family. Thankfully, Félix came in clutch, umbrella at the ready.
"You gonna be okay, mija?"
"...si. I'll be okay. Imma miss him and his stupid butt."
Agustín joined her under the umbrella, hand on her shoulder.
"You want to go get some ice cream? You can get whatever you want."
"....can you carry me, Pa?"
She sniffed, trying not to cry as her dad picked her up off the floor, and helped carry her to get her treat.
Stupid boys and their stupid bugs.
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imaginepirates · 2 years
Why hello there, I hope you’re having a nice trip but anyways here are my questions for you today: How do you think James or Beckett (or any other potc character)would have been like on their wedding night if they ever had one?Would they be flustered?Would they have prepared by asking married couples how their wedding night went?Would they let their s/o take the lead or would they be too prideful and try to act like they know what they’re doing even though they dont?Who would handle it the best?
Thank you! I am. (Also you have no idea how much self restraint it took not to answer your "hello there" with the "general kenobi" gif)
Here's a short list of headcanons under the cut for James, Beckett, Jack, and Lizzie. I think it's an interesting question, and these four all have their own approaches to the subject. Light nsfw warning for content themes I guess
• Definitely the most flustered. The man is so caught up in societal expectations and what is/isn't proper that he's actually quite nervous about the whole affair.
• He can't ask anyone for advice, dear god, but he does finally hint to Groves about his anxieties, and Groves assures him a little.
• Thankfully, he isn't insecure when it comes to his own body, so it helps you relax and feel better about yourself when he starts divesting clothes off the both of you.
• In the end, I think James gets a little lost in the moment. Starting is the hardest part, when he actually has to look you in the face and make the first move. After that, things come more naturally, if not perfectly. You're figuring it out together, but you're also giving in to whatever sensations feel good to you both.
• He's surprisingly nervous, though really only if he has feelings for his new spouse. For him, everything feels a little fast. He went from not thinking he was even capable of love to being married, and it all kind of hits him at once.
• That being said, he hasn't particularly cared for societal standards, and is quite indifferent to the idea that sex is only for procreation and saved for marriage. He has at least some experience, though he has too much pride to ask anyone about the actual marriage bed.
• Like with James, starting is the hardest part. He actually lets you take the lead in this, and goes as far as offering you an out. Once things have started, though, he just kind of falls into rhythm and it feels easy, easier and more laid back than you would expect.
• Idk, though the more popular interpretation of Beckett is that he's a kinky little bastard (and I'm not saying he isn't), I just think he starts out pretty casually with his spouse. He doesn't care for the stigma surrounding sex and helps you feel like it's normal, and like it doesn't really require preparation or worry. Though he enjoys banter and foreplay, he also just likes to let it happen whenever it may.
• I present to you my hot take: Jack handles his wedding night the best.
• Jack isn't worried about the physical aspect. He's had sex before, and though he knows this carries a bit more gravity, the mechanics are still the same. He doesn't care whether you've been with anyone or not, either. He knows what he's doing, but he's also not cocky about it, at least this time. The wedding night isn't really the time.
• That being said, it's the emotional aspect that gets him most. He really wasn't expecting to get married -- there was a time when he might have laughed at the idea. Now, though, he's a little choked up with how much he loves you, and he's not used to it in the slightest.
• Jack makes it easy. He takes the lead and makes sure you're comfortable by saying something to make you laugh, and then you realize he's staring at you, and oh, he wants to kiss you, and you want to kiss him, and it just goes from there.
• The night feels safe with him to the point where you're both laughing sometimes and you're content in each other's arms and company.
• Lizzie, bless her soul, has 0 clue what she's doing.
• She's nervous about it, which is the most nervous you'd ever see her, but she isn't going to show you her anxieties because she has some pride to her and she wants you to think she has this under control.
• She is the type to ask other people about their experiences and get her hands on whatever naughty books she can find. She isn't shy about this, really, because she wants to do her absolute best for you.
• I also think she understands the importance of ambiance, not to the point where it's over the top, but she has some candles going and a flattering night-dress on, and probably a light floral scent for the room.
• It's all quite sweet of her, though you both have to take your time discovering what you like. She's not nearly as confident in bed as she is everywhere else, or at least not those first few times, though she insists she has some idea of what she's doing.
