#becky cheese
lovesickdeadsims · 1 year
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Becky Cheese, 2023
Everyday: Hair | Grilled cheese earrings, necklace and blazer | Skirt (Seasons ep) | Socks | Shoes
Formal: Hair | Blazer | Trousers | Pumps (Paranormal sp)
Nightwear: Hair (Basegame) | Shirt (Grunge Revival kit) | Pants (Simtimates kit)
@sentate @zurkdesign @marsmerizing-sims @aharris00britney @trillyke
The old Becky was cute too.
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djsadbean · 1 year
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More 9th grade au doodles!!! ✨
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bloofbloofbloof · 10 months
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I love how the fandom of this gay baby show really wants to believe it's depressing.
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shortshowname · 24 days
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Been on a streak of drawing Two-Brains in a ponytail after thinking about that one time I drew Two-Brains in a ponytail
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wordup2007 · 2 months
Wordgirl facts (🧀these are totally true and are not up for debate🧀): Dr. Two-Brains is the best athlete in the entire WordGirl universe. In the above clip, the great scientist gives tips on how to obtain the "mad athletic skills" he has. He also earned a doctorate by graduating from cheddar-cum-laude from Fromage University. (Episode: Bend It Like Becky)
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cosmicsponge2004 · 9 months
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If you have a watermelon that has 15 seeds and you throw it on the track then how many pancakes can you fit in a water bottle going 27 miles per hour? :)
What??? That made absolutely no sense, not even my scientist self can figure that out!
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bigtrilobite · 10 months
Heyoo episode 4! Sorry for the delay, finals have me kinda busy. I hope yall are enjoying this as much as I am
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51nn0n · 2 years
Bunch of Worg requests from discord
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ninjastormhawkkat · 7 months
Shadow Phoenix Au - Becky Boxleitner - Part 1
Becky Boxleitner - She is 14 in the au. She is a meta human/magical being hybrid. She has gained her meta powers from her mother and her magic from her dad. She still has the same canon powers with some differences. With her flying abilities, whenever she uses them, bioluminescent wings appear on her back. The look like bird wings. These magical wings are made of heat, light, and fire. Becky can use her wings to slice through objects with intense heat look like a welding torch was used. She can also use her wings as a shield and make them glow. The glowing is useful when Becky needs to blind her opponents temporarily and make an escape. Her hero costume is designed differently from canon. Her color scheme is ruby red with yellow lining. Her suit, gloves, and boots are shaped like flames. Becky wears a hood over her head with the same color scheme as her body outfit. She also has a Nightwing (bird like) eye mask with a flame pattern. As for the rest of her powers, most are meta human powers inherited from her mother and are canon to the show. Her vocabulary skills are a mix of magic and meta human. One power in this au that Becky has is her pyrokinetic abilities. She can summon and control fire as well as weaken it or make it intense. Becky also has a strong resilience to heat but she isn't immune to powerful heat sources like the earth's core or the sun. Personality: Since Becky is older in this au, she is more mature than her counterpart. She still loves Pretty Princess and Magic Pony as well as the Squishy Fun Bots. Becky doesn't act brash in her decisions and is more cautious and wary when villain's try to trick her. She can still be hot headed sometimes (pun not intended) and can only be calmed by her dad, Bob, or her close friends when she gets angry. Becky is open towards and treats all species on Earth equally as well as recognize that every species has good and bad people. Becky does take her hero job seriously, but she does have an ego from time to time (her dad's fault). Becky understands that she has magical powers and knows how to use them. She doesn't realize yet how powerful they are because as far as she knows, magical powers had skipped over her dad and got passed onto her. Becky wears her hair down in civilian mode but has it in a braided in her hero mode. As for her civilian outfits, she doesn't stick to her canon outfit and just wears a different choice for different days. Becky will define words but not as often in this au. For two reasons, one, she doesn't see a need as to define words to help people, mainly just telling them to look it up. She will give definitions to young kids and some of her villains. She will also define difficult words not used in everyday conversation. The second reason is because her words are magical in a way. Basically if she defines them casually, nothing happens. But if she defines a certain word when her emotions are intense such as catastrophic or miscellaneous, then yeah, something happens and it is not always good. Family: Becky is close with her dad and her grandparents. She has asked about her mom at a young age but stopped after seeing her dad seem sad, talking about her mom. Becky knows her mom is alive but she and her dad had to split because of personal issues and Steven was the only one capable of raising her. Becky has visited her aunt a lot and likes spending time with her when she is not busy. She notices the poor woman gets stressed a lot with her work. Becky has met her uncle Victor a few times and he is nice to her, but Becky notices some tense feelings between her dad and uncle even though no one will elaborate on that. She is closer with her grandpa Matthew than her grandpa Carl. She likes her grandpa Carl but he always appears to be zoned out and mutter unintelligible words sometimes. He also acts paranoid and frightened of his own shadow a lot. Her dad explained its just old age and he is well taken care of by his cousin and Matthew though Becky hasn't met the cousin. @melodythebunny @dualnaturedscientist
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If Anya and Miri were ever friends, Becky would be jealous since Anya hanging out with another kid, who is half her age. I can imagine Becky saying something like this to Anya when she invites Miri to play with them ”Why you are hanging out with a baby, Anya? She's too young to play with us.”