• It ends up being satisfying as you learn about each other -- and yourselves -- in the process of figuring things out.
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zealouscanonindeer · 2 years
Chef Gourmet
I dragged my feet along the smooth marble tiles below me,trudging along at almost tortoise pace. It had been too long a day. Five different spellwork classes plus three assignments one of which totally skipped my mind and needed to be done last minute. Thankfully, I have a genius nerd of a boyfriend so I could copy it from him. A small smile crept onto my face thinking of him.
But my brain dragged me back to my own personal blackhole. There is also an upcoming test and I'm completely unprepared.I groaned internally. This year had just started and it already seemed like I was on the ropes.
I fumbled around in my bag looking for the key to the dorm. I was alone tonight because shreya had her new cosmetic launch and surprisingly atlas had decided to join her. I invited Beckett as it was a good opportunity to spend some time with him. We hadn't really had anytime for ourselves with him being busy with his major and new internship and I with thief and all this homework. There had been a serious lack of library dates. Well...any dates to be honest.
I guess I've lost the key. I used metal magick to twist the lock and it clicked open, revealing Beckett in the kitchen in a plain white shirt with his sleeves rolled up uptill his elbows. My god I could just start drooling at the sight of him.
Our eyes connected. His steel orbs locked into mine. I just stood there gawking stupidly. Snap out of it! I scolded myself.
Ugh he knew. I made my way towards him slowly wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my head into his shoulder. He wrapped his free arm around my shoulders as his other held the spoon. He continued stirring whatever thing he was making. We were both silent for a while. He slowly began rubbing my back languidly the tension slowly began melting away as I relaxed into his touch.
Shit day I mumbled into his shoulder barely audible.
Hm? he was urging me to vent as he kissed my head.
I recited the whole crappiness to him, tears slowly forming in my eyes and soaking his white shirt.my runny nose wasn't helping either.
Oh honey he mumbled wiping away my tears with his thumb. You know I'm always there for you and if things ever get overwhelming you know where I am. He winked at me. Plus I could help ease some of the tension.
I laughed nodding.
Look I also made you that favourite pasta of yours. Darn it, what a golden boy.
Oh thank you so much bean!
We sat down on the couch , me snuggling into him as he wrapped his arm around me, gently running his fingers over the length of my thigh.
I devoured the entire meal, gulping down the delicious pasta.
As I cleared up the dishes he grabbed me and lifted me onto the kitchen counter.
I really enjoyed that. You should definitely cook more often.This seasoning is incredible. Your cooking skills are quite gourmet you know I said poking him in the stomach .
He kissed me sweetly in response.
But I know what your better at. Wanna know?
Adding some spice in bed.
Ellie! c'mon must everything be a bedroom joke?
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geekkatsblog · 3 years
.............. I .............. well at least one problem is gone, adios Ingrid.
I'm writing this while I'm sleepy so sorry in advanced.
Well this episode was something.
Travis' dad was pushing it, flaunting the relationship to his son while he was still married to his mother. Of course Travis would be angry, it's his mother. I'm sorry I know he's in love but in away he was doing too much and then his mother goes and blames Travis. I just idk it was too much.
Jack hardly had any screen time again what are they doing to him. At least he had a few seconds to grieve but no one was really there to comfort him, hug him nothing. It's as though no one except a selected few were allowed to grieve. He deserves better. I was really hoping that the therapist was going to help him as well but I guess not.
Andy is going through her crisis right now, at least she knew she was projecting her trama because I was starting to get a little tired of her making comparisons. Was hoping for a Andy and Sullivan reconciliation but I guess not, besides I'm pretty sure it's going to come out at some point that she slept with Beckett. That's going to bring some hot mess as well so I don't know if their reconciliation is going to happen now.
Yay Marina and Carina are having a great time, however they're making decisions kinda fast and that worries me. Protect Maya and Carina at all cost. I'm sensing some upcoming drama and honestly I'll be pissed let them stay in their honey moon bubble a little longer. Also the them with baby Pru was just adorable. Nervous Maya and sweet but comfortable Carina. Oh my heart ❤.
Vic is having heart palpitations everytime she thinks or hears about Dean and Anyone connected to him. That heart monitor went off a hell of a lot I'm surprised she didn't faint. I am glad she got to talk to someone about it. In due time I'm sure she'll be fine again, but for now it hurts to see her so sad.
Pru Miller better go back with her family with station 19. They really had me for a second when the grandfather was looking at them during dinner but nope he up and takes Pru. Also I am disappointed because I was sure I saw Dean walking around with his will, he asked Ben twice, he was scared for Pru. Where the hell is the will l???? What was the point of Dean discussing one if he never wrote it. I feel as though Ben and Bailey will eventually get custody but if Dean really didn't write a will then what is the point? They're really dangling and baby girl in front of them only for her to be snatched away.
And the thing is at first I was saying that the grandparents had a right to fight for their granddaughter, but then he goes and refuses to call her Pru, they returned with the very attitude that made Dean run from them in the first place. The grandparents definitely have the right to visit their grand baby, but they don't deserve full custody. Not with that attitude.
Lastly is Ingrid. I could not be the only one who was cheering her on to take the leap off the building. How could she assume that BEN WARREN was on the market. Also she could have done a ring check or ask first anything but showing up to the Thanksgiving dinner and trying to take her own life because, the man who is literally to good to be true wasn't single. I'm just glad she's getting the help she needs, the only thing is I hope she doesn't try to bother Bailey while she's at Grey Sloan. Would be some lifetime movie shit.
Funny moments included Beckett falling on his back on spillt food, Bailey marking her territory when she saw Ingrid. Vic laughing inappropriately when Travis's father snapped and watching Maya with Pru.
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piratestrash · 3 years
Oh, I am sorry, Fitzy is not in it or any original characters from the young Jack Sparrow series :(. But (if that makes you feel better) Jack tried to talk with Christophe about his past with the Barnacle's crew (Fitzy, Arabella etc) but he was hesitant and he was afraid of Christophe's reaction (this was the first sing of Christophe's abuse toward Jack but it got skipped because we still see them as besties). After that Jack wasn't talking about his past because he didn't want to reveal to Beckett and his minions that he is son of the most wanted pirates on Earth. He learned his leason after Sins of the Father.
When he said to Beckett that he doesnt want to transfer slaves he almost revealed that he had been a slave as a kid but it was a way to traumatic experencie to share, and of course he may risk been sold again, idk. He got lost on his memories for a little bit and when Beckett asked questions about his "weird" decision Jack said "let’s just say, Mr. Beckett, that I don’t like the way they [the slaves] smell, and leave it at that" to hide his past
Poor Jack. This is heartbreaking.
But him being a former slave definitely adds more validity to him being a POC.
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dcbicki · 7 years
In POTC5: DMTNT, do you think there wasn't enough scenes showing depth of everyone's relationships? Ex: Jack could have told Henry the stories of his parents' adventures ("Your mother was the Pirate Queen."). Henry and Carina could have confided in and learned more about each other and thus begin to fall in love. There could have been a scene or two of Carina and Barbossa bonding over their love of stars/astronomy and/or Barbossa telling his pirate tales. What do you think?
Sheath those swords, readers… This is gonna be a long read.
I’m just gonna start off by saying that, as much as I prefer “Dead Men Tell No Tales” to “On Stranger Tides” – because it wasn’t full of 2D characters, because it wasn’t focused solely on the sudden post-AWE idiocy of Capt’ Jack – it was definitely the weakest Pirates’ movie of them all in terms of actual fucking piracy.
There was (absolutely?) no sword play in DMTNT, which was disappointing as hell because this franchise was one a swashbuckling extravaganza. The main villain was (sorry not sorry to say it) a serious bloody letdown – I had no connection to this guy at all, and his backstory was just so… dull. (This coming from someone who finds sympathy in the tale of Davy Jones’, and who really loved Beckett’s whole scheme.)
The supporting characters? Bloody useless. Gibbs was under-utilised so much that I actually fail to understand why they even brought him back. And him sassing Jack, and being ready to up and leave him at any turn was just messy and way too OOC for my liking. Marty being back? Could’ve been better. Scrum? Kind of entertaining, really filler. Murtogg and Mullroy? What the fuck was even happening with those two, I’ll never know.