During the first meeting, Becky will bully Miri, unintentionally out of jealousy mostly. She will say stuff like
”*sighs*Of course you wouldn't know that you are too young”, "Why don't you go to your little crib, Miri?" and "Hush, Miri the big kids are talking", causing Miri to feel uncomfortable and wanting to leave
Anya takes Becky aside while Miri has dessert, and tells Becky to not be so mean. Becky gets offensive, she will state it isn't her fault Miri can't behave. Anya then points out that she is like Damian. This causes Becky to stop and realize she was acting like him. She starts apologizing to Anya, crying out"OMG I HAVE BEEN WORST BFF EVER!! I AM SORRY!!!"
Anya forgives her on condition if she does the same for Miri.Which she does and the rest of us hang out goes smoothly.Becky grows fond of Miri.She admits for four she isn't that bad to hang out with.
(Bonus: Near the end of hanging out when Kazuki & rei come to pick Miri up. She will be struck with Kazauki and conflicted about her feeling for them and Loid. She will relate her situation to one of the love novellas she sees on tv and start making a list of who would make a better partner)
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scaryfangirl2001 · 1 month
305unreal's "Amazing Colossal Rewrite" outline (crossposted with their permission)
Notes: Unrequited Becky/Scoops; Becky’s birthday is in the middle of summer; Tobey is an introverted roboticist but not a villain
2007. 5th Grade: 2-minute episodes
Summer: Movie trailer → Chuck! (1m-105a)
6th Grade, Fall: Down with Word Up → Swap Meat (105b-112b)
2008. 6th Grade, Spring: Granny’s Goodtime → Villain School (113a-123b)
Summer: Return of the Reprise → Dr. Three-Brains (124a-126b)
7th Grade, Fall: A Vote for Becky → Oh, Holiday Cheese (201a-219a)
Includes “Field Day with Robo-Tobey”
2009. 7th Grade, Spring: Ch-Ch-Ch-Change Day → Seeds of Doubt (219b-223b)
Summer: Wishful Thinking → Oh, What a Tangled Knot (224a-226a)
8th Grade, Fall: Kids Action News → The Straw That Broke (226b-309a)
Includes “Bummertime”
2010. 8th Grade, Spring: Nocan, the Evil Ingredient → Tangent Returns (309b-407b)
Includes “Cherish is the Word”
Summer: Have Snob → A World without WordGirl (408a-413)
Includes “Tobey’s Playground Calamity”
Freshman, Fall: Seize the Cheese → Say It Again, Eileen (501a-509b)
Includes “Talent Show Tobey”
Tobey is jealous of Becky being his boyfriend’s magic assistant; Tobey recites poetry while showcasing his latest robot
2011. Freshman, Spring: Hello, New Year → Dinner or Consequences (510a-513)
Summer: Rise of Miss Power → Who Wants to Get Rid of WordGirl (601-603a)
Sophomore, Fall: Talented Mr. Big → High-Five Sandwich (603b-606a)
2012. Sophomore, Spring: Robot Problem → Dr. Two-Brains, Mr. Cheese (606b-609a)
Summer: Kitty Cat Criminals → Go, Gadget, Go (609b-612a)
Junior, Fall: Emergency Plan 999 → Accordion to Tradition (612b-710a)
Includes “It’s Your Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To”
2013. Junior, Spring: Can’t Touch This → Royally Framed (710b-713a)
Summer: WordGirl vs. Tobey vs. The Dentist → Patch Game (713b-805)
“Patch Game” is also called “El Monte”
Senior, Fall: Girls Day Out → Trustworthy Tobey (806a-807a)
2014. Senior, Spring: The Tooth Hurts → Dr. WordGirl-Brains (807b-809b)
Summer: Tim Botsford, Neighborhood → Rhyme and Reason (810a-812)
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djsadbean · 2 years
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New Steven video out!! And some doodles from the video :]
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Next Gen Steven wearing the Dr. Cool Brains outfit.
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He's still hip to be the number one villain dad
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kiisaes · 11 months
Hi new follower here :) I just saw your „live reaction to bkg’s resurrection“ post!
Did you know that in the Japanese original there was an additional line that said „Their feelings become one“ which was completely left out in the official English translation? I am so mad about that >:(
(hi there!!! thank u for following and welcome to my blog, i hope u enjoy ur stay :'D)
yesss i did know!!! yeah i really don't know why the english translation always either leaves out important phrases or flat out mistranslates 😭 that's a pretty impactful line there that essentially solidifies bkdk's positive relationship development as well as both of their connections to OFA
and idk if these decisions are intentional but it does suck. it's not like the author of a story purposefully puts specific dialogue or captions or wording in general to further a point that is oftentimes incredibly intentional. and it's not like japanese is a pretty clever language with a lot of double meanings and puns and other cool stuff that obviously won't perfectly translate into english but could still be worked around if there was just an ounce of care put into translating. that's TOTALLY not a typical manga, or even narrative, thing that matters and should be treated with respect (heavy sarcasm)
this is also my understanding as to why so many bakugou haters who read the official translation think he "hasn't changed". it's bc quite a bit of his dialogue is fucked up to hell just to make him sound either disrespectful or dismissive, even when he doesn't sound like that in the original. it even happened in the most recent chapter! it's like furthering the imaginary point that bkg will always be rude even in serious situations when clearly that isn't the case through horikoshi's own words. fuckin describing his own impalings as "getting swiss cheesed" during his contextually VERY vulnerable and honest apology to deku ... like what the hell kind of dialogue is that. who talks like that. the hell are you doing
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jaythecryer777 · 2 years
Whiteboard fox sketches. (Mainly just wordgirl stuff)
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Some doodles that I wanted to post,.,. Cause yea >:]
That's all I gotta say sooooo
Have a good day/night!!
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