I get that they tried to cut off all ties to OST, and I’m honestly quite glad of this. But Barbossa going back to his shiny, quite frankly grandiose costume, was just a giant plot hole – one that I think the writers built a bridge over because they needed a way to bring Barbossa back into the world of Jack’s fuckups and he needed a reason to be ticked off by Salazar. Also, the makeup they gave him this time around was somehow worse yet somehow the same as that in OST. Basically, I missed Original Trilogy!Hector and I’m still pissed at how they ended his run.
Overall, the plot was sketchy as fuck (plot holes galore! continuity errors everywhere!) and it got dragged out for way longer than it needed to even though it’s the shortest film in the saga – this is semi-hypocritical coming from me because “At World’s End” still ranks in the top spot for me despite its critical reception (general movie reviewers are ignorant to so much! they didn’t really pay attention! … but that’s a different story).
All this to say… I think the film did its best with what it was given. The writing was truthfully rather weak. The direction was just… a little all over the place.
The Barbossa-Carina plot could’ve been golden but instead they went for the shock factor only to (spoiler!) kill him off five minutes later. Any other conversation they could’ve had about constellations or Galileo’s book would have ruined the Plotwist! He’s her daddy! thing they were aiming for.
Jack’s reactions to anything relating back to Will/Elizabeth seriously pissed me off. Those two saved him on numerous occasions and yet… he’s degrading her and insulting him? In front of their son? How nice, Uncle Jack. Elizabeth has surely told Henry some stories over the years so I don’t doubt that he already knows of his parents’ adventures with Jack and Hector and Gibbs’ and co – he mentions Krakens being real and all that jazz – (Where was Gibb’s scene with Henry, or Barbossa mentioning that he was, I don’t know, basically his parents’ fucking reverend?!) Jack’s overall reception to Henry and the way he treats him throughout the film just had me sheltering my eyes (but that’s probably because Sparrow was so unlike himself in this instalment, and I’m gonna attribute 90% of that to Johnny Depp’s fuzzy, messy, probably actually-drunken portrayal of a once iconic character. (Every word he spoke had me cringing in my cinema seat, honestly.)
I mean, yeah, there was definitely room for some more meaningful scenes. They could’ve had Carina/Henry bonding more instead of just forcing them (very quickly, I might add) down the ‘pretty boy and pretty girl fall in love’ path. They could’ve had Jack (actually acting like the end of AWE’s Jack) sharing a moment with Henry, in which he tells him of how he reminds him of both his parents, in which he doesn’t roll his eyes or wag his tongue at the sheer thought of W/E.
And though all of this absolutely contradicts what I first said in my post-first viewing review, I firmly believe that this movie had one goal, and that was to just tie up loose ends. (Though only half the ends they tied up were ever really dangling in the first place.)
The one thing that actually made this movie worthwhile to me was the Turner endgame, and that’s because it was the only thing that was driving the movie in the first place. I don’t know anyone who went to see this because they wanted to know more about Salazar, or how Jack screwed him over. That wasn’t selling it to anyone, imo. The driving force behind this movie, to me, was “Meet Henry. He’s Will and Elizabeth’s kid. He’s the hero.”
They (writers, directors) were given the task of resolving the Will/Elizabeth plot, and they decided to do this through Henry being their tether. He wants to free Will, he frees Will. That was Henry’s plot. Carina is (despite them giving her a side-plot that gets resolved in like two minutes) just there for the ride.
They wrote a story based solely on fantasy and magic, and they needed a character to actually understand this convoluted tale. We’re gonna talk about stars and shit. Shit, we need someone who can read the stars. Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if she was Barbossa’s daughter too?
The whole storyline of DMTNT is just a giant fucking muddy puddle of magic and stuff… I cannot stress this enough. It literally could’ve been a movie about a bunch of sailors who get lost at sea ad discover an island littered in constellations. The only things that tied the magic to the piracy were Salazar’s plot (which was incomprehensible as all hell), and the unresolved endgame for one William Turner (which they royally fucked with, by the way).
So, do I think they could’ve or should’ve had more scenes that brought the characters together a little bit more? Yes. Do I think they wanted to? No. I think they wrote a beginning, wrote an ending, and then filled in the middle with a bunch of random crap nobody really cared about – 80% of that movie was filler.
Sorry for the rant btw, I’m just super salty when it comes to DMTNT. Disney gave them the keys to reboot the franchise and return it to its former glory, but instead they chose to ruin what were once important characters and/or take some pretty serious liberties with plot elements from past movies. The only highlights were anything involving Orlando and Keira, believe me. That’s the general consensus I’m seeing, and I find it impossible to disagree.
I’m just thankful they resolved that ambiguous Turner family dilemma that’s been haunting me for a fucking decade now, even if it did come at the price of a mediocre movie that I half-regret watching, chock full of plot holes and nonsensical decisions).
(In the words of Veep’s Dan Egan, “of all the mediocres, it was the mediest.”)
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
Danielle did a phenomenal job, if I didn't know it was her first time directing, I would think she was a vet.
Super annoyed that Carina couldn't get 1 quick scene. Not even with Maya, she could've been with Ben at the hospital. Like Bailey sent her to check on him and make sure he ate.
The story was meh but mentioned 2 things that I thought might be laying the groundwork for something else...
"New" Jack better not take this as his cue to offer himself once again to Maya and Carina for baby making and if he does, they better turn him down.
I think the incident in the finale will involve Beckett and possibly him blaming Maya. I agree with Vic, he was giving off major vibes. Like he's about to snap.
Did you pick up on that?
She really did! Didn't seem like it was her first time doing an episode at all.
Agreed. They definitely could've found something for her to be involved in. Just a shame she wasn't.
Ugh I hope not! I really don't know what their angle is with this 'new Jack' thing and him having that realization. They probably don't know either because they never know what to do with this man but as soon as I saw he was the one witnessing the stuff on the call going on between this old couple I was confused because I don't know why that would affect him? Usually they will have a character who is going through a similar experience or something they can relate to on their own be the one to tend to said person on the call but I was really confused with the Jack and even Travis connection on that one.
Something is definitely going on with Beckett and I feel like he might try to hurt himself or maybe be reckless on a call in the finale while trying to save someone else's life but I would hope they're past the whole 'blaming Maya' stuff. I wonder if he and Maya will interact any more now though.
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
My thoughts on the S19 episode...I might be all over the place
Since when DON'T they help people that come to the firehouse for treatment? Especially since it did look like it was a couple of sutures. They delivered a baby at the firehouse and helped the passed out husband. And don't doctors take an oath to help no matter what? I doubt that would've cost Carina her medical license.
The ego that Sullivan has that what he did was okay and what Maya did was not is bullshit. Maya was right, they were both anti Beckett and additionally Beckett was anti Sullivan (and Ward?) so Maya got burned on both ends. Also news flash Sullivan, you were sleeping with the Chief, whereas you accused Beckett (even though he was drinking) on a hunch. Also Beckett's mint habit is definitely masking something. They focused way to much on his reliance on them.
How many times did they mention Carina could be pregnant in the episode? It was like every other line, take a beat you were inseminated like 30 seconds ago. That means it didn't take OR she IS and that will cause friction between Maya and Carina as Carina said she doesn't want to have a baby with Maya until she gets help. It wouldn't be a bad thing for Maya to talk to someone, at least to unpack a lot of the anger she carries around from her childhood and now. But why are they making it seem like everyone hates Maya at the house like when she first became Captain. The only one she pissed off was Beckett (and Sullivan), everyone else seems to be cool with her or they don't know. It's just piling on drama for drama sake. I hope they have some resolution planned.
And I just found it really funny that the major annoyance with Jack/Grey is the way he uses his hands and they solved it by handcuffing him in the scene. I didn't really get his hostility to Maya about the sperm bank being closed though. Was it because through the testing for being the donor he found his family and his world crumbled?
I found that weird too...like is it because it wasn't a clinic day or what? But I thought if any person came in that needed help, the firehouse helped so it was clearly just to have Ben act like uptight and annoying to "become like his wife". That's the annoying part with Station 19. All of the things they do with these characters have other motives for drama purposes and they don't even care if it doesn't fit the development or personality of the character. They would rather have it suit their narrative before staying true to the character's persona and that's super frustrating. I'm still mad that made Carina look incompetent because of it too, like give me a break.
These writers are so obsessed with making Sullivan have this god complex and it's sickening. Even when he does stupid things and deals with "consequences" it's like he ends up right back in the spot he started in as if he barely had to suffer. And when he does suffer he plays victim and has people worrying about him and vouching for him but Maya? No. It's like people are either against her or not even acknowledging her. I also think the mints with Beckett has to mean something, he's probably still drinking but I bet if Maya were to find that out, no one will believe her or some nonsense like that.
It does feel like they had Carina mention being pregnant a lot and I hope it's not just because she really wants to have a baby like Stefania was hinting at. They better not make it her whole personality but I do feel like it's going to impact things with her and Maya and I think this try did work and she will be pregnant just to further complicate things. I'm sure Carina won't even tell Maya right away or it will be in some dramatic fashion because they never tell each other anything first, it's always to other people which is another thing that drives me nuts. It's fine if they confide in others sometimes but it's literally ALL the time and then it leads to them fighting with each other for not communicating. I do hope they show Maya eventually agreeing to getting help and talking with someone but who knows if they will.
Haha I know...at least we were free of the hand movements for at least an episode. I just find it so irritating that they are doing a similar story with him that they are with Maya and they already have Andy worried about him and wanting to help and yet no one even cares about what Maya is going through. It's so stupid. And his comment to Maya was obnoxious and unnecessary, I guess it does bring up bad feelings for him since that's how he found out about his biological brother and learned about his parents and stuff but that's not her fault. He's annoying and I hope Carina continues to be cold towards him.
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
This are totally my own thoughts but I couldn’t help to think this:
I find very interesting that when Jaina starts losing fans, and it’s pretty clear that the fandom adores Maya and Carina, and she is exposed to be a bit of a self centered drama queen, the writers decided to make her the rightful hero and the only one siding with Maya while all others kinda hate her now, and that Maya is becoming the bad guy, even by destroying her character and all the progress she made, especially ruining out of nowhere, all her relationships with other characters especially Carina…
I mean I’m clearly looking too much into it but it seems so clear to me that they want to make Andy ( and Jaina) shine in every way they can, and put Maya down at the same time, seems a bit a coincidence…
I’m just happy Danielle can turn any shitty storyline into something incredible, also they clearly don’t give a shit about Carina, and they are still going for the redemption hero of all storyline for Jack….Someone in the WR really loves that dude, cause let’s be honest it’s one of the most bland useless characters in the series at least in the last 2 season he’s unrecognizable from the first 3.
Maya had one of the best written characters development in the show and now they are destroying it…It’s sad to watch it unfold!
What a disaster and waste of talent
It is an interesting coincidence and I've thought about it myself and do wonder if it has any impact on anything but sadly we'll never know. I'm also surprised that Andy & Maya are actually interacting this season and it seems pretty natural? I mean even when they rarely interacted last season, you could just tell that things were off BTS between them but this season it seems like they're putting that aside? I don't know if it's because Jaina is now happy with the direction things are going in for her character and everything (of course she would be) and Danielle is just a professional no matter what because even last season she was never the issue but I don't know. I think the plan was always to make Andy captain of 19 anyway obviously so it was just the way they were going to go about it that was in question and you just wonder if it was always in the plan to make Maya go down in this way in order to make Andy shine and get back to the top. They probably never expected or intended on Maya being as popular and likable as she became, so I don't know if that had any affect on anything either but it does make you wonder.
Danielle is incredible and carrying this show, they really better realize how lucky they are to have her and how much of an impact she has on everything because she's capable of elevating everyone around her and making nothing out of something in literally any kind of storyline or situation and that's very rare. Yes someone is definitely obsessed with Jack because his character has been useless for seasons now like you said, I stand by the fact that he should've just left with Inara and Marcus and had his happy ending because he had finally developed and got out of old habits and found a family and people who cared about him and wasn't just sleeping around the station and wrecking relationships of the people he cared about and then suddenly they decided to take that away from him and have him go back to the same toxic cycle and it's just tiresome and I'm sorry but Grey does not have the capability to pull of an emotional trauma storyline like this so it just doesn't add up.
I really wish these writers actually gave a damn about Carina and stopped with the stereotypes because she has so much potential and deserves much better. It's a shame they've messed up Maya's character development too because it feels like they really crossed a line with the last scene in tonight's episode. It's one thing for old feelings/emotions from her dad and other trauma to come up onto the surface again because of Beckett like Krista had mentioned in an interview but it's another thing for all her development to complete disappear...it almost feels worse than Season 3 somehow and I just don't know how it's all going to end up.
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